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Home Explore This Law Firm Offers The Best Legal Representation For Child Abuse Cases In San Bernardino CA

This Law Firm Offers The Best Legal Representation For Child Abuse Cases In San Bernardino CA

Published by francis, 2021-08-25 23:02:18

Description: Case Barnett Law now offers legal representation services for children who have been victims of abuse in the Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. Learn more at

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This Law Firm Offers The Best Legal Representation For Child Abuse Cases

Is your child a victim of sexual abuse or violence in school? Protect your child's rights in court with professional help from Case Barnett Law! The Costa Mesa, California-based personal injury law firm now offers legal services for parents whose children have been sexually or physically assaulted at schools across the Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties.

The firm represents victims of sexual misconduct attending public, private, religious, and charter schools across the counties. As required by law, all teachers, coaches, and other school members should report any instance of abusive sexual behavior, be it known or suspected.

The firm works towards ensuring that the school personnel is held accountable for neglecting such cases as part of a broader move aimed at helping schools stick to their obligation to provide a secure environment for your kid. By legally pursuing a school's failure to communicate with relevant institutions in instances of sexual or physical harassment, the firm protects your right to have your children safe from harm while in school.

The firm assists you in filing a case against the school and helps you arrange adequate compensation. The firm's mission to penalize those harming pupils in school comes to address the alarming number of children who have become victims of sexual abuse.

According to a survey carried out by the national organization Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation, almost 7% of US students in grades 8-11, or 3.5 million children , have been sexually assaulted in school by someone older than them, often a teacher or coach. Recently, the team represented the family of an 11-year-old girl with special needs who was assaulted by the school bus driver.

Go to https://www.casebarnettl for more information!

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