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Published by benoniblack, 2023-07-25 15:32:22



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OFFICIATING MINISTERS Rt. Rev. Paa Solomon Grant Essilfie - Bishop Winneba Diocese Rt. Rev. Dr. John K. Buabeng-Odoom - Supt. Minister, New Achimota Very Rev. Prince Sackey - Synod Secretary, Winneba Diocese EBENEZER METHODIST CHURCH, Very Rev. Sarfo Anning - Asst. Synod Secretary, Swedru, Cirrcuit GOMOA GYAMAN Very Rev. Jus ce Essoun Coffie - Supt. Minister Goamoa Manso Circuit BURIAL SERVICE THE LATE Very Rev. John Brew - Circuit Minister, Gomoa Benso Obaapanyin MRS. CECILIA ODOOM Very Rev. Comfort Ruth Quartey-Papafio - Auxiliary Minister, New Achimota 1942-2023 Very Rev Joseph Gordon Donkoh - Auxiliary Minister, New Achimota SATURDAY 29TH JULY, 2023 Very Rev. Opeyemi Awe - Auxiliary Minister, New Achimota 9:00AM PROMPT Very Rev. Piesie Shadrach Asiedu Larbi - Circuit Minister, New Achimota Very Rev. Emmanuel B. Churcher - Supernumerary, New Achimota Rev. Enoch Antwi-Buasiako - Circuit Minister, New Achimota Rev. Michael Yawson - Ebenezer Society, Gomoa Gyaman Rev. Sophia Eshun - Circuit Minister New Achimota Sofobaa Faus na Odoom - Guankobea Prayer Ministry Rev. Grace Quansah - Circuit Minister, Gomoa Ekwamkrom Rev. Adomako Bempah Dweteh - Auxiliary Minister, New Achimota Rev. Prince Eshun - Circuit Minister, Gomoa Afransi SOCIETY STEWARD ORGANISTS Organist Bro. Robert Arko Bro. Gordon Prah Choirmaster Bro. Daniel Yaw Prah IN ATTENDANCE Church Choir IN ATTENDANCE Singing Band The Winneba Diocesan Lay Chairman Bro. Nana Yamoah 1

Order of Service PART I – PRE-BURIAL SERVICE 4. Hymn - MHB 528 5. Filing Past - MHB 99, 650, 1. Opening Sentences / Scripture Reading 6. Closure of Casket 679,602,511,501,608,235 2. Hymn - MHB 428 3. Prayer - PART 2 – BURIAL SERVICE 1. Call to Worship 14. Anthem by the Choir 2. Announcement of Purposes 15. Prayer 3. Hymn - MHB 427 16. Commenda on / the Lord's Prayer 4. Prayer 17. Hymn - MHB 679 5. Hymn 6. Biography - MHB 50 18. No ces & Presenta on 19. Hymn - MHB 831 7. Tributes 20. Closing Prayer & Benedic on 8. Hymn - MHB 99 21. Dead March in Soul 9. Scripture 22. Recessional Hymn - MHB 615 (i) 1st Lesson: Psalm 90:1-12 (ii) 2nd Lesson: John 14:1-6, 27 PART III – COMMITTAL 10. Hymn - M.H.B 830 1. Hymn - MHB 948 11. Sermon 2. Commi al & Prayer 12. Affirma on of Faith 3. Vote of Thanks 13. Offering 4. Hymn - CANF 1058 5. Benedic on 2

BIOGRAPHY OF THE LATE When the day of toil is done, When the race of life is run, OBAAPANYIN Father, grant their wearied one MRS CECILIA ODOOM Rest for evermore. MHB 975 v.1 ( a.k.a. Auntie Ekua Munko) Mrs. Cecilia Odoom was born in Gomoa Gyaman on the 4th of June 1942, to Opanyin Kobena A a of Gomoa Gyaman and Aba Mensiwa of Gomoa Abrekum in the central region, both of blessed memory. Cecilia was the fourth and last child among her siblings and was named Cecilia Forson a er her father. She was also called Ekua Munko. Cecilia lived with her parents at Agona Duakwa in the early stages of her life. She started her schooling in the Methodist school at Amanful (Agona Mensakrom) and had to walk every day to and from Agona Duakwa to school. She was very brilliant and determined to excel since none of her siblings had that opportunity. A er her standard seven cer ficate examina on, she joined her parents who had then se led in Agona Duotu, near Agona Duakwa, and engaged in farming and trading. Mame Cecilia was bap zed into the Methodist Church at Mensakrom. She was a Lay Preacher and a very ac ve member of the Women's Fellowship in the Gomoa Manso circuit and Ebenezer Society, Gomoa Gyaman. She had a good spirit and a pleasant demeanour. Ekua Munko was so kind, hospitable, and industrious woman.Her earlier marriage to Opanyin Odoom ended abruptly due to the demise of the husband. God granted them a child, Kingsford Odoom also known as Kwesi A a born in 1962. 3

BIOGRAPHY OF THE LATE OBAAPANYIN MRS CECILIA ODOOM ( a.k.a. Auntie Ekua Munko) CONT. A er living alone for a while, she strangely met one Uncle Odoom who was working with Produce Buying Company at Duotu and who had also lost his wife. Both crossed paths and got married in 1969. When her husband re red from Produce Buying Company, both se led at Gomoa Gyaman and resorted to farming. She was also into making palm nut oil, palm kernel oil, and pe y trading, selling all kinds of items. She was a hardworking and energe c woman. Ekua Munko lived with her siblings and family members in a very cordial way. She took care of all who came her way. She was a very kind and generous woman. She supported her husband in his work but lovingly took very good care of all her children and her husband's children. She respected every member of her family and never discriminated between her biological children and foster children. She was there for all and also prayed for all. Ekua Munko lived the Chris an faith and impacted so many lives. She was a godly woman of a calm disposi on. Aun e Ceci ba led with health in 2019. All efforts to get her healed could not materialize. A er ba ling sickness for almost four years, she died peacefully at the Agona Swedru Government Hospital on 3rd May 2023. She le behind 9 children, 22 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and a host of family and friends to mourn her demise. Aun e Ceci you have fought the good fight You have run the race. You have kept the faith Rest peacefully in the bosom of your maker. Amen 4

TRIBUTE TO The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, OBAAPANYIN The darkness falls at Thy behest; MRS. CECILIA ODOOM To Thee, our morning hymns ascended, BY CHILDREN Thy praise shall sanc fy our rest. (John Ellerton 1826-1893.) Our mother was not much educated but she was a woman of substance. A woman who believed in prayer and took her predicament to God in prayer. She was calm and of few words, a generous and good woman. She opened her hands to our friends and family members. Many of our folks ate from her cooking pot. She was proud of us and never use words angrily to chas se us but accommodated our bad deeds and any bad behaviour and punished us at the right me. She was principled and never allowed anyone to take her generosity for weakness. She shared what she had with her family and friends. Cecilia as we called her was affable, and a very contented woman. Our mother was a very respec ul and tender-hearted person. We recall, our father was not interested in church but our mother Cecilia through her persuasion and good Chris an living, and by the grace of God made Uncle Odoom, her husband, love God and the things of God. She was a huge influence on our upbringing. Cecilia, we thank you for being there for us at all mes. Indeed the day the Lord gave her is ended. The darkness falls at her behest. To Him, we offer our morning hymns, His praise shall sanc fy our rest. Fare thee well, Aun e Cecilia. Rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord. Amen. 5

TRIBUTE TO OBAAPANYIN MRS. CECILIA ODOOM BY IN-LAWS Aun e Ceci, it is difficult to part with you and say goodbye but that notwithstanding we cannot say anything else. You have done your best as a mother in-law. God bless you. We never called you Maa, but Aun e Cee, or Ceci. That showed the extent of affec on between us. You were down to earth and a real mother to us. At no point in our marital life did you interfere in our affairs. Your love for us was unparallel, you were always there to counsel, feed, and encouraged. When we started making children it was your counsel that sustained us. We will never forget your kind and hospitable demeanor. Aun e Ceci was a simple and apprecia ve woman. You were content with whatever we gave you. You proved to be a wonderful woman who was thankful for all that we did for you. You counselled that we always respect our spouses and take our issues to God in prayer. You were concerned with our work and life. We thank you for making me to care for our children when we needed that the most. Aun e Ceci, sleep on ll we meet again. 6

TRIBUTE TO OBAAPANYIN MRS. CECILIA ODOOM BY GRANDCHILDREN Once they were mourners here below, And poured out cries and tears: They wrestled hard, as we do now, With sins, and doubts, and fears. (MHB 831 v 2) Today, our grandmother lies mo onless in front of us and we can't do anything about it. No ma er how many buckets of tears we cry, she won't be with us again but who are we to ask ques ons? Who are we to complain? And to whom would we ask those ques ons? Aun e Ekua Munko was a so cute woman we grew up to meet as our grandma. Some of us had the opportunity to be with her for a li le while though very li le, we s ll remember how she used to make us feel so welcomed and loved. How she men oned our local names any me we came around. Her words of encouragement were enough to carry us through so many things we could be encountering either at school or work. Grandma Munko was present in our marriage ceremonies to grace it with her blessings. She could not stay back without joining. She was hardworking and also a loving woman who held the fort when Grandpa Uncle Odoom passed on. We promise not to forget all your wise counsel. Thank you for loving our parents and being there for them when the going was tough. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Aun e Ekua Munko da yie. 7 Aun e Ceci, Nyame mfa wo nsie asomdwe mu. Amen.

TRIBUTE TO A Charge to keep I have OBAAPANYIN MRS. CECILIA ODOOM A God to glorify BY EBENEZER METHODIST A never dying soul to save SOCIETY, GOMOA GYAMAN And fit it for the sky. (CAN 188 MHB 578) Maame Cecilia Odoom who was also known as Aun e Ceci by all and sundry was a staunch Methodist. According to Aun e Ceci, her father Opanyin Kobina A a was a staunch Catholic whereas her mother Maame Aba Mensiwa did not belong to any church. She joined the Methodist Church and became an ac ve and dedicated member who contributed in diverse ways to the growth of the Society. She was a full member and a class leader of the church ll the me she became infirm by ill health. Aun e Ceci was a member of the Women's Fellowship and held the offices of President and Secretary. Her love, devo on and commitment to the work of God were truly worth emula ng. Her favourite Hymn was CAN 188 MHB 578 as stated above. On the payment of church contribu ons, more especially the Annual Harvest Dues, she never relented. Aun e Ceci, you have fought a good fight. May the Almighty God grant you peaceful rest. 8 Amen

TRIBUTE BY THE WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP, Sj Nkwa war a m'enyi bjgye, EBENEZER METHODIST SOCIETY, Ama maasom wo akyjr, GOMOA GYAMAN Tsia so a, b1n ntsi na m'bedzi mbcc, Dj m'botu akc onnyiewiei m'? CAN 207 MHB 647 Stanza 2 Sister Cecilia Odoom whom we lovingly referred to as Aun e Ceci was a devout member of Gomoa Gyaman Methodist Women's Fellowship. She was not just a member of the fellowship but served diligently when she occupied the por olios of Secretary and President for so many years un l she became invalid for four (4) years. Aun e Ceci performed her du es as expected of every Execu ve member of the Fellowship. When it came to Circuit Council mee ngs, Rallies and Conferences, she never relented. It was at one of the Diocesan Conferences at Gomoa Brofo that she gained the name 'Yɛbɛdan Egya' when they bathed in the Okyi River. She fulfilled her financial obliga ons diligently. On payment of dues, welfare and other contribu ons, she used to simply say 'I will Pay it Raw', and because of this 'Pay Raw' also became her nickname. 'Yɛbɛdan Egya, Pay Raw, you have le us in sorrow and grief but as believers we know we shall meet on the Resurrec on Day. Fare thee well, Aun e Ceci. May the Almighty God grant you rest in His bossom. Amen. 9

HYMNS MHB 427 MHB 99 MHB 830 1. Through all the changing scenes 1. How sweet the name of Jesus 1. Hark! the sound of holy voices, of life, In trouble and in joy, sounds In a believer's ear! Chan ng at the crystal sea, The praises of my God shall s ll It soothes his sorrows, heals his Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! My heart and tongue employ. wounds, And drives away his fear. Lord, to Thee. Mul tude, which none can number, Like the stars, in 2. Of His deliverance I will boast, 2. It makes the wounded spirit glory stand Clothed in white Till all that are distressed whole, And calms the troubled apparel, holding Palms of victory in From my example courage take breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry their hands. And soothe their griefs to rest. soul, And to the weary rest. 2. They have come from 3. O magnify the Lord with me, 3. Jesus! my shepherd, husband, tribula on, And have washed their With me exalt His name; friend, O prophet, priest and king, robes in blood, Washed them in When in distress to Him I called, My Lord, my life, my way, my end, the blood of Jesus; Tried they He to my rescue came. Accept the praise I bring. were, and firm they stood; Mocked, imprisoned, stoned, 4. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will 4. Till then I would Thy love tormented, Sawn asunder, slain then proclaim With every flee ng with sword; They have conquered Have nothing else to fear; Make breath, And may the music of Thy death and Satan By the might of you His service your delight; Your name Refresh my soul in death! Christ the Lord. wants shall be His care. th! 10

3. God of God, the One bego en, 3. God of God, the One bego en, HYMNS Light of light, Emmanuel, In whose Light of light, Emmanuel, In whose body joined together All the saints body joined together All the saints MHB 679 forever dwell; Pour upon us of Thy forever dwell; Pour upon us of Thy 1. Pleasant are Thy courts above, fullness That we may forevermore fullness That we may forevermore In the land of light and love; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Father, God the Son, and Pleasant are Thy courts below, In God the Holy Ghost adore. God the Holy Ghost adore. this land of sin and woe; O, my spirit longs and faints For the MHB 831 MHB 831 converse of Thy saints, For the 1. Give me the wings of faith to 1. Give me the wings of faith to brightness of Thy face, King of rise Within the veil, and see The rise Within the veil, and see The Glory, God of grace. saints above, how great their joys, saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be. How bright their glories be. 2. Happy souls, their praises flow Even in this vale of woe! Waters in 2. Once they were mourning here 2. Once they were mourning here the desert rise, Manna feeds them below, And wet their couch with below, And wet their couch with from the skies; On they go from tears: They wrestled hard, as we tears: They wrestled hard, as we strength to strength, Till they do now, With sins, and doubts, and do now, With sins, and doubts, and reach Thy throne at length, At Thy fears. fears. feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. 3. I ask them whence their victory 3. I ask them whence their victory came: They, with united breath, came: They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. Lamb, Their triumph to His death. 4. Our glorious Leader claims our 4. Our glorious Leader claims our praise For His own pa ern giv'n; While the long cloud of witnesses praise For His own pa ern giv'n; While the long cloud of witnesses Show the same path to 11 Show the same path to

3. Lord, be mine this prize to win, 3. When I tread the verge of HYMNS Guide me through a world of sin, Jordan, Bid my anxious fears Keep me by Thy saving grace, Give subside; Death of deaths, and 4. Hold Thou Thy cross Before my me at Thy side a place; Sun and hell's destruc on, Land me safe on closing eyes; Shine through the shield alike Thou art, Guide and Canaan's side. Songs of praises, gloom, And point me to the skies; guard my erring heart. Grace and songs of praises, I will ever give to Heav'n's morning breaks, And glory flow from Thee; Shower, O Thee; I will ever give to Thee. earth's vain shadows flee: In life, in shower them, Lord, on me! death, O Lord, abide with me MHB 948 MHB 615 1. Abide with me! Fast falls the MHB 50. 1. Guide me, O Thou great even de; The darkness thickens. 1. The Lord's my Shepherd, Ill not Jehovah, Pilgrim through this Lord with me abide. When other want: barren land. I am weak, but Thou helpers fail, And comforts flee, He makes me down to lie art mighty; Hold me with Thy Help of the helpless, O abide with In pastures green: He leadeth me powerful hand. Bread of Heaven, me! The quiet waters by: Bread of Heaven, Feed me ll I 2. I need Thy presence Every want no more; Feed me ll I want passing hour. What but Thy grace 2. My soul He doth restore again, no more. Can foil the tempter's power? Who And me to walk doth make like Thyself My guide and stay can Within the paths of righteousness, 2. Open now the crystal fountain, be? Through cloud and sunshine, E'en for His own name's sake Whence the healing stream doth O abide with me! flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar 3. Yea, though l walk in death's Lead me all my journey through. 3. I fear no foe With Thee at hand dark vale, Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, to bless: Ills have no weight, And Yet will I fear no ill; Be Thou s ll my strength and tears no bi erness. Where is For thou art with me, and Thy rod shield; death's s ng? Where, grave, thy And staff me comfort s ll victory? I triumph s ll, If Thou abide with me. . 12

HYMNS 4. My table Thou has furnished CANF - 1050 CAN - 324 Da yie, da yie, Nyame mfa In presence of my foes My head Thou does with oil 1. Da yie, dofc fonafo, w’nsie anoint, W’edwuma abc adze; Yebehyiam’ afebcc, da yie. And my cup overflows. Ahomgye pa, siar mbordo 5. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surly follow me, Na djw mapa nyj wodze 4. Kwantunyi berjfo dcfo, And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. Da yie, da yie, Nyame mfa W’akantu abc adze w’nsie E awerjhow wiadze. Adzesaa ahyj sum, da yie. Da yie, da yie, Nyame mfa 3. T wer Jesu N’abaw mu w’nsie komm, Dzi e kan kctwecn hjn, da yie. Nyame dc nkata wo do; Sun w’ Agyenkwa No bom’ Scnn, Mbrj bcn biara nnkjhaw wo. 13

Appreciation The children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and the entire family of the late Obaapanyin MRS. CECILIA ODOOM express our sincerest appreciation to you for mourning with us and supporting us in diverse ways Design Printed by Color o nt Med a

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