th h 1987-2022 ANN VERSARY IVERSARY th IVERSARY For CANaNtholic CEOs and Presidents... 1987-2022
The world needs genuine witnesses to Christian ethics in the field of business and the Church asks you to fulfill this role publicly with courage and perseverance. Pope St. John Paul II Address to Legatus, 1988 To study, live and spread the Catholic faith in our business, professional and personal lives. P.O. Box 444 Steven Ingram Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Northeast Regional Vice President (386) 438-0784 [email protected]
Upcoming Events Greetings! We’re excited to introduce you to Legatus International, the world’s premiere organization for Catholic CEOs and Presidents and their spouses! Legatus is 5,000+ members strong across more than 95 chapters around the United States and Canada. Legatus members encourage one another to integrate their Catholic faith into their business practices and live an influential life—leaders who are “in the world, but not of the world” (Jn. 15:19). Through peer support, edifying speakers, and fidelity to the teachings of the Church, Legatus assists some of the most proven business men and women to become better Catholic leaders and to act as ambassadors of the Faith. Legatus strengthens executives to boldly live their Catholic identity. The core of Legatus is the monthly chapter gathering and dinner where members are empowered to build Christian values in their businesses and communities. These events begin with Mass and the opportunity for confession and the Rosary, with socializing, fine dining, and an inspiring presentation from a thought-provoking speaker. Chapter events, as well as Summits, retreats, and pilgrimages, offer Legatus members frequent opportunities to foster authentic fellowship, cultivate their spiritual lives, and share business acumen. Additional member benefits include: Legatus magazine, Networks—a members-only platform, Forums—confidential small groups, concierge healthcare through HealthNetwork, university and college discounts, and more! Our members are leading organizations and businesses and impacting people, families, communities, and in some cases, our national discourse. We invite you to join our ranks! Yours in Christ, Steven Ingram Northeast Regional Vice President (386) 438-0784 [email protected] Our Mission: To study, live and spread the Faith in our business, professional and personal lives.
Who We Are…Legatus is the world’s only organization designed exclusively for top-ranking Catholic business leaders and their spouses. The Legatus concept is simple. It brings together three of the most valuable areas of a business leader’s life— faith, family and business—in a powerful and rewarding way. Legatus, Latin for “ambassador,” exists to help you meet the challenge of balancing responsibilities of faith, family, business and community. Saying… Our Mission…To study, live and spread the Catholic faith in our business, professional and personal lives. ere I can express ous experiences. peer group who XHQFHVWKDW,GHDO ed though these leaders, who are continue to help every gathering. t, if not the best, ed.” ancisco Chapter “The world needs genuine Membership hilotti Bros., Inc. witnesses to Christian Criteria HWKLFVLQWKHÀHOGRIEXVLQHVV sPcohpedSut.lJeo.hWn Phaeunl II addressed and the Church asks you to RQHLe,gWaVtHuHsPmVemWKbHers in 1988 IXOÀOOWKLVUROHSXEOLFO\\DQG out. Fanodr emnaconuyraogfed them: with perseverance!” e a beacon on our h, lik“Tehceowmoirnldgnueepds genuine —Pope Saint John Paul II witnesses to Christian Address to Legatus members ethics in the field of business, November 2, 1988 LansainndgthCehCahputrechr asks you Men andtoafuTlfriullcthkis role publicly with courage egatusacnhdappetresreivnerance.” nehas been a joyful ps with Catholic y. In addition to a nhs ips, Legatus has HVVnoerastsion of a faith- rtoole QGnocne,!D.C. Chapter o Area, KPMG LLP of Legatus as an Legatus Headquarters For Top-Ranking Catholic Executives 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. uallSIuImmit creates Suite L2800 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 boferosur faith, and Phone: (734) 274-6400 1Zi9n8gD8FsTpXrDoLQvWiDdQeFHaVn Fax: (734) 272-4959 Toll-free: (866) LEGATUS ntinued learning, Email: [email protected] members.” Website: nessesAtlanta Chapter ;HH5RDVWHUV,QF ond Burke upreme tura s offers, For Catholic CEOs and Presidents S. For Top-Ranking Catholic Executives
IVERSARY th 1987-2022 ANN In 1987, Tom Monaghan found himself at the intersection of faith and business and this crossing became the inspiration for the mission of Legatus. Thirty-five years later, we celebrate made for such aan amazing journey of empowering executives to boldly live their Catholic identity by reviving leadership, restoring the Faith, and reigniting passions. Thank you for journeying with us and allowing us to become part of your story. made for such aWe believe the best is yet to tcoimme. e as this made for such a time as this STUDY • LIVE • SPREAD made for such a time as this
GWER’REOWING Legatus is in 35 states plus Canada— all across the country, we have a chapter near you! ILLINOIS NEW YORK DuPage County New York City Westchester Cty.* Downtown Chicago Chicago Long Island Albany KANSAS CANADA Kansas City NORTH MINNESOTA PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS Vancouver Bucks County Western Massachusetts Wichita Twin Cities WISCONSIN Harrisburg WASHINGTON NEBRASKA DAKOTA Madison MICHIGAN Lehigh Valley Boston Northshore* Seattle Bismarck Lansing Boston Lincoln Grand Rapids Philadelphia OREGON Omaha IOWA NE Wisconsin Pittsburgh CONNECTICUT Portland Des Moines Detroit Northeast Fairfield County Milwaukee Ann Arbor Hartford Detroit OHIO NEW JERSEY Cleveland Northern New Jersey Cincinnati Columbus Jersey Shore Genesis Newark DELAWARE Wilmington MARYLAND Baltimore WASHINGTON DC NORTH Virginia CAROLINA Northern Virginia Charlotte CALIFORNIA Raleigh Orange County San Francisco SOUTH CAROLINA San Juan Capistrano Charleston* Santa Barbara KENTUCKY Greenville South Bay of LA Lexington Ventura LA North NEVADA Louisville Las Vegas Pasadena ARIZONA San Diego Phoenix TENNESSEE Tucson* Nashville* COLORADO OKLAHOMA LOUISIANA GEORGIA *Chapter Colorado Springs Oklahoma City Houma-Thibodaux North Georgia in Development Lafayette-Acadiana Denver Tulsa New Orleans Northshore Savannah TEXAS INDIANA Houston Indianapolis Lake Charles San Antonio Baton Rouge South Bend-Elkhart FLORIDA Fort Worth New Orleans Evansville Jacksonville Austin Fort Wayne Ft. Lauderdale Dallas MISSOURI Jupiter/Palm Beach Kansas City Tampa Bay St. Louis Naples Ocean Reef* Orlando Miami
Legatus is coming to these cities! Your invitation to a prospective member of Legatus could be a life-changing event for them. We’‘re coming to CHARLESTON email [email protected] for information
LEGATUS3@0 Legtaus pilgrimage in Rome for audience with Pope St. John Paul II, 1998
This May marks 30 “Legatus takes leaders and helps them to be better years since Legatus Catholics,” Monaghan said in an interview for started bringing Legatus magazine. “They can do more than the together some of average person and they should.” As a successful the most powerful businessman and lifelong Catholic, Monaghan’s and influential experience with “doing more” put him in the Catholics in the perfect position to influence other leaders. country. Founder Tom “I’m doing this because it’s the best thing I can do Monaghan realized to help people get to heaven,” he said. “All my past that forming an experience has contributed to this and somehow organization to at the age of 80, I still have the energy and ability.” deepen the faith of Monaghan’s professional experience is vast, Catholic CEOs and beginning with turning a restaurant that he presidents would paid $900 for in 1960 into Domino’s Pizza, which put inspiration and sold for over $1 billion in 1998, and including his knowledge where ownership of the Detroit Tigers from 1983 to 1992. power already But after forming Legatus, Monaghan moved existed. away from materialism into dedicating his life to the Church. Legatus Timeline Tom in dugout with Detroit Tigers players of an “Old Timers Game” at Tiger Stadium 1987 1988 1992 the Faith in our business, profession and personal lives.” May March May 1998 Tom Monaghan meets with First Legatus “University” Legatus celebrates fifth Pope St. John Paul II who meeting held in Ann Arbor, anniversary, 672 members September inspires him to form Legatus Michigan 1994 Legatus founder Thomas Monaghan sells Domino’s June Legatus membership at 124 January Pizza to devote his time First chapters form in Michigan June First Legatus awards at the and resources to and Honduras National Awards Banquet and philanthropic work Archbishop Justin Rigali Celebration at Dearborn Inn, November named international October ecclesiastical advisor Dearborn, Mich. First Legatus retreat held on Legatus members meet with Drummond Island, MI November September Pope St. John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Pope St. John Paul II meets with Revised Legatus Mission at the Vatican while on Legatus pilgrims at Vatican Statement is published: pilgrimage “To study, live and spread 12June 2017 | |
Affecting the Culture to model an organization after the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), a group for networking among heads of businesses aged Legatus has had a ripple 50 and younger, but to make his group about effect, according to Monaghan, the Catholic faith. He wanted to evangelize the starting with those who can heads of top companies by filling them with make things happen and then Catholic inspiration and truths to bring back to radiating into the Church and their families, their businesses, the Church, and culture. Even back in the 1990s the culture. Legatus was called “the most influential lay organization in the Church” by Cardinal And So It Began Anthony Bevilacqua, the first international chaplain for On June 2, 1987, just one month after Monaghan Legatus from 1988 to 2012. met the Pope, Legatus took hold in Michigan with a meeting of 11 men in Ann Arbor. It has And during a Legatus papal been growing ever since with 87 chapters, which audience in 1988, Pope St. John includes 2,700 executive members and over Paul II told them: “The world 5,000 total members including spouses. needs genuine witnesses to “the Christian “Legatus was a From 11 men in Ann Arbor, response to Pope Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta receiving ethics in today’s Legatus approaches John Paul II’s request Domino’s Pizza Humanitarian Award, 1998 the field of to evangelize,” Those that run big companies are a rare breed, business and Monaghan said. Monaghan said, because it takes a lot to get to the the Church top and to stay there. “Because of that, they need asks you to multi-national stature “CEOs are influential more spiritual support and more graces,” he said. fulfill this because most people “Everything else they do pales in comparison role publicly look up to those who to their work and generosity for the Church, and with with over 5,000 members are successful.” He because that can make a difference in someone’s eternity.” perseverance.” explained that too often, successful It was after Monaghan’s people are looked up to for the wrong reason— dream opportunity in 1987 worldly success. It’s more important that of attending Mass with Pope Catholics in the public eye give a good example, St. John Paul II in his private according to him. “That’s what the word Legatus chapel and shaking hands with means—ambassador,” he said. “They can him afterwards that Legatus evangelize just by being so visible. It’s quite an was born. Immediately accomplishment to have achieved the level of a following that experience, CEO and still be a practicing Catholic.” Monaghan was inspired December 2000 visit with President 2007 George Bush Legatus has 1,200 members January May in 22 chapters 2002 Legatus welcomes its 1,000th Legatus celebrates its 20th 1999 CEO member September anniversary with more than 4,000 members in 73 chapters November October Legatus monthly newsletter becomes Legatus magazine 2010 First Leadership Summit Legatus pilgrimage is held and audience with accepting sponsorship Legatus Annual Summit at Pope St. John Paul II advertising the St. Regis Monarch Beach, December Dana Point, CA hosts former 2001 2005 Legatus website is launched: President George W. Bush May Legatus charters seven chapters, breaking all previous Legatus holds its first annual pro-life conference chartering records: San in Washington, D.C., which Antonio, Ann Arbor, Lincoln, includes a 20-minute private Tampa Bay, Baltimore, Houma- Thibodaux, Peoria. 13June 2017 | |
Into the Future Legatus — to teach and support members in their we weren’t living our Catholic faith as Christ faith so that they can better support the Church, intended.” After attending their first Legatus “We have an aggressive plan to especially during these times.” Summit in Orlando in January of 2014, Henry grow Legatus in both quantity Monaghan has never made a penny on Legatus, said that he felt “reborn.” and quality,” said Stephen and even pays his own annual dues. A recent Henley, who became the calculation, according to Henley, revealed that “We learned what the Church stood for and organization’s sixth executive Monaghan has contributed more than $1.5 how we could utilize our successes to be true director last year. He explained million of his own money, but the organization ambassadors for Christ,” he said. “Legatus that the goal is to become a is now self-sufficient and there is a succession changed how we ran our businesses and showed global organization, doubling in plan in place. When Monaghan is no longer able us how to lead by Christian example.” size in three to four years, then to serve as chairman and CEO, the executive moving into Latin America, director will become the CEO. “But Tom’s doctors When Henry reluctantly — after much prayer Europe, Asia, the Pacific Rim, tell him he could easily have another 20 years,” — agreed to step up as inaugural president of Africa, India and into the rest of Henley stated. “Tom isn’t ever going to retire; he’s the new Lafayette-Acadiana Legatus Chapter, the world. “Tom is a visionary going to be with us to the end.” with the help of many other great Catholic through and through,” Henley business leaders, they broke the Legatus record said. “He has laid out the New Blood at charting with 54 member couples. strategic plan on how it will grow and he’s developed new As chapters grow and new ones are formed, He described positions to better serve our there is a move to bring in younger members. Monaghan as a current members.” Henley pointed to Craig Henry, who joined at 45 great friend and Unlike businesses where growth and became a founding charter member and the mentor who has is about increased profits, inaugural president of the Lafayette-Acadiana helped him in Henley said that Legatus is about chapter, as a good example of that. both business and profiting souls. “This is about Henry is the founder, owner and president of his spiritual life. expanding the true mission of “He challenged MAS Transportation & Logistics, LLC, based me to say a rosary in Lafayette, LA, and managing partner in every day for the the Bradford Food Group, a food distribution rest of my life and bakery company which operates in and I’ve done it Mexico and the U.S. He and his wife Jamie for years now.” have three children. Recently, while Craig Henry, founding member/inaugural president of Lafayette-Acadiana Chapter, saying a rosary with Tom Monaghan in the car after getting a new It was good friends Sam and Sally LaVergne puppy, he chuckled to hear his daughter say to the who introduced the Henrys to Legatus through dog: “Duke, get ready, this happens all the time.” the Baton Rouge Chapter in July 2013. “Legatus has literally changed our lives,” Henry said. “Legatus has focused us on our faith even with Although they went to Sunday Mass (usually), the friends we have, how we raise our kids and their kids were in Catholic school, he and run our businesses, and how we view our admitted that something was missing. faith and spread it,” Henry said. “It has touched everything in our life. “ L “We kept feeling like we had a hole in our Tom Monaghan with hearts that we could not fill,” Henry said. “We PATTI MAGUIRE ARMSTRONG wrote the newly President, Stephen Henley didn’t know what to do with the fruits of our published book, Legatus @ 30, is an award-winning author success and like many lost 40-year-old souls, and Catholic journalist, TV and radio commentator, and mother of 10. 2012 2014 2016 2017 Legatus 25th anniversary Legatus begins new growth Legatus surpasses all 30th anniversary of Legatus At year’s end: 2,155 members strategy and develops chartering records with eight 80th birthday of the founder of new position of Chapter new charters: Lake Charles, and 75 chapters Legatus, Tom Monaghan development officer. In the Vancouver, St. Charles, 88 chapters; next three years Legatus Harrisburg, Charlotte, Madison, charters 18 new chapters Washington, D.C., and Fairfield 18 more in development There are now 2,655 executive members and over 5,000 total members 14June 2017 | |
MISSION DRIVEN STUDY• LIVE • SPREAD BTuHsinEesCsA• PTroHfeOssLioInCal F• PAerIsTonHal ARE S P I R I T U A L 96 35schtraopntgeirnsover SUMsMtaItTesBIANNUAL CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE • M embers enjoy monthly Mass, PLUS CANADA Confession, and rosary. N DRIVEN•C haplainshelpchaptersand members advance spiritually. • S peakers deepen our knowledge of the Catholic faith. • M embership with a community of like-minded Catholic peers—a spiritual ‘extended family.’ • L egatus magazine, an award-winning monthly publication explores stories and issues covering the intersection of Faith and business. PROFESSIONAL EmpSowUeMrinMg eIxTecutives PILGRIMAGESQUALITYJOURNEYSWITHEXPERTGUIDESANDINSIDERACCESS StoUbMoldMlyIlTive their CaINthSolIicDidEeRntityBIANNUALCATHOLICLEADERSHIPCONFERENCE • E levation of intentional discipleship and servant leadership. BIANNUAL CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE HEADLINES AND NEWS FROM CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE • S upport and encouragement to live the Catholic faith confidently in business. PILGRIMAGES AD PQUrAivLIaTYteJOmUReNEmYSbWeIrTsH-EoXPnElRyTpGUlaIDtEfSoArNmD.INSIDER ACCESS Confidential, small groups meet regularly. • L eadership opportunities and personal relationships POWERED BY with business professionals and clergy. IPNILSGIRDIMEARGESQUALITY JOURNEYS WITH EXPERT GUIDES AND INSIDER ACCESS EADVVISEEND FTUNSDSD O N O R • M embership in a prestigious executive society. WHEAEDELIKNELSYANNDENWEWSS FDROIGMECASTTHOLIC PERSPECTIVE EXCLUSIVE EXCURSIONS, ACCESS, AND CELEBRATIONS N AT I O N A L kPOnWEiRgEDhBtYsTHoE f columbus charitable fund ISNUSMIDMEIRTHEADLINES AND NEWS FROM CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE • R egional Directors focused on vibrant, ADDOVNIOSERD FUNDS healthy chapters. BLIeAgNNaUtuALsC’ AaTnHnOuLIaClLsEAigDnERaStHuIrPeCOeNvFeEnRtE.NCE POWERED BY THE • C hapter administration support, training, and all HR functions. Healthcare concierge service. EEVVEENNTST&S COHORTSADDOVNIOSERDFUNDS • Treasurer support, tax filing, and budget planning. made for such aEXCLUSIVE EXCURSIONS, ACCESS, AND CELEBRATIONS • P rogram planning and speaker caucus assists POWERED BY THPEO W E R E D B Y T H E H A L F T I M E I N S T I T U T E PIEPLGIVLRGEIMRNIAMTGASEGSES COHORTSEdifying experiences with fellow Legates. chapters in planning stellar yearly programs. EQXUCALLUISTIYVEJOEUXCRUNRESYIOSNWS,ITAHCCEEXSPSE, ARNTDGCUEIDLEEBSRANTIDONINSSIDER ACCESS POWERED BY THE HALFTIME INSTITUTE • N ew-member processing and welcoming. • M embership growth and retention training. INSIDER • National collateral, templates, chapter promotions HEADLINES AND NEWS FROM CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE and annual brochures. • N ew-chapter development enhances reach of Legatus made for such a time as thisADDOVNIOSERDFUNDS POWERED BY THE mission, bringing fresh enthusiasm and depth. EVENTS COHORTS EXCLUSIVE EXCURSIONS, ACCESS, AND CELEBRATIONS POWERED BY THE HALFTIME INSTITUTE
Connect networkwith your Membership & Event Connect With Chapter News Updates Private Other Members MEMBERS-ONLY PRIVATE PLATFORM GROUPS EPDROGFEESSIONALTHE MEDIA Creating CENTER Connect with other members connections for Legates & their families Connect with your faith Business Speaker Sectors Interests Mentors Internships Faith Recordings & Hobbies Resources Connect with members Career Strengthen your faith throughout Legatus. Opportunities with our compelling Find Legates who share your interests Give your children and grandchildren media library of the proprietary networking inspirational speakers or work in your industry. benefits of membership. Connect with mentors, and interviews. find internships and career opportunities. Connect with your Legatus family! Discover new groups and interests, catch-up on updated content in the media center, and check-out your chapter programs and calendar— all on Legatus Networks, your members-only private networking platform. Not on Networks? Email [email protected]
Click below for detailed information Timeless Prayers for Busy People on Legatus’ HealthNetwork— a special is a Legatus favorite. Renew your faith healthcare concierge service for Legatus and invite the Holy Spirit using these members and their families. timeless classics of our Catholic tradition. TO STUDY, LIVE TIMELESS AND SPREAD THE PRAYERS CATHOLIC FAITH FOR BUSY IN OUR BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL AND PEOPLE PERSONAL LIVES The tenth printing of Timeless Prayers is courtesy of Troy & Christy King, Orlando Chapter of Legatus. P.O. Box 444 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 • •866-LEGATUS
A m GROWING IN PERSONAL SANCTITY m What is Tres Magna? It is Latin for Big Three. Legatus encourages Daily Mass all members to attend daily Mass, pray the Rosary every day, and go to Confession monthly—the Big Three, Tres Magna! Daily Rosary Imagine how Christ can use Legates to transform our society when we commit to Tres Magna. Committing to Tres Magna will not only keep Monthly Confession us on the path to sanctity, it will also give us the grace to truly live the B ~Legatus mission. We encourage you to commit to Tres Magna and m encourage your fellow members to join in this healthy spiritual habit! MAGNAVisit to pledge your commitment to Tres MagnaTres Magna! (you can be anonymous), then download a Tres Magna commitment card to serve as a holy reminGdeRr tOo pWursIuNe GGodI’sNgraPceEthRroSugOh tNheAsaLcraSmAenNts.CTITY m Executive Health Exam August 3-5, 2022 Executive m Health Exam One appointment.
JOIN US FOR OUR EVENTS & PILGRIMAGES Make 2022 a year of spiritual renewal! For questions or to apply your initiation fee credit please visit, or contact us at [email protected] or 866-LEGATUS.
EDGETPHRE OFESSIONAL Sharpen your professional edge with our new career service. Find and Post New Positions Become a Mentor Promote Internships Connect with a Mentor Locate Industry Colleagues for Partnerships and Leads Legatus’ exclusive concierge service will acquaint you with the easy process— for connecting with members, finding mentors, and accessing the proprietary benefits of The Professional Edge. See our private career tab for The Professional Edge on Networks.
Available now! Legatus eMagazineSbeeeewnhmaitssyionug’!ve Log into Legatus Networks acro egatus chapte Announcing Enjoy instant access to Legatus magazine each month. No app is needed. Wherever you are, you can have an engaging, portable reading experience. Find Legatus emagazine in the MSeede iwahtaatbyoonu’vLeebgeaetnusmNisseitnwg orks. MEMBERS-ONLY PRIVATE PLATFORM Not on Networks? Email [email protected] Embrace something new, go into the deep with your faith. Legatus is challenging each chapter to start a Forum. Known for enhancing member experience, Forums also enrich lives personally and professionally and become a tie that truly binds—members in Forums have higher retention and participation rates. Knowing Forums build healthy chapters, we’re prepared to support you in taking our members into the deep. If your chapter already has Forums, be inspired to start new Forums so all your members can participate. DUC IN ALTUM iinnttoo tthhee ddeeeepp For more information on bringing forums to your DUC IN ALTUM chapter or to join your local forum, contact [email protected] or call 866-LEGATUS.
WE ARE MISSION DRIVEN Learn more on our website!
To study, live and spread the Faith in our business, professional and personal lives.
Legatus Headquarters 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. P.O. Box 444 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (866) LEGATUS (734) 274-6400 Fax: (734) 272-4959 [email protected]
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