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Home Explore 386CrStitcher22


Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-07-13 15:05:36

Description: 386CrStitcher22


Read the Text Version

LETTER LIBRARY txHxdhdhddhddhdh dhdhdddSs Xxtxtxhhhdddddhhhc dddhhhdddXSsS XsHxtxXdhddhdhddhCc DhdhddhddhXtHSs xHxtxtxHdddhhhdddCc TThhhdddddhSHSsSs txtxXxtxdhddhddhcCc DTdhddhdhddsSsSXS xtxXsHxtxhdddddhcCc TTDddddhhhddSsSXtH txtxHxtxtddhdhdCcCc DTTDdhddhddSsSsSHS xXxtxtxX TDTThhdddddsSXSsSs XsHxtxX DTTDThddhdh tHSs xHxtxtS hhhhhhhhhh TDTTDTddhh RRRRRg txtxSS~ hhhh hhhh TTDTTDdXH Rggggg xS~~SS~~ hhh hhh DTTDhHhHh Hhhh ssSSssSSsxxxxhh hh TXHXHXHX HHhh ssSSssSSsstthht hh hHhHhHhH HHhh SS~~SS~~SSxxhhx hh HXHXHXHX HHhh SS~~SS~~SStthtthHhHhHhHhHhH h hHhHhHhH HHhh ssSSssSSssSxhxXHXHXHXHXHXHXH h HXHXHXHX txxttxx Hhhh ssSSssSSssSthhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh hHhHhHhH ttxxttxxt Hhhh SS~~SS~~ hHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXh SXHXHXHXH xxhHhHhHxxRRRRRg SS~~SS~ hggggggggggggggggh sshHhHhHh xxHXHXHXxxgRgggg ssSSssS hggggggggggggggggh SSSXHXHXCc tthHhHhHttgRRRRgg ssSSssS hRRRRgRRggggRgRRgh sssshHhScCc ttHXHXHXttggggggg SS~~SS~ hgggggggghgggggggh SSSSSXSdscCcsxxtHhHhtx Sssss SS~~SHh hRRgRRRggggRRRRggh ssssCcscCcCcxxtXHXHtx SSSss sshHHhH gggggggggggggggg SSSScCcCcScCctxxhHxxt SSSss HhHHhHH RRRRgRRRgRRRgRRg ssSdscCcSdscCtxxttxxt SSSss hHHhHHh gggggggggggggggg CcscCcCcscCcxttxxtt SSsss HHhHHhH RRgRRRgRRRgRRRgg cCcCcScCcCcSxttxxtt SSsss HhHHhHH gggggggggggggggg CcSdscCcSdsxxttx RRRRRgg hHHhHHh RRRRgggggggggggg cscCcCcscxx Rgggggg f(oe2hawuta¼imnhOgrcadrxhohhues2uoerxals¼enPaudt3ittcrait-t0encsebht)dhc,trwoloheaeiiusinwnddtsntadtaeeodoipt.rrccintpkwTihastr1hoaoro4eadelooxppac,kiddhflcompeeeoahuraonsbxunotixieregth-nihswtmlnoeytoleioh.ast6octiiptztxtephee.e6leEryaacfsranoi3mdwcdr0ahea,re 51

LETTER LIBRARY ttxtcCc sSssSss shsssttxxttxxttHH ttxtCcC SssSsHx hdhscstxxttxxttxH xx%xxCc sxtxHxt shssssx%%xx%%xx%H ttxttcC xXxtxtx sssshsx%%xx%%xx%% ttxttxc XsHxtxX scshdhsxxttxxttxx xx%xxhd xHxtxtx sssshssxxttxxttxx thHHHhH txtxXxt shsssss%%xx%%xx%% HHHHHHH xtxXsHx cshd%xx%% hHhHhHh txtxHxt sshxtcc hhhHhhh xXxtxtx ssXCCCC HhHHHhHH xXsHxtxX XXXXccc HHHHHHHHHHxtxtxHxtxtx hXhXCCC hHhHhHhHhHtxXxtxtxXxc SSH hhhXccc T% hhhHhhhHhhxXsHxtxccCc SHSSSSs XhXXXCC T% HhHHHhHHHhHxHCcccCccc SSSHSSs XXXXXcc TT %T HHHHHHHHHSsCcccCcccCc HSSSSSHs hXhXhCC TT %D hHhHh~S~S~S~cCcccCccc SSSSsSSs hhhXhhc TTT %TD hhsSsSsSsSsScccCcccCc SSsssHss XhXXXhC TTT %TD S~S~S~S~ CcccCSSSHSSSHSss XXXXXsh TTT%TD sSsSsSs cCccSHSSshssssh hxtxsxt TT%%TD S~S~S~S cccCHdHHdHHdHHdH xSxtxtx T%TD sSsSsSs cCccdHHdHHdHHdHh SHsxtxS TTTD S~S~S~S cccCHdHHdHHdHHhd txsxtxtxs TTDD sSsSsSs cCddHHdHHdHHdHhd HtxSxtxtxSxtxdddd %TTTDTTT S~S~S~S dhdhHdHHdhhdhhdh HXSHsxtxSHsxtdddd %T TDDD TT sSsSshH dhhhxxxxxxxxxxxx HXxsxtxtxsxtxtddd%T DD TT S~hhHhh Sdhdxxxxxxxxxxxt HXHxtxSxtxtxSxdddT TT D hhHhhHh sdddxxxxxxxxtttt HXHtxSHsxtxSHsdHhT DT D HhhHhhH shdhxxxxxxxxxxtt HXHxtxsxtxsSsSshHTT T T TD hHhhHhh Sshhxxtttttttttt HXHXxtSsSsSsSsSHh TTD TTD cCcCcCcCcC~S~~~~~ XXXhhh cCcCcCcCcCSXs~c~S hXhXXhX cCcCcCcCc~~s~~~~~ hhhXXXX CCCC cCcCcCcCc~~~~~S~~ XhXXhXh ccccccc cCcCcCcCcs~c~SXs~ XXXXhhh SsCCCCCCC cCcCcCcCc~~~~~s~~ hXhXXhXSXSsSccccc cCcCcCcC~~~S~~~~~ dhhXXXXXtHSsSCCCC cCcCc~SXs xx ddXXhXsSHSsSsSHc xxxxhhh ttx%x dddXhXSsSsSXSsSs hxhxxhx tttxx ddddXtHSsSXtHSs hhhxxxx tt x% ddCccCSsSsSHSs xhxxhxh t%x dCccCccCXSsSs xxxxhhh TTTTTTTTTTTTD CccCccCccHSs hxhxxhx TDDDDDDDDDDDD cHhHhHhcCcS hhhxxxT %%%%%%%%%%% chHhHhHCcc xhxxTTD %%%%%%%%%%%%% CHhHhHhccCx xXHTTDT %%%%%%%%%%%%% ccHhHhccCxx XHXxDTT %%%%%%%%%%%%% cChHhHcCcttx HXHXTTD %cccc%%dCSSS% CcchHcCcxttxx s XxXHXDT %%CCCCdC%SSs% ccCccCc%%xx%%x t xstXHTT %xxxtHHHHsss% XCccCcc%%xx%%xx h X HXt XtXHXHT %xtttHHHHt%%% hHxCcctxxttxxttX d SSXHXHX XHXHXxXH %HHH%%%cccdd% HxtxtStxxttxxtXSt ssssHXxstXHXxsdh %%%ddtcccCtt% xtxXsss %xx%%xHXsX cccccccc SSSSSHXtXHXHhhdh %tdd%hccCCgg% txXhSSS xx%%SXHXHcccccccccccc ssssssHXHXddhddd %tt%ggcCCH%g% xtxssss ttXStsXHXSCCcccccccCC SSSSSSHXdddddd %HHHHttt%SSH% XxtSSSS XHXsXHXHXCCCCCCCCCCC sssssshdhdhdhd %HHHhtCChSsH% hHxssss XHXHXSXHCCCCCCCCCC SSSSShhhdhhhd %Hhhh%ddddHh% HxSSSSS SXHXStsXCCCCCCCCCC ssddhddd %%%%%%%%%%%%% ssssss XHXsX CCCCCC hhddd dTTDTT ccdcHX RRg hddhd ddTDTTDT cdcccXHX g ddddhhh ddDTTDTTD dcccdcXXH Rt hdhddhd ddTTDTTDTT cccdcccHXX Rt hhhdddd ddTDTTDTTDT ccdcccdcXHX Rt dhddhdh ddDTTDTTDTTD cdcccdcccXXH RR ddddhhh ddTTDTTDTTDTcdcccdcccdcHXX RR hdhddhd txtxhxtxtxhxssSSssSSssSSss RR hhhdddd xHxtxtxHxtxtssSSssSSssSSss RR xXxtxtx HShxtxHShxtxSS~~SS~~SS~~SS RR XsHxtxX xhxtxtxhxtxtSS~~SS~~SS~~SS RR xHxtxtx txtxHxt txHxssSSss SssSSss RR txtxXxt Rg xtxHShx HShssSSs SssSSss RR xtxXsHx Rg txtxhxt hxSS~~ ~SS~~SS RR txtxHxt HHhh xHxtxtx tSS~ ~SS~~SS RR xXxtxtx HHhh HShxtxH HHHHsHH RR XsHxtxX HHHhhh ccccccc HSHHHHH RR xHxtxtx HHHHhh CCCCCCC StsHcHS RR sSsSsSs HHHHhh ccccccc HsHHHHH RR S~S~S~S HHHHhh CCCCCCC HHHHSHH RR sSsSsSs HHHHHhhh ccccccc HcHStsH RR S~S~S~S~ HHHHHhhh CCCCCCC HHHHsHH RR sSsSsSsShscCccCccC HHHHHhhh ccccccc HSHHHHH RR S~S~S~SXHhCccCccCc HHHHHhhh CCCCCCC StsHcHS RR sSsSsShHXHccCccCcc HHHHHhhh hHhHhss HsHHHHH RR S~S~ShshHXHCccCccC HHHHHhhhhh HXHXHss HHHHSHH tR sSsSXHhHXHXccCccCc HHHHHhhhhh hHhHhss ddddddd tR S~HhHXHXHhHcCccCcc HHhhhhhhhh HXHXHss hdhdhdh tR XHhshHXHhshCccCccCRRRRRRRRRRgg hHhHhss hhhdhhh R XHhHXHXHhHccCccCcRggggggggggg HXHXHss dhdddhdRRg 52

LETTER LIBRARY HXHsHXH hdhddh sSssSshHhHh HSHXHXHS hhhdddd ssSssSssHXHXHXH SdsHXHSds dhddhdh sSssSssShHhHhHh HsHXHXHsH ddddhhh sSssSssSsHXHXHXHX XHXHSHXHXH hdhddhd SssSssSsshHhHhHhH HXHSdsHXHS hhhdddX ssSssSssSHXHXHXHX XHXHsHXHXHs dhSSHHH ssSssSssSshHhHhHhHh HSHXHXHSHXc sSSSXXX sSssSssSssHXHXHXHXH SdsHXHSCccCc SSsSHHH SssSssSss hHhHhHhHh ttxxttCccCcc sSSSXXX xSx%x%xS XHXHXHXH ttxxttxcCccCc SSsSHHH SHsx%xS hHhHhHh RRRRRRRg xx%%xx%CccCcc sSSSXXX xsx%x%x cScShSc RRgggggg xx%%xx%ccCccCc SSsSHHH %x%xSx% SHScScS xxtttt ttxxttxcCccCcc sSSSXXX x%xSHsx HthSCSH xxxttt ttxxttx ccCccCt txtxtxt %x%xsx% ShScScS xxxttt xx%%xx% cCccC%x x%x%x%x xSx%x%x cScSHSc xxxxtt xx%%xx% ccxtxtxtxtxtxt SHsx%xS SCSHthS xxxxtt ttxxttx %x%x%x%x%x%x%x xsx%x%x cScShSc xxtttt ttxxttx txtxtxtxtxtxt %x%xSx% SHScScS RRRRRRRg sSsSHx% x%x%x%x%x%x%xxxxt x%xSHcC %%xx%%x Rggggggg SXSsSsS xtxtxtxtxxxxxxxxtt %cCcCcCc txxttxxtXHHXHHXHHXH XtHSsSX %x%x%x%xdxxxxxxxtt CcCcCcCcC ttxxttxxtHXHHXHHXHHh SHSsSsS txthddhxxxxxxxxttt CcHhHhHhCcxx%%xx%%xHHXHHXhhhhh sSsSXSs xdddddhxxxxxxttttt CchHhHhHCcxx%%xx%%xHXHHXHHXHhh SsSXtHS dhdhdxxxxxxxxxttt cHhHhHhCcttxxttxx XHhHhhHhhhh sSsSHSC dhhhdxtxxxxxxtttt cCHhHhcCcttxxttxx SSSSSSSSSss SXCcCcC dhdxttxxxttttttt cChHhHcCcxx%%xx%% SdSdSdSdSds CcCcCcC ddxthhtxxxxxxtt CchHCcCcxx%%xx% SSSSSSSSsss CcCcCcC xxtddhttxxttttt CcCcCcCcttxxttx dSdSdSdSdSd cCcCc xxxxxxxdhdddddttttt CcCcCcttxxt SSsssssssss cccccccHSHXHX SSSSSSttxxt CCCCCCCCSxsHXHSx ssssssssttxxttx cccccccccHsHXHXHsH SSSSSSSSxx%%xx% CCCCCCCCCXHXHSHXHX sssssssssxx%%xx%% cccccccccHXHSxsHXHS SSSSSSSSSttxxttxx CcCcCcCcCXHXHsHXHXH sssssssssttxxttxx CcCcCcCcCHSHXHXHSHX HXHXsXHXHXxx%%xx%%x CcCcCcCc HHXHSxsH XSXHXHXSXHxx%%xx%%x CcCcCcC XHXHsHX StsXHXSts ttxxttxxt CcCcCcC HSHXHXH XsXHXHXs txxttxxt SXSsSsSX %%xx%%xx XXHXSXH %%xx%%x XtHSsSXtHttxxttxxtt XHXStsX %%xx%%x SHSsSsSHSttxxttxxtt HXHXsXH sSsSHSs %HHh sSsSXSsSsxx%%xx%%xx XSXHXHX SXSsSsS H%%HH%%% SsSXtHSsSxx%%xx%%x StsXHXS XhHSsSX HHHHHH%%% sSsSHSsSsttxxttxxt XsXHXHX SHSsSsS HHHHHH%%%h SXSsSsSXSttxxttxx ccCcccC sSsSXSsH%%%HHHHhhh XtHSsSXtHxx%%xHhHhHhHhHhHh CcccCcc SsSXhHSH%%%HH%hhh SHSsSsSH XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH ccCcccC sSsSHSsH%%%Hhhh sSsSXSs HhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh CcccCcc SXSsSsSHHhhhhg SsSXtHS RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ccCcccCc SXhHSsSXHH ggg sSsSHSs ggggggggRHhRgggggggg CcccCcccH HXHXHCCccC RRgg ddddhhh RRRgRRRgRhhRgRRgRRRg ccCcccCHhHhHhHhcCCccC RRRgg hdhddhd ggggggggRRRRgggggggg CcccCcHXHXHXHXCccCCcc RRRgg hhhdddd RgRRRgRRggggggRRRggg cCccHhHhHhHhHCCccCCcc RRRRRgg dhddhdh gggggggggggggggggggg cccTXHXHXHXHXcCCccCCc RRRRRgg ddddhhh RRRgRRRgRRRgRRRgRRRg cCTDTTHhHhHhCccCCccCC RRRRRgg hdhddhd gggggggggggggggggggg TDTTDTTXHXHCCccCCccC RRRRgg hhhdddd RgRRRgRRRgRRRgRRRggg DTTDTTDTTHhcCCccCCc RRggg hddhdh gggggggggggggggggggg DTTDTTDTCcc CccCC ggg hhHHhhHH%x%x%x hhHHhhHHxtxtxtxt XHHXXHHXX%x%x%x%x XHHXXHHXXxtxtxtxtx HhhHHhhHH%x%x%x%x% HhhHHhhHHxtxtxtxtx XHHXXHHX %x%x%x% XHHXXHH txtxtx HhhHHhh cccccc dhdddhd CCCCCC ddddddd cccccc hdhdhdhd CCCCCCC hdhhhdhhcccccccccc dddhdddhCCCCCCCCCC ddddddddccccccccc hdhdhdhCCCCCCCCCCxxxxxxxxxxxxx hhhdhhhccccccccc x~~~~~~~~~~~x dhdddhdCCCCCCCC x~~~~~~~~~~~x SXSsSsSccccHXt xxxxxxxxxxxxx XtHSsSX HXxXHX xxx~~~~~~~xxx SHSsSsS xstXHX xxx~~~~~~~xxx sSsSXSs XtXHXH xxxxxxxxxxxxx SsSXtHS XHXxXH xCDCCDCCDDDCx sSsSHSs HXxstXsxCDCCDCCTDDCx SXSsSsS HXtXssxCTCcDCcTTTCx XtHSsSX XHXssSxCTCcTCcTTTCx SHSsSsS XsSssxCTCcTCcTTTCx TDTDTDT SsssSxCTCcTCcTTTCx TDTDTDT sSssxCTCcTCcTTTCx DTDTDT sssSxxxxxxxxxxxxx 53

LETTER LIBRARY S~S~SxXxt SSSSSSSSSccCccCccCc sSsSsSsXsHxtx sshHhHsssccCccCccCccC SS~S~S~SxHxtxt SSHhHhSSSXCccCccCccCc SsSsSsSstxtxXxt sshHhHssHHhcCccCccCcc S~S~S~S~SxtxXsHx SSShHSSSHHhhccCccCccC sSsSsSsSstxtxHxt sssHhssHXXHHXCccCccCc S~S~S~S xXxtxt SSSSSSSHXXHHXXcCccCcc sSsSsS Hxtx sssssshhHHhhHHhccCccC cCccCc CccCccC %%TTTTTTTTDD hhHHhhHHh ccCccCccC TDDDDDDDDDDD HXXHHRX cCccCccCcsSs HXXHHRRgxxxxxxxxxxxxgRR ccCccCccS~S~S hHHhhgH xxtttttttttt cCccCccCsSsSsSs hHHhhHH xxxtxtxxxtxt ccCccCcS~S~S~S~ HXXHHXX xxxxxtxxxxxt ccCccHHHHHHHHH HXXHHXS xtxxttxtxxtt ccCXXXXXXXXhhhh ~~Xtttg hHSsSsS xxxttxxxxttx HHHHHHHHhhhhcgssgdXg SsSsSsS xxxtttxxxttt XXXXXXXhhhhgHggxxdX SsSsSsS xxttxtxxttxt HHHHHHhhhhccHgxxxd SsXHXHS xtxxttxtxxtt txx XXXXXXggggddg xxX SsHXHXS xxxttxxxxttx txxtxx HHHHHHHsssddd dddd SsXHXHS xxxtttxxxttt txxtxxthdhdXXXXXXg ddgSSSggg SsSXHsS xxttxtxxttxt xxtxxtxhhhdhhhHHHHHHccccggSSS SsSHXsS xtxxttxtxxtt xtxxtxxdhdddhdddhgSSSStttgSSS dsSsSsS xxxttxxxxttx XHXHXtXdddddddddd%%%% SSRRSSS hdhdhsS xxxtttxxxttt HXxXHXHhdhdhdhdhd%%%%Ss Xddd hhhdhhh xxttxtxxttxt xstXHXhdhhhdhhh %%%%sccccXdX dhdddhd xtxxttxtxxtt XtXHXHdddhdddh dHHHccccdX ddddddd xxxttxxxxttx HXxXdddddd hdhdhdh xxxttxxxxttx dhhhd xttttttttttt ddddd SsSsS ccCCc hdhdh hdhdhdh sSsSsSs cCCccC dhhhdh hhhdhhh sSsSsSs CCccCC ddhddd dhdddhd HXHHXHH CccCCcc ddddddd ddddddd XHHXHHX ccCCccC hdhdhdh hdhdhdh HHXHHXH cCCccCC hhhdhhh hhhdhhh HXHHXHH CccCCcc ddhdddh dhdddhd XHHXHHX ccCCccC ddddddd ccCcccC HHXHHXH cCCccCC dhdhdhd CcccCcc HXHHXHH CCccCtx hhdhhhd ccCcccC XHHXHHX Cccx%x%x ssSddhd CcccCcc xx%%xx% txtxtxt ssSSssS ccCcccC ttxxttx x%x%x%x SS~~SS~ CcccCcc ttxxttx txtxtxt SS~~SS~ ccCcccC xx%%xx% %x%x%x% SssSSss SXS~S~S xx%%xx% xtxtxtx SssSSss XxHS~SX ttxxttx %x%x%x% ~SS~~SS SHS~S~S ttxxttx xtxtxtxt~~SS~~SS ~S~SXS~ dd%%xx% x%x%x%xSSssSSs RRRRRRRRg S~SXxHSh hdhdhdx% HSHXHXtSSXHXHS Rgggggggg ~S~SHSXH hhhdhhhd SxsHXHSxsHXHSx xxxtttt SXS~ShHhH ddhdddhdd HsHXHXHRRXHXHs RRtxxxtt XxHS~HXHXHddddSSSSSSS HXHSHXRgccccccccRgtxxxtt SHS~HhHhHhdhSSSSSSSSSSS XHSxsHRgCcccccccRgtxxxtt ~S~HXHXHXHdhSSS~SSSS~S~ HXHsHXRgCCcccccCRgtxxxtt ~HhHhHhHhdd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHXHXHRgCCCCccCCRgtxxttt HXHXHXHXHdd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sHXHSRgCCCCCCCCRgtxxttt hHhHhHhHhdh~~~~~~~~~SSSSS~~~D HXHXHRgCCCCCCCCRgtttttt XHXHXHXHdhh~~~~~~SSS SSDD HSHXRgCCCCCCCCRggRRRRRg hHhHhddhd~~SSSS D SxsHggSx ggggggggg XSSSSS HHHHHH More to make... XxHScSX XXXXXXX SHSSSSS HHHHHHH Mix and match your letters to SSSSXSS XXXXXXX create some pretty patchwork ScSXxHS HHHHHHHTT themed projects. Here are some SSSSHSS XXXXXXXT ideas to get you started… SXSSSSS hdhdhdhT T hdhdhdh hhhdhhhTTTD 1Use as a patch on gift tags hhhdhhh dhdddhdTTDD to personalise stitching dhdddhd ddddddd TD friends’ gifts with their initial. ddddddd hdhdhdh TD hdhdhdh hdhhhdh TD 2 Stitch an initial on a card hhhdhhh dddhddd TD to make a special birthday dhdddhd ddddddd TD card for a keen sewing friend. ddddddd xSxxxxx TD txxtxxt SXsxcxS Hh 3 Use waste canvas to add a xtxxtxx sS xsxxxxxHHHh name to a sewing bag or xxtxxtx sSsSsS xxxxSxxHHHh cushion for a craft room. txxtxxt SsSsSsSs xcxSXsxHHHh xtxxtxx sSsSsSsSsS xxxxsxxHHHh xxtxxtxSsSsSsSsSsSsxSxxxxxHHHh txxtxsHSsSsSsSsSsScCcsxcxSHHHh xtSHXHXHsSsSsSsSscCccCccCcHHHh HSxsHXHSxSsSsSsccChhHHhhccHHHh XHsHXHXHsHsSsSccCchhHHhhcCHHHh HXHXHSHXHXH cCccHHXXHHCchHhh SHXHSxsHXHS ccCcHXXHCcchhhh HXHXHsHXHX CcchHHhccChhhh XHSHXHXHH cCcHHccCc hh HSxsHXH cCccCcc hh 54

LETTER LIBRARY ~S~S cCcC CcCc DDDD sSsSs cCcCc cCcCc TTTTT S~S~S~ CcCcCc cCcCcC DDDDDD sSsSsSs cCcCcCc cCcCcCc TTTTTTT S~S~S~S cCcCcCc cCcCcCc xHXHXHx sSsSsSsS CcCcCcCc cCcCcCSs xStHXHxS S~S~S~S~S cCcCcCcCc cCcCc~~SS XHtHXHXHt SsSsSsSs cCcCcCcC C~SS~~SS HXHXHxHX ~S~S~S~hHHhCcCcCcC SSssSSssSStHXHxStH sSsSshhHHhhcCcCc SSSSsss SssSSssStHXHXHtRRRRRRRRg S~S~XHHXXHHXCcCcSSSSSSSssss ~SS~~SS~HXHxHXHRgggggggg Ss%XHHXXHHXXcC SSSSSsSSsss SS~~SS~~HxStHX ccCCCCC ~%x%hhHHhhHHhCSSSSSSSsSSsss ssSSssSSXHtHX cccCCCC xSxhhHHhhHHh SSSSSSSsSSsss sSSssSSsXHX ccccCCC XsxHXXHHXX SSSSSSSsSSsss ~~SS~~SHhd ccccCCC sx%HXXHHXX SSSSSSsSSssss ~~SS~dddd ccccCCC %x%xSHHhhHHh SSSSSSSssss sShdhdhdh ccccCCC sx%xSXHHhhHHhh SSSSSssssss hhdhhhdhhh cccCCCC x%x%xsxXHHXXHH xxxxxxxxx hdddhdddh RRRRRRRRg x%xSx%x%XHHXXHHX xxxxx ddddddddd Rgggggggg %xSXsx%xShhHHhhd xxxxx hdhdhdhdd sSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSss %x%xsx%x%shhddddddxxxxxxxxx hhdhhhdhh S~S~S~S~S~S~S~S~ss xSx%x%xS hdhdhdhSSSSsssssss x%ddhddd sSsSssssssssssssss ccXsx%xSX hdhhhdhSSSSSsSSsss xtxtxtxdd S~S~S~S~S~S~S~Ssss cCcx%x%x ddhddSSSSSSSsSSsss %x%x%x%x ssssssssssssssssss CccCcSx ddddSSSSSSSsSSsss xtxtxtx hHHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHh ccCccCc hdhdSSSSSSsSSSsss %x%x%x% HHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHhh cCccCc dhhSSSSSSSSsssss xtxtxt HhHHhHHhHHhhhhhhhhhhh CccCc dhdsSSSSssssss %x%x% hHHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHHhHh cCc dddsssssssss txtx Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cCccCccHxHXHXHxHXH DMC Anchor Madeira ccCccCcxStHXHxStHX Cross stitch in two strands CccCccCHtHXHXHtHXH cCccCccXHXHxHXHXHd ccCccCcHXHxStHXdhh CccCccCXHXHtHXdddh 350 011 213 CccCccHxHXdddddd 352 009 303* hdhdhdh 353 006 303* dhhhdhh 553 098 712 dddhddd 702 239 1306 xdddddd 703 238 1307 xsxxxsx 726 305 109 sxxxsxx Hh%%%hh 926 850 1707 xxsxxxs %HH%%%hhh 927 848 1708 xsxxxsx %%HHHhhh%h 972 298 107 HHHxsxx %%HHHhhhh 3078 292 102 hhhhhxs HHHH%%%hhh 3755 939 909 HHHHHHH HHHH%%%hh 3756 1037 886 hhhhhhh HHHH%%%hg 3841 159 1001 HHHHHHH H%%Hhhgggg 3854 313 2301 hhhhhhh H%%hhggRggg 3855 311 2013 HHHHHHH Hhh RRRRRgg sSSssSSssxtxxtxxtxx RRRRRggg Backstitch in one strand ssSSssSSsstxHXHXHXxt RRRRRgg SS~~SS~~SSxxhHhHhHtx RRRRRgg SS~~SS~~SSxtHXHXHXxx RRRRRgg ssSSssSSsstxxHhHhxxt RRRRRgg ssSSssSSssxxtXHXHxtx RRRRRgg SS~~SS~~SSxtxxhHxtxx gRRgg S~~SS~~SStxxtxxtxx ggg Use up spare threads 310 403 black in your stash for the 1713 letters, as they can be outlines any colour you choose! Use the park and stitch 413 401 method to work the multicoloured patches seams French knots in one strand 310 403 black details *See ‘The Key’ on page 80. 55

LETTER LIBRARY xtxTDTDTDT ttxxttHX txtxtTDTDTDTD xxttxxtHxHX SSSHSSSScccccc x%%xx%%xxstH SXSSSSSXSCCCCCCC xx%%xx%%XHtHX XtHScSXtHccHhHhc ttxxttxxHXHXH SHSSSSSHSCCXHXHC ttxxttxstHXHx SSSSSXSSSSccHhHhcc xx%%xxHtHXHXH HScSXtHScSCCCHXCCC xx%%xxXHXHxHX SSSSSHSS ccchHccc ttxxtssXHxstH SSXSSSS CCCCCCC ttxxSSSSXHtHX SXtHScS HHXXHHX sssssXHXH SSHSSSS hhHHhhH SSSSStHx dhddddd hhHHhhH sssssx%H ddddhdh HHXXHHX SSSSxtxt hdhdhhh HHXXHHX RRRRgg ssss%x%x tC hhhddhd hhHHhhH cCCC SSStxtxt sd dhddddd hhHHhhH ccCC sssx%x%x ddddhdh HHXXHHX ccCC cSxtxtxt h hdhdhhh HHXXHHX ccCC Cccc%x%x x hhhddhd hhHHhhH RRRggg ccCccddt c H~~~hh dhddddd SsSHSsS xtxxtxxtxxt Cccchdhd ~HH~~~Hhhh txtxtxtx SXSsSsSX txxtxxtxxtt ccCchhhd ~HHHHdHSSS x%x%x%x%xSXtHSsSXt xxtxxtttttt cCcccdhddd ~~HHHHHHSSSh txtxtxtxtsSHSsSsSH xtxxtxxtttt HScCcccCcdddddddddHHH~~~HHSSSh %x%x%x%xSsSsSXSs txxtttttttt StsccCccdhdhdhdhdhHHH~~~HHhhhh xtxtxtxtHSsSXtHSHHhHHHhHHHhhh HsHXHXcChhdhhhdhhhHHH~~~Hhhhhh %x%x%x%xSsSsSHSshHHHhHHHhHHhh XHXHSHXHXHddhdddhd HHhhhhhhhh txtxtxtsSXSsSs HHhHHHhHhhhhh HXHStsHXHStsSddddd ~ggSSttS x%x%x%xSXtHSsS hHHHhHHhhhhhh XHXHsHXHXHsHSsSsdh ~RR~~xxS txtxtsSHSs Hhhhhhhhhhhhh HSHXHXHSHXHsSsSsSs ~RR~SSSS hHhSSS hdhSxSSSS HhHhHhSXSSS ddhhhxHtScSxH hHhHhHhXxHScS hddhdStSSSSStS hHhHhHhSHSSSSS hhddddSSSSxSSSSS HhHhHhHhSSSSXSS hddhdhScSxHtScSx HhHhHhHhScSXxHSc dddhhhSSSStSSSSSS hHhHhHhSSSSHSSS dhddhd xSSSSSxSSS hHhHhHh XSSSSSX ddd hHhHhHhHh hHhH HScSXx XHXHXHXH %xx%xx HhHhHhHh xx%xx% XHXHXHX RRRRg xx%xx%x hHhHhHhH ttt xx%xx%x XHXHXHXH xtt X%xx%xx hHhHhHhHhH xxt hHhx%xx XHXHXHXHX xtt XHXHXHx ttxxttxxt RRRgg hHhHhHhH txxttxxt RRRRRRRRgg XHXHXHXH xxtt %%xx%%xxRggggggggg hdhHhHhH xxxxxttt %xx%%xx cCCCCCCC ddddddXHX xxxxxxtttt ddd xttxxtt ccccCCCC dhdhdhdhd xxxxxxtttt hdhdh xxttxxtt cccccCCC dhhhdhhh xxxxxxxxtttt dhhhdhhh x%%xx%%xx cccccCCC dddhdddhdCccXXHHX xxxxxxxxtttt ddhdddhddHXHSHXHXHSH cccccCCC ddddddddccCcXXHHXXxxxxxxxttttt dddddddddXHStsHXHSts cccccCCC hdhdhdhcCccCHHhhHHxxxxxttttttt dhdhdhdhdHXHsHXHXHsH cccccCCC hdhhhdCccCccHHhhHHxxxxtxxxtttt CccCccCccSHXHXHSHXH cccccCCC dddhdccCccCcXXHHXXxxttxxxxttt CccCccCctsHXHStsHX ccccCCCC dddccCccCccCXXHHxx xxxxxxtttt cCccCccCsHXHXHsHX cccCCCCC CccCccCccCccHxxxHH xxxxtttt CccCccHXHSHXHX RRRRRRRRgg CccCcxxxxxxxHhhHH tttt ccCcXHSts Rggggggggg HXHHXHH Sx%x%xSHhHhHhHh hXHHXHHXH SHsx%xSHHhHhHhHh dhHHhhhhHH xsx%x%xsHhHhHhHh dddHXhhhhHX %x%xSx%xHhHhHhHh dhdXHhhhhXH x%xSHsx%HhHhHhHh hdhhHHXhhXHH %x%xsx%xHhHhHhHh hdddhCXHhhHHc xSx%x%xSHhHhHhH dddddCCHXHHcc SHsx%xSH hdhdhdCCCHHccc xsx%x%x dhhhdhhCCCCcccc CccCccC ~dhddd CCCccccc cCccCccC RRRRRRg sSsSsd ~S~SHS~S ccCccCccCSXS Rgggggg ~S~S~S~ SXS~S~SX CccCccCccXxHSsSs Hhhhh SsSsSs XxHS~SXxTTTT TTTT cCccCccCcSHSsSsSXS HHhhh S~S~S~ SHS~S~SHTD TTTD TT ccCccCccCsSsSXSsSs HHHhh SsSsSsS ~S~SXS~ST TT T ccCccCccSsSXxHSsSH HHHhh ~S~S~S S~SXxHS~T TT T CccCccCcsSsSHSsSsS HHHhh sSsSsSs ~SSSHS~STD DT TD ccCccCSXSsSsSXSs HHhhh txtxHxtxtcccccHXHHCCCTTTDTTTD SsSXxHSs RRRRRRg xXxtxtxXxccccXHHXHHCCxTDxxTD SsSHSsS Rgggggg XsHxtxXsHcccHHhhhhHHCttTttD HSsSsxtxxtxxtxxtt xHxtxtxHxccHXHhhhhXHHxxTTTD HXX dddhhtxxtxxtxxttt txtxXxtxtcCHHXhhhhHXHttTTTD HHXXHHX hdhddhxxtttttttttt xtxXsHxtxCCCHHXhhXHHcxxTTTD HhhHHhhHHhhdhhhdddxtxxtxxtxttt xtxHxtxtCCCCHHhhHXccttTTTD HhhHHhhHHhhddhddhdtttttttttttt CCCHHXHccc TTDD XHHXXHHXXHHdddddhhccHcccHcccHC ddddhdhd TD XHHXXHHXXHHdhdhddhHcccHcccHCCC hdhdhhhd TD hhHHhhHHhhdhhhdddccHCCChCCChC hhhddhdd TD hhHHhhHHhhddhddh HCCChCCChCCC dhdddddd TD XXHHXXHHdddd CChCCChCCChC 56

LETTER LIBRARY xtxtTDTDT TDTTDTTDTCcCcCcCcC x%x%x%xTDTDTD TDTTDTTDTTCcCcCcCcCc xtxtxtxtTDTDTD DTTDTTDTTDCchHhHhHCc x%x%x%x%xTDTDTD ttxxttxxttCcHhHhHhCc txtxtxtxtTDTDTD ttxxttxxttCchHhHhHCc %x%x%x%x%xTDTDT xx%%xx%%xxCcHhHhHhCc xtxtxtxtxtTDTDT xx%%xx%%xxCcCHhHhcCc x%x%x%x%x% txxttxxttCcChHhHcCc txtxtxtxt cCchHCcCc HXHsHXHX cCcCcCcC HSHXHXHSH SxScCcCc SxsHXHSx xHtS~StS HsHXHXHsHXHddddd SSSSss ~StS~S~S XHXHSHXHXHSdhdhdhd SSsSSSss xS~S~SxS HXHSxsHXHSxdhhhdhhh SSsSSSSSss HtS~SxHt HHHHHHHHHH XHXHsHXHXHsddhdddhd SSsSSSSSss StS~S~St Hh hh HSHXHXHSHXHdddddddd SSSSSSSSss HHS~SxS~ Hh hh SxsHXHSxsHXdhdhdhdhdSSSSSSSsss hhHHhhtS H hHhHhHhHhH h HsHXHXHsHXHhhdhhhdhh SSSSSsss HhhHHhhH HhXHXHXHXHXHXHhh XHXHSHXHX dddhdddh xxxxxxxx XXHHXXHH HhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh ~SS~~SS~ ddddddd xxxxx%%% XXHHXXHH HRRRRRRRRRRRgggh SssSSssS CccCccC xxxxx%%% hHHhhHHh HggggggHhggggggh SssSSssSS CccCccCc xxxxxxxx ddHHhhHH HgRRRgRhhgRRRggh ~SS~~SS~~ScCccCccCcc Ssssssss hdhdhHXX HgRgggRgggRggggh SS~~SS~~SCccCccCccCSSSSSSssss dhhhdhhh RRgRRRgRRRgRRg ssSSssSSsccCccCccCcSSSSSSSsss dddhdddh gggRgggRgggRgg sSSssSSscCccCccCc SSsSSSSsss dddddddd RRRRgRRRgRRRgg S~~SS~~SCccCccCcc SSsSSSssss hdhdhdh gRgggRgggRgggg ~~SS~~SccCccCcc SSssssss hhhdhh RRgRRRgRRRgRgg sSSscCccC ssssss dhdddh Rggggggggggg hHHHhxSx ttttttssS hHHHhHHSHsxt xxxxxxxxSS~~S HHHhHHHhxsxtxt ttttttttt~SS~~SS HhHHHhHHtxtxSx xxxxxxxxxxSssSSss hHHHhHHHhxtxSHsx ttttttttttSssSSssS HHhHHHh txtxsxt xxxxxxxxxx~~SS~~SS~ hHHHhH Sxtxtx HSHttttttt~~SS~~SS~ HHhHHH ccCccC StsHhHxxx SssSSssxX SsSsSsS ccCccCc HsHhHhHs ssHx%xXs ~S~S~S~SccCccCcc hHhHSHhH xHx%x%xH SsSsSsSscCccCccC HhHStsHcc x%x%xXx%x S~S~S~SCccCccC xX%X hHhHsCccCcsHx%xXsHx% sSsSsSsccCccCc HxX% HSHcCccCccCx%x%xHx%x ~S~S~ScCccCc xH%X ccCccCccCc%xXx%x%xX %xHx%x%ssSSs %X cCccCccCccxXsHx%xXX xXx%x%xXxssSSssS TTTTTTTTDD cCccCccCcxHx%xHhH xXsHx%xXsHSS~~SS~~ TDDDDDDDDD cCccCcc%xHXHXHX %xHx%x%xHxSS~~SS~~ hHhHhHhH Xx%x%xXx%x%ssSSssSSs HXHXHXHX sHx%xXsHx ssSSssSSs S HhHhHhHh Hx%x%xHx S~~SS~~S hhhh tS XHXHXHXH RRRRRRRg x%xXx%x% HXHtHXHX hhhhtccC dddHhHhHh RRgggggg ddddddddd HxHXHXHxH CCC cCC sSs hdhdhdhHX Hhhhhh hdhdhdhdhXHxStHXHxSt ddsss%% S~S~S~Shdhhhdhhhdh HHHhhh hhhdhhhdhHXHtHXHXHtH xxtddCCC sSsSsSsdddhdddhddd HHHHhh dhdddhdddxHXHXHxHXHH xttCXXH S~S~S~Sdddddddddd R RHHHhh ddddddddStHXHxStHX tttCXHHs sSsSsSshdhdhdhdhd RccccRHHHhh dhdhdhdhtHXHXHtHXH hSS HHHs ~S~S~Shhhdhhhdh RCccCRHHhhh hhhdhhhHXHxHXHXH hhtthhhh SsSsSsdhdddhd RCCCCggRRRRg dddhdXHxStHX ~S~Sddddd g gggggggg Fiona Crouch NEXT MONTH... cDuotno’tutfoarngdetkteoep Coming up in our September your alphabet on issue, we have a Bear with file so you can Sunflowers Alphabet designed by Fiona Crouch. Get to the build up a shops on 9 August to pick up collection! your copy of issue 387, or subscribe and the issue will be delivered to your door. Head over to page 28 to check out our latest subscription offer. 57

MEADOW GLOW meado glow Shine a summer meadow glow over your home with our beautiful lampshade project 58 PROJECT PACK If you would like to stitch Meadow Glow, we have a materials pack with everything you need to get you stitching right away, and have it delivered straight to your door! Your materials pack contains: • Zweigart 28 count Cashel linen in Antique White • Skeins of DMC stranded cotton • Two gold-plated tapestry needles; size 24 and size 26 • 15cm drum lampshade kit How to order: Fill in the form on page 15 or go to to order your project pack at the CrossStitcher reader price of £37, or the lampshade kit only at £13, both plus P&P.


MEADOW GLOW t t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 t Designed by: Maria Diaz Stitch count: 89 high x 126 wide – one pattern repeat Design size: 16x23cm (6¼x9in) – one pattern repeat Stitch time: 21 hours – one pattern repeat This design was stitched on 28 count linen over two threads of fabric. 60

ON TREND 80 90 100 110 120 DMC Anchor Madeira Cross stitch in two strands t 471 265 1501 472 253 1414 603 052 701 605 074 613 727 293 102 800 159 908 809 130 909 3363 261 1602 3687 076 604 3815 877 1205 3816 876 1702 3817 875 1111 3822 295 2511 3835 098 712 3839 176 902 Backstitch in one strand 161 176 906 265 1501 flowers 471 foliage This symbol shows the start and end of the pattern repeat •••Z•lMiSwnSDtaeireztraneeuign,rmi2adraer6lesltfa:datAm3avcn8papoti2elisatqs1thbo/uta1lrene0ydf1aWren;os2emkhl5eiiisttwxd,et51elw5e25dwc8cim.nmwcotilh(lu1oe0wnxktf2aCeb1ya1r⁄i2scihns.e)col m dTohearney'tshninognseepedctiaol to make the repeat pattern work MariaDiaz - simply start the chart again from left to right once you finish the first repeat 61

MEADOW GLOW SNOWDROPS & SEEDHEADS ON TREND LIGHT IT UP! Make a… lampshade Snowdrops Our lampshade is a companion Step 1 & seedheads project to our snowdrops design featured in issue 378. If you’d MEASURE the height and circumference of /HWWKHƮUVWVLJQVRIVSULQJVKLQH like to stitch this design too, you your lampshade carefully before starting – WKURXJKZLWKRXUVWXQQLQJODPSVKDGH can order a back issue from this will give you the size that your stitching needs to be to cover the shade. For the GHVLJQWKDWŞVHDV\\WRPDNHXS or download a digital edition 15cm shade you will need just over two from pattern repeats to cover the shade. Your 26 PROJECT PACK 27 stitching should be the same size as your backing fabric, but because of the stretch in If you would like to stitch Snowdrops & the fabric it may be slightly larger once Seedheads, we have a materials pack with stitched, meaning the pattern repeat may everything you need to get you stitching right not match exactly at the back of the shade. away, and have it delivered straight to your door! Step 2 Your materials pack contains: • Zweigart 28 count Cashel linen PLACE the PVC self-adhesive panel on the wrong side of your stitching. Once in Mystic Grey you’re happy with the placement, peel • Skeins of DMC stranded cotton back the backing paper from the middle • Two gold-plated tapestry out and press down the panel, attaching it to the stitching. Check the panel – if you needles; size 24 and size 26 feel a crease, peel back and start again. • 15cm drum lampshade kit Step 3 How to order: Fill in the form on page 15 or go to to order your project pack at the CrossStitcher reader price of £34.90, or the TRIM away the unstitched fabric from around the panel. Snap back the creased lampshade kit only at £10.50, both plus P&P. edges on the long sides of the PVC panel to break on the pre-made cut, and then remove the PVC strips from both long edges. Apply double-sided tape to both the panel ends. Fold the fabric over onto the tape on one short side, and on the other, cut the fabric flush with the edge of the plastic, leaving the tape for securing the overlap. Step 4 APPLY double-sided tape to the outside of the shade ring. Apply evenly, and then fold the tape around the wire. Repeat for the other ring. Place the two rings on the PVC covered fabric, top and bottom, and then roll together towards the other end of the fabric – you need to start at the end that is cut flush with the PVC panel. Make sure the rings are on the PVC and not the fabric. When you get to the end, let the neatened fabric edge overlap, and press together from the centre out – do not apply too much pressure or you will dent the lampshade. Place the lampshade on a firm surface and carefully apply pressure to the overlap, to hold the ends firmly together. Step 5 SNIP the edge of the fabric in line with the struts on the ring. Pinch the fabric onto the sticky ring, and then using the tool supplied with the kit, and working on the inside, push the fabric behind the ring at the top and bottom on the lampshade. 62

CREATE A CLASSIC: 63 Map of the Heavens Take your stitching sky high with our map of the constellations which uses beads for beautiful texture

MAP OF THE HEAVENS elcome to our latest project that’s designed to be a bit more challenging. We are delivering this ‘Map Of The Heavens’ design over two issues. This stunning project is worked on navy fabric so that every detail stands out beautifully – with glow-in-the-dark threads used so you can feel as if you are truly seeing stars! Enjoy stitching with beads and blended threads too. 64


MAP OF THE HEAVENS t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 t 66 Designed by: Amanda Butler Stitch count: 204 high x 178 wide (complete design Design size: 38x32cm (15x121⁄2in) Stitch time: 86 hours (complete design) This design was stitched on 14 count aida fabric.

CREATE A CLASSIC 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Amanda Butler t You can attach your beads with one strand of cotton doubled-up, splitting the threads around the bead before tightening, for a firmer fix 67

MAP OF THE HEAVENS DMC Anchor Madeira We have given you the complete key and Cross stitch in two strands thread count for working the whole Map of tyhoeu Hteoabvueynsyoprurojetchtre–adtshtisogweitlhl earllow 312 979 1005 (4) 334 977 1003 (2) Stitching your… wall hanging 803 149 1006 (3) 3755 939 909 E940 Light Effects Cross stitch blend in one strand of each 312 + 322 (2) Step 1 in your needle. Use one strand for the backstitch outline. Backstitch in two strands START stitching with your fabric turned portrait. Part one of the design Step 3 E940 Light Effects is in this issue – the top section – and should be stitched so that the bottom NOTE that the long stitches joining the highlights row of the chart is in the middle of the stars together to form constellations aida. Part two (the bottom), which will (objects and creatures), should be the Backstitch in one strand be published in issue 387, should be last thing that you stitch, after you have stitched below it. completed the second (lower part) of 3841 159 1001 this design. We have used two strands Step 2 of DMC E940 Light Effects, which is a outlines glow-in-the-dark thread, and can be USE two strands for the cross stitch, replaced by two strands of DMC White Attach beads with cotton and for the blended thread – this stranded cotton if you prefer. Once should be done by using one strand of complete, attach the white beads. Mill Hill 479 two different stranded cotton colours highlights (2) indicates more than one skein is required Make a… wall hanging YOUR COMPLETE DESIGN Step 1 allowance. Turn to the right side. Press In this issue we are giving you the flat. The folded side of your tabs first part of your Map of the Heavens CUT away the excess aida so that the should now be facing outwards. – the top section. Next issue (issue design is the same size as your backing 387) you will receive the bottom of fabric. Place the aida right-sides Step 4 the chart, which when stitched will together with your cotton backing fabric. Pin down both long edges. Stitch FOLD in the bottom edge inwards by make up into a complete design. the seams using a 1.25cm (1⁄ in) seam 1.25cm (1⁄ in), and catch stitch the seam Never miss an issue! Check out our allowance. Cut away any excess fabric. closed. Press. latest subscription offer on page 28. Step 2 Step 5 FOLD one of the fabric tabs in half, right PLACE your beads on a length of a -sides together. Sew down the seam BBQ skewer. Cut the skewer to length with a 1.25cm (1⁄ in) seam allowance. so that you have 2.5cm (1in) of the Trim away the excess fabric, and turn to pointed end of the skewer sticking out the right side. Press flat with the seam from the last bead. Remove the beads, centre back. Fold in half to create a tab. and put a small amount of glue on the Repeat for the other two fabric pieces. bbq skewer before replacing the beads. Make a small hole 2.5cm (1in) Step 3 into both ends of the dowel with a drill – make sure the BBQ skewer end is a PLACE the three tabs evenly spaced tight fit. Add a small amount of glue to across the top of the fabric, between the skewer, and then push the pointed the two fabric layers and with the end of the skewer into the dowel. folded side facing inwards – the cut ends should be level with the top of the Step 6 aida and the backing fabric. Pin the top seam closed and stitch along the seam THREAD the dowel through the tabs at with a 1.25cm (1⁄ in) seam allowance. the top of the hanger, and wrap the Trim away some of the excess seam cord around the pole. 68

CREATE A CLASSIC HOW TO… TAKE YOUR STITCHING TO THE NEXT LEVEL We have included some more advanced stitching techniques in this project to help you to develop your stitching skills, ready for your next challenge… GLOW IN THE DARK THREADS: BEADS FOR TEXTURE: BLENDING FOR SHADING: The main plot points and lines of our Decorative areas of the constellation signs As always, using blended threads adds a constellation formations are worked in have been embellished using white seed much more subtle gradient to the shading in a glow-in-the-dark threads so your wall hanging beads which coordinate with the threads and design – and is used here to give more will look beautifully luminous at night-time. stand out from the navy blue aida fabric. dimension to the ghostly celestial shapes. Use a roller frame for a project as large as this for an easier stitching experience ••••Zr•SeS•wC4•tC•fi1Mr1z:oe4p0a2LoCe3axtiaxnamgtt7to3o2it1redna0o0gm8r4nrertdni6eceactdtfwml/Nmaafdfsb5oacpboaaewr8b(o(erv4o1vda9ri7hatcxsiydtdec;i1io4tl⁄tfe4a5r1scoefin4xybonno0a;r1l)arnc3er5xbndxatsoe85fidaaonrt3uelcio5bciwo)bsnmdmkcsntbeteli;menwaql(d,1gi5w(ds1;iin9kawne.,)t5.whwxeile2lokr1w1ex⁄2fyi2anb) PROJECT PACK If you would like to stitch Map of the Heavens, we have a materials pack with everything you need to get you stitching right away, and have it delivered straight to your door! Your materials pack contains: • Zweigart 14 count aida in Navy • Skeins of DMC stranded cotton • Skein of DMC glow-in-the-dark Light Effects thread • Mill Hill beads • Two gold-plated tapestry needles; size 24 and size 26 PLEASE NOTE: The backing fabric, wooden dowel and decorative beads are not included in this pack. How to order: Fill in the form on page 15 or go to to order your project pack at the CrossStitcher reader price of £26.50, plus P&P. 69

INSPIRING PEOPLE Charts always start as sketches. An interview with... Durene Jones We chat to CrossStitcher designer Durene Jones about her success as a cross stitch book author, with eight titles to her name, and counting… Interview by Jenny Dixon W hen Durene Jones Do you have a favourite book out of How does the process start? found herself out of the ones written so far? The Tuva team are based in Istanbul, work, she spent time so I would meet up with them at the drawing, designing I’ve now designed eight books – London Book Fair to chat about initial and stitching. A three of those aren’t for sale yet. themes and ideas. Since Covid, graphic designer by trade, she thought My favourite book so far is my Floral discussions are online. Once we agree she would take the leap to creating Folk Art book, mainly because I love on a theme, I can go away and start charts and plucked up the courage to drawing and designing folk-art style researching it. Research is done just send some examples to magazine designs and it was a dream to work about every way you could think of! editors. Now one of the most on a whole book of them. I don’t like to limit where I’m looking established designers in the business as I feel this needs to be different for and a regular designer for CrossStitcher, every topic. I’m always on the lookout she shares what it’s like to be the proud for ideas. I collect ideas online, author of not one, but eight cross bookmarking sites of interest or stitch books… collecting pictures, but I also love getting out and going to the library, Hi Durene! Can you tell us how did where the librarians know me and can working on your own cross stitch suggest books to look at or places to books come about? hunt which gives me extra avenues I was approached by Tuva Publishing to that I might not have otherwise had. do some work for their Kanavice magazine. After working with them for How do you turn your ideas into a little while, they asked if I’d like to cross stitch designs? produce a book. Of course, I said yes! Once I have a collection of ideas, I can 70

INSPIRING PEOPLE Potential designs start off as black and white drawings. I collect ideas online, bookmarking sites of interest or collecting pictures… start drawing them out as sketches. Do you ever get ‘designer’s block’? With a I draw things on paper just in black and I do suffer from this, usually towards large back white, I don’t usually add colour at this the middle of drawing the initial catalogue stage because that just slows me down. designs. I think this is when the I like to get the ideas down quickly as motivation starts to wear out a little already, they come so they don’t get forgotten. and I can find it hard to come up with Durene has At this stage, I send my drawings to the interesting ideas where I don’t feel like three more publisher to make sure they are what I’m just repeating myself. Usually, a few books coming we both had in mind, and I haven’t hours just designing something out this year. gone off on a weird tangent! This was a completely different will help, drawing nerve-wracking waiting game for my Hardanger patterns in my graph pad, What does it feel like when you see first book, but over the years I find it or just drawing unrelated things in my your books for real? isn’t that way anymore. sketch book. My go-to for recharging is I have to say it’s very exciting to see my getting outside for half an hour to book alongside others on bookstore What comes next? potter in the garden. I have breaks websites, and even more exciting on With 50 or so medium-to-larger where I make a cup of coffee and look the odd times I’ve spotted the real designs drawn, I can then move onto on Instagram for 10 minutes or so. I also thing in a shop. I have been known to the charting. I know the size of a whole always have a little box to hand with rearrange the shelf in Waterstones, so book page, so this usually helps me to something crafty but really basic my book has prime position at the decide what sizes the charts will be and inside it. Currently this is Christmas front of a display! how complex the design. I find I can cards with embroidery or English work more easily if I draw everything paper piecing shapes I can just sew What is coming up next for you? first then chart everything. together, something simple that I can I have worked on three more books pick up and switch off for a few that aren’t available yet, including an I like to work through things in minutes while I craft. essential guide to cross stitch. My head stages, so my mind isn’t having to is always wandering to the next idea or switch from one thing to another. How long does it take from agreeing the next design. I always have too many I choose colours as I’m charting on to do a book to seeing it in print? ideas for the time available! my computer. Most of the time I work This varies, I would guess the average from a thread shade card, but time is about a year and a half to two Instagram: @durenejonescrossstitch occasionally I do collect actual skeins years from the idea to print. It’s not a to check the colours if I’m a little quick process by any means! unsure of how they sit together. 71

We’ve challenged three designers to use only the materials given to them to create a summer garden themed biscornu. Read on to see how they got on… THE CHALLENGE A s it’s the final part of summer, it’s time to capture its • 14 count white aida (two pieces for each biscornu, magic in stitches. We’ve asked three designers this large enough for the design area) month to come up with a design for a summer • Seven shades of stranded cotton (shown above) garden biscornu but they could only use the • Two buttons materials listed on the left, making sure to include the seven shades of stranded cotton we chose and two buttons THE RULES to create the biscornu shape. Take a look at their results below – we’ve featured a chart for each one so you can • Create a summer garden biscornu stitch your favourite! We hope this will inspire you to join • The design should be no larger than in too – turn the page to see what our challenge will be for 50 x 50 stitches October – we’ve listed everything you need to take part. • Only the materials above can be used • Be creative as possible! CHERYL MCKINNON… WATERING TIME The colour palette for this challenge is so vibrant, and a winding garden trellis bursting with colourful summer blooms seemed like a perfect fit! There are tiny sunflowers, daisies, cute watering cans and some summer bees adding to its charm.” 72

MARIA DIAZ… GARDEN VISITORS I hope this gives the feel of a summer garden, I have gone against the grain a little and not used a totally repeating pattern, the gnome is in memory of my grandad who loved a bit of kitsch in his garden. Happy stitching!” AMANDA BUTLER… FLORAL PATTERN I have always loved designing biscornus. My inspiration for this garden design developed from looking at tiled and lino floors and how amazing the overall look becomes once they are placed together to create a much bigger pattern as they become a pattern within a pattern.” 73

10 20 30 40 50 Make a… biscornu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt Step 1 xx t x gg gx ddd ddd gg x COMPLETE all the stitching for the top x t% gg hhx %%ttt gg %t x of the biscornu following the chart and x t%tt h ddDdd gg %t%% x working in the centre of the aida. Use two x %%g%% gD %%ttt gg ttgtt x strands for the cross stitch, one for the x tt%t gx DDD %%t ttt %%t% x backstitch and French knots, and two for x %t hg hhx D %t tt x t% x the outer backstitch row. For the bottom of 10 x hhh x % t hx x the biscornu, stitch as the top, or stitch just x gx h hh x the outer backstitch row on the chart in x gg x h hhx gx two strands as we have done. x g hx %%%tttt h x D gg x xg hx hhhhx DDD gx Step 2 x gg h %%%%t Dg x xg h hhhxx x TRIM both fabric pieces, leaving a xh %%t x 1.25cm (1⁄ in) seam allowance. Fold the x hxx hg x seam allowance to the reverse, so the x ggg D %t t xhx x outer backstitch line is on the edge of 20 x gg DD %xt xx both fabrics. Press the folds and points in xgg DD x place. Using a pin, join a corner point on xg g D xg x the bottom fabric to the middle point on xg g xxx x one side of the top. x gggxxxxxxx x hg x x gggxxxxxxx hhx x Step 3 tt x gggxxxxxxx xx t x gggxxxxxxxgggg %x USE stranded cotton in the same colour x gggxggggxx %g% x Maria Diaz as the outer backstitch row, to sew the top x xxxggggggg %x and bottom of the biscornu together using 30 x gggxxggggx tx whip stitch. To do this, take your needle x gggxxxxxxx dDd tgt x under a border stitch close to the pin on x ggg dddd DdD tx your bottom fabric, and then go up and x xx ddddddddd d % x through the corresponding top stitch. Pull x xx dddddd %g% x together as you work – the needle and x xx %x thread should go cleanly through the stitch x t xx ddddd hx without snagging the fabric below. Take x tgt xx dddd h gx your needle down through the next top xt t%%% h gg x stitch and under the corresponding stitch x% ddddd xh gx at the bottom. Continuing making stitches 40 x D %g% xh ddddd xh g x in this way until you reach the first corner. x DgD % x h h ddddddd h x gg x You will need to mould the fabric around xD hh ddddddd h xg x the corner each time you reach one, x xh ddddddddd x hhh x holding it in place until it is stitched. x %t x dddddddddd xhh gh t% x x %t%% dddddddddd d xg t%tt x Step 4 x ttgtt gg dddddddddd d %%g%% x x %%t% gg dddddddddd d tt%t x FIND the midpoint on the next side and x t% gg ddddddddd dd gg gg %t x mark it with a pin. Place this against the x gg dddddddd d gg gg x corner on your bottom fabric, and check 50 x ddddd dd x that the midway point matches up with the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx next corner. The success of your biscornu will depend on the accuracy of matching t each corner and midway point together. 10 20 30 40 50 Step 5 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD STITCH six out of the eight sides DD DD together, then stuff the biscornu firmly D DD h %% %% DD DD D with stuffing or cotton wool, and sew up D DddD DD hDh t%t% %t%t DddD DddD D the remaining sides. Sew the buttons in D DddD DddD h %tt% %tt% DddD DddD D the centre of the top and bottom, passing D DD DddD %% %% DD DD D the needle through the biscornu to stitch D DD hh tD both in place. Pull up the thread and Dt hDh hDh tDt DD D finish securely. 10 D DD tDt ggg h h t DddD D D DddD t ggxgg t t ggg DddD D D DddD gxDxg tDt tDt ggxgg DD D D DD ggxgg t DdD t gxDxg hD D ggg DdD ggxgg hDh D D ggg hD D gg ggg D Dt g ggg tD D tDt gggg tDt D Dt ggg tD 20 D D Dh hD D t% hDh g hDh %t D D %%t% h g DD h %t%% D D %tt% g dd %tt% D D %% gggg g DD %% D D gggg gggg D t D gggg gggg D D %% DD g gggg %% D Cheryl McKinnon D %tt% dd g %tt% D 30 D %%t% h DD g h %t%% D D t% hDh g hDh %t D Dh hD DD Dt ggg tD D tDt gggg tDt D Dt ggg g tD D ggg gg D Dh ggg D D hDh ggxgg DdD ggg D 40 D h gxDxg t DdD t ggxgg DD D D DD ggxgg tDt tDt gxDxg DddD D D DddD ggg t t ggxgg t DddD D D DddD t h h ggg tDt DD D D DD tDt hDh hDh tD Dt hh DD D D DD DD %% %% DddD DD D D DddD DddD %tt% %tt% h DddD DddD D D DddD DddD t%t% %t%t hDh DD DddD D D DD DD %% %% h DD D 50 DD DD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD t The aida, stranded cotton and toy stuffing used for this challenge are all available from 74

10 20 30 40 50 SEE YOUR WORK HERE! t If you would like to take the challenge, post xxxxxx xxxxxx your stitching on our Facebook page and xhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxxxxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhx we will then pin it on our Stitching Challenge x tt x board on Pinterest... so get designing! g DDDhhDDD % tt t DDDhhDDD g x DttDhhDttD % % t t DttDhhDttD x October issue 368 challenge: xh Dtt%%%%ttD % t Dtt%%%%ttD hx Please create a sign for Halloween to hang on a x DD%%xx%%DD hh DD%%xx%%DD x door. It will be mounted on wood or card and 10 g hh%xDDx%hh hh hh hh%xDDx%hh g hung using twine. Work your design around a x hh%xDDx%hh hh hh%xDDx%hh x spooky phrase using fun typography. xh DD%%xx%%DD DD%%xx%%DD hx x Dtt%%%%ttD t DD x Dtt%%%%ttD x Materials and rules: g DttDhhDttD t t DD DD x x DttDhhDttD g • White 14 count aida x DDDhhDDD t DD x DDDhhDDD x • Max. stitch count: 40 x 100 stitches xh tt hx • Six shades of DMC stranded cotton; x x h tt t t x Light Pearl Grey (928), Black (310), Lavender gt xx h h tt t t tt %g (3837), Light Tangerine (742), Medium xtt x h tt t t %%x Tangerine (740), Dark Lavender (209), PLUS 20 xh t % hx Silver Light Effects thread. xt hx gh t t tt D D tt h h hg Although this challenge is just for fun, please x h h D t ttDDDDDDtt h D h h x make sure the design is your own work, and not xh h DD DxxhhxxD DD h hx taken from another source. x D DDxxhhxxDD D x t xtt tttt DhhDDhhD tttt ttx t xtt tttt DhhDDhhD tttt ttx x D DDxxhhxxDD D x Amanda Butler xh h DD DxxhhxxD DD h hx 30 x h h D h ttDDDDDDtt t D h h x gh h h tt D D tt t t hg xh tx xh % tt t hx x%% t t tt h x ttx g% tt t t tt h h xx tg x t t tt h x x xh hx x DDDhhDDD x DD t DDDhhDDD x g DttDhhDttD x x DD DD t t DttDhhDttD g 40 x Dtt%%%%ttD x DD t Dtt%%%%ttD x xh DD%%xx%%DD DD%%xx%%DD hx x hh%xDDx%hh hh hh%xDDx%hh x g hh%xDDx%hh hh hh hh%xDDx%hh g x DD%%xx%%DD hh DD%%xx%%DD x xh Dtt%%%%ttD t % Dtt%%%%ttD hx x DttDhhDttD t t % % DttDhhDttD x g DDDhhDDD t tt % DDDhhDDD g x tt x xhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxxxxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhxgxhx 50 xxxxxx xxxxxx t DMC Anchor Madeira Cross stitch in two strands 340 118 902 6HOHFW \\RXU VNLQ WRQH DQG WULPHVWHU WR PDNH \\RXU 603 052 701 VWLWFKLQJ DV XQLTXH DV \\RX DUH 726 305 109 869 944 2105 892 028 412 958 187 1114 3846 433 1103 Backstitch in one strand (two for outer row) 340 118 902 border 869 944 2105 pattern, outlines, details 958 187 1114 border, pattern, detail French knots in one strand 340 118 902 305 109 border 028 412 726 1HZ PDWHUQLW\\ FROOHFWLRQ MXVW ODXQFKHG pattern 1›ÎÈ uÝu›©u©‹ [1 ¶°©ä J ‡¶Þ°©¶u‡È ޶ĩ‡Þ›‡‹ 892 ZZZHWV\\FRPXNVKRS9LYLG6WDVK pattern 75

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