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Home Explore Livermore, CA All-Natural Slipped Discs Treatment

Livermore, CA All-Natural Slipped Discs Treatment

Published by francis, 2021-10-15 20:35:16

Description: Springtown Chiropractic & Wellness Center (1-925-606-6373), a practice that caters to the Livermore, California region, launches its updated slipped disc treatment. Learn more by visiting 

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Livermore, CA Chiropractic Center Uses All- Natural Treatment For Slipped Discs

Springtown Chiropractic & Wellness Center specializes in slipped discs and lower back pain therapy. Unlike other treatment options, Dr.Jag Dhesi uses manual manipulation of your spine and does not involve invasive procedures.

This newly revamped service is ideal if you have tried conventional treatments to no avail.  The clinic uses the flexion- distraction technique, in which a special table and manual flexing of your spine are used to return the slipped disc to its normal position. 

Slipped discs occur when the discs between the vertebrae develop a crack, which causes the soft inner cartilage to protrude outside. For this reason, this condition is also often referred to as a herniated disc. 

The protruding cartilage can compress or irritate your surrounding nerve endings, causing significant pain.  Springtown Chiropractic & Wellness Center subscribes to holistic treatment, which is why it utilizes non-surgical therapy to resolve this issue.

Your consultation begins with a thorough evaluation to diagnose the presence of a slipped disc.  If the condition is verified, you are usually treated two to three times a week over the span of three months. 

Learn more by visiting https://www.springtownchi 

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