Purpose Statement “We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities.”An EEOAffirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides -equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements. Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so as early as possible prior to the program or activity so that proper arrangements can be made. Requests are confidential.4 4 4 4- -- -H Express H Expressss H ExpreH ExpressApril/May 2021 April/May 20211 Ap Apr il/ M a y 20 2r il/ M a y 20 2 1Editor: Holy Luerssen Editorr E Ed it o d it o r— Production: Rebecca Kludy ProductionnP r o d u c t ioP r o d u c t io nHello All Volunteers, 4 H Youth, and Extension, -As Spring is upon us, let us look to longer days and warmer weather! I hope the winter was enjoyable and spent with loved ones. This past year has been a challenge for us all. One thing I have learned is that we are resilient, and we adapt. Now that we can start to gather, look for more communications and updates from your clubs and groups. 4H has been working this winter to improve programming and training. As I write this article there is a group from across the state that is meeting virtually, improving training programming for parent volunteers. The diverse group is spending a good deal of time looking at realistic scenarios and how best to approach the situations that may arise during trips and at camps. YES, we will be having trips again. This commitment to volunteers and youth is just one example of the dedication and professionalism that 4H brings to the table. Even in the current environment, we are continuing to evaluate, revise and plan for the future.It is my hope that we will once again be able to meet and have a county fair this summer. Please continue to work on your projects and care for those animals! Better days are coming! Our Leaders Association has been meeting virtually this past year and making the best of the current situation. The Leader’s Association is committed to the development of Lincoln County youth and providing experiences and learning opportunities for all of Lincoln County. This dedicated group has worked on multiple projects to provide funding for programming and scholarship opportunities. The 4H pledge includes the following: My hands to larger service, My health to better living. Let’s look at the first part, larger service. Think back over the past several months. Have you contributed to a group or effort that is for the common good or positively impacts others? How about the second, better living. During our time spent at home. Have we spent it productively or on the couch?Wishing you a warm and prosperous Spring! Chad Lashua4 H Leaders’ Association President-
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c olnC o u n ty in c olnC o u n ty 4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s2 Planning for Club and Planning for Club andd P Pla n n in gforC luba nla n n in gforC luba n dHappy Spring! What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time we were closing down our in person meetings and shifting to virtual formats. This spring, we are able to open up our in person programming and continue virtual programming. Have you heard that guidelines for April and May in person meetings has been expanded? You should have received an email from Dei, the 4-H Program Manager on March 10 . It explained how you can hold in person thindoor and outdoor meetings safely. Please review it. Here are a few highlights. •Indoor Program Guidelines:Indoor Program Guidelines:: I In d o o rP r o g ra m G u id e l in e sn d o o rP r o g ra m G u id e l in e s :•30% of room capacity, up to 50 people.Ex: if room capacity is 100, then only 30 people are allowed.•Up to 4 hours•No eating indoors; Pre-packaged snacks can continue to be sharedbut must take them home.•Face Covering are still required.•Outdoor Programs:Outdoor Programs:: O Ou td o o rP r o g ra m su td o o rP r o g ra m s :•Up to 150 that can be spread out.•Face Coverings only needed when spacing of 6 feet or less cannot bemaintained.•Continue to provide handwashing/sanitizer, disinfecting wipes forclean-up and sanitizing equipment between uses.•If local mandates are stricter we must follow those.•More details about in person programs & events can be found athttps://4h.extension.wisc.edu/4-h-faqs-related-to-covid-19/Approval Forms are still required. Updated forms are available at Approval Forms are still requiredd A Ap p r o v a lF o rm sa r e s t i l lr e q u ir ep p r o v a lF o rm sa r e s t i l lr e q u ir e dhttps://4h.extension.wisc.edu/files/2021/03/ProgramPlanningChecklist-4.pdf (or just google WI 4-H COVID to find the website and download theProgram Planning Checklist). Program Planning Checklistt P Pr o g ra m P la n n in g C h e c k l isr o g ra m P la n n in g C h e c k l is tIt is exciting to see a few of our clubs and projects have already started to plan for April and May educational meetings. I would like to encourage you to think about planning club or project meetings for this spring. The 4-H families are eager to get back in the swing of things. Don’t worry about Donn’’t worry about D oD o n ’tw o r r ya b o u ttw o r r ya b o u thaving to plan a lot. Starting small is ok! If you would like to discuss having to plan a lot. Starting small is ok!! h ha v in g top la na lo t .S ta r t in g sm a l liso ka v in g top la na lo t .S ta r t in g sm a l liso k !possibilities for meetings, just ask. Please do not forget to submit a program approval form. They are easy to fill out. Submit them to me 10 days or more before the meeting/event. The more time you give, the easier it is to get through the system. If you are planning reoccurring meetings, please note that on the form. For instance, your club meets the second Monday of the Month.
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 13 Project Meetings Project Meetingss P Pr o j e c tM e e t in gr o j e c tM e e t in g sWhere to meet? Where to meet? W Wh e r e t om e e t ?h e r e t om e e t ?Check with your typical meeting space. They may or may not let outside organizations hold meetings. Or, the room capacity may not fit the needs of your group size. (Remember, 30% of capacity for indoor meetings). There are conference rooms available at the Lincoln County Service Center (where the 4-H office is located). You request those rooms through Becky in the Extension office (715-539-1072 or [email protected])We are eager and ready to help you get club and project 4-H educational programs up and running. Please contact us if you have any questions. Random Acts of Kindness Lets make the world a better place. Pay it Forward in May!
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s4 Can’s for Kids! Can’s for Kids!! C Ca n ’sf o rK id sa n ’sf o rK id s !We’re planning the next Cans For Kids 4-H Wee’’re planning the next Cans For Kids 44--H W W e ’ r ep la n n in g th en e x tC a n sF o rK id sr ep la n n in g th en e x tC a n sF o rK id s4 -H HFundraiser and we need you! Fundraiser and we need you!! F Fu n d r a is e ra n dw en e e d y o uu n d r a is e ra n dw en e e d y o u !The can collection fundraiser was a huge success last year and the 4-H raised over $600. HOWEVER, we need more volunteers to help out if we want to continue running this fundraiser. The most labor and time intensive part of the can drive is going through all the bags to make sure that they only contain aluminum cans. You can help! You can help!! Y Yo u c a n h e lpo u c a n h e lp !We need people who: • can help organize and run the can drive • can collect cans on a Saturday morning from 8 am—noon • have a trailer to haul cans either on that Saturday morning or at some time later that week. • can volunteer time to sort through and remove all things that are not non-aluminum cans If you would like to help with this great fundraiser, please call Jeanne at 715-218-0510.We are planning on holding the next can drive the end of April. We can’t do this We cann’’t do this W e c a W e c a n ’ td o th istd o th iswithout your help! without your help!! w wi th o u ty o u rh e lpi th o u ty o u rh e lp !
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 15 4 44 4- -- -H Online Update H Online Updatee HO n l in eU p d a tHO n l in eU p d a t eCheck your 4-H Online Account! We are seeing a few areas where youth or adults have not completed their 4-H online enrollments correctly. • Youth: Double Check Project Enrollment. You can change your project enrollments if needed, but do that ASAP. Last day to add or change projects on 4-H Online is June 1st (This year only.) • Adults: Are you associated with a club? Check Club Volunteer Role and select a club. Are you associated with a project? Check Project Volunteer Role and select a project. • Adult Approvals: Are you needing a background check, VIP Training or Mandated Reporter Training? Approvals will not be given un/l all three areas are completed per State 4-H guidelines. All pieces must be completed by April 15, 2021 or Adult Volunteer status will not be completed. See le4er sent in March. • Events & Ac#vi#es: More and more event and ac/vity enrollments will be done through 4-H online. Check out the current opportuni/es for youth and adults now. • Broadcast Emails: Broadcast emails are a tool our office uses to share out important informa/on for projects, ac/vi/es, trainings, and more. Be sure to read emails sent through 4-H online. • Enrollments: Do you know someone that forgot to enroll in 4-H this year? Or, do you know someone you could invite in join 4-H? Share the enrollment website informa/on with them. Then let us know at the office and we will mail out some 4-H informa/on to encourage them to enroll. • Quesons? Contact Becky or Holly, we are happy to help. 715-539-1072 or [email protected] or [email protected]
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s6 County-wide Projects Countyy--wide Projectss C Co u n t o u n t y -w id eP r o j e c tw id eP r o j e c t sWe are planning our first meeting this year and can’t wait to see you all there! We will go over a lot of info- fair dates and info, possibly a fun show and clinic, T-shirt’s and more so please try your best to join us. MONDAY, APRIL 19 at 630 PM - LCSC RM 255. Any questions please email me at [email protected] With these warmer temperatures coming up, hopefully Spring is on your mind. That also means it is time for the Mandatory Sheep & Swine Meeting. Due to COVID, we are not able to physically meet in person at this time. Instead, if you are planning on showing pigs or sheep for the fair, please text Holly (715-218-4383) with your name, species you are going to show, and how many you are \"weighing\" in by Saturday April 10. Folders and ear tags must be picked up at the Co-op by Kyle starting after Monday April 12. The Registration Form and the MASS Code of Conduct (last page of rules) must be returned to Kyle by April 24. Pictures for \"weigh in\" must be emailed to [email protected] by April 24 at noon. Please keep an eye on the Facebook page for upcoming educational credit opportunities. If you attend something virtually, a write up of what you learned (no longer than a page; handwritten) and a confirmation of registration email printed off (if available) should be turned in together. These virtual events will count towards your educational credits. Project LeadersProject Leaderss P Pr o j e c tL e a d e rr o j e c tL e a d e r s: It’s time to start planning in-person : It’s time to start planning inn--person : :I t ’s t i m et os t a r tplan n i n giI t ’s t i m et os t a r tplan n i n gi n - p e r s o np e r s o nmeetings. Contact Holly for approval forms and to meetings. Contact Holly for approval forms and to m me e t i n g s .C o n t a c tH ollyf o ra p p r o v al f o r m sa n dt oe e t i n g s .C o n t a c tH ollyf o ra p p r o v al f o r m sa n dt odiscuss the specifics. It’s a simple process. Remember, discuss the specifics. It’s a simple process. Remember, d di s c u s s t h es p e c i f i c s .I t ’sas i m plep r o c es s .R e m em b e r ,i s c u s s t h es p e c i f i c s .I t ’sas i m plep r o c es s .R e m em b e r ,you must have approval before hosting a meeting. you must have approval before hosting a meeting. y yo um u s th a v ea p p r o v al b e f o r eh o s t i n gam e e t i n g .o um u s th a v ea p p r o v al b e f o r eh o s t i n gam e e t i n g .
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 17 and SPIN Clubs and SPIN Clubss a n d S P I N C lu ba n d S P I N C lu b sThe 4-H Dog is ready to get started! Now is the time to check on the dog’s vaccines. Are they up to date? They must be current by June 7, 2021 or they may not attend the training workshops. Mark these dates! Mark these dates!s! M Ma rk these da t ea rk these da t e s!May 24th May 24thh M Ma y 24ta y 24th— Orientation Meeting at the Lincoln County Service Center @ 6pm Monday, June 7th Monday, June 7thh M Monda y, June 7tonda y, June 7t h— First Dog Training Workshop @ 6pm Every Monday to the fair Weekly Dog Training Workshops @ 6pm Every Monday to the fairirE v ery Monda y to the faE v ery Monda y to the fa ir—Watch the mail in early May for a packet with information and forms for 4-Hers to fill out before starting classes. Have questions? Contact Bridie Mass at 715-536-1807or [email protected]. The clothing project will continue to meet on a regular basis on the second Monday of the month, for the rest of the year, except for September and December. NOTE: There will be a change to the time, we will now meet from 5:30-7:30 pm. We will continue to meet in the Lincoln County Service Center, however the room will be determined based on how many attendees we have and the current health guidelines and meeting requirements. With that in mind, please contact Maxine Schuetze (715-212-2838 or [email protected]) if you are interested in taking part in a project meeting. THANK YOU! In April we plan on setting goals to work toward up until the fair (or when the fair would normally take place). We will also make hair scrunchies and continue on individual projects.
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s8 Coordinators Needed for 2021! Coordinators Needed for 2021! C Co o r d in a t o r sN e e d e d f o r 2 0 2 1 !o o r d in a t o r sN e e d e d f o r 2 0 2 1 !The Dairyland Ice Cream Stand is also an important fundraising opportunity for Lincoln County 4-H. But did you know that it is also the perfect way for Youth and their families to fundraise for their own clubs, groups, or even individual 4-H trips and leadership opportuni/es? The Dairyland Stand operates during the Lincoln County Fair each year. 4-H members and their families are encouraged to work a shi> serving ice cream. This year the Dairyland Stand is in need of coordinators. Coordinator du/es are: • Order supplies & Ice Cream • Work with Extension Office to fill shi>s • Set Up & Clean of Stand (Before & A>er Fair) • Open & Close the Stand Each Day • Balance the Cash Box • Make Deposits • Any other du/es as deemed necessary Two or three volunteer coordinators would be helpful so one person does not have to bear too much responsibility during fair. Older youth could assist the adult coordinators in an organiza/onal role also. Contact the Extension Office if you’d like to learn more about the role of a Dairyland Stand Coordinator or if you’d like to volunteer to help lead this profitable fundraiser.
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 19 National Volunteer Week National Volunteer Weekk N Na t io n a lV o lu n t e e rW e ea t io n a lV o lu n t e e rW e e kWe are all volunteers.Every adult 4 H member is a volunteer whether you lead a club, -—organize a project, run a group event or chaperone and assist the youth—YOU are the reason that 4 H succeeds.-April 18 24 is National Volunteer Week.—Let’s all should stand up and take bow!But whey stop there? The Lincoln County 4 H volunteer community is -what makes our program so amazing, so let’s continue to grow that community!• Call up another volunteer who has helped you and thank them for their hard work! • Post to Facebook (or other social media outlet) celebrating our awesome 4-H volunteers and all the good they do. • Write a letter to the editor sharing your admiration of all the hard work LC 4-H volunteers do. • Guide the future of the program by joining the LC 4-H Board of Directors • Reach out to a new 4-H family and show them the volunteer opportunities available. • Talk to your club/group leader and ask what you can do to help! • Give yourself a pat on the back. How to build a stronger 4-H Volunteer Community! How to build a stronger 44--H Volunteer Community!! H Ho w t o b u i ld a s t r o n g e ro w t o b u i ld a s t r o n g e r4 - H V o lu n t e e rC om m u n it yH V o lu n t e e rC om m u n it y !
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s10 AprilAprill A Ap r ip r i l12 ----------- -4 H Clothing Project LCSC, 5:30 pm—15 ----------- DEADLINE: Completion of Adult Volunteer process18 24- ------- National Volunteer Week! Thank a volunteer!19 ----------- -4 H Horse Project LCSC, 6:30 pm—MayMayy M Ma a yRandom Acts of Kindness Month!1 ------------- DEADLINE: Lincoln County 4 H Scholarship Application-10 ----------- DEADLINE: Registration for 4 H Communication Contest- --------------- -4 H Clothing Project LCSC, 5:30 pm—17 ----------- -4 H Horse Project LCSC, 6:30 pm—22 ----------- Communications Contest LCSC, 8:00 am—24 ----------- -4 H Dog Project Orientation Meeting LCSC, 6:00 pm—31 ----------- Memorial Day Lincoln County Extension Office Closed—JuneJunee J Ju nu n e1 ------------- LAST DAY for youth to add or change projects7 ------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—14 ----------- -4 H Clothing Project LCSC, 5:30 pm— --------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—21 ----------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—28 ----------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—JulyJulyy J Ju lu ly7 ------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—12 ----------- -4 H Clothing Project LCSC, 5:30 pm— --------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—19 ----------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—26 ----------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—AugAugg A Au u g2 ------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—9 ------------- -4 H Clothing Project LCSC, 5:30 pm— --------------- -4 H Dog Project Training Workshop Festival Grounds, 6:00 pm—11 15- ------- Lincoln County FairNOTE: LCSC = Lincoln County Service Center, 801 N. Sales St, Merrill Meeting rooms may vary based on number of participants, please watch for signs!Calendar of Events Calendar of Eventss C Ca le n d a ro fE v e n ta le n d a ro fE v e n t sh4p://bit.ly/LC4HCalendarFor a COMPLETE listing of Lincoln County 4H Events, please visit: bit.ly/LC4HCalendar
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r il/M a y 2 0 2p r il/M a y 2 0 2 111 We’re on a ROLL! We’re on a ROLL!! W We ’r eo naR O L Le ’r eo naR O L L !This past year has looked different but Lincoln County 4-H clubs, members and groups have risen to the challenge. We’ve held virtual meeting, met in new and socially-distant ways and continued to provide all the terrific opportunities that make us great. We showed our reliance and persevered. And we even had fun. But let’s face it: We’d like to be able to do some of the things we used to do. The things that we missed last year. The events we looked forward to every year. GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! G GO O D N E W S !O O D N E W S !We are busy planning many of the familiar contests, festivals, camps and events that have been a traditional part of your 4-H experience. There may be a few modification (just to make sure we are all staying safe) but the we are moving forward! W WW Watch our Facebook (atch our Facebook ((a t ch o u rF a c e b o o ka t ch o u rF a c e b o o k (bit.ly/ExtLinFBbit.ly/ExtLinFBbit.ly/ExtLinFBbit.ly/ExtLinFB) and Instagram ) and Instagram ) )and Inst a g r a mand Inst a g r a m( ( ( (www.instagram.com/lincolncowi4h/www.instagram.com/lincolncowi4h// w ww w . inst a g r a m .c om / l inco lnco w i4hw w . inst a g r a m .c om / l inco lnco w i4h/) pages, the Lincoln ) pages, the Lincoln ) )p a g e s ,theL inco lnp a g e s ,theL inco lnCounty 4-H Blog (County 44--H Blog (( C Co untyo unty4 -H B lo gH B lo g (bit.ly/LC4HBlogbit.ly/LC4HBlogbit.ly/LC4HBlogbit.ly/LC4HBlog) and your email inbox (for ) and your email inbox (for ) )and y o u rem a i linbo x ( fo rand y o u rem a i linbo x ( fo remail from 4-H online) for more information! email from 44--H online) for more information!n! e em a i lf r omm a i lf r om 4 -H o nline)fo rm o r e in fo rm a t ioH o nline)fo rm o r e in fo rm a t io n!In person YQCA training is being offered! Who: All youth ages 8—18, enrolled in the beef, sheep, swine, poultry, goat, dairy and rabbit projects. When: May 1st, 10 am—11:15 am Where: LCSC, Room 255 (Assembly Room) Cost: $3.00 Register online: h4ps://yqca.learngrow.io/Account/LoginSeats are limited, register today! Can’t make this session? Consider a4ending the May 8th training in An/go from 10-11:15am or take it online.
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c olnC o u n ty in c olnC o u n ty 4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s12 Older Youth Opportunities Older Youth Opportunitiess O Old e rYouthO p p o r t u n it ield e rYouthO p p o r t u n it ie s4-H Scholarship Opportunity Hey 4-Hers, are you a Senior in high school planning on a4ending college in the fall? Now is the /me to apply for the Lincoln County 4-H Scholarship. For more informa/on go to: bit.ly/LC4HScholarship Applica/ons are completed online by midnight on May 1, 2021. This summer there will be many leadership opportuni/es for youth (6th Grade & Older) to be involved in. Details are s/ll being worked out. More informa/on will be shared out as we get it. Here are a few programs with details coming soon. Watch you emails for more informa/on. 1.Wisconsin Youth Conference—(tradi/onally held in Madison): Possibly oneday in person event at several loca/ons throughout the state along withsome virtual programs.2.Cizen Washington Focus (tradi/onally held in Chevy Chase, Maryland):Virtual conference opportunity3.State Fair Youth Expo (West Allis, WI)A. Ac/vity Sta/ons B. Clothing Revue C. Performances D. Want more informa on? Check out: h4ps://wistatefair.com/compe//ons/youth-expo/ E. Par/cipa/on in the Wisconsin State Fair Youth Expo Department is open to any Wisconsin resident 12-19 years of age as of January 1st of the current year.
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 113 Summer Camp 2021 Summer Camp 202121 S Sum m e rC a m p20um m e rC a m p2021Summer guidance, including regula/ons for 4-H Summer Camp, is expected to be released by mid-April. We are very hopeful to host in person overnight camps again this year. Once details are known, we will quickly share out what camp can look like. We will also share out recruitment for camp counselors, adult volunteers, and of course, camper registra/on. Keep your eyes on your email, the Extension website, and Facebook for more informa/on. Let s go to - -- -H H H H Lett s go to L Le e t ’ sg o t osg o t ocamp in 2021! camp in 2021!! c cam p in2 0 2 1am p in2 0 2 1 !
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s14 Virtual Learning Virtual Learningg V Vir t ua lL e a rn inir t ua lL e a rn in gPoultry Trivia: Saturday, April 17th at 6:30pm Zoom Meeting -Test out your poultry knowledge. We will be playing a trivia game with all types of facts about poultry!Virtual Fitness Club: Select Tuesdays in April and May. Join for one or join them all. Have fun learning about endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mindfulness in our beginner level fitness program. Free -series open to 3 6th graders, Tuesdays at 6:30pm on April 6, -April 20, May 4, and May 18.Teen Eats Virtual Series— Thursdays, April 8th May 13th @ 4:30pm-Through a series of six lessons, par-ticipants will experiment with dishes from across the globe including meals from breakfast to dessert. This cooking class series is focused on developing a variety of culinary skills while teaching basic principles of food science and nutrition. Students will also gain comfort with reading and preparing recipes. This class is intended for high school students and young adults who will eventually be responsible for preparing their own meals.
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r il/M a y 2 0 2p r il/M a y 2 0 2 115 Opportunities! Opportunities!es! O Oppor t u n it ippor t u n it ies!Wildlife & Woods Virtual Series: Weds: April 28 & May 26 at 7pmThese Wildlife & Woods Sessions and the corresponding planning meetings will provide a virtual opportunity for 4 H youth and -adults to connect and exchange valuable wildlife and forestry knowledge as well as develop life skills, access new opportunities and career connections. Each monthly session will have a stand alone theme such as Winter -Wonderland: Non hibernators and -conifers, A Tropical Trip to Florida, Song Birds & Fruit Trees, or Big Game & Mountain Trees.For more informa/on, including registra/on informa/on, on these workshops and more, check out the Virtual Learning Community webpage @ 4h.extension.wisc.edu/virtual-learning-community/vlcpar#cipate/or Google: WI 4-H Virtual Learning Community
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c o lnC o u n t yin c o lnC o u n t y4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s16 Stand Up And Stand Up And S St andU p Andt andU p And
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 117 Be Heard! Be Heard!! Be Be He a r d He a r d !bit.ly/LCCommContest21
Lincoln County 4-H Express Lincoln County 44--H Expresss L Lin c olnC o u n ty in c olnC o u n ty 4 -H E x p r e sH E x p r e s s18 Fair News! Fair News!ws! F Fa ir Nea ir News!The fair is a GO! The fair is a GO!! T Th e fairisaGOh e fairisaGO !The theme is “These are the Good Old Days!” Colors to decorate are red, green and black Get started on your projects and plan on taking part! Help out with the fair! Help out with the fair!Help out with the fair! Help out with the fair!The fair needs volunteer department superintendents:. There are the people who help set up and decorate the exhibitor areas, help the exhibitors and judges as needed and then take it all down at the end of the fair. Superintendents are needed for the following departments: •Animal & Veterinary Science (Junior department)•Electricity (Junior department)•Youth Leadership (Junior department)•Health & Citizenship. (Junior department)In the past there has been just one committee for these departments but it could be divided up. Some are smaller than others and some Judges will judge several of the departments. Never been a volunteer department superintendent before? Have no fear! Any training needed will be provided. Please call Cindi @ 715-218-7649 and leave a message. If you would rather staff the fair office or help in another way, you can do that, too! Just give Cindi a call! August 11th-15th, 2021
April/May 2021 April/May 20211 A Ap r i l/ M a y2 0 2p r i l/ M a y2 0 2 119 Fair Project Help! Fairr Project Help!! F Fa ia ir— P r o j e c tH e lpP r o j e c tH e lp !What 4-H project did you What 44--H project did you W Wh a t h a t4 - Hp r o j e c td i dy o uHp r o j e c td i dy o usign up for? Beef, Camping, sign up for? Beef, Camping, s si g nu pf o r ?B e e f ,C a m p i n g ,i g nu pf o r ?B e e f ,C a m p i n g ,Photography, Rock Photography, Rock P Ph o t o g r a p h y ,R o c kh o t o g r a p h y ,R o c kHounding, Weaving, or…? Hounding, Weaving, or…? H Ho u n d i n g ,W e a v i n g ,o r … ?o u n d i n g ,W e a v i n g ,o r … ?Extension has fabulous curriculum to help you learn or lead a project workshop. We have great resources in our office to help you get started. If we don’t have it, we will find it for you. Lincoln County’s Top 10 Project List by 2021 Member Enrollment 1. Art 2. Swine 3. Photography 4. Beef 5. Foods & Nutri/on 6. Vegetables 7. Legos 8. Woodworking 9. Cake Decora/ng 10. Dairy Other areas of interest: Bees, Flying, Geology, & Sign Language, Service Learning, Ci/zenship, Exploring Your Environment, & Many More Let us know how we can help you Let us know how we can help you L Le tu sk n ow h oww ec a nh e l py o ue tu sk n ow h oww ec a nh e l py o uprepare for fair! prepare for fair!! p pr e p a r ef o rf a i rr e p a r ef o rf a i r !
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