Letter to the reader: Hello, welcome to your self-discovery journal and workbook. If you are here today feeling uncertain about who you are, where you want to go, and what you want to do... Welcome. You are in the right place. This workbook is full of life coaching exercises and questions to help you learn about who you are and clarify your dreams and goals. Most people will take this workbook and just skim through the questions or never finish the exercises. My challenge for you is to take this seriously and to make it a goal to go through the whole workbook because what you learn from this workbook can powerfully transform your life and your future. My hope is that through this process, you can experience a personal breakthrough to start walking out, boldly and joyfully, in the fullness of who you've been created to be. Sincerely, | page 02
ABOUT Connect Sharon is a Korean-American life coach Instagram: dedicated in helping ambitious @sharonkilonhan millennials gain self-awareness, find clarity in vision, and take action on their Coaching: dreams. After hitting her own 'quarter-life crisis,' Email: she left her job in Los Angeles to spend [email protected] couple months living in Bali, learning how to pave her own path to build a business Podcast: and a life that is authentically hers, while Millennial Life School helping others along the way. Now, as a trained life coach from Achology: The Academy of Modern, Applied Psychology and the host of the Millennial Life School podcast, Sharon is determined to help other 20 to 30-something-year- olds figure out who they are and how they can walk out in the fullness of who they've been created to be. | page 03
BEFORE YOU GET STARTED This workbook is not meant to be just read but to be applied. There are 3 modules in this workbook: Module 1 is about transforming your mindset; Module 2 is about self-discovery; and Module 3 is about life assessment & planning. In each module, you will be guided through a series of worksheets and exercises for you to journal through. There is no right or wrong answer, so be honest with yourself and take the time you need to process your thoughts. This workbook is going to make you think deeply, reflect on some hard questions, and journal on things that you've probably never thought about before. Take this process seriously because it can create a powerful breakthrough moment for you. It's not going to be a quick and easy process, but a worthwhile one. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of this workbook: PLAN AHEAD: - Give yourself 7-10 weeks to finish the whole process. - Block out a few 1-2 hours on your calendar each week to work on this workbook. ENVIORNMENT: - Find a quiet place with no distractions. - Put your phone away where it won't distract you. - Play clam music that inspires you or helps you focus. - Have a notebook and a pen out to take notes and to journal. MINDSET: - Allow yourself to DREAM BIG without judging yourself. - Be completely honest with yourself; no one has to see your answers. - Don't rush through the workbook; take your time. - Have fun & celebrate your progress as you go! Feedback or Questions? Email me at [email protected]. Connect with me on Instagram @sharonkilonhan and check out my podcast, Millennial Life School, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast. | page 04
CONTENTS Worksheets to Revisit When... (pg. 6) MODULE 1: MINDSET 1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See Yourself? (pg. 9) 1.2 Identify and Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs (pg. 18) 1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will Change Your Life (pg. 22) 1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1, 2, 3 (pg. 25) MODULE 2: SELF-DISCOVERY 2.1 My Unique Personality Type (pg. 31) 2.2 Core Values (pg. 35) 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion (pg. 42) 2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets (pg. 46) 2.5 Craft a Compelling Personal Mission Statement (pg. 50) 2.6 Strength-Value-Job Alignment (pg. 54) MODULE 3: LIFE ASSESSMENT & PLANNING 3.1 What's My Current Location? (pg. 59) 3.2 How to Do a Life Audit (pg. 63) 3.3 My Greatest Life Vision (pg. 66) 3.4 Long-Term, Mid-Term, & Short-Term Goals (pg. 70) 3.5 Take Massive Action (pg. 74) 3.6 Break Through Fear & Become Resilient (pg. 77) Final Words of Encouragement (pg. 81) | page 05
WORKSHEETS TO REVISIT WHEN... I FEEL DISCOURAGED: I NEED TO GET MY - 1.2 Identify and Break Through Your LIFE BACK ON TRACK: - 3.2 How to Do a Life Audit Limiting Beliefs - 3.3 My Greatest Life Vision -1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1,2,3. - 3.4 Long-Term, Mid-Term, Short-Term - 3.6 Break Through Fear & Become Goals Resilient I WANT TO FEEL MOTIVATED: THINKING ABOUT A - 1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will NEW POTENTIAL CAREER: - 2.6 Strength-Value-Job Alignment Change Your Life - 3.5 Take Massive Action I WANT TO CLARIFY I FEEL LOST AND PASSIONLESS: MY LIFE PURPOSE: - 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion - 2.5 Craft a Compelling Personal Mission - 2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets Statement - 3.3 My Greatest Life Vision I WANT TO KNOW MYSELF BETTER: WHEN I DON'T EVEN KNOW - 1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See WHERE TO START: Yourself? - 3.1 What's My Current Location? - 2.1 My Unique Personality Type - 2.2 Core Values | page 06
MODULE 1: MINDSET New Beliefs + a Life Changing Decision
MODULE 1: MINDSET 1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See Yourself? 1.2 Identify and Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs 1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will Change Your Life 1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1, 2, 3 | page 08
1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See Yourself?
MINDSET 1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See Yourself? Your sense of identity and how you see yourself is shaped by what you believe to be true about yourselves and it is strengthened as you take action that is in alignment with those beliefs. The question is, what do you believe is true about who you are? The issue is, a lot of us, often unknowing, are living with deep rooted, disempowering beliefs about ourselves that sound something like this: 1) I am unlovable 2) I am helpless 3) I am worthless 4) I am not _______ enough 5) I am hopeless Have you ever struggled with any one of these disempowering beliefs? Consciously or unconsciously, when you believe that any one of these disempowering beliefs are true for you, you will start to act in a way that is in alignment with that identity, further making you feel certain that this is who you really are. This is a terrible cycle to be trapped in and it's time to break off any of these disempowering beliefs so you can start to see the power, the beauty, and the capabilities that lie within your most authentic self. By the end of this worksheet, you will: Have more awareness of any disempowering beliefs you may have. Know where those negative beliefs are coming from. Know how to give those beliefs less power over your self-view and identity. | page 10
5 Areas That Influence Your Beliefs About Yourself: There are many things that influence a person's beliefs about who they are, but in this worksheet we will be focusing on the below 5 key areas: Has anyone said something to you that created a negative self-view of yourself? In this worksheet, you will explore how other people's words may have influenced your identity. We often look to others to make sense of who we are. In this worksheet, you will reflect on how other people have treated you and how their actions toward you have impacted your beliefs about who you are. Have you ever felt like you are living a performance driven life? Striving for perfectionism? This worksheet will help you recognize if you've been attaching your identity too much to what you do and how well you do it. What you have does not define who you are, but so many of us attach our own self-worth to what we have. When you allow material things to have the power to determine whether you are worthy as a person or not, you can be setting yourself up for a life of feeling like you never have enough. This worksheet will help you recognize how much of your beliefs about who you are is tied to what you have. Our lives are marked by certain defining moments that shape our self-view. Some life events are good, while some events could be one full of pain, loss, or fear. This worksheet will help you reflect on your significant life events and how they have shaped you to be who you are today. By becoming more aware of how these 5 areas are shaping your identity, you can start to make a conscious decision on what is actually true about who you are versus what are the lies about who you are. Your beliefs influence your behavior so if you want to change your life, you have to first identify, and shake off any disempowering beliefs about yourself so you can start to believe more for yourself. | page 11
Set aside about an hour of your time to finish this worksheet in one sitting without distractions. Give yourself enough time to reflect and answer each questions honestly to explore the 5 areas that influence your beliefs about yourself. 1) Other People's Words How other people's words may have shaped the way you see yourself. 1. Growing up, what were the specific words your parents (including legal guardians, or whoever raised you) used to say to compliment you or to positively affirm you on who you are? a. What did this mean about who you are? 2. What were the specific words your parents used to say to you that were critical? a. What did this mean about who you are? 3. What's the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you? a. What did this mean about who you are? 4. If you can go back in time to a moment when someone said something that affected your self-view in a negative way, what would YOU want to say to yourself as truth? What would you tell yourself about who you are and who you are not? | page 12
2) Other People's Actions How other people's actions may have shaped the way you see yourself. 1. What's your earliest memory of how your parents (including legal guardians, or whoever raised you) treated you and acted toward you growing up? 2. Who did you think you needed to be in order to receive love from your parents? 3. How do you think other people general see you? Why do you think that is? 4. When was a time someone made you feel bad/negative about yourself? What happened and how did you feel specifically? a. Is this still lingering on your mind or have you forgiven them? 5. Is there any negative self-image/self-talk that resulted from how other people have treated you? What are they? | page 13
3) What You Do and How Well You Do It How what you do and how well you do it have shaped the way you see yourself. 1. What do you do? a. If you were to fail at what you do, how would it make you feel about yourself? 2. Have you ever stopped yourself from sharing something you created (ie: something you wrote, a piece of art, a product you created, etc.) out of fear of what other people might think of it? a. If yes, why were you afraid? b. What would it have meant to you if they loved it? What would it have meant to you if people rejected it? 3. How has what you do and how well you do it affected the way you view yourself? | page 14
4) What You Have How what you have may shape the way you see yourself. 1. How do you feel about your current financial status? 2. How would you feel if your current financial status was revealed to everyone around you? 3. How do you think people would view you if you were extremely wealthy? 4. How do you think people would view you if you were poor? 5. Would having more in life change the way you view yourself? | page 15
5) Significant life events How your significant life events have shaped the way you see yourself. 1. What five life changing events have impacted your identity the most? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. What is a significant life event that shaped the way you view yourself in a negative way? Specifically, how did it make you feel about who you are? 3. What is a significant life event that shaped the way you view yourself in a positive way? Specifically, how did it make you feel about who you are? | page 16
Reflection: 1. What are some disempowering beliefs that you have about yourself? 2. Where did those negative beliefs come from? 3. My worth and value as a person is NOT based on... 4. I love that I am... | page 17
1.2 Identify and Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs
WHAT ARE LIMITING BELIEF? are your thoughts and opinions that you believe to be an absolute truth over your life that limit you from moving forward in the direction you want to be going in. Limiting beliefs can stop you from launching your own business, applying for your dream job, pursuing a relationship you want, or even taking care of your health. (This is the area we focused on in worksheet '1.1 What's Shaping the Way You See Yourself.') a. Age: \"I'm too old to start my own business.\" \"I'm too young to start my own business.\" b. Personal traits/characteristics: \"I will never be fit because I'm just a fat person.\" \"I can never finish what I started because I'm lazy.\" \"I'm too ugly to attract someone I like.\" a. Assumptions: \"I won't ask for a promotion because my boss would say no.\" \"This person is too busy to have time for me.\" \"This person left my party early because I did something wrong.\" a. Money \"Unless you have rich parents, you will never be rich.\" \"Only greedy people can make a lot of money.\" b. Limited opportunities/resources \"I can't start my business because the market is terrible.\" \"I will never get what I want because there's too many smart people who want the same thing as me; There's just too much competition.\" | page 19
This worksheet will walk you through the below 3 steps to overcome your limiting beliefs: 1) Identify 2) Create reasonable doubt 3) Reframe 1) IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS I can't _______________ because _______________. Has there ever been something that you really wanted to do, but you told yourself that you can't because of x, y, z reasons? Think about an area in life where you want to see a change in, but you feel stuck or stagnant in. Is there anything you've been telling yourself that you can't do/be/have because of something? Take a few minutes to pause, reflect, and write down some things that you've been telling yourself you can't do, be, or have because of something. 2) CREATE REASONABLE DOUBT You start to give less power to your limiting beliefs as soon as you start to that this limiting belief might not actually be true. Looking at the \"I can't\" statements you've written above, ask yourself these questions: | page 20
MINDSET 1.2 Identify and Break Through Your Limiting Beleifs 3) REFRAME YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS Practice reframing your limiting beliefs in a positive way. YOUR SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS: REFRAME YOUR BELIEFS: What are some of your self-limiting beliefs and Is this actually true? If you wanted to look at how have they been holding you back in life? this in a positive way, what can you choose Example: I've been believing that I can't pursue my to start believing instead? dreams because I'm too old and this has kept me Example: This is not actually true. Being \"too old\" is from living a life I truly want to live. just a perspective. It is never too late to try something new. | page 21
1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will Change Your Life
MINDSET 1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will Change Your Life HOW TO MAKE A DECISION THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE \"It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.\" Tony Robbins “When ordinary people decide to do extraordinary things they transform their lives and the lives of others around them.” Oprah Winfrey Your life changes the moment you make a DECISION that you MUST change, and you decide to stay COMMITTED to seeing that change happen no matter how tough it gets. Many people to change, but they don't because they haven't made a true, committed to change. For example, a lot of people to quit smoking, but they don't because they haven't made a DECISION to be someone who doesn't smoke no matter what. How do you know if you've made a true decision or not? And easy way to tell is that a true decision will always be followed by a new action that is congruent to your new decision. As Tony Robbins puts it, “A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.” But how do you go from simply to change to actually making a to change? As humans, we all want to move away from pain and toward pleasure. If you want to make a decision that will change your life, associate enough pain to the idea of not changing and enough pleasure to the idea of changing, and you will inevitably be able to make a strong, committed decision to change. In this worksheet, you will be guided through the 5 steps to making a decision that will change your life: STEP 1: Know what you want STEP 2: Identify the of not changing STEP 3: Identify the of changing STEP 4: Make a decision to change STEP 5: Take immediate action | page 23
MINDSET 1.3 How to Make a Decision That Will Change Your Life CHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH A DECISION: 1) Know what you want What specific change do you want to see in yourself starting today? 2) Identify the pain of not changing What would it cost me (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually) if I don't change? 3) Identify the pleasure of changing How would this change affect the way I feel about myself? How can this one change improve my life, relationships, finances, etc.? How happy/proud/fulfilled would I be? 4) Make a decision to change Make a decision on what you will NO LONGER do and who you are COMMITTED to being: 5) Take action You can tell if you've made a real decision or not based on if you've taken a new action or not. Write down the first action you can take that is in alignment with your decision, and go do it NOW. | page 24
1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1, 2, 3
MINDSET 1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1, 2, 3 HOW TO SHIFT YOUR MINDSET IN 1, 2, 3 \"What you feed your mind, will lead your life.\" Kemi Sogunle “Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise.\" Philippians 4:8 Whatever your ambition in life is, you first need to have the right mindset. If you want to do more in life, you need to get yourself in a determined, faith-filled state of mind. 1. Change your 2. the feeling now. 3. Give Focus your thoughts on what you instead of what you don't want. Your reality is shaped by what you focus on. Often times, when I ask my clients on what their current goals are, instead of telling me what they want, they tell me about all the things they want in life. But our brain is designed to help you see more of what you focus on. If you want to shift your mindset for success, focus on what you want, rather than what you don't want, and you'll start to see more opportunities that will lead you to what you want. Did you know that your brain can’t tell the difference between something you vividly imagine versus something you actually experience? This means that by simply imagining that you have the change you want to see in your life, you can the feeling of having accomplished the change now in the present. This helps to instantly shift your state of mind to a place of and and pull you closer to the reality of your dreams. The biggest enemy of the mind is fear. However, when you are in a place of gratitude, there is no room for fear. By expressing gratitude for where you are at and where you are going, you will instantly prime your mind to take positive action. In the next page, practice utilizing these 3 steps to instantly shfit your mindset! | page 26
MINDSET 1.4 How to Shift Your Mindset in 1, 2, 3 3 Steps to Shift Your Mindset Step 1: CHANGE YOUR FOCUS Focus your attention on what it is that you want, not on what you don't want. Write down, clearly defining what positive change you want to see in your life. Step 2: FEEL THE FEELING NOW What does it look like for you to have have that change in your life? Imagine how you would FEEL when you have successfully created the change you want to see in your life. Bring that feeling inside your heart and choose to feel that emotion right now. What does it like to have the change you want to see in your life? STEP 3: GIVE THANKS Give thanks and express feelings of gratitude about the PROCESS and the journey of walking toward the ambition of yours. :) | page 27
MODULE 2: SELF-DISCOVERY Getting to Know What Makes You Uniquely You
MODULE 2: SELF-DISCOVERY 2.1 My Unique Personality Type 2.2 Core Values 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion 2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets 2.5 Craft a Compelling Personal Mission Statement 2.6 Strength-Value-Job Alignment | page 29
WHO AM I... REALLY? \"To grow yourself, you must know yourself.\" John C. Maxwell The question, \"Who am I really?\", can be an intimidating one for many of us. When approached with this question, many people either avoid the question all together, or just give simple answers based on what they do, where they live, or how old they are. But the few people who have a deep, honest sense of self-awareness will walk out in a different level of authority, courage, and charisma that comes from knowing who they are. This section will help you discover and take inventory of the things that make you YOU. At any point in this section, if you feel confused or unsure about how to even answer some of the questions, just do your best to seek within yourself and write down what feels the most true to you today. It's okay if you are not sure. After completing this module, come back to it every once in awhile to see if any of your answers have changed. We are constantly growing and changing as a person as we learn more about ourselves and experience new things in life, so whenever you feel like you need to reconnect with your most authentic self, come back to this section and go through the questions again. :) | page 30
2.1 My Unique Personality Type
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.1 My Unique Personality Type What's My Unique Personality Type? The purpose of this worksheet is to help you learn about your unique MBTI and Enneagram personality type, and to take inventory of the words and phrases that best describe you (your strengths, weaknesses, characteristics, fears, motivations, etc.). This will help you become more self-aware and gain more insights about what makes you uniquely you. My MBTI Personality Type 1. TAKE TEST: If you do not know what your Myers Briggs (MBTI) personality type is, take the test here: 2. FILL OUT THE WORKSHEET BELOW WHILE READING YOUR TYPE DESCRIPTION ON My Personality Type: My unique traits/strengths are: Some of my weaknesses are: | page 32
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.1 My Unique Personality Type My Enneagram Personality Type 1. TAKE TEST: If you do not know what your Enneagram type is, take the test here: 2. FILL OUT THE WORKSHEET BELOW WHILE READING YOUR TYPE DESCRIPTION ON My Enneagram Type: My Enneagram Type's \"Deepest Fear\" according to the description is: My Enneagram Type's \"Core Motivation\" according to the description is: Some things I learned about my Enneagram Type that I can resonate with: | page 33
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.1 My Unique Personality Type Reflection: What have you learned about yourself through these online personality type tests? How would you describe yourself? What kind of person would you say you are? | page 34
2.2 Core Values
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values Understanding Your Core Values: WHY ARE CORE VALUES SO IMPORTANT? Core values are a part of who we are. They represent the things we stand for and why. Core values are what guides our behaviors, our code of conduct, and are the driving force behind our actions. Having a firm understanding of your core values will help you become a quicker and a more efficient decision-maker. Without a clear understanding of your core values, you can feel lost, confused, and ungrounded in every aspect of your life. Core values also play an important role in our mental well being. When we are able to live in alignment with our core values, we feel more authentic, grounded, and fulfilled. Our values help us connect, love, and grow as an individual, and help us build deeper, more meaningful relationships. Getting clear on your values will also help you get clear on what to prioritize and which opportunities to take or to not take. HOW DO I IDENTIFY MY VALUES? Our values are like a compass that points us to what our 'true north' is and helps us stay in alignment with our true, authentic self. Reflecting on different moments in time when we felt a certain emotion can give us clues about our core values. This worksheet will help you reflect on certain moments in time to help you identify your personal values and become crystal clear on what your top core values are. | page 36
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values What Are Your Core Values? The Time I Felt Truly Happy: Take some When we are living out our values, we can feel happy and fulfilled. time to describe this moment in detail. 1. What were you doing? 2. Were you with other people, and if so who? 3. What about this moment specifically made you feel happy/fulfilled/proud? | page 37
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values The Time I Felt Regretful: When we are not living out our values, we can experience feelings of regret, sadness and emptiness. Describe the details of this situation or event. What was it specifically that led to these feelings of regret? The Time I Felt Frustrated: Feeling frustrated or unfulfilled can often be a sign that the situation is not in alignment with your values. What about that particular situation made you feel frustrated? | page 38
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values The Time I Was In My Flow: There are certain activities that we can find ourselves being in the \"flow\" when doing. In these moments, you become completely engaged with what you are doing and may even lose track of time. These activities are usually challenging, but rewarding and fulfilling. The Time I Was Inspired: There are certain people we come across in life who make us feel inspired or moved. These people often embody the qualities or live lives that align with our own values. | page 39
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values Identify Your Top 10 Values: Listed below are some common personal values. Reflecting on your answer to the questions in Exercises 1-5, write down (or circle) what you believe are your top 10 personal values. Accountability Education Influence Safety Ingenuity Security Accuracy Effectiveness Innovation Self-Actualization Identity Self-Control Achievement Efficiency Empathy Self-Improvement Joy Self-Worth Adventurousness Enthusiasm Justice Selflessness Kindness Significance Authenticity Environmentalism Leadership Service To Others Learning Spirituality Ambition Equality Excellence Legacy Spontaneity Love Stability Assertiveness Excitement Loyalty Status Meaningful Work Success Balance Exploration Motivation Teamwork Obedience Temperance Truth Balance Expressiveness Open-Mindedness Thoroughness Optimism Timeliness Beauty Fairness Patience Tolerance Passion Traditionalism Belonging Faith Peace Trustworthiness Perseverance Truth-seeking Boldness Faithfulness Personal Growth Understanding Popularity Uniqueness Calmness Fame Positivity Practicality Unity Carefulness Family Purpose Vision Professionalism Vitality Challenge Friendships Progress Wealth Recognition Wisdom Change Fitness Reliability Reputation Clear-mindedness Flexibility Resourcefulness Respect Commitment Freedom Restraint Relationships Community Compassion Fulfillment Competency Fun Connection Generosity Consistency Gentleness Contentment Goodness Contribution Giving Certainty Growth Creativity Happiness Courage Hard Work Curiosity Health Decisiveness Honesty Dependability Hope Diligence Humility Discipline Humor Discretion Independence Note: This is not necessarily a complete list of potential values. Please feel free to add to the list if required. | page 40
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.2 Core Values Identify Your Top 3 Core Values: | page 41
2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion 10 Questions to Find Your Passion | page 43
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion | page 44
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.3 10 Questions to Find Your Passion | page 45
2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets
The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying Do you know what people regret the most on their deathbed? There is this woman named Bronnie Ware who worked many years in palliative care, helping patients who had gone home to die. After all the countless conversations she's had with her patients who didn't have long to live, she wrote a famous memoir called, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying,” which this worksheet is based off of. In recognizing what some of the top regrets of the dying are, it can help you reflect on your own life and on how you want to live out the rest of your life. This will help you to start thinking about your life intention which is a crucial part of life planning. Reflect: How often do you make decisions based on what other people expect out of you instead of who you truly are? How many decisions were NOT made because of fear of judgement or failure? Reflect: Are you constantly working hard, toiling to make a living for the fear of not having enough? What are you working for? What are some things you already have that you should be grateful for? Reflect: It takes COURAGE to be true to yourself and to express your feelings honestly. But let’s not lose our childlike heart to cry when we are hurt, to do a silly dance when we are happy, and to tell the people we love we love them. Have you been honest with your feelings with yourself? Have you been honest with your feelings with those around you? Reflect: Are there people you were once really close to that you haven't kept in touch with for a long time? Who is a person you want to catch up with or rekindle a friendship with? Send a quick text or set up a time to catch up with that person, right now! Reflect: It’s surprising how so many people choose to stay in their old patterns of life that they are not happy with or in a toxic relationship because they are afraid of making changes to be happier. Let’s choose good for ourselves and choose to let ourselves be happier. Ask yourself, 'what gives me joy?' and go do more of that. | page 47
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets How to NOT die with REGRETS: How would it feel to die knowing that you did not live up to your full potential? | page AA
SELF-DISCOVERY 2.4 How to Not Die with Regrets If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret? What can you do today to not have those regrets? Now, your job is simple. Whatever you wrote in the box above, just go do it! | page 49
2.5 Craft a Compelling Personal Mission Statement