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Lens Magazine - Issue 92 May 2022

Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-06-01 11:47:09

Description: Lens Magazine - Issue 92 May 2022


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LENS MAGAZINE FOR FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY Image by Quim Fàbregas © All rights reserved An exclusive interview with Quim Fàbregas published on May 2021, Issue #80. Lens Magazine is a leading Photography During the past five years, we had the pleasure magazine with global distribution and over to feature exclusive interviews with the most 50K monthly readers. influential photographers, Including Joel The International Lens Magazine takes a Meyerowitz, Níkos Aliágas, Jimmy Nelson, single concept each month. It allows its Lois Greenfield, Jacob Aue Sobol, Martin Parr contributors to delve into any ideas and - President of Magnum International Photos, emotions evoked from this theme, leading to The legendary photojournalist Steve Schapiro, a rich and varied selection of photographs and Lindsay Adler - Fashion Photography, Known stories behind them. The magazine featured Documentary Photographer- Ami Vitale, the most influential photographers in the Wildlife and Nature Photographer Cristina world alongside emerging photographers from Mittermeier, and many more. all around the globe. Each and every issue is beautiful and impressive, as they are one of Follow Us On Instagram a kind unique publications. PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE Lens Magazine 3

Founder & Editor: Dafna Navarro 34 120 96 VISIT LENS MAGAZINE'S OFFICIAL Copyright to The International Lens Magazine © WEBSITE: Dafna Navarro, 2022, All rights reserved. Art Market - Global Media Company LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: No part of this magazine may be re-used without the written permission of the publisher. /LensMag FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: This magazine's content is for informational purposes only and is, to the best of knowledge, @lens_magazine correct at the time of publication. 4

BE A CONTRIBUTOR [email protected] FOUNDER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: DAFNA NAVARRO CONTENT EDITOR: JASMIN SUKARY GRAPHIC DESIGN: ZIV KAY MARKETING DIRECTOR: ROMAN GUTMAN Follow Us On Instagram ON THE COVER: Germaine Capturing the light. Ellen Rosenberg © Zinedine Yazid Zidane (Football player) All rights reserved. Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Read the exclusive interview on Page 14 See the article on page 106 Lens Magazine 5

120 106 82 14 70 56 34 6


Benches of Seaside Heights Ellen Mitchell © All rights reserved. See the article on page 70 SUBSCRIBE NOW! THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR CONTEMPORARY FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY Available for subscriptions and single Issues on the Apple Store Newsstand, Google Play,,, and Full distribution to the archive data of Universities, Academic Libraries & Public Libraries around the world by EBSCO Information service. The content is available for academic researchers, lecturers at the universities, and as a material for teaching students around the globe. Distribution at airports, train stations, hotels in the US and Europe. Available in a Kindle version on . Print Edition By 8

Follow Us On Instagram PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE Lens Magazine 9

Meet The CONTRIBUTORS JOSE JEULAND where he produces commercial photography and videography work. Jose Jeuland, Ex-Professional Triathlete turned Professional Photographer and Jose works with international clients as JW a photojournalist contributor at Lens Marriott, Shangri-La, The Fullerton, Grab, Magazine. Jose is an ambassador for The Amazon, Expedia, etc. North Face and is supported by EPSON, Manfrotto, BenQ, and Gravity Backdrops. Jose collaborates and creates content for these brands. Now based in Singapore, Jose is managing COCO Creative Studio, MARK EDWARD HARRIS Los Angeles-based Mark Edward Harris is an His editorial work has appeared in the most award-winning international photographer important publications worldwide, including with more than three decades of experience. The New York Times, The London Times Travel He has traveled to over 100 countries so far, Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, authored and published award-winning books Forbes, LIFE, Vanity Fair, GEO, The Los Angeles focused on daily cultural life in Southeast Times Sunday Magazine, and many others. Asia, China, North Korea, Japan, Iraq and Iran. His photography work is being exhibited in impressive private collections, museums, and galleries around the globe. CATALIN CROITORU That was the moment when I decided to express myself through the images I was \"In 2005 I decided to leave everything taking. They used to say that a photo is behind and to move to Canada. That was \"worth a thousand words\"; but I really an ABSOLUTE ZERO for me: new people, think it is a language as well. When you feel no friends or relatives, two new (or almost crippled and the words limit you, just grab new...) languages, different habits. Because a camera: it will open for you a new horizon of the languages barriers I felt myself and a new life!\" restrained and unable to communicate properly my thoughts with the others. LEILA ANTAKLY Leila Antakly is the founder and editor of Ninu She regularly writes about the art world Nina, a creative platform featuring curated changes, asks artists about their inspirations, interviews with the world's most inspiring creative process, and recently their creatives since 2008. experiences with the pandemic. Leila holds a B.A. in Film and Visual Media She is extremely interested in combining from American University and a Master's from two worlds she is passionate about; art and Bocconi University in Fashion Experience and wellbeing and are developing some ideas on Design. She is passionate about photography, this topic. and helping artists connect directly with She currently resides in Madrid, Spain. 10 collectors and enthusiasts.

SINGAPORE 11 Lens Magazine


Art Market Magazine is a Media Sponsor of International Art Fairs around the globe. Founded in 2014, Art Market magazine the world today, including Jeff Koons, Art Market Magazine is a Media offers comprehensive coverage of the Cindy Sherman, Yayoi Kusama, Antony Sponsor and has a full collaboration world of fine art and beyond. We bring Micallef, Andrew Salgado, and many with leading international art fairs you inside the global art world with more. worldwide; our publication has a full more access and insight into auctions The honorable Art Market Magazine’s distribution for free at the art fairs and and art events worldwide. GOLD LIST Special Edition receives a at the Art Fair’s official bookstores. Inside each issue, we review, we profile, full distribution and exposure to over The expected amount of visitors at we showcase, we interview. As a result, 50,000 readers around the world, with each Art Fair: Over 30,000 readers. the arts and cultures covered in Art direct distribution in Digital & Print at Market are as varied as extensive. Barnes & Noble’s Bookstores in the US, Art Market Magazine is the Official Art Market Magazine is known for its Steimatzky Bookstores in Israel, Direct Media Partner of Florence Biennale quality publication, bringing the readers distribution to Art Galleries directors, (Italy), Discovery Art Fair (Germany), a deeper focus on auctions, art fairs museum and gallery curators, art and RMG, which operates leading art and exhibitions from all over the world, collectors, investors and to the people fairs in the US, including Artexpo New articles, and exclusive interviews with who make the art industry of today. York, Spectrum Miami, Red Dot Miami, emerging and most influential artists in Art Santa Fe, and Art San Diego. SPECIAL GIFT FOR ART LOVERS AT THE FLORENCE BIENNALE | 23 - 31 OCTOBER 2021 | FORTEZZA DA BASSO FLORENCE Lens Magazine 13

An Exclusive Interview With Christophe Meireis BY JOSÉ JEULAND Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. 14

A father and his sons in Qeshm ABOUT Christophe Meireis Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. After several years of Today, he divides his time between make them allies to serve his artistic self-taught practice, his commission work, which takes approach. Christophe Meireis took him to the world's four corners, and photo training, after the pursuit of his personal series. Meireis' work has been published which he launched himself as a internationally in many press freelance photographer. At the heart of his approach, we find coverage and publications, including the constant presence of the human in the Le Parisien Magazine, Vanity Co-founder of the magazine implicitly, as evidenced by his series Fair, Le Monde M, Der Spiegel, Paris 'Causette,' he produced the first on travelers or on former prisoners Match, VSD, Elle, Forbes, Biba, forty covers, among others, before sentenced to death. Studio Ciné Live, Men's Health, FHM, leaving the editorial staff in 2013. Inspired by the Düsseldorf school, Top Chef, Air le Mag, Science et Vie A seasoned portrait painter, he for his personal work, he favors Junior, Dr. Good, Whiskey Magazine, regularly collaborates with many the use of the 4×5 Inch camera and Taste & Share, Public, Télé 7 Jours, magazines for which he produces the medium format, which impose Télé Loisir, Chat, Le Pelerin, Top portraits of personalities and slowness and rigor. These two Santé...among others. reports. constraints, Christophe Meireis, 15 Lens Magazine

Habitant of Qeshm Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. 16

An Exclusive Interview Abandoned carousel in Qeshm Christophe Meireis © All rights With Christophe reserved. Meireis BY JOSÉ JEULAND PROJECT: QESHM José Jeuland: Hello a photography school and white because, after all, it's Christophe, It's a pleasure reconverted myself. pretty rare to see beautiful having an interview with you I quickly became passionate B&W. It is also a bit easy in our Lens Magazine. Let's about portraits, documentary sometimes since it sets the start with your background photography, and aesthetically atmosphere immediately. in photography; how did it all objective photography. However, I love James begin, and what excites you Nachtwey's work, which is the most in this field? José Jeuland: Your projects mainly in B&W! are impressive; you have As far as I'm concerned, I think Christophe Meireis: As a a clean approach to I've found my own style over teenager, I always wanted to photography, bright colors, the years by experimenting be a photographer, but my and very sharp lines with high with a lot of things until I found parents considered it not a focus. How did this artistic my recipe. Then it is essential profession! I studied dental style develop? to stick to it to have a coherent prosthesis, and later on, when work and identity. I was old enough to make Christophe Meireis: Of course, this is subjective. my own choices, I went to I'm not a big fan of black and Lens Magazine 17

Gaz station in Qeshm Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. José Jeuland: Let's talk about the project 'Qeshm,' indeed a chimera, but in the end, Qeshm seduced me, taken on an island in southern Iran (the Strait of and I went back several times to do this project. Hormuz, on the edge of the Persian Gulf). How was the journey, and what was the reason for choosing this José Jeuland: What kind of paradox did you find specific location? there? Compared to the unique cultural atmosphere, the natural dry landscape drew you to create this Christophe Meireis: It started from a chimera! In the fascinating project? beginning, I saw in the newspaper \"Libération\" a picture of a huge wooden boat in the middle of a desert without Christophe Meireis: First of all, when you look at the a single drop of water. It was on Qeshm Island, which I island on a map, it has a dolphin shape! It is a singular had never heard of. So, as I was planning to go to Iran, I and fascinating place with its UNESCO geopark that took the opportunity to go all the way south to this evokes lunar landscapes. Third, when moving to this island to find this place that seemed magical. After island, you feel out of time. Modern shopping malls several days of looking for this spot and questioning stand alongside strong traditions that have disappeared local people, someone told me that it was actually a even in Iran, therefore, it is inhabitable in the summer movie set (Valley of stars) and that after the shooting, because of its high temperatures, but it is prized by the the locals had come to help themselves and took the wealthy Iranian classes in the winter. wood and that there was nothing left. Thus, it was 18

I have been visiting about forty countries worldwide, and out of all of them, I have really fallen in love with Iranians. Their hospitality, welcoming, and generosity have no equal despite all the difficulties and restrictions they endure. A seller 19 Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Lens Magazine

Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. José Jeuland: How would you Hotel (Qeshm) describe your communication with Christophe Meireis © the locals featured in this series? Is All rights reserved. it a safe area to travel to? 20 Christophe Meireis: In Qeshm and generally in Iran, it is easier for me to make portraits than in Paris! In the West, people are more and more suspicious as soon as you have a camera. I have been visiting about forty countries worldwide, and out of all of them, I have really fallen in love with Iranians. Their hospitality, welcoming, and generosity have no equal despite all the difficulties and restrictions they endure. Regarding security, it's the same thing; I feel much safer in Iran than in some areas of Paris. Hospitality and kindness are strongly rooted in their culture. That's why I've been there several times and will return in the future. José Jeuland: In your beautiful project 'French coastline,' you are using the same line of bright colors, and you have described it on your website as 'a gentle singularity.' What does it mean? Christophe Meireis: The French littoral has something old- fashioned, outdated, with its beach furniture, its carousels, its terraces which attract tourists, and at the same time, it is very endearing because it evokes our childhood memories, our vacations …

PROJECT: FRENCH COASTLINE LITTORAL FRANÇAIS (EN COURS) Young skater in Malo les Bains (littoral) 21 Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Lens Magazine

Surveillance post for rescuers at sea in Malo les bains. Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. José Jeuland: How and when did that we could continue on the whole kilometers; it's a project that will you start this project? How many French littoral because it is a take years. locations have you been to, and territory with significant economic This work has already been well what was your favorite place? and ecological stakes, threatened by recognized because it was the jury's the rise of the waters. We also favorite at the beautiful photo Christophe Meireis: In the wished to show all the topological festival \"Les Transphotographiques\" beginning, I went there in 2017 with a and architectural diversity on this in Lille last year. friend photographer to make a 5800 km strip without forgetting subject on a specific place in the these old-fashioned details that we José Jeuland: You travel around the north: Malo Les Bains and the dike of call in France \"Madeleines de Proust\" world. Have you encountered any the break where cohabit fishermen, that evoke childhood memories. challenging moments during one of holidaymakers, and hunters on a We have covered the north, your experiences? Also, what was beach with factories in the Normandy, and have begun to cover the most exciting and positive background. Later on, we thought Brittany, but we still have many situation that happened during the 22

All prizes at the Digue du Break Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. years while working on a project? inmates I met on several continents. We are talking about people who Christophe Meireis: I have never lived several years and even been confronted with difficulties decades on death row before being that prevented me from taking cleared. We realize that anyone can pictures. Wherever we are, we have be the victim of a miscarriage of to adapt and respect local customs justice or a conviction related to and cultures and have a respectful sexual or political orientation. This approach to people, and in my case, work has been exhibited at the photography must remain a means European Parliament, at the to meet the others and not a goal. Bibliothèque Nationale de France, The most enriching experience I and at the gates of the Paris City have had humanly is this gallery of Hall. portraits of former death row 23 Lens Magazine

Hunters. Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. 24

Manufacture 25 Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Walkers Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Lens Magazine

CELEBRITIES PORTRAITS Raymond Depardon Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. José Jeuland: You are very well and the figures? Could you share while the press representative known as a celebrity and famous the best experience in a portrait timing it with his phone! You have to figures' portrait photographer, and session with a celebrity? find the place, prepare your light, you have shot a lot of magazine know how to direct the person to covers. Is it challenging to Christophe Meireis: obtain what you have planned, and photograph celebrities? Is a The challenge with celebrities is that know-how to improvise if something different approach needed? How is you have a very short amount of is changed at the last moment. the communication between you time, sometimes a minute or two, Nothing to do with a Sunday portrait 26

the portrait of Raymond Depardon. It is very intimidating to shoot a tremendous photographer, much more than it is for Zidane or Dwayne Johnson! José Jeuland: Are you not only shooting digital but also shooting with analog medium format? What project are you doing with analog, and what is the reason behind using older technics? Can you share your favorite picture you have taken with an analog camera? Christophe Meireis: I started my career with film photography, and the transition to digital was not easy. When you choose a Kodak or Fuji film, you know what chroma you will get, and the choice is deliberate. With digital, it was necessary to relearn everything. Digital has much less dynamic range, is less tolerant, and the exposure is not managed in the same way. And once the photo is taken, you get a dull, flat raw file from which you have to extract the material and interpret it. Dwayne Johnson I think I've found my Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. own style over the session with your girlfriend. getting anything more. years by experimenting [ha ha ha...] The advantage with actors is that with a lot of things until I personally prefer sprinting to they know how to pose, and you marathoning, so I'm okay with quickly get beautiful expressions. I found my recipe. having that adrenaline rush, giving it But, on the other hand, it is Then it is essential to all in a very short period because in sometimes a little more complicated long sessions, the model gets tired with politicians or sportsmen. stick to it to have a (and so do you), and you end up not My best experience is having made coherent work and identity. Of course, this is Lens Magazine subjective. 27

Romain Grosjean (Formula 1 pilot) It was, therefore, necessary to learn the job that the Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. laboratory did before with my films, representing Antoine Griezmann (football player) more work but paid at the same price. Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Fortunately, without wishing to advertise, I found the right tool for me with the Fuji GFX, which allows 28 me to have a result very close to film in the colors thanks to the film simulations \"Classic chrome\" and \"Classic negative\" but also in the modeling and in the DOF with their superb lenses like the 80 mm F1.7. When I shoot a film, I don't do 24x36 at all. I love the medium format and large format too much. I only have a small X100V for light rides. Otherwise, I still shoot film, especially with a 4x5 inch camera. Not because of nostalgia but because the results are unique and curiously, although not at all discreet, it attracts a lot of people who ask a lot of questions and voluntarily play the game of posing in front of the lens, something they would refuse in most cases if I had an SLR! My favorite photo taken on film is undoubtedly the one of this young skater on the beach of Malo Les Bains. Top Right: Zinedine Yazid Zidane (Football player) Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved.

Jean Reno (actor) 29 Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Lens Magazine

Tony Gatlif (Film Director) Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. 30

Peter Pringle Gary Drinkard Benoît Poelvoorde, (Sentenced to death (Sentenced to death Belgium Actor in 1980. The court in 1995. The court Christophe Meireis © won him an acquittal won him an acquittal All rights reserved. in 1995) in 2001) Christophe Meireis © Christophe Meireis © José Jeuland: What are your plans for the future? All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Is there a dream project you are planning to do? Also- Is there a famous figure you would like to David Guetta take portraits of? Christophe Meireis © All rights reserved. Christophe Meireis: Three years ago, I started a series of portraits about the scouts. Few people know it, but there are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, secular, Protestant, and not only Catholic scouts. It is still a long-term project over several years, but for which I have great ambitions. As for influential figures, I would gladly put Barack Obama in my portrait gallery; I promise that one minute will be enough ;-) The advantage with actors is that they know how to pose, and you quickly get beautiful expressions. But, on the other hand, it is sometimes a little more complicated with politicians or sportsmen. 31

I have never been confronted with difficulties that prevented me from taking pictures. Wherever we are, we have to adapt and respect local customs and cultures and have a respectful approach to people, and in my case, photography must remain a means to meet the others and not a goal. Christophe Meireis Website: Instagram: @christophe_meireis 32

Jose Jeuland, Ex-Professional Triathlete turned Professional Photographer and a photojournalist contributor at Lens Magazine. Jose is an ambassador for The North Face, a FUJIFILM X-Photographer, and supported by EPSON, Manfrotto, BenQ, and Gravity Backdrops. Jose collaborates and creates content for these brands. Now based in Singapore, Jose is managing COCO Creative Studio, where he produces commercial photography and videography work. Jose works with international clients as JW Marriott, Shangri-La, The Fullerton, Grab, Amazon, Expedia, etc. Beach huts in Malo Les Bains Website: Christophe Meireis © All rights Website: reserved. Lens Magazine: Lens Magazine Instagram: @josejeuland Youtube: Jose Jeuland Twitter: @josejeuland Facebook: Jose Jeuland 33

Galle Face José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 34

THE FACE OF SRI LANKA BY JOSÉ JEULAND 'Their daily lives' To see Sri Lanka in such a state is heartbreaking for me. It is a place I hold dear, one of the first places I The nation of Sri Lanka is undergoing its started as a travel and documentary photographer, worst crisis since its independence in and one I have revisited many times since. I have 1948. made countless memories and many friends in At the time of writing, the country's Sri Lanka, and it is a country I will always want to financial reserves have been almost depleted, and return to. To know that my friends are in such an its citizens suffer as a lack of fuel, food, and power overwhelming and dangerous situation fills me disrupt their daily lives of the people. Protestors with worry. line the streets demanding the president's After all, the average everyday citizen suffers and resignation, and angry mobs have set the houses bears the brunt of suffering in situations like these. and offices of government officials on fire. In troubled times like these, I want to Chaos and anger are seeping into every nook and commemorate the people living in such adversity cranny of the community. and uncertainty and remind everyone of Sri Lanka's beauty and its people's resilience. Lens Magazine 35

Galle Face José Jeuland © All rights reserved. The Troubles of Sri Lanka The nation of Sri Lanka is a teardrop-shaped ended in a deadly military operation by the government island off the coast of India, known for a myriad in 2009 to stamp out the rebel insurgents. It is estimated of wonders that combine to make it a lush a total of 100,000 lives were lost during this struggle. paradise. However, even before its political and economic troubles In 2004, the Boxing Day tsunami struck the eastern and in 2022, Sri Lanka had a troubled history. southwestern coasts of the island, taking over 35,000 After years of colonialization by the Dutch, Portuguese lives and causing destruction to both natural and man- and British, Sri Lanka declared independence in 1948, made environments. only to be marked by years of strife and civil war beginning in 1972. Almost a decade after the civil war's end, tragedy struck again in the form of terror attacks on Easter Sunday Sri Lankans comprise a mix of religions, with the majority of 2019. Three churches and three luxury hotels were being Buddhists of Sinhalese ethnicity and smaller targeted in the attacks involving suicide bombers, which numbers of Tamil Hindus, Christians, and Muslims. killed 279 people and injured more than 500 others. In 1972, Tamil rebels initiated an armed conflict against the Sinhalese government in order to establish a The Coronavirus pandemic began in late 2019 and early separate homeland. This civil war lasted for 37 years and 2020, closing borders and depriving Sri Lanka of two 36

All images: Colombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 37 major forms of foreign exchange income- tourism and remittances from citizens working overseas. Like it did worldwide, the pandemic ravaged the island, taking lives and disrupting the economy. Despite all the hardships that the citizens of Sri Lanka have undergone, I have always found them to be some of the most friendly and welcoming people that I have met in my travels. Traveling throughout different country regions, I felt safe and unthreatened, even when I was alone. People were quick to smile and often agreeable when having their portraits taken by me, and they were always ready to help- even if their grasp of English was limited, they would still try their best to communicate and understand what they could do to help. Lens Magazine

All images: Colombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 38

All images: Colombo. 39 José Jeuland © All rights reserved. Lens Magazine

The Charms of Sri Lanka Despite the challenges that the republic has faced head-on, again and again, Sri Lanka's beauty is undiminished. It boasts a diverse collection of scenic landscapes that has something for everyone. Beaches along the coast, mountains further inland, safaris with incredible wildlife, and historical cities with influences from all over the world are some of the fantastic locations that Sri Lanka can offer. Of course, these locations would be All images: Jaffna nothing without the people living in José Jeuland © All rights reserved. them and forging them into living, breathing venues rich with culture, spirituality, and simple humanity. 40

José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 41 Lens Magazine

Keerimalai . José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 42

Keerimalai . José Jeuland © All rights reserved. Despite the challenges that the republic has faced head-on, again and again, Sri Lanka's beauty is undiminished. It boasts a diverse collection of scenic landscapes that has something for everyone. Lens Magazine 43

People of the City In better times, the capital of Sri Negombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. Lanka, the historic city of Colombo, was a buzzing city of amazing sights and sounds. Street photography here was fascinating- there was always something around the corner to capture on my camera. The streets were filled with locals working, carrying sacks of goods like onions or potatoes, or mending shoes in makeshift shops by the road. The beach at Galle Face was always a hub of activity, especially on Sundays, where you could see a mix of people from all segments of society- families, both rich and poor out at the beach together buying snacks and flying kites, military training exercises, and people playing sports. 44

Negombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 45

Negombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. Negombo, another coastal city, boasts a rich cultural experience from the Dutch, Portuguese and British influence. Old buildings and monuments like churches and the ruins of a Dutch fort mark the periods of colonialization in Sri Lanka's past and the heavy domination of the Christian faith amongst the people of Negombo. The atmosphere of the local fish market is heady and thick with the smell of both fresh and drying fish, as the fishermen and market vendors go about their day starting as early as 3am. Buses and trains connect the cities and towns in Sri Lanka, allowing you to move through the country with relative ease and at an affordable rate. 46

Buses and second and third-class train compartments are a great way to meet and interact with the locals and learn more about the people who call Sri Lanka their home. The cities of Sri Lanka are striking and unforgettable; there is much to see and so many people to meet- to photograph them and hear their stories. While the streets of these cities are now lined with protesters and people lining up for rations of food and fuel, I hope that they will soon bustle with the remarkable energy that Sri Lanka is known for. Negombo. José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 47

José Jeuland © All rights reserved. People of Tea Sri Lanka's most famous export comes from the After a hard day's work, they gathered wood to bring many tea plantations located throughout the home to use as fuel for cooking and heat. island, mostly at higher elevations. Before the ongoing crisis, the tea industry With the situation in Sri Lanka, I can only imagine how brought in an average of USD 1.3 billion yearly, and tea much more difficult their lives would have become. plantations also enjoyed an additional income from Tea exports are at an all-time low in 2022, the worst in tourists visiting their picturesque locations for tea 23 years. This was caused by the government's ban on plantation tours. chemical fertilizers in 2021, which was reversed due to Despite the profits, workers on these plantations, mostly mass protests by farmers and poor yield. However, the women, are paid low wages for their back-breaking work. damage has been done, and tea plantations are now In 2016, the minimum daily wage for these workers was suffering the impact of low products. finally raised, but many of them still struggle to make Unfortunately, these hardworking and poorly paid ends meet. workers will bear the brunt of the drop in profits as work During my visit to a tea plantation years prior, I captured dwindles, and money runs out. portraits of these two tea plantation workers. 48

José Jeuland © All rights reserved. 49 Lens Magazine

People of Spirituality Jaffna . José Jeuland © All rights reserved. Religion is deeply entwined favorite of mine is the one where witnessed impressive displays of in the social fabric of Sri a Pandyan princess, Maruthapura strength as worshippers carried huge Lanka. Veeravalli, heard of the miraculous peacock or cobra-themed floats on Hindu and Buddhist powers of the temple's waters and their shoulders. But most of all, I saw temples are found throughout traveled down to bathe in them, thus families reveling in the celebrations the land, ranging from simple transforming her horse-like face into together, laughing, praying, and constructions to elaborate and a beautiful appearance. eating- just soaking up the festival colorful structures. They are an atmosphere and spending time amazing part of the lives of the Sri Another famous Hindu temple is the together. Lankans and allow an insight into the Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil, which is heritage and religion of the country. the epicenter of the Nallur Festival. Festivals and places of worship are One such temple is the Keerimalai Sri Lanka is also home to a number not just aspects of religion; they also Naguleswaram temple, a Hindu of religious festivals, such as the Vel serve as tools for congregation and temple located in Keerimalai, Festival, the Vesak Poya festival, as community, for people to celebrate Jaffna. The temple is located next to well as the Nallur Festival. and worship together. Religion plays mineral springs that are said to have Here, I was in Sri Lanka during the a big part in the lives of Sri Lankans restorative and healing properties. Nallur Festival, a 25-day celebration not only as a form of communication Local legends surround the medicinal of the Lord Murugan, and captured with deities but also to bring people uses of the natural springs- a the amazing festivities, where we together. 50

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