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Laporan Tahunan 2014

Published by fieza, 2016-09-23 04:58:52

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Water R&D 1 Adoption and dissemination 2 Water Research 3 Provision of Adequate of the National Integrated Governance Options Human and FinancialIn leading up to this Advisory Water Research (NIWR) Option 1 Resources4eport, ASM had earlier Agenda Establishment of a National Watercommissioned a Position Paper 4esearch and Development Centre The proposed research agendaentitled “A Study on Current Status Water as a Resource and W4DC , a statutory body as a requires the strengthening ofand Needs Assessment for Water Related Wealth Creation long-term solution to act as a clearing implementation capacity through4esources 4esearch in Malaysia”. - Hydrological house and one-stop centre to manage deployment of adequate humanThis study was completed in May - Policy and regulation all aspects of water 4&D in the country. resources in specialised areas and ap-214 and found that past and - Hydrology, limnology and Option 2 propriation of adequate fundingcurrent research on water in Forming a Water 4esearch Consortium to implement the multifacetedMalaysia had been largely ad-hoc, associated mathematical modelling led by the National Hydraulic 4esearch research programmes andfragmented, and often undertaken - Hydrogeology and groundwater Institute of Malaysia NAH4IM among initiatives. It is also recommendedwith a limited and narrow focus. existing water-related public and that a launching grant be allocated toThis study identiƂed 96 research modelling private sector research organisations. spearhead the NIW4 Agenda.topics related to 21 water themes - Eco-hydrology and relevent IW4M This acts as a short-term solution toto harness STI in addressing the facilitate coordinated water-related 4 Implementation ofcountry water management issue sub-sets research. NIWR Agendaand challenges through an - Ecosystems services - resourceintegrated and coordinated There is a need for the custodian ofmulti-disciplinary 4&D framework. provision, environmental ƃows and water resources in the country to takeThe Water 4&D Advisory 4eport regulation the lead in implementing the NIW4entitled, “Setting a National - Biodiversity and natural products Agenda.Agenda for Integrated Water of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems4esearch” was published in 214. - Coastal systemsFrom that, four recommendations - Water quality and pollutionwere highlighted, which are as - Participatory managementfollows: - Conƃict resolution - Water-related hazards - Climate change - 4esource for wealth creation Water for Livelihood and Wealth Creation - Sustainable water supply development and management for multi-purpose use - Integrated Water Demand Management - Wastewater management and reuse - Agricultural drainage - Green technology - Water-Food-Energy Nexus - Products and services for wealth creation 99

Unlike energy, there is no alternative to water resources. At present, the country relies almost entirely on surface water (97%), and this situation is obviously untenable in the long run for water security. Advisory Report: A National Key Priority Area (NKEA) on Water The Advisory 4eport was prepared to underpin the Malaysian Water Vision and the Malaysian Water 4esources Policy to realise the crucial role of water for life, national security and the economy. Water is life, and therefore, it is necessary to regard water as an integral resource with great potential to contribute to humanity, the economy and societal development. Similar to the Entry Point Projects of the Performance Management Delivery Unit PEMANDU , the study has identiƂed 72 possible Entry Projects for ‘Water as a 4esourceo and ‘Water as a Utilityo. This could potentially promote economic opportunities, while safeguarding our water resources. The study has been completed and the report is expected to be published in 21. Following are the recommendations: 1 Water as a 2 Promote Water Research 3 Develop Water BeneƂts 4 Water-Food-Energy Nexus National Agenda and Development Agenda Water security and sustainability It is increasingly difƂcult to argue for The industries are aware that the The agricultural sector is not producing underline our economy and livelihood. a business as usual scenario when the inter-related problems of food, energy food at a rate that is proportionate with Therefore, it is imperative for the stakes are so high while responses to and water are threatening their own the population growth. As a result, cost country to have a National Water water management issues are low. industrial sustainability and production. of food production is increasingly more Agenda. This will lead to determining Emphasis on water research and Meanwhile, there is a business expensive. Furthermore, water rationing and addressing all aspects of water development is important to ensure opportunity created in the need to which is detrimental to agricultural and management in ensuring a sustainable water sufƂciency for all beneƂcial uses. increase efƂciency and reduce waste energy production will only increase the water future. There is also a need to achieve in the environment. cost of production leading to more signiƂcant improvements in the hardship for the people. The cost of ecological health of rivers, lakes, energy production which drives the ƃoodplains, wetlands and estuaries economy will also rise at the expense of so that the many water sources and the consumers. Therefore, there is a services they provide are maintained necessity to strive for a balance between for the present and future use. the nexus tripod. Thus, water will be needed as a NKPA for the future survival of the country.1

STI National Survey of R&D inConsultancy Malaysia 2014Provider The National Survey of 4&D in Malaysia 214 is a continuation ofStatus Report: Sustainability series of survey that has beenof Malaysian Palm Oil Industry conducted since 1994. The2013/2014 survey aims to measure and monitor the achievement of 4&D activitiesASM completed the “Status 4eport: conducted by agencies andSustainability of Malaysian Palm Government 4esearch Institutes1il Industry 213214”. This is G4I , Institute of Higher Learninga consultancy work with the IHL and Business Enterprises BE Malaysian Palm 1il Council MP1C . in Malaysia. ASM has beenThe report is to provide an appointed as the consultant for theindependent baseline data on the Malaysian Science and Technologystatus of sustainability in Malaysian Information Centre MASTIC .palm oil industry based on The study is expected to besustainable development indicators. completed by the end of 21.Through this consultancy work,ASM has developed the Palm1il Sustainable DevelopmentIndex P1SDI ; a sustainabledevelopment indicator scoring toolwhich is designed based on thesustainability framework. The reportanalyses and presents data relevantto the Malaysian palm oil industryand its sustainability acrosseconomic, social, environmentaland quality of living dimensions.The status report was launched byDatoo Lee Yeow Chor, Chairman,MP1C during the InternationalPalm 1il Sustainability ConferenceIP1SC 214. 11

Study on the Implementation of Hands-On Inquiry- Based Science Education (IBSE) in selected Primary Schools A study on the implementation of IBSE at four selected primary schools in Hulu Langat was conducted by ASM as a pilot project from 212 - 213. The study was carried out based on ASMos concern for the level of Malaysian educational attainment in science, as reƃected in the results of Programme for International Student Assessment PISA 29 and 212. The study aims to look into the feasibility of implementing IBSE towards enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and learning of science in primary schools, as well as the studentos understanding of science. The study was carried out through a qualitative and quantitative approach.12

The Ƃndings of the study based on Percentage of Positive Response To further assess the effectiveness Curriculum KSS4 ;the Teacher Self-4eƃection Tool, on Teacher’s Perception of IBSE method, the Trends of 4 IBSE is in line with KSS4 whichobservation, interview sessions with International Mathematics andteachers and students year-end Teacher’s Role 92.9 Science Study TIMSS assessment supports the development ofexamination assessment are as Building on pupilso ideas 93.9 was conducted among the pupils language through the learningfollows: Supporting pupilso own investigation 8.6 that were involved in the IBSE of science;1 Teachers have better understanding Guiding analysis and conclusion Study. For comparison purpose,  IBSE promotes the development of pupils from two non-IBSE classes soft skills through group activities of IBSE after participating in the Pupil Activities 68.6 also underwent the TIMSS and discussion; training workshops; Carrying out investigations 92.9 assessment on 3 1ctober 214. 6 IBSE is a practical, feasible2 Teachers are now capable in Based on the analysis of pupilso approach and inexpensive. It uses developing science process skills Working with others 78.6 scores for objective vs subjective cheap and recycled materials; among pupils through IBSE method; Pupil’s Records questions, IBSE pupils outperformed 7 IBSE provides innovative ideas to3 Pupilso performance in science 4ecord of pupilso work non-IBSE pupils for both types of teachers in conducting inquiry; and questions. It can be inferred from 8 To ensure effective implementationespecially science process skills and Pupilso written records 71.4 this data that IBSE pupils have a of IBSE, there is a need for teachersproblem solving had also increased; better understanding and ability to to be trained for at least 6 hoursand * 4esult of Fibonacci IBSE Self-4eƃection Tool articulate answers compared to on IBSE. non-IBSE students especially for4 Pupils also showed a positive subjective questions. This alsobehaviour change especially in reƃects the focus of IBSE methodtheir motivation and interest in which emphasises the developmentscience at the end of pilot study. of language through the learning FACTSHEET of science. 2 teachers were trained with IBSEAlthough the implementation of Ranking of Subject (based on score) The IBSE pilot project has method in 4egional Centre for highlighted the following: Education in Science and MathematicsIBSE was initially perceived as a 2012 2013 4ECSAM and given a continuouschallenge, the guidance and (Year 4) (Year 5) 1 IBSE is the way forward in teaching training of 3 hours through weekendmentoring that took place and learning of science as its workshops.during the pilot project had creates motivation, interest and 1bjectives of the pilot study: B. Malaysia 1 B. Malaysia 1 excitement in learning; r To assess teacherso understandingincreased teacherso conƂdence to Understanding 1 Understanding implement the IBSE method. 2 IBSE develops studentso thinking of IBSE pre- and post - trainingThe tendency of change from B. Malaysia 2 2 B. Malaysia 2 through argumentation, r To assess teacherso capability inteacher-centred to pupil-centred Writing Writing hypothesizing, designing, conducting investigation and IBSE and developing sciencelearning and teaching was clearly English 3 Science making Ƃnal conclusion; process skills among pupilsobserved. r To assess pupilos performance in 3 IBSE is very relevant to new science – science process skills Mathematics 4 English emphasis on development of and problem solving Higher 1rder Thinking Skills r To assess pupilos behaviour Science 5 Mathematics H1TS by M1E as well as the new change – motivation and interest syllabus in Primary School Standard at the end of pilot iNBRIEF The four selected primary schoolsIBSE aims to assist teachers to discover identiƂed by the Ministry of Educationand teach science and technology by M1E that were involved in theimplementing investigation approach in study are:education that can stimulate scientiƂc r SK Semenyih, Semenyihmind, understanding of the world and r SK Bandar Sri Putra, Kajangexpression skills in student. r SK Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Beranang r SK Seksyen 7, Bandar Baru Bangi 13

Teachers preparing for IBSE lesson IBSE pupils taking part in a practical lessonPerformance comparison between IBSE and Non-IBSE Pupil Pupilos Average Applying Reasoning Type of FACTSHEET Score Question TIMSS Assessment is a standard measurement for international trends in 18 IBSE Pupil Non-IBSE Pupil mathematics and science achievement at 16 the fourth and eighth grades, as 14 established by the International 12 Association for the Evaluation of 1 Educational Achievement IEA . 8 The TIMSS questions comprised of 6 objective and subjective questions that 4 were divided into 3 main categories: 2 i Questions on knowing  ii Questions on applying iii Questions on reasoning Knowing Sample of TIMSS Assessment: 293 IBSE pupils14 28 non IBSE pupils from the same schools Instrument:  questions of Grade 4 4eleased Items of TIMSS assessment that were translated into Bahasa Malaysia

Science 1. STI Awareness among Members 2. Analysing STI Elements in 3. Targets of STI policiesOutlook of Parliament in Malaysia Existing Nnational Policies An analysis was done on National STIAnalysing STI Landscape STI awareness is important for the The exercise is to analyse the existence policies, as shown in Ƃgure below, decision makers of the country because of STI elements in the 81 national and the targets of each policy to trackASM embarked on the Science scientiƂc knowledge and technology is a policies. Though Malaysia has had an progression of STI in the nation. This1utlook exercise towards providing powerful instrument to spur extensive STI policy since the 198s, most policies analysis revealed that there was limitedan independent review of key trends economic growth for Malaysia. Hence, that predates the 1986 NSTP does not documented rationale and data toin STI in Malaysia based on the an analysis was conducted using have explicit reference to STI. support targets as well as expectedNPSTI, 213-22 and its six pillars. Hansard data 28-213 to measure Based on the analysis Ƃndings, there was outcomes of STI policies. the STI awareness among members of a vast increase of the national policiesThe Science 1utlook looked at Parliament ruling and non-ruling with STI elements from 1986 to 214; Analysis of STI Elements inhistorical data, the performance of members , frequently discussed STI from 2 to 91 respectively. This Malaysian National PoliciesSTI development and gaps vis-à-vis issues as well as assess the intensity and suggests a paradigm shift in policythe targets at various stage set out quality of discussions. design that may be attributed to the Policies With STI Without STIby the Policy. It is also our effort to launch of the Ƃrst NSTP in 1986 as most Elements Elementstake note of some best practices, Preliminary Ƃndings of the analysis are of post-1986 policies contains currentcompare and contrast various as below; terms such as 4&D that is absent from Pre 1986 20% 80%country models, submit older policies.recommendations and propose way a Frequently discussed STI sectors Post 1986 91% 9%forward solutions for consideration. and issues Philosophy of Science Outlook DiagramASM has deployed various research The STI sectors that gained interest An independent review on key trends on STI in Malaysiamethodologies for data collection among parliamentarians were medicaland analysis, which may not be and health, agriculture and CURRENT + GAPS = Actionexhaustive, but sufƂcient to gain alternative energy issues, while the STI STATUS towardsinsights and perspectives on the speciƂc STI issues included the VisionSTI landscape of Malaysia. For that, Angkasawan Project, Flooding,there were several analysis and Science education and Lynas. r Stocktaking r Identify indicators r Way Forwardsurvey undertaken to identify the b Quality of the questions r Study key trends & challenges r Benchmarking r Towards evidence-current scenario, capacity and The examination of the type of r Evaluationcapabilities of STI. The analysis questions associated with STI in STI r Analysis based, informedand survey conducted in 214 are revealed that a majority of the r Data gathering decision makingas follows: questions used were of ex-post r International 4eview r Future Implications questions; suggesting that r 4ecommendations iNBRIEF parliamentarians play a passive role Hansard is the Parliamentary in charting the STI direction of the proceedings which are highly nation. structured transcripts of exchanges c Pattern of the discussion between politicians in the Parliament Discussions are always based on their party agenda, hot topics in the media and issues that concern at constituency level. 1

Malaysiaos current STI capacity and 5. Demand for Skilled Labour 6. Industry Perception on STI r 47.6 of the surveyed industry players capability to meet various targets and its An analysis was done using Global Trade highlighted their Ƃrmso capacity to potential to emerge as a STI-powered Analysis Project GTAP Model, where The survey reƃects the viewpoints of innovate and produce new nation must be determined through Malaysia was modelled as a single 49 industry leaders in Malaysia and was technologies, whereas 19.1 of them base-line studies or in-depth review of country and compared to 11 regions. conducted. Purposive sampling outsource the use of technology and various STI Policies prior to transitioning The analysis indicated that capital technique was used to cover 9. acquire technology in turnkey to a new policy and targets. This raises deepening, human resource stakeholders that most inƃuence or form due to their incapability to make the need to establish a sound evaluation development, technology augmentation are inƃuenced by the STI industry. any adaptations. and monitoring mechanism as well as and innovation in Malaysia may induce a invest in the ideation process. rise in technical change which is biased Based on the survey; r Top three geographic markets that 4. Current Status, Trends and Gaps in towards skilled labour. A presumed r Although 1ECD 213 stated that hold great potential in terms of increase in Skill-biased Technical Change revenue contributions over the next Malaysia’s RDC Landscape SBTC in Malaysia will induce greater only . of Ƃrms actively participate 1-3 years are ASEAN, Middle East and Interviews were conducted with relative demand for skilled labour over in 4&D, mainly multinational Indonesia. Therefore, it would be top management from Government unskilled labour. corporations MNCs . The survey important to strengthen strategic Ministry and agency, Institution of ASM studies on the impact of found that industry also including international alliances in STI in these higher learning, Technology Licensing technology upskilling on industry and Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs regions. 1fƂce TL1 , industry representative to economic gnb v Malaysia showed that preparedness in adopting understand their perspective on the STI improvement in technology efƂciency technological innovation is evident landscape of the country. In addition among skilled workers particularly in the in their willingness to allocate funds analysis was also done on 4DC data three sectors of the economy: and undertake research, apart from obtained from Department of Statistics establishing external collaborations Malaysia D1SM , M1STI, M1E, i Financial, business, education with universities and research Malaysian Intellectual Property 1fƂce and public services institutes. MyIP1 and others to identify the current status, trends and gaps in ii Transportation and Malaysiaos 4DC development. communication iii Heavy manufacturing World markets that hold great potential in terms These sectors would have substantial of revenue contributions over the next 1-3 years positive impacts to the country in terms of welfare gain, GDP and trade balances. 4esults from the comparative analysis of sectors indicated that the demand for skilled labour is most pronounced for Transportation and Communication sector.16

[email protected]@3d is an online sharing platformaimed to package and disseminatestimely and relevant information onemerging global and national trendsof STI development. Source ofinformation used are from ASM STIstrategic studies and secondary datafrom credible source such as IMD,World Bank, 1ECD and etc. Thiswas carried out as a pilot projectand disseminated to ASM Fellows,Associates and membersof YSN-ASM for feedback andimprovisation.The STI@3d published quarterly isaimed to help ASM stakeholdersand decision-makers understand STIrelated issues political, economic,social and environmental as well asin making informed decisions.Contents are presented througheasily digestible infographics,simpliƂed factsheets and summaries.It is available 17

Studies in Water Supply and Wastewater Water-related Policies and Impact of El Nino on Progress Management Legislation Socio-Economy The establishment of this Water Demand Management Task Force is aimed at providing a This Working Group identiƂes gaps The Task Force was established to The Task Force is undertaking a comprehensive study to identify the within the National Water 4esources produce a short-term study on the comprehensive review of the present status of water supply and Policy NW4P . Its objectives are impact of El Nino on the Malaysian current status of Water Demand wastewater management, in the to conduct critical reviews of the socio-economy. Subsequently, a Management in Malaysia. This effort of identifying the NW4P. It pinpoints the advancement Position Paper will be presented to includes identiƂcation of shortcomings and gaps against the of adaptive capacity for climate M1STI from which a Cabinet Note shortcomings and gaps as against norms and sound application of change as well as other social and will be prepared for the Cabinetos norms of sound IW4M principles IW4M principles and Best economic transformation; assesses consideration. The Position Paper is and Best Management Practices. Management Practices. Apart from the adaptive capacity of water expected to be completed by 21. It is also developing a preliminary that, the research will also identify resource institutions, particularly conceptual framework of strategies areas for opportunities in the with respect to their level of and broad action plans for holistic application of STI for ‘wealth knowledge, usage of S&T as well and sustainable Water Demand creationo and in ‘sustaining the as 4&D; develops a framework that Management. The Advisory 4eports resourceo within this sub-sector. links water resource institutions are expected to be completed The Advisory 4eport is expected to enable the NW4P to serve as a in 21. to be completed in 21. precursor that promotes integrated Water and Agriculture Integrated River Basin natural resources management, as The objective of the Task Force is Management (IRBM) well as to identify gaps and to review agricultural water use. A Position Paper identifying the emerging issues of relevance to Following this, the results will be status of I4BM, issues and gaps NW4P and related legislation. The recommended as strategies to faced by I4BM will be published Advisory 4eport on Adaptive revitalise the sector. The Advisory in 21. Capacity is expected to be 4eport is expected to be completed in 21. completed in 21.18

Energy Usage and Energy Roadmap of Carbon Free Energy Blueprint for Fuel Cell IndustryEfƂciency in Transportation in Malaysia in MalaysiaThis task force was established to Increase in emission of greenhouse This task force was established to FACTSHEETaddress issues and gaps on energy gases such as Carbon Dioxide C12 facilitate the following: Studies done by Chakraborty et al.efƂciency in transportation. It is also has led to worsening of global 2 and Spence 2 reported thataimed to gather inputs from warming. The Ministry of Natural r Identify major stakeholders global C12 emission has increased 3relevant stakeholders and 4esources and Environment involved in Fuel Cell technology and temperature has risen by .3-.6ŒCencourage partnership among N4E has reported that the C12 and development during the 2th century. Presently,them. Local and international energy emissions from energy usage in burning coal used in electricityrelated reports have been reviewed industries constituted the highest r Identify gaps between stakeholders generation and petroleum used forand discussed by the task force percentage 3 followed by and the Fuel cell industry motor transport are identiƂed as twomembers for clearer view on the transportation 21 . Sooner or main sources of C12 emissions.current status of energy usage and later, climate change will force r Deliberate on new standards andenergy efƂciency in transportation government to slash carbon policy for the Fuel Cell industry iNBRIEFin Malaysia. It is hoped that this emissions and that will lead to Fuel cells are the energy convertingAdvisory 4eport which is to be plummeting demand for fossil fuels. r Identify human capital development devices with a high efƂciency and lowcompleted in 21, will enable Therefore there is an urgent need to aspects that can support the growth or zero emission. They have beenrelevant stakeholders to gain map a carbon free energy future. of the fuel cell industry and; attracting more and more attentiondetails, statistics, information and This task force has undertaken a in recent decades due to high-energyprofessional opinion towards better study to prepare a roadmap for r Develop a blueprint for fuel cell demands, fossil fuel depletions, andpositioning of Malaysia in the carbon free energy in Malaysia industries in Malaysia including environmental efƂciency agenda, including requisite mechanisms for the market opportunities andparticularly in transportation. funding and public engagement fundingincentive mechanism 19 programmes. The focus areas in this FACTSHEET study comprise of seven sources of This would provide a starting point Transportation sector is the second renewable energy which are to highlight actions that need to be most energy consuming sector after Solar, Wind, 1cean Thermal Energy undertaken within the Short Term industrial sector, accounting for 4 of Conversion 1TEC , Geothermal,  years , Medium Term 1 years , total energy consumption in Malaysia. Biomass, Wave & Tidal and and Long Term beyond 1 years . The transportation sector is one of the Hydropower. In order for fuel cells to be most energy intensive sectors in the The carbon free energy roadmap competitive with fossil fuels, the country and relies primarily on petro- will consist of desired energy goals main strategies that have been leum products, which in total account for and outlines of a strategic action identiƂed are: nearly 98 of the total consumption in plan to progressively guide the the sector. government towards carbon free r Technology energy by 2. This roadmap is r 4esearch and Development expected to be published in 21. r New Energy Funding and Incentives r Standards and Policy Development r Cost Competitiveness and Market Enhancement r Awareness and Capacity Building The Blueprint is expected to be ready in 21.

“While technology plays a vital role as a catalyst in transforminglife and work in this new economy, it is imperative that we donot lose sight from its real concerns - to provide sustainablejob opportunities and a better quality life. Technology is aPHFKDQLVPRI67,H[FHOOHQFH3HRSOHVKRXOGFRPHÀUVWThose are the things that need to be taken into consideration.”YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul RazakPrime Minister of MalaysiaHonorary Fellow, ASM

EMPOWERINGTHE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY ASM empowers the scientiƂc community through its STI Programmes channeled through four major platforms which are capacity-building, science consortium, global linkage gateway and consultative fora. These channels are targeted to facilitate the elements of recognition, talent and alliance in the STI landscape. 111

Human Capital Development ASM continuously strives to nurture Malaysian talents towards becoming competent scientists in line with the countryos development agendas. In relation to this, a number of training programmes were organised to promote a more capable and skilled human capital in STI. Participants of the training workshops include those from local and international public and private higher education institutes, research organisation, government agencies as well as private companies.112

Training Through this collaboration, selected students will Ƃnd workingProgrammes Malaysian young scientists will in a multidisciplinary and get an opportunity to gain multicultural environment anIn 214, while maintaining the valuable knowledge, research extremely enriching personalƃagship training programmes, and training experience towards experience. This programme actsASM has also embarked on a achieving excellence in STI. These as a form of motivation to ourseries of international workshops exchange programmes come in Malaysian students to achieveon Mathematical Modelling for various forms such as study visits, excellence in science and to buildApplication to enhance the pool organisational attachments and valuable contacts with their otherof talent in critical and mentor-mentee engagements. international counterparts. Inemerging Ƃelds. CERN Summer Student addition, these students get to Program (CSSP) witness the latest research trends or future of technology capabilitiesYoung Scientists Development The CE4N Summer Student in the area of physics.1ne of the vital assets to a Program CSSP offerscountry is STI human capital. undergraduate students FACTSHEETHence, thereos a need to invest in of Physics, Computing and r 4 participants from local universitiesyoung, early-career scientists and Engineering a unique opportunityresearchers who are the future to join in the day-to-day work of and research centres which includedrivers of our nationos global research teams participating in applicants of the CE4N Summercompetitiveness in STI. ASM theoretical and experimental Student Programme attended thepartners actively with global particle physics and computing National School on Nuclear andcentres of excellence to develop at CE4N in Geneva, Switzerland. Particle Physics in UM. The purposehigh-calibre young scientists Beyond the outstanding Ƃrst-class of this school is to train the studentscapable of gaining international scientiƂc value of their stay, the on the theoretical foundation inrecognition and contributing to nuclear and particle advancement of STI. r Lee Chun Hao UKM , Audiya Fatihah Wan SafƂey UKM and Fatin Hazwani9 41 280 Hashim USIM were selected to iNBRIEF participate in the 214 CE4N Summer The European Organization forTraining Government Agency STI Management Student Programme. Nuclear Research (CERN), is aProgrammes participants Training Course for r 9 students have participated in the European research organisation that Researchers in OIC CE4N Summer Student Programme operates the largest particle physics73 37 Countries participants since 212. laboratory in the world. CE4N is since 2005 comprised of physicists and engineersHigher Education Private Company who conduct fundamental researchInstitute participants participants of the universe. Founded in 194, the CE4N laboratory sits astride the39 19 Franco-Swiss border, near Geneva. It was one of Europeos Ƃrst joint venturesResearch Organisation International participants and now has 21 member States.participants participants 113

IIASA Young Scientists are inadequate. Besides that, the FACTSHEETSummer Program young scientists acquire new r 3 Malaysian young scientistsInternational Institute for Applied information technologies andSystems Analysis IIASA is an integrated social, as well as Dr Chau De Ming from UPM,international scientiƂc institute that economic modelling techniques. Ng Kim Tien from UM andconducts policy-oriented research Lindau Nobel Laureate ,aslyn Soo Sian Siu from UM which tackles global problems, such Meetings with Young Scientists were selected to participate in theas climate change, energy, food and - Educate, Inspire & Connect 64th Lindau Nobel Laureatewater, as well as poverty and equity Since 24, this programme has Meeting 214.that are too large or too complex to inspired 49 Malaysian young r 37 Nobel Laureates congregated inbe solved by a single country. YSSP scientists who have participated in Lindau for the 64th 214 Lindau Nobelis an annual 3-month programme the Lindau Nobel Laureate Laureate Meeting.organised by IIASA in Laxenburg, Meetings. The young scientists r The 64th 214 Lindau Nobel LaureateAustria. Malaysia is represented by get to meet esteemed Nobel Prize Meeting was dedicated to PhysiologyASM as one of the National Winners from the Ƃelds of Physics, Medicine discipline, which was heldMember 1rganisation NM1 of Physiology & Medicine, and from 29th ,une to 4th ,uly 214 atIIASA since 211. YSSP offers a Chemistry. This meeting offers Lindau, Germany. The Malaysianunique chance for our Malaysian inter-generational dialogue and delegation was led by Professor Datooyoung scientists to conduct excellent avenue to gain Dr Asma Ismail FASc, Vice Presidentindependent research under the knowledge, enhance interaction, of ASM and Chairman of the Selectiondirect supervision of IIASA experts. and be motivated by Nobel Committee for Lindau Nobel LaureateWith an interdisciplinary team of Laureates as well as scientiƂc Meetings with Young Scientistsresearchers, YSSP provides peers from around the world. r 6 young scientists from 8 countriesMalaysian talents in using various Participants at the Lindau Nobel participated in the meeting.experimental approaches Laureate Meeting are chosen fromsimulations to understand the among the best in academicbehaviour of an economy or other institutions and foundations fromcomplex phenomenon e.g. air over 8 countries around the world.pollution, water, energy wheremathematical analysis techniques FACTSHEET r  Malaysian young scientists have attended the programme since 211. r Nur Aulia 4osni from the International Islamic University Malaysia IIUM was selected to attend the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 214 under the Ecosystem Services and Management Program ESM area.114

EngagementNational Science ChallengeNational Science Challenge NSC is a science competition designed to promote understanding, awareness andappreciation of SET among secondary school students. The Grand Prize includes the Prime Ministeros ChallengeTrophy, a Study Visit to Stockholm and the opportunity of witnessing the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony.NSC was organised in collaboration with ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia, M1E, YSN-ASMand Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM .363 NSC participants at Semi Finalsschools participated2891teams participated(Preliminary Level)8673students were involved80teams participated(State Level)16teams participated(Semi Final)4best teams(Grand Final)2014NSC Grand Prize WinnerSMK King George V 11

Young Scientists as Future i-INOVA’14STI Leaders The th Exposition on Islamic Innovation 214 i-IN1VAo14 wasYSN-ASM functions as an avenue to YSN-ASM members at the 214 Colloquium themed Science Building Bridges organised by Universiti Sains Islambring together outstanding Malaysia USIM to promote andMalaysian young scientists to a enhance awareness in Islamic basedcommon consultative platform innovation, as well as to encouragethat aims to: the invention of innovative products. 214 is ASMos second year of r represent the voice of young involvement in i-IN1VAo14 which Malaysian scientists on national and involved 14 participations from international issues and give them local and international institutions a platform to inƃuence policy of higher learning IHLs and decisions research institutes 4Is . The ASM Innovation Award was given r facilitate networking opportunities to the best invention to recognise among young and senior scientists the invention of innovative products to exchange knowledge and that beneƂts the nation. ASM experiences Innovation Award was won by University of Malaya for the r engage young scientists to be invention of ‘Multicore Flat Fibreo. involved in addressing national issues using scientiƂc knowledge FACTSHEET and technology through r Theme for i-IN1VAo14 was interdisciplinary approach ‘Commercialization of Innovationo r promote career in science as the for Ummah Well-Being”. choice for young people to ensure r Descriptions of winning innovation - the scientiƂc progress and Multicore Flat Fibre MCFF : sustainability in the country Enhance transmission capacity YSN-ASM ƃagship programmes are: 11 5 of optical Ƃbres to improve the r Science 1utreach bandwidth capacity up to 6 times, r Science ,ournalism Medical & Health Sciences Mathematics, Physics & with signiƂcantly low intercore r 4esearch Leadership members Earth Sciences crosstalk of less than -74 dB. r Science Policy members r International Network 7 26116 Chemical Sciences members Engineering & Computer Sciences members 8 57 Biological, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences YSN-ASM members members to date Social License Top Research Scientists Malaysia ASM organises public discourse Round Table: ‘Are You promotes interest 32 to proactively engage and educate Value for Money?oand appreciation of science by society and stakeholders on critical The 4eturn of Investment 41I presenting information in a new articles issues which are at the heart of the of 4&D outputs and outcomesdigestible and understandable form. community. Among the issues which are intangible and lackingThe portal targets young adults 22 identiƂed include clean energy, in terms of successful monetaryaged 13 - 4 years which comprises cancer and STI human capital. returns to the country, are theof local ƃavoured contents are as articles on outstanding This new platform is one of the current nationos concern.follows: Malaysian scientists science communication strategies Subsequently, a round table was which enables: organised among the T4SM to r Thematic articles 3 address the issues, gaps and Articles that explain science in daily r Sharing of information provide recommendation. life and current issues uploaded videos on r Expressing opinions, concerns Among the recommendations TV provided are as follows: r Faces of Science@my and ideas Appearance of Malaysian 2 r strengthen policies that encourage outstanding scientists that inspires bridging gaps between the the nation through their STI series of Brainbuzzter academia, industries and various contributions (online quiz) ministries e.g. M1E, M1STI, M1A ; r Photo of the Day 21 Science explanation through photos r build a one-stop centre linking Poster Contest all these players; and r TV entries A dedicated science channel that r enhance the knowledge workers features entertaining and 2 through the industrial PhD informative science snippets programmes where the research http:sciencebuzz.myenexplore seasons of ,·PD6FLHQWLVW can complement current industrial sciencebuzzmy-tv *HW0H2XWRI+HUH0DOD\VLD ,$6 · needs, and subsequently April: Bumi & Zuhrah zones contribute to the commercialisation November : Musytari & Marikh zones of 4&D products. Participation: 18 schools 437 students 22 scientists iNBRIEF iNBRIEFI’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here recorded Social License refers to a level ofis an online reality programme adapted acceptance or approval by localfrom UK that provides a platform for 143, 518 communities and stakeholders towardsinteraction between students and relevant critical issues.scientists through online thematic unique visitorschatting.Winners of the programme include 65, 312scientists who are determined bystudents through online voting. visitors 117

Recognition This year marks the 3rd cycle of TRSM Recipients by Main Area of Expertise 2012 - 2014 T4SM implementation. 34 research Agricultural SciencesTop Research Scientists Malaysia scientists were awarded T4SM in(TRSM) 214, which brings the total of Applied Sciences & TechnologiesThe Top 4esearch Scientists T4SM to 96. Biological SciencesMalaysia T4SM is a recognition ASM provides T4SM scientists Biotechnologygiven to Malaysian research access to top down research, Chemical Sciencesscientists in an effort to build a facilitation to international grants Earth Sciencesculture of excellence among and attachment in centre ofMalaysian scientiƂc fraternity. excellence and many other Economics, Business & ManagementEach year, research scientists with opportunities to further elevateoutstanding contribution for the their work. They are also the pointlast Ƃve years in respective Ƃelds of reference in their area ofare recognised by ASM as Top expertise.4esearch Scientists Malaysia. Engineering Sciences Environmental Sciences Forestry Sciences TRSM Database Humanities Information, Computer & 751 Communication Technology registered users, comprising of Marine Sciences 64 public users 687 applicants Material Sciences 212 213 214 Mathematical Sciences 2,287 Medical and Health Sciences total registered users since 2012, Physical Sciences comprising of Social Sciences 194 public users 2093 applicants Note: represents 2 recipients Completed Data 301 data 661 total data since 2012118

Awards and Grants MAKNA Cancer Research Award Application of Flagship Programmes, Special AllocationAwards and grants are important This research grant by the National for Agencies and ScienceFund FACTSHEETrecognitions for scientists locally Cancer Council MAKNA awarded through ASM Platformand internationally which to young Malaysian researchers to The Flagship Programmes, GRANTSencourage meritorious scientiƂc undertake cancer related research, Special Allocation for Agencies DSTIN Flagship Programme byresearch that may lead to inventions and subsequently increase and ScienceFund were offered to ASM Fellowsand solutions for local and global Malaysiaos participation in Ƃnding the agencies under M1STI to r 2 concept papers submitted to M1STIproblems. This also enables a cure for cancer. Dr Lim Yat Yuen facilitate the implementation of r 1 project approved by M1STI -Malaysia to be strategically from University of Malaya, Norlaily research in respective agencies.positioned in the global Mohd Ali from Universiti Tunku In relation to this, ASM through Moving up the Value Chain andscientiƂc arena. ASM draws upon Abdul 4ahman and Kalaivani its Fellows, has forwarded eight Environmentally Friendly Processesthe expertise of her Fellows to Muniandy from Universiti Sains strategic proposals that are in silicon photovoltaic technology:serve as member of evaluation Malaysia were selected as the aligned with ASMos focus areas Non-toxic Processes, Wafering andpanels for various awards and 214 MAKNA Cancer 4esearch for consideration of the funding. Crystal Growthgrants. Award recipients. M1STI Flagship Programme byMahathir Science Award Anugerah Saintis Muda Negara FACTSHEET ASM FellowsThe Mahathir Science Award is M1STI recognises young Malaysian AWARDS r 2 concept papers submitted to M1STIgiven for the category of Tropical scientists for their contribution and Mahathir Science AwardAgriculture, Tropical Medicine, achievement in 4&D. The recipient r 16 nominations received from - Disaster & Climate Change Extremes:Tropical Natural 4esources and of the 214 Anugerah Saintis Muda An Integrated 4esearch FrameworkTropical Architecture and Negara was Dr Lim ,it Kang from 2 countries 2 – 214 for MalaysiaEngineering. Universiti Sains Malaysia. r 8 awardees to date, with total prizeThis international award given by Anugerah Juruteknologi Negara - Developing a Plant Made ProteinThe Mahathir Science Award The Anugerah ,uruteknologi worth 4M 1,2, Sector for Malaysia – EfƂcient, Halal,Foundation recognises remarkable Negara recognises technologists r 16 nominations received from Sustainable Technologies for thecontributions and innovations in and semi-professionalos, such as Production of Pharmaceuticalpioneering tropical research technicians and laboratory 1 countries 214 Proteinsdiscovery or innovative solution assistants, for their contribution and MAKNA Cancer 4esearch Awardthat have brought positive impact achievement in the Ƃeld of science r 371 applications received Special Allocation for Agencies by ASMto the well-being of society. and technology. The 214 Anugerah Fellows ,uruteknologi Negara was won by 21 – 214 r 4 concept papers submitted to M1STI Kasron Ahmad from the Malaysian r 41 awarded to date with total grants r 1 project approved by M1STI - Agricultural 4esearch and Development Institute MA4DI . worth 4M 1,3, Development of Yeast System for r 3 were awarded with a total grant Flavonoid Production worth 4M3, each 214 ScienceFund Project under Anugerah Saintis Muda Negara ASM Platform r 3 young scientists awarded to date r 1 project completed in February 214 212-214 - Geopolymer Cement from Ground r 36 nominations received with P1FA by Alkali Activation Method. 1 recipient 214 r 1 on-going project - Anugerah ,uruteknologi Negara Time Dependent Changes of r 1 nominations received and Morphology and Molecular Characterization Around the 1 awarded 214 Intracerebellar Haemorrhage ICbH Penumbra in C7B6, Mice Brain Slices. 119

Project Monitoring Team Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh(PMT) under the 10th Malaysia Medical Research Trust FundPlan (10th MP) ASM was entrusted by M1STI toASM was appointed by M1STI plan and implement programmesas the project monitoring team to under the Dr 4anjeet Bhagwanmonitor the implementation of Singh 4BS Medical 4esearch Trustapproved 4&D projects under the Fund. This trust fund promotes1th MP. ASM Fellows serve as medical or biomedical researchProject Monitoring Team members. among young scientists in Malaysia.Jawatankuasa Penilaian The programmes organised underStrategik under the S&T this trust fund are medical researchCore Cluster, MOSTI grants and research workshops. InASM was appointed as one of 214, the medical research grantthe members of ,awatankuasa was awarded to Dr 1on Chern EinPenilaian Strategik under the S&T from the Institute for 4esearch inCore Cluster of M1STI to review Molecular Medicine INF14MM ,the technical evaluation results of Universiti Sains Malaysia.M1STIos grants.The recommendation of thiscommittee will be tabled toM1STIos higher managementfor approval. FACTSHEET FACTSHEET 4BS Medical 4esearch Grant Project Monitoring Team PMT under r 64 applications received the 1th Malaysian Plan 1th MP r 1 grant recipient 4M3, r 16 projects monitored under the PMT: - 4 Flagship Programme projects - 6 TechnoFund projects - 6 Community Innovation Fund projects12

Gateway International The activities under the IAP-SEP are r It was attended by about 1 STI Alliance as below: participants with speakers compriseWe strongly believe that besides 1. KAST-ASM-IAP International mainly members of IAP SEP Globalpursuing excellence in research, InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Workshop on Science Literacy: Council as well as experts in theanother useful key ingredient to The InterAcademy Partnership IAP , Science Communication and Ƃeld of IBSE, Technology Education,become a successful scientist is a collaborative platform between Science 1utreach Assessment and Student 1utcomes,through STI international linkages. InterAcademy Council IAC , Science 1utreach and Society.1ne of the means is to foster the InterAcademy Medical Panel IAMP r The aim of this workshop is todevelopment of STI by serving as and InterAcademy Panel. Through discuss and propose better ways r The Conference concluded withan international gateway for local its global network of some 13 to improve science literacy in order a declaration which summarisedscientists to be at global level. members, the newly formed to develop effective education and issues raised and one of theThe main purposes are to provide InterAcademy Partnership is able to communication of science for proposed recommendations is toopportunities for Malaysian harness the power and authority of scientiƂc literacy and to develop move ‘Science Educationoscientists to share their knowledge, these academies and access their effective communication for orientation to ‘Science Literacyoimpacts of research, to build combined scientiƂc talent. Science, Health, Environment and based education.expertise and network, as well as An agreement to establish the 4isk SHE4 for public understandingstrengthen scientiƂc and Partnership was made in May 214 of science and technology. r Concurrently, the IAP – SEP Globaltechnological capabilities. to retain IAP as the umbrella Council meeting was held and theyThrough this platform, young organization. The existing r The keynote speaker, afƂrmed with a draft Beijingand prominent scientists get to partners are repositioned as below Academician Datoo Ir Lee Yee Declaration which would beconnect with their other to become closed, focused while Cheong FASc, spoke on disseminated widely including tointernational counterparts with maintaining its own identity: “Science, Engineering and gain support from UNESC1.16 world science academies and Technology and the UN sustainable22 STI international organization. r InterAcademy Panel will now Development Goals 216-23”. be called IAP for Science r There were 18 other speakers from FACTSHEET r InterAcademy Medical Panel IAMP Korea and various countries, The 21 IAP SEP Global Council will now be called IAP for Health comprising experts on science Meeting will be held at Istana Hotel, communication and 1 Kuala Lumpur and hosted by ASM. r InterAcademy Council IAC will now participants. be called IAP for 4esearch iNBRIEF 2. IAP-SEP Biennial Conference on IAP also seeks to promote Challenges, 1pportunities of ASMos Senior Fellow, Academician excellence in science education Inquiry Based Science Education Distinguised Professor Datuk especially in primary and secondary IBSE  Science, Technology, Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc holds schools by reforming and Engineering and Mathematics co-chairmanships of IAMP. Under her developing science education STEM Conference chairmanship, the issues that have been through its platform called, r This conference is an important discussed and called for joint statements IAP Science Education Programme event of IAP SEP which has are “Antimicrobial 4esistance” and IAP-SEP . identiƂed IBSE as an effective “Science for Poverty Eradication & pedagogy in enhancing Sustainable Development” science education in schools. 121

The International Science, Based on ASMos ƃagship Collaboration between Malaysia ASM and AHIIST had identiƂed Technology and Innovation programme, two Foundation and Morocco in Renewable the following potential projects Centre for South-South was established as a separate Energy and Science & for Malaysia and Morocco to Cooperation (ISTIC) entity to manage and champion Mathematics Education embark on: ISTIC under the Auspices the programme. Following the Memorandum of of UNESC1 was launched in 28. The Foundations are: understanding M1U signed i Energy The priority agenda of ISTIC are: Mahathir Science Award between ASM and the Hassan II r 4esearch collaboration Foundation (MSAF) Academy of Science and r Exchange of experts and expertise r National science and technology The Foundation encourage Technology AHIIST in 21, r Staff and student mobility using policy formulation, implementation excellence in tropical science both countries look forward for and monitoring; research that will accord direct the establishment of collaboration the existing policies beneƂts to countries in the tropics programmes in renewable energy r External examiners and r Maintenance of infrastructure; and the global community. The and science & mathematic r Technopreneurship training of Mahathir Science Award is education. co-supervision bestowed by the Foundation to Two groups of Moroccan ii Education scientists and researchers; and researchers who have made Delegation comprising of the r e-collaboration between schools r IBSESTEM Education. internationally recognised Energy and Education Group had r e-collaboration between Malaysian In 214, ISTIC conducted 6 training breakthroughs in pioneering visited Malaysia. The delegation, programs and produced 6 reports. tropical research. through workshops, strategic Institute of Teacher Education & International Council for Science meetings and site visits organised Ecole Normale SupÅrieure (ICSU) Regional OfƂces during the visit, had identiƂed r Trainee Teacher Exchange potential collaboration programmes. Programme AHIIST invited ASM to visit r Specialised Workshops for Morocco for a follow up meeting. Teacher Trainers Subsequently, the Malaysian r Brilliant Student Exchange delegation visited Morocco The International Council for Yayasan Penyelidikan Antartika to Ƃrm-up on the establishment of Science ICSU is a Sultan Mizan (YPASM) collaboration programmes between non-governmental organisation The Foundation aims to promote Malaysia and Morocco in renewable with a mission to strengthen and develop national and energy and science education. international science for the beneƂt international collaboration in of society.ICSU mobilises knowledge research and conversation of the and resources of the international polar regions, especially in the scientiƂc community to strengthen Antarctic Continent. Malaysiaos international science for the beneƂt participation is important to of society. The activities of ICSU are: sustain Malaysiaos presence in Polar research and strengthen r International 4esearch research capacity in the area of Collaboration global frontier sciences. r Science for Policy r Universality of Science122

Science National Centre forConsortium Particle Physics The National Centre for ParticleThe concept of the National Physics NCPP hosted at UM hasScience Consortium is to have a spearheaded particle physicsmutual platform of collaboration research in Malaysia with itsin STI strategic areas through participation in the Compact Muonnational science centres that act Solenoid CMS 4esearch Group atas the national focal point for CE4N in 213.inter-institutional and international 4esearchers and industry playersscientiƂc exchanges. in the Ƃeld of particle physics in Malaysia can tap on NCPPosThe national centres will be hosted facilities, international linkagesby identiƂed local institutions that and network.are responsible to coordinatenational research initiative. TheAcademy will link this consortiumwith strategic international partnersthat will enable Malaysians to beinvolved in frontier research project.This will ultimately provide ourresearchers to be recognisedinternationally through highimpact publication and highcalibre scientists. iNBRIEF CMS is one of the particle detectors in CE4Nos Large Hadron Collider, the worldos largest and most powerful particle collider. r 7 NCPP undergraduate students were sent for research attachment at CE4N r 7 Master students and 3 PhD students were sent for research attachment at CE4N 123

Consultative converge, collaborate andFora promote cross-sector coordination and enhance Malaysiaos biosafetyASM paves a platform to initiate and biosecurity capabilities inintellectual discourses, promote preparation for its draft legislation.advocacy in S&T development, The national seminar was alsoand boost global recognition for designed to promote commonboth international and national understanding on implementationscience experts. of biosecurity measures and biosecurity risks or mitigationBiothreats & Biorisks: strategies, and to highlight theBridging Science and Security current challenges in addressing safety, security, and ethics, whileMalaysian is also looking into ways conducting biological promote the biotechnology Ƃeld The seminar concluded with anwithout endangering biological internal legislation review andsafety and security. The biosafety dialogue among co-hosts andissue is important in protecting our participants of Malaysiaos draftsecurity against loss, theft, misuse, biosecurity bill and key challengesdiversion or intentional release of for its implementation.pathogens and toxins.In relation to this, the Malaysian FACTSHEETgovernment is in the process of r BWC is the Ƃrst multilateraladopting legislation to help thecountry meet its non-proliferation disarmament treaty banning theobligations under the Biological development, production andWeapons Convention BWC . stockpiling of an entire categoryTo that end, the legislation intends of weapons of mass destruction, wasto ensure secure management of opened for signature on 1 April 1972.disease agents without interfering in r The BWC entered into force onvalid biological research efforts. 26 March 197. r There are a total of 11 signatory With this purpose, the National FACTSHEET states and 17 state parties Academic Seminar on Biothreats - 8 International speakers & including Malaysia. and Biorisk: Bridging Science r Malaysia had signed the treaty in and Security had provided a forum 2 local speakers 1972 and was ratiƂed in for participants from academia, - 7 total participants September 1991. industry, and security sectors to124

Future Earth: Research for Global iNBRIEF Participants of the 14th SCA ConferenceSustainability and a Holistic Future Earth is a 1-year international 12Understanding of Sustainable research initiative which mobilisesDevelopment in Asia thousands of scientists whileThe Future Earth: 4esearch for strengthening partnerships withGlobal Sustainability and a Holistic policy-makers and other stakeholdersUnderstanding of Sustainable to provide sustainability options andDevelopment in Asia conference solutions in the wake of 4io2.provided an interdisciplinary This was Malaysiaos second timeplatform for scientists from the hosting the SCA Internationalregion to report on the following Conference. The previous SCAthree broad and integrated Conference, hosted by Malaysia wasresearch themes: on 13-1 May 22, themed, “Urgent Agenda for Asian Sustainability: r dynamic planet 1perationalising the Vision”. r global development r transformations toward sustainabilityThe theme of 14th SCA Conferencewas derived from UN Conference onSustainable Development 4io2 which took place in 4io de ,aneiro,Brazil in ,une 212 – twenty yearsafter the landmark 1992 EarthSummit in 4io.More than 1 scientists from2 countries gathered to discusson the progress of scientiƂc researchon global sustainability and povertyalleviation in Asian context.Among the issues discussed wereglobal sustainability, successfulinterdisciplinary research, researchcollaboration and dialogue acrossnatural, social and engineeringsciences to address interrelatedeconomic, social and environmentalaspects of development in Asia.

“All over the world, in both developing and developed nationsDOLNHWKHUHLVDSUHVVLQJQHHGWRQXUWXUH\RXQJVFLHQWLÀFWDOHQWLQPHHWLQJWKHFULWLFDOGHPDQGIRUDVFLHQWLÀFDOO\VDYY\VNLOIXOcreative and innovative human capital capable of drivingeconomies in this innovation-led era.”YB Datuk Dr Ewon EbinMinister of Science, Technology & Innovation

GATHERING Knowledge generation often comes from gathering of minds to enable learning, networking, content-creation and sharing. We host various intellectual discourses throughout the year and to date it has been very receptive in achieving our objectives. 127

This is the largest assembly of ASM Fellows which is organised with a morefocused agenda to deliberate on STI issues of national importance.The General Assembly The 5th Panelists: The 6th Panelists: General Professor Dr Awang Bulgiba General Madam Liew Siew Lee Assembly Awang Mahmud FASc Assembly Director, Manufacturing Industry Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Science and Technology Section, Theme: 4esearch and Innovation , UM Theme: Economic Planning Unit EPU ‘Producing quality human ‘Innovation to Action (11MP)’ ‘Matching Talent capital for the workforce’ ‘Malaysia Beyond Mr Kamel Mohamad with Economic Mr Lokman Baharuddin 2020’ Senior Undersecretary, Transformation Director Human 4esource , Planning , M1STI Programme (ETP)’ ExxonMobil Subsidiaries Malaysia There is no doubt that sustaining the ‘Science & Technology ‘Are Malaysian graduates fulƂlling nation is the countryos biggest agenda. Chapter (11MP)’ The Economic Transformation the needs of oil and gas industry?’ Thus, our planning must aim is to Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc Programmeos ETP goal is to elevate Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan achieve sustainable growth and Project Director, MegaScience 3. the country to developed-nation status Said FASc development with inclusiveness, which ‘Malaysia Beyond 2020- by 22. While we are in the mood of Vice-Chancellor & President, covers all sectors of society. The Mega Science Chapter’ accomplishing this goal, there is issue Tayloros University College dialogue on “Malaysia Beyond 22” Dato’ Saw Choo Boon of less Malaysian are being hired by ‘Human capital development proved that there is a need for us to President, Federation of multinational companies especially for in education’ invest in the right strategy now. Based Malaysian Manufacturers FMM core technical role due to lack of Ms Agnes Maria Sam on current statistics; the nation should ‘Malaysia Beyond 2020- competencies. Thus, the question of; General Manager Policy Initiatives , not have much problem achieving the Industry Chapter’ do we have enough Malaysian talent to Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad high-income target set for 22, enable the country to reach its ‘TalentCorp: Meeting the talent but how about the years after 22? aspiration of a high-income nation was needs of the economic raised. A comprehensive method on transformation programme’ Moderator: how to overcome this issue must be Mr Tan Eng Hoo Mr Kamarul Bahrin Haron looked seriously. Senior Manager, Policy & Strategy Senior Assistant Vice President, Department, Multimedia Development AST41 Awani Moderator: Corporation Sdn Bhd Dr Ahmad Ibrahim FASc ‘Talent Mobility in the Chief Executive 1fƂcer, ICT Industry’ ASM128

Annual General MeetingASMos 19th Annual General Meeting assembled 13 ASM Fellows. The meeting approved the 213 Annual 4eport,the Ƃnancial statements ending 31 December 213 and the appointement of the external auditors. The ASMCouncil members for the term 214 – 216, new Fellows and Honorary Fellow were also elected.IdeaXchangeIn 214, 4 IdeaXchange sessions were held discussing on the following topics: r The InterAcademy Panel IAP Science Education Program SEP and its implications on host academy and Malaysia, presented by Academician Datoo Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc, Chair, IAP SEP Global Council r Strategizing 4esearch, Development and Commercialization 4DC priority areas for the nation, presented by Dr Ahmad Ibrahim FASc r Science 2 Action S2A Initiatives, presented by Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datoo Sri Dr <akri Abdul Hamid FASc, Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia r Soil Erosion and Sedimentation, presented by Datoo Ahmad Fuad Embi r Graphene, presented by Dr 4ezal Khairi Ahmad, Chief 1perating 1fƂcer of NanoMalaysia 129

“It is indeed most gratifying to see so many sectorsrepresented here through the presence of members of theVFLHQWLÀFFRPPXQLW\DQGDFDGHPLDSROLF\PDNHUVDQGJRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOVLQGXVWU\FDSWDLQVFRUSRUDWHVWDOZDUWVpartners from STI organisations as well as other stakeholdersfrom the public and private sectors. Your presence here is aUHÁHFWLRQRIWKHYDOXDEOHSDUWQHUVKLSZHVKDUHWRIXUWKHUWKHSTI agenda of the nation.”YBhg Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali FAScPresident, ASM

MEMBERSHIP The Academyos membership is a wide spread of expertise from various Ƃeld of science to social sciences 131

Honorary Fellow ASM conferred YAB Datoo Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul 4azak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Honorary Fellow, in recognition of his invaluable contribution in driving the nation forward through progressive and dynamic initiatives in STI at the 214 ASM Conferment of Fellowship. He was elected at the 19th AGM. Senior Fellows In 214, the following two Fellows were conferred as Senior Fellows: r Academician Datuk Ir Hong Lee Pee FASc, for his outstanding contribution in developing new invention for piling and geotechnical construction industry in the country r Academician Professor Dato’ 214 Conferment of Fellowship and Announcement of T4SM on 8 December 214 Dr Khairul Anuar Abdullah FASc, for his outstanding contributions in infectious diseases diagnosis and to the development of innovative medical education method in Malaysia132

Fellows AssociatesEach year, ASM identiƂes highly The increasing interdisciplinarydistinguished Malaysians, who nature of knowledge demands aby virtue of their respective pool of experts ranging from variousachievements in the Ƃeld of SET Ƃelds: from science to socialare regarded as being of sciences. Thus, in 21, theexceptional merit and distinction. membership of ASM was extendedFellowship is awarded based on to include the Associates category.the stringent selection process in The ASM Council appointssix different disciplines: Medical and Associates for a two year termHealth Sciences; Engineering and and renews the appointment ofComputer Sciences; Biological, active members. This distinguishedAgricultural and Environmental line of Associates represent ASM atSciences; Mathematics, Physics and external meetings, contribute andEarth Sciences; Chemical Sciences participate in various studies andand Science & Technology committees. In 214, the Academydevelopment and Industry. reappointed 12 Associates, hence,21 new Fellows were elected at the making the total of 43 Associates.19th AGM and they were conferredat the 214 ASM Conferment of FACTSHEETFellowship. 1f the batch, 16 arefrom higher learning institutes, two iNBRIEF 2014 Fellowsfrom research institutes, one from a The newly elected Fellows are Datoo Dr Abd Latif Mohmod FAScgovernment agency and two from encouraged to deliver lectures within Datuk Ir Dr Abdul 4ahim Hashim FAScthe private sector. their Ƃeld of expertise to the public and Professor Dr Abdul 4ahman Mohamed FAScThe election of new Fellows is scientiƂc community. As such, the Professor Datoo Ir Dr Abdul Wahab Mohammad FAScessential for the sustainability of following two Fellows who have Professor Dr Agamutu Pariatamby FAScASM experts. By tapping the ASM delivered their talk are: Professor Datoo Ir Dr Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz FAScFellowso knowledge, expertise, Dr Saw Leng Guan FASc Professor Datoo Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis FAScnetwork and wisdom, it enables Malaysian Palms: Prince of the Plant Kingdom Professor Dr ,amunarani S Vadivelu FAScASM to sustain its activities, Professor Dr Shamshuddin Jusop FASc Professor Dr ,inap Selamat FASceffectively contribute to provide STI Sustainable Rice Cultivation: Steps towards Ir Lalchand Gulabrai FAScinput to the government and Sustainable Practices Professor Datoo Dr Mohd Yusof Haji 1thman FAScrelevant stakeholders; of which Datuk Dr Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman FAScfulƂls the mission of the Academy. Professor Datoo Dr Musa Ahmad FASc Professor Dr Ng Kwan Hoong FASc Professor Dr Noorsaadah Abd 4ahman FASc Professor Datuk Dr 4ohana Yusof FASc Professor Dr Shamshuddin ,usop FASc Professor Dr Tan Soon Guan FASc Dr Teo Soo Hwang FASc Professor Dr Wan Azman Wan Ahmad FASc Datoo Dr Yap Kok Seng FASc 133

In MemoriumTan Sri Dato’ Dr Hj Ani Arope FASc17 May 1932 – 20 December 2014First Deputy Director, Malaysian Agricultural 4esearch and Development Institute MA4DI 1969-1972Director, 4ubber 4esearch Institute of Malaysia 44IM 198Chairman, Bank Simpanan Nasional 1986-1988Group Chief Executive, Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd 1987-1992Director, Guthrie 4opel Bhd 1988Chairman, Highlands & Lowlands 1988Chairman, Mara Institute of Technology Council 1989-1992Council Member Public Sector , Malaysian Business Council 1991Chairman, Universiti Sains Malaysia Council 1992President, Council of Malaysia-New <ealand 1992Executive Chairman, Tenaga Nasional Berhad TNB 1992-1996Chairman, Board of Directors, Universiti Sains Malaysia 1992-21Chairman, Malaysian Palm 1il Council MP1C 199International Senior Advisor, ASEAN General Electric GE 1997 Tan Sri Ani Arope was born on He began his career as an Tan Sri Ani Arope was a 17 May 1932 in Seberang Perai, Agronomist and moved on to Foundation Fellow of ASM under Penang. He was well-known for his lead some of the most recognised the S&T Development and Industry leadership and commitment in agriculture-related organizations discipline group and was a member developing human capital in STI in Malaysia. Tan Sri Ani Arope was of the Ƃrst ASM Council. He will related organisations namely 44IM, instrumental in positioning Malaysia always be remembered for his MA4DI and TNB. globally via 44IM as a lead player in passion in championing He graduated from the University the rubber industry. development of people. of Canterbury, New <ealand with In recognition of his signiƂcant His absence will be greatly a Bachelor in Agricultural Science achievements, he was awarded missed and contributions 196 . He was awarded the several honorary doctoral degrees fondly remembered. Fulbright scholarship and continued from local and international his studies in the United States, universities. He was undeniably a Al-Fatihah. where he earned a Master in well-respected corporate leader in Science Agronomy and the country. Production Economics at the University of Vermont in 1966.134

ERRATUM In Memoriam Ir Dr Ma Ah Ngan FASc 17 May 1948 – 15 August 2014 Associate Member, Malaysian Institute of Chemistry Council Member and Treasurer, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS) Member, Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia (ENSEARCH) Member, Regional Network for Management and Utilisation of Wastes in South East Asia and Pacific Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK Member, National Agro-based Industry Committee Council Member, Malaysia Oil Scientists’ and Technologists’ Association (MOSTA) Director and Board Member, Centre for Environmental Technology (CETEC)Ir Dr Ma Ah Ngan was born on His career began in 1972 when During his tenure as the Director Overall, Dr Ma was highly regarded17 May 1948 in Kampar, Perak he joined Malaysian Agricultural of the Engineering and Processing in the scientific community andand spent his entire career as a Research and Development Division at MPOB, he had showndedicated researcher. Institute (MARDI) as a Research excellent leadership in R&D, contributed tremendously to theHe graduated from University Officer and initiated research on especially on the engineering and palm oil industry. He was electedof Malaya with a Bachelor in processing aspects of the palm oil as a Fellow of the Academy underChemical Technology (1972) and anaerobic treatment of palm oil industry. Dr Ma’s involvement in the Engineering and Computerreceived his Master’s Degree in mill effluent treatment. In 1979, the environmental field and the Sciences Discipline group in 2003.Chemical Engineering fromUniversity of Birmingham, United he joined Palm Oil Research application of science andKingdom (1979). In 1993, he Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) technology, especially R&D inreceived his PhD in Chemical and developed zero discharge solving pollution problems in theEngineering from University of technology using multiple palm oil industry has helped theSurrey, United Kingdom. evaporation technology for palm oil industry to remain environmentally mills. sustainable.

In Memorium Dato’ Dr Khoo Kah Lin FASc 18 December 1938 – 07 November 2014 Visiting Fellow, Academy of Medicine Singapore, 1973 Fellow, 4oyal College of Physicians Ireland , 1982 Fellow, 4oyal College of Physicians Glasgow , 1984 Director, Heart Foundation of Malaysia since 1987 Fellow, Academy of Medicine Malaysia 1998 Fellow, American College of Cardiology 22 President, National Heart Association 22-22 President, ASEAN Heart Foundation 22-24 Fellow, 4oyal College of Physicians Edinburgh 24 Fellow, European Society of Cardiology 2 Fellow, 4oyal College of Physicians London 26 President, Malaysian Medical Association 27-29 Fellow, Academy of Sciences Malaysia 29Datoo Dr Khoo Kah Lin FASc was University of Singapore. awareness in all circles of FH, as well As a person Dr Khoo was a veryborn on 18 November 1938 in Apart from being a clinician, he as the diagnosis and treatment kind and gentle person and alwaysPenang. He was an iconic contributed tremendously in of FH patients. In honour of his had time to listen to friends andcardiologist and a pioneer in the medical research, especially in outstanding research and colleagues. He will be rememberedestablishment of the First Coronary familial hypercholesterolaemia FH . development work in the Ƃeld of for his contribution to the nationCare Unit in Malaysia. He has contributed to the work of FH, the 4otary Club of Malaysia and profoundly missed.He obtained his Bachelor of lipid disorders, through publications awarded him the 4esearch GoldMedicine Surgery from the and as an expert in committees Medal Award, conferred by the 13University of Singapore 1963 , and at both national and international Sultan of Selangor. He also receivedbegan his career at the Alor Setar level. the 1utstanding Person of the YearGeneral Hospital as a House 1fƂcer. In 24, he established the award from the Malaysian MedicalHe continued serving as a Medical Sau Seng Lum Dialysis Centre Association in recognition of his1fƂcer in various government a non-proƂt health system in his many contributions to the medicalhospitals in Alor Setar, Langkawi, effort to contribute back to the community and to the generalKulim and Kuala Kangsar. In 1983, society. He worked tirelessly right public.he received his Doctorate in across the country to createMedicine from the National

“To accomplish great things we must dream as well as act.”Anatole France

LOOKING AHEAD Knowing what lies ahead is a progressive step towards attainingASMos aspiration to maintain as strong voice representing the scientiƂccommunity. It takes a dynamic execution of play. Thus, it is a matter of well-thought planning, efƂcient coordination of delegated tasks and Ƃnally, a nod of satisfaction from all. With this, ASM presents some of our anticipated works in progress for the upcoming years. 137


Mega Science STI Future Global R&D3.0 TrendWatch Malaysia Leaders and Forum CEOs Forum21-216 21-216 2015 Think . Share . ActThe Mega Science 3. study will The Big Data Analytics BDA Injecting Soul into R&Dfocus on the following Ƃve sectors: project entitled ‘STI TrendWatcho April 21 is initiated to provide action-able  - 6 August 21 r Automotive Industry information that can be used by The NST Analysts Forum is a r Creative Industry decision makers at all levels to platform for local think tanks to This is an initiative to engage global r Furniture Industry improve the important foundations come together and share their 4&D players to develop and Ƃnd r Plastics and Composites Industry of the nation such as economy and analysis and Ƃndings to help the solutions for complex global issues r Tourism Industry social. A comprehensive BDA will various stakeholders make such as food security, healthcare provide reliable data and informed decisions for long term environmental degradation andIn parallel, with this Study, ASM analysis that could strengthen the socio-economic policy planning. poverty faced by the bottom billion.will undertake a Foresight exercise STI decision making for the nation. It calls for a commitment to elevateentitled “Envisioning Malaysia in It is indeed an enabler for Malaysia 4&D beyond commercial gains.2” which will develop the to become data-driven economysocietal framework of Malaysia and achieve aspiration of the Digital The Ƃve action areas of the Forum are:2. This initiative will be carried Economy 22. The scopes of the r Finding the Soul in 4&Dout by an informal group of various project are: r Sustainable Financing andnational “think-tanks” and Impact Investinggovernment organisations called r Domain Knowledge development in STI r Co-producing Values-based Solutionsthe ‘Foresight Allianceo. The r STI analytics system development r Technology SharingForesight exercise will underpin r STI analytics system usage r Leveraging Social Innovation andthe following 4 components: Entrepreneurship r Science and Technology r Economics and Finance r Society and Culture r Geopolitics 139

Income & Expenditure PENDAPATAN PERBELANJAAN INCOME EXPENDITURE2013 2014 Geran Operasi Perbelanjaan Operasi Operating Grant Operating Expenditure 18% 24% RM8.60mil RM11.79mil Lain-lain Others Perbelanjaan Program Programme Expenditure 5% 76% RM2.41mil Geran Program RM36.69mil Programme Grant Perbelanjaan Operasi Operating Expenditure 77% 20% RM35.86mil RM10.76mil Geran Operasi Operating Grant Perbelanjaan Program Programme Expenditure 16% 80% RM8.82mil Lain-lain RM43.98mil Others 141 5% RM2.97mil Geran Program Programme Grant 79% RM43.08mil







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