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Home Explore Licensed Commercial Electricians Install EV Chargers and Generators In Reno's City Center

Licensed Commercial Electricians Install EV Chargers and Generators In Reno's City Center

Published by francis, 2021-08-11 09:28:41

Description: Lakeview Electric at 775-232-7023 in Carson City, NV, has launched updated commercial electrical contracting services and electric vehicle charger installations for clients in Reno City Center. Go to to learn more. They also serve Dayton, Sparks, Minden, Fernley, Fallon, Carson City and Sparks.

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Commercial Electricians Install EV Chargers and Generators In Reno's City Center

Ready to get the professional and reliable electrical contracting services you need for your business? Business owners, property managers, construction companies, and project managers in Reno’s City Center can call on Lakeview Electric for their electrical contracting needs.

The City Center and the larger Reno business community can now take full advantage of the company's 30 years of commercial experience. They also serve clients in other northern Nevada cities, such as Dayton, Sparks, Minden, Fernley, Fallon, Carson City and Sparks.

As consumers and companies become more environmentally conscious, many are opting for electric or hybrid vehicles. Lakeview Electric can install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for both company and personal vehicles.

The company's experts are well-versed in many types of systems and equipment, including transformers, 277V lighting controls, switches, generators, motor control centers, PV and UPS systems, electric vehicle charging stations, security systems, and more. Working with Lakeview Electric allows you to rest assured that you have seasoned professionals to call on for both routine and emergency services.

In addition to commercial services, the company also offers residential services for both new and existing homes. Their expertise will save you from the stress of do-it-yourself repairs, which can often lead to unnecessary expenses due to work needing to be redone.

Lakeview Electric was founded by Eric Keller, who grew up with a father and grandfather who were electricians. Keller's team is solution-oriented and offers round-the-clock services for emergency calls. Call the experts at Lakeview Electric at 775-232-7023 today!

Go to to learn more!

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