www.handsonhongkong.org /handsonhongkong
2013ANNUAL REPORTHandsOn HONG KONG“Build Communitythrough Volunteerism.”
Be the Change. Volunteer. HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013
Contents: 1 3A Message from our Founder 5Our Mission 15Our Programs 17Our Impact 19Our Funding 25Our Expenditure 27Our Board and Staff Our Details
A Message from our Founder 2013 has taken HandsOn Hong The growth has been across Kong’s work to new levels, the board – our activities have enabling us to positively impact increased 39% with an average of the lives of more people in 62 activities per month. We worked Hong Kong than ever. with 44 NGO partners in 2013, a 69% growth from last year. In our first year of operation An exciting new area of focus in 2007, HandsOn Hong Kong for our programs is volunteers gave around 800 hours environmental protection. of service to the local community. Six years later that has grown In 2013 we introduced several to 12,610 hours. That’s over 50% programs to recycle items that more than 2012, more than double would otherwise have ended up in the hours of 2011, and a 1,500% Hong Kong’s already overflowing increase over 6 years! landfills. This includes gently used soap from hotels and surplus bread Our growth is such that on just from bakeries. With the help of one day in December 2013 our our volunteers, the soap and bread volunteers gave 1,200 hours - more are redistributed to people on low hours of service than in the whole incomes who would otherwise have of our first year. gone without these daily basics. Looking ahead, we enter 20141 HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013
Looking ahead, we enter 2014 In closing, I invite you will helpwith plans to continue to expand us to continue the good workour programs, in particular those of HandsOn Hong Kong in ourserving the elderly. With one in community through volunteering,three elderly people in Hong Kong spreading the word, and makingliving below the poverty line, there an in-kind or financialis much HandsOn Hong Kong and contribution. In other words,our volunteers can do to brighten “Be the Change today!”up their lives.Shaun BernierFounder, HandsOn Hong KongHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 2
“We strive to be the first point of contactfor individuals in Hong Kong who want tobe involved in community service.”HandsOn Hong Kong is a Hong give back to the community, to doKong based charity. HandsOn so in a meaningful way. Our largestHong Kong’s mission is to “Build area of activity is serving childrenCommunity through Volunteerism”. and youth of Hong Kong. OtherWe take a two-fold approach to programs serve adult educationachieving this, by helping charities needs, refugees and migrants,meet their volunteer needs and animals welfare and the elderly.helping Hong Kongers who want to“Our largest area of activity is servingchildren and youth of Hong Kong.”HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 4
This chart represents the differentprograms we ran in 2013 and thepercentage of activity for each one.69.5% Children and Youth 11% Environment 6.6% Adult Literacy and Education 3.8% Elderly 2.5% Sports 2.2% Animal Welfare 1.9% Refugees and Migrants 1.3% Art and Culture 0.8% Civic and CommunityHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 6
This graph represents the 1 Children and Youthchange in percentage of programsfrom 2011-2013. 2 Environment 3 Adult Literacy and Education 70% 4 Elderly 5 Sports 60% 6 Animal Welfare 50% 7 Refugees and Migrants 8 Art and Culture 40% 9 Civic and Community 30% 20% 10%12 3 45 678 92013 2012 2011 *Please note the choice of programs to compare is based on the selection of programs run in 2013.HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 7
CHILDREN & YOUTHPrograms we ran in 2013 to benefit children included:Outings with Special Helping Primary School Students to Art Workshops for Children fromNeeds Students Learn English Low-Income FamiliesNGO Partner: Po Leung Kuk NGO partner: Boys & Girls Club Association NGO partner: Lizzie Bee “In 2013 69.5% of volunteer programs were serving children and youth.”
ENVIRONMENTEnvironmental programs we ran in 2013 included:Recycling Soap Food Redistribution ProgramsNGO partner: SoapCycling NGO partner: Bread Angel and Food Angel “Our environment programs have been a great success over the last year.”
“Adult literacyand educationis the 3rd largestprogram runin 2013.”ADULT LITERACY AND EDUCATIONPrograms we ran in 2013 to benefit adult literacy and education included:Helping Teach Cantoneseto Ethnic Minority AdultsNGO partner: Christian ActionHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 10
“Our elderly programs this year focused on house cleaning for the elderly residents.”ELDERLY HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013Elderly programs we ran in 2013 included:Housecleaning for the ElderlyNGO partner: Hong Kong MutualEncouragement AssociationJane Shu Tsao Social Centrefor the Elderly11
ANIMAL WELFAREAnimal welfare programs we ran in 2013 included:Puppy HomingNGO Partner: Hong KongRescue Puppies“Our animal welfareprograms made up2.2% of our programhours in 2013.”
SPORTSSports programs we ran in 2013 included:Sports with Adults withLearning DisabilitiesNGO partner: The Nesbitt Centre “We ran 17 sporting programs for adults in 2013.”
“Arts and Cultureprograms havepicked up againsince 2011.”ARTS AND CULTUREArts and culture programs we ran in 2013 included:Meeting and Greeting at the VeryHong Kong FestivalNGO partner: Very Hong KongHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 14
“At HandsOn Hong Kong, we have had an increase of 2,100 volunteers since 2012.”12,610 HandsOn Hong Kong’s volunteers Increase in percentage since 2012: delivered 12,610 hours of service 6,759010 in 2013 51% 48% 44 At the end of 2013, we had around 6,500 volunteers registered with 49% HandsOn Hong Kong, an increase of 2,100 volunteers since 2012 69% We held 791 volunteer events in 2013 We ran volunteer programs for 44 NGO partners in 2013, increasing our number of partners by 18 since 2012HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 16
In 2013, we had an increasedfunding of $1,252,605 since 2012. Gala Ball $1,675,838 Corporate Funding $1,312,752 Other fundraising activities $336,831 = In 2013, we had a total funding of $3,325,421HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 18
The total amount of expenditure on The total amount of expenditure on The total amount of expenditure onour programs in 2013 was: fundraising in 2013 was: administration tasks in 2013 was:$1,766,697 $1,034,499 $326,13057% 33% 10% $3,127,326The total expenditure of 2013 wasHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 20
Financial Statement HandsOn Hong Kong Limited is now separate to Hands On China When HandsOn Hong Kong was Limited and its operations focus founded in 2007, it operated as on Hong Kong. part of Hands On China Limited, a tax exempt organization in For this reason, HandsOn Hong Hong Kong under Section 88 of Kong had 2 Financial Statements the Inland Revenue Ordinance for 2013:- (Cap. 112) with Inland Revenue file • Hands On China Ltd covering the number 91/8585. Hands On China period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013; Limited also had operations in • HandsOn Hong Kong Ltd Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. covering the period from 8 June 2012 (date of incorporation) to 30 Since 1 June 2013 HandsOn Hong September 2013. Kong has been operating as HandsOn Hong Kong Limited, a tax exempt organization in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) with Inland Revenue file number 91/12390.21 HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013
FINANCIAL STATEMENT *Please note that the Financial Statement for Hands On China Limited also coversIncome and expenditure account (in US$) for the HandsOn Shanghai, HandsOn Beijing andyear ended June 30, 2013* HandsOn Chengdu. The financial statement does not separately identify income and 2013 (US$) expenditure for HandsOn Hong Kong.Income 2012 (US$)Donation receipts 169,639 121,151Interest received 4 5Management income 217,851 103,238 18,190Other income 64 242,584 387,558 787Administration Expenses 645 1,358Account fee 787 184Auditors’ remuneration 645 960Bank charges 733 487Building management fee 806 32,331Courier 345 378Depreciation 504 6713Donation 23,824 481Exchange difference 803Internet expenses 1,515 411Insurance 10,227 2,867Legal and professional fee 3,337 3,541Messing 1,499 59,768Office supplies 2,143 4,839Project expenses 98,724 7,267Provident fund contribution 5,645 107,579Rent 9,046Salaries 145,879 402Sundry expenses 4,705 -Sundry expenses - Transfer to HansOn Hong Kong Limited 161,051Telephone 805 1,249Traveling expenses 7,325 10,038Utilities 381 14(Deficit)/Surplus for the year 480,729 242,299 93,171 285HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 22
FINANCIAL STATEMENT The summary financial statements are based on audited financial statements which areIncome and expenditure account (HK$) for the available upon request.period of 8 June 2012 to 30 Septemeber 2013 2013 (HK$)Income 129,801Donations received 265,124Program income 112,676Fundraising income 1,253,313Other income Interest income 4Total income 1,760,918Expenditure 87,707 579,060Administration expenditure Program expenditure 91,549Fundraising expenditure 1,921Finance costs 760,237Total expenditure Surplus and total comprehensive 1,000,681income for the period 23 HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013
FINANCIAL STATEMENT The summary financial statements are based on audited financial statements which areThis page outlines the expenditure in more detail available upon request. 2013 (HK$)Administration expenditure 4,000 3,860Audit Fee Entertainment 895Insurance 8,531Legal and professional fee MPF contribution 657Rent 27,928Salaries and wages 32,281Stationary and printing Travelling 1,798Utilities 6,104 1,653Total administration expenditure 87,707Program expenditure 2,842 10,500Insurance 360,800MPF contribution 204,918Salaries and wages Other program costs Total program expenditure 579,060Fundraising expenditure 1,968 79,544MPF contribution 10,037Salaries and wages Other fundraising costs Total fundraising expenditure 91,549Bank charges 1,921HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 24
“Our whole team is dedicated to makingall HandsOn Hong Kong programs assuccessful as possible.”Our Board: Our Staff:Shaun Bernier, Founder Caroline Sprod, Executive DirectorMichael ClemonsKatherine Creedon Ivy Leung, Head of ProgramsAlex de LaiglesiaZeb Eckert Nokia Cheung,Evan Griffiths Senior Program ManagerBeatrice Remy Phoenix Chan, Project Coordinator Jane McPhee, Events ManagerHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 26
HandsOn Hong Kong operates HandsOn Hong Kong is anas part of Hands On China affiliate of the global HandsOnLimited. Hands On China Limited Network, headquartered inis a tax exempt organization in Atlanta. International affiliatesHong Kong under Section 88 of the of the HandsOn Network benefitInland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) from the network’s expertise butwith Inland Revenue file number do not receive funding from91/8585. Hands On China Limited the network.was incorporated in Hong Kong as alimited liability company under theCompanies Ordinance on 9 March2007 and also operates separateoffices in Shanghai, Beijingand Chengdu.For more information on the HandsOnNetwork visit www.handsonhongkong.orgHandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013 28
Address: Telephone:HandsOn Hong Kong 2815 25581604 the L.plaza367-375 Queen’s Road Central Email:Sheung WanHong Kong [email protected] “We’d love to hear from you!”
“Thank you for taking the time to readour annual report, we look forward tomaking 2014 a year be proud of.”HandsOn Hong Kong Annual Report 2013
www.handsonhongkong.org /handsonhongkong
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