PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1
MODULE 11 BUREAU OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City Animal Production First Year Module 11 Feed Rightly, Grow Healthy What this module is about Have you ever experienced not eating three successive meals in one day? Have youtried also eating too much in one meal? How did you feel? Did it give you any good? Animals, like human beings need food in order to live. Feeds make up the mostexpenses in animal production. Feed rightly and grow healthy applies to feeds and feedingof animals. You need to know the kinds of feeds for animals and the right amount ofnutrients for them to grow healthy. 2
In module 10, you learned the kinds of poultry and livestock houses, fixtures, andequipment. After the housing of animals, the next thing to find out is what and how to feedthem. What to learn from this module This module aims to:1. identify the various ingredients of animal feeds;2. know the appropriate animal rations for different age levels; and3. explain the proper feeding of animals. PRETEST Choose the letter of the best answer.1. Requires the highest percentage of expenses in animal production. a. shelter b. equipment c. feeds d. medicines2. Feed given to day-old to 6 weeks chicks. a. pre-starter mash b. layer mash c. chick grower mash d. pullet developer mash3. Feed given to broilers 22-28 days old. a. booster b. pre-starter c. finisher d. starter4. Nutrients utilized to repair broken tissues and maintain proper growth and development. a. carbohydrates b. ash c. vitamins d. proteins5. Nutrients which help regulate body processes. a. carbohydrates b. ash c. vitamins d. proteins 3
6. Feeds given to laying hens. a. pre-starter mash b. layer mash c. chick-grower mash d. pullet-developer mash7. Feed given to farrowing and lactating sows. a. ipil-ipil b. concentrate c. pre-starter d. finisher8. Daily feed intake in kilograms of pigs 27 weeks old. a. 2.8-2.9 b. 2.4-2.5 c. 2.3-2.4 d. 2.7-2.89. Feeding system in semi-intensive cattle raising. a. ranching b. tethering c. cut-and-carry d. grazing10. Feed given to broilers 8-14 days old. a. booster b. starter c. finisher d. layer mash Lesson 1 Feeds of Farm Animals Following is a conversation of Joey and Leah. Let’s find out what it is all about. 4
Joey : Hello, Leah! Do you know that feeds are very important to animals?Leah : What does feed mean?Joey : Feeds refer to the food that animals eat to live. Feeds require the mostLeah expenses in animal production.Joey : Where do feeds come from? : Feeds come from various mixed ingredients or the commerciallyLeahJoey available feeds. These feeds are considered balanced. : What do you mean by balanced feeds? : Balanced feeds contain various nutrients that promote animal growth. These nutrients include carbohydrates, ash, proteins, vitamins, water and fats and oils. • Carbohydrates which give animals heat and energy and helps in fattening. • Ash is an organic material which supplies materials for developing the growth of bones of animals. It also helps manufacture the shells in poultry. • Proteins repair the broken tissues of animals and maintain their growth and development. • Fats and oils which supply the animals with heat and energy. • Vitamins which help in the body processes of animals and support normal growth and reproduction in animals. • Water which is essential in all the body processes of poultry. It helps in digestion and absorption of feeds and acts as food carrier and tissue lubricant.Leah : What are the sources of these feeds?Joey : Sources of feeds can be from plants, animals and mineral sources.Leah : What will happen if the feeds that animals take are not balanced?Joey : If that is the case, animals will not be able to get the essential nutrients for their growth and development which will make them weak and sickly. What did you learn from Joey and Leah? 5
Activity 1 Collect samples of feed rations available in the community. Place the samples insmall glass jars. Label including the ingredients / nutrients used in formulating the feeds.Submit this to your teacher. Self-check: Enumerate five essential nutrients found in animal feeds and cite their functions inthe growth and development of animals. Lesson 2 Feeding Farm Animals The feeding of animals contributes much to the success or failure of any poultry andlivestock industry. This is why animal raiser should pay much attention to the right feedingof animals. On the next page is a sample feed consumption guide for broilers.Age in days Ration Grams per Bird1-7 Pre-starter or booster 858-14 Pre-starter or booster 12515-21 Starter 22522-28 Starter 34529-35 Starter 42935-42 Finisher 63743-49 Finisher 72350-56 Finisher 890Here’s another feeding guide for layers: Kind of Feed Age of the Flock Day old to 6 weeks Chick starter mash with 20-21% protein 7 to 14 weeks (starter mash) 15-20 weeks Grower ration with 16% protein When pullets start laying eggs (chick grower mash) Pullet developer with 14% protein (pullet developer mash) Laying mash with 16 to 18% protein 6(layer mash)
How about the different kinds of swine or hogs? Following will be your guide infeeding hogs of different kinds to ensure good nutrition. Read and analyze the table below.Kinds of Animals Feeding Management Purpose1. Pre-gestating and Flushing high energy To activate the production gestating sows rations, low fiber content of a large number of egg cells for the next breeding season.2. Sows and gilts Limited energy feeding To trim the sow during the gestation period and reduce embryonic mortality. Kinds of Animals Feeding Management Purpose3. Farrowing and Concentrate ration To store added energy lactating sows and protein for use during Provide plenty of the lactation period.4. Early weaned drinking water Plenty of succulent leafy pigs Pre-starter feed should feeds which should be be given immediately. replaced by 1/3 of the5. Growing-finishing After 30 days, starter weight of the daily feed pigs rations should be given. allowance of the sow. Laxative effect which 7 prevents constipation Growing-finishing ration during farrowing. formulations should be Improves milk secretion and prevents constipation To bolster the growth of baby pigs. To bolster the growth and maintenance of baby pigs. To avoid too much fat deposits on the back.
Here is another table showing the daily feed consumption of growing-finishing pigs.Age of pigs Live weight Daily feed intake (weeks) (kg) (kg) 10-12 20-25 up to 1.2 12-13 25-30 1.2-1.4 13-15 30-35 1.4-1.6 35-40 1.6-1.8 16 40-45 1.8-1.9 17 45-50 1.9-2.0 18 19 50-55 2.0-2.1 20 55-60 2.1-2.2 21 60-65 2.2-2.3 22 65-70 2.3-2.4 23 70-75 2.4-2.5 24 75-80 2.5-2.6 25 80-85 2.6-2.7 26 85-90 2.7-2.8 27 90-95 2.8-2.9 28 95-100 2.9-3.0You may probably ask how cattle are being feed? When using the small-scale backyard level of cattle raising, the animals are tetheredduring the day and kept inside during night. When ranching is applied, animals graze in thepasture area and are free to roam around, with provisions of shelter in case of heavy rain.On the other hand, in a semi-intensive and intensive cattle raising, shelter is provided for theanimals in the pasture ranch. There, the animals are fed applying the cut-and-carry methodin which feeds are given to the animals in the corral.Here is an activity for you to check on how much you have learned. 8
Activity 2 Study the animals in each box. What kind of feeds are you going to give to eachanimal? How much feed will you give each? Explain your answer on the space provided.1. 2.3. 9
Self-check: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on theblanks provided.AB_____1. Broilers 35 to 42 days of age a. pre-starter feed_____2. Layers 7 to 14 weeks of age b. cut-and-carry_____3. Early weaned pigs c. 2.1 to 2.2 kg of feed_____4. Semi-intensive type of cattle raising d. finisher_____5. Hog fattening – 20 weeks of age e. 2.3 to 2.4 kg of feed b. grower ration with 16% protein LET’S SUMMARIZE Feeds represent the highest percentage of expenses in animal production. Right feeding contributes to the success of animal raising enterprise. Feeding the right kind of feeds in the right amounts and in the proper way, ensures healthy and vigorous animals. To find how well you understood what you’ve learned from this module, answer theposttest. POSTTEST Choose the letter of the best answer.1. Represents the highest percentage of expenses in animal production. a. shelter b. equipment c. feeds d. medicines2. Feed given to day-old to 6 weeks old chicks. a. pre-starter mash b. layer mash c. chick grower mash d. pullet developer mash3. Feed given to broilers 22-28 days of age. a. booster b. pre-starter 10
c. finisher d. starter4. Nutrients utilized to repair broken tissues and maintain proper growth and development. a. carbohydrates b. ash c. vitamins d. proteins5. Nutrients that regulate body processes. a. carbohydrates b. ash c. vitamins d. proteins6. Feeds given to laying hens. a. pre-starter mash b. layer mash c. chick grower mash d. pullet developer mash7. Feed given to farrowing and lactating sows. a. ipil-ipil b. concentrate c. pre-starter d. finisher8. Daily feed intake of pigs 27 weeks of age in kilograms. a. 2.8 - 2.9 b. 2.4 - 2.5 c. 2.3 - 2.4 d. 2.7 - 2.89. Feeding system in semi-intensive cattle raising. a. ranching b. tethering c. cut-and-carry d. grazing10. Feed given to broilers 8 to 14 days of age. a. booster b. starter c. finisher d. layer 11
Were you able to give all the answers correctly? If yes, very good. You’ve done agood job. Certainly, you will be gaining from what you have learned if you will have thechance to apply them. See you again in the next module. CONTRATULATIONS! ANSWER KEYPretest/Posttest1. c2. a3. d4. d5. c6. b7. b8. a9. c10. aLesson 1: Self-check1. carbohydrates – supplies heat and energy2. proteins – repair broken tissues3. vitamins – regulates body processes4. ash – used in manufacturing shells in poultry5. water – aids in digestion and absorption of feedsLesson 2: Self-check1. d2. f3. a4. b5. c 12
PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1
MODULE 12 BUREAU OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City Fish Production First Year Module 12 Come and Get Me! What this module is about This module shares knowledge of how to catch fish. Knowledge of fishing is of greathelp to families specially those living near bodies of water where fish live. Fishing is one ofthe oldest means of living of the Filipinos. It provides us not only food to eat butemployment as well. Reading this module equips you on how to capture fish using differentfishing gears. What to learn from this module 2
After working on this module, you are expected to: 1. explain the fundamental concepts, principles and importance of fish capture; 2. classify different fishing gears according to structure and function; 3. explain how each fishing gear is operated; and 4. construct a fishing gear. Before you start working on this module, it will be good to evaluate yourself howmuch you already know about the topic by answering the following pretest. PRETESTDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. Which of the following fishing gears is not a hand instrument? a. harpoon b. cover pot c. simple hand line d. spear2. It is an instrument used to catch fish. a. fish culture b. fish cultivation c. fish capture d. fishing gear3. It is a fishing gear operated using artificial light like the floodlight. a. cover pot b. bag net c. simple hand line d. spear4. It is the most commonly used fishing gear in the Philippines. a. cover pot b. simple hand line c. harpoon d. spear5. These are fishing gears with small opening used to cover the fish to be captured. a. falling gears b. scooping nets c. line-fishing d. wounding gears6. It is the scientific way of catching fish. a. fish culture b. fish cultivation 3
c. fish capture d. fishing gear7. It is a fishing gear similar to an inverted mosquito net. a. spear b. hand line c. bag net d. cover pot8. This is a fishing gear with single vertical line with a hook at the end of the net. a. spear b. multiple hand line c. simple hand line d. bag net9. This is a fishing gear operated in shallow, about knee-deep water. a. cover pot b. bag net c. multiple hand line d. simple hand line10. It is a fishing gear used to catch fish by wounding them. a. cover pot b. hand line c. bag net d. spear Lesson 1 Principles and Concepts of Fish Capture Do you know how to catch fish? Have you tried fishing with your father or brother?This lesson will tell you what fish capture is all about. Fishing is one of the oldest occupations of the Filipinos. It supplies fish, the cheapestsource of protein for people particularly in the rural areas. It is a source of employment andincome to those who live near the water areas of the country, and even to those whose workrelates to fish and fishing. The technique and science of catching fish through the use of fishing gears is knownas fish capture. Do you know the history of the development of fish capture in thePhilippines? If not, continue reading. During the early years, catching freshwater fish is done using bare hands, stones andthe bow and arrow. Later, the Malays of Malaysia brought some effective fishing devicessuch as fish corrals and fish pens. Then, the Japanese and Chinese introduced improvedmeans of fishing like the gill net, long line and trawl. Today, fishing methods and fishing 4
gears introduced in the country are modified by our fishermen to respond to local conditionsin different fishing grounds. Have you learned something from the foregoing discussion? If your answer is yes,answer the exercise below. Self-check: Answer the crossword puzzle below. 1 1 2 3 23 4Across1. Fish ________is a technique in catching fish.2. Brought fishing devices like fish corals and fish pens in the Philippines.3. Fish is a good source of _____.4. One of the earliest means of catching fish is through the use of ________.Down1. Introduced the gill net and long line.2. _____provides food and employment.3. An act of refusal to use dynamite in fishing. Did you get all the answers to the puzzle right? If so, very good. You can nowproceed to the next lesson. Lesson 2 Classification of Fishing Gear by Structure and Function Are you ready for further learning about fish capture? Remember, at the end, a big fishis waiting for you. You better start learning the different fishing gears. Fishing gears are instruments used to catch fish. They are classified according tostructure and function. Below are examples of fishing gears. 5
Harpoon Simple Hand line Spear Cover potClassification According to Structure A. Hand Instrument 1. Spear (Pana) – a fishing instrument with pointed barbed or barbless blades on the straight tip, which is not detachable from the handle and is thrown by hand through a bow-like device. 2. Harpoon (panibat) - a pointed instrument with barbed blades detachable from the handle and either thrown by hand or discharged from a gun. 3. Cover pot (salakab) – an entrapping device used to catch fish through the stiff opening on its lowermost part to cover the fish. B. Line Instrument 1. Simple handline - a single vertical line with a hook at the end where the bait is attached. 2. Multiple handline - a single vertical line with a series of barbed hooks attached by spreaders at regular intervals. C. Nets 1. Bag net - a conical or cubical bag nets that looks like an inverted mosquito net.Classifying Fishing Gears According to Function 6
1. Wounding gears - used to catch visible fish by wounding them from a distance.2. Line-fishing gear – used to catch fish by means of an artificial bait.3. Falling gears- gears with a stiff opening used to capture fish by covering them.4. Scooping nets - gears which catch fish by submerging or hanging and swiftly lifting the gear to capture or enclose fish. Self-check: Classify the fishing gears below according to their use. Write the name of the gearinside the circle. 12 3 How was the exercise? Did you enjoy it? Good. For your assignment, conduct aninterview on various devices used by fishermen to catch fish. Write on a sheet of paper theprocedure in constructing these. Submit to your teacher. Lesson 3 Operating Fishing Gears In the previous lesson, you classified fishing gears according to structure and function.Now, you will learn how each fishing gear is used. Do you want to hear what fishing gears do fishermen use and how they operate these?Find out in the conversation below.Jimmy: Every time I go fishing at the lake, I use a simple hand line because the operation is simple. I only attach bait like an earthworm or a squid to the hook, drop the line into the water. Then, raise and lower the line to prevent small and less desirable fish from robbing the bait. Pull the line whenever a tug or slight tug is felt.Faddy: If I were you, I would use a multiple hand line to catch more fish. You only need to put several baited hooks on your simple hand line in uniform distances and tow this 7
behind a motorboat. The lure looks alive as the boat moves, and bigger and more fish are attracted to catch the lure, thus, getting hooked. Isn’t that great?Ric: You’re right, but if you catch fish in shallow waters about knee-deep, you better use a cover pot. Just watch the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the water to locate the possible victim, approach the fish and cover it. You already have fish for lunch.Orly: That is small time! Only a few fish will be caught. You know what I have in mind? Come and join me? Let’s use the bag net to catch more. We only hang the bag net during the dark phase of the moon, with the help of a boat and floodlight. We shall use the floodlight to observe if there are already enough fish in the bag net, which tells us to raise the net to gather the fish. That ‘s simple!Lito: Sorry, I can’t go with you.Jimmy, Faddy, and Ric: Why not?Lito: My brother and I will go fishing using a spear and harpoon. He said that spear and harpoon are simple and easy to use. It is used by just throwing the spear or harpoon by hand or shooting from a gun or a bow-like device to wound the fish. I think this is more exciting, so, thanks, anyway. Now that you learned how to operate some of the fishing gears, solve the problemsituation in Activity 1.Activity 1 Michael and Fernando went on fishing in the nearby river for fun and leisure. Theybrought with them their father’s hand line and cover pots to catch fish. However, they do notknow how to use them. Help Michael and Fernando to operate the hand line and the coverpot. Write the instructions below.Hand line -Cover pot - Do you think Michael and Fernando will be able to use the fishing gear to catch fish? Ifyou confidently say YES, then you are also ready to have your own catch now. 8
Lesson 4 Preparing a Simple Hand line The most common fishing gear used in the Philippines is the simple hand line. So, inthis lesson, you will be constructing your own hand line to catch fish. Let us now start making a simple hand line. Here are the materials needed followed bythe step-by-step procedure.Materials needed:1. Bamboo pole - 3 to 5 meters long, 2 inches in diameter and tapered at one end2. Synthetic line - no. 8, 3 ½ meters long3. Terminal tackle - a term applied to things like hooks and baits that are attached to the end of the fishing lineTools needed: bolo spokeshave hammer After preparing the needed materials and hooks, follow the procedure below: 1. Thread one end of the line through the hole of the hook and tie into two knots to secure the hook. 2. Tie the other end of the line twice around the tapered end of the pole, just beside the internode to keep this from slipping. 3. Tie with a square knot. 4. Place the bait on the hook. Did you enjoy making your own hand line? Great! You may start using it. LET’S SUMMARIZE Fishing is one of the oldest occupations of Filipinos. Fish capture is the technique and science of catching fish using various fishing gears. Fishing gears are instruments used to catch fish. Fishing gears are classified according to structure which include hand instruments, line instruments and nets. Classification is also according to function such as wounding gears, line-fishing, falling gears and scooping nets. 9
You are now in the final phase of this module. Let’s find out how much you understoodand learned by answering the posttest. POSTTESTDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. Which of the following fishing gears is not a hand instrument? a. harpoon b. cover pot c. simple hand line d. spear2. It is an instrument used to catch fish. a. fish culture b. fish cultivation c. fish capture d. fishing gear3. It is a fishing gear operated with the help of artificial light like the floodlight. a. cover pot b. bag net c. simple hand line d. multiple hand line4. It is the most commonly used fishing gear in the Philippines. a. cover pot b. simple hand line c. harpoon d. spear5. These are fishing gears with a small opening used to capture fish by covering them. a. scooping nets b. line-fishing gears c. wounding gears d. falling gears6. It is a technique and science of catching fish. a. fish culture b. fish cultivation c. fish capture d. fishing gear7. A fishing gear which is very similar to an inverted mosquito net. a. spear b. hand line 10
c. bag net d. cover pot8. This fishing gear has a single vertical line with a hook at the end for the bait. a. spear b. multiple hand line c. simple hand line d. bag net9. A fishing gear operated in shallow about knee-deep water. a. cover pot b. bag net c. multiple hand line d. simple hand line10. It is a fishing gear used by man to catch fish by wounding them. a. cover pot b. hand line c. bag net d. spear ANSWER KEYPretest / Posttest1. c2. d3. b4. b5. a6. c7. c8. c9. a10. dLesson 1: Self-checkAcross1. capture2. Malays3. Protein 11
4. StonesDown1. Japanese2. It3. NoLesson 2: Self-check1. line instrument2. hand instrument3. hand instrumentLesson 3: Self-checkHand line - Attach the bait to the hook, then drop or throw the baited hook into the water. Raise and lower the line frequently and pull the fishing line promptly when a tug or slight tug is felt.Cover pot - Look for bubbles on the surface of the water to locate fish to be caught. Approach the fish slowly and cover it, using the cover pot. Congratulations for a job well done! Working on this module honestly and dedicatedlyis truly a rewarding experience. Take a rest so you can join us for the next module. I’mcounting on you. 12
PROJECT EASE Effective and Affordable Secondary EducationTECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Agriculture and Fishery Arts 1
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