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Home Explore Sales & Marketing Predictive Lead Scoring Software Leverages AI To Boost Revenue

Sales & Marketing Predictive Lead Scoring Software Leverages AI To Boost Revenue

Published by francis, 2022-02-07 23:59:30

Keywords: Sales & Marketing Predictive Lead Scoring Software Leverages AI To Boost Revenue


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Sales & Marketing Predictive Lead Scoring Software Leverages AI To Boost Revenue

If you're looking for a way to help your company grow faster and more efficiently, has a fresh take on lead scoring that can help take your sales and revenue to the next level. The new lead scoring system allows you to grow your share of wallet with your current customers.

Contact scoring will enable your marketing team to batch their contact databases more efficiently and instantly refer top leads to the sales department. Traditional lead scoring assigns points to contacts or prospects according to how well they match your company's ideal customer profile.

They help your sales team focus on leads with the highest chances of converting.'s advanced contact scoring system does something different - it connects your teams' data sets through marketing automation, CRM, product analytics, and customer data platforms.

This integration allows you to make use of data throughout your customer's journey and identify timely and relevant buying signals. aims to solve the problem of lead scoring by offering you more satisfying solutions than those currently available in the industry.

Your company deserves a sophisticated lead scoring system just as much as the big players do. So welcome to lead scoring as it was meant to be - welcome to revenue acceleration!

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