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Home Explore The ULTIMATE beginners guide to YACHTING

The ULTIMATE beginners guide to YACHTING

Published by chanel.marais, 2020-06-03 10:10:18

Description: The ULTIMATE beginners guide to yachting


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ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING All you need to know about Yachting and how to land your first job.

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING TERMS & CONDITIONS DISCLAIMER Even though every reasonable effort was made to ensure the information contained in this E-book is up-to-date, accurate and Industry related, it is important to note that the Yachting Industry is ever changing and with the more recent COVID-19 more constant changes will be prevalent. Every effort will be made to update information in this E-book as and when necessary. TERMS & CONDITIONS Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using “The ULTIMATE beginners guide to YACHTNIG” owned & operated by Virtual Yacht Assistant. Your access to and use of any service offered by VYA is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service. By accessing or using “The ULTIMATE beginners guide to YACHTNIG”, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service. Purchases If you wish to purchase any product or service made available through VYA, you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your Purchase including, without limitation, your full name, contact details, location, current employment position & size of yacht. Content Any and all content purcahsed through VYA may not be shared to other parties via e-mail, social media, watsapp, or any other telecommunications services. Printing, copying & shaing in any form is strictly prohibited. Other than the content you own, under these Terms, Virtual Yacht Assistant and/or it’s licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in this E-book. You are granted limited license only for purposes of viewing the material contained on this E- book. You further acknowledge and agree that VYA shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such E-book or services. Changes We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will update all VYA social media channels to inform all interested parties prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. 2 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING TERMS & CONDITIONS Restrictions You are specifically restricted from all of the following: • Publishing any of the material in any other media • Selling, sublicensing and/or otherwise commercializing any VYA owned material • Publicly performing and/or showing any of VYA owned material • Using this E-book in any way that is or may be damaging to VYA • Using this E-book contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or in any way may cause harm to VYA, or to any person or business entity • Engaging in any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting or any other similar activity in relation to this E-book • Using this E-book to engage in any advertising or marketing without prior consent from VYA owner. Any user ID and password you may have for this E-book are confidential and you must maintain confidentiality as well. Entire Agreement These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Virtual Yacht Assistant and you in relation to your use of this E-book, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings. Your Privacy Please read Privacy Policy, mentioned on our website & Facebook page. Contact Us If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us. Should you agree with all the above terms and conditions mentioned, you may proceed with the use of this E-book. The decision to use the E-book from here on out will be seen as a form of agreement to all T&C’s mentioned above. We wish you a successful and abundant career in Yachting. 3 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING TABLE OF CONTENT 1. YACHTING TERMINOLOGIES ________________________________________________________ 5 2. OVERVIEW OF YACHTING __________________________________________________________ 9 - 13 2.1 What to expect 2.2 Hierachy 2.3 Department, Positions, Private/Charter 2.4 Yacht Itineraries & Seasons 3. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________________ 14 - 19 3.1 Minimum Required Qualifications 3.2 Deck Qualifications 3.3 Stewardess Qualifications 3.4 How to become a Yacht Engineer 3.5 How to become a Yacht Chef 4. WHERE TO START __________________________________________________________________ 20 - 22 4.1 Staring out in the Mediterranean 4.2 Starting out in the USA 5. YACHT CREW AGENCIES ___________________________________________________________ 23 - 27 6. WHERE TO BOOK COURSES _________________________________________________________ 28 - 31 7. VISA’S ____________________________________________________________________________ 32 - 36 7.1 B1/B2 7.2 Schengen 8. ACCOMODATION _________________________________________________________________ 37 - 39 9. FLIGHTS ___________________________________________________________________________ 40 - 41 10. DAYWORK _______________________________________________________________________ 42 - 44 10.1 What is it & Where to find it 10.2 Yachting & Daywork Etiquette 11. MARINA’S ________________________________________________________________________ 45 - 47 12. DECK DEPARTMENT _______________________________________________________________ 48 -54 12.1 Deck Terminology 12.2 Deck Knots 12.3 Deck Safety 12.4 Deck Tips 13. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT ____________________________________________________________ 55 - 60 13.1Interior Terminology 13.2 Stewardess Tips 13.3 Interior Departments 13.4 Interior Department Guidelines 14. CV _______________________________________________________________________________ 61 - 64 14.1 CV Example 14.2 CV Tips 15. INTERVIEWING ____________________________________________________________________ 65 - 67 15.1 How to Interview well 16. SAVINGS, BANK ACCOUNTS & TAX _________________________________________________ 68 - 69 17. COVID-19 & YACHTING ____________________________________________________________ 70 - 72 18. SALARY GUIDELINES _______________________________________________________________ 73 - 74 19. FAQ ______________________________________________________________________________ 75 - 78 4 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHTING TERMINILOGIES These are everyday terms most pertaining to NEW crew. It’s advised to get aquainted with them, so when you step onto your first yacht you can follow dialgue and instructions easier. A o ABEAM – At right angles to the keel of the boat o ABOARD – On the boat o ABOVE DECK – On the deck o ABREAST – Side by side o ADRIFT – Loose or floating, not on boat o AFT – Toward the stern (back) of the boat o AFT DECK – The deck towards the stern (back) of the boat o ALOFT - Above deck in the rigging or mast o MID SHIPS - In the centre of the yacht o ANCHORAGE – A place suitable for anchoring in relation to the wind, seas and bottom o ANCHOR BALL – Round black shape hoisted up to show the yacht is anchored o ANTI-FOULING PAINT - A special paint applied to the hull to prevent marine growth o APPARENT WIND - The direction and speed of wind as felt on a moving boat o ASTERN - Usually used when boat is reversing or indicating object at back of boat B o BEAM – The greatest width of the boat o BEARING – The direction of an object as a true bearing as shown on the chart, or as a bearing relative to the heading of the boat o BERTH - A boat slip at a dock where the boat can be moored o BILGE - The bilge is the lowest compartment on a ship, below the waterline, where the two sides meet at the keel, where water collects o BITTER END – The last part of a rope or chain o BOAT HOOK – A short or long pole with a hook on the end, used for putting a line over a piling, recovering an object dropped overboard, or in pushing or fending off o BOSUN – A non-official officer in charge of the deck crew o BOW – The forward part of a boat C o CABIN – A compartment for passengers or crew to sleep/rest o CAPSIZE – When a boat turns over o CAPSTAN – A large vertical winch used for anchors or mooring lines o CAST OFF – To let go o CHART – A map for use by navigators, can be electronic or paper o CLEAT – A fitting to which lines are made fast o CLOVE HITCH – A knot for temporarily fastening a line to a spar or piling o COIL – To lay a line down in circular turns o COURSE – The direction in which a boat is steered o CURRENT – The horizontal movement of water D o DEAD AHEAD – Directly ahead o DEAD ASTERN – Directly aft o DECK – A permanent covering over a compartment, hull or any part thereof o DINGHY – A small open boat. A dinghy is often used as a tender for a larger vessel o DOCK – A protected water area in which vessels are moored. Pier or a wharf o DRAFT – The depth of water a boat draws 6 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHTING TERMINILOGIES These are everyday terms most pertaining to NEW crew. It’s advised to get aquainted with them, so when you step onto your first yacht you can follow dialgue and instructions easier. E o EPIRB – Emergency Position Indication Radio Beacon F o FAIR LEAD – Device uses to guide a line, rope or cable around an object, out of the way or to stop it from moving laterally o FATHOM – Six feet (there are many terms used to call distances, this is one of them) o FENDER – A circular or cylindrical shape device that is inflated and placed between 2 vessels or the vessel and another object to protect it from damage o FIGURE EIGHT KNOT – A knot in the form of a figure eight, placed in the end of a line to prevent the line from passing through a grommet or a block o FIRST MATE (Chief Officer) – Second in Command o FLARE – A distress signal o FOREPEAK – A compartment in the bow, usually used for storage o FOLLOWING SEA – An overtaking sea that comes from astern G o GALLEY – The kitchen/cooking area of a boat o GANGWAY – The area of a ship’s side where people board and disembark H o HATCH – An opening in a boat’s deck fitted with a watertight cover, usually entrance to area below the deck o HEAD – A marine toilet o HEADING – The direction in which a vessel’s bow points at any given time o HELM – The wheel or tiller controlling the rudder o HULL – The main body of a vessel L o LATITUDE – The distance north or south of the equator measured and expressed in degrees o LAZARETTE/BEACH CLUB – A storage space in a boat’s stern area, where you keep water sports toys & tenders usually o LEEWARD – The direction away from the wind. Opposite of windward o LINE – Rope used aboard a vessel o LIST – When the vessel leans predominately to one side o LOA - Length Over All. As measured from ‘bow to stern” M o MAKE FAST - To secure a line o MASTER CABIN - Typically the best/largest cabin onboard any charter yacht o MOORING – Securing a boat to a mooring buoy or a pier N o NAUTICAL MILE – One minute of latitude; approx. 6076 feet –1.8 x the distance in km o NAVIGATION – Sailing a boat safely from one point to another o NAVIGATION RULES – The regulations governing the movement of vessels in relation to each other, generally rules of the road O o OUTBOARD – On the outside of the boats sides P o PASSARELLE - The passageway you walk on from the dock to the yacht 7 o PORT (DIRECTION) - The left side of a boat when facing the bow. Signified by Red 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHTING TERMINILOGIES These are everyday terms most pertaining to NEW crew. It’s advised to get aquainted with them, so when you step onto your first yacht you can follow dialgue and instructions easier. S o SCUPPERS – Drain holes on deck, in the toe rail, or in bulwarks or in the deck itself o SLACK – Loosen the line/ provide less tension on line o SPRING LINE – A pivot line used in docking, undocking, or to prevent the boat from moving forward or astern while made fast to a dock o STABILIZERS - A system to prevent a motor yacht from rolling too drastically, especially in bad weather o STAND-ON VESSEL – That vessel which has right-of-way during a meeting, crossing, or overtaking situation o STARBOARD (DIRECTION) – The right side of a boat when looking forward o SWIM PLATFORM - The space at the back of the yacht from which you typically can go swimming or board a dinghy T o TENDER - A boat that a yacht carries or tows used for transfers to and from shore o TIDE – The periodic rise and fall of water level in the oceans o TRUE WIND - The direction and velocity of wind as measured on land U o UNDERWAY – Vessel in motion W o WINCH – Horizontal rotating drum to take up lines, also known as a windlass o WINDWARD – Toward the direction from which the wind is coming (opposite to leeward) 8 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING WHAT TO EXPECT ������N.B – All yachts are not run the same, some boats are very focused on crew morale and have specific things in place to help maintain it. However, this is not always possible as Yachting is a very time sensitive and demanding industry. So be prepared!! ALIGNING YOUR EXPECTATIONS WITH REALITY! THE GRIM REALITY: • Long hours • Weeks or months with no days off • Dirty & rewardless work (I.e. Cleaning other crew members cabins & toilets) • Working with crew who are difficult or unkind • Very difficult guests • Interacting with poerful people & the anxiety related to it • Quick changes to plans and itinerary • Rough sea’s for prolonged periods of time • Dry boat (no alcohol allowed) • Having to be on watch when the crew go out or have the day off • Being called back to work on your day off or holiday • Altercations with other crew (tiredness) • Itineraries that are promised but don’t become reality • Sitting in the same berth/country for months on end • Long shipyard periods where you are in a shed & don’t move THE SILVER-LINING REALITY: • Traveling extensively (this is not all yachts, as most only do Caribbean and Mediterranean) • High paying salaries compared to land-based • No living expenses (boat pays for all food, toiletries, flights, accomodation & medical insurance) • Ability to save 80% of your salary • Learning to work with a diverse cultural crew • Learning new skills & becoming independent • 3 nutritional meals per day • Paid for courses/qualifications (this depends on terms in your contract) ������TOP TIPS: • Read your contract well and ensure you understand the terms • Don’t be picky on your first job – get the experience & know what it’s all about first • Save your money(checkout the savings guidelines in this e-book page 68 -69) • Don’t take things personally • Learn to be flexible (things change quickly in yachting) • Don’t complain about the work you have been delegated – learn to make it fun • Have a career plan or duration time line • Invest in courses, so you can progress 10 • Longetivity is KEY – Min 1 year 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING HIERACHY CAPTAIN 1ST OFFICER CHIEF ENGINEER PURSER HEAD CHEF 2ND OFFICER 2ND ENGINEER CHIEF SOUS CHEF STEWARDESS BOSUN ETO HEAD HK CREW CHEF LEAD DECKHAND HEAD SERVICE AUDIO IT VISUAL DECKHAND STEWARDESS Deck department: • The First Officer will delegate tasks to the 2nd Officer or Bosun (size dependent) • They will in turn delegate those tasks to the whole deck team during the morning meetings • The lead deckhand or Bosun will manage all daily tasks performed by the deckhands on deck • You will ask all your questions and seek guidance from your lead deckhand or Bosun Interior department including Galley (chef): • The Purser is not usually involved in running the interior, but assist with vital paperwork and organisation • Chief Stewardess will organise and manage the Interior • If there is a Head of Service & Housekeeping, they will reieve their instructions from the Chief Stew and delegate to their department stewardess’s • If there is no Head of Service or Housekeeping, then all stewardess’s will report directly to the Chief Stewardess ������N.B– Where will you place? As a junior crew member you will start at the bottom of the hierachy if you have no maritime experience. The hierachy on a yacht depends on it’s size; the larger the yacht the longer the chain of com11mand, the smaller the shorter the chain of command. 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING DEPARTMENTS, POSITIONS, PRIVATE/CHARTER DEPARTMENTS & POSITIONS ������N.B. There can be numerous people holding the same title I.e.4 deckhands LARGE YACHT MEDIUM YACHT SMALL YACHT 85 – 100+meter 45 – 85 meter 24 – 45 meter 20-70+ crew 10 – 20+ crew 3 – 10 crew • Deck • Deck • Deck o Captain o Captain o Captain o Officers o Officer o Officer o Bosun o Bosun o Deckhand o Lead deckhand o Deckhands • Interior o Deckhands • Interior • Interior o Chief Stewardess o Chief Stewardess o Purser o Stewardess’s o Stewardess’s o Chief Stewardess o Head Chef o Head Chef o Head of Housekeeping o Crew Chef • Engineering o Head of Service • Engineering o Chief/Deck Engineer o Head of Spa o Chief Engineer o Stewardess’s o 2nd Engineer o Head Chef o Sous Chef o Crew Chef • Engineering o Chief Engineer o 2nd Engineer o 3rd Engineer/ETO o Electrician o Audio visual o IT WHAT IS A CHARTER YACHT? • Family or business owned but rent the boat out to other people/groups • You don’t know the guests coming onboard unless it’s a return charter guest • Tips can be 5-15% of the cost to rent the yacht (shared between crew) • They expect the WOW factor and so you are a lot busier with beach set-ups and party’s • They have paid a lot of money for a week, and so late nights & moving the boat is common • Extremely taxing on the crew but worth the tips • Charter yachts usually only hire experienced crew • Base salary is lower than private yachts because you earn tips WHAT IS A PRIVATE YACHT? • Family or business owned • Usually same guests for each trip • Don’t normally tip the crew, instead they have annual bonus’s or raises • More of a routine day to day • Can be a more relaxed environment (owner dependent) 12 • Salary’s are slightly higher as there are no tips 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHT ITINERARIES & SEASONS ������N.B – A yachts itinerary is chosen by the owner/charter guest of the yacht. The most typical ititnerary is Caribbean and Mediteranean cruising. However, there are more extensively traveling yachts. SUMMER SEASON WINTER SEASON Location: Mediteranean Location: Caribbean / USA Time of year : May – September Time of year : December – March Crossing back for winter: October – November Crossing back for summer: April - May ITINERARIES An itinerary is the planned destinations of the yacht vMost Yachts are dual season, meaning the Med for summer and Caribbean for winter. vHowever, many yachts are becoming ‘World cruising’, this does not mean they travel the whole globe but rather focus on more unique scapes like the Pacific or Baltic sea as an example. vWHERE YOU GO TO START YOUR JOURNEY WILL DEPEND ON THE TIME OF YEAR. Use the seasons above to guide you in making your decision. ������N.B- A crossing is when the boat is either sailing across an ocean to get to a predetermined destination or being put on dockwise (another large ship) sapnededtratrnasvpeolrintegdaancdrorossu.tAettlaanketicn)c. r1o3ssings are usually 2+/- weeks (depending on yacht size, 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING MIN REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS ������ N.B – INTERIOR DEPARTMENT & CHEF’S REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL MIN REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: FOOD HEALTH & SAFETY CERTIFICATE STCW10 Duration: 5 -11 days (depending on where you do it) COST: $300 - $500 NOTE: Needs to be refreshed every 5 years if it has an expiration date Course: -First Aid -Fire Fighting -Personal Survival Tecniaues (PST) -Personal Safety & Social Responsibility (PSSR) ENG1 Duration: 45 min COST: $100 - $120 NOTE: Needs to be redone every 2 years What is it? This is a certficate provided to you from a MCA approved ENG1 doctor that is able to deem you healthy and capable enough to be a seafarer. Sight, hearing, general health and co-ordination is all tested. PDSD Duration: 1- 2 days (depending on where you do it) COST: +/- $240 - $260 NOTE: Can be done online: https://www.virtual-training- security-duties.html What is it? The Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) certification is required by crew who have been designated a security duty onboard their vessel. PDSD must be completed in place of the Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) course. ������N.B – The courses mentioned above and on other pages related to positions are booked at various institutes, should you require assistance with booking, please reach out to use via e-mail or tel. 15 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING DECKHAND – QUALIFICATIONS ������N.B.- We offer additional services where we book all min required courses at a competitive rate and advise you on selecting additional courses to enhance opportunities to secure a position. You do not need all the additional qualifications, there are particular courses that will be able to assist you in career progession down the line, and it is these we focus on steering you towards. JUNIOR DECKHAND RESPONSIBILITIES: BENEFICIAL SKILLS TO HAVE: Your primary duty is the cleanliness of the exterior, • Good work ethic however you will be hands on with all the below • Positive attitude duties: • Teamwork • Wash downs (weekly) • Ability to learn on the job • Stainless polishing & waxing • Ability to take direction • Maintenance projects; sanding and taping up • Professional appearance • Willingness to learn for varnishing or painting, caulking • Good Communication • Tender & anchor operations • Physically fit • Line handling • Tender driving SALARY MODIFIERS: • Water sports (set-up & break down) • Lookout navigation • Engineering experience/ certificate • Safety checks • Dive Instructor certificate • Deck checks • Kite/wind surfing instructor • Inventory counting & organising • Extensive fishing knowledge • Shipyard deep-cleaning & projects • Tender driving license (PBII) • Light maintenance on tools & equipment • Carpentry skills • Personal Training Certificate MIN QUALIFICATION REQUIRED: • Drone Pilot • Photography • STCW10 • ENG1 • PDSD • Valid Passport & Visa JUNIOR DECKHAND ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: • MCA Yacht Rating Certificate SALARY GUIDELINES • RYA Day skipper $2000 - $3000 • VHF Radio Operator Certificate • Powerboat Level 2 This figure is dependent on experience as well as • RYA Personal Watercraft/Jet ski additional skills mentioned in the salary modifier • Personal Watercraft Instructors • RYA Diesel Engine Course • Yacht Masters Offshore 16 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING STEWARDESS – QUALIFICATIONS ������N.B.-Unlike the deck department, career progression for Stewardess’s is not as reliant on qualifications as it is on experience. That is not to say that obtaining qualifications is waste of money, but selecting the right ones is vital. There are many more to choose from but the quality and rating of the course matters. JUNIOR STEWARDESS RESPONSIBILITIES: BENEFICIAL SKILLS TO HAVE: Your primary duty is the cleanliness of the interior, • Great communication however you will be hands on with all the below • Sense of urgency duties: • Attention to detail • Daily crew mess & bridge cleaning • Team player • Detailing all areas of the boat • No drama • Making beds • Learn by observation • Laundry • Good listener • Silverware polishing • Able to take initiative • Detailing of interior equipment (ice machines, • Able to follow instruction • Not scared to get hands dirty vacuum cleaners…) • Inventorying • Provisioning (shopping) • Organising • Beach & themed set-ups • Service – set-up, serve & break down MIN QUALIFICATION REQUIRED: SALARY MODIFIERS: • STCW10 • Hairdressing Certificate/experience • ENG1 • Yoga Instructor • PDSD • Spa Therapist • Food Safety & Hygiene Certifiate Level II • Nanny experience • Valid Passport & Visa • Fitness instructor • Nurse JUNIOR STEWARDESS ADDITIONAL SALARY GUIDELINES QUALIFICATIONS: $2000 - $3000 • Stewardess course • G.U.E.S.T Interior Training This figure is dependent on experience as well as • WSET (wine courses) additional skills mentioned in the salary modifier • PB Level 2 • Charter experience • Molecular Mixology • Barista • Valet Service • Silver Service 17 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING HOW TO BECOME A YACHT ENGINEER ������N.B – If you require assistance with booking of the courses, please call or email us and we will gladly assist you. It is important to note that you will NOT step into an solo engineer role straight off the bat unless you have prior maritime experience of prior engineering experience, and still you will be limited to 24m, up to 200. GT OVERVIEW The MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency) is the approving body for Engineering qualification and they recently changed their engineering qualification structure in order to simplify the number and level qualifications. The qualifications listed below are considered pre-requisites, later leading to certificates of competency (CoC) restricted to yachts (and other small vessels) only. This qualification which you would ultimately aim for should you go for the Engineering route is now referred to as ‘Engineer Officer Small Vessel Certificate of Competency’. But what we are focusing on here is obtaining the minimal qualifications to allow you to work as an Engineer eventually once an opportunity arises on al limited size yacht. Min Qualifications: • STCW10 • ENG1, • PDSD • AEC 1 + AEC 2 • Valid passport & Visa AEC 1: AEC 2: • Entry level • Follow on from AEC 1 • First step • More practical knowledge • 5 days or 35 hour course • Transferable to different maritime • Practical hands on Training & industry sectors: Fishing vessels, tugs Theoretical Knowledge of Diesel boats Engines • No off-shore limit With this qualification you can serve in an This is a REQUIREMENT to becoming an ENTRY LEVEL capacity in the engineering engineer. After obtaining this qualification department. you need to gain sea time & work through If you have some deckhand experience your TRB (Training record book) in order to you would be able to assist with progress further. engineering functions, I.e. deck/engineer. Should you want more information on how This Certificate will allow you to be a chief to progress our Chief Engineer or Captain engineer on a yacht over 24m and <200 will be able to assist you. Gross Tons OR an assistant engineer on vessels over 200 GT up to 60NM from a safe COST: +/- $1200 haven under LY2 code. COST: $850 - $950 18 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING HOW TO BECOME A YACHT CHEF ������N.B – If you require assistance with booking of the courses, please call or email us and we will gladly assist you. OVERVIEW In order to become a yacht chef one has to have had some formal training or experience in a restaurant. Having a portfolio of evidence would be ideal to sell your skill set. Upload as many photo’s of your food you have cooked onto the agency sites. Chef’s with no prior yachting experience have a higher chance of securing a position through an agent than a deckhand or stewardess. Min Qualifications: • STCW10 • ENG1 • PDSD • Food Safety & Hygiene Certifiate Level II • MCA Ship’s Cook COC • Culinary experience or certfication • Valid passport & Visa Food Safety & Hygiene Certificate MCA Ship’s Cook COC • This certificate is necessary as an ENTRY • Not a pre-requisite for all yachts but LEVEL Stewardess and Chef comes highly recommended requirement • Requirement for: All Chef/Cooks on • It has to be MCA approved board charter yachts with 10 crew or more to have an MCA Ship’s Cook • Can be done online or any yachting Certificate course academy (see N.B below) • Entry Standards: • Course duration: 3 hours • Min 18 years of age • 1 year of sea service as a chef/cook • COST: $80 - $120 or 1 year of experience as a chef on land + 1 month of sea service • All other certification mentioned on this page • Course duration: 3 days • COST: $130 - $150 ������N.B – The food Safety & Hygiene Certificate Level II (MCA approved), can be be done online. Visit: 19 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING STARTING OUT IN THE MEDITERANEAN ������N.B.- There are advantages and disadvantages to choosing to start in either the Med or USA. The time of year you choose to start your journey will be the deciding factor. DO NOT start MID season! BENEFITS • You can dockwalk in Europe even as a non-EU passport holder • There are less USA flagged vessels; more foreign flagged yachts = more opportunities (foreign crew can’t work on USA flagged vessels) • If you are based in Antibes, you are central to yacht crew agents and the yacht marina’s • You can take the train between; Cannes, Antibes, Monaco & La Ciotat in France. This puts you in touch with more yachts in a greater vicinity • Flights in the EU are cheap should you wish to fly to another yachting hotstpot (hotspots highlighted below) HOTSPOTS DRAWBACKS These countries & cities are • Because you can dockwalk in number according to Europe there is more recommendation: competition from other dayworkers looking for work France: 1. Antibes • It’s slightly more expensive in 2. Cannes Europe than in USA 3. Monaco (accomodation, food) 4. La Ciotat Spain: 1. Palma de Mallorca 2. Barcelona Italy: 1. Viareggio 21 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING STARTING OUT IN THE USA ������TOP TIP: Even though you may not be able to dockwalk in the USA, there are other opportunities to obtain daywork or a position: Boat shows, Networking events, crew houses…More on this in the daywork section. BENEFITS • If you base yourself in Fort Lauderdale, you are within a bicycle distance to most of the largest marina’s • You are able to fly to the Caribbean to expand your search area for not much money (check hotspots) • If you are based in Fort Lauderdale, you are central to yacht crew agents and crew accommodation • West Palm Beach is an hour’s car or train journey where yachts are docked to either do maintenance, boat show or season prep • Because you are not allowed to dockwalk, there is less competition from other dockwalker’s than in the Med HOTSPOTS DRAWBACKS These countries & cities are • You are not allowed to dockwalk in number according to the USA, if you are caught by Port recommendation: sate control or customs & immigration officers you will be USA: deported and receive a 5-10 year 1. Fort Lauderdale, Florida ban on re-entering the country or 2. West Palm Beach, Florida obtaining a USA visa 3. San Diego, California • Because boats are not allowed to Caribbean: charter in the USA, the number of 1. Antigua yachts coming over for the winter 2. St.Maarten season are slightly less • You are not allowed to work or be hired on a US flagged vessel if not a US Citizen 22 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHT CREW AGENCIES AGENT LOCATION E-MAIL WEBSITE PHONE NUMBER BLUEWATER COTTON CREW FORT crewusa@bluewateryachti +1 954 462 4624 LAUDERDALE +1 561 310 5544 CREW 4 YACHTS FORT [email protected] LAUDERDALE FORT [email protected] +1 954 764 8995 LAUDERDALE CREW NETWORK FORT fortlauderdale@crewnetw +1 954 46 79 77 7 CREW UNLIMITED LAUDERDALE +1 954 462 4624 FORT LAUDERDALE [email protected] CREWFINDERS FORT [email protected] +1 954 52 22 73 9 INTERNATIONAL LAUDERDALE +1 954 52 24 84 0 +1 954 52 59 95 9 ELITE CREW FORT [email protected] +1 954 44 00 71 7 INTERATIONAL LAUDERDALE om +1 561 86 30 08 2 +1 786 70 80 92 8 LUXURY YACHT FORT [email protected] GROUP LAUDERDALE NAUTIC CREW FORT katrina@nauticcrewworld WORLDWIDE LAUDERDALE PALM BEACH YACHT WEST PALM [email protected] CREW BEACH VIKING CREW FORT sueprice@vikingrecruitmen LAUDERDALE ASIAN YACHT CREW ASIA [email protected] + 66 (0) 898 73 40 44 ACRONAUTIC AUSTRALIA [email protected] + 61 (0) 419 92 47 99 AUSTRALIA YACHT AUSTRALIA [email protected] + 61 (0) 678 63 03 93 CREW AUSTRALIA [email protected] +61 (0) 740 41 72 43 CREW PACIFIC INIFINITY YACHTING AUSTRALIA [email protected]. +61 (0) 4040 608 444 au 24 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHT CREW AGENCIES AGENT LOCATION E-MAIL WEBSITE PHONE NUMBER +61 (2) 98 10 72 00 MYS SUPERYACHT AUSTRALIA [email protected] www.myssuperyachtcre +61 (0) 410 68 92 88 CREW SUPERYACHT CREW AUSTRALIA [email protected] www.SuperyachtCrewInt INTERNATIONAL .au CREWBAY UK [email protected] +44 (0) 117 939 3747 CREWSEEKERS UK [email protected] +44 (0) 14 89 57 83 19 DOHLE YACHT UK yachtcrew@dohle- www.dohle- +44 (0) 1624 653 080 CREW (VANTAGE YACHT CREW) UK [email protected] www.globalcrewnetwork +44 (0) 77 73 36 19 59 m .com GLOBAL CREW NETWORK UK [email protected] www.greycoatplaceme +44 (0) 20 72 33 99 50 GREYCOAT PLACEMENT LTD JUST 4 ENGINEERS UK [email protected] +44 (0) 77 13 63 53 8 QUAY CREW UK [email protected] +44 (0) 12 02 70 78 88 QUINTESSENTIALLY UK info@quintessentiallypeople. www.quintessentiallypeo +44 (0) 20 74 78 89 70 PEOPLE com SEAGEM INTERNATIONAL UK admin@seageminternational www.seageminternation + 44 (0) 12 02 42 23 41 VANESSA .com HODGSON UK [email protected] www.vanessahodgson.c +44 (0) 15 90 61 52 25 VIKING RECRUITMENT UK [email protected] www.vikingrecruitment.c +44 (0) 13 04 24 08 81 WILSONHALLIGAN om UK [email protected] +44 (0) 23 80 45 86 52 YACHTCHEFS.COM UK [email protected] +44 (0) 20 30 06 26 08 YACHT CREW CANADA [email protected] REGISTER 7 EAST YACHTS FRANCE [email protected] +33 (0)497 210 539 BLUEWATER FRANCE [email protected] www.bluewateryachting +33 (0) 493 34 47 73 m .com 25 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHT CREW AGENCIES ������N.B – It is vital that you carry all your original documentation with you when you go over to start your journey, yachts require to have all originals onboard for audits & surveys. AGENT LOCATION E-MAIL WEBSITE PHONE NUMBER CAMPER & FRANCE crew@camperandnicholso www.camperandnicholsons +33 4 92 91 28 91 NICHOLSONS CREW .com COSMO CREW FRANCE [email protected] +33 9 53 91 68 48 HR CREW FRANCE [email protected] +33 (0) 4 92 90 59 59 IYC FRANCE [email protected] +377 97 98 24 22 FRANCE [email protected] LUXURY YACHT FRANCE [email protected] 0033 4 89 12 09 70 GROUP 0033 (0) 6 10 69 92 81 QUAY CREW RECREWT FRANCE [email protected] 0033 6 15 40 01 34 REVIERA CREW FRANCE [email protected] 0033 4 93 34 00 05 SAF RECRUIT FRANCE [email protected] 0033 4 93 65 75 24 SERVICE THE CREW HUNTER FRANCE [email protected] 00 33 (0) 4 92 95 90 99 YACHT CREW FRANCE [email protected] 00 33 (0) 4 97 21 13 13 NETWORK YPI CREW FRANCE 0033 4 92 90 46 10 [email protected] HANSEATIC GERMANY [email protected] www.yacht-management- 0041 44 586 7227 YACHT CARE CREW NETWORK NZ newzealand@crewnetwork. 00 64 9 302 0178 AUCKLAND com SALTWATER NZ [email protected] www.saltwaterrecruitment.c 00 64 21 028 45752 RECRUITMENT om om BLUEWATER CREW SPAIN crewpalma@bluewateryac 0034 971 677 154 26 m 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHT CREW AGENCIES ������N.B– Ensure that all your scanned copies that you save onto a hard drive or computer are good quality as they will need to be uploaded onto the agency websites. AGENT LOCATION E-MAIL WEBSITE PHONE NUMBER CREW & CONCIERGE SPAIN [email protected] 0034 608228242 ELITE CHEFS SPAIN [email protected] 0034 619 59 33 87 MYMUYBUENO SPAIN [email protected] 0034 971 22 25 96 CHEF SERVICES ������N.B – Crew agents do not charge you a to you fee, it is FREE. Make sure your profile is complete with all your documents uploaded. Face to face meeting is advised & needs to be booked once your profile is live on their site. If you sign up to agents that don’t have an office in your area, this is fine too but it helps being able to put a face to a name. 27 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING WHERE TO BOOK COURSES ������N.B – You can book your selected courses online by visiting their websites. USA EUROPE Maritime Professional Training (MPT) Bluewater Training (Worldwide) Ft Lauderdale, Florida Antibes, France & USA +1 954 525 1014 +33 493 34 47 73 [email protected] [email protected] Professional Yachtmaster Training (PYT) The Nautical Academy Ft Lauderdale, Florida Spain +1 (954) 296 3830 [email protected] +34 931 720 255 [email protected] International Crew Training Zephyr Yachting Ft Lauderdale, Florida Antibes, France +1 (954) 779 7764 +33 (0)4 93 33 34 04 [email protected] [email protected] Oceanpro Power Boating Star Center Beaulieu Sur Mer, France Ft Lauderdale, Florida +34 (0)6 85 97 22 91 +1 (954) 921 7254 [email protected] [email protected] Sea School Ft Lauderdale, Florida +1 (954) 779 7370 [email protected] 29 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING WHERE TO BOOK COURSES ������N.B – I would advise that you complete your courses in your home country in order to save on living costs. AUSTRALIA UK Australian Superyacht Crew (Superyacht Warsash Academy Crew International) +44 (0)23 8201 5004 NSW, Australia [email protected] +61 (0)410 689 288 [email protected] Maritime Training Academy - MPI Group +44 (0) 1252 732220 Superyacht Crew Academy [email protected] NSW, Australia +612 9979 9669 City Sailing [email protected] +44 (0) 7050 223817 [email protected] Flying Fish NSW, Australia UKSA +612 9969 8590 Isle of Wight, UK [email protected] +44 (0) 1983 203001 [email protected] /stcw-superyacht-deck-crew-training training/deck/superyacht-crew-training CANADA NEW ZEALAND International Yacht Training (IYT) (Worldwide) Boating Education +1 (778) 477 5668 (Head Office, Canada) Auckland, NZ [email protected] or +64 9 376 4775 [email protected] [email protected] 30 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING WHERE TO BOOK COURSES ������N.B – If you require additional training institutes around the world, please reach out to us via e-mail or tel and we will be able to recommend ones in your area or closest to you. SOUTH AFRICA Professional Yachtmaster Training (PYT) Durban, South Africa +27 (0)63 683 0595 [email protected] Atlantic Yachting (Sail & Power Training) Langebaan, South Africa +27 (0) 22 772 0718 [email protected] Certified Superyacht Academy +27 (0) 81 502 9791 [email protected] Super Yachting South Africa (SYSA) Cape Town, South Africa +27 72 419 5457 [email protected] Yachtmaster Sailing School Cape Town, South Africa +27 (0)82 088 7186 [email protected] Academy of Maritime Medicine Cape Town, South Africa +27 (21) 510 6068 +27 (83) 542 3083 [email protected] Ocean Star Sailing 31 Cape Town, South Africa +27 (21) 418 4074 +27 (83) 542 3083 [email protected] 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING VISA – B1/B2 ������N.B – If you are applying for your B1/B2 from South Africa, visit this website to start the application: If you are applying from another country, visit your countries USA consulate website. OVERVIEW APPLICATION • B1/B2 = non-immigrant visa, for people 1. Visit your countries USA consulate website wishing to enter the United States to download the DS-160 form temporarily 2. Fill out the application Form DS-160 & • B1 = business purposes upload your photo to the form (ensure your photo is according to specified standards) • B2 visa = pleasure 3. Print the confirmation page to take to your • B1/B2 combines the two appointment • The B1/B2 is different from a C1/D visa which 4. Schedule an appointment/interview online is a commercial “crew” visa, intended for airline personnel and commercial seafarers 5. Pay the non-refundable application fee with a “set” itinerary i.e. cruise ship, cargo, (There might be additional issuance fees and ferry employees depending on your nationality) • The entire yachting industry is private, so a 6. Print the payment confirmation to take to B1/B2 is necessary. your appointment • APPLICATION FEE = $160 (online payment, 7. Get your documents ready. (Check the non-refundable) website of the Consulate or Embassy where you have scheduled your interview to see what they specifically request. You cannot be too prepared, so if you think it might be useful, take it along!) ������N.B – If you need more clarification on how to apply, what to say or even have a few questions, please reach out to us and we would be happy to assist, give us a call or pop us an e-mail. It is3v3 ital this process is done with due diligence. 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING VISA – B1/B2 ������N.B – If you have any additional documentation you think will help support your application, take 2 copies with to your interview. The stronger your case the higher your chances of getting your visa. DOCUMENTS MORE INFO 1. Passport (valid at least 6 months beyond the • You are not guarnteed to receive your visa length of your stay in the USA & 2 free pages) even if all documentation is in place 2. Confirmation of application • Waiting times = 2-3 weeks depending on demand; you can check the waiting times 3. Confirmation of application fee payment for your consuate on their website 4. 1x colour photo (2 x 2”) • Take all your original documentation and copies with for your interview 5. Copies of previous B1/B2 visa’s (if you have) • You have to go to the interview in person 6. Proof of funds (3 months bank statements, if you don’t have = $3000 in your account, then • Additional costs: Courier fees to return your a letter from your guardians stating they will passport to you should you not collect it in cover all costs & their 3 month bank person statements) 7. Proof of accommodation (hostel/hotel/crew house booking) 8. Return flight Itinerary (confirmed flights) 9. Proof of travel insurance for duration of stay 10.If you have a family member in the USA, get them to write a letter to acknowledge you will be staying with them 11.Proof of ties to your country (Mortgage statement or utility statement with your name on it or a letter from your parents stating you live with them) 34 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING VISA – Schengen OVERVIEW APPLICATION • You need to apply at the consulate of the 1. Fill out the application form country you will be entering first 2. Make your appointment online • If you are South African and in SA you need to go to Capago (3rd party visa handler for 3. Collect all necessary documentation France & Italy) (originals will need to be taken with to interview) • You can make your appointment online after completing your application form 4. Make all your bookings required for interview • You need to apply for a ‘C’ Multiple entry visa 5. Double & triple check you have everything • APPLICATION FEE = +/-EUR 60 (fee subject to & more required change, non-refundable) DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHENGEN VISA’S 1. Type A or Airport Transit Visa • People from non-Schengen states to transit or wait for their connecting flight • It is compulsory for those people from outside a Schengen state who have to connect flights in the airport of a Schengen country • Does not allow you to enter the said Schengen country 2. Type B Required for journeys lasting fewer than five days has been replaced by type “C” with the condition “transit\" 3. Type C • Short stay Schengen visa • Issued by the visa services (embassies, consulates, appointed external providers) of a country belonging to the Schengen area (capago) • It allows the holder to stay or travel freely in the Schengen area < 90 days over a 180 day period C Schengen visa can be: • A single-entry visa = allows its holder to enter the Schengen area once • A double-entry visa = allows its holder to enter the Schengen area twice during the validity period of the visa • A multiple-entry visa = allows its holder to enter and leave as many times as they want. Max of 90 days over a 180 day period 4. Type D or national long-stay visa • Type D long-stay Schengen visa • Mandatory for foreigners wishing to study, work or live in a Schengen country for > 90 days (up to 1 year). 35 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING VISA – Schengen DOCUMENTS MORE IFO 1. Passport (valid at least 3 months beyond • You are not guarnteed to receive your the length of your stay in the US & 2 pages visa even if all documentation is in place free) • Waiting times = 2-3 weeks depending on 2. Application form demand; you can check the waiting times for your consuate on their website 3. Confirmation of application fee payment • Take all your original documentation and 4. 2x colour photo (35 x 45mm, no older than copies with for your interview 3 months) • You ONLY have to go to the appointment 5. Evidence of your countries legal residence in person if you have NOT had biometrics (ID card) captured applying for a schengen visa in the past 6. Cover letter (Reasons you wish to enter the country, amount of time you wish to spend • Additional costs: in the country & details about your trip) o Delvery of passport (courier, if not collecting in person) 7. Proof of funds (6 months bank statements, if o ID Photo’s (can be done at Capago) you don’t have = $3000 in your account, o Copies for documents (can be done then a letter from your guardians stating at Capago) they will cover all costs & their 6 months bank statements) 8. Proof of accommodation (hostel booking) 9. Return flight Itinerary (confirmed flights) 10.Proof of travel insurance for duration of stay 11.Proof of ties to your country (Mortgage statement or utility statement with your name on it or a letter from your parents stating you live with them) N.B – If you are in South Africa & a citizen then you can apply through Capago (Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg & Cape Town). Visit 36 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING ACCOMODATION ������N.B –It is recommended, that should you book your own accomodation, that you map out all the marina’s in the vicinity and contemplate whether you will need a bicycle to get around. Renting one is around Eur 50 per week. WHAT IS A CREW HOUSE? A crew house is like a hostel, but caters directly to yacht crew who need a temporary home on land. You’ll find crew houses in all the major yachting centres of the world. INCLUDED: • Shared bedrooms and bathrooms • Common lounge areas and communal kitchens • Each bed comes with linens, pillows and towels • Wi-Fi, cable TV, and laundry facilities, and often an outdoor garden and barbeque area • Most houses have weekly housekeeping services to clean the common areas & sometimes rooms COST: Rates are nightly or weekly, but if you need a longer reservation, you can typically arrange a lower rate. EUROPE - €25 to €50 per night or €160 to €250 per week USA- $200 to $350 per week for a single bed PLACE LOCATION E-MAIL WEBISTE PHONE # CREW GRAPEVINE Antibes, [email protected] +33 (0)61 666 France 2843 THE GLAMORGAN Antibes, [email protected] +33 (0)49 334 DEBBIE’S CREW France 4271 HOUSE Antibes, [email protected] +33 (493) 744 CREW HOUSE France 140 LA CIOTAT La Ciotat, Facebook page +33 (0)62 019 CREW France 6591 ACCOMODATION Palma De [email protected] www.accomodationpalma.c +34 (0) 97 128 HOSTEL Mallorca, om 4828 APUNTADORES Spain [email protected] +34 (0) 97 171 or [email protected] 3491 Palma De Mallorca, Spain ������N.B-Please note some research on property reviews, locations and value added needs to be done before booking. Not all the above & on the next page are crew houses specifically but they are crew 38 friendly and located in close proximity to the marina’s and crew agents. 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING ACCOMODATION ������N.B – We offer a service where we book all accomodation for you, so that any and all concerns can be alleviated. The list below is of all my personally recommended stays, there are many more. PLACE LOCATION E-MAIL WEBSITE PHONE # THE CREW Antibes, [email protected] +33 (0)78 345 LIGHTHOUSE France 1561 AMMA’S CREW Antibes, [email protected] +33 (0)61 963 HOUSE France 8250 THE NEPTUNE Fort [email protected] +1 (954) 7524 GROUP 7978 Lauderdale, SMART MOVE Florida FORT LAUDERDALE Fort [email protected] +1 (954) 525 9559 CREW HOUSE m Lauderdale, MARY’S CREW Florida HOUSE Fort info@fortlauderdalecrewhouse www.fortlauderdalecrewhous +1 (954) 800 MARTHA’S CREW 2222 HOUSE Lauderdale, .com Florida PETER PAN CREW HOUSE Fort [email protected] +1 (954) 242 1109 Lauderdale, Florida Fort [email protected] +1 (954) 873 5454 Lauderdale, Florida Fort info@fortlauderdalecrewhouse +1 (954) 300 .com 1113 Lauderdale, Florida COTTON CREW West Palm [email protected] +1 (561) 310 HOUSING Beach, Florida 3477 BTI West Palm [email protected] +1 (954) 806 2095 ACCOMODATIONS Beach, Florida SMILERS CREW St.Maarten, [email protected] +11 599 522 9894 HOUSE Caribbean PINEAPPLE HOUSE Antigua, Pineapplehouseantigua@Hot +1 268 560 3116 CREW HOUSE Caribbean 39 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING FLIGHTS ������N.B – It is advisable to book an “Open” or “Flexi” ticket before your visa interview. If for any reason your visa is not approved you will lose little to no money compared to buying a normal fare flight. The reality of the situation is that in order to be booked on a Seaman’s Flight you will need a Seaman’s Discharge book, which you are unable obtain unless you are already on a yacht with a SEA (Seafareres Employment Agreement). WHAT IS A SEAMAN’S FLIGHT? A seaman’s flight is a category of flight bookings made available to the maritime industry for crew. These flights can be less expensive than through 3rd parties, are more felxible often with minimal to no change fees & allows your 2x 20-23kg bags (airline dependent). WHAT IS A SEAMAN’S BOOK? It is a book provided by state flag of the country the vessel is reigstered in, where sea time is recorded as proof of sea service in order to progress in your career. The application process is simple and quick, and can be done in 2 weeks with a Employment agreement in place. Without a contract on a boat you can not apply. Airlines use this book as proof of being a seman. Should you wish to book flights yourself without our assistance, I would advise using a 3rd party booking platform or book directly with the airline, a list is mentioned below. ������TOP TIP – Ensure your flight you book is flexible or an open ticket, this way you save costs for flight changes. Yachting can be unpredicatable and finding a job is not guaranteed, so make smart choices from the begiinning. BOOKING DIRECTLY WITH BOOKING 3RD PARTY AIRLINE These airlines operate the 1. Travelocity majority of major routes to 2. Expedia yachting hotspots: 3. ChepaOair 1. Lufthansa 4. Tripadvisor 2. Emirates 5. Skyscanner 3. Qatar 6. Onetravel 4. Etihad 7. Travelzoo 5. Air France 8. Google flights 6. Norwegian Air 9. Momondo 7. British airways 10. Nomad 8. Delta 41 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING DAYWORK – WHAT IS IT & HOW TO FIND IT ������N.B – WHAT IS DAYWORK? Daywork is an opportunity provided to you by a yacht to come and do temporary work onboard to gain experience & help the yacht get the necessary work done (paid per day) for any number of days, which may lead to a permanent position should there be one available. vDaywork NEEDS to be your number 1 goal as it can lead to a permanent position onboard the yacht you are working on or can lead you to being referred to another yacht by the crew onboard. vDaywork should be taken seriously and be treated as an interview, ensure you arrive before work starts, sober, fresh and awake. vDaywork will also provide you with experience to put on your CV as well as getting you acquainted with the work you will be required to do onboard as a junior crew member. HOW TO GET DAYWORK? Crew houses- Officers will often post Online –Post your CV on here and check jobs in crew houses or arrive early in these websites everyday for new the morning to see if anyone is keen positions/daywork: to get some daywork for the day. • So be the early bird! • • Networking – It is important to • attend networking events held by • industry professional, as it is here you will meet the people who hire. Dockwalk – Walk the docks and hand out You will find out about these events your CV to different boats if in Europe or a in your crew houses or by US citizen in USA networking with other dayworkers. If you are unable to dockwalk in the USA Facebook groups –Join all these then follow all the other routes mentioned groups and keep an eye on them everyday for postings (there are on here. many more) Crew agents – There are endless amounts of crew agents, and it is advisable to sign • Yacht Crew Group⭐ • South African Super Yacht Crew up to all of them and this is a very time consuming process, but you must be • Fort Lauderdale Yacht Crew aware that most people who obtain a • Palma Yacht Crew • The Crew Circle position from crew agents have experience. You have a higher chance of • Monaco Yacht Crew Jobs getting a job through crew agents if you • Yacht Jobs hold a valuable skill or qualification I.e. • Superyacht Crew Dive instructor. • Yacht Crew Register 43 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING YACHTING & DAYWORKER ETTIQUETTE DO’S DO NOT’S • Always introduce yourself properly to crew •Never wear shoes on a boat with a firm handshake and eye contact •Never board a vessel unless invited and • Always have your CV or business card on escorted on hand (you never know who you may bump into, even on a night out) •Do not eat and drink on deck (only water) • Take advantage of any and all networking •Do not shout at crew to get their attention, opportunities leave you CV at the end of the passarelle (crew are sometimes under time constraints and don’t • Be the first one to walk the docks (7:45am is have time to collect every CV) the best time) •Be aware of how you behave when socialising, • Ensure your uniform you are wearing to walk the industry is small and your CV will land up on docks is clean and ironed & yachting the desk of those who socialise in the same standards area’s • Make a lasting impression, this can be done •Do not bad mouth any boat or crew you by going above and beyond what is asked of dayworked on you, or teaching someone onboard a skill you have •Be aware of your humour, and ensure it is context- sensitive (yachting is diverse) • Ensure that hygiene standards are high (neat hair, nails and freshly showered for any •Do not show up to daywork drunk or hungover daywork) •Do not be late, and if you are with a viable • Dockwalk alone, do not do it with someone else, sure its more nerve wrecking but the excuse (train strikes) call vessel as soon as you point is for you to stand out and its harder to know you will be late do in a crowd •Don’t assume because you have daywork, you • PLAN YOUR DAY & the route you are going to have the job take to each marina •Do not recommend a friend from the crew ������TIP: There have been dayworkers that have house for daywork if you know that working become very creative in their approach some together may be problematic examples are listed below: •Do not try be the life of the party, remain ØGiving a gift like a homemade jam with your professional, remember your trying to land a job CV, this is a great idea for the Stewardess’s not a prize ØWriting a poem as your cover letter that is related to you wanting the job (we hired a girl •Never smoke onboard or close to a boat you on deck because her poem was incredible and are tyring to get work on was posted to our Instagram page) •Don’t approach a boat if all furniture is undercovered an there is a shoe basket on the dock, this means they have guests on and you can NOT approach the vessel 44 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING MARINA’S ������N.B – There are lots of marina’s in each country and even multiple in certain area’s, not all of them are listed here. It is advised once you choose where you will commence your journey, to map out all the marina’s. MARINA ADDRESS AREA/COUNTRY BAHIA MAR RESORT 801 Seabreeze Blvd Fort Lauderdale, Florida HALL OF FAME MARINA 435 Seabreeze Blvd Fort Lauderdale, Florida PIER 66 RESORT 2301 SE 17th St. Fort Lauderdale, Florida MARRIOTT RESORT 1873 SE 17th St. Fort Lauderdale, Florida BROWARD SHIPYARD 1601 SW 20th St. Fort Lauderdale, Florida BRADFORD SHIPYARD 3051 state road 84 Fort Lauderdale, Florida LAUDERDALE MARINE CENTER 2001 SW 20th St. Fort Lauderdale, Florida PORT CAMILLE RYON MARINA Vallauris Golfe-Juan Golfe-Juan, France PORT DE LA SALIS MARINA Salis Beach Antibes, France PORT VAUBAN MARINA Saint Roch Antibes, France PORT OF CANNES (VIEUX PORT) Cannes old town Cannes, France Menton Monaco, France PORT MUNICIPAL DE MENTON Palma de Mallorca, Spain MARINA Avinguda Gabriel Roca MARINA PORT DE MALLORCA ANDRATX MARINA Palma de Mallorca, Spain 46 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING MARINA’S ������N.B – The marina’s may be far apart from one another, google maps before you head off for dockwalking. MARINA ADDRESS AREA/COUNTRY CLUB DE MAR MALLORCA Palma de Mallorca, Spain PORT ADRIANO Palma Bay Palma de Mallorca, Spain PUERTO PORTALS Bay of Palma Palma de Mallorca, Spain PORT TARRACO Barcelona, Spain PORT OLIMPIC DE BARCELONA Barcelona, Spain SUDCANTIERI MARINA Naples Italy MARINA PORTO ANTICO Genoa Italy PORTO LOTTI La Spezia Italy MARINA DI LOANO Loano Italy ANITGUA YACHT CLUB Antigua ISLE DEL SOL MARINA Simpson Bay St.Maarten SIMPSON BAY MARINA Simpson Bay St.Maarten 47 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant


THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING DECK TERMINOLOGY ������N.B – I would advise that whether you are interested in deck, galley or Stewardessing that you aquaint yourself with these terms as you will be assisting with deck operations. o 2 PARTING – A process where acid is used to scrub the teak on the deck A o ALL CLEAR - Term used to state that the boat or tow is clear of all objects, bow and stern o ALL GONE - Term used to state that boat or tow has no secured, or tied, moorings. Used when all lines or tables have been turned loose o AWNING – Material spanned across the deck to provide shade B o BEACH CLUB/LAZARETTE – Usually located on the stern of the vessel, a space to store water sports equipment or tenders o BOLLARDS - A strong cylindrical upright on a pier over which the eye of a ship mooring line is placed o BILGE - The lower inner space of a vessel's hull o BOW LINE /HEAD LINE - A line used from the head of the tow boat to the tow o BOSUN’S LOCKER – A locker where deck cleaning equipment like chamoises and cleaning products are kept o BREAST LINE - Line that leads straight in or square that keeps a vessel from moving out from its mooring o BRIDGE DECK – Deck just below the sundeck C o CAPING RAIL – Usually made of wood or paint and is used to place fender hooks on o CAULKING – The black rubber between deck teak planks o CENTER LINE - The line that runs from the bow to the stern of the vessel in the centre o CHAMOIS – A item used to dry the paint and stainless, very absorbent o CROSSING – Term used to indicate vessel is underway and crossing an ocean or large known body of water D o DRILL – A weekly or monthly safety operation carried out to make crew more aware and reactive to emergency situations o DON – To put on, usually referring to lifejackets, fire fighting equipment or immersion suits F o FENDER – An inflatable rubber device used to prevent things from hitting the body of the vessel o FENDER HOOK – Hook placed over the capping rail & a line is connected to hold the fender in place o FOREDECK – Located by the bow/front of the vessel G o GENERAL ALARM - An alarm that is heard on the entire vessel that when sounded, indicates an emergency o GROUNDED – When a vessels keel has touched the ocean floor and can’t move L o LAUNCH – A process of using cranes or other equipment to place water sport equipment in the water from the bow or tender garages M o MIT – A cleaning item used to wash the vessel N o NAVIGATIONAL LIGHTS - those lights aboard a vessel or tow required to be shown at night and at other times of restricted visibility R o RATCHETS - Heavy turnbuckle with coarse threads and mid-ship handle equipped with pelican hooks on both ends for the purpose of rapidly tightening up wire lashing holding the barges of toes 4to9 gether widely used on rivers 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YACHTING DECK TERMINOLOGY ������N.B – There will be endless more terms that you will learn on deck, many of them will only sink in once you learn hands on. S o SHACKLE - Any of several metal fittings commonly U-shaped, with a removable pin or bolt for connection of chains or making fast pendant o SIKA FLEX – A very strong adhesive used on vessels o STOW - A term used to secure items for rough sea’s o SOS LOCKER – Locker where fire fighting & bilge controls are kept o SOP’S – Standard operating Procedures o SUNDECK – Usually the highest deck level onboard a vessel, just below the mast T o TENDER – A small rib or boat o TUSK – A device used to hold the awning up U o UNDERWAY – Term used to indicate the vessel is under sail or motoring towards known destination W o WATER TIGHT DOOR - A door that is designed to keep water out between bulkheads o WHEELHOUSE/ BRIDGE – Area where the Master/ Captain steers the vessel 50 2020 Virtual Yacht Assistant, All Rights Reserved || +27 (0) 64 684 2690 | @yachtassistant

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