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Book of Mormon

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79 2 Nephi 10 : 12–22 a liberty unto the Gentiles, and there tiles; nevertheless, I will a soften shall be no b kings upon the land, the hearts of the b Gentiles, that who shall raise up unto the Gentiles. they shall be like unto a father to them; wherefore, the Gentiles shall 12 And I will fortify this land be c blessed and d numbered among a against all other nations. the house of Israel. 13 And he that a fighteth against 19 Wherefore, I will a consecrate Zion shall b perish, saith God. this land unto thy seed, and them who shall be numbered among thy 14 For he that raiseth up a a king seed, forever, for the land of their against me shall perish, for I, the inheritance; for it is a choice land, Lord, the b king of heaven, will be saith God unto me, above all other their king, and I will be a c light unto lands, wherefore I will have all men them forever, that hear my words. that dwell thereon that they shall worship me, saith God. 15 Wherefore, for this cause, that my a covenants may be fulfilled 20 And now, my beloved brethren, which I have made unto the children seeing that our merciful God has of men, that I will do unto them given us so great knowledge con- while they are in the flesh, I must cerning these things, let us remem- needs destroy the b secret works of ber him, and lay aside our sins, and c darkness, and of murders, and of not hang down our heads, for we are abominations. not cast off; nevertheless, we have been a driven out of the land of our 16 Wherefore, he that a fighteth inheritance; but we have been led against b Zion, both Jew and Gen- to a b better land, for the Lord has tile, both bond and free, both male made the sea our c path, and we are and female, c shall perish; for d they upon an d isle of the sea. are they who are the e whore of all the earth; for f they who are g not for 21 But great are the promises of me are h against me, saith our God. the Lord unto them who are upon the a isles of the sea; wherefore as it 17 For I will a fulfil my b promises says isles, there must needs be more which I have made unto the chil- than this, and they are inhabited dren of men, that I will do unto also by our brethren. them while they are in the flesh— 22 For behold, the Lord God has 18 Wherefore, my beloved breth- ren, thus saith our God: I will afflict thy seed by the hand of the Gen- 11 a tg Liberty. 16 a tg Protection, Divine. D&C 45:9 (7–30). b 2 Ne. 1:7; b tg Zion. c Eph. 3:6 (1–7); Mosiah 29:32. c Isa. 41:11 (11–12). 12 a 1 Ne. 13:19. d 1 Ne. 13:5. 2 Ne. 33:9; 13 a 1 Ne. 22:14 (14, 19). e tg Devil, Church of; 3 Ne. 21:14. b Isa. 60:12. Whore. d Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); 14 a tg Kings, Earthly. f 1 Ne. 14:10. 1 Ne. 14:2; b Josh. 2:11; g 1 Ne. 22:13 (13–23); 3 Ne. 16:13; Ps. 44:4; 2 Ne. 6:15; 28:15 (15–32); 21:6 (6, 22, 25); 30:2; Matt. 2:2; 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–15); Abr. 2:10 (9–11). Alma 5:50; Ether 2:9 (8–11). 19 a 1 Ne. 13:15. D&C 20:17; 38:21 (21–22); h Matt. 12:30. 20 a 1 Ne. 1:20 (18–20); 128:22 (22–23); 17 a 1 Kgs. 8:56; 2:2 (1–4). Moses 7:53. D&C 1:38; 101:64. b 1 Ne. 2:20. c tg Jesus Christ, Light of b tg Promise. tg Promised Lands. the World. 18 a 1 Ne. 13:31; c Ps. 8:8; 15 a tg Abrahamic Covenant; 2 Ne. 4:7; 1 Ne. 18:8 (5–23). Covenants. Jacob 3:6 (5–9); d Isa. 11:11 (11–12); b Lev. 19:26; Hel. 15:12 (10–17); 42:4; 51:5; Hel. 3:23; Morm. 5:20 (20–21). Ezek. 26:15 (3, 6–7, 15); 7:25 (4–5, 21, 25). b Matt. 8:11 (11–12); 12:21; 39:6; tg Secret Combinations. Luke 13:29 (28–30); 2 Ne. 8:5. c tg Darkness, Spiritual. Acts 10:45; 21 a Isa. 49:1; 1 Ne. 19:16; 21:1; 22:4.

2 Nephi 10 : 23–11 : 7 80 a led away from time to time from 2 And now I, Nephi, write a more the house of Israel, according to his of the words of b Isaiah, for my soul will and pleasure. And now behold, delighteth in his words. For I will the Lord remembereth all them who liken his words unto my people, have been broken off, wherefore he and I will send them forth unto remembereth us also. all my children, for he verily c saw my d Redeemer, even as I have seen 23 Therefore, a cheer up your hearts, him. and remember that ye are b free to c act for yourselves—to d choose the 3 And my brother, Jacob, also way of everlasting death or the way has a seen him as I have seen him; of eternal life. wherefore, I will send their words forth unto my children to prove 24 Wherefore, my beloved breth- unto them that my words are true. ren, a reconcile yourselves to the Wherefore, by the words of b three, b will of God, and not to the will of God hath said, I will establish my the devil and the flesh; and remem- word. Nevertheless, God sendeth ber, after ye are reconciled unto more c witnesses, and he proveth God, that it is only in and through all his words. the c grace of God that ye are d saved. 4 Behold, my soul delighteth in 25 Wherefore, may God a raise you a proving unto my people the truth from death by the power of the res- of the b coming of Christ; for, for urrection, and also from everlasting this end hath the c law of Moses death by the power of the b atone- been given; and all things which ment, that ye may be received into have been given of God from the the c eternal kingdom of God, that beginning of the world, unto man, ye may praise him through grace are the d typifying of him. divine. Amen. 5 And also my soul delighteth in Chapter 11 the a covenants of the Lord which Jacob saw his Redeemer—The law of he hath made to our fathers; yea, Moses typifies Christ and proves He my soul delighteth in his b grace, will come. About 559–545 b.c. and in his justice, and power, and And now, a Jacob spake many more mercy in the great and eternal plan things to my people at that time; of c deliverance from death. nevertheless only these things have I caused to be b written, for the things 6 And my soul delighteth in prov- which I have written sufficeth me. ing unto my people that a save Christ should come all men must perish. 7 For if there be a no Christ there be no God; and if there be no God we 22 a 1 Ne. 22:4 (4–5); 1 1 1 ac tg Eternity. Witness. 2 Ne. 1:6. 2 Ne. 6:1 (1–10). 4 a 2 Ne. 31:2. tg Israel, b 2 Ne. 31:1. b Jacob 4:5; Scattering of; 2 a 2 Ne. 6:16 (16–18). Israel, Ten Lost b 3 Ne. 23:1. Jarom 1:11; Tribes of. c 2 Ne. 16:1. Alma 25:16 (15–16); tg Jesus Christ, Ether 12:19 (18–19). 23 a tg Cheerful. Appearances, c 2 Ne. 5:10. b tg Agency. Antemortal. d tg Jesus Christ, Types c 2 Ne. 2:16. d tg Jesus Christ, of, in Anticipation; d Deut. 30:19 (15, 19). Jehovah. Law of Moses. 24 a tg Reconciliation. 3 a 2 Ne. 2:3 (3–4); 10:3; 5 a tg Abrahamic Covenant. b tg God, Will of. Jacob 7:5. b tg Benevolence; c tg Grace. tg God, Privilege of Grace. d tg Salvation; Seeing. c tg Deliver; b 2 Ne. 27:12 (12–14); Jesus Christ, Atonement Salvation, Plan of. Ether 5:3 (2–4); through. 25 a tg Death, Power over; D&C 5:11 (11, 15). 6 a Mosiah 3:15. c tg Book of Mormon; 7 a 2 Ne. 2:13 (13–14). Resurrection. b tg Jesus Christ, Atonement through.

81 2 Nephi 11 : 8–12 : 12 are not, for there could have been swords into plow-shares, and their no b creation. But there is a God, and spears into pruning-hooks—nation c he is Christ, and he cometh in the shall not lift up sword against na- fulness of his own time. tion, neither shall they learn war any more. 8 And now I write a some of the words of Isaiah, that whoso of my 5 O house of Jacob, come ye and let people shall see these words may us walk in the light of the Lord; yea, lift up their hearts and rejoice for come, for ye have all a gone astray, all men. Now these are the words, every one to his b wicked ways. and ye may liken them unto you and unto all men. 6 Therefore, O Lord, thou hast forsaken thy people, the house of Chapter 12 Jacob, because they be replenished Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gath- from the east, and hearken unto ering of Israel, and millennial judgment a soothsayers like the b Philistines, and peace—The proud and wicked will and they please themselves in the be brought low at the Second Coming— children of strangers. Compare Isaiah 2. About 559–545 b.c. a The word that Isaiah, the son of 7 Their land also is full of silver Amoz, saw concerning Judah and and gold, neither is there any end Jerusalem: of their a treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any 2 And it shall come to pass in the end of their chariots. last days, a when the b mountain of the Lord’s c house shall be estab- 8 Their land is also full of a idols; lished in the top of the d mountains, they worship the work of their own and shall be exalted above the hills, hands, that which their own fingers and all nations shall flow unto it. have made. 3 And many a people shall go and 9 And the mean man a boweth b not say, Come ye, and let us go up to down, and the great man humbleth the b mountain of the Lord, to the himself not, therefore, forgive him c house of the God of Jacob; and he not. will teach us of his ways, and we will d walk in his paths; for out of 10 O ye wicked ones, enter into the Zion shall go forth the law, and the rock, and a hide thee in the dust, for word of the Lord from Jerusalem. the fear of the Lord and the glory of his majesty shall smite thee. 4 And he shall a judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many 11 And it shall come to pass that people: and they shall beat their the a lofty looks of man shall be hum- bled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. 12 For the a day of the Lord of 7 b Heb. 3:4 (3–4). more than half of the 4 a 2 Ne. 21:3 (2–5, 9). tg Creation; 433 verses of Isaiah 5 a 2 Ne. 28:14; God, Creator. quoted in the Book of c tg Jesus Christ, Mormon, while about Mosiah 14:6; Alma 5:37. Jehovah. 200 verses have the b Isa. 53:6. 8 a See the Latter-day Saint same wording as KJV. 6 a tg Sorcery. edition of the King b Gen. 10:14. James Version of the b tg Zion. 7 a tg Treasure. Bible for other notes c 3 Ne. 24:1. 8 a Jer. 2:28. and cross-references d Gen. 49:26; on these chapters from tg Idolatry. Isaiah. D&C 49:25; 109:61; 9 a Ex. 34:8; Isa. 2:9. 12 1 a Isa. 2:1 (1–22). 133:31 (29–31). b ie unto God; he 2 a Comparison with the 3 a Zech. 8:22. King James Bible in b Joel 2:1; worships idols instead. English shows that 2 Ne. 30:15 (12–18); 10 a Amos 9:3; there are differences in D&C 133:13. c Ps. 122:1. Rev. 6:15 (15–16); d tg Walking with God. Alma 12:14. 11 a 2 Ne. 15:15 (15–16). 12 a tg Day of the Lord.

2 Nephi 12 : 13–13 : 8 82 Hosts soon cometh upon all nations, breath is in his nostrils; for wherein yea, upon every one; yea, upon the is he to be accounted of? b proud and lofty, and upon every one who is lifted up, and he shall Chapter 13 be brought low. Judah and Jerusalem will be punished for their disobedience—The Lord pleads 13 Yea, and the day of the Lord for and judges His people—The daugh- shall come upon all the a cedars ters of Zion are cursed and tormented of Lebanon, for they are high and for their worldliness—Compare Isaiah lifted up; and upon all the oaks of 3. About 559–545 b.c. Bashan; a For behold, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, doth take away from Jerusa- 14 And upon all the a high moun- lem, and from Judah, the stay and tains, and upon all the hills, and the staff, the whole staff of bread, upon all the nations which are lifted and the whole stay of water— up, and upon every people; 2 The a mighty man, and the man 15 And upon every a high tower, of b war, the judge, and the prophet, and upon every fenced wall; and the c prudent, and the ancient; 16 And upon all the ships of the a sea, 3 The captain of fifty, and the and upon all the ships of Tarshish, honorable man, and the counselor, and upon all pleasant pictures. and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. 17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the a haughti- 4 And I will give children unto ness of men shall be made low; and them to be their princes, and babes the Lord alone shall be exalted in shall rule over them. b that day. 5 And the people shall be a op- 18 And the idols he shall utterly pressed, every one by another, abolish. and every one by his neighbor; the child shall behave himself b proudly 19 And they shall go into the holes against the ancient, and the base of the rocks, and into the caves of the against the honorable. earth, for the fear of the Lord shall come upon them and the a glory of his 6 When a man shall take hold of his majesty shall smite them, when he brother of the house of his father, ariseth to shake terribly the earth. and shall say: Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let not this 20 In that day a man shall cast a ruin come under thy hand— his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which he hath made for him- 7 In that day shall he swear, say- self to worship, to the moles and to ing: I will not be a healer; for in my the bats; house there is neither bread nor clothing; make me not a ruler of the 21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, people. and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for the fear of the Lord shall come 8 For Jerusalem is a ruined, and upon them and the majesty of his Judah is b fallen, because their glory shall smite them, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 22 Cease ye from man, whose 12 b Job 40:11; The Hebrew has “ships 13 1 a Isa. 3:1 (1–26). Mal. 4:1; of Tarshish.” The Book 2 Ne. 23:11; of Mormon has both, 2 a 2 Kgs. 24:14. D&C 64:24. showing that the brass b 1 Chr. 28:3. plates had lost neither c tg Prudence. 13 a Isa. 37:24; phrase. 5 a tg Oppression. Ezek. 31:3; 17 a tg Haughtiness. b tg Haughtiness. Zech. 11:1 (1–2). b ie the day of the Lord’s 6 a Isa. 3:6. coming in glory; see 8 a Isa. 1:7; 14 a Isa. 30:25. vv. 17–21. 15 a 3 Ne. 21:15 (15, 18). 19 a tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. Jer. 9:11; 16 a The Greek (Septuagint) Ezek. 36:17 (16–20). b Lam. 1:3 (1–3). has “ships of the sea.”

83 2 Nephi 13 : 9–14 : 2 c tongues and their doings have 18 In that a day the Lord will take been against the Lord, to d provoke away the bravery of their tinkling the eyes of his glory. ornaments, and cauls, and round tires like the moon; 9 The show of their countenance doth witness against them, and 19 The chains and the bracelets, doth declare their a sin to be even and the mufflers; as b Sodom, and they cannot hide it. Wo unto their souls, for they have 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments rewarded evil unto themselves! of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the ear-rings; 10 Say unto the righteous that it is a well with them; for they shall b eat 21 The rings, and nose jewels; the fruit of their doings. 22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, 11 Wo unto the wicked, for they and the crisping-pins; shall perish; for the reward of their 23 The glasses, and the fine linen, hands shall be upon them! and hoods, and the veils. 24 And it shall come to pass, in- 12 And my people, children are stead of sweet smell there shall be their oppressors, and women rule stink; and instead of a girdle, a rent; over them. O my people, they who and instead of well set hair, a bald- a lead thee cause thee to err and de- ness; and instead of a stomacher, a stroy the way of thy paths. girding of sackcloth; b burning in- stead of c beauty. 13 The Lord standeth up to a plead, 25 Thy men shall fall by the sword and standeth to judge the people. and thy mighty in the war. 26 And her a gates shall lament and 14 The Lord will enter into a judg- b mourn; and she shall be desolate, ment with the ancients of his peo- and shall c sit upon the ground. ple and the princes thereof; for ye have eaten up the b vineyard and the Chapter 14 spoil of the c poor in your houses. Zion and her daughters will be redeemed and cleansed in the millennial day— 15 What mean ye? Ye a beat my Compare Isaiah 4. About 559–545 b.c. people to pieces, and grind the aA  nd in that day, seven women shall faces of the poor, saith the Lord take hold of one man, saying: We God of Hosts. will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel; only let us be 16 Moreover, the Lord saith: Be- called by thy name to take away cause the daughters of Zion are our b reproach. a haughty, and b walk with stretched- forth necks and wanton eyes, walk- 2 In that day shall the a branch of ing and mincing as they go, and the Lord be beautiful and glorious; making a tinkling with their feet— the fruit of the earth excellent and 17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will b discover their secret parts. 8 c Ps. 52:2. 14 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Isa. 22:12; d tg Provoking. b Isa. 5:7. Micah 1:16. 9 a tg Apostasy of Israel. c Ezek. 18:12; b Gen. 18:20 (20–21); b 2 Ne. 14:4. 2 Ne. 28:13 (12–13); c Lam. 1:6 (4–6). 19:5, 24 (24–25); Hel. 4:12 (11–13). 26 a Jer. 14:2. 2 Ne. 23:19. 15 a Micah 3:3 (2–3); b Lam. 1:4 (4–6). tg Homosexual 2 Ne. 26:20. c Lam. 2:10. Behavior. 16 a tg Haughtiness. 10 a Deut. 12:28. b tg Walking in Darkness. 14 1 a Isa. 4:1 (1–6). b Ps. 128:2. 17 a Deut. 28:27. 12 a Isa. 9:16. b Jer. 13:22; b tg Reproach. tg Leadership. Nahum 3:5. 2 a Isa. 60:21; 61:3; 13 a Micah 6:2. 18 a tg Day of the Lord. 2 Ne. 3:5; Jacob 2:25.

2 Nephi 14 : 3–15 : 12 84 comely to them that are escaped 3 And now, O inhabitants of of Israel. Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my 3 And it shall come to pass, they vineyard. that are a left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem shall be called holy, ev- 4 What could have been done ery one that is written among the more to my vineyard that I have living in Jerusalem— not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth 4 When the Lord shall have a washed grapes it brought forth wild grapes. away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the 5 And now go to; I will tell you blood of Jerusalem from the midst what I will do to my vineyard—I thereof by the spirit of judgment will a take away the hedge thereof, and by the spirit of b burning. and it shall be eaten up; and I will break down the wall thereof, and 5 And the a Lord will create upon it shall be trodden down; every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a b cloud 6 And I will lay it waste; it shall and smoke by day and the shining of not be pruned nor digged; but there a flaming fire by night; for upon all shall come up a briers and thorns; I the glory of Zion shall be a defence. will also command the clouds that they b rain no rain upon it. 6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the 7 For the a vineyard of the Lord of heat, and for a place of a refuge, and Hosts is the house of Israel, and the a covert from storm and from rain. men of Judah his pleasant plant; and he looked for b judgment, and Chapter 15 behold, c oppression; for righteous- The Lord’s vineyard (Israel) will be- ness, but behold, a cry. come desolate, and His people will be scattered—Woes will come upon 8 Wo unto them that join a house them in their apostate and scattered to house, till there can be no place, state—The Lord will lift an ensign that they may be placed alone in and gather Israel—Compare Isaiah 5. the midst of the earth! About 559–545 b.c. aA  nd then will I sing to my well- 9 In mine ears, said the Lord of beloved a song of my beloved, touch- Hosts, of a truth many houses shall ing his b vineyard. My well-beloved be desolate, and great and fair cit- hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. ies without inhabitant. 2 And he fenced it, and gathered 10 Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall out the stones thereof, and planted yield one a bath, and the seed of a it with the choicest a vine, and built homer shall yield an ephah. a tower in the midst of it, and also made a wine-press therein; and he 11 Wo unto them that rise up looked that it should bring forth early in the morning, that they may grapes, and it brought forth wild a follow strong drink, that continue grapes. until night, and b wine inflame them! 12 And the harp, and the a viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine are in their feasts; but they b regard not 3 a Matt. 13:43 (41–43). 15 1 a Isa. 5:1 (1–30). 8 a Micah 2:2. 4 a 2 Ne. 13:24 (16–26). b tg Vineyard of the Lord. 10 a bd Weights and 2 a Jer. 2:21. measures. See also tg Wash. 5 a Ps. 80:12 (8–15). Ezek. 45:11. b Mal. 3:2; 4:1. 6 a Isa. 7:23 (23–24); 32:13. 11 a Prov. 23:30 (29–32). 5 a Isa. 60:20 (1–3, 19–21). b Lev. 26:4; b tg Drunkenness; Jer. 3:3. Word of Wisdom. tg God, Presence of. 7 a tg Vineyard of the Lord. 12 a Amos 6:5 (5–6). b Ex. 13:21; b Amos 5:24. b Ps. 28:5. c tg Oppression. tg Rebellion. Zech. 2:5. 6 a Isa. 25:4. tg Refuge.

85 2 Nephi 15 : 13–30 the work of the Lord, neither con- 23 Who justify the wicked for a re- sider the operation of his hands. ward, and take away the righteous- ness of the righteous from him! 13 Therefore, my people are gone into a captivity, because they have 24 Therefore, as the a fire devoureth no b knowledge; and their honorable the b stubble, and the flame con­ men are famished, and their mul- sumeth the c chaff, their d root shall titude dried up with thirst. be rottenness, and their blossoms shall go up as dust; because they 14 Therefore, hell hath enlarged her- have cast away the law of the Lord self, and opened her mouth without of Hosts, and e despised the word of measure; and their glory, and their the Holy One of Israel. multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. 25 Therefore, is the a anger of the Lord kindled against his people, 15 And the mean man shall be and he hath stretched forth his a brought down, and the b mighty hand against them, and hath smit- man shall be humbled, and the ten them; and the hills did trem- eyes of the c lofty shall be humbled. ble, and their carcasses were torn in the midst of the streets. For all 16 But the Lord of Hosts shall be this his anger is not turned away, exalted in a judgment, and God that but his hand is stretched out still. is holy shall be sanctified in righ- teousness. 26 And he will lift up an a ensign to the b nations from far, and will 17 Then shall the lambs feed after hiss unto them from the c end of the their manner, and the waste places earth; and behold, they shall d come of the a fat ones shall strangers eat. with speed swiftly; none shall be weary nor stumble among them. 18 Wo unto them that draw iniq- uity with cords of a vanity, and sin 27 None shall slumber nor sleep; as it were with a cart rope; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of 19 That say: Let him a make speed, their shoes be broken; b hasten his work, that we may c see it; and let the counsel of the Holy 28 Whose arrows shall be sharp, One of Israel draw nigh and come, and all their bows bent, and their that we may know it. horses’ hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirl- 20 Wo unto them that a call b evil wind, their roaring like a lion. good, and good evil, that put c dark- ness for light, and light for dark- 29 They shall roar like young a li- ness, that put bitter for sweet, and ons; yea, they shall roar, and lay sweet for bitter! hold of the prey, and shall carry away safe, and none shall deliver. 21 Wo unto the a wise in their own eyes and b prudent in their own sight! 30 And in that a day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the 22 Wo unto the mighty to drink a wine, and men of strength to min- gle strong drink; 13 a Lam. 1:3 (1–3). b Moro. 7:14 (14, 18). 133:64. b Isa. 1:3; c 1 Jn. 1:6. c Luke 3:17; 21 a Prov. 3:7 (5–7); Hosea 4:6. Mosiah 7:30 (29–31). tg Knowledge. 2 Ne. 28:15. d Job 18:16 (16–21). 15 a Isa. 2:17 (11, 17). b tg Prudence. e 2 Sam. 12:9 (7–9). b 2 Ne. 12:11. 22 a Prov. 31:4 (3–9). 25 a Deut. 32:21; c tg Haughtiness. 23 a tg Bribe. 16 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Obad. 1:18; D&C 63:32; 17 a Isa. 10:16. Moses 6:27. 18 a tg Vanity. 2 Ne. 20:17; 26 a tg Ensign. 19 a Jer. 17:15. 3 Ne. 20:16. b tg Nations. b tg Haste. b Joel 2:5; c 2 Ne. 29:2. c tg Sign Seekers. 1 Ne. 22:15 (15, 23); d tg Israel, Gathering of. 20 a D&C 64:16; 121:16. 2 Ne. 26:6 (4, 6); 29 a 3 Ne. 21:12 (12–13). D&C 64:24 (23–24); 30 a tg Day of the Lord.

2 Nephi 16 : 1–17 : 3 86 sea; and if they look unto the land, 9 And he said: Go and tell this behold, darkness and sorrow, and people—Hear ye indeed, but they the light is darkened in the heav- understood not; and see ye indeed, ens thereof. but they perceived not. Chapter 16 10 Make the heart of this people Isaiah sees the Lord—Isaiah’s sins are fat, and make their ears heavy, forgiven—He is called to prophesy— and shut their eyes—lest they see He prophesies of the rejection by the with their eyes, and a hear with Jews of Christ’s teachings—A remnant their ears, and understand with their will return—Compare Isaiah 6. About b heart, and be converted and be 559–545 b.c. healed. a In the b year that king Uzziah died, I c saw also the Lord sitting upon a 11 Then said I: Lord, how long? throne, high and lifted up, and his And he said: Until the cities be train filled the temple. wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land 2 Above it stood the a seraphim; each be utterly desolate; one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain 12 And the Lord have a removed he covered his feet, and with twain he men far away, for there shall be did fly. a great forsaking in the midst of the land. 3 And one cried unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord 13 But yet there shall be a tenth, of Hosts; the whole earth is full of and they shall return, and shall be his a glory. eaten, as a teil tree, and as an oak whose substance is in them when 4 And the posts of the door moved they cast their leaves; so the a holy at the voice of him that cried, and seed shall be the substance thereof. the house was filled with smoke. Chapter 17 5 Then said I: Wo is unto me! for Ephraim and Syria wage war against I am undone; because I am a man Judah—Christ will be born of a virgin— of unclean lips; and I dwell in the Compare Isaiah 7. About 559–545 b.c. midst of a people of unclean lips; aA  nd it came to pass in the days of for mine eyes have a seen the King, b Ahaz the son of c Jotham, the son of the Lord of Hosts. Uzziah, king of Judah, that d Rezin, king of Syria, and e Pekah the son of 6 Then flew one of the seraphim Remaliah, king of Israel, went up unto me, having a live coal in his toward Jerusalem to war against hand, which he had taken with the it, but could not prevail against it. tongs from off the altar; 2 And it was told the house of 7 And he laid it upon my mouth, David, saying: Syria is confederate and said: Lo, this has touched thy with Ephraim. And his heart was lips; and thine a iniquity is taken moved, and the heart of his people, away, and thy sin purged. as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind. 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: a Whom shall I send, 3 Then said the Lord unto Isaiah: and who will go for us? Then I said: Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou Here am I; send me. 16 1 a Isa. 6:1 (1–13). Antemortal. 12 a 2 Kgs. 17:18 (18, 20); b ie about 750 B.C. 7 a tg Cleanse; 25:21. c John 12:41; 2 Ne. 11:2. Remission of Sins. 1 71 13 aa Ezra 9:2. 2 a tg Cherubim. 8 a tg Called of God. Isa. 7:1 (1–25). bd Seraphim. 10 a Matt. 13:14 (14–15); b 2 Kgs. 16:5; 3 a Ps. 72:19 (19–20). John 12:40; 2 Chr. 28:5 (5–6). tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. Acts 28:26–27; c 2 Kgs. 15:32. 5 a tg Jesus Christ, Rom. 11:8. d 2 Kgs. 15:37 (36–38). Appearances, b Prov. 2:2. e 2 Kgs. 15:25.

87 2 Nephi 17 : 4–25 and Shearjashub thy son, at the end to refuse the evil and choose the of the a conduit of the upper pool good, the land that thou abhorrest in the highway of the fuller’s field; shall be forsaken of b both her kings. 4 And say unto him: Take heed, 17 The Lord shall a bring upon thee, and be quiet; fear not, neither be and upon thy people, and upon thy faint-hearted for the two tails of father’s house, days that have not these smoking firebrands, for the come from the day that b Ephraim fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, departed from Judah, the king of and of the son of Remaliah. Assyria. 5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the 18 And it shall come to pass in son of Remaliah, have taken evil that day that the Lord shall hiss counsel against thee, saying: for the fly that is in the uttermost part of Egypt, and for the bee that 6 Let us go up against Judah and is in the land of Assyria. vex it, and let us make a breach therein for us, and set a king in the 19 And they shall come, and shall midst of it, yea, the son of Tabeal. rest all of them in the desolate val- leys, and in the holes of the rocks, 7 Thus saith the Lord God: a It shall and upon all thorns, and upon all not stand, neither shall it come to bushes. pass. 20 In the same day shall the Lord 8 For the head of Syria is Damas- shave with a a razor that is hired, cus, and the head of Damascus, by them beyond the river, by the Rezin; and within threescore and king of Assyria, the head, and the five years shall Ephraim be a broken hair of the feet; and it shall also that it be not a people. consume the beard. 9 And the head of Ephraim is 21 And it shall come to pass in that Samaria, and the head of Samaria day, a man shall nourish a young is Remaliah’s son. If ye will a not cow and two sheep; believe surely ye shall not be es- tablished. 22 And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk they shall 10 Moreover, the Lord spake again give he shall eat butter; for butter unto Ahaz, saying: and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land. 11 Ask thee a a sign of the Lord thy God; ask it either in the depths, or 23 And it shall come to pass in in the heights above. that day, every place shall be, where there were a thousand vines at a 12 But Ahaz said: I will not ask, thousand silverlings, which shall neither will I a tempt the Lord. be for briers and thorns. 13 And he said: Hear ye now, O 24 With arrows and with bows house of David; is it a small thing shall men come thither, because for you to weary men, but will ye all the land shall become briers weary my God also? and thorns. 14 Therefore, the Lord himself shall 25 And all hills that shall be digged give you a sign—Behold, a a virgin with the mattock, there shall not shall conceive, and shall bear a son, come thither the fear of briers and and shall call his name b Immanuel. thorns; but it shall be for the send- ing forth of oxen, and the treading 15  Butter and a honey shall he eat, of lesser cattle. that he may know to refuse the evil and to choose the good. 16 For a before the child shall know 3 a 2 Kgs. 18:17; 11 a Judg. 6:39 (36–40). 16 a Isa. 8:4; Isa. 36:2. tg Signs. 2 Ne. 18:4. 7 a Prov. 21:30; 12 a ie test, try, or prove. b 2 Kgs. 15:30; 16:9. Isa. 8:10 (9–10). 14 a Isa. 7:14. 17 a 2 Chr. 28:19 (19–21). b Isa. 8:8; b 1 Kgs. 12:19 (16–19). 8 a tg Israel, Scattering of. 20 a 2 Kgs. 16:7 (7–8); 9 a 2 Chr. 20:20. 2 Ne. 18:8, 10. 15 a 2 Sam. 17:29. 2 Chr. 28:20 (20–21). tg Unbelief.

2 Nephi 18 : 1–19 88 Chapter 18 9 aA  ssociate yourselves, O ye Christ will be as a stone of stumbling people, and ye shall be broken in and a rock of offense—Seek the Lord, pieces; and give ear all ye of far not peeping wizards—Turn to the law countries; gird yourselves, and ye and to the testimony for guidance— shall be broken in pieces; gird your- Compare Isaiah 8. About 559–545 b.c. selves, and ye shall be broken in Moreover, the word of the Lord pieces. said unto me: Take thee a great a roll, and write in it with a man’s pen, 10 Take counsel together, and it concerning b Maher-shalal-hash-baz. shall come to naught; speak the word, and it shall not stand; for 2 And I took unto me faithful God is with us. a witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of 11 For the Lord spake thus to me Jeberechiah. with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the 3 And I went unto the prophetess; way of this people, saying: and she conceived and bare a son. Then said the Lord to me: a Call his 12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to name, Maher-shalal-hash-baz. all to whom this people shall say, A a confederacy; neither fear ye their 4 For behold, a the child shall b not fear, nor be afraid. have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, before the riches 13 Sanctify the Lord of Hosts him- of Damascus and the c spoil of d Sa- self, and let him be your fear, and maria shall be taken away before let him be your dread. the king of eA  ssyria. 14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; 5 The Lord spake also unto me but for a a stone of b stumbling, and again, saying: for a c rock of d offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and a e snare 6 Forasmuch as this people refus- to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. eth the waters of a Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in b Rezin and 15 And many among them shall Remaliah’s son; a stumble and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. 7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters 16 a Bind up the testimony, seal the of the river, strong and many, even law among my disciples. the king of aA  ssyria and all his glory; and he shall come up over all his 17 And I will wait upon the Lord, channels, and go over all his banks. that a hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. 8 And he shall pass through Ju- dah; he shall overflow and go over, 18 Behold, I and the children he shall a reach even to the neck; whom the Lord hath given me are and the stretching out of his wings for a signs and for wonders in Is- shall fill the breadth of thy land, rael from the Lord of Hosts, which O Immanuel. dwelleth in Mount Zion. 19 And when they shall say unto you: Seek unto them that have a familiar spirits, and unto b wizards 18 1 a Isa. 8:1 (1–22). 6 a Neh. 3:15; 1 Pet. 2:8 (4–8); John 9:7. Jacob 4:15. b heb To speed to the c tg Rock. spoil, he hasteneth b Isa. 7:1 (1–6). d Luke 7:23. the prey. 7 a Isa. 10:12. e Mosiah 7:29. 8 a Isa. 30:28. 15 a Matt. 21:44. 2 a tg Witness. 9 a Joel 3:9 (9–14). 16 a Dan. 12:9. 3 a 2 Ne. 18:18. 12 a Isa. 31:1 (1–3). 17 a Isa. 54:8. 4 a 2 Ne. 17:16. 14 a Rom. 9:33 (32–33). 18 a 2 Ne. 18:3 (1–3). b Isa. 8:4. 19 a Moro. 10:30. c 2 Kgs. 15:29 (29–30). tg Cornerstone; tg Sorcery. d 2 Kgs. 17:6. Jesus Christ, Prophecies b Lev. 20:6. e 2 Kgs. 16:7 (7–18); about. b Isa. 8:14 (13–15); 2 Ne. 20:12. Luke 2:34; tg Israel, Scattering of.

89 2 Nephi 18 : 20–19 : 14 that peep and mutter—c should not 4 For thou hast broken the yoke a people seek unto their God for of a his burden, and the staff of his the living to hear from the dead? shoulder, the rod of his b oppressor. 20 To the a law and to the testi- 5 For every battle of the warrior is mony; and if they speak not ac- with confused noise, and garments cording to this word, it is because rolled in blood; but a this shall be there is no light in them. with burning and fuel of fire. 21 And they shall pass through it 6 For unto us a a child is born, unto hardly bestead and hungry; and it us a son is given; and the b govern- shall come to pass that when they ment shall be upon his shoulder; shall be hungry, they shall fret and his name shall be called, Won- themselves, and curse their king derful, Counselor, The c Mighty God, and their God, and look upward. The d Everlasting Father, The Prince of e Peace. 22 And they shall look unto the earth and behold trouble, and a dark- 7 Of the increase of a government ness, dimness of anguish, and shall and peace b there is no end, upon be driven to darkness. the throne of c David, and upon his kingdom to order it, and to estab- Chapter 19 lish it with judgment and with jus- Isaiah speaks messianically—The peo- tice from henceforth, even forever. ple in darkness will see a great light— The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will Unto us a child is born—He will be perform this. the Prince of Peace and will reign on David’s throne—Compare Isaiah 9. 8 The Lord sent his word unto Ja- About 559–545 b.c. cob and it hath lighted upon Israel. a Nevertheless, the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, 9 And all the people shall know, when at first he lightly afflicted the even Ephraim and the inhabitants b land of c Zebulun, and the land of of Samaria, that say in the pride d Naphtali, and afterwards did more and stoutness of heart: grievously afflict by the way of the Red Sea beyond Jordan in Galilee 10 The bricks are fallen down, but of the nations. we will build with hewn a stones; the sycamores are cut down, but 2 The people that walked in dark- we will change them into b cedars. ness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up of death, upon them hath the light the adversaries of a Rezin against shined. him, and join his enemies together; 3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, 12 The Syrians before and the Phi- and a increased the joy—they joy listines behind; and they shall a de- before thee according to the joy in vour Israel with open mouth. For all harvest, and as men rejoice when this his b anger is not turned away, they divide the spoil. but his hand is stretched out still. 13 For the people turneth not unto a him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of Hosts. 14 Therefore will the Lord cut off 19 c 1 Sam. 28:11 (8–20). 6 a Isa. 7:14; D&C 27:16; 111:8. 20 a Luke 16:29 (29–31). Luke 2:11. 7 a tg Kingdom of God, 1 92 12 aa Isa. 5:30. Isa. 9:1 (1–21). b Matt. 28:18. on Earth. b Matt. 4:15 (15–16). c Titus 2:13; b Dan. 2:44. c Josh. 19:10 (10–16). c Ezek. 37:24. d Josh. 19:33 (32–39). Mosiah 7:27. 10 a 1 Kgs. 5:17. 3 a Isa. 9:3. tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah; b 1 Kgs. 5:6. 4 a ie Israel, the nation Jesus Christ, Power of. 11 a 2 Kgs. 16:9 (7–9). mentioned in v. 3. d 2 Ne. 26:12; 12 a 2 Kgs. 17:6 (1–18). b tg Oppression. Mosiah 3:5; b Isa. 5:25; 10:4; 5 a Mal. 4:1. Alma 11:39 (38–39, 44); Moro. 7:22; 8:18. Jer. 4:8. e Micah 5:5; 13 a Amos 4:10 (6–12).

2 Nephi 19 : 15–20 : 10 90 from Israel head and tail, branch after the Lord comes again—The rem- and rush a in one day. nant of Jacob will return in that day— Compare Isaiah 10. About 559–545 b.c. 15 The a ancient, he is the head; a Wo unto them that decree b un- and the prophet that teacheth lies, righteous decrees, and that write he is the tail. grievousness which they have pre- scribed; 16 For the a leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are 2 To turn away the needy from b led of them are destroyed. judgment, and to take away the right from the a poor of my people, 17 Therefore the Lord shall have that b widows may be their prey, and no joy in their young men, neither that they may rob the fatherless! shall have a mercy on their fatherless and b widows; for c every one of them 3 And what will ye do in the day is a hypocrite and an d evildoer, and of visitation, and in the desolation every mouth speaketh e folly. For all which shall come from far? to whom this his anger is not turned away, will ye flee for help? and where will but his f  hand is stretched out still. ye leave your glory ? 18 For a wickedness burneth as 4 Without me they shall bow down the fire; it shall devour the briers under the prisoners, and they shall and thorns, and shall kindle in the fall under the slain. For all this his thickets of the forests, and they anger is not turned away, but his shall mount up like the lifting up hand is stretched out still. of smoke. 5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine an- 19 Through the wrath of the Lord ger, and the staff in their hand is of Hosts is the a land darkened, and a their indignation. the people shall be as the fuel of the fire; b no man shall spare his brother. 6 I will send him a against a hypo­ critical nation, and against the 20 And he a shall snatch on the right people of my wrath will I give him hand and be hungry; and he shall a charge to take the spoil, and to b eat on the left hand and they shall take the prey, and to tread them not be satisfied; they shall eat ev- down like the mire of the streets. ery man the flesh of his own arm— 7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, nei- 21 Manasseh, a Ephraim; and ther doth his heart think so; but in Ephraim, Manasseh; they together his heart it is to destroy and cut off shall be against b Judah. For all this nations not a few. his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. 8 For he saith: Are not my a princes altogether kings? Chapter 20 The destruction of Assyria is a type 9 Is not a Calno as b Carchemish? of the destruction of the wicked at the Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not Second Coming—Few people will be left Samaria as c Damascus? 10 As a my hand hath founded the 14 a Isa. 10:17. D&C 35:7. b tg Injustice. 15 a Isa. 9:15. f 2 Ne. 28:32; 2 a Amos 4:1. 16 a Isa. 1:23. Jacob 5:47; 6:4. b tg Widows. 18 a Mal. 4:1. 5 a Isa. 10:5. tg Leadership. 19 a Isa. 8:22. 6 a ie against Israel. b tg Trust Not in the Arm b Micah 7:2 (2–6). 20 a Lev. 26:26 (26, 29). tg Hypocrisy. of Flesh. b Deut. 28:53 (53–57). 8 a 2 Kgs. 18:33 (33–35); 17 a tg Mercy. 21 a tg Israel, Joseph, b tg Widows. People of. 19:10 (10–13). c Micah 7:2 (2–3). b tg Israel, Judah, 9 a Amos 6:2 (1–2). d Prov. 1:16; People of. b 2 Chr. 35:20. 20 1 a Isa. 10:1 (1–34). c 2 Kgs. 16:9. D&C 64:16. 10 a ie the king of Assyria’s e Eccl. 10:12 (1–3, 12); hand (vv. 10–11). 2 Ne. 9:28 (28–29);

91 2 Nephi 20 : 11–26 kingdoms of the idols, and whose 18 And shall consume the glory graven images did excel them of of his forest, and of his fruitful Jerusalem and of Samaria; field, both soul and body; and they shall be as when a standard-bearer 11 Shall I not, as I have done unto fainteth. Samaria and her a idols, so do to Je- rusalem and to her idols? 19 And the a rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child 12 Wherefore it shall come to pass may write them. that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion 20 And it shall come to pass in that and upon Jerusalem, I will punish day, that the remnant of Israel, and the fruit of the stout heart of the such as are escaped of the a house king of aA  ssyria, and the glory of of Jacob, shall no more again b stay his high looks. upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy 13 For a he saith: By the strength One of Israel, in truth. of b my hand and by my wisdom I have done these things; for I am 21 The a remnant shall return, yea, prudent; and I have moved the bor- even the remnant of Jacob, unto the ders of the people, and have robbed mighty God. their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man; 22 For though thy people a Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a rem- 14 And my hand hath found as a nant of them shall b return; the c con- nest the riches of the people; and sumption decreed shall overflow as one gathereth eggs that are left with righteousness. have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, 23 For the Lord God of Hosts shall or opened the mouth, or peeped. make a a consumption, even deter- mined in all the land. 15 Shall the a ax boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Shall 24 Therefore, thus saith the Lord the saw magnify itself against him God of Hosts: O my people that that shaketh it? As if the rod should dwellest in Zion, a be not afraid of shake itself against them that lift it the Assyrian; he shall smite thee up, or as if the staff should lift up with a rod, and shall lift up his itself as if it were no wood! staff against thee, after the b man- ner of Egypt. 16 Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, send among his fat 25 For yet a very little while, and ones, leanness; and under his glory the a indignation shall cease, and he shall kindle a burning like the mine anger in their destruction. burning of a fire. 26 And the Lord of Hosts shall a stir 17 And the light of Israel shall be for up a scourge for him according to a a fire, and his Holy One for a flame, the slaughter of b Midian at the rock and shall burn and shall devour his of Oreb; and as his rod was upon thorns and his briers in one day; the sea so shall he lift it up after the manner of c Egypt. 11 a Ezek. 36:18 (16–20). army of Assyria. 23 a Dan. 9:27. 12 a 2 Kgs. 16:7 (7–18); 20 a Amos 9:8 (8–9); 24 a Isa. 37:6 (6–7). b tg Israel, Bondage of, Zeph. 2:13; 2 Ne. 6:11 (10–11). 2 Ne. 18:4 (4–7). b ie depend upon. in Egypt; 13 a ie the king of Assyria Israel, Bondage of, in (vv. 13–14). 2 Kgs. 16:8 (7–9); Other Lands. b Isa. 37:24 (24–38). 2 Chr. 28:21 (20–21). 25 a Isa. 10:25; 15 a ie Can the king 21 a Isa. 11:11. Dan. 11:36. prosper against God? tg Israel, Remnant of. 26 a 2 Kgs. 19:35. 17 a Obad. 1:18; 22 a Gen. 22:17; b Gen. 25:2 (1–6); 2 Ne. 15:24; Rom. 9:27. Judg. 7:25; 3 Ne. 20:16. b tg Israel, Gathering of. Isa. 9:4. 19 a ie the remnants of the c Isa. 28:22. c Ex. 14:27 (26–27). tg World, End of.

2 Nephi 20 : 27–21 : 9 92 27 And it shall come to pass in a And there shall b come forth a rod that day that his a burden shall be out of the c stem of Jesse, and a taken away from off thy shoulder, d branch shall grow out of his roots. and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because 2  And the a Spirit of the Lord shall of the b anointing. rest upon him, the spirit of b wis- dom and c understanding, the spirit 28 a He is come to Aiath, he is of counsel and might, the spirit of passed to Migron; at Michmash he knowledge and of the fear of the hath laid up his carriages. Lord; 29 They are gone over the a passage; 3 And shall make him of quick they have taken up their lodging at understanding in the fear of the b Geba; Ramath is afraid; c Gibeah of Lord; and he shall not a judge after Saul is fled. the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears. 30 Lift up the voice, O daughter of a Gallim; cause it to be heard unto 4 But with a righteousness shall he Laish, O poor bA  nathoth. b judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the c meek of the earth; 31 Madmenah is removed; the in- and he shall d smite the earth with habitants of Gebim gather them- the e rod of his mouth, and with the selves to flee. breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 32 As yet shall he remain at a Nob that day; he shall shake his hand 5 And a righteousness shall be the against the mount of the daughter girdle of his loins, and faithfulness of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. the girdle of his reins. 33 Behold, the Lord, the Lord of 6 The a wolf also shall dwell with Hosts shall lop the bough with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie terror; and the a high ones of stat- down with the kid, and the calf and ure shall be b hewn down; and the the young lion and fatling together; c haughty shall be humbled. and a little child shall lead them. 34 And he shall cut down the 7 And the cow and the bear shall thickets of the forests with iron, and feed; their young ones shall lie Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one. down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. Chapter 21 The stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge 8 And the sucking child shall play in righteousness—The knowledge of on the hole of the asp, and the God will cover the earth in the Millen- weaned child shall put his hand nium—The Lord will raise an ensign on the cockatrice’s den. and gather Israel—Compare Isaiah 11. About 559–545 b.c. 9 They shall a not hurt nor b destroy in all my holy mountain, for the c earth shall be full of the d knowledge 27 a Isa. 14:25. b Ezek. 17:24; Mosiah 29:12. b tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. Amos 2:9; b Ps. 72:4 (2–4). 28 a ie The Assyrian D&C 112:8 (3–8). c Ps. 18:27; tg Jesus Christ, Judge. invasion forces 3 Ne. 25:1; c tg Meek. introduced in v. 5 D&C 29:9. d Ps. 2:9. progress toward 21 1 a Isa. 11:1 (1–16). e 2 Thes. 2:8; Jerusalem, vv. 28–32. b Isa. 53:2; 29 a 1 Sam. 13:23. Rev. 5:5. Rev. 19:15. b Neh. 11:31. c D&C 113:2 (1–2). 5 a tg Jesus Christ, c 1 Sam. 11:4. d tg Jesus Christ, Davidic 30 a 1 Sam. 25:44. Descent of. Millennial Reign. b Josh. 21:18. 2 a Isa. 61:1 (1–3). 6 a Isa. 65:25. 32 a 1 Sam. 21:1; 22:19; b 1 Kgs. 3:28. 9 a Isa. 2:4. Neh. 11:32. c 1 Kgs. 3:11 (10–11). b tg War. 33 a Obad. 1:3 (3–4); 3 a 2 Ne. 12:4. c Hab. 2:14. Hel. 4:12 (12–13); 4 a Ps. 50:6; d Ps. 66:4; D&C 101:42. D&C 88:104. tg Knowledge; Millennium.

93 2 Nephi 21 : 10–22 : 6 of the Lord, as the waters cover 16 And there shall be a a highway the sea. for the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria, like as 10 And in that day there shall be it was to Israel in the day that he a a root of Jesse, which shall stand came up out of the land of Egypt. for an ensign of the people; to it shall the b Gentiles seek; and his Chapter 22 c rest shall be glorious. In the millennial day all men will praise the Lord—He will dwell among them— 11 And it shall come to pass in Compare Isaiah 12. About 559–545 b.c. that day that the Lord shall set his aA  nd in that day thou shalt say: hand again the a second time to re- O Lord, I will praise thee; though cover the remnant of his people thou wast angry with me thine an- which shall be left, from bA  ssyria, ger is turned away, and thou com- and from Egypt, and from Pathros, fortedst me. and from Cush, and from Elam, and from c Shinar, and from Hamath, 2 Behold, God is my salvation; I and from the islands of the sea. will a trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord b Jehovah is my c strength 12 And he shall set up an a ensign and my d song; he also has become for the nations, and shall assemble my salvation. the b outcasts of Israel, and c gather together the dispersed of Judah 3 Therefore, with joy shall ye draw from the four corners of the earth. a water out of the wells of salvation. 13 The a envy of Ephraim also shall 4 And in that day shall ye say: depart, and the adversaries of Judah a Praise the Lord, call upon his name, shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not declare his doings among the peo- b envy c Judah, and Judah shall not ple, make mention that his name vex Ephraim. is exalted. 14 But they shall fly upon the 5 a Sing unto the Lord; for he hath shoulders of the a Philistines towards done excellent things; this is known the west; they shall spoil them of in all the earth. the east together; they shall lay their hand upon b Edom and c Moab; 6 a Cry out and shout, thou inhabi­ and the children of Ammon shall tant of Zion; for great is the Holy obey them. One of Israel in the midst of thee. 15 And the Lord shall utterly a de- Chapter 23 stroy the tongue of the Egyptian The destruction of Babylon is a type of sea; and with his mighty wind the destruction at the Second Coming— he shall shake his hand over the It will be a day of wrath and vengeance river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over b dry shod. 10 a Rom. 15:12; tg Envy. Hel. 12:1. D&C 113:5 (5–6). c tg Israel, Joseph, b Ex. 15:2; People of; b D&C 45:9 (9–10). Israel, Judah, People of. Ps. 83:18. c D&C 19:9. 14 a Obad. 1:19 (18–19). tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah. b Lam. 4:21. c tg Strength. tg Earth, Renewal of. c Gen. 19:37 (30–38). d tg Singing. 11 a 2 Ne. 6:14; 25:17; 29:1. 15 a Zech. 10:11. 3 a tg Living Water. b Zech. 10:10. b Rev. 16:12. 4 a tg Praise; c Gen. 10:10. 16 a Isa. 11:16; 19:23; Thanksgiving. 12 a tg Ensign. 35:8 (8–10); 5 a Ps. 57:7 (7–11); b 3 Ne. 15:15; 16:1 (1–4). D&C 133:27. 108:1 (1–5); c Neh. 1:9; tg Earth, Renewal of. Alma 26:8; 22 1 a Isa. 12:1 (1–6). D&C 136:28. 1 Ne. 22:12 (10–12); 2 a Ps. 36:7 (7–8); 6 a Isa. 54:1 (1–8); D&C 45:25 (24–25). Mosiah 4:6; Zeph. 3:14 (14–20); tg Israel, Gathering of. Zech. 2:10 (10–13). 13 a Jer. 3:18. b Ezek. 37:22 (16–22).

2 Nephi 23 : 1–19 94 —Babylon (the world) will fall forever— the moon shall not cause her light Compare Isaiah 13. About 559–545 b.c. to shine. a The burden of b Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 11 And I will a punish the world for evil, and the b wicked for their 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the iniquity; I will cause the arrogancy high mountain, exalt the voice unto of the c proud to cease, and will lay them, a shake the hand, that they down the haughtiness of the terrible. may go into the gates of the nobles. 12 I will make a a man more pre- 3 I have commanded my sanctified cious than fine gold; even a man ones, I have also called my a mighty than the golden wedge of Ophir. ones, for mine anger is not upon them that rejoice in my highness. 13 Therefore, I will a shake the heavens, and the earth shall b re- 4 The noise of the multitude in move out of her place, in the wrath the mountains like as of a great of the Lord of Hosts, and in the day people, a tumultuous noise of the of his fierce anger. a kingdoms of nations b gathered to- gether, the Lord of Hosts mustereth 14 And it shall be as the chased roe, the hosts of the battle. and as a sheep that no man taketh up; and they shall every man turn 5 They come from a far country, to his own people, and flee every from the end of heaven, yea, the one into his own a land. Lord, and the weapons of his indig- nation, to destroy the whole land. 15 Every one that is proud shall be thrust through; yea, and every 6 Howl ye, for the a day of the Lord one that is a joined to the wicked is at hand; it shall come as a de- shall fall by the sword. struction from the Almighty. 16 Their a children also shall be 7 Therefore shall all hands be b dashed to pieces before their eyes; faint, every man’s heart shall a melt; their houses shall be spoiled and their wives ravished. 8 And they shall be afraid; pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; 17 Behold, I will stir up the a Medes they shall be amazed one at another; against them, which shall not re- their faces shall be as flames. gard silver and gold, nor shall they delight in it. 9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and 18 Their bows shall also dash the fierce anger, to lay the land deso- young men to pieces; and they shall late; and he shall a destroy the sin- have no a pity on the fruit of the ners thereof out of it. womb; their eyes shall not spare children. 10 For the a stars of heaven and the b constellations thereof shall not 19 And a Babylon, the glory of king- give their c light; the d sun shall be doms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ darkened in his going forth, and excellency, shall be as when God overthrew b Sodom and Gomorrah. 23 1 a Isa. 13:1 (1–22). Ezek. 32:7 (7–8); Heb. 12:26. Rev. 6:13 (12–13). b tg Earth, Renewal of. b tg Babylon. 14 a tg Lands of Inheritance. 2 a ie wave the hand, give b tg Astronomy. 15 a Lam. 2:9; c Joel 3:15. a signal. d tg World, End of. Alma 59:6 (5–6). 3 a Joel 3:11. 11 a Isa. 24:6; 16 a Job 27:14 (13–15). 4 a Joel 3:14 (11, 14); b Ps. 137:9 (8–9). Mal. 4:1. 17 a Isa. 21:2. Zeph. 3:8; b Ex. 34:7; 18 a Lam. 2:2 (2, 17, 21). Zech. 14:2 (2–3). 19 a Isa. 14:15 (4–27). b Zech. 12:3 (2–9). Prov. 21:12. b Gen. 19:24 (24–25); 6 a tg Day of the Lord. c Job 40:11; 7 a Jer. 9:7; Deut. 29:23; D&C 133:41. 2 Ne. 12:12; Jer. 49:18; 9 a tg Earth, Cleansing of. D&C 64:24. 2 Ne. 13:9. 10 a Isa. 24:23; 12 a Isa. 4:1 (1–4). 13 a Hag. 2:6 (6–7);

95 2 Nephi 23 : 20–24 : 13 20 It shall never be a inhabited, 3 And it shall come to pass in that neither shall it be dwelt in from day that the Lord shall give thee generation to generation: neither a rest, from thy sorrow, and from thy shall the Arabian pitch tent there; fear, and from the hard bondage neither shall the shepherds make wherein thou wast made to serve. their fold there. 4 And it shall come to pass in 21 But a wild beasts of the desert that day, that thou shalt take up shall lie there; and their houses this proverb a against the king of shall be full of doleful creatures; b Babylon, and say: How hath the and owls shall dwell there, and sa- oppressor ceased, the golden city tyrs shall dance there. ceased! 22 And the wild beasts of the islands 5 The Lord hath broken the staff shall cry in their desolate houses, and of the a wicked, the scepters of the dragons in their pleasant palaces; rulers. and her time is near to come, and her day shall not be prolonged. For I 6 a He who smote the people in will destroy her speedily; yea, for wrath with a continual stroke, he I will be merciful unto my people, that ruled the nations in anger, is but the wicked shall perish. persecuted, and none hindereth. Chapter 24 7 The whole earth is at a rest, and is Israel will be gathered and will enjoy quiet; they break forth into b singing. millennial rest—Lucifer was cast out of heaven for rebellion—Israel will tri- 8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, umph over Babylon (the world)—Com- and also the cedars of Lebanon, pare Isaiah 14. About 559–545 b.c. saying: Since thou art laid down no a For the Lord will have mercy on feller is come up against us. Jacob, and will yet b choose Israel, and set them in their own land; and 9 a Hell from beneath is moved for the c strangers shall be joined with thee to meet thee at thy coming; it them, and they shall cleave to the stirreth up the b dead for thee, even house of Jacob. all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones 2 And the people shall take them all the kings of the nations. and bring them to their place; yea, from far unto the ends of the earth; 10 All they shall speak and say unto and they shall return to their a lands thee: Art thou also become weak of promise. And the house of Israel as we? Art thou become like unto us? shall b possess them, and the land of the Lord shall be for c servants 11 Thy pomp is brought down to and handmaids; and they shall take the grave; the noise of thy viols is them captives unto whom they were not heard; the worm is spread un- captives; and they shall d rule over der thee, and the worms cover thee. their oppressors. 12 a How art thou fallen from heaven, O b Lucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thy heart: a I will ascend into heaven, I will 20 a Jer. 50:39 (3, 39–40); Earth. tg Hell. 51:29 (29, 62). 3 a Josh. 1:13; b tg Spirits in Prison. 242 11 aa Isa. 34:14 (11–15). 12 a ie The fallen king of Isa. 14:1 (1–32). D&C 84:24. b Zech. 1:17; 2:12. 4 a Hab. 2:6 (6–8). Babylon is typified by c Isa. 60:3 (3–5, 10). b tg Babylon. the fallen “son of the tg Stranger. 5 a tg Earth, Cleansing of; morning,” Lucifer in 2 a tg Promised Lands. vv. 12–15. b Amos 9:12. Wickedness. D&C 76:26. c Isa. 60:14 (10–12, 14). 6 a ie Babylon. b tg Devil. d tg Kingdom of God, on 7 a tg Earth, Renewal of. 13 a Moses 4:1 (1–4). b Isa. 55:12 (12–13). 9 a Ezek. 32:21.

2 Nephi 24 : 14–32 96 exalt my throne above the stars of shall it come to pass; and as I have God; I will sit also upon the mount purposed, so shall it stand— of the congregation, in the sides of the north; 25 That I will bring the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains 14 a I will ascend above the heights tread him under foot; then shall his of the clouds; I will be like the a yoke depart from off them, and Most High. his burden depart from off their shoulders. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the a pit. 26 This is the purpose that is pur- posed upon the whole earth; and 16 They that see thee shall nar- this is the hand that is stretched rowly look upon thee, and shall out upon all nations. consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to 27 For the Lord of Hosts hath pur- tremble, that did shake kingdoms? posed, and who shall disannul? And his hand is stretched out, and who 17 And made the world as a wil- shall turn it back? derness, and destroyed the cities thereof, and opened not the house 28 In the year that king  aA  haz died of his prisoners? was this burden. 18 All the kings of the nations, yea, 29 Rejoice not thou, whole Pales- all of them, lie in glory, every one tina, because the rod of him that of them in his own house. a smote thee is broken; for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth 19 But thou art cast out of thy a cockatrice, and his b fruit shall be grave like an abominable branch, a c fiery flying serpent. and the remnant of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, 30 And the firstborn of the poor that go down to the stones of the shall feed, and the needy shall lie pit; as a carcass trodden under feet. down in safety; and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay 20 Thou shalt not be joined with thy remnant. them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy 31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, people; the a seed of b evil-doers whole Palestina, art dissolved; for shall never be renowned. there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in 21 Prepare slaughter for his chil- his appointed times. dren for the a iniquities of their fathers, that they do not rise, nor 32 What shall then answer the possess the land, nor fill the face messengers of the nations? That of the world with cities. the Lord hath founded a Zion, and the b poor of his people shall trust 22 For I will rise up against them, in it. saith the Lord of Hosts, and cut off from Babylon the a name, and rem- Chapter 25 nant, and son, and b nephew, saith Nephi glories in plainness—Isaiah’s the Lord. prophecies will be understood in the last days—The Jews will return from 23 I will also make it a a possession Babylon, crucify the Messiah, and be for the bittern, and pools of water; scattered and scourged—They will and I will sweep it with the besom of be restored when they believe in the destruction, saith the Lord of Hosts. 24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so 14 a 2 Thes. 2:4. 22 a Prov. 10:7; b 2 Kgs. 18:8 (1, 8). 15 a Ps. 28:1; 88:4; Jer. 51:62. c tg Jesus Christ, Types 1 Ne. 14:3. b Job 18:19. of, in Anticipation. 20 a Ps. 21:10 (10–11); 37:28; 23 a Isa. 34:11 (11–15). 32 a tg Zion. 25 a Isa. 10:27. b Zeph. 3:12. 109:13. 28 a 2 Kgs. 16:20. b tg Wickedness. 29 a 2 Chr. 26:6. 21 a Ex. 20:5.

97 2 Nephi 25 : 1–9 Messiah—He will first come six hundred the words of a Isaiah, for I came out years after Lehi left Jerusalem—The from Jerusalem, and mine eyes hath Nephites keep the law of Moses and beheld the things of the b Jews, and believe in Christ, who is the Holy One I know that the Jews do c understand of Israel. About 559–545 b.c. the things of the prophets, and there Now I, Nephi, do speak somewhat is none other people that under- concerning the words which I have stand the things which were spoken written, which have been spoken unto the Jews like unto them, save by the mouth of Isaiah. For behold, it be that they are taught after the Isaiah spake many things which manner of the things of the Jews. were a hard for many of my people to understand; for they know not 6 But behold, I, Nephi, have not concerning the manner of prophe­ taught my children after the man- sying among the Jews. ner of the Jews; but behold, I, of myself, have dwelt at Jerusalem, 2 For I, Nephi, have not taught wherefore I know concerning the them many things concerning the regions round about; and I have manner of the Jews; for their a works made mention unto my children were works of darkness, and their concerning the judgments of God, doings were doings of abominations. which a hath come to pass among the Jews, unto my children, according 3 Wherefore, I write unto my peo- to all that which Isaiah hath spo- ple, unto all those that shall receive ken, and I do not write them. hereafter these things which I write, a that they may know the judgments 7 But behold, I proceed with mine of God, that they come upon all na- own prophecy, according to my tions, according to the word which a plainness; in the which I b know he hath spoken. that no man can err; nevertheless, in the days that the prophecies of 4 Wherefore, hearken, O my peo- Isaiah shall be fulfilled men shall ple, which are of the house of Is- know of a surety, at the times when rael, and give ear unto my words; they shall come to pass. for because the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless 8 Wherefore, they are of a worth they are plain unto all those that unto the children of men, and he are filled with the a spirit of b proph- that supposeth that they are not, ecy. But I give unto you a c prophecy, unto them will I speak particularly, according to the spirit which is in and confine the words unto mine me; wherefore I shall prophesy ac- b own people; for I know that they cording to the d plainness which hath shall be of great worth unto them in been with me from the time that I the c last days; for in that day shall came out from Jerusalem with my they understand them; wherefore, father; for behold, my soul delight- for their good have I written them. eth in e plainness unto my people, that they may learn. 9 And as one generation hath been a destroyed among the Jews be- 5 Yea, and my soul delighteth in cause of iniquity, even so have they been destroyed from generation to 25 1 a Jacob 4:14. d 2 Ne. 31:3; 33:5; Alma 13:23; Jacob 2:11; 4:13. Ether 12:39. tg Symbolism. b Ezek. 12:23 (21–25). 2 a 2 Kgs. 17:13–20. e tg Communication; 8 a tg Scriptures, Value of. 3 a tg God, Knowledge Plainness. b 2 Ne. 27:6; Enos 1:16 (13–16); about; 5 a 1 Ne. 19:23. Morm. 5:12; Prophets, Mission of; b tg Israel, Judah, D&C 3:20 (16–20). Scriptures, Value of. c tg Last Days. 4 a tg Holy Ghost, Source People of. 9 a Lam. 1–5; of Testimony. c Matt. 13:11 (10–17). Matt. 23:37. b tg Prophecy. 6 a 2 Ne. 6:8; c 2 Ne. 31:1. Hel. 8:20 (20–21). 7 a 2 Ne. 32:7;

2 Nephi 25 : 10–17 98 generation according to their in- in the kingdom of God. Wherefore, iquities; and never hath any of my soul delighteth to prophesy con- them been destroyed save it were cerning him, for I have e seen his b foretold them by the prophets of day, and my heart doth magnify the Lord. his holy name. 10 Wherefore, it hath been told 14 And behold it shall come to them concerning the destruction pass that after the a Messiah hath which should come upon them, im- risen from the dead, and hath mediately after my father left a Jeru- manif­ested himself unto his peo- salem; nevertheless, they b hardened ple, unto as many as will believe on their hearts; and according to my his name, behold, Jerusalem shall prophecy they have been destroyed, be b destroyed again; for c wo unto save it be those which are c carried them that fight against God and away d captive into Babylon. the people of his d church. 11 And now this I speak because 15 Wherefore, the a Jews shall be of the a spirit which is in me. And b scattered among all nations; yea, notwithstanding they have been and also c Babylon shall be de- carried away they shall return stroyed; wherefore, the Jews shall be again, and possess the land of Je- scattered by other nations. rusalem; wherefore, they shall be b restored again to the c land of their 16 And after they have been inheritance. a scattered, and the Lord God hath scourged them by other nations 12 But, behold, they shall have for the space of many generations, a wars, and rumors of wars; and when yea, even down from generation to the day cometh that the b Only Be- generat­ ion until they shall be per- gotten of the Father, yea, even the suaded to b believe in Christ, the Son Father of heaven and of earth, shall of God, and the atonement, which c manifest himself unto them in the is infinite for all mankind—and flesh, behold, they will reject him, when that day shall come that they because of their iniquities, and the shall believe in Christ, and worship hardness of their hearts, and the the Father in his name, with pure stiffness of their necks. hearts and c clean hands, and look not forward any more for d another 13 Behold, they will a crucify him; Messiah, then, at that time, the day and after he is laid in a b sepulchre will come that it must needs be ex- for the space of c three days he shall pedient that they should believe d rise from the dead, with healing in these things. his wings; and all those who shall believe on his name shall be saved 17 And the Lord will set his hand 9 b Ezek. 4:3; c tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. Moses 7:15 (14–16). Amos 3:7; 13 a tg Jesus Christ, d tg Jesus Christ, Head of D&C 5:20. Crucifixion of. the Church. 10 a 1 Ne. 7:13; b Luke 23:53; 15 a tg Israel, Judah, 2 Ne. 6:8; Omni 1:15; John 19:41 (41–42); People of. Hel. 8:21 (20–21). 1 Ne. 19:10. b Neh. 1:8 (7–9); c Mosiah 3:10. b tg Hardheartedness. d Mal. 4:2. 2 Ne. 10:6; c 2 Kgs. 24:14 (14–15); tg Jesus Christ, 3 Ne. 16:8. Prophecies about; tg Israel, Bondage of, in Jer. 52:15 (3–15); Jesus Christ, Other Lands; 1 Ne. 1:13; 10:3. Resurrection; Israel, Scattering of. d Lam. 1:3 (1–3). Resurrection. c tg Babylon. 11 a tg Teaching with the e 1 Ne. 11:27 (13–34). 16 a Ezek. 34:12; Spirit. 14 a tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. Morm. 5:14. b Jer. 24:6 (5–7). b Matt. 24:2 (1–2); b 2 Ne. 10:7 (5–9); c tg Lands of Inheritance. Luke 21:24. 30:7 (7–8). 12 a tg War. c Ps. 83:17 (2–17); c Job 17:9; b tg Jesus Christ, Divine D&C 71:7; D&C 88:86. Sonship. d tg False Christs.

99 2 Nephi 25 : 18–23 again the second time to a restore his after they had been bitten by the people from their lost and fallen poisonous serpents, if they would state. Wherefore, he will proceed to cast their eyes unto the c serpent do a b marvelous work and a wonder which he did raise up before them, among the children of men. and also gave him power that he should smite the d rock and the wa- 18 Wherefore, he shall bring forth ter should come forth; yea, behold a his b words unto them, which words I say unto you, that as these things shall c judge them at the last day, are e true, and as the Lord God liv- for they shall be given them for eth, there is none other f name given the purpose of d convincing them of under heaven save it be this Jesus the true Messiah, who was rejected Christ, of which I have spoken, by them; and unto the convincing whereby man can be saved. of them that they need not look forward any more for a Messiah 21 Wherefore, for this cause hath to come, for there should not any the Lord God promised unto me come, save it should be a e false that these things which I a write Messiah which should deceive shall be kept and preserved, and the people; for there is save one handed down unto my seed, from f  Messiah spoken of by the prophets, generation to generation, that the and that Messiah is he who should promise may be fulfilled unto Jo- be rejected of the Jews. seph, that his seed should never b perish as long as the earth should 19 For according to the words of stand. the prophets, the a Messiah cometh in b six hundred years from the 22 Wherefore, these things shall time that my father left Jerusalem; go from generation to generation and according to the words of the as long as the earth shall stand; and prophets, and also the word of the they shall go according to the will c angel of God, his d name shall be and pleasure of God; and the na- Jesus Christ, the e Son of God. tions who shall possess them shall be a judged of them according to the 20 And now, my brethren, I have words which are written. spoken plainly that ye cannot err. And as the Lord God liveth that 23 For we labor diligently to write, a brought Israel up out of the land of to a persuade our children, and also Egypt, and gave unto Moses power our brethren, to believe in Christ, that he should b heal the nations and to be reconciled to God; for we 17 a Gen. 49:10; 19 a tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 17:29; 20:21. 2 Ne. 21:11; 29:1. Betrayal of; e 1 Ne. 14:30; tg Israel, Gathering of; Jesus Christ, Birth of. Israel, Restoration of; Mosiah 1:6. Restoration of the b 1 Ne. 10:4; 19:8; f Hosea 13:4; Gospel. 3 Ne. 1:1. Acts 4:12; b Isa. 29:14; c 2 Ne. 10:3. 1 Jn. 3:23 (19–24); 2 Ne. 27:26; d tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 10:6; 3 Ne. 28:32 (31–33). 2 Ne. 2:6 (5–8); Prophecies about. Mosiah 16:5 (4–5); 18 a 3 Ne. 16:4. e tg Jesus Christ, Divine Alma 12:22 (22–25). b 2 Ne. 29:11; tg Jesus Christ, Savior. Sonship. 21 a 2 Ne. 27:6. 33:14 (11, 14–15); 20 a Ex. 3:10 (2–10); b Amos 5:15; W of M 1:11; Alma 46:24 (24–27). 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27); 1 Ne. 17:24 (24, 31, 40); 22 a 2 Ne. 29:11; Ether 5:4. 19:10. 33:15 (10–15); c tg Judgment, the Last. b John 3:14; 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27); d 2 Ne. 26:12; 1 Ne. 17:41. Ether 4:10 (8–10). Morm. 3:21. c 2 Kgs. 18:4; 23 a tg Family, Children, e tg False Christs. Alma 33:19; Responsibilities f tg Jesus Christ, Hel. 8:14 (14–15). toward. Messiah. d Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:11; Neh. 9:15;

2 Nephi 25 : 24–26 : 3 100 know that it is by b grace that we are 29 And now behold, I say unto you saved, after all we can c do. that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ 24 And, notwithstanding we be- is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore lieve in Christ, we a keep the law ye must bow down before him, and of Moses, and look forward with a worship him with all your b might, steadfastness unto Christ, until the mind, and strength, and your whole law shall be fulfilled. soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out. 25 For, for this end was the a law given; wherefore the law hath be- 30 And, inasmuch as it shall be come b dead unto us, and we are expedient, ye must keep the a per- made alive in Christ because of our formances and b ordinances of God faith; yet we keep the law because until the law shall be fulfilled which of the commandments. was given unto Moses. 26 And we a talk of Christ, we re- Chapter 26 joice in Christ, we preach of Christ, Christ will minister to the Nephites— we b prophesy of Christ, and we write Nephi foresees the destruction of his according to our prophecies, that people—They will speak from the our c children may know to what dust—The Gentiles will build up false source they may look for a d remis- churches and secret combinations—The sion of their sins. Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts. About 559–545 b.c. 27 Wherefore, we speak concern- And after Christ shall have a risen ing the law that our children may from the dead he shall b show him- know the deadness of the law; and self unto you, my children, and my they, by knowing the deadness of beloved brethren; and the words the law, may look forward unto that which he shall speak unto you shall life which is in Christ, and know for be the c law which ye shall do. what end the law was given. And after the law is fulfilled in Christ, 2 For behold, I say unto you that I that they need not harden their have beheld that many generations hearts against him when the law shall pass away, and there shall be ought to be done away. great wars and contentions among my people. 28 And now behold, my people, ye are a a stiffnecked people; wherefore, 3 And after the Messiah shall come I have spoken plainly unto you, that there shall be a signs given unto my ye cannot misunderstand. And the people of his b birth, and also of his words which I have spoken shall c death and resurrection; and great stand as a b testimony against you; and terrible shall that day be unto for they are sufficient to c teach any the wicked, for they shall perish; man the d right way; for the right and they perish because they cast way is to believe in Christ and deny him not; for by denying him ye also deny the prophets and the law. 23 b Ps. 130:4 (3–4); Mosiah 3:13; 16:6. Mark 12:30 (29–31). Rom. 3:20 (20–24); 7:5; b Luke 10:24 (23–24). 30 a 4 Ne. 1:12. 2 Ne. 2:5 (4–10); c tg Family, Children, 2 6 1 ab tg Ordinance. Mosiah 13:32; 3 Ne. 11:8 (1–12). Alma 42:14 (12–16); Responsibilities toward. tg Jesus Christ, D&C 20:30; 138:4. d tg Remission of Sins. Resurrection. tg Grace. 28 a Mosiah 3:14; Alma 9:31. b 1 Ne. 11:7; 12:6. c 3 Ne. 15:9 (2–10). c James 2:24 (14–26). tg Stiffnecked. 3 a 1 Ne. 12:4 (4–6). tg Good Works. b tg Testimony. tg Signs. c 1 Kgs. 8:36; 2 Ne. 33:10. b tg Jesus Christ, 24 a Jacob 4:5. Birth of. 25 a tg Law of Moses. tg Teaching. c tg Jesus Christ, b Rom. 7:4 (4–6); d 1 Sam. 12:23; Isa. 45:19; Death of. D&C 74:5 (2–6). 2 Pet. 2:15. 26 a Jacob 4:12; Jarom 1:11; 29 a tg Worship. b Deut. 6:5;

101 2 Nephi 26 : 4–13 out the d prophets, and the saints, ness for the signs which are given, and stone them, and slay them; notwithstanding all b persecution— wherefore the cry of the e blood of behold, they are they which shall the saints shall ascend up to God c not perish. from the ground against them. 9 But the Son of Righteousness 4 Wherefore, all those who are shall a appear unto them; and he proud, and that do wickedly, the shall b heal them, and they shall have day that cometh shall a burn them c peace with him, until d three genera­ up, saith the Lord of Hosts, for they tions shall have passed away, and shall be as stubble. many of the e fourth generation shall have passed away in righteousness. 5 And they that kill the a prophets, and the saints, the depths of the 10 And when these things have earth shall b swallow them up, saith passed away a speedy a destruc- the Lord of Hosts; and c mountains tion cometh unto my people; for, shall cover them, and whirlwinds notwithstanding the pains of my shall carry them away, and build- soul, I have seen it; wherefore, I ings shall fall upon them and crush know that it shall come to pass; and them to pieces and grind them to they sell themselves for naught; for, powder. for the reward of their pride and their b foolishness they shall reap 6 And they shall be visited with destruction; for because they yield thunderings, and lightnings, and unto the devil and c choose works of earthquakes, and all manner of de- d darkness rather than light, there- structions, for the a fire of the anger fore they must go down to e hell. of the Lord shall be kindled against them, and they shall be as stubble, 11 For the Spirit of the Lord will and the day that cometh shall con- not always a strive with man. And sume them, saith the Lord of Hosts. when the Spirit b ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy de- 7 a O the pain, and the anguish struction, and this grieveth my of my soul for the loss of the slain of soul. my people! For I, Nephi, have seen it, and it well nigh consumeth me 12 And as I spake concerning the before the presence of the Lord; a convincing of the b Jews, that Jesus but I must cry unto my God: Thy is the c very Christ, it must needs ways are b just. be that the Gentiles be convinced also that Jesus is the Christ, the 8 But behold, the righteous that d Eternal e God; hearken unto the words of the proph- ets, and destroy them not, but look 13  And that he a manifesteth him- forward unto Christ with a steadfast- self unto all those who believe in 3 d tg Prophets, 9 a Alma 16:20. Moses 8:17. Rejection of. b John 12:40; b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. 12 a 2 Ne. 25:18. e Gen. 4:10; 3 Ne. 9:13 (13–14); 18:32; b 2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8); 2 Ne. 28:10; D&C 112:13. Morm. 8:27. c tg Peace. Morm. 5:14 (12–14); d 1 Ne. 12:11 (11–12); D&C 19:27. 4 a 3 Ne. 8:14 (14–24); 3 Ne. 27:32 (30–32). tg Israel, Judah, 9:3 (3–9). e Alma 45:12 (10–12); People of. Hel. 13:10 (5, 9–10). c Morm. 3:21. 5 a Ps. 105:15. 10 a Mosiah 12:8; d 2 Ne. 19:6; b Num. 16:32; Alma 45:11 (9–14); Mosiah 3:5; Hel. 13:6 (5–6). Alma 11:39 (38–39, 44); 1 Ne. 19:11; b tg Foolishness. Moro. 7:22; 8:18. 3 Ne. 10:14. c tg Agency. e 1 Ne. 19:10 (7, 10); c Hosea 10:8; Alma 12:14. d Job 38:15; 2 Ne. 10:3; 6 a 3 Ne. 8:8; 9:3–11. John 3:19. Mosiah 7:27; 7 a Morm. 6:17 (17–22). e Job 24:24 (17–24). 27:31 (30–31); b Rom. 3:5; tg Hell. 3 Ne. 11:14. Alma 42:1 (1, 13–25). 11 a Gen. 6:3; Ether 2:15; 13 a tg God, Access to. 8 a tg Steadfastness. b tg Persecution. c 3 Ne. 10:12 (12–13).

2 Nephi 26 : 14–22 102 him, by the power of the b Holy 17 For thus saith the Lord God: Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kin- They shall a write the things which dred, tongue, and people, working shall be done among them, and mighty c miracles, signs, and won- they shall be written and b sealed ders, among the children of men up in a book, and those who have according to their d faith. dwindled in c unbelief shall not have them, for they d seek to destroy 14 But behold, I prophesy unto the things of God. you concerning the a last days; con- cerning the days when the Lord 18 Wherefore, as those who have God shall b bring these things forth been destroyed have been destroyed unto the children of men. speedily; and the multitude of their a terrible ones shall be as b chaff that 15 After my seed and the seed of passeth away—yea, thus saith the my brethren shall have a dwindled Lord God: It shall be at an instant, in unbelief, and shall have been suddenly— smitten by the Gentiles; yea, after the Lord God shall have b camped 19 And it shall come to pass, that against them round about, and shall those who have dwindled in unbe- have laid siege against them with lief shall be a smitten by the hand a mount, and raised forts against of the Gentiles. them; and after they shall have been brought down low in the dust, even 20 And the Gentiles are lifted up that they are not, yet the words of in the a pride of their eyes, and have the righteous shall be written, and b stumbled, because of the greatness the c prayers of the faithful shall of their c stumbling block, that they be heard, and all those who have have built up many d churches; nev- d dwindled in unbelief shall not be ertheless, they e put down the power forgotten. and miracles of God, and preach up unto themselves their own wisdom 16 For those who shall be destroyed and their own f  learning, that they shall a speak unto them out of the may get gain and g grind upon the ground, and their speech shall be face of the poor. low out of the dust, and their voice shall be as one that hath a famil- 21 And there are many churches iar spirit; for the Lord God will built up which cause a envyings, give unto him power, that he may and b strifes, and c malice. whisper concerning them, even as it were out of the ground; and their 22 And there are also secret a com- speech shall whisper out of the dust. binations, even as in times of old, according to the combinations of the b devil, for he is the founder of 13 b tg Holy Ghost, 17 a 1 Ne. 13:40 (39–42); tg Apostasy of the Early Mission of. 2 Ne. 27:6 (6–26); 29:12. Christian Church. c Ezek. 3:20; 14:4 (3–7). c tg Miracle. b tg Scriptures, d 1 Ne. 14:10 (9–10); 22:23; d tg Faith. Preservation of. Morm. 8:28 (25–41). 14 a tg Last Days. e 2 Ne. 28:5 (4–6); b tg Restoration of the c tg Unbelief. Morm. 9:26 (7–26). d Enos 1:14; f 1 Tim. 6:20; Gospel. 2 Ne. 9:28; 28:4 (4, 15); 15 a 1 Ne. 12:22 (22–23); Morm. 6:6. D&C 1:19. 18 a Isa. 29:5. tg Learn. 15:13. b Hosea 13:3 (1–4); g Isa. 3:15; b Isa. 29:3. 2 Ne. 13:15. c Ex. 3:9 (7, 9); Morm. 5:16 (16–18). 21 a tg Envy. 19 a 1 Ne. 13:14; b Rom. 16:17 (17–18). Mosiah 21:15; tg Strife. D&C 109:49. 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–9); c tg Malice. d D&C 3:18. 20:27 (27–28); 22 a tg Secret Combinations. 16 a Isa. 29:4; Morm. 5:9. b 2 Ne. 28:21. 2 Ne. 3:20; 33:13; 20 a Prov. 11:2; Morm. 8:23 (23, 26); 9:30; D&C 38:39. Moro. 10:27. tg Pride. tg Book of Mormon. b 1 Ne. 13:34 (29, 34); 14:1 (1–3).

103 2 Nephi 26 : 23–33 all these things; yea, the founder 29 He commandeth that there of murder, and c works of darkness; shall be no a priestcrafts; for, behold, yea, and he leadeth them by the priestcrafts are that men preach neck with a flaxen cord, until he and set b themselves up for a light bindeth them with his strong cords unto the world, that they may get forever. c gain and d praise of the world; but they seek not the e welfare of Zion. 23 For behold, my beloved breth- ren, I say unto you that the Lord 30 Behold, the Lord hath forbid- God worketh not in a darkness. den this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment 24 He doeth not a anything save it that all men should have a charity, be for the benefit of the world; for which b charity is c love. And except he b loveth the world, even that he they should have charity they were layeth down his own life that he may nothing. Wherefore, if they should draw c all men unto him. Wherefore, have charity they would not suffer he commandeth none that they the laborer in Zion to perish. shall not partake of his salvation. 31 But the a laborer in b Zion shall 25 Behold, doth he cry unto any, labor for Zion; for if they labor for saying: Depart from me? Behold, c money they shall perish. I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: a Come unto me all ye b ends of the 32 And again, the Lord God hath earth, c buy milk and honey, without a commanded that men should not money and without price. murder; that they should not lie; that they should not b steal; that they 26 Behold, hath he commanded should not take the name of the Lord any that they should a depart out of their God in c vain; that they should the synagogues, or out of the houses not d envy; that they should not have of worship? Behold, I say unto you, e malice; that they should not con- Nay. tend one with another; that they should not commit f whoredoms; 27 Hath he commanded any that and that they should do none of they should not partake of his a sal- these things; for whoso doeth them vation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; shall perish. but he hath b given it free for all men; and he hath commanded his 33 For none of these iniquities people that they should persuade come of the Lord; for he doeth that all men to c repentance. which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it 28 Behold, hath the Lord com- be plain unto the children of men; manded any that they should not and he a inviteth them b all to c come partake of his goodness? Behold I unto him and partake of his good- say unto you, Nay; but a all men are ness; and he d denieth none that come privileged the one b like unto the other, and none are forbidden. 22 c Lev. 19:26. 28 a Rom. 2:11; 31 a tg Industry. 23 a Isa. 48:16 (16–18). Alma 13:5. b tg Zion. 24 a 2 Ne. 2:27; c Jacob 2:18 (17–19); b 1 Ne. 17:35 (33–35). Jacob 5:41; 29 a Acts 8:9; D&C 11:7; 38:39. Alma 26:37. 32 a tg Commandments of b John 3:16. Alma 1:12; c John 12:32; 3 Ne. 16:10. God; Law of Moses. 2 Ne. 9:5. tg Priestcraft. b tg Stealing. 25 a 1 Ne. 1:14; b tg Unrighteous c tg Profanity. Alma 5:34 (33–36); Dominion. d tg Envy. 3 Ne. 9:14 (13–14). c Ezek. 22:27. e tg Malice. b Mark 16:15–16. d D&C 58:39; f tg Chastity; c Isa. 55:1. 121:35 (34–37). 26 a Mark 9:39 (38–40). e Ezek. 34:3. Whore. 27 a tg Salvation. 30 a tg Charity. 33 a Jude 1:3. b Eph. 2:8. b Moro. 7:47 (47–48). b Alma 19:36. c tg Repent. c tg God, Love of; c tg God, Access to. Love. d Acts 10:28 (9–35, 44). tg Justice.

2 Nephi 27 : 1–10 104 unto him, black and white, e bond hath appetite; yea, even so shall the and free, male and female; and he multitude of all the nations be that remembereth the f  heathen; and all fight against Mount Zion. are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. 4 For behold, all ye that doeth in- iquity, stay yourselves and wonder, Chapter 27 for ye shall cry out, and cry; yea, ye Darkness and apostasy will cover the shall be a drunken but not with wine, earth in the last days—The Book of Mor- ye shall stagger but not with strong mon will come forth—Three witnesses drink. will testify of the book—The learned man will say he cannot read the sealed book— 5 For behold, the Lord hath poured The Lord will do a marvelous work out upon you the spirit of deep and a wonder—Compare Isaiah 29. sleep. For behold, ye have closed About 559–545 b.c. your a eyes, and ye have b rejected the But, behold, in the a last days, or in prophets; and your rulers, and the the days of the Gentiles—yea, be- seers hath he covered because of hold all the nations of the Gentiles your iniquity. and also the Jews, both those who shall come upon this land and those 6 And it shall come to pass that who shall be upon other lands, yea, the Lord God shall bring forth unto even upon all the lands of the earth, a you the words of a b book, and they behold, they will be b drunken with shall be the words of them which iniquity and all manner of abomi­ have slumbered. nations— 7 And behold the book shall be 2 And when that day shall come a sealed; and in the book shall be a they shall be a visited of the Lord of b revelation from God, from the be- Hosts, with thunder and with earth- ginning of the world to the c ending quake, and with a great noise, and thereof. with storm, and with tempest, and with the b flame of devouring fire. 8 Wherefore, because of the things which are a sealed up, the things 3 And all the a nations that b fight which are sealed shall not be deliv- against Zion, and that distress her, ered in the day of the wickedness shall be as a dream of a night vision; and abominations of the people. yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto Wherefore the book shall be kept a hungry man which dreameth, and from them. behold he eateth but he awake­ th and his soul is empty; or like unto 9 But the book shall be delivered a thirsty man which dreameth, and unto a man, and he shall deliver behold he drinketh but he awake­ th the words of the book, which are the and behold he is faint, and his soul words of those who have slumbered in the dust, and he shall deliver these words unto a another; 10 But the words which are a sealed he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall 33 e Rom. 2:11; 3 a Isa. 29:7 (7–8). 7 a Isa. 29:11 (11–12); 1 Ne. 17:35 (35–40). b 1 Ne. 22:14. Ether 3:27. f Jonah 4:11 (10–11); tg Seal. 2 Ne. 29:12; tg Protection, Divine. Alma 26:37 (27, 37). 4 a Rev. 17:6 (1–6); b Mosiah 8:19; tg Heathen. Ether 3:25 (20–28); 4:4. 27 1 a tg Last Days. 2 Ne. 8:21. b Isa. 29:9. 5 a tg Spiritual Blindness. c Ether 1:2–4; 13:1–13. tg Abomination; b 2 Chr. 24:19; 8 a 3 Ne. 26:9 (7–12, 18); Iniquity; Wickedness. 2 a Isa. 29:6 (6–10); Jer. 26:5; 37:15; Ether 4:5; 5:1; Morm. 8:29. Zech. 1:4 (2–5). D&C 17:6. b Isa. 24:6; 66:16; 6 a Jarom 1:2; 9 a JS—H 1:64. Jacob 6:3; 3 Ne. 25:1. Morm. 5:12 (12–13). 10 a Dan. 12:9; b 2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); 1 Ne. 14:26; 29:12. D&C 35:18; tg Book of Mormon. JS—H 1:65.

105 2 Nephi 27 : 11–23 be sealed by the power of God, and the book: Take these words which the revelation which was sealed are not sealed and deliver them to shall be kept in the book until the another, that he may show them own due time of the Lord, that they unto the learned, saying: a Read this, may come forth; for behold, they b re- I pray thee. And the learned shall veal all things from the foundation say: Bring hither the book, and I of the world unto the end thereof. will read them. 11 And the day cometh that the 16 And now, because of the glory words of the book which were sealed of the world and to get a gain will shall be read upon the house tops; they say this, and not for the glory and they shall be read by the power of God. of Christ; and all things shall be a revealed unto the children of men 17 And the man shall say: I can- which ever have been among the not bring the book, for it is sealed. children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth. 18 Then shall the learned say: I cannot read it. 12 Wherefore, at that day when the book shall be delivered unto the 19 Wherefore it shall come to pass, man of whom I have spoken, the that the Lord God will a deliver again book shall be hid from the eyes of the book and the words thereof to the world, that the eyes of none shall him that is not learned; and the behold it save it be that a three b wit- man that is not learned shall say: nesses shall behold it, by the power I am not learned. of God, besides him to whom the book shall be delivered; and they 20 Then shall the Lord God say shall testify to the truth of the book unto him: The learned shall not read and the things therein. them, for they have rejected them, and I am a able to do mine own work; 13 And there is a none other which wherefore thou shalt read the words shall view it, save it be a few accord- which I shall give unto thee. ing to the will of God, to bear testi- mony of his word unto the children 21 a Touch not the things which are of men; for the Lord God hath said sealed, for I will bring them forth in that the words of the faithful should mine own due time; for I will show speak as if it were b from the dead. unto the children of men that I am able to do mine own work. 14 Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to bring forth the words 22 Wherefore, when thou hast read of the book; and in the mouth of the words which I have commanded as many witnesses as seemeth him thee, and obtained the a witnesses good will he establish his word; and which I have promised unto thee, wo be unto him that a rejecteth the then shalt thou seal up the book word of God! again, and hide it up unto me, that I may preserve the words which 15 But behold, it shall come to thou hast not read, until I shall see pass that the Lord God shall say fit in mine own b wisdom to c reveal unto him to whom he shall deliver all things unto the children of men. 23 For behold, I am God; and I am a God of a miracles; and I will show 10 b Ether 4:15. b 2 Ne. 3:19 (19–20); Jer. 1:7 (7–9). tg God, Omniscience of. 33:13 (13–15); 21 a Ether 5:1. Morm. 9:30; 22 a tg Witness. 11 a Luke 12:3; Moro. 10:27. b tg God, Wisdom of. Morm. 5:8; c Ether 4:7 (6–7). D&C 121:26–31. 14 a 2 Ne. 28:29 (29–30); Ether 4:8. tg Mysteries of 12 a 2 Ne. 11:3; Godliness. Ether 5:3 (2–4); 15 a Isa. 29:11. 23 a tg Marvelous; D&C 5:11 (11, 15); 17:1. 16 a tg Priestcraft. Miracle. 19 a Isa. 29:12. b Deut. 19:15. 20 a Ex. 4:11 (11–12); 13 a D&C 5:14 (3, 14).

2 Nephi 27 : 24–28 : 1 106 unto the b world that I am the same hear the words of the book, and yesterday, today, and forever; and I the eyes of the blind shall see out c work not among the children of men of obscurity and out of darkness. save it be d according to their faith. 30 And the a meek also shall in- 24 And again it shall come to pass crease, and their b joy shall be in the that the Lord shall say unto him Lord, and the poor among men shall that shall read the words that shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. be delivered him: 31 For assuredly as the Lord liv- 25 a Forasmuch as this people draw eth they shall see that the a terrible near unto me with their mouth, one is brought to naught, and the and with their lips do b honor me, scorner is consumed, and all that but have removed their c hearts far watch for iniquity are cut off; from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the d precepts of men— 32 And they that make a man an a offender for a word, and lay a snare 26 Therefore, I will proceed to do for him that reproveth in the b gate, a a marvelous work among this and c turn aside the just for a thing people, yea, a b marvelous work and of naught. a wonder, for the c wisdom of their wise and d learned shall perish, 33 Therefore, thus saith the Lord, and the e understanding of their who redeemed Abraham, concern- f prudent shall be hid. ing the house of Jacob: Jacob shall a not now be ashamed, neither shall 27 And a wo unto them that seek his face now wax pale. deep to hide their b counsel from the Lord! And their works are in the 34 But when he a seeth his children, c dark; and they say: Who seeth us, the work of my hands, in the midst and who knoweth us? And they also of him, they shall sanctify my name, say: Surely, your turning of things and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, upside down shall be esteemed as and shall fear the God of Israel. the d potter’s clay. But behold, I will show unto them, saith the Lord of 35 They also that a erred in spirit Hosts, that I e know all their works. shall come to understanding, and they For shall the work say of him that that murmured shall b learn doctrine. made it, he made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that Chapter 28 framed it, he had no understanding? Many false churches will be built up in the last days—They will teach false, 28 But behold, saith the Lord of vain, and foolish doctrines—Apostasy Hosts: I will show unto the children will abound because of false teach- of men that it is yet a very little ers—The devil will rage in the hearts while and Lebanon shall be turned of men—He will teach all manner of into a fruitful field; and the a fruitful false doctrines. About 559–545 b.c. field shall be esteemed as a forest. And now, behold, my brethren, I have spoken unto you, according 29 aA  nd in that day shall the b deaf 23 b tg World. b Isa. 29:14; 2 Ne. 25:17. 30 a tg Meek. c W of M 1:7. c tg Wisdom. b D&C 101:36. d Heb. 11; d tg Learn. 31 a Isa. 29:20. e tg Knowledge. 32 a Luke 11:54 (53–54); Ether 12:12 (7–22). f tg Prudence. 25 a Isa. 29:13 (13–24). 27 a Isa. 29:15 (15–16). Acts 22:22. b Matt. 15:8 (7–9). b tg Conspiracy; tg Offense. b Amos 5:10 (7, 10). tg Honor; Counsel. c 2 Ne. 28:16. Respect. c tg Secret Combinations. 33 a tg Israel, c tg Hardheartedness. d Jer. 18:6. Restoration of. d 2 Ne. 28:31. e tg God, Omniscience of. 34 a Isa. 29:23. 26 a 1 Ne. 22:8; 28 a tg Earth, Renewal of. 35 a 2 Ne. 28:14; 2 Ne. 29:1 (1–2). 29 a Isa. 29:18. D&C 33:4. tg Restoration of the b tg Deaf. b Dan. 12:4 (4–10). Gospel.

107 2 Nephi 28 : 2–13 as the Spirit hath constrained me; 7 Yea, and there shall be many wherefore, I know that they must which shall say: a Eat, drink, and be surely come to pass. merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us. 2 And the things which shall be written out of the a book shall be of 8 And there shall also be many great b worth unto the children of which shall say: a Eat, drink, and be men, and especially unto our seed, b merry; nevertheless, fear God—he which is a c remnant of the house will c justify in committing a little of Israel. d sin; yea, e lie a little, take the advan- tage of one because of his words, 3 For it shall come to pass in that dig a f pit for thy neighbor; there is day that the a churches which are built g no harm in this; and do all these up, and not unto the Lord, when the things, for tomorrow we die; and if one shall say unto the other: Behold, it so be that we are guilty, God will I, I am the Lord’s; and the others shall beat us with a few stripes, and at say: I, I am the Lord’s; and thus shall last we shall be saved in the king- every one say that hath built up dom of God. b churches, and not unto the Lord— 9 Yea, and there shall be many 4 And they shall contend one with which shall teach after this manner, another; and their priests shall con- a false and vain and b foolish c doc- tend one with another, and they trines, and shall be puffed up in shall teach with their a learning, their hearts, and shall seek deep to and deny the b Holy Ghost, which hide their counsels from the Lord; giveth utterance. and their works shall be in the dark. 5 And they a deny the b power of 10 And the a blood of the saints shall God, the Holy One of Israel; and cry from the ground against them. they say unto the people: Hearken unto us, and hear ye our precept; 11 Yea, they have all gone out of the for behold there is c no God today, a way; they have become b corrupted. for the Lord and the Redeemer hath done his work, and he hath given 12 Because of a pride, and because his power unto men; of b false teachers, and c false doc- trine, their churches have become 6 Behold, hearken ye unto my corrupted, and their churches are precept; if they shall say there is a lifted up; because of pride they are miracle wrought by the hand of the puffed up. Lord, believe it not; for this day he is not a God of a miracles; he hath 13 They a rob the b poor because of done his work. their fine sanctuaries; they rob the poor because of their fine clothing; 28 2 a tg Book of Mormon; 7 a Prov. 16:25; 18:24 (22–24); 19:2; 1 Cor. 15:32; 2 Ne. 26:3; Restoration of the Alma 30:17 (17–18). Morm. 8:27; Gospel. Ether 8:22 (22–24); b 1 Ne. 13:39 (34–42); 8 a Isa. 22:13. D&C 87:7. 14:5 (1–5); 22:9; b tg Worldliness. 11 a Hel. 6:31; 2 Ne. 30:3; 3 Ne. 21:6. c Morm. 8:31. D&C 132:25 (22–25). c tg Israel, Remnant of. d Mal. 2:17. b Morm. 8:28 (28–41); 3 a 1 Cor. 1:13 (10–13); e D&C 10:25; D&C 33:4. 1 Ne. 22:23; 12 a Prov. 28:25. 4 Ne. 1:26 (25–29); Moses 4:4. tg Pride. Morm. 8:28 (28, 32–38). tg Lying. b Jer. 23:21 (21–32); 50:6; b tg False Doctrine. f Job 6:27; Prov. 26:27; 3 Ne. 14:15. 4 a 2 Ne. 9:28; 26:20. 1 Ne. 14:3; 22:14; tg False Prophets. b 1 Cor. 2:4 (1–9). D&C 109:25. c tg False Doctrine. 5 a 2 Ne. 26:20; g Alma 30:17. 13 a Ezek. 34:8; Morm. 9:26 (7–26). 9 a tg False Doctrine. Morm. 8:37 (37–41). b 2 Tim. 3:5. b Ezek. 13:3; Hel. 13:29. b Ezek. 18:12; c Alma 30:28. c Matt. 15:9; 2 Ne. 13:14 (14–15); 6 a 3 Ne. 29:7; Col. 2:22 (18–22). Hel. 4:12 (11–13). Morm. 8:26; 9:15 (15–26). 10 a Gen. 4:10; Rev. 6:10 (9–11);

2 Nephi 28 : 14–24 108 and they persecute the meek and the earth, and great must be the the poor in heart, because in their fall thereof. c pride they are puffed up. 19 For the kingdom of the devil 14 They wear a stiff necks and high must a shake, and they which belong heads; yea, and because of pride, to it must needs be stirred up unto and wickedness, and abominations, repentance, or the b devil will grasp and b whoredoms, they have all them with his everlasting c chains, c gone astray save it be a d few, who and they be stirred up to anger, are the humble followers of Christ; and perish; nevertheless, they are e led, that in many instances they do f err because 20 For behold, at that day shall he they are taught by the precepts a rage in the b hearts of the children of men. of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good. 15 O the a wise, and the learned, and the rich, that are puffed up in 21 And others will he a pacify, and the b pride of their c hearts, and all lull them away into carnal b secu- those who preach d false doctrines, rity, that they will say: All is well and all those who commit e whore- in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is doms, and pervert the right way of well—and thus the c devil d cheateth the Lord, f wo, wo, wo be unto them, their souls, and leadeth them away saith the Lord God Almighty, for carefully down to hell. they shall be thrust down to hell! 22 And behold, others he a flattereth 16 Wo unto them that a turn aside away, and telleth them there is no the just for a thing of naught and b hell; and he saith unto them: I am b revile against that which is good, no devil, for there is none—and thus and say that it is of no worth! For he whispereth in their ears, until he the day shall come that the Lord grasps them with his awful c chains, God will speedily visit the inhabi- from whence there is no deliverance. tants of the earth; and in that day that they are c fully ripe in iniquity 23 Yea, they are grasped with they shall perish. death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that 17 But behold, if the inhabitants have been seized therewith must of the earth shall repent of their stand before the throne of God, wickedness and abominations they and be a judged according to their shall not be destroyed, saith the works, from whence they must go Lord of Hosts. into the place prepared for them, even a b lake of fire and brimstone, 18 But behold, that great and which is endless torment. a abominable church, the b whore of all the earth, must c tumble to 24 Therefore, wo be unto him that is at a ease in Zion! 13 c Alma 5:53; e Mosiah 11:2. D&C 10:20. Morm. 8:36 (36–39). f 3 Ne. 29:5 (4–7); 21 a Jacob 3:11; 14 a Prov. 21:4. Morm. 9:26. Alma 5:7 (6–7); tg Stiffnecked. 16 a 2 Ne. 27:32. Morm. 8:31. b Mal. 2:17. b tg Apathy. b tg Whore. c 2 Ne. 9:39; 32:8; c 2 Ne. 12:5; tg Reviling. Alma 30:42 (42, 53). c Ether 2:10 (8–11). d Rev. 13:14 (11–18). Mosiah 14:6; 18 a tg Devil, Church of. 22 a tg Flatter. Alma 5:37. b Rev. 19:2. b Mal. 2:17. d Morm. 8:36. c 1 Ne. 14:3 (3, 17). c 2 Ne. 9:45; e 2 Pet. 3:17. 19 a 1 Ne. 22:23 (22–23). Alma 36:18. f Matt. 22:29; b Alma 34:35. tg Bondage, Spiritual. 2 Ne. 27:35 (34–35); c Mosiah 23:12; 23 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. D&C 33:4. b Rev. 19:20; 21:8; 15 a Prov. 3:7 (5–7); Alma 12:11. 2 Ne. 9:16 (8–19, 26); 2 Ne. 15:21. tg Chain. Jacob 6:10. b tg Pride. 20 a Rev. 13:7; 2 Ne. 2:18; 24 a Amos 6:1. c tg Hardheartedness. D&C 10:27; 76:29. d Matt. 5:19. b Alma 8:9;

109 2 Nephi 28 : 25–29 : 3 25 Wo be unto him that crieth: standing I shall lengthen out mine All is well! arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I 26 Yea, wo be unto him that a heark­ will be merciful unto them, saith eneth unto the precepts of men, and the Lord God, if they will repent denieth the power of God, and the and b come unto me; for mine c arm gift of the Holy Ghost! is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts. 27 Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we a need Chapter 29 no more! Many Gentiles will reject the Book of Mormon—They will say, We need no 28 And in fine, wo unto all those more Bible—The Lord speaks to many who tremble, and are a angry because nations—He will judge the world out of of b the truth of God! For behold, he the books which will be written. About that is built upon the c rock d receiv- 559–545 b.c. eth it with gladness; and he that But behold, there shall be many— is built upon a sandy foundation at that day when I shall proceed to trembleth lest he shall fall. do a a marvelous work among them, that I may remember my b covenants 29 Wo be unto him that shall say: which I have made unto the chil- We have received the word of God, dren of men, that I may set my hand and we a need b no more of the word again the c second time to recover of God, for we have enough! my people, which are of the house of Israel; 30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of 2 And also, that I may remember men line upon line, a precept upon the promises which I have made precept, here a little and there a unto thee, Nephi, and also unto little; and blessed are those who thy father, that I would remember hearke­ n unto my precepts, and lend your seed; and that the a words an ear unto my counsel, for they of your seed should proceed forth shall learn b wisdom; for unto him out of my mouth unto your seed; that c receiveth I will give d more; and and my words shall b hiss forth from them that shall say, We have unto the c ends of the earth, for a enough, from them shall be taken d standard unto my people, which away even that which they have. are of the house of Israel; 31 Cursed is he that putteth his 3 And because my words shall hiss a trust in man, or maketh flesh his forth—many of the Gentiles shall arm, or shall hearken unto the b pre- say: A a Bible! A Bible! We have cepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost. 32 a Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwith- 26 a 2 Ne. 9:29. tg Wisdom. Gospel. 27 a Alma 12:10 (10–11); c Luke 8:18. b tg Abrahamic d Alma 12:10; 3 Ne. 26:10 (9–10); D&C 50:24. Covenant. Ether 4:8. 31 a D&C 1:19 (19–20). c 2 Ne. 6:14; 21:11; 25:17. 28 a 2 Ne. 9:40; 33:5. tg Trust Not in the tg Rebellion. Arm of Flesh. tg Israel, Gathering of; b Matt. 7:25. b 2 Ne. 27:25. Israel, Restoration of. c tg Rock. 32 a 1 Ne. 14:6; 2 a 2 Ne. 3:21. d tg Teachable. 3 Ne. 16:8. b Isa. 5:26; 29 a 2 Ne. 29:10 (3–10). b tg God, Access to. Moro. 10:28. b 2 Ne. 27:14; c 2 Ne. 19:17 (17–21); c 2 Ne. 15:26. Ether 4:8. Jacob 5:47; 6:4; d Ps. 60:4. 30 a Prov. 2:9 (9–11); D&C 133:67. tg Ensign. Isa. 28:13 (9–13); 29 1 a 2 Ne. 27:26. 3 a 1 Ne. 13:24 (23–24). D&C 98:12. tg Restoration of the tg Bible; b Prov. 14:8. Book of Mormon.

2 Nephi 29 : 4–12 110 got a Bible, and there cannot be mony of b two nations is a c witness any more Bible. unto you that I am God, that I re- member one d nation like unto an- 4 But thus saith the Lord God: O other? Wherefore, I speak the same fools, they shall have a a Bible; and words unto one nation like unto it shall proceed forth from the b Jews, another. And when the two e nations mine ancient covenant people. And shall run together the testimony of what c thank they the d Jews for the the two nations shall run together Bible which they receive from them? also. Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? Do they remember the travails, and the 9 And I do this that I may prove labors, and the pains of the Jews, and unto many that I am the a same yes- their diligence unto me, in bringing terday, today, and forever; and that forth salvation unto the Gentiles? I speak forth my b words according to mine own pleasure. And be- 5 O ye Gentiles, have ye remembered cause that I have spoken one c word the Jews, mine ancient covenant ye need not suppose that I cannot people? Nay; but ye have a cursed speak another; for my d work is not them, and have b hated them, and yet finished; neither shall it be until have not sought to recover them. But the end of man, neither from that behold, I will return all these things time henceforth and forever. upon your own heads; for I the Lord have not forgotten my people. 10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that 6 Thou fool, that shall say: A a Bible, it contains all my a words; neither we have got a Bible, and we need b need ye suppose that I have not no more Bible. Have ye obtained caused more to be written. a Bible save it were by the Jews? 11 For I command a all men, both 7 Know ye not that there are more in the east and in the west, and in a nations than one? Know ye not the north, and in the south, and that I, the Lord your God, have cre- in the islands of the sea, that they ated all men, and that I remember shall b write the words which I speak those who are upon the b isles of the unto them; for out of the c books sea; and that I rule in the heavens which shall be written I will d judge above and in the c earth beneath; the world, every man according to and I bring forth my d word unto the their works, according to that which children of men, yea, even upon all is written. the nations of the earth? 12 For behold, I shall speak unto 8 Wherefore murmur ye, because the a Jews and they shall b write that ye shall receive more of my it; and I shall also speak unto the word? Know ye not that the a testi- 4 a Rom. 3:2 (1–3). 2 Ne. 10:8 (8, 20); c tg Revelation. b Neh. 1:10; D&C 133:8. d Moses 1:4. c Deut. 10:14; 10 a tg Scriptures to Come 1 Ne. 13:25 (23–25); 1 Ne. 11:6; D&C 3:16. D&C 55:1; Forth. c tg Ingratitude; Moses 6:44. b 2 Ne. 28:29. Thanksgiving. d D&C 5:6. 11 a Alma 29:8. d tg Israel, Judah, 8 a tg Testimony. b 2 Tim. 3:16; People of. b Ezek. 37:17 (15–20); 5 a Micah 6:16. 1 Ne. 13:39 (38–41); Moses 1:40. tg Curse. 2 Ne. 3:12; tg Scriptures, b 3 Ne. 29:8. 33:10 (10–11). Preservation of; tg Hate. c Matt. 18:16. Scriptures, Writing of. 6 a 1 Ne. 13:23, 38. d 2 Sam. 7:23; c tg Book of Life. 7 a tg Jesus Christ, Creator; Alma 9:20. d 2 Ne. 25:22 (18, 22); Man, Physical e Hosea 1:11. 33:14 (11, 14–15). Creation of; 9 a Heb. 13:8. tg Jesus Christ, Judge. Nations. b tg Word of God; 12 a 1 Ne. 13:23 (23–29); b Isa. 51:5; Word of the Lord. 2 Ne. 3:12. 1 Ne. 22:4; b tg Scriptures, Lost.

111 2 Nephi 29 : 13–30 : 5 Nephites and they shall c write it; should suppose that ye are more and I shall also speak unto the righteous than the Gentiles shall other tribes of the house of Israel, be. For behold, except ye shall keep which I have led away, and they the commandments of God ye shall shall write it; and I shall also speak all likewise a perish; and because of unto d all nations of the earth and the words which have been spoken they shall write it. ye need not suppose that the Gen- tiles are utterly destroyed. 13 And it shall come to pass that the a Jews shall have the words of 2 For behold, I say unto you that the Nephites, and the Nephites shall as many of the Gentiles as will re- have the words of the Jews; and the pent are the a covenant people of Nephites and the Jews shall have the Lord; and as many of the b Jews the words of the b lost tribes of Is- as will not repent shall be c cast off; rael; and the lost tribes of Israel for the Lord d covenanteth with none shall have the words of the Neph- save it be with them that e repent ites and the Jews. and believe in his Son, who is the Holy One of Israel. 14 And it shall come to pass that my people, which are of the a house of 3 And now, I would prophesy some- Israel, shall be gathered home unto what more concerning the Jews and the b lands of their possessions; and the Gentiles. For after the book of my word also shall be gathered in which I have spoken shall come c one. And I will show unto them that forth, and be written unto the Gen- fight against my word and against tiles, and sealed up again unto the my d people, who are of the e house Lord, there shall be many which of Israel, that I am God, and that I shall a believe the words which are f covenanted with gA  braham that written; and b they shall carry them I would remember his h seed i forever. forth unto the c remnant of our seed. Chapter 30 4 And then shall the remnant of Converted Gentiles will be numbered our seed know concerning us, how with the covenant people—Many La- that we came out from Jerusalem, manites and Jews will believe the word and that they are descendants of and become delightsome—Israel will the Jews. be restored and the wicked destroyed. About 559–545 b.c. 5 And the gospel of Jesus Christ And now behold, my beloved breth- shall be declared among a them; ren, I would speak unto you; for wherefore, b they shall be restored I, Nephi, would not suffer that ye unto the c knowledge of their fathers, and also to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which was had among their fathers. 12 c 1 Ne. 13:40 (39–42); 3 Ne. 20:27; Jacob 5:6. 2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); Abr. 2:9. d Rom. 3:29. 27:6 (6–26). tg Abrahamic e tg Repent. Covenant. 3 a 2 Ne. 28:2; d 2 Ne. 26:33; g Micah 7:20 (18–20). Alma 29:8. h Ps. 102:28; 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–13). D&C 132:30; b 1 Ne. 22:9 (5–10); 13 a Morm. 5:14 (13–14). Moses 7:52 (50–53). b tg Israel, Ten Lost tg Seed of Abraham. 3 Ne. 5:25 (20–26). 3 0 1 ai Gen. 17:7 (5–7). c 2 Ne. 4:7 (7–11); Tribes of. Luke 13:3 (1–5). 14 a Jer. 3:18 (17–19). 2 a Gal. 3:29 (26–29); Jacob 1:5. b tg Israel, Gathering of; Abr. 2:10 (9–11). tg Israel, Remnant of. b Matt. 8:12. 5 a 3 Ne. 21:5 (3–7, 24–26); Lands of Inheritance. tg Israel, Judah, Morm. 5:15. c Ezek. 37:17 (16–17). People of. b D&C 3:20. d 1 Kgs. 8:51; c Luke 3:9 (3–9); c 1 Ne. 15:14; 2 Ne. 3:12; 2 Ne. 3:9; 8:16. Morm. 7:9 (1, 9–10). e 1 Ne. 22:9; Rom. 9:6; 2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8). f Gen. 12:2 (1–3); 1 Ne. 17:40;

2 Nephi 30 : 6–18 112 6 And then shall they rejoice; for the calf, and the young lion, and they shall a know that it is a blessing the fatling, together; and a little unto them from the hand of God; child shall lead them. and their b scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and 13 And the cow and the bear shall many generations shall not pass feed; their young ones shall lie away among them, save they shall down together; and the lion shall be a pure and a c delightsome people. eat straw like the ox. 7 And it shall come to pass that 14 And the sucking child shall the a Jews which are scattered also play on the hole of the asp, and the shall b begin to believe in Christ; and weaned child shall put his hand on they shall begin to gather in upon the cockatrice’s den. the face of the land; and as many as shall believe in Christ shall also 15 They shall not hurt nor destroy become a delightsome people. in all my holy a mountain; for the earth shall be full of the b knowl- 8 And it shall come to pass that edge of the Lord as the waters cover the Lord God shall commence his the sea. work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about 16 Wherefore, the things of a all the a restoration of his people upon nations shall be made known; yea, the earth. all things shall be made b known unto the children of men. 9 And with righteousness shall the a Lord God b judge the poor, and re- 17 There is nothing which is secret prove with equity for the c meek of save it shall be a revealed; there is the earth. And he shall smite the no work of darkness save it shall be earth with the rod of his mouth; and made manifest in the light; and there with the breath of his lips shall he is nothing which is sealed upon slay the wicked. the earth save it shall be loosed. 10 For the a time speedily cometh 18 Wherefore, all things which that the Lord God shall cause a have been revealed unto the chil- great b division among the people, dren of men shall at that a day be and the wicked will he c destroy; and revealed; and Satan shall have power he will d spare his people, yea, even over the hearts of the children of if it so be that he must e destroy the men b no more, for a long time. And wicked by fire. now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings. 11 And a righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness Chapter 31 the girdle of his reins. Nephi tells why Christ was baptized— Men must follow Christ, be baptized, 12 aA  nd then shall the wolf dwell receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to with the lamb; and the leopard the end to be saved—Repentance and shall lie down with the kid, and 6 a Alma 3:14. 2 Ne. 9:15. tg Righteousness. b tg Darkness, Spiritual; c tg Meek. 12 a Isa. 65:25. 10 a Jacob 5:29; 6:2. Spiritual Blindness. tg Earth, Renewal of. c W of M 1:8; tg Last Days. 15 a Joel 2:1. b D&C 63:54. b tg God, Knowledge D&C 49:24; 109:65. c Ps. 73:17 (3–17); 7 a 2 Ne. 29:14 (13–14); about. D&C 29:17; 16 a D&C 101:32 (32–35); 3 Ne. 5:25 (23–26). JS—M 1:55. tg Israel, Judah, d 1 Ne. 22:17 (15–22); 121:28 (26–32). People of. 3 Ne. 22:13 (13–17); b Ether 4:7 (6–7, 13–17). b 2 Ne. 25:16 (16–17). Moses 7:61. 17 a Luke 12:2 (2–3); 8 a tg Israel, Restoration of; e 1 Ne. 22:23 (15–17, 23); Millennium, Preparing a Jacob 5:69. D&C 1:3 (1–3). People for. tg Earth, Cleansing of. 18 a Acts 3:21. 9 a Isa. 11:4 (4–9). 11 a Isa. 11:5 (5–9). b Rev. 20:2 (2–3); b Ps. 19:9; Ether 8:26.

113 2 Nephi 31 : 1–13 baptism are the gate to the strait and of God did fulfil all righteousness narrow path—Eternal life comes to in being baptized by water? those who keep the commandments after baptism. About 559–545 b.c. 7 Know ye not that he was holy ? And now I, Nephi, make an end of But notwithstanding he being holy, my a prophesying unto you, my be- he showeth unto the children of loved brethren. And I cannot write men that, according to the flesh he but a few things, which I know must humbleth himself before the Father, surely come to pass; neither can I and witnesseth unto the Father that write but a few of the b words of my he would be a obedient unto him in brother Jacob. keeping his commandments. 2 Wherefore, the things which I 8 Wherefore, after he was baptized have written sufficeth me, save it with water the Holy Ghost descended be a few words which I a must speak upon him in the a form of a b dove. concerning the doctrine of Christ; wherefore, I shall speak unto you 9 And again, it showeth unto the plainly, according to the plainness children of men the straitness of the of my prophesying. path, and the narrowness of the a gate, by which they should enter, he hav- 3 For my soul delighteth in a plain- ing set the b example before them. ness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children 10 And he said unto the children of men. For the Lord God giveth of men: a Follow thou me. Where- light unto the b understanding; for fore, my beloved brethren, can we he speaketh unto men according b follow Jesus save we shall be will- to their c language, unto their un- ing to keep the commandments of derstanding. the Father? 4 Wherefore, I would that ye 11 And the Father said: Repent ye, should remember that I have spoken repent ye, and be baptized in the unto you concerning that a prophet name of my Beloved Son. which the Lord showed unto me, that should baptize the b Lamb of 12 And also, the voice of the Son God, which should take away the came unto me, saying: He that is sins of the world. baptized in my name, to him will the Father a give the Holy Ghost, 5 And now, if the Lamb of God, he like unto me; wherefore, b follow being a holy, should have need to me, and do the things which ye be b baptized by water, to fulfil all have seen me do. righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, 13 Wherefore, my beloved breth- to be c baptized, yea, even by water! ren, I know that if ye shall a follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, 6 And now, I would ask of you, my acting no b hypocrisy and no de- beloved brethren, wherein the Lamb ception before God, but with real c intent, repenting of your sins, wit- nessing unto the Father that ye are d willing to take upon you the e name 31 1 a 2 Ne. 25:4 (1–4). c tg Baptism, Essential. b Matt. 16:24 (24–26); 7 a John 5:30. Luke 9:59 (57–62); b 2 Ne. 11:1. John 12:26; 1 Jn. 2:6. 2 a 2 Ne. 11:4 (4–6). tg Obedience. tg God, the Standard of 3 a 2 Ne. 25:7 (7–8); 32:7. 8 a 1 Ne. 11:27. Righteousness. b tg Understanding. b tg Holy Ghost, Dove, c D&C 1:24. 13 a tg Jesus Christ, Sign of. Exemplar. tg Language. 9 a 2 Ne. 9:41; 4 a 1 Ne. 10:7; 11:27. b tg Hypocrisy. b tg Jesus Christ, Lamb 3 Ne. 14:14 (13–14); c tg Integrity; D&C 22:4; 43:7. of God. b tg Example. Sincere. 5 a 1 Jn. 3:3. 10 a Matt. 4:19; 8:22; 9:9. d tg Agency; b Matt. 3:11 (11–17). b Matt. 8:19; Moro. 7:11; D&C 56:2. Commitment. tg Jesus Christ, 12 a tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. e tg Jesus Christ, Taking Baptism of. the Name of.

2 Nephi 31 : 14–21 114 of Christ, by f  baptism—yea, by fol- the gate by which ye should enter. lowing your Lord and your Savior For the gate by which ye should down into the water, according to his enter is repentance and a baptism word, behold, then shall ye receive by water; and then cometh a b re- the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh mission of your sins by fire and by the g baptism of fire and of the Holy the Holy Ghost. Ghost; and then can ye speak with the h tongue of angels, and shout 18 And then are ye in this a strait praises unto the Holy One of Israel. and narrow b path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in 14 But, behold, my beloved breth- by the gate; ye have done according ren, thus came the voice of the Son to the commandments of the Father unto me, saying: After ye have re- and the Son; and ye have received pented of your sins, and witnessed the Holy Ghost, which c witnesses of unto the Father that ye are willing the d Father and the Son, unto the to keep my commandments, by the fulfilling of the promise which he baptism of water, and have received hath made, that if ye entered in by the baptism of fire and of the Holy the way ye should receive. Ghost, and can speak with a new tongue, yea, even with the tongue of 19 And now, my beloved brethren, angels, and after this should a deny after ye have gotten into this strait me, it would have been b better for and narrow a path, I would ask if all you that ye had not known me. is b done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far 15 And I heard a voice from the save it were by the word of Christ Father, saying: Yea, the a words of with unshaken c faith in him, d rely- my Beloved are true and faithful. ing wholly upon the merits of him He that b endureth to the c end, the who is mighty to e save. same shall be saved. 20 Wherefore, ye must press for- 16 And now, my beloved brethren, ward with a a steadfastness in Christ, I know by this that unless a man having a perfect brightness of shall a endure to the end, in follow- b hope, and a c love of God and of all ing the b example of the Son of the men. Wherefore, if ye shall press living God, he cannot be saved. forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and d endure to the end, 17 Wherefore, do the things which behold, thus saith the Father: Ye I have told you I have seen that your shall have e eternal life. Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been 21 And now, behold, my beloved shown unto me, that ye might know brethren, this is the a way; and there 13 f Gal. 3:27 (26–27). 16 a Mark 13:13; Alma 38:2; d Moro. 6:4; D&C 3:20; g tg Holy Ghost, D&C 20:29; 53:7. Moses 7:53. Baptism of. b tg Example; e tg Jesus Christ, h 2 Ne. 32:2 (2–3). Jesus Christ, Exemplar. Atonement through. tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 17 a Mosiah 18:10. 20 a tg Commitment; 14 a Matt. 10:33 (32–33); tg Baptism. Dedication; Perseverance; Rom. 1:16 (15–18); b tg Holy Ghost, Steadfastness; 2 Tim. 2:12 (10–15); Mission of; Walking with God. Alma 24:30; Remission of Sins. D&C 101:5 (1–5). b tg Hope. tg Holy Ghost, 18 a 1 Ne. 8:20. c tg God, Love of; Love. Unpardonable Sin b Prov. 4:18. d James 5:8 (7–11); against. b Heb. 6:4 (4–6); tg Gate; Path; Way. Rev. 2:25 (25–26); 2 Pet. 2:21. c tg Holy Ghost, Mission 3 Ne. 15:9. 15 a D&C 64:31; 66:11. e 1 Jn. 2:25; 5:13 (10–21). b Jacob 6:11 (7–11). of; Holy Ghost, Source tg Objectives. tg Endure; of Testimony. 21 a Ex. 33:13 (12–13); Steadfastness. d 3 Ne. 28:11; Acts 4:12; 2 Ne. 9:41; c Alma 5:13. Moses 6:66. Alma 37:46; 19 a Hosea 14:9 (8–9). D&C 132:22 (22, 25). b Mosiah 4:10. c tg Faith.

115 2 Nephi 32 : 1–9 is b none other way nor c name given the light, but must perish in the under heaven whereby man can be dark. saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the d doctrine 5 For behold, again I say unto you of Christ, and the only and true that if ye will enter in by the way, doctrine of the e Father, and of the and receive the Holy Ghost, it will Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which a show unto you all things what ye is f one God, without end. Amen. should do. Chapter 32 6 Behold, this is the doctrine of Angels speak by the power of the Holy Christ, and there will be no more Ghost—Men must pray and gain knowl- doctrine given until after he shall edge for themselves from the Holy Ghost. a manifest himself unto you in the About 559–545 b.c. flesh. And when he shall manifest And now, behold, my beloved breth- himself unto you in the flesh, the ren, I suppose that ye ponder some- things which he shall say unto you what in your hearts concerning that shall ye observe to do. which ye should do after ye have entered in by the way. But, behold, 7 And now I, Nephi, cannot say why do ye ponder these things in more; the Spirit stoppeth mine your hearts? utterance, and I am left to mourn because of the a unbelief, and the 2 Do ye not remember that I said wickedness, and the ignorance, and unto you that after ye had a received the b stiffneckedness of men; for they the Holy Ghost ye could speak with will c not search d knowledge, nor the b tongue of angels? And now, how understand great knowledge, when could ye speak with the tongue of it is given unto them in e plainness, angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? even as plain as word can be. 3 aA  ngels speak by the power of 8 And now, my beloved brethren, I the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they perceive that ye ponder still in your speak the words of Christ. Where- hearts; and it grieveth me that I must fore, I said unto you, b feast upon speak concerning this thing. For if the c words of Christ; for behold, the ye would hearken unto the a Spirit words of Christ will d tell you all which teacheth a man to b pray, ye things what ye should do. would know that ye must c pray; for the d evil spirit teacheth not a man 4 Wherefore, now after I have to pray, but teacheth him that he spoken these words, if ye cannot must not pray. understand them it will be because ye a ask not, neither do ye knock; 9 But behold, I say unto you that wherefore, ye are not brought into ye must a pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall b pray unto the Father in 21 b 2 Ne. 25:20; tg Bread of Life; Study. Jacob 4:13; Mosiah 3:17. c Col. 3:16. Alma 13:23; c tg Jesus Christ, Taking d Ex. 4:15. Ether 12:39. the Name of. 8 a tg Discernment, d Matt. 7:28; tg Problem-Solving. Spiritual. John 7:16. 4 a tg Ask. b tg Prayer. e tg Godhead. 5 a 3 Ne. 16:6; c Jacob 3:1. f Deut. 6:4; Gal. 3:20; d 2 Ne. 9:39; 1 Ne. 13:41; Ether 4:11 (11–12); 28:21 (20–22); 3 Ne. 28:10; D&C 28:15; Mosiah 2:32; 4:14; Morm. 7:7. Moses 8:24. Alma 30:42 (42, 53). tg Unity. tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of; tg Spirits, Evil or 32 2 a Alma 36:24; Revelation. Unclean. 3 Ne. 9:20. 6 a 1 Ne. 12:6. 9 a Mosiah 26:39; b 2 Ne. 31:13. 7 a tg Doubt; Unbelief. 3 Ne. 20:1; 3 a tg Angels. b tg Stiffnecked. D&C 75:11. b Jer. 15:16. c 2 Pet. 3:5. b 3 Ne. 18:19. d tg Knowledge. e 2 Ne. 25:7 (7–8); 31:3;

2 Nephi 33 : 1–10 116 the c name of Christ, that he will gain of my people. And the words d consecrate thy performance unto which I have written in weakness thee, that thy performance may be will be made strong unto them; for for the e welfare of thy soul. it a persuadeth them to do good; it maketh known unto them of their Chapter 33 fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus, Nephi’s words are true—They testify and persuadeth them to believe of Christ—Those who believe in Christ in him, and to endure to the end, will believe Nephi’s words, which will which is life b eternal. stand as a witness before the judgment bar. About 559–545 b.c. 5 And it speaketh a harshly against And now I, Nephi, cannot write all sin, according to the b plainness of the things which were taught among the truth; wherefore, no man will my people; neither am I a mighty be angry at the words which I have in writing, like unto speaking; written save he shall be of the spirit for when a man b speaketh by the of the devil. power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto 6 I a glory in b plainness; I glory in the hearts of the children of men. truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath c redeemed my soul from hell. 2 But behold, there are many that a harden their b hearts against 7 I have a charity for my people, the c Holy Spirit, that it hath no and great faith in Christ that I place in them; wherefore, they cast shall meet many souls spotless at many things away which are writ- his judgment-seat. ten and esteem them as things of naught. 8 I have charity for the a Jew—I say Jew, because I mean them from 3 But I, Nephi, have written what whence I came. I have written, and I esteem it as of great a worth, and especially unto 9 I also have charity for the Gen- my people. For I b pray continually tiles. But behold, for none of a these for them by day, and mine c eyes can I hope except they shall be b rec- water my pillow by night, because onciled unto Christ, and enter into of them; and I cry unto my God in the c narrow d gate, and e walk in the faith, and I know that he will hear f strait path which leads to life, and my cry. continue in the path until the end of the day of g probation. 4 And I know that the Lord God will consecrate my prayers for the 10 And now, my beloved brethren, and also a Jew, and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and b believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. 9 c Col. 3:17; 1 Sam. 7:5; b 2 Ne. 31:3. Moses 5:8. Jer. 42:4; c Enos 1:27. d Micah 4:13; Enos 1:9 (9–12); 7 a tg Charity. 2 Ne. 2:2. W of M 1:8; 8 a tg Israel, Judah, 3 3 1 ae Alma 34:27. Moro. 9:22. Ether 12:23 (23–27). People of. b Rom. 10:17 (13–17); c Ps. 6:6; Jer. 13:17; bd Judah, Kingdom of. D&C 100:8 (7–8). Acts 20:19. 9 a Eph. 3:6 (1–7); tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 2 Ne. 10:18; 2 a Num. 15:31 (30–31); 4 a Ether 8:26; 3 Ne. 21:14. 1 Ne. 19:7; Moro. 7:13 (12–17). b tg Reconciliation. Jacob 4:14; tg Motivations. c 2 Ne. 9:41; D&C 3:7 (4–13). Hel. 3:29 (29–30). tg Hardheartedness. b tg Eternal Life. d Matt. 7:14. b tg Spiritual Blindness. 5 a 1 Ne. 16:2 (1–3); e tg Walking with God. c tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. f D&C 132:22. 3 a tg Scriptures, Value of. 2 Ne. 9:40; 28:28; g tg Probation. b Gen. 20:7; Enos 1:23; 10 a tg Israel, Judah, Num. 21:7; W of M 1:17. People of. b 2 Ne. 25:4; b tg Believe. Jacob 2:11; 4:13. 6 a Ps. 44:8 (4–8); D&C 76:61.

117 2 Nephi 33 : 11–Jacob 1 : 3 And if ye shall c believe in Christ ye all those who are of the house of will believe in these d words, for they Israel, and all ye ends of the earth, are the e words of Christ, and he hath I speak unto you as the voice of one given them unto me; and they f teach a crying from the dust: Farewell un- all men that they should do good. til that great day shall come. 11 And if they are not the words 14 And you that will not partake of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will of the goodness of God, and respect show unto you, with a power and the words of the a Jews, and also my great b glory, that they are his words, b words, and the words which shall at the last day; and you and I shall proceed forth out of the mouth of stand face to face before his bar; and the Lamb of God, behold, I bid you ye shall know that I have been com- an everlasting farewell, for these manded of him to write these things, words shall c condemn you at the notwithstanding my weakness. last day. 12 And I pray the Father in the 15 For what I seal on earth, shall name of Christ that many of us, if be brought against you at the a judg- not all, may be saved in his a king- ment bar; for thus hath the Lord dom at that great and last day. commanded me, and I must b obey. Amen. 13 And now, my beloved brethren, The Book of Jacob the Brother of Nephi The words of his preaching unto his brethren. He confoundeth a man who seeketh to overthrow the doctrine of Christ. A few words concerning the his- tory of the people of Nephi. Chapter 1 mandment concerning the b small Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men plates, upon which these things are to believe in Christ and keep His com- engraven. mandments—Nephi dies—Wickedness prevails among the Nephites. About 2 And he gave me, Jacob, a com- mandment that I should a write upon F544 – 421 b.c. b these plates a few of the things or behold, it came to pass which I considered to be most that fifty and five years had precious; that I should not touch, passed away from the time save it were lightly, concerning the that Lehi left Jerusalem; where- history of this people which are fore, Nephi gave me, Jacob, a a com- called the people of Nephi. 3 For he said that the history of his 10 c John 8:47. in Heaven; Ether 4:10 (8–10). d tg Book of Mormon. Kingdom of God, b tg Obedience. e Isa. 51:16; on Earth. [ Jacob] 13 a Isa. 29:4; Moro. 10:27 (27–29); 2 Ne. 27:13; 1 1 a Jacob 7:27; D&C 1:24. Morm. 8:26. f 1 Kgs. 8:36; 14 a tg Bible. Jarom 1:15 (1–2, 15); 2 Ne. 25:28. b tg Book of Mormon. Omni 1:3. 11 a Ether 5:4 (4–6); c 2 Ne. 29:11; b 2 Ne. 5:31 (28–33); Moro. 7:35. W of M 1:11. Jacob 3:13 (13–14). b tg Jesus Christ, 15 a 2 Ne. 25:22; 2 a tg Scribe; Glory of. 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27); Scriptures, Writing of. 12 a tg Kingdom of God, b 1 Ne. 6:6.

Jacob 1 : 4–14 118 people should be engraven upon his Jacob, take it upon me to fulfil the a other plates, and that I should b pre- commandment of my brother Nephi. serve these plates and hand them down unto my seed, from generation 9 Now Nephi began to be old, to generation. and he saw that he must soon a die; wherefore, he b anointed a man to be 4 And if there were preaching a king and a ruler over his people which was a sacred, or revelation now, according to the reigns of the which was great, or prophesying, c kings. that I should engraven the b heads of them upon these plates, and touch 10 The people having loved Nephi upon them as much as it were pos- exceedingly, he having been a great sible, for Christ’s sake, and for the protector for them, having wielded sake of our people. the a sword of Laban in their defence, and having labored in all his days 5 For because of faith and great for their welfare— anxiety, it truly had been made manifest unto us concerning our 11 Wherefore, the people were de- people, what things should a hap- sirous to retain in remembrance his pen unto them. name. And whoso should reign in his stead were called by the people, 6 And we also had many revelations, second Nephi, third Nephi, and so and the spirit of much prophecy; forth, according to the reigns of the wherefore, we knew of a Christ and kings; and thus they were called by his kingdom, which should come. the people, let them be of whatever name they would. 7 Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might 12 And it came to pass that Nephi persuade them to a come unto Christ, died. and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his b rest, 13 Now the people which were not lest by any means he should swear a Lamanites were Nephites; never- in his wrath they should not c enter theless, they were called Nephites, in, as in the d provocation in the days Jacobites, Josephites, b Zoramites, of temptation while the children of Lamanites, Lemuelites, and Ish- Israel were in the e wilderness. maelites. 8 Wherefore, we would to God that 14 But I, Jacob, shall not hereafter we could persuade all men a not to distinguish a them by these names, rebel against God, to b provoke him but I shall b call them Lamanites to anger, but that all men would be- that seek to destroy the people of lieve in Christ, and view his death, Nephi, and those who are friendly and suffer his c cross and bear the to Nephi I shall call c Nephites, or shame of the world; wherefore, I, the d people of Nephi, according to the reigns of the kings. 3 a 2 Ne. 5:33 (29–33); Deut. 1:35 (35–37); 10 a 1 Ne. 4:9; Jacob 3:13 (13–14). D&C 84:24 (23–25). 2 Ne. 5:14; d Heb. 3:8. W of M 1:13; b tg Scriptures, e Num. 26:65; Mosiah 1:16; Preservation of. 1 Ne. 17:31 (23–31). D&C 17:1. 8 a tg Loyalty; 4 a tg Sacred. Rebellion. 13 a Enos 1:13; b ie the dominant, b Num. 14:11 (11–12); Alma 23:17; 1 Kgs. 16:33; D&C 3:18. important items. 1 Ne. 17:30 (23–31); 5 a See 1 Ne. 12–15. See also Alma 12:37 (36–37); b 1 Ne. 4:35; Hel. 7:18. Alma 54:23; 1 Ne. 22:7 (7–8); c Luke 14:27. 4 Ne. 1:36 (36–37). 2 Ne. 1:9 (5–10); 9 a Gen. 47:29 (28–29); 4:7 (7–11); 30:3 (3–6). 2 Ne. 1:14. 14 a W of M 1:16. 6 a 1 Ne. 10:4 (4–11); b tg Anointing. b Mosiah 25:12; 19:8 (8–14). c 2 Ne. 6:2; 7 a 2 Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51); Jarom 1:7 (7, 14). Alma 2:11. Omni 1:26 (25–26); c 2 Ne. 4:11. Moro. 10:32. d 2 Ne. 5:9. b tg Rest. c Num. 14:23;

119 Jacob 1 : 15–2 : 7 15 And now it came to pass that The a words which Jacob, the the people of Nephi, under the reign brother of Nephi, spake unto the of the second king, began to grow people of Nephi, after the death hard in their hearts, and indulge of Nephi: themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David of 2 Now, my beloved brethren, I, old desiring many a wives and b con- Jacob, according to the a responsi- cubines, and also Solomon, his son. bility which I am under to God, to b magnify mine office with c sober- 16 Yea, and they also began to ness, and that I might d rid my gar- search much a gold and silver, and ments of your sins, I come up into began to be lifted up somewhat the temple this day that I might in pride. declare unto you the word of God. 17 Wherefore I, Jacob, gave unto 3 And ye yourselves know that I them these words as I taught them have hitherto been diligent in the in the a temple, having first obtained office of my calling; but I this day mine b errand from the Lord. am weighed down with much more desire and anxiety for the a welfare 18 For I, Jacob, and my brother Jo- of your souls than I have hitherto seph had been a consecrated priests been. and b teachers of this people, by the hand of Nephi. 4 For behold, as yet, ye have been obedient unto the word of the Lord, 19 And we did a magnify our office which I have given unto you. unto the Lord, taking upon us the b responsibility, answering the sins 5 But behold, hearken ye unto of the people upon our own heads if me, and know that by the help of we did not c teach them the word of the all-powerful Creator of heaven God with all diligence; wherefore, and earth I can tell you concerning by laboring with our might their your a thoughts, how that ye are be- d blood might not come upon our ginning to labor in sin, which sin garments; otherwise their blood appeareth very abominable unto would come upon our garments, me, yea, and abominable unto God. and we would not be found spot- less at the last day. 6 Yea, it grieveth my soul and causeth me to shrink with shame Chapter 2 before the presence of my Maker, Jacob denounces the love of riches, that I must testify unto you concern- pride, and unchastity—Men may seek ing the wickedness of your hearts. riches to help their fellowmen—The Lord commands that no man among 7 And also it grieveth me that the Nephites may have more than one I must use so much a boldness of wife—The Lord delights in the chastity speech concerning you, before your of women. About 544–421 b.c. wives and your children, many of whose feelings are exceedingly tender and b chaste and delicate 15 a Deut. 17:17; Setting Apart. 2 a tg Stewardship. 1 Sam. 25:43 (42–43); b tg Teacher. b Rom. 11:13; D&C 132:38 (38–39). 19 a Jacob 2:2; D&C 24:3. Jacob 1:19; b 2 Sam. 20:3; tg Leadership; D&C 24:3. 1 Chr. 3:9. Priesthood, Magnifying c tg Sincere. Callings within. d Mosiah 2:28. 16 a Mosiah 2:12. b Ezek. 34:10. 3 a 2 Ne. 6:3; 17 a 2 Ne. 5:16; tg Accountability; Mosiah 25:11. Stewardship. 5 a Amos 4:13; Alma 16:13; c 1 Sam. 8:9; Moro. 9:6. Alma 12:3 (3–7); Hel. 3:14 (9, 14); d Lev. 20:27; Acts 20:26; D&C 6:16. 3 Ne. 11:1. 2 Ne. 9:44; Mosiah 2:27; tg God, Omniscience of. tg Temple. D&C 88:85; 112:33. 7 a Lev. 19:17; b tg Called of God. 2 1 a 2 Ne. 6:1. D&C 121:43. 18 a 2 Ne. 5:26. b tg Chastity. tg Delegation of Responsibility;

Jacob 2 : 8–19 120 before God, which thing is pleas- of promise unto you and to your ing unto God; seed, doth abound most plentifully. 8 And it supposeth me that they 13 And the hand of providence have come up hither to hear the hath smiled upon you most pleas- pleasing a word of God, yea, the word ingly, that you have obtained many which healeth the wounded soul. riches; and because some of you have obtained more abundantly than that 9 Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul of your brethren ye are a lifted up in that I should be constrained, be- the pride of your hearts, and wear cause of the strict commandment stiff necks and high heads because which I have received from God, to of the costliness of your apparel, a admonish you according to your and persecute your brethren be- crimes, to enlarge the wounds of cause ye suppose that ye are better those who are already wounded, in- than they. stead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not 14 And now, my brethren, do ye been wounded, instead of feasting suppose that God justifieth you in upon the pleasing word of God have this thing? Behold, I say unto you, daggers placed to pierce their souls Nay. But he condemneth you, and if and wound their delicate minds. ye persist in these things his judg- ments must speedily come unto you. 10 But, notwithstanding the great- ness of the task, I must do according 15 O that he would show you that to the strict a commands of God, and he can pierce you, and with one tell you concerning your wickedness glance of his a eye he can smite you and abominations, in the presence to the dust! of the pure in heart, and the broken heart, and under the glance of the 16 O that he would rid you from b piercing eye of the Almighty God. this iniquity and abomination. And, O that ye would listen unto the 11 Wherefore, I must tell you the word of his commands, and let not truth according to the a plainness this a pride of your hearts destroy of the b word of God. For behold, as your souls! I inquired of the Lord, thus came the word unto me, saying: Jacob, 17 Think of your a brethren like get thou up into the temple on the unto yourselves, and be familiar morrow, and declare the word which with all and free with your b sub- I shall give thee unto this people. stance, that c they may be rich like unto you. 12 And now behold, my brethren, this is the word which I declare unto 18 But a before ye seek for b riches, you, that many of you have begun seek ye for the c kingdom of God. to search for gold, and for silver, and for all manner of precious a ores, in 19 And after ye have obtained a the which this land, which is a b land hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to a do good— 8 a Micah 2:7; Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23). c Alma 4:12; 5:55; Alma 31:5; 36:26; b 1 Ne. 4:14; 4 Ne. 1:3 (3, 24–26). Hel. 3:29 (29–30). tg Gospel. 17:13 (13–14). 18 a Mark 10:24 (17–27). tg Promised Lands. b 1 Kgs. 3:11 (11–13); 9 a tg Warn. 13 a 2 Kgs. 14:10; 10 a tg Commandments Alma 1:32; 31:25; Prov. 27:24 (24–27); Morm. 8:28 (28, 36–40). 2 Ne. 26:31; of God. 15 a tg God, Indignation of; Alma 39:14; b 2 Ne. 9:44. God, Omniscience of. D&C 6:7. 16 a tg Pride. tg Worldliness. tg God, Omniscience of. 17 a James 5:3 (1–6). c Luke 12:31 (22–31). 11 a 2 Ne. 25:4; 33:5; tg Love. 19 a Mosiah 4:26; b tg Almsgiving; 3 Ne. 12:42; Jacob 4:13. Generosity; 4 Ne. 1:3. b Jacob 7:5. Welfare. tg Good Works. 12 a 1 Ne. 18:25; 2 Ne. 5:15 (14–16); Hel. 6:9 (9–11);

121 Jacob 2 : 20–33 to clothe the naked, and to feed the unto me a a righteous branch from hungry, and to liberate the captive, the fruit of the loins of Joseph. and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. 26 Wherefore, I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do 20 And now, my brethren, I have like unto them of old. spoken unto you concerning pride; and those of you which have af- 27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear flicted your neighbor, and perse- me, and hearken to the word of cuted him because ye were proud in the Lord: For there shall not any your hearts, of the things which God a man among you have save it be hath given you, what say ye of it? b one c wife; and concubines he shall have none; 21 Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto him 28 For I, the Lord God, delight in who created all flesh? And the one the a chastity of women. And b whore- being is as precious in his sight as doms are an abomination before the other. And all flesh is of the me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created them, that they should 29 Wherefore, this people shall keep his a commandments and glo- keep my commandments, saith the rify him forever. Lord of Hosts, or a cursed be the land for their sakes. 22 And now I make an end of speaking unto you concerning this 30 For if I will, saith the Lord of pride. And were it not that I must Hosts, raise up a seed unto me, I will speak unto you concerning a grosser command my people; otherwise crime, my heart would rejoice ex- they shall hearken unto these things. ceedingly because of you. 31 For behold, I, the Lord, have 23 But the word of God burdens seen the sorrow, and heard the me because of your grosser crimes. mourning of the daughters of my For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people in the land of Jerusalem, people begin to wax in iniquity; they yea, and in all the lands of my peo- understand not the scriptures, for ple, because of the wickedness and they seek to excuse themselves in a abominations of their b husbands. committing a whoredoms, because of the things which were written con- 32 And I will not suffer, saith the cerning David, and Solomon his son. Lord of Hosts, that the cries of the fair daughters of this people, which 24 Behold, David and a Solomon I have led out of the land of Jerusa- truly had many b wives and concu- lem, shall come up unto me against bines, which thing was c abominable the men of my people, saith the before me, saith the Lord. Lord of Hosts. 25 Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, 33 For they shall not lead away I have led this people forth out of captive the daughters of my people the land of Jerusalem, by the power because of their tenderness, save I of mine arm, that I might raise up shall visit them with a sore curse, even unto destruction; for they shall not commit a whoredoms, like 21 a D&C 11:20; Ezek. 17:22 (22–24); b tg Sexual Immorality; Abr. 3:25 (25–26). Amos 5:15; Whore. 2 Ne. 3:5; 14:2; 23 a tg Whore. Alma 26:36. 29 a Ether 2:11 (8–12). 24 a 1 Kgs. 11:1; tg Israel, Joseph, tg Curse. People of. Neh. 13:26 (25–27). 27 a tg Marriage, Husbands. 30 a Mal. 2:15; b Deut. 17:17 (14–17); b Jacob 3:5 (5–7); D&C 132:63 (61–66). D&C 49:16. 2 Sam. 5:13; tg Marriage, Plural. 31 a tg Family, Children, D&C 132:39 (38–39). c tg Marriage, Wives. Responsibilities toward. c Deut. 7:3 (1–4); 28 a tg Chastity. 1 Kgs. 11:3; b tg Marriage, Husbands. Ezra 9:2 (1–2). 33 a Ezek. 16:25 (20–34). 25 a Gen. 49:22 (22–26); tg Sensuality.

Jacob 2 : 34–3 : 7 122 unto them of old, saith the Lord upon his a love; for ye may, if your of Hosts. b minds are c firm, forever. 34 And now behold, my brethren, 3 But, wo, wo, unto you that are ye know that these commandments not pure in heart, that are filthy were given to our a father, Lehi; this day before God; for except ye wherefore, ye have known them be- repent the land is a cursed for your fore; and ye have come unto great sakes; and the Lamanites, which condemnation; for ye have done are not b filthy like unto you, nev- these things which ye ought not ertheless they are c cursed with a to have done. sore cursing, shall scourge you even unto destruction. 35 Behold, ye have done a greater iniquities than the Lamanites, our 4 And the time speedily cometh, brethren. Ye have broken the hearts that except ye repent they shall pos- of your tender wives, and lost the sess the land of your inheritance, confidence of your children, be- and the Lord God will a lead away cause of your bad examples before the righteous out from among you. them; and the sobbings of their hearts ascend up to God against 5 Behold, the Lamanites your you. And because of the b strictness brethren, whom ye hate because of the word of God, which cometh of their filthiness and the cursing down against you, many hearts died, which hath come upon their skins, pierced with deep wounds. are more righteous than you; for they have not a forgotten the command- Chapter 3 ment of the Lord, which was given The pure in heart receive the pleasing unto our father—that they should word of God—Lamanite righteousness have save it were b one wife, and exceeds that of the Nephites—Jacob c concubines they should have none, warns against fornication, lascivious- and there should not be d whoredoms ness, and every sin. About 544–421 b.c. committed among them. But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. 6 And now, this commandment Look unto God with firmness of they observe to keep; wherefore, mind, and a pray unto him with ex- because of this observance, in keep- ceeding faith, and he will b console ing this commandment, the Lord you in your c afflictions, and he will God will not destroy them, but will plead your cause, and send down be a merciful unto them; and one d justice upon those who seek your day they shall b become a blessed destruction. people. 2 O all ye that are pure in heart, 7 Behold, their a husbands b love lift up your heads and receive the their c wives, and their wives love their pleasing word of God, and feast husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children; and their d unbelief and their hatred towards you is because of the in- iquity of their fathers; wherefore, 34 a 1 Ne. 1:16 (16–17). c Alma 57:27. Hel. 15:12 (10–17); 35 a Jacob 3:5 (5–7). 3 a tg Earth, Curse of. Morm. 5:20 (20–21). 3 1 ba Gen. 2:24. b tg Filthiness. b 1 Ne. 15:14 (13–18); 2 Ne. 32:8. c 1 Ne. 12:23. 22:8. b tg Comfort; 4 a Omni 1:12 (5–7, 12–13). 7 a tg Marriage, Husbands. Consolation; 5 a Jacob 2:35. b tg Family, Love within; Purity. b Jacob 2:27. Marriage, Continuing c tg Affliction. c Mosiah 11:2 (2–14); Courtship in. d tg Deliver; c tg Marriage, Wives. Protection, Divine. Ether 10:5. d D&C 3:18. 2 a tg God, Love of. d tg Chastity. tg Unbelief. b tg Steadfastness. 6 a 1 Ne. 13:31; 2 Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (18–19);

123 Jacob 3 : 8–4 : 3 how much better are you than they, but many of their proceedings are in the sight of your great Creator? written upon the b larger plates, and their wars, and their contentions, 8 O my brethren, I fear that unless and the reigns of their kings. ye shall repent of your sins that their skins will be a whiter than yours, 14 a These plates are called the when ye shall be brought with them plates of Jacob, and they were b made before the throne of God. by the hand of Nephi. And I make an end of speaking these words. 9 Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, which is the word Chapter 4 of God, that ye a revile no more All the prophets worshiped the Father against them because of the dark- in the name of Christ—Abraham’s of- ness of their skins; neither shall ye fering of Isaac was in similitude of God revile against them because of their and His Only Begotten—Men should filthi­ness; but ye shall remember reconcile themselves to God through the your own filthiness, and remember Atonement—The Jews will reject the that their filthiness came because foundation stone. About 544–421 b.c. of their fathers. Now behold, it came to pass that I, Jacob, having ministered much 10 Wherefore, ye shall remember unto my people in word, (and I your a children, how that ye have cannot write but a a little of my grieved their hearts because of the words, because of the b difficulty of b example that ye have set before engraving our words upon plates) them; and also, remember that ye and we know that the things which may, because of your filthiness, we write upon plates must remain; bring your children unto destruc- tion, and their sins be heaped upon 2 But whatsoever things we write your heads at the last day. upon anything save it be upon a plates must perish and vanish away; 11 O my brethren, hearken unto but we can write a few words upon my words; a arouse the faculties of plates, which will give our chil- your souls; shake yourselves that dren, and also our beloved breth- ye may b awake from the slumber ren, a small degree of knowledge of death; and loose yourselves from concerning us, or concerning their the pains of c hell that ye may not fathers— become d angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brim- 3 Now in this thing we do rejoice; stone which is the second e death. and we labor diligently to engraven these words upon plates, hoping 12 And now I, Jacob, spake many that our beloved brethren and our more things unto the people of children will receive them with Nephi, a warning them against b for- thankful hearts, and look upon nication and c lasciviousness, and them that they may learn with joy every kind of sin, telling them the and not with sorrow, neither with awful consequences of them. contempt, concerning their first a parents. 13 And a hundredth part of the proceedings of this people, which now began to be numerous, can- not be written upon a these plates; 8 a 3 Ne. 2:15. d 2 Ne. 9:9 (8–9). b Jarom 1:14. 9 a tg Reviling. tg Spirits, Evil or 14 a Jarom 1:2 (1–2). 10 a tg Family, Children, Unclean. 4 1 ab 1 Ne. 19:2 (2–3). 1 Ne. 6:6; Responsibilities toward; e tg Death, Spiritual, Jarom 1:14; Family, Love within. Second. Omni 1:30. b tg Example. b Ether 12:24 (23–26). 11 a tg Apathy. 12 a tg Warn. 2 a tg Scriptures, b 2 Ne. 28:21; b tg Fornication. Preservation of. Alma 5:7 (6–7). c tg Lust. 3 a tg Scriptures, Value of. c tg Hell. 13 a Jacob 1:1 (1–4); 4:1 (1–4).

Jacob 4 : 4–11 124 4 For, for this intent have we writ- may know that it is by his b grace, ten these things, that they may and his great condescensions unto know that we a knew of Christ, and the children of men, that we have we had a hope of his b glory many power to do these things. hundred years before his coming; and not only we ourselves had a 8 Behold, great and marvelous are hope of his glory, but also all the the a works of the Lord. How b un- holy c prophets which were before us. searchable are the depths of the c mysteries of him; and it is impos- 5 Behold, they believed in Christ sible that man should find out all and a worshiped the Father in his his ways. And no man d knoweth name, and also we worship the of his e ways save it be revealed unto Father in his b name. And for this him; wherefore, brethren, despise intent we c keep the d law of Moses, not the f revelations of God. it e pointing our souls to him; and for this cause it is sanctified unto 9 For behold, by the power of his us for righteousness, even as it was a word b man came upon the face of accounted unto Abraham in the the earth, which earth was c created wilderness to be obedient unto the by the power of his word. Where- commands of God in offering up his fore, if God being able to speak and son Isaac, which is a f similitude of the world was, and to speak and man God and his g Only Begotten Son. was created, O then, why not able to command the d earth, or the 6 Wherefore, we search the proph- workmanship of his hands upon ets, and we have many revelations the face of it, according to his will and the spirit of a prophecy; and and pleasure? having all these b witnesses we ob- tain a hope, and our faith becometh 10 Wherefore, brethren, seek not to unshaken, insomuch that we truly a counsel the Lord, but to take coun- can c command in the d name of sel from his hand. For behold, ye Jesus and the very trees obey us, yourselves know that he counseleth or the mountains, or the waves of in b wisdom, and in justice, and in the sea. great mercy, over all his works. 7 Nevertheless, the Lord God 11 Wherefore, beloved brethren, showeth us our a weakness that we be a reconciled unto him through the b atonement of Christ, his c Only 4 a tg Jesus Christ, Heb. 11:17. f D&C 3:7. Prophecies about; tg Jesus Christ, Divine 9 a Morm. 9:17; Testimony. Sonship. 6 a tg Prophecy. Moses 1:32. b tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. b tg Witness. b tg Man, Physical c Luke 24:27; c 3 Ne. 28:20 (19–22). tg God, Power of. Creation of. 1 Pet. 1:11; d Acts 3:6 (6–16); c tg Creation; Jacob 7:11 (11–12); 3 Ne. 8:1. Mosiah 13:33 (33–35); 7 a Ether 12:27; God, Creator; D&C 20:26. D&C 66:3. Jesus Christ, Creator. 5 a Moses 5:8. b tg Grace. d Hel. 12:16 (8–17). b Gen. 4:26; 8 a Ps. 106:2. 10 a Josh. 9:14; Hel. 8:16 (16–20). b Rom. 11:34 (33–36); Prov. 15:22; tg Name of the Lord. Mosiah 4:9. Isa. 45:9; c 2 Ne. 25:24; c D&C 19:10; 2 Ne. 9:28–29; Jacob 7:7; 76:114 (114–16). Alma 37:12, 37; Mosiah 13:30. tg Mysteries of D&C 3:4, 13; 22:4. d Jarom 1:11; Godliness. b tg God, Justice of; Alma 25:15 (15–16). d Dan. 1:17; God, Wisdom of. tg Law of Moses. 1 Cor. 2:11 (9–16); 11 a Lev. 6:30. e Gal. 3:24; Alma 26:21 (21–22). tg Jesus Christ, Ether 12:19 (18–19). tg God, Knowledge Mission of; f tg Jesus Christ, Types about. Reconciliation. of, in Anticipation. e Isa. 55:8 (8–9). b tg Jesus Christ, g Gen. 22:2 (1–14); Atonement through. John 3:16 (16–21); c tg Jesus Christ, Divine Sonship.

125 Jacob 4 : 12–18 Begotten Son, and ye may obtain cause they desired it. And because a d resurrection, according to the they desired it God hath done it, e power of the resurrection which that they may i stumble. is in Christ, and be presented as the f first-fruits of Christ unto God, 15 And now I, Jacob, am led on by having faith, and obtained a good the Spirit unto prophesying; for I hope of glory in him before he perceive by the workings of the Spirit manifesteth himself in the flesh. which is in me, that by the a stum- bling of the b Jews they will c reject 12 And now, beloved, marvel not the d stone upon which they might that I tell you these things; for build and have safe foundation. why not a speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect 16 But behold, according to the knowledge of him, as to attain to scriptures, this a stone shall become the knowledge of a resurrection the great, and the last, and the only and the world to come? sure b foundation, upon which the Jews can build. 13 Behold, my brethren, he that prophesieth, let him prophesy to the 17 And now, my beloved, how is understanding of men; for the a Spirit it possible that these, after having speaketh the b truth and lieth not. rejected the sure foundation, can Wherefore, it speaketh of things as a ever build upon it, that it may be­ they really c are, and of things as they come the head of their corner? really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us d plainly, 18 Behold, my beloved brethren, for the salvation of our souls. But I will unfold this mystery unto behold, we are not witnesses alone you; if I do not, by any means, get in these things; for God also e spake shaken from my firmness in the them unto prophets of old. Spirit, and stumble because of my over anxiety for you. 14 But behold, the Jews were a a stiffnecked people; and they b de- Chapter 5 spised the words of c plainness, and Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the alle- d killed the prophets, and sought for gory of the tame and wild olive trees— things that they could not under- They are a likeness of Israel and the stand. Wherefore, because of their Gentiles—The scattering and gathering e blindness, which f  blindness came of Israel are prefigured—Allusions are by looking beyond the g mark, they made to the Nephites and Lamanites must needs fall; for God hath taken and all the house of Israel—The Gen- away his plainness from them, and tiles will be grafted into Israel—Eventu- delivered unto them many things ally the vineyard will be burned. About which they h cannot understand, be- 544 – 421 b.c. 11 d tg Resurrection. Neh. 9:16; 1 Cor. 1:23; e tg God, Power of. 2 Ne. 25:2. 2 Ne. 18:14 (13–15). f Mosiah 15:21 (21–23); tg Stiffnecked. b tg Israel, Judah, b Num. 15:31 (30–31); People of. 18:9; Ezek. 20:13 (13–16); c Rom. 11:1, 20 (1–36); Alma 40:16 (16–21). 1 Ne. 17:30 (30–31); 19:7; 1 Ne. 10:11; 12 a 2 Ne. 25:26. 2 Ne. 33:2; Morm. 5:14 (14–20). 13 a tg Holy Ghost, D&C 3:7 (4–13). d tg Cornerstone; Mission of. c 2 Cor. 11:3. Jesus Christ, b John 17:17. d Zech. 1:4 (2–5). Prophecies about; tg Honesty. e Isa. 44:18. Rock. c D&C 93:24. f Rom. 11:25. 16 a Ps. 118:22 (22–23). d Neh. 8:8; tg Spiritual Blindness. b Isa. 28:16 (14–17); Jacob 2:11; g John 7:47 (45–53). Hel. 5:12. Alma 13:23. h 2 Ne. 25:1. 17 a Matt. 19:30; e tg Witness of the i Isa. 57:14. Jacob 5:63 (62–64); Father. 15 a Isa. 8:14 (13–15); D&C 29:30. 14 a Deut. 9:13;

Jacob 5 : 1–14 126 Behold, my brethren, do ye not re- if it so be that the root of this tree member to have read the words of will perish, I may preserve the fruit the prophet a Zenos, which he spake thereof unto myself; wherefore, I unto the house of Israel, saying: will take these young and tender branches, and I will graft them 2 Hearken, O ye house of Israel, whithersoever I will. and hear the words of me, a prophet of the Lord. 9 Take thou the branches of the wild olive tree, and graft them in, in 3 For behold, thus saith the Lord, the a stead thereof; and these which I will liken thee, O house of a Israel, I have plucked off I will cast into like unto a tame b olive tree, which the fire and burn them, that they a man took and nourished in his may not cumber the ground of my c vineyard; and it grew, and waxed vineyard. old, and began to d decay. 10 And it came to pass that the 4 And it came to pass that the mas- servant of the Lord of the vine- ter of the vineyard went forth, and yard did according to the word he saw that his olive tree began to of the Lord of the vineyard, and decay; and he said: I will a prune grafted in the branches of the a wild it, and dig about it, and nourish olive tree. it, that perhaps it may shoot forth young and tender branches, and it 11 And the Lord of the vineyard perish not. caused that it should be digged about, and pruned, and nourished, 5 And it came to pass that he saying unto his servant: It grieveth a pruned it, and digged about it, and me that I should lose this tree; where- nourished it according to his word. fore, that perhaps I might preserve the roots thereof that they perish 6 And it came to pass that after not, that I might preserve them many days it began to put forth unto myself, I have done this thing. somewhat a little, young and tender branches; but behold, the main a top 12 Wherefore, go thy way; watch thereof began to perish. the tree, and nourish it, according to my words. 7 And it came to pass that the mas- ter of the vineyard saw it, and he 13 And these will I a place in the said unto his a servant: It grieveth me nethermost part of my vineyard, that I should lose this tree; where- whithersoever I will, it mattereth fore, go and pluck the branches from not unto thee; and I do it that I may a b wild olive tree, and bring them preserve unto myself the natural hither unto me; and we will pluck branches of the tree; and also, that I off those main branches which are may lay up fruit thereof against the beginning to wither away, and we season, unto myself; for it grieveth will cast them into the fire that me that I should lose this tree and they may be burned. the fruit thereof. 8 And behold, saith the Lord of 14 And it came to pass that the the vineyard, I take a away many of Lord of the vineyard went his way, these young and tender branches, and hid the natural a branches of the and I will graft them b whitherso- tame olive tree in the nethermost ever I will; and it mattereth not that 5 1 a 1 Ne. 19:12 (12, 16); c Matt. 21:33 (33–41); b Ezek. 17:22 (4–10, 22). D&C 101:44. 9 a Acts 9:15; 14:27; Jacob 6:1. tg Scriptures, Lost. d tg Apostasy of Israel. Rom. 1:13; 3 a tg Israel, Twelve 4 a tg Prophets, Mission of. Gal. 3:14. Tribes of. 5 a 2 Kgs. 17:13 (13–18). 10 a tg Gentiles. b Ezek. 36:8 (8–15); 6 a Luke 3:9 (8–9); 13 a Hosea 8:8; Rom. 11:21 (1–36); 1 Ne. 10:12. 1 Ne. 10:12; 2 Ne. 30:2. 14 a tg Israel, Bondage of, in Jacob 6:1 (1–7). tg Chief Priest. Other Lands. tg Israel, Mission of; 7 a tg Servant. Vineyard of the Lord. b Rom. 11:17 (17, 24). 8 a tg Israel, Scattering of.

127 Jacob 5 : 15–25 parts of the vineyard, some in one went forth whither the master had and some in another, according to hid the natural branches of the his will and pleasure. tree, and he said unto the servant: Behold these; and he beheld the 15 And it came to pass that a long a first that it had b brought forth time passed away, and the Lord much fruit; and he beheld also that of the vineyard said unto his ser- it was good. And he said unto the vant: Come, let us go down into servant: Take of the fruit thereof, the vineyard, that we may a labor and lay it up against the season, in the vineyard. that I may preserve it unto mine own self; for behold, said he, this 16 And it came to pass that the long time have I nourished it, and Lord of the vineyard, and also the it hath brought forth much fruit. servant, went down into the vine- yard to labor. And it came to pass 21 And it came to pass that the that the servant said unto his master: servant said unto his master: How Behold, look here; behold the tree. comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the tree? For 17 And it came to pass that the behold, it was the poorest spot in Lord of the vineyard looked and be- all the land of thy vineyard. held the tree in the which the wild olive branches had been grafted; 22 And the Lord of the vineyard and it had sprung forth and begun said unto him: Counsel me not; I to bear a fruit. And he beheld that it knew that it was a poor spot of was good; and the fruit thereof was ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, like unto the natural fruit. I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath 18 And he said unto the servant: brought forth much fruit. Behold, the branches of the wild tree have taken hold of the mois- 23 And it came to pass that the ture of the root thereof, that the Lord of the vineyard said unto his root thereof hath brought forth servant: Look hither; behold I have much strength; and because of the planted another branch of the tree much strength of the root thereof also; and thou knowest that this spot the wild branches have brought of ground was poorer than the first. forth tame fruit. Now, if we had not But, behold the tree. I have nour- grafted in these branches, the tree ished it this long time, and it hath thereof would have perished. And brought forth much fruit; therefore, now, behold, I shall lay up much gather it, and lay it up against the fruit, which the tree thereof hath season, that I may preserve it unto brought forth; and the fruit thereof mine own self. I shall lay up against the season, unto mine own self. 24 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said again unto 19 And it came to pass that the his servant: Look hither, and behold Lord of the vineyard said unto another a branch also, which I have the servant: Come, let us go to the planted; behold that I have nour- nethermost part of the vineyard, ished it also, and it hath brought and behold if the natural branches forth fruit. of the tree have not brought forth much fruit also, that I may lay up 25 And he said unto the servant: of the fruit thereof against the sea- Look hither and behold the last. son, unto mine own self. Behold, this have I planted in a a good spot of ground; and I have 20 And it came to pass that they 15 a tg Millennium, Col. 1:6 (3–8). Alma 16:17. Preparing a People for. 20 a Jacob 5:39. 25 a Ezek. 17:8; b tg Israel, 17 a Matt. 12:33; 1 Ne. 2:20; John 15:16; Restoration of. Jacob 5:43. Gal. 3:9 (7–9, 29); 24 a Ezek. 17:22 (22–24);

Jacob 5 : 26–39 128 nourished it this long time, and is b none of it which is good. And only a b part of the tree hath brought behold, there are all kinds of bad forth tame fruit, and the c other part fruit; and it profiteth me nothing, of the tree hath brought forth wild notwithstanding all our labor; and fruit; behold, I have nourished this now it grieveth me that I should tree like unto the others. lose this tree. 26 And it came to pass that the 33 And the Lord of the vineyard Lord of the vineyard said unto the said unto the servant: What shall servant: Pluck off the branches that we do unto the tree, that I may pre- have not brought forth good a fruit, serve again good fruit thereof unto and cast them into the fire. mine own self? 27 But behold, the servant said 34 And the servant said unto his unto him: Let us prune it, and dig master: Behold, because thou didst about it, and nourish it a little a lon- graft in the branches of the wild ger, that perhaps it may bring forth olive tree they have nourished the good fruit unto thee, that thou canst roots, that they are alive and they lay it up against the season. have not perished; wherefore thou beholdest that they are yet good. 28 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard and the ser- 35 And it came to pass that the vant of the Lord of the vineyard did Lord of the vineyard said unto his nourish all the fruit of the vineyard. servant: The tree profiteth me noth- ing, and the roots thereof profit me 29 And it came to pass that a a long nothing so long as it shall bring time had passed away, and the Lord forth evil fruit. of the vineyard said unto his b ser- vant: Come, let us go down into the 36 Nevertheless, I know that the vineyard, that we may labor again roots are good, and for mine own in the vineyard. For behold, the purpose I have preserved them; and time draweth near, and the c end because of their much strength they soon cometh; wherefore, I must lay have hitherto brought forth, from up fruit against the season, unto the wild branches, good fruit. mine own self. 37 But behold, the wild branches 30 And it came to pass that the have grown and have a overrun the Lord of the vineyard and the ser- roots thereof; and because that vant went down into the vineyard; the wild branches have overcome the and they came to the tree whose roots thereof it hath brought forth natural branches had been broken much evil fruit; and because that off, and the wild branches had been it hath brought forth so much evil grafted in; and behold all a sorts of fruit thou beholdest that it begin- fruit did cumber the tree. neth to perish; and it will soon be- come ripened, that it may be cast 31 And it came to pass that the into the fire, except we should do Lord of the vineyard did a taste of something for it to preserve it. the fruit, every sort according to its number. And the Lord of the vine- 38 And it came to pass that the yard said: Behold, this long time Lord of the vineyard said unto his have we nourished this tree, and servant: Let us go down into the I have laid up unto myself against nethermost parts of the vineyard, the season much fruit. and behold if the natural branches have also brought forth evil fruit. 32 But behold, this time it hath brought forth much a fruit, and there 39 And it came to pass that they 25 b Hel. 15:3 (3–4). Alma 42:4. 31 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge; c Alma 26:36. 29 a tg Last Days. Judgment. 26 a Matt. 7:19 (15–20); b D&C 101:55; 103:21. c 2 Ne. 30:10; 32 a Hosea 10:1. Alma 5:36; b JS—H 1:19. D&C 97:7. Jacob 6:2. 37 a D&C 45:30. 27 a Jacob 5:50 (50–51); 30 a tg Apostasy of Israel.

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