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Published by francis, 2021-08-10 19:21:44

Description: Learn2Code-Code2Win is an online coding boot camp cum contest conducted by 98thPercentile.The program is free of cost and gives children access to a boot camp wherein they would learn to code a game from scratch. Register today for the best coding and learning experience.

Keywords: coding, coding helps, coding helps children, coding helps children transition, coding helps children imagination, coding helps children reality, coding helps transition, coding helps transition imagination, coding helps transition reality, coding helps imagination, coding helps imagination reality, coding helps reality, coding children, coding children transition, coding children transition imagination, coding children transition reality, coding children imagination, coding children imagination reality, coding children reality, coding transition, coding transition imagination, coding transition imagination reality, coding transition reality, coding imagination, coding imagination reality, coding reality, helps, helps children, helps children transition, helps children transition imagination, helps children transition reality, helps children imagination, helps children imagination reality, helps children reality, helps transition, helps transition imagination, helps transition imagination reality, helps transition reality, helps imagination, helps imagination reality, helps reality, children, children transition, children transition imagination, children transition imagination reality, children transition reality, children imagination, children imagination reality, children reality, transition, transition imagination, transition imagination reality, transition reality, imagination, imagination reality, reality,coding helps,coding helps children,coding helps children transition,coding helps children transition imagination,coding helps children transition reality,coding helps children imagination,coding helps children imagination reality,coding helps children reality,coding helps transition,coding helps transition imagination,coding helps transition imagination reality,coding helps transition reality,coding helps imagination,coding helps imagination reality,coding helps reality,coding children,coding children transition,coding children transition imagination,coding children transition imagination reality,coding children transition reality,coding children imagination,coding children imagination reality,coding children reality,coding transition,coding transition imagination,coding transition imagination reality,coding transition reality,coding imagination,coding imagination reality,coding reality,helps children,helps children transition,helps children transition imagination,helps children transition imagination reality,helps children transition reality,helps children imagination,helps children imagination reality,helps children reality,helps transition,helps transition imagination,helps transition imagination reality,helps transition reality,helps imagination,helps imagination reality,helps reality,children transition,children transition imagination,children transition imagination reality,children transition reality,children imagination,children imagination reality,children reality,transition imagination,transition imagination reality,transition reality,imagination reality


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The New Wave of Online Learning and Coding

Computer programming can be one the quickest developing and the most engaging professionals in the following years, with the enhancements of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and robotics. Children presented to Coding can build up the affection or even the energy for it and find that it is the thing that they need to do in everyday life.

Coding makes an impression on kids that they can make anything from nothing only if they decide to do it. By Coding, they can extend what is conceivable. This encourages the advancement of humankind and the general improvement of personal satisfaction.

98thPercentile is hosting a Coding boot camp cum competition for students of grades 1-6, on 28th & 29th August, Learn2Code- Code2Win. Contestants will be able to create their own game/project from scratch. This is a not-to-miss opportunity for all grade 1-6 children looking for a fun and exciting coding activity to indulge in.

Learn2Code-Code2Win is an online coding boot camp cum competition that is a helpful guide to game development for beginners. Participants will learn how to build a game on Scratch. This would be taught by the expert instructors from 98thPercentile in the Learn2Code Bootcamp and that too absolutely FREE.

After the bootcamp, the participants would be asked to create their own game and these entries would be posted on the 98thPercentile Gaming Wall. The game-videos to receive maximum votes would be eligible for exciting awards & scholarships. The winners of course will earn a lot of gifts that can help them carry forward their talent. Winners will be rewarded with awards and scholarships worth $1000, Amazon gift cards, Math, English, Coding, or Public Speaking classes.

Contact Us At: https://98thpercentile. com

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