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Home Explore Physical Education Grade 3

Physical Education Grade 3

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-11-19 21:51:00

Description: Physical Education Grade 3


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Toe Touch (To the tune of Do the Boggie Woggie) By: Urcesio A. Sepe,Rhodora B. Pena and Sonny F. Meneses Jr. Sit on the floor while legs stretched apart Slowly bend your body forward And do the double toe touch And do the double toe touch Let’s do another one Chorus: Toe touch on the right Toe touch on the left Double toe touch on open sitting position (Repeat chorus 2x)  Did you like the song?  How did you feel while doing the activity?  Did you enjoy doing it?      Look at the picture. Guess the missing letters to form wordsrelated with the pictures. 50  

1. m  c  e2.  o  y   g  3. t  e  c h   4. l  e  i  b5. e  r  i  s Did you complete the words? Now look and study thefollowing illustrations. SEATED L SEATED STRADDLE   51  

SEATED TOE TOUCH BEAR HUGCROSS LEG STRETCH  RUN/MARCH IN PLACE   In the illustrations presented, which movements or exercises show conditioning and flexibility exercises? Which movement or exercise shows non-conditioning flexibility exercise? Which body parts are stretched? Can you perform this kind of movement?WING STRETCHING STRETCHING 52  

Answer the following questions:  What flexibility exercise did you perform?  Which body parts did you use in the first and second exercises?  How did you feel while doing the activity?  Which part of your body was stretched?  Do you think this activity will improve body posture? How? Now , let us move and have a game. Always remembersafety precautions while doing the game. Activity 3: Let’s Move Leap and Stretch (Note: Consider the safety precautions) (Your teacher will provide the copy)  Did you enjoy the game?  What did you do to win?  Did you follow the safety precautions?   There are different conditioning and  flexibility exercises that will help us to  improve body posture.       Form a big circle. Do the sitting position with an open legswhich are not too wide. Sing again the song “Toe Touch” withactions. 53  

Study the illustrations. Put a double check (√√) if it showsbody conditioning and flexibility and single check (√) if not.Body Conditioning and Flexibility Exercises √√ √ 1. Run/March in place  2. Seated toe touch  3. Seated Straddle  Side Sitting   54  

4. Crossed-Leg-Stretch   55  

  3 MAPEH P.E. Learner’s Material Unit 2   This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at [email protected].

MAPEH – Grade 3Learner’s MaterialFirst Edition, 2013ISBN: Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any workof the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency oroffice wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment ofroyalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders.Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials fromtheir respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claimownership over them.Published by the Department of EducationSecretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSCUndersecretary: Yolanda S. Quijano, Ph.D.Assistant Secretary: Elena R. Ruiz, Ph.D. Development Team of the Learner’s MaterialPrinted in the Philippines by ____________Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS)Office Address: 2nd Floor Dorm G, PSC Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig CityTelefax: Philippines 1600E-mail Address: (02) 634-1054, 634-1072 [email protected] 2  

Table Of ContentsLesson 1 Moving in My Personal Space……………… 4Lesson 2 Moving in My General Space……………… 11Lesson 3 Tiklos Basic ……………………………………. 16Lesson 4 Let’s Play Tiklos ………………………………. 20Lesson 5 Bao Rhythmic ……………………………….. 23Lesson 6 Ball Rhythmic ……………………………….. 27Lesson 7 Throwing and Catching Ball ……………… 31Lesson 8 Karera ng Bao ………………………………. 38 3  

QUARTER 2Lesson 1: MOVING IN MY PERSONAL SPACE Study at the picture. Where are the children playing? Doyou also enjoy playing with your classmates similar to the one’s inthe picture? Do you have activities? Do you love using differentmovements while playing? 4  

 Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity Let’s perform the different movements a. Jog in place (8 counts) walk in place (8 counts) b. Do breathing exercises (10 counts) c. Do a head bend.  Bend forward (4 counts) with hand support  Bend backward (4 counts) with hand support    Bend sideward right with hand support (4 counts)  Return to position (4 counts) d. Head Twist 5  

 Twist your head sideward right (4 counts)  Return to position (4 counts)  Twist your head sideward left (4 counts)  Return back to position (4 counts)e. Shoulder circle Start with hands at your sides.  Have your shoulder forward (4 counts) with hands at your sides.  Have your shoulders backward (4 counts) with hands at your sides. f. Trunk Twist      Raise your arms to your chest with palms facing down  Move to the right (count 4)  Return to position  Repeat to the left (count 4).  Return back to position. g. Knee stretching/Pushing  Stand straight with feet apart, with your hands on your lap (count 4)  Slowly move your body Downward. (count 4)  Return to position. 6  

h. Ankle (foot) Circle  Lift your right foot and rotate clockwise 4 counts and counter-clockwise 4 counts.  Repeat with the left foot.   i. Starting position: half knee bend.  Inhale as you slowly stand up and straighten your knees.  Raise arms slowly sideward, upward. (8 counts)  Exhale as you slowly bring arms downward to its original position.  Repeat 3 times. These exercises will serve as your warm-up. Warm-upexercises will help you prepare your body for more strenuousactivities. These are also example of movements you perform inyour personal or self space.  There is movement when you change the position of yourbody or use your body parts. When you move, you move indifferent spaces. Moving in personal space means you are movingin your own position.   Below are some positions you can do in your personal space.Study the positions and do these properly. 1. What can you say about the four positions? Were you able to do the different positions properly? 2.Which part of the body is moving? 3.In which direction is the body moving? 4.Did you perform the movements in place? did you transfer places? 7  

Movement is a change of position of body or body parts in space. Personal or self space is a given space when you move in your fixed position. Common basic movements used in moving in a personal space are non locomotor movements. These movements are done without moving away from one’s place, like bending, stretching, twisting, circling, swaying, and swinging.  Let’s have another movement activity with an action song. Your teacher will help you learn the song and the actions. Enjoy the song and demonstrate the actions properly. (To the tune of Shake Shake)   Answer the following questions: 1. What movements you can do while staying in place? 2. What part of the body is/are used in doing each movement? 3. Were you able to create a movement? 4. Can you name the movement? 5. Did you transfer from one place to another place in doing those movements?After the personal space awareness activity that you did, try toanswer the following: 8  

1. What movements you can do while staying in place? 2. What is personal space? 3. What is non locomotor movements?   Movement is a change of position of  body or body parts in space. Personal or  self space is a given space when you move imn ovyeomurenftisxeudsedpoinsitimo  no.vinCgoimn maonperbsoansaicl  space are non-locomotor movements. These movements are done without moving away from one’s place, like bending, stretching, twisting, circling, swaying and swinging.   In your own space or personal space, perform the followingnon-locomotor movements to the tune of Leron Leron Sinta . Dothe movements properly as you exercise.1. Twist your head (right and left). 16 counts.2. Bend your neck downward. 16 counts3. Bend your trunk sideways (right and left). 16 counts4. Raise your legs; then, flex (bend)your feet. 16 counts5. Raise your legs; then, point your toes downward . 16counts.6. Bend your neck sideward (right and left). 16 counts.7. Stretch your arms sideward (right and left).16 counts.8. Bend your trunk forward and backward. 16 counts. 9  

List the different parts of the body that perform the different non-locomotor movements. stretching bending pushing pulling twisting turning swaying swinging   Complete the following sentences.1. There is ________________when there is a ___________ of position of _____________or body parts in ___________.2. Moving in __________________ would mean you are moving in your own ____________.3. ____________________or axial movements are movements you perform without _____________ from one place to another.Answer the following: 1. Which non-locomotor movements were you able to perform well? 2. Which non-locomotor movementswere difficult to do? 3. On a scale of 1 to 5, do 1as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how would you rate your performance in all the activities ? 4. Color the stars that describe your overall performance .lesson. 10  

QUARTER 2Lesson 2: MOVING IN MY GENERAL SPACE Hello! How are you doing now? In your previous lesson, youunderstood the idea of personal space and demonstrate somenon-locomotor movements. In this lesson, you will explore yourgeneral space.Before we move to the main activity, let’s enjoythe warm-up exercises.  Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activityWith your leader perform the warm up exercises on pages 85-87properly and observe safety precautions.   How did you feel warm up exercises? Remember that awarm up will help you prepare your body various physicalactivities.Look at the illustrations below. Can you describe the actionsshown in the illustrations? Can you perform these?      11 

In Lesson 1, you moved your body in your personal space. Inthis lesson, you will explore how your body can move in generalspace. Remember: You must be in proper posture while doing any of the locomotor movements. 1. Walking (correct posture) 2. Running 3. Jumping 4. Hopping 12  

5. Galloping 6. Sliding 7. Skipping 8. Leaping 13  

Performance Task: Exploring General Space Group yourselves into four. Go to the space assigned byyour teacher. Explore the general space by using the differentlocomotor movements. Your teacher will provide you the music forthe activity. 1. In mass formation, do locomotor movements in space. 2. Each group will perform the movements in a given spacedesign or pathway. (Examples: moving in circular pattern, movingin square pattern, moving zigzag pattern etc.) 3. Each group will move in various levels.(Examples: movingin low level, middle level, high level, or combination of the three.) 1. Were you able to demonstrate properly the different locomotor movements? 2. Were you able to move in a general space? 3. What different locomotor movements did you perform?    General space is an unlimited area where you move from one place to  another. It is the entire space within a room, gymnasium , an outdoor space, or a boundary that a body can occupy. Locomotor movements are generally used in defining the general space. These transfer the body from one place to another. Some examples are walking, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, Sliding, and leaping. 14  

  Stay with your activity 1 groupmates. Each group mustform a straight line. A chair can be used as the turning point foreach group for the locomotor race. The groups will compete.Each member of the group team will do the locomotormovements that the teacher will identify. Each player will movefrom the starting line, go around the chair to the line tag thenext person.The first group to finish the race for each locomotormovement gets a point.  How did you feel after your movement experiences?Were you able to accomplish the task? Let’s have a cool down activity. Form a big circle. You willform one big circle. Perform stretching exercises to music .Yourteacher will lead you.  Answer the following questions: 5. Which locomotor movements were you able to perform well? 6. Which locomotor movements did you find difficult to do? 7. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how would you rate your performance in all the activities ? 15  

8. Color the stars that describe your overall performance. 5 stars     ‐            Excellent  4 stars     ‐            Very Good  3 stars      ‐           Good  2 stars      ‐           Fair  1 star        ‐           Poor  QUARTER 2Lesson 3: TIKLOS BASIC Welcome to Lesson 3. How are you doing now? In Lessons 1&2 you were able to understand the ideas of personal and generalspace. In this lesson, you will explore both personal and generalspaces by engaging in the basics of the dance Tiklos. This lessonwill also help you understand the different dance terms.    Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity. In the previous lessons, you were able to do warm upexercises. With the leader, perform the warm up exercises again toprepare your body for the different physical activities. Refer towarm up exercises on pages 85 to 87. 16  

Your teacher will play the music of Tiklos.   Listen carefully and try to feel the beat of the music. Can you identify the tempo of the music? Is it fast or slow? Clap to the beat of the music. Can you feel its underlying beat? What do you think is the time signature of the music? Can you count its rhythmic pattern? Your teacher will lead you in showing movements in personal or general space as you interpret the music of Tiklos. You can use both non-locomotors and locomotors movements.Listen to the rhythm of the music of Tiklos.  Clap your hands following the rhythm of the music.  Count the rhythm of the music.Let’s enjoy performing the steps! Be familiar with the rhythm of the music.  Get a partner.  Stand side by side with your partner.  Upon the signal of the teacher, eachcolumn will perform the steps. How many movements did you show your teacher? Whatnon-locomotor or locomotor movements did you perform? 17  

   The dance Tiklos is in 2 4 time music with countings of 1 2, 1 and 2, in a measure.  The common dance steps of Tiklos are  change step, heel and  toe change step, cut step, point step.  This time, let’s try to do the basic dance steps of Tiklos. It isvery important that you master these steps, if you do, you willenjoy performing the entire dance in the next lesson. With the help of your teacher, you will perform the dancesteps and its step pattern, rhythmic pattern and counting.Change step Step Pattern and No. of Measure Time Signature Counting 2 step, close, step 1M 4 1 and 2Heel and Toe Change StepTime Step Pattern and Counting No. of MeasureSignature2 Heel place, toe point,4 12 2M step, close, step 1 and 2 18  

Touch Step Step Pattern and No. of Measure Time Signature Counting 2 point, close, 1M 4 12Change Step Step Pattern and No. of Measure Time Signature Counting 2 Jump and land on 1M 4 both feet with R in front (count 1) Jump and land on both feet with L in front (count 2)Cut Step Step Pattern and No. of Measure Time Signature Counting 2 Displace R with L 1M 4 (count 1) Displace L with R (count 2)  Sing a song you learned from Lesson 2. 19  

Check () the box that matches your performance.LEGEND: - Needs Improvement - Poor - Good - Very Good - Excellent 1. Heel and Toe 2. Change steps 3. Cut steps 4. Touch step 5.Changing step QUARTER 2Lesson 4: LET’S DANCE TIKLOS! Have now completed one half of the second quarter.Today, you will dance Tiklos. In the Lesson 3, you were able toperform the different dance steps in Tiklos. Are you excited tolearn the dance? Enjoy !  20  

Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity. Your teacher will play the music of Tiklos. You willdemonstrate the different dance steps in time with the music. Thiswill be your review and warm-up activity.                 Did you enjoy dancing the basic steps? Let’s move on withto main activity.   Study at the illustration.How will you describe it? Have youworn similar clothes? When do you usually wear these?    Tiklos is one of our Philippine folk dances. It is originated froma dance which describes peasants who agree to work weekly toclear the forest and prepare for planting. At noontime, the peoplegather to eat lunch and rest. During their rest,Tiklos music is playedwith a flute, a guitar and the guimbal or the tambora (kinds ofdrum). The peasants dance the Tiklos. With the help of your teacher, you will perform the entiredance correctly from the first figure up to the last. 21  

FORMATION: Partners stand opposite each other ,about six feetapart. When facing the audience, the girl stands at the boy’s rightside. Any number of pairs may join this dance. Did you enjoy dancing the Tiklos? How does it feel to dance one of our Philippine folkdances?   Tiklos is a dance which describes  peasants who agree to work weekly to  clear the forest and p  repare for planting. The dance has four figures done in 24 time music. The basic steps used in the dance are change step, heel and toe change step, changing step, point step, and cut step. Your teacher will group you into 4 big groups. Each groupwill be assigned to a station. Each station, you will dance to afigure of the tiklos. Station 1 – Figure 1 Station 2 – Figure 2 Station 3 – Figure 3 Station 4 – Figure 4 After a certain period, your teacher will ask the group toproceed to the next station until all the groups have been to allthe station.. 22  

  Your teacher will play the music of Tiklos. Each group mustperform some stretching exercises as cool down.  1.Which figure in the dance did you perform well? 2.Which figure in the dance did you find difficult to do? 3.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how will you rate your dance performance 4.Color the stars that describes your overall performance. 5 stars      ‐      Excellent  4 stars       ‐     Very Good  3 stars      ‐       Good 2 stars       ‐      Fair 1 star         ‐     Poor QUARTER 2Lesson 5: BAO RHYTHMICS In this lesson, you will discover and use your physical abilitiesto develop self confidence. You will also show your talent inperforming rhythmic routines with the use of bao.   23  

Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity Let’s do the warm up exercises on pages 85-87.    After the warm-up activities, your teacher will demonstratethe bao movements by figure.Group Activity: In this activity, you must group yourselves into 3.Every leader must will lead the members in performing the baomovements. You will perform movements with coconut shells (bao) bygroups first and then as a class. Group 1 will perform column A, Group 2 will perform columnB Group 3 will perform column C. You will do 8 counts for everymovement. Column A Column B Column CClicking forward Clicking behind Clicking obliquelylicking sideward Clicking upward Clicking on Right chest 24  

Clicking overhead Clicking under Clicking your knee sideward left How did you feel while performing the activity?Let us learn the steps. Some instruments that can be used to accompany theexercises are coconut shells (bao) You have to perform the bao movements properly.   We used coconut shells (bao) in this activity. Performing the activity confidently and working cooperatively develops poise and leads to better perform  ance. 25  

Group yourselves into 4 big groups. Create and perform your own bao rhythmics  Spell the word coconut by singing the following song: “Coconut” by: Marybeth Jito C–o–c–o–n–u-t N – u – t, n – u – t C–o–c–o–n–u–t N–u–tPupils let us perform the figure while singing “Jake and Jean” Jake and Jean by: Voltair C. Asildo to the tune of Jack and Jill Jake and Jean naglalaro sa bukid na malayo Ngunit nawala si Jean matapos na magtago Tralala la la la la (3x) Matapos na magtago Ng si Jake ay umuwi si Jean ay hinahanap At si Jake ay umiyak si Jean di mahagilap. (Ulitin) 26  

After you perform the bao rhythmics you will be gradedaccording to the following criteria: Activities ScoreMastered the skills and performed 3 (Outstanding)gracefullyPerformed the skills with minimal errors 2 (Good)Performed the skills with major errors 1 (Fair) QUARTER 2Lesson 6: BALL RHYTHMICS Have you tried using materials like ribbons, hoops, balls andany indigenous or improvised materials in doing movements? Didyou enjoy using these? These materials serve as extensions of ourbody. In this lesson, you will be focus on locations, directions,levels, pathways and planes. You will also show coordination,balance and flexibility. Come on! You will experience using ballsagain in doing simple activities.  Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity Are you ready?Let us have a warm up to prepare our bodiesfor the activities. (Please refer to pages85-87 of Lesson 1) 27  

Hands on waist, 4 countsHead twist sideward right 4 countsBack to position 4 countsHead twist sideward left 4 countsBack to positionShoulder circling forward w/ hands on 8 countsthe sideShoulder circling backward w/ hands on 8 countsthe sideHands on chest palms down count 1Trunk twist to the right count 2Position count 3Repeat to the left count 4Back to positionRepeat 3 times Do you still remember your rhythmic exercises? Answer the following questions: What is the title of the previous rhythmic activity? What implements were used in the activity? Did you enjoy the activity? Would you like to have another activity? In preparation let us first perform hand and feet movements.(Please do figures 1 to 3 and figures 1 to 4) Let’s check how far you have observed.Answer the following questions: What implements were used in the activity? What locations were used? 28  

What directions did you follow? What levels were applied? What pathways were followed? On which planes were the movements done? What did you do while your teacher showed the steps for the rhythmic activities?   Ribbons, hoops, balls, wands, and any indigenous improvised materials are  simple implements which enhance body  movements .These also help develop body coordinat ion, balance and flexibility rhythmic exercises.  Locations - refer to area behind, in  front, under, over personal space and general space  Directions - refer to the desired route of movement, whether it is up or down, forward or backward, right or left Levels - defines the ralationship of the body to the floor, apparatus or height in space whether it is low, medium or high. Planes - refer to somewhat specific pathways defined as circular, vertical and horizontal 29  

Group yourselves into four big groups. Create andperform your own ball rhythmics. In a stride sitting position ,sing Leron, Leron Sinta using thesesteps. Your teacher will give you the steps.   1. How did you feel while doing Figure I. 2. What did you observe about the following parts of your body while doing Figure II? Head ____________________________________ Eyes ____________________________________ Feet ____________________________________ Arms ____________________________________ Trunk ____________________________________ 3. Why do you need proper warm-up before doing the different figures? 30  

4.Did you find the activities easy or difficult to do?5.Check (√) the box that matches your performance. Activities Easy Difficult Half-knee bend Heels raise hands over head Stride stand position Cross left foot over right Tip toe turning rightQUARTER 2Lesson 7: THROWING AND CATCHING BALL                  Do you love games very much? Games do not only giveyou enjoyment. These also help in developing different locomotorskills and improve your muscular strength.   Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity You will learn about lead up games and enjoy the differentgames while demonstrating the proper ways of catching,throwing or passing. Now let us do the exercises to make our bodies ready for thegames. (warm up exercises) Are you ready? 31  

Study the illustrations above.  What actions are shown in the pictures?  Can you identify the movements?  What object is shown in the pictures?  Do you think you can perform the correct ways of catching and throwing? Bounce Catch Form a circle and then select a leader. The leaderthrows a rubber ball into the air and calls a number. Try to catchthe ball after the leader says the number of times it shouldbounce. For example, if the leader yells the number 5, then theplayers will try to catch the ball after it hits the ground 5 times orbefore it hits the ground on the 6th time. You will compete with oneanother. The player who correctly catches the ball will becomethe next leader. 32  

Look at the picture.  Answer the following:  What actions are shown in the picture?  Can you identify the movement?  What object is shown in the picture?  Do you think you can perform the correct ways of catching and throwing?  You will now play a game.Title : Catch and Pass RelayMaterials : whistle, rattan ball, plastic ballPlaying area : playground or covered courtRules : Arrange two teams in files. The teamsstand behind the starting line. The opposing team must faceeach other at the distance of 5 meters. 33  

 Did you enjoy the game?   Did you do the movements properly? What did you do while the ball was coming yourway? What is the correct position of both hand and feet incatching and throwing a ball? Can you demonstrate the proper ways ofpassing,throwing and catching?  The proper ways of throwing and catching  a ball in different levels and directions will help to develop strength, agility and flexibility. It will also imp rove skills in playing ball/games like softball, baseball and    You will now show the proper way of catching. Try to do thefollowing: CATCHING: - Get a partner. Your partner will throw or pass the ball to you. Note: The manner of catching the basketball depends on the height of the ball and the route where it is intercepted. ‐ Look at the ball. 34  

‐ Try to open your arms and hands and get ready to catch the ball. ‐ There should be a coordination of the eyes and the movement of arms and hands. ‐ The legs must be a stride position, with knees slightly bent. THROWING/PASSING: - The ball is held overhead with arms slightly bent. ‐ Grip the sides of the ball . ‐ Spread your fingers. ‐ Step into a stride position. ‐ Use fingertips in holding the ball. ‐ The elbows must point out and be close to the sides of the body ‐ With thumbs downward, push the ball forward. Take a fast release with a quick snap of the wrists. 35  

‐ The ball rebounds at the waist level of the catcher. Do you really know the proper ways of catching and passing/throwing? If you do , you can apply these well in the different lead –up games that you will play.  Let us see if you can do these games wellPassing and Catching by RowsMaterials : whistle, rubber ball, plastic ballNote : Play lively background music.Directions: Divide the class into four equal groups. Make four columns with 3 to 4 meters apart. Columns 1 and 2 must face each other and will compose Team A. Columns 3 and 4 face each other and compose Team B. Ask the first player of the group to hold the rubber ball. At a given signal, the first player of the group tosses the ball to his/her partner. The partner catches the ball and tosses it to the next member of the team. When the ball reaches the last player, he/she tosses it back until it reaches the first player. If the ball falls, the member who loses it, picks it up, returns to his/her place, and starts tossing again. The group that finishes first wins the game. - Did you like the game? - Did you enjoy playing the game? - How did you play during the game with your groupmates? - What values did you show while playing the game? 36  

Form a square. Study and sing the song below to the tune of“Kumusta Ka” while doing the action. IHAGIS MO by Rhodora B. Pena Magmartsa ka (2X) (Action: March on place) Humarap sa katapat Action: Face to pupil in front) At tingnan mo siya. (Action: Look at him/her) Ihagis ang bola (2X) (Action: Do the movement of Saluhin saluhin throwing a ball) Saluhin mo’to (Action: Do the movement of catching a ball) (Repeat)Directions: Get a partner. You and your partner must do the taskproperly. After showing the skills, rate each other. Legend: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Good 1 – Poor No SKILLS Self Trackers Assessment Assessment 5 4 3 2154321 1 Chest Pass 2 Bounce Pass 3 Two-Hand Overarm Pass 4 Roll Pass 5 Ball Catching 37  

QUARTER 2Lesson 8: KARERA NG BAODo you enjoy games like “Laro ng Lahi”? In this lesson, you willenjoy playing some indigenous games at different levels anddirections.Make your body ready by doing the following exercise.  Note: Your teacher will assist you in every activity  playing? a. Are you familiar with this picture? b. Can you describe the game the children are c. What object is used in this game? d. Do you know how to play the game? e. Would you like to play the game? 38  

  Let us start the first game relay.Walking on Straight LineFormation:  Arrange two teams in files. The teams must stand behind the starting line.  The opposing teams must be 5 meters away from each other. (Note: The number of members of the team will depend on number of the class) Rules: The feet must be on the line while walkingCan you answer the following?  Did you like the game?  What are the directions of movement in the game?  Which part of the game has a forward direction?  Did you still remember the levels of movement?  Did you perform the levels of movement in the game?  What level? Was it high? low? medium?  How did you go on the line?  Which part of your body felt the balance? Let’s now play the game “KARERA NG BAO”. Study andfollow the procedure of the game. 39  

COCONUT STILTS RACE Karera ng Bao  No. of players: (10 to15 in each team) Setting: Outdoors Props: Each player must have a pair of coconut stilts. This is made by boring a hole into one of the “eyes” of half of a coconut shell. A string, about one or two meters long, depending on the height of the player is pulled through the hole. A big, sturdy knot is tied inside at the bottom end of the shell. Pre-game: Ground preparation: Two parallel lines are drawn 10 meters apart. One is the starting line and the other is the finish line. Try to answer the following questions: 1. How was the “Karera ng Bao” played? 2. What materials were used in game? 3. Was the game enjoyable? 4. For the winning group, how were you able to win? 5. What values did you show to your group? 6. Did you show alertness and self-discipline while playing the game? 7. If your group lost, what will do better the next time you play the game? 40  

   Indigenous games refer to traditional  games that reflect some cultural traits of a  group and show a flavor of the local culture in the form of exercises. K arera ng Bao is one of these games. It uses two pairs of Bao with strings. Level defines the relationship of the body to the floor, apparatus or height in space whether it is low, medium or high. Direction refers to the desired route of  movement, whether it is up or down, forward or backward, right or left.      Group yourselves into four. Make four columns. Perform theKarera ng Bao at a low level position.   You now know how to play “Karera ng Bao” This time you aregoing to sing an action song. Form an oval shape... Sing the song below to the tune of“Dito ay Masaya” with action. (Create your own action) 41  

Maglaro Tayo by: Sonny F. Meneses Jr./and Rhodora B. Pena Tayo ay Masaya ,tayo ay masaya Lahat dito ay Masaya. Halinang maglaro , halinang maglaro Upang tayo’y sumigla. Lahat tayo’y Tumatalon –talon At lumakad- lakad Tumalon -talon at lumakad -lakad Lakad paharap at lakad pabalik At tayo’y pumalakpak.   Note: Your teacher will provide the activity. A. Put a check (√) mark on the space provided if the statement describes the game Karera ng Bao, and cross (X) mark if does not. B. Answer the following with YES if you enjoyed and performed the activity correctly and NO if does not. 42  

  3 MAPEH Learner’s Material Unit 3   This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at [email protected].

MAPEH – Grade 3Learner’s MaterialFirst Edition, 2013ISBN: Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any workof the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency oroffice wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment ofroyalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders.Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials fromtheir respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claimownership over them.Published by the Department of EducationSecretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSCUndersecretary: Dina S. Ocampo, Ph.D. Development Team of the Learner’s MaterialPrinted in the Philippines by ____________Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS)Office Address: 2nd Floor Dorm G, PSC Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig CityTelefax: Philippines 1600E-mail Address: (02) 634-1054, 634-1072 [email protected] 2  

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