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Published by uttambera2510, 2017-07-25 11:30:56

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Company Prole Yash Water Purier Private Limited are specialist in water ,wastewater &waste water recycling system, the company has a complete range of technologies , products and services. BLUE HAWK environmental offers total water management solutions for industries, homes and communities . Hydro treat, formed in 1994, currently employs 50 people multi -disciplinary teams of highly trained and experienced professional managers and technologists. it has a country-wide infrastructural network and a strong presence. The company’s position of strength has Ben attained by its focus on technological advancement through continuous R&B and afictions with the best specialist water treatment companies internationally. and above all, by commitment to customer satisfaction and fullling needs with value added solutions. The company uses its wide range of products and an integrated approach to deliver total Solutions for every Market, household, institutional, commercial, industrial and public water supplies, urban and rural. Comprehensive services such as O&M and A.M.C. enable the company to meet customer needs totally, offering end benet conveniently and economically, with single source responsibility. Pretreatment, Process water/liquid treatment, waste water treatment, water recycle and product recovery using various physic- chemical process for settling, clarication, ltration and disinfection, membrane and ion exchange technology. In its 10 years of experience, the company has provided installations for diverse industries in India, South Africa, Mauritius & neighboring countries from small scale to large scale Projects. The company has an in depth understanding and knowledge of the Indian market. We have more than 20 plants in India – Packaged, Pre-engineered and custom built. Over 25 Major instillation at dyeing & washing, Electroplating, food processing and other industries.

Product RangeWater Treatment Plants Wastewater treatment Plants Water Treatment Chemicals Water Filtration Systems Sewage Treatment Plant Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals Water Softener Plants Efuent Treatment Plant Boiling Water Treatment Chemicals Water Dimeralisation Plants Wastewater Recycling Plants Based Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Reverse Osmosis plant on Zero liquid discharge Decaling Chemicals Electrodeionization RO Antiscalent Chemicals (A complete solution of Pharmaceutical lndustry)

Water Treatment PlantsWATER FILTRATION SYSTEMWe are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrumof superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by uscomprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing andhigh durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of themarket. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for itssuper working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab leprices. Features : Provided in international standards Superb nishing High accuracy WATER SOFTENER PLANTS We are able to gain immense expertise in delivering Water Softener Plants at clients’ premises. The offered range of water softener plants is available in different customized specications and forms as per the diverse requirements of valued clients. Along with this, the offered range is available with touch of s coda monitoring screen, which ensures clear display. Offered range is designed using ion exchange technique, which is a procedure of dealing undesirable ions with much more desirable ions ensuring the softness and eco-friendliness of the water. Other details: Easy to operate Compact in size Ion exchange resin is incorporated for purifying waterWATER DEMINERALIZATION PLANTSWe are able to gain immense expertise in delivering Water SoftenerPlants at clients’ premises. The offered range of water softener plants isavailable in different customized specications and forms as per thediverse requirements of valued clients. Along with this, the offered rangeis available with touch of s coda monitoring screen, which ensures cleardisplay. Offered range is designed using ion exchange technique, which isa procedure of dealing undesirable ions with much more desirable ionsensuring the softness and eco-friendliness of the water. Features: Opulent working Smooth ltering Blissful working Smooth nishing Compact Designing

WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices. We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices. WATER FILTRATION SYSTEMWe are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broadspectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The rangemade available by us comprises of best quality in internationalstandards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourcedfrom the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered ataffordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its superworking, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab leprices. We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.

Bottle Filling Machine fmWroaemdaerteahveParmiolamobslietnabeunyttuhmsecnaotnimcufvpaecrnitsuderoserors,fsobufeptshptelqiemuraaalirntkydeient.xiOnptofefrertnreeartdoioafntaaablffrsootarandddasbaprleedcsptwrriucitmehs,pooef usrfureppcertordidoeursciqgtun-laiinnligteyaisnWdaaphtpeiglrahuFddiluterrdaatbfiooilrintiytPstlhasnuattpsae.rrTewhseoourrkarcnineggde, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international aTpastrfrhfaeiocenrsedrdosaaa.urnWbrdgclseeeewmdaprirtafeirhcdoPeepmsrea,orvotmfaheuieilcrnatembpdnlreoetossbdmtiyguaancuunitsntu-hgclfieanoacnemnttduiipscrhreaviisprgee,hpnssldduaoopuufrdrpbsaeleiboedsirftlifttqoayhnuretdaihtlmisaettyxasapurinkrpoeeiernttsr.teoewOruroronffcafreektaridieonbdfngrra,ooalpatmsedtaarftsffnhoepdecreadtmcratdorbnsusliewmtshapiituonrhtifgchpseeaeusnnrp,dtfeoiecreucivmtroedrpinnerqdesouoindgartnulsiditcnoytug-frWltaianhnbaeeditleiimthsryiaagFwrphiklptidetrlhauta.urtaOiadofbfenfoidfleriPtdrfyloeaatrbdnhtiaaltsestt. super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices. RFC MACHINEMODEL NO BPM FOR RINSING FILLING CAPPING ELECTRIC DIMENSION HEAD HEAD HEAD POWER (MM) APRXVA-8-8-3 500 ML (KW)VA 12-12-1 1500-2000 88 3 2000x1500x2200VA16-12-6 1800-2000 12 12 1 4.23 900x700x1900VA18-18-6 3000-4000 16 12 6 2400x1600x2350VA-24-24-8 6000-8000 18 18 6 2.62 2600x1920x2550VA-32-32-10 8000-10000 24 24 8 3100x2300x2800VA 40-40-12 12000-15000 32 32 10 2.2 3800x2800x2900 15000-200000 40 40 12 4600x2800x2900 2.4 3 5.5 7.5

We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broad spectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in international standards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered at affordable prices, our product-line is applauded for its super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of aSHRINK TUNNEL MACHINE SHRINK WRAPPING MACHINEAUTOMATIC SHRINK LABELING MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS: ISO approved 1 Year guarantee OMRON PLC SUS304 Stainless Steel Panasonic Servo motor

SUPERIOR PRINT QUALITY CUP/GLASS FILLING & SEALING MACHINEfmWroaemdaerteahveParmiolamobslietnabeunyttuhmsecnaotnimcufvpaecrnitsuderoserors,fsobufeptshptelqiemuraaalirntkydeient.xiOnptofefrertnreeartdoioafntaaablffrsootarandddasbaprleedcsptwrriucitmehs,pooef usrfureppcertordidoeursciqgtun-laiinnligteyaisnWdaaphtpeiglrahuFddiluterrdaatbfiooilrintiytPstlhasnuattpsae.rrTewhseoourrkarcnineggde,perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.We are Prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a broadspectrum of superior quality Water Filtration Plants. The range made available by us comprises of best quality in internationalstandards with perfect designing and high durability that are sourced from the most authentic vendors of the market. Offered ataTparfrhfeiocerserdosaa.unWbrgcleeeemdaprrafeircdoPeemsra,ovotmahuieilrnaembpnlreotosbdmtyuaacuuntstu-hclfieanocnemttuiipscrreavispree,pnsslduaoopufrdpbseleioedsrftftqoahnuredaitlmisetyxaspurinkpoeiernttr.teewOrroonffafrektariieonbdngra,oalpatsedtaarfsffnoepdcreadtcratdrbnsuliewmshpiitonrhifgcpseaeusnrp,dfeoereucimtrodrpinerqesouindgatnuliditcnytug-rWlaiannbaeditleiithsryiagFwphilptidtrlhauaurtaiadofbfenoidlriPtdfyloaatrbnhtialtsest.super working, perfect nishing and eminent durability with affordab le prices.

BLUE HAWK YASH WATER PURIFIER PRIVATE LIMITED NEW DELHI INDIA Telephone: +91 11 6596 [email protected] www.yashwaterpurifier.comA-5 Dwarka More Metro Pillar 769, New Delhi - 110078,

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