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K to 12 Curriculum Guide ARTS Grade 1 to 10

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig CityK to 12 Curriculum Guide ART (Grade 1 to Grade 10) December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Both the Music and the Arts curricula focus on the learner as recipient of the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for artistic expression andcultural literacy. The design of the curricula is student-centered, based on spiral progression of processes, concepts and skills and grounded in performance-based learning. Thus, the learner is empowered, through active involvement and participation, to effectively correlate music and art to the development of his/herown cultural identity and the expansion of his/her vision of the world. As Music and Arts are performance-based disciplines, effective learning occurs through active experience, participation, and performance, creativeexpression, aesthetic valuation, critical response, and interpretation. The skills that are developed include reading/analyzing, listening/observing, performing,(singing, using musical instruments, movement, acting, and playing, using different art materials, techniques and processes, responding, composing, andcreating. (See Figure 1 and Figure 2) The philosophical foundations upon which standards and competencies are based include: A Process of Education by Jerome Bruner, Performance-BasedLearning by Cleve Miller, Aesthetic Education by Bennett Reimer, Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, A Structure for Music Education by RonaldThomas, Gongs and Bamboo by Jose Maceda, Compendium on the Humanities: Musical Arts produced by the National Research Council of the Philippines,Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos by Thelma Kintanar and Associates, Creative and Mental Growth by Viktor Lowenfeld and W. Lambert Brittain, Discipline-BasedArt Education by Elliot Eisner, Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts and Tuklas Sining, both produced by the Cultural Center of the Philippines.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 2 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM PHILOSOPHY AND RATIONALE FOR ARTS The Arts has been present since the beginning of civilization as it is an essential means for man to live and communicate with others. It has been used toenhance man’s life and surroundings, to express his thoughts, dreams, and spiritual beliefs, and to share his own and his community’s aspirations,celebrations, and events. Arts records, reflects, and rearranges man’s life and existence. The Arts is a visualization of a people’s history and uniqueness, a reflection of their creativity and accomplishments, and a visible expression of their distinctway of thinking, communicating, reasoning, and worshiping. It is expressed in a unique symbol system that is visual, kinetic and tactile. Howard Gardner,an educator and psychologist, affirms that the arts develop the child’s “SPATIAL, INTRAPERSONAL, LINGUISTIC AND KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCES” for the Artsdevelop a distinct way of seeing, thinking, communicating, and creating in a person. Furthermore, Art develops and increases a person’s ability to applycreative and new solutions, for new problems in our world. Schools, therefore, need to develop the multiple intelligences of a student through the arts. The K-12 Arts Curriculum seeks to address these needs of our students for the 21st Century. The 21st Century is a different world: it is highly visual, with a proliferation of images seen not only in static media like magazines, books, paintings andposters. Now images are kinetic and accessible in various media like television, outdoor advertisements, movies, cell phones, and new technologies like iPads,iPods, DVD players, personal computers, and tablets. Artists create, upload and share via the Internet, images, sounds, texts, films, videos, pictures, artworks anddesigns. These are readily available and interactive, involving the viewer to react, comment and utilize these visuals through the Internet. Teaching Art to students isone way for them to process and interpret the barrage of images and sounds, in a critical and intelligent manner. The focus of the K-12 Art curriculum is PHILIPPINE ART, CULTURE and HERITAGE, appreciating the diversity of our local artists, our arts, crafts, andindigenous materials to strengthen the student’s identity of being Filipino, before he/she is introduced to the art of other countries. The modules guide educatorsand provide our students with art experiences, concepts, and processes that are presented in a SPIRAL PROGRESSION of difficulty and depth from Kindergarten toGrade 12. The approach is CHILD-CENTERED and HANDS-ON in creating art using locally available materials. It develops the student’s imagination and individualexpression, and his/her CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS through inquiry into the aesthetic qualities of his work, the work of others and of artists from thePhilippines and other parts of the world. It culminates in connecting art to other subject areas and provides exposure and apprenticeship to professionals invarious art-related fields so the student can discover and consider the different career opportunities in the arts.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 3 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Figure 1. The Curriculum Framework of Music and Art EducationK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 4 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Grade 12Mastery of Proficiency in the chosen form or genre Grade 11Mastery of Proficiency in the chosen form or genre Grade 10Application of Contemporary Music and Arts Grade 9Application – Western Music and Arts Grade 8Application – Asian Music and Arts Grade 7Application – Philippine Folk Music and Arts Grade 6Application for Appropriate Mastery and Acquisition of Skills Grade 5Exploration – Elements / Processes Grade 4Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes Grade 3Preliminary Acquisition of Basic Knowledge and Skills Grade 2Enhanced Understanding of Fundamental Processes Grade 1Introduction to the Fundamental ProcessesKindergartenExposure to the Different Music & Art Processes (Experiential Learning) Figure 2. Content of Music and Art per Grade LevelK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 5 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Table 1. Basic Reference for Music and Art ContentMusic Elements Arts Elements and Principles Music Processes Art Processes -creating) ine Page 6 of 93 -creating) t) * Contrast*No formal instruction in harmony ying (transference)from K to 3K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMLEARNING AREA STANDARD: The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision.KEY STAGE STANDARDS: K-3 4–6 7 – 10The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding The learner demonstrates understandingunderstanding of fundamental of basic elements and concepts through of salient features of music and art ofprocesses through performing, creating, and responding, the Philippines and the world, throughperforming, creating, and responding, aimed towards the development of appreciation, analysis, and performance,aimed towards the development of appreciation of music and art, and for self-development, the celebration ofappreciation of music and art, and acquisition of basic knowledge and skills. Filipino cultural identity and diversity,acquisition of basic knowledge and and the expansion of one’s world vision.skills.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 7 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMGRADE LEVEL STANDARDS:Grade Level Grade Level StandardsGrade 1 The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and observing, andGrade 2 responding.Grade 3Grade 4 The learner demonstrates basic and fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding.Grade 5Grade 6 The learner has acquired the basic and fundamental processes through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding, towards theGrade 7 development of appreciation of music and art, and the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills.Grade 8Grade 9 Through the formal introduction of elements, the learner can identify the basic knowledge and skills in music and art, towards self-development, theGrade 10 celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. Through exploration, the learner demonstrates a deeper understanding of basic knowledge and skills in music and art, towards self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of one’s world vision. Through application, the learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of and processes in music and art, towards self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding towards appreciation of the cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines. The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Asian music and the arts, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for self- development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Western music and the arts from different historical periods, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of contemporary music and the arts, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self- development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 8 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 1 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1EL-Ia MATERIALSGRADE 1- FIRST QUARTER I. Elements: The learner… The learner… The learner A1EL-Ib-1 Page 9 of 93 1. Lines 2. Shapes demonstrates creates a portrait of himself 1. tells that ART is all around A1EL-Ib-2 3. Color understanding of lines, and is created by different A1EL-Ic 4. Texture shapes, colors and and his family which shows people A1EL-Id texture, and principles the elements and principles of II. Principles: of balance, proportion 2. distinguishes and identifies 5. Balance and variety through art by drawing the different kinds of 6. Proportion drawing drawings: 7. variety 2.1 portraits 2.2 family portraitsIII. Process: 2.3 school ground 6. DRAWING 2.4 on-the-spot 6.1 portraits 2.5 drawings of 6.2 family portraits home/school 6.3 persons surroundings 6.4 school, furniture 6.5 animals/ plants 3. observes and sees the details in a person’s face/body, in a view, to be able to show its shape and texture 4. identifies different lines, shapes, texture used by artists in drawing 5. uses different drawing tools or materials - pencil, crayons, piece of charcoal, a stick on different papers, sinamay, leaves, tree bark, and other local materials to create his drawingK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1PR-Ie-1 MATERIALS A1PR-Ie-2 6. creates a drawing to Page 10 of 93 express one’s ideas about A1PR-If oneself, one’s family , A1PR-Ig home and school A1PR-Ih 7. shares stories related to A1EL-IIa their drawing A1EL-IIb 8. draws different animals A1EL-IIc (pets) showing different shapes and textures 9. creates a view-finder to help him/her select a particular view to draw 10. draws different kinds of plants showing a variety of shapes, lines and colorGRADE 1- SECOND QUARTER The learner… The learner The learner I. Elements: 1. Colors demonstrates creates a harmonious design 1. identifies colors, both in 1.1 natural colors understanding of colors of natural and man-made natural and man-made 1.2 primary colors objects, seen in the 1.3 secondary colors and shapes, and the objects to express ideas using surrounding principles of harmony, colors and shapes, and 2. Shapes 7. expresses that colors have 2.1 geometric shapes rhythm and balance harmony names, can be grouped as 2.2 organic shapes through painting primary, secondary and tertiaryII. Principles: 3. Harmony 8. experiments on painting 4. rhythm using different painting 5. balance tools and paintsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1PL-IId-1 MATERIALSIII. Process: 6. PAINTING 9. paints a design based on A1PL-IId-2 Page 11 of 93 Creating colors from natural the Philippine jeepney or A1PL-IIe fiesta décor and shapes A1PL-IIf using primary colors A1PR-IIg arranged in balanced pattern A1PR-IIh-1 A1PR-IIh-2 10.relates personal observations on jeepney designs and fiesta decorations 11.draws a design out of repeated abstract and geometric shapes like in a parol and paints it in primary and secondary colors 12.uses his creativity to create paints from nature and found materials, and brushes from twigs, cloth and other materials 13.creates a design inspired by Philippine flowers or objects found in school 14. paints a home/school landscape or design choosing specific colors to create a certain feeling or mood 15. appreciates and talks about the landscape he painted and the landscapes of othersK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1EL-IIIa MATERIALS A1EL-IIIbGRADE 1- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner The learner A1EL-IIIc Page 12 of 93 A1EL-IIId I. Elements: demonstrates creates prints that show 1. distinguishes between a A1PL-IIIe 1. Shape print and a drawing or A1PR-IIIf 2. Texture understanding of repetition, alternation and painting shapes and texture and emphasis using objects fromII. Principles: 2. identifies the shape and 3. Prints can be prints that can be nature and found objects at texture of prints made from 3.1 Repeated repeated, alternated home and in school objects found in nature and 3.2 Alternated man-made objects 3.3 emphasized and emphasized 3. identifies artistically through printmaking designed prints in his artworks and in theIII. Process: artworks of others 4. PRINTMAKING 4.1 This process allows the 4. creates a print by applying pupil to copy the image dyes on his finger or palm from nature and or any part of the body and environment pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. to create5. Kinds of prints: impression 5.1 Nature print 5.2 Object prints 5. creates a print by rubbing 5.3 Stencil prints pencil or crayon on paper placed on top of a textured objects from nature and found objects 6. repeats a design by the use of stencil (recycled paper, plastic, cardboard, leaves, and other materials) and prints on paper, cloth, sinamay, bark, or a wallK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1PR-IIIg MATERIALS A1PR-IIIh 7. shares experiences in A1EL-IVa experimenting different art materials A1EL-IVb 8. school/district exhibit and A1PL-IVc culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)GRADE 1- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner The learner I. Elements: demonstrates creates a useful 3-Dimensional 1. distinguishes between 2- 1. shape (3-dimension it has understanding of object/sculpture using found dimensional and 3- height, depth and width) texture and 3-D shapes, objects and recycled materials dimensional artwork and 2. texture - feel of the surface and principle of states the difference proportion andII. Principles: emphasis through 3-D 2. identifies the different 3. Proportion - parts are of works and sculpture materials that can be used the proper size and weight in creating a 3-dimensional so that the sculpture is object: balanced. 2.1 clay or wood (human or 4. Emphasis is created by animal figure) using unusual decorative 2.2 bamboo (furniture, materials that are big, or bahay kubo) colorful, or unusual. 2.3 softwood (trumpo) 2.4 paper, cardboard,III. Process: (masks) 5. 3 Dimension works and 2.5 found material (parol, sculpture sarangola) 3. selects 3D objects that are well proportioned, balanced and show emphasis in designK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 13 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A1PL-IVd MATERIALS A1PR-IVe 4. appreciates the creativity of local and indigenous A1PR-IVf-1 craftsmen and women who A1PR-IVf-2 created artistic and useful A1PR-IVg things out of recycled materials like the parol, A1PR-IVh maskara, local toys, masks 5. creates a useful 3D object: a pencil holder, bowl, container, using recycled materials like plastic bottles 6. constructs a mask out of cardboard, glue, found materials, bilao, paper plate, string, seeds and other found materials for a celebration like the Maskara Festival of Bacolod 7. utilizes masks in simple role play or skit 8. creates mobiles out of recyclable materials such as cardboards, papers, baskets, leaves, strings and other found materials 9. creates human figures out of clay, flour-salt mixture, or paper-mache using different techniquesK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 14 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 2 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 2- FIRST QUARTER The learner A2EL-Ia I. Elements: The learner… The learner A2EL-Ib Page 15 of 93 1. LINES 1. identifies and appreciates A2EL-Ic different lines demonstrates creates a composition/design the different styles of A2EL-Id 2. SHAPES understanding on lines, by translating one’s Filipino artists when they A2EL-Ie natural shapes shapes and colors as imagination or ideas that create portraits and still life A2EL-If 3. COLORS contrasting elements of art, and others can see and (different lines and colors) variety, proportion and appreciatesII. Principles: contrast as principles of 2. points out the contrast 4. variety of lines, shapes art through drawing between shapes and colors 5. proportion of body parts, of different fruits or plants fruits and flowers in one’s work 6. contrast of shapes and in the work of othersIII. Process: 3. composes the different 7. DRAWING fruits or plants to show 7.1 portrait of two or more overlapping of shapes and people in a compo-sition the contrast of colors and 7.2 body in motion shapes in his colored still life (fruits/ plants) drawing and drawing of imaginary landscape 4. draws from an actual still life arrangement 5. portraits of persons to capture their likeness and character 6. draws a portrait of two or more persons - his friends, his family, showing the differences in the shape of their facial features (shape of eyes, nose, lips, head, and texture of the hairK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A2EL-Ih-1 MATERIALS A2EL-Ih-2 7. shows motion or action in Page 16 of 93 the drawing of human bodies 8. creates an imaginary landscape or world from a dream or a story 9. shares stories related to the outputGrade 2- SECOND QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… I. Elements: demonstrates creates a composition or 1. describes the lines, shapes A2EL-IIa 1. Colors understanding of using design of a tricycle or jeepney and textures seen in skin A2EL-IIb 1. Primary two or more kinds of that shows unity and variety coverings of animals in the 2. secondary lines, colors and shapes of lines, shapes and colors community using visual art 3. shapes through repetition and words and actions 4. organic contrast to create 5. geometric rhythm 2. describes the unique 6. textures shapes, colors, texture 7. spotted and design of the skin 8. furry coverings of different 9. shiny, slimy fishes and sea creatures or of wild forest animals fromII. Principles: images 10. Contrast 11. rhythmIII. Process: 12. PAINTING 12.1 fishes and sea creatures or wild forest animals designs: lines, shapes, tricycles, jeepneysK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A2EL-IIc MATERIALS A2EL-IId 3. points out the contrasts in A2EL-IIe Page 17 of 93 the colors, shapes, A2PL-IIf textures between two or more animals A2PR-IIg 4. draws, with the use of pencil or crayon, the sea or forest animals in their habitat showing their unique shapes and features 5. paints the illustration of animals to show variety of colors and textures in their skin 6. creates designs by using two or more kinds of lines, colors and shapes by repeating or contrasting them, to show rhythm 7. uses control of the painting tools and materials to paint the different lines, shapes and colors in his work or in a group work 8. draws the outline of a tricycle or jeepney on a big paper, and paints the design with lines and shapes that show repetition, contrast and rhythmK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A2EL-IIIa MATERIALSGRADE 2- THIRD QUARTER A2PL-IIIb I. Elements: The learner… The learner… The learner… A2PL-IIIc Page 18 of 93 1. shapes A2PR-IIId 2. colors demonstrates creates prints from natural 1. identify natural and man- A2PR-IIIe 3. textures and man-made objects that made objects with understanding of can be repeated or alternated repeated or alternatedII. Principles: shapes, textures, colors in shape or color. shapes and colors and 4. repetition of motif materials that can be used 5. contrast of motif & color and repetition of motif, creates prints with repeating, in print making contrast of motif and alternating or contrastingIII. Process: color or size or texture 2. creates a consistent 7. PRINTMAKING color from nature and pattern by making two or 7.1 banana trunk prints shows skills in making a clear three prints that are 7.1 fern prints found objects print from natural and man- repeated or alternated in 7.2 eraser prints made objects shape or color 7.3 found object prints 7.4 cut out designs 3. create a print on paper or 7.6 card making cloth showing repeated motif using man-made objects with flat surface 4. experiments with natural objects (leaves, twig, bark of trees, etc.) by dabbing dyes or paints on the surface and presses this on paper or cloth, sinamay and any other material to create a prints 5. experiments with natural objects (banana stalks, gabi stalks, etc.) by dabbing dyes or paints on the surface and presses this on paper or cloth, sinamay and any otherK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS material to create prints 6. carves a shape or letter on A2PR-IIIf an eraser or kamote which A2PR-IIIg can be painted and printed A2PR-IIIh-1 several times A2PR-IIIh-2 7. create a print on paper or cloth using cut-out designs 8. creates prints for a card and makes several copies or editions of the print so that cards can be exchanged with other persons 9. share your card with your love ones 10. school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 19 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A2EL-IVa-1Grade 2- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner The learner… A2EL-IVa-2 I. Elements: demonstrates creates a 3-dimensional free- 1. identifies the artistry of A2EL-IVb 1. natural shapes understanding of standing, balanced figure different local craftsmen in A2EL-IVc 2. geometric shapes shapes, texture, using different materials creating: A2PR-IVd 3. texture proportion and balance (found materials, recycled, 1.2 taka of different through sculpture and local or manufactured) animals and figures inII. Principles: 3-dimensional crafts Paete, Laguna 4. proportion 1.3 sarangola, or kites 5. balance 1.4 banca, native boats from Cavite, andIII. Process: coastal towns 6. SCULPTURE and 3-D CRAFTS 6.1 box figure sculpture 2 gives value and importance 6.2 kites and boats to the craftsmanship of the 6.3 paper mache animals local artists 6.4 clay figures 3 sites examples of 3- dimensional crafts found in the locality giving emphasis on their shapes, textures, proportion and balance 4 constructs a native kite from bamboo sticks, papel de japon glue, string, and fly the kite to tests its design (proportion and balance) 5 learns the steps in making a paper mache with focus on proportion and balanceK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 20 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A2PR-IVe MATERIALS 6 shows the beginning skill in A2PR-IVf the method of creating 3- dimensional free standing figures out of different materials clay, wood, found materials, recycled objects, wire, metal, bamboo 7 creates an imaginary robot or creature using different sizes of boxes, coils, wires, bottle caps and other found material 8 molds an animal shape on A2PR-IVg wire or bamboo armature A2PR-IVh or framework, showing the animal in action 9 creates a clay human figure that is balanced and can stand on its ownK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 21 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 3 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3EL-Ia MATERIALSGRADE 3- FIRST QUARTER A3EL-Ib I. Elements: The learner... The learner… The learner… A3PL-Ic 1. Lines A3PL –Id 1.1 lines can show demonstrates creates an artwork of people 1. distinguishes the size of A3PL-Ie movement understanding of lines, in the province/region. persons in the drawing, to 2. texture is created by using texture, shapes and On-the-spot sketching of indicate its distance from different lines depth, contrast (size, plants trees, or buildings and the viewer 3. shape of natural objects texture) through geometric line designs drawing shows a work of art based on 2. shows the illusion of spaceII. Principles: close observation of natural in drawing the objects and 4. Depth objects in his/her surrounding persons in different sizes 7.5 balance of size noting its size, shape and 5. Contrast texture 3. appreciates that artist 5.1 contrast of picture create visual textures by using a variety of lines andIII. Process: colors 6. DRAWING 6.1 people in the 4. tells that in a landscape, province/region the nearest object drawn is on-the-spot sketching of the foreground; the objects plants, trees or building behind the foreground are geometric line designs the middle ground, while the objects farthest away are the background, and by doing this there is balance 5. describes the way of life of people in the cultural communityK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 22 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3PR-If MATERIALS A3PR-Ig 6. create a geometric design A3PR-Ih Page 23 of 93 by contrasting two kind of lines in terms of type or A3PR-Ii size A3EL-IIa 7. sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to draw a plant, flowers or a tree showing the different textures and shape of each part, using only a pencil or black crayon or ballpen 8. creates a pencil or pen drawing of scene in daily life, where people in the province/region show their occupation by the action they are doing 9. sketches and colors and view of the province/region with houses and buildings indicating the foreground middle ground and background by the size of the objectsGrade 3- SECOND QUARTER The learner... The learner... The learner... 1. sees that there is harmony I. Elements: demonstrates creates an artwork of people 1. Color understanding of lines, in the province/region on-the- in nature as seen in the 1.1 mix colors to create textures, shapes and spot sketching of plants, trees color of landscapes at tints, shades and balance of size, contrast and building and geometric different times of the day neutral color of texture through line designs Ex: 2. Shape 1.1 landscapes of Felix 2.1 animals have shapesK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 2.2 adapted to their needs A3EL-IIb 2.3 Texture drawing Hidalgo, Fernando A3PL-IIc Page 24 of 93 2.4 is created by variety of Amorsolo, Jonahmar A3PR-IId applies knowledge of planes in Salvosa A3PR-IIe lines a landscape (foreground, 1.2 Still’s life of Araceli A3PR-IIf middle ground and Dans, Jorge Pineda,II. Principles: background) in painting a Agustin Goy 3. Harmony landscape 2.5 colors, shapes and lines that complement each 2. appreciates that nature is other create harmony so rich for no two animals and a mood of the have the same shape, skin painting covering and colorIII. Process: 3. perceives how harmony is 4. PAINTING created in an artwork fruits and plants (still life) because of complementary scene at the a time of day colors and shapes wild animal (close-up) 4. paints a still life by observing the different shapes, color and texture of fruits, drawing them overlapping and choosing the right colors for each fruit 5. creates new tints and shades of colors by mixing two or more colors 6. paints a landscape at a particular time of the day and selects colors that complement each other to create a moodK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3PR-IIg MATERIALS A3PR-IIh 7. observes the characteristics of a wild animal by making A3EL-IIIa several pencil sketches and A3PL-IIIb painting it later, adding A3PL-IIIc texture of its skin covering 8. appreciates the Filipino artists painted landscapes in their own particular style and can identify what makes each artist unique in his use of colors to create harmonyGrade 3- THIRD QUARTER The learner... The learner... The learner…I. Elements: demonstrates Exhibits basic skills in making 1. tells that a print made from 1. Shape understanding of a design for a print and objects found in nature can 1.1 letter stencils shapes, colors and producing several clean copies be realistic or abstract 1.2 logo designs principle repetition and of the prints 1.3 abstract shapes emphasis through 2. appreciates the importance 2. Color printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an and variety of materials 2.1 Complementary colors adequate skill to produce a used for printing clean print for a message,II. Principles: slogan or logo for a T-shirt, 3. observes that a print 3. Repetition poster bag design may use repetition 3.1 of letters and logos and of shapes or lines and shapes produces at least 3 good emphasis on contrast of 4. Emphasis copies of print using shapes and lines 4.1 of shapes by contrast complementary colors and 4.2 Process: contrasting shapesK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 25 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3PL-IIId MATERIALS 4.3 PRINTMAKING A3PR-IIIe 4. realizes that a print design A3PR-IIIf Page 26 of 93III.Process: can be duplicated many A3PR-IIIg 5. PRINTMAKING (stencils) times by hand or by 5.1 T-shirt/cloth pin machine and can be shared A3PR-IIIh 5.2 poster prints with others 5.3 duffel bag print A3PR-IIIg 5. explain the meaning of the design created 6. designs an attractive logo with slogan about the environment to be used for printing 7. creates and cuts a stencil from paper or plastic sheets to be used for multiple prints on cloth or hard paper 8. creates a print for a shirt, bag or a poster using stencils with abstract designs that conveys a message and can be replicated 9. writes a slogan about the environment that correlates messages to be printed on T-shirts, posters, banners or bags 10. school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3EL-IVa MATERIALSGRADE 3- FOURTH QUARTER The learner... The learner... The learner… A3PL-IVb Page 27 of 93 I. Elements: A3PR-IVc 1. SHAPES demonstrates creates a single puppet based 1. identifies different styles of A3PR-IVd 1.1 human and animals understanding of on character in legends, puppets made in the A3PR-IVe 2. COLORS myths or stories using Philippines (form Teatro A3PR-IVf 2.1 primary shapes, colors, textures, recycled and hard material Mulat and Anino Theater 2.2 secondary creates a mask or headdress Group) 2.3 tertiary and emphasis by that is imaginary in design 3. TEXTURES variation of shapes and using found and recycled 2. appreciates variations of 3.1 visual and actual materials puppets in terms of texture and contrast of demonstrates basic skills in material, structure, shapes,II. Principles: colors through sculpture constructing a puppet made colors and intricacy of 4. Emphasis from a hard and stick, which textural details 4.1 by Variation of shapes and crafts can be manipulated and textures 3. creates a puppet designs 5. CONTRASTof colors that would give a specific and unique character6. Process: 7. SCULPTURE and CRAFTS 4. applies designs of varied 7.1 puppets on a stick shapes and colors on 7.2 hand puppet puppets to show the imaginary masks unique character of the puppet 5. constructs a simple puppet based on a character in a legend, myth or story using recyclable materials and bamboo sticks or twigs 6. manipulates a puppet to act out a character in a story together with the puppetsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A3PR-IVg MATERIALS A3PR-IVh 7. performs as puppeteer A3PR-IVi together with others, in a puppet show to tell a story using the puppet he/she created 8. designs and creates mask or headdress with the use of recycled or natural objects inspired by best festivals 9. creates a mask or headdress that is imaginary in design using found and recycled material, inspired by local FestivalsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 28 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 4 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 4- FIRST QUARTER The learner… A4EL-Ia The learner… The learner… A4EL-Ib Page 29 of 93 I. Elements: 1. appreciates the rich A4EL-Ic 1. LINES demonstrates practices variety of culture in variety of cultural 1.1 organic and inorganic understanding of lines, the community by way of communities in the 2. COLORS texture, and shapes; attire, body accessories, Philippines and their 2.1 primary and secondary and balance of size and religious practices and uniqueness 3. SHAPES repetition of lifestyle. 1.1 LUZON- Ivatan, 3.1 stylized based on nature motifs/patterns through Ifugao, Kalinga, drawing creates a unique design of Bontok, Gaddang,II. Principles: houses, and other household Agta 4. REPETITION objects used by the cultural 1.2 VISAYAS – Ati 4.1 motifs groups. 1.3 MINDANAO-Badjao, Mangyan,Samal,III. Process: writes a comparative Yakan, Ubanon, 5. DRAWING description of houses and Manobo, Higaonon, 5.1 drawing of figures of utensils used by selected Talaandig, different cultural cultural groups from different Matigsalog, Bilaan, communities provinces. T’boli, Tiruray, 5.2 crayon etching of ethnic Mansaka, Tausug designs crayon resist of scenes 2. distinguishes distinctive from different cultural characteristics of several groups in the Philippines cultural communities in terms of attire, body accessories, religious practices, and lifestyles. 3. adapts an indigenous cultural motif into a contemporary design through crayon etching technique.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A4PL-Id MATERIALS A4PR-Ie 4. identifies specific clothing, A4PR-If Page 30 of 93 objects, and designs of A4PR-Ig the cultural communities and applies it to a drawing A4PR-Ih of the attire and accessories of one of A4PR-Ii these cultural groups. 5. shares ideas about the practices of the different cultural communities. 6. translates research of the artistic designs of the cultural communities into a contemporary design. 7. creates a drawing after close study and observation of one of the cultural communities’ way of dressing and accessories. 8. produces a crayon resist on any of the topics: the unique design of the houses, household objects, practices, or rituals of one of the cultural groups. 9. uses crayon resist technique in showing different ethnic designs or patterns.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 4- SECOND QUARTER A4EL-IIa The learner… The learner… The learner… A4EL-IIb Page 31 of 93 I. Elements: A4EL-IIc 1. SHAPES demonstrates sketches and paints a 1. discusses pictures of A4EL-IId 1.1 overlapping of shapes landscape or mural using localities where different A4EL-IIe 2. COLOR understanding of lines, shapes and colors appropriate cultural communities live A4EL-IIf 2.1 to show mood and color, shapes, space, to the way of life of the and understands that each atmosphere cultural community. group has distinct houses 3. SPACE and proportion through and practices. 3.1 showing foreground, drawing. realizes that the choice of middle ground and colors to use in a landscape 2. distinguishes the attire and background gives the mood or feeling of a accessories of selected painting. cultural communities in theII. Principles: country in terms of colors 4. PROPORTION of houses, and shapes. buildings, fields, mountains, sky in a landscape 3. appreciates the importance of communities and theirIII. Process: culture. 5. PAINTING 5.1 important 4. compares the geographical landscape/famous location, practices, and landmark in a province festivals of the different 5.2 (indigenous houses) cultural groups in the 5.3 mural painting country. 5. sketches a landscape of a cultural community based on researches and observations made. 6. paints the sketched landscape using colors appropriate to the cultural community’s ways of life.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A4EL-IIg MATERIALS A4EL-IIh 7. exhibits painted landscapes Page 32 of 93 to create a mural for the A4EL-IIIa class and the school to A4PL-IIIb appreciate. A4PL-IIIc A4PR-IIId 8. tells a story or relates experiences about cultural communities seen in the landscape.GRADE 4- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… I. Elements: demonstrates creates relief and found 1. explores the texture of 1. LINES understanding of objects prints using ethnic each material and 1.1 organic, inorganic shapes and colors and designs. describes its characteristic. (mechanical) the principles of 2. COLORS repetition, contrast, and presents research on relief 2. analyzes how existing 2.1 earth or natural colors emphasis through prints created by other ethnic motif designs are 3. TEXTURE printmaking (stencils) cultural communities in the repeated and alternated. 3.2 from a variety of country. materials 3. discovers the process of 4. SHAPES produces multiple copies of a creating relief prints and 4.1 geometric/2-dimensional relief print using industrial appreciates how relief Shapes paint/natural dyes to create prints makes the work decorative borders for more interesting andII. Principles: boards, panels etc. harmonious in terms of the 5. CONTRAST elements involved. 5.1 smooth vs. rough 5.2 curves vs. straight lines 4. draws ethnic motifs and 5.3 small shapes vs. big create a design by shapes repeating, alternating, or 6. HARMONY by radial arrangement.III. Process:K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A4PR-IIIe MATERIALS7. PRINTMAKING A4PR-IIIf 7.1 relief print 5. creates a relief master or Page 33 of 93 7.2 glue print mold using additive and A4PR-IIIg 7.3 cardboard print subtractive processes. A4PR-IIIh found objects print 6. creates simple, A4PR-IIIi interesting, and A4PR-IIIj harmoniously arranged relief prints from a clay design. 7. prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce clean prints with a particular design motif (repeated or alternated). 8. prints reliefs using found materials and discusses the finished artwork. 9. creates the relief mold using found material: hard foam; cardboard shapes glued on wood; strings and buttons, old screws, and metal parts glued on wood or cardboard. 10. displays the finished artwork for others to critique and discuss. 11. participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February).K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A4EL-IVa MATERIALS A4EL-IVbGRADE 4- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A4EL-IVc I. Elements: demonstrates applies individually the 6. researches and 1. COLOR understanding on color intricate procedures in tie- differentiates textile 1.1 dyes can be combined to (dyes), values, and dyeing in clothes or t-shirts traditions, e.g. tie-dye create new colors repetition of motifs and compares them with one done in other countries like 2. VALUE/TONE through sculpture and another. China, India, Japan, and light and dark 3-D crafts Indonesia in the olden replicates traditional skills in times and presently,as wellII. Principles: mat weaving from indigenous as in the Philippines, e.g. 3. REPETITION material like abaca tapestries. theTinalak made by the 3.1 motifs, colors T’bolis. researches on tie-dyed craftsIII. Process: of the T’boli and presents 7. presents pictures or actual 4. SCULPTURE and 3- designs made by samples of different kinds dimensional crafts them;presents research on of mat weaving traditions 5. Textile craft: tie-dyed products of other in the Philippines. 5.1 tie-dye (one color; 2 cultural communities to colors) compare their designs and 8. discusses the intricate 5.2 Mat weaving (buri) colors. designs of mats woven in the Philippines: 8.1 Basey, Samar buri mats 8.2 Iloilo bamban mats 8.3 Badjao&Samal mats 8.4 Tawi-tawilaminusa mats 8.5 Romblon buri matsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 34 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A4PL-IVd MATERIALS A4PL-IVe 9. emphasizes textile crafts A4PR-IVf like tie-dyeing which A4PR-IVg demands careful practices A4PR-IVh and faithful repetition of the steps to produce good designs. 10. gives meaning to the designs, colors, patterns used in the artworks. 11. creates a small mat using colored buri strips or any material that can be woven, showing different designs: squares, checks zigzags, and stripes. 12. weaves own design similar to the style made by a local ethnic group. 13. creates original tie-dyed textile design by following the traditional steps in tie- dyeing using one or two colors.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 35 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 5CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A5EL-Ia MATERIALS A5EL-IbGrade 5- FIRST QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A5EL-Ic Page 36 of 93 I. Elements: demonstrates creates different artifacts and 1. identifies events, A5PL-Id 1. LINES understanding of lines, architectural buildings in the practices, and culture A5PL-Ie 1.1 crosshatching technique shapes, and space; and Philippines and in the locality influenced by colonizers to simulate 3- the principles of rhythm using crosshatching who have come to our dimensional effect and and balance through technique, geometric shapes, country by way of trading. visual texture drawing of archeological and space, with rhythm and artifacts, houses, balance as principles of 2. gives the illusion of 2. SHAPES/FORMS buildings, and churches design. depth/distance to simulate 2.1 geometric 3-dimensional from historical periods a3-dimensional effectby forms using crosshatching puts up an exhibit on usingcrosshatching and technique to simulate 3- Philippine artifacts and houses shading techniques in 3. SPACE dimensional and from different historical drawings (old pottery, 3.1 distance or area geometric effects of an periods (miniature or replica). boats, jars, musical artwork. instruments).II. Principles: 4. RHYTHM 3. shows, describes, and 4.1 repeated motifs names significant parts of 5. BALANCE the different architectural 5.1 symmetrical and designs and artifacts found asymmetrical in the locality. e.g.bahaykubo, torogan,III. Process: bahaynabato, simbahan, 6. DRAWING carcel, etc. 6.1 drawing of archeological artifacts 4. realizes that our 6.2 drawing of Philippine archipelago is strategically houses, buildings, and located and made us part churches from different of a vibrant trading historical periods (on- tradition (Chinese the-spot) merchants, Galleon Trade, silk traders) 5. appreciates the importance of artifacts, houses, clothes, language, lifestyleK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A5PR-If - utensils, food, pottery, A5PR-Ig furniture - influenced by A5PR-Ih colonizers who have come A5PR-Ij to our country (Manunggul jar, balanghai, bahaynabato, kundiman, Gabaldon schools, vaudeville, Spanish-inspired churches). 6. creates illusion of space in 3-dimensional drawings of important archeological artifacts seen in books, museums (National Museum and its branches in the Philippines, and in old buildings or churches in the community. 7. creates mural and drawings of the old houses, churches or buildings of his/her community. 8. participates in putting up a mini-exhibit with labels of Philippine artifacts and houses after the whole class completes drawings. 9. tells something about his/her community as reflected on his/her artwork.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 37 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A5EL-IIa MATERIALS A5EL-IIbGrade 5- SECOND QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A5EL-IIc Page 38 of 93 I. Elements: 1. LINE demonstrates sketches natural or man-made 1. identifies the importance of 1.1 straight and curved understanding of lines, places in the community with natural and historical 2. COLOR colors, space, and the use of complementary places in the community 2.1 complementary harmony through colors. that have been designated 3. SPACE painting and as World Heritage Site 3.1 one-point perspective In explains/illustrates draws/paints significant or (e.g., rice terraces in landscape drawing landscapes of important important historical places. Banawe, Batad; Paoay historical places in the Church; Miag-ao Church;II. Principles: community (natural or landscape of Batanes, 4. HARMONY man-made)using one- Callao Caves in Cagayan; 4.1 created through the point perspective in old houses inVigan, Ilocos right proportions of landscape drawing, Norte; and the torogan in parts complementary colors, Marawi) and the rightIII. Process: proportions of parts. 2. identifies and describes the 5. PAINTING architectural or natural 5.1 landscapes of features of the places important places in the visited or seen on pictures. community (natural or man-made) 3. realizes that artists have different art styles in painting landscapes or significant places in their respective provinces (e.g., Fabian dela Rosa, Fernando Amorsolo, Carlos Francisco, Vicente Manansala, Jose Blanco, VictorioEdades, Juan Arellano, PrudencioLamarroza, and Manuel Baldemor)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A5PL-IId MATERIALS A5PL-IIe 4. appreciates the artistry of A5PR-IIf Page 39 of 93 famous Filipino artists in A5PR-IIg painting different landscapes and is able to A5EL-IIIa describe what makes each artist’s masterpiece unique from others. 5. sketches and uses complementary colors in painting a landscape. 6. utilizes skills and knowledge about foreground, middle ground, and background to emphasize depth in painting a landscape. 7. identifies and discusses details of the landscape significant to the history of the country.Grade 5- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… I. Elements: demonstrates creates a variety of prints 1. discusses the richness of 1. LINE understanding of new using lines (thick, thin, Philippine myths and 1.1 thick and thin printmaking techniques jagged, ribbed, fluted, woven) legends (MariangMakiling, 1.2 straight, curved, and with the use of lines, to produce visual texture. Bernardo Carpio, dwende, jagged texture through stories capre, sirena, Darna, 2.TEXTURE and myths. diwata, DalagangMagayon, 2.1 ribbed, fluted, woven, etc.) from the local carved community and other parts of the country.II. Principles: 3. CONTRAST 3.1 carved, textured areas K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A5EL-IIIb MATERIALS and solid areas 3.2 thick, textured lines and 2. explores new printmaking A5EL-IIIc Page 40 of 93 technique using a sheet of fine lines thin rubber (used for soles of shoes),linoleum, or anyIII. Process: soft wood that can be 4. PRINTMAKING carved or gouged to create 4.1 linoleum or rubber print different lines and textures. or wood print of a Philippine mythological 3. identifies possible uses of creature the printed artwork. 4. shows skills in creating a A5PL-IIId linoleum, rubber or wood A5PR-IIIe cut print with the proper use of carving tools. A5PR-IIIf 5. creates variations of the same print by using different colors of ink in printing the master plate. 6. follows the step-by-step process of creating a print : 6.1 sketching the areas to be carved out and areas that will remain 6.2 carving the image on the rubber or wood using sharp cutting tools 6.3 preliminary rubbing 6.4 final inking of the plate with printing ink 6.5 placing paper over the plate, rubbing the back of the paperK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A5PR-IIIg MATERIALS A5PR-IIIh 6.6 impressing the Page 41 of 93 print A5EL-IVa 6.7 repeating the process to get several editions of the print 7. works with the class to produce a compilation of their prints and create a book or calendar which they can give as gifts, sell, or display on the walls of their school. 8. utilizes contrast in a carved or textured area in an artwork. 9. produces several editions of the same print that are well-inked and evenly printed. 10. participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)GRADE 5- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… I. Elements: demonstrates demonstrates fundamental 1. identifies the materials 1. COLOR understanding of colors, construction skills in making a used in making3- 1.1 primary shapes, space, 3-dimensional craft that dimensional crafts which 1.2 secondary repetition, and balance expresses balance, artistic express balance and 2. SHAPE through sculpture and design, and repeated variation repeated variation of 2.1 geometric 2.2 organicK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 3. SPACE A5EL-IVb 3.1 distance 3-dimensional crafts. of decorations and colors shapes and colors Page 42 of 93 3.2 area 1.1 mobile A5EL-IVc 1. papier-mâché jars 1.2 papier-mâché jar A5PL-IVdII. Principles: with patterns 1.3 paper beads A5PL-IVe 4. REPETITION A5PR-IVf 4.1 colors, shapes 2. paper beads 2. identifies the different A5PR-IVg 5. BALANCE techniques in making 3- A5PR-IVh 5.1 structure and shape constructs 3-D craft using dimensional crafts primary and secondary colors, 2.1 mobileIII. Process: geometric shapes, space, and 2.2 papier-mâché jar 6. SCULPTURE AND 3-D repetition of colors to show 2.3 paper beads CRAFTS balance of the structure and 6.1 mobile shape 3. explores possibilities on 6.2 papier-mâché or clay the use of created 3-D jar with geometric 3. mobile crafts. patterns 6.3 paper beads (bracelet, 4. applies knowledge of necklace, earring, ID colors, shapes, and balance lanyard, etc. in creating mobiles, papier- mâché jars, and paper beads. 5. displays artistry in making mobiles with varied colors and shapes. 6. creates designs for making 3-dimensional crafts 6.1 mobile 6.2 papier-mâché jar 6.3 paper beads 7. shows skills in making a papier-mâché jar 8. creates paper beads with artistic designs and varied colors out of old magazines and colored papers for necklace, bracelet, ID lanyardK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 6 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 6 - FIRST QUARTER A6EL-Ia I. Elements: The learner… The learner… LOGO DESIGN A6PL-Ia Page 43 of 93 1. LINE Software: Inkscape (Open A6PR-Ib 2. SHAPE demonstrates creates concepts through art Source) for Laptop/Desktop PC A6PR-Ic 3. COLOR understanding of the processes, elements, and A6PR-Id 4. TEXTURE use of lines, shapes, principles using new The learner… A6PR-Id 5. producing these using colors, texture, and the technologies (hardware and technology principles of emphasis software) to create personal 1. realizes that art processes, and contrast in drawing or class logo. elements and principles stillII. Principles: a logo and own cartoon apply even with the use of 6. CONTRAST character using new designs cartoon character on- new technologies. 7. EMPHASIS technologies in drawing. the spot using new technologies. 2. appreciates the elementsIII. Process: and principles applied in 8. DRAWING – NEW commercial art. TECHNOLOGIES 8.1 logo 3. applies concepts on the use 8.2 cartoon character of the software (commands, menu, etc.). 4. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software). 5. creates personal or class logo as visual representation that can be used as a product, brand, ortrademark 6. explains ideas about the logo CARTOON CHARACTER Making Software: Inkscape (Open Source) for Laptop/Desktop PC Software: Sketch n’ Draw (Open Source) for Tablet PCK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A6EL-Ie The learner… Page 44 of 93 A6PL-Ie 1. realizes that art processes, A6PR-If elements, and principles A6PR-Ig still apply even with the A6PR-Ih use of technologies. A6PR-Ih 2. appreciates the elements and principles applied in comic art. 3. applies concepts on the steps/procedures in cartoon character making. 4. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software) in cartoon character making. 5. creates own cartoon character to entertain, express opinions, ideas, etc. 6. explains ideas about the cartoon characterGRADE 6- SECOND QUARTER I. Elements: The learner… The learner… DIGITAL PAINTING 1. SHAPES Software: Gimp (Open Source) 2. SPACE demonstrates applies concepts on the use of 3. COLOR understanding of software in creating digital for Laptop/Desktop PC 4. primary, secondary, and shapes, space, colors, paintings and graphic designs. Software: Paint (Windows) for intermediate and the principles of emphasis, harmony and Laptop/Desktop PCII. Principles: contrast in digital Software: Photo Editor (Open 1. EMPHASIS painting and poster 2. HARMONY design using new Source) for Tablet PCK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A6EL-IIa MATERIALS 3. CONTRAST A6PL-IIa 4. lines, shapes technologies. The learner… A6PR-IIb Page 45 of 93 A6PR-IIdIII. Process: 1. realizes that art processes, A6PR-IIc 1.PAINTING – NEW elements and principles still TECHNOLOGIES apply even with the use of A6EL-IIe 1.1 digital painting technologies. A6PL-IIf graphic design (poster) 2. appreciates the elements and principles applied in digital art. 3. applies concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc.) 4. utilizes art skills using new technologies (hardware and software) in digital painting. 5. creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc. GRAPHIC DESIGN (Poster Layout) Software: Gimp (Open Source) for Laptop/Desktop PC Software: MS Publisher (Windows) for Laptop/Desktop PC The learner… 6. realizes that art processes, elements and principles still apply even with the use of technologies. 7. appreciates the elements and principles applied in layouting.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 8. applies skills in layouting A6PR-IIg Page 46 of 93 and photo editing using A6PR-IIh new technologies A6EL-IIIa (hardware and software) in making a poster. A6PL-IIIb A6PR-IIIc 9. creates an advertisement/commercial or announcement poster. Grade 6- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… PRINTMAKING (Silk- screen Printing)I. Elements: demonstrates creates simple printmaking 1. COLORS understanding of (silkscreen) designs on t-shirts The learner… 1.1 primary blended with shapes, colors, values, and posters. secondary and and the principles of 1. knows that design intermediate colors emphasis, contrast, and describes the basic concepts principles still apply for any 2. SHAPES harmony in printmaking and principles of basic new design (contrast of 2.1 letters and geometric and photography using photography. colors, shapes, and lines shapes new technologies. produces harmony) whether done by hand or 3. VALUES/TONES machine (computer). 3.1 lightness and darkness 2. understands that digitalII. Principles: technology has speeded up 4. EMPHASIS the printing of original designs and made it 5. CONTRAST accessible to many, as emphasized in t-shirts and 5.1 shapes and colors poster designs. 6. HARMONY 3. applies concepts on the 6.1 letters, shapes, colors steps/procedure in silkscreen printing.III. Process: 7. PRINTMAKING (silkscreen printing) 8. BASIC PHOTOGRAPHYK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 4. produces own prints from A6PR-IIId original design to silkscreen A6EL-IIIe printing to convey a message or statement. A6PL-IIIf A6PR-IIIg BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY A6PR-IIIh A. Phone Camera B. Point and Shoot Digital Camera The learner… 5. realizes that art processes, elements, and principles still apply even with the use of technologies. 6. understands concepts and principles of photography. 7. identifies the parts and functions of the camera (point and shoot or phone camera). 8. applies composition skills to produce a printed photograph for a simple photo essay.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 47 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 9. participates in school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)GRADE 6- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner… SCULPTURE – A6EL-IVa PACKAGE/PRODUCT I. Elements: demonstrates creates an actual 3-D digitally- DESIGN (Paper Bag) A6PL-IVa 1. SHAPES understanding of enhanced paper bag for a A6PR-IVb 1.1 letters and geometric shapes, colors, and the product or brand. The learner… A6PR-IVc shapes principles of contrast A6PR-IVd 2. COLORS and harmony through applies concepts on the use of 1. knows that design 2.1 primary blended with the use of new media in new technologies (hardware principles and elements secondary and creating audio-video art and software) in creating an relates to everyday objects. intermediate colors and product or package audio-video art/animation. design. 2. appreciates the elementsII. Principles: and principles applied in 3. CONTRAST product design. 3.1 of shapes and colors 4. HARMONY 3. manifests understanding of 4.1 of letters, shapes, colors concepts on the use of software (commands,III. Process: menu, etc.) 5. SCULPTURE – PACKAGE/PRODUCT DESIGN 4. utilizes art skills in using (paper bag) new technologies 6. NEW MEDIA – AUDIO-VIDEO (hardware and software) in ART or ANIMATION package design. (electronic collage) 5. creates an actual 3-D digitally-enhanced product design for a paper bag. NEW MEDIA – AUDIO- VIDEO ART or ANIMATION (Electronic Collage)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 48 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A6EL-IVe Software: Synfic Studio for 2D A6PL-IVe Animation (Open Source) for A6PR-IVf Laptop/Desktop PC A6PR-IVg Software: Blender for 3D A6PR-IVh Animation (Open Source) for Laptop/Desktop PC Software: MS Movie Maker (Windows) for Laptop/Desktop PC The learner… 6. realizes that art processes, elements and principles still apply even with the use of technologies. 7. appreciates the elements and principles applied in audio-video art. 8. applies concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc.) 9. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software). 10. creates an audio-video art /animation promoting a product.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 49 of 93

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