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Home Explore English Grade 3

English Grade 3

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-12-07 22:44:59

Description: English Grade 3


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GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE • Lead the Ask the pupils to write the characters and setting of Mateo’s Favorite Clothes on the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering realistic column and the characters and setting of Super RR on Fantasy Column.2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Ask: Between Mateo and Super RR, who is real? Who is just a make-believe character? What Bold did Mateo have that made you think he is real? Write your answer beside his name on the chart. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold How about Super RR? What fantastic things did he have? Write your answer on the chart. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Lead pupils’ attention on to the setting of the story? Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Ask: Where and when did the story of Mateo’s Favorite Clothes happen? Write the answer on the chart. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" How about the story of Super RR? Formatted: Font color: Auto Do you think the top of the golden mountain is real? Can we find it in a real world? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Looking at the characters and setting of Mateo’s Favorite Clothes and Super RR, which Formatted: Font color: Auto story is true or realistic? Which is just a make-believe or fantasy? Why? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Note to the teacher: Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Lead the pupils to formulate the concept that the characters and setting of a story are Bold, Font color: Auto realistic if they can be found in a real world while the characters and setting of a fantasy story Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not can be found only in a make believe world. Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Skill Lesson: ei and ie digraph Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotRefer your pupils to LM Activity 25525D2-Worksheet_, LM page_ and 256. Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotLesson 25 Day 3: fluencyFluency/writingWriting/realistic Realistic or fantasyFantasy Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotReading Comprehension: Determine whether a story is realistic or fantasy. (Characters and setting) Bold1. Engagement Activity Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE• Show the phrases on in the flashcards. Ask the pupils to decide what is described by each phrase. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numberingLead them to put their answer on in the proper box in the the proper organizer. happens in real life real world cannot really happen make-believe world Real not real strange things real things Characters and setting of a realistic story Characters and setting of a fantasy story

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEEngagement Activity Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"• Group the pupils into two groups. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numberingTell them that they will do the “Message Relay”. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Here is how to do it: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63\" + -• Each group will choose a leader and a secretary. Indent at: 0.88\" -• The leader will ask his group’s member to get fall in line. -• The secretary will stay in front to write whatever the last child on the line will tell him or Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" her. -• The teacher will ask the leader of each group to get a piece of paper with the same number. They will determine whether the characters or setting written on it is reality or fantasy. Each group leader will whisper the answer to the next pupil on the line and so on. The last child will run up front and he/she will whisper the answer to the secretary. Then, she will write it on the board. -• The child who whispers the answer to the secretary will take a seat. -• The relay will continue until all pieces of paper are drawn in the box. -• The group with the highest number of correct responses will be the winner.Use the character and setting of stories which are familiar to the pupils or the characters andsetting of stories from their previous lessons. Example: Captain Goat the monster who came to school Country Mouse in a ship named Combo Blind Antonio in Francisca’s Story in school Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE2. Independent Practice Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Read each story. Determine whether the character or setting is real or fantasy. Refer the class to LM Activity 256B. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: 0.38\", LeftSkill Lesson: ei and ie digraph Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Refer your pupils to LM Activity 25725D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Lesson 25 Day 4: fluencyFluency/writingWriting/ Use of personal pronouns (person and gender) Bold, Font color: Auto1. Presentation/ Introduction Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotShow the pictures used for the stories ‘Mateo’s Favorite Clothes’ and ‘Super RR’ to start the lesson. Bold, Font color: Autoand : Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldSay: Let us list the characters in “Mateo’s Favorite Clothes” and “Super RR” Formatted: Centered You may use a chart or the board to enumerate the characters in the story. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Name of Character Gender Pronoun Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotMateo Male BoldMother Female Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotGrandma Female BoldChildren Neuter Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered +Rocky Male Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted Table2. Modeling/ Teaching Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold For review: Use the chart used in enumerating the characters in the story and tell the pupils that they can use pronouns to replace the nouns. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Mateo is a boy. Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" He is a boy He is used because Mateo is a boy/ male. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Mother is happy.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE She is happy Formatted: Font: Italic She is used because Mother is a woman/ female Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not How about Gradma? What is the pronoun that we could use to take the place ofreplace the word Bold Grandma? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + How about for Rocky? Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" How about for the noun children? Formatted: Font: Not Bold We use the pronoun they to refer to persons or people we talk about. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" The children are noisy. Formatted: Font: Not Bold They are noisy. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Juriel, Gab and Rey are playing. Bold They are playing Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + How about when I am talking about myself? Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" When I am going to talk about myself then I should use I. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not I(the person talking) am glad to be here. Bold Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\", No bullets or How about if I am talking about thereferring to the persons or people I talk to? numbering We use you to refer to persons or people we talk to. You use you when you directly talk to person/s. Ace (directly talking to Ace) to stop dancing. You stop dancing. Janica, Kat and Marie (to the girls I am talking to), go to the town and buy a basket of bananas. You go to the town and buy a basket of bananas. How about if I am talking about a thing? We use the pronoun it to refer to a thing. The book is on the table. It is on the table. How about if I am referring to manyon things?\ We use they to refer to things. The books are on the table. They books are on the table. We use we when we refer to persons including usourselves. My friends and I are singing a song. We are singing a song.3. Guided Practice: Refer to LM Activity 258A.25D5 Worksheet __ LM page __4. Independent Practice: Refer to LM Activity 258B.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDERefer to L25D5 Worksheet __ LM page __Skill Lesson: ei and ie digraph Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotRefer your pupils to L25D4-Worksheet_, LM pageLM Activity 257_. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Lesson 25 Day 5: Use personal pronouns (person and gender) Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto1. Guided Practice: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldReview on personal pronouns by letting the pupils read the following sentence strips. Make a point Formatted: Centeredfor every strip. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Sentence/s Strip 1: My name is Dang. I live in Pangasinan. Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Sentence/s Strip 2: Cris is my brother. He is older than me. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Sentence/s Strip 3: Wing and Mong are brothers. They are playing. Sentence/s Strip 4: Gel is a girl. She is a happy girl. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Sentence/s Strip 5: My friends and I are going to market. We are going to buy eggs. Bold Sentence/s Strip 6: “Ben and Greg, stop talking. You are noisy.” Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +2. Independent Practice: Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Allow pupils to work in groups for to do the following: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Group 1: Journal WritingTell pupils that they are going write a journal and they should start with the personal pronoun I Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"with in their sentences.I learned about _______________ today.I feel happy that __________________.I want to ________________________.Group 2: Interpretative Reading:Allow pupils to practice for five minutes to read the following poem interpretativelyGroup 3: Letter of Invitation WritingTell Group three that they will write a letter to the Principal informing him/her to allow them tocollect unused books from all grade levels for the typhoon victims Yolanda.Dear _______, Our class will be conducting ______________________________________. We would liketo ______________________________________.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE You are ________________________. Truly yours, ____________

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Unit L3:2W6 eek 8 (Lesson 26)L 24 Formatted: Width: 11\", Height: 8.5\"Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Formatted Table Overview/ Objectives Literature: “A Brave Little Determining DecodingDecode/W Decode/Write • Phrases and sentencesFormatted: Font: Bold Girl” Determine whether a story riteFluency/Writing words words with digraph ai as in • Reading and writing wForirtme atted: Font: Bold, Font color: Auto Materials is realistic or fantasy with digraph ai as in pail pail words, phrases and sentenFocrems atted: No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at • Appreciate the • • • Decoding/Fluency/Writi with long /i/ sounds bravery of Trina in saving • Decode/Write words • Use pPersonal ng words with digraph ai his brothers from fire with digraph ai as in Pronounspronouns as in pail Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.02\", No bullets or numbering pailDecoding/Fluency/Writi Pictures of boy and ng words with digraph ai as Flashcards • Use personal • Formatted: No bullets or numbering girl scouts riding on a in pail • pronounsPersonal Pronouns • Formatted: Font: Bold truck, rescuers, buildings • Pictures of a dog strips Formatted: Font color: Auto that collapse, a man sitting on a sofa, dog Pictures Picture Formatted: Font color: Auto grabbing a bag reading a book, school • • • riding on a flying banana • Teacher Chart Teaching Chart leaf, school children riding Word cards Copy of the story in a tricycle going to school, Learner’s Materials • Formatted: Font color: Auto “A Brave Little Girl” a frog playing ball, a frog Activity 262 chasing an insect Teaching Chart Phrase and sentFeonrcmeatted: No bullets or numbering Learner’s Materials • L8 D3 Worksheet • Activity 259 Learner’s Materials __ LM page ___ • Bingo game card Formatted: Font color: Auto • Activity 260 • L8 D3 Worksheet Formatted: Font color: Auto • L8 D2 Worksheet __ LM page ___ Learner’s Materials Formatted: Font: Italic __ LM page ___ Activities 261, 263, 264 Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06\", No bullets or numbering • L8 D4 Worksheet Formatted: No bullets or numbering __ LM page ___ Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numberingProcedures Formatted: No bullets or numbering Pre-Reading Introduction/ Presentation: Introduction/ Presentation: Introduction/ Presentation: • Recall the story ‘FFoarmstatted: Font: Italic • Flash picture cards Forward’ by asking pupilFsotromatted: Font: Italic • Unlock key words for pupils to tell whether • Flashcard Drill on • Flashcard Drill on tell what they can recall. Formatted: No bullets or numbering through pictures, these are real or make sight words and words from sight words and words from • List phrases and Formatted: No bullets or numbering demonstration and the word tree sentence answers of pupiFlso.rmatted: No bullets or numbering word/context clues. believe. the word tree Formatted: No bullets or numbering

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Reading Formatted ... • Read aloud the ... story and stop at indicated Formatted ... points for questions to ... monitor comprehension. Formatted ... ... Post Reading Modeling/Teaching: Modeling/Teaching: Formatted ... • Let pupils answer Ask pupils whether • Read words and ... discussion questions. phrases with digraph ai as in • Discuss phrase anFodrmatted ... the vents in the story rea are pail. sentence by talking aboutFormatted ... • Let pupils make a real or fantacyfantasy. ... puppet of Trina and write • • Read and write how they differ. Formatted ... 2 sentences about Trina. • Review on events sentences with digraph ai as ... that are real and a fantasy. in pail. • Read and write Formatted ... sentences with digraph ai as ... • Present and read a Presentation/ Introduction: in pail. Formatted ... different ending of the story • Review on ... read and ask pupils to Ppersonal pronouns from Presentation/ Introduction: Formatted ... determine which of the Allow pupils to read ... flashed events are real and L7 TG • Post phrase stripsFofromr atted ... or a fantasy. sentences on about ... pPersonal pronouns from L8 pupils to combine to makFeoramatted ... • Allow pupils to D3. ... determine which of the • sentence. Formatted ... event-pictures are real and ... or a fantasy. Formatted ... • Reiterate the ... difference of what’s real and Formatted ... ... Formatted ... ... • Allow pupils to wFroirtme atted ... 1-2 sentences on the Formatted garbage problem Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted • Do activities to Formatted reiterate the value of Formatted resourcefulness.\ Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted • Allow pupils to pFloarnmatted Formatted

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE what’s fantasy. • Allow pupils to do for a project on how to Formatted: No bullets or numbering activity in L8D4 Worksheet recycle materials to show Introduction/ Presentation: ___ LM page__ (A) how resourceful they are from recyclable materialsFotormatted: List Paragraph • Review of • Post a table • Allow pupils to do find out how resourceful they Ddecoding lessons in Grade showing how correct activity in L8D4 Worksheet are. 2. personal pronouns replace ___ LM page__ (B) • Flashcard Drill on nouns in sentences. Formatted: No bullets or numbering sight words and words from the word tree. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: List Paragraph Modeling/Teaching: • Allow pupils to do Formatted: No bullets or numbering the activity on Personal Formatted: Font color: Auto • Read words and personal Pronouns pronouns Formatted: Font color: Auto phrases with digraph ai as in from L8D3 Worksheets for Formatted: Font color: Auto pail. guided and independent Formatted: No bullets or numbering practice. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Auto Read and write sentences Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" with digraph ai as in pail. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Auto


GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEGRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not UNIT III Bold Lesson 26 Day 1 –The Brave Little Girl Formatted: Width: 8.5\", Height: 11\" Formatted: CenteredPre Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold1. Unlocking Vocabulary and Concept Development Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" ( , grabbed, rescuers, brave, collapsed) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"We have some words that you need to know more to understand the story well. Let us find out the Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.25\", First line: 0.25\"following. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"a. a.grabbed – took a seized by or as if sudden motion or grasp.( demonstrate or by pictures) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Show a picture of a man who grabs a bag from a lady Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font color: AutoThe man grabbed the bag of the lady. TookWhat did the man do with the bag? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", Hanging: 0.13\", NumberedCall pupils to demonstrate the following: + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 +- grab a key Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"- grab a child by the wristAsk: What is another word for grabbed?b. rescuers – saversShow pictures of rescuersc. brave – courageous, fearless, not afraid (Show through pictures or context clues)Say: The rescuers saved the flood victims and brought them to the evacuation center. The rescuers are brave. They are not afraid of the raging waters.Ask: Which word from the sentence helps you understand the meaning of the word rescuers and brave?d.d. collapsed – fell ( through pictures and demonstration) Show picture of building that collapsed during an earthquake.Say: Look at the picture. What happened to the buildings? Fell Another word for fell is collapsed.Call 5 five pupils to pretend as to be houses and another 10 pupils to pretend as to be strongwinds. The 10 pupils will blow air as hard as they could on the houses. The houses will collapseas the strong wind blows.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE2. 2.Motivation Questions: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Have you heard about stories of people who saved lives? Who are they? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +3. Motive Questions Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" 2. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Today, we shall read a story about “A Brave Little Girl”. What do you want to know about the story? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"List at least 3 three questions that the pupils will give and let them have guesses about the Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Boldquestions. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Our Questions Our Guesses What Really HappenedDuring Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Listen as I read a the story about “ A Brave Little Girl” Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left Note to the Teacher: Read the story aloud. Questions may be asked to the pupils to enable them to predict and to interact Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left with the text. Formatted: Font: 11 pt A Brave Little Girl It was already seven o’clock in the evening. But Trina’s parents have not yet arrived home yet from work. She called her three younger brothers for dinner but still mother isn’t home until they got slept. Ask: What time of the night was it? Why did Trina call her younger brothers? After two hours, Trina woke up feeling hot.. When she opened her eyes, she saw that their house was on fire.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEAsk: What happened after two hours? What did Trina see? What do you think, will she do? She immediately got up, grabbed the youngest brother and ran out of the house. Trina suffered from majored burns but her brother wasn’t hurt. She tried to get back to the house to get her two other brothers. A neighbor saw her. He warned and held her tightly. She cried hard while calling the names of her two brothers.Ask: What did Trina do with her youngest brother? Why did Tina try to go back to their house? Was she able to get back to their house? Why? What do you think would happen next? Soon, rescuers arrived and tried to put off the fire. But after some minutes, their house collapsed. Trina’s parents arrived from work. They embraced Trina and brought her to the hospital.Ask: Why did the mayor offer help to Trina’s family? How did the mayor help Tina and her family? Because of Trina’s bravery their town mayor offered help to her family. They built their new home and gave money to support Trina and her brother’s schooling.Ask: Why did the mayor offer help to Trina’s family? How did the mayor help Trina and her family? Note: Before proceeding to the next activity, go back to the questions Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" that the pupils gave before listening to the story. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" Say: Let us go back to our chart earlier. Let us fill out the third column “What Really Happened”Post Reading Discussion Questions: 1. What is the story all about? 2. Who is the main character in the story? 3. What can you say about Trina as the oldest sister? 4. Why was Trina’s parent not around at the time when the house got burned? 5. What did Trina do when she saw that their house was on fire? 6. If you were Trina, would you do the same? Why? Why not? 7. Was Trina able to save her two brothers? Why? Why not? 7. 8. How did the mayor recognize and reward Trina’s bravery? 9. If you were the mayor would you do the same? 10. If you were Trina’s neighbor, how would you help Trina and her family?

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE 11. What character traits did Trina show in our story? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\", No bullets or numbering Let us go back to our chart earlier. Let us fill out the third column “What Really Happened” 11.Writing to Learn ActivityRefer the class to LM Activity 259. Make a stick puppet of Trina. Write a 1-2 sentence about her. My Sentence: Lesson 26 Day 2: ( 1st Half): Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Determines whether a story is realistic or fantasy Bold1. Presentation/Introduction Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Some stories are about real things. Some stories are about make believe things. Sometimes, the Bold pictures in a story can help you decide whether a story is real or make believe. I am going to share with you some pictures. Show me a “thumbs up” sign if it is realistic and Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not “stamp your right foot” once if it is a fantasy. Bold picture of a dog sitting on a picture of a dog reading a Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold sofa book Formatted: Centered Picture of a school boy School children riding in a riding in a flying banana leaf tricycle going to school Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold\ Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold A frog playing ball A frog chasing an insect Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: Say: Let us recall our story about “The Brave Little Girl” 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Is the story of “The Brave Little Girl” realistic or fantasy? Why do you say so? Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"2. Modeling/Teaching Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESay: Are the characters in our story realistic or fancifula fantasy? Why do you say so? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" I have changed the ending of our story with this paragraph. Let us read. Formatted Table Trina could not just stare at their burning house while she knewher two other brothers were there. She turned as swift as she could andlo! An aluminum basin dropped where she stood and said “Come Trina,we will help your brothers”. Trina hopped on to the basin and flew fast to their burninghouse. The people were in panic that no one ever noticed Trina and theflying basin. After a couple of minutes, Trina was back riding in theflying basin with her two brothers free from any burn. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\"Flash words with the character, setting and some events in the story.Say: I will be distributing letter cards with the “R” and “F” and we will be playing agame. Raise your “R” letter card if it is realistic and “F” letter card if it isa fantasy. Trina Talking Aluminum Basin Formatted: Font: Times New Roman In front of the burning house Formatted: Font: Times New Roman The people were in panic. Trina could not just stare at their burning house. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman The basin said “Come Trina, Formatted: Font: Times New Roman we will save your brother.” Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Trina rode on a flying basin Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Centered Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font: Times New RomanAsk: How will you know that if the characters, setting or event is realistic or a fantasy? Let the pupils understand that the characters, setting or events are realistic if they are real and can happen in real life. On the other hand, they are a fantasy if they are make-believe and only are products of one’s imagination.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDESkill Lesson: ai digraph Formatted: Font color: AutoRefer your pupils to L26D2-Worksheet_, LM LM Activity 260. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font color: AutoLesson 26 – Day 3: Personal Pronouns Formatted: Font color: AutoSkill Lesson: Personal Pronouns Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Font color: Auto1. Presentation/ Introduction: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Review on the lesson presented on Week of Quarter 3 about personal pronouns. Reiterate that the Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font lessons that will be given for this day will be practice exercises to enhance their capabilities in color: Auto appropriately using personal pronouns. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +2. Teaching/ Modeling: Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font color: AutoWhat are personal pronouns? Post the table below Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, FontName of Character Gender Pronoun color: Auto He Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered +Mateo Male She Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + She Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"Mother Female They Formatted: Font color: Auto He Formatted TableGrandma Female We Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: AutoChildren Female/ Male Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: AutoRocky Male Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: AutoMy friends and I Female/ Male Formatted: Font color: AutoRecall the sentences given. Make sentence strips of those sentences. Allow pupils to read them. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"Mateo is a boy.He is a boy Formatted: Font color: AutoMother is happy. Formatted: Font color: AutoShe is happy Formatted: Font color: AutoThe children are noisy.They are noisy.Juriel, Gab and Rey are playing.They are playing

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDE When I am going to talk about myself then I should use I. Formatted: Font color: Auto I(the person talking) am glad to be here. Formatted: Font color: Auto Ace (directly talking to Ace) stop dancing. You stop dancing. Formatted: Font color: Auto Janica, Kat and Marie (to the girls I am talking to), go to the town and buy a basket of bananas. Formatted: Font color: Auto You go to the town and buy a basket of bananas. Formatted: Font color: Auto The book is on the table. It is on the table. Formatted: Font color: Auto The books are on the table. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Font They books are on the table. color: Auto Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Space After: My friends and I are singing a song. 0 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + We are singing a song. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"3. Guided Practice: Formatted: Font color: Auto Allow pupils to do LM Activity 262.L26 D3 Worksheet ___ on Personal pronouns. Guide them and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" lead them to the correct answer. After answering, let pupils read the sentences and explain the Formatted: Font color: Auto answers. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, FontSkill Lesson: ai digraph color: AutoRefer your pupils to L26D3-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Lesson 26– Day 4: Personal Pronouns Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: CenteredSkill Lesson: ai digraph Formatted: Font color: Auto Refer your pupils to LM Activity 261 and 263. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Skill Lesson: ai digraph Formatted: Font color: Auto Refer your pupils to L26D4-Worksheet_, LM page_. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Auto Recall the lessons presented on pronouns by reading the activity-sentences in on Day 3. Let the Formatted: Font color: Auto pupils recall the different personal pronouns. Post the personal pronouns on the board when deemed Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto necessary. Formatted: Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold Let the pupils do L26 D4 Worksheet ___ A and B on LM page ___ for the Personal pronouns Formatted: Font color: Auto activity.LM Activity 264.

GRADE 3 ENGLISH TEACHER’S GUIDEGuide them on the Activity B which is on guided writing using personal pronouns. You may review onhow a paragraph is formed.

ENGLISH GRADE 3 Unit 3: WLeEeAkRN9ER(L’SeMssAoTEnRI2A7LS)L 24 L 27 Formatted: Width: 11\", Height: 8.5\" Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Formatted TableOverview/ Express feelings and Formatted: LeftObjectives Literature: UReading comprehension Use demonstrative Express feelings and opinions through journal Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" • Peñaflorida, A using se different sources pronouns opinions through journal writing s Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\"Materials of information in reading writings Formatted: Font: Bold Modern Hero • Read and write Activity 271 and 272 Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Appreciate heroism • Read and write words, phrases and • Cluster map Formatted: No bullets or numbering words, phrases and sentences with “ay” provided in the LM Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.31\", No bullets or numbering showed by the sentences with “ay” diagraphay diagraphs Formatted: Left character diagraphs Formatted: No bullets or numbering • Pictures Formatted: No bullets or numbering Pictures taken • Activity 267 and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" Copy of the story from the selection 268 Formatted: No bullets or numbering Peñaflorida, A Modern “Peñaflorida, A Modern Formatted: No Spacing, Indent: Left: -0.01\", No bullets or Hero Hero” entry Sample journal numbering • • Activity 266 • Activity 269 and 270 Formatted: No bullets or numbering Posters about a Formatted: No bullets or numbering polluted environment, placards, crayon, picture Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" of a social worker, pushcart, and coupon bond Activity 265 •Procedures Pre-Reading Introduction/ Presentation Introduction/ Presentation Presentation/ Introduction Presentation/ Introduction (10 min) (10 min) (5 min) (10 min) (5 min) • Vocabulary Post enlarged copies of Let the pupils look at • Recall the selection • Present a sample Development: social pictures taken from the pictures and read the “Peñaflorida, A jounal entry. worker, dynamic, selection “Peñaflorida, A sentences about each Modern Hero” pushcart, extraordinary, Modern Hero”. picture. through questions and scholarship, see TG. 16

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS (10 min) Reading Modeling/Teac Formatted: No Spacing (20 min) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" hing: (15 min) • Recall and discuss Formatted: No bullets or numbering Read the selection aloud the mechanics in writing a Formatted: No bullets or numbering to the pupils using the (20 min) (20 min) Introduce journal writing journal entry. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" chunking method. to the pupils. Read of words taken from • Discuss Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\" Ask prediction questions the selection. demonstrative pronouns Guide the pupils’ in Formatted: No bullets or numbering on every story stop. by giving examples and thinking of topics through Use the words in writing providing sentences. clustering. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.05\" sentences. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.05\", No bullets or numbering (15 min) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.05\" Formatted: No Spacing Post Reading Guided Practice • Allow pupils to (10 min) (10 min) make a cluster of topics for Formatted: Normal their journal entry. (15 min) • Answer WHWh- Guided Activity Group Activity (20 min) questions about the (10 min) story. Pupils use demonstrative Show a sample journal Let the pupils write a Guided practice on words pronouns by completing entry provided in the LM. sample journal entry (10 min) with digraph /ay/ sentences. following the rules in Ask questions about the writing sentences mechanics of writing. Pupils draw and color their hero/the person Independent Practice (10 min) who has done well (15 min) Read the journal entry. something good to them. Refer to LM for the Let the pupils write two independent practice. sentences that tell about their hero. 17

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS Lesson 27 Day 1: Literature: “Penaflorida, A Modern Hero” Formatted: Width: 8.5\", Height: 11\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotPre-Reading Bold Formatted: Centered1. Vocabulary and Concept Development Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Not Italic, No underline Say:(Read with the pupils the flashcards with the following words social worker, dynamic, Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not pushcart, extraordinary and scholarship.) Bold, Not Italic, No underline Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + What are these words? Let us talk about them. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" (Show a picture of a woman talking to a mother and a child. Ask:)Who do you think is this woman? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not (point on to the social worker in the picture) what What does she do? Do you have a social worker Bold in your barangay or town? What do they do to help the children and women? What does a social Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not worker mean? Bold, Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic (For the word dynamic read with them the following :) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Font: Not Italic My father is a dynamic man. He works all day in the farm. He also attends Formatted: Font: Not Italic meetings on Saturdays. He goes to church on Sundays. He keeps himself Formatted: Font: Not Italic busy. He is a strong man. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Not ItalicWhat things does father do? What does the word DYNAMIC mean? (Allow pupils to give the Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italiccorrect response. Show choices: active, healthy. Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt, Not Bold)(For the word pushcart show a picture of a boy pushing his pushcart. ) What is this? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman(Guide them to give the correct response.)What can you say about a pushcart? How is it moved? What does is a pushcart mean? Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic(show choices: active, healthy,handcart,bicycle) Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Italic(For the word extraordinary, unlock through context clues. Read with the pupils the following Formatted: Font: Not Italicsentences. ) (choices: amazing, large) Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic My grandfather has an extraordinary banana plant. It has so many fruits that Formatted: Font: Not Italic looks like patola.. Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, ItalicHow does the fruit look like? Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.13\" 16

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS Is the banana plant ordinary? What does extraordinary mean? Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic(For the word scholarship unlock through examples.) Formatted: Font: Not BoldIs there anyone other than your parents who sends you to school for free? The persons or groupswho support your education are your sponsors. The pupils whom they sponsor are called scholars. Formatted: Font: Not ItalicThe scholar is in school for free because of the scholarship. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, ItalicWho among you have scholarships grants?? What does scholarship mean? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic2. Motivation: Can each one of us be a hero? How? Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic3. Motive Question: Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.13\" In the story that I am going to read to you, Teacher Efren is a hero. Why do you think he is he Formatted: Font: Not Bold considered as a hero? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Space After: 0 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + (Guide pupils to like to find out – Hhow did Teacher Efren become a hero?) Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + IndentDuring Reading at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not (Read the selection aloud to the pupils using the Chunking Method. Ask a prediction question on Bold, No underlineevery stop. All responses are correct.) Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.13\" Peňaflorida, A Modern Hero Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Not Italic, No underline Efren Geronimo Peňaflorida, Jr. is a Filipino teacher and a social worker in Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Space After:our country. He and his friends from Dynamic Teen Company teach children during 0 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +Saturdays in their community. They use the pushcart as their classroom. The pushcart Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indentis loaded with books, pens, tables, and chairs at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotWhat do you think will happen to Teacher Efren? Bold, Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Because of Teacher Efren’s extraordinary way of helping, the children Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italiclearned better, h. He was named CNN Hero of the Year for 2009. He received an Formatted: Font: Not Italicaward and money from the Cable News Network to support his pushcart classroom. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", First line: 0.38\"President Gloria Arroyo gave teacher Efren the award Order of Lakandula at Formatted: Font: Not ItalicMalacaňang Palace. Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotDo you think Teacher Efren comes ame from a rich family? Bold, Not Italic, No underline Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic Young Efren came from a poor family in Cavite. His father, EfrenPeňaflorida, Sr., was a tricycle driver. His mother Lucita Geronimo Peňaflorida was ahousekeeper. He helped his parents in their small noodle business.What do you think did Efren does as a pupil? He was a very bright pupil. He received several class awards and honors 17when he was a grader until he finished college. He deserved the scholarship and thefinancial support given to him by his sponsors.

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALSPost Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold1. Discussion Questions: Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, No underline • Who is Efren Peňaflorida, Jr.? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not • What does the Dynamic Teen Company do? Bold • Why is the pushcart an important thing in Teacher Efren’s life? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + • What was the result of his extraordinary work? Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + • Was Teacher Efren a helpful boy when he was young? How did he show it? Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" • Why was did Teacher Efren deserving deservefor the scholarship he was givenhad? • How can you help Teacher Efren achieve his dream for children like you? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not • How can you be a hero like Teacher Efren? Bold, No underline Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered +2. Engagement/ Enrichment Activity: Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Allow pupils to draw and color their hero/ the person who has done good to them. Let them write two sentences that tell about him/her. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldLesson 27 Day 2 : Reading Comprehension Using Different Sources of Information in Reading Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, No underline1. Presentation/ Introduction Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +(Post enlarged copies of the pictures below one by one on the board and ask questions about those Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"pictures.) Formatted: No underline Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\"Look at the pictures. These are the pictures taken from the selection “Peňaflorida, A Modern Formatted: Font: Not Bold, ItalicHero.” Formatted: Centered Illustration 18

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS Formatted: Centered (Ask pupils to say something about each picture. After that flash the following list of words Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not using flashcards Bold, No underline )2. Modeling/ Teaching Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Say: Here are important words taken from the selection. Let us read them. Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Refer the class to Activity 265. Refer to L27D2 worksheet Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" Say: We will use these words in sentences. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Lead the class to Try reading the following se sentences. (Refer to L27D2 Worksheet ___, page Formatted: Font: Not Bold ___. Call on pupils to read by group, by pair and individually.) Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not • Teacher Efren is a teacher. Bold, No underline • He has a pushcart classroom. Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5\", Numbered + Level: 1 + • He is also a social worker. Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + • He helps in an extraordinary way. Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\", Tab stops: 0.38\", Left • He received an award. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not • They had a noodle business. Bold • He was an honor pupil. Formatted: Font: Not Bold • He had a scholarship.He wanted children to be responsible Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\"3. Guided Practice (Refer to LM Activity 266. 19

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS27D2 Worksheet ___ page ___ for the group activities on this lesson.) Formatted: Font: Not BoldSkill Lesson: Words, and Sentences with ay digraphDigraphRefer your pupils to LM Activity 267.27D2 Worksheet ___ , LM page ___. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Lesson 27 Day 3: Grammar: Using Demonstrative Pronouns Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not1. Presentation/ Introduction Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotAsk pupils to look at the pictures. Read with the pupils the sentences about each. Refer the class to Bold, Font color: AutoActivity L27D3 Worksheet ___ page ____ for this activity. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Which words are used to point out to objects or friends? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not2. Modeling/ Teaching Bold Formatted: Centered(Observe carefully how near or far the objects or people are from the person speaking.) Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +T: Where is Teacher Efren? Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Is he near or far? Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Where are the pupils? Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Are they near or far? Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\"Where is the house? Formatted: Indent: First line: 0\"Is it near or far from Teacher Efren? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\"Where are Teacher Efren’s friend? Formatted: Indent: First line: 0\"Are they near or far from him? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\"Tell the pupils that the words this, these, that and those are Demonstrative Pronouns. They tellhow far or near the objects or persons from someone speaking. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not BoldThis and that are used to point to one person or object which are near to someone speakingus . Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + StartThese and those are used to point to more than one objects or persons far from someone at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at:speakingus. 0.5\". Help pupils state the generalization.3. Guided Practice(Group the pupils into 5 members. Do the following: 20

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALS a. Hold an object. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0\" Pupils Say: This is a/an ________. Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numberingb. Hold two or more objects. Pupils say: These are ________. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0\" c.b. Look outside. Point to a thing or a person. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0\" Pupils say: That is a/an ________. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold d.c. Look outside. Point to many things or persons. Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Pupils say: Those are _________. Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at:4. Independent Practice 0F.o5r\"matted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Refer the class to Activity 268B. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: CenteredRefer to L27D3 Worksheet ___ page ___ for the Independent Practice. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Skill Lesson: Phrases and Sentences with ay digraphDigraph Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotRefer your pupils to LM Activity 269A, B, and C.27D3 Worksheet ___ , LM page ___. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: AutoLesson 27 Day 4 : Writing: Express feelings Feelings and opinions Opinions through journalsJournal Formatted: Font: Times New Roman Writing Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not1. Presentation/ Introduction Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotLet us recall the selection “Penaflorida, A Modern Hero”. Answer the following questions orally. Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotWhat did Teacher Efren do to help the children? Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotHow was he awarded for his extraordinary work? Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotHow do you think did he feel? Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not2. Modeling/ Teaching Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Today, you will write a journal entry of your own. A journal could either be a notebook or a folder Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + with pages in it. In a journal, you write how you feel and what you do on certain days. Make a Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" cluster to help you think of topics for a journal entry. Think of things you have done today and how Formatted: Font: Not Bold you feel about them. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", First line: 0\" Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not 21 Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\"

ENGLISH GRADE 3 LEARNER’S MATERIALSRefer the class to LM Activity 27027D4A Worksheet ___ page___ for the journal sample. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold Refer to L27D4 Worksheet ___ page ___ for the clustering. Formatted: Font: Not Bold3. Guided Practice Formatted: Font: Not Bold RRefer the class to LM Activity 270B. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not efer to L27D4 Worksheet ___ page___ for the journal sample for reiterating the lesson. Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Let us read the journal entry. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Were you able to say what you wanted to say?\ Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Do you want to add something? If we have nothing more to add, let us check the journal entry again. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.38\" Is there a date written? Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Did we use the capitalization correctly? Bold, Font color: Auto Did we use the comma and periods correctly? Formatted: Centered Then, let us make a final copy of the journal entry. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold, Font color: Auto Skill Lesson: Poem with ay digraphDigraph Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotRefer your pupils to LM Activity 27127D4 Worksheet ___ , LM page ___. Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotLesson 27 Day 5: WWriting: Express feelings Feelings and opinions Opinions through journalsJournal Bold, Font color: Auto Writing Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Times New Roman1. Independent Practice Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Recall the journal entry made yesterday. . Ask pupils for the essentials of a journal entry- What Boldwhat to write and how to write sentences. Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, NotTell them that they are going to write their own journal entry. Bold Formatted: Centered Guide the puupils by showing them again the cluster. Have them fill it up out and write them as Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Notthe class did it yesterday. Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Font: Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Not Bold Formatted: Indent: Left: 0\", Hanging: 0.38\", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25\" + Indent at: 0.5\" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\", Space After: 10 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.38\" 22


Unit 4: Week 1 (Lesson 28)Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Overview/ Objectives Literature: Literature: Glimpse of a • Write Yes-No • Identify rhyming • Answer Yes-No Glimpse of a Polluted Polluted Future by Kelly Questions. Materials Future by Kelly Ropper Ropper words in a poem. questions. • Show awareness of • Read aloud from • Use Yes-No questions in asking • Identify the number the disappearance of poetry with proper for information. some animals phrasing and of lines and stanzas in because of what Intonation. • Read words, phrases, humans do. • Take part in creative sentences using –ight a poem. • Enumerate ways to responses to poems words. protect animals in like oral • Read words, phrases, their homes. presentations. • LM-Activities 274- • Read the poem • Read words, phrases 275 and sentences with “Glimpse of a and sentences using – Polluted Future” ight words. • Picture of a polluted –ight words. interpretatively. city • Copy of “Glimpse of • LM-Activities 276- • LM-Activities 279- • Copy of “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” • Word Cards 278 280 a Polluted Future” LM-Activity 270 • LM-Activity 273 • LM-Activity 271 • Pictures of - stream - trees that are cut

Procedure (15min) (5 min) (5 min) (5 min) (5 min) • Unlock key words in Read the poem “Glimpse • Describe the picture. Read again the poem Presentation of a Polluted Future” • Read the sentences “Glimpse of a Polluted • Present the yes-no the story using (15 min) Future” and observe context clues, actions, • Let pupils read and about the picture. proper phrasing and questions and picture cues. (15 min) intonation. • Motivation & Motive analyze the poem for Presentation: (15 min) Questions of proper phrasing • Discuss Yes-No (10 min) Modeling and intonation Modeling/Teaching: Explain the steps in (20 min) • Allow pupils to Questions • Show the different answering a yes-no • Read-aloud a poem practice interpretative question reading (10 min) parts of a poem. using proper • Provide feedback Guided Practice • Discuss about stanza (15 min) expression and • Form yes-no Guided Practice intonation (20 min) and rhyming words • LM-Activity 279 • Discuss the poem for • Allow pupils to do questions. comprehension (10 min) (15 min) group presentations (5 min) Guided Practice: Independent Practice 15 min) (minimum of 3 Independent Practice: • LM-Activity 276 LM-Activity 280 Engagement Activities: minutes per group) • LM-Activity 274 LM-Activity 271 (10 min) (10 min) (15 min) Independent Practice: • Unlock words with Phonics: • LM-Activity 277 • Unlock more words –ight through (15) pictures with –ight sentence Phonics: strips and • Practice reading demonstration words with –ight • Allow pupils to read • Allow pupils to read • Unlock new words words, phrases and words, phrases using lines using –ight –ight words and phrases words • Read phrases and LM-Activity 273 • Answer yes-no questions sentences with –ight LM-Activity 275 words LM-Activity 278

Unit 4: Week 1 (Lesson 28) “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” A. Pre-Reading: 1. Vocabulary and Concept Development (stream, rewind, glimpse, disappear, alarming)Post the picture of a stream.Ask: What do you see in the picture?Say: This is a stream. Describe how a stream looks like.Post this picture.Ask: What do you see in the picture?Say: The cutting of trees will result to alarming situations.Ask: Why do you think this will result to alarming situations? What will happen to ourenvironment if people continue cutting trees? Do these results make you worry? Why?Say: Situations that make us worry are said to be alarming.Demonstrate rewind, glimpse, and disappear to unlock them.Show a clock. Move the hand controller of the clock counterclockwise.Ask: What happens with the time? What did we do with the hands of the clock? (rewind,move back)Use context clue to unlock the word glimpse.Say: I took a glimpse of my reflection in a store window. I just did a quick look of myself.Ask: What words in the sentence tell what the word glimpse means?Ask 2 students to stand beside you. Whisper them, “go out for a while and get inside theroom in 10 seconds.”Ask: What happened with your classmates? They disappeared. What is the other word fordisappear? (cannot be seen). 2. Motivation Why do birds and other animals slowly disappear in our environment? What can we do to save them? 3. Motive Question In the poem, what does the speaker wish to do to save them?

B. During ReadingSay: We will read the poem 3 times. I will read it to you first. We will read it together for thesecond time. Then, you will read the poem alone for the third time.Refer your pupils to LM - Activity 273 .Read the poem aloud to the students. Glimpse of a Polluted Future by Kelly Roper Where are the birds that used to dot the sky? They're not here anymore, and I have to wonder why. Where are the fish that used to swim in this stream? I can't see them anymore. What does that mean? Where are the frogs that used to croak around this lake? I can't hear them anymore. There must be some mistake. I wish there was a clock whose hands I could rewind. We might have saved these creatures if we'd just had more time. Time to make people see how We are damaging our Earth, Time to realize what it all was truly worth. But the animals are disappearing at an alarming rate. If we don't finally band together, it may really be too late.C. Post ReadingDiscuss the poem by asking the following questions. 1. What used to be found in the sky? 2. What used to be found swimming in the streams? 3. What used to be found around the lake? 4. What happened to all the animals that you named? 5. Where are they now? 6. Why have they disappeared? 7. What happened to their homes? 8. Who do you think had caused the destruction of their houses? 9. What can you do to keep the animals’ homes like waters and trees safe?

D. Engagement ActivityRefer your pupils to LM Activity 274. Lesson 28 Day 2: Interpretative Reading of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future”/ Decoding words in the –ight familyInterpretative Reading of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” 1. PresentationSay: Remember the poem we read yesterday? Let us read it once more.Let pupils read the poem aloud. 2. Modeling/TeachingSay: Reading a poem is properly done when we observe the punctuation marks. When you seea: comma (,): Pause while reading the line; period (.): Pause longer while reading the line; question mark (?): Use a rising intonation if the question can be answered with a yes or no. Use a falling intonation if the question cannot be answered with a yes or no. 3. Guided Practice Say: Let us read the poem again. I will read the lines first, then repeat after me. 4. Independent Practice Say: This time, form 6 groups. Read the poem properly by groups. You may use body movements to show the meaning of the stanza assigned to your group. Group 1 will show the meaning of stanza 1. Group 2 will show the meaning of stanza 2. Group 3 will show the meaning of stanza 3. Group 4 will show the meaning of stanza 4. Group 5 will show the meaning of stanza 5. Group 6 will show the meaning of stanza 6. You will be scored using the following criteria. (Each criterion must be discussed with the pupils.) Poem Recitation CriteriaGroup Clarity Consistency Speed Control Tone Volume (15%) Total (30%) (20%) or Pacing (20%) 100% (15%)123456

Skill Lesson: Phonics Lesson: Words with –ight 1. Presentation Refer your pupils to LM - Activity 276A.Say: Let us name the pictures on the right side. Let us read the names of the pictures on theleft side. Point at each word. Underline the –ight in every word. Then, choose the correctword to complete each sentence below. 2. Modeling/TeachingAsk: What are the underlined letters? (-ight)Say: Every time you see these letters together, say /ayt/. So when there is letter L and –ight, the word is read as light. 3. Guided Practice Refer your pupils to LM - Activity 276B. 4. Independent Practice Refer your pupils to LM - Activity 276C. Lesson 28 Day 3: Yes-No Questions Words, phrases and sentences with –ight wordsSkill Lesson: Yes-No QuestionsPost a picture of a polluted city.Say: Describe the picture. (The city is dirty. It is polluted.) What do you think makes thisplace polluted/dirty?

1. Presentation/IntroductionSay: Let us read the sentences about the picture. The city is polluted. The smog is dark. The people are sick. The streets are dirty.Say: What if we want to ask other people about these sentences? How do we change thesesentences into questions? 2. ModelingSay: To change telling sentences into questions, there are two steps. 1. Look for the linking verb. Make it the first word of your question. 2. Use the other words next to the linking verb to complete your question.Say: Let’s have the sentence: The city is polluted. The linking verb is “is”. It will be the firstword of our question. Then, it will be followed by the remaining words. So, the question willbe: Is the city polluted? Look at the 2 sentences. The city is polluted. Is the city polluted? 3. Guided PracticeSay: Let us form more yes-no questions using the following sentences. The smog is dark. The people are sick. The streets are dirty. 4. Independent Practice Refer to LM - Activity 277.Phonics Lesson: Words with –ightRefer to LM - Activity 278.Allow pupils to recall Day 2 phonics exercises before starting with Day 3 Phonics activities.Introduce the following words using pictures or real objects or by demonstrating. backlight, blight, daylight, eyesight, flight, starlight, fright, spotlight, knight, twilight, uptight

Lesson 28 Day 4: Elements of a PoemSkill Lesson 1: Elements of a Poem 1. Presentation/IntroductionShow the copy of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” to your pupils.Say: Let us read together the poem “Glimpse to the Polluted Future” once more.Read the poem with your pupils with proper phrasing and intonation.Say: Let us look at the poem carefully. A poem has parts 2. Modeling/TeachingLet us see the different parts of a poem. Bracket the first two lines of the poem. A poem hasstanzas. This is stanza 1. Bracket the next two lines. This is stanza 2. (Do the same with therest of the stanzas.)Ask: How many stanzas does the poem have? (6)Underline the first line of the poem.Say: A stanza has lines. This is the first line of stanza 1.Underline the second line of the poem.Say: This is the second line of stanza 1.Ask: How many lines does stanza 1 have? (2) How many lines does stanza 4 have? (3) Which stanzas have 3 lines? (stanzas 5 and 6)Underline the last words in lines 1-2 of stanza 1.Say: Read these words. (sky, why).Ask: What can you say about their ending sounds?Say: Poems have rhyming words. Words that sound alike are called rhyming words. They are usually found at the end of the lines in the stanzas of a poem.Ask: What are other rhyming words that you see in the poem? (lake-mistake, Earth-worth, rate-late) 3. Guided PracticeRefer to LM - Activity 279. 4. Independent PracticeRefer to LM - Activity 280.

Phonics Lesson: Words with –ight 1. Presentation Say: Let us practice reading words with –ight.Show the –ight words in LM - Activity 281A written on flashcards. 2. ModelingAsk: How do we read –ight? What word will be formed when we add n to –ight? 3. Guided PracticeDiscuss the meaning of each phrase before letting the pupils read.Refer to LM - Activity 281A. 4. Independent PracticeReview the meaning of the –ight words before letting the pupils read each sentence.Refer to LM - Activity 281B. Lesson 28 Day 5: Answering Yes-No Questions 1. PresentationSay: Let us read the questions. Do poems have stanzas? Are the words sun and sky rhyming words?Say: Answer each question.Ask: How do you answer a Yes-No question? 2. ModelingSay: There are steps in answering a yes-no question. 1. Understand the question. 2. Choose if your answer is a yes or a no. 3. Use the pronoun for the subject of the question. (they is a pronoun for the topic poems) 4. Add the first word of the question. Remember, if your answer is a yes, make the first word of the question positive. If your answer is a no, make the first word of the question negative. *Are, is, was, were, am, can, do, does, did, has, have, had are positive verbs. *Aren’t, isn’t, wasn’t, weren’t, can’t, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t, hasn’t, haven’t, hadn’t are negative verbs. Explain that __n’t means not. This makes each verb negative.

Say: So in answering the question ‘Do poems have stanzas?’ we will say Yes, they (pronounfor the subject of the question) do (first word of the question). Yes, they do is the answer.What is the answer to the question: Are the words sun and sky rhyming words? We will sayNo, they aren’t. 3. Guided PracticeRefer to LM - Activity 282. 4. Independent PracticeRefer to LM - Activity 283.

Unit 4: Week 2 (Lesson 29)Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Overview/ Literature: • Memorize a poem by • Answer alternative • Identify the rhyme Summative Objectives The Future patterns of poems. Test • Admire the beauty stanza. questions. Write sentences with of nature. • Relay a message • Read words, phrases, • –ough (sounded as • Identify good and / Ʌɒ f/)/.and / accurately. poem with –ough bad ways to care for our environment. • Read words and (sounded as / Ʌf • Read a poem /ɒ /). interpretatively. phrases, with –ough (sounded as / Ʌf /ɒ /). • Copy of “The • Enlarged posters of • Copy of “What LM-Activity 288 Future” polluted and non- Should I do” LM-Activity 281 polluted areas LM-Activity 285 Materials • Pictures of polluted • Message strips for (10 min) (5 min)Procedure and beautiful places the game • Ask pupils to read the Presentation: • Ask pupils to read • Sentence strips for • Copy of “Mother poem “What Should I the engagement Earth” Do.” again the poem activity LM-Activity 283 (5 min) “What Should I Do.” Presentation: (15min) (5 min) • Ask pupils to write (20 min) • Unlocking of key • Presentation: the questions in the Modeling/Teaching: second stanza. • Discuss rhyme words in the story Show posters of (10 min) using pictures and polluted and non- context polluted • Motivation Question environments. • Motive Question Introduce Message Relay game.

(15 min) (15 min) Modeling/Teaching patterns.Read-aloud the poem. Modeling/Teaching: • Discuss alternative • Read the poem. interrogatives and (15 min)(5 min) how they differ to Guided Practice:Post Reading: (15 min) Yes-No • Identify rhymeWrap-up discussion Guided Practice Interrogatives. patterns. • Ask pupils to read the15 min) poem with proper Phonics:Engagement Activities: expression and (15 min)• Allow pupils to intonation. Modeling/Teaching (10 min)identify good and bad • Tell the pupils to • Vocabulary building Independent Practice:habits in caring for answer questionsthe environment. about the poem. and reading of words • Identify rhymeLM-Activity 282 (10 min) with ough (sounded patterns. as / Ʌf/ / ɒ) / Independent Practice: • Ask pupils to read • Memorize the poem the poem “What by stanzas. Should I do” for practice on the – (5 min) ough words. Phonics: LM Activities 286- • Present key words 287 with –ough (sounded (10 min) as / )Ʌ. f/ and / Guided/ Independent • Read words and Practice: phrases with –ough • Fill in the blanks with (sounded as / Ʌf choices for alternative / )ɒ. questions. • Write 3 alternative questions.

Unit 4: Week 2 (Lesson 29) “The Future”A. Pre-Reading1. Unlocking/ Vocabulary & Concept Development (smog, poison cars, dust) Show the title of the poem “The Future” then unlock the key words before reading the poem. Make sure that the pictures of smog and poison cars are ready. Show a picture of smog in a city with cars. Say: Look at this picture. These are cars and buses in the city. Can you see the smog that poisons the environment? The smog makes the place dark. Where does this smog come from? What do we mean by poison cars? (For unlocking the word DUST)Now imagine that you have not wiped/cleaned your seats and table for two weeks. When you touch those seats and table you will definitely find dust. What is dust then?

Show a picture of a beautiful place- serene and green. Allow them to share what they think about it. Do you want to live in this beautiful place? Why? (Allow pupils to think and telltheir answers.) 2. Motivation Question: Post a picture of our environment (rich with water and natural resources). Say: Describe the picture. Share to the class your experience the last time you visited a place like this. 3. Motive Question: Post another picture of our environment (show waters and natural resources that are about to disappear) Ask: What can you do to prevent this? Find out as you read the poem. B. During ReadingSay: Listen as I read aloud the poem. (After modeling it, allow the pupils to read the poem bygroups and individually for practice.)Refer to LM - Activity 284.

C. Post Reading1. Discussion QuestionsAsk the following questions.1. What could happen to our environment in the future as said in stanza 1?2. What was the author worried about?3. What is the poem about?4. What is the poem trying to tell you?5. How can you help maintain the beauty of our environment? 2. Engagement/ EnrichmentA. Tell pupils to say YES if the statement tells a good habit and NO if it doesn’t.1. Andy throws garbage into the river. YES NO2. Children work hand and hand in planting trees. YES NO3. Grade 3 pupils help in cleaning the backyard . YES NO4. Rodel and his friend manage the recyclingactivities in the class. YES NO5. Ben destroys plants in the garden. . YES NOB. Do the group activities.Refer to LM - Activity 285. Lesson 29 Day 2Skill Lesson 1: Interacting with others to read aloud with fluency, appreciate rhythm,1. Presentation/ Introduction Pick-Talk (Note: Print or copy the pictures that follow for this activity.)

Describe the pictures. Ask: If you could choose, would you prefer to live in a clean or polluted environment? 2. Modeling/ TeachingLet us read the poem.Refer to LM - Activity 286.

(GAME) Message Relay Say: We will play a relay game. Each group will receive a message. You have to make other groups guess the message you got using body movements. The group that will correctly guess the message will win. FIRST MESSAGE – Mother Earth weeps for attention, she needs our care and protection. SECOND MESSAGE – Let us spare our world from harm and destruction. THIRD MESSAGE – Stand up, move and fight against pollution.Discussion Questions: 1. What were seen in the rivers and seas before? 2. What happens to the fish when the water is dirty? 3. How is Mother Earth pictured in the poem? What has caused this? What harm does this bring to us? 4. What can we do to spare our world from typhoon, flood and diseases? 5. How many stanzas are there in the poem? 6. What are the rhyming words in the first stanza? 3. Guided Practice Ask the pupils to memorize the poem by stanza. Groups 1 and 2 Memorize the first stanza by filling each blank with the missing words. Before, ____________ Earth was ____________ With her rivers, ____________ and seas; ____________ and rivers have plenty of ____________ And mountains have strong and tall trees. What makes our mother earth beautiful?

Groups 3 and 4 Memorize the second stanza by rapping. What happened now to our Mother Earth? 4. Independent Activity What are the things to avoid in order to maintain the cleanliness of our environment?Skill Lesson 2: Phonics Lesson: Words and Phrases with –oughUnlock the key words through sentence strips, pictures, and demonstrations then allow pupilsto read the words on the LM - Activity 287. Let them practice reading the words and phrases. Lesson 29 Day 3: Alternative Questions 1. Presentation/ Introduction Read the poem” What Should I do?” Refer to LM – Activity 288. Take note of the questions asked. List/ Write them on the board which shall be used inthe discussion of the lesson: Alternative questions. 2. Modeling/ Teaching (Write the questions from the second stanza of the poem “What should I do” andallow pupils to read each of the questions. Let pupils find what is common among all thosequestions?) 1. Should I go and campaign though resources are limited or plant a tree with a friend although time is restricted? If you were asked, what would you like to do? Would you campaign or plant a tree? 2. Should I stand still and eat dough instead or go and till the soil and let boughs grow? If you were asked, what would you like to do? Would you stand still or till the soil? In these questions, you were given a choice on what you would like to do. You aregiven an alternative -an option. These questions are what we call Alternative questions.Refer to LM - Activity 288 (Remember).

Skill Lesson: PhonicsRecall the Day 2 Phonics exercises including the reading of the poem before the Day 3phonics activity. Refer to LM - Activities 289-290 for the Day 3 phonics exercises.3. Guided Practice:A. Fill in the blanks with choices.1. Do you like ________ or __________ for snacks? (What food do you like for snacks?)2. Does your friend love _________ or __________ during your vacant time? (What does your friend like to do on your vacant time?)3. Would you want a visit to _______ or to ________ this Christmas? (What place do you like to visit on Christmas vacation?)4. Independent Practice:Write 3 alternative questions. Use Activity A as a guide.1. _______________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________Skill Lesson: Decoding/ Fluency/ Writing (-ough words)Presentation of –ough words from the poem “What Should I do?” Pupils read after you readthem. Determine the difference in pronouncing the words.Tell pupils that there are words that are spelled with –ough that are sounded as / Ʌf/ andothers are sounded as / ɒ/.Read the poem “What Should I do” and answer the questions that follow.Refer to LM - Activity 291.

Lesson 29 Day 4Skill Lesson 1: Rhyme Patterns 1. Presentation/ ReviewSay: Let us read the poem “The Future”. Read the poem with your pupils.Say: Observe the last word in each line of stanza 1. What can you say about the words: carsand bars? (They rhyme.) 2. Modeling/Teaching What does the future hold for us? A Smog-filled skies and poison cars, B And broken land with useless dusts C And nature’s beauty behind bars BSay: Rhyming words follow patterns. Let us look at the last word of line 1. (us) Let us label itA. What is the last word in line 2? (cars). Does it rhyme with “us”? (no). So, let’s give adifferent label for it. Let’s label it B. Does the last word in line 3 rhyme with “us”? (no) Let’slabel it C. Does the last word in line 4 rhyme with “dusts”? (no). Does it rhyme with cars?(yes). So, let us label it B. We give the lines with rhyming words the same label.Say: So, the rhyme pattern of stanza 1 is A-B-C-B. 3. Guided PracticeIdentify the rhyme pattern of stanzas 2 and 3 4. Independent PracticeIdentify the rhyme pattern of stanzas 4 and 5Skill Lesson 2: Phonics Lesson (-ough words)Allow pupils to recall –ough words and phrases introduced in Day 2 and 3. Let pupils writetwo sentences about the picture – Refer to LM - Activity 291.Tell pupils that the boy has the alternative to choose which of the two sets of food he willtake. Pupils should also use at least a word with –ough like enough.

Unit 4: Week 3 (Lesson 30) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Write simple story.Overview/ • Use a story map • Interpret simple • Ask Wh- • Write a simple story. •Objectives Manila Paper for in sharing a story. maps of places. questions. • Read words, phrases • group activities Materials • Read a poem with • Follow directions. • Answer Wh- and a poem with kn- TEXT USED proper rhythm • Read words and questions beginning words.Procedure and intonation. phrases with –wr- • Read words, • Interpret simple beginning letters. phrases and a maps of places. poem with –wr- beginning words. • Paper Bag • Simple location • Manila Paper for • Pictures of a bird • • Picture of Pappy map group activities and a boy scout • Picture-stories/ • LM Activities 290- • LM Activities • Story Grammar comic strips 291 292-293 • LM Activities 294- • LM Activity 289 296 Pappy the Paper Bag from Tina, the Lost Bird (5 min) (10 min) (5 min) (5 min) (10 min) Show a simple • Show a simple • Read the first • Show the pictures. • Ask pupils to answer map of where • Allow pupils to tell Pappy lives. Key map of different paragraph of the the WH-questions words are supermarkets in story with the what they see. (What is your name? introduced the city and ask pupils. Who is your mother? through a finger- them WH- • Ask WH- (10 min) When is your walk activity. questions to locate questions on the • Review the elements birthday? Where do places in the map. read paragraph you live? Why do you • Show a paper bag • Post the map on to jumpstart of a story. go to school? etc.) and a picture of the board to draw lesson. • Discuss how to do Pappy to build on attention. (5 min) prior knowledge. story grammar. Reiterate the elements of a story

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