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Home Explore Make Your Malvern, VIC Home Pool Safe - Book A Barrier Compliance Inspection

Make Your Malvern, VIC Home Pool Safe - Book A Barrier Compliance Inspection

Published by francis, 2021-10-27 06:57:43

Description: Safe Pools Australia (1800-176-657) announces the launch of their pool and spa inspection services for Eastern and Bayside Malvern homeowners who need a safety certificate before the November 1 deadline to confirm their safety barriers comply with the latest regulations. Go to 

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Make Your Malvern, VIC Home Pool Safe - Book A Barrier Compliance Inspection

Have a look around your pool or spa area. Do you have safety barriers?

Will it keep an unsuspecting wandering young child away from the water? Call Safe Pools Australia to ensure your barriers are up to standard.

Council regulations stipulate that all pools and spas in the Malvern area must have safety barriers installed. Child safety 101!

Apply online with an easy 5-step process to book an inspection appointment. You'll get your certificate of compliance within 24 hours of passing the test.

This applies to all pools and spas. If the structure can hold 300mm or more it requires a barrier safety certificate. A spokesperson for the company said, \"We keep you safe from government fines as well as your family safe too.\"

Go to https://inspections.safepool inspection

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