Employee Handbook Revised April 27, 2016
1 Part I Introduction to the Golf Course Management
2Introduction ● The main purpose of this document is to provide the user with a summary of the policies regarding the management of its personnel. It is for your use and is not in any way a binding, legal contract. This document will periodically be updated by management to match the needs and rules of the Maintenance Department. If you have any questions that are not covered in this document, or are wanting more information, then ask the course Superintendent for further details. Mission Statement ● “To provide quality facilities and a high level of professional services which will enhance the enjoyment of golf, dining, and social activities to our members and guests.” Vision Statement ● “To strive in providing a challenging, yet enjoyable golf experience to all levels of golfers. To be a member with the club is to be part of an social community. The club provides members with social activities and events and is proud to be a place of excellent dining.” Management Philosophy ● This section of the document explains the management philosophy and is to help course managers and employees to understand efficient and effective golf course management. Topics that are covered in this document outline standards, policies, expectations, and other staffing concerns. In understanding these philosophies, the user will be able to operate at a high standard. Ethics Philosophy ● The Maintenance Department is committed to the highest level of ethical standards for all of the golf courses guests, members, staff, and management. Ethical decisions will always be made in order to maintain the high level of standards.
3Part II Etiquette Standards
4Etiquette Standards ● Safety Boots/Hats ○ All of the employees should wear steel toe footwear, they can wear steel toe shoes, boots, and cutoff boots as long as there not rough on the bottom of the footwear which could cause marks on the greens. Wear safety hard hats when operating equipment or where there is the possibility of something that could fall on your head. ● Lunch Breaks ○ All staff are entitled to two 15 minute paid lunch breaks. These breaks can be taken at anytime during the shift as long as the morning jobs are all completed so the early golfers don’t get a chance to catch up to staff. These breaks can be merged together if one wishes to have a longer break. Staff must come back to the shop for break’s as we do not want golfers to see the workers off to the side or hiding in the trees eating lunch. There are no defined break areas out on the course. ● Uniforms ○ Employees and their guests are expected to maintain an acceptable standard of dress at all times on the golf course, driving range, and at the clubhouse. ○ Dress Code: ■ Coveralls are provided to all employees by the club. ■ Flat soled CSA approved safety shoes or boots. ■ Clothing with offensive statements or pictures are not permitted. ■ Shorts must be tailored with a midthigh length. ■ No denim (includes jeans, jackets, or Tshirts). ■ Tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti strap, “wife beaters” are not permitted. ● Cell Phones ○ All employees are permitted to use mobile devices on the course for work and emergency purposes only. We stress the need for safety and set our policies around it. Failure to comply with these policies will result in loss of privileges ○ Our policy on the use of cellphones on the course is that they are allowed, but to be utilized for work purposes only. ○ Cell phones are not to be used for recreation activities or social media. ○ Music will be allowed to be used, but only one headphone in so you can still hear any problems with machine or hazards that may be around you ○ We allow cellphones to be used because of emergencies (Family, Self or Golf Course related)
5 ○ Staff members abusing this policy will be given 3 warnings, after the third warning they will not be allowed to bring the phone on the course until they have been deemed to have learned a lesson. ● Refueling ○ Make sure diesel and gas do not get mixed up and put in the wrong machine. ○ Make sure no one's smoking while refueling a machine or near the pumps when in use. That could lead to a fire. ○ Let superintendent or assistant refuel weed wackers so the right mixed fuel is used. ○ Make sure you do not leave the pump on and walk away to prevent over spills on the mowers. ○ Make sure you put gas cap back on mower to prevent spills on the course ○ After each time you refuel a machine write it down in the logbook so that we can keep track of where the fuel is going. ○ No fuel is for personal use for staff vehicles unless the situation is discussed with the management first. ● Washing Equipment ○ After using equipment, it needs to be washed off in a designated area; such as a wash pad. All parts of the equipment should be watered down in order to remove grass clippings or debris. The radiator should also be checked and either washed or blown in order to remove debris. ○ A general list for equipment parts to wash down: ■ Buckets ■ Seat ■ Cutting unit(s) ■ Tires ■ Radiator ○ When approaching the wash pad, make sure that you come to a stop in the center of the pad. This is to make sure that all clippings/debris will fall onto the pad and then drain into a collection basin. ○ If multiple workers are approaching the pad, take turns washing equipment down. Do not keep others waiting for you; wash down the equipment and then proceed to filling it up with fuel or parking the equipment in its proper place. ○ Equipment is put away after it is done being used. If it is finished with earlier in the day, then the piece of equipment can be left outside the shop to dry before being put away.
6 ○ Depending on the wash pad/station and where it is draining too, it should be emptied or cleaned out every so often in order to avoid clogging and any smell that is created from old clippings. ● Tool Cleaning/Replacement ○ Prior to borrowing a tool for use, make sure the mechanic is aware to avoid any frustrations in the off chance the tool is needed by someone else and searching aimlessly for it. After use of any tool wipe it down and clean it appropriately If applicable return it to original setting (ex. torque wrench) Always return the tool after cleaning to the proper location it was obtained from. If the tool seems damaged and or is just not functioning properly bring it to the attention of the mechanic. ○ If a staff member borrows a tool from the shop and it becomes lost they may lose ability to borrow again. This is opposed to ALL staff losing the ability to borrow tools. Rather than have one person ruin the borrowing privileges, it will be dealt with individually. ● Member Interactions ○ Don’t initiate interaction. This can annoy some members and slow down pace of play. We encourage interaction with members who initiate. Keep in mind pace of play when interaction occurs on the course. ○ Don’t go into specifics unless you are 100% sure of what you are talking about we ask that you don’t go into specifics on golf course information or the cultural practices being performed on the course. ○ Treat all members and guests with respect. When engaging with members always treat the members with the utmost respect. Even if an employee disagrees with a member's comment we ask that they do not engage in an argument. If any comments made by members are taken as offensive or made the employee uncomfortable in any way we ask that they make managment known of the situation immediately. ● Player Distraction ○ All employees should be aware of their surroundings and the golfers playing on the hole they are working on. When working in or around golfers, be courteous and polite, do not be a distraction. This ensures your safety and that the golfer’s can continue their play without slowing down the pace. ○ When operating loud machinery/equipment; ensure you take notice of the golfers shooting and turn off machinery/equipment to avoid distracting them and for your safety. ■ As golfers tee off, make sure you are out of the way and not in their view while they tee off, wave to them and take cover to ensure they acknowledge you are there. ■ As golfers are putting, turnoff all equipment/machinery and wait for them to finish.
7 ■ As golfers are hitting from the fairway/rough, ensure you are aware of them and if you are working near them, wave to them and take cover to ensure they acknowledge you are aware. Unlike the tee or greens areas, you may just need to idle down the equipment rather than shutting off the equipment/machinery, use your discretion. ○ When working around the clubhouse (trimming, mowing etc.) ensure you keep an eye out for members around the area so you do not hit them with flying debris. If you see a catered event or a large group of members out on the patio, mention it to your supervisor and they may delay the job till the next day. ● Transportation Routes ○ Morning Right of Way ■ When completing the morning jobs maintenance staff are given the right of way to let them get ahead of the members and guests. To avoid having unreasonable delays for members and guests maintenance staff will have right of way until 8AM on the front 9 and 10AM on the back 9. All work being completed in the morning will be completed starting on hole 1 proceeding forwards to hole 18. ○ Afternoon Right of Way ■ After 8AM on the front 9 and 10AM on the back 9 members and guests will be given right of way. When a group is within 150 yards maintenance staff will be instructed to move to the side of the hole, idle their machine down, and wait for the group to pass. Once the group has passed the maintenance staff are able to resume their work if in their opinion they will not disturb the group by doing so. The majority of the work being completed in the afternoon will be done starting on hole 18 and proceeding backwards to hole 1. ○ Driving Etiquette ■ When operating any piece of equipment all maintenance staff must drive in a responsible manner. Staff must use extreme caution when driving the course backwards to avoid collisions with members, guests, and other staff. The best way to avoid collisions is to slow down when going up or down hills or around blind corners. Anyone operating a piece of equipment must have a valid driver's license on file. ○ Maintenance Routes ■ Maintenance staff will use the maintenance routes or service roads where possible when driving around the course. This is done to limit the number of groups bothered by staff operations, and to increase the productivity of the maintenance staff. Maintenance routes should always be used when driving long distances on the course. If you are unsure of the maintenance routes talk to your supervisor for clarification. ○ Direction of Travel ■ The direction of travel in the morning will be forwards starting on hole 1. In the afternoon the direction of travel will be backwards starting on 18. This is done to ensure staff are not following the same group around the course all day. Unless instructed otherwise by a supervisor these directions of travel should be followed daily.
8● Weather Delays ○ All employees are expected to work in various weather conditions in a safe and effective manner. When work cannot be completed safely and at a high quality, tasks will change to create productive alternatives given the weather. ○ Morning weather delays involving staff staying home. ○ It is up to the superintendent to make a decision about whether to bring in staff or not at least 45 minutes before the staff arrives. Snow, frost and rain are the conditions that will influence the decision. This will give employees enough time to make it to work if work is still on and can keep staff home when they are not required. In the case of a longer travel time, alternatives will be made between the superintendent and the employee. ○ It is the responsibility of the employee to give the proper contact information and be available during the time that a decision would be made. If an employee comes in when they were not suppose to they will be given an option to go home no pay or a 3 hour job then sent home. The management will have a list of common indoor jobs (Clean staff building, tool shed, carts). ○ Working in the Rain ■ All employees are expected to work outdoors during rain. They are responsible for having rain apparel with them throughout the day when rain is a threat. Lockers will be provided to keep rain apparel at the course overnight and during non rain periods, but NO employee should have to return to the shop in the middle of shift to pick up rain gear. ■ As a part of equipment training it will be shown to the employee how to recognize unsafe conditions and ineffective conditions. During rainy work days it will be the responsibility of both superintendent and employee to communication the current conditions and determine if work should continue. ■ If the conditions require a stop in work, all employees will return to the shop and the following options will be given: ● Finish the day with productive tasks in and around the shop ● Go home early
9 ○ Working in the Heat ■ During the summer heat stroke is a big issue amongst staff. Staff are encouraged to bring water with them on jobs, wear hats, and apply sunscreen. Sunscreen is provided in the staff room and should be applied in the morning and after lunch. It is important to note that all jobs all affected by heat, not just the physical demanding jobs. ■ If staff is feeling ill due to dehydration or heat stroke they should notify the superintendent immediately and return to the maintenance shop. They can take a small break indoors and be given the following options: ● Be given an indoor task for the remainder of the day if they are good to work ● Go home early to rest ● Work Schedule and Time Off ○ Regular Work Week ■ Monday to Friday: 8 hour days. ■ Any hours over 44 will be banked at an overtime rate of 1.5, ex 3 OT hrs.= 4.5 hours off in lieu of hours worked. Banked hours are capped at 24 hours and must be taken within 60 days. ■ Start times will range from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM depending on how much daylight there is. ○ Weekend Shifts ■ Friday to Tuesday: 8 hour days. ■ Staff will be divided into two crews for weekends, working alternating weekends. Crews will consist of 5 staff that will complete course service and set up. ■ Start times will range from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM depending on how much daylight there is. ○ Time Off ■ As we are a summer operation and we operate very tight crew numbers, extended and unscheduled Time Off is very limited. At least two weeks notice must be given and you need to find a cover for your shift, and the person covering must be approved by the Superintendent. Two weeks notice also needs to be given if using banked hours. ■ Special Tournament and Aeration Work will require all Staff. These dates will be posted and all staff are required to work. ● Work Ethic Keeping Busy ○ Maintaining a Positive Work Ethic ■ All employees are required to demonstrate a positive work ethic while on shift at the club. Negative or detrimental demeanour or behaviour will not be tolerated and can be cause for immediate dismissal. Ex While working within a team setting, disrupting productivity with constant negative comments or efforts that make others around you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
10 ○ Lateness ■ All employee are required to be punched in and ready to work when their shift starts. Ex If your shift starts at 6:00AM, you are required to start at 6:00AM and not arrive at 6:00AM and take 10 minutes to prepare for your morning duties. This creates delays in course morning setup and does not promote a positive work ethic within the maintenance team. ○ Team Contribution ■ All employees are required to demonstrate a positive work ethic when working with fellow team members. Some duties require more than one employee and your productive contribution within the setting is mandatory. ○ General Working Attitude ■ The Golf Club encourages a positive work ethic from all their employees by providing a safe and positive environment for you to succeed. It is the responsibility of the individual to provide “Best Effort” while being employed at the club. ○ Finishing Jobs Early (Keeping Busy) ■ From time to time some duties will see the employee finished “Early” or before the assigned daily finishing time. All employees that have finished their duties and have come back to the shop area are to “Clean shop area” i.e (Lunch room, meeting area, organize tool sheds) until their shift is complete. Ex: Seed and Divot crew finished all the tee boxes early and has 25 minutes remaining on their shift after their tools have been put away. By cleaning the shop area, a positive work ethic has translated to a clean shop for the whole crew to enjoy , which hopefully rubs off on the next crew member. Creating a positive environment. ○ Constant communication between Superintendents and their staff has a large impact as to how either the work ethics are encouraged or how they can be improved. ● Reporting Procedure Chain of Command ○ The chain of command for the maintenance crew should be planned out prior to the beginning of the season, when the majority of your seasonal staff/new staff start. All managers should know and understand who reports to who, and it is their job to ensure the rest of the staff know who they are to report to. Anything equipment related will always be reported to the equipment manager/mechanic. ○ Having this structure in place will lead to less confusion and more unity between the management team. This policy can only be run smoothly if the entire crew understands and adheres to it. It is up to the managers to ensure that all employees know and understand who they are to report to. When an employee doesn’t properly follow the chain of command, the managers will need to reenforce to the employee who they should be reporting too.
11 ● Staff Privileges and Discounts ○ Green Fees ■ Free green fees at nonpeak times. This will be left to the discretion of the golf shop and the GM. Nonpeak times are generally after 2:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays, and before 4:00 pm and after 6:30 pm weekdays. ○ Employee Guests ■ Receive twilight rates on Monday through Thursday. Discount rate is not available Friday through Sunday. ○ Power Carts ■ Power Carts will also be free of charge if available. Again, this will be left to the discretion of the golf shop manager. ○ Driving range ■ Free buckets of golf balls and use anytime. ○ Golf club rentals ■ Will be at 50% of Golf Course rates. ○ Purchasing in the Pro Shop ■ Pro shop items can be bought at a cost plus 7% discount for all employees. ○ Meal Allowance ■ While working, employees get a 50% discount on all prepared foods (meals, hot dogs, smokies, etc.) from the clubhouse and the snack shack. Bottled beverages and confectionary goods are at full retail price. ● Staff Training Sheets ○ The training sheet will be the guidelines for training of equipment. Once a staff member has been trained on a piece of equipment, they are to sign off on a training sheet. Once signed off on this sheet, they are acknowledging that they have been trained and every item on the training sheet has been addressed in the training process. If a staff member refuses to sign off on a training, they will not be permitted to operate that unit, regardless of how trained or skilled they are. This is to protect the company, the equipment, and staff. ○ Having this policy in place will remove some liability from the company. If an operator injures themselves or another, they can be held responsible rather than the golf course. This will enforce the limitations that employees have in terms of equipment. If they have not been trained and do not have a sheet signed, they are not permitted on equipment. This means that if they operate a machine that they have not signed off on, they are held accountable for any damages potentially caused. This policy will allow staff to realize the importance of training and equipment management.
12● Positive Crew Behaviour ○ There are quite a few ways to explain how to achieve positive crew behavior and these directly coincide with opposite negatives that need to be avoided. The employees of the golf course are representatives and should keep that in mind anytime at work, or in any situation where there would be association with the course as an organization. The policies intend to direct managers and employees on what is and isn’t conducive to positive behavior as well as, simply enough, what kind of behavior is expected of the employees. ○ Attitude ■ The focus of the day is to accomplish tasks that improve the golf course. Take pride in doing that extremely well. Poor work is not something to be proud of, regardless of how quickly the job was finished. Great work, on the other hand, is something to hang your hat on and worthy of respect from other employees. ○ Respect ■ Respect should be shown to the golf course property, customers, vendors, and fellow employees. Treat these things as if they were your most prized possessions and relationships. ○ The golf course property, ranges from the land, to the machines, to the glasses in the restaurant. These things essentially provides jobs for every employee. Please show the golf course property the respect it deserves. ○ Customers come to the golf course for recreation and enjoyment. Do not be dismissive, rude, unkind, or unhelpful with them. Without customers there would be no business and great customer service is absolutely essential to creating an environment that people want to be in. Creating an enjoyable environment for golfers and restaurantgoers will bring them back time and time again. This is how we make money as a business, so please show our customers respect. ○ Vendors, whether that is for the restaurant, golf shop or maintenance departments, will view everyone they interact with as a representative of the organization. They are essential to do business as they provide products for us to create an experience that our customers can enjoy. Please show them respect as having good relationships with vendors is an important part of running a high quality business. ○ People are employed to do a good job and if they are not doing a good job, then showing them disrespect does not encourage them to all of a sudden begin doing a good job. It creates unnecessary conflict and promotes discord. Instead of berating somebody who does a job poorly, talk to them about what happened and treat them as an equal who made a mistake. This creates a positive culture and increases trust between individuals in the workplace as the focus is simply on working together to create as great a product as possible. ○ Trust ■ Be trustworthy and have integrity. Own up to your mistakes and appreciate good work done by other people. Without trust the workplace falls apart and is no longer effective. Feel confident in leaning on coworkers and give them reason to trust your work as well. ○ Language
13 ■ Professional language should be used as much as possible, being especially mindful of the representation of the course. Around golfers, please refrain from foul language and within the organization please stay positive and encouraging with other employees. Using positive and encouraging language around other employees reduces the feeling of conflict and instead fosters positivity. ○ Mistakes ■ They happen to all of us. None of us is perfect and thus we will eventually make mistakes. First of all, do not berate yourself. Second of all, be kind to those around you who have made mistakes as nobody is immune to accidents. ● Harassment Policy ○ The Golf Club is committed to providing our members, guests and staff with a healthy, harassment free environment, where everyone is treated with respect. ○ Sexual harassment, being discrimination on the grounds of gender, is a violation of the Alberta Human Right, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act. ○ This policy is intended to prevent harassment of any type, including sexual harassment, of our members, guests and employees. ○ We are committed to dealing quickly and effectively with any incident that may occur. ○ Definition of Harassment ■ Alberta Human Rights laws define harassment as unwelcome verbal or physical conduct on the basis of race, religious beliefs, color, and place of origin, gender, mental or physical disability, ancestry, marital status, family status or source of income. ■ The Golf Club will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse, threats, derogatory remarks, jokes, innuendo, or taunts concerning the appearance, religious beliefs, color, and place of origin, mental or physical disabilities, ancestry, marital status, family status, gender, or source of income of a member, guest, or employee. ■ The Golf Club will not tolerate the display of pornographic, racist, or offensive signs or images; practical jokes that result in awkwardness or embarrassment, unwelcome invitations or requests whether indirect or explicit. ○ Definition of Sexual Harassment ■ Unwanted sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, and other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment including the following conditions: ■ Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term of, or a condition of, an individual’s employment; or ■ Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual affects that individual’s employment.
14 ■ Sexual harassment may include pinching, patting, rubbing or leering, “dirty” jokes, pictures or pornographic materials, comments, suggestions, innuendoes, requests or demands of a sexual nature. ■ The behavior does not have to be intentional in order to be considered sexual harassment. ● Discipline ○ Employee policies are in place both for the safety of staff and members, as well as to encourage professionalism and a responsible work environment for all employees and managers. Disciplinary procedures are designed to allow employees an opportunity to improve or correct unacceptable behaviour, and, if behaviour doesn’t improve, to provide managers with the tools to reprimand or terminate an employee with ample cause. ○ Options for discipline include verbal warnings, written warnings, final written warnings, suspension, or termination. These options exist for the variation in severity of conduct, and all possible options will be assessed before an employee is terminated. Suspension and termination are reserved for instances in which an offence is quite serious or if multiple incidents have occurred and an employee has not improved his/her behaviour or conduct. Any disciplinary action should be recorded and provided to human resources for legal purposes. ● Drugs and Alcohol ○ Come to work sober and ready to work ○ Do not bring alcohol or drugs to work or store it in your locker or car. They are to be left off the property. ○ If you show up to work drunk or high on drugs, you are considered a safety concern and will be sent home with no pay. If this becomes an issue on a day to day basis, termination will be enforced. We have a zero tolerance for employees on drugs or alcohol. ● Emergency Plan Procedures ○ Certified First Aid Staff ■ Turfcare ● Superintendent ● Assistant Superintendent ● Equipment Technician ○ AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Locations ■ Clubhouse ■ Turf Care Facility ○ Emergency Procedures ■ In the event of any first aid emergency, contact nearest individual that is First Aid certified. ○ On Course Emergency ■ Base Radios are permanent in the Turfcare Facility and Proshop. ● Proshop: Channel 1 ● Turfcare: Channel 2
15 ○ Handheld Radios ■ Handhelds are carried by all Turfcare Staff members on the Golf Course. Radio Link must always be maintained between Grounds & Golf Shop. ○ First Aid Kits ■ Permanent Kits ● Clubhouse: Upstairs outside the office. ● Proshop: Entry way to Club storage. ● Turfcare: Shop, near West Entrance, lower level. ■ Portable Kits ● Grounds: Two portable First Aid Kits mounted on carts.
16 Part III Best Management Practices/Core Standards
17Core Standards and their BMP’s Greens ● Checks ○ Equipment Check ■ Before starting the greens mowing equipment, a visually inspection of the reel and bedknife should be done. Look for loose or missing mounting screws, chipped, bent, or damaged sections resulting from previous mowing or transportation of the unit. Fuel level should also be checked. Another thing to look for is any excess or dripping oil, grease, or fuel. When checking or cleaning reels make sure to place all controls in neutral, stop engine, set park brake, and wait for all moving parts to stop moving before approaching the reels. ○ Green Check ■ When approaching the green, a visual inspection should also be done to ensure that there is no debris. If there is debris then it should be removed before mowing begins. ● Safety ○ General Use ■ Safety should always be a priority. If the equipment requires a seatbelt then one should be worn at all times. Equipment should not be operated under the influence of drugs or alcohol as these can impair personal function/coordination. If you are on prescription drugs/medication, consult with your doctor beforehand. Suitable ear protection, hard hat, and footwear should also be worn at all times. ○ Mowing ■ When mowing is in process be careful around slopes, use caution when wet conditions are present, and be aware of any golfers or obstacles that may be nearby. ○ Transportation ■ When approaching blind corners or restricted view areas, use caution in case of unseen hazards. Another good safety practice is to know your surrounding terrain; avoid speeding on bumpy terrain as this can offset the height of cut and/or damage the equipment. ○ Refueling ■ When refueling equipment, always make sure that the engine is turned off and that the correct type of fuel is being used. ● Direction ○ Greens will be mowed in four different directions to prevent grain from being burnt in. The cleanup pass will alternate from clockwise to counterclockwise.
18 MONDAY/FRIDAY WEDNESDAY/2ND CUT THURSDAY/SUNDAY TUESDAY/SATURDAY ● Buckets ○ Empty buckets once they are ¾ full. Buckets should be emptied in nonplayable rough. Swing buckets to disperse grass as evenly as possible across the nonplayable area. If sand is present on the green (from topdressing in days prior), dump after every green. ● Route ○ Start from hole #1 and end on #18 in the morning to stay ahead of the golfers, if you’re starting while the golfers are already on the course, go backwards, start on hole #18 and finish on #1. If two greens mower go out, leap frog to stay ahead of golfers. Tournaments may require a crossover route, which will be specified tournament mornings. ● Mowing 1. Walk around the machine and inspect it for damage 2. Check oil/gas 3. Drive the machine to the green that you are mowing 4. Turn the machine off, walk over to the flag to remove it and put it off to the side of the green. Check for debris and fix ball marks.
195. Mow the green in the proper direction, making sure to overlap on each pass by a few inches 6. Turn the machine off and replace the flag 7. Drive to the next green 8. Follow steps 3 to 7 for all of the greens ● After Mowing ○ Once you have completed your mowing route and have dumped your buckets in an appropriate place, drive back to the wash bay and use the pressure washer to wash your machine. Lastly, fill it up with gas, and park it, ensuring the parking brake is on and the key is removed. ● Double Cut ○ Each green is mowed twice on the morning of tournament days. The first and second mower must mow in different directions for an optimum cut (refer to the mowing direction section on this manual). ○ While the green is cut twice, only a single clean up pass is required. When mowing one after another, the first mow does NOT do a clean up pass, while the mower completes the single clean up pass. ○ For verticutting you will mow in the same direction as the greens mowers will be going. ● Miscellaneous ○ Dew Whip ■ In the event greens are not mown in the morning, employees will go out with dew whip and placing the whip on the green, thrash it back and forth to clear dew from ○ the green surface. Ridding the moisture on the green will help prevent disease from forming on the green, and ensure members do not get wet feet. ○ Ballmarks ■ As a miscellaneous task, to be completed when an employee finishes their assigned tasks early, employees can take a divot tool to fix ball marks on greens. ○ The employee will work from #18 backwards, and wait until the golfers have completed putting before stepping on the green. They will get off when golfers are ready to shoot for the green from the fairway. Employees will always be aware of where golfers are and when they are hitting. Employees will always wear hardhats. Rolling Blowing Leaves/Branches ■ In the event of a windstorm that brings down branches, or during the months of September and October when leaves fall, greens will need to be backpack blown free of leaves/debris before the greens mowers begin mowing. Two employees will take backpacks out and blow greens ahead of the greens mower, making sure not to blow leaves into bunkers or onto cart paths. Getting rid of standing water ■ Use a squeegee to get rid of the water, or the water can wreck the bearings in the reel. Push the water with the squeegee to the lowest spot until you get rid of most of the water. Then you will be able to cut the green.
20 ● Checks ○ Equipment Check ■ Before starting the roller equipment, a visually inspection of the machine should be done. Look for loose or missing mounting screws, chipped, bent, or damaged sections resulting from previous use or transportation of the unit. Another thing to look for is any excess or dripping oil, grease, or fuel. When checking or cleaning the unit make sure to place all controls in neutral, stop engine, set park brake, and wait for all moving parts to stop moving. ○ Green Check ■ When approaching the green, a visual inspection should also be done to ensure that there is no debris. If there is debris then it should be removed before rolling begins. ● Safety ○ General Use ■ Safety should always be a priority. If the equipment requires a seatbelt then one should be worn at all times. Equipment should not be operated under the influence of drugs or alcohol as these can impair personal function/coordination. If you are on prescription drugs/medication, consult with your doctor beforehand. Suitable ear protection, hard hat, and footwear should also be worn at all times. ○ Rolling ■ When rolling is in process be careful around slopes, use caution when wet conditions are present, and be aware of any golfers or obstacles that may be nearby. ○ Transportation ■ When approaching blind corners or restricted view areas, use caution in case of unseen hazards. Another good safety practice is to know your surrounding terrain; avoid speeding on bumpy terrain as this can offset the rollers and/or damage the equipment. ○ Refueling ■ When refueling equipment, always make sure that the engine is turned off and that the correct type of fuel is being used. ● Route ○ Start from hole #1 and end on #18 in the morning to stay ahead of the golfers, if you’re starting while the golfers are already on the course, go backwards, start on hole #18 and finish on #1. WEDNESDAY/2ND CUT ● Direction MONDAY/FRIDAY
21 THURSDAY/SUNDAY TUESDAY/SATURDAY ● Rolling 1. Walk around the machine and inspect it for damage. 2. Check oil/gas levels. 3. Drive the machine to the green that you want to roll. 4. Turn the machine off, walk over to the flag to remove it and put it off to the side of the green. 5. Roll the green in the proper direction. 6. Turn the machine off and replace the flag. 7. Drive to the next green. 8. Follow steps 3 to 7 for all of the greens. ● After Rolling ○ Once you have completed your route drive back to the shop and fill your equipment up with gas, and park it, ensuring the parking brake is on and the key is removed. ● Mowing or Rolling in Golfers ○ In the event you are mowing/rolling greens in golfers, proper etiquette must be followed as to interrupt play, and speed of play, as little as possible for members.
22 ○ When intentionally mowing/rolling in play, two greensmasters must go out together and split the green half and half. No clean up cut is done. ○ If golfers are on the green, pull your machine to the side of the green and disengage the engine while waiting for them to putt out. Once they have picked up their balls and left the putting surface, you can begin mowing/rolling. ○ If golfers are ready to hit a shot that will likely land on the green (around the 150yd marker for example), pull off to the side, turn your machine off, and allow them to hit. If no balls land on the green, and time is critical, mow or roll the green, otherwise wait for them to land on the green and putt out. ○ If golfers are far away, or hunting for a ball in the bush, proceed to mow or roll green. ○ Always acknowledge members, especially when they have to wait for you to finish on the green. Tees ● Step 1: ○ Machine checks should be completed before heading out in the morning ■ Machine Check for Triplex ● Check diesel fuel levels ● Do walkaround ■ Machine Check for Walk Mowers ● Check diesel fuel levels ● Do walkaround ■ PreMow Checklist ● Mowing Direction ● PPE ○ Hearing Protection ○ Head Protection ○ Steel Toed Shoes ○ Eye Protection (from sun) ● Route ● Step 2 ○ After all checks are complete, put key in ignition and complete part turn until the glow plug indicator disappears. After this happens, start the equipment. While the equipment is running put the gear into drive (not cut), if you are unsure if the reels are lifted pull the toggle stick backwards to raise the reels. ● Step 3 ○ Prior to actually cutting anything on the course, full cut training should be performed on a practice area , nursery or range area to give you the confidence to succeed in this mowing task. After this is complete proceed to designated teeing area using prescribed route, in this case starting from hole 1 going to hole 18. Once at the tee area, place the machine in Neutral position and idle down. Set the parking brake to the on position and remove the tee blocks, if they are not already removed, and do general clean up of the tee surface in preparation for cutting. ● Step 4
23 ○ Place machine in forward position and proceed to cut starting point, which has been designated by your Superintendent. Engage reel to the forward and cut position, throttle up and proceed to cut the tee area in the prescribed route. Push the toggle stick forward to lower the reels and execute mowing. ● Step 5 ○ Cut the tee one way then the other, overlapping the reel blades of the previous pass by 2 to 4 inches. Overlapping ensures that all of the leaf blades are uniformly cut. As your experience increases the overlap will naturally decrease and be more consistent throughout the entire teeing area. ● Step 6 ○ Once the entire tee has been cut back and forth, your final lap should be a clean up cut. You will need to ensure that the edge of the reel blade slightly touches the fringe of the teeing area. This ensures a crisp edge to the entire teeing area. ● Step 7 ○ Disengage mow setting and place in transport. Remove the tee mower from the teeing area and place in the neutral position. Place parking brake on and replace tee blocks in a new area suitable for play, unless the course setup worker is following close behind. Keep an eye on the amount of clip in your buckets. Once they become ¾ full make sure to empty them somewhere in the rough, away from any commonly walked areas on the course. When doing this, ensure to ‘fan out’ the clip so that it doesn’t pile up. If this happens, the grass will die under the clip, turn to an orange colour and give off a horrible smell. ● Step 8 ○ Proceed to the next teeing area, using the prescribed route set out by your supervisor. ● Step 9 ○ When finished mowing all of the teeing areas, proceed to the fuel storage area and fill the triplex with diesel fuel. After fueling is complete thoroughly wash the piece of equipment in the designated washing area. This includes washing the reels and other dirty areas such as foot rests, the engine, buckets, and the underside of the machine This ensures the reels are clean and the HOC and reel sharpness can be accurately assessed, it also keeps the piece of equipment looking maintained.
24 ● Step 10 ○ After washing the triplex, park the triplex in the same place it was taken from in the morning. When parking the machine set the park brake, lower the reels, shut the machine off, and remove the key. Before walking away from the machine ensure all of your belongings and garbage have been removed from the machine. Collars and Approaches ● Step 1 ○ Machine Checks to be completed before starting in the morning. ■ Machine Checks for Triplex ● Fuel levels ● Do walkaround checks ■ PreMow Checklist ● Mowing Direction ● PPE ○ Hearing Protection ○ Head Protection ○ Steel Toed Shoes ○ Eye Protection (from sun) ● Route ● Step 2 ○ After all checks are complete, put key in ignition and quarter turn until the glow plug indicator disappears . After this happens, start the equipment. While the equipment is running put the gear into drive (not cut), if you are unsure if the reels are lifted pull the toggle stick backwards to raise the reels. ● Step 3 ○ Proceed to designated approach and green collar area using prescribed route. Once at the approach area determine if the area is clear of debris (Rocks, twigs etc). ● Step 4 ○ Place machine in forward position and proceed to cutting starting point, which has been designated by your Superintendent and direction of cut. Engage reel to the forward and cut position, throttle up and cut the approach and collar. Push the toggle stick forward to lower the reels and execute mowing. ● Step 5 ○ Cut the approach one way then the other, overlapping the reel blades of the previous pass by 2 to 4 inches. Overlapping ensures that all of the leaf blades are uniformly cut. As your experience increases the overlap will naturally decrease and be more consistent throughout the entire approach and collar area.
25 ● Step 6 ○ Once the entire approach has been cut back and forth, your final lap should be a clean up cut, which includes the collar. The collar and clean up cut is achieved by mowing a clockwise pass starting in the front left corner of the approach, proceeding around the green, and finishing in the front right of the approach. When mowing the collar ensure the inside reel overlaps the putting surface by 2 to 3 inches. Overlapping the putting surface avoids leaving longer turf between the collar and the green, also known as “mohawks”. A mohawk would affect ball roll if a golfer was putting off of the collar onto the green. After finishing mowing the collar the green should be checked for any clippings left behind by the overlap. If there are clippings left behind they can be brushed off the green using a small broom located behind the seat of the triplex. ● Step 7 ○ Disengage mow setting and place in transport and proceed to the next assigned approach and collar using the prescribed route. Repeat Step 5 and 6. ● Step 8 ○ When finished mowing all of the assigned approaches and collar areas, proceed to the fuel storage area and fill the triplex with diesel fuel. After fueling is complete thoroughly wash the piece of equipment in the designated washing area. This includes washing the reels and other dirty areas such as foot rests, the engine, buckets, and the underside of the machine This ensures the reels are clean and the HOC and reel sharpness can be accurately assessed, it also keeps the piece of equipment looking maintained. ● Step 9 ○ After washing the triplex, park the triplex in the same place it was taken from in the morning. When parking the machine set the park brake, lower the reels, shut the machine off, and remove the key. Before walking away from the machine ensure all of your belongings and garbage have been removed from the machine. Bunkers ● Sand Pro Full Rake ○ Your supervisor will go over proper equipment checklist (check oil, tire pressure, check for leaks, fuel is filled etc) and operation of equipment prior to you using the sand pro. Fuel machine when finished and wash. ○ Always hand rake the edges standing in the inside of the bunker before raking the base with the sand pro.
26 ○ Once you have completed the rake with the sand pro, it is important to smoothen the edges around the bunker and ensure all the tire marks are raked by hand. ○ Proper PPE ■ Steel toe boots ■ Ear plugs ■ Gloves ■ Hard hat ● Sand Pro Surface ○ Your supervisor will go over proper equipment checklist (check oil, tire pressure, check for leaks, fuel is filled etc) and operation of equipment prior to you using the sand pro. Fuel machine when finished and wash. ○ When doing a surface to the bunkers, rake out any footprints or messy areas on the slopes or sides of the bunker with a rake, and then use the Sand Pro to rake the base of the bunker. ○ Proper PPE ■ Steel toe boots ■ Ear plugs ■ Gloves ■ Hard hat ● Hand Rake ○ Using a bunker rake, rake the bunkers to our core standards by hand and ensure you smoothen the edges around the bunker. ○ Proper PPE ■ Steel toe boots ■ Ear plugs ■ Gloves ■ Hard hat ● Maintaining Bunkers ○ Holes will be split on a weekly schedule for extra maintenance. ○ Edge bunkers. ○ Measure sand depth (add sand if needed). ■ 23” on edges and 46” on base of bunker ○ Daily weed picking if necessary. ■ Spraying weeds ○ Removing rocks and debris. Divots ● General Divots Fixes ○ Step down on the turf you replaced as best you can to level the ground back out.
27 ○ Use sand that is in bottle on golf cart if possible and fill the divot hole. ○ Make sure sand just fills the divot hole and it is not all over the fairway. ○ Fill divot and smooth off keeping it level with the ground to avoid crowning on the tees fairways etc. ○ Do divots in the opposite direction as golfers so that you are only in each group's way once rather than following them throughout their round. . ● Divots Boxes ○ All divot boxes filled with sand and seed. ○ Check boxes to make sure divot mix is still useable and not germinated. ○ All divot boxes have the appropriate tools inside for filling divots. ○ Make sure each tee box has a divot box on the course. Trimming ● Equipment check ○ Oil level ○ Mixed Gas, fill at shop. If you run out on the course, do NOT fill on grass areas. Look for a cart path or concrete areas. Ensure when travelling with a gas can, that the lid is tight and the gas can is secured to avoid spillage. ○ String line ○ Warm up for 12 minutes before use. ● Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ○ Safety Glasses ○ Ear Plugs ○ Hard hat with attached face mask ○ Steel toed boots/shoes ● Places to Trim ○ Pond edges ○ Fence Lines ○ Buildings/Clubhouse ○ Curbs ○ Bunkers ○ Trees/shrubs
28 ○ Non mowable areas that need to have short grass (Garbages, Satellite Boxes) ● Proper Trimming Techniques ○ Final height must match the mowed height. ○ Do not burn the turf by having a spinning trimmer rest on the turf on trimming on an angle. ● Route ○ Trimming should be done in reverse order(18 backwards) to avoid golfer interference. If needing to trim near golfers wait till they are a good distance away from flying debris. Fairways ● Mowing ○ Mowing standards include the height of cut, mowing direction, and procedures for avoiding interrupting play. Height of cut will be maintained at 0.4 inches for as much of the season as possible. Heights will be raised incrementally in the fall as we get closer to winter, and in spring they will be lowered again until 0.4 inches is achieved again. ○ Direction of cut will be the salt and pepper pattern, alternating sides every time so as not to burn in the lines. ○ Operators will get as much done prior to the first tee time every morning, and then they will work backwards once they are caught in play, so as not to interfere with the same group twice. ○ The fairway mowing unit’s reels and bedknives must be kept sharp and level. Oil and other fluid levels should be checked routinely before operating, and reels should be greased upon completion. The machine should be properly washed before storing. ■ Prior to use of any piece of equipment, always make sure to check all fluid levels: fuel; oil, antifreeze etc. ■ Before starting the mower, visually inspect surrounding area for any leaks, and ensure tire pressure not low ■ Obtain all necessary PPE for desired unit ■ While mowing and verticutting, pay attention to any debris or objects that may cause harm to the mowing unit. If debris lies in your path, stop the unit, remove debris and then proceed with mowing ■ Make sure to inspect the radiator screen frequently on the rear of the mower and clear off any clippings, leaves etc. to maintain proper airflow. Failure to do so may result in an overheated engine. ■ When verticutting, have a fellow staff member familiar with the irrigation system flag all irrigation heads and yardage markers on the fairway that is being cut. Do not
29 mow the irrigation heads or yardage markers this will cause damage to all objects involved including the verticutters. ■ If at anytime an employee is uncomfortable with safety or equipment wellbeing, seek supervisory assistance. ● Verticutting ○ Verticutting will be performed using the vertical mowing attachment for fairway units. Verticutting is used for thatch removal in turf stand. The vertical attachments will be maintained similarly to the reels, with proper cleaning and greasing as well as routine maintenance. Verticutting depth is essential when beginning, mow 1 2 passes on fairway area and have a supervisor’s approval to proceed. If the cuts are too deep, the machine can become damaged; if the cut is too shallow the desired thatch removal may not occur. ● Fertilizing ○ Fertilizing will be performed by a Vicon fertilizer spreader using granular mixtures. This makes the fertilization more cost effective and longer lasting. It will be used in moderation on all fairways from rough to rough. ● Divots ○ Divot repair is expected to be done in full by the membership, however, time will be allocated every week for the repair of any missed or ignored divots. ● Irrigation ○ Irrigation will be kept in functional operation at all times throughout the season and all breaks will be repaired as soon as is possible to maintain proper soil moisture levels for healthy turf. Rough ● Mowing ○ Mowing standards include the height of cut, mowing direction, and procedures for avoiding interrupting play. Height of cut will be maintained at 2 inches for the duration of the season. ○ Direction of cut will alternate between clockwise and counterclockwise around the fairway every day so as not to burn in the lines. ○ Operators will get as much done prior to the first tee time every morning, and then they will work backwards once they are caught in play, so as not to interfere with the same group twice.
30 ○ The rough mowing unit’s blades must be kept sharp and level. Oil and other fluid levels should be checked routinely before operating, and reels should be greased upon completion. The machine should be properly washed before storing. ● Fertilizing ○ Fertilizing will be performed by a Vicon fertilizer spreader using granular mixtures. This makes the fertilization more cost effective and longer lasting. Fertilization of the rough areas will be done once in the spring and once in the fall. ● Divots ○ Divot repair will be hopefully be done in full by the membership, but time will be allocated every week for the repair of any missed or ignored divots. ● Irrigation ○ Irrigation will be kept in functional operation at all times throughout the season and all breaks will be repaired as soon as is possible to maintain proper soil moisture levels for healthy turf. Surrounds/First Cut ● Mowing ○ Mowing standards include the height of cut, mowing direction and procedures for avoiding interruption of play. Our height of cut for surrounds will be 1 inch and it will stay this height consistently for the full season. ○ We will alternate cutting direction between clockwise and counterclockwise in order keep the turf healthy and prevent it from all lying down and having too much lateral growth. We will cut this once every two days and they will get round in one morning before play goes out. ○ We must ensure that blades are kept sharp and level to provide the best cut possible for the turf and minimize ripping or tearing the grass. The machines will have fluids checked daily before mowing to ensure adequate levels and make sure there are no leaks anywhere which would damage the turf. After each usage, the machine will be properly washed before being stored overnight in its designated spot. ● Fertilizing ○ For fertilizing, we will cover the surrounds the same as we fertilize the rough and fairways. We will use a Vicon spreader to evenly distribute a granular fertilizer over the rough,
31 surrounds and fairways. A slow release fertilizer will be used at the start and the end of the season and we will monitor the areas and only apply more if needed. Pins ● Change Pin Location ○ Rotation of pins consists of moving the pins from the front, to the middle, and then to the back (a 3 day rotation) to match tee locations on tees. “Proper pin changing training will be provided during employment orientation.” ● Changing Pin Flags ○ Pin locations on Greens are identified for golfers by way of a 3 flag system; Red Front White Middle Black Back ● Cutting the New Cup ○ Upon entering the green observe the putting surface for any irregularities or imperfections, uneven quality of cut, vandalism or discoloration. Contact supervisors immediately if there are issues present on the green. ○ Refer to your Course Service sheet for location being mindful of old pin placements as to not cut the new hole in the same location as the previous time the pin was in that quadrant of the green. ○ Once you are comfortable with your new hole location carry on with the cup cutter to cut the new hole. Make your first cut into the putting surface by punching the cup cutter into the green. Ensure that the Hole Cutter is level by reading the Bubble Lever on the handle. ○ If the Hole Cutter is level pull out the silver locking pin just below the handle and begin with cutting the new hole by lifting the handle and dropping it back down. ○ Once you have reached the proper depth relock the locking pin. With the new hole cut retrieve the cup and flag from the existing hole location and set beside your new hole location. Remove the Hole Cutter from the hole by lifting and turning at the same time. Be sure to hold the Hole Cutter perpendicular to the green as to not spill sand onto the putting surface. If this happens remove as much as you can and then add water for final clean up until there is no evidence of sand on the putting surface. ○ Insert the cup cuter into the old location and extract the plug by pulling up on the side lever. Ensure that the plug is level with the putting surface after removing the hole cutter, if not pull the plug out and add sand if low and remove sand if too
32 high. After this step is complete set the cup cutter on the collar beside the green. ○ Insert the cup into the new hole location with the cup setter and set the cup all the way into the hole. Pull the cup setter straight up out of the hole to prevent damage to the grass around the hole. ○ Tournaments ■ Pin and Tee Sheets ● Pin sheets will be issued to golfers prior to the start of a tournament. These pin sheets will either be issued to the course service employee to follow as they change pins, or will be based on the pin placements selected by the course services employee. If deviating from the regular pin location rotation, the course services employee will pick the location with the healthiest turf and follow the pattern of six easy locations, six average, and six tough locations throughout the 18 holes when possible. These locations will be recorded onto a pin sheet to be given to tournament competitors. ● Practice Green ○ The practice cups holes will be cut at a depth of 4 inches. All practice green holes will be rotated three paces from their initial position to ensure proper spacing and traffic distribution. ● Repairing Ball Marks ○ All greens will be quickly scanned for ball marks as the course service staff member reaches each green to change the hole location. Ball marks will be repaired using a ball mark repair tool which are provided by the employer. ● Traffic Control ○ Travelling from Tee to Green traffic blocks, entry routes, and cart signage are rotated daily with all rope stakes and signs straightened as needed. ● Limiting Factors ○ Lightning ■ If there is a lightning strike within five miles of the golf course, a siren will sound from the clubhouse indicating that all golfers and employees should seek shelter. Staff are required to seek protection under the nearest lightning shelter until the horn sounds from the clubhouse to indicate that it is safe to resume golfing/working. ○ Seasonal Weather and Playing Conditions ■ In the event that there is rain, all turfcare stall will equip themselves with rain gear to help maintain comfort while working. If rain becomes too much to work, a call will be made over the communications radio to return to the maintenance shop, or seek protection under one of the lightning shelters on property. This procedure applies in the event of any other type of weather event. General Course Service ● Empty Garbages
33 ○ Upon reaching the tee box garbage is emptied by sorting garbage and recyclable cans and bottles which are stored outside the irrigation pump house in the supplied enclosure. ● Check Ball and Club Washers ○ Maintenance of Ball and Club Washers includes checking levels, draining and refilling if needed, changing towels when required. ● Rotation of Tee Blocks ○ Rotation of tees consists of moving the tee blocks to match pin locations on greens. Tee Stones are placed 5 paces apart with Course Logo facing the direction that Golfers enter the Tee Deck. ○ Tee Placement By Color Red Front White Middle Black Back ● Clean Broken Tees ○ Broken tees are picked and removed from the tee deck surface. ● Filling Divots ○ Sand and seed mix is placed in each divot across the tee box. The Accupro Sand Leveller is used to ensure a smooth surface of the divot to avoid crowning. The Accupro will ensure a flat, smooth surface to help with consistent growin of divots. ● Fill Divot Boxes ○ Filling divot boxes consists of filling the boxes on the tee boxes with sand and seed for the golfers to use when they create a divot on the tee box. ● Driving Range Tee ○ Rotating Teeing Area ■ The teeing area will be set up in a rotation every day to allow for a 21day grow in period for recovering divots. The teeing area will be set up five feet forward each day from the previous day, and then rotating toward the back of the tee once there is no more room. ○ Sand Leveller ■ To avoid crowning, the Sand Leveller will be used when filling large numbers of divots on the driving range tee. The Accupro will ensure a flat, smooth surface to help with consistent growin of divots. ● Maintain Bathrooms ○ Maintenance of bathrooms consists of a visual check for cleanliness. Condition of sinks and toilets is observed and paper toiletries are replaced as needed. Air freshener canister is checked for proper operation and replaced if needed. Once per week or upon warranted conditions the bathrooms are hosed down with water. The water hose and spray nozzle is located in the outside storeage box on the side of the building. Make sure the floor drains are cleaned and draining properly when when washing the inside of the bathrooms.
34 Part IV Hiring Procedures
35 Hiring Policy ● The Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent will manage the hiring process for all positions within the Maintenance Department. Questions and interview format will be decided upon by the
36 Maintenance Department manager. All applications for the positions will be passed along to the department and reviewed before interviews begin. Potential employees will be contacted and asked to do an in person interview. By chance that the interview is unable to happen face to face, either an interview by phone or video chat will be conducted. Interviews will take roughly 20 30 minutes depending on the nature of the interview. Interview Format for New Hires ● Upon the receival of resumes to fill a position on the maintenance crew, the superintendent will go over them and choose 4 or 5 applicants to interview. They will then be contacted and a time and date for an in person interview. If the applicant is unable to do a face to face interview, then the interview will be done over phone or a video call. Interviews will take place at the maintenance shop, in the Superintendent’s office to allow for privacy. For interviews of positions the format will just be the Superintendent and the interviewee. After all questions are asked, the applicant will have a chance to ask the Superintendent any questions that they may have about the job or workplace. Choosing the New Hire and the Rating System ● During the interview, the superintendent will assign a rating of 1 5 for each question asked; 1 being the lowest score, and 5 being the highest. A rating will also be assigned based on how the interviewee answered the questions: ○ Did they speak clearly? ○ Were they mumbling or speaking off topic? ○ Did they have positive body language? ● Once an interview is complete and ratings have been assigned, a total score will let the superintendent know who they thought did the best answering their questions. This system does not necessarily guarantee that the top scorer is going to get the job. It is a guideline and template to keep track of information based on how the interview went. Sometimes the person who had the best interview should not always get the job; others may be more qualified but have difficulty with interviews.
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