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Gateway College Annual Review 2017

Published by amfmalin, 2018-03-21 03:43:18

Description: Gateway College Annual Review 2017


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Gateway creates a safe, secure, and hygenic learning environment. Annual Review 2017 47

Gateway incorporates technology into the classroom in an effective wayto connect with students of all learning styles.48 Gateway College

21st century learningTechnology is entwined in almost every part ofour culture. It affects how we live, work, play, andmost importantly learn. As digital natives, studentswant to attend a school that effectively integratesthe latest technologies and teaching methods intotheir education. Gateway incorporates technologyinto the classroom in an effective way to connectwith students of all learning styles. In order tomeet the technological demands of the present,Gateway schools have invested in ICT infrastructurewhich includes the state-of-the-art computer labs,educational software, interactive whiteboards, andWi-Fi access covering the entire campuses.Primary and Secondary sections in our schoolsmaintain modern computer labs and multimediarooms. Educational software, such as My Mathsand Dynamic Learning for science, has been providedto enhance learning at school.Furthermore, Gateway acquired tablet PCs for bothPrimary and Secondary schools. Our teachers workhard to stay at the forefront of what technology canoffer for an enhanced learning experience inthe classroom. They are now able to have accessto e-resources in class and students have the benefitof individual log-in facility.As a result of the incorporation of technology inthe classroom, Gateway is now recognised as aMicrosoft School through which, we join an exclusivecommunity of more than 1,000 premier schools fromaround the world. We have over 30 teachers who arecertified Microsoft Innovative Educators (MIE) andMIE Experts. Gateway is in the process of becoming aMicrosoft Showcase School, setting an example to theglobal community in how technology is incorporatedto enhance learning. Annual Review 2017 49

STEM educationSTEM is the acronym for Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics, and encompasses avast array of subjects that fall into each of those terms.While it is almost impossible to list every discipline,some common STEM areas include: aerospaceengineering, astrophysics, astronomy, biochemistry,biomechanics, chemical engineering, chemistry, civilengineering, computer science, mathematical biology,nanotechnology, neurobiology, nuclear physics,physics, and robotics, among many others. Manydeveloped countries, especially the US are focusingon introducing STEM education into schools.The disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering,and Mathematics are the propelling force of the shapeof things to come. Gateway College embarked onyet another pioneering initiative by integrating STEMeducation to the curriculum. We have partnered withEntecres Labs of India who provide us the expertise,training, and equipment. Students from Year 1 to Year8 now have the opportunity of receiving the benefitof at least 10 STEM kits per year. Their learning offundamental concepts have been made more excitingand interesting through experiment, observations,construction of models, and prototypes.The introduction of STEM into our curriculum hashad a tremendous impact on the interest and theengagement of every student. STEM education willbe further developed and continued to be offered forstudents from Years 1 to 8.

The introduction of STEM into our curriculum has had a tremendous impact on the interest and the engagement of every student. Annual Review 2017 51

Robotics workshopsRobotics, which is an important component of STEM education,has been incorporated into our curriculum for the past few years.However, with many students expressing their keenness toattend further training in Robotics, it is now offered as a specialafternoon club to students of Years 3 to 8.52 Gateway College

Annual Review 2017 53

Innovation studiosInnovation studios set the stage for uniqueopportunities that nurture imagination, curiosity,and creativity and support science, technology,engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEM) education.Gateway hopes to establish Innovation studios totake STEM learning to the next level. The purposeof an Innovation studio is to bring students togetherin a safe, shared space to research and to collaboratein order to turn their ideas into reality. They will fostercreativity and entrepreneurial spirit in students.The Innovation studio programmes and its technicianwill carefully take children through the design cycle.These studios will have tools like hack saws, files,taps, drills, vices, clamps, power suppliers andequipment like drill machines, 3D printers, grinders,necessary raw materials, and electric, mechanicaland electronic components required to prototype.Children will be given a special training and educatedwith the proper safety precautions before they handletools and equipment.

Through the introduction of Innovation studios, Gateway will take STEM learning to the next level. Annual Review 2017 55

A Math lab is a place for students to discover mathematics by doing.

Math labsIn order to raise the standards ofMathematics in the school, a novelapproach will be used to generateinterest in students and to improvethe knowledge of maths in school.Math labs will be set up in thePrimary Schools. These labs willpossess a wealth of material freelyaccessible to students where theycan experiment, play games, andsolve puzzles. It will help them tointernalise various mathematicalprinciples, patterns, and processes.

Work experienceIn today’s competitive world, students have A total of 156 students from Year 12 andto start building their careers in high school Year 13 engaged in work placement in 2017: 65in order to better compete in the university from Gateway Colombo and 49 from Negombo,admission process, internships, and eventually 28 from Kandy, and 15 from Dehiwala.full-time jobs. Work experience is the key The students of Colombo had the privilege ofto ensure that students make good career being placed in prestigious companies such asdecisions and build their professional City School of Architecture, Hilton Colombonetwork, because it will increase students’ Residences, Asiri Hospitals PLC, Nationaloccupational knowledge and understanding of Cancer Institute, Nawaloka Hospitals PLC,the skills, attributes, and qualifications required. HSBC, MAS Holdings, and Toyota LankaGateway students in Year 12 and Year 13 Limited. Students from Gateway Negomboundergo a form of work placement during their were placed at Jetwing Hotels, Toyota Lankatime in school in order to gain exposure to the Limited, Hatton National Bank – Negombo,recruitment process: on how to apply for a job, Nawaloka Hospitals PLC, and Hope Cancerhow to prepare for a job interview and how to Hospital. Gateway Dehiwala students werebuild a curriculum vitae. accommodated at Nawaloka Hospitals PLC,The exposure gained through work experience is Durdans Hospital, Habitat for Humanity, MAShighly useful. If the students find the workplace Holdings, Pan Asia Banking Corporation, andand the field interesting, they could cement their the City School of Architecture. Students fromcareer decisions. Some may find the work more Gateway Kandy gained valuable experiencestedious than imagined and will opt for a change from their placements at Mahaweli Reachof field. Work placement also helps to enhance Hotel, Kundasale Auto Works, Sinhaputhrasocial and communication skills, or “soft skills”. Finance PLC, and the General Hospital, Kandy.It instils a sense of responsibility in the students.58 Gateway College

Work experience is the key to ensure that students make good career decisions and build their professional network. Annual Review 2017 59

Higher educationGateway, while providing a well-rounded Primary and Secondary educationto our dear children, realises the significance of higher education. GatewayCollege facilitates the myriad academic pathways of our students by providingopportunities to study at the best higher education institutions around the world.Furthermore, we are an internationally accredited learning institution capableof producing students of academic excellence worthy of places in prestigiousseats of learning.Over the years, we have produced innovative leaders, academics, entrepreneurs,and other professionals, who explore the most important questions in education,share exciting ideas and best practices with the world.We are pleased that many of our students now choose to aspire in gainingadmission to respected seats of learning. These include universities of theIvy League in the US, the Russel Group in the UK, the G8 of Australia anduniversities in Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, and India.Gateway is proud to announce the admission of Nisal Ovitigala of GatewayCollege Negombo to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.He is the only student selected to MIT from Sri Lanka since 2013. This clearlydemonstrates that students of Gateway College have now been accepted bythe best universities world over.The individual choice of a university depends on the aspirations of individualstudents and the opportunities that are open to them. Australia has become thepreferred destination of choice for many due to growing opportunities offeredby the continent. This year, we had over 10 students who entered the Universityof Melbourne while about five others entered the University of Monash.As more and more of our students gain admission to the University of Hong Kong(HKU) and the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, our relationship withthem has gone from strength to strength.In fact, the University of Hong Kong has noted that the Gateway Colleges haveone of the best success rates in the world for undergraduate study at HKU. This iscertainly a point that we can justifiably be proud of and it proves that the pedagogictraining received at Gateway goes beyond the students’ formative years.We are also happy to announce that new associations were established withthe New York University in Abu Dhabi, the Asia Pacific University and TokyoInternational University in Japan, and the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong.These universities have offered scholarships to Gateway students based on theirmerit and achievements.60 Gateway College

Gateway facilitates the myriad academic pathways of our students by providing opportunities to study at the best higher education institutions around the world.

Gateway provides students with the necessary preparedness to meetthe expectations of any higher education establishment in the world.62 Gateway College

Higher Education Counselling UnitSchool students venturing out into higher educationneed to be well prepared. Many students around theworld find the transition from high school to a universitychallenging. Gateway provides students with thenecessary preparedness to meet the expectations of anyhigher education establishment in the world.Each Gateway school has a Higher EducationCounsellor with the objective of making our studentsuniversity ready. They work closely with studentsapplying for tertiary education, from providing guidanceto handling their applications for top universities.Gateway schools use NAVIANCE, a comprehensivecollege and career readiness solution that helps to alignstudent strengths and interests to college planningand career assessment. The career planning tools inNAVIANCE allow students to understand how theirstrengths, goals, skills and interests can lead to excitingcareers. The Year 13 students are given access toNAVIANCE to share information with the school as theydevelop their post-secondary plans. It is a collaborativeprocess which involves teachers, students, parents andthe Counselling Unit. The Higher Education CounsellingUnit hopes to assist students personalise their actionplans starting as early as from Year 10. Annual Review 2017 63

University fairsAs an internationally accredited learning institution, Gateway College has established strong linkswith numerous prestigious universities around the world over the last decade. In our effort tomake our students university ready and enable them to make an educated choice, we organise anumber of university education fairs with the participation of international bodies throughout theacademic year. These informative fairs allow our students to meet representatives from prestigiousuniversities and to receive first-hand information on various disciplines, scholarship opportunities,and entry criteria.Canada SingaporeBrock University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityCarleton UniversityDalhousie University Hong KongLakehead University The Hong Kong PolytechnicMcGill UniversityMcMaster University UniversityRyerson UniversityUniversity of Toronto JapanUniversity of Western Ontario Kyushu UniversityYork University Nagoya University Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific UniversityUK Tokyo International UniversityQueen Mary UniversityTeesside University MalaysiaUniversity of Bristol International Medical UniversityUniversity of Leeds INTI International UniversityUniversity of Loughborough Monash UniversityUniversity of Nottingham Swinburne UniversityUniversity of Sheffield University of Nottingham64 Gateway College Higher education

A number of higher education fairs were held this year sponsored by international bodies such asAustrade, the Australian High Commission, Council of International Schools – CIS, Education USA,the Linden Group, and the British Council.The universities that visited the Gateway Colleges are listed below: Australia USA Australian Catholic University Baxter Institute Binghamton University, State Central Queensland University University of New York Charles Darwin University Deakin University Florida Institute of Technology Griffith University Foothill – De Anza Kaplan Business School La Trobe University Community College Melbourne Institute of Technology Goucher College Murdoc University McNeese State University Queensland University of Technology Murray State University RMIT University New York University University of Adelaide Northern Kentucky University University of Canberra St. Cloud State University University of Melbourne Stanford University University of New South Wales University at Buffalo, University of Queensland University of South Australia The State University of New York University of Technology Sydney University of Colorado Boulder Western Sydney University University of Houston – Victoria University of Missouri – Kansas City University of New Haven University of South Dakota University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Youngstown State UniversityHigher education Annual Review 2017 65

Letter of appreciation by Dr Scott S. Burges: Dear Gateway College Faculty, Staff, and Students, It is with great pleasure that I write and convey my appreciation for the opportunity to come and present and interact with several groups of quite amazing students. In my work with the university, I have seen and worked with hundreds of students who walk into an academic career with us, and it is at that point in a few minutes with them, I know who we are getting as a student. It is in this light that I must say how impressed I am with Gateway College students. They are intuitive, intelligent and innovative and seemingly ready now for the challenges out in the world today. Please convey my appreciation to them. Thank you for this amazing opportunity, and hopefully we can do this again some day. Respectfully,   Dr Burgess  Scott S. Burgess, PhD, CFI/IP, RPC Associate Professor66 Gateway College Higher education

Gateway students in the top 200 universities in the worldEach year, the Times Higher Education World University Ranking rates the top universities inthe world. We are happy to announce that our students have secured admission to the mostprestigious universities in Australia, USA, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore,New Zealand, and Japan.Higher education Annual Review 2017 67

Nisal Ovitigala of Gateway College, Negombo selected to MIT Nisal Ovitigala of Gateway College, Negombo has been accepted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, which is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He is among the 2% of International students admitted to MIT annually, and he has been the only student selected to MIT from Sri Lanka since 2013. MIT in their offer letter states: “Nisal stood as one of the most talented and promising students in one of the most competitive applicant pools in the history of the Institute”. Mrs Devika Alldis, the Principal of Gateway College, Negombo states that Nisal’s success is due to his commitment to personal excellence and the sincere interest in the well-being of the wider community. She is confident that Nisal will make his alma mater and his country proud by making good use of this great opportunity. There were many other students across the four schools, who received a number of scholarships, some up to 100%, and financial grants from reputed universities, enabling them to pursue their higher education. The following is a list of universities ranked in the the Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2015-2016, in which Gateway students have secured places.A card from Ishira Fernando, currently studying at Stanford University, to Gateway:68 Gateway College Higher education

Gateway Graduate School Programmes from world-leading universities and awardingGateway Graduate School is the higher institutionseducation and professional development arm ofthe Gateway Group. Since its establishment in Gateway Graduate School offers its academicthe year 2008, the institution has been offering and professional programmes throughinternationally accredited higher education and partnerships with leading universities such asprofessional development qualifications to local the University of Nottingham, Embry-Riddleand international students. Aeronautical University, and in association with prestigious awarding institutions suchAs we enter the tenth anniversary of the as Pearson Edexcel and NCC Education. InGateway Graduate School in the year 2018, fact, it can be proudly claimed that Gatewaythe Directorate of the Gateway Group has Graduate School offers few of the most-reputeddecided to reinvigorate the institution by international programmes available in Sri Lanka.introducing new measures. Gateway GraduateSchool will become a world-class institution Our partnerships have enabled our studentsfor quality learning experiences in a broad the opportunity to earn up to a Masters degreearray of academic and professional disciplines, in Sri Lanka from the School of Education ofranging from generalist streams such as the University of Nottingham; the option ofBusiness and Computing to more specialist transferring to the University of Nottinghamareas such as Aviation and Aerospace, Malaysia Campus for undergraduate degreesAnimation, Visual Effects, and International in disciplines such as International BusinessHospitality Management. Management after completing the first year of studies at Gateway Graduate School; andThe students at the four Gateway Colleges are the benefit of participating at the internationaluniquely placed given the seamless access conferences, workshops and summer campsthey have to the programmes and the academic held in Sri Lanka and in Malaysia. Similarly,staff of Gateway Graduate School. With the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, thesupport and guidance of Gateway Graduate world’s largest university specialising in AviationSchool, the students at the four schools can and Aerospace studies, has entered into aprepare and transition on to higher education partnership outside of the US for the first time,and professional development in their chosen to offer its innovative Dual Enrolmentpathways from the early stages of their lives. Programme through Gateway Graduate School to the students who are pursuing their UK or local Advanced Level studies in Sri Lanka.Higher education Annual Review 2017 69

New programmes to be introduced International conferencesWe are introducing a broad range of new Over the last two years, Gateway Graduatedegree programmes and qualifications in fields School organised a series of internationalsuch as Business with Music and Performing conferences for teachers (International ForumArts, Accounting and Finance, Law, Animation for Teachers – IFT) and parents (Internationaland Visual Effects, Biomedical Science, and Forum for Parents – IFP), both in Sri Lanka andInternational Hospitality Management. We have in the Maldives. These events were conducted inentered into a Memorandum of Understanding partnership with world-renowned organisationswith Teesside University in the UK to introduce such as the University of Nottingham, Pearsonsome of these new programmes under the mode Edexcel, and the Microsoft Corporation.of face-to-face provision at our campuses in From the year 2018 onwards, we will host anSri Lanka. We are also working with selected International Forum for Students (IFS) on anleading universities, including a few of the annual basis in addition to the InternationalG8 Universities in Australia, to open up more Forum for Teachers and the International Forumprogression pathways to our students in the for Parents. These events will feature prominentexisting as well as new disciplines of studies. international speakers and panellists as well as local professionals with wide international exposure in diverse fields.70 Gateway College Higher education

Summer campGateway College in collaboration with the The sessions offered by the Faculty of ScienceUniversity of Nottingham Malaysia Campus were varied. Workshops on “Introduction to(UNMC) organised a summer programme for Computer Science”, “What is it like to be athe fifth consecutive year at the UNMC during pharmacist?”, and “Elephant conservationAugust vacation. One hundred students and in Malaysia” were engaging. Through theseteachers from Gateway Colleges Colombo, sessions, our students came in contact with anKandy, Negombo, Dehiwala, and Gateway intellectually stimulating atmosphere and learntGraduate School participated in this year’s camp. about the benefits that can be derived fromThe seven-day programme was designed to give interdisciplinary research.students exposure to the university academiccommunity and experience life on campus. The Special training for teachers at the Facultyvisit also included sightseeing and shopping. of Education:On successful completion, both students and Gateway also sponsored 18 teachers to followteachers received certificates from the UNMC. several sessions at the Faculty of EducationOur students had the opportunity to attend UNMC, for which students following the Teachersessions at three different faculties. The Faculty Training Diploma at Gateway Graduate Schoolof Engineering had organised introductory also took part. This specially-designed sessionsessions into the fields of Chemical, Civil, was titled “Leadership skills for new and aspiringMechanical, Material and Manufacturing, and Leaders”, focused on several key aspects likeElectrical and Electronic Engineering. The evidence-based approaches to leadership andsessions were titled; “Engineering in Tomorrow’s management, thinking strategically, leadershipWorld” and “Engineering Careers: What and management styles, understandingdo Engineers do?”. The Faculty of Arts and organisational cultures, engaging with students,Social Sciences challenged students to think parents and community etc.strategically through role play and simulationgames. The sessions on “Option Pricing Theory” Fun and entertainment:and “Learn Behavioural Economics” were Participants were also given the opportunity tointeractive and interesting. visit places of interest and to have a taste of life in Malaysia. Witnessing a cultural show, tasting traditional Malaysian cuisine, and hours of shopping were among the highlights during the visit.Higher education Annual Review 2017 71

True victory is achievednot individually, but together.

Engage More. Be More. Annual Review 2017 73

Students Student body Gateway with all its different hues is a microcosm of the Sri Lankan society. At Gateway, we have created, for our dear students, a supporting community diverse in every way: race, ethnicity, geography, religion, academic and extra-curricular interest, family circumstance, socio-economic background, and more. While our students come from diverse backgrounds, they are united by the single purpose of improving their lives through education. From its modest beginnings of only 33 students on roll, Gateway has expanded into a mini global village with a student population of more than 5,000 hailing from over 20 different nationalities. Our students learn to grow as members of one scholastic family, celebrating the rich diversity on offer at Gateway, while respecting individuality. Enrolments 74 Gateway College

Nationalities GC – ColomboSri Lankan British Indian Korean Australian Chinese MaldivianJapanese Singaporean South African American Canadian Pakistani FilipinoGC – KandySri Lankan Maldivian Indian Australian British Dutch BangladeshiKorean ChineseGC – NegomboSri Lankan British Chinese Indian Japanese Korean PakistaniFilipino German Norwegian Australian Bangladeshi FrenchGC – DehiwalaSri Lankan Maldivian British Indian Russian Chinese PakistaniJapanese Canadian Spanish Annual Review 2017 75

AcademicGateway students excel at the Edexcel Awards Ceremony 2017130 Highest Two students with number High 12 A Achievers of Edexcel High including Achiever Awards and Stars at International36 World Prizes for the sixth consecutive year GCSE World Prize winners 5 14 “Best Results” Students attain Awards “1st Place” in the world • Best IGCSE result • Highest IGCSE average • Best Performance at Primary and Lower Secondary Gold and Bronze Awards for Pearson Edexcel Community Service. Gold award for the second consecutive year76 Gateway College

Key Stage testsEdexcel Primary and Lower P3-P2 English Mathematics Science P3-P2/S4-S1 Shows the percentage whoSecondary Curriculum (PLSC) – P3 have reached or exceeded thePrimary 77 82 100 level of expected achievement 28 34 84Edexcel PLSC – Lower S4-S1 86 99 98 Shows the percentage that hasSecondary 68 P3/S4-S2 S4-S2 70 85 performed above averageBoundary Marks Maximum Mark Primary PLSC P1 Maximum Mark Secondary PLSC S2 S1 P3 P2 S4 S3English 70 14 68 26 28Mathematics 60 39 26 13 80 43 31 12 12Science 60 49 32 18 80 75 37 20 24 42 27 69 40International General Certificate complacency, we are in the process of reviewingof Secondary Education our subject offering. As a school committed to not leaving anyone behind, we continuouslyEngaging in and exposure to a broad range strive to ensure that all our students pass theof subjects and disciplines allow students to IGCSE exams.have a better understanding of different aspects Therefore, starting from 2018, Year 9 studentsof society. Moreover, these diverse areas of are given the opportunity to offer three subjectsknowledge are connected with each other in Year 10. These are General Science, ICTdirectly or indirectly, allowing students to better and Commerce. This ensures that all studentsand more deeply understand each subject and receive a foundation in three areas that areinspiring their curiosity about the world. The integral to success in the modern world.students at Gateway are thus exposed to a Furthermore, BTEC Engineering is nownumber of subjects at IGCSE level which allows an extra subject being offered to ourthem to make more informed decisions when budding engineers.selecting advanced level subjects. It is in thisbelief that we insist on our students taking noless than 11 subjects for the IGCSE. However,the pressure of examinations is spread out sincetwo subjects are taken at Year 10. To avoidAcademic Annual Review 2017 77

A* – C Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Advanced Level No.78 Gateway College 100 No. Gateway College offers a wide suite of 80 100 subjects for students at the Advanced Level 60 in preparation for undergraduate studies. All 40 80 students are required to take a minimum of 20 60 0 AccounƟng 40 A* – C Art and Design Biology AccounƟng 20 Biology Business Studies Business Chemistry 0 CommunicaƟons Pass (D – E) Computer Science Pass (D – E) Business Studies Economics A* – C four subjects at AS Level and three subjects Chemistry English Literature at A2 Level. Students also have the option of Commerce Pass (D – E) French combining Edexcel Advanced Level subjects Computer Science with Diploma Programmes of NCC, UK. EconomicsAcademic Further MathemaƟcs English Language Geography Advanced Level (A2) English Literature MathemaƟcs No. French Physics 100 Further Pure 80 MathemaƟcs Psychology 60 GCSE Science 40 AccounƟng 20 Geography Biology History 0 Business Studies Human Biology Chemistry ICT Computer Science MathemaƟcs Economics Physics English Literature Psychology French Sinhala Further MathemaƟcs Geography MathemaƟcs Physics Psychology A2 MathemaƟcs (Year 12)

Vocational qualifications Cambridge selects Gateway for Global Perspectives worldwide pilotBusiness and Technology Education Council Gateway College was selected by Cambridge(BTEC) Assessment International Examinations as oneThe BTEC qualifications awarded by Pearson of the few schools worldwide to be part of aare QCF Level 2 qualifications designed pilot project to introduce Global Perspectivesto provide highly specialist work-related as a subject commencing from the Primaryqualifications in a range of vocational to Key Stage 3. We have integrated Globalsectors. The students acquire the knowledge, Perspectives into the regular curriculum inunderstanding, and skills that they need to Key Stages 1 and 2. We have also allocatedprepare for employment. Gateway College has separate teaching periods for this subject inbeen offering BTEC in sports to students in the Key Stage 3.IGCSE classes as an option to combine withtheir main subjects. A Distinction Star in BTEC Through Global Perspectives variousis equivalent to two A Stars at IGCSE level. contemporary global issues are discussed: global warming, human migration, scarcity76% 53% of resources, health, and nutrition. Gateway, being the only school selected from Sri LankaBTEC Sport – Distinction and by the Cambridge Assessment International Pass Rate Distinction* Examinations for this particular project, signals the recognition Gateway College has gained in the eyes of global awarding bodies.London Academy of Music and Dramatic The students of Year 9 will be submitting anArt (LAMDA) individual project on a research question for theirLAMDA is the oldest drama school in the UK. Cambridge Checkpoint for Global PerspectivesFounded in 1861 as the London Academy of in 2018.Music and Dramatic Art, it is still one of theleading awarding organisations, deliveringworld-renowned qualifications in communicationand performance. Gateway College offers itsstudents the opportunity of taking Drama as asubject in school combined with mainstreamsubjects. The students are awarded certificatesand medals by LAMDA after they are assessedby examiners from the UK.98% Grade 6 – 63% LAMDA – Grade 7 – 89% Pass Rate Grade 8 – 90% Distinction and MeritAcademic Annual Review 2017 79

Our High Achievers Name Mathematics English SciencePrimary Achievement tests Manuga Samaratunga P3 P3 P3Gateway students who achieved P3 (exceptional P3 P3performance) for all three subjects (English, Mineka Thishakya Edirisooriya P3 P3 P3Mathematics and Science) at Primary P3 P3Achievement Tests and who received Edexcel Mohamed Nabil Nazar P3 P3 P3High Achiever Awards at the Pearson Edexcel P3 P32017 Awards Ceremony: Nanthitha Nadarajan P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Nisiitha Shanal Upasena P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Oneli Nanumiarachchi P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Pathini Vihara Jayasinghe P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Name Mathematics English Science Paveesha Tehan Kumarasinghe P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Pehevi De Silva P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Aaysha Manaal Fahim P3 P3 P3 Rasandi Fernando P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Aaqil Salih P3 P3 P3 Ravindu Mevan Jayasinghe P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Adara Arulmaran P3 P3 P3 Ravindu Winsada Dias P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Adhla Lafir P3 P3 P3 Risandi Akithma P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Adit Beedkar P3 P3 P3 Ritika Srikanth P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3Adriana Wickramanayaka P3 P3 P3 Riyana Fernando P3 P3 P3 Cutter P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Ryan Perera P3 P3 P3Aisha Summaiya Mohamed Ali P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Sadath Fathima Amna P3 P3 P3Akila Bhasura Fernando P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Saheli Dahara Gunaratne P3 P3 P3Akshaya Vasanthakumar P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Salmaan Imtiyas P3 P3 P3Ameera Ashique P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Sandhamini Balapuwaduge P3Branavan Arulnathan P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Sanithu Kethaka P3Dilthara Danthanarayana P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Sanula Sanjan Edirisinghe P3Fathima Raeesah Riyas P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Senithi Himaya Senaratna P3Govindan Lokanathan Akash P3 P3 P3 Seyara Gunasekera P3Haroon Fawaz Ashraff P3 Shakira Nayan P3Hashini Samarakoon P3 Sulzi Hettiarachchi P3Heshanka Kapuwatte P3 Susan Judith Daniel P3Hsin Yun Lin P3 Thenuk Ulosha Fernando P3Indumini Vidara Geeganage P3 Thesath Mallikarachchi P3Isiri Payagala P3 Thisul Ransath Ruwanpura P3Janeth Abeynayake P3 Turanja Senethmi P3Jason Croos P3 Vakeesh Shanthirupan P3Joel Shankar P3 Viti Prashant Oza P3Joshua Anthony P3 Vohara Jayasinghe P3Lishan Bandara Wijesooriya P3 Vyshalini Rajendran P3M Aathif Qasim P3 Yehansa Gunawardana P3M Sakeen Ibrahim P3 Yenuli Mihara Chin P3Mahdhi Irfan P3 Yoosuf Arshad Salie P380 Gateway College Academic

Lower Secondary Achievement tests Name A*Gateway students who achieved S4 (exceptionalperformance) for all three subjects (English, Kaushal Agalakotuwa 9Mathematics and Science) at Lower Secondary Thuvaaraka Srikanth 9Achievement Tests and who received Edexcel Maleeka Hassan 8High Achiever Awards at the Pearson Edexcel Dinali Hasara Amarapala 82017 Awards Ceremony: Kashyapa Peter Arnodage Jayasekera 8 Kavindu Nilhan Rankothge 8Name Mathematics English Science A K D Eashan Yasinda Samaranayake 8 Nirmali Himani Molligoda 8Adheesha Kumarasinghe S4 S4 S4 Kisaja Rivenaka Malkith Hewa Waduge 8 S4 S4 Anjana Raveen Kuruwita Arachchi 8Dhurga Kanagarajah S4 S4 S4 Raveesha Fernando 8 S4 S4 Amila Basnayake 8Kavin Hasantha Gunasekara S4 S4 S4 Oneli Thomas 8 S4 S4 Wishma Wickramatunga 7Ranjeewa Anuk Ahangamgoda S4 Kumudri Chavika Goonetilleke 7 Kavindu Amarawickrama 7Ranudi Sakithma Kudellage S4 Avinash Christopher Fernandopulle 7 Kisara Riveenmalkith Hewa Waduge 7Vishmi Raveesha Caldera S4 Sithini Amunupura 7 Fathima Azmi 7International General Certificate Methmi Parindhya 7of Secondary Education Suhiru Thamel 7Gateway students who have achieved 7 A*s Jaishan Hussain 7or more at the IGCSE Examinations; and whoreceived Edexcel High Achiever Awards at thePearson Edexcel 2017 Awards Ceremony:Name A* The IGCSE Stars of Gateway visit University of MelbourneRandeni Arachchige Adithi Himika Randeni 12 In a joint initiative between University ofDevmini Bhagya Mendis 12 Melbourne and Gateway College, the studentsJacintha Richards 11 who received the best results at the June 2017Gershon Prithveen Devadason 11 IGCSE examination in each of the GatewayKeshin Savindu Karunarathne 11 Campuses in Colombo, Kandy, Negombo andYu Hailing 10 Dehiwala were provided with the opportunityKisal Wijesooriya 10 to take part in a fully-paid visit to Australia. InShalina Rashmi Saleem 10 December 2017, University of Melbourne, theDhanushi Srinivasan 10 prestigious Go8 University, hosted the studentsIsuri Sumanasiri and afforded them with the opportunity toNimaya Thenuwara 9 participate in a summer programme that suitedSasilu Virajith Mudalige 9 their interests and future plans. The studentsAisha Rashmi Fernando 9 described their experience in the followingRaviya Careem 9 manner:Fathima Sadiyah Reyal 9 9Academic Annual Review 2017 81

Adithi Randeni, Gateway College Colombo – Keshin Karunaratne, Gateway College,12 A Stars at IGCSE Negombo – 11 A Stars at IGCSEThe programme by Trinity College was one that The University of Melbourne gave our studentswill be forever remembered by me, not only the opportunity to attend lectures conductedbecause of the remarkable experiences I had by the most influential personnel in the fields ofbut because of the remarkable people I met. the physical and chemical sciences, and globalThe programme had students from around the climate change. As an individual who believesworld. Each of these people had a different that renewable resources will be the optimumoutlook on life and a different experience to alternative to fossil fuels, the seminar discussingshare. Additionally, this programme taught me the flexible solar technology was illuminating. Anmany things about responsibility as it was the extension of these seminars were the workshopsfirst time that I was away from my family and which placed special emphasis on the practicalfamiliar friends for a whole week. Further, apart sciences, where we learned about robotics,from the brilliant labs and biomedical research rocket aerodynamics and even how to makethat we were shown and allowed to take part in, solar cells from titanium dioxide and raspberrythis programme showed me that life at university juice! Focusing on leadership, a guest speakerwould not be as daunting as I first believed it from the corporate sector of Australia, clearlywould be and has made me a more confident, portrayed to us the qualities of a good leader,determined individual as a whole. taking the Battle of Gettysburg as a case study.Jacintha Richards, Gateway College Kandy – Dhanushi Srinivasan, Gateway College,11 A Stars at IGCSE Dehiwala – 10 A Stars at IGCSETrinity College is a beautiful campus with a The Young Leaders Programme hosted by thehuge scheme of old-fashioned buildings and University of Melbourne was an unforgettablearchitecture. We had the pleasure of being experience. The educational activities focusedguided and looked after by mentors who were on an innovative and futuristic world, withunder-graduates of the University. In total, there informative presentations on the chemistrywere nine students from eight countries and we of solar power, solutions to climate changewere able to choose a particular stream from and leadership skills. We learnt how tothe following: Science and Engineering, Fine programme robogals, create motors, makeArts, Law and Justice. As a student following solar cells and launch rockets built by us. Wethe Science and Engineering stream, I enjoyed visited Scienceworks, the lightning room andactivities such as creating solar cells with pumping station, Monash University’s medicineraspberry juice, making a DC motor, building manufacturing centre, Upper Yarra sewagemini rockets and attending lectures conducted treatment plant and Woori farm school. Weby professional university lecturers. We were participated in trivia nights, hip hop, karaoke,also taken on several outings where we got the cricket and visited the Melbourne skywheel.chance to explore the city of Melbourne in all its The typical multicultural university lifestyleglamour and sophistication. was refreshing and instilled within me an urge to learn, while achieving a better sense of the world.82 Gateway College Academic

Back Row: Pubudu Wijesinghe – Higher Education Counsellor of Gateway Colleges,Dr Harsha Alles – Chairman of Gateway College, Claire Bingley – Regional Manager,Offshore Recruitment, External Relations, University of Melbourne, James Kerley – RegionalManager, Trinity College, University of Melbourne and Josephine Pope – Selection andRecruitment Officer, Faculty of Business and EconomicsFront Row: Jacintha Richards, Dhanushi Srinivasan, Adithi Randeni and Keshin KarunaratneAcademic Annual Review 2017 83

Advanced Subsidiary Level Advanced LevelGateway students who have achieved 4 “A”s Gateway students who have achieved 3 “A*”sor more at the Advanced Subsidiary Level or more at the Advanced Level (A2 Level)(AS Level) Examinations: Examinations; and who also received Edexcel High Achiever Awards at the Pearson EdexcelName A 2017 Awards Ceremony:Duneesha Jayaweera 6 Name A*Philip Surendran 5Anuttara Peter Arnodage Jayasekera 5 Diyane Rochelle Fernando 4Dodi Al Fayed Mohomed Jafferjee 4 Binaru Appuhamy 4Upamada Arush A Senanayake 4 Senith Selitha Wanigasuriya 3Devma Kaggodaarachchi 4 Agampodi Isuru Udana Abeyasekara 3Ayesha Sameer 4 Kavya Weerasinghe 3G Kavindi Rasinka Perera 4 K Kavindya Gayashini Perera 3Janeshi Charindi Athauda 4Akash Utsara Ranasinghe 4Channaka Yasas Herath 4Agampodige Thisara Warnakumara 4Sathnim Siyambalapiyiya 4Santhoshan Rajendran 4Kumindu Gamage 4Janindu Lankage 4Pulasthi Peires 4Dumindi Thenuwara 4Joanne Gnanapragasam 4Geenodh Herath 484 Gateway College Academic

Annual Review 2017 85

Pearson Edexcel World Prize winners June 2017This year too Gateway students set world standards academically. Gateway students obtained130 High Achiever Awards including 36 World Prizes, which is the highest number of EdexcelAwards obtained by a school for the sixth consecutive year. Fourteen were first in the world in theirrespective subjects.Kavindya Gayashani Perera Advanced LevelMohamed Uzair Mohamed Riyaz Advanced Level Psychology (3rd in the World) Advanced Level Business Studies (2nd in the World) GCSE/IGCSERandeni Arachchige Adithi Himika Randeni GCSE Computer Science (1st in the World) GCSE Psychology (1st in the World)Keshin Karunarathne IGCSE Biology (4th in the World)Abira Suresh Gunaseelan GCSE Psychology (1st in the World) IGCSE Further Pure MathematicsKisal WijesooriyaShalina Saleem (6th in the World)Thuvaaraka SrikanthIbrahim Jameel GCSE Business CommunicationsSithini Amunupura (1st in the World)Rafaha Thoriq AliSandithi Jayasekera IGCSE ICT (3rd in the World)Shahad ShaheenSadiyah Reyal IGCSE Mathematics (1st in the World)Deveen HarischandraSumayyah Zubair IGCSE Accounting (3rd in the World)Nethumi Wjesinghe IGCSE Commerce (4th in the World) IGCSE Commerce (4th in the World) IGCSE Business Studies (2nd in the World) IGCSE English Literature (8th in the World) IGCSE Economics (1st in the World) IGCSE ICT (3rd in the World) GCSE Science (2nd in the World) GCSE Science (2nd in the World) GCSE Business Communications (1st in the World) GCSE Business Communications (1st in the World)86 Gateway College Academic

Lower SecondaryAdheesha Kumarasinghe Secondary English Secondary MathematicsAkindu De Silva Secondary MathematicsMalindu Hansana Secondary MathematicsIsumi Narasinghe Secondary MathematicsMin Soo Bae Secondary MathematicsM Akma Pearson Edexcel World Prize Winners, June 2017 Secondary Mathematicsl Firaz Secondary Mathematics Primary Aaysha Manaal Fahim Primary English Primary Mathematics Aaqil Salih Primary Mathematics Adara Arulmaran Primary Mathematics Adhla Lafir Primary Science Aisha Summaiya Mohamed Ali Primary MathematicsGraduating from schoolAcademic Annual Review 2017 87

Gateway College Survey 2017 Leadership positions (%) 64 65The following graphs depict the results of a Colombo 70recent survey conducted in all the schools which Kandy 56covered various aspects like participation ofsports and also attitudes of students towards Negombothe school. The graduating classes of 2017 Dehiwalaacross the four Gateway colleges were asked tograde their level of satisfaction. They were asked General Attitude towards school (Average)to grade their level of satisfaction on variousaspects related to the school. 2.5 GC – Colombo GC – Kandy 2.0 1.55 Subjects 3 Subjects 3 Subjects4% 49% 35% 1.0 0.5 0.0 E ABCD4 Subjects 4 Subjects47% 65% Colombo Kandy Negombo Dehiwala GC – Negombo GC – Dehiwala A – Having a network of 4 Gateway schools is beneficial to students B – Overall school rules are not too restrictive 3 Subjects 3 Subjects C – Overall school rules are not too lenient 40% 43% D – Gateway is an International School in a Sri Lankan setting E – I feel that I am energized, enlightened and empowered Attitude towards school (Facilities) (Average) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4 Subjects 4 Subjects 0.0 E 60% 57% ABCDParticipation in sports (%) Colombo Kandy Negombo DehiwalaColombo A – I am happy with the sports facilities provided by school Kandy B – I am happy with the IT infrastructure provided by school C – I am happy with the library facilities provided by schoolNegombo D – I am happy with the facilities provided for art, music, dramaDehiwala 90 and theatre by school E – I have made use of most of the facilities provided by school 88 95 90 In the bar graphs on page 88 and 89 the score closer to 1 demonstrates the greatest level of satisfaction shown by students to each specific question.88 Gateway College Academic

General attitude towards school (Learning at Gateway College) (Average) A B C DE F GH I J Colombo Kandy Negombo Dehiwala E – School has taught me to build successful H – School has taught me things which will beA – I looked forward to coming to school interpersonal relationships useful in lifeB – School provided me an adequate F – School provided me enough information I – School has taught me things which will be choice of subjects about career options useful in a jobC – School has prepared me well for G – School has helped me gain confidence J – School has done enough to prepare me higher education to make decisions for adult lifeD – School counselled me well for higher educationSense of Belonging to school (Average) A B CD E F GH Colombo Kandy Negombo Dehiwala D – I felt happy at school G – I never felt awkward and out of place E – I am proud of my school in my schoolA – I made friends easily at school F – I never felt lonely at schoolB – I felt like I belonged at school H – I never felt like an outsiderC – Other students seemed to like me (or left out of things) at schoolTeacher-student relations (Average) Attitude towards school as an Alumni (Average)2.5 2.52.0 2.01.5 1.51.0 1.00.5 0.50.0 E 0.0 D ABCD ABC Colombo Kandy Negombo Dehiwala Colombo Kandy Negombo DehiwalaA – Students get along well with most teachers A – I will be following the progress of the school social mediaB – Most teachers are interested in students’ well-being B – I will be joining the alumni associationC – Most of my teachers really listened to what I had to say C – I will visit the school when I come back on holidayD – If I needed extra help, I would receive it from my teachers D – I will promote the school among friends and familyE – Most of my teachers treated me fairlyAcademic Annual Review 2017 89

Non-academicExtensive research on the subject has discovered that co-curricular activitiescomplement academics and groom the students in the “Art of Living and Working Together”.Those who take part in extra-curricular activities show higher academic results, strongerrelationships in schools and are more likely to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Annual Review 2017 91

92 Gateway College

Sports participation andachievementsIn 2017, Gateway students excelled in a numberof sporting events. Our students competed in variouscompetitions at National, Inter-International, andProvincial levels. Gateway has produced a number ofchampions, with a considerable number representingSri Lanka. Annual Review 2017 93

Level of student participation in sportsSince incorporating our theme for 2017: Engage more. Be more., there is a clear increase in thelevel of student participation in sports.Level of student participation in sports GC – Colombo GC – Dehiwala GC – Kandy GC – NegomboNumber of students 2017 639 2017 322 2017 338 2017 287taking part in 1 sport 2016 523 2016 301 2016 250 2016 287Number of students 2017 547 2017 326 2017 272 2017 271taking part in 2 sports 2016 482 2016 284 2016 218 2016 220Number of students 2017 415 2017 193 2017 194 2017 148taking part in 3 sports 2016 373 2016 176 2016 159 2016 140 GC – Colombo GC – Kandy GC – Negombo GC – Dehiwala 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017Athletics Female 94 81 45 54 73 57 31 50 Male 100 102 54 60 85 82 64 70 Total: 194 183 99 114 158 139 95 120Badminton Female 74 76 23 25 19 11 64 55 Male 104 121 35 42 21 11 89 85 Total: 178 197 58 67 40 22 153 140Basketball Female 55 74 46 56 43 46 39 Male 134 168 88 109 75 72 144 130 Total: 189 242 134 165 79 75 190 169Chess Female 53 34 10 11 25 32 96 Male 92 96 40 32 40 46 28 26 Total: 145 130 50 43 65 78 37 32Cricket Male 80 60 38 42 17 34 28 31 Total: 80 60 38 42 17 34 28 3194 Gateway College Non-academic

GC – Colombo GC – Kandy GC – Negombo GC – Dehiwala 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017Football Female 30 34 –– –– –3Gym Male 112 127 66 76 77 69 61 79Karate Total: 142 161 66 76 77 69 61 82Netball Female – 25 – 20 –– –– Male – 30 – 30 –– –– Total: – 55 – 50 –– –– Female 10 13 9 10 35 44 Male 54 64 5 11 22 19 19 12 Total: 64 77 14 21 25 24 23 16 Female 50 47 80 93 55 53 46 56 Total: 50 47 80 93 55 53 46 56Rowing 1 8 –– –– –– 15 23 –– –– –– Female 16 31 –– –– –– Male Total: 9 13 –– –– –– 35 40 –– –– ––Squash 44 53 –– –– –– Female 93 89 28 30 28 33 41 35 Male 133 127 49 53 37 47 76 82 Total: 226 216 77 83 65 80 117 117Swimming 30 15 –3 –– –– 28 19 –2 –– –– Female 58 34 –5 –– –– Male Total: 35 31 32 30 15 18 1– 38 40 9 19 31 34 86Table Tennis 73 71 46 52 96 41 49 Female Male Total:Tennis Female Male Total:Non-academic Annual Review 2017 95

Athletics Dehali Seneviratne Randi Cooray Asiri Wijesekara ISAC – 2017 ISAC – 2017 ISAC – 2017 Sadeepa Henderson Shot Put – 1st Place NMR Triple Jump – 1st Place NMR 4x100m – 1st Place NMR ISAC – 2017 4x400m – 1st Place NMR 100m – 1st Place 4x100m – 1st Place NMR Shelinda Jansen 100m Hurdles – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place 4x400m – 1st Place NMR ISAC – 2017 High Jump – 1st Place Best Male Athlete 4x100m – 1st Place NMR 4x100m – 1st Place Divisional Meet – 2017 4x400m – 1st Place NMR Divisional Meet – 2017 100m – 1st Place 100m – 1st Place Divisional Meet – 2017 100m – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place 100m Hurdles – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place Long Jump – 1st Place Senior Tarbet – 2017 Triple Jump – 1st Place Champion Athlete 100m – 1st Place NMR Udesh Ranasinghe Provincial Meet – 2017 ISAC – 2017 Zonal Meet – 2017 Thanugi Wanniarachchi Triple Jump – 1st Place Triple Jump – 1st Place NMR 100m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 4x100m – 1st Place NMR 200m – 1st Place 4x100m – 1st Place NMR Ranuka Senanayake Champion Athlete Long Jump – 1st Place 4x400m – 1st Place NMR ISAC – 2017 Champion Athlete 4x200m – 1st Place Nidula Jayawardena Filzah Farouk ISAC – 2017 Provincial Meet – 2017 ISAC – 2017 Divisional Meet – 2017 400m – 1st Place NMR 100m – 1st Place 4x100m – 1st Place NMR 80m – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place 4x400m – 1st Place NMR 100m – 1st Place Long Jump – 1st Place 800m – 1st Place Champion Athlete Chenuka Champion Athlete Kasthuriarachchi Divisional Meet – 2017 Zonal Meet – 2017 All Island Meet – 2017 All Island Meet – 2017 400m – 1st Place 80m – 1st Place High Jump – 1st Place 100m – 1st Place 800m – 1st Place 100m – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place Champion Athlete Shazeen Shaheen Long Jump – 1st Place Provincial Meet – 2017 ISAC – 2017 Zonal Meet – 2017 100m – 1st Place Javelin Throw – 1st Place Senior Tarbet – 2017 800m – 1st Place 200m – 1st Place NMR All Island Meet – 2017 Crishel Ranasinghe 100m – 1st Place Natalie Malpana 80m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 Long Jump – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 4x50m – 1st Place 4x400m – 1st Place NMR Dulain Perera Junior Nationals – 2017 100m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 Sharmila Janz 200m – 1st Place NMR 200m – 1st Place 4x200m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 100m – 1st Place 400m – 1st Place Long Jump – 1st Place NMR 4x100m – 1st Place Binitha Chandrasena 4x400m – 1st Place NMR Senudi Weeraman ISAC – 2017 4x100m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 Divisional Meet – 2017 High Jump – 1st Place 4x50m – 1st Place 100m – 1st Place Divisional Meet – 2017 200m – 1st Place Aqeel Ashraff 100m – 1st Place Nethuli Raigama Champion Athlete ISAC – 2017 Long Jump – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 4x100m – 1st Place NMR 4x50m – 1st Place Sanolee Rajapakse Provincial Meet – 2017 ISAC – 2017 Daham Athapattu 100m – 1st Place Anuki Ramanayake 4x50m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 200m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 4x100m – 1st Place NMR High Jump – 1st Place Sandithi Jayasekara Kavan Godhigamuwa ISAC – 2017 Haerisson Ragulan ISAC – 2017 Sithuli Saparamadu 4x400m – 1st Place NMR ISAC – 2017 4x200m – 1st Place ISAC – 2017 4x100m – 1st Place High Jump – 1st Place High Jump – 1st Place Non-academic Sanoli Rajapakse96 Gateway College ISAC – 2017 4x50m – 1st Place

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