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Aphids can change its body color to match the plant parts and turn from nymph to adult. It develops wings and fly to another plant host in the same plant family. Aphids mature in 12 days. Cutworm is a larva of moths and butterflies. It hatches in the underside of leaves of plants. It is also called caterpillar. Borers eat, grow, and hatch inside plant parts as caterpillar. When plant tops wilt suddenly, this shows that borers are around. Borer is a cousin of the cutworm. Bugs lay in white cottony masses. When young, bugs crawl like a scale insect. They excrete large amounts of honeydew that is why they are being followed by ants and mold fungus. Fly BeetleBeetle eats all the leaves of its host plants. Fly lives on the underside of leaves. It is the cousin of the white fly.Potato weevil Squash bug Hopper• Hopper is also called Katydid. It is always in the garden particularly in the dry season. It defoliates plants and also strips the bark of young trees and shrubs. 5

• Scale insect can move from one host to another. When adult, scale insects do not move and stay with the host plant.• Potato weevil is the most destructive insect pest that attacks sweet potato crops. It is ¼ inch (.635 cm) long. It has long-legged and slim body that looks like a large ant.• Squash bug is brownish black in color and 1.69 cm long. The nymphs are white, black- legged creature. it has two small oval spots on the undersurface that emits a foul odor.Slugs and snails Mexican bean beetle• Slugs live in slimy trails. In the daytime, you can find it under rocks and leaves. Slugs are busy looking for food at night.• Mexican bean beetle has 16 black spots and has yellow and brown covers. Its larvae are spindly yellow grubs. It feeds on the leaves of bean plants. Now, here are the common plant diseases. Antracnose Tomato mosaicFungal disease Bacterial spot Damping-off Scab 6

• Damping-off is sometimes called seed-rot which rots seeds easily when attacked.• Anthracnose usually attack tomatoes. Fruits developed a water-soaked, sunken circular spots, usually with concentric rings. As a fruit rot, anthracnose attack ripe fruits.• Bacterial spot usually attack pepper. Pepper leaves turn dark brown with lesions that turn yellow and fall. It is rough, blister-like spots that develop on the fruit.• Scab develops distinct, round or elongated lesions with raised edges, giving a scabby appearance to petioles and stems.• Tomato Mosaic causes the yellowing and curling of the leaves of tomato plants.• Fungal disease usually looks like molds on the leaves of plants. Squash plant is often attacked by fungus.Activity 1 Label each illustration correctly.1. 2. 3.4. 5. Self-check: Write on the blank the answer to each statement._____1. An insect pest that changes body color to match plant parts._____2. An insect that eats the leaves of plants of its plant host._____3. It has 16 black spots and yellow to brown cover._____4. A disease that rots seeds or seedlings._____5. A disease of the pepper plant that turns its leaves dark brown with raised lesions. Lesson 2 Classifying Insect Pests and Diseases After identifying the plant pests and diseases, let us now classify them. Below is theclassification of plant pests and diseases.Grouping of Insects and Pests1. Chewing Insects Cutworm, bo7rer, Have developed mouth beetles, hoppers, slugs, parts. Eat up the foliage potato weevil, Mexican and other plant parts.

Insect Groups Insect Pests Infestation Remember, in plant crop production, diseases are as harmful as insect pests. Plants show signs of abnormalities due to the presence of destructive activities of microorganisms or pathogens. Plant diseases are caused by various microscopic organisms as indicated in thefollowing table:Organisms Descriptions Plant DiseasesVirus These are sub-microscopic Tomato mosaic, cassava organisms transmitted through the mosaic, potato yellow mouth parts of contaminated dwarf, rice stripe insects.Bacteria These are single-celled organisms Black rot, soft rot, not capable of manufacturing their bacterial spot own food.Fungus These are also known as molds. Damping-off, seed rot, These are like plants but do not downy mildew, fungal control chlorophyll and are not diseases in squash capable of manufacturing carbohydrates, their food. 8

How well did you understand the lesson? Good! Now let us go on.Activity 2 Classify the following insect pests according to their way of infestations.cutworm bugs fliesaphids squash bug potato weevilhoppers scale insects slugs Chewing Insects Sucking Insects1. 1.2. 2.3. 3.4. 4. 5.Activity 3Classify the following diseases according to the organisms that cause rot bacterial spot damping-offcassava mosaic rice stripe soft rotpotato yellow dwarf seed rot tomato mosaicViral Diseases Bacterial Diseases Fungal Diseases1. 1. 1.2. 2. 2.3. 3.4. Self-check: Write C if the statement is correct, and W, if the statement is wrong._______ 1. Fungus and bacteria are organisms that cause plant diseases._______ 2. Sucking insects have developed mouth parts. 9

_______ 3. Chewing insects bite off and eat up foliage and other plant parts._______ 4. Aphids, bugs, and flies are sucking insects._______ 5. Bacteria are single-celled organisms not capable of manufacturing their own food. Lesson 3 Control of Plant Pests After knowing the different plant pests and diseases, you must likewise know thedifferent ways of controlling them. This lesson helps you identify the ways of controllingplant pests and diseases.Ways of Pest Control 1. Cultural Method a. Good soil preparation - Healthy soil grows healthy plants that are more resistant to pests. Soil rich in humus contains a wide variety of beneficial microorganisms that trap nematodes and destroy or keep disease organisms dormant thereby encouraging beneficial insects. b. Use of indigenous varieties - Traditional varieties of plants are harder and relatively more resistant to pests. c. Pruning - Removal of diseased plant parts before these spreads to uninfected areas is preventive. d. Intercropping with aromatic herbs - Plants that are odorous are incorporated in the area to repel insects. e. Multiple cropping - Planting several varieties of plants on the farm can reduce host plants where pests attached themselves. f. Crop rotation - Adopt the practice of planting a pest resistant crop after a susceptible one. 2. Biological pest control - This refers to the use of pest populations by living organisms such as predators and parasites. Examples are the dragonfly, praying mantis, birds, spiders, toads, snakes, and among others. 10

3. Chemical pest control - This control method uses insecticides such as malathion, sevin and others. Type of Chemical Insecticides a. Stomach poison works against insects that eat the plant parts. Caterpillars, grasshoppers and beetles are destroyed by this type of insecticides. b. Contact poison kills insects when hit or comes in contact with the poison. Any kind of insect can be controlled through contact poison, including insects that suck plants such as aphids and leafhoppers. Malathion is an example of this type of insecticides. c. Systemic poisons are chemicals that enter the plant sap and move throughout the entire plant. They are effective in chewing and sucking insects which are poisoned when they suck juice from plants treated with chemicals. d. Fumigants are actually contact poisons in gaseous form. The gases or fumes kill the insects that destroy plants. 4. Mechanical Method – It is the method of picking and crushing insects with the hand or catching them using nets and traps. 5. Botanical pest control -Plant parts are pounded, extracted and used to control insect pests. The santan flower is pounded and spread around stored grain to control corn weevil. Seeds of the neem tree are used to control rice pests and diamondback moth. You can now select and apply any of the methods you have learned. Just alwaysconsider the environmental effects of the method you’ve chosen.Activity 4 Mang Eusebio is a plant grower. During two seasons of growing pechay, heexperienced insect pests. This bothered him so he plans to stop growing plants. 1. What can you advise Mang to Eusebio? 2. Justify your advice. Self-check: Identify what the following statements are describing. 11

_______ 1. The control of insect pests, using good soil preparation, the use of indigenous varieties and pruning._______ 2. The control of pest population by living organisms._______ 3. Use of malathion and sevin in controlling insect pests._______ 4. The method of picking and crushing insects by hand or through the use of nets and traps._______ 5. A method using plant extracts in the control of insects. Lesson 4 Common Plant Diseases and Their Control You learned how to control insect pests in the previous lesson. Now, let us find outhow diseases are controlled in plant crop production. You need this information when youare managing your own farm or home backyard garden. Damage caused by microorganisms which isvisible in the physiological appearance of plant parts isknown as symptom. Damage is visible on the leaves, vascular tissues, roots and flowers of plants. Whenthe disease organism is identified, a suitable fungicide is applied to the plant to control thedisease. Here are some ways of controlling plant diseases.• Canker can be controlled by cutting the infected tissue of the tree. Keep the tree healthy and well fertilized.• Gall or abnormal swelling in plants can be destroyed by cutting the infected tissue of the plant or by spraying with fungicide.• Leaf blight is a plant disease characterized by general browning, death of foliage and falling of leaves. This can be controlled by destroying all the falling leaves and spraying with fungicides every two weeks.• For mildew, you can destroy all infected parts or you can use sulfur fungicide.• Rot can be controlled through crop rotation. Fruit rot can be checked through sanitation and spraying fungicides.• Rust can be destroyed by removing its intermediate host. Select a rust resistant variety and spray with fungicide.• Wilt is a plant disease characterized by loss of turgidity especially in leaf tissues. This can be prevented by spraying with fungicides. Use resistant varieties and practice crop rotation. 12

• Viral diseases can be prevented through rigorous sanitation program. If infestation is severe, destroy the plant completely. Note that most of the plant diseases presented are eliminated through the cultural andchemical methods. Botanical method can also be employed in controlling plant diseases. Plant partextracts are used such as cloves of garlic, leaves of Acapulco, onion bulbs and others. Another practice in the control of plant diseases is sanitation. This is done bydestroying weeds, cleaning the garden, and the surroundings as well as the tools used.Activity 5 Analyze the given situation then answer the questions that follow. Mang Pedring is a plant grower who specializes in tomato production. One day, he noticed that the leaves of some tomato plants were drying up even if watering was thoroughly done. Help Mang Pedring solve his problem before its too late.Questions:1. What plant disease has infected Mang Pedring’s tomato plants?2. Suggest three ways of controlling it. a. b. c. Self-check: Identify what each of the following statements is about.__________1. It is a disease that distorts, deform and curl the plants if infestation takes place.__________2. It is a popular chemical that destroys fungal diseases in plants.__________3. It is a method of controlling disease using plant extracts.__________4. It is a practice of controlling disease by cleaning the garden area.__________5. Damage caused by microorganisms is visible in the appearance of plant parts. LET’S SUMMARIZE Common insects pests in plants are as aphids, cutworms, borers, bugs, beetles, flies, hoppers, scale insects, slugs, sweet potato weevils, among others. 13

 Damping-off, anthracnose, bacterial spot, scab, tomato mosaic, and fungus are some of the common diseases in plants. Insect pests in plants are classified into two groups. These are the chewing insects and the sucking insects. Plant diseases are classified as to virus, bacteria and fungus. Control of plant pests can be done through cultural method, biological method, chemical method, botanical pest control and mechanical method. Common Plant Diseases and their Controla. Canker -culturalb. Gall -fungicidec. Leaf blight -fungicided. Mildew -fungicidee. Rot -cultural; fungicidef. Rust -fungicideg. Wilt -crop rotation; fungicideh. Viral -sanitation POSTTESTDirections: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. It is an insect pest that metamorphoses from nymph to winged adult. a. aphid b. caterpillar c. scale insect d. borer2. Which of the following insect pests is a larva of moths and butterflies? a. bugs b. hoppers c. cutworms d. beetle3. It is a disease sometimes known as seed rot. a. spot b. mildew c. mosaic d. damping-off4. Which is a disease caused by molds that does not control chlorophyll? a. bacteria b. fungus c. nematodes d. virus 14

5. This disease is usually found in pepper, the leaves of which turn dark brown with raised lesions. a. anthracnose b. bacterial spot c. mosaic d. scab6. It is a disease of tomato plants whose leaves turn yellowish and curl. a. mosaic b. scab c. spot d. wilt7. These are chewing insects, except one. a. borer b. cutworm c. flies d. potato weevil8. Which of the following insects is not a sucking pest? a. aphid b. hopper c. squash bug d. scale insect9. Bacteria are single-celled organisms not capable of manufacturing their own a. food b. carbohydrates c. chlorophyll d. elements10. The use of living organisms such as spiders and praying mantis in controlling insect pests is known as a. mechanical method b. biological method c. chemical method d. cultural method ANSWER KEYPretest / Posttest1. a2. c3. d4. b 15

5. b6. a7. c8. b9. a10. bLesson 1: Activity 11. borer2. aphid3. tomato mosaic4. hopper5. bacterial spotLesson 1: Self-check1. aphid2. beetle3. Mexican bean beetle4. damping-off5. bacterial spotLesson 2: Activity 2 Sucking Insects Fungal aphids Chewing Insects bugs 1. Seed rot cutworm squash bug 2. Damping-off hoppers scale insects potato weevil flies slugs BacterialLesson 2: Activity 3 1. Black rot Viral 2. Bacterial spot 3. Soft rot 1. Cassava mosaic 2. Potato yellow dwarf 3. Rice stripe 4. Tomato mosaicLesson 2: Self-check 1. C 16

2. W 3. C 4. C 5. CLesson 3: Activity 4 1. He can apply crop rotation. 2. This will eliminate diseases present in plants due to other crops planted.Lesson 3: Self-check 1. Cultural method 2. Biological method 3. Chemical pest control 4. Mechanical method 5. Botanical pest controlLesson 4: Activity 5 1. Wilt 2. a. Fungicide b. Planting resistant varieties c. Crop rotationLesson 4: Self-check 1. Viral disease 2. Fungicide 3. Botanical 4. Sanitation 5. Symptom 17

PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1

MODULE 8 BUREAU OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City Animal Production First Year Module 8 Possibilities of Raising Animals What this module is about Protein is equally important as that of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. It helpsrebuild worn-out tissues and helps develop our bones and muscles. Meat from animals is agood source of protein. Thus, most families particularly in the rural areas, raise animals for food. It is becauseanimal production does not only supply the family with food rich in protein that the bodyneeds but it adds greatly to the income of the family. 2

Are you one of those who want to put up a backyard animal project? If undecided yet,this module will help you make the right decision. What to learn from this module This module wants to achieve the following objectives:1. determine the possibilities of poultry and livestock raising; and2. describe an ideal site for poultry and livestock raising. PRETEST Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Term for four-legged animals. a. crops b. livestock c. poultry d. fish 2. An animal noted for its meat and skin. a. rabbit b. cattle c. weanling d. broiler 3. Location of the project should be wide enough to allow _____. a. water drainage b. marketing c. transportation d. future expansion 4. These are sold for hog fattening and “lechon” purposes. a. cattle b. goats c. broilers d. weanlings 5. The term for all feathered animals. a. livestock b. fish c. poultry d. rabbit 6. Reduces marketing and transportation costs. 3

a. accessibility to school b. nearness to roads c. availability of supplies d. water drainage 7. Project should be agreeable and favorable to the _____. a. market b. animals c. community d. location 8. Good sources of protein. a. root crops b. cereals c. meat from animals d. vegetables 9. Can be raised and sold within 45 days. a. layers b. hogs c. broilers d. rabbits 10. Maintains cleanliness and sanitation. a. transportation b. water drainage c. marketing d. location Lesson 1 Poultry and Livestock Raising “If you think it can be done and you can feel it, it can be done”. Animal production consists of the raising of poultry (all feathered animals) as well aslivestock (any four-legged animals) such as swine, cattle, goat, sheep and rabbit for familyconsumption or commercial purposes. Here are the possibilities and benefits of animal production which can help you decidewhether to put up an animal project or not. Why raise animals? 4

1. Poultry production provides meat and egg, which are good sources of protein. Broilers can be sold within 45 days for they grow fast. It is a good source of income and a good business.2. Hog fattening enterprise returns investment fast, because hogs can be disposed within 5- 6 months. Weanlings are sold for “lechon” purposes or for hog fattening.3. Cattle raising provides milk and meat. Cattle are also used in farming. They are easy to handle and need only a fence, pasture land, water and mineral supply such as salt and control measures against pests and diseases. 5

4. Goat raising is a good business for it provides milk and meat. A female goat can give birth to a number of young goats (kids) during its productive years. 5. Rabbit raising is usually done as a hobby. Only a small space is needed and improvised equipment may be used. Rabbits are very productive and resistant to diseases. They are popular for their meat and skin.What else Animal raising is a truly worthwhile and enjoyable activity. Animal raisers arecompensated not only with the benefits. It fosters love for animals, too. Are you now convinced with the value of animal production? Do you plan to raiseanimals in the future?Activity 1 Make a survey of the common poultry and livestock animals raised in your community.Interview the animal raisers and ask the following questions: 1. What animals are you raising? 2. Why did you choose these animals for purposes of raising? 3. What benefits do you get from raising these animals? Write the result of the activity on a sheet of paper to be submitted to your teacher. Self-check: Write T if the statement is true, and F, if the statement is false._____1. There is a fast turnover of capital in swine raising._____2. Cattle raising is also used in farming._____3. The rabbit is an animal noted for its meat and skin._____4. Goats provide good meat only._____5. Livestock animals grow and mature fast. 6

Lesson 2 Ideal Site for Poultry and Livestock Project I have decided to put up an animal project. How should I go about it? After you have decided to put up an animal project, you now need to choose an idealsite for the project. Selection of the farm site is an important decision to make because relocation of thefarm once established or constructed is very expensive. What factors should I consider in the choice of an ideal site for my project? Following are factors you need to consider in the choice of an ideal site:1. Accessibility to market - Choose a place where there are prospective buyers of your product or where there is a high demand for poultry and livestock and meat and eggs.2. Nearness to roads and markets- This reduces marketing and transportation costs.3. Availability of materials and other supplies - Select a place where there is supply of good breed, feed and food supplements as well as drugs and medicine.4. Water drainage - There should be good water and good sources of water drainage in the area to ensure cleanliness and sanitation.5. Population in the community – The project should be agreeable and favorable to the community.6. There should be provision for future expansion. 7

Activity 2 Study and analyze the picture below. What catches your attention? Is it an ideal sitefor a poultry and piggery farm? Why do you think so? Were you able to describe an ideal site for an animal project? Good, you can now startlooking for a good site for your project. Self-check: Write C if the statement is correct, and W, if the statement is wrong._______ 1. Nearness to roads reduces the cost of transporting the products._______ 2. Water drainage is needed to keep the area clean._______ 3. For economic purposes, space should be limited._______ 4. Animal projects should be agreeable to neighborhood._______ 5. There should be a market demand for the animal to be raised. Were you able to answer the self-check correctly? Very good! You’re doing very well.You may take now the posttest to further assess what you’ve learned in this module. Good luck! POSTTEST Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.1. Good sources of protein. 8

a. root crops b. cereals c. meat products from animals d. vegetables2. Term for all feathered animals. a. vegetables b. poultry c. crops d. livestock3. Term for four-legged animals. a. poultry b. crops c. livestock d. vegetables4. An animal noted for its meat and skin. a. goat b. rabbit c. cattle d. swine5. Can be raised and sold within 45 days. a. broilers b. layers c. weanlings d. rabbits6. They are sold for hog fattening and “lechon” purposes. a. broilers b. layers c. weanlings d. rabbits7. Reduces marketing and transporting costs. a. nearness to roads b. availability of supplies c. accessibility to school d. water drainage8. Important to maintain cleanliness and sanitation of the farm animal. a. roads b. market c. water drainage d. materials 9

9. The project should be agreeable and favorable to the _____. a. location b. transportation c. community d. market10. The site should be wide enough for a. future expansion b. transportation c. marketing d. water drainage How’s your posttest? Were you able to answer all the questions correctly? Very Good!You have finished this module successfully. Congratulations! ANSWER KEYPretest1. b2. a3. d4. d5. c6. b7. c8. c9. c10. bLesson 1: Self-check1. T2. T3. T4. F5. FLesson 2: Self-check1. C2. C3. W4. C5. C 10

Posttest1. c2. b3. c .4. b5. a6. c7. a8. c9. cl0. a 11

PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1

MODULE 9 BUREAU OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City Animal Production First Year Module 9 Easy to Know, Easy to Grow (Selecting Animal Breeds) What this module is about Module 8 showed you the possibilities of poultry and livestock raising and gave youan idea on how to choose an ideal site for poultry and livestock projects. However to enableyou to put up an animal project, you need to know the kind and quality of the animals toraise. Work on this module to help you learn more on the kinds of animals to raise. It willthen be easy for you in the future to take care of your own poultry or livestock to raise. 2

What to learn from this module This module aims to help you achieve the following objectives:1. identify factors in selecting animals for raising purposes;2. discuss the common types and breeds of poultry and livestock;3. identify the characteristics and quality of good breeds; and4. be able to select animal breeds. PRETESTDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. Type of poultry intended for egg and meat purposes. a. meat type b. egg type c. general purpose d. fancy type2. Which of the following is not a factor in considering the kind of animal to raise? a. market demand b. personal preference c. carcass quality d. technical know-how3. Which is not an egg type breed of poultry? a. Wyandotte b. Leghorn c. Minorca d. Mikawa4. Breed of swine that is black with a white band. a. Duroc Jersey b. Hampshire c. Poland China d. Yorkshire5. Breed of swine that has large ears that cover much of its face. a. Hampshire b. Berk Jala c. Landrace d. Yorkshire6. A cow that is easily identified due to its hump on the shoulder. a. Santa Gertrudes 3

b. Nellore c. American Brahman d. Philippine Cattle7. Which is not a characteristic of an ideal broiler chick? a. rapid growth b. good fleshing c. sexual character d. uniformity8. The result of mating two different breeds. a. Berkjala b. Brahman c. Santa Gertrudes d. Crossbreeds9. Which of the following is a fancy type of poultry? a. Minorca b. Hubbarol c. Frizzles d. Wyandotte10. Breed of swine that is black, with six white spots on the feet, face and tail tip. a. Duroc Jersey b. Hampshire c. Poland China d. Chester White Lesson 1 Factors in Selecting Animals to Raise “Collect and select the best among the rest.” This saying also applies in selectinganimals to raise. For you to select animals you want to raise, you have to consider thefollowing factors:1. Personal preference Identify the animals which you are interested in or prefer to raise given the opportunity.2. Market demand You should have prospective buyers or consumers of the product, or this should be high on demand at the market to ensure profit. 4

Is there a Is the demand reliable for this kind of source where animal high? I can buy my stocks? Is there an Do I have the know- agricultural supply how to raise this near the area kind of animal? where all the needed materials can be bought?3. Availability of stocks Animals to be raised should be bought from reliable sources near the area of the animal project.4. Availability of materials, feeds, vitamins and medicines There should be available sources or supply near the area.5. Technical know-how You should have the technical knowledge of animal care and management. After identifying the factors, work on the activity below.Activity 1 Tell whether the reasons of the following individuals are justified in raising theparticular animal.Beth: I shall raise broilers because Neri is also raising them.Nora: I will be fattening hogs to be able to dispose them during the town fiesta. Which reason is more justifiable? Why? 5

Let us check on what you have learned from this lesson. Self-check: Identify the factors to which the following statements /questions relate.1. Where can I buy livestock to raise?2. I am a pilot. Can I raise piglets in our backyard?3. There are still two months before Christmas so, I am going to raise broilers.4. Where can I buy these medicines for my cattle?5. I am fascinated with chickens. Did you get all the answers right? Good! Now, you can move on to the next lesson. Lesson 2 Types and Breeds of Poultry and Livestock to Raise What kinds of poultry and livestock do you know? To which poultry or livestockbreeds do they belong? How do you distinguish breeds? Poultry are classified according to utility and place of origin. Let’s find out how.1. Leghorn Leghorn Egg-type in utility and is raised for its eggs. 6

2. Peterson Meat-type in utility and is broiler as to type.3. Plymouth Rock This belongs to the dual-purpose domestic fowls. It gives both meat and egg.4. Bantam A fancy-type of ornamental fowl. Raised for its beautiful plumage and form anunusual appearance. Let’s now meet the different swine breeds.Lard or Ham Type Hi, I’m Duroc Jersey. I am dark red with shades of golden yellow. I am a good producer of milk which makes me a good mother.My name is Hampshire. I amblack with a white bond. I haveshort legs. My tail is usuallyblack and my ears are erect.I’m from Kentucky. I am Poland China. My color is black with six white spots on my feet, face and tail tip. My flesh is thick and free from wrinkles and flabbiness. I’m from Ohio.I’m Chester White from 7Pennsylvania. My hair and skinare white and I weigh 900 poundsor more when matured.

Good day! I’m Hereford. I have a white head and white ears, feet, and tail. The rest of my body is light or dark red. I’m from Missouri.Here are some of the bacon type. Landrace1. Yorkshire BerkjalaA native of Northern England. This is mostly raised in Canada, England, Scotlandand Ireland. Its color is white, with small black spots with large ears.2. Landrace This is from Denmark. Its hair and skin are white. Its back is usually fat butsometimes low with large ears that cover much of its face.3. Berkjala A crossbreed from the native Jalajala stock of Rizal and the Berkshire stock. 8

Below are some breeds of cattle. American Brahman Charolais Hereford Santa Gertrudes1. Batangas breed. This is raised for its meat. This breed is resistant to diseases. It has different colors such as black, yellow or red. Its head is long and of medium width between eyes.2. American Brahman – it has a hump on its shoulder. It is grayish-white in color with a loose pendulous skin along its dewlap and under its throat and down to its forelegs. Its horns curve backward and upward. This breed is tolerant to heat and is a good milk producer.3. Hereford – This breed is a native of England. Hereford is easily distinguished by its red- colored body and white face. It is often referred to white-faced cattle. It is well-known for its vigor and foraging ability.4. Santa Gertrudes – This breed originated in Texas. It is a large beef animal which is cherry-red in color. This breed is specially adapted to subtropical climates.5. Charolais – This breed originated in France. It varies from white to cream to light wheat. It is a good producer of meat because of its muscular body.Let’s find out how much you have learned by doing the activity below.Activity 2 From the list of breeds of poultry and livestock animals below, choose a particularbreed which you can suggest to Mang Nerio, Aling Baby and Mang Peping. Justify why you 9

are recommending the particular breed. You may go back to the past lesson so you cangive enough information on the breed.Leghorn LandraceBroiler Duroc JerseyYorkshire BrahmanPhilippine Cattle New Hampshire1. Mang Nerio wants to raise poultry for their meat.2. Aling Baby wants to start a piggery farm by purchasing a pig for breeding purposes.3. Mang Peping lives in a remote barangay in Oriental Mindoro. He wants to raise cattle to help him on his farm.Self-check: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the answer that describesthe animal in Column A.AB1. American Brahman a. egg type2. Poland China b. meat type3. Yorkshire c. general purpose4. Peterson d. lard type5. Leghorn e. bacon type f. hump on the shoulder How satisfied are you with the result of the test? Quite good. Now, proceed to thenext lesson to know more. Lesson 3 Characteristics of Animal Breeds Good to Raise In lesson 1, you learned the factors to consider in choosing the kind of animals toraise. In Lesson 2, you learned the different types and breeds of poultry and livestockanimals. In this lesson, you will learn the characteristics of good animal breeds as well asthe factors to consider in selecting animal breeds to raise. The breed of animals to raise depends much on the purpose of animal raising. It isalso important to know their characteristics which relate to this purpose. Let us find out inthe following conversation. 10

Mark: Good morning, Sir. May I disturb you for a while?Mr. Cruz: Good morning, too Mark. What can I do for you?Mark: Sir, can I ask you questions on my assignment with Mr. Mendoza inMr. Cruz: Technology and Livelihood Education?Mark: Of course you may. What are they?Mr. Cruz: Why do we need to know the characteristics of the breed of animals to raise?Mark: To prevent choice of undesirable breeds for raising or breedingMr. Cruz: purposes. If I want to raise poultry for egg production, what factors should IMark: consider?Mr. Cruz: You should consider the following factors: 1. Breed and various characteristics – these are strong breed characteristics. 2. Age – best breeding age for hens is during the second and third years of egg-laying. 3. Vitality – the ability of hens to produce eggs that will hatch into strong and vigorous chicks. 4. Sexual character – hens must look feminine, and roosters, masculine so they can protect the hens when needed. 5. Conformation – hens should have broad backs and a relatively long, wide and flat body. 6. Handling quality – chickens should have loose, pliable skins 7. Feathering – layers should have a well feathered body and a smooth skin. 8. Activity – layers should be active. Early risers tend to roost late at night. I see. If I want to raise poultry for meat product, what kind of broilers shall I choose? The characteristics of an ideal broiler chicks are as follows: 1. Rapid growth – feed efficiency which ensures gain per unit of feed used. 2. Rapid feathering – quality that can stand cold weather and its relationship to rapid growth. 11

3. Good fleshing – should be well-pronounced in the breast and thigh. 4. Uniformity – uniform size to a certain age. 5. Health and vigor – should be lively 6. Good pigmentation of the skin and shanks – bright yellow shanks and skin.Mark: It’s good to know all those factors. If I want to raise hogs, will I consider theMr. Cruz: same factors? If you want to raise hogs, the following factors may be considered. 1. Growth ability – should grow in size fast 2. Temperament – active, good disposition and easy to handle 3. Carcass quality – more lean cuts and less lard and fat cuts 4. Feed efficiency – capacity to convert feeds to porkMark: How about in cattle raising, Sir?Mr. Cruz: For cattle raising, consider the following factors: 1. Comparable production records which can be obtained from the animal raiser. 2. Physical characteristics - conformation such as health and freedom from hereditary defects. 3. Weight and size of the stocks 4. Weaning weightMark: By the way sir, is there any best breed?Mr. Cruz: There is no best breed to raise. Each breed has its own strengths and weakness. Hence, when selecting the breed to raise, managerial skills are needed. The characteristics and factors I cited may be used as guidelines in choosing an ideal breed. However, if these breeds are given nutritious feeds and managed well, maximum productivity is possible.Mark: Really? Thank you very much, Sir, for all the information .Mr. Cruz: You’re welcome, Mark! What have you learned from the conversation above? Good! Now, let’s find outhow much you learned by answering the self-check exercise. Self-check: Identify and write whether the given factor or characteristic refers to poultry, swine orcattle.1. carcass quality2. age3. rapid growth4. comparable production records 12

5. uniformity LET’S SUMMARIZE Personal preference, market demand, availability of stocks, availability of materials and technical know-how are factors to consider in selecting the kind of animals to raise. Poultry breeds are classified according to utility and place of origin. Swine is classified as lard, bacon and intermediate type. There is no best breed. Animal raiser only need to choose a good breed and have managerial skill to succeed in any animal project. Did this module help you very much? To evaluate how much you’ve learned from thismodule, answer the posttest. POSTTEST Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. Type of poultry for meat purposes. a. Leghorn b. Peterson c. Bantams d. New Hampshire2. Which of the following factors should be considered in the choice of animals to raise? a. carcass quality b. age c. personal preference d. feathering3. Which of the following breeds is an egg type of poultry? a. Mikawa b. Plymouth Rock c. Brahmas d. Hubbard4. A swine breed which has large ears that cover much of the face. a. Berkjala b. Landrace c. Hampshire d. Yorkshire5. A cow which is easily recognized because of its shoulder hump. a. Nellore b. American Brahman 13

c. Philippine Cattle d. Santa Gertrudes6. Which of the following is a characteristic of an ideal broiler chick? a. age b. vitality c. rapid growth d. sexual character7. It is a crossbreed of Jalajala and Berkshire. a. Berkjala b. Yorkshire c. Crossbreed d. Landrace8. Which of the following is not a fancy type of poultry? a. Frizzles b. Bantams c. Wyandotte d. Silkies9. It is a swine breed, which has dark shades of golden yellow. a. Duroc Jersey b. Chester White c. Yorkshire d. Berkjala10. Which is not a dual-purpose type of poultry? a. Minorca b. Plymouth Rock c. Wyandotte d. New Hampshire How was your perfomance? Do you need to go over the items you missed. It willhelp you much to fully understand the content of this module. It you rated high, very good. Ihope that you can now choose a good animal breed to raise. ANSWER KEYPretest1. c2. c3. a4. b5. c6. c 14

7. c8. d9. c10. cLesson 1: Self-check1. availability of stocks2. technical know-how3. market demand4. availability of supplies and materials5. personal preferenceLesson 2: Self-check1. f2. d3. e4. b5. aLesson 3: Self-check1. swine2. poultry3. poultry4. cattle5. poultryPosttest1. b2. c3. a4. b5. b6. c7. a8. c9. a10. a 15


PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1

MODULE 10 BUREAU OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City Animal Production First Year Module 10 Live Freely and Comfortably(Animal Housing) What this module is about Good day! You are to start another module after having learned how to select the bestbreed to raise. How do you describe the place where you live? Are you satisfied andcomfortable living in it? Animals, like human beings also need a well-built shelter to live in. They should beprovided with a house which will enable them to move around freely and comfortably. Thismodule is about the housing of animals. 2

What to learn from this module This module aims to:1. describe the various poultry and livestock houses, fixtures, and equipment; and2. maintain the cleanliness and sanitation of housing facilities, fixtures, and equipment. PRETEST Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Accessibility of good roads is important to a. invite educational field trips b. reach places easily c. deliver feeds and market animals promptly d. attract buyers and consumers 2. The most practical and cheapest way of preventing diseases and parasites. a. vaccination b. injection c. immunization d. sanitation 3. Equipment used to prevent the crushing of piglets when furrowing. a. feeding crate b. castration rack c. breeding stall d. furrowing crate 4. Fixture for collecting bird manure. a. nests b. dropping board c. perches d. feeding and watering trough 5. Horizontal poles where birds sit and rest. a. perches b. feeding and watering trough c. nests d. dropping board 6. In constructing a house for animals, these materials are used except a. nipa b. cogon c. galvanized iron d. wood 3

7. Which is not part of the four-unit system of a hog house? a. furrowing unit b. slaughter unit c. nursery unit d. finishing unit 8. A material used to cover the floor and absorb the moisture from poultry manure. a. kerosene b. feed bin c. sawdust d. charcoal 9. In the choice of foundation stock to raise, select breeds that are a. good and heavy b. young and disease free c. mature d. lively 10. The place where feeds are stored. a. feeding crate b. feeding through c. feed bin d. drinking trough Lesson 1 Poultry and Livestock Houses, Fixtures and Equipment Do you have animals at home? Where do they live? How about the animals raised inyour community? What kind of housing do they have? What fixtures and equipment areavailable in the animal house? Join me in visiting animal farms with different housingfixtures and equipment. Mang Jun has a poultry farm. He raises native chickens, broilers, and layers. Heprovides the following housing facilities for his poultry.Range Type Native chickens are placed in a wide land area where they are free to roam around.Floor or Litter Floor This is a whole house unit or a house divided into pens where the floor is the groundor concrete, covered with litter material such as rice hulls and sawdust to absorb themoisture from the manure. 4

All-slats This is an entire house or unit divided, elevated, and slatted into pens. It is made ofbamboo splits, lumber, rattan or wire mess.Cage System Some chickens are housed in an individual cage, particularly those intended forornamental purposes. Others stay in colony cage system. For breeding purposes, Mang Jun used any of these houses, using electricity,kerosene, charcoal or rice hulls as sources of heat. The following fixtures and equipmentare used on his farm.1. Dropping board - used for collecting manure which is rich in nitrogen and used as fertilizer.2. Perches - horizontal poles where birds sit and rest.3. Nests - place where hens lay their eggs.4. Feeding trough – improvised material made of bamboo, ready-made in plastic.5. Drinking trough – made up of bamboo joints or any earthen metal and galvanized open vessels.6. Feeding crate – used for transporting feeds.7. Feeding bin – a container for feed storage. Let’s now move on to Nard’s piggery farm. Animals are housed on his farm in thesevarious unit systems:1. One-unit system – only one room is used for furrowing, rearing, growing, and finishing or marketing. The sow is removed from the pen after weaning.2. Two-unit system – after weaning, piglets are transferred to a growing-finishing house until marketing.3. Three-unit system – after weaning, piglets are transferred to a nursery house, then to a growing-finishing house, and finally to the slaughterhouse.4. Four-unit system – this includes the furrowing house, nursery house, growing house and finishing house prior to marketing.Fixtures and equipment used on Mang Nard’s farm consists of the following:1. Feeding and watering troughs – improvised made of concrete or automatic2. Feeding crate – used to transport feeds.3. Furrowing crate or stall – for furrowing purposes made of galvanized pipes used to prevent crushing the piglets when furrowing. Let us see the backyard cattle farm of Mang Jaime. The type of housing he used is asmall-scale backyard level where native materials are used such as wood and bamboo forframes and enclosures and nipa and cogon, for rooting. Available equipment and facilitiesare fences, corral, and feeding and drinking troughs. 5

Did you enjoy our farm visit? Note that every farmer sees to it that a well-constructedand comfortable housing is provided for animals. The well being and health of the animalsare apparently given much concern. We are now ready for an activity you will surely enjoy.Activity 1 Collect pictures and clipping of livestock and poultry houses as well as variousfixtures and equipment used on a particular animal farm. Compile these in an album orfolder, properly labeled for submission. Self-check: Identify what the following statements are about:_____1. Horizontal poles where birds sit and rest._____2. An elevated poultry house made of bamboo splits, lumber, rattan or wire mess._____3. A house for swine where piglets are transferred to the growing-finishing house until marketing._____4. Equipment used to transport or deliver feeds._____5. Material used to cover the floor in order to absorb moisture from the manure. Did you get all five correct? Very well. You may now proceed to the next lesson. Lesson 2Sanitation and Cleanliness on the Farm For one to live freely, happily and comfortably, a well-constructed and well-ventilated house is not enough. Sanitation and cleanliness should be evidently observed.Because germs thrive well in dirty, Why?wet, and dark areas which causethe diseases of animals. This canlead to illnesses even death ofanimals, which could be a greatloss to the animal raiser. 6

What is best to do?1. Select stocks that are young and disease free.2. Clean an old poultry house very well particularly the walls, ceilings and all fixtures and equipment before housing a new set of animals.3. Disinfect the whole area including house tools and equipment to destroy parasites and disease-causing organisms.4. Confine the animals.5. Have the animals vaccinated to prevent illness.6. Provide good water drainage to facilitate the cleaning of the area. Keeping the animal house clean and sanitary minimizes loss due to the death of theanimals. Clean and healthful surroundings should be provided to maintain the good healthof the animals. Following is an activity to enrich what you have learned from this lesson.Activity 2 Below are illustrations of hog houses, Hog house A and Hog house B. Compare thetwo hog houses, then, answer the questions that follow. 7

AB Which of the illustrations shows a fitting and safe place for a newly acquired stocks ofpiglets? Justify your answer. Were you able to choose the right answer? If yes, this shows that you have learnedconsiderably from this lesson. You may apply these when you have your own animal farm. Self-check: Place a 4 before the statement if true, and an 6, if false._____1. Select stocks from unreliable sources._____2. Disinfecting hog houses is done to kill parasites and disease-causing organisms._____3. Sanitation provides dirty and unfavorable surroundings._____4. Cleanliness and sanitation reduce loss due to animal death._____5. Germs and bacteria thrive well in dirty, wet, and dark areas. How did you find the self-check exercise? Fine! Now, let us summarize what youhave learned. LET’S SUMMARIZE Houses of animals should be built according to the needs, safety, health and well-being of the animals. Fixtures and equipment should be well provided for the convenience of the raiser as well as the animals. Cleanliness and sanitation should always be observed and maintained to minimize loss due to animal diseases. POSTTEST Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. Accessibility to good roads is important to a. educational field trips b. reach the place easily c. deliver feeds and market animals promptly d. attract buyers and consumers 8

2. The most practical and cheapest way of preventing diseases and parasites is a. vaccination b. injection c. immunization d. sanitation3. Equipment used to prevent the crushing of piglets during furrowing. a. feeding crate b. castration rack c. breeding stall d. furrowing crate4. Fixture used in collecting bird manure. a. nests b. dropping board c. perches d. feeding and watering trough5. Horizontal poles where birds sit and rest. a. perches b. feeding and watering trough c. nests d. dropping board6. In a small backyard animal raising, the following materials are used to construct the house except a. nipa b. cogon c. galvanized iron d. wood7. Which is not part of the four-unit system of a hog house? a. furrowing unit b. slaughter unit c. nursery unit d. finishing unit8. The material used to cover the floor and absorb moisture from poultry manure. a. kerosene b. feed bin c. sawdust d. charcoal9. In selecting foundation stock to raise, choose breeds that are a. good and heavy b. young and disease free c. mature 9

d. lively10. The place where feeds are stored. a. feeding crate b. feeding trough c. feed bin d. drinking trough If your rating is below 6, go over and do the test again. If your rating is above 7, verygood, you’ve learned a lot. Take a rest before proceeding to the next module. ANSWER KEYPretest / Posttest1. c2. d3. d4. b5. a6. c7. b8. c9. b10. cLesson 1: Self-check1. perches2. all-slats3. two-unit system4. feeding crate5. litter materialsLesson 2: Self-check1. 62. 43. 64. 45. 4 10

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