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Literary Reflection Great literature is simply language 生 charged with 花 meaning to the utmost possible degree.” 妙 -Ezra Pound 笔 211

让世界更美好 如果这个世界可以多一分包容,那这个社会就会少 又有什么不同?餐桌上那一道道的菜肴又是什么呢?你又 一次争吵、误会和排斥。在友情和爱情的道路上,有多 比他们好了吗?难道说,只有狗和猫才是动物,而鳄鱼、 少的人只因为“误会”这两个字而走散了。仔细想想,难 牛和大象就不是动物吗?虐待和猎杀的差别只在于一个不 道一点都不可惜吗?如果在那一段感情有裂痕之前,双方 至于死亡而另一个必死无疑;一个是为了快乐而另一个是 都能包容彼此,那么裂痕是不可能存在的。包容就是感情 为了金钱。如果我们都多一分善良,那么生活在森林的那 的润滑剂,没有了包容,就会有摩擦和争吵。如果社会多 些可怜的伙伴不会因为我们而死了。美国经常会发生枪击 了一分包容,我想,这个社会上的残疾人士将不会再受到 案,这些事情众所周知。如果这些人会多一点,就一点点 唾弃。有多少残疾人士因为身上的缺陷而找不到工作又或 的善良,我肯定他们不会这么做,因为他们知道,这个举 者遭人歧视。其实,如果我们愿意去包容他们的缺陷,他 动是凶残和血腥的。在这个无情的社会,善良扮演着重要 们也和我们一样,都是上帝创造的生物。每一个人都有缺 的角色。如果这个世界可以多一点善良,那么这个世界就 陷,我们的缺陷是肉眼看不见的,而他们的是肉眼可以看 可以更美好。 见的。那我们凭什么不去包容他们呢?包容就是理解和接 受。如果这个世界可以多一分包容,那么这个世界就可以 如果这个世界可以多一分良知,那么这个社会就会 更美好。 少一些心机、计算和破坏。黑心食品快速地在这个商场传 售。黑心白米、鸡蛋甚至是婴儿饮用的奶粉。这些商家, 如果这个世界可以多一点的清醒,那么这个社会就 以同样的价格卖出这个由化学物品制成的“食物”,想从 会少一次的犯错、不解和迷糊。试问这个世上有多少人活 中捞一大笔钱。如果他们有良知,他们会明白因为他们的 着却像死了一样,醒着却像醉了一样。多少人借着一瓶酒 贪婪,有多少人的健康受到威胁,从只有几个月大的婴孩 想让自己在“醉”之时活过来,其实他才是最清醒的。这 到超过八十几岁的老人无一幸免。那些为了赚钱贩卖毒品 个时候的他终于无需像个活死人一样。借酒卖疯也不过是 的人,难道就没有发现他们在造成道德沦陷吗?为了金钱 一种清醒。如果这个社会可以清醒,我想不会有那么多人 和利益,有多少人放弃了良知而祸害人间。如果他们多了 因为想不开而选择放弃生命。所有不在的你们,生命只有 一分良知,我相信他们不会这样做。社会人士倘若可以多 一次,不可惜吗?那个时候的你,在选择死神的当儿,你 一分良知,我想环境污染的问题就可以减少。如果每个人 以为你很清醒,其实你只是迷糊而犯错了。人非圣贤,孰 都拒绝破坏环境,试问环境有可能被污染吗?那自然是不 能无过。只不过,你这一错就无法回头了。如果多一分清 可能的。所以说,如果这个世界可以多一分良知,那么这 醒,青少年或许不会逃避而沉迷于网络甚至不会呆在夜店 个世界就可以更美好。 里花天酒地。如果他们清醒,他们会去面对问题,去看看 这个世界的美好,而不是让自己陷入另一个困境。如果这 如果这个世界可以多一点爱心,那么这个世界就会少 个世界可以多一点清醒,那么这个世界就可以更美好。 一次歧视、隔阂和战争。曾经,各国为了各自的利益、权 利或者为了宣传宗教而选择入侵他人的家园,把他人的家 如果这个世界可以多一分关怀,那么这个社会就会少 园占为己有。这些殖民地带的人民常年生活在困苦中。他 一点的冷漠、孤独和无情。街角的老人,无依无靠,终日 们劳苦换来的是低廉的工资,而他们所需的生活用品却是 以拾荒为生。社会人士倘若愿意,为何不赠他一套被子、 以高价出售。这种入不敷出的生活让他们活在无尽的苦海 一盒饭和一瓶水呢?被子能让他在冰冷的街角寻获那一点 中,想靠岸却无可奈何。终于在他们忍无可忍之下,他们 温暖;饭能让他的胃再次获取那一丝的温热;水能让他的 选择把外人逐出自己的国家,战争又再次发生了。从占领 心灵感应到那一分温度,让他知道,他的存在。把属于自 到解脱,战争是无法避免的。仔细想想,我们都是人,不 己的温暖献给孤儿院里那些无亲无故的孩子,他们的笑容 是吗?我们每个人都是上帝创造的生物,都是一条条珍贵 就是给你我最温暖的温暖。你有想过吗?如果键盘侠可以 的生命,为什么我们要互相残杀呢?国籍、宗教、肤色和 多一分关怀,或许上网寻求安慰的那个小女孩就不会踏上 性别都不该是让我们有所隔阂或者歧视他人的理由。我们 不归路,不是吗?你们和她不曾相识,那到底为什么你要 都是平等的,没有谁比谁等高贵或者更完美。如果人们都 去伤害她?她错了吗?其实她只是需要一点点的关怀,仅 多一点爱,这个社会就会更和平,而和平可以为世界带来 仅如此而已。把你的那句“你是个傻子”删了,换上一 安宁。 句“会好起来的”,很难吗?如果这个世界可以多一分关 怀,那么这个世界就可以更美好。 更美好的世界,是我的希望,也是我最大的愿望。我 想为这个逐渐黑暗的世界带来曙光,让那些绝望的人们再 如果这个世界可以多一点善良,那么这个社会就会少 次找到希望。爱,可以让我们更靠近。也可以让我们更亲 一些残忍、凶残和血腥。我们都在网络上看过不少动物被 近。唯有爱,才能使这个世界更美好。 虐待的影片,我想知道我们除了愤怒和责骂,我们还做了 什么?看看你们的皮鞋、皮包、装饰品和衣裳,你和他们 何子嫣 5S5 212

团聚 第一章 第三章 “喂,宝贝,是妈妈。对不起,这个学校假期,爸爸 接下来的半个月,我逐渐习惯了乡下的生活。外婆每 和妈妈都会到日本出差。我已经和妳的外婆说了会把你送到 天早上都会到果园去工作,而我也会到那儿去帮忙外婆。之 乡下,让她照顾你,你要乖乖,听外婆的话。”从电话的那 后,我知道那个送我到外婆家的老哥名叫孙泽田。他的父母 头可以听到妈妈急促的说话声和从喇叭里传来催促登机的广 亲在他十岁时的一场火灾中去世了。外婆可怜他,便收留了 播。“好了,爸爸和妈妈要准备登机了。拜拜,宝贝。”还 他。他时常在果园里帮忙外婆工作,以此来报答外婆对他的 没等我对妈妈说抗议的话,电话就已经挂掉了,我气得狠狠 养育之恩。他有时间就会带我到池塘边去钓鱼和抓青蛙。晚 地把我的苹果手机甩到了沙发上。毕竟这手机还买不到一个 上时,他也会带我去看萤火虫和星星。乡下的星星不像城市 月,我可舍不得把它甩到地上。随后,我便背上我的书包, 因为各种的灯光照射而显得弱小。星星在黑夜里就像宝石一 坐上了家里的宝马车。私人司机阿杰早已在驾驶座上等我 样一闪一闪的,非常漂亮。我们平躺在草地上,感受着夜晚 了,见到我怒气冲冲地上了车,吓得一句话都不敢说,安静 的冷风轻轻地抚过我们的脸庞,而我也不厌其烦地告诉他天 地把车开往圣母中学的方向。他可不想因得罪了老板的宝贝 上的星星是什么星座和它背后那美丽的传说。他总是静静地 女儿而失业呢! 听我说,从不打断我。 到达了校门口,我下了车便告诉阿杰今天学校有课外活 在一次的晚上,我独自坐在外婆家门外的石椅上望着我 动,需要留校到下午三时正,吩咐他准时来载我。 的手机。我看着手机里一张又一张我和家人的照片出了神。 突然,有一只手从我的背后伸到前面,并把我手里紧握着的 走进教室,我听见了清澈动听的声音在我的背后响 手机给抢走了,这让我吓了一大跳。在我看清楚那个人是谁 起。“早啊,依柔。”这是我的好朋友----紫慧,是班上的 时,我着急地想把我的手机从他的手中给夺回来,但奈何由 学霸。每次考试前,我都会请教她一些作答技巧。她为人谦虚 于身高的差距,我抢不过他,只好放弃了。他问我是不是想 好学,很多同学都很喜欢他。我向她点了点头,说了声早, 家了,我看着他并不说话,他也就静静地看着我,等待着我 便拉开椅子坐了下来。紫慧说:“明天就是学校假期了,妳有 的答案。随后我唯有承认说“是!”他笑了笑,在我的身旁坐 打算去哪里旅行吗?我和我的家人都会到日本看雪景,好期 了下来,给我讲了一个故事。故事是关于一个小男孩因贪玩 待啊!” 而在家里燃放鞭炮,结果家里着火了。小男孩的父母为了能 救出他们的孩子,不惜一切地冲进了火海把小男孩给救了出 听到日本两个字,压抑下来的怒气又升上来了。或许是 来,可他们却因为吸入过多的二氧化碳去世了!听到这里我 她感觉到了我的怒气,便忧心忡忡地问我怎么了。我一五一 沉默了。 十地把今天早上发生的事情告诉了她。“好啦,消消气吧! 你爸妈那么努力工作不也是为了你能丰衣足食,不想让你受 过了一会儿,他站起身,把手机还了给我,对我说了 苦。而且乡下的环境也挺不错,青山绿水,没有空气污染, 一句,“有些事情,你不说,没有人会知道你在想什么,要 也没有汽车所发出的吵杂声。”我听了她的话后翻了个白 珍惜自己所拥有的一切。”他便像我们第一次见面那样转身 眼。最大的问题是到了乡下后,那里没有网络可以让我上网 离开了,可我还是借着月亮发出的光芒清楚地看见了他脸上 玩游戏了,一想到这,我就觉得难受,我可能已经患上了社 留下的两行泪痕。 会上所说的手机症候群。上课的铃声响起了,原本吵闹的教 室瞬间变得安静,同学们都各自回到自己的座位上拿出课本 第四章 准备上课。 第二天一早,我和外婆说我要回家,外婆也没有因此 第二章 阻止我,但条件是我以后要多回乡下探望他,我跑去火车站 买了一张回程的车票,并且用火车站旁的公共电话打给了阿 我望向窗外的景色,一棵棵的树从我的面前经过,仿佛 杰,让他到火车站接我回家。 排列整齐的士兵在向我致敬。我记得最后一次和外婆见面是 在我六岁生日的时候,她那双温柔的手抚摸着我的头,吩咐 我站在火车站等待着火车的到来。我一手拿着行李, 妈妈多带我回乡下探望她。到了火车站,我一手提着行李, 另一手拿着外婆在果园里摘的水果,这是外婆在我临走前送 一手拿着给奶奶送的补品,下了车。 我的手信,让我带回家去享用。这个场景让我感到非常熟 悉,只不过这一次是回程。 我拖着笨重的脚步向外婆的家前进。距离火车站到外婆 家有十公里远,我想我还没到外婆家就会先累死了。幸运的 回到家,我打了个电话给爸爸妈妈,让他们回来陪我 是,有一位在火车站摆摊卖西瓜的老哥愿意用他的木头车给 度过这个假期。这一次我竟然哭了,以前就算他们出差多久 我放行李,让我松了一口气。一路上的交谈中,他得知了我 没有回来,我都不会哭着闹着要他们回家陪我,自从他们的 是红姨的孙女。他告诉我他常常受到我外婆的关照,因此对 公司上市以后,他们都忙于工作,我们一家人已经很久没有 外婆特别的敬爱。 在一起吃过一顿饭了,我把这些委屈像连珠炮一样向他们述 说着。 不知不觉,我们已经到了外婆的家门口,我和他道了 声谢谢,他便转身离开了。他应该是想在天黑之前赶回家里 两天后,他们从日本赶回家,他们抱着我说以后再怎 吧。外婆为我准备了一顿丰富的晚餐,看着桌上摆着了一整 么忙都会回来陪我吃饭。这次,妈妈亲自下厨给我们准备菜 只的白切鸡,我都已经垂涎三尺了。我知道乡下人只有在过 肴,虽然她的厨艺比不上五星级餐厅的大厨,但却是我吃过 年过节的时候才会有那么丰盛的食物,平时的话也只是粗茶 最美味的一顿晚餐。我们一家人终于可以坐在一起吃饭了。 淡饭。可想而知,外婆是多么地期待我的到来。 钟芷轩 吃过晚饭后,我打算去洗一个舒服的热水澡。后来,我 才想起了这里是乡下,并没有热水器。于是我只好忍耐着寒 5S8 冷,快速地洗了个冷水澡,我希望我不会因此而感冒。 213

凤凰木 我位于山脚旁祖宅的后院有棵百年凤凰木,奶奶 过的老师看见了,但他们视若无睹。女孩想要反抗, 从我小时候开始就爱讲从我祖上传下来的“凤凰木的 她向她的同桌求助,希望她的同桌能帮她证明她有带 传说”。据说这棵凤凰木是火神祝融和木神句芒之 作业,但她的同桌只说了:“我没注意。” 女,重黎的化身,这个孩子不知为何落入凡间,因为 拥有与凡人不同的火红色头发而被凡人欺辱。最后这 七月到了,学校里的凤凰木开了,刚好当天刮起 个孩子被当成恶魔的化身,被烧死了。在她死后,她 了大风,火红色的花瓣不断掉落,是难得一见的奇 的身躯化成这棵凤凰木。奶奶说:“这棵凤凰木不一 景。火红色的花瓣飘过礼堂前的讲台,飘过教学楼面 样,它能让你看清你心里的愧疚。孩子啊,以后多看 前的三面旗帜,飘过打击霸凌的海报,最终落在鲜红 看这棵凤凰木,它能让你正视自己!”从此以后,我 的血液上。这个女孩跳楼了,在这难得一见的奇景里 每次回到祖宅,奶奶总是指着凤凰木问:“你看见了 跳楼了。她没有留下任何东西,连一封遗书都没有。 什么?”每次我只是敷衍地回答几句,直到我中三那 警察来到学校,做了简单的调查工作,也审问了许多 年。 与女孩同班的同学,包括我。 我的生活似乎与凤凰木挂上了勾,连我的中学校 “你知道受害者的家庭情况吗?” 园也种有大片凤凰木。不过中三的我并没有什么心情   “不知道。” 去欣赏,这时的中三生们正在忙着准备中三评估,但   “你知道受害者为何保持沉默吗?” 这不影响大家对今年的转学生的惊讶和惊恐。这位转   “不知道。” 学生是个女孩,但若不是提前被告知,我们在看见她    “你与她同班了四个月,为什么一点也不了解 时根本不会知道。这个女孩患有罕见的皮肤病,全身 她?” 上下的皮肤看起来就像树皮!在这之前,我们已经提   “为什么我要了解她?” 前打了预防针,所以在这个女孩到来时,我们都表现   “你是她的同桌啊!” 出对她的热烈欢迎,但是这个“欢迎”并没有持续多   “所以?” 久。   “……”   “…我知道霸凌者是谁。“ 开学第二天,她的桌子上被人写上“丑八怪”三   “谁?” 个大字,班上所有人都对此感到十分愤怒,老师知道   “这所学校里所有的人,包括我!” 了也在班上公开维护她。尽管如此,第三天,第四天 这三个字依然出现了,第五天甚至用了永久性麦克笔    旁观者也是霸凌者!我见证过这个女孩在这所 写在白板上。这时,我们都察觉了,这是一场以驱逐 学校里短短四个月的生活;我见证过这个女孩从讲台 为目的的霸凌事件。 走到我身旁的座位时努力撑起的笑容;我见证过这个 女孩跪在教室门口向我求助的目光;我见证过这个女 渐渐地,愤怒的声音变小了,取而代之的是沉默 孩的尸体被一群人围观嘲笑时我的无动于衷!那段时 和伤人的流言。霸凌事件随之升级,女孩的书包里的 间,我看着窗外的凤凰木,总会感到心神不宁,为了 书不翼而飞,铅笔盒里被放入恶心的毛毛虫,本来写 能以更好的状态迎接中三评估,我寻求了心理医生的 好的作文变成一篇不堪入目的文章,最后甚至到了被 协助。 勒索,被殴打的地步。尽管如此,我们都没有采取任 何行动,并非恐惧,只是明哲保身。2000年起霸凌    年尾时,为了庆祝我的中三评估获得优异的成 事件逐渐泛滥,而大多数的目击者或知情者都选择 绩,我回到了祖宅与亲朋好友一同庆祝。奶奶又问 了“安全的沉默”,而另一小部分则成为了霸凌者。 我:“你看见了什么。”这次我认真地回答道:“一 个女孩儿。”奶奶又问:“她的名字是?”我想了 这一小部分由目击者或知情者转为霸凌者的人并 又想,答案仿佛就在口中,奶奶把一片火红色的花 不局限在学生里。这个女孩的绰号越来越多,“丑八 瓣拿给我,看着这片花瓣,我颤抖地说:“她叫…重 怪”、“树妖”之类的已经是很常见的,但将这些绰 黎。” 号说出口的人并不只有学生,还有一名老师。我们这 班的学生不只一次见到这个女孩因为作业“不见”而 陈思琪 2P11 被罚跪在教室门口被老师辱骂。辱骂的过程被许多路 214

十七岁的天空 十七岁,像美丽的花蕊,含苞待放;十七岁,想流淌的小河,奔流不息;十七岁,像炙热的太阳,朝气 蓬勃。十七岁的天空,很广,很广,抬起头来,天蓝,云静,风轻,一只雄鹰展开了它巨大而美丽的翅膀, 在蔚蓝的天空中,自由自在地翱翔,它煽动着有力的翅膀,飞往高空,飞越白云,飞向理想的彼岸......十七 岁,青春的象征,这是青春的激昂,这是青春的勇气。 蓦然回首,校园生活带着我们走过了春风的温暖、夏夜的清朗,接着走进秋天林荫道间的细碎阳光, 就算变换了模样,我们仍然记得季节残留的昨日......记得夏天,我们肆意挥洒着汗水,肆意挥霍那无尽的阳 光,那样的岁月是多么值得怀念。回忆像一份薄册,轻轻翻开,扬起纷飞的尘埃,伴随着无限的残阳,仿佛 回到那似水流年的美好岁月。时间太瘦,指缝太宽,它总是不经意地从我的指缝间溜走,伸手紧握,抓住的 只是空气。 明媚的笑容是青春的标志,苦楚的泪水也是学习中少不了的。十七岁的天空不止是湛蓝如水,也有蒙昧 阴沉。青春年华,我们爱笑。也许是一件小事情,也许是一个可爱的动作,就足以让我们撒下银铃般的笑 声。青春年华,我们爱哭,也许是一点小委屈,也许是一个很伤感的小事,就足以让我们流下真情流露的泪 水。青春中,有刚毅,有温柔,有坚强,有脆弱。这一切的一切,组成了一个美好绚烂的花样年华,像青春 的暖风,会温柔地抚平那些微不足道的伤痕。 还未到十七岁时,就听人说过,十七岁的天空是布满黑云的。我不相信,在我眼里,十七岁是淡淡的悸 动,是校园里的成群结伴,是在高中战场里的凌云壮志,是青春宇宙里最亮的一颗星。步入十七岁的季节, 使我更加地成熟,少了一份幼稚。站在十七岁的天空下,时光将美丽的青春雕琢成奢华的回忆。它无时无刻 都在提醒我,铭记那些已经远离抑或陪伴在身边的朋友们,用潸然泪下的文字,去记住已逝的曾经。走过十 七岁,一步一步走过昨日我的孩子气,这时,我已经走过了我的十七个春夏秋冬。在青春年华里,过去有很 多的感动我都无法描述,只能在心里默默地回应那些美好。走过青葱岁月,无声无息,每一个出现在我生命 中的过客都让我幸福且珍惜,让我拥有许多的快乐回忆。 十七岁的天空,五彩斑斓,缤纷绚烂,只见那经历风雨,被光阴冲刷过的校园里,整齐的步伐,激昂的 声音,响彻整个校园,回荡在我们每一个人的心中。那是我们青春的旋律,奋斗的宣言。十七岁的天空,忽 明忽暗,阴晴不定,只听那嘈杂的人群中传来种种叹息和阵阵惊喜,有人满脸愁苦缓缓离去,有人带着满心 欢喜满载而归。 十七岁的天空,腥火血雨,战阵常伴,高二正式开学就已经嗅到了一丝硝火弥漫的味道,成山的书本, 做不完的习题,永远要被占用的课后时间,我终于体会到了紧张的感觉,那是无数次心里模拟都无法企及的 紧迫感,所有人都在努力,千军万马过独木桥,一着不慎,便是满盘皆输,而我,输不起。十七岁的天空, 相扶相依,共同成长,面对失败和困难,我们祸福相依、披荆斩棘到达胜利的前方。 有时候,即便知道会受惩罚,但还是会勇敢地站出来,因为这才是最真实的我们,在被打磨成光滑的圆 之前,我们带着小小的棱角和周身柔软的刺,带着无畏的自信和坚定,当一次短暂却帅气的英雄。青春的表 达,往往不计后果,我们挑战权威,打破规矩,以桀骜不驯的姿态祈求自由,却也忽视了彩虹总是伴随着风 雨,成长总是伴随着阵痛,我们因为年轻而振臂高呼,也因年轻而付出代价。 人好像不能两次踏入同一条河流,那么失去的东西在当下就已经失去了吗?回忆的拼图里,最无可奈何 的那一块叫错过。青春是人生中最美好的时光,有迷茫、有希望、有成长、有伤痛、有苦、有泪、有乐、有 笑。人人都想重返青春,因为青春最美好,人生中所有的事都是在青春中获得完结。谁都青春不迷茫?其实 我们都一样,因为有过迷茫,才懂得成长,因为有过孤独,才懂得认清自己,因为不被理解,才懂得认清朋 友。因为,青春有过迷茫,所以前途才会一片光亮,人生中,若没有迷茫的人生,不叫做人生。 人们说青春是与七个自己相遇,一个明媚,一个忧伤,一个华丽,一个冒险,一个倔强,一个柔软,剩 下的那个正在成长。我们在成长的道路上经历风雨,遇见荆棘,会忍气吞声,也会强势反弹。年轻的我们一 起碰撞出的力量,几乎是不可思议的。我们一起尽着青春的本分,感受着过程中的美妙,张扬着彼此的豪 情,同时,那些涌上心头的感觉就像冻土漫上太平洋暖流,它们柔软、和煦、微甜,十七岁的天空是我们的 天空,专属于我们。 黄靖 5S5 215

毕业钟声响起 “我今年十七岁了。”这句话,在内心也不知道响起多少遍了。即将毕业的钟声,在内心响起。是啊,我今年高二, 是我第五年穿着蓝裙白衣,却没有第六年了。内心的那个钟,仿佛在等待那个真正响起的日子。毕业年,毕业生,大马教 育文凭考试,几乎可以画上等号。从来没有想过时间那么快流逝,有一种昨天才升上初中一的感觉。 有一个被我命名为“毕业”的钟,在内心嘀嘀嗒嗒地转动。在我看来,毕业可以改变内心的想法。曾经,我很讨厌与 人交心,与同班同学打交道,与有过误会的朋友冰释前嫌。我甘愿于孤独,我不愿打开心扉。毕业季,即将来临。我听着 内心的那个嘀嗒声,我愿意毕业后没有人和我继续保持联络。我尝试改变,我对一直在我身边伴着我的朋友打开心扉,我 不再抗拒接触素未相识的人。我很开心,也很感动,身边的他们愿意等待我,打开心扉。为了不让自己后悔,我和朋友总 是参加一些自己有兴趣的比赛,不在乎输赢,只在乎经验。内心恳切地希望着,毕业的那个钟声,不要响起,或是,延迟 一些时候再响吧! 高二,除了是人生的一个重大转折点,也是一个充满回忆的时间段。我就读于高二理五,我的同班同学是个“宝藏” ,大家有着不一样的秘密。除了要面对繁重的功课,还有就是一个个细心的老师。高二遇到的老师,都给予我们很多的帮 助。他们指导的是一群“毕业生”,他们也是让那个“毕业”的钟“嘀嗒”得更快的人。他们总是给予我们鼓励,无论是 关于未来或现在。他们总在提醒我们,我们是即将毕业的学生了。他们总是无私地、不遗余力地,给予我们各种形式的指 点。高二,是一段旅程的终点吗?不是,高二是一个在路途上的客栈罢了,接下去的,还有一个名为“一生”的旅程。 毕业,让我对眼前所见的事物,有着不一样的感悟。我很喜欢美丽的风景,我也很喜欢对着美景发呆。我曾想过,毕 业钟声响起,我最不舍的校园景物,肯定是窗外的树和课室外的景色。考试的时候,我的座位靠窗,窗外有一棵很大、很 宏伟的树,我在作答考试卷的时候,外面总有一片两片落叶飘过我的窗;早晨,总有两只黄色的鸟在外飞翔,互相追逐, 累了就停留在树枝上歇息。我很喜欢我上课的地方,我的课室位居三楼。每次在走廊等待学长的指示才可以进班,我总是 往远处看,除了每栋建筑物的屋顶,还有一些高耸的树和在空中飘着的云朵。我想扩大眼中的世界,我想看得更远。我想 出外看一看,其实,我很喜欢我的学校,我青春岁月的见证。 时光飞逝,那个命名为“毕业”的钟,提醒我,这是最后一次上学了。最后一次以学生的身份走进校园。看见校门 外的“圣母玛利亚国民型中学”,竟然感到不舍。五年啊,都花在这里了。今天的书包没有超重的书本作业,只有一个 水壶、铅笔盒和一本纪念册。这天,我想回到以前每次抱怨老师的日子,回到怨恨老师总要带课本上课的日子。那个“嘀 嗒”声,仿佛越来越近了。我走进班,等候老师播报召集高二生到礼堂进行毕业典礼暨颁奖典礼。我走到窗边,看见了那 两只在飞翔的鸟,今天它们身上的颜色,仿佛闪闪发光。我走到课室外站着,静静地,看着那熟悉的屋顶和树,今天的云 朵仿佛聚集在一起见证我们毕业。“喂,靖琳!去礼堂啦!看什么看得那么入神?”我的朋友推一推我,提醒我该下楼去 礼堂了。我微微笑不答话,跟着队伍一起下楼了。 今天的礼堂好不一样。台上有个布条写着“毕业典礼暨颁奖典礼”。第五年,我终于是主角了。心里那个名为“ 毕业”的钟,仿佛就快到时间响起了一样。我们跟着班级排列。接着,就和往常周会一样,唱国歌、州歌和校歌。不同 的是,这是我的最后一次了。以后不会再穿着缝着学校徽章的校服唱歌了。颁奖典礼也马上开始。我的心不在颁奖典礼 上。“嘀……嗒…… ”毕业的钟转动得越来越慢了,仿佛不想结束一样。终于是毕业典礼了,校长给予我们一些祝福语, 例如“考试加油,未来一路美好。”接着,每班代表上台致词。很多以前不敢说的话,现在他们都说出来了。听着听着, 我崩不住了,眼泪哗啦啦的流了下来。我明明就很舍不得。所有毕业生,红着眼睛、肿着鼻子,唱着属于二零一九毕业生 的 毕业歌——《展梦,无惧》。“展开翅膀,向着你的梦飞去,不需要害怕,你的背后还有我……”很喜欢这句歌词,也 不想毕业。可是啊,不需要害怕,多年以后回来,这个校园,依旧是我最怀念的地方,我的避风港。 “嘀……嗒……嘀……嗒……叮叮叮…… ”毕业的那个钟声响起了。放学的钟,那个象征着我毕业了得离开的钟声,响 起了。还有那个,我心中命名为“毕业“的钟,真的敲响了。十七岁的校园生涯,正式完结。希望未来的我在天空中自由 飞翔时,能路经此地,停下来栖息,怀念那个专属于我的独家记忆——十七岁,毕业钟声响起。 黄靖琳 5S5 216

1945 they had brought with them. I begged my grandfather to leave as well. It may have been dangerous in the city, but it was the Was I the only survivor? My back hurt and my head throbbed. only home I had ever known. “No, we’re staying here for at least Warm blood trickled down the side of my head from a wound another day,” my grandfather demanded. He refused to budge above my left eye. I was confused. One minute I was standing no matter how much I pleaded with him. “Better safe than sorry,” in front of the local bomb shelter waiting for my grandfather to he reminded me. I begrudgingly stayed in the shelter while he return, the next I was laying on my stomach, disorientated. All left to collect water from a nearby river as we had run out. I could remember was that the sky suddenly turned blindingly white, like a million camera flashes going off at once, then I was After a while, I began to get restless. I went outside the shelter to knocked off my feet and violently slammed back into the bomb get some fresh air, hoping it would calm me down while I waited shelter. for my grandfather to return with the water. That was when all hell broke loose and the bombs hit. As I lay there shell-shocked and confused, heavily injured burn victims came stumbling into the bomb shelter en masse. Their I started to panic. What had happened to my grandfather? Did skin had peeled off their bodies and faces and hung limply down he get caught in the blast? I was out of my mind with worry. My on the ground like grotesque ribbons. Their hair was burnt down grandfather was the only family I had left and his intuition was to a few measly centimeters from the scalp. Many of the victims the only reason I was still alive and relatively unhurt. The stench collapsed as soon as they reached the bomb shelter entrance, of the burnt bodies and heat was beginning to get unbearable. forming a massive pile of contorted bodies. The picture they There were injured victims everywhere who looked as though painted was something straight out of a nightmare. they already had one foot in the grave. Groans of pain were the only thing that could be heard. My mind ran a thousand miles a minute as I tried to piece the puzzles together. Then it hit me, the bombs. My country was I was about to leave the shelter to look for my grandfather at war. It was us against the world, fighting and killing, all for a myself. That was when I heard a familiar voice shouting my cause that I did not understand. How could a mere child hope name. My grandfather had found me! He had a limp in his right to understand the complications of war? All I knew was that leg and he seemed to have injured his right arm as well as he was the war took everything from me. My family, my friends, my heavily favouring his left arm. His face was coated with dirt and childhood, my future. All it left me with was my grandfather. blood, but the relief on his face at seeing me was unmistakable. Earlier that week, enemy bombers dropped leaflets all over the I was glad that he was well enough to remain standing. It was as city, warning us that the city would fall to ashes on the 8th of if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. August. We were forbidden from reading them and the soldiers in my city had quickly gotten rid of them. After a few days of resting and recovering in the shelter, my grandfather and I finally decided to make our way back home. I My grandfather had somehow gotten a hold of one, and believed would never forget the hellscape that awaited us on our journey what it said despite them being from the enemy. “Better safe back. Half burnt bodies lay stiff on the ground, eyeballs gleaming than sorry,” he told me. We went to the bomb shelter located up from their sockets. Cattle lay dead along the side of the road, along the local mountain to hide out in. The trail up to the shelter their abdomens unnaturally large and swollen. Thousands of was rugged and steep. It was a demanding trek, but when the bodies bopped up and down the river, bloated and purplish from going gets tough, the tough gets going. We reached the shelter soaking up the water. I was so sure that I was going to become on the 6th of August, two days before the supposed bombing. sick. I struggled to stop the breakfast I had earlier that morning There were a few others who were already there, hiding from from making a reappearance. “Wait! Wait!” I pleaded with my the impending doom. grandfather as he was treading on a few steps ahead of me. I was absolutely terrified that I would be left behind. We remained holed up there on the 7th and 8th of August, fearing for our lives but nothing happened. We were safe. Earlier War was an ugly creature, and this was what it looked like when this morning, the 9th, the other families were ready to leave. human beings found new and terrible ways to destroy each They had already packed up the little belongings and rations other. Average citizens were always the primary victims of war. All I could hope for was that peace would eventually become the The Path We Take number one priority of everyone all over the world so that no Growing up, it is a road one falls victim to the clutches of war ever again. We must all walk through. For we have been told Written by : Tang Chi Cheng 5S5 Our elders’ words were true. There will be thorns and rocks along the way We will whine, we will cry and we will stomp But the tears are just temporary. But to walk through our life we will slay. As God has a path for all of us Now come the challenges walking through the door with pride. Daring us to stand up to them But I know I will break my walls and survive. We experience joy when we were small Just like Alice in Wonderland And played with our toys till we were tall. We will walk through the doors of wonder and despair. But all hope was not lost It is our duty to go through the path we take For there will be more to come in years. It is just the matter of choosing the right people with us. The joy and happiness is not just all May we grow with more bravery As tears and sorrow will come to call. And succeed on the top together. By: Chua Zhuo Yue of 5S1

School Prepares Us For Lifechool days are crammed with facts and figures, to appreciate good values like esprit de corps. Students learn to contribute positively and to put their best foot forward besides encompassing various subjects ranging from English taking success and failure in their stride. We as the students learn to honour values of sportsmanship and fair play. Through Sto Mathematics. All of these require students to learn, co-curricular activities, students also learn loyalty, commitment memorise, understand and to be tested. Besides grades and responsibility. When they grow up, they will work well as a and examinations, school encompasses a wider curriculum that team with others and be committed to serious work. includes character moulding, citizenship building and personality development. Indeed, I think that school does prepare us for life. The school is a micro-society. The everyday social interaction is an excellent preparation for life in the society outside. In school, Firstly, school teaches us self-discipline. We learn to keep to students have the opportunities to interact with other students a schedule and to adhere to the timetable. We also learn to from varied background, creed and race. Indirectly, they learn appreciate time and to be punctual. Moreover, we are trained tolerance, acceptance and understanding. Students also have to plan and manage time wisely. We also abide by and respect the opportunity to work and to mingle together. This can help to rules and regulations. The disciplined students will grow up foster an open mind and promote unity. to be disciplined adults and they will do well in their future undertakings. Just mention the word ‘school’ and images of grades and examinations come to our mind. Indeed students spend a lot School also helps to fortify our determination and perseverance. of time and energy preparing and sitting for examinations. We learn to fulfil the demands of the school. We also learn to Along with that they gather a string of qualifications as well as meet deadlines and hand in our homework on time. Moreover, knowledge and skills. They are crucial since they are the stepping we learn to face stress and pressure. In school, students learn stones and the foundation for the future. They can help students to overcome challenges. Students with strength of character will to secure a good job and successful career. be well-prepared to face the challenges of work and life in the future. In short, school does prepare us for life. It helps to nurture and to build strong character in ourselves. School also prepares Co-curricular activities are part and parcel of a student’s life. students with the necessary ‘tool’ so that students can fit into They help to mould students’ character and personality so society and contribute positively to the nation and people in that students learn to be confident. They help to hone the future. leadership qualities in the students themselves. Students learn to work together and co-operate with others. They also learn Written by:Chong Xin Zhen 4S1 Creating A Reading Culture In AMC With the aim of fostering a reading culture among all to listen to before assembly starts. The language panels of Malaysians, the Education Ministry has declared the school ought to consider awarding language competition 2020 to 2030 as the National Reading Decade. The winners a boxed set of books or a magazine subscription. To sum it up, when the school authority places importance on reading, question is, what can Ave Maria Convent do to students will learn to value reading too. create a reading culture in the school? To begin with, teachers should identify the reason why students Last but not least, the school library should create an online do not read. By having a class discussion, teachers can correct database for students to look up books which are available in the misconceptions about reading and expose students to different library and plan their reading. On top of that, the school library genres of books. Relief teachers should go the distance by taking should carry out polls to determine the genre of books that the class to the library. Students should see their teachers read would capture the interest of students. On the other hand, the books in the staffroom, while waiting to check out from the school library should extend its opening hours to before school system after school and even before the weekly assembly starts. starts until school ends. By doing so, students will definitely Teachers should also talk about the books their students are look forward to starting their day with an inspiring read in the reading. Besides, teachers should plan reading and literature library. Moreover, the school library ought to be open during programmes after school exams, such as drama, poetry reading the weekends so that students can read after their co-curricular and book hunts. In a nutshell, a teacher who decides to make activities. In short, the school library should make every effort to reading enjoyable for students should do it consistently and create a reading culture in the school. passionately. The benefits of reading are countless and invaluable. However, Next up, the school authority should place newspapers and other the school can only reap these benefits by taking a step towards reading materials strategically around the school. The school creating a reading culture in the school. Having said that, the authority should also abolish the rule of having to queue up school should move hand in hand with the Government’s before school starts and after recess. Five minutes spent lining up aspirations to raise up a generation of lifelong readers. in the dark not able to do anything every day adds up to countless #AMCMembaca #MalaysiaMembaca hours of precious time lost in a year, which could have been used to read and revise. Alternatively, I propose that students line up in the morning in well-lit areas, such as the basketball court or the school hall, as done by SMJK Sam Tet, to facilitate reading. Furthermore, the school should play an audiobook for Written by: Lois Low Xin Ning 5S5 2019

GAME CHANGING Written by : Wong Jo Ann 5S5 Leaders who create game changers are nothing, if they are not aware they are one. Not only are they self-aware, they’re highly emphatic of the emotions and needs of others, and they are also clearly aware of what will be embraced in the market. They possess a refined blend of intrinsic curiosity and extrinsic focus. Perhaps most of all, game changing leaders are in touch with a greater purpose - they understand the value of serving something beyond themselves. Let us talk about this man, short, skinny and “weird”. Unexpectedly, he changed the game; he changed the world. He is Jack Ma. When he went back to China, he founded an internet company. Since China has yet to connect with the west, Internet was not widely used in the country. It was a risky and unfavorable plan for most people. He was judged as a cheater. However, he still believed that internet will affect the life of people for the next 30 years. Now, his belief is proved to be a proverbial big idea as his company, Alibaba is widely used globally. Why do people come up with proverbial big ideas? They aren’t just dreamers - they are doers. Game changers have no patience for the status quo - they focus their efforts on shattering the status quo. Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and other CEOs recognized for their big ideas didn’t just get lucky – they are committed to the constant pursuit of game changers. They do not allow their organizations to adopt conventional orthodoxy and bureaucracy - they challenge norms, break conventions, and they encourage diversity of thought. They’re never satisfied with the ordinary or mundane. Game changers possess sharpness and clarity of mind in taking action. To many, it is unbelievable that a 94-year-old man - Tun Dr Mahathir is still actively involved in politics and helms the top position in the country in such a challenging time. Despite his old age, he still has a clear picture of what it takes to reshape the country, to regain the glory of our beloved nation in the global arena as to be a well-respected nation. By definition, a game changer causes change. If nothing changes, if nothing is created, if nothing is improved, if nothing is transformed, then you don’t have a game changer. The message here is a simple one- don’t just play the game - change the game. The goal is to create, improve on, and innovate around best practices in order to find next practices. Who knows if any of us will be another incredible game changer of tomorrow? Don’t Grow Up, It’s A Trap Growing up is a weird, weird thing, I’m definitely not looking forward to my future, You’ll never know what life will bring. Unsure about what to choose as my career, I see it as something horrific and bad, The path ahead seems so unclear, Adult life, is something that I fear. There’s no doubt in my mind that, Growing up is something that I dread. Nevertheless, I’d still count my blessings, After all, it’s the little things in life that keeps me going, Looking back, I would rather be a baby, Where I could just eat, sleep and play all day, I will always be thankful and appreciate, Never worrying about what others have to say, My family, mentors and classmates, Living life in my own way. They make life more meaningful and enjoyable, A little less dull and bearable. Looking back, how I wish I was a child, All happy-go-lucky and full of positivity, Growing up is an inevitable process of life, So, I think it’s best to enjoy the ride, Free from chores and responsibility, Try to survive, Gleeful and cheery, And be thankful that you’re alive. Unlike the present me. Written by : Emily Wong 5S5 Now, I’m currently a high school teenager, Who’s in her senior year, Constantly under pressure and stress, Having to deal with multiple tasks and tests.

We are like tourists Adventurer In an unknown place Learning and meeting Just like the reader to a long storybook Or the book will reach the last Seeking and changing We must flip the page, or at least have a look chapter Everyone makes discoveries What a shame if we didn't, for life is a present Different and diverse Growing up is learning how the gift unfolds That’s when we look at the As we age we start to see the beauty and joy pictures we took Then comes the time Where the bus has come We have when we live. And the wonderful story we The bus waits for no one finished And so we say our goodbyes Growing up is like the bittersweet goodbye We often say to our good friend in life With his bushy moustache And his name called time Childhood is that old friend with whom we lost contact His impatience is known But the greatest memories are what that remain intact As no one steps out of line Cruel some call him, nasty the Perhaps it's sad when we move from one stop to another Written by: Hii Xiu Jing 3P8 rest But remember that every destination is always like no other But all in all he's just doing New friends to make and new places to see his best Joy comes from accepting the fact, that there's always a new place to be One day the bus will drop us at our last stop HOMEWORK! Made a blunder? You'll have to redo and start all over. Homework, Thankfully Puan Nurul is kind and compassionate, A word As she allows us to use our correction tape. we are all familiar with, (Just once though) Some teachers give it, Here's the coolest thing ever: some teachers don't. She'll also stamp your books with cartoon stampers! Some of us do it, Mr Leong gives us chemistry homework, some of us don't, \"Hand it in to my table first thing in the morning!\" and some of us won't. His tone is melancholic and depressing. Miss Tham gives us literature, Didn't do your Chem workbook? \"Do it on ‘mahjong’ paper!\" “Do in groups, work together!” He'll give you that \"signature Mr Leong look\", \"Why didn't you do your homework?\" she orders. \"Remember to do your homework!\" Then there's summary and information transfer, his tone low-pitched and solemn, And don't you dare not to do it. he'll make unnecessary facial expressions, Homework incomplete? Furrowed eyebrows and wrinkled face, Forgot to bring? along with a scrutinizing gaze. Lied that you didn't bring? Deliberately didn't bring? Physics homework is the best, because there's rarely any homework, She doesn't listen to your pathetic excuses. And so you shall face the drastic consequences---the “Buku so you can relax! Homework for the lesson, Ponteng.” are just a few objective questions, (Not to mention, I don't know why some students don't do it, she ordered me to write this poem) it takes just like ten minutes to complete it. (Not to brag but that's the truth) Miss Thean gives us Add Maths homework, \"Notes also no need to do!\" “Just three questions only!” Mr Ng has it all printed for you. So you should be thankful. But there are sub questions of abcdefg. (Even though it can be blurry sometimes) Homework seems easy? It's a typical white lie, Homework or no homework, AMC teachers just want the best for their students, To finish it I stayed up till three, \"I do until I want to die!\" because homework means lesson consolidation, while no homework means chance for relaxation. Doing Add Maths will make you cry, Homework completion gives me a sense of accomplishment, especially when it comes to trigonometry. So I thank AMC teachers for their devotion and commitment, Don't even get me started on For giving us homework, the complicated combinations and and putting effort into marking our homework. complex binomial distributions. By : Emily Wong 5S5 Moral report is the worst, as there's no room for any errors.

I Found Love meaning of living to them. They know that a little colour can make a difference. To us, journey of life might be dark and dull. Love is a noun and not an object. Nobody knows what ‘love’ But the colours of nature bring a rainbow of seven colours to our looks like, neither do I. life. Life is not that bad. Tiny lives can be strong, why can’t we? They are there. Being at our left and right when we are waiting for the crack of dawn. No one sees it, until it comes and go. The moment we try to hold The second I step into my band room, I feel ‘love’. Love is it tight, it flies away. I know that love is all around us anytime, passion. It is undeniable that all members pour their heart and anywhere and everywhere. Love, is portrayed in many ways. Feel soul into band practice every time. No matter indoor or outdoor; the love with your heart when it comes, hug it tight before it under the blazing sun or in an air-conditioned room, we practise goes. I might not see or know what ‘love’ is. But what I know is wholeheartedly. It is tough, but no one thinks of giving up. that love is always beside me. Instead of responsibility, I would rather say that this is love. Love between members. Love towards music. Love towards the band. From the moment I open my eyes, I feel ‘love’. Sunlight There was once a competition that was engraved in my heart. It penetrates through the window reaching the cold blanket. was an indoor brass band competition. Listening to the strong Waking up a disconnected soul from nightmare. Its arms are rhythms by brasswind, expressive melody by woodwind and so warm. Patting on my shoulder lightly, slowly and softly. No rhythmic hits by percussion, I was touched. Our members did it! matter how bad the day before was, it ends with the shine of We awakened the repertoire. We gave a whole new life to the the sun. Yes, isn’t that love? Love from the sun. The sun pushes song. This is all because of love. We put our hearts into things we away the mountains and lifts up the layers of clouds every day. love. Therefore, the output is lovable. Bringing hope, radiating warmth and chasing tears away. The sun never says anything. Quietly. Lovingly. Eternally. Hovering in ‘Love’ is a simple word which everyone can say easily. ‘Love’ the air. It is silent. But I know it. There it is. Shining up there, no is also a simple word which brings different meanings. It all matter summer or winter. depends on how we define the word. As a human being, we should know how to express love even towards tiny matters in On my way to school, I feel ‘love’. Flowers and trees are posing our life. Everything is precious. Everything is priceless. Everything gracefully in their own way. Their best way. Swinging against is valuable for us to fall in love with. Nothing is immortal, except the wind, dancing to the beat of the breeze. They are beautiful for ‘love’. Love is the basic unit of every relationship. So, I strongly just the way they are. But, they would never know the purpose believe that ‘love’ exists. of living. Why are they competing with each other for basic needs? Every oak was a seed. Every flower was a bud. From an Finally, I know what love is, it is true love, since the day I met you. unnoticeable little seed, they overcame each and every obstacle Written by : Chan Jing Wen 4S2 to pop up from the soil. Growing into a colourful scenario is the Never Give Up, You Will Grow Up Life is like a piano. The white keys represent happiness and the black keys show desolation. There are a lot of ups and downs in our life and this is crucial and pivotal. Can you imagine a piano without black keys? It’s not perfect but strange. A perfect and harmonious melody cannot be played by using that piano because the melody will be weird as if something is missing. That is why a life without circumstances or obstacles cannot be considered as a perfect life. J. K. Rowling had gotten a divorce and could barely afford to feed her baby in 1994. She saw herself as a failure as her marriage had failed, and she was jobless with a dependent child. She was so poor that sometimes she didn’t even get to take her meals. During this period, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. But she knew she couldn’t give up because her precious baby daughter, Jessica needed her and rely on her to live on. Therefore, once again she lit up her guts and positive energy. She told herself and reminded herself again and again that she wanted to pursue her dreams! She wanted to give her baby enough nutrients for growth! Soon, she published her first book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The book went viral and it won a lot of prizes! Harry Potter is now a global brand worth an estimated US $15 billion and the last four books have set records as the fastest-selling books in history! J. K. Rowling once said, “It’s our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Although obstacles and mistakes will leave regrets in our life, why not look at the bright side of these cases? As we go through these problems, overcome and conquer our fears, we are actually gaining knowledge, practical and useful knowledge that can’t be learned from textbooks. These are the significant and indispensable life lessons that will help us to resolve our future. Our future will be much easier because we have gone through impediments that are much worse. They will prepare us and get us ready for our future. They turn us into bold warriors in life that will never give up easily, heroes that are undefeated and inevitable just like heroes from marvels! For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. If we really want to achieve triumph in life and be someone who will be adulated by the society, we must have the courage, perseverance and valour to tackle every hindrance and encumbrance we face in life. All of these will eventually mould us into better human beings as these will create a more matured-minded person. Let’s step out of our comfort zone and try to finish, do and consummate everything independently. Never give up nor give in, You will soon grow up and there your life journey begins. Written by: Chen Kher Nie 4S1

KEEPING A DIARY Written by : Rachel Wong Kar Huin 4S1 Have you considered keeping a diary? A diary is a private place where you can keep your thoughts, feelings and opinions on everything from work to school and everywhere in between. There are all different types of diaries, like food diaries, health diaries or academic diaries. But your diary does not have to be specific if you don’t want it to be, it can also just be a place where you write about whatever you want. I used to have one, back in primary school. Each day before retiring to bed, I would write all the day’s happening in it. I still have it. Sometimes I would read through the pages and giggle to myself at all the absurd and silly things I had written as well as some tender moments I had experienced. It is never too late to start writing a diary. Keeping a diary is a good way to express your feelings which you find difficult to open up to your friends and family. Each day you have to face all sorts of situations, both at home and in school. Some may be pleasant and some unpleasant. So you can pour out your thoughts and deep feelings into a diary. It will help to lighten your heavy heart, as well as express your joys and happiness. Do you know, as you keep writing your thoughts and feelings on a daily basis, you will slowly but surely improve your writing skills as well as your English? You will be surprised to see yourself making great strides in writing good compositions. It is also a good way to use your time wisely, instead of wasting it on unprofitable activities. Writing a diary is also a way to record important moments and days like your birthday, parents wedding anniversary, Teacher’s Day, Sports Day and so on. You may record all the events that happen with your family and friends in your life. You can remember certain friends who have left you to continue their studies elsewhere. Writing a diary is quite enjoyable and fun too. You can read through the pages of your diary and recall those precious moments you really treasure. Sometimes those things you have completely forgotten will bring you joy when you read them after many months. Writing in your diary should never be a chore or a burden, so remember to have fun with it. It can be a place of solace, a place of creativity, a place of reflection, a place where your thoughts can roam free. When starting a diary, make sure you are writing about things you care about and are passionate about because as long as you enjoy what you are writing and the process of it, you will never regret doing it. Diary writing is for you, not for anyone else. Therefore when you write in your diary, do not worry too much about the rules of spelling and grammar or how other people might judge what you write. Getting bogged down in the rules can distract you or slow you down. This can hinder your creativity. Personal writing, just for yourself, can help you get to know yourself better, decrease stress, help you resolve disputes with others, and process difficult emotions. This can have a positive impact on both your mental and physical health. If there is something in your diary you want to share with others, you can always edit it later if you are concerned about spelling and grammar. Lastly, I am sure you must be convinced after reading this article, how beneficial it is to start writing a diary. Very few people do it these days. Why don’t you be among the few? Your diary is a judgement-free zone, so do not feel like they need to be perfect. Let the words flow. Many autobiographies of famous men were written from the recordings of their diaries. Someday you can also write your own autobiography! The Climb Crying out to the sky For not giving it more time, From the moment I opened my eyes for the Weeping as I experienced my first heartbreak. first time, When I thought the boy in my class was cute, And looked into my mother’s eyes. When I could no longer wear my favourite shirt. As she cradled me in her arms, When I slammed my bedroom door in my mother’s And told me she loved me, face, I knew that this life was mine to live. And rebelled against everything she said, When I was five, I realized, I wanted to be a superhero, That I was growing up. How my father and I laughed, As I flew around the room in his arms. Growing up, Is quite possibly the scariest thing on Earth, The line drawn on the wall that showed my height Wandering into the unknown, Watching everything you once knew change. Increased every day, Telling me that time was flying by, But I know that I’ll make it through, Because it doesn’t matter how fast we get to I was growing taller! Soon I would be a giant! the end, Or what is waiting for us there, At the age of eleven, Because it will be a journey of a lifetime, I sat on my dog’s grave, The climb that will lead me to who I am meant 222 to be. By : Ng Kai Qing 3P11

Program Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS) “Who we are ? di padang untuk menyanyikan lagu Negaraku dan lagu negeri Youth….Power ! Perak. Kami bernyanyi dengan suara yang lantang dan penuh Who we are ? dengan semangat. Kemudian, kami akan menjalankan aktiviti Youth…Power ! memanaskan badan bersama-sama sebelum bersarapan. Semasa berlari di padang, saya dapat menikmati pemandangan yang indah Pagi! nian terutamanya semasa matahari terbit di tepi pantai. Pagi! Pagi ! Pagi! Futuere Leaders, Ekspedisi yang dilaksanakan di sana juga amat mencabar. Antara Luar Biasa , Kekal Semangat, aktiviti-aktivitinya termasuk jungle trekking, kem solo, wall climbing , rafting dan sebagainya. Bagi saya, aktiviti yang memberikan kesan W Youth…Power !” yang mendalam dalam hati sanubari saya ialah jungle trekking. ar cry tersebut merupakan war cry bagi program Kami berada di dalam hutan selama sembilan jam. Saya berasa Malaysia Future Leaders School(MFLS) yang begitu letih tetapi agak seronok ketika kita bernyanyi bersama-sama bersemangat. Pada 1 April 2019, saya telah menyertai sambil mendaki gunung. Kumpulan saya balik ke OBS paling lambat program MFLS selama 10 hari. Dalam program disebabkan Adura, kawan kami telah tercedera semasa mendaki tersebut , saya dan rakan-rakan sebaya di sana telah mengharungi gunung. Kami memberi sokongan kepadanya dengan menolongnya pelbagai cabaran dan ujian yang disediakan. Memori saya masih semasa menyeberangi jalan yang curam. Malalui jungle trekking segar dalam batin saya dan tidak pernah pudar. Persoalannya , tersebut, saya telah sedar bahawa betapa pentingnya nilai apakah program MFLS ? ketabahan untuk mengharungi dugaan. Selanjutnya, saya juga memperoleh nilai bekerjasama. Selain itu, aktiviti tersebut dapat Program Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS) ialah program melatih membina stamina kerana kami telah membawa beg yang baharu yang dilancarkan oleh kerajaan di bawah Kementerian berat dalam perjalanan kami. Pendidikan serta Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Program tersebut adalah untuk pelajar yang berumur 15 hingga 17 tahun yang Seperkara lagi, aktiviti yang paling mencabar dalam program merupakan atlet sekolah. Tujuan program adalah untuk melahirkan tersebut ialah kem solo. Dalam aktiviti tersebut, kami perlu pemimpin yang berkaliber dalam kalangan anak muda untuk menginap di kawasan tertentu di hutan secara keseorangan. menerajui watan tercinta kita pada masa hadapan. Program Tempat tidur saya hanya khemah yang dibentuk sendiri. Bukan tersebut telah menggantikan Program Latihan Khidmat Negara itu sahaja, saya juga dikehendaki untuk menyediakan makan (PLKN) dan Biro Tata Negara (BTN). Tambahan pula, program ini malam dan sarapan pagi sendiri. Maka, saya wajar berdikari untuk telah diinspirasikan oleh Japanese Future Leaders School di Jepun. menunaikan semua tugas tersebut. Untuk memasak , saya telah Untuk negeri Perak, lokasi program MFLS adalah di Outward Bound mencari kayu api dan menyalakannya untuk memasak. Pada waktu School (OBS) yang terletak di Lumut. OBS merupakan sebuah pusat malam, jurulatih meminta kami menulis sepucuk surat kepada latihan yang mempraktikkan pendidikan di luar rumah. Dalam OBS, sendiri dan surat tersebut akan dikirimkan ke rumah kami enam mana-mana tempat boleh menjadi bilik kelas, termasuk di laut dan bulan kemudian. Dengan ini, saya dapat melakukan refleksi sendiri di dalam hutan. dan komunikasi diri sendiri. Keberanian juga amat diperlukan untuk menerima cabaran tinggal di hutan keseorangan. Sesungguhnya, Tempoh masa program MFLS terlalu dekat dengan peperiksaan hutan tidak segelap laksana apa yang saya bayangkan kerana saya sekolah, maka, saya menjadi satu-satunya wakil sekolah yang ternampak banyak kelip-kelip pada waktu malam. Malam tersebut menghadiri program tersebut . Sesungguhnya, setelah saya menjadi memori saya yang paling unik dan saya tidak akan mengetahui bahawa tiada rakan dari sekolah yang menyertai melupakannya. program tersebut, saya berasa ragu-ragu dan risau pada mulanya. Alhasilnya, saya telah mengambil keputusan untuk melibatkan diri Intihanya, saya berasa amat bangga kerana pernah menyertai dalam program tersebut. Saya sangat bertuah , kerana mendapat program MFLS tersebut dan dapat berkhidmat demi negara. sokongan daripada ibu bapa dan guru-guru, terutamanya ibu saya Saya memang tidak pernah menyesal malahan bersyukur kerana dan kaunselor sekolah iaitu Puan Siew Pooi See. berpeluang untuk menyertai program tersebut walaupun saya telah mengorbankan masa pembelajaran di sekolah. Melalui Saya telah mengenali banyak rakan baharu di sana. Kami telah program tersebut, saya dapat mencuba sesuatu yang baharu . dibahagikan kepada beberapa ‘watch’ semasa kami mendaftar diri. Melalui MFLS, saya mendapati bahawa seorang pemimpin yang Setiap kumpulan diiringi oleh seorang jurulatih. Setiap orang diberi berwibawa perlulah memimpin sendirinya untuk menjadi insan peluang untuk menjadi ketua kumpulan. Kami telah menjalankan yang lebih cemerlang sebelum memimpin orang lain. Saya juga aktiviti-aktiviti dengan ahli-ahli ‘watch’ masing-masing. Kumpulan telah menghayati banyak nilai kemanusiaan dalam program saya ialah Watch Jerai. Kami telah menyaksikan perubahan kami tersebut seperti nilai keberanian, berdikari , tolong-menolong , yang semakin matang dan baik. Hubungan kami begitu erat bagai bekerjasama, bersyukur dan cinta akan nagara. Pada pandangan dakwat dengan kertas walaupun kami hanya bergaul selama saya, program tersebut telah menyumbang kepada perpaduan sepuluh hari. Kami bekerjasama untuk menyempurnakan tugasan antara kaum kerana kami bekerjasama dan beramah mesra dan saling membantu antara satu sama lain. Misalnya, kami antara satu sama lain tanpa mengira warna kulit dan bangsa kami. dikehendaki untuk mencuci pinggan mangkuk bersama-sama Akhirnya, diharapkan program tersebut dapat disertai oleh lebih selepas makan. Kami juga telah menjalankan tugas membersihkan banyak pelajar untuk melatih mereka menjadi bakal pemimpin kawasan OBS secara bergilir-gilir mengikut ‘watch’. Tempat tidur yang merupakan tulang belakang negara. kami ialah di dalam ‘dome’ di atas gunung. Kami membasuh baju sendiri dan beristirahat di sana. Pada setiap pagi, kami berkumpul 223

Institusi Raja: Lambang Kedaulatan Negara Bangsa Rukun Negara ghalib memaparkan, yang mengiktirafkan raja sebagai ketua negeri ialah Perlis, Lima prinsip pedoman kehidupan, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, “Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara”, Selangor, dan Perak. Negeri yang diperintah oleh Yang Dipertua Inilah yang paling kita utamakan, Negeri pula ialah Pulau Pinang, Melaka, Sabah  dan  Sarawak. Menjulang institusi raja ke puncak, Raja-raja di negara Malaysia menjalankan pemerintahan mereka di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Maka, lahirlah konsep D Nescaya kehidupan mujtamak sejahtera. Raja Berperlembagaan di negara kita secara turun-temurun alam era globalisasi yang dibelenggui oleh kejutan bak kata pepatah “tidak lapuk dek hujan, tidak lekang dek budaya ini, negara Malaysia telah berjaya menempa panas”. Tegasnya, Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang nama di persada dunia. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa mengaplikasikan pemerintahan beraja. Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang bertuah kerana mempunyai warisan kebudayaan yang cacamarba Dalam kalangan sembilan raja, seorang ketua negara iaitu malah mencapai kemajuan daripada pelbagai aspek. Banyaklah Yang di-Pertuan Agong  yang kita agung-agungkan akan dipilih. faktor yang tidak dapat dihitung dengan jari telah menjadikan Yang di-Pertuan Agong  memikul obligasi yang signifikan dalam negara kita terserlah di pentas antarabangsa. Salah satunya mentadbir negara. Baginda merupakan ketua negara serta ialah sistem pemerintahan nusa yang istimewa. Zaman beralih, memiliki bidang kuasa yang luas seperti yang dikanunkan dalam musim bertukar. Secara evolusi, negara Malaysia yang mula- Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Baginda memegang kuasa dalam tiga mulanya mengamalkan pemerintahan secara mutlak telah cabang kerajaan iaitu Perundangan, Eksekutif dan Kehakiman. bertukar kepada sebuah negara yang mengaplikasikan sistem Tidak dapat disangkal bahawa Baginda merupakan tokoh yang demokrasi berparlimen dan memerintah berkonsepkan dijulang oleh penghuni yang bernaung di bawah langit Malaysia. Raja Berperlembagaan. Pemerintahan yang diasaskan oleh Raja-raja di negara kita berperanan penting meskipun segelintir Parameswara di Melaka pada tahun 1400 masihi telah menjadi masyarakat tidak menyedari kemustahakan baginda yang serba asas kepada pemerintahan institusi raja kontemporari. Harus boleh. Cuba kita bayangkan sesebuah negara tanpa raja, nescaya kita sejenis dan senafas mengakur bahawa keunikan corak nusa tersebut menjadi tidak teratur, yakni pembangunan dari pemerintahan di tanah air kita telah menatijahkan kesejahteraan aspek siasah dan iktisad akan terbantut. Apabila ketiadaan dan kebahagiaan yang lestari serta menjadi polemik global yang pemimpin negara yang berketerampilan, negara tersebut akan meniti dari bibir ke bibir oang ramai. Walau bagaimanapun, mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi dan kemunduran secara institusi raja merupakan suatu konsep yang amat samar kepada drastik. Rakyat negara pula akan dicengkam oleh kemiskinan dan segelintir masyarakat kecuali mereka yang mendalami salasilah kesengsaraan hidup. Senario ini akan menjadi musibah nazak dan falsafah di sebalik institusi ini bak kata peribahasa “jauhari yang merundung ibu pertiwi kita. Sesungguhnya, kita sebagai juga yang mengenal manikam”. Oleh itu, masyarakat semakin anak watan Malaysia seyogiamenghargai dan menjunjung taat meneledorkan kepentingan dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh setia kepada institusi raja agar negara sentiasa aman bagai air institusi raja. Hal ini amat menyayat hati kerana jikalau rakyat dalam talam. marhean tiada pengetahuan mengenai institusi kerajaan, nescaya semangat kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara tidak dapat disemat Ditinjau dari dimensi lain, kebanyakan akhbar arus perdana dalam kalbu segenap lapisan masyarakat. Impaknya, institusi mengulaskan hujah bahawa institusi raja merupakan lambang raja akan diancam kerana tidak lagi memenangi kepercayaan kedaulatan negara bangsa. Adakah isu ini masih menjadi dan keyakinan masyarakat. Persoalan yang berlegar-legar dalam pertanyaan di cepu minda orang ramai? Bagi golongan yang gawang minda ialah apakah itu institusi raja dan bagaimanakah tidak arif tentang pemerintahan negara, pastilah penyataan ini institusi ini menjamin kedaulatan negara? diragui oleh mereka. Sebagai pembuka kata dan mukadimah perbincangan, elok diselami cara institusi raja menjamin Menurut penjelasan daripada seorang pakar sejarah Profesor kedaulatan negara. Fungsi afdal institusi raja ialah menjadi Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam, beliau mendefinisikan institusi raja lambang perpaduan masyarakat, khususnya bagi ibu pertiwi kita sebagai institusi pemerintahan dan pentadbiran yang menjadi yang disarat dengan masyarakat cacamarba persis kata mutiara tradisi masyarakat dan diterima oleh seluruh rakyat. Sudah “rakyat bersatu, negara maju; rakyat bercerai, negara berkecai”. terang lagi bersuluh bahawa institusi raja merupakan cerucuk Institusi raja menjadi tunjang utama dalam mengekalkan utama bagi pembangunan negara. Tanpa institusi raja, negara kedamaian negara sepanjang masa. Hal ini membawa konotasi kita akan menjadi huru-hara malah wujud rampasan kuasa bahawa institusi raja merupkan elemen fundamental untuk oleh golongan diktator. Justeru, institusi raja yang kukuh amat menjamin kesatuan masyarakat. Sebagai analoginya, menurut signifikan supaya tidak memperkotak-katikkan negara yang aman keratan akhbar Utusan Online, Sultan Muhammad V yang damai ini. Institusi raja terdiri daripada raja yang memerintah ditabalkan sebagai Yang di-Pertuan Agong belakangan ini telah sembilan negeri di Malaysia dan Yang Dipertua Negeri yang menjadi simbol perpaduan kepada rakyat tempatan. Hal ini memerintah empat negeri lain. Antara sembilan buah negeri membawa konotasi bahawa tiadanya pertelingkahan yang 224

berlaku antara penduduk pelbagai ras di Kelantan apabila sebagai benteng ampuh dalam menjaga negeri daripada Baginda memegang tampuk kepimpinan. Dengan komitmen diancam oleh kuasa luar. Dengan wujudnya institusi raja, yang tidak berbelah bahagi oleh Baginda, keamanan dan anasir jahat dapat dihindari kerana raja sentiasa melindungi kedamaian telah diwujudkan di negeri Kelatan. Selain itu, rakyat dengan sepenuh jiwa raga. Institusi raja akan menjamin terdapat juga artikel dalam akhbar Bernama berkaitan usaha keselamatan warganegara dengan kekuatan ketenteraan Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah mempromosikan semangat yang sentiasa bersedia berjuang di sempadan negara. Dalam ukhuwah dalam kalangan masyarakat. Baginda menegaskan konteks ini, Yang Di-pertuan Agong merupakan pemerintah kemustahakan raja-raja Melayu dalam melindungi kepentingan tertinggi angkatan tentera negara. Intihanya, sudah tentu rakyat daripada hempasan ombok perebutan kuasa yang akan anggota institusi raja mampu melestarikan keselamatan negara meretakkan kesatuan. Baginda yang supremasi juga menggesa sekali gus menjamin isi negara dapat hidup di tanah air yang supaya rakyat menguasai bahasa kebangsaan sebagai platform tidak diancam oleh anasir jahat. Institusi raja sememangnya perpaduan. Jelaslah bahawa institusi raja merupakan lambang merupakan payung keselamatan komuniti sekali gus menjamin perpaduan yang holistik. Institusi raja turut berperanan sesebuah ibu pertiwi senantiasa selamat untuk didiami. Dengan sebagai sumber ketaatan rakyat yang mampu menjana kejituan kekuasaan dan pimpinan raja yang berwibawa, anak bangsa masyarakat. Dengan wujudnya raja sebagai lambang perpaduan, dapat menikmati kehidupan yang bebas daripada ketakutan ketenteraman dan kebahagiaan hidup dapat dikecap seterusnya dan kesengsaraan malah tiada peperangan yang akan tercetus melestarikan kedaulatan negara. Sudah izhar terpugau di depan di nusa ini. Tatkala negara kita terhindar daripada gertakan mata bahawa institusi raja merupakan payung perpaduan. daripada pihak luar, rakyat tidak perlu hidup dalam keadaan intimidasi dan pengorbanan nyawa juga dapat diminimumkan. Sebagai cetusan minda yang seterusnya, institusi raja juga Dengan wujudnya institusi raja yang kukuh dan matang, pihak memainkan peranan untuk menjaga kebajikan anak watan. musuh tidak dapat menggaham negara kita kerana raja-raja yang Seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Perkara 153, gagah perkasa berada di baris depan untuk mempertahankan institusi raja menggalas tanggungjawab untuk menjaga ibu pertiwi yang dicintai serta anak bangsa yang dikasihi. Pada kemaslahatan anak-anak negeri. Sesungguhnya, raja yang hakikatnya, insititusi raja amat signifikan sebagai benteng yang terulung itu merupakan tempat masyarakat mujtamak boleh ampuh lagi kamil dalam membela negara daripada dihina mendapatkan bantuan apabila bencana nazak menimpa ancaman luar. negeri. Raja yang berjiwa rakyat akan mendampingi rakyat apabila sesuatu musibah melanda negeri tersebut. Bukankah Akhirulkalam, negara Malaysia sememangnya merupakan nusa ada peribahasa yang berbunyi, “malang tidak berbau, geruh yang bertuah kerana dikurniakan dengan institusi raja yang tidak berbunyi”? Oleh itu, raja yang sentiasa prihatin akan berwibawa dan berketrampilan. Institusi raja ialah pewaris turun padang memahami kesulitan rakyat dan menawarkan tradisi untuk mengekalkan identiti negara bangsa sebagai suatu bantuan.Raja akan mencemar duli ke pusat perlindungan dan lambang kedaulatan-payung mahkota negara. Tanpa institusi sedia mendengar keluhan rakyat. Baginda akan menghulurkan raja yang mantap, mustahil negara kita dapat meraih falah bantuan sebanyak mungkin bagi meringankan beban mangsa dan menjadi unggul di seantero dunia. Tanpa jasa dan budi bencana. Baginda juga tidak akan mengambil bena darjat baik pemimpin negara, mustahil nusa kita mampu mencapai diraja malah berkomunikasi dengan rakyat secara mesra untuk arus modenisasi dan melakukan anjakan paradigma sehingga melunakkan hati mereka. Tamsilannya, Sultan Nazrin Shah memiliki kecemerlangan yang mendabik dada. Institusi raja telah turun padang dan menunjukkan mawaddah kepada merupakan badan rasmi yang semestinya disanjung tinggi dan mangsa banjir pada bulan Disember 2014. Baginda tidak berasa diberi penghormatan oleh rakyat Malaysia yang taat dan setia. kekok menaiki bot serta meninjau ke pusat-pusat pemindahan Kita seyogianya memahami struktur di sebalik institusi yang untuk mengambil berat terhadap mangsa-mangsa. Baginda terulung ini untuk menyelitkan perasaan patriotisme dalam juga menitiskan air mata apabila melihat kemusnahan yang atma. “Setia kepada raja, masyarakat hidup bahagia”. Institusi dicetuskan oleh bencana alam dan keperitan mangsa banjir yang raja telah meninggalkan impak terhadap perkembangan negara. hiba. Bukti yang memperlihatkan baginda seorang yang dekat di Maka, kita wajarlah menerapkan semangat kesetiaan kepada hati rakyat ialah baginda mengesyorkan kepada kerajaan agar raja dan negara selagi hayat dikandung badan. Semangat ini akan pelan induk dijalankan untuk membantu rakyat yang bernasib berakar umbi dalam sanubari rakyat marhean. “Raja dan Rakyat malang. Kelibat baginda tidak lagi asing kerana baginda kerap berpisah tiada!” melawati perkampungan orang asli. Tidak dapat disangkal bahawa baginda merupakan uswah hasanah kepada institusi Wong Choy Yee raja dan semestinya disanjung tinggi oleh rakyat. Realitinya, 4S5 kebajikan rakyat marhean akan dijamin dengan kewujudan institusi raja. (1500 patah perkataan) Sebagai lontaran idea yang terakhir, institusi raja berperanan 225


Sincere Gratitude “Gratitude is 万 when memory 分 is stored in the 感 heart and not 谢 in the mind.” -Lionel Hampton 227





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Best Compliments from LENA LAM WAI FUN 237

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