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TV115. CÔ MAI. scan 27-9

Published by tuan69t, 2021-09-01 05:12:47

Description: TV115. CÔ MAI. scan 27-9


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- A Catalog of Intemet ReSOUfCes Proceedings of the OCLC Internet Cataloging Colloquium San Antonio, Texas January 19, 1996 Introduction Field Reports . The\" Ambivalent\" Library. Mark Watson, University of Oregon . Does It ReallY Matter?: The Choice of Fonnat. Order of Note Fields. and SDecifics of856. Jackie Shieh, University of Virginia Library · Access Information on the Internet: A Feasibilitv Study of MARC Formats and AACR2. Amanda Xu, MIT Libraries Position Papers · Usinl!:Library Classification Schemes for Internet Resources. Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC · Cvberstacks. Geny McKiernan, Iowa State University · The Traditional Library and the National Information Infrastructure. Vianne T. Sha, Timothy B. Patrick, Thomas R. Kochtanek, University of Missouri-Columbia . Access to Networked Documents: CataIol!:S?Search Enl!:ines?Both? Arlene G. Taylor and Patrice Clemson, University of Pittsburgh · CataI02ers and the Creation of Meta data Svstems: A Collaborative Vision at the UniversitY of Michil!:an. Kevin Butterfield, University of Michigan · ~InI!g:ri HsiehC-aYtaeIoe,l!C:inatlh!P:orlaicctiUcenivaenrdsiOtyCoLfCAImnferraisctaructure for Effective Or2anization of Internet Resources Copyright 1996, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Published in the United States ISBN 1-55653-219-9 Fig. 9.1. Web page table of contents for the proceedings of a conference in which the papers are about many different subtopics of the main theme. (Source: ) .\"

Rec mt c 19860211 Replaced 19930608105447.9 Enclvl n z UDdstatus a Mod rec Roman I Ref status b Name use b Subi use a Govt aan I Auth status a Su'bi a Series n Auth Iref a b Geo subd I Rules n Ser num n Name n Subdiv to n 010 sh 85058305 040 OLC:j:cOLC:j:dOLC 053 GN193:j:c Physical anthropology 053 QL942 :j:cComparative anatomy 053 QM488 :j:cHuman anatomy 150 Hair 550 Bodv coverina (Anatomv) :j:wg 550 Head :j:wg 550 Scalp Rec stat c Entered 19860211 Replaced 19870903094434.7 Enelvl n z UDdstatus a Mod ree Source Subi a Roman I Ref status b Geo subd i Name use b Govt aan I Auth status a Subdiv to n Series n Auth Iref a Subi use a b Ser num n n RYI§ n 010 sh 85058317 Q.1Q OLC :j:c OLC :j:d OLC TP984 :J;cChemical technology ~ TT969 :J;cHairdressing ~ Hair dyes 1QQ Oyes and ?yeing :j:xHair Hairtints 1§Q Tints, Hair ~ Hair preparations :J;wg 45& §§Q Fig. 10.2. Sample authority records for headings shown in Figure 10.1. (Source: OCLC Connexion, Authorities, record numbers 02051217 and 02051346.)

Sample entries of MeSH Descriptor Data: MeSH Heading Hair T_ Number AlU§2 Annotation abnonnally pulling at one's hair = TRICH Scope Note A filament-like structure consisting of a EnIlyTcm\\ Enlly Term softer than the shaft and lodges in the ca EnIlyTcm\\ EnIlyTcm\\ AnimalFur Allowable QualifielS Fetal Hair Online Note History Note Hair, Fetal Unique ID Lanugo ~~rncr~~~oo~~~Mm~~AA~mn~~~ use HAIRto searchLANUGO1966-7 LANUGOwassee underHAIR 1963- 0006197 MeSH Heading Hair Dyes T_ Number Annotation D26. I 75.430.430 Scope Note 025-26 quaIif Enlly Tcm\\ Dyes used as cosmetics to change hair c EnIlyTcm\\ Coloring Agents, Hair EnIIyTerm Dyes, Hair Allowable Qualificn Hair Colorants Registry Number Previous Indexing ~ANrnaacrooocmw~ro~ro~w Previous Indexing o Previous Indexing Previous Indexing Cosmetics (1966-1978) History Note Qys§ (1966-1918) Unique ID H!ir (1966-1918) Hair Color (1916-1918) 91(79); wasseeunderHAIRP~PAAATIO 0006202 Sample entries of MeSH Tree Structures: IntegwnentarY System [AI7] ~Hair[AI7.36OJ Eyebrows [AI7.36O.2 Eyelashes [AI 7.360. Hair Follicle [AI736O Nails [AI 7.600] Skin [AI7.815] ;!: Specialty Chemicals and Products [D26] ~cs [026.175] H3)r Preparations [026.175.430] ~ Hair Dyes [026.175.430.430 Fig. lOA. Sample entries from Nation Headings, 2003 MeSH. (Source: http: html. )

HOTILLOMANIA: HAIR FOLLICLE is available a shaft which projects to the surface of the ~ from.a root which is avity of a HAIR FOLLICLE. It is found on most surfaces oftbe body. ~ 78 -78 color either pennanendy or temporarily. wuro ONS 1980-90; wasseeundcrCOSMETIa 1979 296] .421] O.710] (' 0] nal Library of Medicine, Medical Subject ://

Fac:etlHierarc:hy Code: M.Mf merarc:hic:a1 Position: Materials Facet Materials materials <materials by origin> animal material <keratinous material> <hair and hair components> hair Related c:onc:epts: related to hairstyling (<processesand techniquesby ma Processesand Techniques)[30026197 Fig. 10.5. Sample entries from Art (Source:

aterial>,<processesand techniquesby specifictype>, ... 71] & Architecture Thesaurus On Line. h/tools/vocabulary/aat/.)

COWR Posrings:973 UF Color Present Color Televis Hue RT Art Color Plannin Contrast Dimensional Light Painring (Vis Visual Enviro Visual Percep Fig. 10.6. Sam Thesaurus of ERIC ed., 2001. saurus when a word or phrase is entere or phrase lies (or would lie if presen choice of that word or phrase or any on the term chosen initiates the sear the thesaurus and the INSPEC Classif INSPEC Thesaurus listing is shown in

Oct. 1969 - ~:490 tation (1969 1980) \\ sion (1969 1980) # ng Preference sual Arts) onment ption mple entry from C Descriptors, 14th ed. The user is shown where the word nt) in the thesaurus, and allows the y other shown on the screen. Clicking rch of the database. Linking between fication is provided. An example of an Figure 10.7. .

dynamic brakin USE braking dynamic nuclea UF dynami solid ef NT CIDNP Overha BT magnet IT resonan RT nuclear CC A0758 DI January PT magnet Fig. 10.7. Sa the INSPEC T INSPEC The [London: In trical Enginee

ng g ar polarisation ic nuclear polarization ffect P auser effect tic double resonance nce r polarisation A3335D A7670E y 1977 tic double resonance ample entry from Thesaurus. (Source: esaurus, 1999 [ed.] nstitution of Elec- ers, 1999].)

- ID:3000130Z9 Record Type: conce dye (colorant. <materials by function>, ...Materials) Note: A colored substance that dissolves or is suspended in a liquid and imparts its color by staining or being absorbed, or by serving as a pigment. Terms: dye (preferred, C,U,D,EngIish, American-P) dyes (C,U,AD,Engiish, American) dyestuff (C,U,UF ,English, American) dyestuffs (C,U,UF,Engiish, American) FacetJBjerarclly Code: M.MT \\ Werarchical Position: MaterialsFacet Materials materials <materialsby function> colorant dye Related concepts: activity/eventneedinglproducing dyeing (coloring,<additiveandjoining processesand techniques>,... Processesand Techniques)[300053049] materialsrequired/produced dyeing (coloring,<additiveand joining processesand techniques>,...Processes and Techniques)[300053049] related to dyeing ...(coloring, <additive and joining processes and techniques>, Processes and Techniques) [300053049] ID: 300011814 Record Type: concept hair (<hair and hair colDpOnents>, <keratinous material>, ...Materials) Note: The fibrous outgrowths of the skins of various animals, composed of the protein keratin, used, among other things, for making fabrics, as stuffing, and for making brushes. Terms: hair (preferred, C,U,D,Engiish, American-P)

Hair 612.7; 646.7 Use for general material for materials on hairdres UF Barbering Coiffure Haircutting Hairdressing Hairstyles Hairstyling BT Head Personal Groo NT Wigs Fig. 10.3. Sample entry of Subject Headings (S 2000.

- ls on hair as well as ssing and haircutting. oming \\ y from Sears List Sears), 17th ed.,

Hair [GN193 (physical Anthropology)] [QL942 (Comparative anatomy)] [QM488 (Human anatomy)] BT Body covering (Anatomy) Head RT Scalp NT Beards Bristles Eyebrows Eyelashes Gray hair Guard hair Horsehair Long hair Molting Mustaches Sale of human hair Whiskers Wigs \"\" Wool Hair-Coloring USE Hair-Dyeing and bleaching Hair dyes (May Subd Geog) [TP984 (Chemical technology)] [TT969 (Hairdressing)] UF Dyes and dyeing-Hair Hair tints Tints, Hair BT Hair preparations Hair dyes-Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Fig. 10.1. Sample entries from Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), as found in Classification Web (June 2003). Available: http:// / (by subscription) .

WordNet 1.7.1 Search Overview for \"romance\" The noun \"romance\" has 5 senses in WordNet. 1. love affair, romance -'(a relationship between two lovers) -2. romanticism, romance - (an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure» 3. Romance, Romance language, Latinian language (the group of languages derived from Latin) 4. love story, romance - (a story dealing with love) 5. romance - a novel dealin with idealized events remote from everyday life) Searchfor Synonyms. ordered by estmated frequency .. of sensesI 6a Showglosses o Showcontextualhelp ~~r~l The verb \"romance\" has 4 senses in WordNet. -I. woo, court, rOlJ1llnce, solicit (make amorous advances towards; \"John is courting Mary\") serious 2. romance - (have a love affair with) --3. chat up, flirt, dally, butterfly, coquet, coquene, romance, philander, mash (talk or behave amorously, without intentions; \"The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries\"; \"My husband never flirts with other women\") 4. romance - (tell romantic or exaggerated lies; \"This author romanced his trip to an exotic country'') Search for I Synonyms. ordered by estirmted frequency !lOf senses I ~ o Show glosses Show contextual help ii?aJc~ The adjective \"romance\" has I sense in WordNet. Fig. 10.8. Screen from WordN~ showing all the \"senses\" of the term romance. (Source: .) I~I

The Ten Main Classes 000 Computer science, information & general works 100 Phi!osophy & psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Science 600 Technology 700 Arts & recreation 800 Literature 900 History & geography The Hundred Divisions 600 Technology 600 Technology 610 Medicine & health 620 Engineering 630 Agriculture 640 Home&familymanagement 650 Management& public relations 660 Chemical engineering 670 Manufacturing 680 Manufacturefor specificuses 690 Building & construction Detailed hierarcby for 646.724 600 Technology 640 Home & family management 646 Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life 646.7 Management of personal and family life 646.72 Care of hair, face, skin, nails 646.724 Care of bair 646.7240, ... 646.7247 Standard and Special Subdivisions 646.7248 Braiding Wigs FiJ?;.11.1. illustration of hierarchical arrangement in the

A - General Works . B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion \" C - Auxiliary Sciences of History D - History: General and Old Wodd E - History: America F - History: America S - Agriculture T - Technology TII-999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts Including mechanic trades TI950 Hairdressing, barbering, beauty culture, cosmetology, etc. TI951 Including beauty shop practice TI952 Periodicals, societies, collections, etc. TI953.A-.W Dictionaries and encyclopedias Documents United States General works States, A-W TI960 Barbers' manuals TI963 TI964 Hair styles for men Shaving TI970 Haircutting (General) Cf. TT960 Barber's manuals TI971 Study and teaching TI972 Hairdressing for women TI973 General works TI975 Hair tinting and bleaching Hairwork Braids, wigs, toupees, etc. Fig. 11.2. Dlustration of the hierarchical and enumerative arrange- ment of the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). (Source: Classification Web. Available: [by sub- scription]. )

- iIIII'HItS 1102' \"\" 11IIIII (321) \"YJII[D CI2S> Fig. 11.3. Example of use of Artificial Neu representation of the subject matter in a collecti in an \"entertainment\" document set.

\"'1m> ~'r;)i v:>~,~:;. , 1II5I~'u:rnn ural Network principles to provide visual ion of documents. This 80M clusters words

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