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Home Explore 2016-LYNX-Annual-Report


Published by lynx, 2017-03-20 13:02:03

Description: 2016-LYNX-Annual-Report

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Enter Text Here January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 |1

Table of Contents 3 6I. Introduction 10II. Post-Secondary Students & Alumni 12III. Post-Secondary Partners 15IV. Program Sponsors 16V. Employment Sector 17VI. Marketing 22VII. Communication and TechnologyVIII. Conclusion

I. IntroductionProgram MandateThe purpose of the LYNX Program is to connect Aboriginal post-secondary students seeking career developmentopportuni es with employers seeking to hire and engage Aboriginal post-secondary students in meaningfulcareer building opportuni es.Program RationaleThe ra onale for the ini al development of the LYNX: Aboriginal Student Career and Employment Program wasto improve the connec on between Aboriginal post-secondary students and employers from the Corporate,Private, and Public Sectors. This program is in line with the Truth and Reconcilia on Commi ee’s Calls to Ac on,specifically Number 7 under Educa on: “We call upon the federal government to develop with Aboriginalgroups a joint strategy to eliminate educa onal and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-AboriginalCanadians.” (Calls to Ac on, Truth and Reconcilia on Commission of Canada, 2015) • Between 2006 & 2011, the Aboriginal popula on, aged 25-64 years of age, increased 21%, while the non-Aboriginal popula on increased by 5%. • The unemployment rate for Aboriginal people of working age is 13% higher than the unemployment rate of non-Aboriginal people. • By 2031, the popula on of those who iden fy as Aboriginal is predicted to reach 2.2 million in Canada.In accordance to Sta s cs Canada (2006 census and 2011 Na onal Household Survey) the Aboriginal popula onremains substan ally younger than the non-Aboriginal popula on. In fact, forty-six percent of Aboriginal peopleare under the age of 25 years compared to 29% for the non-Aboriginal popula on. In addi on, the median ageof the Aboriginal popula on is 28 compared with 41 for non- Aboriginals. Aboriginal youth generally remainan untapped work force within Canada. The majority of this younger popula on requires a wide variety ofcustomized educa on and employment programs designed to support educa onal mobility for Aboriginal youthand transi on young adults effec vely into the employment sector. LYNX works to provide a means in which toeffec vely transi on Aboriginal adults from the post-secondary educa on sector into the employment sector.Program DescriptionRecognizing that Aboriginal youth represent the fastest growing segment of the Canadian workforce and thatthe Aboriginal popula on is dispropor onally under- represented within the employment sector across Canada,the LYNX: Aboriginal Student Career and Employment Program is designed to provide Aboriginal post- secondarystudents with career and employment assistance during the course of their studies. It is also designed tosupport new post-secondary graduates to find meaningful employment at the cri cal period, which for many isleading up to, or shortly a er, gradua on from post-secondary programs.To assist Aboriginal post-secondary students and alumni in a successful transi on to the workforce, LYNX’s onlinecareer development program ( together with the LYNX Career Portal, serve as a virtualcareer service centre. This virtual centre has become a place where students and alumni can post resumes, gainaccess to career and employment seeking strategies, and most importantly, meet employers who are seekingpoten al Aboriginal job candidates for posi ons such as internships, co-ops, summer employment and full- meor part- me posi ons. |3

Program ObjectivesAboriginal Post-Secondary Program EmploymentPost-Secondary Partners Sponsors SectorStudents & AlumniTo link Aboriginal post- To assist Aboriginal To increase a company’s To assist employerssecondary students and student service workforce diversity seeking to fulfillalumni to employment centres and their through strategic human resource andopportuni es that respec ve post- recruitment of Aboriginal workforce needs,relate to their academic secondary ins tu ons post-secondary students connect with Aboriginalprograms, provide a to connect Aboriginal and alumni. communi es, and investmeaningful employment students to meaningful To build capacity within in the employability ofexperience and support employment Canadian Aboriginal Aboriginal communi es.them in their career opportuni es and communi es throughgoals. experiences. youth employment.Relationships: Partners & Stakeholders, Strategic GoalsAboriginal Post-Secondary Students & Alumni• To provide informa on on employment opportuni es to students & alumni including: Full- me & part- me employment, summer student posi ons, co-op and internship posi ons.• To develop life-long career development skills, such as job search strategies, résumé and cover le er wri ng, and interview skills.Post-Secondary Partners• To broaden the spectrum of the Aboriginal student employment pool through collabora on with Aboriginal student service centres, and to invite students to par cipate in the program’s online services through career- focused events.• To provide Aboriginal students at post-secondary schools across Canada with an online career service centre that can help them with career development, job search prepara on and to search for jobs.Program Sponsors• To promote company employment opportuni es, events, and awards through email campaigns and social media.• To endorse sponsors as employers of choice to Aboriginal post-secondary students and alumni.• To assist sponsors in becoming more knowledgeable about developing and offering a valued work experience for Aboriginal students.• To support sponsors in their recruitment ini a ves for full- me, summer, co-op and internships, and to provide sponsor-approved company profiles on the LYNX website.Employment Sector• To assist employers in becoming more knowledgeable about developing and offering a valued work experience for Aboriginal post-secondary students and graduates.• To support employers in their recruitment ini a ves for full- me, summer, co-op and internships through pos ng posi ons in the LYNX Career Portal.4|

History of LYNX2002 2003 2008 2011 2013 2015 The idea for LYNX The UofC’s Na ve The LYNX Program Added online career Launched a social Orbis Portal was conceived in Centre and Careerresponse to a notable Services consulted was successfully development tools for media marke ng upgraded; completed increase in campus with industry to recruitment ac vity discuss be er ways launched in August students, including strategy which comprehensive review involving larger in which to support companies seeking campus recruitment 2008, with ten post- Op malResume, and included Twi er of account data, which direct access to ini a ves targe ng Aboriginal students Aboriginal students secondary partners Career Cruising. and Facebook as a resulted in accuratein order to meet their workforce diversity for meaningful and ten program 2012 means to increase management of user and Aboriginal employment sponsors. Sponsors rela ons strategies. opportuni es. commi ed to three- student / employer data and overall engagement. improvements to year sponsorship Migrated from 2014 browsing and pos ng agreements that Symplicity to Orbis as services. would allow the the primary human Rebranded the program to develop 2016 resource so ware for the LYNX Career program and launched Developed social and grow. a new website and media and email Portal. marke ng materials. campaigns for sponsor promo ons.Preliminary ConsultationThe ini al consulta on, held with industry This consulta on with industry representa vesrepresenta ves in 2002, was used as the founda onal resulted in three key recommenda ons:basis for the development of the LYNX program.The consulta on substan ated a Canada wide gap 1. Seek out addi onal partnerships with other post-in support services for campus-based recruitment secondary ins tu ons in Western Canada in orderof Aboriginal students for employment purposes. to increase and broaden the Aboriginal studentIt also informed the need for the development of pool for recruitment purposes;partnerships between ins tu ons as a means tobroaden the recruitment pool of Aboriginal students 2. develop a program proposal once partnershipsfor campus recruiters. with other ins tu ons are finalizedIn order to accommodate ins tu onal partners, it was 3. establish a stakeholder advisory commi ee thatrecommended that we develop an online pla orm that would include sponsor representa ves to providewould provide an addi onal recruitment services for ongoing evalua ve feedback and guidance to theemployers to connect with students and vice versa. program.The intent of the this new online service was not toreplace the career services being provided at various Since 2008, LYNX has provided companies with ains tu ons, but rather to enhance offer an addi onal unique opportunity to connect directly with Aboriginalservice that would complement exis ng career students enrolled in post-secondary ins tu available to students on their home campuses. The program provides an interac ve virtual careerCompanies involved in this ini al discussion included centre for Aboriginal students and employers. TheBP Canada, Husky Energy, Petro-Canada, Nexen, Bank LYNX portal, powered by Orbis, offers interac veof Montreal, Shell Canada Ltd., and TransCanada. job pos ngs for employers and job search browsing capabili es for students. The program has now expanded to include sixteen post-secondary partners from across Canada. |5

II. Post-Secondary Students & AlumniLYNX Program ObjectiveTo link Aboriginal post-secondary students and alumni to employment opportuni es that relate to their academicprograms, provide a meaningful employment experience and support them in their career goals.LYNX Registrants Summary DataSince the LYNX Program’s launch in 2008, a total of A er an extensive database revision in 2015, LYNX3109 Aboriginal students and alumni have registered reports on “ac ve” registrants who have eitherwith LYNX. In 2016, 142 new registrants signed-up to registered or logged into the portal since June 2012u lize LYNX services. Registrants represent 124 post- and have ac ve email addresses.secondary ins tu ons, mostly from across Canada,with the excep on of a few registrants from the Since 2015, LYNX has had the ability to reportUnited States. Sixty-three percent of registrants either on connec ons made with an employer, whicha end one of LYNX post-secondary partner ins tu ons may include an interview or accep ng an offer ofor have studied there previously. The chart below employment. LYNX encourages employers, who areillustrates the total number of ac ve students and pos ng in the career portal, to inform the programalumni registered with LYNX to December 31st, 2016 when a connec on is made with a student candidate,at LYNX post-secondary partner ins tu ons. so that the registrant’s account can be tagged as a ‘LYNX Connect’ in the LYNX Career Portal system.Post-Secondary Partner InsƟtuƟon First NaƟons University of Canada 9 LYNX Registrants as of Lakehead University 73 December 31, 2016 Total Cumula ve Registrants Mount Royal University 60 Since 2008: 3109 Queen's University 44 In 2016 31 Total Ac ve: 1358 Saskatchewan Polytechnic 44 Ac ve, PS-Partners: 854 SAIT Polytechnic Ac ve, Other Ins tu ons: 504 80 Total Added in 2016: 142 University of Alberta 29 AcƟve - Registrant has either University of BC Okanagan registered or logged into the University of BC Vancouver 39 portal since June 2012. University of Calgary 195 University of Manitoba University of Northern BC 79 University of Regina 24 University of Saskatchewan 13 University of Victoria 45 University of Winnipeg 40 Vancouver Island University 27 22 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of LYNX RegistrantsTotal Active LYNX Registrants at Post-Secondary Partner Institutions in 2016 (Total - 854)6|

University of OƩawa 41 Registrants, who a end a post- Concordia University College of Alberta secondary ins tu on outside 29 of LYNX’s partnerships have full Simon Fraser University access to the program’s online Thompson Rivers University 23 services. The adjacent chart 22 indicates the top twenty post- Red River College secondary ins tu ons. LYNX ConfederaƟon CollegePost-Secondary InsƟtuƟon 18 registrants may study in loca onsNAIT Northern Alberta InsƟtute of Technology Number of LYNX Registrants 18 outside of partnership regions, 17 thus broadening the recruitment Academy of Learning 17 pool, and offering poten al for Bow Vallley College 16 targe ng job pos ngs to specific 14 geographic areas. With increased Grant MacEwan University 13 student engagement at these Royal Roads University 12 ins tu ons, there is poten al Athabasca University 11 for new LYNX post-secondary Carleton University 10 partnerships. Ryerson University 9 LaurenƟan University 9 University of Lethbridge 9 Dalhousie University 8 University of Guelph 7 Norquest College 7 Nipissing University 10 20 30 40 50 0 Number of LYNX RegistrantsTotal Active LYNX Registrants at Other Post-Secondary Institutions in 2016 (Total - 504)As summarized in the adjacent 100chart, ac ve LYNX registrants come 90 87 83from diverse fields of study. As in 80 74previous years, Aboriginal studies, 70business and social sciences have 60the highest representa on. 50Considera on of these trends can 40assist the LYNX Program to provide 40 36be er informa on to employerswho are pos ng posi ons with 29 30LYNX. It must be noted that LYNX 30 25 21 20 20 12 12 10 10 10 7 6 0has the ability to send targetedemail campaigns highligh ng jobpos ngs to those in a specific field Field of Studyof study and who have requested“job alerts.” Fields of Study of Active LYNX Registrants with updated profiles in 2016.Tracking & EngagementWith the revision of the student registra on form in 2015, which simplified the applica on process for users,not all user accounts have their fields of study ed to their accounts. The chart above reflects the fields of studyfor the 364 accounts that have updated profiles in the database. Registrants may choose more than one field ofstudy for their profile and this is reflected in the above chart. In 2017, tracking logins and résumé uploads willplay an important role in repor ng on registrant engagement. |7

LYNX Matches I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity LYNX provided, as the informal lunch and learn gave a great opportunity to have more than a surface level conversa on with a recruiter and pursue my passion. Shell Canada has offered me a twelve month internship, which will count as credit towards my mechanical engineering degree. - Jephson S rling Student from University of Calgary Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering The LYNX Program really came through for me when I needed it. I regularly search the site for new opportuni es and the LYNX Coordinator put me in touch with a recruiter from BMO. In short order I went from looking for work to having an internship at one of the largest banks in Canada. I had a great four month summer internship with BMO, gained many new experiences and made connec ons with professionals from various backgrounds. - Andrew Strong Alumnus from University of Calgary Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of CommerceA “LYNX Match” is when a job placement has taken place for a LYNX registrant through the LYNX portal. Matchesare made possible through the close rela onships LYNX has with registrants, post-secondary partners andemployers. A er receiving permission from a registrant to forward a résumé, LYNX will o en recommend acandidate directly to an employer. LYNX is able to track matches when LYNX staff is made aware that the jobplacement has been made. In 2016, there were six LYNX Matches.A few of the organiza ons that benefi ed from a LYNX Match in 2016 included:• BMO Financial Group• Shell Canada• Pembina Pipeline Corpora onLYNX looks forward to working with our supporters to create more LYNX Matches in 2017.8|

LYNX Connects The first LYNX event that I went to was the Aboriginal Inclusion in the Workplace event. The panel of people speaking was really good and I enjoyed hearing their stories because I felt that they were all like mine. I was also able to connect with someone from Human Resources at Pembina Pipeline. - Anastasia Johnson Student from University of Calgary Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering LYNX has helped me begin my job search within my field of study and get interviews with poten al employers from my career area. LYNX is great, not only to connect with employers, but also to help find scholarship opportuni es. With LYNX’s help I found the CN Diversity Scholarship, and subsequently became a recipient of the scholarship. Without LYNX none of this would be possible. - Richard Sparvier Student from University of Calgary Bachelor of Commerce - General ManagementA “LYNX Connect” is when a LYNX registrant has connected with an employer, but the connec on has notresulted in a job placement during the repor ng year. Repor ng LYNX Connects indicates that candidates havesubmi ed an applica on for a job pos ng in the LYNX Career Portal, submi ed a résumé to a recruiter at anevent or through e-mail, or interviewed for a posi on. In 2016, there were six LYNX Connects that took place inperson or via e-mail and 27 LYNX Connects that were made directly through the LYNX Career Portal.A few of the organiza ons that benefited from a LYNX Connect in 2016 include:• BMO Financial Group• Canadian Na onal• University of Calgary, Taylor Family Digital LibraryLYNX looks forward to working with our supporters to create more LYNX Connects in 2017. |9

III. Post-Secondary Partners LYNX Program Objective To assist Aboriginal student service centres and their respec ve post-secondary ins tu ons to connect Aboriginal students to meaningful employment opportuni es and experiences.Our Current Post-Secondary PartnersFirst Nations University (SK)Lakehead University (ON)Mount Royal University (AB)Queen’s University (ON)SAIT Polytechnic (AB)Saskatchewan Polytechnic (SK)University of Alberta (AB)University of British Columbia (BC)University of British Columbia-Okanagan (BC)University of Calgary (AB) UCalgary Career Event Spring 2016University of Manitoba (MB)University of Northern BC (BC) academic careers. LYNX then offers students assistanceUniversity of Regina (SK) as they seek suitable work placements that align withUniversity of Saskatchewan (SK) their area of study. This communica on can be throughUniversity of Victoria (BC) an introductory email when the student registers withUniversity of Winnipeg (MB) the LYNX Program, a phone conversa on or in-person.Vancouver Island University (BC) When speaking to students about applying to pos ngs in the LYNX Career Portal, the LYNX Coordinator also highlights co-op degrees, internships, summer studentLYNX works in collabora on with its post-secondary work placements and new graduate posi ons. Eachpartner’s Aboriginal student service centres and career conversa on is unique and some mes leads to moreservice centres to offer a unique service to Aboriginal in-depth discussions such as providing informa on onstudents during their academic studies, aimed at co-op degrees and internships.assis ng them as they prepare for a successful LYNX staff encourages registrants to prepare qualitytransi on to the workplace a er gradua on. résumés and cover le ers for upload to the LYNXLYNX services are supplemental to services offered to Career Portal in prepara on for applying for postedstudents at their universi es. Aboriginal students, who posi ons. A special emphasis is made regardingmay access services offered through Aboriginal student LYNX sponsors pos ngs to highlight sponsors ascentres during their studies, are encouraged to connect employers-of-choice. Many mes, a résumé or coverwith the LYNX Program for career-related support. le er requires review and LYNX Staff is able to directLYNX’s goal is to connect with students beginning in registrants to either the Op malResume Suite on thetheir first year of study to communicate the value LYNX website or to their campus career centres forof obtaining relevant work experiences during their workshops or appointments.10 |

Partner Engagement Maintaining ConnecƟons LYNX maintains contacts at each post-secondary partner ins tu on, which plays an important role in the delivery of the program. They display LYNX handouts and posters at the Aboriginal student centres and distribute informa on via email campaigns. In addi on, they share social media posts regarding various promo ons. In 2016, LYNX promo onal materials for post-secondary partners included the following: newly designed posters; informa onal handouts that could be reprinted during the year; and a LYNX plush toy with a collar tag, reminding students to “LOGIN to LYNX”.Current UManitoba, LYNX Main ContactEngagement includes interac on during the the Futureyear regarding, not only promo on of the program,but also event collabora on such as lunch and LYNX works with registrants who are outsidelearns and networking events. For example, the of our post-secondary partnerships. Of theseLYNX Program, SAIT Polytechnic’s Chinook Lodge rela onships, there is poten al to move forwardand the Calgary Connector Program co-hosted a to a formalized partnership with several interestedSpeed Networking event a ended by 25 students ins tu ons. For example, Selkirk College in Southand 25 employers in Calgary. Eastern Bri sh Columbia has inquired about LYNX and has been encouraging students to accessIn this past year, the collabora ve approach LYNX’s services.assisted LYNX in connec ng with the Universityof Manitoba’s human resources department, who Working in collabora on with the post-secondarybegan pos ng posi ons with LYNX. ins tu ons assists in program delivery. Feedback from 2016 included that LYNX promo onal materials could also include PowerPoint slides to offer Aboriginal student centres a way to promote LYNX on television screens during the school year. | 11

IV. Program SponsorsLYNX Program ObjectiveTo increase a company’s workforce diversity through strategic recruitment of Aboriginal post-secondary studentsand alumni. To build capacity within Canadian Aboriginal communi es through youth employment.Sponsor CollaborationThe delivery of the LYNX Program could not be In collabora on with University of Calgary’s Careeraccomplished without the collabora ve efforts of LYNX Services department in 2016, the LYNX ProgramProgram sponsors. The employment opportuni es assisted in the delivery of two career panel events inoffered by the sponsors who post their posi ons in the February and September called “Indigenous InclusionLYNX Career Portal offer the quality work experience in the Workplace”, featuring employer and Indigenousthat the LYNX Program encourages students to obtain student panelists. For both events, students andearly on in their studies. Program sponsors offer event alumni were invited to connect with employers whosupport, from speaking on a career panel to co-hos ng were passionate about recrui ng, empowering, andcampus career events that engage Aboriginal students. retaining Aboriginal employees. The panel discussion included topics such as: Aboriginal recruitmentHuman resource representa ves from sponsoring strategies, policies and support systems for Aboriginalorganiza ons play a key role in LYNX Program employees, and how to create an inclusive workplacedelivery by offering: collabora on with career events culture that empowers all employees to be theirat partnering campuses, collabora on regarding true, authen c selves. Employer panelists includedemail and social media promo ons and provision of representa ves from: BMO Financial Group, Canadianfeedback regarding LYNX services for students and new Na onal, ConocoPhillips and Shell Canada.graduates. Program Sponsors Have An Interest In: 1. Hiring Aboriginal students and alumni as a part of a larger workforce strategy through a unique program that connects directly to Aboriginal students from a variety of post-secondary campuses nationwide. 2. Raising their company’s profile with Aboriginal students as employers of choice. 3. Advancing both the company’s community engagement or community investment and Aboriginal relations strategies. The LYNX Program received support for the 2016 programming year from the following corporate sponsors: BMO Financial Group, Canadian National and Shell Canada.12 |

Bank of Montreal - LYNX was invited to promote a Bank of Montreal (BMO) networking event, “Upfront & Personal with BMO” to Aboriginal students and recent graduates in Calgary. The focus of the event was to provide upcoming young professionals with an opportunity to learn about careers from a BMO employees’ perspec ve. The networking opportunity included an employee panel with representa on from a variety of educa onal backgrounds, including arts, business and technology.UCalgary Inclusion in the Workplace Fall 2016 LYNX provided support to promote BMO’s summer student internship program in Winter 2016. ASponsor Engagement campaign inclusive of email campaigns and social media posts were u lized to encourage AboriginalShell Canada - Shell Canada hosted two Aboriginal students to consider applying for the internshipsstudent luncheons at the University of Calgary’s Na ve offered.Centre. Students in a endance had an opportunity tohear from Shell’s diversity recruitment team regarding LYNX Advisory Meeting 2016Shell’s Assessed Internship Program, as well as theirNew Graduate Program. Students also learned about a The annual LYNX Program Advisory Mee ng offersdegree matcher applica on on Shell Canada’s website an opportunity for program staff to update sponsorsthat assists in matching degrees to possible careers at on program ac vity, enhancements, and challenges.Shell. The sponsors, in turn, share informa on about their organiza ons, including their workforce strategies,Canadian Na onal - In January 2016, LYNX welcomed community engagement ini a ves, AboriginalCanadian Na onal (CN) as a new LYNX Program strategies, and internal employment trends. In 2016,Sponsor. CN’s Aboriginal rela ons and diversity LYNX hosted the Annual LYNX Program Advisoryrecruitment teams u lized a combina on of job Mee ng on March 11, 2016 at the University ofpos ngs in the LYNX Career Portal, social media Calgary.campaigns and email campaigns to promote CN’s2016 Aboriginal Internship Program and their Diversity This mee ng covered program ac vity for theScholarship Program. One of the Facebook posts from 2015 program year. LYNX Program representa vesthe campaign was among the four most viewed in 2016. provided an overview of the program highlights, including new ini a ves and technology upgrades.LYNX also assisted in an email campaign in the The program update was followed by a specialWinnipeg region for the June 21 recruitment event at presenta on by Deanna Speidel, Aboriginal Strategythe CN Training Campus. The LYNX Coordinator had Coordinator from Saskatchewan opportunity to connect with students from the Those a ending learned about the services andWinnipeg region and CN recruitment staff. The CN programs available to Aboriginal students a endingcampus tour also assisted the Coordinator in promo ng Saskatchewan Polytechnic.the extensive training opportuni es offered atCanadian Na onal to interested LYNX registrants. | 13

Sponsorship BenefitsThe LYNX Program is not only about connec ng aligns with recommenda ons outlined in the Truth anddirectly with Aboriginal students for recruitment and Reconcilia on of Canada: Calls to Ac on report.employment purposes; it is also about raising yourcompany profile in the Aboriginal community, and Aboriginal youth are one of the fastest growingmore specifically, with and amongst Aboriginal youth popula ons in Canada; however, the Aboriginalwho are working towards obtaining post-secondary popula on is dispropor onally under-representeddegrees, diplomas or cer ficates in higher educa on. within the employment sector across Canada.Support of this career-based program is a proac vemeans of inspiring and engaging Aboriginal youth in Making a meaningful connec on with Aboriginalboth the educa on and the employment sectors and students in Universi es, Colleges and Technical Ins tutes across Canada and throughout their post- secondary experience is a great way to: 1. develop your company profile with this par cular demographic; and 2. engage Aboriginal students in career opportuni es. LYNX Career Portal Additional Benefits • Unlimited job postings • Sponsor’s profile and links featured • Unlimited accounts for on our website recruitment staff • Sponsor’s job postings and • Featured job postings - promotions featured in LYNX email communications & newsletters Candidates view Sponsors’ postings first • Sponsor’s job postings and • Event Calendar postings - promotions featured via social Candidates view Sponsors’ media - Twitter, Facebook and nationwide career events LinkedIn • LYNX Resume Books - Access to viewing candidates’ résumés • Participation in on-campus events coordinated by LYNX14 | • Receiving the LYNX Annual Report & attending the Annual Advisory Meeting

V. Employment SectorLYNX Program ObjectiveTo assist employers seeking to fulfill human resource and workforce needs, connect with Aboriginal communi es, andinvest in the employability of Aboriginal communi es.In 2016, employers posted a total of 914 jobs in the The number of jobs posted by month are listed in theLYNX Career Portal. The above chart illustrates the chart below. As in previous years, hiring cycles playnumber of jobs posted across Canada by province a role in increased pos ngs in February and March,or region. The posi ons posted in the portal are aimed at summer posi ons, and then again in Augustpos ngs that offer a quality work experience and as recruitment staff post posi ons for new graduateare best suited for post-secondary students and posi ons. BMO Financial Group has increased theirnew graduates. number of pos ngs from April to July and this is reflected in the higher numbers.Some pos ngs are specific to the recruitmentof poten al candidates from the Aboriginal The offering of quality employment opportuni escommunity. For example, some employers have an through LYNX aims to decrease the employmentAboriginal summer student program and choose gap for Aboriginal youth, which aligns withto post with LYNX since the program is known for recommenda ons in the Truth and Reconcilia on ofbeing able to target this demographic. Canada: Calls to Ac on, as noted on page three of this report. The LYNX Program encourages employers toFrom 402 pos ngs in the portal in 2015 to 914 post in the LYNX Career Portal to assist in connec ngpos ngs in 2016, LYNX registrants have benefi ed students and alumni with these quality workfrom increased job pos ngs in the LYNX Career experiences.Portal. The increased pos ngs in Ontario, Quebecand the Mari mes can be a ributed to posi onsposted by BMO Financial Group aimed to targetthese regions. | 15

VI. MarketingStaffing & General MarketingDuring the 2016 programming year, the LYNX hand-outs that could be printed at partneringProgram was staffed by a full- me Project campuses during the year and a LYNX contest offering.Coordinator and a part- me Marke ng Assistant. The campaign included the use of emails and socialThe Project Coordinator’s role includes: liaising with media and included the catch-phrase, “LOGIN topost-secondary partners and program sponsors; LYNX,” which became a hashtag used on social media.marke ng LYNX to poten al employers; overseeing As shown above, a LYNX plush toy was sent to everyand maintaining the LYNX career portal, website, post-secondary partner main contact to sit on theirand online career tools; developing marke ng and desk and act as a reminder for students to u lize LYNXcommunica ons strategies; and supervising the LYNX services.Marke ng Assistant. The LYNX Marke ng Assistantimplements marke ng strategies, posts and promotesjob pos ngs, generates student communica on viaemail campaigns, and manages the program’s socialmedia channels.The Fall 2016 promo onal campaign for the LYNXProgram included: a newly designed poster, revised Special Promotion The LYNX Contest for Fall 2016 offered a chance to “Win a Pendleton Bag”. As in previous years there was increased engagement on social media and increased student registra ons during the contest period. Contest promo on on post-secondary campuses included a social media campaign and contest-specific posters to encourage students’ par cipa on.16 |

VII. Communication & TechnologyLYNX Program Website LYNX Career PortalThe LYNX website at is the virtual The LYNX Program uses the latest version of Orbishome to the LYNX Program’s online services, the Communica on’s Career Portal online careerLYNX Career Portal, Op malResume Suite and service management so ware, which is used byCareer Cruising. In 2014 and 2015, the website was many career service centres across Canada. Therevised in overall look and feel, func onality and portal has the following modules: Job Pos ng;design. A Drupal 7 template now ensures that LYNX Applica on; Resume Books; Employer Database;staff can make basic website updates with ease. and Student Database. Students and alumni can browse job pos ngs, upload their résumés, viewIn addi on, the website’s homepage now includes career events on their campuses and receive career-a link to student and employer tes monials of the related emails through the portal.LYNX Program. A LYNX contest page, available onthe student page, can now be used in coordina on Orbis Communica ons’ Resume Books Modulewith social media and email campaigns to promote was added in early 2016 to allow for LYNX studentsLYNX contests. and alumni to upload their résumés to specific categories for viewing by human resources staff.Future revisions include ensuring that the website This service for employers is a sponsor-only mobile-op mized. Currently, the website is notscalable, which creates difficulty in interac on andnaviga on on mobile devices such as smartphonesand tablets.Online Resources prac ce and develop interview skills via mul media interview scenarios with the Interview Prepara onOp malResume Suite has been available for Module. They can record their prac ce interviewstudents on the LYNX website since 2009. The suite and review it before their actual online interviewincludes: Resume Builder, Cover-Le er Builder, Skills with an employer.Assessment Module, Interview Prepara on Moduleand Website Builder (for job search). Students have Career Cruising, a career-explora on tool, wasthe op on of either uploading their own résumé added to the LYNX website in 2014. Aboriginalfor edi ng or, for students who prefer to use a students and alumni have free access to this tool,template, crea ng a résumé using Resume Builder. which provides access to assessment tools, detailed occupa onal profiles and comprehensive post-To streamline the hiring process, recruitment staff secondary educa on informa on to help themare more o en using webcam and video interviews. move through the career explora on and planningStudents and alumni with li le experience with process. Career Cruising also gives users thethese types of interviews may require prac ce. ability to create profiles and to track their careerOne of the LYNX Program’s online resources, explora on, as well as set goals.Op malResume Suite addresses this need. Inaddi on to building, customizing and savingresumes using Op malResume, job seekers can | 17

Social Media - Facebook Statistics Top Posts for Q1 and Q2 of 201618 |

Social Media - Facebook Year in Review Top Posts for Q3 and Q4 of 2016Year to Date Snapshot Facebook Goals Moving ForwardAverage Facebook page likes increased slightly in 2016 LYNX will con nue to u lize Facebook as one of itsfrom 1395 at the beginning of the year to 1442 at the social media channels, since our target audience ofend of the year, an increase of 47 likes. Post reach, students and alumni are steadily engaged. Our pos nghowever, increased significantly from 2015, with goals con nue to include two pos ngs per week, withour top post reaches in the first and third quarter sponsor-related pos ngs incorporated throughoutreaching over 1,250 people. each month.In 2016, a template for pos ng job opportuni es In 2016, two student volunteers from the Universitywas introduced, incorpora ng both the LYNX and of Calgary assisted LYNX with social media pos ngs.the company’s logos, which decreased design me Posts from a student’s perspec ve have proven to beand increased the number of views. Pos ngs also engaging and LYNX will con nue to offer the socialincorporated the “LOGIN to LYNX” catch phrase. media volunteer role. | 19

Social Media - Twitter Statistics20 |

Social Media - Twitter Year in Review Top 4 Tweets for the Year per QuarterYear to Date in a Snapshot Twitter Goals Moving ForwardIn 2015, LYNX welcomed a total of 473 Twi er LYNX’s con nued use of a monthly pos ng plan thatfollowers. By December 31, 2016, LYNX increased that includes tweets related to post-secondary partners,number to a total of 536 followers. LYNX con nues program sponsors and careers will assist in engagingto u lize Twi er to tweet job pos ngs, awards and LYNX’s current followers and a ract new partner career and cultural events. In 2016, LYNX paired the #LOGINtoLYNX hashtag with2016 saw con nued engagement with post-secondary a link to program-related tweets in order to drawpartners as shown in the year’s top tweets. As well, users to either the LYNX website or to the LYNX CareerLYNX saw engagement from program sponsors, who Portal’s landing page. There are possibili es for u lizingretweeted LYNX posts regarding their companies. Twi er to increase the number of employers drawn toThe program’s marke ng materials for 2016 included the LYNX website for pos ng posi ons.the use of the hashtag, #LOGINtoLYNX that was used LYNX encourages post-secondary partners andthroughout the fall semester. The phrase will be used sponsors to engage with us on Twi er as a way ofin a con nued effort to encourage students and alumni sharing cultural and career-related posts in order toto check the LYNX Career Portal for job pos ngs. increase engagement. | 21

VIII. ConclusionIn 2015, the Truth and Reconcilia on Commission of Canada released their pivotal Calls to Ac on report.As men oned earlier in this report, the seventh Call to Ac on, addresses the elimina on of educa on andemployment gaps for Aboriginal people. In June, 2015, Universi es Canada also released their “Universi esCanada principles on Indigenous educa on” document, which highlights the need for post-secondary ins tu onsto commit to closing the educa onal gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners. They outline 18Principles to help to achieve this.Of note is the fact that there are many stakeholders, including governments, businesses and Indigenousorganiza ons who all play a role and therefore, university leaders must, “Raise awareness among governmentpartners and stakeholders of these commitments and the importance of inves ng in sustainable ini a ves thatadvance higher educa on opportuni es for Indigenous youth.” and to “Develop partnerships with the privatesector to foster opportuni es for Indigenous people.” The LYNX Program has been fostering these rela onshipssince 2008 with the goal of assis ng Aboriginal students in post-secondary programs to transi on to theworkplace. The LYNX Program offers a unique opportunity for collabora on between post-secondary students,the employment sector, post-secondary ins tu ons and communi es. Promo ng this collabora on will in turnwill lead to higher employment levels, economic success and healthier Aboriginal communi es.22 |

Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors

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