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Home Explore English Grade 3

English Grade 3

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-12-07 22:44:59

Description: English Grade 3


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GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEKNOW THIS show the cause and events (15 min) KNOW THIS(20 min) that show effects Direct teaching of how (5 min)Reading of the story using complex sentences are Direct teaching onDRTA KNOW THIS formed comparison and (15 min) contrastEXPLORE THIS Explanation that a cause may EXPLORE THIS(5 min) have several effects and how (15 min) EXPLORE THISPost Reading: to identify the several effects Interview ofing persons (15 min)Discussion questions to of a cause in school Listening to a story forhighlight the importance of comparison andcontentment and ability to adapt EXPLORE THIS APPLY THIS contrast (10 min) (15 min)APPLY THIS Listening to a short story to Writing a three-sentence APPLY THIS(10 min) identify a cause and its paragraph with using (20 min)Engagement Activity: several effects complex sentences. Presentation of a skitWriting a note on the right showing how thething the Country Mouse APPLY THIS characters in the storyshould have done (10 min) differ from one Presentation of a short another. dialogue with cause and several effects based on a short story heard


GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Unit 3: Week 4 (Lesson 22) Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra The Country Mouse and The the City Mouse Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Width: 8.5\", Height: 11\"Pre Reading Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra1. Unlocking/Vocabulary & Concept Development Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold 1.Unlock the difficult words below using pictures. Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra (feast, ham, jellies, nibblenibbling, mouse) Bold, Not Bold Refer your pupils to LM Activity 228 to check if the words were understood.L22D1-Worksheet_, Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra LM page_. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Font color:2. Motivation Question: Auto Have you been in a city/province? What experiences did you have in the city/province? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering3. Motive Questions: Formatted: Font color: Auto What are the experiences of the City Mouse in the province? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" What are the experiences of the Country Mouse in the city? Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldDuring Reading Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font color: Auto Say: Listen as I read ‘The Country Mouse and the City Mouse’. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" During the question and answer part, use gestures and voice dynamics to further help the pupils Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold know the meaning of some difficult words in the text such as terrible, nibbling, etc. Limit the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" responses of the pupils by calling only two in every question. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Adapted Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: ItalicOne summer, the Country Mouse invited his friend, the City Mouse, to have dinner athome. So, the Country Mouse prepared corn and camote for dinner. While eating, the Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 ptCity Mouse said, “You hardly have anything to eat here. Come to the city and I willshow you such rich feast in my place.” Formatted: Font: Times New RomanSTOP AND ASK: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\"1. Who invited his friend to have a dinner?2.1. Who was invited for dinner?3.2. What did the Country Mouse prepare for his friend?

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE4.3. Did the City Mouse get satisfied with what his friend offer? Why? Why not?The Country Mouse was so curious about the city life. So, he decided to go with his Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 ptfriend. Formatted: Font color: AutoWhen they arrived, the Country Mouse looked around the house and he was so Formatted: Font: Times New Romansurprised! There were all kinds of food on the table. There were ham, cheese, jellies,cakes, and fruits. The Country Mouse started nibbling the cheese.“So delicious! I have never tasted anything like this,” he said. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"STOP AND ASK: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted Table1. Why did the Country Mouse decide to go to the city?2. What were the things the Country Mouse find in the city? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"3. What did the Country Mouse feel about the city? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\"4.2. If you were the Country Mouse, would you stay long in the city? Why? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering Suddenly, before the Country Mouse barely took another bite, he heard some scratching sound. “Meow! Meow!” the cat said, approaching the dining table. “Run,” yelled the City Mouse. They ran to the corner as fast as they could.STOP AND ASK:1. What did the two friends hear ?2. What did they do when they saw the catmouse?3. If you were the one of the mice, would you also run away from the cat? Why? 4.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE“What is that?” asked the Country Mouse shaking his body. Formatted Table“A cat. Once he gets you, he’ll eat you up,” said the City Mouse.“This is terrible. I think I will go home. I’d rather have corn and camote in peacethan sugar and cheese in danger,” said the Country Mouse to his friend. So, he wentback to his home with a happy heart. STOP AND ASK: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" 1. What did the County Mouse decide to do? 2. What did the Country Mouse mean when he said “I’d rather have corn and camote in peace than Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" sugar and cheese in danger”? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: Not at 0\" 3. If you were the Country Mouse, would you also decide to leave the city? Why? Why not? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New RomanPost Reading Formatted: Font: Times New Roman1. Engagement Activity How can you help the Country Mouse? Write him a short note of advice. For the instruction of the activity, Refer refer your pupils to LM Activity 229.22D1-Worksheet_, LM, page_. Lesson 22 Day 2: Decoding/Fluency/Writing/Cause and Effect Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotSkill Lesson: Words and Phrases with Ddigraph oa as in goat Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font Refer your pupils to LM Activity 230.22D2-Worksheet_, LM page_. color: Auto1. 1. Skill Lesson: Cause and Effect Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font (Note: Present the diagram of events of the story The Country Mouse and The City Mouse.) color: Auto Say: Let us go back to the story. What did the Country Mouse decide to do at the beginning of the story? What were the results of the Country Mouse’ decision/act? Formatted: Tab stops: 0.38\", Left + Not at 0\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto The Country Mouse got surprised of at Formatted: Font color: Auto what he see saw on the table. Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left + Not at 0\" Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 10 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 10 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 10 ptThe Country Mouse went to the city. The Country Mouse saw and ate a lot of different kinds of food served on the table. The Country Mouse together with the

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Ask: What are the results or the effects of the Country Mouse’ visit to the city? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Italic2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Let us take a look at the sentences that we formed from the diagram. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + a. The Country Mouse decided to visit the city because he was too curious about what the Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" city looks like. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering b. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse ran to the corner of the house so they can hide Formatted: Font: Times New Roman from the cat. Formatted: Font: Bold c. So that Country Mouse can have peace of mind, he decided to go back to the farm. Formatted: Numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75\" + Discuss how the clue words (because, so, so that) can help the pupils find out which part Indent at: 1\" of the sentence tells the cause or the effect. Formatted: Font: Bold 2. Formatted: Font: Bold By simply examining the cause-and-effect chart diagram above, is it possible for a cause to have Formatted: Indent: Left: 1\", No bullets or numbering several effects? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering Remember: Formatted: Font: Times New Roman • A cause is why something happens. To find a cause, look for a reason that why something Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering happened. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" • An effect is what happens because of the cause. To find an effect, look for something that Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold happened.the results of the cause. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + • Usually, a cause always happens first. T, then it will beis followed by an the effect. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + • Clue words such as because, so, and so that are often used to help you understand cause and Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" effect in a sentence. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Italic3. Guided Practice Formatted: Font: Not Bold Say: I will read to you a selection to you. Listen well and complete the diagram of Cause and Effect Formatted: Font: Italic on in your notebook. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Italic

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Refer your pupils to L22D2-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Not Bold (Note: Read the selection aloud.) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Reasons Why People Move to the City Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt There are many reasons why people move to the city. There are lots of jobs in big buildings, hospitals, schools, and offices, . They move in to the city because Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt colorful lights along its busy streets interest them. People are busyier and more Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt active. because they work harder. The cCity is a place where new things could be Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt found. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold4. Independent Practice Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Say:. Listen as I read another selection to you. Based on the selection, present a short dialog Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Tab stops: showing the cause and several effects. Not at 0\" Refer your class to LM Activity 232. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: Not at 0\" Things Happen When People Move to the City Formatted: Font: Italic Many people move in to the city. Everything becomes different. The cities become Formatted: Font: Italic crowded; there are so many cars on the streets. Traffic moves slower. Collecting Formatted: Font: Italic garbage becomes a bigger problem. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 ptRefer your pupils to L22D2-Worksheet_, LM page_.Lesson 22 Day 3: Fluency/Writing/Complex Sentences Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldSkill Lesson: Phrases and Sentence with Ddigraph oa as in goat Refer your pupils to LM Activity 233.22D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESkill Lesson: Complex Sentences Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Post three sentences about Why and Things Happen When People Move to the City on the board. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Italic Say: Let us read again some sentences from our paragraph yesterday. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Point to the first sentence. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Many people move to the city because they can find a better job. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.13\" Ask: Formatted: Font: Italic • Who How many ideas does the sentence give? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" • Which tells the first idea? • Which tells the second idea? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" • Which idea can stand alone for meaning? • Which idea cannot stand alone for meaning? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" • What word helps to connect the two ideas? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Say: Let us read the next sentence. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Italic When people move to the city, the place becomes crowded. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" Ask: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\", Bulleted + • Who How many ideas does the sentence give? Level: 3 + Aligned at: 1.25\" + Indent at: 1.5\" • Which tells the first idea? Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5\", Bulleted + Level: 1 + • Which tells the second idea? Aligned at: 0.63\" + Indent at: 0.88\" • Which idea can stand alone for meaning? Formatted: Underline • Which idea cannot stand alone for meaning? • What word helps to connect the two ideas? Say: This These sentences is called complex sentences. We combine two simple sentences using conjunctions to form a complex sentence. A complex sentence is made up of two parts, an independent calause and a dependent clause joined by linking words or conjunction. Words like because, when, after, though, as soon as and so that are examples of conjunctions that can be used in a complex sentence. These conjunctions make one part of the sentence subordinate to the other part.3. Guided Practice Let us have a fun activity. Interview anyone in the school about: 1. What does s/he want to do?  • 3. What would happen if s/he continues doing it?

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEWhat does she want? What would happen if s/he Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88\"Ex. Drawing dresses continue doing it? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: Not at 0\" dolls could have many clothes Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Let the children form complex sentences based on from the answers of from their interviewee. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Forming Complex sentence Formatted: Font: Not Bold 1. She wants to draw dresses so that her dolls could have many clothes. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\" Let the class w Write their answers on in your their notebook. Formatted: Font: Not BoldRefer your pupils to L22D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Guide the children in forming complex sentences especially in the use of conjunctions. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold4. Independent Practice Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Write on the board some of their answers for discussion, label the parts of the sentence. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Based from the interview conducted, let us now write a short three-sentence paragraph with complex sentences. Refer the class to LM Activity 234. Lesson 22 Day 4: Fluency/Writing/Comparison and Contrast Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldSkill Lesson: Poem with oa digraph as in goatRefer your pupils to LM Activity 235.22D4-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font. color: AutoSkill Lesson: Comparison and Contrast Formatted: Font color: Auto1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font Post on the board an empty Venn diagram. Show your pupils two objects with similar and different color: Auto features - a cell phone and a telephone. Say: I have here a cell phone and a telephone. Let us compare and contrast them. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto In what ways are the cell phone and the telephone the same? Let us compare them. (Tack on the board the word “compare”.) Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not (can be used to talk with people away from you) Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: No Spacing, Tab stops: Not at 0\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE (can help you communicate with people) Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Write the pupils’ responses at the center space of the Venn diagram. In what ways are they different? Let us contrast them. (Tack on the board the word contrast.) Formatted: Font: Italic (A cell phone can be used in texting while a telephone cannot be used as such is not.) (A cell phone is movable while a telephone is stationary.) Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Write your students’ descriptions for the cell phone on the left circle and the descriptions for the Bold, Italic telephone on the right circle. Formatted: Font: (Default) Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra2. Modeling/Teaching Bold Formatted: Font: Italic What do we tell show or describe when we compare? (the similarities) Formatted: Font: Not Bold What do we show or describetell when we contrast? (the differences) Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Say: When we talk about two things, we compare and contrast them. When we compare, we say the similarities. When we contrast, we tell the differences. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Show your pupils a pencil and a crayon Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Say: Look at this pencil and this crayon. Compare them.3. Guided Practice Say: Let me see if you can compare and contrast the two characters in the story that I will read to you. Complete the Venn diagram on in your notebook. Refer your pupils to L22D4-Worksheet_, LM page_.Refer the class to LM Activity 236. Friendship Bond For many years, Ali and Leah have been good friends though they differ in many ways. Ali is a Muslim while Leah is a Christian. Ali goes to the mosque on Fridays and Leah goes to church on Sundays. Ali is two years older than Leah although she is shorter than Leahshe is. Ali excels more in Mathematics than Leah though Leah performs better in Arts. Leah loves to eat foods like Adobong Manok. On the other hand, Ali likes to eat fruits and vegetables. For them, it does not matter how different persons are as long as they understand each other. This is what makes their friendship last.4. Independent Practice Show a short skit showing how the characters in the story differ from each other.


GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Unit 3: Week 5 (Lesson 23)L 23Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Formatted: Width: 11\", Height: 8.5\" Overview/ Literature: “The Butterfly • Decoding/ Fluency/ • Read words, phrases, • Read words, phrases, Day 5 Objectives and the Caterpillar” Writing/ Inferring sentences and stories sentences and stories • Read words, containing words with containing words with • Read words, phrases, Formatted: Font color: Auto • phrases, sentences and digraph ee as in sheep Read digraph ee as in sheep Read sentences and stories Formatted: No bullets or numbering stories containing words words, phrases, sentences words, phrases, sentences containing words with Formatted: No bullets or numbering with digraph ee as in sheep and stories containing and stories containing digraph ee as in sheep Read digraph ee as in sheep digraph ee as in sheep words, phrases, sentencesFaonrmdatted: Indent: Left: 0.25\", No bullets or numbering • Degrees of Comparison • Complex Sentences stories containing digraph ee of Adjectives as in sheep • Locate the ing main Ideaidea in a paragraph Sentence –strips Venn Diagram Monkey- toys Copy of the story “ Letter envelope Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering • • A Day at the Park”Materials Learner’s Materials Learner’s Materials Formatted: No bullets or numberingProcedures Word cards Sentence/ line strips Activities 244-247 • Activities 248-249 Formatted: No bullets or numbering • from story read • • Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" • Formatted: Left Pictures of butterfly Learner’s Materials and caterpillar Activities 240-243 Formatted: No Spacing, Left, Indent: Left: 0.06\", No • L23D1 Worksheet bullets or numbering Learner’s Materials __, LM page __ Activities 237-239 Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering Pre-Reading (25 min) 25 min) (25 min) (25 min) Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Phonics lesson • Phonics Lesson • Phonics Lesson Unlock key words • Phonics Lesson Formatted: No bullets or numbering through word cards and Presentation/ Introduction sentence strips. Read the story “A Formatted: No bullets or numbering • • Show a picture of Show a Venn Introduction/ Presentation: Formatted: No bullets or numbering butterfly and caterpillar. diagram of the story read showing to focus on • Show a letter- Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering similarities and differences. envelope and ask questionFsormatted: No bullets or numbering on it to jumpstart lesson. Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE • Present monkey- Day at the Park”. Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Form groups and toys and allow pupils to •Reading present line strips from the describe the toys according • Allow pupils to • Discuss the parts Foofrma atted: No bullets or numbering to size. answer questions on about letter through a poem. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering • Read aloud the story read. • the text. story and stop at indicated • Read a story on points for questions to Modeling/Teaching: monkeys. Modeling/ Teaching identify similarities and differences of butterfly Ask groups to draw/ • Discuss how Formatted: No bullets or numbering and caterpillar. get one from the posted complex sentences are strips and let them answer written by combining • Allow pupils to lFaobreml atted: No bullets or numberingPost Reading the questions. sentences and by using a • Let pupils answer • Modeling/Teaching: chart/ table. parts of the letter. Formatted: No bullets or numbering the discussion questions • Allow pupils to and have pupils describe organize their answers • Discuss Degrees • Allow pupils to Formatted: No bullets or numbering the characters through a through a chart. (see TG degrees of comparison of combine sentences on the comparison chart (see TG L23 D2) Adjectives adjectives using story read toand write • L23D5 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering L23 D1.) • Tell pupils how a comparison chart. complex sentences. Formatted: No bullets or numbering inferring is done. Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: Do not check spelling or grammar Formatted: Do not check spelling or grammar • Allow pupils to • Do activities to Formatted: No bullets or numbering rewrite sentences using the comparative and superlative reiterate the value of Formatted: No bullets or numbering degrees of adjectives.• Let pupils do resourcefulness\ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numberingL23D1 Worksheet __ LM • Allow pupils topage __Activity in the LM • L23 D2 LM find complex sentences Formatted: Do not check spelling or grammarintended for the day. from the books they are reading. Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25\" • Allow pupils to pFlaonrmatted: No bullets or numbering for a project from recyclable materials to find out how Formatted: Do not check spelling or grammar resourceful they are Formatted: No bullets or numbering

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE • Allow pupils to do Allow pupils to Formatted: No bullets or numbering inferring activities. write as many comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. • • Let pupils present work • Engage pupils in writing sentences using adjectives.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 23 Day 1: Literature: The Butterfly and the Caterpillar Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldPre-Reading Formatted: Width: 8.5\", Height: 11\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold1. Unlocking/Vocabulary & Concept Development Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" (Note: Have the children choose the synonym of the flashedmeaning of the underlined word. Use Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" the words in a sentence. Then, the children would choose from the sentence the word or word phrase as a clue to the word’s meaning.) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" sipped Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\", Hanging: 0.19\"1. The boy sipped the cold drink offered to him on a hot day. proud Formatted: Font: 1 pt a. drank in small quantity Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" b. ate angry c. tasted Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.13\", No bullets or numbering drank ate tasted Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering exclaimed Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"2. . My best friend smiled and exclaimed, “Wow!”, when I showed the dress I wore lastChristmas. a. whispered embarrassed b. shouted c. enjoyed2.3. whispered shouted enjoyed ashamed Formatted: Font: Times New Roman3. The boy was ashamed to show his poor grades to his mother. Formatted: No Spacing, Indent: Left: 0.63\", Hanging: 0.19\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + a. proud Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent b. embarrassed at: 0.5\" c. angry Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" munched4. 4. Sheila munched on some cookies for snacks. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", First line: 0.38\" d. chewed Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\", Hanging: 0.19\", Numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + chewed drank sipped Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75\" + Indent at: 1\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE e. drank Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" f. sippedcontinued5. Even when he was sleepy, Father continued telling us the story of the moth.a. stopped Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\", Hanging: 0.19\"b. paused paused extended Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"c. kept on stopped Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldRefer the class to Activity 237 to test their understanding of the words they learned. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Italic2. Motivation Question Formatted: Font: Italic Show a picture of a butterfly and a picture of a caterpillar. (Refer to Activity 238.) Say: What are in the picture? In what ways are the caterpillar and butterfly similar?different?3. Motive Question: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Today, our story is about a butterfly and a caterpillar. Find out in the story their similarities and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" differences. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"During Reading: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Say: Listen to the story that I will read to you. Be sure to find out the similarities and differences of Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" the two characters. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" In between readings, ask the children to act out the following scenes: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Paragraph 1-2: The butterfly saw the caterpillar and it was so ashamed to be seen with the caterpillar

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Paragraph 4: The butterfly saw a very different creature. Paragraph 5: The caterpillar told the butterfly how they were the same a week ago. Paragraph 6: The caterpillar told the butterfly to go, fly but not to be proud. The Butterfly and the Caterpillar Formatted: Font color: Auto an adaptation by Joseph Lauren Formatted Table Formatted: Font color: AutoOne summer morning, a butterfly rested on a beautiful rose. While she sipped the Formatted: Font color: Autosweet nectar from the flower, she saw a caterpillar crawl up the garden wall. Formatted: Font color: Auto“Horrors!” the butterfly exclaimed, “Stop! Don’t come near me. I’m ashamed to be Formatted: Font color: Autoseen where you are.”Ask: Why do you think the butterfly was the butterfly ashamed? Formatted: Font: BoldThe caterpillar continued crawling. He munched on the leaf without listening to the Formatted: Font color: Autobutterfly’s cry. Formatted: Font color: Auto“Where are your wings? What are you eating?” the butterfly asked. Formatted: Font color: AutoAsk: Does the caterpillar have wings?If he have has as the butterfly claimed Formatted: Font: Boldthen,where are they? Formatted: Font: BoldThe caterpillar walked ahead. Then he said, “Eight days ago, young butterfly, you Formatted: Font color: Autowere the same as I am. One night from today, my wings will grow. I would fly and Formatted: Font color: Autosee all the bright and beautiful flowers.” Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: AutoAsk: How do did the butterfly looks like eight days ago? Formatted: Font: Bold“I’m sure my wings would be brighter and more beautiful than yours. Formatted: Font: BoldSo, go, fly but try not to be so proud. Each caterpillar is given a chance to become a Formatted: Font color: Autobutterfly. We are but the same. ” Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: AutoAsk: what What will happen to caterpillar in the days to come? What should all Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Bold

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE butterflies need to remember while flying?Post Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldA. Comprehension Check Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Say: Let us talk about the story. Formatted: Font: Italic 1. Who are the characters in the story? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 2. When did the story happen? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.69\" 3. Why was the butterfly ashamed to be seen by the caterpillar? 4. How do you think did the caterpillar feel when the butterfly tell told him Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.69\", Hanging: 0.13\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.69\" nnot to come near it? 5. What was the response of the caterpillar? 6. Can the caterpillar be like a butterfly?After reading, have the children describe the characters Caterpillar ButterflyappearancemovementFood they eatRefer your pupils to L23D1-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: ItalicSay: Let’s go back to the activity that you answered before we read the story. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 ptFrom the comparison chart, the children would be able to say that the caterpillar and the butterfly Formatted: Font: Times New Romanare different from each other. Let the children find the similarities through the part of the story:“Eight days ago, young butterfly, you were same as I am. One night from today, mywings will grow. I would fly and see all the bright and beautiful flowers.”B. Engagement Activity Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Refer the class to Activity 239. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldRefer your pupils to L23D1Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 23 Day 2: Decoding/Fluency/Writing/Inferring Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldSkill Lesson: Words and phrases with digraph ee as in sheepRefer your pupils to Activity 240. L23D2-Worksheet_, LM page_ Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: AutoSkill Lesson: Inferring Formatted: Font color: Auto1. Presentation/Introduction Show the Venn Diagram of the butterfly and the caterpillar from yesterday’s discussion. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not (Write in the middle part the similarities between the caterpillar and the butterfly. They can explore Bold, Font color: Auto the good qualities they share together.) Formatted: Font color: Auto caterpillar Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt, Not Bold Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 11 pt, Not Bold butterfly Write in the middle part the similarities between the Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt caterpillar and the butterfly. . They can explore the good qualities they share together. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 ptForm four groups. Get lines from the previous story and write them on strips of paper. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt “Horrors!” the butterfly exclaimed, “Stop! Don’t come near me. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman I’m ashamed to be seen where you are.” Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt “Where are your wings? What are you eating?” “Eight days ago, young butterfly, you were the same as I am. One night from today, my wings will grow. I would fly and see all the bright and beautiful flowers.” “I’m sure my wings would be brighter and more beautiful than yours. So, go, fly but try not to be so proud. Each caterpillar is given a chance to become a butterfly. We are but the same. ” Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE2. Modelling/Teaching Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Ask each group to pick one. While holding the story part, let them answer the following questions: Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"1. What do you think does this character really meant by saying that? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"2. Why did this character (act, think, talk) that way?3. What does this character want to do? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"4. What do you think this character might do?5. What is the author really trying to say? Formatted TableLet each group present their answers. Take note of the children’s answers and organize theiranswers into the chart. (Refer the class to Activity 241 for the copy of the chart.)Character Movement Feelings Reasons forButterfly his ActionsCaterpillar Say: How do we infer? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" There are steps on how it is done. First, read the sentence/s. Then, make a guess of “what else” the Formatted: Font: Italic sentence/s tells. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Ex. Butterfly thinks that she the caterpillar is ugly that is why she is ashamed. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold3. Guided Practice Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Refer your pupils to L23D2-Worksheet _, LM page_.LM Activity 242 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"4. Independent Practice Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Refer your pupils to LM Activity 243.23D2-Worksheet _, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" A. Making Inferences Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Say: I will read a story about Melissa. Infer what kind of person Melissa is. Write it in your Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" notebook. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Melissa sat on the window. She was starring at a small bird outside. The bird kept chirping and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" hopping around in the bushes. This chirping and hopping made the tip of Melissa’s tail twist and turn

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE The rest of her kept still. If the window had not been in the way, Melissa would have jumped right out with the bird.B. Infer the trait of the character in each number. 1. Mother praised me for my good grades. My mother was _______. (appreciative, busy, industrious) 2. I received a gift from my godfather. My godfather was ________. (kind, thoughtful, forgetful) 3. Shaina has a new toy. She went around and showed her new toy to her friends. Shaina was _________. (proud, playful, selfish) 4. Paolo found a twenty-peso bill in the room. He picked it up at gave it to the teacher. Paolo was __________. (obedient, forgetful, honest) 5. Agatha always comes to school early. She arranges the books in the bookshelf and cleans the blackboard. Agatha is ___________. (industrious, respectful, obedient) Lesson 23 Day 3: Fluency/Writing/Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldSkill Lesson: Words, Phrases and Sentences with Ddigraph ee as in sheep Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Refer your pupils to L23D3-Worksheet_, LM page_LM Activity 244. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotSkill Lesson: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5\" (Note: Place three toy monkeys, each one bigger than the other, Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold in a bag. Let the class describe the monkeys and compare them according to size.) Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5\" Ask: What do you know about monkeys? How are they Formatted: Font: Italic characterized in most stories that you read? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Italic Say: I will read to you a short story about monkeys. Listen well. Formatted: Font: Bold Three clever cats lived in a house. The white cat was big. The black cat is bigger than Formatted: Font: Bold the white cat. The striped cat was the biggest of the three. One day they baked a cake for dinner. “I will eat all the cake”, said the white cat in a loud voice. “I will eat it alone”, said the black cat in a louder voice. “I will eat it all by myself” said the striped cat in the loudest voice. A clever monkey lived in a tree nearby. He was more more clever than the cats. In fact, he was the most clever monkey in the world. He heard what the cats said and came into their

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEhouse. The cats were busy fighting among themselves. They did not see the monkey. The monkeyate up the whole cake. At last they stopped fighting. “Where’s the cake?” they said. “It ran away because you Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold made too much noise,” said the monkey. Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering 2. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" Using the charts below lead the class in t them answering the following questions. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5\" FormattedAsk: What are the adjectives used to compare the three cats?Three cats White cat Black cat Striped cat Their voiceWhat adjective is used to compare the monkey and the cats? What adjective is used to comparethe monkey with all monkeys in the world?Monkey Monkey and the cats Monkey and all the Formatted Table monkeys in the world Formatted TablePOSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVEAfter the children gave give their answers, write on the orange box POSITIVE, on the green box Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\"COMPARATIVE and on the red box SUPERLATIVE . Then, ask the children what were addedto form the comparative and superlative forms and , how many were being compared.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESay: Comparing with using adjectives has three degrees. They These are the positive, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", First line: 0.19\"comparative, and superlative degrees. We use adjectives in the positive degree if we aredescribing only one thing or person. We say Ann is tall. We use adjectives in the comparative Formatted: Font: Italicdegree if we are describing two objects or persons. We say The monkey was more clever than the Formatted: Font: Italiccats. We say Sam is taller than Ann. We use adjectives in the superlative degree if we aredescribing three or more things and person. We say In fact, he was the most clever monkey in the Formatted: Font: Boldworld. Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: BoldFor comparative degree of adjective, we add er at the end of some adjectives. We can also addmore before some adjectives. In sentences using this degree of comparison, we use the word Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Boldthan. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering For superlative degree of adjective, we add est at the end of some adjectives. We can also add Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering most before some adjectives. In sentences using this degree of comparison, we use the word of all.Tom is the tallest among them.3. Guided Practice Group students into fours and let them think of adjectives and its degrees of comparison. After the given time, group presentation follows. Any group who has the same adjective with other group should cross it out. The group with the most remaining list, wins.POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE Challenge them to write at least 2 or 3 sentences using the comparative and superlative form of Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering each adjective. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering3. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Rewrite each sentence using either the comparative or superlative form of the adjective on your Formatted: No bullets or numbering notebook. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Refer your pupils to L23D3-Worksheet_, LM page _. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"4. Independent Practice Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Refer your pupils to LM Activity 247. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + 4. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" A. Group students into four and let them think of adjectives and its degrees of comparison as many Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold as they can. After the given time, group presentation follows. Any group who has the same Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering adjective with other group should cross it out. The group with the most remaining list, wins. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\"POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" Formatted Table

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE B. Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" Challenge them to write atleast 2 or 3 sentences using the comparative and superlative form of each Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" adjective. Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\" Lesson 23 Day 4: Fluency/Writing/Complex Sentences Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\"Skill Lesson: digraph ee as in sheep Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldRefer your pupils to L23D4-Worksheet_, LM page_ Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.19\"Skill Lesson: Complex Sentences Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not1. Presentation/Introduction Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Read the story “A Day at the Park” to students Bold Say: Today, I am going to read to you a short story. Listen well because I will ask a few questions Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not about it. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font A Day at the Park color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold I went to the park. I went on Saturday. I went with my friends. My friends are Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Marie, Connie, and Roy. We rode our bikes. I rode my new bike. Roy brought his Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" basketball. We played basketball. We played for two hours. We wereIt was hot. We were thirsty. Connie and Roy’s mom brought us lemonade and sandwiches. We ate Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" them for lunch. We had a lot of fun. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Ask: What can you say about the story? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt How did it sound? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" What did you notice about it? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Explain to the students that, many times, weak stories are full of very short, choppy sentences. One way writers can make these stories stronger is to learn how to combine short sentences into longer Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold sentences. Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Font: Italic Let us compare some group of words from the story. I went to the park. It is Saturday

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEI went to the park because it is Saturday.We combined the two simple sentences. Now, we have I went to the park as the independent Formatted: Font: Boldclause. It expresses a complete thought. Because it is Saturday is a dependent clause. It does notexpress complete thought. The marker because suggest that because it is Saturday is a dependent Formatted: Font: Boldclause. Formatted: Font: BoldTo combine the two simple sentences we used the marker because. Formatted: Font: BoldSay: A clause can be dependent because of the presence of a: Formatted: Font: Italic• Marker Word (Before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: Not at 0.5\" wherever, whether, while, even though, even if) Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Italic• Conjunction (And, or, nor, but, yet) Formatted: Font: BoldLet us have the next group of words. Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: BoldWe played basketball. We played for two hours. It is hot. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", First line: 0.38\"The new sentence is: We played basketball for two hours even if it’s hot. Formatted: Font: ItalicHow did we do it? We combined the three sentences. Now, we have an independent clause “We Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"played basketball for two hours” and dependent clause “even if it’s hot”. The marker “even if” Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"tell us that even if it’s hot is a dependent clause. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.38\", Bulleted +Let us have the next independent and dependent clauses. Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.99\" + Indent at: 1.24\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Connie and Roy’s mom brought us lemonade and sandwiches. We ate them for lunch. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.25\"Ask the children to combine sentences below using the chart provided .• The butterfly shouted. He saw the caterpillar crawling up the garden wall.• The caterpillar did not listen to the butterfly’s cry. He knew he can be a butterfly one day.• The caterpillar is wiser than the butterfly. He knew they are the same.First Sentence Use because or when Second SentenceEx. The butterfly shouted When He saw the caterpillar crawling up the garden wall

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEThe new sentence is: Connie and Roy’s mom brought us lemonade that we ate for lunch. Formatted: Font: ItalicHow did we do it? What words were omitted? What word did we use to combine the two Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", First line: 0.38\"sentences? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"Ask: How many sentences were combined? What combine the sentences together? Did the sentences sound better than when they are apart? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.38\"Explain to the children that when we combine independent and dependent clauses together we form a Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" complex sentence.) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"Say: When we combine independent and dependent clauses together we form a complex sentence. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"3. Guided Practice Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldIn small groups, have the class combine the set of dependent and independent clauses below. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"Dependent Clause Independent Clause New Sentences Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldBecause Roy brought his We played,After riding our bikes, We played volleyball.Although it is raining, It is fun to be with friends in the park.Before dinner time, I should be home to meet my cousins who come from the province. students revise the story by combining independent and dependent clauses into complex sentences.4. Independent PracticeHave students find complex sentences in the books they are reading. Have them copy them on intheir notebook. Have them separate the two clauses in each sentence.bookmarks.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 23 Day 5: Fluency/Writing/Main Idea Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotSkill Lesson: digraph ee as in sheep BoldRefer your pupils to L23D5-Worksheet_, LM page_ Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: AutoSkill Lesson: Main Idea Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Ask: What comes to mind when you see the object below? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: ItalicWhat is inside the envelope? When do you write a letter? Do you write a letters too?? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Italic2. Modeling/Teaching heading Formatted: Font: Italic Say: a A letter has 5 parts: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldSample letter heading Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"February 19, 2014 (heading) greeting Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldMs. Ana Lou N. Caspi Formatted: Font: ItalicAmiable Ma’am Ana, (greeting) Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Bold

GRADE 3 ENGLISH body TEACHER’S GUIDEIt’s hard to have true friends whom we could completely count on but I was lucky enough to findyou. I lately realized how special friends are until I was cared and saved by an angel liked you. Iwill keep you safe with me forever.Always take care and may God will always bless you! closingYour Friend, (closing) signature body Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, BoldRennie Enriquez (signature) Formatted: Centered Formatted: Font: BoldLead the class to recite the poem below. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" The HEADING has the date The heading has the date Hi, ho the letter parts The HEADING has the date. The GREETING says Dear Friend, The greeting says Dear Friend, Hi, ho the letter parts The greeting says Dear Friend., The BODY is the message The body is the message Hi, ho the letter parts The body is the message. The CLOSING says Sincerely, The closing says Sincerely, Hi, ho the letter parts The closing says Sincerely., The SIGNATURE is my name The signature is my name Hi, ho the letter parts The signature is my name.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE3. Guided Practice Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 li, Tab stops: Not at 2.88\" Prepare a simple letter of invitation. Cut them out by parts. Then, have the class rearrange it to Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold come up with the complete letter. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Label the parts of the letter. Formatted: Font: Times New RomanRefer your pupils to L23D5-Worksheet_, LM page_.4. Independent Practice Formatted: Font: Not Bold Refer your pupils to LM Activity 248 and 249. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldWrite a thank you letter to a friend. Formatted: Font: Not BoldRefer your pupils to L23D5-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Unit 3: Week 6 (Lesson 24)L 24 Formatted: Width: 11\", Height: 8.5\"Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Literature: Overview/ Two Friends, One World Makes inferences and draw Use personal pronouns Express feelings, opinions SUMMATIVE Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" Objectives conclusions based on texts (person) through logs TEST Formatted: Font: Bold • Get the general (pictures, title and content Formatted: No bullets or numbering sense of the story words) Read and write words, Read and write words, phrases and short sentences phrases and short sentences Formatted: Font: Not Italic with ea diagraphs with ea diagraphsea diagraphsMaterials Copy of the story Two Word strips treasure box with sentence Sample journal entry Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\", No bullets or numbering Friends, One World • strips • Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\", No bullets or numbering • Manila paper with Manila paper Pictures incomplete sentences Learner’s Materials Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\", No bullets or numbering • Activity 252 Learner’s Materials Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\", No bullets or numbering • Venn Diagram • Activity 253-254 • • Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\", No bullets or numbering Pictures Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.02\" Learner’s Materials • Activities 250-251Procedures Pre-Reading Introduction/ Presentation Introduction/ Presentation Presentation/ Introduction Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering (5 min) (10 min) (10 min) (10 min) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering • Pupils guess Group-matching Picture-words (person/s) Show picture-situations and pictures provided for. will be posted within the let students express what walls in the room. While they feel about it. • Group the class and Provided the pupils with walking around, students e.g How do you feel if u met let them discuss their incomplete sentences,

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEinferences about the students have to infer or infer who is doing the new friends from otherpicture. draw conclusions by finding action in the picture and provinces? it with other group. write down the nouns they e.g. encounter.Reading If the grasshopper isn’t Formatted: No Spacing(10 min) color green_________ Formatted: No bullets or numbering• Teacher reads The first group to find their (20 min) (10 min) Formatted: No Spacing, No bullets or numberingaloud the story “Two group match wins the game.Friends, One World” • Discuss personal Show a sample journal(Francisca’s Story) w/ Modeling/Teaching: pronouns and provide entry to the class and let acorrect intonation. examples of sentences on volunteer read it. Ask WH- how to use these pronouns questions about the journal(Please refer back to past to replace nouns. entry.lessons on delivering readaloud stories.) (20 min) Discuss how to give (20 min) inferences. See TG Let students guess differentPost Reading facial expressions. Instruct(15 min) them to log down their feelings.• Let the pupils answer Guided Practice questions to allow (10 min) Let the students log down complete grasp of the their feelings and opinions story Guided Activity and let them talk it with their group.(20 min) (10 min) Students will pick sentence strips in the treasure box. Prompt:Group Work Let the pupils give1. Act out the event in the inferences orally based from From a sentence strip, e.g You saw a beggar in the simples stories. market. What should you

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE story which shows Using Venn Diagram, “Herbert is good in playing do? empathy compare Francisca and chess.”2. Draw simple scene Antonio by: what they both Independent Practice which shows empathy have and can do-what they Let the student rewrite the (10 min)3. Sentence Completion don’t have and can’t do. sentence using the Let the pupils write a appropriate pronoun like journal entry. a) If I have a friend who Individual work “He is good in playing Prompt: have no baon I chess.” The best thing you did to will______ Let us twist the story. your friend. After all of them had write b) If I have a classmate Situation: several sentences, let them who was bullied I talk with their group and will______ discuss about the pronouns they used. Francisca was the blind. How does it feel to be like Francisca and you as Antonio? Independent Practice (10 min) Provide different pictures with nouns to the pupils. Let students choose several

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Independent Practice pictures they want. Let them Formatted: Normal write about the picture using Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" (10 min) pronoun. Formatted: Centered Asking Inferential Formatted: Section start: Continuous, Width: 11\", Height: Questions from 2 or 3 8.5\" sentences story. They will compose questions about the picture.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 24 Day 1: Literature: Two Friends, One World Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldPre-Reading Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold1. Pre-Reading Activity Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"1. Vocabulary Development Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Ask the class to mention the body parts, then, ask them to connect some body parts with the wordsthat are connected to them. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"Pictures Related Words Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"1. eyes feel Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"2. ears smell Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"3. nose sound Formatted: Font color: Auto4. tongue taste Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"5. skin see Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Ask the class, to pick word strips. Talk over with their seatmates and decide if their word matches Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" or describes about the picture. If they match the word right, they geot a prize. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", Hanging: 0.13\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Let the students guess the picture: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", Hanging: 0.13\", No bullets For the illlustrator or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", Hanging: 0.13\" 1.two friends(boy and girl) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" 1.asilently feeling the presence of the grasshopper in a grass, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" 1.b together holding a tree, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 1.c happily wandering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Font color: Auto 2.mother and a boy: Formatted: Font color: Auto 3.2.a In a market, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 2.b in a park Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Group the class into four and let them pick any of these picture. Let them discuss within their group what is happening in the picture. Orally by group, let them discuss it in class their inferences about their picture.(make it sure that words wanted to be elicited should be represented with right and clear representation of the picture, if hard to- use arrows or gestures ) For the illustrator: Illustrate the following: rosal bush Girl and boy breathing - breathe dried grass grasshopper in a red stripe I complained- show situation(A boy complaining that he can’t find his lunch box during snack time) grasshopper hide

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE golden-yellow- sun Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"2. Motivation Question Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Who is your best friend? What are the things you do together? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Tab stops:1. Motive Question Not at 0.2\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" What do you think do the characters in our story love doing together? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldDuring Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Note: Before and while reading, lead the class in making inferences. inferring the whereabouts of Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + the story Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66\" + Indent at: 0.91\" Teacher reads aloud the story “Two Friends, One World” (Francisca’s Story) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Tab stops: 0.49\", Left + Not at 2.17\" Two Friends, One World Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Francisca’s Story Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" by Ramon C. Sunico and Joanne de leon Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt I have a friend who lives in another world. His name is Antonio. The world he lives in Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\" is full of sounds and smells and tastes and feeling. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt My world is also full of sounds and smells and tastes and feeling, but sometimes, I am Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.13\", First line: 0\" too busy seeing to notice these other things. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Every Saturday afternoon, as the sun is about to go down, his mama brings him to the park where I am already waiting. I can see him from far away because, Papa says, I Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt have such big eyes. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt I run to him and take his hand and his Mama lets us walk around. Antonio teaches me to be quiet- so quiet I can hear the wind talk to the leaves, so quiet I can feel the air turn Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt cooler as the sun leaves the sky. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Antonio cannot see. He cannot see but he can smell the white flowers of the rosal bush growing beside the broken wall of an old church behind the park –before I can even come close enough to see the church. He knows when papa has brought mangoes for us to eat, even when these are still in the basket. One day, he showed me my first grasshopper. I was trying to tell him what a mountain looked like when he said suddenly, “Shh Francisca, listen! There is something moving in the grass.”

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE “Where, where? I can’t see anything!” I complained. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\" “Ay naku. Francisca, quiet or you’ll scare it away. Look with your ears first and then Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt with your eyes. Try to listen to yourself breathe and all the other sounds will follow.” Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.13\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt And sure enough, I heard something small moving the dried grass aside. I followed the sound, first with my ears and then with my eyes. Slowly, very slowly. And when I Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt could only hear Antonio and me breathing, I saw the grasshopper-all green and pointed, with red stripe down its back. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\" And I thanked Antonio for showing me how to find the place where the grasshoppers Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt hide. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.13\", First line: 0\" And he smiled the same smile he smiles after tasting a cool, ripe mango. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt One day, I will tell him that, maybe, we do not live in two worlds. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman After all, we meet every Saturday afternoon. What I can see, he can hear or taste or Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\" smell or touch. What he cannot see, I can bring to him with words. Formatted: No Spacing One day, we will meet one Saturday afternoon and I will tell him that, maybe there is only one world. But it is so big and beautiful and there are so many things going on Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not inside it, that it takes two friends to enjoy it’s sweetness like a great, cool, sweet, Bold smooth, golden-yellow mango. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\"(see next page for the copy of the story below) Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.63\", Bulleted + Level: 2 + Aligned at: 0.75\" + Indent at: 1\"Refer the pupils to L24D1-Worksheet 1, LM page 2-3 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.63\" Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.63\", Bulleted + Level: 2 +Post Reading Aligned at: 0.75\" + Indent at: 1\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Bulleted + Level: 1 + Discussion Questions Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Ask: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.25\" 1.• Who is the “I” in the story? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Bulleted + Level: 1 + 2.• Who is her friend? Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.25\" • 3. 3.How did Francisca describe the place Antonio lives in ? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Bulleted + Level: 1 + • 4. How will you describe Antonio? Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" • 5. Where do they go every Saturday afternoon? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25\", No bullets or numbering • 6.How will you describe Francisca, the main character in the story? • 7. If you were Francisca, how are you going to treat Antonio? 3.• 8.What did Antonio show Francisca? 4.• 6. What did Francisca learn from Antonio? 5.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Engagement/Enrichment Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Group Work Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 1. Role playAct out the event in the story which shows of understanding of other’s feeling. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold 2. Draw a simple scene which shows understanding of other’s feeling. Formatted: Tab stops: 0.38\", Left 3. Sentence Completion (Complete the sentences by writing what you feel in each situations; Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Hanging: 0.25\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75\", No bullets or numbering a. a. If my classmate lost his money I will________________________________. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75\", Hanging: 0.13\" b. If my classmate was bullied I will___________________________________. c) If I have a friend who have no baon I will_____ Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not d) If I have a classmate who was bullied I will______ Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldPresentation of outputs Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Lesson 24 Day 2 Formatted: Left Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldSkill Lesson: Making inferences and drawing conclusions based on texts (pictures, title and content words) Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Group-matching Aligned at: 0.75\" + Indent at: 1\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Provide the students with incomplete statements sentences, Students have to infer or draw Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", First line: 0.38\" conclusions. by finding it with other group. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0.13\" e.g. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Complete the following statements by putting the missing words. Choose your answer from the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numberingwords in the box. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering Leah’s Birthday Formatted: No bullets or numbering Leah's mother puts icing on ices the_________---- . She puts eight _________------- on the cake. Formatted: No bullets or numberingAfter she sets the cake on the________ -----, everyone sings to Leah. The lit candles make herface_________ ----. Leah blows out the candles and____________ ------. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.2\" table candles smiles glow cake Formatted: Font color: Auto1. Candles Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" smiles glow Cake table Formatted: Font color: AutoLeah's mother ices puts icing on the cake. She puts eight candles on the cake. After she sets thecake on the table, everyone sings to Leah. The lit candles make her face glow. Leah blows out thecandles and smiles. When is Leah's birthday?

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEa. Tomorrow Formatted ...b. Today Formatted ...c. Next week Formatted ...d. Yesterday Formatted ... Formatted ... If the grasshopper isn’t color green_________ Formatted ... The first group to find their group match wins the game. Formatted ...2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted ... Formatted ...Say: Why do you think today/yesterday/or tomorrow etc. was her birthday? Formatted ...What made you say that today is Leah’s birthday? Can we cite the evidences found in the story? Formatted ... Formatted ...Was it easy to infer? Teaching Chart: Inferences Formatted ...What questions do usually comes up in our mind? Formatted ...What do we need to think first when we are inferring? : the act or process of reaching a Formatted ...Discuss what inference is. See teaching chart. Formatted ... conclusion about something from the Formatted ... given information Formatted ... Formatted ... : a conclusion or opinion that is formed Formatted ... based from the given information Formatted ... Inferences Formatted ... Formatted ...3. Guided Practice Formatted ... Formatted ...Read each passage below. Let the pupils give their inferences orally. Formatted ...Say: where do you think the passage is happening ? Formatted ... Formatted ...1. All felt wonderful to be outside. Swimming suits and trunks were saleable in the market. It’s the Formatted ... Formatted time to play outdoor games toin _______________. Formatted ... Formatted ...1. (a. summer b. rainfall) Formatted ... Formatted ...2. Mr. Sun reaches out his hand. Everyone is on their way to work. It is ________________. Formatted ... Formatted ...(a. morning b. night) Formatted ... Formatted ...3. I am so hungry! It’s almost half of the day of school. I will be good to _______________. Formatted ... Formatted ...(a. play around b. eat something) Formatted ... Formatted ...4. All the items to buy are everywhere. Mom put everything in the cart everything we need for the Formatted ...whole week. I kept the cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier. They are in a__________.( a. ( b. grocery store)Let’s play volleyball along the beach.a. Summerb. RainfallThe sun shines brightly.What time is it?

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEa. Morning Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"b. Night Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: No Spacing, Left, Indent: Left: 0.38\", TabI’m hungry! stops: Not at 0.2\"What will I do? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"a. Play aroundb. Eat something Formatted: List Paragraph, Tab stops: Not at 0.2\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Using Venn Diagram, compare Francisca and Antonio by what they both have and can do-what they don’t have and can’t do. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Refer the pupils to L24D2-Worksheet , LM page Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Individual work Aligned at: 0.75\" + Indent at: 1\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Let usmake a twist in the story. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Situation: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold What if Francisca was the blind. How does it feel to be like Francisca and you as Antonio, what will you do? Write your answer. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Refer the pupils to LM Activity 250 for the next set of activity. Bold Refer the pupils to L24D2-Worksheet , LM page Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold4. Independent Practice Refer the pupils to LM Activity 251.24D2-Worksheet , LM page Group Work 1. Asking Inferential Questions from 2 or 3-sentence story. They will compose questions about the picture. Raymond woke up early. He took a bath and ate his breakfast. He took his bag and he was ready to go. Individual Work 1. Asking Inferential Questions from 2 or 3 sentence-story. They will compose questions about the picture. Different color of balloons are scattered around. Kids were playing here and there. A clown is entertaining the crowd. Lesson 24 Day 3

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESkill Lesson: Words, Phrases and Sentences with ea digraphDigraph Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font Refer your pupils to LM Activity 252.24D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font color: AutoSkill Lesson: Using Personal Pronouns (person) Formatted: Font color: Auto1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font Use the story of Francisca and Antonio as springboard for this lesson. color: Auto 1. Antonio goes to the park every afternoon. He plays with Francisca. Formatted: Font color: Auto 2. Francisca plays with Antonio. She likes to talk to him. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Font color: Auto 3. 3. The grasshopper is on the grass. It hops around, Formatted: Font color: Auto2. Teaching/Modeling Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" From our sentences; Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold 1. Who goes to the park every afternoon? Underline it._____________ 1.. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not 2. Who plays with FranciscaFrancisca? Encircle it. Bold 3. What word was used to replace the name Antonio in this sentence? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold 2.4. Who plays with Antonio? – Underline it. 5. Who likes to talk to him? – Encircle it. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not 6. What word was used to replace the name Francisca in this sentence? Bold 3.7. What is in the grass? Underline it. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, No 8. Who What hops around? Encircle it. underline 9. What word was used to replace the name grasshopper in this sentence? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Read the words that you underlined. Bold Read the words that you encircled. What do we call them? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + He, She and It are called pronouns. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5\" + Indent at: 0.75\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.38\" + Indent at: 0.63\" Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.38\" + Indent at: 0.63\" Teaching Chart: Personal Pronoun Formatted ...Personal Pronouns are used to replace the name of a noun. Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.63\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEExamples:_______________________________________________________________________Alex plays a lot. He plays a lotThe word he is a personal pronoun. He is for a boy.Ana plays a lot. She plays a lot.The word she is a personal pronoun. She is for a girl.This dog plays a lot. It plays a lot.The word it is a personal pronoun. “It” is used to replace a thing or an animal.The boys play a lot. They play a lot.The word they is a personal pronoun. “They” is used to replace the name of more thanone animal or thing.The boys and I play a lot. We play a lot.The word we is a personal pronoun. We is used to replace name of more than oneperson.3. Guided Practice Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Students will pick sentence strips in the treasure box. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Sample sentences: Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Jenny is beautiful. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Raymond reads books everyday. Jenny and Raymond play together. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" The cat runs fast. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not From a sentence strip, e.g “Herbert is good in playing chess,” let a pair of the sstudents rewrite the Bold sentence using appropriate pronoun like “He is good in playing chess.” Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Space After: After all of them had written several sentences, let them talk with their group and discuss about the 0 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + pronouns they used. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent4. Independent Practice at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Space After: 0 pt

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEProvide different pictures with nouns to the pupils. Let the students choose several pictures they Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"want. Let them write something in their notebook about the picture using pronouns in theirnotebook. Lesson 24 Day 4 Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotSkill Lesson: Poems with ea digraph BoldRefer your pupils to LM Activity 253.24D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, FontSkill Lesson: Expresses Expressing feelings and , opinions through logs color: Auto1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Font color: Auto Show pictures or -situations and let students express what they feel about it. e.g How do you feel if you met new friends from other provinces? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font2. Modeling/Teaching color: Auto Ask a volunteer to read a journal entry of Francisca. Formatted: Font color: Auto Note: This should be written on a manila paper or on the board. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold December 5, 2013 Dear friend, Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold I’m so happy today. I went to the park earlier with Antonio, my best friend. I saw a grasshopper earlier. It was my first time to see this kind of insect when Antonio told me about it. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Now I know what a grasshopper looks like. I thank Antonio for showing me how to find the place Bold where the grasshoppers hide. I hope to see Antonio again next week. Your friend, Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Francisca Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEAsk: Who wrote the letter? Describe how the writer feels when she wrote the letter? Why is she Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"happy?Say: Do you also write a journal? Journal writing is one way of sharing how you feel. You can alsowrite your opinions about something. Writing your feeling or sharing your opinion is a good way ofexpressing yourself.3. Engagement Activity Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Let students guess different facial expressions. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + 1. Have one volunteer student, pin an emotion card on his back and let him turn to show the word Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" on his classmates many times as needed . Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 2. Let the class show the facial expression and the volunteer will identify what expression was it was. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 3. If it is a first time activity, give the volunteer a clue by asking his classmates “Who has a clue Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not for Bert?” And his classmates will say “I feel that way when I_____” Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Was it easy to infer feelings and emotions? Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" What were the things you did to easily infer? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Can you log them down? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not4. Guided Practice Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Space After: Let the students log down their feelings and opinions and let them talk about it with their group 0 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + mates. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Note: Provide manila paper to the pupils to let them write their output. Prompt: You saw a beggar in the market. What should you do? How do you feel?5. Independent PracticeRefer the pupils to L24D4-Worksheet , LM pageLet the pupils write a journal entry.Prompt:

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEThe best thing you did to your friend. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Refer the class to LM Activity 254.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDELesson Parts Unit 3: Week 7 (Lesson 25)L 24 Overview/ Objectives Unit 3: Week 6 (Lesson 24) Materials L 25 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Literature: “Mateo’s Favorite Clothes” Determine whether Determine whether Use pPersonal Use personal Formatted: Font: Bold a story is realistic or a a story is realistic or fantasy Pronouns pronouns (Gender • Admire the main fantasy (characters and (characters and setting) and Person) pronouns Personal Formatted: Font color: Auto character for making the setting) • • right decision for the • • Read and write • Pronouns (Gender and Formatted: Font: Bold needybeing generous words, phrases and • Read and write Person) Read and write sentences with ei and ie words, phrases and • Formatted: No bullets or numbering • L25 D1 Worksheet 1 words, phrases and diagraphei and ie diagraph sentences with ei and ie LM page __ sentences with ei and ie diagraphei and ie diagraph • Read and write wordFso, rmatted: Font color: Auto • diagraph • • L25 D4 Worksheet phrases and sentences wFiothrmatted: Font color: Auto 1A & B LM page ___ Illustrations of ei and ie diagraphPWR Formatted: Font color: Auto Mateo, Mateo’s mother and Sentence strips His clothes • Formatted: Font color: Auto • Strips of realistic Teacher Chart • Formatted: Font color: Auto Copy of the story “Super RR” for listening and fantasy descriptions Learner’s Materials Formatted: No bullets or numbering activity Activity 258 • • Formatted: No Spacing, Left, No bullets or numbering Learner’s Materials Activities 255-256A Realistic and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.31\", No bullets or numbering • Fantasy Graphic organizer Learner’s Materials Formatted: No bullets or numbering Activities 256B-257 Formatted: No bullets or numbering •Procedures Pre-Reading Introduction/ Presentation: Guided Practice: Presentation/ Introduction • Review on Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Present key words Show pictures of the Allow pupils to post • Review on Ppersonal pronouns by Formatted: No bullets or numbering through context clues. characters and setting of the describing strips to on a pronouns and personal allowing pupils to read sFioxrmatted: No bullets or numbering story read to recall some fantasy and realistic pronouns through sentence sentence strips events. organizer. strips with personal • pronouns. Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEReading Allow pupils to • • Allow pupils toFormatted: No bullets or numbering• Read aloud the listen to the story “Superstory RR”. • Let pupils do work in groups: Formatted: No bullets or numbering • ‘Relay Game’ onPost Reading • Show Real and identifying realistic and Modeling/ Teaching a. Journal writing• Let pupils answer Fantasy Chart and ask fantasy characters and • Reiterate howthe discussion questions pupils to write the settings. personal pronouns –I, he, b. Interpretative Formatted: No bullets or numbering characters and setting of the she, it, we, they- are used stories. through discussion. reading Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.31\" • Allow pupils to c. Letter of invitatFioonrmatted: No bullets or numbering work in pairs in filling withusing the appropriate Formatted: No bullets or numbering personal pronouns in LM. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25\" PWR Formatted: No bullets or numbering Modeling/Teaching: Allow pupils to • Use the Real and Formatted: No bullets or numberingread and check their Fantasy Chart to discuss the Formatted: No bullets or numberingguesses written on the lesson.board about what Mateo PWR Let pupils write Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\"would do with his favourite PWR sentences using personal Formatted: No bullets or numberingclothes. pronouns (SG).• • Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering• Allow pupils to • Have pupils presentpresent their work to class their work to groups. Guided Practicece: • PWR


GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Unit III Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldLesson 25 Day 1 Literature: “Mateo’s Favorite Clothes” Formatted: Width: 8.5\", Height: 11\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra BoldPre-Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold1. Unlocking Vocabulary and Concept Development Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold (favorite, fitting, evacuation center) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Show the words on the flashcards. Model reading each word. Then ask the pupils to read the words on the flashcard in unison. Tell them that they will find out the meaning of the words Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not they read. Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Line spacing:favorite fitting evacuation center Multiple 1.15 li Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.13\"a. favorite Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Marlon has red, blue, green and black toy cars. Every morning he looks at his toy cars in the Bold cabinet. He likes them all but the red one is his favorite. The red toy car is the one he likes most. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Line spacing: What does favorite mean? Multiple 1.15 li Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"b. evacuation center Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Look at the picture. What do you see? Can you describe the weather? Where do people go to keep Bold Formatted: Underline themselves safe when there is a typhoon? Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0.5\"c. fitting Ask a child to come up front. Tell him to fit each shirt on the table. As he is trying to wear each shirt, ask the pupils of what is he doing. Guide the pupils to say that the child is fitting each shirt. Show the words on the flashcards. Model reading each word. Then ask the pupils to read the words on the flashcard in unison. Tell them that they will find out the meaning of the words they read.2. Motivation Ask: Do you have favorite clothes? What do you do with them?3. Motive Question Ask: What do you think would Mateo do with his favorite clothes? Write the guesses of the pupils on the board.During Reading: Say: I will read a story. In the end, think for a moment and be ready to answer the questions thatI will ask. Refer to L25D1 Worksheet 1 LM page ___ for the selection- Mateo’s Favorite Clothes. to be transferred to TGRead the story.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Mateo’s Favorite Clothes Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt One Saturday afternoon, Mateo found his Mother getting old clothes from his cabinet. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt “What are you doing, Mama?” Mateo asked. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt “I’m taking your old clothes to the evacuation center. Many children lost their clothes because ofthe typhoon,“ Mother explained to him. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not “But wait, Mom! They still fit me. Look,” Mateo said after fitting on his old red shirt. “Grandma Boldgave this to me. It’s my favorite,” Mateo added. Mateo tried putting on his old jacket, pairs of pants and slippers. They are still fit meokay. Mateo Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Notremembered who gave them and when he received those items. Bold “Oh why did I grow so much? I love these clothes. “Mateo told his mother. Formatted: No bullets or numbering “Ok, you can take them back,” Mother told Mateo. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not So Mateo got the box with his old shirt, jacket, pants and slippers in it. Bold The next day Mother asked Mateo where the box was. She hoped that Mateo would change his Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5\", No bullets ormind. numbering “Mama, the box was gone. I wasn’t able to take it to the evacuation center,” Mateo said. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering “Oh, what happened?” Mother asked. “On my way to the evacuation center, I found a child who Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Notreally needed some new clothes. I gave the box to him,” Mateo said. Bold Formatted: CenteredPost Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Discussion Questions: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold 1. Who are the characters in the story? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold 2. Where did the story happen? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not 3. When did it happen? Bold 4. Why did Mateo’s mother get his old clothes from the cabinet? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + 5. Did Mateo give his old clothes at once? Why? Why not Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + 6. If you were Mateo, would you also keep your favorite clothes? Why? Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" 7. Did Mateo change his mind? 8. What did he do with his old clothes? 9. Did Mateo make a quick and right decision about his favorite clothes? 10. Do you have any experience similar to Mateo’s? Share it with your classmates. Engagement/Enrichment• Go back with to the pupils’ guesses on the tag boards. Ask them to check theirresponses. o Lesson 25 Day 2:Reading Comprehension: Determine whether a story is realistic or a fantasy (characters Characters and settingSetting)1. Presentation/ Introduction

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESay: Remember the story we had yesterday? I’ll show you the pictures of the characters and the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"setting of the story. Tell something about each one. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Make illustration Make illustration Make illustration Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" of Mateo of Mateo’s mother of Mateo’s mother Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" getting his old Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" clothes from the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" cabinet.Say: after After you have said something about the characters and setting of the story we hadyesterday, I would like you to listen to this story. As you listen, please find out the differencebetween the characters and setting of Mateo’s Favorites Clothes and the story of Super RR. SUPER RR By: Jelly Sore That Sunday night, Mateo had a dream. He dreamed about Rocky, the boy to whom he gavea box of clothes. When Rocky wore Mateo’s old red shirt, Rocky transformed into a superhero.Super RR, short for Super Red Rocky was on his shirt. He had a pair of red pants, a golden cap anda golden cape. He flew a on top of a golden mountain and looked at the village with his pair of redeyeglass. There was a flood. He saw people on top of their houses. They were asking for help.Super RR took off his pair of golden shoes and changed them to in to two shiny red boats. In a fewminutes, he reached the village and saved hundreds of people. Mateo was one of them. Just then,Mateo’s clock rang. Mateo opened his eyes. It was already a bright Monday morning.Have the class aAnswer these questions:1.Who is Super RR?2.Describe him.3.Where did Super RR go?4.What did he see?5.How did he help the people?• Show the realistic Realistic –and- Fantasy Chart Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering Realistic –and- Fantasy Chart Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted Table REALISTIC FANTASYCharacters: Characters:Setting: Setting:

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