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Home Explore Get Facebook Ordering & Mobile Payment Options With a Leading Delivery Platform

Get Facebook Ordering & Mobile Payment Options With a Leading Delivery Platform

Published by francis, 2021-12-15 12:04:16

Keywords: Get Facebook Ordering & Mobile Payment Options With a Leading Delivery Platform


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Get Facebook Ordering & Mobile Payment Options With The Best Delivery Platform

Looking to capitalize on the online ordering craze, but not willing to shell out the 18% fees that other services require you to pay? Don't worry: CafeFuel has you covered with their new, free-to-use system. It is no secret that online ordering and curbside pickup have become essentials for any restaurant in the past year

Now, thanks to the new CafeFuel system, you can start cashing in on this lucrative trend right away, and without cutting into your bottom line. DoorDash and Postmates may take up to 20% of your profits per order, but now you no longer need to worry.

The CafeFuel service allows you to add online ordering features to any pre-existing platform that you may already be using. A major benefit of the CafeFuel system is the fact that it can be used immediately after sign-up, with no need to wait on web developers to code a custom platform.

Start boosting your business with CafeFuel, absolutely risk-free! This service offers free demo experiences to give you a better idea of what the customer experience would be like through the system. CafeFuel offers a variety of different tools to business owners as a part of their ongoing commitment to stand behind those who are struggling in these difficult times.

The online ordering system is the latest in a long line of helpful products that can boost sales and improve any community. Sign up for free to start accepting online orders right away.

Visit /online-ordering to learn more.

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