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Published by ketan joshi, 2021-10-31 12:27:57



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HIRENSIR.COM 3 8 Index 12 16 1. Noun 25 2. Articles 28 3. Singular plural 33 4. Pronoun 36 5. Adjective 42 6. Verb 46 7. Adverb 52 8. Preposition 52 9. conjunction 54 10. Tense 56 11. Infinitive 60 12. Gerund 64 13. Type of sentence 67 14. Active passive 69 15. Direct indirect speech 74 16. Degrees of comparison 77 17. Spellings 79 18. Synonyms 80 19. Antonyms 83 20. One word substitute 85 21. Idioms and phrase 22. Important words 23. PROFESSIONS 24.

1) Noun ( ) ,. Kinds of Noun – :- [® Ú. . Ú] (1) Proper Noun – Ê Ê [® Ú® (2) Common Noun – Ê [® Ú. . ] (3) Collective Noun – Ê [® (4) Material Noun – Ê [® / º Ú. . Ú ] (5) Abstract Noun – Ê Ú ] ] (1) Proper Noun – Ê , , , , Ú, , , Ê. Proper Noun Ex.: (1) This is a group of Adani. (2) A Committee has taken the decision. . (3) It is a bundle of keys. (4) A crowd is standing on the road. Ex.: (5) People are standing at the main gate of the hospital. (1) The Narmada is a big river. (6) My keys are lost. (2) Ahmadabad is a big city. (3) Hemant is a clever boy. (4) Material Noun – Ê ( ) William Shakespeare was a playwright. ( ) I will be visiting New York next month. :- ® ( ) Everyone dislikes Monday mornings ,Ú Ê . ( ) The holy book of Islam is the Koran. Ex.: (1) Mine is a cotton shirt. (2) Rice is grown in Punjab. (2)Common Noun – Ê (3) Silver is very costly. (4) Gold is a precious metal. (5) Add some sugar in my tea. ,Ú Ú (5) Abstract Noun – Ê Common Noun . :- ® Ex.: Ê . (1) This is a table. (2) Krish is a good boy. Ex.: (1) Honesty is the best policy. (3) The peacock is an attractive bird. (2) Democracy is the heart of our country. (4) It is white pen. (3) We have seen goodness in him. (4) Darkness prevails every where. ( ) The boys went to play cricket. ( ) She screamed with great delight. ( ) This neighborhood is one of the best in the area. ( ) His bravery in the war won him a medal. ( ) One should learn to be as independent as (3) Collective Noun – Ê Ê possible.

These collective nouns are The following collective nouns are The following collective nouns are commonly used under the used for animals. used for things. category of people. 21. A catch of fish. 41. A group of islands. 1. A class of students. 22. An army of ants. 42. A galaxy of stars. 2. An army of soldiers. 23. A flight of birds. 43. A wad of notes. 3. A choir of singers. 24. A flock of birds. 44. A forest of trees. 4. A crew of sailors. 25. A haul of fish. 45. A stack of wood. 5. A band of musicians. 26. A flock of sheep. 46. A fleet of ships. 6. A bunch of crooks. 27. A herd of 47. A string of pearls. 7. A crowd of deer/cattle/elephants/goats people/spectators. /buffaloes. 48. An album of stamps/autographs/photogra 8. A gang of thieves. 28. A hive of bees. phs. 9. A group of dancers. 29. A litter of cubs. 49. A hedge of bushes. 10. A team of players. 30. A host of sparrows. 50. A library of books. 11. A troupe of artists/dancers. 31. A team of horses. 51. A basket of fruit. 12. A pack of thieves. 32. A troop of lions. 52. A bowl of rice. 13. A staff of employees. 33. A zoo of wild animals. 53. A pack of cards. 14. A regiment of soldiers. 34. A pack of wolves. 54. A pair of shoes. 15. A tribe of natives. 35. A litter of puppies/kittens. 55. A bouquet of flowers. 16. An audience of listeners. 36. A swarm of 56. A bunch of keys. bees/ants/rats/flies. 57. A chest of drawers. 17. A panel of experts. 58. A pack of lies. 37. A team of 18. A gang of labourers. horses/ducks/oxen. 19. A flock of tourists. 38. A murder of crows. 20. A board of directors. 39. A kennel of dogs. 59. A range of mountains. 40. A pack of hounds. 60. A cloud of dust. 1) Action Abstract noun 5) Average 2) Administrativ Ú Ê 6) Awareness e power 7) Beauty Ú 3) Adventure ÚÊ 8) Belief º Ú 4) Aroma 9) Bitterness º

10) Bravery º 45) Digestive Ú® Ê power 11) Brutality º Ú Ú 12) Calamity 46) Disappointme Ú Ú Ê nt º 13) Childhood º Ê ÚÚ º 47) Dishonesty Ú Ú Ú º 14) Choice Ê 48) Distance Ú Ú Ú 15) Clarification / 49) Disturbance Ú º Ê 16) Clarity 50) Donation Ú 17) Cleanliness 51) Durability Úº 18) Cleverness 52) Education 19) Climate 53) Efficiency 20) Climax 54) Elopement 21) Comfort 22) Commitment 55) Emergency 56) Enmity 23) Concentration 57) Exemption 58) Facility 24) Consent 59) Factor 60) Faith 25) Cooling - 61) Fate power 62) Fatness 63) Fertility 26) Co-operation 64) Filtration 27) Cost 28) Courage 29) Courtesy 30) Cowardness Ú 31) Cruelty 32) Curiosity 33) Custom , 65) Firmness 66) Flair 34) Darkness Ú 35) Death Ú 67) Fragrance 36) Decision Ú 68) Freedom Ú 69) Freshness 37) Decoration Ú 38) Delicacy Ú 70) Friendship Ú 71) Frigidity Ú 39) Demotion Ú 72) Frustration 40) Denial Ú 41) Depreciation Ú 73) Generosity 42) Depth Ú Ú 74) Gesture Ê 43) Development Ú 75) Gladness Ú 44) Dictatorship Ú 76) Greediness Ú

77) Habit º Ú, 110) Majority º 78) Happiness Ú Ú 79) Harassment Ú Ê 111) Man power 80) Haste º Ê 81) Hatred º 112) Memory º 82) Heating Ú Ê 113) power Ú Minority Ú power Ú Ú 114) Miracle : 83) Height Ú 84) Honesty º 115) Moral 85) Honour º Ú 86) Humanity 116) Muscle 87) Ideology Ú º 88) Illustration 117) Nature Ê 89) Importance 118) Noise Ú º 90) Inconvenienc 119) Old age 120) Omen e 121) Ownership 91) Increment 122) Pain 92) Innocence 123) Performance 93) Intensity 124) Perseverance 94) Investigation 125) Pick up 95) Irregularity 96) Jubilation 126) Politeness Ú 97) Judgment 127) Politics Ú 98) Justice 128) Poverty 99) killerinstinct 129) Prediction 100) Kindness 130) Pride 101) Knowledge 131) Promotion 102) Laughter 132) Prosperity 103) Laziness 104) Leisure 134) Provision Ú Ú 105) Length 135) Punishment 106) Length and 136) Recognization º Ú 137) Reduction ºÚ line 138) Refusal 139) Regularity 107) Loneliness 140) Relief 108) Loyalty 141) Reputation 109) Luxury 142) Responsibility

143) Richness Ê Ú Ú Ú 144) Rigidity Ú 169) Technique Ê Ú Ú 170) Tempo Ú 145) Rudeness Ú 171) Theft Ú 172) Theme Ê 146) Sadness Ú 173) Thickness Ú 174) Thirst Ú 147) Sanction Ú Ú 175) Thrill º Ú 176) Timidity 148) Satisfaction : 177) Tolerance Ê 149) Security power 150) Self- 178) Truth Ú 151) confidence 179) Uniformity Ú Selfishness 180) Unity 181) Utility 152) Separation 182) Verdict 183) Vibration 153) Seriousness 184) View-point 185) Violation 154) Shame 186) Warmth 187) Weakness 155) Sharpness 188) Wealth 189) Welfare 156) Society 190) Width 191) Wish 157) Solitude 192) Youth 158) Specialty 159) Speed 160) Spirit 161) Stamina 162) Stiffness 163) Stinginess 164) Strength 165) Success 166) Suffering 167) Summary 168) Teaching technique

2) Article . A, e, i, o, u, Ê (vowels) . º (consonants) . articles . a, an the (1) A and An are called indefinite articles. The is a definite article. –: Ú Ê A and An are used only before the singular nouns, while the is . used before the singular as well as the plural nouns. A and An a are used only before the countable nouns where as the is used ‘A’ . before the countable as well as uncountable nouns. (1) Dilip is a European ( ) article ‘a’ A An – indefinite articles , (2) Bharat is a union leader ( ) / Ê .A (3) This is a university ( ) An . Ê, –: Ê The – definite article . the Ê ºÊ . the Ú (1) kajal is a clever girl . (2) ravi is faithful boy 1) A cows are grazing on the farm. (incorrect) 2) The cows are grazing on the farm. (correct) 3) A scenery of Kashmir is beautiful. (incorrect) –: Ú 4) The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful. (correct) A and An are used for general reference. (A An Ú ) . The is used for specific reference. (1) What a lovely flower! (2) What a fine pen! (The - Ú .) (3) What a lovely scene! (4) What an exciting story! I saw a car on the road. ( car ,Ú .) • (indefinite articles) :- A an Article :- A –: º º – : article Ú ‘a’ A Mr. patel A Mr. Trivedi ‘A’ . A Mrs. Jani A Miss prajapati . a pen, a book, a table, a doctor –: Ú Ê (1) I have a pen (2) she has a book ‘a’ . a user (3) i am a doctor (4) this is a table Ú . . a unicorn a university ºÊ A . Ú . . a cars .

Around We’re sitting around the campfire. Behind Our house is behind my office. Below This town is 87 metres below sea level. Between Our house is between the Theatre and the school. By She lives in the house by the river. Close to Our house is close to the RTO office. Down He came down the steps. From Do you come from banaskantha ? In front of Our house is in front of The temple. Inside You shouln’t stay Inside the house in this Beautiful weather, Into You shound’t go into That house. Near Our house is near The theatre Next to Our house is next to the theatre. Off The monkey jumped Off the roof. Onto The dog jumped onto the roof Opposite Our house is opposite to the school. Out of The cat jumped out of The window. Outside Can you wait outside ? Over The horse jumped over the wall Past Go past the past office. Round We are sitting round the campfire. Through You should not walk through the forest at night. To I like going to saputara. Can you come to me ? Towards I have never been to mumbai. Under We ran towards the classroom. Up The cat is under the table. He went up the hill.

9) Conjunction Conjunctions º ® º objects 2. as soon as the giant saw the children, they ran ʺ away. clauses Ú . º . 6. While / as : Ê. 1. Though / although / Eventhough / even if : ÊÊ ºÊ Ú. . Ê. Ê. Ú . . . Though / although she failed, she did not lose Ú . . 1. as he was running, he fell down. hope. 2. don’t talk while you are eating. 2.My father can run fast although he is old. 7. Before : 2. But / yet / still : º Ê. Ê Ú . Ê. Ê. Ú . . . We shall come. Here before 6 Pm. 2. the mouse is running before the cat. Ú . . . He had more rupees yet he looked sad. 2.akash is tall but his sister Avi is short. 8. After : Ê. 3. If : Ê. Ê Ú. Ú . . . Don’t come here after 6 pm. Ê. 2. the cat is running after the mouse. 9. Either …. Or : Ú Ú .( ) ºÚ Ê. Ú . . . If you work hard, you will pass. Ê. 2. my father asks me if I am telling the truth. Ú . . . Sharadbhai is either a teacher or a writer. 4. Unless : 2. either mehulbhai or jagamalbhai is a Ê teacher. Ú. 10. Neither ….. nor : ºÚ Ê. Ê. Ú Ê. Ú. Ú . . . Neither nimishaben nor sunitaben is weak. 2. you drink neither milk nor tea. Ú . . . Unless there is peace, a country cannot make progress. 11. Not only …… but also : º Ú. 2. he cannot get the bus unless he gest up early. Ê. 5. When / as soon as : Ê. Ú . . . Not only ram but also shyam is handsome. Ê. 2. Arya, my daughter is not only clever but also Ú . . . When I met my brother, he finished his home- brave. work. 12. Both …… and : º Ú.

Ê . 2. Adhya was ill, so/therefore she didn’t go to . Ú school. 18. Since / as / because : ºÊ Ú. Ú . . . Both hetal and rinku are good friends. Since as Ê. 2. Ravi is both handsome and brave. Because Ê. 13. Or / otherwise : Ú + since / as / because + Ú Ú ,Ê , Ê. . Ê. Ú . . . I could not attend the school because I was Ú . . . Sit quiet or go home. ill. 2. work hard otherwise you will not pass. 2. since it was raining, all could not go out. 3. they canceled their tour since/as/because it 14. Or : Ú was raining heavily. Ú. 19. Till : . Ê Ê Ú. Ú . . . We shall buy a TV or a washing machine. Ê. Ú. 15. Since : Ú . . I wait till I come. 20. Until : Ê. (have/has + Ú ) Ê . Ê. Ê ÚÚ . Ú . . don’t go until I finish my work. 21. If / Wheather : Ê. Indirect speech Ú . . . She has been here since 10 am. . 2. since morning, the shopkeeper has closed the Asked / inquired . shop. 16. For : Ê. Ê. Ú . . my teacher asked me. If I had shown her my (have/has + Ú ) homework. 22. And : . ºÚ Ú Ú. Ê ÚÚ Ê. . Ú . . my brother ran fast and caught the bus. Ú. . Ê. 23. So that : . . My father has stayed in tharad for two days. ÚÚ 2. for a long time, I haven’t met her. Ê . 17. So / therefore : Ú ® can, may, Ú . could, might . Ê. Ú . . I read regularly, so that I can get 85% marks. 24. As … as : Ú + so / therefore + Ú. Positive degree . Ú . . . Kaushik reached late therefore he could not get the ticket.

º® ® Ú . . Ú . . this is the boy whom teacher punished badly. Ê. 30. Whose : Ú . . Bunty is as strong as chintu. whose º . ++ (, 25. So ….. as : Ê Ú, ) whose Positive degree . . º® ® Ú . . this is the man whose purse is stolen. 31. Which : Ú. Which Ú . . Palanpur is not so big as ahmedabad. . 26. Than : + + Ú. Comparative dagree Ú . . this is the lion which bit the man. . 32. What : º what º ÊÚ . Ú. Ú+ + / More, bigger, batter ® comparative degree Ú . . I could not understand what they say. 33. That : . That º Ú . . . Ved is taller than kajal. . 2. a dog is not faster than a tiger. that . 27. So…..that : Ú . . this is the book gives us good knowledge. Ú . Superlative degree that So , ® fine, strong, brave, beautiful . . Ú . . she is the smallest girl that I ever saw. All, the same, any, none, nothing, everything, the only that . that . Ê. Ú . . . The tree was so tall that I could not climb on it. Ú . . all that glitters is not gold. 2. Rani is so poor that she cannot buy a new bag. It is / is it is was / was it Ê that 28. Who : . Who . Ú . . it is true that today is a holiday. 34. When : .. .. Ê. ÚÚ . . who . Ê. Ú . . this is Sharad who won the first prize. Ú Ú the day, the month 29. Whom : . . whom .. Ú . . . I know the month when my son was born. .. 2. tell me when dipti will return. . . whom

35. Where : . Ê Ê. Ú Ú the place, the school . Ú . . . This the school where I study. 2. he does not know where she lives. 36. Why : . º Ê. The reason . Ú . . . I don’t know the reason why sherya is absent. 2. nobody knows why Mr. Trivedi has resigned. 37. How : . Ê. Ú . . My uncle doesn’t know how I succeed in my work.

10) Tense ( ) (1) Simple present tense : Ú • He, she, it Ê Ê. º /Ú ,® , 1. Delhi is the capital of indai. • Ê Ú ‘s/es’ 2. People travel by trains for safety. 3. Schools and colleges provide education. Ú. •Ú Ú to be am/is/are . ,® , 1. Stand up please. I am samat gadhavi. I am a teacher 2. Rahul, do your work yourself. 3. Sir, teach us the lesson again. •Ú to have have/has . : Ú. I have a car. He has a pen. If unless condition clause ( Ú ) • Ú Ú ‘y’ ‘y’ ‘I’ ‘es’ Ú ® , try = tries, cry=cries. ®, • Ú Ú ‘s, ch, ss, sh, o x ‘es’ 1. If you read well, you will learn well. 2. I won’t go unless she invites me. Ú. 3. The patient will die if the doctor doesn’t come in time. 4. Unless I take medicines, I can’t recover soon. Uses = . 5. If your parents pay the fees, you will be allowed to appear in the ÚÚ ,® examination. 1. Asha gets up at 6-00 a.m. daily : if unless main clause ) 2. Everyday we do not visit the temple. ÚÚ .) 3. Does Vimal attend his periods daily ? 4. What do you eat daily ? When, before, after, till, until ® Ú , 5. How does rahul prepare his food everyday ? ,® , ®, 1. My father reads a newspaper in the morning. 1. When the rain starts, the peacocks dance gracefully. 2. My school teachers teach all the students well. 2. The plane will take off before you reach the airport. 3. I don’t take tea in the morning. 3. After the peon rings the bell, the pupils should enter the school always, sometimes, never, generally, usually, frequently rarely, bulding. 4. The match will not start until the rain stops. 5. Please don’t go away till I return. hardly, often, mostly ® Ú Ú ®, : when, before, after, till, until main clause ( 1. Mr. patel always reaches his office late. )Ú Ú 2. I never tell a lie. 3. The trains in india usually run late. . 4. Generally good students help the dull pupils. 5. Mayank mostly stands first in my class. , Ú ,® , 1. Honesty is the best policy. Every year/every month/every week/every Sunday/ every 2. Lord Krishna said ‘life is a struggle.’ 3. Pandurang dada said ‘death keeps no calendar.’ morning ® ,® , 4. Hard work has no exception. 5. Man proposes and god disposes. 1. Every year we celebrate diwali. 2. Every month our school holds a test. , 3. Every Sunday my father takes me for the outing. Ú. Ú ,® , 1. The sun gives us light and heat. (2) SIMPLE PAST TENSE : Ú 2. The moon shines at night. 3. The earth moves round the sun. Ê ,® , • Ú d/ed Ú º .® , 1. TWO and two make four. 2. Water boils at 100 c. talk = talked, play = played, jump = jumped, . 3. Light travels in a straight way. 4. A zero is a figure. • Ú Ú ‘e’ ‘d’ ® , smoke = smoked, welcome = welcomed, prove = proved, .

• Ú Ú ‘y’ ‘y’ (3) Simple future tense : Ú i ‘ed’ Ú º . ® , try = • i/we shall . tried, cry = cried, fry = fried. • i/we , will . • ÚÚ • Shall not shan’t will not won’t ºÚ . º ®, • Shall will Ú . . stop = stopped, ho = hopped, commit = committed Uses = . • Tomorrow, next week/next month/ next year/ next Sunday ® ® d/ed , ® run = ran, write = wrote, see = saw, ride = ÚÚ rode, speak = spoke . ,® , •Ú . 1. Tomorrow we shall arrange a party. Ú . ® 2. Next month, soham will visit abu. , cut = cut, put = put, hurt, shut = shut • 3. The pilgrims will leave for badrinath next Monday. Soon, shortly, in a few minutes, this diwali, ® Ú was/were Ú ,® , Ú had . 1. Soon the match will begin. 2. The last train will leave the platform shortly. Uses = . 3. The kids will visit a public garden this evening. 4. In a few minutes, the magician will appear on the stage. ® º In fiture, coming.................................................., following. º ......................................................, in 2010 ® Ú Ú ,® , Ú ,® , 1. India won the cricket world cup in 1983. 2. The principal appointed two new teachers. 1. India will be a super-power in future. 3. Shalin did not take interest in the tour. 2. We shall arrange a quiz compertition coming Sunday. 3. On following day, sachin will play in a charity match. If / unless condition clause ( Ú ) Ê /Ú ®, 1. The britishers ruled over india. main clause Ú 2. India was prosperous contry. 3. Gandhji was born in porbandar. 4. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first prime minister of india. .® , 5. The Rajputs fought bravely against the moghuls. 1. If Mr. Rao behaves politely. All will respect him. Yesterday/last week. Last month/ last year/ last Monday/ last 2. Unless we are united, we will not make progress. evening, ago, before, in ancient time, in the past, in those 3. If our cricketers play for the country, they will win almost all the days, matches. that day, in old days, ® ,® 4. Unless we study properly, we will be backward. 1. Whom did you meet yesterday ? , When, before, after. Till, until time clause Ú 2. Priyanka and rahul took part in the competition last week. 3. Last year i was in std IX. main clause 4. Before an hour, i saw a stranger in the street. Ú 5. In ancient time, the people believed in many super-natural things. 6. In the past, we had less scientific technology. ®, 7. In 2003, may family migrated to Canada. 1. When you come, we shall go on a picnic. And, but, because, so, there fore, till, until, yet ® 2. The shop-keeper will close the shop beforÚe it is 9-00 p.m. 3. After the plane departs, the visitors will leave the airport. Ú 4c.ontTinhueotursaipnrewsiellnntottenmsoeve signal is given. ,® • TIhe beggar will naomt go till you g. iven him some 1. The dog came and jumped over the table. 2. Vishal tried hard but he not pass. • mHeo/nsehye./it Ê is . 3. The train stopped because the signal was not given. 4. The driver was careless therefore the accident took place. • We/you/they ºÊ are 5. Shital did not leave the hall until she finished her paper. . (4) Continuous present tense : Ê Ê :Ê ,® , - 47 1. When you came, i was sleeping.

‘ing’ : (5) Continuous past tense : Ê •Ê 1. Ú Ú ‘e’ .® Ú come = coming, smoke = smoking, ride = riding . continuous past tense . 2. Ú Ú • i/he/she/it Ê was º Ú .® , . run = running, cut = cutting, stop = stooping . • You/we/they º Ê were Uses = . . º º Uses = . Ú ,® , º 1. The children are fiving kites. 2. I am listening to a radio. Ú . ® yesterday at 3’o clock, last Sunday in the 3. We are taking our dinner. morning, last night at 8-30, ® ºÚ Look, see, watch, hear, listen, behold ® Ú ,® , 1. Anil Ambani was working on a computer yesterday at 5-00 p.m. Ê ,® , 2. Rahul and Sehwag were batting last noon at 2 o’clock. 1. Look, that shepherd is riding a buffalo. 3. Abhi was recording his song last Monday in the morning. 2. See, those kids are quarrelling among themselves. 4. Mr. Modi was addressing the farmers at 10-30 yesterday. 3. Hear, a sweet voice is coming from that field. 5. The animals in the zoo were sleeping soundly at noon yesterday. 4. Listen, Anup jalota is singing a new ghazal. 5. Behold, the masons are carrying bricks on their heads. Then, at that time, at that moment, that day, that morning ® ÚÊ ,® , Now, at this time, at this moment, at present, still now ® 1. Hitesh was digging a ground then. 2. Asha and mallika were writing their papers at that time. ÚÊ ,® , 3. My mother was scolding me at that moment. 1. What are you cooking in the kitchen, now ? 4. Mr. Yadav and mr. Vaidya were quarrelling that day. 2. Shohan and john are having a political discussion at this time. 5. We were having our lunch that noon. 3. I am not writing my answers at this moment. 4. Mr. And mrs. Lakdawala are sitting in the drawing-room at While/as Ú Ê . present. ( : while/as main clause .) ® , 5. Monohar is still practicing for his drama. 6. Are you painting your picture still now ? 1. While i was teaching in the class, someone called me. 2. The rain started as the pilgrims were climbing the mountain. Ê ,® , 3. The dog barked while the thief was trying to enter the house. 1. Please stop here. The train is passing. 2. Don’t talk loudly. The doctor is examining the patients. 4. While the women were washing the clothes, they saw a 3. Boys, hurry up. The last bus is leaving. crocodile in the river. 5. As Abhishek was dancing, he fell down. Ú When Ú Ú Ê ,® , Ê ,® , 1. I am leaving for London tomorrow. 1. When the teacher came, the naughty pupils were fighting. 2. The indian president is visiting ajmer the next week. 2. When you called me, i was writing my answers. 3. The S.S.C. students are appearing in the final examination the 3. When the fielder threw the ball, the batsmen were running to next month. take the second run. 4. I am joining a new institute the next Monday. 4. When lord Krishna left Mathura. All the people were erying. 5. Mr. Patel is starting a new business from the next diwali. 5. When mr. Dave telephoned Mrs. Dave, she was cooking in the kitchen. ‘while/as’ Ú Ê .( : when main clause begin, start, end, die ® main ( : while/as main clause .) ÊÚ .) ®, clause already 1. While the pupils are reading. Don’t disturb them. 2. You should not talk to me as i am driving my car. (6) Continuous future tense : Ê 3. Don’t go out while it is raining heavily outside. 4. As the manager is talking to a costomer, please wait outside. •º Ê 5. Boys, switch off T.V. sets while you are preparing for you continuous future tense . examination. Uses = . Tomorrow at this time, next Sunday at 5 o’clock, next week on Monday, tomorrow at night ® º Ê ,® ,

1. Gopal will be preparing for his test at this time tomorrow. (8) Perfect past tense : 2. Shahid and kareena will be dancing together the next day in perfect past tense . Ú the evening. 3. The pupils will be writing their papers the next Monday at 11-00 Uses = . º Ú p.m. ºº 4. Mr. sahai will be visiting the poor farmers the next month in when, before, ºº the morning. º 5. My teachers will be teaching us at this moment tomorrow. When the doctor come. Before the doctor come. . The doctor come. When the match was (7) Perfect present tense : (: º over. :, after .) Before the match was ÊÚ perfect present 1. The patient had died . over. 2. The patient had died. The match was over. tense . 3. After the patient had died, 4. The audience had left the • Ê has stadium 5. The audience had left the . stadium • i/we/you/they ºÊ 6. After the audience had left the have . stadium, • Have nÚot Ú haven’t hasÚnot . hasn’t Ú : • ( º when . ( ) after before clause clause Uses = . .) Ú , Indirect speech reporting verb ( Ú) ®, reported speech ( ) 1. Sorry, you can go now. I have sold all the tickets 2. Bunty looks very happy because he has got a medal. ,® , 3. Sunidhi has succeeded in the quiz therefore she is glad. 1. The captain said that he had won the toss. 4. Sir, may i go now? I have finished my work. 2. Khan thought that he had made a serious mistake. 5. Mohini has painted a nice picture. Would you like to see it? 3. Kumud asked me what i had done for her. 6. I think that i have seen him somewhere. 4. The children asked gandhiji of he had hidden their toys. 5. The director told the actor that he had been ready for the next Already, just, just now, ever, never, yet, recently, so far, till now, shot. up till now, ® Ú 6. A man inquired at the counter if the bus for anand had arrived, 7. Mrs. Sharma wrote her husband that she had paid all the ,® , 1. He has already gone out. premiums. 2. I have just had my tea. 3. The guests have left for the airport just now. Ú: 4. Have you ever seen a dancing peacock ? 5. Surili has never told a lie in her life. ( Ú .) 6. The children haven’t returned from the school yet. 7. My father has recently started a new business. By the time, by 11 o’clock yesterday, by the end of last term, by 8. Our country hasn’t won any world cup in india so far. 9. We haven’t teken any food till now. last Sunday, by the last june ® Ê : ‘ever’ . ,® , 1. Who had finished the work by the last month? ‘since’, ‘for’ (prepositions) 2. How many runs had the opening pair scored by 2-30 p.m. yesterday? 3. I has already paid my fees by the end of last month. 4. Most of the pupils had not submitted their assignments by the last Monday. 5. What had you received by 3 o’clock yesterday? ,® , Could have/would have/should have/might have ® 1. Chetanbhai has been a teacher since 1991. 2. We have not visited Kashmir for many years. Ú perfect modal auxiliaries ( ) 3. Amitabh bachchan has been a popular actor for thirty years. 4. Rohan has been unhappy since he married. clause clause ,® 5. My family has shifted to a new house since last Diwali. 6. Mr. Lakhani has written his poems for two hours. , 7. The principal has left his office since 11 o’clock. 1. If you had tried, you could have won the match. 2. The patient would have been saved of the doctor had been more careful.

3. Had the driver been careful, the accident could have been open, leave, arrive, die, begin, start ® close, finish, avoided. .Ê wait, stay, work, sleep, write, live ® º. (9) Perfect future tense : All this week, all the afternoon, all this vacation, how long ® : ÚÊ ,, Ú perfect future tense . 1. The players have been playing the all afternoon. 2. How long have you been staying here ? By the end of next year, by the next month, by next Monday, by 3. Mr. Lakhani has been writing all the evening. the next time, by 10 o’clock tomorrow ® 4. Sachin has been practising all the evening. 5. Mr. Chauhan has been preparing for his test the whole night. ,® , 1. All of us will have paid our fees by the end of this month. (11) Perfect past continuous tense : Ê 2. Mr. Raval will have opened his store by 8 o’clock tomorrow. 3. Will you have finished your work by tomorrow evening ? 4. The team will not have won the match by the tea-time : Ê tomorrow. . 5. Our English teacher will have completed his course by the end of Ú perfect past continuous tense Ê next anuary. ºº Ú. ºÚ Uses = .( : when, ‘when’ ,® , before, after .) ® , 1. When you telephoned me. I had been writimg my exercises. 1. When the rain stars, i shall have reached my home. 2. When mr. Raval got up in the morning, the strom 2. Before the rain stars, i shall have reached my home. Had been blowing still. 3. The movie starts, after he will have sold all the tickets. 4. The thief will have disappeared in the dark before the police arrive. 5. Before the match stars, the spectators will have taken their Ú: seats. Ú: •Ê Ú. • When + Ú • Before + Ú + (12) Perfect future continuous tense : • After + + . Ê +Ú : Ê Ú perfect future continuous tense . (10) Perfect present continuous tense : Ê : Uses = . ÊÚ perfect present continuous tense ‘when’ . Ê ,® , • he, she, it Ê 1. When my father comes, i shall have been reading. 2. When the match begin, the people will have been taking their has been . have been seats. . 3. When you come to my home, I shall have been preparing my lunch. Uses = . ‘since’, ‘for’ (prepositions) Ê till 3 o’clock tomorrow, up to the morning the next day. Till late .® , night next Monday ® ,® , 1. I have been learning Sanskrit for three years. 2. Vishal and vinod have been sleeping since 3 o’clock. 1. Will you have been watching a match till 6 o’clock 3. Have you been living in a village since your birth? tomorrow? 4. Who has been teaching in that class for an hour? 5. The actors have not been performing well since the film started. 2. Mr. Rathod will not have been waking till late night tomorrow/ Ú: 3. Who will have been waiting for you up to the sunset the next day?

Tense Name ACTIVE VOICE FORMULA PASSIVE VOICE FORMULA Ú o + am/is/are + (not)+ (V -III) + by + s Simple present Positive : S+V(s,es)+ 0 o + was/were + (not) (V -III) + by + s always ( ), daily ( ), everyday tense Negative : S +do/does + not + V1 + 0 o +will / shall + (not) + be + (V -III) + by + s o + am/is/are + (not)+ being + (V -III) + by + s (Ú ), sometimes ( ), often o + was/were + (not) being + (V -III) + by + s ( ), usually ( ) ---------- Simple past Positive : S+V–II + 0 o + have/has + (not)+ (V -III) + by + s yesterday ( ), last time ( tense Negative: S + didn’t + V1 + 0 o + had + (not) + been + (V -III) + by + s o + will + (not) have + been + (V -III) + by + s ), last night ( ), last ------- ------ week ( Ú ), last year ( ------ ), that day ( Ú ), no that day ( Ú ), two days ago (º Ú ), once ( ), ago ( ). In the past ( ) Simple future S + will/shall + (not) + V1 + 0 tomorrow ( ), next year tense ( ), next month ( , probably ( ), perhaps ( Ú Ê), in the future ( ), tonight (® ) Continuous S + am/is/are + (not)+ (V + Ing) + 0 look ( ), see ( ), watch ( present tense ), listen ( ),now ( , ),at this moment ( ), hear ( ) currently ( ), today evening ( ® ®), now a days ( ) Continuous S + was/were + (not) (V + Ing) + 0 when (® ), while( ), As past tense ( ),so, therefore ( ), then ( ) Continuous S +will/shall + (not) + be + (V + Ing) + 0 tomorrow at this time ( future tense ), next week ( Ú) Perfect S + have/has + (not) + V-III+0 just ( ),already ( ) recently present tense ( ), lately ( Ú ), since (® ), for ( ), ever ( ), till now ( ), never ( ), yet ( ), even today ( ® ), just now ( Perfect past S + had + (not) +V –III +0 before ( ), after ( ), when (® tense ) Perfect future S + will/shall + (not) + have + V-III +0 by the time ( ), within tense ( ), before ( Continuous S + have/has + (not) + been + (V + Ing) + 0 ) perfect since, for, all day, all week present tense S + had + (not) been + (V + Ing) + 0 Continuous before, when, after prefect past S + will/shall + (not) + have been + (V + Ing) + tense 0 by the time ( ), for Continuous () prefect future tense

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