Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” ... So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:18–25) ·
All Christians in whatever state gradually. This process, or walk of life are called to sometimes called discernment, is the fullness of Christian life and to an opportunity for growth. It can the perfection of charity. The call be helped by prayer and to marriage is a particular way of guidance from trusted mentors, living the universal call to holiness friends and family. given to every Christian in the Sacrament of Baptism. The calls However, what begins as to priesthood or to the vowed attraction must deepen into religious life are other Christian conviction and commitment. vocations.Along with marriage, all Those who are called to the of them equally though in different married life should be ready to ways, are a response to the Lord learn what their vocation means who says, “Follow me.” and to acquire the virtues and skills needed for a happy and Marriage involves a call from God holy marriage. and a response from two people who promise to build, with the help As we approach the upcoming of divine grace, a lifelong, intimate World meeting of families in Rome and sacramental partnership of in June 2022, the Nuhra editorial love and life. Through marriage, a team encourages all the knanaya husband and wife give themselves married couples to revisit and to each other without reservation, renew their call to married life. promising to love each other freely, Let us try to live our vocation to truly, faithfully and fruitfully for the the fullest by inviting God to be rest of their lives, sharing their joys the center of our family life. May and sufferings in whatever each of us be filled with the circumstances life brings them. abundance of God’s love that overflows to our spouse and A vocation is a personal call. It is children and through them to the offered freely and must be world around us. Let us also pray accepted freely. Attraction to a for all Knanaya youth for the certain way of life or to a specific grace of discernment to discover person can be a good sign of being and follow their vocation in life. called. Most often a person comes to recognize and accept a vocation Dr. Bibita Parappallil So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”(Genesis 1:27-28 )
Fr. Bins Chethalil Vocation to family life is the root early years this starts indirectly by the 7. Fight & Forgive of every vocations.Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York recently witness of our own lives, the Teach family members to fight fair noted the link between marriage and vocations to the priesthood and atmosphere of our homes and the and forgive easily. religious life: “We have a vocation crisis to life-long, life-giving, loving, things we value.As they mature, more faithful marriage. If we take care of that one, we’ll have all the priests direct conversations and experiences 8. Faith Share and nuns we need for the church.” help them consolidate their vocational Talk about the women and men, A vocation is not a job; it is a life commitment to a person (in call. including nuns, brothers and priests, marriage) or a people (in priesthood or religious life).Avocation is a love There are 10 Ways to Nurture who have had an influence on you. relationship defining one’s entire being: giving life to others. For a Vocations in the Family: vocation to be nurtured and recognized, children need to grow 9. Play up breathing in an atmosphere of faith, love and generosity of heart. 1. Pray Have fun being together each day. The home environment powerfully Pray daily together as a family in Find something to enjoy and work forms our children. However, a child is never a programmed product of thanskgiving, for guidance, for to reduce stress among all. their parent’s desires and priorities; they are a unique child of God, with forgiveness. the gift of free will. As parents and guardians, part of our role is to 10. Encourage create the environment where our children can discover their life’s 2. Share Encourage your children to be calling; to lay the foundations for their vocational journey through life. In the Talk with your children about their creative and compassionate and hopes and dreams, gifts and talents, know that those are the greatest of worries and concerns. God’s gifts! 3. Eat We worry so much for our children, Share meals together as often as and rightly so. Remember that their possible. lives are in God’s hands and we have them but for a while. While we are 4. Stories called to do our best, that is all we Tell stories about family history, can do. God’s plan for their life must traditions, memories of your own be discovered and embraced… and W youth- the good and the bad. only they can do it. 5. Goals “Haven’t you read,” he replied, Decide together your family goals and “that at the beginning the Creator what your biggest do’s and don’ts are. ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will 6. Participate leave his father and mother and be Be active in your parish and your united to his wife, and the two will community. Encourage children to become one flesh’? So they are no participate. longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6)
Cijoy Parappallil, The home is a wonderful place for all to be welcomed into the life and love of Jesus. New Jersey wife becomes an image of the speak to others of Jesus. What In the Catholic world, when we absolute and unfailing love with happens within the homes of families hear the word “vocation”, our first which God loves”. Through marital is indispensable to the mission and thoughts will most probably be about love, husband and wife become in a life of the Church and the wider priesthood or religious life. It is way one heart and one soul, and community. important to understand that together attain their human fulfillment. marriage is also a vocation. In today’s world, more than ever the Marriage witnesses to the joy of family is called to be a center of The word “vocation” has its roots in living a life, in communion and in outreach, love and faith. The home the Latin word vocare, which means service to others. In the Sacrament is a wonderful place for all to be “to call”. A vocation is a calling. It of Marriage, spouses receive a welcomed into the life and love of refers to the very specific way God special grace from God to live the Jesus. Afamily can live their call to is calling us to love others. vows they made to each other on be a domestic church by sharing a Although your specific calling will be their wedding day. Marriage is not meal with neighbors, or by simply unique to you, in your vocation, God easy but we know that Jesus is lending a listening and loving ear to calls you to freely and generously always with us, and he is present in someone in need. respond to his call. By living out our our marriages—always ready to vocation, we experience deep redeem and heal. When a family reaches out, especially fulfillment and joy. to those in need, it participates in the While no family is perfect, our mission of the Church. Open and When I was a child, I thought I may families are where we first learn how caring families find a place for others become a priest. But I realized that to receive and give love, It is from and build friendships and my vocation is not something that I within the family that love is relationships with those around them. merely choose myself, rather it is communicated and experienced— It is also a place where those who something that God calls me to. The between husband and wife, parents may not have had an ideal family process of discerning your vocation and children, siblings, extended life—or who have no family—can can be challenging. To help you family, friends and the wider come to find love, safety and care. discern what God is calling you to, community. In this way, families are called to you may find it helpful to chat with a open their doors and to let their love parish priest, a spiritual director or a The family home is also the place shine. trusted friend. Spending time with where faith is nurtured and passed those living out the vocation you feel on. The home is where we see and The call to love is “the fundamental called to, can also be useful. learn how to love, pray and serve. It is the place where we learn to grow and innate vocation of every human Marriage is a vocation where in in virtue and to learn the way of each spouse is called to live his/ Jesus. By their love for one another, being.” Whatever vocation you are her call to love in a very intimate as well as their words and actions way. The Catechism of the Catholic towards others, Christian families called to, your ultimate call is to Church states “in the vocation of marriage, the love of husband and love- whether it be to love your family as a married person or the people of God as a religious or consecrated person. W
Hannah James it is you want to see from through each of their thoughts, Moonnuparayil your children “(1 Corinthians 11:1; Titus actions and words. San Antonio 2:1-10). Parents must learn to form the family God gives countless opportunities to A family is a domestic church. where prayer should be a Why? Families are considered normal event. Family is the the families to earn graces throughout to be little churches because in a first place where children family we pray together to honor can find out about love, their daily activities within their God and together make a holy companionship, and pilgrimage into our final vocation- to forgiveness. Parents should domestic church.As a catholic, let us be in union with God. Secondly, accept their full share of parents play a vital role in developing responsibility for the build a home where virtues are the spiritual growth of their children. upbringing of their children. “And they said, “Believe in the transferred by words and actions and Lord Jesus, and you will be This provides a secure and saved, you and your household.” prosperous family environment. where families sit together to share (Acts 16:31-34) One of the clear The Holy family is the best model facts is that despite living a for a family being a domestic church. their thoughts. “Every home is called complicated life, people should Jesus himself was born into the manage to establish family practices heart of a family. Jesus’family was to become a ‘domestic church’ in to show immense faith in God. a little domestic Church. This Family is one of the most basic yet Church consists of his mother, which family life is completely important gifts that God gives us.We Mary, his foster father, St. Joseph, are God’s children so we should and Himself. Wherever the Holy centered on the lordship of Christ and learn to pray together, celebrate Family was whether, in a stable in together, and forgive one another. Bethlehem or in Nazareth, the the love of husband and wife mirrors It’s crucial to make it an opportunity domestic Church was always within to talk and share hopes as a family them. God was always the center the mystery of Christ’s love for the to get Gods’ grace in your home. of that family and God was glorified “No matter how much you say, through each member of the family Church, his bride.” (Pope Benedict “Do as I say, not as I do,” children will follow the active “Behold, children are a heritage XVI) W example you model more often from the Lord, the fruit of the than the verbal lessons you womb a reward. Like arrows in teach. Therefore, it is imperative the hand of a warrior are the that parents be good role children of one’s youth. Blessed models. Be an example of what is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” ( Psalm 127:3-5)
Eucharistic miracle of Dronero, Italy, 1631 moment an upwind was developing into a thunderstorm. The flames quickly and violently spread to the home of the Borgo Maira. The townspeople desperately attempted to extinguish the fire, but all their efforts proved useless as the fire developed further. In the afternoon of Sunday, August 3, Friar Maurice da Ceva, a Capuchin, was inspired to have recourse to the power of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. He immediately 1631, a great fire broke out in the organized a procession with the Blessed Sacrament, followed by all commercial district of Saluzzo in the town the townspeople, to the location of the fire. The moment the Blessed of Dronero. Ayoung farm girl foolishly Sacrament arrived, the flames subsided and miraculously were kindled a fire with dry hay at the very extinguished! YOUCAT 262 This miraculous event is described in details on a stone tablet in the small Church of St. Brigid. On the Feast of Corpus Christi, the citizens of Dronero keep alive the memory of this miracle with a solemn annual procession with the Blessed Sacrament. W What is necessary for a Christian, sacramental marriage? Asacramental marriage has three necessary elements: (a) free consent, (b) the affirmation of a life- long, exclusive union, and (c) openness to children. The most profound thing about a commitment. The requirement of marital fidelity entails Christian marriage, however, is the couple’s knowledge: “We are a living image of the love between Christ and a willingness to enter a lifelong union, which excludes the Church.” [1644-1654, 1664] The requirement of unity and indissolubility is directed affairs outside the marriage. The requirement of in the first place against polygamy, which Christianity views as a fundamental offence against charity and human openness to fertility means that the Christian married rights; it is also directed against what could be called “successive polygamy”, a series of non-binding love couple is willing to accept any children that God may affairs that never arrive at one, great, irrevocable send them. Couples who remain childless are called by God to become “fruitful” in some other way. Amarriage in which one of these elements is excluded at the marriage ceremony is not valid. W “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” ( Ephesians 5:25)
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