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Home Explore The Kelly Company e-Brochure

The Kelly Company e-Brochure

Published by ish Marketing, 2015-07-23 15:54:59

Description: Building and Remodeling homes in St Louis since 1967.


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The Kelly CompanyCustom home building & remodeling Since 1967 314-609-1051

With a strong desire to deliver the most affordable custom home building experience, the Kelly family has built a company whose name has become synonymous with style, comfort and beauty. The Kelly Company has been building quality homes throughout St.Louis County and the St.Louis City metropolitan area since 1967. At The Kelly Company, we believe your home is the greatest investment you will ever make. Because of this strong belief, “almost perfect” is never good enough. We insist on work- ing with only the best subcontractors and suppliers. This commitment helps us ensure we achieve the highest standards of craftsmanship in each and every home we build. Our meticulous attention to detail guarantees a product of quality and value that enhances your lifestyle. We are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction; because if we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will. All of this ensures that we create the perfect home for your family. We guide you through the design of your new home, the selection process and construction. We value our relationship with our clients, and we strive to meet any needs or expectations. The Kelly Company is committed to building a home that is specifically designed for the family that will live in it. Welcome We look forward to welcoming you to our “family of homes.”Home2©Copyright, The Kelly Company

Kelly Custom Designs 3

Custom Built Homes The Kelly Company has been designing & building custom homes in the St Louis area for almost 50 years. Our clients appreciate our attention-to-detail, professional service and the end result – their new custom built home. Building a custom home is no small project. In fact, it can be one of the largest investments an individual will make over a lifetime, and we take that responsibility seriously. With our extensive experience, The Kelly Company will help you build the home of your dreams.Quality Craftmanship Over the years, we have built strong relationships with a dedicated team of craftsmen and suppliers who understand the high standards of a Kelly Company Custom Home. Our team takes great pride in building a top-quality custom home. CLICK TO VIEW RECENT PROJECTS 4©Copyright, The Kelly Company

The ProcessThe Kelly Company custom home building process is much more thanjust the construction of your new home. Our level of experience, timelessdesign and commitment to providing the best customer service has helpedus to become masters in the home building process.STEP 1 - CONSULT & DESIGNDuring this phase, we work with you to establishan understanding of your dream home and howwe can help make it work within your budget.Our team will collaborate to bring your visionto life.STEP 2 - PRE-CONSTRUCTIONDuring the pre-construction phase, your ProjectManagers walk you through the selectionsprocess, mapping out the best choices for yourneeds and at your desired budget.STEP 3 - CONSTRUCTION 5Sit back and enjoy the excitement as your homeis skillfully and quickly constructed! Throughoutthis phase, you will be updated consistentlywith progress updates. We know that consistentcommunication is the best way to make sureeveryone is on the same page throughoutthe process.STEP 4 - FINAL INSPECTION & BEYONDWhen construction is complete, we will do a finalwalk-through and hand over the keys to yournew custom home! Once you are a Kelly Com-pany homeowner, we hope that you consider us aresource for life – a part of the family. Whetherit be for a remodeling project down the road oryour next home, we will always be happy to assistyou in any way we can!

Project DescriptionLocation: St Louis, MO 63131Year Completed: 2015“There’s nobody else like them, they’re just that good. We have done two major remodels with them and are about to begin a third. Top notch staff from beginning to end, top quality work. We highly recommend them! - Mark Johnson, Des Peres, MO READ MORE TESTIMONIALS 6©Copyright, The Kelly Company

HOW AFFORDABLE IS A CUSTOM HOME? If you’re interested in working with us, but aren’t sure where to start or just how affordable our expertise might be, we encourage you to contact us. We’d love to talk with you and see if there’s a fit, at no cost to you. Simply call 314-609-1051 or click to schedule a free consultation. 7

The Kelly Company Custom home building & remodeling Since 1967 314-609-1051©Copyright, The Kelly Company

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