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Home Explore Building healthy homes: Want to secure the health and life of your family at home?

Building healthy homes: Want to secure the health and life of your family at home?

Published by carrie, 2015-01-03 00:21:20

Description: Guidelines to lead a fit and healthy life

Keywords: home plans, healthy home


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Title:Building healthy homes: Want to secure the health and life of your family at home?Word Count:589Summary:Guidelines to lead a fit and healthy lifeKeywords:home plans, healthy homeArticle Body:And you thought your family and children were so safe inside the home environment cozilyprotected from potent health hazards! But did you know that the source of asthma, lead

poisoning, and many such types of chronic health conditions could lie within your homeenvirons?According to recent survey it has been revealed that your family especially the kids arethreatened with major health risks if the design/architecture, built and maintenance of yourhome is improper.So while planning out a new home or a home remodeling/renovation make sure that your homeplanner or design architect makes use of healthier home building techniques and technology.This shall ensure that your family and kids residing in such healthy homes are much morehealthier and safer!You might incur higher expenses while constructing a healthy and environmental friendly homeas compared to normal homes. But the health and life of your children and family is supposedto be of utmost importance above anything else!So while you are busy with your home plans or home renovation ideas spare a thought on thefollowing points to build a healthier and safer home.?Budget your home plans keeping in mind that you have to use non-toxic or less toxic buildingmaterials that are a bit more expensive than general building materials.?General building and construction materials (particularly glues, paints, varnishes, insulators,etc.) are usually loaded with toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as urea,formaldehyde, lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide, etc. derived from petroleum. If inhaledcontinuously these toxins accumulate in the body leading to serious health problems.?While constructing cabinets and countertops or for sheathing, sub-flooring and roof deckingthe ideal choice is solid wood but if it is too expensive go in for exterior grade plywood onlyinstead of particleboard/fiberboard that contains toxic glue mixed with wood chips.?Avoid vinyl and wall-to-wall carpet flooring. Vinyl floors contain poly vinyl chloride (PVC) aharmful chemical while fully carpeted floors accumulates dust, dust mites, molds, etc. all ofwhich are potent causative agents of allergy, asthma and other chronic respiratory problems.Instead use healthier floor alternatives as cork, solid wood, marmoleum, tiles, bamboo, and soon.?Always make use of strictly low-odor and non-toxic paints containing highly reduced amountsof VOCs such as paints comprising of just clay and pigments. Paints are usually loaded withhigh quantities of lead. Avoid using such paints completely.?Avoid using resins and glues that contain formaldehyde especially urea formaldehyde.?To build the foundation, walls and roof panels of a healthy home make use of thick, natural,hygroscopic and breathable plasters and stuccoes such as clay-treated wood chip placed oversand and fine gravel instead of using foam boards or poly vapor barriers. This renders efficientindoor humidity control thus preventing the formation of molds. In this way you can also avoidthe accumulation of harmful radon gas inside your home.? Avoid building bedrooms/living rooms over the garage space of your house. Toxic gasolinefumes can outgas from the fuel tank of your car and infiltrate into the bedrooms.

?Install carbon monoxide testers/detectors especially near furnaces, fireplaces, and garage areasof your home. Radon testers must be essentially placed in the basement areas of your home asthis harmful radioactive gas occurring in soil can seep into your home through the foundation.?For construction of a healthy home only hire registered professional home planners and homebuilders/contractors who have the required knowledge of building and planning healthier homesbased on strict building guidelines.Title:Health Insurance: How We Can Make It BetterWord Count:421Summary:You almost have to take out a loan to pay for health insurance these days. Even if yourcompany pays for half or more of your premium, a premium for a family still runs at least twoto three hundred dollars a month. This is ridiculous, especially for people that do not visit thedoctor very often. However, everyone is worried that if they do not have health insurance, thenthey will need it and they will not be able to get the help that they need, or they will getsubstandard...Keywords:Article Body:You almost have to take out a loan to pay for health insurance these days. Even if yourcompany pays for half or more of your premium, a premium for a family still runs at least twoto three hundred dollars a month. This is ridiculous, especially for people that do not visit thedoctor very often. However, everyone is worried that if they do not have health insurance, thenthey will need it and they will not be able to get the help that they need, or they will getsubstandard healthcare because they do not have insurance. Many factors have surfaced overthe years that cause health insurance to continue to stay on the rise.One of the major problems that cause health insurance to continue to rise is the amount offrivolous malpractice lawsuits that are filed against doctors every year. Even if a doctor doesnot do anything wrong, they still have to pay the court costs, which usually are paid for out of抯their malpractice insurance. And if a doctor does make a mistake they can pay ten of抯millions of dollars in damages. All of this causes doctor to pay more for malpractice抯insurance, which translates into higher costs to their patient so they can continue to survive.One of the best ideas I have heard to help combat this problem, is legislature that puts a cap onmonetary awards that are awarded for punitive damages in these lawsuits. Anything over thecap will be given to the state to help pay for schools, roads, and other things for the community.This will slow people down who want to sue just to get rich quick, but will still allow people to

sue if a wrong has truly been committed.Another major problem that causes health insurance problems is the ability of health insurancecompanies to get out of paying the full amount requested by a doctor. Health insurance抯 抯companies rarely pay half of what a doctor office requests, so the doctor office usually抯has to eat the lost costs. This causes doctor offices to raise their prices to help shoulder theburden of these lost profits. An easy solution would be to implement some kind of regulations抯that would allow doctor offices to collect the full amount for a visit. These regulations would抯force health insurance companies to pay the amount that doctor charge, thus lowering the抯prices of doctor visits for all of their patients.Title:Skin Care- Look Young Forever By Keeping Your Acid Mantle HealthyWord Count:358Summary:What is acid mantle and why it is important for healthy skin? We all hear so much aboutpH-balanced products. How do they affect acid mantle?Keywords:skin,skin care,skin treatment,acid,sebum,sweat,love,bacteriaArticle Body:Skin care and acid mantle-What is acid mantle and why it is important for healthy skin? We all hear so much aboutpH-balanced products. How do they affect acid mantle? And how do we look young? If youknow how to take care of the protective acid mantle, you have won half the battle. Let me tellyou how?Skin oils and acid mantle-Skin secretes sebum and sweat. Both of these combine to create a protective film on the skin,which is called acid mantle. The mixture is acidic and its pH is between 4 to 5.5. Because ofthis acidity of this film, bacteria get killed and cannot attack the skin. Bacteria love alkalinityand the acid keeps them away. The acid mantle also protects skin from losing its moisture. If westrip the acid mantle away that can cause a lot of damage to our young looking skin.Skin acid mantle- how do we strip it?we strip the acid mantle by using alkaline soaps and cleansers. Sun exposure also strips the acidmantle. Those who have little oily skin are in a great rush to remove all the skin oils and

manage to strip the oily acid mantle away. This exposes skin not only to bacteria but also thechances of triggering eczema etc. increases substantially.Acne and acid mantle-Many of those who have acne wash their face frequently. As a result they dry their skin totally.The acne may not go away, but the protective acid mantle surely goes away exposing the skinto more infections. Keep a healthy acid mantle on the skin and protect yourself. Use AHAmixed cleansers to maintain the acidity of the skin and use pH balanced products to keep skinyoung forever.This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical adviseand it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for yourmedical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor.The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained fromthis article.

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