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Home Explore Book This Mindfulness Keynote Speaker For Your Next Corporate Conference

Book This Mindfulness Keynote Speaker For Your Next Corporate Conference

Published by francis, 2022-01-04 17:08:59

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Book This Mindfulness Keynote Speaker For Your Next Corporate Conference

Are your employees burned-out, stressed and losing interest? Turn it around with Pandit Dasa.

His new speech service is ideally suited to professional and corporate audiences who want to improve employee retention and create a more engaged and productive workforce.  As well as practical advice, during each presentation, Dasa also shares his experience of living as a monk in New York City and the lessons it taught him.

His talks are focused on helping workers reduce stress, increase mindfulness and build a working environment that is more profitable and productive. Dasa offers insights on mindset and how it affects the way a company operates.

At the end of each session, Dasa will take you through a guided relaxation practice.

Interested? You should invite Dasa to your next event by visiting his website. After attending an event with Dasa, audience members will be able to practice compassion, learn with confidence, and become better leaders.

A spokesperson for Dasa says, \"Dasa has helped many people from big and small companies to implement mindfulness techniques, release their stress and achieve the work-life balance that we all strive so hard for in our day-to-day lives.\"

\"He strongly believes that it's his genuine and irrevocable passion for inspiring other people to lead better quality lives that has led him to his success as a speaker.\"  Pandit Dasa is a popular and experienced keynote speaker who has delivered presentations all over the United States.

Go to https://www.panditdas for more info.

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