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Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-07-12 18:24:10

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The fittings for these coolers vary AMD’s new Socket AM5 will apparently use significantly, with different screw a backplate that’s fixed to the motherboard lengths and screw threads, so if you’re planning on jumping on the Socket That said, the similar situation AM5 bandwagon at launch, and the with Intel’s new LGA1700 socket cooler you plan to use has a custom didn’t result in a smooth transition, backplate, be prepared for some with adaptor kits suffering from problems on day one. You’d also be poor availability at launch, and many well advised to check compatibility with manufacturers still not offering them your cooler’s manufacturer nearer the or even compatibility information. We’ll time, as they’ll probably offer adaptor be updating you here with the latest kits if necessary. news as we approach AMD’s Socket AM5 launch. Reduce your bills by undervolting M y needs from my main rig and vcores, reducing the voltage or Of course, in some situations, have changed quite a bit power limit of a CPU can result in messing around with voltages can over the years. I’ve gone lower load temperatures compared kill any boosting algorithms, as from massive water-cooled, with stock speed. Even overclocking your motherboard will think you’re overclocked behemoths that took up the CPU, but reining in the voltage attempting a manual overclock. half my bedroom, to compact mini- can have benefits, reducing its peak However, the latest boosting ITX PCs that focus on space saving temperatures under load. technologies from AMD and Intel, and low noise. The latter always such as Precision Boost Overdrive involved custom water cooling, Dialling in these settings with a 2 (PBO2) and Intel’s granular per- though, and that’s not likely to stock speed CPU can bring it within core approach, allow you to adjust change, as I like a quiet PC with striking distance of smaller coolers power limits and voltages without plenty of headroom for beating the too, potentially saving you money or impacting on performance. heat. However, I don’t tend to do that allowing you to cool your CPU with a much overclocking anymore. more modest cooler or even a smaller If you haven’t tinkered with As my current system sports case. This also applies to graphics undervolting yet and, like me, nearly a Ryzen 5000-series CPU, cards, where undervolting them can fell off your chair when you looked overclocking has been rather have big rewards in terms of reduced at your last electricity bill, it’s worth pointless too. There’s more benefit power consumption and thermals. taking a look. The places to start from leaving many CPUs at their are manual undervolting with older stock speed settings, rather than With today’s electricity prices AMD CPUs, and using PBO2 and its overclocking them, as their boost showing no signs of falling, custom voltage curve with current frequencies (especially at the higher undervolting or reducing your AMD CPUs. end), are higher than what you’d CPU’s power limits can save on your achieve with a manual all-core electricity bill too. It’s possible to Meanwhile, Intel systems can overclock. You can tweak individual shave over 100W of power from your offer plenty of flexibility, with cores, of course, but this can be PC’s load draw – more if we’re talking motherboard EFIs often containing hugely time-consuming. However, about a high-end system in situations PL1 (long-term TDP) and PL2 (short- there is a hidden benefit among all that use both the CPU and GPU under term maximum power draw) power those overclocking settings, which is heavy load. limit controls. the ability to reduce the CPU voltage compared with stock speed. Importantly, undervolting or These all offer quick and easy This can apply to both stock reducing power limits doesn’t always ways to adjust power, and in speed and overclocked situations. result in lower performance. Simply turn temperatures and power With many CPUs pushed to their lowering the voltage that your CPU or consumption, often with little to limits with high boost frequencies GPU can use will mean it still adheres no drops in real-world performance. to its boosting algorithms, but the You can see a full guide to resulting lower temperature may undervolting your hardware in our enable it to boost further. next issue. Antony Leather is Custom PC’s modding editor @antonyleather 101

MODDING / HOW TO GUIDES How to 1 / USE PROTECTIVE GEAR Spray-paint Spray paint gets everywhere, so it’s important to wear old clothes, your case protective gloves and goggles that enclose your eyes. It’s unlikely the paint will wash out of clothes and you want to avoid getting it on your Antony Leather shows you how to skin as much as possible. transform your PC’s look with your own choice of colour and paint effects 2 / USE A RESPIRATOR TOTAL PROJECT TIME / 48 HOURS Whenpaintingsmallobjectsina well-ventilated space,apaintingface maskwillsuffice, butif you’resprayingyourwhole caseorusingasealed S praypaintingoffersafantasticwaytocustomiseyourPC, enclosuretocontainpaint,you’llneedarespirator.Itwillallow you to thanks to the huge array of colours and effects available with spend extendedperiodsaroundpaintfumes andprotectyou for short today’s acrylic paints.All you needis a small spacetowork periodsagainst premiumclearcoatstoo. that’swell ventilated, along with someprotective gear, and youcan give your PC aunique colour andfinishthat’scolour-matchedtoyour hardware andlighting. Spray paintingcanbe trickyto getright,though,and there are plentyof pitfallsthat canruin your day. Thankfully, withafewtips,aswellasthe right preparation, youcan achieve agreat finishevenwith basicgear.In this guide, we’llcover theprocessfrom startto finish,including dismantling andreassemblinga case,cleaning andpriming the surfaces, usingeffectspaints,achieving a durable finish,andkeeping youand your surroundingssafe andpaint-free. TOOLS YOU’LL NEED Acetone paint cleaner Microfibre cloth Most hardware stores Drill and 3mm bit Most hardware stores Frog Tape Respirator with Most hardware stores P3 filters Plastic greenhouse Rivet gun and rivets 2K clear coat Spray paints, primer 3 / USE SEALED ENCLOSURE and clear coat Having a well-ventilated area is important to ensure fumes disperse, but spraying in the open will lead to dust and bugs getting trapped in the paintwork. Using a plastic greenhouse traps paint overspray and allows 1,000-grit sandpaper Disposable gloves ventilation, but drastically reduces detritus drifting onto your painted surfaces, and it allows you to paint in all weathers. Most hardware stores Most hardware stores 102

4 / CLEAN YOUR NOZZLES 7 / REMOVE RIVETS If you’re reusing old spray cannozzles,orfinishing upafterthisguide,use Many cases arerivetedtogether, andyou’llneedtodrillout theserivets acetoneorspraynozzlecleaner toremovedried paint. This can hamper before proceeding, as it’sfar easierandmore effectivetospray your case the spray and cause dropletstoformwhenspraying. Afteryou’re finished if it’s dismantled. This is an easy job, but you’ll need access to a drill and spraying, placethenozzlesintoa sealable containerfilled with acetone. 3mmdrillbit,along witha rivetgun andreplacement rivets. 5 / CHOOSE COLOURS AND SURFACES 8/ REMOVE SCREWS You can spray just the exterior surfaces of your case, masking the ones If you’re lucky enough to be using a case that screws together, you’re in for a you don’t want to paint, or go all out and coat the whole case. Don’t rush much easier time. However, take note of the position of each screw, as they into this – have a good think about it. Take your time and make sure can differ in length, thread or head type, even on a single model of case. you’re happy with both the colour and areas you intend to spray. 6 / CONSIDER PAINT EFFECTS 9 / DISMANTLE CASE Painteffects range frommetallic,which isusuallyincludedin manypaint You’ll want to remove any drive bays, fans and front panels from the colours, allthewayup to spray-on additivessuchas marbleeffects. case so you’re dealing with open sections of the case. Once all the These can jazz up your case’s exterior compared with plain colours, but it appropriate screws and rivets are removed, detach all the panels, so can be trickytowork with effectsyousprayon after thecolourcoat. they’re free for you to paint. 103

MODDING / HOW TO GUIDES 10 / REMOVE FIXTURES AND FITTINGS 13 / SAND SURFACES TO PAINT Any ports, PSU extensions, fan hubs or drive bays in areas you want If your casehasroughpaintfinishes,you’llneedtosandthemusing to paint must be removed. These will be held in place with screws 1,000-grit sandpaper first.Thiswilleven out any lumps andbumps,while or rivets. It’s best not to mask over them, as this can be tricky, time- also improvingthe paintfinish. Rinsetheareaagainwith waterafter consuming and often not very effective with such small parts. you’ve finishedsanding. 11 / MASK UP SURFACES 14/ WIPE WITH A CLOTH If you just want to spray the exterior of your case, or keep certain To aid the drying process after washing and rinsing, wipe down the case sections paint-free, you’ll need to mask them. Use Frog Tape for this sections with a microfibre cloth. You can also suspend the parts in your job, attaching white card or paper to the tape cover larger sections. If spray area, but manually drying them will get you ready for painting you want to create curved mask areas, it’s best to use edging tape. much quicker. 12 / CLEAN SURFACES 15 / WARM PAINTS Usewashing-upliquidanda spongetoclean allthe surfacesyou plan to A trick for spraying in colder months is to warm the paints first. Avoid paint, then rinsethemthoroughly.Thiswillremove any oils orothergrime placing them in an unheated shed or garage the night before, and place thatcouldimpactonthepaintfinish.You’ll wanttowearprotectivegloves the cans in warm (but not hot water) for five minutes prior to spraying. from now on, in order to prevent oils from getting on your hands. 104

16 / PRACTISE USING PRIMER 19 / SAND PRIMER Primer is generally cheaper than colour paint or clear coat, so it’s good Someprimersleave aroughsurface, especiallyin very warm conditions for practising your spray technique on a piece of spare cardboard first. when they dry quickly.Ifthe surfacefeels very coarse, use 1,000-grit You need to spray 20-30cm away from the surface, moving the can sandpaper to lightly smooth it downonceit’sdry. around 30cm per second over the surface from side to side, working your way across it. 17 / SUSPEND YOUR SPRAY SURFACES 20/ TEST COLOUR COAT We advise you to suspend your case parts vertically, so you can spray The colour coat will come out of the can differently to the primer, so all the sides in one go. If they’re sat on a surface, the paint can end up spray a little on some cardboard to practise first. Use the same method sticking the two surfaces together. Fishing wire or electrical wire fed as we described for the primer in step 16 – if the paint starts running, through screw holes will allow you to suspend your panel without move your hand faster or spray from further away. blocking the paint spray. 18 / USE PRIMER 21 / APPLY COLOUR COAT Usually grey or white, primer acts to fill in small imperfections on Using the same method as step 16, cover the entire section with one surfaces, and provide a smooth base to which the colour coat can coat, covering the primer completely – then allow it to dry for ten adhere. Apply as many coats as needed to make the original case minutes before applying another coat. Three or four coats are needed colour no longer visible, then add one more. to build up a solid, even colour over the whole surface. Don’t be afraid to apply more coats, as conditions can impact coverage. 105

MODDING / HOW TO GUIDES 22 / APPLY EFFECTS COAT 25 / CONSIDER 2K CLEAR COAT You can now apply an effects coat if you want one. We’re using marble Standard clear coat can be soft, even when fully hardened, while 2K effect spray. It’s essential to practise first, as metallic or marble effects clear coat is applied in the same way and offers a more durable finish. sprays can’t be removed, so it’s important to get it right first time. The It’s more expensive and is nasty stuff, so you’ll need to cover all skin and marble effect required us to move the can more rapidly than the colour eyes, use a P3 filter respirator and only stay near the fumes for a few coat to create an even finish, using just two passes. moments to apply it. 23 / REMOVE MASKING 26 / INSERT NEW RIVETS As soonas you’ve finishedspraying,remove the masking. Doingthis To replace rivets you drilled out earlier, you’ll need new ones with while the paint is damp, and before you apply clear coat, prevents the heads the same size as the original case rivet holes, which are usually finishfrom tearingor crackingwhen you remove the masking. Ifyou 3mm. Insert the thin tail of the rivet into a rivet gun, push the large want, you can reapply masking to prevent the clear coat settling on head through the case sections and squeeze the trigger until the tail unwanted areas,but this isn’t essential,as it’stransparent. snaps off, leaving the rivet head behind. 24 / APPLY CLEAR COAT 27 / REASSEMBLE CASE Aim to spray clear coat only onto areas that need it, removing any If your case screws together, go ahead and reassemble it. The gloss overspray with paint cleaner later. Apply it in generous layers at the from modern clear coats is usually excellent, but you can use standard same speed and movement as the colour coat and aim for five layers, car polish to buff it if necessary. If you mess up any areas, or need to allowing coat each to dry for 30 minutes. Finally, leave it to dry for two respray in future, paint remover spray can be used to remove the paint days somewhere well ventilated before handling it. and clear coat so you can try again. 106

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R E T R O T E C H / ANALYSIS Retro tech INTEL 8086 Stuart Andrews looks at the story behind the stopgap CPU that helped to start a revolution It didn’t look A mazingly,themostimportantchipinIntel’shistory– othermanufacturersof earlykitmicrocomputers. Tomake anything special, the chipthatbeganthewhole x86line –was only mattersworse,bothMotorola andZilogwereworkingon new but the 8086 intended to be a stopgap. In 1976, there were no 16-bitdesigns, the68000andtheZ8000respectively. CPU ended up personal computersas weknow themtoday,onlya range of founding a mighty specialistscientifictools,industrial devices,mainframesand Intel wasworkingonitsownrevolutionary32-bit dynastyof CPUs microcomputers, whichwere slowlytrickling downfrombig architecture, dubbed iAPX 432, but had run into some complex corporationsandresearchinstitutions intothesmall challenges.Developmentof iAPX432was takingIntel’s team business market. of engineers muchlongerthanexpected. Thearchitecture At this point, Intel was just one of several major players in the spannedacross threechips,and theprocesstechnology emergingprocessor market.Its8-bit8080microprocessor required to manufacture them was still years away. had made thejumpfromcalculatorsand cashregisters to computer terminals and microcomputers, and was the core What’s more, the instruction set was focused on running platform for the bigOSof theera,CP/M. newhigh-level, object-orientedprogramming languages However, Intel hadsomeserious competition.Zilog’s thatweren’tyetmainstream;Intel’s ownoperatingsystemfor Z80waseffectivelyanenhanced 8080,runningabroadly compatible machinecode withsomeadded functionsfor It couldn’t merely address processing strings. The Motorola 6800 had similar capabilities double the RAM, but a full to Intel’s chip, and was beginning to find favour with Altair and 1MB of it it was being coded entirely in Ada. Concerned that Zilog and Motorola couldeatits market sharebeforeiAPX432 even launched, Intel needed a new and exciting chip to hold its competitors atbay. Intelhadfollowedup the8080with itsown enhanced version,the8085, but this was littlemorethanan 8080 withacouple ofextra instructionstoreduceitsreliance on external supportcircuitry.Knowingitneededmore,Intel lookedtoStevenMorse, ayoungsoftware engineerwho had justwrittenacriticalreporton theiAPX 432processordesign, and asked himtodesign theinstruction setfora new Intel processor.Ithadtobe 8080-compatibleandabletoaddress at least128KBofmemory– double the maximum64KB supported by the 8080. DESIGNING THE 8086 Morse workedwitha small team, includingprojectmanager BillPohlman andlogicdesignerJim McKevitt,todesign and implementthe newarchitecture.Hetypedspecs and documentation through a text editor on a terminal connected 108

The die of the the 8086hasalwaysbeentohelpusersget theirproducts original 8086.It tomarketfasterusingcompatiblesoftware, peripheral was oneofthemost componentsandsystemsupport’. It wasdesignedasthe complex processors heartof‘amicroprocessingfamily’withmultiple processors of thetimewith supportingtheCPU.This, inturn, madethe8086 agoodfitas over 29,000 microcomputers evolved intoPCs. NMOS transistors toan Intelmainframe, evencreating diagrams fromASCII A STAR IS BORN characterstoillustrate howthenewCPUwould work. The 8086washardlyanovernight success. TheZ80 Meanwhile, Jim McKevittworkedonhowdatawould be continued to cause Intel nightmares, appearing in more passed between the CPU and the supporting chips and affordable business computersrunningCP/M.Themost the circuitry across the system bus. After the first couple of excitingprocessor indevelopment inthelate1970swasn’tone revisions,Intelbroughtin a second softwareengineer,Bruce ofIntel’s,but Motorola’s 68000, whichwentontodominate Ravenal, to help Morse refinethe specs. As theprojectneared the workstation market, and create a new generation of completion, the team grew todevelop the hardware design, homeand businesscomputers.Comparatively, the 8086 andwereable tosimulateandtestwhatwouldbecomethe made it intosomenewmicrocomputers and terminals,plus coreofthe x86instruction set. afewmorespecialistdevices,but itwasn’tthemarketleader. InMarch 1979,frustratedby Intel’s workingculture, Steven Left pretty muchalone by theIntelmanagementtowork Morse left the company. on an architecture Intel saw as having a limited lifespan, Morse andhis team hadfreedomto innovate.The8086 design had Then, afew weeksafterMorseleft,Intellauncheda revamp someclear advantagesovertheold 8080. Itcouldn’tmerely of the 8086: the 8088. The new chip was actually weaker; address double the RAM,butafull1MB.Rather than handle half its datapinswereremoved,soit couldonlysendor receive 8-bit operations,it couldmanage16-bit. 8 bitsofdataatatime.However,thismeantitcould work with existing 8-bitsupport chipsdesigned for the8080, andit Ithad a selection of new instructions and features, including didn’tneedasmuchcomplexcircuitryto run.Giventhatthe features designedtohandle stringsmore efficiently and 8086architecturewasbackwards compatible,and thatIntel features designed to support high-level programming wasinvestingheavilyinsupport,building new versionsof languages.Itmade upforone ofthe8080’sbiggestshortfalls existing computersanddevicesaroundthe 8088became a with hardware supportformultiplyanddivideoperations.The no-brainer.At this point,Intelfoundoutabouta new project 8086 designmadea coder’s lifeeasier. underway atIBM. However, Morsealsotookanew approach to processor In1980,an Intel fieldsales engineer, EarlWhetstone, began design. As hetoldPC Worldina 2008 interview,‘up untilthat talking toanIBM engineer, DonaldEstridge, aboutatop-secret time, hardware people did all the architectural design, and they project todevelopanew kind ofcomputer.Scheduleswere wouldput inwhateverfeatures theyhad space foronthe chip. tight, meaning IBM needed to work with an existing processor, It didn’tmatter whetherthe feature wasusefulor not’. and Estridgefacedachoicebetween theZilog Z8000, the Motorola 68000, and Intel’s 8086and 8088. Instead, Morse looked at whatfeaturescould be added – andhowtheycould bedesigned – inordertomakesoftware Whetstonesold Estridgeon thetechnicalmeritsof the runmore efficiently. The 8086madeexisting 8080 software 8086architecture andthe lengthsIntel would gotosupport it, run better, andwasdesigned toworkmoreeffectivelywiththe whileIBM’sbeancountersrealised thatthe 8800 could help software andprogramming languages thatwere emerging, them keep costs down. IBM was already familiar with Intel, unlikebothiAPX 432andZilog’sZ8000. and was workingwith aversionof MicrosoftBasicthatranon the 8080. What’s more,the 8086was designed to workwith additionalprocessors,co-processors and othercomponents Aversionof 86-DOS,soldaspartofa SeattleComputer astheheart ofa computersystem.Inthe forewordtohis Products kit, would becomethebasisof Microsoft’s MS-DOS. book, The 8086 Primer,Morse talks of how ‘the thrustof TheprojectbecametheIBMPC 5150,ortheoriginalIBMPC, and becauseitusedoff-the-shelfhardwareandMicrosoft’s software,itbecametheinspirationfor anarmyof PC clones. Astheysay, therestishistory. HadIntelfocuseddown on iAX 432 and IBM had chosen Motorola, computing may have gone ina differentdirection. Intel was smartenoughto double down on x86,moving ontothe286and386CPUsand– eventually–abandoningwhatwassupposed to beitsflagship line. What’s more, while the x86 architecture has now evolved beyondallrecognition, even today’smightiestCoreCPUscan still run code written for the lowly 8086. It started as a stopgap, butthe8086hasstood thetest of time. 109

MODDING / READERS’ DRIVES Readers’ drives Piñasphere Armed with a modified 3D printer, Jean Roberto De lacovo created all the parts he needed to make the chassis for this stunning- looking scratch build What inspired you to build this PC? Jean: I wanted to see how far I SEE THE FULL PROJECT LOG AT could get with the design of a computer case. The /Pinasphere standard that people with the pinecone/pineapple motif for the dome at this time, so I picture in their thought this idea would work really well for the waves’crests too, albeit mind when you talk with a lot of tweaking. about a PC is a boxy The other half of the dome was also nature-inspired – it’s based shape – apart from on filled honeycombs, and every hexagon is complex when you a few exceptions, view it up close. This complexity of the hardware components on also helps when it comes to making Tinkercad, then I thought that if I most computer the printing layer lines less visible. didn’t install a GPU, and used an The interior has more of a sci-fi external PSU, I could try to make cases are based on a look with lots of polygons. It’s a split-sphere shape. structurally similar to an aircraft square shape. frame – it’s not a sphere, but a The first idea was to use a complex icosphere with geometric handcrafted metal frame made This case had holes that help with airflow too. with 3mm-thick aluminium sheet. However, I’d also recently done /MEET THY MAKER to be unique and How did you plan and design some experiments with 3D printing sophisticated, so after this build? to make a camera rig – during those Name Jean Roberto choosing the split Jean: Usually I start my work experiments, I tested the strength De lacovo sphere as the main with some quick pencil and paper of PLA and PETG, and concluded sketches, but this one started that PETG was strong enough to Age 40 shape, I evolved it with a Tinkercad sketch. I was handle the stresses of the case. testing various configurations Occupation Hotel when I learned to play with some 3D mock-ups I made You used 3D printing for the whole build. Tell us all about receptionist with Blender’s mesh your process. Jean: At first it was hard, but it Location Italy editing and icosphere would now be a much quicker generation. There are process, I had to start planning it differently from a usual case mod, Main uses for PC 3D some nature-inspired because I wasn’t removing material but adding it. I did some tests with modelling,gaming,tablet elements when different small projects, so I could fine-tune the 3D printer settings. drawing,video/photo the case is closed, editing,websurfing while the open-air Likes Hugs, arts, PCs, configuration has a fitness, gaming, nature, sci-fi techy look. Star Wars, Marvel, I On the sides you can could go on … I’m also a see these black wavy petrolhead, but I like sporty rings – I wanted them electric vehicles too to look like the waves Dislikes Bitter tastes, generated when you SUVs, racism, sexism drop something in water. I was playing 110

The software I used as a slicer for choose the base as the contact the prints was Ultimaker Cura 4.13, side between parts, as it’s the side I found it intuitive from the start with which you have less control and it allowed me to fine-tune my for the finish if you don’t paint prints. For example, I learned to it afterwards. set the Z-seam alignment to avoid having a visible line on the prints, One key point I learned is that and to set the retraction settings getting the parts perfectly clean for different situations – you can with precision cutters takes time basically tailor the settings around and patience – make one mistake your needs. My workhorse 3D and you end up throwing away the printer is a Creality Ender 3 Pro, printed part – it happened with an which I’ve modded as it was too SSD frame I printed. The cleaning noisy for me. I’ve added a Creality and levelling of the printer takes Silent Mainboard, plus a 120mm fan a bit of time too, but it solves the for the PSU, and I also designed and majority of problems that can printed the custom fan ducts for the occur during the printing process printer with PETG, which enables – printing at a slower speed also me to use a dual 60mm Noctua helps to avoid a lot of problems. fan setup instead of the standard 40mm fans. How do all the pieces fit together? It also has a direct extruder now Jean: It’s basically a super- – I had to reduce the retraction a sandwich structure – as with lot more than expected, because aircraft, some parts are simply the first prints with the new setup pressed between the fastened resulted in extruder clogging layers. The parts are shaped so problems when printing with PETG. that they can only be assembled the correct way – even if it’s just a In total, Piñasphere is composed different corner or hole, each part of 27 3D-printed parts. For the always has an aspect that helps for finishing touches, I used precision positioning. This structure enabled cutters, along with a lighter, me to create a chassis with enough to remove any excess material strength, but with minimal infill, or stringing. However, once I’d so it minimises the weight and the got the filament temperatures amount of material used. right, I found that stringing was extremely limited. I also found I then used stainless steel screws that the orientation of parts during for fastening – the motherboard the printing process helped when is secured using M3 screws with it came to finishing. I purposely 10mm threaded brass inserts – you 111

MODDING / READERS’ DRIVES What challenges did the tubes and stays hidden under the shape of the build present? cooling tube on the motherboard can warm them up with a soldering Jean: Honestly, if you think mostly side. The Wi-Fi antennae cables are iron then press them inside the about the shape and not the hidden under the motherboard, 3D-printed parts. For the rest of the dimensions, it’s relatively easy to and their connectors on the top of fastenings, I threaded the PETG make a PC with an unusual shape the motherboard are hidden under with tools and used button-head – the biggest challenge for me the M.2 SSD so you just can’t see M5 screws – the threaded sections was leaving enough room inside them. Lastly, the waterblock cables are at least 10mm long. Meanwhile, the case for all the gear to work were laid under the waterblock’s the white domes simply snap into well. Another big challenge was fastening ‘wings’. place on the motherboard side, and presented by the two I/O panels – secure with a slight clockwise twist I’d decided that both of them were Tell us how the airflow on the radiator side – no tools are going to look like the front panel, system works. needed here. placed in a recess of the dome, but Jean: This is one of the parts I like I also had to leave some space for the most in my projects. After What tiny motherboard the power cord, and that’s why the going through the radiator, the air is that? ‘slice’is so long on that side. goes through the middle channel, Jean: I used an ASRock X300M-STX cooling the 2.5in SSD, then moves motherboard. It was one of the What PSU did you use? under the motherboard and smallest motherboards I could find Jean: It’s the external power exits from a 5mm gap between that allowed me to use an AMD supply that ships with the ASRock the motherboard and its support Ryzen 7 5700G. It can support up Deskmini X300. frame – it flows around almost the to 64GB of memory, and it has two whole perimeter. M.2 SSD slots and two SATA ports It looks like a laptop power for 2.5in SSDs, so it gives me ample supply, and its output is 120W at But the air isn’t out at this point room to upgrade memory and 19V – it’s rather small, so it was – the internal dome then guides it storage, which will help to keep perfect for this PC, as it isn’t a to move around the motherboard, this machine useful in the future, power-hungry monster. so it cools the M.2 modules and maybe as an office PC or server. motherboard VRM heatsink. There are also two holes on the side of 112 the radiator, which relieve a bit of the counter pressure generated from the air moving inside the middle channel. SYSTEM SPECS How did you plan the CPU AMDRyzen75700G cable routing? GPU Integrated AMD Jean: All the cables are routed RadeonRX Vega11 inside the middle ring, which also Storage 1TB Samsung 980 forms the main frame – it has lots M.2 SSD, 250GB Samsung of empty spaces in it for airflow 860 Evo2.5inSATASSD and cable routing. The cables for Memory 16GB(2 x8GB) the power switch, SSD activity LED Corsair Vengeance 3200MHz and power LED are tucked under DDR4 SODIMMs the motherboard, and they then go Motherboard ASRock into the box that acts as hooks for X300 M-STX the domes and also contains the PSU 120W ASRockexternalPSU power switch. Cooling CoolerMaster MasterLiquid ML120L The radiator fan cable is hidden V2 AIO liquid cooler by the dome hook under the radiator – I made a routing canal for it – then it goes through the passage for one of the cooling

WIN CORSAIR HYDRO X WATER COOLING GEAR To enter your rig for possible inclusion in Readers’ Drives, yourbuildneedstobe fullyworkingand,ideally,basedin theUK.Simply sendusacouple of photosonTwitter (@CustomPCMag) or Facebook (CPCMagazine), or email low-res ones to [email protected]. Fame isn’t the only prize; you’ll also get your hands on some fabulousprizes, courtesy of Corsair. Corsair Hydro X Series XD3 RGB Pump/Reservoir C WORTH £151 The Corsair Hydro X Series XD3 RGB Pump/ Reservoir Combo features a high- performance DDC PWM pump, How did you achieve the you to increase the shared video integrated RGB lighting and in-loop copper-coloured touches? RAM up to 16GB if you have more Jean: I wanted to add a warm than 32GB of system memory. temperature sensor to drive even the colour to contrast against the white, and I originally considered using Did you come across most compact custom cooling systems. real copper rings. However, during any difficulties? the sketching phase, I wanted to Jean: I think the biggest challenge It has a high-performance Xylem DDC add more reflective facets than was fine-tuning the printer profile you get on rings, so I printed them for every filament. I had to reduce PWM pump controlled via PWM to with a more complex shape. If I’d the printing errors that would be had a tonne of time, I could have impossible to hide, as one of my deliver the perfect flow balance for your loop. There are also handcrafted them, but this time I objectives was to make the build wanted to test myself and see what look good without having to paint 16 individually addressable RGB LEDs, which light up the I could do with just 3D printing, it. I got used to deep-cleaning the so I bought some Giantarm Silk extruder, and I also bought a long pump head to produce stunning, customisable lighting Copper Filament and the results stainless steel needle to purge every didn’t disappoint – they do give a bit of filament residue out of it. effects to match your build. premium vibe to the build. How long did it take you to Corsair Hydro X Series XC7 What spec did you choose complete this build, from start and why? to finish? RGB CPU Water Block WORTH Jean: I wanted it to be able to do Jean: After the learning about 3D £70 a bit of everything, but 3D editing editing phase, I would say three to The Corsair Hydro X Series XC7 was a must-have capability. I also four months. It would definitely RGB CPU Water Block combines wanted the machine to perform take less time if I did it now. decently at 1080p gaming. With premium construction, vivid RGB no room for a graphics card, the Are you completely happy obvious choice was going for the with the end result, or do you wish lighting and extreme cooling best APU I could buy, and that was you’d done some of it differently the AMD Ryzen 7 5700G – I love it; in retrospect? performance to become the it’s an excellent performer. Jean: I’m absolutely happy – this was the first time I’d tried building centrepiece of your water-cooling The build has 16GB of memory, a 3D-printed case, and before the because I was looking for the final assembly, I wasn’t 100 per cent loop. It has a nickel-plated copper hardware during October and sure how it would look. However, November, and it was on sale then. after I assembled it all together I cold plateandmorethan60 high- Corsair is a good brand, so I took my had only one thought –‘WOW it’s chance and bought it. I’ll upgrade solid and looks really cool!’I really efficiency micro-cooling fins, which the RAM in the next few months, couldn’t be happier. as the ASRock motherboard allows efficiently draw heat away from your CPU, lowering operating temperatures andallowingformaximumoverclocks.You can choose a version for Intel or AMD CPU sockets. Corsair Hydro X Series XR5 240mm Radiator WORTH £55 The Corsair Hydro X Series XR5 240mm Water Cooling Radiator delivers extreme custom cooling performance, with a 30mm radiator thickness and premium copper core. Its dual 120mm fan mounts on each side are ready for your most ambitious custom cooling build, and its 25 micron-thick cooling fins offer a high thermal transfer rate. 113

OPINION JA M E S G O R B O L D / HARDWARE ACCELERATED WHAT HAPPENED TO OPTANE? James Gorbold looks back at this innovative memory technology from Intel 3 D XPoint, later rebranded as Optane, the memory and CPUs. Critically, they didn’t work with entry-level chipsets technology joint developed by Intel and Micron, and CPUs, the only part of the market where hard drives were created a lot of headlines when it was revealed back still commonly used as OS drives. in 2015. Rightly so in my opinion, as the technology promised Compatibility became even more of an issue from 2017 to solve many of the limitations of both DRAM and NAND, onwards when, after years in the doldrums, AMD made a delivering much higher density and performance than NAND strong comeback in the market with its Ryzen processors. As without the cost and volatility of DRAM. these continued to evolve and take market share from Intel, a However, I think it’s fair to call time on the technology now drive that didn’t work on an AMD platform had a far smaller and relegate it to the ‘failed idea’ chapter of tech history, as market in which to play. As both a component reseller and it has indeed failed to deliver on its promise and has more or system integrator, I can tell you that Scan sold diddly squat less disappeared from the market. A large part of the reason of these caching drives. for this is that NAND technology has moved on, with much More recently Intel has very publicly divested itself of its higher density types coming to market, such memory business, selling its NAND division as QLC, TLC and 3D NAND. The proliferation of Scan sold diddly wholesale to SK Hynix, which continues to sell lightning-fast consumer M.2 and enterprise U.2 the products under the new Solidigm brand. NVMe SSDs also took a lot of wind out of the squat of these While Optane wasn’t included in that deal, sails of Optane. caching drives in early 2021 Intel shut down its one and only Optane fab, as it apparently had a lot of unsold The other factors impacting the success of Optane are more business-related, such as stock still to sell. product positioning, Intel’s position in the CPU market and These will be enterprise Optane products, such as Optane Intel’s change of strategic direction. Taking these in turn, the DIMMs, but they probably won’t be replaced when sold, as product positioning of Optane was always a bit muddled. As in a recent interview Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger stated, ‘I never I’ve already mentioned,the first Optane consumer drives were want to be in memory, you see I’m doing everything I can made redundant by cheaper and faster M.2 NVMe drives. The to exit our memory businesses.’ second coming of Optane to the consumer market was a range Micron, the other company involved in the development of of low-capacity drives that were designed to cache frequently 3D XPoint, hasn’t done a huge amount with the technology used games and applications stored on the hard drive. either, releasing and discontinuing an enterprise SSD family While these showed some promise, the combination of and little else. With PCI-E 5 NVME SSDs just around the corner an Optane cache drive and hard drive was more expensive (as Richard Swinburne discusses on p8), I can’t see either than a SATA SSD, and less flexible to boot. The final nail in Intel or Micron bringing back Optane either. NAND, for now the coffin for this series of caching drives was their limited at least, will remain the dominant form of data storage for compatibility – they only worked with select Intel chipsets PCs for practically everything apart from cold archives. James Gorbold has been building, tweaking and overclocking PCs ever since the 1980s. He now helps Scan Computers to develop new systems. 114

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