April 2016 SRI AUROBINDO SOCIETY VOL 30.04 Singapore Permit No. MCI (P) 069/01/2016 NEWSLETTER Goodness Modest in appearance, does not make a show but is always ready to be useful.Botanical Name: Lobularia maritimaCommon Name: Sweet Alison, Sweet alyssumSpiritual Significance: Goodwill An inner happiness abode in all, A sense of universal abode of all, A sense of universal harmonies, A measureless secure eternity Of truth and beauty and good and joy made one. - Savitri
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. Guiding Light of the Month “Thou art the wonderful magician, he who transfigures all things, from uglinessbrings forth beauty, from darkness light, from the mud clear water, from ignorance knowledge and from egoism goodness.” The Mother, ‘Prayers and Meditations’ March 19, 1914 From the Editor’s DeskThis month’s issue of the Newsletter visits the next It is obvious that on one plane, what is goodness differs from one person to another. In collectivequality on The Mother’s symbol, “goodness”. living, such a goodness, small and limited, wouldGoodness stems from the word, “good” which means, hardly serve to be of any significance in terms of living a life. It has to be a good that is high just as itas an adjective, something desired or approved of and is wide, reaching out to all; it has to be goodness also that stems from one’s depth and hence devoidhaving the required qualities or of a high standard. As of all self-seeking and self-fulfilment. The Mother distinguishes goodness in two ways. One way isa noun, it is that which is morally right or of benefit or suffused with the sight of a consciousness wide andadvantage to somebody. In this month’s reflection, it high, deep and all encompassing. Here is her view on goodness of that kind:is taken as a noun. Goodness denotes the quality ofbeinggood.(https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=meaning+of+goodness%3F).Goodness that stems from deeper within oneself is “You must be good for the love of goodness, youworth exploring. This Goodness is usually universal,open, benevolent, magnanimous. It is a quality that must be just for the love of justice, you must beperhaps comes to the fore when one has dealt with themany obstacles within, cleared more of the haze and pure for the love of purity and you must be disinterested for the love of disinterestedness; then you are sure to advance on the way”the clouds, and perhaps developed a deeper trust and The need of the hour is goodness of a more refinedfaith in the greater Good (or God) in oneself and the quality. It appears to be an integral part of another, and in the evolutionary progression of the whole integral person. It is the same goodness that wouldof life. It is that part in oneself that responds without enable one to be as The Mother points out.failure to the goodness around; or seeks to chase awayall ill and establish itself where it has to. Goodness “A tireless benevolence, clear-seeing andbreeds goodwill around and creates a positive energythat makes any work seem an easy task. Besides comprehensive, free from all personal reaction, ismaking the task easy, it helps complete the task with agreater degree of dexterity, to a higher degree of the best way to love God and serve Him upon earth.”perfection. It helps actually in a happy completion of Perhaps, as always, if one wants to cultivate thisthe task at hand. quality of goodness in oneself, it helps to observeSo what exactly is the condition of goodness within? oneself stringently and watch when one is good,Has one felt or known goodness? Is one able to how one is good and of what quality of goodnesscultivate this goodness within? Is it easy, or does it one exudes. For often, we may assume oneself tocome easy? What could one do to have more and more be good in one’s own limited frame of reference. Inof this goodness expressed more and more? Can one? this way, working on oneself while at work would be the greatest opportunity in understanding oneself and the goodness one is capable of and also its quality.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 2
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. Savitri A heavenlier passion shall upheave men's lives, Their mind shall share in the ineffable gleam, Their heart shall feel the ecstasy and the fire, Earth's bodies shall be conscious of a soul; Mortality's bond-slaves shall unloose their bonds, Mere men into spiritual beings grow And see awake the dumb divinity. (Book Eleven, Canto One) A secret air of pure felicity Deep like a sapphire heaven our spirits breathe; Our hearts and bodies feel its obscure call, Our senses grope for it and touch and lose. If this withdrew, the world would sink in the Void; If this were not, nothing could move or live. A hidden Bliss is at the root of things. Awakened to the meaning of my heart That to feel love and oneness is to live And this the magic of our golden change, Is all the truth I know or seek, O sage (Book Twelve) Question of the monthQ: “Sweet Mother, it is said that always the good and the true triumph, but we see that often inlife it is otherwise. The wicked win, seem somehow to be protected from suffering.”The Mother: (Mother laughs, then remains silent.) People always confuse two ideas. It is fromthe universal and spiritual point of view that, not positively the “good” as men understand it, butthe True, the Truth, will have the last word; it goes without saying. That is to say, finally theDivine will be victorious. That is what is said, what all who have lived a spiritual life havesaid—it is an absolute fact. Men, in translating it, say, “I am a good boy, I live in accordancewith what I think to be true, therefore, all existence should be good for me.” (Mother laughs)First of all, one’s own appreciation of oneself is always doubtful, and then, in the world as it isnow, all is mixed, it is not the Law of Truth that openly manifests itself to the half-blind humanconsciousness—it will not even understand it. I mean, to be more exact, that it is the supremevision that is realising itself constantly, but its realisation in the mixed material world does notappear to the ignorant human sight as the triumph of good, what men call good and true. But (tosay it in a joking way) it is not the fault of the Lord, it is the fault of men! That is to say, the Lordknows what he is doing, and men do not understand it.(CWM, Volume 11, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry)www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 3
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. Savitri – A poem of Truth, Beauty and GoodnessSuch is the Mahabharata 'legend'. No summary or paraphrase, no attempt at translation, can doadequate justice to the bareness and strength and utter self-sufficiency of the original. Not a wordis wasted, and as one reads the poem one feels that what needs to be said has been said; oneaccepts the story as something primordial and permanently significant like the Sun itself. Thereare other 'episodes'—the Nala and the Sakuntala, for example—in the Mahabharata that havealso won the affections of many generations of men, but the Savitri stands apart even amongthem, verily a star. \"The 'story of Savitri' is the gem of the whole poem\", wrote AlfredWallace, \"and I cannot recall anything in poetry more beautiful, or any higher teaching as to thesanctity of love and marriage. We have really not advanced one step beyond this old-worldpeople in our ethical standards.\"Savitri is presented by the ancient poet as beauty, truth, goodness, and, above all, powerincarnate. She is the gift of the Goddess Savitri and the fruit of eighteen years' severe austerities.She is so beautiful that like the Sun itself she keeps at a distance would-be wooers. She doesn'tspeak an untrue word even in small matters. She radiates goodness as a matter of course, and allbenefit by it. But shakti or power is what makes Savitri unique among the heroines of legend andhistory. It is characteristic of her that she never weeps. Satyavan weeps aloud thinking of hisparents, Dyumatsena weeps thinking of his son; Savitri does not weep—not when Narad speaksthe cruel words, not when Satyavan dies, nor when, after coming back to life, he breaks down atthe thought of his parents. Neither is it callousness, indifference, or want of feeling; rather is itthe measure of her stern purpose, her poised readiness to face any eventuality whatsoever, hertranquil consciousness of her own strength.(Excerpt from chapter ‘The Wonderful Poem’, Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri – A study of the cosmicepic, Dr. Prema Nandakumar) Benevolence and Goodwill A tireless benevolence, clear-seeing and comprehensive, free from all personalreaction, is the best way to love God and serve Him upon earth.I mean a benevolence sincere and spontaneous in thought and speech and not a supposedbenevolence in acts which is accompanied most often by a dreadful sense of condescendingsuperiority serving chiefly as a platform for human vanity. ***Indeed, the good will hidden in all things reveals itself everywhere to the one who carries goodwill in his consciousness.This is a constructive way of feeling which leads straight to the Future. ***www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 4
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016.One should keep goodwill and love constantly in his heart and let them pour out upon all withtranquility and with equanimity.Benevolence makes life fragrant without attracting attention. ***Your heart is the home of a luminous goodness; let it govern your whole being. - The Mother(CWM, Volume 14, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry) Song of lightPure rays of light break through the darkness - SandhyaWelcoming the next future of goodnessHarbingers of a beautiful tomorrowSpreading over flower-valleys their warm glow.Graceful is a diya with smiling lightGolden is its flame-bud shining brightSinging of musical light around everyoneGathering all to its awakening tune.Aflame the guiding light within usOne step at a time it calmly portraysOur leader and our friendWalks us to the light at the tunnel’s end.*Image of diya sourced from internetwww.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 5
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. The Banyan TalksPre-dawn bonfire, a special moment of meditation and communionThe bonfire burned bright in the wee hours of Sunday as Aurovillians celebrated the 48thanniversary of the founding of the universal township by The Mother.By custom, the Auroville fraternity which now has members from across 53 countries, gathersfor the pre-dawn bonfire ceremony on two special days of the year — February 28 tocommemorate the founding of the City of Dawn by Mirra Alfassa, spiritual associate of SriAurobindo, on the day in 1968 and Sri Aurobindo’s birth anniversary on August 15.This year saw an extraordinary turnout for Auroville’s dawn bonfire, which has always attractednon-Aurovillians, from casual visitors to school children. For participants, the bonfire offers aspecial moment of meditation and communion.The celebration is marked by playing a music score, the audio recording of The Mother’s addressabout Auroville’s founding principles, her vision of the experimental township being a placeupon earth that no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings ofgoodwill, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world.The crux of the Auroville charter is also disseminated in French, English, Sanskrit and Tamil(the four official languages of the “City of Dawn”), which is essentially of being a place of anunending education and constant progress and representing a bridge between the past and thefuture.A special team at Matrimandir is in charge of the arrangements of the bonfire ceremony whichtakes place in the amphitheatre. Floral decorations deck the floor in front of the bud-shaped urnhere that contains a handful of soil from the countries across the world that shared The Mother’svision for a universal township, where in her own words, “men and women of all countries areable to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities”and strive to achieve the higher purpose of human unity.(Article written by M. Dinesh Varma and sourced from The Hindu)www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 6
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. February - March Sunday Activities at the Centre – A glimpseFebruary 21st – The Mother’s 138th Birth Anniversary:The program started with Meditation with Sunil’s Music and Readings from “Prayers andMeditations”.Following Darshan Message was read:Concentrate in the Heart, Enter into it; go within and deep and far, as far as you can. Gather allthe strings of your consciousness that are spread abroad, roll them up and take a plunge andsink down.A fire is burning there, in the deep quietude of the heart; it is the divinity in you - your truebeing. Hear its voice, follow its dictates.Musical offering by Members of the Society:Musical Felicitations, Theme: “Mother” and Words from Mother & our Master aboutmusicShashilal KashyapShailaja KamarshiAnand VenkatSridhar RamanSaurab Nair (Guitar)Preethi SarojaLakshmanan G (Tabla)Like a garland of fragrant jasmine flowers and beautiful roses, the visual entries inter twinedwith musical offering by our dear friends, helped us experience the divinity of true music, reachour inner sanctum.A glimpse of Mother’s words on music: The role of music lies in helping the consciousness uplift itself towards the spiritual heights. Indian music when sung by good musicians almost always has a psychic origin. The best way of listening (to music) is this. It is to be like a still mirror and very concentrated. It is one of the methods of inner opening and one of the most powerful. The true and highest art must be the expression of a divine world brought down into this material world. All true artists have some feeling of this kind, some sense that they are the intermediaries between a higher world and this physical existence. If you consider it in this light, Art is not very different from yoga - The MotherClosing meditation was followed by “Mahaprasad” offered by our society members.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 7
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016.February 28th – Savitri, an unending journey:Meditation on “Savitri” with Huta’s Visuals: Book One, The Book of Beginnings, Canto OneThe Symbol Dawn - Pictures 11 to 23.The summary of the lines in pictures from Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo is given below:The Infinite in itself has neither a centre nor a circumference. But when it chooses to manifest, itcollects itself for the purpose and formulates what is to be expressed. The Goddess of EternalLight is such a self-formulation of the Infinite Divine, centering in herself the potentialities to beput out, shaping and holding in herself the blissful calm of the Ineffable.The Goddess of Eternal Light forms the link between Timeless Existence and this creation inTime; she renders the truths of the former into terms proper to the latter. She is able to do it forshe holds the knowledge of what is to be worked out and in what precise manner. She knows thesteps, the course and the goal.The smile of the Goddess is aglow with the Light of Life, and when she casts it on the existencebelow which lies dumb and still, under the spell of Inconscience, all there leaps to life; aspirationfor her Light and Presence springs up everywhere and all creation is caught into a movementupwards.The earth we inhabit gives no clear clue to the purpose of its existence. Obscure in itsorganisation, characterised by insentience in the mass, it is not even articulate enough. The bestlight that is found wherewith to guide our life-movement is that of an ignorance which is only ahalf-light, a state of awareness that is not in possession of the truth but seeking for it, partiallyturned towards the knowledge.Life on earth is a field for the effort of man to build and speed up his evolution. He participatesin the general movement of progression in Nature, fights his way against the elements thatoppose or arrest his advance—both within himself and without—, now rises, now falls but isalways on the move. This whole sequence of his march onwards through all its ups and downs,struggles and anxieties, joys and griefs, goes on under the watchful eye of the presiding Spiritwhich is more concerned with the broad lines of development rather than with happenings oflocal and temporary significance. These circumstances are left to themselves to work out theirbearings in the overall situation.With all his limitations of body, life-energy, sense-instrumentation and groping reason, man is atthe head of the evolutionary movement of Nature. He sums up in himself all the past effort of theevolution and represents a departure from the mode of unconscious development followed solong by Nature in her creations. For in him there is the birth of an overt consciousness and he canfollow, direct and speed up the course of his evolution, unlike other creatures who are led byNature in her own tardy process. Of all the creatures on earth, man alone stands erect, lifts up hishead from the ground ward position and looks straight upward. He alone has the capacity tothink, to see ahead, to plan, to control the course of life. He is the rightful leader of theevolutionary progression in Nature.As a manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, Savitri came with all the power, luminouswideness and joy characteristic of that Consciousness but these powers could not function intheir effectively on the human soil. For in this rushing movement of Time, with no sure foothold,www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 8
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016.life stands precariously organised in brittle, small and divided forms and being unable toassimilate the workings of powers beyond its accustomed range, contrary to its habitual nature, itrejects them.The gods have their splendours but also their limitations. For they are typal beings, fixed in theirnature beyond which they cannot move. If they want to change, progress into a state that isgreater than theirs, e.g. to become one with the Divine, they are obliged to come to this Earth, thefield of evolution and progress. They have to take a human birth or draw upon human help inorder to progress. It is given to man to change, to progress, to evolve because he has within him apsychic being—a soul whose nature it is to progress towards the Divine. Other orders of beingsare not possessed of this privilege. Thus it is that a god assuming human birth, human life-load,is richer in potentialities than his compeer in his own world.Savitri was aware that the pain and the dread that were gnawing at her were only her individualshare of the evil of pain and suffering that is the malady affecting all life in this world at its veryroots. She decided to strike at this affliction at its fundamental base and for that purposesharpened her resolution with the intensities of the suffering she was put to. Each pang added anedge.Immobile in herself, she gathered force, This was the day when Satyavan must die. (last 2lines from Canto 1)That is the condition for all effective evocation of power. It is on a calm base that strength canbuild itself and acquire unfailing power. Poised in the silence of the soul, holding her nature fromall movement, Savitri summoned the force of the Spirit within to collect itself for action.February 29th – Darshan Day special meditation:The Supramental Manifestation DayFollowing the meditation we read about the significance of the day from the AIM magazine -The Golden Day.During the common meditation on Wednesday 29th February 1956,Mother writes:“This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I hada form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden doorwhich separated the world from the Divine.As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that “the timehas come”, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one singleblow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.Then the Supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed upon earth in anuninterrupted flow”.This was followed by silent meditation.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 9
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016.March 6th – Reading from February 2016 AIM Magazine: Times of TransitionThe Hour of God:Birth pangs of a New worldThis passage tells that how new creations can happen with only the destruction of the old ones.Kala Purusha is already risen to his dreadful work of destroying the old knowledge and beliefsand establish the first Satya yuga of Kali.Lord Krishna tells Arjuna in chapter 11 that, No construction is possible without a correspondingdestruction of its own previous condition. Today has arisen from the graves of yesterday.Krishna introducing Himself here as “I am the MIGHTY WORLD – DESTROYING TIME”,who has manifested to wipe out the generation that has suffered decay in its own false sense-of-values and wrong assumptions about life and its purpose.The first outbreak of a New DawnThis passage talks about how Truth is the same at all times but takes different forms. It is inwardEternal taking the joy of outward Mutability. In India, the chosen land, it is preserved andawakens with effective AvatarThe time for revolutionary changesThis passage tells how the higher power is compelling people to do what they must......It is like a sort of revulsion with stagnation. A thirst for something which is ahead and appearsmore luminous, better.The confusion is there to teach usTo avoid confusion and disorder caused by pre planning, thinking and arrangements, enter intothe consciousness where we can see only one Being, one Power and live day to day!The extremes have become more extremeMother tells that she believes in the golden force pressing down that has no material consistenceand yet seems to be tremendously pressing upon Matter, thus to compel it to turn towards Divineinwardly. At the same time bad is becoming worse.The values have intensifiedThe Supramental makes the creation more sensitive to higher power.All our common sense, all our logic, all our practical sense is dashed to the ground! Useless! Ithas no force anymore; It no longer corresponds to what is. It is truly a new world,March 13th – Q&A from The Mother, Complete Works Volume 8 followed by Om ChoirQ: Sweet Mother, Where does our true spiritual life begin?www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 10
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016.The Mother: True spirituality begins when one is in constant communion with one’s psychicbeing and conscious of this divine presence and the will become a constant collaborator withdivine will.Q: Sweet Mother, I would like to have the explanation of a sentence. Sri Aurobindo has saidsomewhere, “Materially you are nothing, spiritually you are everything.”The Mother: One who is conscious of his psychic being and united with the divine within isinfinitely greater than a ruler upon earth or a millionaire who possesses considerable materialpower but is unconscious of his psychic being.The more we read about psychic presence in us, our aspiration to get in contact with thatintensifies!This was followed by Om Choir. - Jayalakshmi PROGRAMME FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2016 DATE TIME DETAILS 8:00 AM Monthly Morning Walk *3rd April 2016 6:00 PM Sunday 6:00 PM Reading from AIM Magazine 6:00 PM Q&A from Mother Complete works Volume 83rd April 2016 Sunday Followed by Om Choir Savitri – An unending journey10th April 2016 Sunday Darshan Day - The Mother's final arrival in Pondicherry17th April 2016 Sunday24th April 2016 6:00 PM Sunday* Please see below for details. APRIL 2016 MORNING WALK – NO. 368Date: Sunday, 3rd April 2016Time: 8:00 A.M. sharp for warm up exercise Please note that after warm up exercise we shall proceed with the walk by 8.20 AM.Meeting Point: Upper Seletar Reservoir (At iconic “rocket-shaped” viewing tower)Direction to Driving:Meeting Point: From Mandai Road heading north, make left turn onto Mandai Road Track 7. Park at Car Park B and walk over to the meeting point.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 11
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. MRT/Bus: Take MRT to Ang Mo Kio MRT station. Take SBS Transit Service 138. Alight at bus stop right after Nee Soon Flyer. The iconic “rocket-shaped” viewing tower which is the meeting point is visible from the bus stop. Please see map below of the Upper Seletar Reservoir area for reference.Contact No: Mr S. Ramanathan (91385130)Hosts: Mr C. Krishnamurthy & familyDirection to HP: 97861646/81982100/62058720Hosts’ Email: [email protected] Meditation and the Brunch will be at 15 Canberra Drive, #11-30, One Canberra, Singapore 768073. Driving: From SLE heading north, take exit at Lentor Avenue. Proceed on Yishun Ave 2 and then turn left on to Yishun Ave 7. Then turn right on to Canberra Drive. “One Canberra” is on the left. MRT/Bus: From Yishun MRT, take SMRT Service 965 heading north on Yishun Ave 2. Once bus turns left on to Yishun Ave 7, alight at first bus stop (Block 174). Then cross over to Canberra Drive. “One Canberra” is on the left.Note: All are encouraged to attend the Walk. Those, however, who are not able to join the Walk,the hosts would be very happy that they directly come to the residence and join in the brunch by10:15 AM. Prayers and meditation will commence sharp at 10.30 A.M. All are requested to bepunctual.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 12
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. PREVIEW OF FORTHCOMING SUNDAY MORNING WALKSWALK DATE PLACE HOST NO 369 01/05/2016 East Coast Park Mr. Ashok Patel & Family 05/06/2016 TBA Mr. Anand Patel & Family 370 03/07/2016 TBA Mr Sanjay Mehta & Mrs Ami Mehta 07/08/2016 Mr Venkatesh Rao & Mrs Shailaja 371 Botanical Gardens 372 Along the Way…The Sunday walks, I haven’t been a part of many but the few I have attended have been a novelexperience. From exploring the various parks and trails all around Singapore in the company of adiverse group of people to the meditation and prayers followed by scrumptious brunch is acomplete recipe for a well spent Sunday morning. It has something for all the generations. Theold fuelling in their vibrant energy which is contagious to one and all, driving us to take the bestof values and move ahead.This Sunday the destination was the Singapore flyer and the walk was along the Kallang river.The flyer standing tall at a height of 165m is a mesmerizing sight in itself, while the skylinesurrounding it adds to the beauty. As a ride in the flyer leaves a first timer surprised with theastounding view around, our walk too had its small surprises that all of us enjoyed.We assembled at the Singapore flyer at 8 am and set out for the walk along the Heritage trail.Our walk began with the spotting of 5 camera shy otters having a Sunday morning swim.Though otters are not new to people staying here, they bought a smile to all and pepped us up forthe walk. The group moved ahead with a replenished enthusiasm. Though we expected somerains, the weather remained dry and pleasant throughout. Conversations flowed on varying topicsas the walk progressed.Another sight to behold was a large number of young girls and boys preparing for the dragonboat festival. There were many dragon boat teams and canoeists displaying their skills. Theirvigor and drive was compelling and a race between two of the practicing teams was a spectacle.While the Kallang river on one side was filled with activity the F1 track on the other side wasalso hosting a practice session. In the midst of the activities around our group charged forward.We assembled back at the flyer at 9:50am feeling refreshed.We then headed over to the Center. A number of people joined us there, we began with prayersfollowed by the meditation. Then we had the opportunity to relish the delicacies of AndhraPradesh. The authentic Andhra brunch was hosted by Anuvrat and Auropriya along with hisparents Rao uncle and Shailaja aunty. I would like to thank them for making us a part of theirupcoming bundle of joy and giving us the taste of deliciously spicy Andhra food. - Dhanashree Vaidyawww.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 13
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2016. ANNOUNCEMENTS Membership Renewal for 2016 & Subscription to AIMFor 2016, Annual Members need to pay SGD 60 as their membership subscription to the Society. Thosesubscribing to the All India Magazine will need to pay an additional SGD 30 for the magazine.Please send a cheque payable to \"Sri Aurobindo Society\" and post it to the Treasurer, Sanjay Mehta at thefollowing address: Blk 720 Tampines Street 72 #03-31 Singapore 520720.You may also physically pay it to him in cash or by passing a cheque to a committee member and letting Sanjayknow, during our activities. Printed and Published by The Sri Aurobindo Society of Singapore 2A Starlight Road 01-07, Singapore 217755.Saurab: 86559940 or [email protected]; Sanjay: 98750767 or [email protected]; Email: [email protected] Visit our website at: www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sgwww.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 14
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