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Home Explore Health Grade 4

Health Grade 4

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K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS (poor eating habits, lack of DEPED COPY 11. explains the proper health H7GD-Ii-j-22 2010 SEC I sleep, lack of physical appraisal procedures H7GD-Ii-j-23 EASE Health Educ activity, dental problems, H7GD-Ii-j-24 2010 SEC I body odor, postural 12. demonstrates health appraisal H7GD-Ii-j-25 EASE Health Educ problems, as well as other procedures during adolescence in 2010 SEC I problems in other health order to achieve holistic health EASE Health Educ dimensions) 13. avails of health services in the Page 46 of 66E. Health appraisal procedures school and community in order to (height and weight appraise one’s health; measurement, breast self- examination for girls, 14. applies coping skills in dealing hearing test, vision with health concerns during screening, scoliosis test, adolescence health exam, and dental exam)F. Development of self- awareness and coping skillsGRADE 7 – NUTRITION – 2nd Quarter (H7N) The learner The learner The learner makes informed 15. identifies the right foods duringA. Nutrition during demonstrates decisions in the adolescence H7N-IIa-20 adolescence understanding of choice of food to eat H7N-IIb-c-21 nutrition for a during adolescence 16. follows the appropriate nutritional H7N-IId-f-22B. Nutritional guidelines healthy life during guidelines for adolescents for adolescence healthful eatingC. Nutrition problems of 16.1 explains the need to select adolescents food based on the nutritional 1. Malnutrition and needs during adolescence 16.2 follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional guidelines for Filipinos in choosing foods to eat 17. identifies the nutritional problems of adolescentsK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 2010 SEC I micronutrient 18. describes the characteristics, H7N-IId-f-23 EASE Health Educ deficiencies signs and symptoms of 2010 SEC I2. Eating disorders malnutrition and micronutrient H7N-IId-f-24 EASE Health Educ 2.1 Anorexia nervosa deficiencies H7N-IId-f-25 2010 SEC I 2.2 Bulimia H7N-IId-f-26 EASE Health Educ 2.3 Compulsive eating 19. discusses ways of preventing and H7N-IIg-h-27 2010 SEC I controlling malnutrition and EASE Health Educ disorder micronutrient deficiencies 2010 SEC I EASE Health Educ 20. explains the characteristics, signs OHSP Health and symptoms of eating disorders Page 47 of 66 21. discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders 22. applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent nutritional problems of adolescentsD. Decision-making skills DEPED COPYGRADE 7 – PERSONAL HEALTH – 3rd Quarter (H7PH)A. Mental Health The learner The learner 23. explains the factors that affect H7PH-IIIa-b- the promotion of good mental 28(An Introduction) consistently health demonstrates skills H7PH-IIIa-b- demonstrates that promote mental 24. explains that stress is normal and 29 understanding of health inevitable H7PH-IIIa-b-B. Understanding stress mental health as a 25. differentiates eustress from 30 1. Eustress dimension of holistic distress 2. Distress health for a healthy H7PH-IIIa-b- life 26. identifies situations that cause 31 feelings of anxiety or stressC. Common areas of stressor H7PH-IIIc-32 that affects adolescents 27. identifies the common stressors (peer, family, school, that affect adolescents H7PH-IIIc-33 community) 28. identifies physical responses ofD. Coping with stress the body to stress 29. identifies people who can provide H7PH-IIIc-34 support in stressful situations H7PH-IIId-e- 30. differentiates healthful from 35 unhealthful strategies in coping with stress H7PH-IIId-e- 36 31. demonstrates various stress management techniques that oneK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS H7PH-IIId-e- Page 48 of 66 Coping with Dying and can use every day in dealing with 37 Death stress 32. explains the importance of H7PH-IIId-e-E. Types and Management of grieving 38 Common Mental Disorders 3. Identifying triggers and 33. demonstrates coping skills in H7PH-IIIf-h- warning signs managing loss and grief 39 4. Prevention coping and DEPED COPY treatment 34. recognizes triggers and warning 4.1 Mood disorders, signs of common mental bipolar, schizophrenic, disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 35. discusses the types, sign, H7PH-IIIf-h- Obsessive Compulsive symptoms, and prevention, 40 Personality Disorder) treatment and professional care (OCPD), post- in managing common mental traumatic health disordersGRADE 7 – INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID (Intentional) – 4th Quarter (H7IS) The learner The learner The learnerA. Concept of intentional demonstrates consistentlyinjuries 36. differentiates intentional injuries H7IS-IVa-d-31 understanding of the demonstrates from unintentional injuries H7IS-IVa-d-32B. Types of intentional injuries concepts and resilience, vigilance1. Bullying (cyber bullying) principles of safety and proactive2. Stalking education in the behaviors to prevent3. Extortion prevention of intentional injuries4. Gang and youth intentional injuriesviolence 37. describes the types of intentional5. Illegal fraternity-related injuriesviolence6. Kidnapping andabductionK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS7. Acts of terror8. Domestic violence9. Suicide10. Sexual victimization andother forms of sexual DEPED COPYabuse and harassmentC. Prevention andmanagement of intentional 38. analyzes the risk factors relatedinjuries to intentional injuries H7IS-IVe-h-33 self-protection preventing self-harm promoting a culture ofnon-violence throughhealthful behaviors 39. identifies protective factors H7IS-IVe-h-34 reporting cases of related to intentional injuriesviolence to properauthorities seeking help fromtrusted individuals and 40. demonstrates ways to preventhealth professionals and control intentional injuries H7IS-IVe-h-35K to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 49 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 8CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 8 – FAMILY HEALTH I – 1st Quarter (H8FH) The learner Page 50 of 66A. Gender and Human The learner 1. identifies basic terms in sexuality H8FH-Ia-16 appropriately manages H8FH-Ia-17Sexuality (Correlate with sexually-related issues (sex, sexuality, gender, etc.) H8FH-Ia-18 through responsible and H8FH-Ib-19 informed decisions 2. discusses sexuality as anValues Education; demonstratesDEPED COPY H8FH-Ic-d-20 important component of one’s H8FH-Ic-d-21coordinate with Guidance understanding of human personalityCounselor) sexuality and managing 3. explains the dimensions of sexuality related issues human sexuality for a healthy life 4. analyzes the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors 5. assesses personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior 6. relates the importance of sexuality to family healthB. Teenage concerns 7. identifies the different Identity crisis issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e., identity crisis) and the need Sexual identity and for support and understanding of the familySexual behaviors H8FH-Ie-g-22 Pre-marital sex,teenage pregnancies,and abortionC. Development of decision- 8. applies decision-making skills inskills in managing sexuality managing sexuality-related H8FH-Ih-23related issues issuesGRADE 8 – FAMILY HEALTH II – 2nd Quarter (H8FH)A. Dating, courtship, and The learner… The learner… 9. defines basic terms (dating,marriage demonstrates an makes informed and courtship, marriage) H8FH-IIa-24 values-based H8FH-IIa-25 understanding of decisions in 10. explains the importance of responsible preparation for courtship and dating in choosing parenthood for a a lifelong partnerK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS Page 51 of 66B. Maternal Health concerns healthy family life responsible 11. identifies marital practices and 1. Pre-pregnancy parenthood (blighted ovary, ectopic setup across cultures H8FH-IIa-26 pregnancy, polycystic ovary, myoma) DEPED COPY 12. analyzes behaviors that promote H8FH-IIa-27 2. During pregnancy H8FH-IIb-28 (pre-eclampsia, healthy relationship in marriage H8FH-IIc-d-29 placenta previa, and family life H8FH-IIc-d-30 H8FH-IIe-f-31 gestational, diabetes,) 13. describes the factors that 3. Post pregnancy H8FH-IIe-f-32 contribute to a successful H8FH-IIe-f-33 (post-partum disorder, marriage H8FH-IIe-f-34 sepsis H8FH-IIe-f-35 14. discusses various maternal H8FH-IIe-f-36C. Responsible parenthood H8FH-IIg-h-37 health concerns (pre-during-post H8FH-IIg-h-38 pregnancy) 15. discusses pregnancy-related concerns 16. explains the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy 17. discusses the importance of newborn screening, and the APGAR scoring system for newborns 18. explains the importance of prenatal care and post natal care 19. discusses the essential newborn protocol (Unang Yakap) and initiation of breastfeeding 20. enumerates the advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and child 21. recognizes the importance of immunization in protecting children’s health 22. analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood 23. explains the effects of family size on family healthK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS H8FH-IIg-h-39 MATERIALS H8FH-IIg-h-40 Page 52 of 66 24. examines the important roles H8FH-Iig-h-41 and responsibilities of parents in H8DD-IIIa-15 child rearing and care H8DD-IIIa-16 25. explains the effects of rapid H8DD-IIIb-c- population growth on the health DEPED COPY 17 of the nation H8DD-IIIb-c- 26. enumerates modern family 18 planning methods (natural and H8DD-IIIb-c- artificial) 19GRADE 8 – PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DISEASES AND DISORDERS (Communicable) – 3rd Quarter (H8DD)A. Stages of infection The learner The learner 27. discusses the stages of infection demonstrates consistently understanding of demonstratesB. Top 10 leading causes of principles in the personal 28. analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in prevention and control of responsibility and the Philippines communicable diseases healthful practices in morbidity and mortality in the PhilippinesC. Most common for the attainment of the prevention and 29. discusses the signs, symptoms, communicable diseases and individual wellness control of its prevention and control communicable and effects of common 1. Acute Respiratory diseases communicable diseases Infections 2. Pneumonia 30. corrects misconceptions, myths, 3. Bronchitis 4. Influenza and beliefs about common 5. Tuberculosis (TB) communicable diseases 6. Dengue 7. Sexually Transmitted 31. enumerates steps in the Infections (STIs) prevention and control of common communicable diseases8. HIV and AIDSD. Emerging and re-emerging 32. analyzes the nature of emerging H8DD-IIId-e- diseases 20 1. Leptospirosis and re-emerging diseases 2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)K to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS Page 53 of 663. Chikungunya4. Meningococcemia5. Foot and Mouth Disease6. Avian influenza7. AH1N1 Influenza DEPED COPYE. Development of personal 33. demonstrates self-monitoring H8DD-IIIf-h- life skills to prevent and 21 control communicable skills to prevent communicable diseases diseasesF. Programs and policies on 34. promotes programs and policies H8DD-IIIf-h- communicable disease 22 prevention and control to prevent and control communicable diseasesG. Agencies responsible for 35. identifies agencies responsible H8DD-IIIf-h- communicable disease 23 prevention and control for communicable disease prevention and controlGRADE 8 – PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DISEASES AND DISORDER (Non-communicable Diseases) – 4th Quarter (H8DD) The learner The learner 36. discusses the nature of non-A. Introduction to non- demonstrates communicable diseases H8DD-IVa-24communicable diseases consistently demonstrates (NCDs) understanding of non- personal responsibility 37. explains non-communicable H8DD-IVb-d-25 communicable diseases and healthful practices inB. Common non- for a healthy life the prevention and diseases based on cause and communicable diseases control of non- effect, signs and symptoms, risk 1. Allergy communicable diseases factors and protective factors 2. Asthma and possible complications3. Cardiovascular diseases 38. corrects myth and fallacies about H8DD-IVe-264. Cancer5. Diabetes non-communicable diseases6. Arthritis7. Renal failureC. Prevention and control of 39. practices ways to prevent and H8DD-IVf-27 non-communicable disease H8DD-IVg-h-28 control non-communicableD. Self-monitoring skills to diseases prevent non-communicable diseases (physical 40. demonstrates self-monitoring to prevent non-communicable diseasesK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS activities/regular exercise, H8DD-IVg-h-29 healthy eating, not DEPED COPY 41. promotes programs and policies H8DD-IVg-h-30 smoking, weight management, routine to prevent and control non- medical check-up, stress communicable and lifestyle management) diseasesE. Programs and policies on 42. identifies agencies responsible non-communicable disease prevention and control for non-communicable disease prevention and controlF. Agencies responsible for non-communicable disease prevention and controlK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 54 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 9CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 1. defines community and H9CE-Ia-8GRADE 9 – COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH – 1ST QUARTER (H9CE) environmental health H9CE-Ia-9 G7-LM H9CE-Ib-d- EASE Health EducA. Concept of community and The learner… The learner… 2. describes a healthy community G7-LM 3. explains how a healthy environment 10 EASE Health Educenvironmental health demonstratesDEPED COPYconsistently H9CE-Ib-d- positively impact the health of G7-LM1. Characteristics of a Healthy understanding of the demonstrates people and communities (less 11 EASE Health EducCommunity principles in healthful practices to disease, less health care cost, etc.) H9CE-Ib-d- G7-LM 4. discusses the nature of EASE Health Educ2. Nature and Health Effects of protecting the protect the environmental issues 12 5. analyzes the effects ofEnvironmental Issues environment for environment for environmental issues on people’s H9CE-Ie-f-(improper waste disposal, community wellness community wellness health 13pollution, illegal mining, soil 6. suggests ways to prevent anderosion, cyanide fishing, manage environmental health issuespesticide drift, deforestation,oil spill, coral reefdegradation, climate change)B. Prevention and Management of Environmental Health Issues 1. Personal responsibility 2. Social consciousness 3. Environmental policies and laws 7. participates in implementing anC. Collective Action for the environmental project such as H9CE-Ig-h- G7-LMEnvironment building and maintaining a school 14 EASE Health Educ garden or conducting a war on H9IS-IIa- 2010 SEC 36 OHSP Health waste campaign (depends on feasibility)GRADE 9 - INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID (Unintentional) - 2nd Quarter (H9IS)A. First Aid Basics The learner The learner 8. discusses basic information about first aid (principles, roles, demonstrates performs first aid responsibilities, and characteristics understanding of first procedures with of a good aider) aid principles and accuracyK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 55 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSB. First Aid Guidelines and procedures H9IS-IIb- Procedures 9. demonstrates the conduct of 37 2010 SEC Survey the scene primary and secondary survey of OHSP Health 1. Do primary survey of the the victim (CAB) victim (check for vital signs, assess CAB (Circulation, DEPED COPY 10. assesses emergency situation for H9IS-IIb- Airway, Breathing) unintentional injuries 38 2. Ask for help. 3. Do secondary survey of the victim (head-to-toe survey)C. Use of Dressing and Bandages 11. discusses the function of dressing H9IS-IIc.d- 2010 SEC (alternatives include clean cloth and bandages 39 OHSP Health or, handkerchief) 1. Principles of Wound Dressing 12. explains the principles of wound H9IS-IIc.d- (careful handling, large dressing 40 enough to cover the wound, should fit snugly and not cut 13. demonstrates appropriate H9IS-IIc.d- 2010 SEC off circulation) bandaging techniques for 41 2. Bandaging Techniques (for unintentional injuries the head; forehead; ear, cheek and jaw; burned hand; sprained ankle; and dislocated arm)D. Transporting the Victim (drag 14. demonstrates proper techniques in H9IS-IIe.f- 2010 SEC and carry techniques) carrying and transporting the victim 42 OHSP Health 1. One-person carry ankle drag, of unintentional injuries pack strap carry, blanket pull) 2. Two-person carry (two- 15. demonstrates proper first aid H9IS-IIg.h- 2010 SEC handed seat, four-handed procedures for common 43 OHSP Health seat, chair carry ) unintentional injuries 3. Three man carryE. First aid for common unintentional injuries and medical emergencies 1. musculoskeletal injuriesK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 56 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS H9S-IIIa- (sprain, strain, fracture, 14 dislocation) H9S-IIIa-2. bleeding 153. burn (superficial, partial and H9S-IIIb- full-thickness) 16 DEPED COPY4. H9S-IIIb- 175. heat emergencies (heat exhaustion, heat stroke) H9S-IIIc-186. bleeding7. poisoning8. choking9. drowning10. heart attack11. electrocutionGRADE 9 - PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE(Drug Scenario) – 3rd Quarter (H9S)A. Drug Scenario in the Philippines The learner The learner 16. describes the drug scenario in theB. Factors that influence substance demonstrates shares responsibility Philippines understanding of the with community 17. explains the concept of substanceuse and abuse dangers of substance members through use, misuse, abuse and use and abuse on the participation in dependence, individual, family and collective action to 18. discusses risk and protective factors community prevent and control in substance use, and abuse substance use andC. Drugs/Substances of abuse abuse 19. analyzes situations for the use and 1. Stimulants non-use of psychoactive substances 2. Depressants3. Narcotics4. Hallucinogen 20. identifies the types of5. Inhalants drugs/substances of abuseD. Harmful effects of drugs on the 21. corrects myths and misconceptions H9S-IIId- EASE Health Educ body about substance use and abuse 19 III 1. Short-term 2. Long-term 22. recognizes warning signs of H9S-IIId- substance use and abuse discusses 20 the harmful short- and long-term effects of substance use and abuse on the bodyK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 57 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS Page 58 of 66 23. discusses the harmful effects of substance use and abuse on the H9S-IIIe-f- individual, family, school, and 21 community 24. explains the health, socio-cultural, DEPED COPY psychological, legal, and economic H9S-IIIe-f- dimensions of substance use and 22 abuseE. Prevention and control of 25. discusses strategies in the H9S-IIIe-f- substance use and abuse prevention and control of substance 23 use and abuse 26. applies decision-making and H9S-IIIg-h- resistance skills to prevent 24 substance use and abuse 27. suggests healthy alternatives to H9S-IIIg-h- substance use and abuse 25GRADE 9 - PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE (GATEWAY DRUGS: CIGARETTE AND ALCOHOL) – 4th Quarter (H9S)A. Gateway Drugs The learner The learner1. Cigarettes demonstrates demonstrates personal 28. discusses gateway drugs H9S-IVa-272. Alcohol understanding of responsibility in theB. Protective and Risk Factors in the factors that influence prevention of cigarette cigarette and alcohol and alcohol use 29. identifies reasons why people H9S-IVa-28Use of Cigarettes and Alcohol smoke cigarettes use and strategies through the promotion for prevention and of a healthy lifestyle 30. analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking control 30.1 describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body H9S-IVb-c- 30.2 discusses the dangers of 29 mainstream, second hand and third hand smoke; 30.3 explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the family, environment, and community 31. identifies reasons for drinking and H9S-IVd-30 for not drinking alcoholK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSC. Prevention, and Control of H9S-IVe-f- Gateway Drugs DEPED COPY 32. analyzes the negative health impact 31 of drinking alcohol 32.1 describes the harmful short- H9S-IVg-h- and long-term effects of 32 drinking alcohol 32.2 interprets blood alcohol H9S-IVg-h- concentration (BAC) in terms 33 of physiological changes in the body H9S-IVg-h- 34 33. explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the family, and community 34. discusses strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages 34.1 apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use 34.2 follows policies and laws in the family, school and community related to cigarette and alcohol use 35. suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community)K to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 59 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 10CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 10 – CONSUMER HEALTH – 1st Quarter (H10CH) Page 60 of 66A. Guidelines and Criteria in the The learner… The learner… 1. differentiates reliable from H10CH-Ia- unreliable health information, b-19Selection and Evaluation of: demonstrates critical products and services; thinking and decision- H10CH-Ia- making skills in the 2. explains the guidelines and criteria b-20 selection, evaluation in the selection and evaluation of and utilization of health information, products and H10CH-Ia- health information, services; b-21 products and services. 3. discusses the various forms of health service providers and healthcare plans;1. Health information understands theDEPED COPY2. Health products guidelines and3. Health services criteria in the selection and evaluation of health information,B. Health Service Providers products, and1. health professionals services.2. health facilities;3. health care plans andfinancing systems 4. selects health professionals,(PhilHealth, Health specialists and health care services wisely; H10CH-Ic-Maintenance Organization, 22private health insurance)C. Quackery: Types (medical, 5. explains the nature and dangers of H10CH-Ic- nutrition, device) and Harmful quackery; 23 Physical and Psychological Effects 6. reports fraudulent health services H10CH-Ic- 24D. Complementary and Alternative Healthcare Modalities Herbal medicine (medicinal 7. explains the different kinds of H10CH-Id- plants approved by the complementary and alternative 25 Department of Health) health care modalities. 1. Acupuncture 2. Ventosa massage cupping 8. explains the importance of H10CH-Id- consumer laws to protect public 26 therapy health 3. Reflexology 4. NaturopathyE. Consumer welfare and protection 1. Consumer law 2. Consumer protectionK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS H10CH-Ie- Page 61 of 66agencies and organizations 9. identifies national and international f-27 government agencies and private H10CH-Ig- organizations that implement h-28 programs for consumer protection H10HC-IIa- 1 10. participates in programs for DEPED COPY consumer welfare and protection H10HC-IIb-GRADE 10 – HEALTH TRENDS, ISSUES AND CONCERNS (National Level) – 2nd Quarter (H10HC) 2A. Existing National Laws Related to The learner The learner 11. discusses the existing health related H10HC-IIc- d-3Health Trends, Issues, and laws; H10HC-IIc-Concerns demonstrates consistently 12. explains the significance of the d-41. Responsible Parenthood and understanding of demonstrates critical existing health related laws in H10HC-IIe-Reproductive Health current health trends, thinking skills in safeguarding people’s health; g-5 Act(RA10354) , issues and concerns exploring local, 13. follows existing health related laws2. Tobacco Regulation Act of in the local, regional, regional and national 2003 (RA 9211) and national, levels health trends, issues, 14. critically analyzes the impact of3. Comprehensive Dangerous and concerns current health trends, issues, andDrugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165) concerns4. Consumer Act (RA 7394)5. National EnvironmentalAwareness and EducationAct of 2008 (RA9512)Traditional andAlternative Medicine Act of1997 (RA 8423)6. Philippine AIDS Preventionand Control Act of 1998 (RA8504) 15. recommends ways of managing7. National Blood Services Act health issues, trends and concernsof 1994 (RA 7719)8. Seat Belts Use Act of 1999(RA 8750)9. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)10. Anti-Pornography Act (RA 9775)K to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS Page 62 of 66GRADE 10 - HEALTH TRENDS, ISSUES AND CONCERNS (GlobalLevel) – 3rd Quarter (H10HC)A. Existing Global Health Initiatives The learner… The learner… 16. discusses the significance of global H10HC-1. Millennium Development health initiatives; IIIa-1 H10HC-Goals (MDGs) demonstrates demonstrates 17. describes how global health IIIb-c-2 H10HC-2. WHO Framework Convention awareness of global competence in initiatives positively impact people’s IIIb-c-3on Tobacco Control health initiativesDEPED COPYapplying knowledge of H10HC- health in various countries; IIId-e-43. Global Mental Health Action global health to localPlan or national context 18. analyzes the issues in the H10PC-Iva- b-14. Global Strategy to Reduce global initiatives implementation of global health H10PC-Iva- the Harmful Use of Alcohol initiatives; b-25. Global Alliance for Vaccines 19. recommends ways of adopting H10PC-IVc- and Immunizations global health initiatives to local or d-3 national context H10PC-IVc-GRADE 10 – Planning for a Health Career – 4th Quarter (H10PC) d-4A. Planning for a Health Career The learner… The learner… 20. discusses the components and steps1. Importance in making a personal health career plan;2. Components Steps demonstrates prepares an3. Health Career Pathways understanding of the appropriate plan of 21. prepares a personal health career following the prescribedDisease prevention and concepts in planning action in pursuing a components and steps;control (Public health) a health career health career 22. explores the various health career4. Personal health care paths selects a particular health career pathway based on personal5. Maternal and Child care competence and interest;6. Mental health Occupational participates in a health career orientation programhealth and safety7. Community health; 23. decides on an appropriate health career path8. Environmental health DrugPrevention and Control9. Nutrition and dietetics10. Health education11. Health promotion Dentalhealth12. Nursing13. Medical and Allied HealthEmergency Medical Services(EMS)14. Health Career OrientationProgramK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Community and K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMEnvironmental GLOSSARYHealthConsumer Situates the learner as an integral part of his/her community and the environment, with responsibility to help protect thehealth environment, supported by individual and community actions and legislation to promote a standard of health, hygiene and safetyCulture- in food and water supply, waste management, pollution control, noxious animal control, and the delivery of primary health careresponsive Application of consumer skills in the wise evaluation, selection and use of health information, products, and servicesEpidemiological Uses the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse students to make learning more appropriateFamily Health and effective for them (Gay, 2000)Growth andDevelopment Studies the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations, including detection of the source and cause of epidemicsHealth and Life The human life cycle related to the personal interactions within the family that nurtures the individual and that provides a homeskills-based environment that enhances his/her growth as a person and the development of ideals, values and standards of behaviorHolistic regarding sexuality and responsible parenthood Developmental milestones in childhood and adolescence with emphasis on attention to personal health and the development of self-management skills to cope with life’s changes. Applies life skills to specific health choices and behaviors Analyzes the interrelationship among the factors that influence the health status, the areas of health, and the dimensions of health (physical, mental, social, emotional, moral/spiritual) DEPED COPYK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 63 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Injury K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMPrevention, GLOSSARYSafety and FirstAid Causes, cost, and prevention of accidents and injuries at home, in the school and in the community and in the performance ofLearner- different activities, through promotion of safe environments, safety programs, procedures and services, including first aidcentered educationNutrition Focuses on the student's needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles with the teacher as a facilitator of learningPersonal HealthPrevention and Recognition of the nutrients children and adolescents need, analysis of the quality and quantity of their food intake, andControl of development of proper eating habits to meet physiological, psychological and social needs, including diseases and disorders thatDiseases and arise from improper eating habitsDisorders Development and daily practice of health behaviors that promote physical, mental, social, emotional, and moral/spiritual healthPreventive and prevention and management of personal health problems Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases and disorders through the development of healthRights-based habits and practices and health programs supported by legislation and provision of health services in the school and theStandards and communityoutcomes-based Helps people take positive action on their health and lifestyle to prevent disease and achieve optimum health Furthers the realization of human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments Requires students to demonstrate that they have learned the academic standards set on required skills and content DEPED COPYK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 64 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Substance Use K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMand Abuse GLOSSARYValues-based The prevention and control of the use and abuse of substances: their identification; causes; effects on the person, the family, society and the nation Promotes an educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment, through the consideration of ethical values as the bases of good educational practice DEPED COPYK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 65 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Code Book Legend Sample: H9S-IVg-h-34 LEGEND SAMPLE DOMAIN/ COMPONENT CODE Health Growth and Development GD Learning Area and Grade 9 Nutrition N Strand/ Subject or Personal Health PH IS Specialization FH DEPED COPY H9 DDFirst Entry CE S Grade Level CH HCUppercase Letter/s Domain/Content/ Prevention of Substance S Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid PC Component/ Topic Use and Abuse - Family Health IV Prevention and Control of Diseases and Roman Numeral Quarter Fourth Quarter Disorders *Zero if no specific quarter Week g-h Community and Environmental Health Week seven to eight - Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse Lowercase Letter/s Competency Consumer Health*Put a hyphen (-) in between Suggests healthy 34 Health Trends, Issues and Concernsletters to indicate more than a alternatives to cigarettes Planning for Health and Career and alcohol to promote specific week healthy lifestyle (self, family, community) Arabic NumberK to 12 Health Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 66 of 66 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYEdukasyong Pangkalusugan 89 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY HEALTH GRADE 4 PATNUBAY NG GURO YUNIT I 91 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT I PAGKAING LIGTAS AT TAMAPamantayang Pangnilalaman Pamantayang Pagganap Nauunawaan ng mga Nauunawaan ng mgamag-aaral ang kahalagahan ng mag-aaral ang kahalagahanpagbabasa ng food labels sa ng pagbabasa at pagsusuri ngpagpili ng mas masustansiya food labels sa pagpili ng masat mas ligtas na pagkain, masustansiya at mas ligtasnauunawaan ang kahalagahan ng na pagkain, at nagsasagawaDEPED COPYpagsunod sa mga pamantayan sa ng pang-araw-araw at angkoppagpapanatili ng malinis at ligtas na gawi upang makaiwas sana pagkain, at nauunawaan ang mga sakit na nakukuha sakatangian at pag-iwas sa mga maruming pagkain.sakit na nakukuha sa marumingpagkain.BATAYANG KASANAYAN: a. Natutukoy ang mga impormasyong nakikita sa food label b. Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagbabasa ng mga food label sa pagpili at pagbili ng mga pagkain c. Nakapagpapakita ng kakayahang bigyang pakahulugan ang mga im- pormasyong nakikita sa food label d. Nasusuri ang halagang pangnutrisyon ng dalawa o higit pang produk- tong pagkain sa pamamagitan ng paghahambing ng mga impormasyon sa food label e. Nakapaglalarawan ng mga paraan upang mapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain f. Natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng pagpapanatili ng malinis at ligtas na pagkain upang makaiwas sa sakit g. Natutukoy ang mga karaniwang sakit na nakukuha sa maruming pagka- in gamit h. Nakapaglalarawan ng mga pangkalahatang palantandaan o sintomas ng mga sakit na nakukuha sa maruming pagkain 92 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY I. Maramihang Pagpili Panuto: Piliin ang letra ng tamang sagot. Isulat ang sagot sa iyong papel. 1. Ano ang tawag sa mga impormasyong makikita sa pakete ng pagkain? A. Food Web B. Food Labels C. Food Groups D. Nutrition Facts 2. Alin ang HINDI makikita sa pakete ng pagkain? A. Date Markings B. Nutrition Facts C. Ways of preparing D. Warning Statement 3. Bakit mahalagang basahin ang impormasyon sa Food Labels? A. Upang malaman ang lasa. B. Upang malaman natin kung kailan ito ginawa. C. Upang malaman ang tamang oras kung kailan kakainin. D. Upang malaman kung kailan masisira, ginawa at mga nutrisyong makukuha rito. 4. Bakit mahalagang itago ang tirang pagkain pagkatapos kainin? A. Upang maging masarap B. Upang maging malamig. C. Upang kainin sa susunod na araw D. Upang hindi masira at magapangan ng insekto. 5. Aling sakit ang makukuha sa maruming pagkain? A. Cholera B. Diabetes C. High blood D. Asthma 93 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Para sa bilang 6, pag-aralan ang impormasyon sa kahon.6. Gamit ang guhit: Alin ang mas angkop na bilhin?DEPED COPYA. B. C. 7. Alin ang maaaring magdulot ng food-borne diseases? A. Pagkaing panis B. Pagkaing malinis C. Pagkaing may takip D. Pagkaing hinuhugasan bago lutuin8. Tingnan ang mga larawan sa kahon. Alin ang nagpapakita ng tamang paghahanda ng pagkain?A. B. C. D.9. Alin ang HINDI dapat gawin upang makaiwas sa mga sakit na dulot ng maruming pagkain? A. Kumain ng naaayon sa Food pyramid B. Uminom ng gatas sa umaga at sa gabi C. Kumain ng prutas at gulay araw-araw D. Kumain sa mga karinderya sa lansangan 94 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

10. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang HINDI tamang gawain sa mga pinamil- ing prutas, gulay at karne galing sa palengke. A. Hugasan bago hiwain ang mga gulay. B. Hiwain bago hugasan ang mga gulay. C. Hugasan ang karne bago ilagay sa freezer. D. Hugasan ang mga prutas bago kumain.II. Tama o Mali Panuto: Basahin ang bawat pangungusap sa ibaba. Lagyan ng (T) ang mga pangungusap na totoo at lagyan naman ng (M) ang pan- gungusap na hindi totoo.DEPED COPYIsulat ang sagot sa patlang._________1 Tiyaking malinis ang pagkain upang makaiwas sa sakit._________2 Isa sa sintomas ng Hepatitis A ang pagkahilo._________3 Ang Diarrhea ay makukuha sa malinis na pagkain._________4 Ang Sodium ay maaaring pagkunan ng enerhiya sa ka- tawan._________5 Mainam na basahin ang Food Label ng isang pagkain bago ito bilhin._________6 Nagdudulot ng maraming sakit ang maruming tubig at pagkain._________7 Ang pagkain na maraming Cholesterol ay nakabubuti sa katawan._________8 Ang Expiration Date ay isa sa mga impormasyong maki- kita sa Food Label._________9 Ang Typhoid Fever ay dulot ng salmonella na nakukuha sa kontaminadong pagkain._________10 Ang malubhang pananakit ng tiyan ay maaaring maging sanhi ng biglaang pagkamatay. 1. TAMA 6. TAMA 2. TAMA 7. MALI 3. MALI 8. TAMA 4. MALI 9. TAMA 5. TAMA 10. TAMA 95 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

III. Wastong Pagkakasunod-sunodPanuto: Basahin ang pangungusap at ayusin ayon sa wastong pagkakasunod-sunod nito. Gamitin ang mga letrang A-E para sa pagtatanda. Mga tamang gawain sa paghahanda ng ulam: ________1. Maghugas ng kamay. ________2. Hugasan ang mga sangkap at kagamitan na gagamitin. ________3. Ilagay ang nilutong pagkain sa malinis na lalagyan. ________4. Hiwain ang karne at iba pang mga sangkap sa pagkain. ________5. Lutuing mabuti ang karne.DEPED COPY 1. A 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. DTakdang AralinPanuto: Sabihin sa mga mag-aaral na magdala ng paboritong pagkain o inuming binibili mo sa tindahan. Maaaring pakete na lamang ang dalhin. 96 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Ang wastong nutrisyon ay kailangan para sa maayos na paglaki at pag-unlad. Ang pagkain ay isa sa pangunahing pinagkukunan ng sustansiya para sa katawan. Ang wasto, balanse, at ligtas na pagkain ay nakatutulong upang matiyak ang wastong nutrisyon para sa ating kalusugan. Sa yunit na ito ay tatalakayin ang kahalagahan ng pagbabasa ng Food Label upang matiyak ang tamang sustansiya, sukat at kaligtasan ng pagkain. Mauunawaan din dito ang kahalagahan ng pagsusuri at pagpapanatiling malin- is at ligtas ang pagkain upang maiwasan ang sakit na dala ng marumi at hindi ligtas na pagkain. 97 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYI. Mga AralinAralin 1: “Sustansiyang Sukat at Sapat”Bilang ng Araw: 2Unang araw:Batayang Kasanayan a. Natutukoy ang mga impormasyong nakikita sa food label b. Nasusuri ang mga nutrition facts sa food labels c. Nasusuri ang halagang pangnutrisyon ng dalawa o higit pang produk- tong pagkain sa pamamagitan ng paghahambing ng mga impormasyon sa food labelKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro Ang mga pakete ng pagkain ay nagbibigay ng mga impormasyon samga mamimili. Ang ilan sa mga ito ay ang mga sumusunod: A. Pangalan at Paglalarawan ng Pagkain • Pangalan ng produkto • Uri • Timbang • Lugar ng manufacturing B. Nutrition Fact Ang Nutrition Facts ay nagbibigay ng mga impormasyon tungkol sa mgasumusunod: C. Serving Size / Serving Per Container Ang Serving Size ay iminungkahing dami ng serving na dapat kainin.Ang Serving Per Container ay bilang ng angkop na sukat sa loob ng isangpakete. D. Calories Ang Calories ay sukat ng enerhiyang maaaring makuha mula sa pagkaing nasa loob ng pakete. 98 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY E. Fat at Cholesterol Ang mga fats ay maaaring pagkuhanan ng enerhiya ng katawan. - Ang unsaturated fats ay isang uri ng fats na makukuha sa mga gulay at nagdudulot ng mabuti sa ating katawan. - Ang saturated fats ay makukuha sa mga karne, itlog, at gata. Ito ay nagpapataas ng kolesterol sa dugo na maaaring magdulot ng masa- mang epekto sa katawan kung mapararami. - trans-fat ay ang pinakamapanganib sa katawan kung kakainin. Pinapababa ng trans-fat ang HDL at pinapataas ang LDL. Makukuha natin ito sa labis na pagkain ng junk foods, biscuit, instant noodles at pag-inom ng kape. Magdudulot ito ng mga problema sa puso. - Ang Cholesterol ay isang matabang sustansiya na kailangan ng ating katawan upang gumana ito. Ito ay ginagawa sa atay at matatagpuan sa mga pagkaing galing sa mga hayop, gaya ng karne, itlog, mga produktong gatas, mantikilya, at mantika at nakatutulong sa maayos na pagdumi. High Density Lipoproteins (HDL): Dinadala ng “mabuting” cholesterol na ito ang mga sobrang cholesterol sa inyong dugo pabalik sa inyong atay upang mailabas ito ng inyong katawan. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL): Ang “masamang” cholesterol na ito sa inyong dugo ay dumarami sa inyong mga ugat o daluyan ng dugo. Maaari itong magdulot ng paninikip ng mga ugat, na nagpapahirap sa pagdaloy ng dugo. F. Sodium Ang sodium ay nakatutulong sa nerve impulse transmission, fluid bal- ance, at acid-base balance ng katawan. Ito ay makukuha sa karne ng hayop, itlog, gatas, asin, at MSG. Ngunit kung maraming sodium sa katawan, maaaring magdulot ito ng mataas na presyon. G. Carbohydrates Ang carbohydrates ay pangunahing pinagkukuhanan ng enerhiya sa katawan. Makukuha ito sa pagkain ng cereal, tinapay, pasta, kanin, prutas, gulay, gatas, asukal, at sweets. Ang dietary fiber ay isang uri ng carbohydrates na tumutulong sa pagpapanatiling malusog ang digestive system. Ang sugar ay uri ng carbohydrates na nagdudulot ng mabilis at panandaliang enerhiya para sa katawan. Ang pagkakaroon ng mataas ng sukat ng carbohydrates ay maaaring magdulot ng malnutrisyon (obesity) at mataas na presyon. 99 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

H. Protein Ang proteins ay maaari ring pagkuhanan ng enerhiya para sa katawan. Maaaring makuha ito mula sa mga karne ng hayop, gatas, beans, atbp. Maliban dito, tumutulong din ang proteins sa pagsasaayos ng mga ka- lamnan (muscles) at mga selyula (cells). I. Vitamins at Minerals Ang vitamins at minerals ay tumutulong sa pagpapanatiling maayos ang mga proseso sa loob ng ating katawan. Ang pagkaing gulay at mga prutas na may iba’t ibang kulay ang pinakamainam na pinanggagalin- gan ng vitamins at minerals. Narito ang ilan sa mga ito: DEPED COPYVitamin Mga pagkain at Mabuting Dulot Sa KatawanA paraanDE atay, gatas, keso, pagsasaayos ng mga butoK mga berdeng gulay. pagbuti ng paninginB sikat ng araw at gatas pagpapalakas ng butoC plant oils, mga gulay Pagpapanatiling malusog ang na madahon, mani, kutis. mga buto (seeds) Paglaban sa mga toxins sa katawan Mga berdeng gulay mahalaga para sa clotting ng dugo. karne, atay, mani, paggawa ng enerhiya ng katawan grains pagtunaw ng pagkain citrus fruits, mga pagsasaayos ng mga selyula berdeng gulay, bell pagpapalakas ng Immune System peppers, kamatis para sa pag-iwas sa sakit 100 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYMineralMga pagkain at paraan Mabuting Dulot Sa KatawanCalcium gatas, itlog, at sikat ng araw pagbuo at pagpapanatilingPhosporus malusog ang mga buto atPotassium patatas, mani, isda, karne ngipin pagsasaayos ng mgaIron saging at gulay daluyan ng dugo at kalamnan (muscles)Zinc karne, atay, peas, beans,Iodine grains, itlog, at isda. pagbuo at pagpapanatiling malusog ang mga buto at mga lamang-dagat, grains, kalamnan atay halamang-dagat, paggamit pagpapanatili ng balanse ng ng iodized salt, at likido sa katawan pagkaing-dagat pagpapanatiling malusog ang puso parte ng pulang selyula sa dugo / red blood cells pagtulong sa pagsipsip ng sustansiya mula sa pagkain pagpapanatiling malusog ang utak pagtulong sa pagsipsip ng sustansiya sa pagkain pagpapanatili ng balanse ng thyroid hormoneJ. Mga Advisory at Warning Statements- pahayag para sa ilang mga pagkain o sangkap na maaaring maging sanhi ng panganib sa kalusugan para sa mga mamimili. Ang pagkain ay dapat na magkaroon ng isang babala na pahayag kapag ang mga tao ay maaaring hindi alam ng isang malubhang panganib sa kalusugan na ibinebenta ng isang pagkain o ng isang sangkap.K. Mga Directions for Use at Storage- ay nangangailangan ng alinman sa mga direksiyon para sa paggamit o mga direksyon para sa imbakan ng pagkain, upang maisama sa label, na kung saan para sa mga kadahilanang pangkalusugan at kaligtasan, ang mga consumer ay dapat na malaman kung papaano ito gagamitin. 101 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYL. Mga Date Markings • Expiration Date- ay tumutukoy sa petsa kung kailan hindi mo na maaaring kainin o inumin ang produkto. Maaaring ito ay sira o panis na. Ang pagkain ng sira o panis na ay mapanganib sa ating kalusugan. • Best Before Date - ay tumutukoy sa huling araw na ang pagkain o inumin ay nasa pinakasariwa at pinakamagandang kalidad nito. Maaaring magsimula nang masira o mapanis ang pagkain o inumin sa mga araw na lilipas matapos ang Best Before Date.Pamamaraan A. Pag-usapan Natin 1. Pangkatin ang klase na may tiglilimang miyembro sa bawat grupo. 2. Magtakda ng mga bilang isa (1) hanggang lima (5) sa bawat miyembro. 3. Ipalabas ang mga dalang paboritong pagkain o inumin o ang larawan nito. 4. Bigyan ng tatlumpung (30) segundo ang bawat miyembro upang magbahagi ng kaniyang paboritong pagkain o inumin sa kanyang grupo. 5. Magbigay ng hudyat (pagpapatunog ng bell o ng tambourine, pagpalakpak, atbp.) sa pagtatapos ng tatlumpung (30) segundo. 6. Itanong ang mga sumusunod sa pagtatapos ng gawain: a. Ano ang pagkaing dala mo? b. Bakit mo ito naging paborito? c. Ano ang pagkakaiba ng mga pagkain o inuming iyong dinala? d. Ano ang pagkakahalintulad ng mga ito? (Inaasahang sagot: ang mga ito ay nasa loob ng isang pakete) B. Pag-aralan Natin 1. Ipalabas sa mga mag-aaral ang mga paboritong pagkain at inumin. 2. Magtawag ng mga mag-aaral upang sumuri ng kaniyang pagkaing nakalagay sa pakete. 102 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 3. Itanong at talakayin ang mga sumusunod: • Ano ang napansin ninyo sa mga pagkain at inuming inyong dinala? • Bakit kailangang may mga nakalimbag sa pakete ng pagkain/ inumin? • Ipatago muna sa mga mag-aaral ang paboritong pagkain at inumin. 4. Igayak ang mga mag-aaral sa larawan ng Nutrition Facts sa Pag- aralan sa LM. 5. Talakayin ang bawat bahagi ng Nutrition Facts. Gamitin bilang gabay ang mga sumusunod na tanong: a. Para saan ang Serving Size at Serving Per Container? b. Ano ang naibibigay ng Calories sa ating katawan? c. Ano ang pagkakaiba ng Saturated at Trans Fat? d. Ano ang dulot ng pagkaing mayroon o mataas ang Cholesterol? e. Ano ang dulot ng pagkaing may Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, at Minerals? C. Pagsikapan Natin Ipasagot ang Gawain sa LM. D. Pagyamanin Natin 1. Ipalabas muli sa mga mag-aaral ang kanilang paboritong pagkain at inumin. 2. Ipasagot ang gawain sa LM. 3. Pagparisin ang mga mag-aaral. Sabihing paghambingin ang kanilang dalang mga paboritong pagkain. Ibigay ang gabay sa pagbabahagi. Bigyan sila ng limang (5) minuto para sa gawain. a. Ipaguhit ang pagkaing dala. b. Pagkatapos ay tumawag ng dalawang mag-aaral na magbabahagi nga kanilang iginuhit. 103 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

c. Itanong: • Ano ang una mong titingnan sa pakete ng pagkain/inumin na iyong bibilhin? • Ano-anong sustansiya ang makukuha rito? • Gaano kahalaga ang pagbabasa ng Nutrition Facts?Magtawag ng mag-aaral at isa-isa silang papuntahin sa harap para bumunotng pagkaing nasa kahon at ipasabi kung anong pagkain ito at ang sustansi-yang makukuha.E. Pagnilayan Natin Ulat Pangkalusugan Ipapuno sa mga mag-aaral ang pangungusap sa LM.DEPED COPYAralin 2: “Suriin ang Pagkain, Bago Kainin!”Bilang ng Araw: 1Batayang Kasanayana. Natutukoy ang mga impormasyong nakikita sa food labelb. Nlaabbeilbsigayt ang halaga ang date markings at advisory statements sa foodc. Nakapagpapakita ng skaakfoaoydahlaabnegl bigyangpakahulugan ang mga impormasyong nakikitaKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro Mahalagang malaman ang Date Markings na nakasaad sa pakete ngpagkain o inumin. Ang Expiration Date ay nagsasabi ng petsa kung kailan hindina maaaring ikonsumo ang laman ng pakete dahil maaaring sira o panis naang ilan sa mga sangkap nito. Ang Best Before Date naman ay nagsasaadng petsa kung hanggang kailan ang pagkain o inumin ay nasa pinakamagan-dang kalidad nito. Ang paglipas ng mga araw matapos ng Best Before Date aymaaari nang magdulot ng pagkasira o pagkapanis ng nilalaman ng pakete namaaaring mapanganib sa kalusugan. Ang mga Advisory at Warning Statements ay nagsasaad ng mga babalatulad ng pagkakaroon ng mga sangkap na maaaring magdulot ng allergens,o kung mapaparami ng kain ay maaaring magdulot ng masamang epekto sakatawan. 104 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYPamamaraan A. Pag-usapan Natin 1. Ipakita ang larawan sa LM. 2. Ipabasa ang talata sa mga mag-aaral. (Maaaring sa paraan ng tahi- mik na pagbabasa, pagtatakda ng piling mag-aaral, pagtatakda ng mga grupo para sa palitang pagbasa, at iba pa.) 3. Ipasara ang modyul at itanong: a. Bakit kaya sumakit ang kaniyang tiyan? (Maaaring sagot: dahil sira/panis na ang gatas o si Abdul ay lactose intolerant, isang kondisyon sa katawan kung saan nahihirapan ang katawang i-proseso ang lactose na karaniwang nasa mga produktong ga- tas (nagreresulta rin ito ng pagsakit ng tiyan at madalasang pag- dudumi) b. Ano ang dapat na ginawa muna ni Abdul bago ininom ang gatas? c. Ipasalaysay. B. Pag-aralan Natin nnKggagemaxgmpaiirtapataniog: nkkaadirantotgen)m,napgyakgAeadttevaisnsog(wrpyaaalgatknWagianlragnmimnaganySaBttaetmestmaByeenmftosarleinDawaten,alalirmawbaagn 1. Ipakita ang karton ng gatas. 2. Itanong: a. Paano mo malalaman kung ang inumin o pagkain ay sira o panis na? b. Sa anong bahagi ng pakete mo ito makikita? c. Ano ang tawag dito? 3. Ipaliwanag ang kahalagahan ng Expiration Date. 4. Ilabas ang isa pang pakete ng pagkain. Ipahanap sa isang mag- aaral ang Expiration Date ng pagkain. 5. Itanong: a. Maliban sa Expiration Date, ano pang petsa ang nakasaad sa pakete? b. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng Best Before Date? c. Maliban sa Expiration Date, Best Before Date, at Nutrition Facts, ano-ano pang mga impormasyon ang naipakikita sa pakete ng pagkain? (Inaasahang sagot: mga sangkap) 105 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY6. iMngagSptaakteitma enngtsla.rawan ng pakete ng pagkaing may Advisory o Warn- 7. Talakayin ang kahulugan nito. C. Pagsikapan Natin Ipasagot ang Gawain sa LM. D. Pagyamanin Natin 1. Pangkatin ang klase sa 3-4 na miyembro. 2. Ipasuri ang mga pagkain at inuming ipinakita ng guro. 3. Ipasulat sa talaan ang makikitang impormasyon dito. 4. Ipaliwanag. E. Pagnilayan Natin Panatang Pangkalusugan 1. Ipapuno ang pangungusap sa LM. 2. Tumawag ng mga mag-aaral para ibahagi ang kanilang panata.Aralin 3: Basahin Bago Kainin at InuminBilang ng Araw: 1Batayang Kasanayan a. Natutukoy ang kahalagahan ng pagsunod sa tamang paggamit at pag-iimbak ng pagkain b. Nakapaglalarawan ng mga paraan upang mapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain. c. Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagbasa ng food labelKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro Ang Directions for Use and Storage ay nagsasaad ng impormasyonkung paano mapapananatili ang pagiging sariwa ng isang pagkain. Isinasaaddin dito kung ano ang angkop na lalagyan o lagayan ng pagkain upang hindi itomasira. Maaari ding makita rito ang mga wasto at tamang paraan sa paggamitng pagkain o produkto. Karaniwan itong makikita sa likod ng pakete.Pamamaraan A. Pag-usapan Natin 1. Ipakita ang larawan sa LM. Hikayatin ang buong klase na basahin ang sitwasyon sa ilalim ng larawan. 2. Simulan ang pagbabahagi. Itanong: a. Ano ang nangyari sa tinapay? b. Ano ang dapat tingnan bago bumili ng tinapay at mantikilya? 106 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY c. Paano natin malalaman kung ang isang pagkain ay may ganitong impormasyon? B. Pag-aralan Natin Kagamitan: pakete ng mantikilya at karton ng gatas. 1. Ipakita ang pakete ng mantikilya. Magtawag ng mag-aaral upang hanapin kung mayroon itong impormasyon tungkol sa pagtatabi. 2. Sngabpiahginkanianaanyg“tDaiwreacgtiosansgaFnoirtoUnsgeimanpdorSmtoarsaygoen”g. makikita sa pakete 3. Ialaabraalsaanngg“DkairretocntionngsgFaotar sUastebaonted nSgtojuraicgee”a.t ipahanap sa mga mag- 4. I“tDainreocntgio: ns“Afnoor -Uasneo apnadnSgtopraaggek”a?i”n ang sa tingin ninyo ay may 5. Magpakita ng larawan ng gamot. Itanong: a. Ano ang kadalasang ginagawa ng iyong magulang bago ipainom sa iyo ang likidong gamot? (inaasahang sagot: inaalog ang bote) b. Bakit kaya ito dapat gawin? c. Ano ang kahalagahan ng pagsunod sa “Directions for Use and Storage?” d. Ano ang maaaring mangyari kung hindi ito susundin? C. Pagsikapan Natin Ipasagot ang gawain sa LM. D. Pagyamanin Natin 1. Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral sa mga grupong may tatlo (3) hanggang apat (4) na miyembro. Bigyan ng kani-kaniyang gawain ang bawat miyembro. Miyembro 1: lider / tagapag-ulat Miyembro 2: tagapagpatahimik / tagakuha ng kagamitan Miyembro 3: kalihim Miyembro 4: tagaguhit 2. Ipaliwanag ang gawain sa LM. 3. Italaga ang mga sumusunod na pagkain sa bawat grupo. Bumuo ng grupong may 3-4 na miyembro. Miyembro 1: lider / tagapag-ulat Miyembro 2: tagapagpatahimik/tagakuha ng kagamitan Miyembro 3: tagatala/kalihim Miyembro 4: tagaguhit • Ang bawat grupo ay may sampung (10) minuto lamang upang mag- usap at gumuhit. 107 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

• Mayroon lamang isang (1) minuto upang magbahagi sa klase ng kanil- ang oigginaughaitmnitainlaartaawnagntaatmaannggppaagrpaaapnanligwapnaagg-iimkubnagk/psatoarnaogeito. kaka- inin• Ang napiling lider ang bubunot sa “draw lots”• Bigyan ng sampung (10) minuto ang mga grupo upang mag-usap at gumuhit. - gumuhit ng ice cream - kahon ng mga itlog - bote ng palaman - bote ng skimmed milk - prutas at gulay• karne at isda (kung may nalalabing oras) Bigyan ang bawat grupo ng isang (1) minuto upang ibahagi sa klase ang kanilang iginuhit na larawan at ang pagpapaliwanag kung paano ito kakainin o gagamitin at ang tamang paraan ng storage.• (Kung wala ng nalalabing oras) Kunin ang mga gawaing papel para sa pagwawasto.E. Pagnilayan Natin Ulat Pangkalusugan Ipasuri ang guhit at magpabuo ng paglalagom sa pahina ___. DEPED COPYAralin 4: Ating Alamin at UnawainBilang ng Araw: 1Batayang Kasanayana. Natutukoy ang mga impormasyong nakikita sa food labelb. Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagbabasa ng mga food label sa pagpili at pagbili ng mga pagkainc. Nakapagpapakita ng skaafkoaoydahlaabnegl bigyang pakahulugan ang mga im- pormasyong nakikitaKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro food label dahil naglalaman ito ng Mahalaga ang pagbabasa ng mgaimpormasyon upang: a. malaman ang tatak, uri, at manufacturer ng pagkain (kung sakaling ito ay may depekto or sira, malalaman ang pangalan ng kompanya at lugar kung saan ito ginawa);b. bmaalainnticneddihdainet)a;ng nutrisyong nilalaman ng pagkain (para sa wasto atc. mleragkeunhsanaanmg abaaabrainlagtmunaggkdoullosat nngilarelaamksaynonngsapakgaktaawina(ntu);lad ng mga al- 108 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

d. malaman kung paano mapapanatiling sariwa ang pagkain (at hindi agad masira at mapanis); at e. makakuha ng impormasyong maaaring ihambing sa iba pang food labels para sa mas wais na pamimili.Pamamaraan A. Pag-usapan Natin 1. Pangkatin ang klase sa mga grupong may limang (5) miyembro. Magtakda ng mga bilang isa (1) hanggang lima (5) sa miyembro ng grupo. 2. Gamitin ang larawan sa LM. 3. Pangkatan ang mag-aaral sa tiglimang miyembro. 4. Magpabilang ng 1-5 at pagsasama-samahin ang mga bilang 1, 2, 3, 4, at 5. Gawain: - Paano nagagamit ang mga guhit para sa pag-unawa ng food labels? - Ano-ano ang maaaring mangyari sa iyo kung hindi ito binabasa? 5. Magbigay ng hudyat sa pagsisimula ng gawain. Bigyan ang bawat miyembro ng isang (1) minuto para sumagot. Magbigay muli ng hudyat sa pagtatapos ng oras at pagpapasa ng papel sa susunod na miyembro. 6. Iwasto ang mga sagot ng mga mag-aaral. Tumawag ng mga mag- aaral para ibahagi ang kanilang sagot. 7. Itanong: a. Ano-ano ang maaaring mangyari sa inyo kung hindi ito binabasa?DEPED COPYB. Pag-aralan Natin1. Gamitin ang mga larawan sa LM posi- bleng panganib ng hindi wastong2. Ipahula sa mga mag-aaral ang larawan at ipasulat ang sagot sa loob ng kahon. Kasagutan at mga puntos para sa diskusyon:a. Pagsakit ng tiyan/ Kung makakakain ng sirang pagkain pagsusuka/pag- (expired), maaaring magsuka, sumakit ang kakasakit tiyan, o makakuha ng mga mikrobyo at magkasakit. 109 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

b. Pagkakaroon ng May mga pagkaing naglalaman ng allergic reaction allergens o mga mikrobyong maaaring magdulot ng allergies tulad ng paghahatsing, pangangati, hirap sa paghinga, pagkahilo, at iba pa.c. Pagpayat o pag- Maaaring makakuha ng maling nutrisyon taba dahil sa ang taong hindi nagbabasa ng food labels maling nutrisyon – ang anumang kulang o sobra ay masama sa katawan. Makukuha ang tamang sukat ng pagkain sa pamamagitan ng pagbabasa ng Nutrition Facts.DEPED COPYd. Pagkapanis ngKung hindi sa wastong lugar nakalagay pagkain ang pagkain, maaari itong masira agad. Samantala, maaari namang mapanatili ang pagkasariwa at pagkamasustansiya ng pagkain kung ito ay maitatabi nang wasto at tama.e. Pagsasayang ng Kung makabibili ng pagkaing sira at panispera na, maaaring mag-aksaya lamang ng pera.Ipasagot ang Kaya Natin sa LM.C. Pagsikapan Natin Gamitin ang gawain sa LM. (Tama ba o Mali) Sagutan: Isulat ang mga sagot sa mga tanong sa iyong kuwaderno.Susi sa Pagwawasto: 1. TAMA 2. MALI 3. TAMA 4. MALI 5. TAMA 6. TAMA 7. TAMA 8. TAMA 9. MALI 10. TAMA 110 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

D. Pagyamanin NatinGamitin ang gawain sa LM. (slogan) ng slogan.1. Magbigay ng panuto para sa pagsasanay2. Maglagay ng rubrik para sa pagtataya ng slogan.E. Pagnilayan Natin Panatang Pangkalusugan Ipapuno ang pangungusap sa LM.Aralin 5: Pagkain Tiyaking Tama at Ligtas Bago Kainin (Food-Borne Diseases)DEPED COPYBilang ng Araw: 1Batayang Kasanayan: a. Nakapaglalarawan ng mga paraan upang mapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain b. Natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng pagpapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain upang makaiwas sa sakitKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro Ang Food Safety Principles ay naglalaman ng mga alituntunin upangmapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain. Basahin ang kuwento sa Pag-aralanNatin.Pamamaraan: A. Pag-usapan Natin 1. Gamitin ang gawain sa LM. (Food Bingo)2. Bigyan ng limang (5) minuto FanogodmBgiangmoa. gM-aaagrbailguapyanngg lumibot at mangalap ng mga pirma sa hudyat sa pagtatapos ng oras. Pabalikin sa upuan ang mga mag-aaral.3. Magsarbey kung sino-sino ang mga nakatapos. Hikayatin silang magbahagi ng mga pirmang kanilang nakuha.4. Itanong: a. Tungkol saan ang mga tanong sa Food Bingo? b. Ano-ano ang mga dapat tandaan sa paghahanda ng pagkain bago at pagkatapos kumain? (Inaasahang sagot: maghugas ng kamay) c. Paano ang tamang paghugas ng kamay? 111 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY5. Tumawag ng mag-aaral upang ipakita ang paraan ng tamang paghuhugas ng kamay. Hikayatin ang mga mag-aaral na sabayan ang natawag na mag-aaral. Paraan ng Wastong Paghuhugas ng Kamay: • Hugasan ang mga kamay, sabunin at kuskusing mabuti. • Ibuka ang mga daliri at kuskusin ang likod ng kamay. • Maingat na kuskusin ang pagitan ng mga kuko at daliri. • Hugasan ang pagitan ng mga daliri. • Banlawan ang kamay at hugasang isa-isa ang mga daliri. • Huwag kalimutang hugasan ang pulso. • Pagkatapos maghugas at magsabon, punasan ng malinis na tuwalya at patuyuing maigi. Itanong: “Maliban sa paghuhugas ng kamay, ano-ano pa ang mga dapat tandaan sa paghahanda ng pagkain at bago kumain?” B. Pag-aralan Natin Kagamitan: larawan ng isang tatay, karne ng baka/baboy/manok, isda, lutong-ulam 1. Ibigay ang sitwasyon: Kasama mo ang iyong tatay papunta sa palengke. Kayo ay mamimili ng uulamin para sa tanghalian. Ano kaya ang masarap na ulam? Itanong: Ano ang mga dapat malaman sa pagbili ng mga produkto? Ano ang unang titingnan bago bumili? 2. Tumawag ng ilang mag-aaral para magbahagi ng kanilang paboritong ulam. 3. Ipagpatuloy ang kuwento. Ngayong nakabili na kayo ni Tatay ng ____ (napiling ulam), maaari na kayong umuwi. Pagdating sa bahay, ano ang unang gagawin para sa paghahanda ng ulam? (Maghugas muna ng kamay.) Iyan! Malinis na ang mga kamay! Maaari na niyong simulan ang paghahanda. Tulungan mo si Tatay. Ano ang susunod na gagawin? (Ihiwalay ang sariwa sa lutong pagkain. Hugasan ang karne gamit ang malinis na tubig mula sa gripo. Huwag gumamit ng sabon.) Tinanong ka ni Tatay, “Bakit dapat hugasan ang karne bago iluto?” 112 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY (Hinuhugasan ang karne upang maalis ang mga dumi na maaaring nakuha nito sa palengke.) Sa wakas! Maaari na kayong magluto ni Tatay. Ano-ano ang kailangan sa pagluluto? (Siguraduhing malinis ang kagamitang pangkusina tulad ng kawali, sandok, at iba pa. Kailangan ang pagkakaroon ng dalawang uri ng sangkalan, para sa mga meat products at isa para sa mga gulay upang maiwasan ang “cross-contamination” sa paghahanda ng pagkain.) Itay hihiwain ko na po ba ang karne at gulay? (Kailangan ang pagkakaroon ng dalawang uri ng sangkalan, iba para sa mga meat products at iba para sa mga gulay upang maiwasan ang “cross-contamination” sa paghahanda ng pagkain.) Hayaan mong si Tatay ang magluto.Iabot mo ang mga kailangan niya. Nagtanong muli si Tatay, “Matagal ba dapat lutuin ang karne?” (Lutuin ang karne sa loob ng 45 minuto, lalo na ang manok, upang mamatay ang mga mikrobyong maaaring nasa loob ng katawan nito (tulad ng salmonella, atbp.) o kaya’y hintaying lumambot ang karne. Sa kabilang banda, hindi naman maaari na sobrang patagalin ang pagluluto dahil ang pagkain ng sunog na pagkain ay masama rin sa katawan. Ang mga gulay na sariwa ay maaaring i-halfcooked na at ang mga dahon nama’y blanched lamang.) Sa wakas! Luto na ang ulam! Wow kakain na kami! Oops! Ano nga ulit ang dapat gawin bago kumain? (Maghugas ng kamay.) (Dumighay) Excuse Me! Ang sarap! Naku may natira pang pagkain. Itatapon ko na kaya ito? Saan ko ilalagay? (Maaaring takpan ang pagkain upang hindi dapuan ng mga insekto na maaaring magdala ng mga mikrobyong nagdudulot ng sakit. Kung ito ay hindi na mainit, maaaring ilagay sa loob ng refrigerator/cooler para hindi mapanis. Kung ilalagay sa refrigerator/cooler habang mainit pa, maaari itong magtubig (moist) na magiging dahilan ng pagkapanis.) 1. Itanong: a. Tungkol saan ang kuwento? b. Ano-ano ang iyong natutuhan mula rito? 113 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYC. Pagsikapan Natin Gamitin ang gawain sa LM. (Picture Perfect) Ipasulat sa mag-aaral ang pangungusap kung paano pananatilihing malinis at ligtas ang pagkain sa mga larawang ibinigay. D. Pagyamanin Natin Ipagawa ang gawain sa LM. E. Pagnilayan Ulat Pangkalusugan Ipasagot ang tanong sa LM. F. Takdang-aralin Sumulat ng mga paraan kung paano lutuin ang iyong paboritong panghimagas. Lagyan ng mga alituntunin sa pagpapanatiling malinis at ligtas ang pagkain.Aralin 6: Pagkain ay Suriin upang Hindi Maging Sakitin!Bilang ng Araw: 2Batayang Kasanayan: a. Natutukoy ang mga karaniwang sakit na nakukuha sa maruming pagkain b. Nakapaglalarawan ng mga pangkalahatang palantandaan at sintomas ng mga sakit na nakukuha sa maruming pagkainKaragdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro Ang mga foodborne diseases ay mga sakit na nakukuha sa marumi athindi ligtas na pagkain at inumin. Isa sa mga sakit na pinakamadalas na nakukuhamula sa pagkain ay ang diarrhea. Ang diarrhea ay sanhi ng isang bacteria nanakukuha sa maruming pagkain. Ang bacteria na ito ay nagdudulot ng pagsakitng tiyan at madalas na pagdumi, na maaaring magdulot ng pagdudurugo ngpuwit. Bukod sa diarrhea, ang mga halimbawa pa ng foodborne diseases aytyphoid fever, cholera, dysentery, amoebiasis, food poisoning, at hepatitis A.Gamitin ang Pag-aralan Natin sa LM para sa paglalarawan ng bawat sakit. 114 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Sakit Dahilan Nakahahawa Mga Sintomascholera ba? Isa itong Oo Karaniwang hindi nakahahawang nakikita ang mga sakit na sintomas ng sakit naipapasa sa na ito. Maaaring pamamagitan ng magkaroon ng kontaminadong diarrhea na dumi ng tao, magdudulot ng pagkain, o tubig pagkaubos ng tubig sa katawanDEPED COPYamoebiasisprotozoa na pangmatagalang amoeba Oo pagtatae at pagsakit ng tiyanFood Poisoning pagkain ng mga Hindi pagsusuka, nakalalasong pagsasakit ng bagay na naihalo tiyan, pagtatae, at sa pagkain o panghihina. inumintyphoid fever Ang sakit na Hindi Mataas na lagnat ito ay dulot ng Pagsakit ng ulo salmonella, Hindi magandang isang bacteria pakiramdam na makukuha sa Pagkawala ng kontaminadong gana sa pagkain pagkain o inumin Madalas na pagtatae odysentery bacteria sa paghirap sa kontaminadong pagdumi pagkain o inumin Mga pulang butlig sa dibdib at tiyan diarrhea na may kasamang pagdurugo 115 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

hepatitis A Ang sakit na Hindi Pagkahilo ito ay ang Pagsusuka pamamaga ng Pagsakit ng tiyan atay. Nakukuha sa kanang itaas ito mula sa isang na bahagi virus mula sa Pagkakaroon ng kontaminadong lagnat pagkain o tubig Pagkawala ng gana sa pagkain Pagkakaroon ng madilaw na ihi Pagkakaroon ng matamlay na kulay ng dumiDEPED COPYPamamaraan A. Pag-usapan Natin Gamitin ang balita sa LM. Hayaang magbasa nang salitan ang mga mag-aaral. Ang unang pangungusap ay ipabasa sa unang linya ng upuan, ikalawa para sa ikalawang linya… Itanong: - Ano ang nakasaad sa balitang pangkalusugan? - Ano-ano ang mga paraang inirekomenda upang mapanatiling ligtas ang pagkain Gawin sa pangalawang araw: B. Pag-aralan Natin 1. Ipakita ang Disease Code. Ipaliwanag na huhulaan ng mga bata ang pangalan ng sakit sa pamamagitan ng pagtatapat ng numero sa letra. (Hanapin Mo Ako) 116 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

2. Ipakita ang unang pangalan ng sakit na tatalakayin. Gamitin ang Karagdagang Kaalaman para sa Guro bilang gabay sa diskusyon.DEPED COPY3. Pangunahan ang paglalagom. Itanong: a. Ano-ano muli ang mga sakit na makukuha sa marumi at hindi ligtas na pagkain at inumin? b. Ano-ano ang dapat nating gawin upang makaiwas sa mga ito?C. Pagsikapan Natin Ipagawa ang Gawain sa LM.D. Pagyamanin NatinTumawag ng limang mag-aaral ang ipasagot ang gawain sa LM.E. Pagnilayan NatinUlat PangkalusuganIpagawa ang gawain sa LM.1. Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral sa mga grupong may apat (4) hanggang limang (5) miyembro at magtalaga ng lider.2. Ang bawat grupo ay gagawa ng isang poster na nagpapakita kung paano makaiwas sa mga sakit na dulot ng marumi at hindi ligtas na pagkain.3. Ipaliwanag ang rubric para sa pagwawasto.Nilalaman 5Pagkamalikhain 3Kalinisan 2 10 puntosKabuuan 117 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYPanghuling PagtatayaI. Maramihang Pagpili Panuto: Piliin ang letra ng tamang sagot. Isulat ang sagot sa iyong papel. 1. Alin sa sumusunod na impormasyon ang makikita sa food label ng isang pagkain? A. Directions for weighing B. Directions for Use and Storage C. Directions for Manufacturing D. Directions for Packaging 2. Ano ang tawag sa bahagi ng Food Label na nagbibigay impormasyon tungkol sa mga sustansyang makukuha sa pagkaing nakapaloob sa pakete? A. Date Markings B. Directions of Manufacturing C. Nutrition Facts D. Mga Advisory & Warning Statements 3. Alin ang dapat mong gawin kung ito ang nakalagay sa food label? “Expiration Date : July 30, 2015” A. Kailangang itago sa kahon bago July 30, 2013 B. Kailangang itago sa kahon bago July 30, 2014 C. Kailangang ubusin ang pagkain bago July 30, 2015 D. Kailangang ubusin ang pagkain bago July 30, 20164. Bakit mahalagang basahin ang food label sa pagbili ng pagkain? A. Upang malaman ang kulay ng pagkain B. Upang malaman kung masarap ang pagkain. C. Upang malaman kung paano ito itago sa kahon D. Upang maintindihan ang nutrisyong nilalaman ng pagkain5. Piliin ang hindi tamang gawain sa pagpili ng tiyak na ligtas na pagkain. A. Piliin ang mga sariwang pagkain. B. Bumili sa mga lisensiyadong tindahan. C. Bilhin ang mga mamahaling produkto. D. Basahin ang mga impormasyong nakasulat sa pakete. 118 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.