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Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-06-25 16:23:09



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LATE CITY FINALWEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 / Clouds, showers, 70° / Weather: P. 49 H H • • • • $2.00 DEFUNDAS INNOCENT BASKETBALL PLAYER IS KILLED Hans Pennink In a 2016 interview, Democratic Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou said she left Harlem because she had been robbed. Now safely downtown, she’s an advocate for FOR cutting NYPD spending — even as a Harlem college basketball player was the latest victim of gun violence. THEE,PAGES4-5 SAFETY Anti-cop legislator FOR ME left Harlem because of crime

2 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 WATERFRONT COMPOUND OPPORTUNITY ON 2+ ACRES IN THE HAMPTONS rendering Three contiguous lots with room for main house with waterside pool, legal guest house and north-south tennis court. Approved plans available. $17,750,000 | Web# 889998 MALA SANDER+TEAM AT THE CORCORAN GROUP Representing & selling all the best of the Hamptons Ranked in the Top 15 Small Teams in New York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anked in the Top 15 Small Teams in New York State - \")/\"+!0  ,* \"//6 *\"/& 0 \"01 \") 011\" /,#\"00&,+)0

Mask for 3 Phantom only soon US in Hot temps in the cities to Florida and Georgia will New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 ‘dome’ feel the brunt of the op- In a move that has some scorch PHOENIX: 107° pressive heat now lingering singing and dancing, Broad- CHICAGO: 99° in the Upper Midwest, Mi- way is ending its mask man- By Joshua Rhett MilleR chigan and parts of the date July 1, at least for a MINNEAPOLIS: 89° Ohio Valley. month to test the waters. Sizzling temperatures DALLAS: 100° fueled by a massive “heat ST. LOUIS: 99° New York and New Jer- The trade association rep- dome” across the US are sey, meanwhile, will be resenting New York City’s making for a steamy start to NEW YORK: 66, spared from the stifling theater industry announced the summer and leaving heat, with showers and Tuesday that face coverings some 70% of Americans heading to 90° thunderstorms expected to will no longer be required facing temps of 90 degrees start later Tuesday and per- of patrons in July. or more. on Saturday sist into Thursday. Heat alerts were active The association said it through Tuesday night in Wednesday to metro areas Conditions will clear up would be revisiting the de- eight states, from Wiscon- like Atlanta and Columbia, by Friday, with temps in the cision on a monthly basis sin to Kansas — with real- SC, as well as parts of Ten- low to mid 80s over the for now. A decision regard- feel temperatures in Indi- nessee and into Florida, weekend. ing masking protocols for ana expected to hit a swel- Georgia and Alabama, where August would be an- tering 112 degrees Wednes- a high of 105 is predicted in The high temps were be- nounced mid-July. day, Fox Weather meteorol- Macon on Wednesday, fore- ing driven by a so-called ogist Stephen McCloud casters said. “heat dome,” which experts All 41 Broadway theaters told The Post. likened to a “lid” on a boil- agreed to adopt a masking- Oppressive weather cov- Detroit hit a record 96 de- ing pot. optional policy, according ered much of the US Tues- grees Tuesday, as cities like to The Broadway League. day, from the Southeast up Nashville, Tenn., and St. Heat domes occur when to the Great Lakes region, Louis came close to break- the atmosphere traps hot “We’re thrilled to wel- including in Chicago, ing their own records with air that becomes “stuck in a come even more of our pas- where temperatures hit 99 blazing temperatures in the bubble” and acts like a lid sionate fans back to Broad- degrees — just shy of the high 90s, forecasters said. or a cap because there’s no way,” said Charlotte St. record 101 set in 1988, mechanism to force it else- Martin, the president of the McCloud said. ‘Stuck in a bubble’ where, Fox Weather mete- league, in a statement. The extreme conditions orologist Marissa Lauten- are expected to move South “The South Central and bacher explained to The A requirement that audi- South are really going to Post. ence members show proof bake right on through to of vaccination against COV- the start of the weekend,” The high-pressure dome ID-19 was lifted at the end Fox Weather meteorologist suppresses the air, which of May. Geoff Bansen said, adding also continues to warm as it that residents from Texas sinks, Lautenbacher said. The Big Apple’s COV- ID-19 rates have dropped “It works kind of like a since January’s Omicron convection oven,” she said. peak, with the latest seven- day positivity rate just un- Heat domes typically oc- der 8%, according to the cur a few times per year, Department of Health and Lautenbacher said. Mental Hygiene, down from 35% at the start of the year. They’re usually triggered But the numbers are still by a strong change in ocean higher than this time last temperatures. year, when the city’s seven- day positivity measured a mere 0.5%. Evan Simko-Bednarski Huge NJ forest fire A New Jersey forest fire likely started by an illegal, unattended campfire, spread to at least 13,500 acres by Tuesday — and is threatening to be the state’s biggest wildfire in 15 years. The fire, in a remote sec- Robert O'Neil / tion of Wharton State For- Kim Kardashian celebrates the Summer Solstice while in the Big Apple with a form-fitting pair of Balenciaga est, was 85 percent con- pants featuring the words “SPRING” and “SUMMER” on her two most prized assets. The 41-year-old reality tained by midday Tuesday. TV star also swung by the “Today” show in Rockefeller Center to spill on her relationship with funnyman Pete No injuries were re- Davidson and how she dropped 16 pounds to squeeze into a Marilyn Monroe dress for the recent Met Gala. ported. But 50 people were evacuated. New Jersey Forest Fire Service chief Greg McLaughlin blamed an “il- legal, unattended campfire.” Lee Brown, Wires

4 city in crisis New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Overnight Photos: Daniel William McKnight Dem DefunDeRshootings leave 5 wounded Five people were shot in upper Manhattan and The Bronx late Rap-bash host ‘prays’ Monday, cops said. By SteVen VaGo under the name The Rich morning when revelers were crazy,” Rhymer can be heard say- A man was shot in the left arm and JorGe Fitz-GiBBon Rhymer, said in an Instagram peppered with gunfire at East ing in the video. “Look man, on Madison Avenue near East post that showed tragic slain 139th Street and Fifth Avenue, nothing going to stop it. noth- 135th Street in East Harlem, on the The Harlem rapper who baller Darius Lee on a basketball cops said. ing’s stopping. They ain’t stop- grounds of NYCHA’s Lincoln hosted a weekend bash where an court holding an award. ping nothing. [Direct message] Houses, at around 6:20 p.m., cops innocent college basketball star Rhymer had initially planned me. DM me for the new location. said. was fatally gunned down broke “Keeping y’all in my prayers,’’ the party elsewhere, but the his silence Tuesday, saying he Rhymer wrote. scheduled bash at that address “Everybody, I repeat, DM me, He was standing in front of a was praying for the victim’s shat- had been nixed by cops before it new location, secret location,” he building when a man shot him in tered kin. “Forever D Lee,” the post even started, the rapper said in says. “They ain’t letting us grill, the left arm. The victim was taken added, with white-dove and an Instagram post Sunday. they ain’t letting us play no mu- to Harlem Hospital with non-life- “My condolences to the fam- blue-heart emoji. sic. They ain’t letting us do s--t.” threatening injuries, police said. ily,” Troy Rhymer, who performs “They’re trying to really shut Lee was among nine people us down. They out here going Hours later, the shooting broke The suspect fled on a bike. shot at the party early Monday Meanwhile, in The Bronx just after 9:30 p.m., two men were shot by a drive-by gunman just off a basketball court on Courtlandt Avenue near East 158th Street on the grounds of NYCHA’s Jackson Houses in Melrose, cops and po- lice sources said. One victim, a 43-year-old man, was grazed in the head, while the other, 28, was clipped in the right shoulder. Both were taken to Lincoln Medical Center with non-life- threatening injuries. The gunman took off in a red vehicle, possibly a Honda CRV, north on Courtlandt, authorities said. A few hours later, just before 11 p.m., a 28-year-old man was shot in the back and left hand on West- chester Avenue near Olmstead Avenue in the Parkchester section of the borough, cops said. He reported hearing shots and then feeling pain, and was taken to Jacobi Medical Center with non- life-threatening injuries. About five blocks away, a 27- year-old man walked into West- chester Square Medical Center with a wound to the right shoul- der, authorities said. Police say he was shot at at Ray- mond Avenue and Odell Street in the Parkchester section. Two men took off in a light-col- ored Toyota after the incident, au- thorities said. The Parkchester shootings ap- peared to be connected, police said. It’s unclear whether the victims are known to each other. Amanda Woods and Joe Marino

city in crisis 5 flight to safety New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 House hopeful Niou left Harlem over crime, then called for cop cuts hail of Bullets: A photo of tragic hoopster Darius Lee is hung By Sam RaSkin (D-Bushwick), among others. Giant Media. up as a memorial in Harlem on Monday afternoon, after he was In 2016, while vying to replace In an October 2012 report, killed during a bash at East 139th Street and Fifth Avenue (above). A left-wing state lawmaker who has pushed for cutting po- disgraced ex-Assemblyman Segura predicted the company for Darius lice funding first moved to the Sheldon Silver, she recalled to would make $8 million in its district she is seeking to repre- Lo-Down NY that two separate third year. The advertising tech- out at the rapper’s apparent new The Bronx before signing up to sent in Congress because “safety frightening “incidents” drove nology company was sold in party location. play at SUNY Sullivan Commu- issues” near “the projects” in her out of her apartment on East 2014 for an “undisclosed sum.” nity College upstate. He trans- Harlem prompted her to shack 106th Street in East Harlem. Several of the wounded were ferred to the Houston school up with her tech-bro then-fiancé Segura’s Instagram bio notes taken to Harlem Hospital with after his freshman year. in the Financial District, The Disturbing scenes that he is an “Angel Investor in non-life-threatening injuries. Post has learned. 60+ startups.” “I’m completely heartbroken,” In one incident, she claimed Lee, a 21-year-old standout Jorge Lopez, his former coach at Assemblywoman Yuh-Line she “watched a girl get raped on During their relationship, sev- guard at Houston Baptist Univer- St. Raymond, said outside the Lee Niou (D-Lower Manhattan) told a pile of garbage, right across the eral pictures Segura posted of sity, was rushed to Lincoln Medi- family home on Monday. “He had a local publication in 2016 — street from the projects,” where the pair on Instagram show cal Center, where he was later everything going for him — a when she was campaigning to she was living. In the other, the them leading a luxurious life- pronounced dead. great career, a great family.” initially get elected to her cur- candidate said she witnessed a style. They include meals at rent seat — that she headed to man “slam a girl’s head . . . into multiple Michelin-starred res- The 6-foot-6 guard had played [email protected] the wealthier Manhattan neigh- an ATM machine” and rob her taurants, including the Trump for St. Raymond HS for Boys in borhood because she witnessed before fleeing. International Hotel and Tower’s a pair of disturbing crimes and Jean-Georges, Gramercy Tavern fell victim to one. “We have a lot of safety is- and Somtum Der, along with sues,” Niou reportedly said in other fine-dining spots. “I actually was robbed when I April 2016. “Some of the things was living in Harlem. My boy- that happen on the Lower East It’s unclear when exactly the en- friend at the time, my fiancé, didn’t Side are very parallel, so these gagement was broken off, al- think I was safe up there, so he told are all incidents that kind of led though at some point in late 2016, me to move in, and so that’s how I to me moving down to the Fi- the “About Yuh-Line” section of moved to the Financial District nancial District and moving in Niou’s website was tweaked from with him,” Niou (inset) explained with my partner.” “Yuh-Line lives on Broad Street in an interview with Lo-Down NY. with her fiancé and their hand- “He was already living there.” Niou — who since 2017 has some dog, Mr. Puds,” to a version represented the 65th District, that removed “fiancé.” Four years later, the since-up- which includes the Financial dated issues section for her most District, Battery Park City, Chi- Assemblywoman Inez Dickens recent Assembly campaign read, natown and the Lower East Side — who has represented parts of “She believes that we are long — was engaged at the time to Harlem in the City Council and overdue for police reform in this David Segura, who founded in Albany since 2006 — blasted country and that we need to de- Niou as “hypocritical” for leav- fund millions from the police in ing the area due to fear of crime order to put critical funding before advocating for stripping back into our social services, ed- the NYPD of resources. ucation, and housing.” “You move out of the neigh- Endorsements pile up borhood because you say it’s un- safe, then you say ‘defund the Niou’s bid to represent the police?’ You turn around and newly configured lower Manhat- desert the community — and tan-Brooklyn House seat has then say you don’t need the po- earned endorsements from “Sex lice”? fumed Dickens, a Demo- and the City” star and former crat. “That’s hypocritical.” gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, left-wing group New “I didn’t leave my community, York Communities for Change and there are times when I feel and state Sen. Julia Salazar unsafe,” she said. A rep for Niou declined to comment. Additional reporting by Carl Campanile

6 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Answer to inflation – layoffs: Dem $$ big News Columns Ex-Treasury Secretary Larry bring down steep prices. ment,” Summers said Monday in a The central bank currently pro- Michael Goodwin . . . . . 15 Summers is warning that millions Put even more bluntly, Sum- speech in London, according to jects that inflation will return to the David Marcus . . . . . . . . 16 of currently employed, hardwork- Bloomberg. “There are numbers approximately 2% level it deems ac- Weird But True . . . . . . . 29 ing Americans must lose their mers’ grim forecast means that are remarkably discouraging ceptable by 2024, even as Fed Chair jobs over the next several years in roughly 10 million Americans relative to the Fed Reserve view.” Jerome Powell warned that “further Gossip order for the Federal Reserve to would have to be unemployed to surprises” could be in store in the Page Six . . . . . . . 18-19, 38 cool inflation. get the worst inflation in 40 years The Fed last week hiked its coming months. The Fed expects Cindy Adams . . . . . . . . . 20 under control. benchmark interest rate by three- the unemployment rate to tick Summers, a prominent Demo- quarters of a percentage point for slightly higher to about 4.1% in 2024 Post Opinion p. 31-33 cratic economist who currently “We need five years of unem- the first time since 1994. The — well below the bleak level of Henry Obering III & has the ear of President Biden, said ployment above 5% to contain in- move exacerbated concerns about which Summers warned. Robert Joseph . . . . . . . . 31 the national unemployment rate flation — in other words, we need its ability to bring prices down Rich Lowry . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 will likely have to rise far above its two years of 7.5% unemployment without upending the labor mar- Thomas Barrabi Betsy McCaughey . . . . 33 current level of 3.6% in order to or five years of 6% unemployment ket or triggering a recession. and Emily Crane or one year of 10% unemploy- Fun and Games Su Doku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Another Rikers death Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 just hours after last Scrabble Grams . . . . . . 34 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Business p. 35-37 Classifieds p. 40-42 Sports p. 42-61 Andrew Marchand . . . 42 NY Post Action . . . . 44-45 Steve Serby . . . . . . . 53, 60 Mike Vaccaro . . . . . . . . . 59 Weather p. 49 Television p. 62-63 Post contact numbers By GaBrielle FonrouGe Getty Images but he could not be revived and was pronounced dead about a Editorial The city Department of Correc- Crisis: Eight inmates in the city jail system have died this year amid an on- half-hour later, according to jail- Main Office . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8000 tion revealed Tuesday that an going staffing crisis at Rikers Island that has compounded a surge in stabbings. house sources and records. News Tips . . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8500 eighth inmate has now died in cus- Sports Desk . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8700 tody so far this year — its second for drugs, weapons or other con- found unresponsive in his cell at Fentanyl, a highly potent and fatality in fewer than 48 hours. traband upon their arrival, com- the George R. Vierno Center just deadly opioid, has been “circulat- Circulation and Home Delivery pounding overall safety concerns. before 1 a.m. Monday while staff- ing” through the jail, sources Customer Service . . . . (800) 552-7678 Albert Drye, 50, succumbed at the ers were conducting their nightly noted, and it’s been difficult to Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward Meanwhile, it was revealed on “lock-in,” or the time all detainees root out because of the agency’s Mail subscription & back issues: around 11:30 a.m. after he was trans- Tuesday that the previous de- are secured inside their cells for ongoing staffing crisis. All orders, changes of address and ported to the infirmary from Rikers tainee to die at the facility suc- the night, records show. inquiries, contact New York Post, P.O. Box Island earlier in the day, according cumbed to a possible drug over- Sources said lock-ins typically 1407, Bellmawr, NJ, 08099 or phone 1-888- to the DOC and jailhouse sources. dose after his housing area was Medical staff used two doses of happen nightly at 10 p.m., and to 208-4157. Foreign and domestic mail left understaffed. Narcan, which is used to reverse have one after midnight is an ab- subscription rates available upon request Drye, who had two open cases opioid overdoses, on Carrasquillo, erration and shows there wasn’t to the Publishers Information Center, Inc. against him in Manhattan and The Anibal Carrasquillo, 39, was enough staff in the housing area to Bronx for assault and possession get it done earlier. Postmaster: Send address changes to The of a weapon, had previously been New York Post, 1211 Ave. of the Americas, housed at the Eric M. Taylor Cen- Carrasquillo had just transferred NY, NY 10036-8790. ter since mid-May, records say. to Vierno from the Otis Bantum Correctional Center on Friday Vol. 221, No. 219. Copyright © 2022, NYP His cause of death wasn’t imme- after city Department of Correc- Holdings Inc. (USPS-383200). Published diately clear, but EMTC has re- tion Commissioner Louis Molina daily by NYP Holdings Inc., cently been severely understaffed suddenly closed Bantum, which 1211 Ave. of the Americas, and grappling with a surge in slash- allowed him to move its staff to New York, NY ings, stabbings and overcrowding the jail’s overcrowded intake unit. 10036-8790. issues in its intake unit, the Board of Correction revealed last week. At least two other detainees Periodicals postage paid at have also died of possible drug New York, NY, and A BOC member said EMTC’s in- overdoses so far this year and an- additional offices. The Post take unit was so understaffed, most other died by suicide. uses recycled paper. new admissions to the jail aren’t undergoing body scans to check The DOC didn’t return a request LOTTERY for comment. NEW YORK ‘First day’ solo subway cop assaulted Midday Nos. Tue.: 451 Midday Win-4 Tue.: 1986 An NYPD transit cop was old suspect who has a his- put the cig out, the suspect made several attempts to grab nected to offensive behav- Evening Nos. Tue.: 230 assaulted on the job Tuesday tory of run-ins with cops, threw himself down a plat- the cop’s gun. ior toward police. Evening Win-4 Tue.: 8285 — the first full day officers authorities said. form staircase, according to Midday Take-5 Tue.: patrolled some subway sta- the NYPD. After several minutes, The start of solo subway 15, 16, 18, 28, 33 tions alone, police said. The incident unfolded Eremin was subdued and patrols had been announced Evening Take-5 Tue.: when the officer spotted the The officer went to offer the taken into custody. He was earlier Tuesday by Mayor Ad- 6, 17, 29, 31, 33 The officer was working suspect, identified as Alex suspect help, but the guy al- hit with charges including ams, who defended the plan Pick-10 Tue.: 7,15,16, solo at the Pennsylvania Av- Eremin, smoking a cigarette legedly grabbed the cop and assault on a police officer and noted it would be imple- 26,27,34,41,43,49,50,51, enue station in Brooklyn on the southbound plat- tried to drag him down the and resisting arrest. mented only at certain sta- 54,55,57,59,63,68,71,77,78 when he was attacked at form, the NYPD said. rest of the staircase. During tions depending on the need. Cash-4-Life Tue.: 22, about 6:45 p.m. by a 24-year- the struggle, Eremin allegedly The NYPD said Eremin 25, 43, 48, 59; Cash Ball: 2 After telling Eremin to has a history of arrests con- Joe Marino, Larry Celona Mega Millions Tue.: 8, 13, 18, 32, 42; Mega Ball: 20; Megaplier: x3 NEW JERsEY Pick-3 Tue.: 932; Fireball: 8 Pick-4 Tue.: 4569; Fireball: 8 Cash-5 Xtra Tue.: 2, 3, 11, 30, 42; Xtra: 3 CONNECtiCut Play-3 Tue.: 584; Wild: 0 Play-4 Tue.: 6384; Wild: 9 Cash-5 Tue.: 3, 11, 21, 22, 23 Lucky-For-Life Tue.: 2, 19, 22, 27, 36; Lucky Ball: 6

7 POPE FRANCIS Evan Sung; Getty Images; Stefano Giovannini New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Poor health spurs talk. EXPENSIVE TASTE: Competition Pope, 85, for tables is so fierce at Greenwich may also Village spot Dame, Quincy Moore retire: (above) paid $1,000 for a yearlong rumors “subscription” to the restaurant. Pope Francis’ recent By Jeanette SettemBre Diners drop thousands to health struggles, worsening snag tables at hot spots mobility issues and can- For months, Quincy Moore set celed events have fueled ru- his alarm for noon every day to try “I get to skip the line,” said fashion publicist told The Post. told The Post, adding that the addi- mors that the head of the to land a table at British seafood tional revenue generated through Catholic Church is about to spot Dame in Greenwich Village. Moore, who tapped into his sav- And so Vreeland, 37, recently de- Front of House is also a perk. follow his predecessor into retirement. Walk-ins were impossible — a ings to foot the bill. “I’ll take cided to try Front of House, too, Bribe tribe line starts forming outside as early Francis, born Jorge Mario as 4:30 p.m. most weekdays — but friends, and they’ll probably buy buying a $300 pass to Chicago-style Other New Yorkers are still try- Bergoglio, was elected to Moore, who owns the clothing ing to score coveted reservations the papacy in March 2013, company New York or Nowhere, dinner — at the end of the day, it deep-dish joint Emmett’s in Soho — the old-fashioned way. after Pope Benedict XVI wasn’t having any luck on online stepped down at age 85, be- site Resy either. all evens out. I love it there.” one of her favorite restaurants. Hamptons restaurateur Zach Er- coming the first pontiff to dem, who owns hot spots such as do so since Gregory XII in “I could never get into Dame. Front of House — which accepts “It’s not enough just to know 75 Main, said that so far this sea- 1415. Only four other popes My wife was begging me to go for son he’s been gifted free rides on did not die in office. months . . . I kept missing reserva- credit cards as well as crypto — someone who works there any- private jets, a Rolex watch, Gucci tion windows. At a certain point, shoes and a $1,000 spa gift card all Now, some Vatican ob- we stopped trying. We struck out,” partners with a dozen res- more,” Vreeland said of the from eager eaters who want to be servers believe that Francis, Moore, 35, told The Post of the able to call for a table on demand. 85, could become the sec- popular joint, which has a 1,254- taurants, offering users splurge, which entitles ond, although his adviser person waitlist for this Friday, per “My friend offered his boat — has scoffed at the claims. the restaurant. access to perks be- her to reservations for his kid loves my club, and they want to get in, not wait in line,” Er- Cardinal Oscar Andrés Getting a seat at a trendy NYC yond just reserva- parties of two or dem said. Rodríguez Maradiaga said restaurant has never been harder. the retirement rumors are Searches for reservations at the tions, such as first four with 24 hours Grocery magnate and 75 Main nothing more than “cheap beginning of 2022 across the coun- regular John Catsimatidis, mean- soap opera,” according to try were up 107% compared to dibs on supper notice and access while, has renewed what Erdem Religious News Service. 2021, with nearly half (43%) look- has dubbed “Cats’ Roundtable” — ing for seats at higher-priced clubs and restau- to upcoming pizza an eight-top table, which Catsi- The Holy See so far has haunts, according to data from matidis has purchased for the given no indications that Yelp. In Manhattan, it can feel im- rant merch. Res- parties and res- summer season for a cool $90,000, the pontiff intends to step possible to score something as up from the $75,000 he paid last down, rather than die in of- simple as an ice cream cone with- taurants pocket taurant merch. year, his rep confirmed to The fice — the historic custom. out waiting. Post. Food is not included. Catsi- 80% of the revenue She said it will matidis has access to the table at Still, rumors keep swirl- Status seating all times. ing. Last July, the Argen- from subscriptions, save her the hassle tine-born pope had part of But for Moore, a loophole ar- “His table will always be ready his colon removed. Since rived when he discovered new with Front of House of scouring for res- for him. We can’t use [it] unless I then, his health has been in food tech-startup Front of House. text him, and he’s not coming,” Er- apparent decline, and for For $1,000, he bought a “subscrip- keeping the balance. ervations. “Who has dem said. the past month Francis has tion” to Dame, which gave him ac- been getting around in a cess to a year’s worth of reserva- “We wanted to create a RICH FOOD: time to wait around on wheelchair, or with the aid tions — one table per week, with way for you to easily get Danielle Resy? I knew this was of a cane, because of knee 24 hours notice given to the res- into restaurants and any Vreeland something I would get a pain. taurant. of that currency is fun- coughed up lot of use out of.” neling back to the res- $300 to cut In his general audience taurant,” Phil Toronto, the line at Buying a subscription address last week, Francis co-founder of Front of Emmett’s. — or “collectible,” as said the elderly must accept House, said of the Front of House calls it — their limitations. offers diners instant VIP “When we are old, we can- startup that launched status. not do the same things we did when we were young: this month. “The people who purchase these The body has another pace, and we must listen to the Danielle Vreeland is tired of things are usually big fans of the body and accept its limits,” he said. “We all have competing with tourists for tables. restaurant and want to secure last- them.” Snejana Farberov “It’s really frustrating when minute reservations. It actually you’re a local and you’re like, ‘I works pretty well, it’s like a friends- should be able to get a reserva- and-family way of booking,” Em- tion,’ ” the Tribeca resident and mett Burke, owner of Emmett’s,

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com8 LI Girl Scout Top Texas cop faults school honcho Chief let crookies kids die: A daddy-daughter duo probe mistakes: Uvalde MEGA from Long Island allegedly police quickly re- used the promise of Girls Scout cookies to scam peo- sponded to Robb El- ple out of money. ementary School last month (below) — but The unidentified man, didn’t engage active accompanied by his daugh- shooter Salvador Ra- ter, sparked an investiga- mos (above), instead tion into the cookie caper preventing desperate after nearly a dozen resi- family members (left) dents complained about from trying to rescue the scout’s swindle, ac- cording to the Suffolk their loved ones. County Police Department. By MAryAnn MArtinez profession back a decade.” breached the door and how at don’t have to wait for “I was bamboozled,” Three minutes after the shoot- one point Arredondo said “I just 11, or 12, or 15 or 30. Shirley resident Christina The Uvalde school police chief need a key; tell them to f--king One’s enough. If you’re there on Malinchak told CBS 2. “I put the safety of his cops “before ing started, nine officers who wait. No one comes in.” the scene, you have an obligation got scammed, and it’s a the lives of children” during the were ready to go into the class- to go and immediately engage shame.” botched response to the Robb room could have stopped the McCraw also confirmed re- the shooter, and really, stop the Elementary massacre, Texas’ top gunman, 18-year-old Salvador ports that the door to the class- killing. That’s preached, prac- At least 11 residents said law officer said at a hearing on Ramos, McCraw said. room was not locked — and said ticed and required in the state of they gave them money to the shooting Tuesday. Arredondo never asked if it was. Texas.” buy Girl Scout cookies but “You’re the incident com- The new information infuri- never received the Thin “The only thing stopping a mander,” said McCraw. “Obvi- “There was always some rea- ated Texas state Sen. Paul Bet- Mints or Trefoils they de- hallway of dedicated officers ously, not enough training was son why we didn’t go in, and of tencourt, who unleashed his an- sired. from entering room 111 and 112 done in this situation — plain course, as a result, it was 1 hour, ger on Arredondo. was the on-scene commander and simple because of bad deci- 14 minutes and 8 seconds. In an “There is no training that Reports of the no-show who decided to place the lives of sions, terrible decisions were active shooter environment, could have overcome this per- cookies were spread across officers before the lives of chil- made by the on-scene com- that’s intolerable,” the DPS di- son’s inability to command,” said several Long Island towns, dren,” Texas Department of Pub- mander.” rector said. Bettencourt. “Person should police said. lic Safety Director Steve have never even been in the job McCraw told a Texas Senate Doors were unlocked Arredondo tried to speak to . . . and there’s so many opportu- “During some of the inci- committee about Uvalde school the shooter in both English and nities that are lost, it’s almost dents, the money was Police Chief Pete Arredondo. The head of DPS left no ques- Spanish, but the shooter never like a psychosis set in.” given to a male adult ac- tion that Arredondo was the in- replied, according to McCraw. Arredondo was set to testify to companied by a female “Mistakes were made and it cident commander — something the hearing later in the evening child, and in others it was a should have never happened the chief has disputed. “You don’t wait for a SWAT Tuesday. female child alone,” Suf- that way and we can’t allow that team,” said McCraw. “If you got folk police said in a state- to ever happen . . . this set our McCraw recalled how multiple one officer that’s enough. You ment. officers asked why they hadn’t “More than half of the re- ports made were for docu- mentation purposes only.” The Girl Scouts Council of Suffolk County said they would give boxes of cook- ies to anyone who might have been tricked. David Propper Airman held in base blast An Air Force service mem- ber has been arrested by mil- itary police in an alleged in- sider attack at a US base in Syria on April 7 that left four service members injured, of- ficials said. The unidentified airman was arrested in the US on Thursday, an Air Force spokesperson told CNN. Military officials initially believed that explosions at the northern Syria base were caused by indirect fire. However, one week later they concluded that the blast was caused by a “deliberate placement of explosive char- ges . . . at an ammunition holding area and shower facility.” Patrick Reilly

9 ¬22 in 2022 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 We’ve increased our U.S. minimum hourly wage to ¬22 on the way to ¬25 by 2025. Since 2017, Bank of America has raised the minimum rate of pay for all U.S. employees by more than 46%, bringing it to an annual rate of more than $45,000 for full-time employees. It’s part of our commitment to being a great place to work and one way we help employees build a career with us. We’re also encouraging job growth and providing economic security for thousands of individuals who are supporting fellow teammates, our clients and the local communities where we live and work. Offering competitive pay and benefits to support our employees and their families is critical to attracting and retaining the best talent. We’ll keep leading the way and doing more. When you have a strong team, you want to take care of them the best way you can. Raising the minimum rate of pay is just one way for us to show that we care and value everyone’s commitment. José Tavarez President, Bank of America New York City What would you like the power to do?® Learn more at Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Credit Opportunity Lender © 2022 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com10 DeSantis Out-of-control Broadway pulls in ‘Don’ $$ Boost for Fla. gov By Callie Patteson $700,000 he contributed in 2018; Home Depot founder Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Bernie Marcus, who has do- has pulled in millions of nated $500,000; and Steven dollars for his reelection Witkoff and Willis Johnson, bid from former donors to who have each contributed President Donald Trump — $100,000. a possible sign that some Trump supporters of the Multiple donors who ex-president are looking for backed Trump heavily in other candidates in the 2020 — including Kelcy 2024 presidential race, ac- Warren, Larry Garatoni and cording to a report. Geoffrey Palmer — have also donated to DeSantis in A weekend Politico analy- this past year in amounts sis of campaign finance ranging from $20,000 to data found that at least 10 $50,000, according to the donors who spent a total of Sunday report. $24 million on Trump’s 2020 reelection bid have The donations come as since donated some $3.4 DeSantis faces reelection in million to the Republican November. So far, the gov- governor’s political com- ernor has raised more than mittee, Friends of Ron DeS- $100 million. antis. He has been frequently The analysis found many mentioned as a top GOP of the high-profile donors presidential contender in had never contributed in 2024 — if the former presi- state-level Florida elec- dent doesn’t run. tions. Those who had pro- vided funds to the Sunshine While Trump is not ex- State massively increased pected to announce a deci- their dollar donations. sion on a presidential bid until after the midterm Specifically, some of the elections, he has repeatedly donors include retired ven- hinted at another run — ture capitalist William and remains convinced he Buckley, who has given the could win if he chose to vie governor $1 million since for the presidency. DeSantis’ 2018 campaign; Richard Uihlein, who sup- I don’t know if Ron is run- ported DeSantis with a $1.2 ning, and I don’t ask him,” million donation this year, the 45th president told The drastically up from the New Yorker in a Monday report. “It’s his prerogative. I think I would win.” $500K for Cosby sex vic Chaos: Bystanders and first responders jump into A Santa Monica, Calif., civil trial jury on Tuesday found action Monday after a taxi Bill Cosby sexually abused a teenage girl at the Playboy drove onto the sidewalk Mansion in 1975 and awarded the woman $500,000. and then into the building at 1186 Broadway between The panel’s decision in favor of Judy Huth came after the West 29th and West 28th jury had been deadlocked earlier in the day. Huth, now 64, streets, wounding six. accused Cosby of forcing her to perform a sex act on him at the mansion when she was just 16 years old. A Cosby spokesperson told The Post that the comedian plans to file an appeal on the $500,000 judgment. Mark Lungariello and Marjorie Hernandez With Post Wires

11New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 taxi has long list of road violations carnage cab’s bad rap sheet By Haley Brown, JacK MorpHet and Ben Kesslen The cab that barreled into a WABC Manhattan building Monday and left six people injured had racked Manhattan street, as injured pe- light, racking up $50 fees each from the Upper West Side in sta- hit the people eating” at Black up 18 road violations since late destrians lay on sidewalks time, records show. The yellow To- ble condition; a 48-year-old Seed Bagels. 2019, including for speeding in stained in their own blood and yota RAV4 Hybrid also had eight woman from Columbus, Ohio, school zones and running red were tended to by witnesses and school-zone speed-camera viola- who might lose her leg; and a 31- “Everybody rushed over and lights, records show. emergency responders. tions in that time, the site reported. year-old woman also from Co- lifted the taxi off two women The other violations included tick- lumbus in stable condition. trapped underneath,” they said. A woman who identified herself One image displayed a victim on ets for double parking, an expired as the wife of the 60-year-old out- her stomach, and another showed meter, bus-lane violations and A person at the Upper West Transit activists are now ques- of-control taxi driver, Khan Zaha- a man on his back in between the breaking no-standing rules. Side victim’s office Tuesday con- tioning why cars are even al- ngir, told The Post on Tuesday that bike lane and the street next to a firmed to The Post that the man lowed on the stretch of Broadway her husband is struggling after the toppled-over cycle. In another The wounded was injured in the crash and said, where the cab crashed. afternoon mayhem on Broadway photo, a victim covered in blood “He’s out of the ICU.” The other between 28th and 29th streets. on the ground appeared to be Zahangir suffered minor inju- victims and their families were “A car-free Broadway would holding her phone above her head. ries in Monday’s crash, police not able to be reached. have prevented this heinous “He’s upset,’’ she said at the said. The others injured are: a 32- crash,” Transportation Alterna- Queens home listed for the hack. Mayor Adams said at an unre- year-old woman from San Luis Adams said Tuesday that he tives executive director Danny lated press conference Tuesday Potosí, Mexico, who might lose spoke to Columbus Mayor An- Harris said in a statement. “This She added that her husband was that a bike had illegally run a red her leg; another 32-year-old drew Ginther to assure him the block was also an Open Street not home and not at work, declin- light when the cab hit him, trig- woman, also from Mexico, in sta- residents were being taken care of. last year, when the threat of grue- ing to make further comment. gering the bloody chain of events. ble condition; a 50-year-old man some car crashes was eliminated Witness Kader Issoufou, 45, entirely.” It was not clear whether Zaha- Since November 2019, the same told The Post on Monday that the ngir was behind the wheel of the cab has twice sped through a red cab “hit the cyclist first, then he Additional reporting by David cab when it lodged the slew of vi- Meyer olations in the past year and a half, incurring fines totaling $1,210. The violations are tied to the cab’s license plate, according to the tracking Web site How’s My Driving NYC. But police identified Zahangir as the cabbie driving the vehicle Monday when it hit a cyclist in the bike lane and then rammed into a sidewalk cafe, critically in- juring three people and hurting three others, including himself. Two women became pinned un- derneath the yellow Toyota RAV4 hybrid — and about 20 hero New Yorkers worked to lift the roughly 4,200-pound vehicle off them. Photos showed mayhem on the

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com12 Historic new US Don’s coup push treasurer President Biden on Tues- WITNESSES: Georgia ballot Pool photos / Getty day announced his inten- counter Wandrea Moss (left) on tion to appoint Marilynn Tuesday tearfully tells the Janu- Malerba as the next trea- ary 6 panel how she was har- surer of the US, the first Na- assed after the vote. Above from tive American in the posi- tion. left, Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers and top Georgia Secretary of the Treasury officials Brad Raffensperger and Janet Yellen confirmed the Gabriel Sterling prepare to testify. decision ahead of a visit to the Rosebud Indian Reser- By CALLIE PATTESON tution,’ ” said Bowers, who did not called. At one point, the mother and vation in South Dakota, call- reveal who specifically pitched the Turning to Georgia, the House daughter were alleged by Giuliani ing it a “historic appoint- Former President Donald Trump idea to him. to have passed a USB thumb drive ment.” and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani panel played a series of audio clips to each other while working in an pushed GOP election officials and “I said, ‘I’ve got some good attor- from Trump’s Jan. 2, 2021, phone Atlanta ballot-counting area. Moss “Her leadership and expe- lawmakers in key states to help neys, and I’m going to give you call to state Secretary of State Brad revealed to the committee that the rience will deepen our com- keep the 45th president in power their names, but you’re asking me Raffensperger — in which the “drive” was actually a “ginger mitment to help expand by any means necessary — despite to do something against my oath, president told Raffensperger to mint.” economic opportunities for his 2020 election loss, the select and I will not break my oath.’ ” “find 11,780 votes,” one more than all tribal communities,” committee investigating last year’s his margin of defeat in the Peach “Do you know how it feels to Yellen added. Capitol riot heard Tuesday. During the same call, Giuliani State. have the president of the United claimed to have evidence that hun- States targeting you? The presi- With Malerba’s appoint- At one point, Republican Ari- dreds of thousands of votes by ille- “The real truth is I won by dent of the United States is sup- ment, it will be the first time zona House Speaker Rusty Bowers gal immigrants had swung Arizona 400,000 votes at least,” Trump said posed to represent every Ameri- in US history that a tribal recalled taking a call from Trump to Biden. But when the former Big at one point. “Fellas, I need 11,000 can, not to target one,” Freeman leader and Native woman’s and Giuliani, during which Bowers Apple mayor was asked to produce votes. Give me a break.” said in a prerecorded deposition. signature will be seen on was asked to sign off on a plan to proof at a later meeting with GOP “But he targeted me, Lady Ruby! A newly printed currency. remove the state’s pro-Biden elect- legislators, he backed down. The committee also heard from small-business owner, a mother, a ors and replace them with a slate former Georgia election worker proud American citizen who stood Malerba, the 18th chief of loyal to Trump. According to Bowers, Giuliani Wandrea Moss and her mother up to help Fulton County run an the Mohegan Tribe, cur- admitted: “We’ve got lots of Ruby Freeman, who were both ac- election in the middle of the pan- rently serves on the Trea- “I said, ‘Look, you are asking me theories, we just don’t have the ev- cused by Trump and Giuliani of demic.” sury Tribal Advisory Com- to do something that is counter to idence.” “rigging” the election and said they mittee and has previously my oath that I swore to the Consti- received racist abuse for months [email protected] worked as a director of car- “Afterwards, we were kind of afterward as a result. diology and pulmonary ser- laughing about it,” Bowers re- vices at Lawrence & Memo- rial Hospital in Connecticut. NY Republicans take the ‘govs’ off The tribe’s reservation is lo- cated on the Thames River The third and final New ing,” Zeldin said near the former Westchester County inflation, critical race the- Eric Bolling suggested at in Uncasville, Conn. York gubernatorial debate end of the hour-long Ro- Executive Rob Astorino, ory and firing controversial one point that the son of on Tuesday devolved into a chester slugfest hosted by both of whom argued they Manhattan District Attor- former New York Mayor As US treasurer, Malerba round of finger-pointing Newsmax. “People who are have appeal to general elec- ney Alvin Bragg — as they Rudy Giuliani would have will directly oversee the US over conservative cred as paying attention, are scared tion voters despite a losing did in Monday night’s de- never made it to the debate Mint, Bureau of Engraving front-runner Rep. Lee for the future of this state, record at the ballot box. bate hosted by Spectrum stage if not for his famous and Printing, Fort Knox, and Zeldin insisted he was the they’re hitting their break- News. last name. “Most of your would act as a liaison with best choice to defeat Demo- ing point.” It was one of the few mo- campaign materials say Gi- the Federal Reserve. cratic Gov. Hochul this fall. ments of friction in a debate Former White House uliani for governor. One Zeldin’s attack appeared where the four candidates staffer Andrew Giuliani has word is missing: Andrew,” Callie Patteson, Wires “On this stage you just to be aimed directly at busi- largely agreed on hot-but- never run for elected office, Bolling said. Zach Williams have people who keep los- nessman Harry Wilson and ton issues like rising crime, and Newsmax moderator Cellphone store heist A Brooklyn cellphone- store robber forced a 6-year- old boy and other custom- ers into a closet at gunpoint last week, video shows. Footage released Monday shows the robber walking into the T-Mobile store on Avenue X near West 1st Street in Gravesend min- utes before the store’s clos- ing at 8 p.m. last Thursday. He displayed a silver gun with a black handle and or- dered the customers to get down on the floor, then into a closet. He grabbed about 100 phones and then fled on foot, cops said. No injuries were re- ported. Amanda Woods

sharron davies plan to 13 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Death threats from activists. cut cIg DEaths It’s ‘hell’ for trans Nicotine cap eyed critic By SteveN NeLSoN suits from cigarette makers, Olympic swimming leg- and Mark LuNgarieLLo end Sharron Davies has ac- according to the Journal. cused trans activists of The FDA has backed making her life “hell” — re- The Biden administration slashing nicotine content vealing they’ve made death on Tuesday said it wants to for several years, with threats even against her cap the amount of nicotine former Commissioner child. allowed in cigarettes as Scott Gottlieb taking the Davies, 59, told the Times part of an effort to stem ad- first steps toward a new of London that she became diction and reduce smok- rule during the Trump ad- a vocal critic of transgender ing-related deaths. ministration. But that effort athletes competing in The initiative — which is stalled when Gottlieb left women’s events because sure to face pushback from in 2019. she felt they had an unfair the tobacco industry — was Forcing tobacco compa- advantage similar to when announced as part of the nies to slash the nicotine the East German swimmer White House’s “unified content to “minimally or who beat her to gold in the agenda,” a list of planned nonaddictive levels” will be 1980 Moscow Olympics federal regulatory actions a tough sell — but one that later admitted to doping. released twice a year. would be worth the wait, The world swimming “This proposed rule is a experts told The Washing- governing body over the tobacco product standard ton Post. weekend effectively banned that would establish a max- “The most important, transgender competitors imum nicotine level in cig- game-changing policies from women’s events, and arettes and certain finished take a long time, but it is Davies said she wants such tobacco products,” the ad- worth the wait because, at a ban in every sport, ministration said. the end of the day, the only prompting blowback. Noting that “tobacco-re- cigarettes that will be avail- “It’s been very tough,” Da- lated harms” primarily re- able won’t be capable of ad- vies said. sult from addiction, offi- dicting future generations “A very small minority of cials said the Food and of kids,” said Mitch Zeller, very vocal trans activists Drug Administration retired director of the have made my life hell. “would take this action to FDA’s Center for Tobacco They have made threats on Evan Rach’ reduce addictiveness to Products. outta this my life, on my kid’s life,” she ‘Westworld’ certain tobacco products, One critic compared the said. Lee Brown Evan Rachel Wood thus giving addicted users a idea to alcohol prohibition, shimmers in brilliant, billowing blue as the greater ability to quit.” especially when combined 34-year-old star helps WWI victim transform the Upper It would also be a way to with the FDA seeking a ban finally ID’d West Side into the stop young people from on menthol-flavored ciga- For more than a century, a Upper “Westworld” Side British soldier lay anony- on Tuesday. A founding getting hooked and becom- rettes. mously in a grave in Ecoust- Saint-Mein, France, one of cyborg from the HBO ing regular smokers, the of- “In practical terms, the many unidentified victims sci-fi smash, Wood was proposal would ban most buried beneath the killing ficials said. cigarettes currently sold in fields of World War I. among several stars America,” Guy Bentley, at who descended on The FDA plans to offi- the libertarian Reason But now, his headstone fi- Lincoln Center’s Alice Foundation, told the paper. nally bears a name: 2nd Lt. Tully Hall for the gala cially publish the proposed Osmund Bartle Word- Season Four premiere. The Biden administra- sworth, a great-great- rule in May 2023, according tion’s Cancer Moonshot In- nephew of English poet itiative has set a goal of William Wordsworth, who to The Wall Street Journal, was recently identified by halving the cancer DNA research, and given a which first reported the death rate over the funeral ceremony Tuesday, 105 years after he died. plans. He was killed in the Battle But the restriction likely of Arras on April 2, 1917. AP would take years to go into effect. The FDA would next 50 years. Some 480,000 have to issue the rule, take deaths a year in the United public Getty Images com- States are blamed on ment — and cigarettes. withstand snelson@ expected backlash and potential law-

14 invasion New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 2nd American killed in mine trip AG meets in Kyiv on Ex-NY man atrocities dies fighting for Ukraine Attorney General Merrick Garland made a surprise visit Leaves wife, 5 kids: Stephen Zabielski, who moved from New York to Florida, was killed in Ukraine last month while trying to clear a mine field. to Ukraine on Tuesday to meet with prosecutors about By Snejana FarBerov Moscow: Griner no hostage ielski had to join the country’s pursuing war-crimes charges against invading Russian for- armed forces after Russia’s inva- ces, the Department of Jus- tice said. A US citizen has been killed in sion Feb. 24. Garland met with Ukrain- combat in Ukraine, the second “We both laughed at how old ian Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova to discuss US American to die fighting against Brittney Griner, the WNBA “We can not call her a hos- we were compared to the keen actions to “help Ukraine star charged in Russia in Feb- tage,” Peskov said. “She vio- identify, apprehend, and Russian occupiers, the State De- ruary with bringing drugs into lated Russian law, and now young Ukrainians in uniform,” prosecute those individuals the country, is not a hostage, a she’s being prosecuted. Why involved in war crimes and partment confirmed Tuesday. Kremlin spokesperson said. should we make an exemption O’Hurley recalled in a post. “He other atrocities,” the depart- for a foreign citizen?” ment said. The May 15 death of Stephen Dmitry Peskov told NBC feared he wouldn’t be accepted this week he “would strongly He added that Griner was “America . . . has seen the Zabielski, 52, in the village of Do- disagree” with the State De- not unlike “hundreds and hun- given our age, but his experience many horrific images and partment’s classification of dreds of Russian citizens that read the heart-wrenching ac- rozhnyanka, Zaporizhzhia Griner, 31, as “wrongfully were sentenced for [drugs].” got him the exception. Despite counts of brutality and death detained.” that have resulted from Rus- Oblast, was first reported in an Evan Simko-Bednarski our age, we both knew we had a sia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine,” Garland said. The department also an- nounced the launch of a War Crimes Accountability Team to be led by former DOJ Of- fice of Special Investigations Director Eli Rosenbaum, best known for unmasking elderly Nazi war criminals. Some estimates put the number of Russian war crimes in Ukraine at 10,000. Callie Patteson obituary in the upstate newspa- duty, given our beliefs. ‘Putin sick? per The Recorder. “Steve . . . gave his life for The department declined to Ukraine’s freedom. He was the provide further details about the child of Polish-Americans so he That’s funny’ circumstances surrounding the knew and understood sacrifice.” death of the father of five, “out of Zabielski is survived by his respect to the family.” conditions to clear mines ahead was made up of 13 English-speak- wife, Fran, five stepchildren, and Russian President Vladimir of a planned Ukrainian offensive ers. But a comrade told Rolling when he accidentally touched a grandchild. Putin’s spokesman laughed the wire hidden in thick vegeta- Miceál Francis O’Hurley, who Stone that Zabielski, a US war tion. The explosion also severely identified himself as a fellow for- “Steve enjoyed life to the full- off rumors that the warmon- injured another fighter. eign fighter in Ukraine, wrote on veteran and construction worker, Facebook that he knew Zabielski est,” the obituary stated. “He en- gering leader is terminally ill, Zabielski, who was from New from his time serving in the Per- died when he touched the trip York, but had moved to Florida sian Gulf War with the Army’s joyed hunting, fishing, & riding insisting he’s fighting fit and in recent years, had been part of 101st Airborne Division. wire of a land mine. a multinational combat squad his Harley. Steve will be missed even playing sports. called the Wolverines, which O’Hurley said their paths Tristan Nettles, a Marine vet- crossed again in Kyiv, when Zab- by all who knew and loved him.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry eran who was with Zabielski the Willy Joseph Cancel Jr., 22, a Peskov dismissed the rumors night he died, told the magazine retired Marine, was killed in after NBC News’ Keir Sim- that Zabielski and another sol- Ukraine in April, according to mons pointed to recent clips dier were on a mission in foggy his mother. With Wires showing Putin “limping, WH rips execute threat vs. US detainees shaking and gripping a table.” “What I suggest is that you watch his performance,” Pes- kov said, insisting Putin spoke for more than three The White House would even suggest the and Andy Huynh, 27, are of fortune” eligible for court decisions,” Peskov hours Friday. slammed a suggestion death penalty,” National believed to be held by the criminal trial, Kremlin said. from the Russian govern- Security Council spokes- pro-Moscow Donetsk spokesman Dmitry Pes- Peskov even chuckled as he ment that two Americans man John Kirby said at a People’s Republic, which kov said on a press call Drueke and Huynh, captured in Ukraine may White House briefing. this month sentenced Tuesday that Russia both US military veterans insisted, “Yesterday, in the face the death penalty “We’re going to continue one Moroccan and two “can’t rule out” their exe- from Alabama, are be- Tuesday. to try and learn what we British fighters to death. cutions. lieved to have been cap- afternoon, actually, he played can about this.” tured near Kharkiv while “It’s appalling that a After stating Monday “We can’t rule anything helping Ukraine fight hockey.” Putin has for public official in Russia Alexander Drueke, 39, that the two are “soldiers out, because these are Russia. Steven Nelson months been plagued by ram- pant rumors of health prob- lems. Lee Brown

Michael Goodwin 15 [email protected] New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 AP TO Democrats, they’re still just ONE-SIDED: Committee Crime still “deplorables.” members Bennie Thompson plaguing Hillary Clinton’s infamous (left), Adam Schiff and Liz Hizzoner slur of Donald Trump’s sup- Cheney are conducting porters in 2016 likely played a role unbalanced hearings. There is some limited in the election outcome. Six years good news on the city’s later, it’s worth asking if her party Dem ‘show trial’ crime front compared to has learned anything about why undermines case last year. NYPD stats Trump beat her and why he retains show that through such a vast following. a Trump 2019 phone call with tempt for those who refuse to sub- mendations after that . . . We don’t Sunday, murders are Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel- scribe to her vendetta help explain have the authority.” down 13.3%, shooting To judge by the January 6 hear- ensky into a cause for removal. Trump’s staying power even now. victims are down 9.4% ings, the answer is no, hell no. Were Other members of the panel, in- and shooting incidents they wiser, Speaker Nancy Pelosi In that sense, Pelosi & Co. con- Any normal politician would have cluding Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republi- are down 11.5%. and her henchmen would have real- tinue to repeat the essence of Clin- been abandoned because of the Jan- can ally of Pelosi, quickly pushed ized a kangaroo court treatment of ton’s mistake. Hillary’s 2016 thesis uary 6 riot itself. No hearings would back, saying no decision had been Unfortunately, every the Capitol riot would not be per- was that all she had to do was plant have been necessary to seal the made, a suggestion that she and other crime and reporting suasive because it would not be concocted “evidence” with the me- door shut against any potential others want charges brought category show increases, trusted by nearly half the country. dia that Trump was a Russian comeback. against Trump. some of them dramatic. stooge, get the FBI to investigate Robbery is up nearly 40%, Her ignorance is America’s loss. and voters would migrate to her Still a GOP powerhouse Although Attorney General Mer- auto theft 48% and grand Many of the gritty details the inves- side in a heartbeat. rick Garland does not need con- larceny 50%. tigation panel has presented would Yet, despite Pelosi’s persistent at- gressional referral to bring a case, have wider impact if the members When they didn’t, Clinton called tempt to destroy him, Trump re- there are other, more substantial More revealing, every were not so one-sided. But because them names, most notably at a mains the most powerful force in hurdles. category shows an they are, the proceedings smack of private fundraiser. the GOP and is still reshaping the increase over 2020, with another partisan exercise, a Trump party one endorsement at a time. Most important, many legal ex- the total index of reports Impeachment, Act 3. “You know, to just be grossly gen- He is also shadowing the hearings perts say they have not seen com- up a whopping 37.5%. eralistic, you could put half of with acidic commentary and his pelling evidence Trump committed For example, testimony last week Trump’s supporters into what I call version of events, which include his a crime during the run-up to the The bottom line: Mayor by former White House insiders re- the basket of deplorables,” she said. continued insistence the election Capitol riot or in his efforts to over- Adams doesn’t have vealed the strong pushback among “The racist, sexist, homophobic, was stolen. turn the election. Without a slam- nearly enough laurels to much of Trump’s inner circle xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you dunk case showing clear intent to rest on. The city remains against his claim the 2020 election name it. And unfortunately there While it’s possible the hearings break the law, they believe the Jus- a long, long way from was stolen and detailed then-Vice are people like that. And he has will persuade some supporters to tice Department would not take the being safe. President Mike Pence’s principled lifted them up.” abandon him, there is no sign of leap of bringing criminal charges refusal to halt certification of the that yet. against an ex-president for acts he Tanking Joe’s Electoral College results. Tuesday’s Apparently it was news to her committed as president. appearance by officials from Ari- that calling voters stupid and accus- Also still unclear is the Dems’ ‘Vlad did it’ lie zona and Georgia, states Joe Biden ing them of being bigots is not the ultimate aim. Just last week, panel Then again, if Dems want to make took from the GOP column, showed way to charm them. Nor was it chairman Bennie Thompson of certain that Trump remains a pow- Reader Ron Perri is a the extreme efforts Trump and his helpful to the anti-Trump move- Mississippi said he did not envision erful nemesis, they should get Gar- Biden skeptic, writing: lawyers made to overturn the re- ment in the long run that Clinton’s a referral to the Justice Department land to bring any case he can as “According to the sults in those states. claims about Russia were fake news urging that Trump be prosecuted. soon as possible. To Trump sup- president, Vladimir Putin and the FBI had spied on his presi- porters, the prosecution would be has caused the rise in While Trump’s position on the dential campaign. “That’s not our job,” he told re- persecution and fresh proof that gasoline prices and there’s election was well known, the first- porters. “Our job is to look at Jan. 6. Washington is a swamp that only he nothing we can do about person accounts illustrated how Similarly, Pelosi’s insistence on What caused it and make recom- can drain. it. Who knew tanking our outlandish his proposed remedies conformity of viewpoint and con- economy could be so easy? were and how little hard evidence he had. But in refusing to seat any “If the old Soviet Union Republicans who did not start with leaders had thought of the view that Trump should be for- that, they could have won ever barred from public life, Pelosi the Cold War.” undermined the findings before they were revealed. Still 38%? Why? Only part of the story Reader David Shapiro raises a point As George Washington Univer- about Joe Biden that sity Law School’s Jonathan Turley confuses me, too. He and other legal experts have noted, writes: “It is simply the lack of any semblance of a amazing that there cross-examination of witnesses are still something means viewers are getting only the like 38% of Americans part of the story that supports who approve of the Pelosi’s agenda. Show trials are job this woeful un-American, even when Trump is incompetent in the in the dock. White House is doing! What can they Although I believe Trump needs to be thinking?” change his tune about the 2020 elec- tion if he intends to run in 2024, the mental hurdle against trusting the Dems’ performance peaks with ev- ery appearance of Rep. Adam Schiff. His face makes it impossible not to think of the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax he pushed beyond the breaking point and his mad-dog effort to turn

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com16 GOPers want Colbert’s crew violated Capitol, too ‘Show’ & tell Getty Images Two GOP House mem- Ha! Stephen Colbert’s trespass bers want Capitol Police crew, including Robert Smigel to explain how a group of (right) — the voice of Triumph the staffers from “The Late Insult Comic Dog — are getting Show with Stephen Col- a pass from the liberal media. bert” were able to enter a Capitol Hill office build- MDAAVRICDUS ing last week with the “apparent intent of har- FOR some time now, we have glare indeed. Put simply, there Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s seven intellectual dwarves is not assing Republican offi- been hearing about the would be consequences. hot takes on the Capitol riot. It a huge deal. But having said that, cials.” grave importance of secur- might be the last best chance to one issue the Jan. 6 committee ing the Capitol, the center of But you see, Stephen Colbert is sway public opinion and must be thus far has had no interest in is In a Monday letter to our democracy, the seat of Amer- one of the good guys — he’s at least as compelling as the hear- the security failures on that awful Capitol Police Chief J. ican power. So it was a little odd against Trump — so when his ings themselves. day. Maybe if seven people with Thomas Manger, Reps. to find out that the other night, a crew causes a scene at our most cameras and dog puppets can just Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and film crew and several comedians holy temple of democracy, it’s Security ‘alarms’ kind of get lost in the Capitol, Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) said from Stephen Colbert’s “Late just playful hijinks: “first-degree there is reason to see if protocols the party of seven had Show” were arrested after ignor- puppetry” was the host’s smug This was no accident — accord- need to be beefed up. caused “ ‘disturbances’ at ing and evading security inside quip. Actually, they were charged ing to authorities this troupe of the offices of several Re- the Longworth building in the with “unlawful entry to the Capi- buffoons was directly told to Meanwhile, it’s sad that we have publican members, in- Capitol complex. tol.” Wait a minute — that sounds leave the Capitol and refused to to live with this. It’s sad that two cluding ‘banging’ on their familiar. Aren’t there a bunch of do so. Why did they do this? Be- sets of rules exist, one for Col- office doors.” Apparently, after having been people in jail for that right now? cause they knew full well that the bert, another for Rogan, one for kicked out of a hearing for lack of rules don’t apply to them. And the left and one for the right. But “The individuals were credentials, the crew of seven just The Capitol Police who re- they were absolutely right. They worse than that, worse than the originally in the Capitol wandered off and began pound- sponded might not have known got their slap on the wrist, the hypocrisy, and more maddening complex in connection ing on the doors of Republican that this was a group of very im- media were mainly silent, and than sad, is that these people with the activities of the members and yelling, all while portant and privileged TV peo- they are back to cranking out know they will get away with it. January 6th Select Com- filming themselves. The good ple; they might have thought cringe for their show’s dwindling Every. Single. Time. And until mittee, but it is unclear news is that unlike what happens something more nefarious was audience. that changes, nothing else will. whether the Select Com- in our big blue cities, these seven happening. But see, that doesn’t mittee had any involve- hooligans were arrested (though matter, wasting the time of those In the grand scheme of things, David Marcus is a Brooklyn- ment in or awareness of immediately released); the bad cops and making them worry a this flaunting of the rules and based columnist and author of these individuals’ planned news is that the incident once confrontation was going to hap- breaking of the law by Colbert’s “Charade: The Covid Lies That harassment of Republican again displays the abject hypoc- pen is a price worth paying for Crushed a Nation.” offices,” Jordan and Davis risy of the American media. added. Let us imagine, just for a mo- The Colbert staffers had ment, that it was Joe Rogan’s been in the Capitol crew that had been nabbed mak- Thursday to interview ing a menacing ruckus outside three Democratic mem- Democratic Rep. Alexandria Oc- bers of the House select asio-Cortez’s office with no re- committee investigating quired supervision or pass. First last year’s Capitol riot: of all, they’d probably still be in Reps. Adam Schiff of Cali- jail, lucky to get a phone call and fornia, Stephanie Murphy a stale cheese sandwich. Second, of Florida and Jake Au- Rogan would have been dragged chincloss of Massachu- over the coals, his advertisers setts. The crew was pressured to renounce him, and booted from the building every haircut on lefty cable news but were later let back in would be wearing a very stern by an aide to Auchincloss, according to reports. In their letter, Jordan and Davis compared the Colbert crew’s actions to allegations that Republi- can lawmakers led “so- called reconnaissance tours of the Capitol” prior to the riot. “Unlike the Democratic allegations of reconnais- sance tours, however, the events on June 16 actually resulted in arrests for un- lawful entry,” they wrote. Mark Moore

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New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com18 Koch is her own neighbor Page JuLIA Koch has snapped up a historic restore the historic property, but that any said a source. Six® Hamptons property that’s next door to her ideas about renovations are in the early stages A listing says the house in its current config- current Southampton estate, Page Six has ex- and may have to go through time-consuming Ian clusively learned. East End sources told us red tape. uration also includes a staff wing, a separate Mohr that Koch — who is New York’s richest cottage for guests, a gym, tennis courts, game woman — bought the home for slightly below “It is a very unique, historic home,” said a rooms and a 48-foot pool with a spa. Koch al- [email protected] the asking price of $75 million. source with knowledge of the property. “It was ready has an $18 million mansion along what’s her neighbor’s home for decades and had known as Billionaire Lane in Southampton, Oli Coleman The 8-acre estate has 500 feet of beach fallen into a bit of a state of disrepair. They’re where residents have also included Calvin frontage and a total of 15 bedrooms. It was in the very early stages of exploring different Klein, Leon Black, Aby Rosen, Ian Schrager [email protected] built in the 1920s and was previously owned options [for restoration] — and that might be and Jay Sugarman. Reps did not comment. by the lawyer Julia Vance Carter. But when the years away.” Mara Siegler property went on the market last year, one re- Koch and her late husband, David Koch, pre- port described it as a “22,000-square-foot Tu- Another source told us that the property viously restored a unique home that neigh- [email protected] dor-style fixer-upper.” could actually be a place for Koch’s three bored their Palm Beach, Fla., estate, and grown children and their families to stay. wound up winning an architectural award in Carlos Greer An insider told Page Six that Koch plans to “They really can’t use the house right away,” 2008 for the project. [email protected] George’s dark turn Tashara Jones Chick of the GEORGE Michael’s final years saw a de- sea: Supermodel scent into illegal substances, especially the [email protected] Helena Christensen is so-called date-rape drug GHB. After the having what we’re singer finished his 25 Live tour in 2008, he ‘Prom’ night sure is a fabulous va- “lived in a haze,” according to James Ga- cation in a kitschy vin’s biography “George Michael: A Life” StACey Bendet celebrated 20 beach-themed out Tuesday. “He slept until mid-afternoon years of her fashion line, Alice + then stayed high on pot for almost every Olivia, with a colorful “prom” in room. waking moment. He sat at his computer Central Park that channeled the playing video games, binge-watched TV, spirit of the real thing. We hear arranged GHB-fueled trysts and took mid- Bendet’s older daughter was night [jaunts] to [Hampstead] Heath” — a spinning her younger daughter notorious gay cruising area in London. around at the event when the lit- “For Michael, GHB seemed heaven-sent,” tle one got sick and had to throw Gavin writes, as it “made a depressed and up. “Now it’s real prom,” Bendet self-loathing man feel attractive. [It] gave joked after helping her kids. Busy him confidence . . . with the most intimi- Philipps, Lea Michele and datingly sexy escorts.” GHB also led to “a Nicky Hilton were among the frightening new level of self-destruction”: adults decked out in Bendet’s de- Michael was arrested for drug possession signs at the park. “My mantra and three times, including when he was found ideology was always that every- with crack in the Heath in 2008. one can judge what you do,” Bendet told us of her two decades Damaged goods? in the industry. “Someone can love it or someone can hate it, but KIM Kardashian denies she damaged no one can ever deny how hard you work.” Marilyn Monroe’s dress when she wore it Making waves on the Met Gala’s red carpet RAPPER couple Cardi B in May. Last week, a Mon- (above) and Offset were spotted with their family in New Jersey at roe expert claimed the oFnolTlowwittuesr DreamWorks Water Park at dress was distressed American Dream, spies told Page after Kardashian took Six. At the home of the “world’s largest indoor wave pool,” a @Pageit on the town from its source said the couple and their two kids “had a blast splashing display in Ripley’s Be- around.” We’re told that Cardi hit lieve It or Not!, which Six the gift shop and “purchased her- released a statement self a green sarong.” Offset was saying the dress was un- last seen riding something called Shrek’s Sinkhole Slammer. harmed. On “Today” yester- helenachristensen/Instagram day, host Hoda Kotb asked Kar- dashian, “We keep seeing stuff like, ‘The dress is ruined’ . . . All of that is not true?” “No,” the reality star replied. “Ripley’s [and I] worked together so well. There were handlers in gloves that put it on me . . . It was such a process.” She added, “I probably had it on for three minutes.” Dick Van Dyke show going strong at 96 Depp’s deep fakes AT 96 years old, Dick Van Dyke looked hap- behind the wheel of his Lexus and drove himself JOHNNy Depp is warning fans about pier than ever as he left lunch with friends in home. The “Mary Poppins” vet is occasionally social media impersonators. In a lengthy Malibu recently, telling well-wishers that he’s seen around Malibu, grabbing lunch and hitting Instagram Story, Depp posted in his char- “just glad to still be here.” The “Chitty Chitty the gym with his wife, Arlene Silver, 50. The acteristic style of what looks like photos Bang Bang” legend was seen running errands couple celebrated their 10th wedding anniver- of text written on a typewriter: “I’ve been after the lunch date, picking up a bottle of Neu- sary in February by going viral with a romantic made aware that there are fake accounts trogena self-tanning spray from a local store. Valentine’s Day video — and are rarely seen pretending to be me . . . I ask that you re- Proving he’s still sharp as a tack, Van Dyke got without one another. main cautious as it seems these fake ac- counts can be relentless.” Ever the cus- tomer service rep, he concluded, “Thank you for your continued support and for making me aware of this issue!”

Party on, says judge Swipe right to court 19 LAWYERS for divorcing duo Julia SO-CALLED “Tinder Swindler” Casual New Yorker Simon Leviev — who lived the Chris Rock grabs a Haart and Silvio Scaglia duked it out high life while pretending to be stoop spot and a cup New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 part of an Israeli diamond family — of Joe in Soho. yesterday over a political fund-raiser, is due in court in Israel next week as part of a suit brought against him which Haart was set to host at the cou- by the legit Leviev family. Chagit Leviev, CEO of Leviev Group USA ple’s marital home in Tribeca — they and the daughter of Israeli-Russian diamond tycoon Lev Leviev, told us, split in December. Page Six learned that “We have suffered from the Tinder Swindler for years. We knew he was de- Haart — who’s currently filming her frauding companies and other women that reached out. We tried so hard to make him Netflix show “My Unorthodox Life” — stop and fight him and report him to police.” Simon was the subject of the Netflix hit docu- was granted permission to go ahead mentary “The Tinder Swindler.” “Once I saw the show coming out, I saw it’s game over for with the event hours before guests were him,” Chagit told us. The women profiled in the doc have teamed with the Leviev due to arrive, but with a number of stip- family to create an affordable bracelet called Stronger Together with all pro- ulations. Page Six reported this week ceeds going to help the women. that Haart’s pro-choice fund-raiser for Texas pol Beto O’Rourke was hanging in the balance with her ex, Scaglia, ob- jecting since he did not give permission to use the space. The home is owned by Scaglia’s Freedom Holdings Inc. Last month, Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn of the Delaware Court of Chan- cery declared that despite earlier claims by Haart, she does not own half of Free- dom Holdings. However, NY Supreme Court Judge Douglas Hoffman ruled yesterday that Haart could go ahead Sightings with the event and that Scaglia “shall not interfere.” Going forward, Haart must give Scaglia 10 days notice if she KAIA Gerber checking out the plans to hold an event with more Bowery Presents concert at Hud- than 30 people. He will have to raise son Yards before meeting up with any objections through his lawyers Austin Butler for a screening within three days. The judge also of “Elvis” . . . RAMONA ordered there must be signage at Singer showing up two the event stating: “Freedom Nicole Scherzinger is a hours late for a lunch at Spanish bikini bombshell Bergdorf Goodman hosted Holdings Inc., controlled by Sil- in Ibiza. The 43-year-old by former Bravo co-star Pussycat Doll writes on Kelly Killoren Bensimon vio Scaglia, is politically neu- Instagram: “Summer is to celebrate the launch of officially here.” tennis gear from activewear tral and does not endorse any brand Splits59. Christopher Peterson/SplashNews political position or views. It More celebrity photos at does however, welcome guests Instagram to tonight’s event.” GetCoveredNYC Enroll Today! Health insurance plans are more affordable now than ever. FREE ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE.               Call 311, text COVEREDNYC to 877877 or visit to be connected to a GetCoveredNYC Specialist.

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com20 Top copper’s plea for police my command. Crime’s up yet it’s — do it! The NYPD knows what to Cache of cash The first one. Hugh Grant played Charles Heidsieck in a thousands less cops. Protection’s do, how to reduce crime. They’re A STORY’s reported about movie. France shipped their new thieves in Barcelona stealing a $700 bottle for a relaunch at the down and crime’s up. This mayor trained. They have resources, tourist’s Rolex. That watch sud- Peninsula Hotel. Its chairman denly seems more desirable to Christopher Descours: “In a must do it. manpower. Just let them do it.” grab your hands onto than bull market you want Cham- J.Lo’s bras. At a Bonhams auc- pagne. In a bear market you need “I’m not saying he’s a good Eric just clucks. He’s chicken. tion, Michael Caine’s gold Champagne.” Rolex (worn in “Dirty Rotten mayor. I know him 30 years. Scoundrels”) was estimated to Hey, let’s drink to that. sell for 8,000-12,000 pounds He was a lieutenant under sterling. In need, indeed me. A desk officer. Never he- The tchotchke hammered at THANKS to writer Jim Fra- 125,000 pounds. His specs gale for information that every roic. His organization was brought only 1,700 pounds. The Monday morning dozens line up bargain? Two broken leather the- for hours — for help — but those ACdinadmys 100 Blacks in Law Enforce- ater seats — one footrest missing needy were just informed of a — sold for 612 pounds. cutback in handouts. Now, it’s BERNIE Kerik. Army vet. ment. He took a test and every other Monday and only Worked with Navy SEALs. Top More sales: 1983 Mercedes G free food based on their family cop. Mayor Giuliani’s police com- made captain before retiring. Wagon convertible for sale. size. missioner on 9/11. Aventura Motors. Southampton. Some test takers were zeroes. Seinfeld borrows wheels from BE advised: Pretend mayor/ Kerik: “This mayor must repeal this auto haberdashery. No fi- president/governor de Blasio’s bail reform — so many on gun But he never did anything to nancing, no IOU, no deposit, no now making nice to reporters charges are immediately released return, no crypto. If you have who zapped him. For another back into the community, it’s stand out. enough left from buying gas, it’s not-working-but-staying-on-the- horrible. just $125,000. dole job, he’s offering interviews “Our stop-and-frisks worked. even to those who like to dislike “Lose that prosecutor. Bag Champers champs him. Bragg. He should never be in of- Don’t tell me it doesn’t work. fice. Worst DA ever. He’s embold- DALÍ and Lindbergh loved And this could be Only in ening bad guys. Harming citizens The Department of Justice ba- slurping Heidsieck. Prince New York, kids, only in New plus law enforcement doing their Charles drank it at his wedding. York. jobs. sically admitted the program’s “This mayor must hire more fair, constitutional and worked. cops. I had so many more under Has to be monitored. Not abused. But it’s a phenomenal tool to take guns off the streets. This mayor should bring it back — period. “We’re now a war zone. Mireya Acierto/Getty Images With it there’s no thriving economy. Can’t have real es- tate values or high tourism. Ig- nore the critics and blow- hards. Get out there. Afraid to tackle this garbage? Ignore them. Do your job. This Ex-NYPD commish Bernie Kerik says mayor knows what to do. So city must hire more cops to patrol. I QUIT COUGHING. I QUIT FEELING OUT OF BREATH. QUIT SMOKING TODAY I QUIT SPENDING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. I QUIT COVERING UP THE SMELL. WE KNOW IT’S HARD, WE ARE HERE TO HELP. Visit or call 866-NY-QUITS (866-697-8487) to apply for free nicotine patches and lozenges and to talk to a quit coach.

NYC rent Video shows boy, 6, wasn’t set on fire 21 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 climbing truth is out: Claims that Dominick Krankall, 3%-5% 6, (below right) was burned by bullies are disproven by this video (above right), showing him with boys The Rent Guidelines kicking a flaming soccer ball in a backyard. Board has signed off on hikes of as much as 3.25% By SteVen VaGo for new one-year leases for and GaBrielle FonrouGe the Big Apple’s roughly 1 million rent-stabilized Newly surfaced video shows a WFSB apartments, as landlords 6-year-old Connecticut boy kick- and tenants confront spi- ing a flaming soccer ball before raling inflation and a po- being severely burned — contra- tential recession. dicting his family’s claims he was deliberately set on fire. New two-year leases for rent-stabilized units can Cops have confirmed there was jump by 5% as a result of no evidence of foul play. Tuesday night’s 5-4 vote. Dominick Krankall, 6, suffered “While we raised our voi- second- and third-degree burns in ces and were successful in late April after an incident in pushing the increases which his family claimed an lower, the determination 8-year-old neighbor grabbed gaso- made by the Rent Guide- line and a lighter from a shed be- lines Board today will un- fore coaxing the 6-year-old boy to fortunately be a burden to come near him. tenants at this difficult time — and that is disap- Aaron Krankall, Dominick’s fa- pointing,” Mayor Adams ther, said his son told him some said in a statement. boys had set him on fire. The vote comes a month But video released Friday by one after the rent board set the of the accused boys’ families ranges for hikes at 2%-4% shows four children, including for one-year leases and Dominick, lighting fires and kick- 4%-6% for two-year leases. ing a flaming soccer ball in a Initially, officials had Bridgeport backyard, where the floated hiking rents as 6-year-old even wiped the flam- much as 9% on two-year mable remnants on his pants. leases, resulting in push- back from the City Coun- “They were playing, riding cil. bikes. There was no bullying at all with the children,” Laura Gia- The mayor controls all cobbe, a mom of one of the other nine appointments but has kids, told The Post. “My child is named just three members not a bully.” so far because they serve staggered terms. Ex-Mayor Dominick caught fire after ei- Bill de Blasio frequently ther kicking or stepping on a plas- touted the 0% increases his tic cup filled with gasoline that rent board approved in was on fire. But nothing in the 2015 and 2016. Nolan Hicks video shows the other boys target- ing Dominick, who has been re- Fishy record leased from the hospital, police is confirmed said. proof: Dominick’s 11-year-old neighbor (above) tried to save him and wasn’t The footage shows Dominick the fiend that, when blamed, attracted headlines and cash for Dominick. The world’s largest re- stumbling to the ground but not lice said. “At least three of the chil- being doused with any gasoline, dren (ages 6, 7 and 8) were ob- corded freshwater fish, a gi- WFSB-TV reported. served playing with fire and gaso- line.” ant stingray, has been “I don’t think it’s fair. It’s defa- mation of character,” Giacobbe Police said the investigation is caught in the Mekong River said. “[Dominick’s mother] slan- still ongoing, with additional in- dered my family. She put my son terviews needed. in Cambodia, US and Cam- through hell. She put me in hell. I gal action and has hired a lawyer, want her arrested for false state- Giacobbe says the new footage who said Dominick wasn’t lured bodian scientists said. ments.” clears her son. The family had by “some pyromaniac bullies,” been getting threats from stran- WFSB reported. The stingray, captured on No bullying gers after the story, WFSB reported. “For closure, for the truth now, June 13, measured almost 13 Police said on June 10 that no ev- for closure, I want this out there idence was found that Dominick “The police department had to so I can have this out there,” Gia- feet from snout to tail and had been bullied or deliberately sit in front of the home overnight cobbe said. “Come out with the targeted by the other children. to make sure nothing happened,” truth and not use their child for weighed slightly under 660 she told the station. “It was stated money. This is sickening, very sad “The video footage recorded the house would be lit on fire, that you can wrap a child and lie pounds, according to the four children (ages 6, 7, 8 and 11) they were going to drag my son all over the world.” playing together in the rear yard and myself down the street and let Wonders of the Mekong re- of the residence,” Bridgeport po- us suffer from the pain.” An online fundraiser for Domin- ick has raised nearly $600,000. He search project. Giacobbe is now considering le- thanked his supporters in a video posted last week to a Facebook The previous record for a page dedicated to his recovery. freshwater fish was a 646- pound Mekong giant cat- fish, discovered in Thailand in 2005, the group said. The stingray was snagged by a local fisherman south of Stung Treng in north- eastern Cambodia. AP

22 New York Post, Wednesday, June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

Eric: I’ll 23 shore up guards ©Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Mayor Adams promised star turn: Austin Butler breaks big in director Baz Luhrmann’s “Elvis,” grabbing the role forcefully and forgoing silly impressions of the King. on Tuesday to review regu- lations in the wake of press King Butler comes reports showing that bu- up aces as ‘Elvis’ reaucratic snafus and union YOU can’t help falling in love connection he had in the crowd centric and opportunistic manager. rules are exacerbating the with Austin Butler. What the fresh hell was he thinking? Big Apple’s lifeguard short- The 31-year-old actor, who with his audience. scream like they’re The actor, gunning for a Razzie, age — which has already has mostly appeared in puts on a head-scratcher of a voice, limited operations at city- crummy TV shows like “The Carrie Elvis taking inspi- accusing witches in like Forrest Gump meets Rumpel- run outdoor pools. Diaries” up till now, soulfully croons stiltskin, perhaps to add to Parker’s and sways his hips right into our ration from black “The Crucible.” secretive backstory. The thing is, His remarks came after hearts as Elvis Presley in Baz Luhr- Parker never sounded so ridiculous, The City, an investigative mann’s kaleidoscopic new biopic. musicians like You’ll wanna shout and Hanks’ Anna Delvey take is dis- news nonprofit, revealed of- tracting. Whenever he was on ficials at the Department of The King is one helluva tough B.B. King (Kelvin along with them . . . screen, that nonsensical brogue was Citywide Administrative assignment. always on my mind. Services are rejecting waiver Harrison Jr.) and but please keep requests from paramedics Unlike Freddie Mercury, the sub- At least until Butler came back and other first responders to ject of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and Little Richard (Al- your underwear on. into the building. The actor grows work as lifeguards, despite Elton John, who got his own movie from 1955 to 1977 with subtlety and having signed off on the pa- with “Rocketman,” Presley comes ton Mason, excep- “Hound Dog,” believability and never appears perwork in prior summers. with more pop cultural baggage trapped behind prosthetics or than you could stuff into a million tional) is another “Can’t Help Falling helped along by CGI. Nor does he The report also high- Gracelands. succumb to a silly impression. He lighted other shortcomings focus. Johnny in Love,” “Suspi- grabs us by the collar and never lets in the lifeguard division, in- There’s the campy Vegas imper- More broadly, Oleksinski go. Being so good as Elvis will either cluding a testing regime sonators, the “thank you, thank you cious Minds” and explode his career, or shove it into a that conceals key informa- very much” catchphrase, the white the movie is about mouse hole. tion from applicants, and al- jumpsuit, the late-in-life weight gain “Blue Suede legations that union bosses and, of course, dying on the toilet at Luhrmann, meanwhile, is the ci- retaliate against critics. age 42. the unique strug- Shoes,” among lantro of modern directors. You ei- ther spit him out or pack your salsa “We’re looking at some of For such a singular figure in music gles of being ultra- MOVIE REVIEW others, are rowdy full of him. I say, gimme mas. He’s the rules,” Hizzoner said in — still instantly recognizable to exuberant and spectacular when Brooklyn. “We’re trying to teens today in a way that Bruce famous during the and rousing. And most of his contemporaries are co- see if we can rethink some Springsteen and Paul Simon are not matose. His film is bloated, yeah, of these rules to see if we — he’s not allowed much dignity. social tumult, in- elvis Butler and Luhr- but 2 hours and 40 minutes of our can address the shortage.” creased visibility mann don’t settle lives are better spent on Elvis Pres- Luhrmann’s hugely entertaining and rapidly Rated PG-13 (substance abuse, for nostalgia with ley than the Season 4 finale of Adams also blamed what film and Butler’s sensational per- changing mores of strong language, suggestive them — they are “Stranger Things.” he described as a “national formance are dead set on righting the 1950s through material and smoking). electric and in- lifeguard shortage.” that wrong. A movie that runs on jet the ’70s. The King In theaters Friday. your-face. Plus, only Luhrmann knew what fuel and confetti, “Elvis” is a tribute goes from obscene Elvis’ legacy needed to be in 2022 — “I would love to go to the to Presley’s innovative spirit, deep disturber of the Running time: 159 minutes. “Elvis” is a long all shook up. Jersey Shore and steal their passion for fusing blues, country movie, and most of lifeguards, but they have a and gospel music, and the intense ★★★ shortage,” he said. “We’re peace to a has- it is devoted to the looking at how do we fill that shortage.” Nolan Hicks been for old folks in just two pitfalls of fame. He meets Priscilla Gay-wed ban decades. (Olivia DeJonge) when he is serving OK in Japan Where Luhrmann is at his overseas in Germany, and Lisa Marie A Japanese court has unsurprising best, though, are Elvis’ is born. But he sleeps around on his ruled that the country’s ban on same-sex marriage does stage triumphs. Like he did with wife while on tour, pops pills and has not violate the constitution, and rejected demands for “Moulin Rouge!” the Aussie director a destructive relationship with his compensation by three cou- ples who said their right to interprets a nearly 70-year-old mo- sleazy manager, Colonel Tom Parker free union and equality has been violated. ment with wide-open modern eyes (Tom Hanks), who pushes him to The Osaka District Court and a freewheeling sexuality. At an compromise the identity that fans ruling is the second deci- sion on the issue, and disa- early show before Elvis goes on tour love him for. grees with a ruling last year by a Sapporo court that with nice-boy Hank Snow, the King The villain — both in the story found the ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional. starts to shake his body and the girls and in real life — Hanks is Elvis’ ec- It underscores how divi- sive the issue is in Japan, the only member of the Group of Seven industrialized na- tions that does not recog- nize same-sex unions. AP

24 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 NEW YORK’S ORIGINAL GROCER ©2022 Boar’s Head Brand SINCE 1932 D’AGOSTINO’S NOW OFFERS BOAR’S HEAD PRODUCTS For over 100 years we haven’t wavered from our standards. Why Should you? NOW AAvailaVble Aat ILABLE AT ALL DAG LOCATIONS!

France 25 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 beaches violent burkinis trip: A woman is covered in France’s top administra- blood after police tive court ruled Tuesday say she was bru- against allowing body-cov- tally stabbed by ering “burkini” swimwear her boyfriend. in public pools for religious William Farrington reasons, arguing it violates the principle of government A brute slashed his girlfriend in- old victim — identified by law en- William Farrington neutrality toward religion. side a lower Manhattan subway forcement sources as Hernandez’s station during the morning rush girlfriend — with a bloody ban- While worn by only a Tuesday — leaving her and the dage wrapped around her head small number of primarily station covered in blood. and face and wearing a blood- Muslim women in France, soaked shirt. the burkini draws intense Alleged attacker Willy Hernan- political debate. dez, 50, was in custody hours later A pool of blood could be seen on with charges pending against him the floor at a cordoned-off area of The city of Grenoble, led after getting picked up on South the Fulton Street station where the by a mayor from the Greens Street, law enforcement sources attack allegedly occurred. party, voted to allow said. women to wear burkinis in The woman had been arguing public pools after cam- He was distinctly dressed at the with her boyfriend on the mezza- paigning by local activists. time of his arrest in Kellogg’s “Ap- nine level of the Nos. 4 and 5 train At the same time, the city ple Jacks’’ underwear, according to station just before 9:30 a.m. when also voted to allow women cops and photos. the man slashed her on the right to swim topless. side of her face and upper right Exclusive photos by The Post side of her back, police said. The prefect, or top gov- show Hernandez wearing a red ernment official, for the “New York” T-shirt and the kid- The victim was taken to Belle- Grenoble region blocked die’s breakfast cereal underwear vue Hospital, where she was listed the burkini decision, argu- (right), staring at the camera with in stable condition. ing it ran counter to what appeared to be a “Yeah, they France’s secular principles. got me” expression on his face. Her beau fled after the attack, but was later nabbed, cops said. The Council of State up- Earlier photos from the crime held that decision, saying in scene had captured the 49-year- Amanda Woods, Tina Moore and a statement that the Greno- Jorge Fitz-Gibbon ble vote was made “to sat- isfy a religious demand” and “harms the neutrality of public services.” Clothing rules in public pools in France are strict, for what authorities say are reasons of hygiene: caps are required, and baggy swim trunks or other voluminous clothing generally banned. Few other cities allow burkinis in public pools. AP Fla. crash landing At least three people were hospitalized after an air- plane caught fire in a crash landing at Miami Interna- tional Airport Tuesday. The Red Air flight from the Dominican Republic touched down at the airport at about 5:30 p.m. and tore through a communications tower and a small building before coming to a stop in a grassy area beside the run- way, local outlet WSVN-TV reported. Early indications suggest the plane’s landing gear may have malfunctioned, the report said. The plane was carrying 126 passengers and 11 crew members. Patrick Reilly

26 She stole BIg On Ig? New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com650 gran Getty Images By MARK ELLWOOD inn-side ...and gambled it scoop: It’s the most exclusive way to fly — Mackenzie By LARRy CELOnA of collecting dough from and money can’t buy it. and EvAn SiMKO- Dudzik Social Security and the Willa Air’s only plane, a Challenger (right) has BEDnARSKi 850, can seat barely a dozen people. used her city’s Human Resources The upstart airline offers deluxe social clout Getty Images A grifting Bronx granny amenities including a private depar- to stay at bilked the federal govern- Administration, Soto ture lounge in LA with champagne LA’s The ment out of more than breakfasts and IV drips to boost vita- Roosevelt. $650,000 — then blew most conned over a half-million min intake or relieve hangovers. of it at the casino, authori- CHEAP ties said Tuesday. dollars, authorities said. But the airline didn’t sell seats on its HOTELS inaugural flight, from LA to Palm Carmen Soto, 77, had ap- Each of Soto’s identities Springs, in April — timed to the parently been plotting the Coachella music festival. Instead, any- scheme since 1960, when had a bank account, driver’s one who wanted to feel like a million she applied for two phony bucks at 30,000 feet could apply for a Social Security cards and licenses or non-driver ID, a seat. Money didn’t matter. Influence began collecting benefits did. off the bogus government passport and a PO box, ac- IDs around 1994, according The handful of social-media influ- to the Bronx District Attor- cording to prosecutors. encers who turned clout into a cov- ney’s Office. eted seat included film director Bryce But the wealth of support- Hirschberg (Instagram followers: She was finally busted 554,000 and counting), “The Chal- this year after a trip to the ing documents was her un- lenge” co-star Morgan Willet (305,000 state Department of Motor followers) and singer Trevi Moran (1.4 Vehicles — where facial- doing: Soto was nabbed million followers). recognition technology blew the lid off the illicit while trying to renew a Aron Levin, Willa Air’s chief mar- venture, officials said. keting officer, claimed that 2,000 “cre- driver’s license — and the ators” applied for a place. Soto, who had a third So- cial Security card in her real DMV’s facial-recognition “We were overwhelmed by the name, had applied for gov- number of people who wanted to be ernment benefits using the technology matched her part of this,” he told The Post, adding influencers can indulge in, as a whole Fashion Week. The airline is really an other two IDs with the ali- that even though the flight to and new industry has cropped up to sup- offshoot established to help bolster ases Gloria Sanchez and face with three separate from Coachella was brief, the vibe was port the so-called Creator Economy. the core function of Levin’s creator- Carmen Maldonado — in instant. “None of them knew each aimed business, Willa. That firm es- what Bronx District Attor- IDs. Soto pleaded guilty to other but coming back the dynamic 200M social butterflies sentially acts as a high-end version of ney Darcel Clark called a was like they were 12 best friends.” a payday cash-advance joint: immedi- “carefully orchestrated second-degree grand lar- One study from LinkTree identified ately paying freelancers money scheme” to bilk the system. Private air travel is just one of the that 200 million people worldwide are they’re due from sponsors, in ex- ceny in May. She was sen- many over-the-top perks social-media trying to bankroll their lives on the change for a 2.9% cut of the gross. Over nearly three decades back of their social-media posts — tenced to five years’ proba- that’s more than the entire population After a creator cashes out with of Mexico. Some 61% of them man- Willa, the firm chases any invoices on tion and is also on the hook aged to earn money last year that way, their behalf, pocketing that percent- per an MBO Partners study. age as its handling fee. for the money — most of Willa Air’s future schedule is in flux, “Money is fun, finance is bor- which she already lost gam- but Levin has plans to shuttle Insta- ing — that’s our approach celebs to the front row of New York to marketing,” Levin bling, prosecutors said. said. “This sentencing should stand as a warning to those who are thinking of de- frauding the Social Security Administration to receive benefits — we will hold you accountable,” Sharon Mac- Dermott, head of the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Inspector General in New York, said in a statement. Bipartisan gun bill TAX ready for Sen. vote WRITEOFFS The Senate finalized a a would-be gun buyer under ‘Agfa Precisa 100’ gun-control bill Tuesday 21 years of age; increases the following a spate of deadly penalty for gun trafficking money talks: Kather- mass shootings across to 15 years — and 25 years if ine Studley (above) calls America — setting up a po- a trafficked gun is used in a herself the Only Consultant, tential vote before lawmak- felony, act of terrorism or charging $150 an hour to ers break for the July 4 holi- drug trafficking crime; and help OnlyFans stars like day at the end of this week. includes funding for states Cassidy Cauley (right) keep to boost school safety and their lingerie and photo A bipartisan negotiating mental health treatment — shoots IRS-compliant. group unveiled a frame- as well as to pass so-called work of a bill on June 12 and “red flag” laws. had been engaged in frantic talks to hammer out the The National Rifle Associ- final text. ation was quick to express its opposition to the bill, saying The measure includes re- it “falls short at every level.” quirements that juvenile of- Mark Moore and Samuel fender records be included Chamberlain With Wires in any background check of

27New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 You’LL FLY HIGH! Private jets & FREE suites for top FLIGHTS influencers Levin said that his startup airline unsold rooms a year, and we help Willa Air stunt was driven by the need to them turn that unused, wasteful grab headlines in a crowded thing into marketing,” Mike Keri- air force stun: Instagram’s world. akos, co-founder and CEO, told Finest are all smiles on the tarmac The Post. and in the cabin for a Willa Air flight “Coachella is the Influencer to Palm Springs — where seats Olympics, and 6,000 creators go Curacity’s hotel partners upload went to the highest follower counts. there for work, so we wanted to be offerings of empty rooms onto its front and center, but there’s a lot platform, where vetted influencers 120,000), is a power user who’s two or three replies for every 10 conventional CPA firms, the Buf- of brands competing for atten- — only 1 in 10 of those who apply booked everything from a five-star emails,” she told The Post. Hotels falo native took notice when a pal tion,” he said. is accepted, according to Keriakos hotel on Kauai to a staycation at don’t try to control the content of — who had turned to OnlyFans — can book rooms. Curacity char- the trendy Hollywood Roosevelt posts, either. “You get a few brand early in the pandemic to boost her Although creating and operating ges the creators 20 cents on the via Curacity. notes, but it’s incredibly flexible income — asked for tips on be- the airline cost him around dollar as a processing fee, so a and there’s no pre-approval pro- coming a first-time 1099er. $50,000, Levin expects future room on sale to the public for $500 “You used to do an email pitch cess.” flights might even end up making will cost $100 per night. Half that with your media kit, and sample Now Studley has worked with money — destinations have al- money lands in Curacity’s coffers, Not all kid stuff more than 200 creators, charging a ready contacted him about host- while the other half is reinvested content. That was a lot consulting fee of $150 per hour. ing visits, and several liquor in boosting and amplifying posts harder and more As Instagram demands, Dud- brands have offered to sponsor on clients’ behalf. time-consuming, zik’s cheeky persona is decidedly “For a time, on my LinkedIn, I and you’d G-rated. wasn’t sure how it would go over, the next trip. “The old way to get a room was only get so I didn’t [list] it,” she admitted to to carpet-bomb 25 hotels and say, But if your content’s a little more The Post. “But once I could see It pays to post ‘I’m coming to Miami and I’m fab- adult, Katherine Studley’s here to the trajectory, I became the Only- ulous, can you give me a free help. Nodding to OnlyFans, the Fans girl.” Then again, Levin could room?’ ” he explained. “But we ex- number cruncher calls herself just partner with Curacity ist to allow the process to scale in Studley helps with everything for freebie accommoda- an honest way.” the Only Consultant — she’s from bookkeeping to LLC forma- an accountant focused on tion and tax prep. tion. This tech firm helps It’s ruthless, too. If a creator’s keeping the XXX world influencers score gratis stay fails to drive return-on-invest- IRS-compliant. “Think of a 19-year-old girl, used rooms at fancy hotels in ment three times, they’re banished Bored by her gigs at to working at the mall, who’s made from Curacity’s roster. $560,000 on OnlyFans, and doesn’t exchange for raving know what to do with it,” she said. posts on their plat- Mackenzie Dudzik, a 27-year-old “Or a girl who called me last week. forms. travel-and-lifestyle influencer She’s 21, and she made $140,000 in from LA (Instagram followers: May alone. It was totally bonkers.” “Luxury hotels have $25 billion of A homemade porn star can de- duct health-insurance premiums James Porschen and even an assistant’s salary from their taxes, Studley noted. Her cli- ent Cassidy Cauley writes off lin- gerie worn in content, as well as photo-editing software, hiring photogs and a percentage of her rent for a home office. Niche crea- tors have other options, too. “Plus-sized models who eat on camera?” Studley said. “That food consumed is treated as supplies, not a meal expense.”

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com28 Dem donors NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA Kam-era shy By Emily CranE ing.” The DNC wouldn’t North Shore Animal League America has a wide ised to not show up?” answer The Post’s ques- variety of dogs, cats, puppies and kittens to choose The cost of everything Twitter user @NoleA- tions about the slashed is going up under the merica tweeted. prices Tuesday — or the from. That special pet is waiting just for you! Biden administration — reason behind postponing well, maybe except one “I guess this inflation Harris’ fundraising event. OPEN DAILY FOR ADOPTIONS: 10 AM – 6 PM thing. thing is overblown,” 25 Davis Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050 @john_sipher added. “The DNC works with 516.883.7575 • • RR006 The Democratic Na- our hosts and fundraisers FOLLOW US ON: tional Committee has re- “She’d have to pay me at to set specific ticket pri- portedly cut prices for least a hundred….” @Se- ces for each event. As has Do you think you have been a fundraising photo ops critSqrl wrote in another always been the case, VICTIM of MEDICARE FRAUD? with Vice President Ka- tweet. And another Twit- there are a variety of Has your MEDICAL IDENTITY been STOLEN? mala Harris — from ter user wrote: “Still ticket levels for every Are you receiving BILLS for SERVICES $15,000 to $5,000. $5,000 more than it’s event as is pretty standard that have NOT BEEN PERFORMED? worth.” for finance events,” DNC The cost of taking a deputy communications Call the NYS Senior Medicare Patrol’s photo with Harris at last Others shared various director Daniel Wessel month’s DNC’s Women’s memes, including one of said. HOTLINE at 1-800-333-4374 Leadership Forum was Harris (above) with the slated to start at $15,000 phrase “blowout sale” “We’ve raised record The SMP is a federally funded program operated in New York before it was eventually brandished across it and amounts of money with by the not-for profit New York StateWide Senior Action Council postponed due to an ap- one of Al Pacino in “The help from both Vice Presi- parent lack of ticket sales, Godfather II” saying: dent Harris and President This project was supported, in part by grant number 90MPPG0010-01-00, from the U.S. Administration Puck reported Tuesday. “Here’s my offer: Noth- Biden, so we’re going to for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201 continue to do what Now, the DNC is said to clearly works well for the have dropped the price party and our donors.” per photo for the veep’s California fundraiser later Recent polling shows this month. that more than half (52%) of registered voters in the Gleeful Twitter users US currently have an un- immediately seized on favorable opinion of the Harris’ apparent lack of vice president. popularity, saying the vice president would have to Her approval rating had pay them to pose for a sunk to a dismal 28% last photo. fall, according to a USA Today-Suffolk University “Wonder what they poll. could draw if she prom- ‘Media’ tanked VP ratings? MSNBC host Joy Reid Harris since January 2021 dent, but the honeymoon has blamed “white and — that of an ineffective phase did not last long for male media” for Vice politician with a penchant the trailblazing politician. President Kamala Harris’ for flubbing her public re- lackluster approval rating marks and creating awk- Last fall — less than a — because they have not ward moments — does year into Harris’ first allowed her to showcase not reflect her true capa- term in office — a USA her personality. bilities. Today-Suffolk University poll put her approval rat- “She’s just a regular sis- “Most of the media is ing at a dismal 28%. More ter in the same way peo- still white and male,” the recent polling by the Los ple would always say that MSNBC presenter said. Angeles Times shows that Michelle Obama is, like if “And their take on Kamala as of June 14, more than your cousin became first Harris becomes the take. half (52%) of registered lady. Kamala Harris is like It becomes conventional voters had an unfavorable if your cousin became VP wisdom.” opinion of the veep. of the United States,” Reid said in a recent interview Reid has recently had a Harris has mostly with The Root. chance to sit down with stayed out of the spotlight Harris for an MSNBC in the wake of a cringe- “I think she doesn’t get special, “The Culture IS: worthy interview with to show that personality Black Women,” which NBC’s Lester Holt last often enough, and so peo- aired Sunday. year, during which she ple haven’t had a chance was grilled about why she to get to know her.” Harris, 57, made history had not visited the US- when she became the first Mexico border amid an Reid said the narrative African-American and immigration crisis. that has been created in Asian-American woman the news media around to be elected vice presi- Snejana Farverov

tWrueirBeUdT SmaSh: An 2239 NYPD bulldozer This could take remote Bye, bye ‘birdie’ destroys illegal NNeeww YYoorrkk PPoosstt,, WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JAupnreil 262, , 22001212 wAorNketwo nHewamexptsrheimreesj.udge haAs rerusildeedntaofLBoenldgoiunmdewrrays dirt bikes jmusottoerleiscttednmotayogruoilftya diosf- tsrpicetediinng T—okydoesp—ite evtheen ‘SUSHI’Tuesdayas tuhnoduigsphustheed livfaecstmtohraetthhaen Mayor Adams 5w,5a0s0dmriviliensgaawta1y0.2 mph. (inset) has MJoahynor-elCecotuSgahtolikno Kiwshais- declared war on mruosthoinngohwishwasifteo, wdehcoidweaisf the vehicles, sinhelawboilrl,mtoovtheebhacoksptiotaJal.pan swtdwaiothfrhotteiBemroarnertaldtotabthuMotryeoredonjKhsusomtoyastiboisltldelpeaitcnicnshtsadaahieusmxle.csDoeehifasomfhidninoec’itltrnem.o.cusathutKhdeirileese-- which he says “terrorize” JITTERSthecity. HIT NYC EPvuernvedyoogrss goeft thhoemweosircldk.’s Fish fans’ nuke fears tbLstiptigohhnneteialruACfrdeeggofstnnoiileosprryKcanrstplaVeittedahaatsirednuocsoogdpngtcsntogmwsireaaeecaiosasnseopah.lfs’rgfetecsfinpso— erWa hainled scaawshtheisir peoasoiclyh By REBECCA ROSENBERG Japan’s new sscproatpteindgaantdthseeidzeodorb. y cops and JENNIFER FERMINO safety level duTrhineg paunp,arDrexst,erh, osookmeres- ssaid at a press conference. hcaonw ebsectatepredcofrnocmeatlhethpeeirt With Japan facing a near-nu- hporotefiltasnidf rpaanyhmoemnet hcopminesg Adams said the NYPD has hinisthmeofmormandofdpaldaswtioc.uld be clear meltdown, nervous New takeTnOaKbYoOut 9—00TohfethJeapbainkeesse there. The dog hotel em- angdovAeTrnVms eonfft tsheet isttsrefierstst roafdi- ployees rushed to the house City officials crushed nearly mfgltpbdYoaaereuoN“ivmvonatliclttslbNrdeelooihekop,neiilko“TggroraeonieevndgcnsTi5aarntharteCetu2.iwllaetaathirten,tnheinidlthryaetrngerbdeeameuayiayamirNiyautatdwets—ktarhiwsontMtYtndseC-cobuhihed,foldsih”rPfsiablooieduckethdnaituioDsrylinsaerhihtarwdaittdashszeeyaeHnchirHsseaedss.tIasheunogetat.padeneasoeermaorloBtnredaiwlrlrrhattnco’eetoedssueAstugnurcu.shilrtwtelsTerudrasoeheuaneGeesan,fValaes’rhaf-ejriottenniyesni-sctttldoscdd-thttatifteonanihhaiaelmisrrnlttasaily,hoeear---kt- thaetiBoing-sAapfeptlye ssotafanrdtahrdissyefaorr Paul Martinka anAd picbkoeodzehdim-upup. woman 100 dirt bikes Tuesday, with y—dizea“pstcfmeayisaeoTlsouTriananhsl.hnnuwlhot8ieataroeya8tymmncteh%eriwsiiettepr-ntiybyrepmilaaalmruotaclvJdneimrgoaboeasattanargneeyptigsedhnncuoedoaer,erpv”fFuiivrlteneneiheasertrgghdrearzaliet-ntaoslsJonGdeaauesalreriptivicctmadbroaeltorei.bnrii-vbantrao’.eys-r-ln stripped down to her bra Mayor Adams saying he’s de- and panties and took off termined to eradicate the me- inAtontEhde wShoeoedrsanafltoeorka-amlikoe- nacing vehicles from local htoard-vteohbiceleresccruasehd biny sPeocurt- streets. rSitt.yLuatcieo,nFelao.,fctohpes’s coAnncegretlsa aFfeterrrafnatnis, 2th5,oaulgleh-t In all, 92 of the illegal rides hgeedwlyas thteolrdeal dceoapl.s she were pulverized under a bull- wFaanntesd mtoobb“ecdontcheealclohneer dozer at the Erie Basin Auto acacascnsstoncuhncoaLBcenreditpmfuhoiungftwceeretty—cr”dkderapbyiegfsKanerrwaaoorcofgittolfihueuimofottnrdoagthorgrhutama—,tssnoeMuDakcs,gaafKoUeae.snlb-lonlteIydy9yyl--., Pound off Gowanus Bay in chester, England. Brooklyn as Adams vowed to lovaerethoenAosuiarnstdreeleictas,c”yt.he mayor Is that a chicken in your CttoahpahuaaaAiTeLpnlnsyeohlptaydpsuadwy,,anihaseitiktarvoaro’fwseiturslotlklaetaeflhceby,aaekbo,nmKreaufeddyloetad.?lrna,tomoydmebooaeaekaugrbaehnlytd—eiliwsrjaltueiraka—disinsse-t- “My son did a project on Cher- sisted that the radiation will bbeufsotreeddfeocridalilneggetodlaydotrpytinitg. LI’L ANGRY BIRD hmtwnhaoToaisbntrhytsgteeelo,r,hn”’rsueTogujhsuniassAdmtdiieast- strpbsrahuuoapirtstmeieeadsdanltyonleeDoxdvtpaiheisiemeliprscemthhrnsiesieagedaihpdiraallyattnthenhdatcedtotaFhencnuxoacgptkeueunolirdt---,SI kid’s toA stlievaelstrfeoaumr pcaougnhdts thoef mchoimckeennt inbythestuBfrfiitnisgh Cthoe- ministration is inspecting allfickle lpuomubltirayfdoroewstnwhhisenshtohretst.wo cause immediate injury andfinger eaEgalegslel-oeoykeedd —at otrheischthicakt acnhdickdenci-deeydedt?o—taksetoirteinema-s aTIdMID: Osmaan Darammy behaves s foofd—eoaiaorttdihcoqrinmiupaappkfdotleeerdrtsaafbprnoyodmwelJatrasspuptanlanfanmmtfooitnrhterh—ra’es- irtthhegaesitdsteuhaaelinletcahokhesntacaromeuail.ndarteiotsult inof ‘hate’ tphleoiyreoewsn.nSoctiiecnetdiststhsayt itt’hsea n ofAUER and DAN MANGAN mmiarnac’slesthhoeretsaglwese’rsehafrapllitnalg- By HANNAH RAPPLEYE, DOUG odnoswdni,dnp’at sktillhtihsekbnaebeyshaawndk walheertnepdicpkoilnicgei.t up. Cayelstelrdsay, unslikeclasthweeok. ol-lunch gripebmseeaagrswasniasvtleeelraykarihnocguonenedxtatirmte.amiBnuealttainUtmgSohucnothtnyse-, -sbumosohki l“oTevheersaSsthoorlyuldofnf ’tSouwsohreir,”yA,ssPbauidtaInhwcbMs1slwfmriceaiyi3usrtaleInane“maeyvhma-seuhuTtasIaglnytrPiolHmatsisotloloTahdigeteOrtirlalsrne,apeyieaiegewy,emaoFsM”n’drr—sresssocmlaaedu-qda’csAloo1usosmusNegsauyoa1anwaswlsg-fyNinitneuidostyronulnlreiWn’hiaaiyhdrl.snoeyosrpmgdgktsea1atwua.tia,Cim,aisandaly1orerranpscaed“olr-glodebopoglltlAooeuuhdneasladbstnarslnDnrettrhrlgcsecordiuttetleoeenk.sotaieeeibarogrssmjnuu,drnwiiutldt”slhnrOOne’rrnhdledtaiauoaisctyimgpatsscsagtyeispobaey—emmdtteg.oa?fendao.ceopSeAosnhaa-aouhnWtfsrfSscMatnneaafxtotitdatr.tuluobtiaesituedaautDohmlfrerhet’ynh—Isle.les-eeue-tt-ela-e-de--sns- “The defendant NIt’os, ait’stnatoutea-ttoyrpyo.offense. TAht e By BeR‘nHadaetttee H’okgiadn safetyrisk.” nyoarudncesdtatthuiessweheakviet hibreedena and Sam RaSkin kecabheoiludptrelnosokairneg adtyiwnhg?at Hfooowd tMroalnshhaattvaen’dsowdpniaeeenitgilchcitokttneledcbeytpdoueibadmlsistpchu.raaotgveitnhgerecahdeiipdssteido,ncfoe“poTsrsdohetbedhrl,eeemysiwo.s”fetceeltneaparrnleydfears.apveorr-ySstSfrtcaheuuhitonTpveasnTemdephdgowrlMepaifIeaarofnyltlliuo,thcv1reswtnee3eemlhr,-riresmempypbouehyeuaernkmiaonldjstsgarehsac,ii-baedrihhsomdtlcaeloeo.udrdoauavatnsgtoesaSftsdorsernicsm,dmrdhtteehsroeacOakeinoDleeiiesdtlcpndrm.kaetaleosiytaycnotdfn--isapublic- tgue“smlmtscuohZtwemenTToBooorennEdiaplsoouhheptOeeflellssetraeenroya.”aeelsdynclta,ti—.TieaoinfdagoisoetmnnhewncFuanndeprehSnawco“leabeaindGy$acniarntdl4ltheyhouslsii,vant0Denaanacehir0gZihldtyseee0aaaayoa,glCrdtdposwohvbfhEouiaseiraieOnsntstrbos“loihenegd.cnen”tlrrdeeeuehecz.em”wsnlneaeea-t- dsaeMTlftea.aknyedoefrtldhoiAiAncsdkapwugmfupeitbsewhwloicranadsTgaaturyslaoelscishntdioinnaoohyyfl tjiurmovciidugseurbTnnaessloicneheltred?e-eue”oathmllnhlefyeeoattyhsfdnlfaoeyiooicrdiimtens.oreigi“”tardasvcyrhtehahifpeiotalole-t-ddeda bcyoman- rtahotS“ellMluoisrscahacwyilabamrceieotesen2tr5nafsrsdaruoowpoburiaBoaemsacabusmnrneyo,ectdtejuuesfcoduho.ntrlnneasrtbiwkiniamyomvhfgrfooeecphwowcorrigdeumsoeorsdveifrtptlrekfhololfimneaeomnmroiirgensr-ttnstpsttut.oopiedpnirbalalteS“esroetI-’hteahodwsqrkutaswhtwilhinsaayb“iiakvgltTlltsheeehusha,ptaairqefhhmdypitruzeieuresIzerii.slasfswtaBae,stsyrioutduoaeIhsut.srnehlehwwcIsdeithseofrwuMiwmuralapdoatlsaaadphrmssrrdeeocesnierrsahsnpaefhputemtdeahohno.1vnetea--1oert-cwcOinorisJigutmmuhrdtoeaguatnehpt—ecpHoebueaaoellriderlvadnnicdeeucoreenemSntdTacimlceucihethosiimadss—hnaooynhw.tsheeaexleyddtr- Gmeilne ZawCaOy Ofr, obmutitsstoopwpend- lwtrwotiswFhCemii“uanaDaeflaHOsvtusymsmaegioU6UvbnirelwowbyioRemneatrrrChhsoniTcniotceasuokeoantrnulsgdiGusm.etnadrhhltiEdcp,stasdaShuwnStioaaafSdahnTftnlctisehdtMekedUorle,rlseauearhRbtcashsreabrwo.EolersooiLuumh:uyfaerwnaeAg,tocdnMahhnecwwltaekduuvhhhaietfsthefoienod-ehsadteO-mbnccshtbfslrtouoaMeoeDmeiaTmrtrnusrcSoyeaehietbgoirfnanleerheessuyncgerinatDlhrnwcrddibstaaaadaogheeohmtrrt,rLengatyi“dlltoeAemilebe“.heaovsM,dfosysewnertyfioeoyamocybfraslolafealafoonfandorccnaoun.krhla”alrir.liiCetagAcersHenalleehglpiaeesdtssnarrrgiiteiysapsseilvao-ctrdee1idsiinod7Rcpyhaeasskieloefshse.diie”da-o--s-etnatusletdpfspsargmosoieoteloDartrOuennutaotctsauredasnreukaeulmrectienrynsydhnMeootadpfeersgbnubnuesesdfosbsrestn$aewooe—lMfsi7tihrmmrkriaidd0ymooaas.atsmsnreahDyfbccnsrietrhuhraondhssaeostmiusetytnoh1Seaesf5claudmptmtiNeaashsneoteaiJoobnertanttIneevnedshnndeaie.tueaoIsFnecmhsaycnerbhlirahmsbbgoyesunfo.he.rrehosdo’r-4---ser,l sehros’rht oomf cea. lling the position its ZODOav.idBKe.nLiK, eWssirlenS,eWrvicress lunches,msakyeinrg mOansymacnom- Dasrtaumdeynts fwoirltlignegt uasremd toonthtehe skinny ers are askindgi,”etssa. id Dovina Wil- realizesathy,atwpeeonpeeled htaovme ankoeidsuerae plainersnjeuesdteadrenfo’tr uasedfutllo attmituodreenutbriotiyo’sushooputilodnesr. “healthya”dfjouosdtm. ent, as he mee“kTlhye firsOtsmwaanve, wpaesopljeoined by liam, who wo“rIkssita1t00G%inwg hSautswhie watnhta?t mowset hoafvtehethfaisthbaislann’tcceotmo ginivge and Asian NRoe.sBtauutrwaniltl woen getht eto 10f0r%om Jawphaant,’”s hgeoosadidfo. r you and it’s “We cwananlkoetdbeinatforaiSdta. t.e.n IasrlaengdoingKtoryssatya, l‘OCKa,lIl’emndneort, 13, who Upper East Swidhea.t we want? Yes,” saiTdhe gcouinisginteo hmaaskebeycooumenutsroi- [of] thoFseampielyopcloeurwthyoesatererdayg.etting misy atacsctuesebdudosf,’ pbaer-ticipating At Ooki rAesdtamursa.n“tThoins isTahimrdedicaplolypulatrioanlal lloyvsetrotnhgeangldohbealtthhayt.” the loudeLsatstanwdeeska,yt,he‘W11e-yeacra-uoslde youin’rethmeakaitntagcaktaratntsh-e Dreyfus Avenue, manpargoevmenenfatcet vtheant hwuenagre femeda-ny ofItnhMe ianyg, rTehdeiePnotsstarreeponrotwed should lnitottlebteerrgoivrifnlgippoeudr thefobrimrdationInteinrmeydoiuarte Stacshteool in Sta- a letter in itnhgeirouwr ihnedaolwth-cfraoremcrisgirso.”wnodnoamsetsutdiceanllty-r,uhneInsasitdag. rAams childrenbehfeoarlethya focooudr,’t” phreocebeduidnsg,” Adpalemtosns. aid. “We’re their food hdeisatridib.utor, which an exaamccpoleu,nht ethpaotinctheadratcotersiuzce-d Qfsscamsaoaatncaeu“AeuiicuddHaenlodsIdetNeaounainftdwmnnsfaestoagtrwbasrhlloadcepioygailntercuhmpYlDrobrheiuaetiseasotkohgasurgnesemhocrsithuioeersdhrnn’kal.fstnidavfecegtngaseelosoartgpnybtshd-csOhlfnyhmucethehIesbehfesrernrheohimaseuyimpnssrmoodtotapoetreefpwaluataoeern,rddinrmlgtnloadcadoooeirnadggaeotcawcbidainndyi.sghunumaloua.dy,geaarb--ulptrkalrsgeyeae-tdichhlsbpiwtgtinsMnaehmcaoeleagqeTssetohuiarfufoittunosdohsddotwsssieogerwr---eo-thahehslnoeoctkmaoduetoittaodkhahjhhlahmrwudIwllseeeoeeKlnedamrarimaattnsngbrrhhwirtsyteeCuioewotanwonensmthoguiwgettlatyuortaaoywebsbalielrlulaktaeemusiojchcwedtrttutnCwoehehneelvohasrues.oridsesfaelJtpadltttud.neivrd.hhpnraa”fnrsaio.oeiieiylfmelsrcsenbleorsbooinoridcygeeowra-fel,rwaltbseoehetlmSce,eedikgbwsvaalk-rmaubaucdeea.tna“AaniuaoetrprvdIfdfssseuocdtfo’t.vueegllnhsteaaceyeddoboaeremnasosctdhdtesfobaifu,fsoeenrrwkredtaiiieinenhinasadgolhg,b”bsecseeor.shaatearlenmitvaycscfcMttstotehkkeruhhosoeorryao“Tfdesoiaenaauiua-npWgmtnhngfkaernsnudopieewuatntstndJeolivtrpraltaeatoueiodaoyortnpandtnrogeholsi,’eridagelsm-t-tfnefndwpnfCsu,pefr,a”rsocroosasotoaqvodotebbltdrirohemhtdaeuffeeuestfaumAeaaasteogunintecsiprnt,hrdgnnlanttctwsamltcgsepcisajta,oaigtyseoohgralimlhln”,-fydsaaonrunlerafut,lttinuesraryn-evtohaipas,ibotttifyntdecnesahe.bhocearamvswaeyddeeooinosnpioaTledJsxseurlhasprtfasy.tepdhutsiaoerpoqenotrwrearda“f,uotteato-fetcdfhrsynhQhstanuiepeikhestetaekitfdtsnonhhecei’etasohespdeodahdsbeeerr-fahosieketnteensanotcaasyreputhlsieftfciehifypftibrmntroryminnheineaeuomeoltBIpr’syglmedsswpn----tmnluseoofiaestawuprcJsstlaaltohtAolE“macoteoaajaehpdascrefinrsddncdmuTry,leeiadcnueauelnbdarsanonhiseptwsecomhatsfhiu.hMemlifanarrainesahoeeninsoettafuulterainreitolAg-mpre.rcotsseafsbf,eiolir.ioehahmnslds”ycSosidryapeieh(cmnsoeJosdcsnuiisdheaenrsffhoiiifttlunfrsipnotiasaaa-ssemucvecosfraoreropprdasenih@ermntlelifllenhidQ)dolnmeat,snetsfeeyosgoihytmoudmianasiesp.lfesuireanst.tuednoosapenrensccagBGelnnoo—uhtlChaufrra.rsnlsiasfelecosoagtcrlurteo.neevtlihcbiamiaihemnlddnaeoasa--lldessr--tl NY Post: Chad Rachman

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com30 Incre-de-ble Blas has House backers $79 By sam raskin progressive candidate Compare at $119 So he does have friends! who I believe can win this Cultured Pearl and Diamond-Accented Ex-Mayor Bill de Cat Drop Earrings in Sterling Silver Blasio’s congressional diverse seat” while stop- campaign has been You'll love our pretty kitties for a lifetime (or nine!). backed by a former ping short of issuing a for- 7.5-9mm pearls. Hanging length is 15⁄8\". Brooklyn political main- Also with black pearls. Item #943996 stay, a city lawmaker and mal endorsement. ORDER TODAY! a union — his first official endorsements in the race. De Blasio, who wound To receive this special price and free shipping use offer code: PURR46 Marty Markowitz, who 1.800.556.7376 or visit served as Brooklyn bor- up as one of the city’s Item #943995 ough president from 2002 to 2013, is supporting de most unpopular mayors, Blasio as he competes in the crowded contest for also was backed by ac- an open Brooklyn-Man- hattan House seat. claimed liberal economist “On Day One, Bill will be a strong voice for us in Jeffrey Sachs and he will Congress. He knows our issues and has served ev- be endorsed by UNITE ery block of this district as a School Board Mem- De Blasio — whose ap- HERE Local 100, a 17,000- ber, Councilmember, Pub- proval ratings were under lic Advocate and Mayor,” water for much of his two member union represent- Markowitz said in a pre- terms as mayor — also pared statement. was endorsed by first- ing food-service workers term Councilwoman Mer- cedes Narcisse, a Brook- at area sports arenas, air- lyn Democrat whom de Blasio endorsed during ports and cafeterias. her 2021 bid. Other candidates vying “He has been here for us when we needed him for the 10th District seat most,” Narcisse said. include: Rep. Mondaire The head of Brooklyn’s Democratic Party, Rod- Jones, who currently rep- neyse Bichotte, called de Blasio “the most qualified resents the Hudson Val- ley; Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou of lower Manhattan; Council- woman Carlina Rivera, and Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon of Brooklyn. [email protected] 6/30/22        6/30/22

31 Race to Space New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 UPI What we must do to counter China & Russia Neocon: No Dodging Congress on Climate THERE are many lessons from Congress’ “lethargy on climate change . . . does not give the executive Russian President Vladimir branch license to usurp its authority,” argues Commentary’s Noah Roth- Putin’s war on Ukraine. man. “Environmental regulations that do not enjoy congressional autho- Among the most concerning rization and that impose an unfair cost burden . . . have been on thin ice” is that nuclear coercion worked for some time with the Supreme Court. Indeed, “there is nothing remark- against the Biden administration. able about” the current legal-political argument around the climate, ex- Lest Moscow inspire copycats in cept “the breathlessness with which it has been reported in the [New Beijing, Pyongyang and else- York] Times and elsewhere. Fears about courts striking down executive where, we must seek to devalue orders on climate (like Biden’s carbon-cost revision) would be moot “if nuclear saber-rattling. If we do those regulations were authorized by Congress.” Seems “Congress can- not, Beijing will surely resort to not be trusted to act with the alacrity and objectives” greenies demand. similar threats in its determined effort to incorporate Taiwan. Pushing the envelope: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket goes supersonic at Election desk: Dems Alienating Minorities the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Fla., June 2021. Russian officials threatened nu- “Everyday Americans, including people of color, have been left in the clear employment to pressure dust” by the Democratic Party’s “woke white agenda,” laments Darvio Kyiv and intimidate countries Morrow at Newsweek. Dems obsess on issues like “pronouns and micro- providing it support. In response, aggressions” while “real issues like inflation, the supply chain, gas prices, the Biden administration barred food prices and other things that have a real impact on the lives of Ameri- vital weapons and targeting as- cans” fall by the wayside. “The Democratic Party has gone too far to the sistance that it believed would Left, alienating formerly loyal constituencies and becoming anathema to risk escalation to “World War III.” the rest of the country,” including Latinos and blacks. “It’s too late for the 2022 midterms, but if the Democrats don’t course correct quickly, they This was exactly the intent of risk losing voters permanently,” and many of these voters “aren’t white.” Putin’s bullying. By ruling out rea- sonable support to help Ukraine must expand our options through technologies SpaceX and other Education beat: Proof of CRT in Schools launch a counteroffensive and such means as the low-yield war- private-sector enterprises employ. perhaps achieve early victory, the head on our strategic submarines Space Force and Space Command “Equity consultants” are making “millions” to train teachers in Critical Biden team gave Russia time to and the nuclear sea-launched have active space-control portfo- Race Theory and “transform education,” warns Ian Prior at Fox News — consolidate in the east and south, cruise missile. lios that can also be used synergis- and his America First Legal group obtained documents to prove it. Defend- where it is now prevailing. tically with a space-based defense. ers of woke curricula deny any CRT is being taught, only “accurate his- In addition, missile defenses tory.” Yet the documents, from a consultant to a Pennsylvania local school Rather than communicating re- must be an integral component of Skeptics have argued that space- district, contain no “discussion of ‘true history,’” — only “theory and bank- solve to demonstrate our nuclear deterrence and allied assurance. based defenses will “militarize” rupt, race-based Marxist philosophy.” They assign important traits (“Be deterrent in the face of Russian This applies to deterrence against space, but space is already a highly polite,” “Hard work is the key to success,” etc.) to whites, assume non- threats, the Biden administration not only North Korea and Iran, for contested environment in which whites don’t value them and seek to “undo Age of Enlightenment concepts canceled long-planned ballistic- whom we have sized our home- we face growing threats from Rus- like free will” and “the scientific method.” Parents must “stand up” and land-defense capabilities, but for sia, China and others. In fact, US “protect their rights to have a say in their child’s education.” HenRy ObeRIng III the more likely threats to our space-based missile defenses will & RObeRt JOsepH homeland Russia and China pose. help protect existing and planned Conservative: Trump vs. His Supporters US space assets, making another missile tests and zeroed out fund- Both theater and homeland mis- contribution to strategic stability. “The Jan. 6 committee has been unable to show that Donald Trump was ing for the nuclear sea-launched sile defenses undermine the ad- cruise missile, a move senior mili- versary’s confidence that he can The Biden team is ideologically directly responsible for the attack on the Capitol,” notes J. Peter Wallison tary leaders opposed. While the achieve his policy goals using opposed to space-based missile Biden team insists its acts reflect force. No missile-defense archi- defenses, wedded to the outdated at RealClearPolitics, but has made an over- the behavior of a “responsible” tecture should require a “zero notion that defenses are destabil- nuclear power, they have not im- leak” standard. As with any defen- izing. We must therefore think in whelming case that “Trump knew before he pressed Putin — who in response sive capability, that is impossible terms of how a new Congress can went forward to test his own and unnecessary. What is required set the stage for a new president. left the presidency that he had lost the 2020 power. For someone who sees the for deterrence is sufficient capa- world in terms of raw power, re- bility to disrupt the expected suc- Moving forward with a space election, and has falsely stated the opposite straint looks like weakness. cess of the aggression. test-bed is the modern parallel to Congress seeding missile-defense to the American people every day there- Russia has been investing heav- To deter and defend against programs with the commitment ily in its nuclear forces for two missile threats from Russia and to build on their progress. This let after.” And “that some of his strongest and decades, and China is rapidly ex- China as well as the accelerating President George W. Bush un- panding its nuclear arsenal — threats from Iran and North Ko- shackle the United States from the most devoted supporters, because they be- which the US Strategic Command rea, we must deploy space-based Cold War Anti-Ballistic Missile chief has termed “breathtaking.” capabilities. Ground-based and Treaty and field the Ground- lieved him, are now in jail — or see jail time To make our deterrent more cred- sea-based systems, while useful, based Midcourse Defense system ible, we must be able to both pun- can’t be scaled to meet these against rogue-state threats. in their future — is only the most obvious ish the attacker through offensive growing threats. A space-based retaliation and deny his objectives kill capability is the necessary Only when the United States example of the disappointments many Re- through active defenses. evolution to the layered defense adapts to the rapidly changing architecture. Moving to space is threat environment can we confi- publican voters will feel.” Indeed, “the fact This requires us to adapt our the only way to get the boost/as- dently deter our adversaries. This nuclear forces to deal with cent-phase missile-defense ca- requires a clear-eyed assessment that he could not accept the reality of his threats from two peers and rogue pability essential to defeat cur- of the dangers and a commitment nations. Given the huge disparity rent and future threats. There is to defend the American people. loss clearly shows that he puts his own in- in theater-range nuclear weapons no other feasible option. relative to Russia and China, we Lt. Gen. Henry Obering III, ret., terests ahead of the country’s. No Republi- Space-based missile defenses is former director of the Missile are achievable. Engineers have Defense Agency. Robert Joseph is can should accept this.” Ex-Prez Donald Trump made major progress in every former under secretary of state needed tech sector, as seen in for arms control and special en- Green watch: The West’s Selfish Hypocrisy voy for nonproliferation. “The rich world’s climate hypocrisy” is on full display in “the global en- ergy crisis,” seethes Bjorn Lomborg at The Wall Street Journal. “Wealthy countries admonish developing ones to use renewable energy,” with the G7 declaring “they would no longer fund fossil-fuel development abroad. Meanwhile, Europe and the U.S. are begging Arab nations to expand oil production.” “Pervasive use of fossil fuels” let the developed world grow rich; green energy won’t industrialize the undeveloped. “Factories can’t stop and start with the wind; steel and fertilizer production are dependent on coal and gas; and most solar and wind power simply can’t deliver the power necessary to run the water pumps, tractors and machines that lift people out of poverty.” The West “prioritizes virtue signaling over people’s lives.” — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

32 [email protected] New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 America’s oldest continuously published daily newspaper DeSantis Over Trump: A Better Choice for the GOP Stop Dithering on Ukraine R ussia’s invasion of Ukraine has reached a That would be catastrophic, not just for Piers Morgan is spot-on The Issue: Piers Morgan’s piece calling for grim point, thanks to Western dithering. the thousands of innocents Putin’s slaugh- when he argues that it is Republicans to support Gov. Ron DeSantis. After four months of horrific blood- tering along the way, but also for the West. time for a move from shed, Russia is within days of complete As Russian emigre Garry Kasparov, head of The Donald to The Ro- Ron DeSantis millions of others sick of control of Luhansk, the northeastern part of the Renew Democracy Initiative, writes: nald (“Move over, Don — Trump’s delusions. This the Donbas region, despite fierce resistance “Ukraine is the frontline now, but if Mr. Pu- Ron can take it from the alleged kingmaker will ensure any Democrat from Ukrainian forces. tin succeeds, he won’t stop there. A direct here,” June 21). still wants to be the king. will win the White House. confrontation with North Atlantic Treaty It didn’t have to go that way: President Biden Organization forces will become inevitable.” If Florida’s Gov. Ron The GOP has a prob- I used to have a friend, and Western leaders did little as Vladimir Pu- DeSantis and former lem on its hands, which a rabid Trumper, who tin amassed troops on Ukraine’s border, his in- The good news: Russia’s so far made little President Donald Trump the Jan. 6 committee cannot win arguments on tentions unmistakable. Even after Russia’s at- progress in Donetsk, the southern part of the decide to run for the might solve for it. truth. I asked him: “Why tack in February, they were unforgivably slow Donbas. And Zelensky insists his forces can presidency in 2024, should people support in getting Ukraine the weapons needed. stave off disaster if they get the right weapons Trump will be hard- James Hyland Trump when he offers and training fast enough. But they’re now run- pressed to disparage the Beechhurst only his belief that the Indeed, the long-range artillery the West ning out of everything, even bullets. governor without recon- 2020 election was sto- promised is still barely trickling in, even as firming to all what an er- Morgan did an excellent len?” Out came the in- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Biden and other Western leaders can — ratic, petulant and petty job of comparing and sults and demands. Typi- pleaded last week that his troops are badly and must — speed up delivery of vital weap- person he can often be. contrasting DeSantis and cally, like all Trumpers, outgunned. That’s let Russia gobble up Lu- ons and equipment to Ukraine. Defense Sec- Trump. he could not deal with hansk, town by city by town — and leaves it retary Lloyd Austin last week urged pre- It won’t play well — criticism of his man. free to move on from there. cisely that, warning: Ukraine “is facing a and I say this as someone DeSantis is the real pivotal moment on the battlefield.” who voted for the former deal: a politician who I had my disagree- Putin’s goal: take all of Ukraine’s east and president in 2016 and sees the larger picture ments with DeSantis the coast along the Sea of Azov and Black Right. The West must pull out all the stops 2020. Raymond Goydon and moves his party to early on, but have come Sea, all the way to Odessa. He might go back to help repel the Russian onslaught now. help meet the challenges. to the conclusion he is to Plan A: complete conquest of the country. Not only for Ukraine’s sake — but its own. Delray Beach, Fla. the only candidate who Trump is a one-note can right the ship of San Fran’s Warning to NYC The fact that DeSantis buffoon. I voted for him state. Trump will scuttle bested Trump in the twice; however, if he gets it. Stephen Valentini A ttention, New York politicos — want New York, which is embracing its own Western Conservative the nomination for 2024, I proof that so-called safe-injection sites safe-injection sites, must rethink. The num- Summit straw poll of will stay home, as will Bonita Springs, Fla. do nothing to help communities suffer- bers side with the skeptics here: Helping 2024 presidential candi- ing in the opioid epidemic? Look no further people shoot up does zilch to end the opioid dates clearly indicates Morgan is 100% correct. than San Francisco. crisis. “Safe” sites neither get people out of that The Donald could be We need a president with addiction nor save lives. replaced by The Ronald. high intelligence in the Mayor London Breed has arranged to shut Oval Office, as our down the “Linkage Center” in the heart of Which makes the city’s embrace of them Although most Repub- present predicament the Tenderloin district — where she last all the more disturbing. Indeed, the tactic’s licans see coordinated makes all too obvious. year declared a state of emergency as drugs fundamental callousness is clearly seen in Democrat chicanery in flooded the area and killed its citizens. the absurd subway ads offering helpful tips the 2020 election, they DeSantis is not only far on how to use heroin “safely.” were put off by 45’s reck- more intelligent than Linkage was supposed to get addicts into less attempt to get his Trump, but also more treatment. Yet, of the 23,000-odd it “helped” Worse still, this idiocy looks set to go na- vice president, Mike firmly grounded in reality from last April through this January, it re- tional. The Biden administration has sig- Pence, to overturn the and more ethical and ferred only 18 for treatment. The rest likely naled it will likely try to regulate such sites, election results. disciplined. Paul Matten used it as a shooting gallery and moved on. rather than crack down on them. The Republican presi- Naples, Fla. San Francisco saw 49 overdose deaths the Cities absolutely can do things to fight this dential bench is deep, but month Linkage opened — and the same epidemic, like keeping the pressure on deal- level in the months that followed: Linkage ers through policing. The feds can fight traf- City Schools’ Fake ‘Passes’ made no real difference. Yet it cost the city’s fickers — first and foremost by getting seri- taxpayers a whopping $19 million. ous about border security. The drug driving The pressure on teach- The Issue: Reports that principals in some city schools deaths, fentanyl, flows here from Mexico. ers to pass students who are encouraging teachers to pass absent students. Insanely, Breed says she’ll likely set up an- rarely attended class is other “safe consumption” site in the near fu- Injection sites and drug positivity only one more result of an ed- ture (though that could be empty noise). bring more death and misery. ucation policy that holds schools solely responsi- A Win for All Schoolchildren ble for students’ educa- can’t teach an empty seat. grades to students who tion (“Teachers ‘pres- A wrap-around approach I n a win for parents and school-choice ad- allowing public money to be used in private sured’ to give free (to borrow a bureaucratic did not attend class or do vocates, the US Supreme Court on Tues- education can’t deny religious schools access ‘passes,’” June 19). term) must be taken to day overturned a Maine law that denied to those programs. In that case, the court education where all par- much work, if any. religious schools access to state tuition as- struck down Montana’s “Blaine Amendment” If the school does not ties — parents, commu- sistance available to students attending sec- (a 19th century provision also imposed in graduate or promote the nity and school — are re- How does that help the ular private institutions. New York and dozens of other states, on na- designated percentages sponsible. Richard Kiley kedly anti-Catholic grounds) barring the out- of students, it will be la- student? How do princi- Maine created the program to give options lay of public funds on religious institutions. beled failing and closed. Boston, Mass. to kids living in areas without public schools pals and teachers who — but excluded faith-based institutions The new ruling’s a clear win not just for While schools can grad- What a disgrace that from those options. the three Maine families that wanted the uate an empty seat, they principals are instructing acquiesce to such ill-con- state aid to help their kids attend the (reli- teachers to give passing The high court ruled 6-3 that the prohibi- gious) schools of their choice, but for all ceived schemes sleep at tion “penalizes the free exercise” of religion school choice. And the more school choice, in Maine by excluding “otherwise eligible the better for students across America ill- night? Those in the edu- schools on the basis of their religious exer- served by regular public-school systems. cise.” In other words, discriminating against cation field should know all religious education is discriminating Heck, the competition can only force the against religion, period. public schools to up their game — some- better, but apparently thing the nation desperately needs. In 2020, the court ruled similarly that states don’t. Kevin Devlin Milton , Mass. E-MAIL: [email protected] or WRITE to The Editor, The New York Post, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Include name, address and daytime phone number. No unverifiable letters will be published. The Post reserves the right to edit all letters. The New York Post is published by N.Y.P. Holdings Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman; Sean M. Giancola, Publisher; Keith Poole, Editor-in-Chief; Stephen Lynch, Print EIC; Mark Cunningham, Editorial Page Editor

POSTOPINION 33 Only Massive Pain New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Can Curb Inflation I F you think runaway inflation is brutal, wait until you get hit by the cure. Last week the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate on money it lends to other banks by .75%, the biggest hike in three decades. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the hike is necessary to rein in sky- rocketing inflation. He’s planning more hikes in the coming months. They’ll lead to in- creased interest charges on credit cards and higher rates on home-equity loans, car loans and mortgages. It’s a punch in the gut for people who need to borrow. Get ready for the interest rates on your credit cards to top a budget- busting 20% two monthly statements from now — up from a current av- erage of 14.6%. If you’re shopping for a home or a car, adjust your expectations BETSY downward. Whatever you thought McCAUGHEY you could afford, you’ll now be able to afford less because monthly payments will include significantly higher interest costs. Financial adviser Suze Orman is The Federal Reserve has no urging people to pay off their cred- choice but to act. In fact, it waited it-card debt and live within their too long: The Fed’s mission is to means. Easier said than done. The maintain price stability and full average household has to spend employment; inflation hit a new, $450 more a month for basic ne- 40-year high last week. cessities like food and energy than Joe’s Worst Malarkey Inflation is partly global, but in last year. the United States it’s significantly As for mortgage rates, they’re the worse than in other developed highest since 2008. The cost of a countries, a San Francisco Federal 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage hit Reserve report found. Excessive 6.28% last week, nearly double His ‘not inevitable’ recession may already be here government spending has made what it was at the end of December. the nation awash in cash. During COVID, the Fed took ac- During the pandemic, Uncle Sam tions to make mortgages as cheap deposited money into consumers’ as possible, but now it’s reversing W HEn President Biden says definitely not his fault. the deficit by hundreds of billions bank accounts, and when COVID course. Powell says housing prices something isn’t inevitable, it The mantra from the president of dollars when, in reality, the defi- is time to count on it as a cit had already been forecast to lockdowns ended, they went out to “need a bit of a reset.” Look for dead-lock guarantee. and his team now is that a reces- come down after the surge of pan- The president’s handling of sion is not inevitable, which, on its demic spending — and his COVID spend it. That pushed prices up- softer prices but higher borrowing events has been poor and the same own terms, is not the most reassur- relief bill added substantially more with his policies. But nothing has ing message. Something may not deficit spending than there would ward. Those giveaways are now costs. been quite so bad as his snakebit, be inevitable and still be possible have been otherwise. maladroit, poorly informed, dis- or even much more likely than not. causing inflationary pain. Borrowers are losers under the honest attempts to spin away the He’s called the idea that his miserable results of his govern- The rule-of-thumb definition of COVID bill fueled inflation “bizarre” Had the Federal Reserve acted Fed’s strategy. But savers are win- ance, especially on the economy. a recession is two quarters of nega- (while conceding that you could tive GDP growth. In the first quar- perhaps argue that it had a “mar- sooner, contends former Obama ners. If you have a nest egg, you If he says the border is not a cri- ter, GDP contracted 1.4%, and an ginal, minor” impact). Yet former sis, there must be people crossing Atlanta Federal Reserve forecast Treasury Secretary Larry Summers ‘ Get ready for the interest rates on your the Rio Grande en masse and get- pegs second-quarter growth at famously predicted that the massive ting admitted into the United bill could stoke inflation, and Biden credit cards to top a budget-busting 20% States and bussed to locales rich himself name-checks Summers as ’two monthly statements from now. around the country in shocking lowry an economic authority. numbers. administration official and invest- can shop around and likely get around 0, or on the knife’s edge of Walking on a Delaware beach ment banker Steve Rattner, the rate much better interest income on If he says the Afghanistan with- a second negative quarter in a row. while on vacation, Biden up- drawal was an “extraordinary suc- braided a reporter for saying, hikes would not have to be so dras- your money. cess,” it must have been a sham- In other words, what Biden insists truthfully, that economists are say- bolic embarrassment that left is “the fastest economy in the ing that a recession is more likely tic and the cure so painful. The Fed Job security is another matter. Americans behind, despite Biden’s world” may be hardly growing at all. than ever. The president joked that assurance that would never happen. she sounded like a Republican be- “was inexplicably slow,” he says. Protesters rallied outside the Fed- If the United States does dip into fore lapsing into his rote line that a If he says the pandemic is effec- a recession, we can be sure that downturn isn’t inevitable. Harvard economist and former eral Reserve building in Washing- tively over, as he did last July, it Biden will be among the last to ac- must mean a new wave of the virus knowledge it, just as he and his Biden likes to insist that Ameri- Treasury official Karen Dynan pre- ton, DC, last week wearing T- is about to send case counts soaring. team pooh-poohed rising inflation cans can “handle the truth.” Yes, as long as they could. It may be they can, and the truth is that poor dicts “generalized pain” in the shirts emblazoned with “Full Em- Even if none of these things had that “not inevitable” ends up being Biden policy choices have wor- happened and Biden never said a the new “transitory,” a wishful sened economic conditions, as coming months. “The transition is ployment Defenders.” They word about them, he would have claim that says more about the shortages disrupt the workings of torched his credibility on the econ- people making it than underlying the economy and inflation eats going to be very difficult,” cautions warned that cooling the economy omy alone. He’s produced a steady, conditions. away at paychecks. Americans can ongoing farrago of false assurances acknowledge all this — indeed, feel Seth Carpenter, global chief econo- could jeopardize the jobs of low- and blame-shifting that has Biden is serving up large help- it every day — while not liking it or amounted to a master class in not ings of what he famously called being willing to tolerate it. mist at Morgan Stanley, who adds level workers. convincing anyone of anything, ex- “malarkey” in his 2012 vice-presi- cept to tune out whatever he says. dential debate. All indications are that Biden that it takes a long time for infla- Former Treasury Secretary Larry himself is the one who can’t handle According to Biden, things are He likes to maintain that he cut the truth. tion to come down. Summers also says taming inflation never as bad as they seem, and by the way, even if they are, they are Twitter: @RichLowry That’s the straight story you’re is improbable “without a near-term not getting from the Biden admin- substantial increase in unemploy- istration and its allies. In a Wash- ment.” Maybe, but unemployment ington Post column, Biden booster now is still near historic lows. Sebastian Mallaby, from the Coun- The next few months will be cil on Foreign Relations, ap- tough for many people. plauded the Fed’s hike as “coura- Biden conceded to the Associ- geous” and praised President ated Press this weekend that “peo- Biden for backing Powell. ple are really, really down.” Sorry, Truth is, prices are expected to Mr. President. Forget the crocodile stay high in the coming months. tears. What we need is for prices to Borrowing to pay those higher pri- be really, really down. ces and keep the family afloat will Betsy McCaughey is a former be prohibitive. lieutenant governor of New York.

34 The Post Puzzle Page New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 TODAY’S ANSWER To solve a Su Doku, Very Easy #5,856  you must put a number from 1 to 9, in each 1749 empty box. 962 Each number must appear once in each 5 8 9 76 horizontal row, as well as in each vertical 6 51 column and in each of the 3-by-3 grids. 138 Impossible? Not once you get the hang of it. 82 7 Tips and in depth strategies at 87 9 6 4 376 For more Directions: Make a 2 to 7 Su Doku puzzles 6415 letter word from the letters see tomorrow’s in each row. Add points of New York Post Difficult #5,646  each word using scoring directions at right. 7 Letter Solutions on Page 43 3 68 words get 50 point bonus. “Blank” used as any letter © Syndicated Puzzles 21 3 have no point value. All the words are in the Official 74 SCRABBLE players Dictionary, 4th Edition. 91 Bridge Word Force 8375 NE-oWrthvduelnaelerrable QUANTITATIVE 24 NORTH From the word or phrase above, form AT LEAST 11 ♠A3 five-letter words, without using more than one form ♥ K J 10 2 57 ♦AK62 of the same word. For example, drink or drank (not ♣ Q 10 2 both). ANSWERS IN TOMORROW’S POST 8 76 Yesterday’s word: WEST EAST eight LENGTHILY 73 9 ♠J9754 ♠ K Q 10 8 2 hilly light neigh thing ♥Q95 ♥8 eying hinge lithe night tinge ♦95 ♦J87 ♣543 ♣AJ97 glint inlet lying thine tying SOUTH Wonderword Across ♠6 1 Praised ♥A7643 How to play: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle –– 7 Stalagmite creator ♦ Q 10 4 3 horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them 11 Spam holder ♣K86 and Circle their letters only. Do not circle the word. The 14 Periodic Pacific current leftover letters spell the Wonderword. 15 American Eagle Outfitters lin- North East South West gerie brand 1 NT 2♠ 3♥ 3♠ 17 Whiz 4♥ All Pass 18 Healthy starter 20 Zodiac animal with horns Opening lead — ♠ 5 21 Thurman of “The War With ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Grandpa” 22 Actress Goldie My friend Richard Oshlag often 23 Vocation 12 Private school PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER sends me deals that support my 25 Baked side 13 Foes that seem impossible to notion that players bid without 30 Floor model beat (C) 2022 Tribune Media Services considering the consequences. These 31 Genuflect 16 Bk. read at Purim 56 Hanauma Bay’s island days, Oshlag has little trouble finding 32 Pool or polo 19 Rubberneck 57 Gave up examples. He was today’s South in 33 Red-wrapped cheeses 24 Tractor-trailer 58 Fan out the Open Pairs at the ACBL Spring 35 Julia of “The Addams Family” 26 Amo, amas, __ 64 Photo __ NABC. East’s two spades showed 37 Area represented by Sen. Gilli- 27 Crypts 65 Clever remark length in spades and a minor suit. brand 28 “But it’s a dry __” 66 Paul Anka’s “__ Beso” 38 Meaty entrŽe 29 Hints 67 High hybrid stat At four hearts, Oshlag took the ace 42 Prez on a fiver 34 Home of many L.A. Times read- of spades and led a trump to his ace 45 Whole lot ers and back to dummy’s jack, guided by 46 Muscle twitch 36 With 10-Down, politician’s flag, East’s bid. He took the king, ruffed 49 Tank top kin, briefly often dummy’s last spade and cashed four 51 Cr me de la cr me 39 “The Lion King” lion diamond tricks. 54 Writer Bombeck 40 Word processor feature 55 Filled dessert 41 Melissa Benoist’s role on “Su- END PLAY 59 “Taxi” mechanic pergirl” Next, knowing that East had spades 60 __ mortals 42 Accolades and clubs, Oshlag led a club to ... 61 Place for a “snake bite” piercing 43 Islands northeast of Cuba dummy’s queen. East took the ace 62 “What __, chopped liver?” 44 Chewing the scenery and was end-played: He could lead a 63 Sequence of dishes such as 18-, 47 Welcome warmly spade, conceding a ruff-sluff, or a 25-, 38-, and 55-Across, in more 48 Rivera who holds the MLB club from his jack. Making six! ways than one record for career saves I suppose hindsight is 20-20, but 68 Actor McKellen 50 “Blech!” after North opened 1NT, East was 69 Leading in a tight game 52 Apparently was unlikely to buy the contract, and his 70 Barcelona’s naci—n 53 Mega- squared bid gave South a roadmap in the play. 71 Flavor enhancer, for short Any bid must have a realistic goal, 72 Buttonlike earring especially against expert opponents 73 Squeaky ball, e.g. who will draw inferences from your actions. Down 1 Slight advantage 2 Apple pie order 3 Starless? 4 “You __ your best” 5 Chicago-to-Toronto dir. 6 Honolulu-born jet pilot who be- came a pop singer 7 Gal‡pagos Islands researcher 8 Confirms, as a password 9 Isl. with four provinces 10 See 36-Down 11 Traveling band

Dow Business 35 Jones Up Nasdaq Comp. Up Indust. 641.47 270.95 11,069.30 Avg. 30,530.25 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 AP, Getty Images, Reuters Business Golden fleece ElOn sO Briefs Abigail Disney, a granddaughter of a Walt Disney Co. founder, believes Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s performance does not justify his $32.5 million Meta settles compensation, and is mounting an effort to claw some of it back. Facebook parent twEEt’n Meta Platforms agreed ClOsE to adopt new online- advertising practices Board approves buy to settle an investiga- tion by the Justice De- Disney heiress: By ArIel ZIlBer If the deal were to close partment, which said CEO Mouse $crap now, investors would Meta housing ads dis- Elon Musk moved one pocket a profit of more criminated against us- By ThomAs BArrABI entertainment giant. spond to The Post’s re- step closer to completing than $15 for each share ers by race, gender and The 62-year-old heiress quest for comment. his $44 billion takeover of they own. other factors. Meta de- Abigail Disney, the Twitter on Tuesday when nied wrongdoing. Mouse House heiress- has reportedly held at least Chapek has faced in- the company’s board of di- Jack Dorsey, the co- turned-vocal critic, is re- three meetings in an effort tense criticism over the re- rectors unanimously ap- founder of Twitter who AI canceled portedly attempting to or- to build support for the sponse to Florida’s so- proved his buyout offer, stepped down as CEO last ganize a shareholder chal- move, through which par- called “Don’t Say Gay” bill. according to an SEC filing. year, stands to pocket Microsoft said it lenge of embattled Disney ticipants would reject or One former Disney execu- some $978 million once would stop selling boss Bob Chapek’s potentially seek to claw tive reportedly said the Shares of Twitter fin- Musk’s takeover is com- AI technology that $32.5 million annual pay. back some of Chapek’s pay. company’s leadership ished the day up 2.9% to plete. guesses someone’s “managed to piss off both close at $38.91 — well be- emotion based on a fa- Disney, who has pegged One unnamed institu- the left and the right” by low the $54.20 per-share Dorsey owns 2.4% of the cial image and would no her personal net worth at tional investor approached flip-flopping. tender offer from Musk. company, which translates longer provide unfet- $120 million, has been by Disney reportedly de- into 18,042,428 shares, ac- tered access to facial- “quietly courting” institu- scribed their meeting as a More recently, Chapek The regulatory filing cording to SEC filings. recognition technology. tional investors to chal- “very informal discussion shocked the entertainment comes days after Musk lenge Chapek’s compensa- that was very serious,” world by firing Disney’s held a virtual all-hands It’s good to be CEO SEC criticized tion at the company’s next while another investor told well-regarded TV content meeting with Twitter em- shareholder meeting, The The Wrap that the discus- executive, Peter Rice, a ployees — the latest sign Parag Agrawal, the cur- Companies are tear- Wrap reported, citing mul- sion was preliminary in move that reportedly led to that the world’s richest rent chief executive of the ing into the Securities tiple sources familiar with nature. “terrible” morale at the man is serious about fol- San Francisco-headquar- and Exchange Com- the matter. Mouse House. lowing through on the tered tech giant, would go mission’s proposal to Both a Disney company acquisition. home with a $42 million impose mandatory dis- The proxy push could spokesperson and Abigail Disney’s stock has also payday. closure requirements mark another embarrass- Disney declined The struggled, sinking 40% Last month, Musk said he concerning climate ment for Chapek, who has Wrap’s request for com- during a broader downturn was putting the deal “on Another Twitter execu- risks, saying it poses been under fire following a ment. Disney and Abigail in the market since January hold” pending a review of tive, CFO Ned Segal, would heightened legal liabil- series of missteps at the Disney’s production com- and about 46% over the Twitter’s policies on bots go home with a roughly ity, hefty costs and re- pany, Fork Films, didn’t re- past 12 months. and spam accounts. $25.5 million package. porting burdens. Musk threatened to can- Agrawal’s and Segal’s TikTok relents cel the deal unless Twit- payouts would be triggered ter offered definitive by a so-called “change in TikTok averted pos- proof that less than 5% of control” clause in their sible EU sanctions by the platform’s daily users contracts that kicks in if agreeing to boost are spam and bot ac- either of them is termi- users’ rights after com- counts. nated within 12 months of plaints the app failed to new ownership assuming protect children from In recent statements, the helm of the company. hidden advertising and Musk said that he esti- inappropriate content. mated that as much as 20% At the town-hall meeting of Twitter’s 229 million last week, Musk gave an Sitting pretty users are spambots — four ominous response when times the figure touted by asked about whether he La-Z-Boy reported the company. would slash jobs at Twitter fiscal fourth-quarter if the deal goes through. sales rose 32% to a In a filing with the SEC record $685 million. on Tuesday detailing a let- “Right now,” he said, Shares soared 11% in ter to investors, Twitter’s “costs exceed revenue. after-hours trading. board of directors said that That’s not a great situa- it “unanimously recom- tion. Sources: Reuters, mends that you vote the Dow Jones, AP adoption of the merger “The company does need agreement.” to get healthy.” Follow us on [email protected] @NYPOSTBIZ

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com36 Home sales Obamas call an ‘Audible’ drop The production company run by ences,” an Audible statement read. deserve to be heard — and Audi- Sales of previously occu- Barack and Michelle Obama has The deal is likely to offer the Ob- pied US homes slowed for agreed to an exclusive, first-look ble is invested in realizing that the fourth consecutive podcast deal with Amazon-owned amas a chance to reach a wider au- month as climbing mort- Audible just months after they dience since Audible offers con- vision alongside us,” Barack Ob- gage rates and record high were dumped by Spotify. tent on all major audio platforms, prices discouraged house according to The Hollywood Re- ama said in a statement issued hunters. Higher Ground, founded by the porter. The Obamas were reported former president and first lady, to be frustrated that the exclusivity by Audible. Existing home sales fell will produce audio content for the deal they signed with Spotify in 3.4% last month from April outfit that “will reflect the compa- 2019 prevented them from reach- In April, Spotify ended its to a seasonally adjusted an- nies’ shared mission to tell mean- ing wider audiences. nual rate of 5.41 million, the ingful and entertaining stories that yearslong relationship with National Association of Re- elevate diverse voices and experi- “At Higher Ground, we have al- altors said Tuesday. ways sought to lift up voices that Higher Ground after it was re- That annual sales pace ported that the streaming giant was higher than what econ- omists had expected, ac- was unhappy that the former cording to FactSet. Sales fell 8.6% from May last year. first couple made scant per- After climbing to a 6.49 sonal appearances on the million annual rate in Janu- ary, sales have fallen to the platform. Ariel Zilber slowest pace since June 2020, near the start of the Buffett-ing a storm pandemic, when they were Billions may end up aiding pro-abort fight running at an annualized rate of 4.77 million homes. By Ariel ZilBer Changing course mark decision that legal- ized abortion. Even as home sales Warren Buffett could be Warren Buffett billions slowed, home prices kept planning to redirect tens once earmarked for Bill Philanthropic officials at climbing in May. of billions of dollars to his and Melinda Gates’ (in- both charities anticipate family’s abortion-rights set) foundation may end the Buffett family charity The national median charity even though the up funding abortion- stands to receive some- home price jumped 14.8% in money was initially ear- rights efforts. where between $70 billion May from a year earlier to marked for the philan- and $100 billion. $407,600. That’s an all-time thropic foundation run by Reuters/Getty high according to data going his good friend Bill Gates, Before stepping down back to 1999, NAR said. according to a report. from the board of the Gates Foundation last year, The average rate on a 30- In 2006, the billionaire Buffett donated some $30 year home loan climbed to investor pledged to be- billion in his 15 years as a 5.78% last week. queath 85% of stock in his trustee. holding company, Berk- The rate is the highest its shire Hathaway, to the Bill The expectation is that been since November of and Melinda Gates Foun- shares of Berkshire Hatha- 2008 during the housing cri- dation. way will continue to per- sis, according to mortgage form as they have in recent buyer Freddie Mac. AP In a letter to the couple, years — so much so that in Buffett, who has vowed to foundation that supports The Susan Thompson The charity’s focus is a decade, Buffett’s stake in Kellogg’s give away 99% of his abortion rights is prepar- Buffett Foundation has promoting abortion rights the company will be worth 3-way split wealth to charity, wrote ing to reap a large chunk of been expanding its admin- — an issue that has taken in excess of $200 billion. that he was “irrevocably the fortune held by the istrative staff ahead of an on a new sense of urgency Kellogg, the 116-year-old committing to make an- “Oracle of Omaha” once anticipated “massive in- ahead of the Supreme Planning for Buffett’s es- nual gifts of Berkshire the 91-year-old investor flux of money,” according Court’s anticipated ruling tate, which has been ongo- maker of Frosted Flakes, Hathaway ‘B’ shares eventually dies. to the Journal. on Roe v. Wade, the land- ing for years, is unrelated throughout my lifetime.” to the investor’s health, the Rice Krispies, Pringles and Journal said. But The Wall Street Eggo as well as Morning- Journal is reporting that an Buffett and the Bill and obscure Buffett family Melinda Gates Foundation didn’t respond to a request seeking comment. Star Farms, will split into Uber ‘share’ return trip Checking sex at ‘Door’ three companies focused on cereals, snacks and plant- based foods. Kellogg’s said Tuesday that the spinoff of the yet- Uber is bringing back a feature UberX Share is now available in Doordash is attracting attention my sexual orientation for a job ap- to-be-named cereal and that allows customers in large US New York City, Los Angeles, Chic- over a policy to ask prospective em- cities to pay lower fares in ex- ago, San Francisco, San Diego, ployees to state their sexual orien- plication.” plant-based foods compa- change for sharing rides with stran- Phoenix, Indianapolis, Portland, tation on job applications to the gers, the company said Tuesday. Ore., and Pittsburgh, the company food-delivery giant, according to The attached screenshot shows a nies should be completed said in a press release. social media posts. The introduction of “UberX drop-down menu with options for by the end of next year. Share” feature — a rebrand of the Average ride-share fares hit a new A screenshot of one such job ap- option formerly known as “Uber all-time high in April, with the aver- plication was posted to Reddit, pronouns and sexual orientation. Kellogg’s had net sales of Pool” — comes more than two age more than 35% higher than be- where it went viral. years after Uber and Lyft nixed fore the pandemic, according to re- A DoorDash spokesperson told $14.2 billion in 2021, with shared rides during the coronavirus search from YipitData reported by A Reddit user who goes by the outbreak in March 2020. The Wall Street Journal. Theo Wayt handle u/TheMonsher authored a The Post that the company is seek- $11.4 billion generated by post titled “DoorDash is asking for ing to “create a culture of belong- its snack division, $2.4 bil- ing” by “working to ensure that di- lion in sales of cereal last verse identities and perspectives year and around $340 mil- are being valued and represented lion in plant-based here.” Ariel Zilber sales. AP

37 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Once-hot collections sink worse than crypto JEROME POWELL By Theo WayT Chokin’ tokens NFT Sales Leading a tighter Fed. Once-hot NFT collections, in- This Times 637,884,838.95 Greater cluding the celebrity-backed Bored Square billboard chance Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunk probably speaks of ‘rain’ series, have tanked alongside cryp- tocurrencies and the stock market, for many NFT The risk of the US econ- leaving many digital collectible in- buyers, amid a omy sliding into a recession vestors deep in the hole. steep market this year doubled after the crash as the 4th Federal Reserve imple- The Bored Ape Yacht Club series annual NFT.NYC mented its sharpest interest — endorsed by VIPs including Tom conference meets rate hike since 1994, accord- Brady, Madonna, Jimmy Fallon and here this week. ing to Goldman Sachs econ- Future — has seen its value crum- omists. ble in recent months as the Federal 18,618,429.50 Noam Galai/Getty Images Reserve hikes interest rates and the The investment banking economy is squeezed by inflation. May 1 Jun. 21 giant now projects a 30% chance of a recession over The “price floor” for Bored Apes Source: the next 12 months, up from — a measure of the collection’s its previous forecast of 15%. lowest NFT asking price — has col- mARketS in The risk grows over a two- lapsed 75% from more than An nft-fAll year span, with the bank an- $400,000 as recently as April to less York rock legends The Strokes. creasingly flopping. An auction of bid came in below $14,000 alysts forecasting a 48% re- than $100,000 on Tuesday, accord- In contrast, the biggest names an- three works by Madonna and Nick Rose, founder and CEO of cession risk as the economy ing to data from tracker NFTprice- Beeple — who auctioned off an adjusts to the tightened nounced this year are rappers French NFT for a record $69 million in NFT platform Ethernity Chain, told monetary policy of the Fed, Montana and Jim Jones, who spoke 2021 — sold for just $135,000, The Post at the time that NFTs were led by Chair Jerome Powell. That’s a greater decline than for alongside record industry executives $146,000 and $346,000. selling for “unexpectedly low” pri- bitcoin, the world’s most popular at Radio City on Tuesday. Dance DJ ces. “NFTs blew up when stimulus “The Fed has front-loaded cryptocurrency, which has tumbled Deadmau5 was set to perform at a In addition, plans to sell an NFT checks were coming in but they rate hikes more aggres- by around 55% since April 1. NFT event in Bushwick, Brooklyn, of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s grew too fast,” Rose said sively, terminal rate expec- Tuesday night. first tweet that had previously tations have risen, and fi- CryptoPunks NFTs, meanwhile, sold for $2.9 million were Additional reporting by Lydia nancial conditions have fell 66% from $230,000 at some In May, The Post reported that scrapped in April after the highest Moynihan tightened further and now points in April to less than $78,000 high-profile NFT auctions were in- imply a substantially larger as of Tuesday, according to the site. [email protected] drag on growth — some- what more than we think is Overall transaction volume in the necessary,” the Goldman NFT market has likewise collapsed. analysts said in a note to cli- There have been $650 million in ents, according to Reuters. NFT sales so far in June, compared with $3.7 billion in April and $3 bil- Thomas Barrabi lion in May, data from industry site CryptoSlam show. Ain’t last Roundup Despite the bleak market, throngs of NFT fanatics are descending on Manhattan this week for a massive event series celebrating the digital collectibles. The NFT.NYC conference, which kicked off Tuesday and runs through Thursday, has seen NFT fans put on brave faces as they shuttle between networking ses- sions and panels at venues like Ra- dio City Music Hall. Fewer celebs Last year’s event in November 2021 came as Ethereum and Solana — the primary cryptocurrencies used to trade NFTs — hit all-time highs. It also attracted celebrities like Quentin Tarantino and Logan Paul. Musical acts included chart- topping rapper Lil Baby and New The Supreme Court re- jected Bayer’s appeal to Stocks rebound after rough week shut down thousands of lawsuits claiming that its Roundup weedkiller causes cancer. The justices on Tuesday left in place a $25 million Stocks rallied Tuesday off 500 rose 2.4%, recouping weekend. Bitcoin was at stocks at a discount after a search, using a term to de- their worst week since about 40% of its losses last $21,217, up 3.8% from Mon- selloff that has dragged the scribe a brief market rally. judgment in favor of Edwin March 2020, offering inves- week. day, and about 21% higher S&P 500 down 21% this tors a reprieve from a recent from a recent low of year. Tuesday’s bullish mood Hardeman, a California stretch of whipsaw trading Technology stocks had $17,601.58 Saturday, accord- came alongside a selloff in that had sent stocks and some of the strongest gains. ing to CoinDesk data. Many pointed to Tues- government bonds, sending man who says he developed cryptocurrencies falling. Apple rose 3.3% and Micro- day’s recovery as a bounce the yield on the 10-year U.S. soft rose 2.5%. Investors and analysts say off last week’s drawdown. Treasury note higher. cancer from using Roundup The Dow jumped 641.47, they expect more pain or 2.1%, to 30,530.25, while Bitcoin rose alongside ahead in the markets, “This still feels like a bit The yield on the bench- for decades on his San Fran- the Nasdaq climbed 270.95 other cryptocurrencies, though some are still will- of a dead-cat bounce,” said mark note traded at 3.304%, points, or 2.5%. The S&P continuing to claw back ing to wade in and buy Viraj Patel, global macro up from 3.238% Friday. cisco Bay Area property. some losses after a bruising strategist at Vanda Re- Post Wires Hardeman’s lawsuit had served as a test case for thousands of similar lawsuits. AP

38 Alexandra Steigrad [email protected] Lydia Moynihan [email protected] Francesca Bacardi [email protected] Evan Real [email protected] Oli Coleman [email protected] New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Dave Benett/Getty Images for SpoEven as champagne and roséTalk of flow abundantly, marketing and Cannes: advertising executives alike are Flood is quietly acknowledging that a coming? looming recession could make this the last year thousands of in- even more important. “Given Officer Jeremi Gorman. Maisie dustry insiders flock to the how many products and brands Guests included a smattering Williams French Riviera armed with cor- there are competing for atten- (right) brings the porate cards and inordinate bud- tion, you have to be competitive of execs from companies like glam power to gets. now in a way you never did be- Adidas and PWC, as well as jour- Cannes while Conor fore.” nalist Kara Swisher, who re- McGregor and Jared There is definitely an “après cently left The New York Times Leto (above) moi le déluge,” attitude some And others note some compa- for Vox Media, as well as New appear ready to people have here — a reference nies always make money in a York Times opinion writer Rox- rumble. to King Louis XV’s opulent lifes- downturn. ane Gay. tyle in the years before the gion this week and how it has ne- French Revolution, one insider “People always have to do busi- “What I love about Cannes cessitated several daily showers conceded. ness at the top levels. We even after being on hiatus for and outfit changes. shouldn’t be the ones making three years is that everybody is “We haven’t had Cannes Lions money,” another Cannes at- walking around going, ‘I f--ing — Alexandra Steigrad in three years, and most of these tendee added. hate Cannes. What am I doing events were planned before the here? It’s full of bullsh-t,’ and ev- OVERHEARD stock market collapse,” said Regardless, for now people are eryone is still here,” Coles said to on Meta Beach . . . Bryan Goldberg (inset), founder embracing their time in the sun. laughter. Hasan Minhaj (of “Patriot Act” and CEO of BDG. For some fame): smaller media companies, middle “Why burn it all down when The exec remarked that the “Once the cloud bursts, we’re managers who had been planning you’re not getting money back event is really about “celebrating all going to be canceled . . . Peo- to go to Can- anyway?” another attendee being a woman in the business ple are very different on What- nes for added. . . . It is different being a woman sApp than they are publicly.” months were in business. It’s definitely easier just in- “It’s a sunk cost, enjoy the hell than it was but I bet there isn’t a “Do you know how much I’ve formed they out of it.” single woman at this table who plagiarized because of Wikipe- had to stay hasn’t come up against either dia? But I won’t give them a dol- home. — Lydia Moynihan macro- or microaggressions. lar. And then I’m like, ‘Peacock, This is a place where we only here is $14.99 a month. Think “The op- Women’s power lunch have microaggressions but that’s about how much value Wikipe- tics were too dia is giving you.” bad as com- Roughly 30 female journalists only about panies gear and marketing execs fit in a your fashion. on La Croisette . . . up for cost three-course seated power lunch That’s a “What are you hoping to get cutting,” a at the beachside restaurant La joke.” out of this Cannes?” source with knowledge of the sit- Mandala on Tuesday between “Money.” uation told The Post. media and advertising panels A few of and networking events. the guests Still, other advertisers said chimed in: some companies are pulling out The annual lunch, dubbed “Is it?” all the stops — doubling down Women in Cannes, was co- on sending as many people as hosted by Snap board member Between possible — since they know this and former Cosmopolitan edi- bites of qui- may be the last time people are trix-turned-businesswoman noa and able to attend Cannes. Joanna Coles (pictured), Snap’s chicken, head of global brand strategy they did “Don’t let the money go down Betsy Lack, the company’s Chief complain about the sweltering the drain,” another Cannes at- Communications Officer Julie heat that has blanketed the re- tendee joked. Henderson and Chief Business But Goldberg takes a more san- guine view of an economic downturn, insisting that the in- dustry will stay as relevant as ever. “Advertising is the world’s sec- ond oldest profession,” he said. “We aren’t going anywhere.” Goldberg adds that hosting events can pay dividends, “you get so much social currency from throwing good events, the worst thing you could do is not have a presence.” He’s also quick to note ad spending persisted in the years following the most recent finan- cial crisis, in 2008. And as the market gets tighter, he believes staying relevant is

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 39

40 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 EMPLOYMENT NOTICES ENGINEERING FINANCIAL GENERAL HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL TECH CAREERS LEGAL NOTICES NOOM Inc. seeks Lead Data Scien- Accountant (Long Island City, NY) Corporate Banking Manager - Libor Parks Recreation Brnd Planning Dir with The Ogilvy BlackRock Financial Management, SUPREME COURT tists in NY, NY to work w/large data- Manage data collection for budget Transition Specialist sought by parks Group, LLC in NY, NY. Rsrch cultre, Inc. seeks Assoc., Tech Product OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK sets to solve analysis problems & expenditures. Generate & categori e MUFG Union Bank, N.A. in NY, NY to Are you looking for a job with fitness brnd histry & consumrs to undrstnd Mgmt in NY, NY to work as sr eng’r make effective bus. recommenda- fin’l reports & acctg data. Prep budg- lead cross-functional teams to assess and fun Come Join NYC Parks and the dirctn to take the brnd in, per- on various critical components of COUNTY OF RICHMOND tions. Req’mnts: Bachelor’s or for- et analysis & fin’l statements. Man- US & Japanese Corporate bank client be a part of exciting adventures and suade diffrnt stkhldrs on the rght Aladdin syst to create & deliver eign equiv in Info. Systs Eng’g, IT, age payroll, A/P, A/R, & billing. REQS: impact reg loan doc that has legacy way fwd. Bach’s dgr in Mrktg, Englsh, softw, & participate in projects from U.S. Bank National Association, as Electrical & Electronic Eng’g or rel. Bach deg or foreign equiv in Busi- LIBOR base rate info requiring up- fun-filled fitness in Recreation or a rltd communctns fld, plus 6 yrs start to finish, working independent- Trustee for Lehman Mortgage field & 5 yrs of progressively respon- ness Admin, Finance, Acctg or a rltd dating to SOFR; lead group consist- Centers and outdoors throughout of ovrll mrktg exp. Must’ve 6 yrs exp ly or w/significant autonomy w/in Trust Mortgage Pass-Through sible exp in job offered or rel. occu- field of study followed by 5 yrs of ing of Operations, Credit & Risk the 5 boroughs Develop, deliver, with each: Condctng in-depth project team. Req’s: Master’s or Certificates, Series 2007-3, pation: conducting statistical analy- progressive exp in the specialty field. Mgmt & Legal to determine strat- coordinate and facilitate program- primry & secndry rsrch into & anlysis equiv in CS, Computer Eng’g, Elec- Plaintiff, -against- Richmond sis to build models of user behavior; Mail resumes to Twin Peaks, Inc., egies for client engagement & reme- ming to engage all New Yorkers of cultre, catgry, client cntxt, & tronic Eng’g, or rel. field of study & 3 County Public Administrator as utili ing programming languages Attn: V. Najarian, 37-39 30th St, Long diation of existing Libor based credit comptitve landscpe usng brnd yrs of exp in job offered or rel. occu- Administrator of the Estate of incl SQL, Python, & R to support ex- Island City, NY 11101 facilities; & may supv work of 1-2 in sports, fitness and outdoor dvlpmnt & cultrl anlysis frmwrks to pation: performing object oriented Marginetta Tabbicca, Kendra periment analysis; applying data SVP, Head of Santander Private New AVP. Req. Bach Deg in Any field, or adventures. To review these listings idntfy & extrct insghts to addrss cli- analysis & dsgn patterns (OOA/OOD) June, as Heir to the Estate of modeling techniques in creating & York sought by Banco Santander In- foreign equiv deg 2 yrs exp in the ent brnd & busness challngs; Com- utili ing modern programming lan- Marginetta Tabbicca and monitoring data pipelines; liaising ternational (New York, NY) with U.S. global corporate & investment bank- and to apply, visit our website: bining the ablty to simplfy cmplx guages, incl futures, promises, & re- Marginetta Tabbicca’s heirs-at- w/tchncl & non-tchncl teams to pro- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Ad- ing ind supporting transition to new and go to info with big pic thinkng to trnsfrm active programming; utili ing high-- law, next-of-kin, distributees, vide results of data analyses; manag- ministration or Finance and five (5) SOFR or alternative reference rates Job Opportunities. NYC Parks offers disparate pieces of info into clear & thruput, incl message processing, executors, administrators, ing full project lifecycle incl problem years’ of private banking experience platform for alternative reference an excellent benefits package compellng narratvs & recommndtns high TPS web-srvcs, & distributed trustees, devises, legatees, definition, data wrangling, explora- including experience leading and rates requiring fundamental system that drive impct & actnablty with apps, to create optimi ed apps; uti- assignees, lienors, creditors, and tory analysis, statistical modeling, managing a large team of private & legal doc transformation for the including pension, health, clients; & Guidng jr membrs of the li ing Spring ecosyst, incl Spring successors in interest, and visuali ation, & implementation. bankers with combined assets under org; w/ banking products (revolving dental and vision coverage and team in rsrch, anlysis, strtgy dvlpmt, Boot, Spring MVC, or Spring Kafka generally all persons having or Telecommuting &/or working from management of at least 1 Billion letters of credit & term loans, project and presntatn skills, as well as for performance monitoring & test- claiming, under, by or through home may be permissible pursuant U.S. Dollars. 50 travel to Latin finance, supply chain finance, & vacation/sick days. revwng their wrk output. Must’ve ing; utili ing best practices for full Marginetta Tabbicca, who may be to company policies. When not American countries. Qualified candi- standby letter of credit) incl lending The City of New York is an inclusive 5 yrs exp with each: Dvlpng brnd & softw dvlpmt lifecycle, incl coding deceased, by purchase, telecommuting, must report to work dates please mail resume to: Banco product structures & features; w/ US communctns strtgs to resolve brnd standards, code reviews, source con- inheritance, lien or otherwise, any site. In alternative, employer will ac- Santander H.R. Dept. Attn: SVP, Head Syndicated loan mkt incl Agency & equal opportunity employer & busness prblms for clients by trol mgmt, build processes, testing, right, title or interest in and to the cept Master’s in one of above-listed of BPI NY, 1401 Brickell Ave, Suite Participant responsibilities across committed to recruiting and relyng on knwldge of brnd strtgy, & operations; & communicating w/ premises described in the fields & 3 yrs of exp in above-listed 1500, Miami, FL 33131. various Corporate Bus lines; & retaining a diverse workforce and as well as convrsnce in other kinds tchncl & non-tchncl stakeholders complaint herein, Mortgage skills. Pls email resume to VP; Investment Strategist I sought by coord’g alternate reference rate providing a work environment that of strtgy, incldng communctns, across all lvls of organi ation. In al- Electronic Registration Systems, fatima.franco Ref: Merrill Lynch to conduct deepdive transition timelines to inform Japa- is free from discrimination and content, & social; & Dvlpng creatve ternative, employer will accept Bach- Inc., as nominee for Lehman GP052622NYP. portfolio reviews. Design dash- nese Financial Services Agency. Posi- harassment based upon any legally brfs & wrkng with the creatve team elor’s or equiv in one of above-listed Brothers Bank, FSB, New York City Rollease Acmeda seeks Product boards that capture internal quality tion reqs less than 10 domestic protected status or protected thrghout campgn dvlpmt to trnslte fields & 5 yrs of exp in above listed Environmental Control Board, Manager Motori ation in Stamford, metrics related to the investment travel. Background checks & finger- characteristic, including but strtgic insghts into creatve dirctn to skills. Apply thru https://blackrock. New York City Parking Violations CT. Req BA in Electrical Eng. 60 process & outputs. Create & run per- printing may apply. For app screen- not limited to an individual’s sex, meet client objctvs. Must’ve 3 yrs Bureau, New York City Transit mos exp in product eng field incl formance attribution reports to vali- ing details & to apply go to https:// race, color, ethnicity, national exp with each: Strtgic leadrshp exp BlackRock Professional/ for Job ID Adjudication Bureau, United exp conducting market & customer date the degree to which portfolios Job origin, age, religion, disability, with clients; Levergng & applyng R223093 by clicking Apply Now. States of America, New York State research in window coverings field. are adhering to investment guide- #10053404-WD. EOE. sexual orientation, veteran status, semiotics & cultrl anlysis exprtse American Century Services LLC seeks Department of Taxation and Travel 10-20 in US. Resumes to lines & to quantify the main drivers Equity Analyst sought by Tikehau gender identity, or pregnancy. acrss client accnts, pitches, & Director, Investment Operations Finance, Mortgage Electronic J. Fortuna, 750 E Main St., 7th Floor, of performance. Reqs: Master’s de- Capital North America LLC in New thought leadrshp engagmnts to Technology in New York, NY respon- Registration Systems, Inc., as Stamford CT, 06902. gree or equiv. & 2 yrs exp. using Py- York, NY to perform deep-dive fun- HOTEL WYTHE drve cultrl impct of strtgic & creatve sible for leading the technology for nominee for Alliance Mortgage Engineer Consultant needed by Veri- thon, R, & VBA & associated analyti- damental equity analysis and make is announcing an advertisement for output; & Being rspnsbl for final investment operations, fund admin- Banking Corp., its successors and on in New York, NY to be responsi- cal libraries to write scripts & manip- investment recommendations on the position Domar (Maintenance dlvry of wrk output, & delvrng istration, financial reporting, tax and assigns, Real Time Resolutions ble for data science projects apply- ulate large datasets; Creating, ad- direct investment opportunities in insghts, strtgs & recommndtns to post trade lifecycle capabilities for Inc., Defendants. Index No.: ing cutting edge machine learning ministering, & maintaining SQL data- public U.S. and international mar- technician/Superintendent). sr leadrshp & clients. This postn rqrs the Company. Requirements: Bach- 135496/2018 Filed: 4/18/2022 (ML) techniques and AI technology. bases to consolidate portfolio data & kets. Min Req: requires a Masters This position does not offer a lmtd domstc or intrntnl trvl per elor’s degree in Computer Science or SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Must have ability to work from analy e & report data for insights. degree in finance or business or a mnth. Qualified Applicants: Email related field with strong emphasis in Plaintiff designates Richmond home. To apply, email resume to Job Site: New York, NY. Ref#5829056 foreign equivalent degree and 24 free apartment. resumes to hr-recruit Computer Science such as an Elec- County as the place of trial. Venue v -apply veri Ref. Job # & submit resume to Merrill Lynch months of relevant work experience All interested candidates with the and reference Brnd Planning Dir tronics Engineering and 10 years of is based upon the County in SHKOUA-L. NY1-544-06-03, 1114 Avenue of the in equity products. Send resume to same or similar occupation can Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer related experience including 2 years’ which the mortgaged premises is Americas, New York, NY 10036. No tikehau-x9l602khrg candidature. Center seeks Senior Analyst, Report- experience in manager role and 3 situated. TO THE ABOVE NAMED FINANCIAL phone calls or emails. EOE. Ref# Equity Analyst send their applications to ing Workday (New York, NY) to ana- years of experience with Middle Of- DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY FTI, LLC: Director – New York, NY. Ef- Finance & Strategy Stripe (New apply ly e bus reqs & recommend tech fice and Compliance using tools like SUMMONED to answer the Associate, Corp Dev & Strgy sought fectively working w clients in order York, NY & various unanticipated Hotel Wythe raspisuje oglas a sols for reporting & analytics. Reqs SimCorp, Eagle, FIS and Omgeo. Complaint in this action and to by Standard Investments LLC (NY, to dvlp the work plan for identifying, locations across the US) Partner po iciju Domar ( Maintenance Bach degree or equiv in Bus or reltd Demonstrated ability to translate serve a copy of your Answer or, if NY) to cndct quant anlys on pblc & acquiring, synthesi ing, mining & closely with product & partnerships technician/Superintendent). fld & 2 yrs exp in position offered technical issues to nontechnical the Complaint is not served with priv invsts, suprt due dilgne, mnitr analy ing relevant data. Job req a leaders to drive successful outcomes Ova po icija ne nudi besplatan stan. or reltd, incl 2 yrs exp w/: building people. Send resumes to D. Bloss at this Summons, to serve a Notice econ & indus trnds. Req: Bach. Deg Bachelor’s. in Finance, Accounting, for a range of product areas. Job Svi ainteresovani kandidati sa istim reports using Composite, Matrix, 4500 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111. of Appearance on the attorneys in Finance or other quant fld. 1.5 yrs Economics, Data Analytics, or rltd reqs Bachelor’s degree in Business ili slicnim animanjem mogu poslati Scorecards, & Dashboards; integra- BlackRock Financial Management, for the plaintiff within twenty (20) exp wrkng as fin anlyst. To apply, and 4 years of exp in finance, ac- Admin, Finance, Data Science, Stat, svoje prijave apply tion systs & reltd security; relational Inc. seeks VP, App Eng’g in NY, NY to days after service of this send cvr ltr & CV to dana.solomon counting, data analytics, or econom- Math or rltd & 5 yrs of exp in invest- & object-oriented database design; support dvlpmt of tech utili ed by Summons, exclusive of the day of, use code ics. Req up to 20 domestic travel ment banking, mngmnt consulting, PROFESSIONAL analy ing HR & bus processes & ap- Researchers, Portfolio Managers, service; or within thirty (30) days 0622 in subject line. and intl travel. Send cover letter/ private equity &/or operational fi- plying Workday sols; tools & utilities Traders, Risk Managers, Compliance after service is complete if this resume identifying job code YK to nance at a high-growth tech or Marketing Platform & Performance incl: benefits, comp, Talent & EIB, Officers, & Investment Operations. Summons is not personally PLACE AN AD GMJobs No fintech company. To be considered, Marketing Lead, VP sought by Workday Calculated Fields, Workday Req’s: Bachelor’s or equiv in IT, CS, delivered to you within the State calls. applicants must send resume to Neuberger Berman Group LLC (FT; Scorecard, QC, People soft HRMS 8 Applied CS or rel. field of study & 6 of New York; or within sixty (60) ad-reply ref job code NY, NY) Help build a data-driven version, Fusion, Krono’s, Active dir, yrs of exp in job offered or rel. occu- days if it is the United States of 3696590 Mktg analytics practice. RQTS: BA Vmware, Enterprise Scheduling, SQL, pation: working w/full Softw Dvlpmt America. In case of your failure to deg or foreign equiv in Mktg, Bus Tableau, & Workday HCM config & lifecycle; writing code using Angular, appear or answer, judgment will Analytics, Stats, or rel 5 yrs prog bus processes; & Workday basic & Typescript, or JavaScript to build be taken against you by default resp exp in role or rel. 5 yrs exp: B2B adv reporting, incl Prism & People electronic data interchange apps; for the relief demanded in the or similar industries. 5 yrs exp w: analytics. EEO/Vets/ADA. Part-time utili ing NGR for state mgmt; utili - Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE dev quant models in mktg (T-test, telecommuting permitted. Please ing git or source control for dvlpmt; OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT ANOVA), online as targeting multi- send resume to Adam Cohen, 633 & writing solutions utili ing Python THE OBJECT of the above touch attribution, & mktg mix Third Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, or Java. In alternative, employer will captioned action is to foreclose a models, A/B & Multi-variate testing; NY 10017 & reference requisition accept Master’s or foreign equiv in Mortgage to secure 228,960.00 BI tools, incl Tableau, Qlik, SV07. one of above-listed fields & 4 yrs of and interest, recorded in the Email: MicroStrategy, Power BI or Cognos; exp in above-listed skills. Apply thru office of the clerk of the County of datasets &/or using various DB tools TECH CAREERS https://blackrock.wd1. Richmond on December 30, 2005 [email protected] Ea4rltyh DoefaJdulilnyes to process & visuali e structured & in Land Doc # 96054, covering for Classified unstructured data for mult inputs, NYSE Market (DE), Inc. seeks Tech- BlackRock Professional/ for Job ID premises known as 15 Journeay DEADLINES incl SQL, R, Python, Alteryx, Tableau nology Project Lead in NY, NY, to R223090 by clicking Apply Now. Street, Staten Island, NY 10303. or comparable tools such as Cognos communicate proj. status & material Sr. Software Engineers – Build new The relief sought in the within Monday: Friday 2:30PM or SAS; data analysis, mktg analytics, plan changes to all proj. stakehold- SaaS platform to serve incentives- action is a final judgment Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM data mining, machine learning & dy- ers & team members, inclu IT & bus. based clients. REQS: MS in CS or rel directing the sale of the premises Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM namic optimi ation; CRM, web con- groups. Req’mts: Bachelor’s or frgn fld or FDE & 1 yr exp in speciali ed described above to satisfy the Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM tent mgmt sys & social medial ana- equiv in CS, IT, or rel. fld & 5 yrs of skills. BS 3 yrs exp in speciali ed debt secured by the Mortgage Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM lytics data sets such as Salesforce or exp in job offered or rel. occupation: skills ok. Position at Giveanything. described above. NOTICE YOU Friday: Thursday 2:30PM Microsoft Dynamics, & Sitecore or dvlp’g sw product delivery road- com, Inc., dba Workstride, in NY, NY. ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Adobe; SQL, Alteryx, Tableau or Cog- maps; mng’g complex multisyst sw To view job description & reqs go to HOME If you do not respond to Sunday: Friday 2:30PM nos; Tableau, Qlik, MicroStrategy, upgrades & implementations for this summons and complaint by Power BI or Cognos. Must have 2 yrs transaction processing syst; mng’g & email resume to resumes serving a copy of the answer on PAYMENTS of exp: Managing mktg tech plat- sw delivery proj’s utili ’g hybrid the attorney for the mortgage forms &/or mktg product owners Agile & traditional sw dvlpmt mod- Computer Programmer (Long Island company who filed this We Accept incl: Eloqua, Seismic, Adobe, or els; dvlp’g apps util’g tools incl C & City, NY) Dsgn, dvlp, integrate, & foreclosure proceeding against Publication Date Ad Deadline Salesforce. Occas travel req’d to vari- Unix scripts. In the alternative, em- support corporate tools & applica- you and filing the answer with the Visa, Mastercard, ous & undisclosed co & client sites & ployer will accept 3 yrs of undergrad tions - incl content mgmt, d/base court, a default judgment may be American Express, conferences nationally (4-5 days study toward Bachelor’s in one of architecture, & e-commerce. Re- entered and you can lose your checks and money orders SATURDAY, JULY 2ND FRIDAY, JULY 1ST annually). APPLY: https://nb.wd1. the above-listed flds & 2 yrs of IT exp sponsible for complete lifecycle of home. Speak to an attorney or go TO TUESDAY, JULY 5TH 11:30 AM & to satisfy edu. Req’mt. Submit re- new s/ware products. REQS: Bach to the court where your case is The New York Post reserves the right to Search Jobs by Job # R0007064. sume to recruitingresumes theice. deg or foreign equiv in Comp Sci, pending for further information edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at EOE/M/F/D/V. com & indicate job code Comp Info Systems, or a rltd field of on how to answer the summons any time. We can only give appropriate WMeonwdially,bJeucllyos4ethd U Researcher Stripe (New York, VU041422NYP in subject line. study. Mail resumes to Twin Peaks, and protect your property. credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for NY & various unanticipated locations Luxoft USA – NY, NY needs a Solu- Inc., Attn: V. Najarian, 37-39 30th St, Sending a payment to your one insertion. We are not liable for com- across the US) Fully remote position. tion Architect (298) to Design of Long Island City, NY 11101 mortgage company will not stop plete omissions. Any discrepancies must Lead critical research efforts & con- End-to-End solutions which meet this foreclosure action. YOU MUST be brought to our attention within 30 days duct complex multi-phase, mixed- the present and future require- RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF of the first day the ad runs, in order to method studies for a specific prod- ments. Requires a BS in CIS or Comp THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY receive consideration for credit. uct area. Job reqs Bachelor’s degree Sci and 3 yrs relevant exp. Must be FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE in Cognitive Psy, Human-Comp In- willing to travel/relocate. Send re- COMPANY) AND FILING THE teraction or rltd & 5 yrs of user re- sumes to 600 5th Ave, Fl 2, Ste 1, NY, ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Enjoy Your Holiday! searcher exp. To be considered, NY 10020. Refer to specific job # for Dated: Bay Shore, New York applicants must send resume to consideration. April 18, 2022 ad-reply ref job code Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman 3472952 & Gordon, LLP /s/ BY: Linda P. Manfredi Attorneys for Plaintiff 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, New York 11706 (631) 969-3100 Our File No.: 01-083210-F01 72494

41 NOTICES New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 LEGAL NOTICES SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE MAYOR REFEREE’S NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF CONNECTICUT STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF RICHMOND INDE NO. 150188/2021 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING IN FORECLOSURE SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS SUPREME COURT - JUVENILE MATTERS JUVENILE MATTERS Plaintiff designates RICHMOND as the place of trial situs of the real PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY ORDER OF NOTICE ORDER OF NOTICE property GIVEN that proposed local laws numbered and titled hereinafter have COUNTY OF QUEENS SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS been passed by the Council and that a public hearing on such proposed DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC., NOTICE TO: O’Brian Perry, NOTICE TO: Stanley Barthelemy, local laws will be held in the Blue Room at City Hall, Borough of Plaintiff - against - father of female child born father of male child Mortgaged Premises: Manhattan, New York City on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 4:00pm: POORANCHAND RAMNARINE, et on 4/18/22 to Mynisha P. born on 6/18/2014 to 42 HUDSON STREET, STATEN ISLAND, NY 10304 Int. 303-A - A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city al Defendant(s). in the town of Bridgeport, CT of New York, in relation to requiring the department of homeless Pursuant to a Judgment of Patricia O. in Edison, NJ. District: , Section: , Block: 541, Lot: 38 services and the human resources administration to track and report Foreclosure and Sale entered on A petition has been filed seeking: A petition has been filed seeking: certain data regarding rental assistance programs. March 1, 2022. I, the undersigned Commitment of minor child(ren) Commitment of minor child(ren) U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, Int. 558-A - A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city Referee will sell at public auction of the above named or vesting of of the above named or vesting of vs. of New York, in relation to extending the rent stabilization laws. on the Courthouse steps of the custody and care of said child(ren) custody and care of said child(ren) Queens Supreme Court, located at of the above named in lawful, of the above named in a lawful, STEPHANIE FRANCIS, if living, and if she/he be dead, any and all persons Eric Adams 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, private or public agency or a private or public agency of a unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or Mayor New York on the 29th day of June, suitable and worthy person. suitable and worthy person. general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; 2022 at 12:30 PM. All that certain The petition, whereby the court’s The petition, whereby the court’s such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to NOTE: Individuals requesting Sign Language Interpreters should plot, piece or parcel of land, with decision can affect your parental decision can affect your parental be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, contact the Mayor’s Office of City Legislative Affairs, 253 Broadway, 9th the buildings and improvements rights, if any, regarding minor rights, if any, regarding minor husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, Floor, New York, NY 10007, (212) 788-3678, no later than five days thereon erected, situate, lying and child(ren) will be heard on child(ren) will be heard on administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, prior to the public hearing. being in the Fourth Ward of the 7/14/22 at 12:00 p.m. at SCJM, 7 7/12/22 at 2:30 p.m. at SCJM, 7 and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or Borough and County of Queens, Kendrick Ave., 3rd fl., Waterbury, Kendrick Ave., 3rd fl., Waterbury, lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE City and State of New York. CT 06702. CT 06702 either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT Premises known as 88-58 Hollis Therefore, ORDERED, that notice Therefore, ORDERED, that notice heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, COUNTY OF QUEENS COUNTY OF QUEENS Court Boulevard, Queens Village, of the hearing of this petition be of the hearing of this petition be legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom Wilmington Trust, National (City of New York) NY 11427. given by publishing this Order of given by publishing this Order of and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; HSBC BANK USA, N.A., Plaintiff Association, as Successor Trustee (BL#: 10579-26) Notice once, immediately upon Notice once, immediately upon OLUWATOYIN ADAMS A/K/A ADAM O. OLUWATOYIA, if living, and if AGAINST ALBERT LEE, et al., to Citibank, N.A., as Trustee for Approximate amount of lien receipt in the NY Post, a receipt in the NY Post, a she/he be dead, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Bear Stearns Asset Backed 607,508.50 plus interest and newspaper having a circulation in newspaper having a circulation in who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Securities Trust 2007-SD1, Asset- costs. the town/city of New York, NY Newark, NJ. real property described in this action; such unknown persons being duly entered June 17, 2020, I, the Backed Certificates, Series 2007- Premises will be sold subject to Honorable Barbara Aaron herein generally described and intended to be included in the following undersigned Referee will sell at SD1, Plaintiff AGAINST Cindy provisions of filed judgment and Honorable Barbara Aaron Chantelle Ferreira, Office Clerk designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, public auction at the Courthouse Francis; Genevieve Francis; terms of sale. Chantelle Ferreira, Office Clerk 6/15/22 next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, steps of the Queens County Esmond S. Douglas a/k/a Esmond RIGHT TO COUNSEL: Upon proof of creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, Supreme Court, 88-11 Sutphin Douglas; et al., Defendant(s) Index No. 716041/2021. 6/15/22 inability to pay for a lawyer, the any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real Boulevard, Jamaica, New York on Pursuant to a Judgment of William T. Driscoll, Esq., Referee. RIGHT TO COUNSEL: Upon proof of court will provide one for you at property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their July 13, 2022 at 12:30PM, Foreclosure and Sale duly dated inability to pay for a lawyer, the court expense. Any such request respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, premises known as 21405 46th January 23, 2020 I, the Davidson Fink LLP court will provide one for you at should be made immediately at the descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, undersigned Referee will sell at Attorney(s) for Plaintiff court expense. Any such request court office where your Hearing is trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, public auction at the steps of 400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Ste 200 should be made immediately at the to be held. except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; THE BROOKLYN UNION GAS Queens County Supreme Court, Rochester, NY 14618 court office where your Hearing is COMPANY; MIDLAND FUNDING LLC D/B/A IN NEW YORK AS MIDLAND 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, to be held. FUNDING OF DELAWARE LLC APO CAPITAL ONE BANK; CITY OF NEW Jamaica, NY 11435 on July 13, Tel. 585/760-8218 YORK ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD; CITY OF NEW YORK Rd, Bayside, NY 11361. All that 2022 at 12:40PM, premises known Dated: April 28, 2022 Cellco Partnership and its controlled DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU; CITY certain plot piece or parcel of as 140-38 183rd Street, During the COVID 1 health Dish Wireless, LLC. is proposing to affiliates doing business as Veri on OF NEW YORK TRANSIT ADJUDICATION BUREAU; ASSOCIATES CONSUMER land, with the buildings and Springfield Gardens a/k/a emergency, bidders are re uired install new wireless Wireless (Veri on Wireless) is DISCOUNT COMPANY, INC.; HOUSEHOLD FINANCE REALTY CORPORATION improvements erected, situate, Jamaica, NY 11413. All that to comply with all governmental telecommunications antennas on an proposing to collocate antennas at OF NEW YORK; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TA ATION AND lying and being in the Third Ward, certain plot piece or parcel of health re uirements in effect at existing building located at 202-83 66-ft 9-in on a 61-foot structure (71- FINANCE; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; land, with the buildings and the time of sale including but not Rocky Hill Road, Bayside, Queens, feet including appurtenances) at improvements erected, situate, limited to, wearing face New York. The new facility will 118 2nd Avenue, Manhattan, New JOHN DOE 1 through and including JOHN DOE#25 , the defendants last Borough and County of Queens, lying and being in the Borough coverings and maintaining social consist of collocating wireless York County, NY. Public comments named in quotation marks being intended to designate tenants or City and State of New York, and County of Queens, City and distancing (at least feet apart) antennas with a top height of 30.5 regarding potential effects from this occupants in possession of the herein described premises or portions BLOCK: 7339, LOT: 28. State of New York, Block: 13040 during the auction, while feet on the 22.5-foot building (to site on historic properties may be thereof, if any there be, said names being fictitious, their true name being Approximate amount of Lot: 23. Approximate amount of tendering deposit and at any top of roof). Any interested party submitted within 30 days from the unknown to plaintiff, judgment 157,338.83 plus judgment 419,176.09 plus subse uent closing. Bidders are wishing to submit comments date of this publication to: Project interest and costs. Premises will interest and costs. Premises will also re uired to comply with the regarding the potential effects the 6122005939- KG c/o EBI Consulting, Defendants. be sold subject to provisions of be sold subject to provisions of Foreclosure Auction Rules and proposed facility may have on any 21 B Street, Burlington, MA 01803, filed Judgment Index# COVID 1 Health Emergency historic property may do so by kgodchaux, or filed Judgment Index 704955/2018. The auction will be Rules issued by the Supreme sending such comments to: Project at (781)265-9221. To the above named Defendants #713360/2016. The conducted pursuant to the COVID- Court of this County in addition 6122005426 - MH EBI Consulting, 21 Notice is hereby given that a ON aforementioned auction will be 19 Policies Concerning Public to the conditions set forth in the B Street, Burlington, MA 01803, or at Premises license, serial number YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above conducted in accordance with the Auctions of Foreclosed Property Terms of Sale. (785) 760-5938. 1336513 has been applied for by entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plaintiff’s QUEENS County COVID-19 established by the Eleventh Dish Wireless L.L.C. is proposing to attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive Protocols located on the Office of Judicial District. Kristen Anna PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE install new wireless IME DELI CORP., to sell at retail, of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is Court Administration (OCA) Mantell, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT telecommunications antennas on an Liquor Beer Wine & Cider in a complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal website Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro & existing building located at 517 East Restaurant establishment, under delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a ( Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the SECURITY BY VIRTUE OF DEFAULT 117th Street, Manhattan, New York the Alcoholic Beverage Control defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of /oca.shtml) and as such all Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing in a security agreement executed County, NY. The new facility will law at 448 E. 138th Street, Bronx, service. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a judgment persons must comply with social Boulevard Rochester, New York on October 18, 2001 by Kenneth consist of collocating antennas at a NY 10454 for on premises against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the distancing, wearing masks and 14624 (877) 430-4792 Kelly, III, and in accordance with top height of 126ft on the 95ft 2in consumption. event that a deficiency balance remains from the sale proceeds, a screening practices in effect at the Dated: May 16, 2022 72016 its rights as holder of the security, building. Any interested party judgment may be entered against you. time of this foreclosure sale. Dish Wireless, LLC. is proposing to NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC wishing to submit comments MERCHANDISE Walter Drobenko, Esq., Referee install new wireless D/B/A MR. COOPER, by Kim regarding the potential effects the Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman & telecommunications antennas on a Carrino, Auctioneer, DCA # proposed facility may have on any COLLECTIBLES NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT Gordon, LLP 53 Gibson Street building at 250 West 54th Street, 1004275, Auctioneer, will conduct historic property may do so by New York, NY 10019. The new a public sale of the security sending such comments to: Project BUYING BASEBALL CARDS THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to Bay Shore, NY 11706 facility will consist of collocating consisting of 486 shares of 6122005439- SA EBI Consulting, 21 B And All Other Sports Cards, secure the sum of $0.00 and interest, recorded on **MISSING**, , of the 01-092421-F00 72079 wireless antennas at a height no common stock in Waverly Mews Street, Burlington, MA 01803, or at Cert. Memorabilia & Graded Public Records of RICHMOND County, New York., covering premises great than 171.6ft on a 165.6ft Corp. and all rights title and (757) 354-7566. Vintage Cards. Prefer Pre-1980 known as 42 HUDSON STREET, STATEN ISLAND, NY 10304. Cellco Partnership and its controlled building (measured to parapet). Any interest in and to a proprietary Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Veri on interested party wishing to submit lease between corporation and affiliates doing business as Veri on Paying Top Dollar The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the Wireless (Veri on Wireless) is comments regarding the potential debtor for UNIT 6D in a building Wireless (Veri on Wireless) is small or large collections sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the proposing to collocate antennas at effects the proposed facility may known as and by the street proposing to collocate antennas at Call Henry 917-273-2353 Mortgage described above. various heights not to exceed 266.5 have on any historic property may address, 23 Waverly Place, Apt. top heights not to exceed 71ft on a feet above ground level on a 291- do so by sending such comments to: 6D, New York, NY 10003 together 66-ft structure at 49 Grove Street, PET PLACE RICHMOND County is designated as the place of trial because the foot structure at 161 Varick St., New Project 6122005435 - MAB EBI with fixtures and articles of New York, New York, NY 10014. real property affected by this action is located in said county. York, NY 10013. Public comments Consulting, 21 B Street, Burlington, personal property now or Public comments regarding DOGS regarding potential effects from this MA 01803, or at (617) 909-9035. hereafter affixed to or used in potential effects from this site on MALTESE PUPPIES NOTICE site on historic properties may be connection with UNIT 6D on July historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the DISH Wireless L.L.C. is proposing to 06, 2022 at 9:30AM Portico of the submitted within 30 days from the Adorable males and females, toy or YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME date of this publication to: Project install new wireless New York County Courthouse, 60 date of this publication to: Project teacup si es, shots and papers. 6122005666 - MPH c/o EBI telecommunications antennas on an Centre Street, New York, NY 6122005894 - KNU c/o EBI Call 718-614-3968 If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy Consulting, 21 B Street, Burlington, existing building located at 49 W 10007, in satisfaction of an Consulting, 21 B Street, Burlington, POMERANIAN PUPPIES of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this MA 01803, 85th Street, New York, NY. The new indebtedness in the principal MA 01803, foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the mhouston, or facility will consist of the collocation amount of 124,755.59 plus kuglum, or at Adorable males and females, toy or court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. via telephone at (504) 458-4444. of antennas at a top height of 85ft interest from December 01, 2018 (757) 403-1704. teacup si es, shots and papers. inRange Solutions, LLC is proposing on the 79ft building. Any interested and costs, subject to open Call 718-614-3968 Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for to modify an existing wireless party wishing to submit comments maintenance charges. The BOLON REALTY, LLC Art. Of Org. YOR IE PUPPIES further information on how to answer the summons and protect your telecommunications facility on an regarding the potential effects the secured party reserves the right to Filed Sec. of State of NY ADORABLE, pure bred, property. existing building located at 2706 proposed facility may have on any bid. Ten percent (10 ) deposit by 5/20/2022. Off. Loc.: New York Co. toy & teacup si es. 86th Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, historic property may do so by bank or certified funds required at SSNY designated as agent upon Call 718-306-4136 Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the NY 11223. The modifications will sending such comments to: Project Auction, payable to the attorneys whom process may be served & foreclosure action. consist of the collocation of 6122005647 - MH EBI Consulting, 21 for the secured party. Closing shall mail proc.: 133 E 58th Street, antennas at a top height of 70ft B Street, Burlington, MA 01803, or within 30 days. Such sale shall be 14th Floor, New York, NY 10022, YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE aboveground level on the 58ft via telephone at (785) 760-5938. subject to the terms of sale. The USA. Purpose: Any lawful ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING building (70ft, 9in to chimney). Any aforementioned auction will be purpose. THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. interested party wishing to submit conducted in accordance with the comments regarding the potential Court System’s COVID-19 Dated: June 2, 2022 effects the proposed facility may mitigation protocols and as such Westbury, NY have on any historic property may all persons must comply with do so by sending such comments to: social distancing, wearing masks ROBERTSON, ANSCHUT , SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC Project 6122005213 - SNA EBI and screening practices in effect Attorney for Plaintiff Consulting, 21 B Street, Burlington, at the time of this foreclosure sale. MA 01803, or at (757) 354-7566. GROSS POLOWY, LLC 1775 Wehrle Veronica M. Rundle, Esq. Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310 14221 (716) 204-1700 ATTORNEYS FOR SECURED CREDITOR 72026 Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675 For the latest news, visit

42 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES RYAN Fitzpatrick will be a pregame analyst for Amazon Prime Video’s SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK “Thursday Night Football,” which COUNTY OF QUEENS will begin this fall, he said in an inter- Index No.: 725035/2020 view with The Post. Dated Filed: 12/23/2020 Fitzpatrick will join the already an- SUMMONS Plaintiff designates QUEENS County as the place of trial nounced Richard Sherman and Tony Premises: 733 Caffrey Avenue, Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Venue is based upon County in which the premises are situated. Gonazlez on the desk, which is ex- U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as trustee for Towd Point Master Funding Trust BOA Legacy 2018, pected to be at every Thursday night Plaintiff, game in the fall. -against- Jack B. Brach a/k/a Jack Brach Borak Group Inc. f/k/a Borax Paper Products, The Post has previously reported that Goldfish on the floor that are smashed Inc., Alle Processing Corp., E. Armata, Inc., Gail Importing Corp., New York City Environmental Control Board, United States of America – Internal Rev- Fox Sports’ Charissa Thompson is the and ranch and barbecue sauce from enue Service, Birdsall Corp., N.V. “JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last twelve names being ficti- leading candidate to be the host and Chick-Fil-A, I had zero interest in get- tious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an Marshawn Lynch will likely be involved. ting a Sprinter.” interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Enticing people to watch is about be- Since Fitzpatrick is going to be an an- Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: ing interesting, and it is hard to argue alyst, we asked him to strap on a mic to NOTICE that Fitzpatrick is not that. The Harvard analyze the two young New York quar- YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do no respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of graduate spent 17 years in the NFL with terbacks. the answer on the attorneys for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a nine teams — earning the nickname Fitzpatrick said Jets second-year default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where you case is pending for fur- “FitzMagic” for his sometimes spar- starter Zach Wilson has to be himself. ther information on how to answer the summons and protect your proper- ty. kling play, including with the Jets in “The one thing I would say about Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclo- sure action. 2015. He and his wife have seven chil- Zach Wilson, just watching from afar YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE AT- TORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE AN- dren (three boys, four girls), ranging and being in the situation of being a SWER WITH THE COURT. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in from ages 3 to 15. quarterback, especially in New this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintif- Fitzpatrick, 39, retired from the NFL York, but being a young guy that’s f’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this after his hip injury basically cost him all trying to figure out what he’s do- summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken of last season with Washington. After ing in this league, is he has to be against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing Summons is served not playing for most of the year, there himself,” Fitzpatrick said. “I upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Robert I. Calo- ras, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered May 9, 2022 were no starting opportunities in the know he has a lot of different and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Queens County Cler- k’s Office. league for him. people in his ear. He’s got differ- NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage recorded in the Office That, combined with the fact he was ent quarterback coaches flying in of the City Register of Queens County on February 19, 2008 in Instrument CRFN 2008000068129, covering premises known as 733 Caffrey Avenue, tired of constantly moving his family and I’m sure life coaches and agents, Far Rockaway, NY 11691 a/k/a Block 15577, Lot 1. Dated: December 23, 2020 and that his oldest child is entering high and my biggest advice to him would Syosset, New York school, convinced him be, go out to dinner, have Frank M. Cassara, Esq. Senior Associate Attorney to put down his helmet a beer with your line- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP F/K/A SHAPIRO, DICARO & BARAK, LLC. and shoulder pads. men, be yourself. Don’t Attorneys for Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard “That kind of opened Andrew try to be what everybody Rochester, New York 14624 my eyes to life after foot- Marchand else thinks the starting (585) 247-9000 Fax: (585) 247-7380 ball,” Fitzpatrick said. quarterback in the NFL Our File No. 16-056041 “And here we are.” should be. And I think #99483 Fitzpatrick said the that’ll help him relax and two obvious post-playing have a much better year.” careers after 17 years in the league were On the Giants’ Daniel Jones, who is either coaching or media. The grind of entering his fourth year: coaching is not something he wanted to “Daniel Jones is an interesting one for put his family through at this point. me, because I’ve had coaches that have “Amazon jumped out at me,” Fitzpat- crossed over with him as well,” Fitzpat- rick said. “In terms of it is something rick said. “And I’ve met him and know that’s fresh and new. It just made a lot of him a little bit. ... I think it’s been a tough sense of what I was trying to get into.” situation. Plus, Amazon will be on Thursdays. “I think the running part of it was a Fitzpatrick said that will allow him to surprise for me. I didn’t know that he attend his kids’ football games and soc- was going to be as athletic as he is. But cer tournaments. this is a make-or-break year for him. He “And, also, for me to be able to sit knows that and everybody in the world down with my kids and watch some of knows that. So it’s not going to be a mat- these games on Sunday,” Fitzpatrick said, ter of is he putting in the work, because “it is something I haven’t had a whole lot I know that he’s got a strong work ethic. of time to do these last 17 years.” But it’s gonna be about results this year. A little more than three years ago, the Is he going to be able to produce or not? Fitzpatricks had their youngest child — “And I’ll say this, you know, with his which occurred after he and his wife new coach, and what they’ve already deliberated over whether they wanted been able to do with Josh Allen. You take REAL ESTATE to go to the next level of family because a guy that was low-50s completion-per- an SUV can fit eight, but not nine. centage guy and [Brian Daboll] brought MANHATTAN APTS MANHATTAN “Do we want to get a bigger 12-person him all the way up to the top five — FURNISHED FURNISHED ROOMS van and be that weird-looking family?” 67-68 percent, whatever it was [69.2 per- Fitzpatrick said. cent in 2021]. That was Josh Allen, but a Kitchenettes, Studios, 1 Bedrooms Rooms, Kitchenettes, Studios The Fitzpatricks tool around in a Nis- lot of that was also Brian Daboll on what Brklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Studios 900mo : 1 Beds 1200mo Rooms 150wk :Studios 1000mo san NV these days. he was able to do. So hopefully they can nyc rentals 212-210-9214 (no text) nyc rentals 212-210-9214 (no text) “I had no interest getting a [Mer- get on the same page and get comforta- cedes-Benz] Sprinter or something ble quickly, and I think Daboll is going to All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as overly nice for the family,” Fitzpatrick do great things for his career.” amended in 1988 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicapped, familial status, or national origin, or intention said. “The amount of Cheerios and [email protected] to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.” To complain of discriminiation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Or, call the Anti Discrimination of New York (the Fair Housing Agency for the 5 Boros of New York) at 718-422-0066, or The New York City Commission of Human Rights hotline at 212-306-7500.

Yonkers results MLS Gronk announces 43 retirement again FIRST-1-mile pace; fmnw2pm; purse EAST W L D Pts GF GA By JacLyn Hendricks $16,500 NYCFC 8 3 3 27 26 11 Rob Gronkowski is calling TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 7:00 TIME- it a career — again. New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 27.4; 57.1; 1:25.2; 1:54.0 Red Bulls 7 4 5 26 26 17 The four-time Super Bowl champ is retiring for the 4 HevenSntM(ASglmn) 2.10 2.10 2.10 Philadelphia 6 1 8 26 20 11 second time in his prolific career, he announced Tues- 7 ChillinBythePool(JStratton) 3.30 3.20 day in an Instagram post. 6 Blazing Spirit (M Miller) 5.70 Orlando City 7 5 4 25 20 22 “In college, I was asked to write about a dream job op- • $ 2 Exacta (4-7) $9.10 • $2 Triple (4-7-6) CF Montréal 7 6 2 23 28 27 portunity that I wanted to $62.00 pursue and where the loca- tion would be. Every time I SECOND-1-mile pace; chgnw4pm; purse New England 6 5 5 23 27 26 had to write about my fu- ture, no matter what, I $18,000 Charlotte FC 6 8 2 20 16 19 picked being a professional football player,” Gronkow- TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 7:23 TIME- ski wrote. “For that assign- ment though, we had to pick 28.2; 58.2; 1:26.1; 1:54.3 Cincinnati 6 7 2 20 22 26 the location. So I wrote that I wanted to play in Tampa 7 StllThrsty(ASegelmn) 14.40 6.20 6.40 Atlanta 5 5 4 19 22 20 for the Tampa Bay Bucca- neers, for many reasons, the 3 Ys Do It Right (D Dube) 6.20 4.60 sunny weather being #1. I completely forgot about 1 Tidal Shark (G Brennan) 2.80 Inter Miami CF 5 7 3 18 15 24 writing this report until 2 years ago when I had the • $ 2 Exacta (7-3) $72.50 • $2 Triple (7-3-1) Columbus 4 5 5 17 18 17 opportunity to join the $380.00 • $.10 Superfecta (7-3-1-4) $61.45 • Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Daily double (4-7) $15.00 And let me tell ya, the jour- Toronto FC 4 8 3 15 21 29 ney in Tampa over the last 2 THIRD-1-mile pace; chgnw2pm; purse years has blown away what $16,500 D.C. United 4 8 2 14 17 24 I originally wrote about in college, big time.” TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 7:45 TIME- Chicago 3 7 5 14 14 20 Gronkowski, 33, went on 27.4; 57.3; 1:26.2; 1:54.4 to thank the organization for “an amazing ride, trust- 8 ContactZone(JBrtlett) 3.70 2.60 2.30 WEST W L D Pts GF GA ing me to come back to play and help build a champion- 1 Team Mac (J Stratton) 2.90 2.30 Los Angeles FC 9 3 3 30 30 17 ship team.” 4 Captain Butler (B Holland) 2.40 “I will now be going back into my retirement home, • $ 2 Exacta (8-1) $9.00 • $2 Triple (8-1-4) Real Salt Lake 8 4 4 28 20 19 walking away from football $30.80 again with my head held Austin FC 8 4 3 27 29 18 high knowing I gave it ev- FOURTH-1-mile pace; fmnw6pm; purse erything I had, good or bad, every time I stepped out on $20,000 FC Dallas 7 4 4 25 24 15 the field,” he continued. Spiking hiS “The friendships and rela- career: TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:06 TIME- LA Galaxy 7 5 3 24 18 16 tionships I have made will Rob Gronkowski, a last forever, and I appreciate four-time Super Bowl 28.1; 58.0; 1:27.0; 1:55.3 champ with the Patriots and Buccaneers, said 6 Gabby'sGrl(MKakley) 3.10 2.20 2.10 Nashville 6 5 5 23 19 18 Tuesday he is retiring, his second farewell to 5 Pull Me Through (JMarohn) 4.10 3.30 Seattle FC 6 6 2 20 20 17 the NFL in the past three-plus years. 3 Nite Time Deal (J Stratton) 3.00 Getty Images • $ 2 Exacta (6-5) $8.60 • $2 Triple (6-5-3) Vancouver 6 8 2 20 18 28 $25.00 • $.10 Superfecta (6-5-3-1) $7.25 • $1 Pick 3 (7-8-6) $48.00 • $1 Pick 4 (4-7-8-6) Colorado 5 6 4 19 17 18 $65.00 Houston 5 7 3 18 18 19 FIFTH-1-mile pace; chgnw4pm; purse $18,000 Minn. United 5 7 3 18 16 17 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:28 TIME- Sporting K.C. 4 9 4 16 16 29 28.0; 57.3; 1:25.2; 1:54.0 Portland 3 6 7 16 22 26 4 CopperTeen(JBrtlett) 3.30 2.30 2.10 7 My Miki Beach(JBongiorno) 3.50 3.10 San Jose 3 7 6 15 25 34 2 Thor And Dr Jones (J Stratton) 4.80 • $ 2 Exacta (4-7) $12.60 • $2 Triple (4-7-2) Note: 3 pts. for win, 1 for tie every single one of my out of retirement again. and winning three, before $77.50 teammates and coaches for “It would not surprise me announcing in March 2019 Friday giving everything they had that he’d be stepping away SIXTH-1-mile pace; chgnw2pm; purse Orlando City at Cincinnati, 7:30pm as well. … Cheers to what’s if Tom Brady calls him dur- from the game. He came out next, maybe sailing the seas ing the season to come back of retirement a year later to $16,500 Saturday Arghhhhhh!!” and Rob answers the call. rejoin his former New En- Sporting K.C. at Seattle FC, 3pm This is just my opinion but I gland teammate Brady with TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:47 TIME- Nashville at D.C. United, 5pm Though Gronkowski’s sta- wouldn’t be surprised if Rob Tampa Bay. Charlotte FC at CF Montréal, 7:30pm tus for the 2022 season had comes back during the sea- 28.2; 58.2; 1:25.3; 1:54.4 Atlanta at Toronto FC, 7:30pm been up in the air, the Bucca- son or next season,” Drew The five-time Pro Bowler Chicago at Houston, 8pm neers had said they would Rosenhaus told ESPN’s spent the final two seasons 1 AmercnWy(PLchnce) 18.80 8.60 4.70 Minnesota at Miami, 8pm welcome him back to the Adam Schefter. of his playing career with FC Dallas at Austin FC, 9pm team. And, should Tom the Buccaneers, winning 4 LoneWolfAmercn(GBrnnn) 4.80 4.40 Columbus at Salt Lake, 10pm Brady once again call for Gronkowski spent the another Super Bowl ring in LA Galaxy at San Jose, 10pm Gronkowski, the tight end’s first nine seasons of his NFL February 2021. 5 Varney (B Holland) 3.60 Colorado at Portland, 10:30pm agent believes he could come career with the Patriots, ap- pearing in five Super Bowls [email protected] • $ 2 Exacta (1-4) $76.00 • $2 Triple (1-4-5) Sunday $697.00 • $.10 Superfecta (1-4-5-2) $66.65 • $1 Red Bulls at Los Angeles FC, 3pm Pick 3 (6-4-1) $48.00 NYCFC at Philadelphia, 6pm New England at Vancouver, 8pm SEVENTH-1-mile pace; chgnw6pm; purse $20,000 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 9:11 TIME- 27.4; 56.3; 1:24.4; 1:53.1 4 Amrcnlghtnngn(JBrtltt 3.40 2.30 2.50 ) 2 Bondi ShakeN(ASiegelman) 6.20 3.70 5 Jim Blue (J Marohn) 10.00 • $ 2 Exacta (4-2) $16.00 • $2 Triple (4-2-5) $146.50 WNBA EIGHTH-1-mile pace; fm50000clm; purse CBS golf analyst Faldo stepping down $28,000 East W L Pct. GB Connecticut 12 5 .706 — TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 9:47 TIME- Chicago 11 5 .688 ½ Washington 11 8 .579 2 27.4; 57.0; 1:25.1; 1:54.0 Atlanta 8 8 .500 3½ Liberty 6 10 .375 5½ 5 PureCotton(JMarohn) 3.70 2.20 2.30 Indiana 5 13 .278 7½ 2 Lookatmyart (B Holland) 2.90 2.90 By Jenna LemonceLLi had expected the six-time determine his decision to re- on the telecast this week at Major winner would remain tire. The couple relocated to the Travelers Championship. 4 Briar (J Bartlett) 5.90 Nick Faldo will retire later with the network. Montana with their three this year after 16 years in the dogs and assorted animals on Immelman, who joined • $ 2 Exacta (5-2) $12.80 • $2 Triple (5-2-4) booth as an analyst for CBS “Since Nick is in the last their new farm, which is cur- CBS in 2019, signed a multi- $76.50 • $.10 Superfecta (5-2-4-3) $22.28 • $1 Sports and the Golf Channel. year of his deal, I thought we rently under construction. year deal that will begin with Pick 6 (8-6-4-1-4-5 (5 of 6)) $8.60 were going to talk about a the Farmers Insurance Open The 64-year-old broad- new deal,” McManus told Faldo was last seen in the next January. He was a lead NINTH-1-mile pace; nw5000l5; purse caster shared the news in a Sports Business Journal. 18th tower for CBS at the analyst for Golf Channel and signed letter he posted to “Nick, with his wife Lindsay, RBC Canadian Open, which an analyst for Turner Sports $11,500 Twitter on Tuesday — re- said that he wanted to retire.” took place this month, ahead during “The Match.” vealing his last day in the of the U.S. Open. He will be TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 10:06 TIME- booth will be Aug. 7, for the Faldo expressed his desire [email protected] Wyndham Championship in to cut back on his travel time 28.1; 57.2; 1:25.1; 1:53.4 West W L Pct. GB Greensboro, N.C. to focus on his businesses Las Vegas 13 3 .813 — and other partnerships, some 4 LateMalN(JBongorno) 5.80 2.80 2.20 Seattle 10 6 .625 3 Trevor Immelman — a of which he said have yet to Dallas 8 9 .471 5½ South African who won the be announced. He named his 5 Darling's Dragon(DDupont) 2.90 2.10 Los Angeles 6 9 .400 6½ Masters in 2008 — will re- partnership with Black Bull Phoenix 6 11 .353 7½ place Faldo next year along- Scotch Whisky, his Faldo De- 3 Knocking Around (B Boyd) 4.90 Minnesota 4 13 .235 9½ side Jim Nantz, according to sign business, which deals Sports Business Journal. with golf-course design, and • $ 2 Exacta (4-5) $13.80 • $2 Triple (4-5-3) the Faldo Series, an initiative $71.00 • $.10 Superfecta (4-5-3-1) $9.03 • Late In his farewell letter, Faldo for young golfers, as reasons double (5-4) $17.40 • $1 Pick 3 (4-5-4) $16.80 • said he previously told CBS for stepping away from full- $1 Pick 4 (1-4-5-4) $218.75 • Pick 5 (4-1-4-5-4) Sports chairman Sean time broadcasting. $280.50 McManus, while at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am Faldo also mentioned his Puzzles on Page 34 Total Handle-$581,814. in February, about his plan to close relationship with his step down. McManus said he wife, who he said helped him Soccer Tuesday 638217495 134769825 Atlanta 80, Dallas 75 749365281 658214973 United States Open Cup- Quarterfinals Chicago 104, Las Vegas 95 521849376 792853164 Sacramento Republic 2, LA Galaxy 1 Minnesota 84, Phoenix 71 396784512 475698312 UEFA European Under-19 Championship Los Angeles 84, Washington 82 157632948 981327456 Italy U19 1, Slovakia U19 0 482591763 326145789 France U19 2, Romania U19 1 Wednesday 875926134 513982647 UEFA Champions League Qualifying Liberty at Connecticut, 7pm 213478659 849576231 Vikingur Reykjavik 6, FC Levadia Tallinn 1 964153827 267431598 Inter D’Escaldes 2, Fiorita 1 Thursday Argentine Liga Profesional de Futbol Indiana at Dallas, 8pm Solution to Very Easy #5,856 Solution to Difficult #5,646 San Lorenzo 2, Central Cordoba Santiago Phoenix at Minnesota, 8pm del Estero 0 Washington at Seattle, 10pm Aldovisi 0, Platense 0 Chicago at Los Angeles, 10:30pm Friday Liberty at Atlanta, 7:30pm

44 AACCTTIIOONN New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 The Line TOP PLAY NHL- Stanley Cup Final Powered by Back Avs after hic-Cup Wednesday- Game 4 By MichaeL LeBoff — no matter how the contest played out. Updated lines at Favorite Money Line Underdog There were a lot of firsts for the Ava- Colorado is 14-3 overall this postsea- LIGHTNING -105-115 Avalanche lanche in Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Fi- son and has lost just once in its last nal. It was the first time the Avs closed eight games. And that loss came on the MLB USFL Playoffs as the betting underdog for a game in road against a championship team that this playoff run. It was their first road was in a must-win spot. Wednesday Saturday loss of the postseason. And it was the first time they were truly humbled. Colorado’s goaltending situation Favorite Money Line Underdog Favorite PTS (O/U) Underdog could be an issue, but with Nikita Ku- Yankees All of this is pretty surprising consid- cherov and Brayden Point both ques- ASTROS $125-135 RAYS New Jersey 4.5 (47.5) Philadelphia ering how dominant Colorado looked in tionable for Game 4, the Avalanche are Blue Jays Games 1 and 2 versus the Lightning, but still in a good position to get back to Phillies $115-125 Mets Birmingham 5 (45.5) New Orleans when you take a step back, losing one Denver ahead 3-1 in the series. MARLINS game to the two-time defending Stanley Dodgers $105-115 WHITE SOX Home team in CAPS Cup champions is not a cause for panic THE PLAY: Avalanche. -105. ORIOLES Michael Leboff handicaps the NHL for RED SOX $130-145 RANGERS Action Network. BRAVES TWINS $160-180 Rockies CFL- Week 3 BREWERS Mariners $150-165 REDS Thursday ANGELS $115-125 Nationals Favorite PTS (O/U) Underdog Pitching Form $130-145 Tigers Saskatchewan 3 (45.5) MONTREAL $105-115 Giants Friday (Game time) 2022 '21 vs OPP CAREER LAST 3 STARTS W-L ERA vs OPP W-L IP ERA W-L ERA *REC 2-0 19.1 1.86 $130-145 Guardians WINNIPEG 5 (43.5) Hamilton Yankees Montgomery (L) 3-1 2.72 7-6 3-2 4.94 4-4 0-1 11.0 4.91 Rays Baz (R) 0-1 5.40 0-2 0-0 3.38 0-0 -105-105 Cardinals Saturday (7:10pm) 2-1 18.0 5.00 1-2 17.1 4.15 $110-120 ATHLETICS CALGARY 9 (50.5) Edmonton Mets Carrasco (R) (2:10pm) 8-2 3.96 8-5 — — 4-3 Astros Garcia (R) 4-5 3.41 7-5 — —— 3-0 19.0 1.42 1-1 18.0 3.00 $180-200 Royals BC 3.5 (48.5) Toronto Phillies Wheeler (R) (4:05pm) 6-3 2.69 7-5 — — 1-0 Rangers Gray (R) 2-3 4.27 5-6 0-0 9.00 4-3 2-1 15.1 5.28 Home teams in CAPS Home teams In CAPS 2-0 16.0 3.38 Nationals Corbin (L) 3-9 6.59 3-11 1-1 6.55 1-3 4-4 3.62 6-7 0-0 4.50 0-0 2-1 14.2 1.23 Orioles Wells (R) (7:05pm) 1-1 16.0 7.88 SportS ShortS Blue Jays Stripling (R) (2:10pm) 3-2 3.28 4-4 1-0 0.00 2-0 1-2 16.0 6.75 White Sox Giolito (R) 4-3 4.78 4-7 0-1 11.57 2-1 2-0 18.2 1.93 NHL: Matthews wins Hart Trophy  In Minneapolis, Andrés Giménez had Tigers Skubal (L) (7:10pm) 5-4 3.13 7-6 0-0 0.00 1-0 1-1 19.0 3.79 Red Sox Wacha (R) 5-1 2.28 8-3 0-0 2.08 0-0 2-0 18.0 0.50 Maple Leafs forward Auston Matthews an RBI single in the 11th inning and the was named the winner of the Hart Memo- Guardians beat Minnesota 6-5 to move per- Guardians McKenzie (R) 4-5 2.96 7-4 0-1 3.86 1-4 0-1 17.0 3.71 rial Trophy as the league’s most valuable centage points ahead of the Twins atop the 3-1 2.10 6-2 0-0 4.15 0-0 1-1 17.1 2.60 player voted by the Professional Hockey AL Central Division. Twins Gray (R) (7:40pm) Writers’ Association in a ceremony held in 1-2 16.0 6.19 Tampa, Fla. Matthews, who scored 60  In Cincinnati, Tony Gonsolin became Mariners Kirby (R) (9:40pm) 1-2 3.56 4-4 0-0 7.20 0-0 2-1 16.0 2.81 goals, also earned the Ted Lindsay Award Athletics Blackburn (R) 6-2 2.26 9-4 1-0 0.00 2-2 that is the given to the most outstanding the first pitcher in the majors to win nine 1-2 16.0 3.94 player as voted by his fellow players. games, Freddie Freeman drove in five Royals Lynch (L) (9:49pm) 3-6 5.19 5-7 — —— 1-0 12.1 2.19 runs and the Dodgers beat the Reds 8-2. Angels Ohtani (R) 5-4 3.28 5-6 — —— Avalanche defenseman Cale Makar 0-2 15.1 4.11 won the Norris Trophy as the league’s best NFL: Commanders’ Snyder accused D'Backs Bumgarner (L) (4:10pm) 3-6 3.46 6-8 0-0 3.00 13-13 0-1 16.2 6.48 defenseman by a narrow margin of 25 vot- Padres Clevinger (R) 1-0 3.79 4-0 — —— ing points over Nashville’s Roman Josi. A woman accused Washington Command- 2-0 17.1 2.60 ers owner Dan Snyder of sexually harassing Rockies Kuhl (R) (6:40pm) 4-4 3.70 5-7 — — 0-4 0-2 19.1 3.26 Moritz Seider of the Red Wings won the and assaulting her on a team plane in 2009, Marlins López (R) 4-3 2.86 7-6 — — 2-0 Calder Trophy that honors the league’s top and the woman was later paid $1.6 million by 0-2 9.2 9.31 rookie. Seider led all rookie defensemen the team to settle her claims, according to a Dodgers Anderson (L) (6:40pm) 8-0 2.82 8-2 1-0 2.25 2-0 ——— with 50 points. document obtained by the Washington Post. Reds Castillo (R) 2-4 3.33 3-5 — — 3-0 2-0 18.0 1.00  Rangers general manager Chris The Post reported that it had obtained a Cubs Thompson (R) (7:05pm) 6-2 3.27 5-2 1-0 0.00 2-0 1-0 18.0 4.00 letter by an attorney working for the team Pirates TBD —— — — —— Drury was named a finalist for the Jim that detailed the woman’s allegations while 0-1 20.1 3.98 Gregory General Manager of the Year arguing that her claims were not credible. Giants Rodón (L) (7:20pm) 6-4 2.84 6-7 — —— 1-1 17.1 6.75 award along with the Lightning’s Julien Braves Morton (R) 4-3 5.08 7-6 0-1 3.60 4-5 BriseBois and the Avalanche’s Joe Sakic. TENNIS: Williams wins return match The winner will be revealed at the 2022 Cardinals Wainwright (R) (8:10pm) 5-5 3.06 8-5 0-2 6.75 20-14 Serena Williams returned for her first Brewers Lauer (L) 6-2 3.57 8-4 1-0 3.60 2-1 NHLTDhreaOftiolenrsJuhlayv7e-g8iivnenMcoonatcrheaJla.y competitive tennis match in nearly a year by partnering with Ons Jabeur to a 2-6, 6-3, * REC: Won-lost record of pitcher's team in games he has started. Woodcroft a three-year contract extension 13-11 victory over Sara Sorribes Tormo and for taking over the team in February and Marie Bouzkova in the match tiebreaker in STITCHES leading it to the Western Conference Final. the third set in the first round of the East- bourne women’s doubles in England. Wacha, Wacha, Winner. Take Boston  The Stars announced that they have NCAA: Texas A&M gets CWS win Location. Location. Location. With starter, has lost back-to-back games, hired Peter DeBoer as their new coach, a robberies, stray bullets, subway platform allowing nine runs over nine innings. month after the former Devils and Sharks Nathan Dettmer pitched three-hit ball pushers, pocket-pickers and cars jumping Boston’s Michael Wacha (5-1, 2.28) has head coach was fired by Golden Knights. over seven shutout innings, and Texas A&M curbs as a peaceful backdrop, the Summer lost once in 11 starts and his recent form beat Notre Dame 5-1 in a College World Se- Solstice Yoga event was held in Times shows he has limited opponents to just MLB: Giants upend Braves ries elimination game in Omaha, Neb. Square on Tuesday. Up next, the four runs over his past 18 ²/₃ innings. Watermelon Pit Spitting contest from Play 10 units on the Bosox. Mike Yastrzemski broke out of a slump Will McEntire limited Auburn to three Buckingham Palace. with a go-ahead two-run double in the hits and a run in seven innings, Peyton +$ sixth inning, Joc Pederson and Austin Stovall became the first player in 13 years Nearly 70 games into the season the Blue I love L.A.! Dodgers 8, Reds 2. Freddie Wynns homered and the Giants beat the with five hits in a CWS game and Arkansas Jays, Rays and Red Sox are tightly packed Freeman batted in five runs. Tony Braves 12-10 in Atlanta. eliminated the Tigers with an 11-1 victory behind the Beasts of the East, the Yankees. Gonsolin is now 9-0. Victory returns The Tigers are at Fenway. Detroit’s Tarik our account to +1,282 campanellas. Skubal (5-4, 3.13), a steady, dependable [email protected]

AACCTTIIOONN 45 Home Team Lineups HOME AWAY Odds & Ends BET SMART New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 TODAY THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE GOLF A Riley bold choice June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 Favorites to win to win the Travelers The Travelers Tampa Bay 7:10 Hou. Hou. Hou. Hou. Oak. Oak. Thursday-Sunday, YES 7:05 7:05 1:05 1:35 7:05 7:05 WFAN YES Amaz. YES YES YES YES Cromwell, Conn. 660 AM/ WFAN WFAN WFAN WFAN WFAN WFAN PLAYER ODDS 101.9 FM Rory McIlroy 10/1 Houston Mia. Mia. Mia. Hou. Scottie Scheffler 10/1 2:10 6:40 4:10 12:05 7:10 SNY NO PIX11 PIX11 Peac. NO SNY Justin Thomas 12/1 By JaSon SoBel Burns, Jordan Spieth and Xander WCBS GAME WCBS WCBS WCBS GAME TBS Schauffele. WCBS Patrick Cantlay 14/1 880 AM CROMWELL, Conn. — Never let it be Outright winner Sam Burns 18/1 said that The Country Club in Brook- line, Mass., can be overcome by modern Davis Riley (40/1): As you’ve proba- Xander Schauffele 20/1 technology. I’m not even talking about bly already noticed, he’s on the same golf equipment. trajectory as his buddy Will Zalatoris Connecticut NO Atl. NO NO NO NO Jordan Spieth 25/1 (who withdrew from the Travelers) and 7:00 GAME 7:30 GAME GAME GAME GAME I never mind pulling back the curtain some of the game’s other young 20- ESPN2 CBSSN Joaquin Niemann 28/1 and giving you guys a peek at what this something up-and-comers, just a year or job is like, but I’m about to open the so behind on the timeline. Maybe less. Sungjae Im 28/1 whole damn window. Riley’s results in his last six starts sug- Keegan Bradley 33/1 On Saturday, as I was co-hosting live gest a lofty ceiling/floor combination: coverage on U.S. Open Radio from our 31st-13th-4th-13th-9th-5th — and that Today Today Tony Finau 33/1 perch down the left side of the driving doesn’t even include a playoff loss at range, I was perusing the leaderboard the Valspar Championship a few (U.S. Open Cup) (U.S. Open Cup) Aaron Wise 40/1 when my laptop suddenly offered the months ago. NYCFC Red Bulls infamous Blue Screen of Death and 8:00 8:00 Brooks Koepka 40/1 never returned to life. Talk about tough It’ll be a tall task taking down those TV- ESPN+ conditions. big names, but in a small sample size, TV- ESPN+ Davis Riley 40/1 Riley has shown a propensity for play- That was right around the time USGA ing his best golf when birdies are read- Mito Pereira 40/1 CEO Mike Whan had joined us in the ily available, as they will be this week. I booth for a conversation and he may or love taking a shot at this price. Tommy Fleetwood 40/1 may not have witnessed me mockingly attempt to throw the dying computer Top-five finish Today's Sports on the Air Brendan Steele 50/1 onto the practice facility below us. Webb Simpson (+900): He hasn’t Brian Harman 50/1 Anyway, I’m certainly not asking for quite proven it, but I still think big sympathy — or even empathy. It comes things are coming this summer for MLB 2 p.m. Blue Jays at White Sox MLBN Marc Leishman 50/1 with the territory. Simpson. There’s an intriguing pattern 2:10 p.m. of players who were injured for part of NHL 5 p.m. Mets at Astros SNY, WCBS (880 AM) Seamus Power 50/1 I’m also not asking for suggestions. the early portion of the year later having WNBA 7 p.m. “Why didn’t you just borrow someone more gas in the tank than their peers Soccer 7:10 p.m. Phillies at Rangers (in progress) MLBN Webb Simpson 50/1 else’s laptop?” Because everyone else once we hit the dog days. At 55/1 on Tennis 10 p.m. was using theirs. “Why didn’t you go get DraftKings, I don’t mind taking a chance College 8 p.m. Tigers at Red Sox MLBN Harold Varner III 50/1 it fixed?” That seems counterproductive for him to win the tournament either. Baseball 7 p.m. to covering the tournament. “Why are 8 p.m. Yankees at Rays YES, Brendon Todd 66/1 you still whining about it?” Ah, now Top-10 finish Horse that’s a good question. Racing 6 a.m. WFAN (660 AM/101.9 FM) Denny McCarthy 66/1 Aaron Wise (+350)/Keith Mitchell The answer serves as an explanation (+600): I should have each of these 2 p.m. Royals at Angels (in progress) MLBN Jason Day 66/1 for the preview you’re about to read. names saved as a copy/paste option, considering how many times I’ve writ- 7 p.m. Stanley Cup Final: These are always a bit truncated on ten about them this year. They’re no weeks after major championships any- longer completely undervalued — now Avalanche at Lightning, Game 4 ABC Christiaan Bezuidenhout 66/1 way, but following the final round, I just slightly undervalued — but remain made the 90-minute two of my favorite plays to pick off a Liberty at Sun ESPN2 Keith Mitchell 66/1 drive to Travelers victory soon. I’ll go a bit conservative Championship out- for top-10s here, though I don’t mind a U.S. Open Cup Quarterfinals: BMW International side of Hartford, Thursday-Sunday, Conn. More more aggressive ticket. NYCFC at Red Bulls ESPN+ Munich, Germany shows, more pods, more content. No Top-20 finish ATP Mallorca, WTA Eastbourne, time (yet) to fix my laptop issues. Brendan Steele (+200): WTA Bad Homburg — Early Rounds TENNIS Horses for courses, but espe- Again, no sympathy cially for course horses. OK, College World Series: PLAYER ODDS needed. Just explaining that sentence might not make that you’re about to sense, but I’ll explain: There are Texas A&M vs. Oklahoma, Game 11 ESPN Billy Horschel 12/1 read a preview typed some players who fare well at out on a phone after College World Series: Louis Oosthuizen 20/1 covering a major and the same tracks every year driving to the next venue. and Steele is near the top of Arkansas vs. Ole Miss, Game 12 ESPN Sergio Garcia 20/1 that list. Throw in the fact Let’s get right to one of 1 p.m. Trackside Live MSG+ Thomas Pieters 20/1 my favorite tournaments of that he chased his best ca- the year — and one that has en- reer major finish, a T9 at 6 p.m. America's Day at the Races FS2 Jordan Smith 22/1 deared itself to plenty of super- the PGA Championship, stars. The field list for the Travel- Ryan Fox 22/1 ers Championship includes Scottie with a T10 at the Memo- Scheffler, Rory McIlroy, Justin rial, and I like him in all MLB Bernd Weisberger 25/1 Thomas, Patrick Cantlay, Sam formats this week. Rasmus Hojgaard 25/1 Davis Riley For more of Jason So- bel’s Travelers selections, Favorites to win 2022 AL Cy Young Pablo Larrazabal 30/1 go to PLAYER ODDS PLAYER ODDS Robert Macintyre 30/1 40/1 Shane McClanahan +350 Lucas Giolito 40/1 Victor Perez 30/1 Justin Verlander +375 Shohei Ohtani 40/1 Alek Manoah +550 Logan Gilbert 40/1 SOCCER Gerrit Cole +800 Patrick Sandoval 50/1 U.S. Open Cup Nestor Cortes +900 Luis Severino 50/1 quarterfinal Shane Bieber 20/1 Joe Ryan 50/1 Kevin Gausman 20/1 Martin Perez 66/1 NYCFC at Dylan Cease 25/1 Jameson Taillon 66/1 Red Bulls (Wed.) Tarik Skubal 30/1 Framber Valdez 80/1 Michael Kopech 35/1 Frankie Montas 3-WAY BETTING* ODDS ODDS 40/1 NYCFC +150 40/1 50/1 Draw +220 50/1 50/1 Red Bulls +150 50/1 Favorites to win 2022 NL Cy Young 50/1 *-90 minutes plus injury time 50/1 PLAYER ODDS PLAYER 66/1 BOTH TEAMS TO SCORE ODDS 66/1 Sandy Alcantara +300 Max Scherzer Yes -145 Joe Musgrove +400 Josh Hader Corbin Burnes +550 Logan Webb No +100 Zack Wheeler 10/1 Julio Urias Max Fried 12/1 Sean Manaea TOTAL GOALS ODDS Carlos Rodon 18/1 Clayton Kershaw Aaron Nola 20/1 Tyler Anderson Over 1.5 -350 Tony Gonsolin 20/1 MacKenzie Gore Pablo Lopez 30/1 Yu Darvish Under 1.5 +240 Kyle Wright 35/1 Zac Gallen Over 2.5 -115 Under 2.5 -115 Getty Images Over 3.5 +210 Under 3.5 -300

46 AL Standings Rays 5, Yankees 4 Astros 8, Mets 2 Red Sox 5, Tigers 4 Giants 12, Braves 10 Yankees AB R H BI BB SO Avg Mets AB R H BI BB SO Avg Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg LeMahieu 2b 3 0 2 2 1 0 .259 Nimmo cf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .267 Grossman lf 4 1 0 0 1 2 .209 East W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away Donaldson 3b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .234 Marte rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .277 Baez ss 5 2 3 1 0 0 .209 Gonzalez rf-lf 3 0 0 1 1 2 .302 Yankees Rizzo 1b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .235 Lindor ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .239 Cabrera dh 4 0 3 1 0 0 .300 Toronto Stanton dh 3 0 0 0 1 1 .249 Alonso 1b 3 1 3 1 1 0 .285 Haase c 4 0 1 1 0 1 .204 Yastrzemski cf-rf 4 1 1 2 1 0 .257 Boston Torres ss 3 1 0 0 1 2 .263 Canha lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .291 Greene cf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .417 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Tampa Bay 50 18 .735 — — 8-2 L-1 29-7 21-11 Hicks cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .232 Guillorme 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .328 Torkelson 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .195 Longoria 3b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .213 Baltimore Higashioka c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .176 Escobar 3b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .230 Candelario 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .184 Gonzalez lf 4 2 2 2 0 0 .244 Davis dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .248 Schoop 2b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .196 Pederson lf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .271 Gallo rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .182 Mazeika c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .167 W.Castro rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .255 38 30 .559 12 — 4-6 L-2 21-14 17-16 Judge ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .300 Do.Smith ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .195 Slater pr-cf 0 1 0 0 0 0 .242 Totals 36 4 11 4 2 7 Totals 31 4 5 4 5 10 Totals 36 2 8 2 1 9 Belt 1b 5 1 2 0 0 3 .239 38 31 .551 12½ — 7-3 W-3 19-16 19-15 Estrada 2b-ss 5 1 2 1 0 2 .267 37 31 .544 13 ½ 3-7 W-1 22-14 15-17 La Stella dh 4 2 1 0 0 2 .244 Crawford ss 1 1 1 1 0 0 .227 30 39 .435 20½ 8 6-4 L-1 17-17 13-22 Flores 2b 3 1 2 2 0 0 .242 Wynns c 4 2 3 4 0 0 .320 Totals 37 12 14 12 4 10 Central W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away Tampa Bay AB R H BI BB SO Avg Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg Cleveland 35 28 .556 — — 8-2 W-2 16-10 19-18 Diaz 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .269 Altuve 2b 4 2 1 1 1 0 .273 Duran cf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .303 Acuna Jr. rf 5 2 3 2 0 1 .282 Minnesota 38 31 .551 — — 5-5 L-2 20-15 18-16 Paredes 1b 3 3 3 4 0 0 .209 Brantley lf 5 1 2 0 0 0 .299 Devers 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .328 Swanson ss 5 2 2 0 0 0 .295 Chicago 33 33 .500 3½ 3½ 6-4 W-2 15-17 18-16 Ramirez dh 4 1 2 1 0 1 .301 Bregman 3b 3 1 2 0 1 0 .224 Martinez dh 3 0 0 1 0 1 .330 Riley 3b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .256 Detroit 26 42 .382 11½ 11½ 2-8 L-2 18-22 8-20 Arozarena lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .249 Alvarez dh 3 2 1 2 1 0 .312 Bogaerts ss 4 1 2 0 0 1 .335 Olson 1b 5 2 2 6 0 0 .251 Kansas City 24 42 .364 12½ 12½ 5-5 W-1 12-21 12-21 Mejia c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .233 Tucker rf 3 1 1 3 1 0 .261 Verdugo lf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .247 d'Arnaud c 5 1 1 0 0 0 .256 Lowe rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .169 Gurriel 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .219 Story 2b 3 1 1 3 0 1 .223 Ozuna dh 5 1 1 2 0 3 .227 Brujan 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .162 Dubon ss 3 0 2 1 1 0 .256 Cordero 1b 3 0 0 0 0 3 .227 Duvall lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .203 Walls ss 3 0 1 0 0 0 .150 Siri cf 4 1 1 1 0 2 .190 Dalbec 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .205 Arcia 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .333 Phillips cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .168 Maldonado c 3 0 0 0 1 2 .151 Vazquez c 3 1 2 1 0 0 .273 Harris II cf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .345 Bradley Jr. rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .224 Totals 32 5 8 5 0 5 Totals 31 8 10 8 7 5 Totals 39 10 12 10 2 6 Totals 31 5 8 5 0 7 West W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away San Francisco 040 202 103 —12 14 1 Atlanta 023 200 102 —10 12 1 Houston 42 25 .627 — — 6-4 W-2 19-11 23-14 Yankees 020 000 002 — 4 5 0 Tampa Bay 201 020 00x — 5 8 0 Texas 32 35 .478 10 5 6-4 W-1 15-18 17-17 E: Estrada (6), Riley (7). LOB: San Francisco LOB: New York 5, Tampa Bay 4. 2B: Gonzalez Detroit 101 010 001 — 4 11 0 5, Atlanta 5. 2B: Wynns (2), Yastrzemski Los Angeles 33 37 .471 10½ 5½ 5-5 L-1 17-19 16-18 (6), LeMahieu (13), Walls (7), Ramirez (9). HR: Boston 100 300 10x — 5 8 0 (16). HR: Wynns (1), off Strider; Pederson Gonzalez (2), off Poche; Paredes 2 (7), off (15), off McHugh; Ozuna (13), off Seattle 30 39 .435 13 8 3-7 W-1 15-18 15-21 Cortes; Ramirez (3), off Cortes; Paredes (8), Mets 000 001 100 — 2 8 0 LOB: Detroit 8, Boston 3. 2B: Vazquez (12). DeSclafani; Olson (9), off DeSclafani; Acuna off Schmidt. RBIs: LeMahieu 2 (29), Gonzalez Houston 003 040 01x — 8 10 1 3B: Baez (1). HR: Baez (5), off Hill; Schoop Jr. (7), off Littell; Olson (10), off Doval. RBIs: 2 (7), Paredes 4 (16), Ramirez (23). Runners (6), off Strahm; Story (11), off Brieske; Crawford (30), Wynns 4 (5), Gonzalez (24), Oakland 23 46 .333 20 15 3-7 L-1 8-26 15-20 left in scoring position: New York 2 (Rizzo, E: Gurriel (3). LOB: New York 8, Houston 6. Vazquez (4), off Chafin. RBIs: Cabrera (23), Yastrzemski 2 (25), Pederson (37), Estrada Torres); Tampa Bay 2 (Phillips, Mejia). RISP: 2B: Dubon (3), Tucker (11). HR: Alonso (20), Baez (19), Haase (10), Schoop (21), Martinez (28), Flores 2 (37), Ozuna 2 (28), Olson 6 (38), *WGB: Games behind third-place team in wild-card race New York 2 for 10; Tampa Bay 0 for 3. off Urquidy; Escobar (6), off Maton; Altuve (30), Story 3 (48), Vazquez (29). SF: Acuna Jr. 2 (18). SF: Crawford, Gonzalez. (13), off Williams; Alvarez (19), off Williams; Martinez. Runners left in scoring position: Runners left in scoring position: San Tuesday Yankees at Tampa Bay, 7:10 Yankees IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Siri (3), off Medina. RBIs: Alonso (65), Detroit 2 (Greene, Candelario); Boston 1 Francisco 2 (Yastrzemski, Longoria); Toronto at White Sox, 2:10 Escobar (29), Altuve (24), Alvarez 2 (49), (Bradley Jr.). RISP: Detroit 2 for 5; Boston 1 Atlanta 2 (d'Arnaud, Acuna Jr.). RISP: San Tampa Bay 5, Yankees 4 Philadelphia at Texas, 4:05 Cortes, L, 6-3 4.1 6 4 4 0 3 63 2.31 Tucker 3 (45), Dubon (5), Siri (9). SB: Tucker for 2. Francisco 5 for 9; Atlanta 1 for 4. Houston 8, Mets 2 Washington at Baltimore, 7:05 (12). CS: Dubon (2). Runners left in scoring Washington 3, Baltimore 0 Detroit at Boston, 7:10 Schmidt 0.2 2 1 1 0 0 14 3.13 position: New York 4 (Escobar, Davis 2, San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Boston 5, Detroit 4 Cleveland at Minnesota, 7:40 Nimmo); Houston 3 (Siri 2, Alvarez). RISP: Texas 7, Philadelphia 0 Seattle at Oakland, 9:40 Marinaccio 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 24 2.81 New York 0 for 6; Houston 2 for 6. DeSclafani 3.0 6 5 5 1 3 55 7.71 Cleveland 6, Minnesota 5, 11 inn. Kansas City at L.A. Angels, 9:49 White Sox 7, Toronto 6, 12 inn. Thursday Luetge 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 15 3.66 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Littell 1.0 1 2 2 0 0 19 5.19 Seattle 8, Oakland 2 Kansas City at L.A. Angels, (n) Houston at Yankees, 7:05 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Brieske, L, 1-6 5.0 6 4 4 0 4 93 4.07 Rogers, W, 1-3 2.0 0 0 0 0 1 24 5.01 Wednesday Cleveland at Minnesota, 1:10 Seattle at Oakland, 3:37 Beeks 1.2 2 2 2 2 2 40 1.82 Foley 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 14 3.18 Brebbia, H, 6 0.2 1 1 1 1 0 14 3.14 Mets at Houston, 2:10 Baltimore at White Sox, 8:10 Armstrong, Mets IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Chafin 1.0 1 1 1 0 0 13 3.44 McGee, H, 4 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 5 5.50 W, 1-1 1.1 1 0 0 0 3 23 1.69 Williams, L, 1-4 4.0 4 3 3 3 2 72 3.86 Lange 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 2.03 Leone, H, 9 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 12 2.36 Wisler, H, 6 2.0 1 0 0 0 1 25 2.14 Doval 1.0 2 2 2 0 1 21 3.19 Thompson, H, 4 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 7 5.87 Shreve 1.0 3 4 4 3 2 35 5.61 Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA B.Raley, H, 10 1.1 0 0 0 2 2 24 2.70 Medina 3.0 3 1 1 1 1 45 4.50 Hill, W, 3-4 5.0 7 3 3 2 6 90 4.50 Strider 3.2 6 6 6 1 4 70 3.40 Adam, H, 9 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 4 1.27 Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Brasier, H, 6 2.0 1 0 0 0 0 21 4.44 Lee 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 22 0.68 Poche, S, 5-6 1.0 1 2 2 1 1 17 2.01 Urquidy, W, 6-3 6.0 4 1 1 1 5 104 4.68 Danish, H, 2 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 16 3.86 O'Day, L, 1-1 0.0 2 2 2 1 0 19 4.80 T: 2:42. A: 20,688 (25,000). Maton 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 11 3.38 Strahm, H, 8 0.2 1 1 1 0 1 9 3.92 McHugh, BS, 1.2 2 1 1 0 4 23 3.76 0-3 Schreiber, S, 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 5 0.84 Martinez 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 17 0.00 2-2 Stephens 2.0 3 3 3 2 2 38 3.33 NL Standings Marlins 9, Rockies 8 Abreu 1.0 2 0 0 0 2 25 2.30 T: 2:53. A: 29,168 (37,755). T: 3:28. A: 35,384 (41,084). Colorado AB R H BI BB SO Avg T: 3:02. A: 35,140 (41,168). Joe lf 4 1 1 0 1 2 .268 East W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away Daza cf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .327 Nationals 3, Orioles 0 AL Leaders NL Leaders Mets Blackmon dh 5 1 1 0 0 1 .269 Atlanta 45 25 .643 — — 6-4 L-1 24-10 21-15 Cron 1b 5 3 3 0 0 0 .303 Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg BATTING: Arraez, Min, .362; Bogaerts, Bos, BATTING: Goldschmidt, St.L, .339; Philadelphia Rodgers 2b 4 1 1 2 1 2 .243 Hernandez 2b 5 1 1 1 0 1 .266 .335; J.Martinez, Bos, .330; Vaughn, Chi, .330; M.Machado, SanD, .328; McNeil, NY, Miami 39 30 .565 5½ — 7-3 L-1 21-15 18-15 Grichuk rf 4 0 1 1 1 1 .258 Soto rf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .215 Devers, Bos, .328; France, Sea, .314; Alvarez, .327; Harper, Phi, .326; Cooper, Miami, Washington McMahon 3b 4 1 3 3 1 1 .245 Bell 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .294 Houston, .312; Kirk, Tor, .307; J.Ramirez, Cle, .310; T.Turner, LA, .310; Cron, Col, .303; 36 33 .522 8½ 3 6-4 L-2 19-17 17-16 Iglesias ss 4 0 2 1 1 1 .303 Cruz dh 4 0 1 1 0 2 .250 .303; Cabrera, Det, .300. Iglesias, Col, .303; Freeman, LA, .298; Serven c 5 0 0 0 0 2 .295 Garcia ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .342 RUNS: Judge, NY, 55; Devers, Bos, 53; Swanson, Atl, .295. 30 36 .455 13 7½ 4-6 W-1 16-14 14-22 Ruiz c 4 1 1 0 0 0 .254 Trout, LA, 47; Alvarez, Houston, 43; RUNS: Edman, St.L, 55; Betts, LA, 53; Totals 40 8 13 7 5 11 Hernandez lf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .269 Bogaerts, Bos, 42; Ohtani, LA, 42; Goldschmidt, St.L, 48; Harper, Phi, 48; 25 46 .352 20½ 15 2-8 W-2 12-26 13-20 Robles cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .239 J.Ramirez, Cle, 42; Rizzo, NY, 42; M.Machado, SanD, 48; Schwarber, Phi, Franco 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .256 A.Garcia, Tex, 41; Springer, Tor, 40. 48; Cron, Col, 44; S.Marte, NY, 44; Central W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away Miami AB R H BI BB SO Avg Thomas cf-lf 4 1 2 1 0 2 .237 RBIs: J.Ramirez, Cle, 62; Judge, NY, 50; Profar, SanD, 44; Alonso, NY, 43. Milwaukee Berti 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .278 Alvarez, Houston, 49; Rizzo, NY, 49; RBIs: Alonso, NY, 65; Goldschmidt, St.L, St. Louis 39 31 .557 — — 6-4 L-1 16-13 23-18 Cooper 1b 5 0 1 1 0 1 .310 Totals 34 3 6 3 3 7 Story, Bos, 48; Tucker, Houston, 45; 58; Cron, Col, 52; Lindor, NY, 52; Pittsburgh Soler lf 4 1 1 0 1 1 .220 A.Garcia, Tex, 45; France, Sea, 44; Trout, T.Turner, LA, 49; Harper, Phi, 48; Chicago 39 31 .557 — ½ 5-5 W-1 21-13 18-18 De La Cruz pr-lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .207 LA, 43; Devers, Bos, 43. Arenado, St.L, 46; M.Machado, SanD, 46; Cincinnati Aguilar dh 4 2 2 0 0 1 .256 HITS: Devers, Bos, 90; Bogaerts, Bos, 84; Bell, Was, 44; Chisholm Jr., Miami, 42. 28 39 .418 9½ 10 4-6 W-3 16-19 12-20 Garcia rf 5 2 2 3 0 1 .230 Baltimore AB R H BI BB SO Avg France, Sea, 83; Arraez, Min, 76; HITS: Goldschmidt, St.L, 86; M.Machado, Sanchez cf 4 2 2 2 0 1 .228 Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .245 J.Martinez, Bos, 76; Judge, NY, 75; SanD, 83; Cron, Col, 81; T.Turner, LA, 81; 25 43 .368 13 13½ 2-8 L-3 13-25 12-18 Rojas ss 4 0 1 1 0 0 .234 Mancini dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 .283 Benintendi, Kan, 73; Bichette, Tor, 72; Freeman, LA, 77; Hernandez, Was, 77; Astudillo 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .281 Santander rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .241 J.Ramirez, Cle, 70; 5 tied at 67. Edman, St.L, 75; Harper, Phi, 75; 23 44 .343 14½ 15 3-7 L-5 12-21 11-23 Williams 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .216 Hays lf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .276 DOUBLES: Devers, Bos, 24; J.Martinez, Swanson, Atl, 75; Bell, Was, 74. Fortes c 4 2 2 0 0 0 .323 Mountcastle 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .269 Bos, 23; J.Ramirez, Cle, 21; Bogaerts, Bos, DOUBLES: Olson, Atl, 27; Freeman, LA, West W L Pct. GB *WGB L10 Streak Home Away Rutschman c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .207 20; Gurriel, Houston, 19; O.Miller, Cle, 19; 23; K.Marte, Ari, 23; Goldschmidt, St.L, Totals 38 9 13 8 1 6 Odor 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .200 Espinal, Tor, 18; Andrus, Oak, 16; 22; Harper, Phi, 21; Cronenworth, SanD, Nevin 3b 2 0 0 0 1 0 .192 K.Hernandez, Bos, 16; Mullins, Bal, 16. 18; C.Taylor, LA, 18; J.Turner, LA, 18; Los Angeles 41 25 .621 — — 5-5 W-1 20-12 21-13 Colorado 012 113 000 — 8 13 3 Mateo ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .199 TRIPLES: J.Ramirez, Cle, 4; Rosario, Cle, N.Castellanos, Phi, 17; M.Machado, Miami 000 530 01x — 9 13 1 4; Witt Jr., Kan, 4; A.Garcia, Tex, 3; SanD, 17. San Diego 42 27 .609 ½ — 5-5 W-1 18-13 24-14 Totals 32 0 3 0 1 10 Gordon, Min, 3; Odor, Bal, 3; Rivera, TRIPLES: Nimmo, NY, 5; Chisholm Jr., E: Serven (3), Iglesias (7), Cron (2), Cooper Kan, 3; 18 tied at 2. Miami, 4; Bader, St.L, 3; Edman, St.L, 3; San Francisco 38 29 .567 3½ — 7-3 W-1 19-14 19-15 (1). LOB: Colorado 10, Miami 8. 2B: Rodgers HOME RUNS: Judge, NY, 25; Trout, LA, E.Escobar, NY, 3; Hoerner, Chi, 3; Joe, (13), Iglesias (15), Cron (15), McMahon (13), 21; Buxton, Min, 19; Alvarez, Houston, Col, 3; S.Marte, NY, 3; J.Sanchez, Miami, Arizona 32 37 .464 10½ 7 4-6 L-1 17-19 15-18 Garcia (7), Fortes (2), Cooper (16). HR: Washington 110 000 001 — 3 6 2 19; Rizzo, NY, 19; Guerrero Jr., Tor, 17; 3; C.Taylor, LA, 3. McMahon (6), off Castano; Garcia (5), off Baltimore 000 000 000 — 0 3 1 J.Ramirez, Cle, 16; Devers, Bos, 16; HOME RUNS: Alonso, NY, 20; C.Walker, Colorado 30 38 .441 12 8½ 5-5 L-1 19-19 11-19 Feltner; Sanchez (9), off Feltner. RBIs: Seager, Tex, 15; Stanton, NY, 14. Ari, 18; Schwarber, Phi, 18; Riley, Atl, 18; Iglesias (18), Rodgers 2 (31), McMahon 3 STOLEN BASES: J.Rodriguez, Sea, 18; Betts, LA, 17; Cron, Col, 17; *WGB: Games behind third-place team in wild-card race (36), Grichuk (34), Garcia 3 (20), Sanchez 2 E: Ruiz (5), Franco (10), Odor (7). LOB: Mateo, Bal, 17; Mullins, Bal, 15; Goldschmidt, St.L, 16; Pederson, SanF, (25), Berti (13), Rojas (17), Cooper (30). SB: Washington 7, Baltimore 6. 2B: Hernandez Arozarena, Tam, 12; Semien, Tex, 12; 15; Harper, Phi, 15; Adames, Mil, 14. Tuesday Arizona at San Diego, 4:10 Berti (19), Fortes (2). . RISP: Colorado 5 for (16), Cruz (11), Ruiz (13), Rutschman (7). HR: Tucker, Houston, 12; White, Tex, 12; STOLEN BASES: Berti, Miami, 19; Bader, Colorado at Miami, 6:40 17; Miami 5 for 14. Thomas (8), off Akin. RBIs: Cruz (38), A.Garcia, Tex, 11; J.Ramirez, Cle, 11; St.L, 15; Edman, St.L, 15; T.Turner, LA, Houston 8, Mets 2 L.A. Dodgers at Cincinnati, 6:40 Hernandez (18), Thomas (29). Runners left Robert, Chi, 11. 14; Acuna Jr., Atl, 12; Chisholm Jr., L.A. Dodgers 8, Cincinnati 2 Cubs at Pittsburgh, 7:05 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA in scoring position: Washington 4 (Bell 2, PITCHING: Taillon, NY, 8-1; Manoah, Miami, 11; Swanson, Atl, 11; Yelich, Mil, Pittsburgh 7, Cubs 1 Washington at Baltimore, 7:05 Garcia 2); Baltimore 1 (Odor). RISP: Tor, 8-2; Verlander, Houston, 8-3; 10; Estrada, SanF, 9; 9 tied at 8. Washington 3, Baltimore 0 San Francisco at Atlanta, 7:20 Feltner 3.2 6 5 4 0 2 72 5.46 Washington 2 for 11; Baltimore 0 for 1. Cimber, Tor, 7-2; McClanahan, Tam, 7-3; PITCHING: Gonsolin, LA, 9-0; Musgrove, Miami 9, Colorado 8 St. Louis at Milwaukee, 8:10 Runners moved up: Bell. Gilbert, Sea, 7-3; F.Valdez, Houston, 7-3; SanD, 8-0; T.Anderson, LA, 8-0; Carrasco, San Francisco 12, Atlanta 10 Thursday Chacin 1.1 4 3 2 0 0 29 6.42 Pivetta, Bos, 7-5; Cole, NY, 6-1; NY, 8-2; Alcantara, Miami, 7-2; Fried, Atl, Texas 7, Philadelphia 0 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Blackburn, Oak, 6-2. 7-2; Darvish, SanD, 7-3; Wright, Atl, 7-4; St. Louis 6, Milwaukee 2 Colorado at Miami, 12:10 Bird 2.0 1 0 0 0 3 24 0.00 Fedde, W, 5-5 6.0 2 0 0 1 4 97 4.46 ERA: McClanahan, Tam, 1.81; M.Perez, Webb, SanF, 6-2; Lauer, Mil, 6-2. Arizona at San Diego, (n) San Francisco at Atlanta, 12:20 Finnegan, H, 10 1.0 1 0 0 0 3 21 4.00 Tex, 1.96; Manoah, Tor, 2.00; Blackburn, ERA: Gonsolin, LA, 1.58; Musgrove, Wednesday Cubs at Pittsburgh, 12:35 Colome, L, 2-1 1.0 2 1 1 1 1 24 2.39 Edwards Jr., H, 4 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 13 2.82 Oak, 2.26; Gilbert, Sea, 2.28; Verlander, SanD, 1.60; Alcantara, Miami, 1.72; L.A. Dodgers at Cincinnati, 12:35 Rainey, S, 8-11 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.27 Houston, 2.30; Cortes, NY, 2.31; Taillon, Burnes, Mil, 2.31; J.Urias, LA, 2.56; Mets at Houston, 2:10 St. Louis at Milwaukee, 2:10 Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA NY, 2.70; Montgomery, NY, 2.73; Mikolas, St.L, 2.64; Wheeler, Phi, 2.69; Philadelphia at Texas, 4:05 Philadelphia at San Diego, 9:40 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA F.Valdez, Houston, 2.78. Fried, Atl, 2.77; T.Anderson, LA, 2.82; Castano 3.1 7 4 4 3 3 70 2.57 Lyles, L, 4-6 6.1 5 2 2 3 4 92 4.92 STRIKEOUTS: McClanahan, Tam, 113; Rodon, SanF, 2.84. Akin 2.2 1 1 1 0 3 36 2.53 Cole, NY, 103; Cease, Chi, 97; Ray, Sea, 91; STRIKEOUTS: Burnes, Mil, 110; Aa.Nola, Yacabonis 1.2 2 1 1 1 3 34 2.70 Bieber, Cle, 84; Montas, Oak, 84; Gilbert, Phi, 99; Rodon, SanF, 91; Alcantara, T: 2:46. A: 15,197 (45,971). Sea, 82; Pivetta, Bos, 82; Verlander, Miami, 90; Bassitt, NY, 90; Mahle, Cin, Floro, H, 3 0.2 3 3 0 0 0 20 5.40 Houston, 81; Gausman, Tor, 80. 90; Wright, Atl, 88; H.Greene, Cin, 85; Fried, Atl, 83; Musgrove, SanD, 81. Bleier, BS, 0-2 0.1 1 0 0 0 1 8 4.67 Bass 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 1.93 R Okert, W, 4-0 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 16 2.61 Scott, S, 6-7 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 17 4.67 T: 3:42. A: 9,012 (36,742).

Guardians 6, Twins 5, 11 inn. Rangers 7, Phillies 0 Mariners 8, Athletics 2 Dodgers 8, Reds 2 NHL Finals Tennis 47 leveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg Los Angeles AB R H BI BB SO Avg STANLEY CUP Kwan lf 6 1 4 0 0 0 .281 Schwarber lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .213 Crawford ss 5 0 0 0 0 2 .277 Best-of-7; x-if necessary Rosario ss 5 0 1 0 0 1 .264 Hoskins 1b 1 0 0 0 3 0 .251 France 1b 5 2 3 1 0 0 .320 T.Turner ss 5 2 4 0 0 0 .310 Colorado vs. Tampa Bay ATP World Tour Mallorca Ramirez 3b 5 1 1 0 0 0 .303 Castellanos rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .249 Rodriguez cf 4 2 3 2 0 0 .272 Colorado leads series, 2-1 Naylor 1b 4 2 2 2 1 0 .283 Realmuto c 4 0 2 0 0 0 .244 Winker lf 4 1 2 2 1 1 .214 Freeman 1b 4 1 3 5 1 0 .298 Game 1: Colorado 4, Tampa Bay 3, OT Championships Miller pr-1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .262 Gregorius ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .270 Suarez 3b 4 1 1 1 1 1 .227 Game 2: Colorado 7, Tampa Bay 0 Gonzalez rf 5 1 1 1 0 1 .330 Bohm dh 4 0 2 0 0 0 .256 Frazier 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .226 Smith c 4 1 2 2 0 0 .249 Game 3: Tampa Bay 6, Colorado 2 At Santa Ponca; Mallorca, Spain; New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Reyes dh 5 1 1 2 0 4 .196 Vierling cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .222 Moore ph-2b 2 0 0 0 1 2 .181 Wed.: at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. Purse: $886,500; Surface: Grass; Gimenez 2b 5 0 2 1 0 1 .305 Camargo 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .239 Upton dh 5 0 1 1 0 2 .133 Muncy 3b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .155 Fri.: at Colorado, TBA Tuesday (seedings in parentheses): Hedges c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .163 Munoz 2b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .200 Trammell rf 4 2 1 1 1 1 .246 x-Sun., June 26: at Tampa Bay, TBA Men's Singles - Round of 32 Palacios ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .286 Raleigh c 1 0 1 0 2 0 .185 Taylor lf 5 0 3 0 0 2 .257 x-Tue., June 28: at Colorado, TBA Marcos Giron, United States, def. Botic Maile c 0 0 0 0 1 0 .196 Totals 32 0 6 0 3 7 Van de Zandschulp (6), Netherlands, Straw cf 4 0 0 0 1 3 .200 Totals 36 8 12 8 6 9 Bellinger cf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .207 6-7 (6), 6-4, 7-6 (2). Daniel Altmaier, Germany, def. Dusan Totals 43 6 12 6 3 12 J.Turner dh 4 2 2 0 0 0 .214 Lajovic, Serbia, 7-5, 7-6 (2). Sebastian Baez (8), Argentina, def. McKinstry ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Jordan Thompson, Australia, 6-3, 6-4. Nick Kyrgios, Australia, def. Laslo Alvarez rf 2 0 0 0 0 2 .176 Djere, Serbia, 5-7, 7-6 (1), 7-6 (1). , Netherlands, 6-3, 7-6 (4). Thompson ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .067 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg Lux 2b 3 2 2 1 0 0 .291 Semien 2b 4 2 3 2 0 0 .231 Seager ss 4 0 1 1 0 1 .230 Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg Totals 39 8 17 8 1 6 Garcia rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .253 Pinder lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .249 Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg Calhoun lf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .228 Bride dh 4 0 2 0 0 0 .333 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg USFL Arraez 2b 5 1 2 3 0 0 .362 Garver dh 3 0 0 0 1 1 .201 Laureano rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .232 India 2b 3 1 1 1 1 1 .246 Buxton cf 4 0 0 0 1 3 .228 Lowe 1b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .278 Bethancourt 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .241 Drury 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .267 North W L T Pct PF PA Correa ss 5 0 1 0 0 1 .290 Heim c 3 1 1 1 0 2 .247 Murphy c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .211 Pham lf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .255 1 0 .900 232 182 Kepler rf 5 1 1 0 0 2 .243 Smith 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .400 Neuse 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .228 Votto 1b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .214 New Jersey 9 Sanchez dh 4 1 0 0 1 3 .218 Taveras cf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .250 Andrus ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .219 Farmer ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .277 Urshela 3b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .251 Allen 2b 3 1 1 2 0 0 .192 Moustakas dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .213 Philadelphia 6 4 0 .600 262 243 Kirilloff 1b 3 0 2 2 0 1 .214 Totals 32 7 11 7 1 5 Pache cf 3 0 2 0 0 0 .169 Senzel cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .204 Garlick ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .262 Almora Jr. rf 3 1 1 1 0 1 .286 Michigan 2 8 0 .200 211 236 CFL Gordon pr-lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .257 Totals 33 2 7 2 1 4 Garcia c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .155 Pittsburgh 1 9 0 .100 147 243 Celestino lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .309 Larnach ph-lf 0 1 0 0 1 0 .235 Philadelphia 000 000 000 — 0 6 0 Totals 31 2 5 2 1 9 South W L T Pct PF PA Miranda ph-1b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .232 Texas 000 021 04x — 7 11 0 Jeffers c 4 1 2 0 0 1 .190 Birmingham 9 1 0 .900 234 169 East W L T Pct PF PA LOB: Philadelphia 8, Texas 2. 2B: Semien (11). Seattle 001 001 501 — 8 12 0 New Orleans 6 4 0 .600 196 164 Toronto 1 1 0 500 20 19 Totals 41 5 9 5 3 15 HR: Lowe (9), off Gibson; Heim (9), off Gibson; Oakland 000 000 200 — 2 7 0 Ottawa 0 2 0 .000 29 38 Semien (7), off Familia; Calhoun (8), off Los Angeles 102 100 040 — 8 17 0 Tampa Bay 4 6 0 .400 162 195 Familia. RBIs: Lowe (28), Heim (26), Seager Cincinnati 110 000 000 — 2 5 0 (32), Semien 2 (27), Calhoun 2 (26). SB: Munoz LOB: Seattle 9, Oakland 5. 2B: France (14), Houston 3 7 0 .300 196 208 (1). CS: Lowe (2). Runners left in scoring Winker (10), Raleigh (5), Pache (5). HR: position: Philadelphia 5 (Castellanos, Trammell (3), off Kaprielian; Rodriguez (9), off LOB: Los Angeles 8, Cincinnati 4. 2B: Playoffs Hamilton 0 2 0 .000 43 63 Vierling, Camargo 2, Realmuto); Texas 0. Pruitt; Winker (5), off Pruitt; Suarez (13), off Montreal 0 2 0 .000 46 50 Cleveland 102 000 020 01 — 6 12 0 RISP: Philadelphia 0 for 9; Texas 1 for 1. Pruitt; Allen (1), off Gonzales. RBIs: Trammell Freeman (23), Taylor 2 (18), J.Turner (18), Saturday Minnesota 000 200 300 00 — 5 9 0 (8), Winker 2 (26), France (45), Rodriguez 2 (32), Suarez (36), Upton (1), Allen 2 (2). CS: Votto (11). 3B: Freeman (2). HR: Smith (9), Philadelphia vs. New Jersey, 3pm, FOX Moore (3). Runners left in scoring position: LOB: Cleveland 9, Minnesota 8. 2B: Gonzalez Seattle 5 (Upton, Crawford, Trammell 2, off Mahle; India (1), off Gonsolin; Almora Jr. New Orleans vs. Birmingham, 8 pm, NBC West W L T Pct PF PA (10), Ramirez (21), Correa (12), Kirilloff (3), Rodriguez); Oakland 2 (Pinder, Laureano). RISP: Seattle 2 for 11; Oakland 0 for 2. (4), off Gonsolin. RBIs: Smith 2 (31), Saskatchewan 2 0 01.000 56 29 Winnipeg 2 0 01.000 38 29 Arraez (8), Jeffers (7). HR: Naylor (8), off Freeman 5 (40), Lux (17), India (6), Almora College World Series Calgary 2 0 01.000 63 57 Ryan; Reyes (4), off Pagan; Arraez (4), off Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Jr. (21). SF: Lux, Smith. S: Alvarez. Runners At Charles Schwab Field Omaha Morgan. RBIs: Gonzalez (9), Naylor 2 (37), Omaha, Neb. Gibson, L, 4-3 6.1 7 3 3 0 4 102 4.06 left in scoring position: Los Angeles 6 (Smith (Double Elimination; x-if necessary) Tuesday Reyes 2 (14), Gimenez (33), Kirilloff 2 (4), Familia 1.1 4 4 4 1 1 28 5.55 3, J.Turner, Bellinger 2); Cincinnati 1 Game 9 -- No. 5 Texas A&M 5, Notre Dame 1 Arraez 3 (24). SB: Gimenez (5). CS: Kwan (2), Alvarado 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 6 7.02 (Farmer). RISP: Los Angeles 3 for 8; Game 10 -- Arkansas 11, No. 14 Auburn 1 BC 1 0 01.000 59 15 Gordon (3). Runners left in scoring position: Wednesday Edmonton 0 2 0 .000 31 85 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cincinnati 0 for 3. Game 11 -- Oklahoma (43-22) vs. No. 5 Texas A&M (42-19), 2pm Cleveland 4 (Reyes 2, Kwan 2); Minnesota 5 Perez, W, 5-2 6.0 6 0 0 3 6 98 1.96 Gonzales, W, 7.0 7 2 2 1 2 101 3.33 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Game 12 -- Ole Miss (38-22) vs. 4-7 Arkansas (44-20), 7pm (Miranda, Correa, Kepler, Sanchez, Bush, H, 8 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12 4.21 Gonsolin, W, 9-0 5.0 3 2 2 1 4 87 1.58 Thursday Celestino). RISP: Cleveland 3 for 12; Swanson 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 14 1.00 x-Game 13 -- Oklahoma vs. Texas A&M, Santana, H, 11 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1.33 Phillips, H, 6 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 12 2.03 2pm Week 3 Giles 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 15 0.00 x-Game 14 -- Ole Miss vs. Arkansas, 7pm Minnesota 2 for 13. Burke 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0.80 Bickford, H, 3 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 9 3.92 Thursday Saskatchewan at Montreal 7:30 p.m. Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA T: 3:06. A: 29,153 (40,300). Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Graterol 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 14 3.77 Friday Civale 5.0 5 2 2 1 7 80 7.25 Kaprielian, L, Price 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 10 4.02 Hamilton at Winnipeg, 8:30pm 0-5 5.1 5 2 2 2 7 89 5.98 De Los White Sox 7, Blue Jays 6, 12 inn. Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Saturday Santos, H, 2 1.1 0 1 1 1 3 22 2.75 Snead 1.1 0 1 1 3 0 19 8.53 Edmonton at Calgary, 7pm Mahle, L, 2-6 6.0 12 4 4 1 4 111 4.57 Toronto at British Columbia, 10pm Toronto AB R H BI BB SO Avg Pruitt 0.1 4 4 4 0 1 13 5.56 Morgan, BS, 0-2 0.2 2 2 2 0 1 14 2.12 Springer dh 3 0 0 0 0 3 .260 Sanmartin 1.1 2 2 2 0 2 2412.15 Biggio ph-dh 1 1 1 1 1 0 .200 Oller 2.0 3 1 1 1 1 39 9.58 Shaw 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 16 3.63 Bichette ss 5 1 1 1 1 2 .258 Cessa 0.2 2 2 2 0 0 14 5.67 Guerrero Jr. 1b 4 0 1 1 2 1 .265 Hentges 1.0 2 0 0 0 0 13 1.57 Kirk c 5 1 1 2 1 1 .304 T: 3:03. A: 4,733 (46,847). Moreta 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 12 8.62 Hernandez rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .247 Stephan, W, 3-2 1.0 0 0 0 1 3 17 3.65 Zimmer cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .111 T: 2:56. A: 18,476 (42,319). Moreno ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .375 Clase, S, 16-18 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 6 1.53 Lopez cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Pirates 7, Cubs 1 Espinal 2b 5 0 0 0 1 2 .268 Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Chapman 3b 4 2 0 0 1 3 .214 Gurriel Jr. lf 4 1 2 0 0 1 .275 Ryan 6.0 7 3 3 1 7 101 3.00 Tapia cf-rf 4 0 2 1 0 0 .262 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg Morel cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .261 Cotton 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 11 1.76 Totals 41 6 8 6 7 17 W.Contreras c 3 0 0 0 1 0 .275 Higgins c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .277 Pagan, BS, 9-13 1.0 2 2 2 0 0 17 3.13 Happ dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 .289 Wisdom 3b 3 1 2 1 1 0 .222 Duran 2.0 1 0 0 1 1 27 2.35 Ortega lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .259 Velazquez ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .300 Jax, L, 4-1 1.0 1 1 0 1 2 27 2.70 Hoerner ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .271 Villar 2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .221 T: 3:46. A: 22,341 (38,544). Heyward rf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .202 Simmons 2b-ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .188 Cardinals 6, Brewers 2 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg Rivas 1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .208 Anderson ss 5 2 2 0 1 0 .358 St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg Vaughn dh 5 0 1 0 0 2 .326 Totals 33 1 6 1 2 6 Edman ss 5 1 1 0 0 2 .279 Haseley pr-dh 0 1 0 0 0 0 .214 Donovan 1b 4 2 2 0 1 1 .318 Robert cf 5 0 2 4 0 1 .300 Pittsburgh AB R H BI BB SO Avg Arenado 3b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .274 Abreu 1b 6 1 2 0 0 1 .261 Hayes 3b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .265 Yepez dh 4 0 0 1 0 2 .276 Pollock lf 6 2 1 0 0 0 .258 Reynolds cf 3 1 1 1 0 2 .254 Gorman 2b 4 2 4 4 0 0 .280 Engel rf 4 0 3 1 2 1 .241 Suwinski lf 2 2 0 0 2 2 .227 Carlson rf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .247 Zavala c 3 0 0 0 1 2 .263 Vogelbach dh 2 1 2 2 2 0 .226 Bader cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .263 Burger ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .257 Chavis 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .251 Nootbaar lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .145 McGuire c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .237 Cruz ss 4 0 1 1 0 0 .333 Knizner c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .196 Harrison 2b 5 0 2 1 1 2 .216 Madris rf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .500 Mendick 3b 4 1 2 1 1 1 .281 Perez c 4 1 1 1 0 1 .119 Totals 36 6 11 6 2 6 Park 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .207 Totals 45 7 15 7 6 12 Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg Totals 31 7 7 6 4 10 Yelich lf 3 1 1 0 1 0 .235 Toronto 000 000 130 110 — 6 8 1 Adames ss 4 1 1 2 0 1 .211 Chicago 010 010 002 111 — 7 15 1 Tellez 1b 2 0 0 0 2 1 .251 McCutchen rf 2 0 0 0 2 0 .237 E: Chapman (3), Zavala (1). LOB: Toronto 12, Chicago 000 100 000 — 1 6 2 Renfroe dh 3 0 0 0 1 0 .247 Chicago 14. 2B: Guerrero Jr. (9), Pollock (12), Pittsburgh 113 011 00x — 7 7 0 Caratini c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Engel (11), Robert (8), Vaughn (12). HR: Kirk Urias 2b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .217 (7), off Lambert. RBIs: Kirk 2 (24), Biggio (9), Peterson 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .229 Bichette (34), Guerrero Jr. (42), Tapia (20), Taylor cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .222 Engel (10), Robert 4 (35), Mendick (15), Harrison (9). SB: Bichette (5), Engel 2 (9). Totals 30 2 4 2 6 6 CS: Bichette (4). SF: Robert. S: Tapia, Biggio, Haseley. Runners left in scoring position: St. Louis 200 100 120 — 6 11 0 Toronto 7 (Chapman, Bichette, Espinal 3, E: W.Contreras (3), Wisdom (7). LOB: Chicago Milwaukee 200 000 000 — 2 4 0 Guerrero Jr. 2); Chicago 7 (Harrison 2, 7, Pittsburgh 5. 2B: Happ (15), Morel (8), Zavala, Abreu 3, Pollock). RISP: Toronto 4 Wisdom (14), Vogelbach (7). 3B: Hayes (2). LOB: St. Louis 5, Milwaukee 7. 2B: Arenado for 15; Chicago 6 for 21. HR: Wisdom (13), off R.Contreras; Perez (3), off Swarmer; Madris (1), off Leiter Jr.. RBIs: (15), Urias (4). HR: Gorman (5), off Gonzalez; Wisdom (32), Reynolds (22), Perez (6), Vogelbach 2 (22), Cruz (5), Madris (3). SB: Cruz Gorman (6), off Sanchez; Adames (14), off (1). SF: Reynolds. Runners left in scoring position: Chicago 4 (Ortega, Morel, Happ, Flaherty. RBIs: Yepez (17), Gorman 4 (17), Velazquez); Pittsburgh 3 (Cruz 2, Madris). RISP: Chicago 0 for 6; Pittsburgh 2 for 7. Arenado (46), Adames 2 (35). SB: Carlson Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gausman 6.0 7 2 2 2 7 107 3.19 (2). Runners left in scoring position: St. Cimber 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 7 3.14 Louis 2 (Bader 2); Milwaukee 3 (Taylor, Y.Garcia, H, 12 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 15 3.42 Adames, Urias). RISP: St. Louis 3 for 8; Romano, BS, 17-20 Milwaukee 0 for 7. 1.0 3 2 2 2 0 23 3.12 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Mayza, BS, 0-2 1.0 2 1 0 1 1 19 2.20 Swarmer, L, 1-3 4.0 5 5 4 2 5 90 5.84 Flaherty 3.0 3 2 2 5 1 71 6.00 Gage, L, 0-1, Hughes 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 20 3.24 BS, 0-1 Thompson, 1.2 0 0 0 1 2 26 3.95 1.2 1 2 0 1 2 29 1.17 Leiter Jr. 3.0 1 1 1 1 4 44 5.75 W, 1-0 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA VerHagen, H, 3 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 3 5.85 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gallegos, H, 3 2.0 0 0 0 0 1 22 2.70 Cease 6.0 1 0 0 2 11 101 2.68 R.Contreras, 5.0 4 1 1 2 3 92 2.89 Helsley 2.0 1 0 0 0 2 31 0.33 Lambert, H, 1 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 20 3.29 W, 2-1 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Martin, BS, 0-1 0.1 3 3 3 2 0 27 4.29 Banda 2.0 1 0 0 0 2 22 5.89 Gonzalez, L, 0-1 4.0 4 3 3 1 2 73 6.75 Ruiz 1.2 1 0 0 2 3 32 4.97 Stratton 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 15 5.74 Suter 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 12 4.39 Graveman 1.0 1 1 0 1 2 16 2.35 De Los Santos Sanchez 1.2 2 1 1 1 1 26 4.05 Velasquez, 2.0 1 1 0 0 0 28 4.46 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 7 2.08 Strzelecki 2.0 5 2 2 0 3 37 3.86 W, 3-3 T: 3:13. A: 30,208 (41,900). T: 4:23. A: 20,529 (40,615). T: 2:44. A: 11,254 (38,747).

48 Former Purdue New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 standout Swanigan dies at 25 Caleb Swanigan, a former NBA player and college standout at Purdue, has died at the age of 25. Swanigan died of natural causes, the Allen County (Ind.) Coroner’s Office told WANE 15 in Fort Wayne, Ind. A first-round pick by Portland in 2017, Swanigan played 75 NBA games across three seasons for the Trail Blazers and Kings. He played two years at Purdue after being named Indiana’s Mr. Basketball, averaging 18.5 points and 12.5 rebounds during the 2016-17 season, when he WHAT A BEAUTY! Igor Shesterkin won the Vezina Trophy as the NHL’s best goaltender Tuesday after setting a franchise record with a .935 save was named an All-Ameri- percentage and leading the league with a 2.07 goals against average, leading the Rangers to the Eastern Conference Final. Getty Images; Corey Sipkin can. “Devastated. Our By Ethan SEarS with him because the couple is ex- “I think it’s helped me more to focus than second-place Andrei Vasilevskiy. thoughts and prayers to Ca- pecting a child. on the game.” “I always try to [be at] my best, but The handoff from Henrik leb Swanigan’s family and Lundqvist to Igor Shesterkin in the “To the whole Rangers organiza- He joked at the time that he was when I lose, every time just thinking Rangers’ mantle of elite goaltenders tion, it’s been amazing to be a part of unlikely to win the Hart Trophy next about goals and I know I can stop friends,” the Purdue men’s is complete. the Rangers family,” Shesterkin said. to Auston Matthews or Connor [them],” Shesterkin said shortly after “To my friends, I would like to thank McDavid. He ended up being cor- the season ended, his mind still fo- basketball program said At the NHL Awards on Tuesday all Rangers fans. It was a dream to rect, as he fell short of the MVP cused on the Game 6 loss to Tampa night in Tampa, Fla., Shesterkin was play [in the] NHL, to play in front of award, which was won by Toronto’s Bay. “It doesn’t matter what’s hap- Tuesday morning on Twit- named as the first Ranger since King you at MSG. Incredible feelings.” Matthews. pened. I give up a really easy goal in Henrik to win the Vezina Trophy, the last game. So I cannot do this ter. “The world lost a gentle duplicating Lundqvist’s 2011-12 feat As Lundqvist’s jersey was raised to “It’s top players,” Shesterkin said. when we have an exhibition game. of being officially recognized as the the rafters at Madison Square Garden “But I didn’t let Matthews score on soul last night. Love you NHL’s best goaltender following a in January, Shesterkin had started to me, I’m happy. I didn’t play against “I always say I can play better. I can historic season. write his own Rangers legacy in his McDavid but every day I watched say it again, I can play better.” Biggie.” first 82-game season as the team’s highlights and the top players. How Shesterkin lifted the Rangers to starter. Aside from two blemishes in many did [Matthews] score? 60? That Just two days after that defeat, — Justin Tasch their first playoff appearance since the first round against Pittsburgh, was outstanding.” Shesterkin said he planned to rest up 2017 with 36 regular-season victories. Shesterkin started and finished all 20 for a couple weeks, then start work- They went on to make the conference playoff games for the Rangers, with a Shesterkin, ing again. Even in that moment, final before losing to the Lightning in .936 save percentage from Game 5 though, was in a though, he had some gratitude for six games. He set a franchise record against the Penguins onward. class with them the season that was. with a .935 save percentage, which this season. Ac- was also the third-highest mark in “They say Igor, I just say OK,” cording to Mon- “I want to say thanks for Rangers league history among goaltenders Shesterkin memorably said of Pen- eyPuck’s Goals Saved fans and fans everywhere,” Shes- with more than 50 starts. He also led guins fans’ singsong chanting of his Above Expected metric, terkin said. “They helped me so the league with a 2.07 goals against name. Shesterkin’s 34.1 GSAx was the much. You never know what’s average, 44.9 goals saved above aver- most in the league de- gonna happen, but when I give age and a 2.11 adjusted goals against After the season ended, Shesterkin spite his having up a goal and all [the crowd] average, per Hockey Reference. returned to the subject. played 10 fewer chants my name, I just stand up regular-sea- and try to hold my breath for this The 26-year-old Shesterkin beat “The next team, next fans in Caro- son games city, for these people.” out Calgary’s Jacob Markstrom and lina tried to make the same [chant], Nashville’s Juuse Saros for the but it doesn’t work for me,” he said. [email protected] award, taking 29 of 32 first-place votes from the voting panel of NHL TOUGH LOSS: Former general managers. He is the sixth All-American at Purdue, Rangers goaltender to win the Vez- and first-round draft pick ina, following Lundqvist, John Van- Caleb Swanigan died at 25 biesbrouck, Eddie Giacomin, Gilles Villemure and Dave Kerr. Shesterkin used his speech to thank his support network — includ- ing teammates, goalie coach Benoit Allaire, his parents and his wife, Anna. In noting Anna’s absence, he added that she couldn’t be in Tampa of natural causes. AP

Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope 49  cANcer DiScOver MOre ABOut yOurSelF AND whAt the Future hOlDS At Let others complain that the New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 (June 22-July 23) SAllyBrOMptON.cOM world is unfair and that nothing Under no circumstances should ever goes right for them. While you agree to play a supporting  liBrA opposite. Why? Because you're could take longer to complete they are wallowing in self-pity role, either in your private life or (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) in one of your contrary moods. than you expected. you will be quietly taking on the work front. The Sun in Make sure you engage your And because you can. And advantage of the new your sign means you can and brain before you open your because it's fun. That's fine but  piSceS opportunities that fate is you must take command and do mouth today. If you say don't expect much cooperation (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) sending your way. Life's what what is best for you personally. something that can be easily when you need help later on. Do only those things that bring you choose to make of it. Be a leader, not a follower. disproved it's unlikely you will personal enjoyment. The Sun in do your reputation much good.  cApricOrN your fellow Water sign of  geMiNi  leO Think before you speak or don't (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) Cancer at this time of year (May 22-June 21) (July 24-Aug. 23) speak at all - is that really so Usually you don't care in the means you have every right and Don't take on any new chores You may be inclined to believe hard? slightest if other people agree every reason to put your own over the next 24 hours because that a friend or colleague has let with what you are doing but needs and desires first. It's all you have enough on your plate you down but have they really or  ScOrpiO now the Sun is moving through about you now. as it is. If you burn the candle at are you expecting too much of (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) your opposite sign it's important both ends to keep on top of your them? Most likely it's the latter, It's starting to look as if this is that you get the approval of  ArieS workload it won't be long before so keep your thoughts to one of those times when nothing loved ones and friends. Don't (March 21-April 20) your workload is on top of you. yourself or you may turn them can go wrong for you and you give them the right to veto you You may disagree with what against you. may be right. But that is not an though. someone believes but you can BirthDAy weDNeSDAy invitation to throw caution to still work together. In fact, the   virgO the wind. You're too intelligent  AquAriuS tensions that exist between you  (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) to believe there will be no (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) could be creative if handled in a Someone will come to you for comebacks at all. Get your chores out of the way sensible way. There are still  assistance with a matter they as early in the day as you can plenty of areas where your aims  can't get their head around.  SAgittAriuS because there will be and ambitions coincide. They figure that your big brain (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) opportunities to have fun later  will work it out. Do what you Whatever it is other people want on and you won't want to miss  tAuruS  can but don't promise you'll get you to do today you will do the them. Petty everyday things (April 21-May 21) it sorted - the planets warn you  may have trouble with it too. Post Weather Report New York Tides Wednesday Thursday High Tide for TODAY TOMORROW Peekskill Coney Island 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 65/61 CONN. Fire Island 3:03a 3:43p 3:58a 4:36p Stamford Hempstead 3:12a 4:06p 4:15a 5:02p N.Y. White Plains 65/62 Bridgeport Montauk Huntington 7:19a 7:48p 8:23a 8:45p 64/59 66/61 67/61 Jones Inlet 6:59a 7:28p 8:03a 8:25p Today: Variable Tomorrow: Sussex Southampton Montauk Point 2:47a 3:27p 3:42a 4:20p clouds, showers Mostly cloudy 70/60 Huntington Riverhead Port Washington 4:18a 5:06p 5:18a 6:01p around; cooler. with a shower and 67/61 Sandy Hook 7:27a 7:56p 8:31a 8:54p High 64 to 70. t-storm. High 70 Paterson Garden 66/62 Regional cities 3:07a 3:47p 4:02a 4:40p Tonight: Mainly to 76. 69/63 City 66/62 Albany cloudy with Tomorrow Danbury TODAY TOMORROW showers. Low 59 night: Partly 65/63 Forecasts and Glens Falls to 65. cloudy and humid. Newark graphics provided by Gr Barrington 68/58/sh 73/58/t Low 59 to 65. 71/65 La G JFK Deer Park AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 Kingston 66/58/sh 70/57/t 67/62 67/62 66/63 Liberty 68/56/c 72/56/t Sun and Moon Monticello 67/57/sh 72/57/t Newburgh 67/59/sh 72/58/t Friday Saturday Long Beach Sunrise today ......................... 5:25 a.m. Poughkeepsie 64/55/sh 65/52/t Sunset tonight ........................ 8:31 p.m. Saratoga Springs 65/55/sh 65/53/r Partly Mostly 66/65 Moonrise today ...................... 1:43 a.m. Stroudsburg 66/60/sh 72/59/t sunny. High cloudy. High Moonset today ....................... 2:33 p.m. Torrington 67/57/sh 73/57/t 77 to 83. 83 to 89. Sandy Hook New First Full Last Syracuse 69/59/sh 75/60/t 68/66 74/59/sh 68/57/t Evening Evening Asbury Park Forecast data is current as of 6 World cities 65/58/sh 70/58/t Mainly clear. Low 63 Mainly clear. Low 67 p.m. yesterday. Temperatures are 83/61/t 73/59/pc to 69. to 73. today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Athens Baghdad TODAY TOMORROW Almanac 69/64 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, Beijing 94/76/s 94/77/s Berlin 101/76/s 106/77/pc Manasquan c-cloudy, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunder- June 28 July 6 July 13 July 20 Cairo 83/69/c 96/66/sh 69/64 storms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice Dublin 81/57/s 84/63/s Geneva 94/72/s 98/76/s YESTERDAY’S CONDITIONS AT CENTRAL PARK THROUGH 6PM Toms River Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Hong Kong 68/55/pc 72/56/pc Jerusalem 81/63/t 84/61/t Temperature 70/63 Showers Kabul 89/81/t 88/81/pc High: 80, Low: 63, Mean: 72 T-storms London 79/63/s 86/65/s Departure from Normal Madrid 58/51/t 75/62/s Yesterday: -2 degrees N.J. Rain Mexico City 80/57/s 79/59/t Flurries Montreal 75/56/pc 76/56/pc Precipitation Moscow 68/53/t 72/53/sh Yesterday: trace, Month: 2.47”, Snow Paris 76/61/t 67/61/r Year: 21.43”, Normal year to date: 22.53” Rio de Janeiro 70/56/c 75/57/pc Cooling Degree days yesterday ................7 Long Beach Ice Rome 79/63/pc 81/62/t Total for the month (normal) ......121 (135) 70/64 Sydney 82/68/s 82/68/s Total since Jan. 1 (normal) ..........202 (216) Tokyo 87/68/pc 86/69/pc Last year to date.....................................268 Fronts 64/47/s 67/48/s Heat Index (at noon yest.) ..................... 74 82/71/t 84/73/t UV index (for Wed.) ............. 3 (Moderate) Cold Humidity (at noon) ............................. 49% Atlantic City Shown are noon positions of Warm AIR QUALITY 71/62 weather systems and precipitation. Stationary Ocean City Temperature bands are highs for Pollen: High Predominant pollen: Grasses 72/62 the day. Forecast high/low tempera- AQI rating: (for Wed.)................................Good tures are given for selected cities. -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com50 20 Watson accusers SCAN CODE TO SHOP NOW settle in civil cases By Ryan GlasspieGel should try to help her. tinue,” Buzbee said. “I look RWBELHUDIE,TEJE&AN! “As a result of Ashley’s forward to trying those Deshaun Watson has set- cases in due course, con- GET OUR MOST POPULAR HAT IN TIME FOR JULY 4! tled all but four of the civil lone but brave voice, soon sistent with other docket lawsuits brought by mas- many women who had al- obligations and the court’s sage therapists who accused legedly experienced the schedule.” him of sexual misconduct. same conduct were em- boldened to step forward. I Watson had been accused The news was an- am incredibly proud to rep- of sexual misconduct by nounced by plaintiff lawyer resent them all. They have more than two dozen mas- Tony Buzbee. endured vile criticism and sage therapists. Last week, fanatical ignorance. They the Washington Post re- “The case against Des- faced withering cross ex- ported that his camp is bra- haun Watson started with amination by skilled litiga- cing for a one-year suspen- one phone call, from one tors and stood firm. They sion under the NFL’s Per- brave and strong woman. are warriors all.” sonal Conduct Policy. That woman was Ashley Solis,” Buzbee said in the Terms of the settlements The New York Times re- statement. “Even though were not disclosed. Watson ported Watson saw “at least” she was originally turned had previously offered each 66 female massage thera- away by our screening pro- plaintiff $100,000 to settle, pists in a 17-month stretch cess, my staff insisted that I but those agreements were between 2019 and 2021. personally speak with her. denied on the “aggressive” I’m glad she persisted. Once nature of the NDAs. Watson and his attorneys we took a second look, and have steadfastly denied that after having contact with Buzbee said that Solis’ any sexual interaction be- Watson’s original lawyer suit and three others’ will tween the quarterback and who disrespected Ashley continue. massage therapists was and her profession and who nonconsensual. arrogantly minimized the “As stated, Ashley Solis is conduct of someone he re- one of the heroes of this Watson was traded from ferred to as an ‘asset,’ I was story. Her case has not set- the Texans to the Browns convinced that our law firm tled and thus her story and this offseason and signed a that of the other three five-year deal worth $230 brave women will con- million — fully guaranteed. SHOP.NYPOST.COM

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