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Our Team, Our Memories

Published by Lida Rowis, 2020-08-02 12:34:01

Description: Our Team, Our Memories


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Our Team, Our Memories Written by: Lida Balyanirowis Completed by: 02/08/2020 Project Name: Team – Collaboration “Take it back to work”

I looked at the beautiful beach from the balcony while my mind was full of ideas, and yet, I wanted the best way to present the project \"Take it back to work – Collaboration” in an effective way. The project was part of career growth within the company and I loved the fact that we can do the project in a freestyle which gives us choices to showcase our knowledge & talents. \"Download your project about Influence and Negotiation by 06 Jul 2020\" Choose your own format (Word Doc, PPT, and Video, directly in the comment box” I was thinking about it over and over again and started researching and reading about “Team Collaboration”. Within few days , I was able to gather lots of information and prepare a presentation to download . However, in the middle of preparation, I have decided to present this task in a form of story. I love stories and I believe stories have more impact than anything else. I would like to take you back with me in time when I was in school and later when started my career in Travel industry in Holidays department as Consultant & Sales Representative. I will take you to a journey full of scenarios, experiences which shows how we can lift the team up by supporting and collaborating with each other.

It was 1998 when our teacher read the below poem, drafted by \"Saadi \"a Persian poet in the 13th Century. “Human beings are like parts of a body, Created from the same essence. When one part is hurt and in pain, The others cannot remain in peace. If the misery of others leaves you indifferent You cannot be called a human being” Teacher continued: \"You need to always feel the meaning deeply and so, it will be part of your life, it will be your habit, it will be your believe and value\" By the time when I grew up and started my career, I could see the value of teamwork, I believed in it as any project needed good teamwork to be accomplished. In 2012, we made essential changes technically by shifting to a new system. It was not an easy job especially for the front line staff as there were lots of issues in any new system. The workload was increased with the same number of staff. \"I made the booking 2 weeks ago and my travel date is tomorrow and yet still don't have my confirmation \" guest shouted at the reservation office The guest was a middle-aged man with a short white beard, staring at my colleague with extreme anger... “I want to talk to a manager right away\" he continued

We all knew that our manager was busy with another meeting to sort out an important issue. My colleague, Ameen, immediately came out from his counter, and politely greeted the guest and offered him a glass of water. He knows that he needs to support his colleague. Ameen beautifully opened the conversation and explained the reason and he promised him to give him the confirmation voucher while my other colleague was concentrating on fixing the issue through the system. Slowly the conversation shifted to a different subject about the car race and I found the time is suitable to join the conversation as we need more time to fix the issue. Ameen and I managed to endure the interesting conversation for another 30 minutes and by that time. Confirmation was completed. We never forget that incident which guest left the office happily and even though apologized for his behavior Without teamwork, we would never able to make the guest happy J

The new system was not as good as we expected. Lots of manual work had to be done for each booking. The team started to be frustrated and everyone was blaming the other for any issue. It was a peak season and slowly sense of teamwork and collaboration was going lower and lower \" Why don't you update request in the system on time \" Ali, my colleague said loudly \" I did, anyway, you have no right to talk to me\" Shreen, my other colleague replied \" Yes, I do have the right because I am the one who is facing the guest not you\" \"It's not my fault, you didn't check the system properly\" These discussions were going on on daily basis. We all give lip service to the importance of collaboration and most of us commit to being collaborative in our work. Yet, collaboration often breaks down and evolves into conflict and withdrawal to individual work. What makes collaboration difficult even when we believe in its importance and value? There were so many reasons behind such as: · A lack of trust in each other knowledge about the new system · Lack of clarity in the new system · Different mindsets. · Poor listening skills in busy time · Poor communication skill in a difficult time

Instantly, management realized that they need to take some steps to overcome the daily challenges. We were not able to fix out the system in a short period, so the best solution was to train the team on • Open communication • Building and managing expectations • Facilitating group discussion • Agreeing on roles that capitalize on individual strengths • Listening viewpoints from all team members Several workshops and meetings have been arranged based on teamwork and collaboration. Amazingly, we noticed the effect of teamwork skills in every department. We realized with education and sense of having one goal and one purpose can create magic in the workplace I still remember a time that same issue repeated with another guest of not having the confirmation voucher, but this time, instead of blaming, there was a different approach “The request has not been updated in the system. Let s investigate the reason, “Ali said in a calm way “We need to find out the reason and take action “he continued “It might be my error or system error. I hope is not my error J “Shireen replied

We find out that Shireen was updating the request however she needs to duplicate the same request in another tab to make the complete transaction. The idea of collaboration seems easy enough, but in reality, it can be challenging to collaborate with others. Each person on a team has strengths and weaknesses, communication preferences, and personal goals. If we create a collaboration culture within our company, I believe that each person will align his personal goal with the company goal which makes the workplace full of interest, fun, and at the same time progress and success. In the end, I would like to finish my writing with the famous quote of Phil Jackson \"The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each member is the team.\"

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