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Home Explore Following Environmentally Sound Car Washing Practices American Car Wash Opens

Following Environmentally Sound Car Washing Practices American Car Wash Opens

Published by francis, 2021-10-01 18:17:01

Description: The company American Car Wash based at 1035 Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY is one of the first eco-friendly car washes in Long Island. The company prides itself in its green practices such as recycling water and using biodegradable soap without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

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Following Environmentally Sound Car Washing Practices American Car Wash Opens

The company American Car Wash located at 1035 Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY has been pioneering the path to a more eco-friendly way to wash cars. American Car Wash is taking steps to help stop and prevent this problem in the car washing industry by being one of the first eco-friendly car washes in Long Island.

Along with these successful alterations, American Car Wash is a WaterSavers car wash. All of these practices and titles are impressive and show that American Car Wash is more than just a business looking for money, but rather cares about real problems in the world and uses their business to make a difference for the better of their community.

These practices do not sacrifice their quality of car washing and detailing and customer satisfaction though as American Car Wash uses high-pressure water and top of the line detergents and cleaning agents to clean customer's cars thoroughly without scratching or damaging. American Car Wash offers a variety of different car washes and detailing.

Their car wash selection includes platinum, gold, silver, and express hand wash. As you can see, American Car Wash's wide selection of car washes and detailing allows them to fit all of their customer's car needs and to be able to help service anyone who walks into their shop.

Their car wash is open from 7 am to 7 pm Monday through Saturday and 8 am to 6 pm on Sundays, leaving plenty of time for their customers to come to get their car washed at a time that best fits their schedule. American Car Wash also accommodates waiting customers with a luxury waiting room equipped with flat screen TVs and complimentary coffee.

Contact Us At: https://myamericancar

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