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Home Explore Get Waterproof Silver Butterfly Charm Necklace For Mothers And Daughters

Get Waterproof Silver Butterfly Charm Necklace For Mothers And Daughters

Published by francis, 2021-08-10 02:02:16

Description: Quan Jewelry announces a range of jewelry themed around butterflies. All the pieces have actual wings put into them without harming the insect. For more information visit For more information visit

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Get Waterproof Silver Butterfly Charm Necklace For Mothers And Daughters

Quan Jewelry based in Middletown, DE, brings you gorgeous necklaces with real butterfly wings embedded.

You can give these jewelry treasures as gifts to beloved family or friends, or add them to your own collection for some added glamor. A Butterfly necklace is a perfect gift for your loved one that can accommodate any occasion. In ancient times, his unique piece of jewelry symbolized freedom and peace.

The Quan Jewelry butterfly pieces have real wings embedded into them. But, don't worry, no butterflies are harmed in the process as the jewelry is made from the insect's wings after it has died of natural causes.

The product line includes pieces such as the Briana Butterfly Necklace. The waterproof necklace is made of 925 sterling silver and is 16 inches long.

You can also get Audra Mother- Daughter Lotus Flower Butterfly Necklace, which makes a great gift for your grandmother, mother, or daughter. The matching set of pendant necklaces come with a greeting card and a quote. The chain length is between 16 and 18 inches and the pendant features a lotus flower and butterfly charm.

The Ariella Lotus Flower Butterfly Necklace is made of 925 sterling silver. The necklace's lotus flower charm makes it a suitable gift for the yoga enthusiast in your life.

According to Quan Jewelry, some people believe that butterflies convey supernatural messages from the gods. Butterfly necklaces are also said to be associated with positive cosmic energy. If you need a precious gift for near and dear family and friends, look no further.

For more information go to the link in the description!

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