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Home Explore Laporan Tahunan 2014

Laporan Tahunan 2014

Published by fieza, 2016-09-23 04:58:52

Description: Laporan Tahunan 2014


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Pasukan Pemantauan Projek Tabung Amanah Penyelidikan(PMT) di bawah Rancangan Perubatan Dr RanjeetMalaysia Kesepuluh (RMKe-10) Bhagwan Singh#SM telah dilantik sebagai #SM dipertanggungjawabkan olehPasukan Pemantauan Projek PMT M1STI untuk merancang danoleh M1STI bagi memantau menjalankan program di bawahpelaksanaan projek 4&D yang Tabung #manah Penyelidikantelah diluluskan di bawah Perubatan Dr 4anjeet Bhagwan4ancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh Singh. Tabung amanah ini4MKe1 . (elo #SM berkhidmat menggalakkan penyelidikan dalamsebagai ahli Pasukan Pemantauan bidang perubatan dan bioperubatanProjek PMT . di kalangan saintis muda Malaysia.Jawatankuasa Penilaian #ntara program yang dianjurkanStrategik di bawah Klaster dibawah tabung amanah ini adalahTeras S&T, MOSTI seperti geran penyelidikan#SM telah dilantik sebagai salah perubatan dan bengkelsatu ahli ,awatankuasa Penilaian penyelidikan. Pada tahun 214,Strategik di bawah Klaster Teras geran penyelidikan perubatan telahS&T, M1STI untuk menyemak dianugerahkan kepada Dr 1onkeputusan penilaian teknikal bagi Chern Ein dari Institut Penyelidikangeran di bawah M1STI. Cadangan Perubatan Molekul IN(14MM ,daripada jawatankuasa ini akan Universiti Sains Malaysia.dibentangkan kepada pihakpengurusan tertinggi M1STIuntuk kelulusan. HALAMANFAKTA HALAMANFAKTA PMT di bawah 4MKe1 )eran Penyelidikan Perubatan 4BS r 16 projek merangkumi: r 64 permohonan diterima 214 r 1 pemenang dianugerahkan geran  4 projek Program Flagship  6 projek 6GEJPQ(WPF berjumlah 4M3, 214  6 projek Community Innovation Fund

Pengantara Kerjasama STI #ntara aktiviti yang dijalankan: r Ianya dihadiri oleh 1 orang Antarabangsa 1. -#56#5/+#2+PVGTPCVKQPCN peserta dan penceramah yangSeorang saintis yang berjaya Workshop on Science Literacy: terdiri daripada ahli IAP-SEP Globalbukan sahaja bergantung kepada InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Science Communication and Council serta tenaga pakar dalamkecemerlangan dalam penyelidikan InterAcademy Partnership adalah Science Outreach bidang IBSE, Teknologi Pendidikan,tetapi juga memerlukan sokongan merupakan platform kolaboratif di Penilaian dan Pencapaian Murid,rangkaian STI antarabangsa. antara Inter#cademy Council I#C , r Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk ,angkauan Sains dan Masyarakat.Menyedari akan keperluan ini, Inter#cademy Medical Panel I#MP membincangkan dan mencadangkan#SM telah mengambil inisiatif dan Inter#cademy Panel. Melalui kaedah penambahbaikan literasi r Persidangan ini diakhiri dengandengan bertindak sebagai salah rangkaian globalnya yang terdiri sains dalam membentuk pendidikan deklarasi yang merumuskan semuasebuah gerbang utama untuk saintis daripada 13 ahli, penubuhan dan komunikasi sains yang efektif, isu berbangkit dan saranan supayatempatan menempatkan diri mereka I#P akan dapat memanfaatkan terutamanya dalam bidang Sains, orientasi Pendidikan Sains beralihdi peringkat antarabangsa. Ini pengaruh serta kepakaran saintiƂk Kesihatan, #lam Sekitar dan 4isiko kepada Literasi Sains.adalah bertujuan untuk memberi kesemua #kademi tersebut. S*E4 , seterusnya meningkatkanpeluang kepada saintis Malaysia Sempena penubuhan I#P, kesedaran awam mengenai S&T r Pada masa yang sama, satuberkongsi ilmu pengetahuan, satu perjanjian telah dimeterai Mesyuarat IAP-SEP Global Councilhasil penyelidikan, meningkatkan pada bulan Mei 214 untuk r Penceramah utama, #cademician telah diadakan di mana drafkepakaran, mewujudkan rangkaian mengekalkannya sebagai organisasi Datoo Ir Lee Yee Cheong (#Sc, Deklarasi Beijing telah diumumkankerjasama dan seterusnya induk. 4akan kerjasama sedia ada telah menyampaikan ceramah untuk edaran serta mendapatkanmemperkukuhkan lagi keupayaan distruktur semula untuk menjadi bertajuk “Science, Engineering and sokongan dari UNESC1.saintiƂk dan teknologi. lebih eksklusif dan fokus, pada masaMelalui platform ini, saintis muda yang sama mengekalkan identitinya, 6GEJPQNQI[CPFVJG70UWUVCKPCDNGMalaysia dapat berhubung dengan seperti berikut: Development Goals 2016-2030”.saintis antarabangsa dari 16akademi sains dan 22 organisasi STI r InterAcademy Panel r Sebanyak 1 orang peserta telahdi seluruh dunia. sebagai I#P for Science menghadiri bengkel ini. Ia juga melibatkan 18 orang penceramah r Inter#cademy Medical Panel dari pelbagai negara yang SeKILAS I#MP sebagai I#P for *ealth merupakan pakar dalam bidang (elo Kanan #SM, #cademician komunikasi sains. Professor Ulung Datuk Dr Looi Lai Meng r Inter#cademy Council I#C (#Sc adalah merupakan Pengerusi sebagai I#P for 4esearch 2. IAP-SEP Biennial Conference on Bersama I#MP. #ntara isu yang Challenges, Opportunities of diketengahkan di bawah kepimpinannya I#P juga berperanan adalah seperti “Antimicrobial mempromosikan kecemerlangan +$5'5EKGPEG6GEJPQNQI[ Resistance” dan “Science for Poverty dalam pendidikan sains, Engineering and Mathematics Eradication & Sustainable terutamanya di sekolah rendah dan Development”. menengah. Ini dilaksanakan melalui 56'/ %QPHGTGPEG pembaharuan dan pembangunan r Persidangan ini merupakan acara pendidikan sains menggunakan penting I#PSEP yang platform IAP Science Education mengenalpasti IBSE sebagai Programme (IAP-SEP). pedagogi yang efektif dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sains di sekolah. HALAMANFAKTA Mesyuarat IAP-SEP Global Council 2015 akan diadakan di *otel Istana, Kuala Lumpur dan dianjurkan oleh #SM. 1

The International Science, 4entetan daripada program ƃagship Kerjasama Antara Malaysia & #SM dan #*IIST telah Technology and Innovation #SM, dua buah yayasan telah Maghribi Dalam Bidang Tenaga mengenalpasti beberapa projek Centre for South-South ditubuhkan sebagai entiti Boleh Diperbaharui dan yang berpotensi untuk dilaksanakan Cooperation (ISTIC) berasingan bagi mengurus dan Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik oleh Malaysia dan Maghribi. ISTIC di bawah naungan UNESC1 menerajui program berkenaan. Lanjutan daripada memorandum #ntaranya: telah dilancarkan pada tahun 28. Yayasan tersebut adalah seperti persefahaman yang telah #ntara agenda utama ISTIC adalah: berikut: ditandatangani antara #SM dan i Tenaga Mahathir Science Award *assan II #cademy of Science and r Kerjasama penyelidikan r Merangka polisi sains dan Foundation (MSAF) Technology #*IIST pada tahun r Pertukaran pakar dan kepakaran teknologi kebangsaan, Yayasan ini menggalakkan 21, keduadua negara amat r Pertukaran kakitangan dan pelajar implementasi dan pemantauan; kecemerlangan dalam penyelidikan berharap agar program kerjasama sains tropika yang bermanfaat dalam bidang tenaga boleh melalui dasar sedia ada r Kawal selia infrastruktur; kepada negara tropikal dan diperbaharui dan pendidikan sains r Pemeriksa luar dan r Latihan 6GEJPQRTGPGWTUJKR komuniti global. #nugerah Sains dan matematik dapat diwujudkan. Mahathir diberikan kepada para Delegasi Maghribi yang terdiri penyeliaan bersama untuk saintis dan penyelidik; dan penyelidik yang telah membuat daripada dua kumpulan iaitu ii Pendidikan r Pendidikan STEM  IBSE. penemuan yang diiktiraf di kumpulan tenaga dan kumpulan r ekerjasama antara sekolah Pada tahun 214, ISTIC peringkat antarabangsa dalam pendidikan telah berkunjung ke r ekerjasama antara Institut menganjurkan 6 program latihan penyelidikan rintis tropika. Malaysia. Delegasi telah dan menerbitkan 6 laporan. Yayasan Penyelidikan Antartika mengenalpasti beberapa program Pendidikan )uru Malaysia dan Sultan Mizan (YPASM) kerjasama yang berpotensi bagi Ecole Normale Supérieure International Council for Science Yayasan ini berperanan keduadua negara susulan dari r Program Pertukaran )uru Pelatih +%57 4GIKQPCN1HƂEGU dalam mempromosikan dan bengkel, mesyuarat strategik dan r Bengkel Khas untuk )uru Pelatih International Council for Science membangunkan kerjasama lawatan kerja ke beberapa r Pertukaran Pelajar cemerlang ataupun ICSU adalah merupakan nasional dan antarabangsa dalam organisasi. Berikutan itu, #*IIST sebuah organisasi bukan kerajaan penyelidikan serta konservasi rantau telah menjemput #SM ke Maghribi yang berperanan memperkukuhkan kutub, terutamanya di benua untuk mengukuhkan program sains antarabangsa demi kebaikan #ntartika. Penyertaan Malaysia kerjasama yang dikenalpasti. sejagat. Ini dilaksanakan ICSU adalah penting untuk mengekalkan dengan menggunakan sumber dan penglibatan Malaysia dalam pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh penyelidikan Kutub dan seterusnya komuniti saintiƂk antarabangsa. memperkukuhkan kemampuan #ntara aktiviti yang dijalankan penyelidikan dalam bidang sains adalah: global bersempadan. r Kolaborasi Penyelidikan #ntarabangsa r Sains untuk Polisi r Kesejagatan Sains2

Konsortium National Centre forSains Particle Physics Selaku tuan rumah, UM telahKonsep Konsortium Sains menerajui penyelidikan Ƃ\ik \arahKebangsaan menawarkan platform di Malaysia menerusi penyertaanuntuk kerjasama dalam bidang dalam kumpulan penyelidikanstrategik STI menerusi pusat sains Compact Muon Solenoid CMS kebangsaan yang bertindak sebagai di CE4N pada tahun 213.penghubung utama dalam Para penyelidik dan penerajukerjasama saintiƂk sesama industri dalam bidang Ƃ\ik \arahinstitusi tempatan dengan di Malaysia dapat memanfaatkanbadan antarabangsa. kemudahan dan rangkaian antarabangsa NCPP.Pusat kebangsaan yang dikenalpastidi institusi tempatanbertanggungjawab menyelarasinisiatif penyelidikan kebangsaan.#SM akan menghubungkankonsortium dengan rakan strategikantarabangsa yang seterusnyamembolehkan penyelidik tempatanmengikuti projek penyelidikanfrontier science. Ini membolehkanpara penyelidik diiktiraf di peringkatantarabangsa menerusi penerbitanberimpak tinggi dan seterusnyamelahirkan saintis berwibawa. SeKILAS CMS adalah pengesan \arah di Large *adron Collider, CE4N, yang merupakan pemecut \arah terbesar dan berkuasa tinggi di dunia r 7 pelajar ija\ah muda dari NCPP menyertai penyelidikan sangkutan di CE4N r 7 pelajar sarjana, 3 pelajar Phd telah menyertai penyelidikan sangkutan di CE4N 3

Fora Bersandarkan matlamat ini, HALAMANFAKTA Perundingan “National Academic Seminar on r BWC adalah perjanjian pelucutan Biothreats and Biorisk: Bridging #SM menyediakan platform bagi Science and Security” telah senjata pelbagai hala pertama yang wacana intelek, menggalakkan diadakan di antara ahli akademi, mengharamkan pembangunan, advokasi pembangunan S&T, industri dan sektor sekuriti untuk pengeluaran dan simpanan stok semua serta meningkatkan pengiktirafan bertemu, bekerjasama dan kategori senjata pemusnah, dan telah global untuk pakar tempatan menggalakkan penyelarasan dibuka untuk ditandatangani pada dan antarabangsa. merentasi bidang. Ini seterusnya 1 #pril 1972. Biothreats & Biorisks: akan meningkatkan keupayaan r BWC berkuat kuasa pada Bridging Science and Security biokeselamatan dan biosekuriti 26 Mac 197. Menyedari kepentingan bidang Malaysia terutamanya dalam r Sebanyak 11 buah negara dan 17 biokteknologi, Malaysia sentiasa penyediaan draf akta berkenaan. buah negeri termasuk Malaysia telah mencari kaedah terbaik dalam Seminar kebangsaan ini berperanan menandatangani perjanjian ini. membangunkan bidang tersebut mewujudkan persefahaman r Malaysia telah menandatangani tanpa menggugat biokeselamatan terhadap perlaksanaan kawalan perjanjian ini pada tahun 1972 and dan biosekuriti. Isu biokeselamatan biosekuriti dan risiko atau strategi memperbaharuinya pada penting bagi melindungi negara kita mitigasi, serta mengetengahkan September 1991. daripada sebarang kerugian, cabaran semasa dalam menangani kecurian, salah guna, isu keselamatan, sekuriti dan etika, penyelewangan atau pelepasan ketika menjalankan penyelidikan patogen dan toksin dengan sengaja. biologi. Seminar ini diakhiri dengan 1leh itu, kerajaan Malaysia kini ulasan akta internal, sesi dialog dalam proses menerima pakai akta mengenai draf rang undangundang yang akan membantu negara dalam biosekuriti Malaysia dan cabaran memenuhi kewajipannya, seperti utama dalam perlaksanaannya. yang termaktub di bawah Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Ini HALAMANFAKTA akan memastikan pengurusan agen  8 penceramah antarabangsa & penyakit adalah selamat tanpa memudaratkan sebarang usaha 2 penceramah tempatan penyelidikan biologi yang disahkan.  7 peserta4

Future Earth: Research for Global SeKILAS Peserta 14th SCA ConferenceSustainability and a Holistic Future Earth merupakan inisiatif Understanding of Sustainable penyelidikan antarabangsa selamaDevelopment in Asia 1 tahun yang menggembleng tenagaPersidangan Future Earth: Research ribuan saintis dan mengukuhkanfor Global Sustainability and a kerjasama dengan penggubal dasar*QNKUVKE7PFGTUVCPFKPIQH serta pihak berkepentingan yang lainSustainable Development in Asia untuk menyediakan alternatif dantelah menyediakan platform antara penyelesaian lestari, sejajar dengandisiplin bagi saintis di rantau ini deklarasi 4io 2.untuk membentangkan laporan Ini adalah merupakan kali keduayang berkaitan dengan tiga tema Malaysia menganjurkan Persidanganpenyelidikan seperti berikut: #ntarabangsa SC#. Persidangan #ntarabangsa SC# pertama kali r Planet yang Dinamik dianjurkan Malaysia pada 131 r Pembangunan )lobal Mei 22 dengan tema “Urgent r Transformasi ke arah Kelestarian Agenda for Asian Sustainability:Tema untuk Persidangan SC# 1RGTCVKQPCNKUKPIVJG8KUKQPqke14 adalah lanjutan daripadaPersidangan UN mengenaiPembangunan Lestari 4io2 yangtelah berlangsung di 4io de ,aneiro,Bra\il pada bulan ,un 212, 2tahun selepas persidangannya yangpertama di 4io pada tahun 1992.Lebih daripada 1 saintis dari2 negara telah membincangkankemajuan penyelidikan saintiƂk keatas kemampanan global danpembasmian kemiskinan dalamkonteks #sia. #ntara isu yangdibincangkan ialah kelestarianglobal, kejayaan penyelidikan antaradisiplin, kerjasama penyelidikan dandialog merentasi sains semulajadi,sosial dan kejuruteraan untukmenangani aspek ekonomi, sosialdan alam sekitar yang salingberhubungkait denganpembangunan di #sia.

“All over the world, in both developing and developed nationsDOLNHWKHUHLVDSUHVVLQJQHHGWRQXUWXUH\RXQJVFLHQWLÀFWDOHQWLQPHHWLQJWKHFULWLFDOGHPDQGIRUDVFLHQWLÀFDOO\VDYY\VNLOIXOcreative and innovative human capital capable of drivingeconomies in this innovation-led era.”YB Datuk Dr Ewon EbinMenteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi

WACANA Penjanaan pengetahuan sering kali datangnya dari perhimpunan ilmiah yang membolehkan pembelajaran, pengembangan rangkaian,pengwujudan informasi dan perkongsian. #SM menganjurkan pelbagaiwacana yang berteraskan objektif ini dan ianya diterima dengan positif. 7

Ia merupakan perhimpunan terbesar Felo ASM yang diadakan dengan agenda yang lebih tertumpu kepada perbincangan berkenaan isu STI berkepentingan nasional. Perhimpunan Tahunan Perhimpunan #hli Panel: Perhimpunan #hli Panel: Tahunan ke5 Profesor Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Tahunan ke6 Puan Liew Siew Lee Mahmud FASc Pengarah, Industri Pembuatan Tema: Timbalan Naib Canselor Penyelidikan Tema: Sains dan Teknologi, Unit dan Inovasi , UM Perancang Ekonomi ‘Matching Talent ‘Producing quality human ‘Malaysia Beyond ‘Innovation to Action (11MP)’ with Economic capital for the workforce’ 2020’ Encik Kamel Mohamad Transformation Encik Lokman Baharuddin Setiausaha Kanan Bahagian Programme (ETP)’ Pengarah Sumber Manusia , Tidak dapat dinaƂkan kelestarian negara Perancangan , M1STI ExxonMobil Subsidiaries Malaysia merupakan agenda utama Malaysia. ‘Science & Technology Program Transformasi Ekonomi ETP n#TG/CNC[UKCPITCFWCVGUHWNƂNNKPI Sehubungan itu, adalah menjadi Chapter (11MP)’ berperanan untuk memacu Malaysia the needs of oil and gas industry?’ matlamat #SM untuk memastikan Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc menjadi sebuah negara maju menjelang Profesor Dato’ Dr Hassan Said FASc kelestarian pertumbuhan dan Pengarah Projek MegaScience 3. 22. Namun begitu, dalam keterujaan Naib Canselor & Presiden, pembangunan yang inklusif dicapai, ‘Malaysia Beyond 2020- kita untuk mencapai matlamat ini, Tayloros University College serta merangkumi semua sektor Mega Science Chapter’ timbul isu mengenai syarikat ‘Human capital development masyarakat. Sesi dialog bertajuk Dato’ Saw Choo Boon multinasional tidak mengambil rakyat in education’ “Malaysia Beyond 2020” membuktikan Presiden, (ederation of Malaysian tempatan untuk bekerja, terutamanya Puan Agnes Maria Sam bahawa terdapatnya keperluan untuk Manufacturers (MM bagi jawatan teknikal ekoran kurang Pengurus Besar Inisiatif Dasar , negara merangka pelaburan di dalam ‘Malaysia Beyond 2020- kemahiran. Ini seterusnya menimbulkan Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad strategi yang tepat sekarang. Industry Chapter’ persoalan samada Malaysia mempunyai ‘TalentCorp: Meeting the talent Berdasarkan statisitik terkini, Malaysia tenaga mahir yang mencukupi bagi needs of the economic tidak mempunyai masalah untuk mencapai aspirasi negara transformation programme’ mencapai sasaran negara berpendapatan tinggi. Ini merupakan berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 22, isu yang serius dan penyelesaian tetapi bagaimana pula selepas itu! komprehensif perlu dirangka bagi menangani permasalahan ini. Encik Tan Eng Hoo Moderator: Pengurus Kanan, Bahagian Strategi Encik Kamarul Bahrin Haron Moderator: & Dasar, Multimedia Development Penolong Kanan Timbalan Presiden Dr Ahmad Ibrahim FASc Corporation Sdn Bhd #ST41 #wani Ketua Pengarah Eksekutif, ‘Talent Mobility in the #SM ICT Industry’8

Mesyuarat Agung TahunanMesyuarat #gung Tahunan ke19 #SM telah dihadiri oleh 13 orang (elo #SM. Mesyuarat ini telah meluluskanLaporan Tahunan 213, kenyataan kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 213 dan melantik juruaudit luar. Pemilihantelah dijalankan untuk #hli Majlis #SM, untuk tempoh 214 – 216, (elo dan (elo Kehormat.IdeaXchangeIdeaXchange menghimpunkan ahli #SM untuk berbincang halhal berkaitan antara disiplin dan berbahas berkenaanisuisu STI. #ntara topik yang telah dibincangkan adalah yang berikut: r 6JG+PVGT#ECFGO[2CPGN+#2 5EKGPEG'FWECVKQP2TQITCO5'2 CPFKVUKORNKECVKQPUQPJQUVCECFGO[CPF Malaysia, oleh #cademician Datoo Ir Lee Yee Cheong (#Sc, Pengerusi, IAP SEP Global Council r Strategizing Research, Development and Commercialization (RDC) priority areas for the nation, oleh Dr #hmad Ibrahim (#Sc r Science 2 Action (S2A) Initiatives, oleh Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datoo Sri Dr <akri #bdul *amid (#Sc, Penasihat Sains kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia r Soil Erosion and Sedimentation, oleh Datoo #hmad (uad Embi r Graphene, oleh Dr 4e\al Khairi #hmad, Ketua Pengarah Eksekutif of NanoMalaysia 9

“It is indeed most gratifying to see so many sectorsrepresented here through the presence of members of theVFLHQWLÀFFRPPXQLW\DQGDFDGHPLDSROLF\PDNHUVDQGJRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOVLQGXVWU\FDSWDLQVFRUSRUDWHVWDOZDUWVpartners from STI organisations as well as other stakeholdersfrom the public and private sectors. Your presence here is aUHÁHFWLRQRIWKHYDOXDEOHSDUWQHUVKLSZHVKDUHWRIXUWKHUWKHSTI agenda of the nation.”YBhg Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali FAScPresiden, ASM

KEAHLIAN Keahlian #SM adalah terdiri daripada pelbagai kepakaran bidang sains dan sains sosial. 61

Felo Kehormat Y#B Datoo Sri Mohd Najib Tun #bdul 4a\ak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah dianugerahkan (elo Kehormat di Majlis Conferment of Fellowship 2014, bagi mengiktiraf sumbangan beliau dalam memacu Negara ke hadapan melalui inisiatif progresif dan dinamik dalam bidang STI. Beliau telah dipilih di Mesyuarat #gung Tahunan ke19. Felo Kanan Pada tahun 214, dua orang (elo telah dilantik sebagai (elo Kanan: U Academician Datuk Ir Hong Lee Pee FASc, atas sumbangan cemerlang beliau dalam membangunkan ciptaan baru cerucuk untuk asas bangunan dan industri pembinaan geoteknikal di negara ini. U Academician Professor Dato’ %QPHGTOGPVQH(GNNQYUJKRCPF#PPQWPEGOGPVQH645/ pada 8 Disember 214 Dr Khairul Anuar Abdullah FASc, atas sumbangan cemerlang beliau dalam mendiagnosis penyakit berjangkit dan pembangunan kaedah pendidikan perubatan yang inovatif di Malaysia.62

Felo $VVRFLDWHVSetiap tahun, #SM mengenalpasti Peningkatan Ilmu yang bersifatkanwarganegara Malaysia unggul yang interdisiplin menjadi pemangkinmempunyai pencapaian cemerlang bagi permintaan pakar dalamdan luar biasa dalam bidang SET pelbagai bidang sains dan sainssebagai ahlinya. sosial. 1leh itu, pada tahun 21,Keahlian ini dianugerahkan keanggotaan #SM telahberdasarkan proses pemilihan yang diperluaskan untuk merangkumiketat dalam enam bidang yang Associates.berbe\a: Sains Perubatan danKesihatan; Sains Kejuruteraan dan #hli Majlis #SM melantik HALAMANFAKTAKomputer; Biologi, Sains Pertanian Associates bagi tempoh duadan #lam Sekitar; Sains Matematik, tahun dan memperbaharui(i\ik dan Bumi; Sains Kimia dan pelantikan ahli yang aktif.Pembangunan S&T dan Industri. Associates mewakili #SM diSeramai 21 orang (elo baru telah mesyuarat luar, menyumbang dandipilih di Mesyuarat #gung Tahunan mengambil bahagian dalamke19, dan mereka telah diraikan pelbagai kajian dan jawatankuasa.dalam Majlis Conferment of Pada tahun 214, #kademi telahFellowship 2014. Daripada jumlah melantik semula 12 orangitu, seramai 16 orang adalah dari Associates, menjadikan jumlahnyainstitut pengajian tinggi, dua dari 43 orang.institut penyelidikan, satu dariagensi kerajaan dan dua dari SeKILAS Felo 2014sektor swasta. (elo baru digalakkan untuk Datoo Dr #bd Latif Mohmod (#ScPemilihan (elo baru adalah penting menyampaikan syarahan (elo dalam Datuk Ir Dr #bdul 4ahim *ashim (#Scuntuk kelestarian tenaga pakar bidang kepakaran masingmasing kepada Profesor Dr #bdul 4ahman Mohamed (#Sc#SM. Melalui pengetahuan, masyarakat awam dan komuniti saintiƂk. Profesor Datoo Ir Dr #bdul Wahab Mohammad (#Sckepakaran, rangkaian dan Berikut adalah dua orang (elo yang telah Profesor Dr #gamutu Pariatamby (#Sckebijaksanaan (elo #SM, ianya menyampaikan syarahan mereka: Profesor Datoo Ir Dr Badhrulhisham #bdul #\i\ (#Scmembolehkan #SM meneruskan Dr Saw Leng Guan FASc Profesor Datoo Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis (#Scaktivitinya, menyumbang secara Malaysian Palms: Prince of the Plant Kingdom Profesor Dr ,amunarani S 8adivelu (#Scberkesan dalam memberikan input Profesor Dr ,inap Selamat (#ScSTI kepada kerajaan dan pihak Profesor Dr Shamshuddin Jusop FASc Ir Lalchand )ulabrai (#Scberkepentingan serta memenuhi Sustainable Rice Cultivation: Steps towards Profesor Datoo Dr Mohd Yusof *aji 1thman (#Scmisi #kademi. Sustainable Practices Datuk Dr Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman (#Sc Profesor Datoo Dr Musa #hmad (#Sc Profesor Dr Ng Kwan *oong (#Sc Profesor Dr Noorsaadah #bd 4ahman (#Sc Profesor Datuk Dr 4ohana Yusof (#Sc Profesor Dr Shamshuddin ,usop (#Sc Profesor Dr Tan Soon )uan (#Sc Dr Teo Soo *wang (#Sc Profesor Dr Wan #\man Wan #hmad (#Sc Datoo Dr Yap Kok Seng (#Sc 63

Dalam MemoriTan Sri Dato’ Dr Hj Ani Arope FASc17 Mei 1932 – 20 Disember 2014Timbalan Pengarah Pertama, Institut Penyelidikan Dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia M#4DI 19691972 Pengarah, Institut Penyelidikan )etah Malaysia 44IM 198 Pengerusi, Bank Simpanan Nasional 19861988 Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan, Kumpulan )uthrie Bhd 19871992 Pengarah, )uthrie 4opel Bhd 1988 Pengerusi, *ighlands & Lowlands 1988 Pengerusi, Majlis Institut Teknologi M#4# 19891992 #hli Majlis Sektor #wam , Malaysian Business Council 1991 Pengerusi, Majlis Universiti Sains Malaysia 1992 Presiden, Council of MalaysiaNew <ealand 1992 Pengerusi Eksekutif, Tenaga Nasional Berhad TNB , 19921996 Pengerusi, #hli Lembaga Pengarah, Universiti Sains Malaysia 199221 Pengerusi, Majlis Minyak Sawit Malaysia MP1C 199 Penasihat Kanan #ntarabangsa, #SE#N )eneral Electric )E 1997 Tan Sri #ni #rope dilahirkan pada pengajiannya di Universiti Vermont, dianugerahkan Ija\ah Kehormat sentiasa diingati. 17 Mei 1932 di Seberang Perai, #merika Syarikat dan memperolehi Kedoktoran dari beberapa Beliau akan sentiasa dikenang. Puala Pinang. Beliau dikenali atas Ija\ah Sarjana Sains #gronomi dan universiti tempatan dan kepimpinan dan komitmen beliau Pengeluaran Ekonomi pada antarabangsa. Sesungguhnya, Al-Fatihah. dalam membangunkan modal insan tahun 1966. beliau adalah merupakan salah di beberapa organisasi STI seperti Beliau memulakan kerjaya sebagai seorang tokoh dan pemimpin Institut Penyelidikan )etah Malaysia ahli agronomi dan seterusnya telah korporat yang amat disegani di 44IM , Institut Penyelidikan Dan mengetuai beberapa pertubuhan negara ini. Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia berasaskan pertanian yang diiktiraf M#4DI dan Tenaga Nasional di Malaysia. Tan Sri #ni #rope juga Tan Sri #ni #rope merupakan Berhad TNB . memainkan peranan penting dalam (elo #sas #SM dalam Disiplin Beliau menamatkan pengajian meletakkan Malaysia di peringkat Pembangunan S&T dan Industri. di University of Canterbury, New global melalui peranan 44IM Selain daripada itu, beliau juga <ealand dengan memperoleh Ija\ah sebagai peneraju utama dalam merupakan #hli Majlis #SM yang dalam bidang Sains Pertanian pada bidang industri getah. pertama. Semangat dan sumbangan tahun 196. Beliau telah Sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap beliau dalam memperjuangkan dianugerahkan dengan biasiswa kecemerlangannya, beliau pembangunan masyarakat akan (ulbright dan meneruskan64

RALAT Dalam Memori Ir Dr Ma Ah Ngan FASc 17 Mei 1948 – 15 Ogos 2014 Ahli Associate, Institut Kimia Malaysia Ahli Majlis dan Bendahari, Reka Cipta dan Reka Bentuk Malaysia (MINDS) Ahli, Persatuan Pengurusan Alam Sekitar dan Penyelidikan Malaysia (ENSEARCH) Ahli, Rangkaian Serantau Pengurusan dan Penggunaan Sisa di Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik Ahli, Institut Jurutera Kimia, UK Ahli, Jawatankuasa Industri Asas Tani Kebangsaan Ahli Majlis, Persatuan Saintis dan Para Teknologi Minyak Malaysia (MOSTA) Pengarah dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah , Pusat Teknologi Alam Sekitar (CETEC)Ir Dr Ma Ah Ngan dilahirkan pada Kerjaya beliau bermula apabila Semasa perkhidmatan beliau Secara keseluruhan, Dr Ma sangat17 Mei 1948 di Kampar, Perak dan dipanggil berkhidmat sebagai sebagai Pengarah di Bahagian dihormati dalam komuniti saintifiktelah menghabiskan seluruh kerjaya Pegawai Penyelidik di Institut Kejuruteraan dan Pemprosesan,beliau sebagai seorang penyelidik Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan MPOB, beliau telah menunjukkan dan telah membuat sumbanganyang berdedikasi. Beliau telah Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI) pada kepimpinan yang cemerlang yang besar kepada industri minyakmenamatkan pengajiannya di tahun 1972 dan beliau telah terutamanya dalam Pembangunan sawit. Beliau telah dipilih sebagaiUniversiti Malaya (UM) dengan memulakan penyelidikan berkenaan dan Penyelidikan (P&P) dalam aspek Felo Akademi di bawah kumpulanIjazah Sarjana Muda dalam bidang rawatan anaerobik bagi merawat kejuruteraan dan pemprosesan Disiplin Kejuruteraan dan SainsTeknologi Kimia (1972) dan efluen kilang minyak sawit. Pada industri minyak sawit. Penglibatan Komputer pada tahun 2003.menerima Ijazah Sarjana dalam Dr Ma dalam bidang alam sekitarbidang Kejuruteraan Kimia dari tahun 1979, beliau berkhidmat di dan aplikasi sains dan teknologiUniversity of Birmingham, United Institut Penyelidikan Minyak Sawit terutamanya P&P dalamKingdom (1979). Pada tahun 1993, Malaysia (PORIM) dan telah menyelesaikan masalah pencemaranbeliau telah dianugerahkan Ijazah membangunkan teknologi dalam industri minyak sawit telahKedoktoran (PhD) dalam bidang pelepasan sifar untuk kilang minyak membantu industri ini mengekalkanKejuruteraan Kimia dari University of sawit dengan menggunakan kelestarian alam sekitar.Surrey, United Kingdom. pelbagai teknologi penguapan.

Dalam Memori Dato’ Dr Khoo Kah Lin FASc 18 Disember 1938 – 07 November 2014 8KUKVKPI(GNNQY, #cademy of Medicine Singapore, 1973 (elo, 4oyal College of Physicians Ireland , 1982 (elo, 4oyal College of Physicians )lasgow , 1984 Pengarah, Yayasan ,antung Malaysia dari 1987 Presiden 2222 Persatuan ,antung Kebangsaan Malaysia (elo, #kademi Perubatan Malaysia, 1998 (elo, #merican College of Cardiology, 22 Presiden #SE#N *eart (oundation, 22  24 #hli Majlis, #kademi Perubatan Malaysia, 23 (elo, 4oyal College of Physicians Edinburgh , 24 (elo, European Society of Cardiology, 2 (elo, 4oyal College of Physicians London , 26 Presiden, Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia, 2729 (elo, #kademi Sains Malaysia, 29Datoo Dr Khoo Kah Lin (#Sc Langkawi , Kulim dan Kuala Kangsar. ahli dalam beberapa kumpulan Malaysia telah menganugerahkandilahirkan pada 18 November 1938 Pada tahun 1983, beliau menerima Panel Pakar dan dilantik dalam ‘Research Gold Medal Award’di Pulau Pinang. Beliau dikenali Ija\ah Kedoktoran dalam bidang beberapa jawatankuasa kebangsaan kepada beliau, yang telahsebagai seorang pakar kardiologi perubatan dari National University dan antarabangsa. disampaikan oleh Sultan Selangor.dan merupakan perintis dalam of Singapore NUS . Pada tahun 24, beliau telah Beliau turut menerima anugerahpenubuhan Unit Penjagaan Koronari Selain menjadi seorang pakar menubuhkan Pusat Dialisis Sau ‘Outstanding Person of the Year’yang pertama di Malaysia. klinikal, beliau turut memberi Seng Lum sistem kesihatan yang dari Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia,Beliau memperolehi Ija\ah Sarjana sumbangan yang besar dalam tidak berasaskan keuntungan untuk sebagai pengiktirafan sumbanganMuda Perubatan Surgeri dari bidang penyelidikan perubatan menyumbang kepada masyarakat. beliau kepada komuniti perubatanUniversity of Singapore pada tahun terutamanya berkenaan familial dan orang ramai.1963 dan memulakan kerjaya beliau J[RGTEJQNGUVGTQNCGOKC(* . Beliau Beliau berusaha keras untuk Dato‘ Dr Khoo Kah Lin merupakansebagai doktor pelatih di *ospital telah menerbitkan beberapa topik mewujudkan kesedaran di kalangan seorang yang baik hati dan sentiasa#lor Setar. Beliau meneruskan berkaitan lipid disorders dalam (* di seluruh negara, dan juga meluangkan masa untuk sahabatperkhidmatan sebagai Pegawai jurnal tempatan dan antarabangsa. dalam mendiagnosis dan merawat dan rakan sekerja beliau. BeliauPerubatan di beberapa *ospital Beliau turut menyumbangan pesakit (*. Sebagai pengiktirafan akan sentiasa diingati atasKerajaan antaranya di #lor Setar, kepakaran beliau dengan menjadi kepada penyelidikan dan sumbangan beliau kepada Negara pencapaian beliau yang cemerlang dan akan dikenang sebagai seorang dalam bidang (*, Kelab 4otary doktor yang peramah dan mesra. 6

“To accomplish great things we must dream as well as act.”Anatole France

PERANCANGAN HADAPAN Dalam usaha menyusun langkah bagi mencapai aspirasi #SM sebagai sebuah badan unggul yang mewakili komuniti saintiƂk ia memerlukan pelanpelaksanaan yang dinamik. Perancangan yang teliti, koordinasi yang eƂsien dalam menjalankan peranan untuk mencapai kepuasan bersama, #SM dengan ini melakarkan beberapa perancangan program untuk tahun akan datang. 67


Mega Sains 3.0 STI Future Global R&D21216 TrendWatch 0DOD\VLD /HDGHUVDQGKaji Selidik Mega Sains 3. 21216 Forum &(2V)RUXPmemfokuskan lima sektor berikut: Projek Big Data Analytics (BDA) 2015 ‘STI 6TGPF9CVEJo menyediakan 6JKPM5JCTG#EV r Industri #utomotif maklumat bolehtindak bagi Injecting Soul into R&D r Industri Kreatif pembuat keputusan di semua #pril 21 r Industri Perabot peringkat untuk memperkukuhkan   6 1gos 21 r Industri Plastik dan Komposit asas pembangunan negara seperti (orum ,uruanalisa NST merupakan r Industri Pelancongan sektor ekonomi dan sosial. platform untuk badan pemikir Ini merupakan satu inisiatif untuk #plikasi BD# yang komprehensif negara berkongsi hasil analisis dan mewujudkan interaksi denganSejajar dengan kaji selidik ini, mampu memberikan data dan penemuan bagi membantu pelbagai peneraju P&P global dalam#SM juga akan melaksanakan analisis sahih terutamanya dalam pihak berkepentingan seperti membangun dan mencariaktiviti (oresight bertajuk memperkukuhkan keputusan Kementerian dan #gensi Kerajaan penyelesaian terhadap isu global‘Envisioning Malaysia in 2050’ berkaitan STI untuk negara. Ianya membuat keputusan bermaklumat yang kompleks seperti keselamatanyang bertujuan untuk berpotensi mendorong Malaysia untuk perancangan polisi makanan, pencemaran danmembangunkan 4angka Kerja untuk menjadi negara yang sosioekonomi jangka panjang. kemerosotan alam sekitar sertaMasyarakat Malaysia 2. Inisiatif mempunyai ekonomi kemiskinan. Situasi ini memerlukanini akan dijalankan oleh sebuah berorientasikan maklumat dan komitmen untuk meningkatkan P&Ppasukan tidak rasmi yang terdiri seterusnya mencapai aspirasi melangkaui keuntungan komersil.daripada beberapa ‘Badan Pemikiro Ekonomi Digital 22.negara serta organisasi kerajaan Projek ini merangkumi: Bidang tindakan forum ini adalah:yang dikenali sebagai ‘Foresight r Pencarian Keprihatinan di dalam P&PAlliance’. #ktiviti (oresight ini r Membangunkan Domain r Pembiayaan Lestari danseterusnya akan mewajarkan Pengetahuan STI Pelaburan Berimpakkepentingan komponen berikut: r Penghasilan Penyelesaian Berasaskan r Membangunkan Sistem #nalisis STI Nilai secara Bersama r S&T r Penggunaan Sistem #nalisis STI r Perkongsian Teknologi r Ekonomi dan Kewangan r Memanfaatkan Inovasi Sosial r Masyarakat dan Budaya dan Keusahawanan r )eopolitik 69

A year in review 71


74 126 Mission & Vission Gathering 76 130 Foreword Membership 78 136 A Word from Our President Looking Ahead 82 141 Advising the Policy Makers Financial Report 110 157Empowering the ScientiƂc Community Appendixes 73

What we strive for To be the Think Tank of the nation for matters related to science, engineering, technology and innovation. To pursue eZcellence in the Ƃelds of science, engineering and technology for the beneƂt of all. Mission Functions Strategies What we do To be a thought leader Providing advice to the Government on *arnessing scientiƂc minds to charter STI Strategic Studies matters related to STI of national and STI direction for the country r Malaysia 2 To be an Apex Advisory Body international importance r *orizon Scanning on STI matters Fostering culture of excellence in STI r Emerging Technology Fostering a culture of excellence in r Sustainable Science To be an effective promoter of public science, engineering and technology Ensuring independent authoritative and understanding and awareness of STI in Malaysia timely STI input STI Strategic Programmes r *uman Capital Development To make STI a basis for economic Assisting in upgrading technological Promoting the utilization of science for r Gateway development and societal well being capabilities of Malaysian societal well being r Science Consortium industrial sectors r Consultative Fora Facilitating the implementation of the Promoting public awareness in innovation-led economy strategy understanding of science Promoting the application of STI for Enhancing international networking and rural development collaboration ScientiƂc publications74

Stakeholders 4 point Client CharterInternal 1. Provide independent, evident based, reliable and timely advicer Fellows 2. Committed in initiating quality programmes towards developing strong STI foundation for the nationr Associates 3. 4epresent Malaysia and its scientiƂc community at the international arenar Young Scientists Network YSN-ASM 4. Disseminate scientiƂc knowledger ASM Management 7Externalr Prime Ministeros Department and Central Agenciesr M1STI and its agenciesr 1ther Ministries and relevant agenciesr Industry organizationsr 4esearch institutionsr *igher Learning Institutionsr STI Professional Bodiesr STI International organizationsr Public and 4ural communities

ForewordThe Academy of Sciences Malaysia STI plays a strategic role in increasing Ideation is a process that drives the nation(ASM) has recorded commendable the technological capabilities for the towards achieving excellence in STI.achievements as the national think tank industrial sectors and the Ministry isfor the advancement of science, very pleased that the Academy hastechnology and innovation (STI) in come up with the necessary blueprintsMalaysia. ASM fulfils the Ministry of and roadmaps to support this initiative.Science, Technology and Innovation ASM as a national focal point for(MOSTI) role as the driver of STI agenda scientific community acts as a gatewaytowards knowledge generation, for Malaysian scientists to reach out toeconomic and societal well-being of the international scientific bodies andnation. centre of excellence, thus providing theIdeation is a process that drives the necessary exposures and collaborativenation towards achieving excellence in opportunities.STI. In this regard, the Ministry through I am confident that ASM willASM bridges this need by undertaking continuously contribute their expertisestudies to identify the S&T opportunities through their members and networksfor economic growth and to remain towards the creation of a nation that iscompetitive globally. Foresight studies not only developed, competitive andand benchmarking exercise would be innovative but sustainable and inclusivecarried out periodically to ensure STI as well.initiatives remain relevant. YB Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation76

ForewordMinistry of Science, Technology and To enhance the capacity of the nationalInnovation (MOSTI) is responsible in scientific community, particularly theformulating Science, Technology and young scientists, ASM conducts variousInnovation (STI) policy as well as to STI Strategic programmes, among others,explore and harness STI for societal and scientific exchange, networking andeconomic wellbeing of the nation. collaboration, recognition of excellenceAmong the 28 Agencies under the and promotion of science communication.purview of MOSTI, the Academy of They are our valuable assets in propellingSciences Malaysia (ASM) is the sole the country towards a developed nation instatutory body that acts as the national the near future.STI think tank. Thus, I would like to takethis opportunity to congratulate ASM for I would like to congratulate ASM on itsits success in undertaking STI activities strategic studies and programmes whichthroughout 2014 as reported in this are capable of achieving the country's aimAnnual Report. towards excellence in STI. It is my As the leading Ministry in championingAs the leading Ministry in championing aspiration that these efforts must persist STI related issues, MOSTI pursues newSTI related issues, MOSTI pursues so that MOSTI continues to play a morenew areas of science which has potential active and effective role in the national areas of science which has potential to beto be explored and developed. and international arena and in doing so, explored and developed.ASM activities such as the 2014 STI place the country on par with developedStrategic Studies on Infrastructure, countries.Housing, Transportation, Electrical andElectronics, Environment, Water and Dato’ Sri Dr Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur 77Energy sector fulfils this need. This studyinvolves various stakeholders such as Secretary-Generalpolicy makers, researchers, academics, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovationindustries and STI professional bodies toensure that we are always in the frontierof science.

A Word from The two platforms for dialogue that have been The completion of the study also culminated in a President initiated for our Fellows and expert network namely, National Forum on Mega Science to engage various the General Assembly and Idea Xchange sessions stakeholders to positively inƃuence policy-making, The Academy of Sciences Malaysia considers its role have seen growing interest and participation. synergise concerted effort and draw attention to as a “Thought Leader” in the science, technology and These platforms have served as an avenue to fuel the requisite strategic STI investments. innovation STI arena as an immense responsibility to ideation process of the Academy through constructive Another ƃagship initiative that the Academy has our society and nation.This Annual 4eport captures dialogue. embarked on this year is a biennial Science 1utlook and communicates our work in the context of the STI Advice report. The inaugural edition that provides an Academyos focus areas and aspirations. The Academy The Academy believes in providing the best scientiƂc independent review of key trends in science, is committed to relentlessly champion STI advice that is independent, credible, relevant and technology and innovation in Malaysia is being advancement and excellence for national timely in nature. Accordingly, in 214, we have Ƃnalized and is expected to be ready in the Ƃrst development and global competitiveness. enhanced our efforts to deliver the highest quality of quarter of 21. The Science 1utlook is aimed at The Academy translates this mission into action by scientiƂc, intellectual and strategic input as a national providing evidence-based insights and new undertaking strategic STI studies and delivering STI Think Tank. This is made possible through the perspectives on the Malaysian STI landscape. It is programmes that mobilise a wide spectrum of cultivation of a robust ideation process that explores hoped that the Science 1utlook will be a useful expertise not only within the Academy but also its creative avenues, different perspectives and diverse reference for informed decision-making. network of prominent international partners and expertise. This has resulted in scientiƂc advice that Science Advocacy linkages. As we approach the two decade milestone takes into account multi-sectorial feedback, a futuristic since the inception of the Academy in 199, as a outlook and approaches that transcend conventional The Academy recognises the need to broaden our Statutory Body through an Act of Parliament, it is discipline boundaries. scope beyond just providing scientiƂc advice to policy evident that we have made great strides as a This year we have Ƃnalised nine studies which are of advocacy in the interest of promoting sound STI signiƂcant voice for science in the nation. national priority, while nine more are ongoing. 1ne of governance and evidence-based, informed decision the Academyos ƃagship studies is the Malaysia 2 making in STI planning and management. In this The Fellowship and Expert Network or The Mega Science Study which is currently in its context, it is imperative for the Academy to engage The Academyos network of expertise has now 3rd phase. This study is about envisioning Malaysia in our stakeholders scientiƂc community, learned expanded, bringing the total to 24 Senior Fellows, 234 2, deliberating on the social, economic and Academia, Government ofƂcials, industry captains, Fellows, 43 Associates, 7 Young Scientists Network geo-political drivers of change and making corporate stalwarts, partners from STI institutions and members and 96 Top 4esearch Scientists Malaysia. recommendations on the ecosystem that needs to organizations as well as other stakeholders from the Their valuable contributions and utmost commitment be nurtured and the STI investments that need to be public and private sectors creatively and positively are the core success factor of the various strategic prioritized in order to succeed in the future. The Mega through efforts that will earn trust and recognition. studies, programmes and activities of the Academy. Science Study looks at the big picture of the future This will increase inƃuence and impact of the initiatives This year is also signiƂcant for the Academy with the we desire, evidenced by sustainability, connectivity, and activities of the Academy. conferment of our Prime Minister as an Honorary prosperity, peace and harmony to ensure a high quality As such, this year we have embarked on initiatives Fellow. His election to the membership of the of life for all. The study then deliberates on how to towards dynamic engagement with key people, Academy adds to the pool of prominent statesmen leverage on STI to devise the desired future. ministries, organisations and the media. Apart from and leaders championing science through the This year, the second phase of the Mega Science the formal platforms of our submissions to the Academy. Study on Ƃve sectors namely, Housing, Infrastructure, Government as well as international consortiums and Transportation, Electrical and Electronics, and linkages, much of this work is also carried out behind Environment were completed. the scenes through the networks of our Fellows and afƂliates.78

The year witnessed the launching of the Blueprint The Academy has always addressed the nationosfor The Establishment of 4are Earth-Based Industries highest concerns from the STI perspective. 1nein Malaysia t A Strategic New Source for Economic outstanding example is the Academyos water sectorGrowth. The Academy strongly advocates that the studies that has been carried out since 28 and is4are Earth 4E elements can form the basis now recognized and sought after by mostof many value-added downstream industries in the stakeholders both from Government ministries andcountry, especially for those industries which can agencies as well as non-governmental organisations.contribute to the green economy of the nation. This success is due to the comprehensiveness of theApart from that, this Blueprint provides an outline in Academyos water sector Advisory 4eports arising fromestablishing and developing 4E-based industries in the ability to draw a unique, multi-disciplinary andMalaysia in the upstream, mid-stream and downstream cross-sectoral blend of expertise both locally andsectors. This also comprises of efforts in identifying internationally to a common consultative platform.the necessary capacity building needs. The setting The studies have been overseen by a dedicated ASMup of 4E-based industries will move Malaysiaos green Water Committee. Adopting Integrated Watereconomy agenda forward. 4esources Management IW4M as the central thrust,Strengthening STI capacity and capabilities the Committee has for practical application in theThe entire socio-economic landscape of the world is Malaysian context, broken down IW4M into aroundbeing redeƂned by globalization and the rise of the eleven discrete sub-themes. Each of these sub-themesinnovation-led economy. Grand challenges such as is then subjected to in-depth studies culminating in theclimate change, energy security, food security, water preparation of a strategy plan or advisory report forsecurity and cyber security are driving change like consideration and adoption by the relevant authoritynever before. or agency responsible for their implementation. Studies on seven sub-themes have been completed“In order to sustain while another Ƃve are on-going.competitiveness among nations,businesses and individuals in this era,it is imperative that we deepenknowledge, build networks, developand deploy STI talents effectively, toimprove our scientiƂc and”technological capabilities. 79

Developing STI Talents Through this endeavour, this year saw seven young “ As I reƃect on this An important part of our work is to build and sustain scientists having the opportunity to participate in the a strong, diverse scientiƂc workforce for the nation. Annual Lindau Meeting with Nobel Prize Winners year, I am convinced As such science education is an important focus of the in Lindau, Germany, and summer programmes or that the Academy has Academy and this is driven by a committed Science attachments at world renowned Centres of Excellence progressed well in Education Committee. such as the European 1rganization for Nuclear steering the course to The case study on the Inquiry Based Science Education 4esearch CE4N . The National Centre for Particle greater visibility, IBSE was carried out due to concerns on the level of Physics NCPP that is part of the Academyos inƃuence and impact. Malaysian achievement in science, as reƃected in the International 4esearch Consortium programme, In translating our ethos results of the Programme for International Student established in 213, has progressed well this year. of ‘Think Science, Assessment PISA 29 and 212. The study aimed Through the NCPP, researchers in the Ƃeld of particle Celebrate Technology to review the feasibility of implementing IBSE as an physics have begun collaborating at the international and Inspire Innovation’, initiative towards enhancing the effectiveness of level. I am pleased to inform that the installation of a we have expanded not teaching and learning of science in primary schools, high performance computing system at UM to only in the volume of including the studentos understanding of science. The download research data from CE4N is underway. strategic studies and Ƃndings of this case study were very positive both from International Fora programmes carried the teachers and students standpoint and provides The strength and inƃuence of the Academy is largely out but the level of good grounds for IBSE as the way forward to enhance due to its vast international networks and linkages. engagement with science education. This study report will be presented 4ealising this, the Academy has administered stakeholders and to the Ministry of Education M1E in 21. numerous bilateral exchange programmes and the scale of The Academy focuses on fostering a culture of facilitated several international research collaborations. excellence in STI through an emphasis on three key The rapid progress of scientiƂc research on global ”communicating the elements that are talent, alliance and recognition. As sustainability and poverty alleviation in the Asian part of its focus on strategic alliance towards fostering context has also caught the interest of the Academy. work of the Academy. a culture of excellence in STI, ASM facilitates scientiƂc In addressing these pressing needs, the Academy exchange and collaboration with world renowned hosted the Science Council of Asia SCA International centres of excellence and science, technology and Conference, themed ‘Future Eartho. innovation STI institutions. The aim of such an endeavour is to catalyse the achievement of excellence in STI as well as develop high calibre Malaysian scientists who are capable of gaining international recognition. ASM plays the role of facilitating partnerships between Malaysian institutions and world renowned centres of excellence for the purpose of research collaboration and human capital development programmes that would support the Governmentos drive to build capacity and capability in STI.8

Appreciation 81The Academy highly values and appreciates thesupport and co-operation of all GovernmentMinistries, Public and Private Institutions of HigherLearning, 4esearch institutes, members of the Industryand Corporate sectors that partner with the Academyto bring forth positive and impactful outcomes throughour various platforms of engagement. The scientiƂcleadership of the Academy and its Fellows would notbe possible without this crucial partnership andcollaboration.I also wish to record my heartfelt appreciation to allChairpersons and members of the AcademyosCommittees, Task Forces and Working Groups whogive generously of their time and expertise. Myappreciation is also extended to the diligent anddedicated management team and all staff of theAcademy for their efforts towards bringing theAcademyos activities to fruition.Looking ForwardThe future success of our society and nation is verymuch dependent on its proƂciency in science,technology and innovation. We have to do it righttoday to reap the beneƂts of STI in the future. I ammindful of the heavy responsibility and am lookingforward to partnering with all of you ensure that theAcademy fulƂlls its roles and responsibilities well andlives up to the expectations of all stakeholders.Together, let us make a difference. Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali FASc

“There are 3 things we need to do in achieving fast theaspirations of 2020. Firstly, we need to wake up and overcomeour inner enemies - fear and doubt. Secondly, we need tobe more forthcoming in our venture to become a nation ofexcellence. Finally, we need to take pride in our stride and work,but also be mindful in our actions and strategies that shape thefuture generation, of their role in continuing the aspirations ofVision 2020, whilst upholding national cultural and values thatcomplete the identity of the new, progressive Malaysian.”YAB Tun Dr Mahathir MohamadHonorary Fellow, ASM

ADVISINGTHE POLICY MAKERS ASM meets the needs for a robust and integrated STI Framework which encompasses S&T capacity, resources and local ecosystem. This framework enables ASM to advice the government on exploring Sustainability Science, forecasting Malaysia in 2, identify Emerging Technologies and producing Science 1utlook. 83

Mega Science Agenda Malaysia 2050 The Mega Science Agenda is about envisioning the future we desire – sustainable, prosperous, peaceful, a progressive and connected Malaysia through its people, with the maximum use of STI to ensure continuous development in the next 4 years. We need to act now to capture future STI opportunities.84

The second phase of the Cross-cutting issues that need to beMega Science Studies focused on urgently addressed were highlighted as follows:Ƃve sectors: Housing, Infrastructure,Transportation, Electrical and r Availability of integrated national dataElectronics, and Environment. r National planning beyond 22These sectors were deemed to r S&T input in national policieshave the highest propensity for STI r Interdisciplinary linkagessustainable development and r Comprehensive action plan  roadmapgrowth. Each of the sectors was r 4&D focus areas and fundscompartmentalised into focus areas r Knowledge and skilled workersthat were supported by Global r Implementation, evaluation and monitoringMarket Information and relevantcommercial data. Each focus area FACTSHEETwas then scrutinised through avalue chain towards a National Forum on Mega Science 2.0comprehensive understanding The National Forum was held onof the dynamics involved. 6 November 214 where the Ƃndings of the Ƃve Sectors were presented by the Sectoral Leaders. The forum was attended by 268 participants from various Ministries, agencies, industries, non-governmental organisations and statutory bodies. Based on the feedback received, an Integrated 4eport was prepared and the suggestions were incorporated. A Cabinet Memorandum was also prepared. 8

Housing Sector Mega Human Settlement/ Megacities . Intelligent, Healthy and Safe Homes Advanced Building Materials and Technology “Housing is a catalyst for socio-economic development and poverty reduction that cuts across almost every other indicator for human development. Access to adequate and affordable housing prevents injury, disease and premature death; increases household and national income; and provides socio political stability” (UN, 2011)86

Strategic Investments for 4 Housing designs for Malaysia is becoming an ageing nationHousing Sector disasters As the nation prepares for TODAY by 2020 by 2030 by 20501 Housing for compact city impending climate change and Transit Oriented leading to major ƃoods, strong 8.3 9.9 15 20.4 Development (TOD) winds, earthquakes and tsunamis, good housing designs for AGEING NATION (%) All homes should adopt green disaster-resilience should be technology, and have access to encouraged. high-tech communication system, The urban population in Malaysia amenities, affordable, and easily is expected to increase up to adaptable and appropriate for 7 of the countryos total all age groups. population by 22. As such, the Government needs to provide2 Smart Home System not only adequate housing, but also affordable quality living. The BestariHome  Bestari This calls for drivers of change in Community concept developed by the housing sector such as good MIM1S in 2 should be revisited governance, supportive housing and expanded in key urban and rural policies, strategies and plans and areas to provide comfortable living high technology for social and reduce energy consumption. sustainability. Consequently, The new application in smart homes the formation of a Design 4eview includes the use of waste heat and Panel to promote innovative design human body heat to produce and control design standards is electricity. crucially required to address current needs such as climate change and3 Advanced building materials preserving cultural heritage. and technology The combined use of prefabrication and a modular system, assisted by interactive building materials, automation and robotics as well as rapid prototyping should be adopted. Hence, Malaysia should strive to develop its sustainable smart building materials industry. 87

Infrastructure Sector Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Airports . Ports . Roads & Highways . Railways “The challenge for policy makers is to undertake infrastructure development in a manner that not only QSPNPUFTFRVJUZFGmDJFODZQBSUJDJQBUPSZ decision-making, sustainability and accountability but also develops domestic capabilities in science, technology and innovation.” (Department for International Development, UK Government, 2002)88

Strategic Investments for Infrastructure Sector 3 Sustainable Infrastructure Rating Tool The adoption of the Sustainable Infrastructure 4ating Tool will ensure that1 Sustainable Development Based on the attributes of both sustainable infrastructure and infrastructure the Lifecycle Analysis sustainability can be preserved with requisite mechanism for evaluation, Emphasis on planning since the biggest sustainability control and monitoring. gains can be achieved if changes are made at this stage. Project Lifecycle Analysis This is most critical in ensuring that our infrastructure sector remains sustainable, and yet competitive and productive towards 2.Resources Cost of The following are important component in evaluating a project: Impact of Changes Changes r Is the infrastructure really needed? r What kind of infrastructure, where and when is it needed? Traditional r Infrastructure prioritising Project r Sustainability modelling Lifecycle r 4ecommend sustainability metrics  parameters for the chosen model r Monitor performance of the infrastructure As a sector that can strongly inƃuence the nationos sustainable development agenda, the infrastructure sector is an important and strategic sector to plan and manage. Infrastructure is a key determinant to support the nationos pursuit of sustainable development and STI intervention would play a crucial role. TimePlanning Design Construction Maintenance2 Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan There is a need to integrate the different infrastructure to ensure sustainable development. The issues of sustainability should be addressed throughout the lifecycle of the infrastructure. 89

Transportation Sector Rail Transport . Road Transport . Aerospace Industry Marine and Inland Water Transport Safety and Enforcement Management Services (SEMS) “We note that transportation and mobility are central to sustainable development. Sustainable transportation can enhance economic growth and improve accessibility. 8FSFDPHOJTFUIFJNQPSUBODFPGUIFFGmDJFOU movement of people and goods. Access to environmentally sound, safe and affordable transportation improves social equity (fairness), health, resilience of cities, urban-rural linkages and productivity of rural areas” (UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20)9

Strategic Investments for Transportation Sector 2. Prioritise R&D in the1. The transportation sector would beneƂt from the adoption of the concept of ‘Avoid – Shift – Improve’. transportation sector: Avoid – Shift – Improve i. Internet of Things IoT  Internet of Vehicle IoV technology to bereduce the need to travel choose more efƂcient transport modes opt for clean fuels and technologies adopted to enhance vehicle-to- vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure orr Communities need to be better r Manage mobility, urbanisation, r Development of a seamless vehicle-to-human connectivity. This designed to include accessible and sustainable living, environmental integration of all transportation modes enable beneƂcial real-time convenient alternatives to driving; effect, efƂcient transport as well as encompassing land, aerospace, information and services to support over population, rail-based and maritime; the transportation sector;r Work from home  Telecommuting; transportation systems, of whichr Integrated land use – Transportation would need to be planned early r Integration of all modes should be ii. EfƂcient additive manufacturing nationwide; facilitated by information technology technology which is the industrial Master Plan; and and embedded in a multimodal travel version of 3D printing can be appliedr Transit 1riented Development r Plan for ice-free polar shipping: system; to improve manufacturing efƂciency Ũ Trans-Asian 4ailway Network should for the aerospace, land T1D . be followed up with the eastern r 1pt for green transportation by transportation and maritime and western routes already planned producing and using clean, highly industries;1 and built in phases; efƂcient vehicles powered by Ũ Malaysia to be ready in the event sustainable low carbon fuels and iii. Vehicle Design Technology should be vehicle for every the polar route becomes ice-free in electricity such as energy efƂcient effectively deployed to produce 21 for shipping estimated to cut vehicles EEV , electric vehicles and clean, safe and silent vehicles for all 1.2 Malaysians in2013 shipping time from 48 days hybrid vehicles; different modes of transport; and Suez Canal route to 3 days (The Star, Feb 2013 - figures by JPJ) polar route for ships travelling r Leverage on commercial iv. Establish a Transportation-focused from 4otterdam to Dalian, of which satellite-based technology ITS, GPS, 4esearch Institute. (IHS Jan 2014) potentially by-passing Malaysian automobile navigation, air-trafƂc sea ports; control and automated FACTSHEET FACTSHEET aircraft-landing to enhance the Transportation: Increased Mobility Due In 1991, the demand for vehicle travel in r Use public transport fully from the navigation system for the to the Increase of Real Gross Domestic Malaysia was only at 13 million trips Ƃrst to the last mile; transportation sector towards Product (GDP) and Population a day. However, in 21, this Ƃgure signiƂcantly reducing accidents, fuel r A countryos mobility usually grows increased by 3 to 4 million trips per r Introduce Tram  Bus 4apid Transit consumption and travel time; with increasing GDP and its population. day, and is expected to reach 133 million B4T for urban transportation; In terms of GDP, an average annual in 23, SPAD, 21 . r 1pen 4oad Tolling  Free-ƃow growth of 6.3  was observed from r Consider the water transport as Toll System; 1971 to 21 4 years , where the per a viable alternative; and capital GDP increase from 4M6, to r Design a Parking Guidance 4M3, SPAD, 21 . r Impose Area Congestion Pricing Information System; r According to the National Physical ACP . Plan 2, Malaysiaos population has been r Creation of a sole agency in charge experiencing an annual growth of 2.2 FACTSHEET of transportation; from 2 to 28, bringing the r Space industry will be one of the population from 23.3 million to 27.7 trends of the future. r Availability of nationwide high million. By 22, the population in r 1ver 9 satellites will be launched by speed train services; and Peninsular Malaysia will be 22 Frost & Sullivan 4eport 211 approximately 28 million. r Formulation of an Automatic Dependent Surveillance 91 Broadcast System ADS-B .

Electrical and Electronics Sector Silicon-based Devices Together with Compound Semiconductors Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution Solar as an Efwcient Renewable Energy “The Electronics and Electrical sector has played a critical role in the development of an industrialised Malaysian economy. We now need to be a strategic E&E centre for leading global E&E players and domestic champions, offering high value for money and with a deep pool of talent.” (YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa B. Mohamed92 Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI))

Strategic Investments for 3 Energy generation, 6 Solar as an efƂcientElectric and Electronic Sector transmission and renewable energy distribution1 Development of i. Industry driven up to year 22 , silicon-based devices For energy generation, transmission highlights as follows: together with compound and distribution up to 2020, the r Lower Silicon feedstock prices semiconductors following points were highlighted: r Thinner Silicon wafer technology Even though compound r Energy EfƂciency r Thin Ƃlms semiconductors are attractive, silicon is r Net Neutral Community and 4ural r Improved processing still the de facto standard in electronic r Improved performance industries. Furthermore, Malaysia is Transformation blessed with high-quality silica sand r Smart Grid and Decentralized ii. Technology driven up to year 23 , which is the main ingredient in silicon highlights as follows: devices. 4enewable Energy System r Thin Ƃlms r Concentrators2 The establishment of a Production of solar r Silicon wafer  1 micron locally-made consumer r Silicon cells beyond 2 electronic products brand 4 hydrogen for urban and By developing Malaysiaos own ‘Sonyo rural electriƂcation – iii. Basic research driven year 231 to or ‘Samsungo, we are able to an idea for renewable and 2 and beyond to focus on: participate in the higher value chain green technologies. r Quantum dots that will further enable our electronic Additionally, other ideas for r Multi-junctions industry to grow continuously and consideration include the introduction r Thermophotonics sustainably in the future. This will lead of the Smart Grid, Decentralized r Intermediate band to the availability of locally-made Systems, tapping Marine Energy r Bio-inspired areas consumer electronic products and will 1ffshore Thermal Energy Conversion, support the complete ecosystem in Tidal, Wave and 1ffshore wind as the electronic sector. Furthermore, the well as the use of advanced nuclear nation can explore and capitalize on using thorium as a fuel source its expertise in 4&D, Integrated Circuit design, fabrication, 5 Energy supply stability manufacturing and product and the hydrogen economy development. Universities can play their respective roles in the research For energy supply stability and the and development. Thus, reducing the hydrogen economy for burden on the new company or GLCs. implementation in 231 onwards , the full-scale hydrogen economy and advanced renewable hydrogen systems would be expected to be implemented. 93

Environment Sector Climate Change and Carbon . Water . Energy Waste . Land and Forests “Sustainable development recognises that growth must be both inclusive and environmentally sound to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity for people today and for future generations. While efforts to expand access to safe drinking water are on track to achieve this target in most regions, 2.5 billion people still lack access to improved sanitation. Land is still being degraded, forest lost and species endangered as carbon emissions continue to change the environment we live in.” (The World Bank)94

Strategic Investments for 3 Energy 5 Land and ForestsEnvironment Sector Increase of carbon dioxide in Control and halt deforestation, atmosphere due to increase energy improve productive use of1 Climate Change and Carbon demand. Hence, a need to promote deforested land, refocus on Combat contribution to the Carbon renewable energy e.g. wood, solar regeneration and conservation footprint by the production of every and wind in selected areas . refocus on use of wood and trees agricultural and industrial product, The production of wood for energy as community green resources are buildings and townships by: needs national refocusing of energy suggestion to address land planning away from ‘high-techo degradation issue. Among the STI r Following the UN centralised to low-tech, safe and opportunities suggested are as 4ecommendation of replacing distributed wood energy. follows: coal and hydrocarbons for r Widespread use and invention of electriƂcation with renewable 4 Waste energy-saving devices energy High environmental cost of disposal r Development of alternative through the use of landƂlls. energy sources including wood r Improve efƂciency in use of energy Therefore, reduce waste by designing biomass r 4educe wastage and planning of products introduce r Improvement of r Halt deforestation Life cycle Assessment in product water-management technologies. r Improve maintenance and manufacture , recycling waste with r Development of local-initiatives in mechanisms in place for separation dealing with urban waste. planning. and recycling, organic waste r Improve reforestation composted into fertilizer while usage methodologies, management2 Water of incineration and landƂlls should be of urban trees for wood Address diminishing water last options and kept to a minimum. production, protection of catchment areas and shortages mangroves as coastal of water needs including areas of environmental defences. intensive agriculture by:r 4epairing and maintaining distributions systems to reduce leakagesr Improve systems to store and use rain and storm water efƂcientlyr Explore and use ground water resourcesr Improve rain water inƂltration in ground reduce impermeable surface areas in cities r Clean up and prevent pollution of rivers. 9

National Forum on Mega Science 2.96

Blueprint on theEstablishmentof Rare Earth-BasedIndustriesMalaysiaIn an ongoing effort to sustain the The ofƂcial launching of “Blueprint on the Establishment of 4are Earth-Based Industries Malaysia”nationos economy, Malaysia is always by Datoo Sri Dr Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur, Secretary-General of M1STI on 8 December 214on the lookout for new businessopportunities and economic growth The establishment of the rare earths the necessary capacity building graduates in various science,areas. ASMos Advisory 4eport processing, Lynas Corporationos needs. engineering and technologicalentitled, “4evitalising the 4are Earth plant is in Kuantan, has also This Blueprint discusses the Ƃelds to fulƂl the expected industrialMineral Programme in Peninsular prompted a more detailed rationale for venturing into the demand.Malaysia as a Strategic Industry”, evaluation of rare earths business industry, including the risks and Another strategy to move forwardidentiƂed the rare earths business opportunities, especially on how opportunities involved. This also in this industry would be foras a strategic sector for Malaysia best Malaysia can participate. provides a pathway for the nation Malaysia to forge collaborationsand recommended that a Blueprint Towards this end, the ASM Task to effectively enter this new with international technologicalon the Establishment of 4are Force on 4are Earths, established in opportunities involved. This also partners that have provenEarth-Based Industries 213, developed the Blueprint with provides a pathway for the nation capabilities in rare earths researchMalaysia be produced. an allocation given by M1STI. to effectively enter this new and development, such as Australia,As the world embraces green The Blueprint aims to outline potential growth area. China, ,apan, South Korea and, the role of rare earths the beneƂts of establishing The need for capacity building ishas become increasingly signiƂcant and developing a total supply highlighted in the Blueprint to 97in the global economy. The rare chain of rare earth industry in ensure that there are sufƂcient andearth elements Ƃnd wide use in Malaysia for the upstream, fully-trained Malaysians from thea range of products and gadgets midstream and downstream vocationaltechnical levels towhich demonstrate the efƂcient use sectors, which includes identifyingof energy as well as a more effectivedeployment of renewable energyincluding electric cars and solarphoto-voltaic.

Studies on The Water Studies conducted by ASM aim towards achieving Integrated Water 4esources Management IW4M in Malaysia. As the IW4M approach covers a broad spectrum, ASM has strategically broken down IW4M into components for in-depth study. Each of these studies is speciƂcally designed to advise the government on progressive implementation of IW4M. Each of these sub-sets or sub-themes is then subjected to in depth studies culminating in the preparation of a strategy plan or advisory reports for consideration and adoption by the relevant authority or agency responsible. The studies also undergo a process of strategic consultations with relevant institutions, community and private sector stakeholders.98

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