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Home Explore Does Your Customer Service Suck?

Does Your Customer Service Suck?

Published by Jackson, 2015-02-19 21:53:22

Description: As a customer, I know what it's like to be on the customers side of the counter. You want to turn over your hard earned money for goods or services. You are then confronted with attitude, rudeness and utter disregard for just how hard you have worked for your dollar. Either the service is slow and the quality of the goods are poor, or worse the company you are patronizing rigidly enforces poor policies for handling customer issues.As a business owner I realize the cost of...


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Title:Does Your Customer Service Suck?Word Count:744Summary:As a customer, I know what it's like to be on thecustomers side of the counter. You want to turnover your hard earned money for goods or services.You are then confronted with attitude, rudenessand utter disregard for just how hard you haveworked for your dollar. Either the service is slowand the quality of the goods are poor, or worse

the company you are patronizing rigidly enforcespoor policies for handling customer issues.As a business owner I realize the cost of...Keywords:customer, service, retail, sales, darryl gee,management, businessArticle Body:As a customer, I know what it's like to be on thecustomers side of the counter. You want to turnover your hard earned money for goods or services.You are then confronted with attitude, rudenessand utter disregard for just how hard you haveworked for your dollar. Either the service is slowand the quality of the goods are poor, or worsethe company you are patronizing rigidly enforcespoor policies for handling customer issues.

As a business owner I realize the cost of poorservice. Poor service decreases impulsepurchases, leads to a reduction in repeatbusiness, causes lack of referrals and negativelyimpacts customer relationships. When you aretrying to build a business in a competitive marketeach of these are critical to your success. In anenvironment where customers have a dozen or morepurchase options it is imperative that great carebe taken to build your business.How are you doing at building your business withcustomer service? Consider how you would handlethe following customer interactions:(1) A customer purchased a $10 item and now wantsto return it. Your policy is no refunds. This acustomer who has shopped your establishment manytimes. Do you return the item or enforce thepolicy? If you must, gently remind the customerof your policy, but you should absolutely refundor exchange the product to the customers

satisfaction.(2) When customers enter you business are theygreeted warmly or ignored? At the very least doyou make eye contact and smile? A warm and hearty揌 ello?will fit almost any environment. Do thiswith each customer. A smile would be the icing onthe cake.(3) Do your employees say 揟 hank You?and smileafter each customer purchase? Or do they simplyhand the customer their bagged item and say 搉ext.?Thank You ... Its just two little words, andonly eight characters long. Just say it. It goesa long way to build goodwill and customerrelationships. It gives the perception that youare nice and friendly. Don 抰 forget to smile.(4) During customer interactions are you on thephone or talking with other employees? Or are youfocused 100% on the customer? It is downright rudeto be doing ANYTHING, other than focusing on your

customer, during a transaction.(5) A Customer comes into your establishment andis there incessantly reading product labels. Doyou leave the customer there to fend forthemselves or do you offer the customer yourexpert opinion on the products you offer. Moreoften than not the customer will be left alone.Go help them. If they want to be left alone letthem tell you so.What do you think customers do when they encountergreat customer service? They become advocates foryou and help to build your business by referringothers. They become loyal to you, completing likepurchases exclusively at your establishment.Fantastic service is what makes customers want toshop with you despite a higher price or theinconvenience of distance. Even if you areproviding a lesser quality product or service,fantastic customer service can help youcompensate for it. It gives you an incredible, low

cost competitive advantage.To improve your customer 抯 experience, start bychanging yourself. Change your attitude whenhandling customer issues. Be friendly and liberalversus stern when implementing policy. This mayrequire you to convince yourself that you canafford great service. Do the math and discoverthat it will cost you less to take care of thatcustomer now and build a life long patron. Set theexample by regularly chatting with customers andenthusiastically pitching in to solve hardproblems.Next challenge your employees by asking them tostep up their game. Catch them providing greatservice and provide some simple verbalrecognition. Constantly bring up and talk abouthow important it is to set yourself apart withgreat service. Create a bulletin board in youremployee only area, and post positive commentsfrom customers - if a customer verbally tells you

something great, type it up and post it on theboard. For employees that just don 抰 get it tryto understand why and help them with some training,coaching and counseling.Starting with your next customer begin buildingthat essential customer service foundation.Offer a friendly smile, a warm greeting, and acaring attitude. Engage in aimless small talk,genuinely go the extra mile and try to trulyunderstand the other person.

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