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Home Explore New Round Up 1 Student's Book

New Round Up 1 Student's Book

Published by Hong Tu Vu, 2021-09-20 04:43:47

Description: New Round Up 1 Student's Book


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PearsoEn ducatioLnimited EdinburgGhate Harlow EssexCM202JE England a n dA s s o c i a t eCdo m p a n i et hsr o u g h o ut ht ew o r l d . wwwp. O PearsoEnducatioLnimite2d010 Therightsof VirginiaEvansandJennyDooleyto be identifieads a u t h o r so f t h i sW o r kh a sb e e na s s e r t ebdyt h e mi n a c c o r d a n cwei t h theCopyrighDt,esignasndPatentAsct1988. . All rightsreservedn;o partof thispublicatiomn aybe reproduced, storedin a retrievaslystemo, r transmitteidn anyformor by any meanse,lectronimc,echanicaplh, otocopyinrge,cordingo,rotherwise withoutthepriorwrittenpermissioonfthePublishers. Firspt ublishe2d010 Printedin China SWTC/o1 ISBN9781--4058-8884(-B4ook) ISBN978--14082-3490(-P7ack)

fnglishGrammaPr ractice Gontents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revision Revisio1n(Unit1s-2) 102 R e v i s i2o n( U n i t1s- 4 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0. .4. . . . . . . R e v i s i o3n( U n i t1s- 6 ), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0. .6. . . . . . R e v i s i4o n( U n i t1s- 8 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0. .8. . . . . . . R e v i s i 5o n( U n i t1s- 1 0.). . . . . . . . . . . . , . , .1.1. .1. . . . . . R e v i s i6o n( U n i t1s- 1 2.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .4. . . . . . R e v i s i7o n( U n i t1s- 1 4.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .7. . . . . . R e v i s iIo n( U n i t1s- 1 6.). . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2. .0. . . . . . R e v i s i9o n( U n i t1s- 1 9.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2. .3. . . . . . W o r dL i s t ..........127

Introduction NewRound-U1pEnglisGh rammaPrracticceombinegsamesand funwithseriouss, ideafloryoung learnerisnthepreliminasrytagesof Englislhanguagleearning. Studentseegrammapr ointsclearlypresenteidn colourfubl oxes andtablesT. heypractisgerammatrhroughlivelyh, ighlyillustrated gamesandoralandwritingactivities. New Round-Upis especiallydesignedfor ditferenst tudents studyingEnglishindifferenwt ays. I t c a nb e u s e d : o in classwitha coursebookS.tudentsdo bothoralwork - in pairsandingroups- andwrittenworkinNewRound-Up. o afterclass.The 'write-ina' ctivitiesare idealfor homework. Studentcsanpractiswe hattheyhavelearnedintheclassroom. o on holidayfsor revisionN. ewRound-Uhpasclearinstructions and simplegrammabr oxes,so studentscan studyat home withouat teacher. TheNewRound-UTpeacher'Gs uideincludeas fullanswekr ey, quizzest,estsplusanswerkeys,and audioscriptsof progress checklistenintgasks.

loz$ ListenandrePeat. a wk a cal a dog anelephant anoctopus a + consonan(bt ,c,d,f, 9, h,i, k, l, m,tr,p,g, r,s,t, v,w,x,y,z) an+ vowesl ound(a,e,i, o,u) hosliCircle.Listenand check.Listenand repeat. ( o I 1 @/ anbiscuit a / ancake 3 a / anapple - 4 a lanpineapple 5 a l anonio n 6 alantomato 7 al anegg 8 a lanlemon @ 9 a / anorange 10 alanwatermelon 11 a/anolive 12 alansandwich

A-An e ilooliwt:te a or an. Listenand check. monKey elephant

A-An € write the words in the correctcotumn. 't ! n e ntrwitll rvt f 1 Wherearethe animals? A: I canseeanelephant. B: PicturAe!| canseea lion. A: PicturBe!etc.

G t'\",enandrepeat. Plural twobirds Singular a/ onebird _iWeformthe pluralsof mostnounsby adding-s. ilouli Writethe plurals.Listenand check.Listenand repeat. & ff i ' f fi #Stt, 1 oneant three.A.nV?\" 2 one f r o gf o u r . . . . . . 4# cffi k w3 onedog three p q d@ od\\s :ffi @ & dF#. d\\J 4 onesnake t h r e e . \" . . . , 5 onetiger three 6 onelion t wo . . , , . r,r----DUFt/H ,d tffY d# %Rr #A' IIF [['ffi' 7 onecow two,. 8 one e le p h a nt wt o . , . , . 9 onezebra four

oPlurals ilozliListenandrePeat. Nounsendingin: consonan+t y + -ies , onebutterfryW ry1krtwobutterflies BUT vowel(a,e, o, u) + y -r -s. onedonkey twodonkeys \\aU C G Writethe plurals.Listenandcheck.Listenandrepeat. strawberry cherry key tey boy baby lady monkey q& ^7/t c.73 qa '!Jt--7' ffi trxF 5- LE- 1 three f,oYe 2 two 3 four 4 two 8n3 ffi€ 5 five. 6 four 8 two

Plurals G a,\",enandrepeat. bus buses radio- radios Nounsendingin -s,-ss, glass glasses piano- pianos -sho-ch,-x or -o + -es. dish dishes Nounsendingin -f or -fe torch torches by removingthe -f or -fe box boxes + -ves. potato potatoes giraffe- giraffes I Counat ndwrite. scarf dish glass tomato uuelf .=AJ*\"?,l=kx oo nEnE 1 ....thropw.olua\"e..\" s ej OID 4 M 8 Mr,,

Plurals O ' 4 4 ] ' r -ffi Corpletethecrossworwdiththeplurals. -tf- '@hF* G t,r,enandrepeat. l r r e g u l a rp l u r a l s \"b*6Is{-*l fr E Taffi I} nrtq{ L an vdh... r--r G /TU |l t- I mouse mice man men person people ffi # /}stIIT ltt db IE s^tf,b &--> w \\J n & e-)ff#- )l \\+U-AiidC B \\a1f\"1p{l /dB uB 8H o B child children sheep sheep foot feet mV -l rf,m I--il - e&w4 44 -1rg- H E ?*1r *1r \\itlvY l-- . -T- tooth teeth woman women goose geese e€ 8< K{ Wffti uYtr+ deer *< fish fish deer ox oxen

@ Plurals # \"'t\",t\"he correctwords. .*)fko%ffi \"m*mufif#fi *< ffi.;1d\"\\\\m \\vnu / \\ nl\\/ ffi€ \\J\" 1 mouset@ 2 sheep/sheeps 3 fishe/sfish 4 tooth/ teeth J fl*ffiflA N Kl*mr R-,-;,- -*'a. GT frt' #rlTarE*a #il 5 foot/ feet 6 perso/npeople 7 child/ children G:*t rn rl' -! 8 woma/nwomen € Countand write. man tooth foot person sheep child mouse fish ffiftn#ffiff 1 Lhreemen ffre$ f f i f t f l 5 ,., 6 7 -, 8 10

Plurals it.'.'liCompletethe table.Listenand check. bag boy tomato elephant knife leaf owl ehild box cherry baby man butterfly mouse wolf strawberryscarf foot watch glass children Lookat the picturesfor a minuteC. loseyourbookandtry to remember. o o o 2 &f*it 5 dru *{ oaa# # '* q, # €,ryUUUTt I Fivestrawberries. -:qk(l{rr-ud,'flel No!Sixstrawberries. 'fRI&$i 11

Progress Gheck | (Units t-21 ,-:\\ i I TWriteaoran. _\\) \\gctH^* P €1gP ,/r. ./ _r{\\r antSbee9oencil 12

,/=, Progress Check I , $ ) writetheplurals. 13 leaf- , , 14 sandwic-h I man- rnen 7 apple- 15 box- 8 glass- '16 person- 2 fish- 9 baby- 17 deer- 10 di s h- 18 ox- 3 strawber-ry 11 foot- 12 toy- 4 knife- 5 radio- o bus- Itr'Frnlua$\\fi O i;rz;iListenandcolourT. hereis oneexample. CG tqsi )ne fish,twofiah )ne knifet,woknivea @ Threefish,four Threeknivesf,our )ne tomato,twotomatoes )ne 6laaot,woglaoaeo Threetomatoegm, ore! Three6laooeom, ore! 1ixe66a,6oven00o )ix dishea6, evendishea Eiqhtegqan, ine Ei7htdishean, ine A-=r Hurryup!It'odinnetrime! Hurryup!It'odinnetrime! R_ E4Ftffi_gw-q.6*ry fi:l ffiulJ-€ l.-..1 C_a 13

o ff t,\",enandrepeat. w 5ffi ff ff ,He Singular Plural t&rj ft lwe you you he .ithey she it a 'ff&ffi r,rl\"t\"hthewordstothepictures. 65lwerh. e v' f f & eBf*f i ' 14

PersonalPronouns O @ n\"\"d andcircle. .-€# ,\\ry ]Htbd*\"Alr'A./ e c SA r@lsne it/ they 3 he/she 4 it/ they @ w 5 l/you 6 7 itlhe 8 we/ they @ G writet,vort, we or they. Listenand check. trffi ft AU 1,1 fr & ffffffi 12 1 0 11 15

Personal Pronouns wtit e he,she,it, we,you or they. 1 Sophie ehe 9 car 2 Georgios 10 pencils 3 youandLisa ' 1 1y o ua n dN i c k 4 Mum 12 MiaandI 5 MarkandI 13 book 6 LilyandTom 14 Dad 7 dogs 15 desk I MumandDad 16 children *€ 1y\" Namethe pictures.Saythe personalsubjectpronoun. 6 A: Balloons. B:TheyW! oman, A: Shee! tc. 16

h.,rdLittenandrepeatT. henactout. Hi!I'mPamand (Hello,l'Dmen. he'ePeter, Yea,weare, We'refromNew YorkW, hat'athie?. Affirmative Negative Interrogative LongForm ShortForm LongForm ShortForm lam l'm I amnot l ' mn o t Aml? Youare You're Youarenot Youaren't Areyou? H ei s He's Heisnot H ei s n ' t lshe? S h ei s She's Sheisnot S h ei s n ' t lsshe? Itis It's Itisnot Itisn't lsit? Weare We're Wearenot Wearen't Arewe? Youare You're Youarenot Youaren't Areyou? Theyare They're Theyarenot Theyaren't Arethey? O G ReadandcircleL' istenand check.Listenand repeat. 'ffiffik 1 She@/areadoctor, 2 | am/ areten. 3 ltam/ isa penguin. 4 Theyis/ arerobots. 5 Weis/ arefriends. 6 Youam/ areeight. 17

The verb 'to be' *r,, a 'rt, 's or 're. 1 Lucy'9 adoctor. 5 Stella a nurse. 2 Ben a clown. 6 LookatElishandPamT. hey 3 LookatTerryandSteveT. hey singers. firefighters. I apilot. 4 Bil[ anartist. @ rill in thegapsas in theexamples: ,= t- ';:ft ''.-.....';=; at .a,''a41 '..; a student, I am no| a student. 1 ' mn o t chairs, chairs. They 1 They We British. British. She ,, eleveynearsold. 2 We eleveynearsold. It anorange. anorange, You fromLondon. 3 She , fromLondon. ,4 It '5 You 1B

The verb 'to be' € writeisnt or aren't. Tony, |en't 2 CanadiaHne. 'sAmerican. 3 4 M e le,k, , , 5 6 EgyptiaSnh. e'Ts urkish, 7 CostaasndChloe Italian, @ They'rGe reek. €j C6line @ BritisSh,he'Fs rench. a G€l K l a u ,s, Polish. R€ H e ' sG e r m a n , ffi1gG5 MicaelaandLucas REEj ,,,, Brazilian. RFT T h e y ' rAer g e n t i n i a n , E 7 Haruki ; C h i n e sHe .e ' sJ a p a n e s e . G G ReadandmatchL'istenand check. 1 l'mnotatschool. a It'sTuesday. 2 Wearen'et ight, b You'rae clown. 3 Sheisn'at teacher, c He'sinthegarden, 4 ltisn'tMonday. d They'raepples. 5 Theyarent'tomatoes. e She'sa doctor, 6 Youaren'at firefighter. t I'mathome, 7 Heisn'itnthehouse. g We'renine, 19

O The verb rto be' # f-ookandwriteis,isnt, areor aren't. @ : I 10 : 28t 25 student doctor 13 teacher 25{tQv I English Greek English i student _s: tudent : teacher -.-^\",--*--a j; Japanese , Brazilian t ='--'-.*.-.-F , German l j .-_-*-.1 1 Ann ie1',L a doctorS. he astudent. 2 Manos , a studenHt,e adoctor. 3 Caral ndRicardo fifteenT.hey thirteen. 4 HelenandMitsuko , studentTsh. ey ,, teachers, 5 Mitsuko ten.She twenty-five, 6 AnnC, aral ndRicardo , teacherTsh, ey students, 7 AnnandHelen F r e n c Th .h e y English. 8 Ricardo E n g l i sHh .e Brazilian. 9 HelenandMitsuko thirteeynearsold,They , , twenty-five 10 Carl , , GreekH,e German. Short Answers Y e sl,am . N o ,l ' mn o t . Yesh, e/she/isit. No,he/shei/sitn't. Aml/Areyoutall? lshe/shei/nit hegarden? Yes, we/you/are. No, we/you/aren't. Are we/you/students? they they they 20

The verb 'to bet ffi on\"wetrhequestions. l s h ea t e a c h e r ? 2 lsitamouse? 4 lsshea doctor? No,tt tgn'f,. 8 Areyoueight? ,.Yo,a,,thee., It'g a cat. ffi 5 Areyoua nurse? lsita motorbi?ke 7 Aretheydogs? *r l|+ ,r:ir Namethe job. TeamA 51: Areyoua doctor? Leader: No,I'mnot. TeamB51: Areyouateacher?etc. ReadaboutJane.Writeaboutyou. Hi!I HilI'mJane,l'mtcn,l'ma student, 21

Progress Gheck 2 (Units 3-4) @ Cnoosethe correctitem. 1 TomandI arefriends,. . . . areten. 5 LookatLayla. ishappy. A They @wr c He AShe BHe C lt 2 Theboysarehappy, areinthe 6 Lookatthehorse. iswhite. garden. Alt BThey C I AHe BWe C They 7 , , . a r eo o lic e o f f ic e r s . 3 YouandMikearestudents. areat A He B They C She school, 8 Amyisnine,. isa student. A We B They c You AHe BShe C lt 4 isa pen. 9 Hello! amSam. AHe Blt c They A She BHe cl write am,isor are. 1 Tony t.5. a student. 3 You fromEngland. 21.,, happytoday. 4 JohnandSue friends. # write the questionsandanswers. 1 elephant fl$ 3 teacher le it an elephant 2 Yea,it ig, 2 girls Are they7irle ? (rte No,they aren't, They'reboye, 4 pencils \\-,,/ 5 apple 2 22

, Progre,$s Ctreck 2 -Wqq.g*s%3ry5qeqe.4,s\". .&r.-. \" i1rsliListenand tick (/) the box.Thereis one example. H o wo l di sE m m a ? 2 WhaitsMar'ksjob? n& m ffi tEt-t 5',*'$ ffir i :-i , rcT_l 1 WheriesAlexfrom? 3 WhoisNina? ,pg FFFEE=t,:,r, A \"9lry (\\€i'l rf f : J 7 ----Ii-4r] _-JfF-----_--I'-rJ ':, .Z-fta-Raj @1.\", I )\\7. Kitr .vJl#1'zr, (l]/--a-l\\ x\\ tE-l-t rcT_l Youare)arah It'aa pencil I amDen It'aa book You'reeleven It'sa claasroom I amten Look,look,look! Wearefriends )chooliafun t r We'reat achool ) c h o o li a g r e a t i Wearestudenta He'aa teacher Heis latel : Wearecool 23

i!r,li l-i.tenandrePeat. That/ Those This/ These That This (far) (near) Thisisa crocodile. Thatisaneleohant. These Thosei Thosaereeleohants. (near) (far) I Thesaerecrocodiles. /d /4 1.9 / i;zz;1Lookat Peter'sphotographsR. eadand circle.Listenand check. t @l rhatisahipPo' 2 These/ Thosearebirds. 3 Thisi Thatisa giraffe, 4 These/ Thoseareelephants. 5 This/ Theseisatiger, 6 Those/ Thatarezebras. 24

This / That - These / Those Writelhis, That,Ihese or lhose. \"What's Lhig \"What's \"lt'sa bus.\" \"lt'sa motorbike.\" \"Whaat re \"They'rpelanes.\" \"What's \"What's \"lt'sa helicopter.\" \" l t ' sa t r a i n . \" \"Whaatre \"What's \"They'rloerries.\" \"lt'sa car,\" 25

O rhis / That - These/ Those write rhis, That,rheseor Those. Pointto objectsin the classroom. 26

hr.$ t-istenandrepeatT. henactout. .--_ Thereiaa book, Whatis thereon Affirmative Negative Interrogative LongForm ShortForm LongForm ShortForm Thereis There's Thereisnot Thereisn't lsthere? Thereare Therearenot Therearen't Arethere? hz+li Readand circle.Listenand check. 1 qfere 9/Thereareateacheinr theclassroom. 2 Thereis/Theraerea boardintheclassroom, 3 Thereis/Theraerethreeboysintheclassroom, 4 Thereis/Theraerea chaiirntheclassroom. 5 Thereis/Theraerefourbagsintheclassroom. 6 Thereis/Theraerethreedeskisntheclassroom. 7 ThereisiTheraeretwowindowinstheclassroom. 8 Thereis/Theraerefivenotebookinsthe classroom. 27

There is / There are ffi f-oofat the pictureandwritequestionsandanswers. #* 1 Are there , threesheep? 6 onehorse? 7 o n em a n ? Ne,.Vheraeron'L.Thereare Lweeheep. 8 threetrees? twocninrenl 2 Are there threegeese? o n eb i r d ? Yeo,L. hereare, 3 ,,, twodogs? 4I 5 . twocows? 10 28

There is / There are aoo* at the picture.Filt in: thereis, there isn?, there are,there aren't. 1 Thero.r.e a doginthegarden. 2 .. a catinthegarden. 3, threetreesinthegarden. 4 twogirlsinthegarden. 5 atableinthegarden, 6 fourchairisnthegarden. 7 twoboysinthegarden. 8 a mousienthegarden. Describethe pictureto your partner. tll,r. y,rts Look at the picturefor a minute.Closeyour book and try to remember. twooloPhanteonealli7ator throolions twozabraa on7liTer fourmonkaYe A: Aretheretwoelephants? B: No,therearen'Tt.hereisoneelephant. 29

Progress Gheck 3 (Units 5-6) write rhis, That,rheseor rhose. 1 Thie isa birds. elephants. crocodile. 6 are \\l balloon. strawberries, Y] ll /l l 7 are erasers. Write lhere's , There are,Thereisnt or There aren't. 1 achair 6 fourballs ,,There'oa chaiirnthegarden. fourballsinthegarden, 2 tourchildren 7 onemouse f o u rc h i l d r ei nt h eg a r d e n . o n em o u sient h eg a r d e n , 3 threebirds 8 threetrees , threebirdsinthegarden. threetreesinthegarden. 4 abike 9 acat a bikeinthegarden. a catinthegarden. 5 atable 10 fourdogs a t a b l ei nt h eg a r d e n , f o u rd o g si nt h eg a r d e n , 30

Progre,ss Check 3 @.:Et:itr.*r:lj{+ili*ilrii,lltllljrllitl' iittwfrttt:it; irijtititiiwi.t# @ *t,,e intheplural. 4 Thaitsanowl. T h i si sa ne l e p h a n t . 5 Thisisatiger. Theaeare elephanf,a, 6 Thereisanalligator, Thatisa zebra. 3 Theriesa lion. lEffidO O itrutiListenandcolourT. hereis oneexample. %eK' eAs, €-^/ ^4, Theraeremonkeya ^xp@ Therea'aliont,oo w sf ur,e Therea'ahippo /h:{ ail- Theraeretigerat,oo ^ Bllt p ffi T:;',ff,'::r:,ezooT:;',:::;:::nezooffi#wdP*-D Therea'sbiqqreyelephantTherea'snoctopua T-il-ft- Andthereii penquintoao, Andtherearedolphinto,o A V VV weareh'ppy wearehuppy n frl ffi%*n *':':,:::'::\" ::::':.\"'oo' 31

[;rrd Li\"ten and rePeat.Thenact out. Thatisn'tyourdreaa,'\", i_eruu6ri,vememydreoop, leaoe! Thatia Mum'edreaa. : i Thatia Dad'shat. It'a hiahat. 4. It'aherdreaa,=-' John,7ivmee myhat,pleaoe!. Personapl ronouns Possessiveadjectives Possessivepronouns I my mtne y0u y0ur he his yours sne ner his it its hers our WE your ours their yours you theirs they Possessivecase I Weuse's withone person or animal. U ffi Mary'sschoolbag :I]We uses' with morethanone personor anim theboysdogs BUT @ffia /x#T themen'shats 32

Possessives O n\"\"d andcircle. 1 Thi sir -/--\\. r $ ) / Marksb' ike. 5 It'sthedoctor'/sdoctorsb' ag. 6 That'tsheelephantise' lephantn'sose. Qta 7 ThesaereSam's/ Samsb' ooks. 8 They'rtehechildren/'schildrens'toys, 2 They'rtehedogs'/dog'stails. 3 lt'sEmmai'sEmmas'house. 4 Thosearethepeople'/speoplesc'ars. @ *t*e'sor'. 1 That'Lsisa'6,.. jacket. 5 ThisisDad umbrella. 2 They'rteheboys books. 6 Thesaerethewomen dresses. 3 ThoseareTom , pens. 7 Thosearegirls hats. 4 lt'sthebaby bed. 8 They'rtehelions tails. Gomplete. Theswe atcheasreformen. ? Thesaeren'ttoysforbabies. Thesaere men'7waf,Cheg Thesaeren't Thesaerehatsforwomen. ThisbikeisforLisa. Theseare T h i si s Arethesegamefsorboys? ThatbagisforJake. Arethese Thaits @ Corplete. 1 Thisis Tony'e bicycle. 2 Thisis schoolbag. 3 Thesaerethe hats, 4 Thisis camera. b@ 5 Thesaerethe books. 33

V Possessives C write the possessiveadiectives. 1 (He)..Uiq\".fatheirsa doctor. 6 (He) eyesareblue. 2 (l) . sisteirstenyearsold. 7 (We) dogiswhite. 3 (They) . carisred. 8 (He). motheirsa teacher. 4 (You). bicycleasreold; . I (They) . brotheirstall. 5 (She) . houseisbig. 10 (l) . . .. \". \" sisteirsMary. il Writethe possessivepronouns. 1 lt'slvan''s \". nt2\" 4 lt'stheboysb' alll.t's 5 lt'syourgamel.t's 2 lt'sSarahw'satchl.t's. . \" 6 lt'smybikel.t's 3 lt''s I n\"\"o anocrrcre. 6 ThisisJohn'sbedl.t'shis/ herbed. 7 Thebrownhatismy/ mine. 1 Costais@/ minefriend. ' 8 Dimitristheir/ theirsson. 2 Thiscaristheir/ theirs. 9 My/ Minejackeitsred. 3 lt isAnn'sdressl,t'sher/ hersdress. 10 ThisisJane''sher/ hersbag. 4 Thesebooksareyour/ yours. 5 Thisisour/ ourshouselt.'sour/ ours. fizaliMatchthe sentencesL.istenandcheck. 1 Thisisourcar. a lt'shers. 2 ThisisAya'sjacket, b They'rteheirs. 3 Thisismydog. c They'ryeours. 4 Thesaeremyfriendsb'ikes. d lt'shis. 5 ThisisAhmedc'samera. e lt'sours. 6 Theseareyourbooks. f lt'smine. ,' 34 .,

@ writethesentences. Possessives O 1 0liver cat Thtsie )liver'e caL, It'e hrecat, Threcat r.ehte. . 2'lhes,sgR 3 Luigi 4 theboys 5 MrBrown hat 6 Rose 35

O Possessives 6 lsthisthedoctorcsar? 7 MybrothernsameisBob. ffi eut'in thecorrecptlace. 8 ThisisTinasdesk. 9 Thesaeremyfriendrsadios. 1 Arethesetheboysb' ikes? 10 Thosearethewomenhsouses. 2 ThisisKimsdress. 3 What'ysourmumsname? 4 Arethesethechildrenbsags? 5 Thosearethegirlscameras, Pick an itemfrom the bag.Ask questionsto find out whose it is. A: lsthisyourpenciMl, ary? B: No,itisn'mt inel.t'sSam's. A: Sami,sthisyourpencil? C: Yesi,'smypencil. Pointto objectsin the classroom.Guesswhosethey are. Wn.r.Org

ff t'\"tenandrepeat.Thenact out. No.lcan't., |Canyou b-- { ,cu,yoiuwim?) W,:,ffi u,youfi cananawer yourqueotiona, tennia? Affirmative Negative Interrogative ShortAnswers Longform Shortform I can Icannot Ican't Canl? Youcan Hecan Youcannot Youcan't Canyou? Canyoudrive? Shecan Hecannot Hecan't Canhe? Itcan Yes,I can. Wecan Shecannot Shecan't Canshe? No,lcan' t. Youcan Itcannot ltcan't Canit? Theycan Wecannot Wecan't Canwe? Youcannot Youcan't Canyou? Theycannot Theycan't Canthey? lleol)Readand circle.Listenand check.Listenand repeat. 1 Hecan/(cfrtr 2 Hecan/ can't 3 | can/ can'tplay 4 Theyc?ni can't swim. ridea bike. thisguitar. jump. {n 5 Youcoil/ can't 6 | can/ can'tcook. 7 WeGoni can't 8 ltcan/ can'tfly. run. see. 37

tGant Cantheywalk? No, @ on\"*er thequestions. 1 Canherun? Yes, hecan. 3 Canheswim? Canheridea horse? No, No, C a nh ec l i m b ? C a nA n ns i n g ? Yes, Yes, C a ns h ej u m p ? Canhedrive? No, No, C a ni t r e a d ? o c) 10 Cantheyfly? No, { No,,, .o (2 @ ert the words in the correctorder to makesentencesas in the example: 1 s w i ml l l ca n/v ery w el l 4 cooklcanlhel? ! can sutimvery wqll,, 5 can'/t Ann/ playtheguitar 2 they/ playbasketba/ lcl anI ? 3 Tony/ ridea bike/ can 6 drivea carI youI canI ? 3B

'Gant @ Wn\"l canlcantyou do?Writesentences. swim r$dea **r** uualk run ***g PlaYthe guitar mfifrmtufly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Find out what your partnercanlcan'tdo. Look and say. drive ride swim play sing dance Yea,I can./ No,lcan't,

Prryre€:,{heek 4,filnite 7-8/ I n\"\"d andcircle. 4 His/ Hecatisblack. 5 Arethesebookosur/ ours? 1 Thisis6l) / minehouse. 6 Thact aristheir/ theirs. 2 Bobisher/ hersdad. 3 Thebluedresissyour/ yours. I wtitethecorrecwt ords. my youl Thesearetheboysb' ikesT. hesebikesare 4 You'retelnt'.s .... birthdaytoday. 5 We'resistersT.hesejeansare . . t h e i r E.. . 6 Hi, Ca m illsat.h is . . . . d o g ? 2 Lookatthecat! . . . . tailisverylong. 3 ThisisMum'hsatT. hishatis . I wtitethesentences. 1 Emm/abook Itr',. 2 themen/ cars 3 thedogs/ tails 4 Tom/ jacket 5 theteache/rdesk 6 thechildre/nbags I writethesentencesU.secanor can't. 1 dogs/ drive Qo^\" 2 birdsi fly 3 cats/ read 4 fish/ swim 5 snake/swalk I *:€+ffi

Progre,ss Check 4 '$ ) write the questionsand answers. &ffiru A 1 swim 2 cook 3 run 4 drive CaniL ewim? Yee,iL can. 8ffi6€ o1lsrlf Readthe questions.Listenand writea name or a number.Therearetwo examples. Whaitstheboy'sname? AIex Howoldishe? 10 1 Whaitshisfriendn'same? z Howoldisshe? 3 Whaitsherdog'sname? 4 HowmanycatsarethereatAlex'hsouse? Canyoujumpandtouchtheoky? Canyoudrinkandcanyoueat? ff Canyouokip,canyoufly? Canyouwalkalonqthe atreet? Canyouswimandclimbuphiqh? Canyouotampwithbothyourfeet? Canyouoinqwithme? Canyouoin6withme? Canyouliaten,canyoulook? Canyoucatchandcanyouthrow? # Canyoucleanandcanyoucook? Canyouwatcha W show? CanyoureadanEn6liabhook? CanyouwaveandshoutHELL)? Canyouoinqwithme? Canyouoin6withme? 41

G, t,\",enandrePeat. Closethedoor, ?leaaedon'ttalk! pleaoe! Positive Negative (baseverb) (don't+ bareform) Weusethe imperativeto tell someonewhatto do or whatnotto do. il.oti Matchthe sentenceswith the pictures.Listenand check.Listenand repeat. Closethewindowp,lease! Pleasdeon'teatsomuch! M Doyourhomework! Pleasdeon't akephotos! Pleasehelpmewiththedishes! Don't stL on thaL charr! 42

The Imperative tlssll Listenand repeat. We useLet'sto makea suggestion. @ U.\" thephrasesto writesentenceass in theexampte: Can€e playfootball g ot o t h ez o o gofora ride 1 Let'edance, 4 5aJ .n F\\ @ tutn the positiveimperativesinto negatives,and the negativesinto positives. 1 Gotobedt Don'tqo to bed! 4 Eatyourbreakfast! 2 Clostehedoor! 5 Don'ltookather!, 3 Dont'at lk! 6 Listetnohiml , . *=@ Tell your partnerwhat to do. Your partnerdoes it. standup closethedoor dance write sitdown goout talk eat )Land up!@ sLandeup) D: 7tL down!(A ertedown) 43

|;.ui Li=tenand repeat.Thenact out. Jeanhasgota camera. Jimhasgota bike. Wehavegof a Havetheygota dog? rabbit. No,theyhaveng'tota dog. Theyhavegota rabbit. i\" I have6ota bike, Affirmative Negative Interrogative LongForm ShortForm LongForm ShortForm I havegot l'vegot I havenotgot I haveng'tot HaveI got? Youhavegot You'vgeot Youhavenotgot Youhaveng'tot Haveyougot? Hehasgot He'sgot Hehasnotgot Hehasng'tot Hashegot? Shehasgot She'sgot Shehasnotgot Shehasng'tot Hasshegot? Ithasgot lt'sgot Ithasnotgot Ithasng'tot Hasitgot? Wehavegot We'vegot Wehavenotgot Wehaveng'tot Havewegot? Youhavegot You'vgeot Youhavenotgot Youhaveng'tot Haveyougot? Theyhavegot They'vgeot Theyhavenotgot Theyhaveng'tot Havetheygot? In AmericanEnglishwe use: Affirmative I havey,ouhaveh,ehass,hehasi,thasw, ehavey,ouhaveth, eyhave Negative I don'ht avey,oudon'ht aveh,edoesnh'taves,hedoesnh'tave, itdoesnh'tavew, edon'ht avey,oudon'ht avet,heydon'ht ave Interrogative DoI haveD? oyouhaveD? oeshehaveD? oes hehaveD? oesit have?Dowehave?Doyouhave?Dotheyhave? 44

'Have / Have gotn ffi n\"\"dandcircle. l wetras/@ Shehas/ have 3 | has/ havegota Hehas/ havegot l o n gh a i r . radio. twoballoons, redbikes. €qffie) 'ffiF 6 Youhas/ have 7 Theyhas/ have 8 Wehasi havegot gota horse. Ithas/ havegot apples. acomputer. longears. ,,O *r,,e hasor have. 1 She. . . h a o a watch. 5 They . newbags. 6 You ,,gotapen, 2 We , , gotbluejackets. 7l. twooranges. 8 She . gotpencils, 3 It , a longtail. 4 He a redhat. ( wti,e four things you havegot. 45

'Have / Have got' f\\:4-/) ritt in thegapsas in theexamptes: 1 | haveqot a pencil. (ve 4ot apencil. 2 He a balloon. He aballoon. 3 We a bicycle. We a bicycle. 4 You friends. You friends. 5 Mary a nu m b r e l l a . Mary a nu m b r e l l a . 6 | havenoL7oL a ball, t haven'tq. oL a ball. 7 She a radio, She aradio. 8 We a helicopter. We a helicopter. 9 They asister. They asister. 10 LydiandMark a computer. Lydia ndMark acomputer. Writethe sentences.Use has got, havegot, haven'tgotor hasnt got. she/ doll they/ books 3 he/car the hae qoL a doll. Tt htrveJ v thtaavvvtr e n ' f .u vrJtvnt t pooK9, 4 itI a longtail 5 we/ kites fffr 6 you/ blackhair 46

sHave / Have got' I wt:te the sentencesin the negative. Theyhavegotumbrellas. 4 Youhavegota parrot. 5 Hehasgota car. . . . Lhey.hauen.ltqot.umhrela.lp.. Wehavegota TV, Shehasgota cat. 6 Wehavegotbikes. I writefourthingsyouhaven't got. Note:We useandto join similarthings. I writethesentences. Tony ( ( Emma.and-Bgn :..'t ' r' ',' r' ffi$#',t Clarc..''-\"'' '' r' .=... ..,i. .y' ,.,f : r' ,....:'.r,' ffiii''r, Ann and Bill 1 Tal !no.aW\".a\"a0\"rnpa.unpde.aJeiame(a,'wt 2 .. 3 .. 4 d47$=

'Have / Have got' Short Answers Yesl,/wehave. No,l/wehaven't. Haveyougota book? Yesh, e/she/hitas. No,he/sheh/iat sn't. Hashe/sheg/itotbigears? hsz11Writethe questionsand answers.Listenand check. 1 A n nai p e n c i l ? theboysI acat? HaeAnn7ot a Havethe boyeqot .pencil? Yee,ehehae. a- u-^a+v2? No,they haven't. ,Thqy'ueqof a brrd, 3 you/ flowers? 4 she/acar? 5 Tom/aguitar? you/ a kite? 7 h el a b a l l ? 8 they/ hats? 9 the girl/ a camera? '-#tO theclown/ bananas? 48

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