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Book of Mormon

Published by shuayung, 2019-05-29 20:55:01

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379 Helaman 5 : 22–36 22 And after they had been cast repent ye, and seek no more to de- into prison many days without stroy my b servants whom I have sent food, behold, they went forth into unto you to declare good tidings. the prison to take them that they might slay them. 30 And it came to pass when they heard this a voice, and beheld that 23 And it came to pass that Nephi it was not a voice of thunder, nei- and Lehi were encircled about a as ther was it a voice of a great tu- if by b fire, even insomuch that they multuous noise, but behold, it was durst not lay their hands upon them a b still voice of perfect mildness, for fear lest they should be burned. as if it had been a whisper, and it Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were did pierce even to the very soul— not burned; and they were as stand- ing in the midst of fire and were 31 And notwithstanding the mild- not burned. ness of the voice, behold the earth shook exceedingly, and the walls of 24 And when they saw that they the prison trembled again, as if it were encircled about with a a pillar were about to tumble to the earth; of fire, and that it burned them not, and behold the cloud of darkness, their hearts did take courage. which had overshadowed them, did not disperse— 25 For they saw that the Laman- ites durst not lay their hands upon 32 And behold the voice came them; neither durst they come near again, saying: a Repent ye, repent unto them, but stood as if they were ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at struck dumb with amazement. hand; and seek no more to destroy my servants. And it came to pass 26 And it came to pass that Nephi that the earth shook again, and the and Lehi did stand forth and began walls trembled. to speak unto them, saying: a Fear not, for behold, it is God that has 33 And also again the third time the shown unto you this marvelous voice came, and did speak unto them thing, in the which is shown unto marvelous words which a cannot be you that ye cannot lay your hands uttered by man; and the walls did on us to slay us. tremble again, and the earth shook as if it were about to divide asunder. 27 And behold, when they had said these words, the earth shook 34 And it came to pass that the exceedingly, and the walls of the Lamanites could not flee because prison did shake as if they were of the cloud of darkness which did about to tumble to the earth; but overshadow them; yea, and also they behold, they did not fall. And be- were immovable because of the fear hold, they that were in the prison which did come upon them. were Lamanites and Nephites who were dissenters. 35 Now there was one among them who was a Nephite by birth, who 28 And it came to pass that they had once belonged to the church of were overshadowed with a cloud God but had dissented from them. of a darkness, and an awful solemn fear came upon them. 36 And it came to pass that he turned him about, and behold, he 29 And it came to pass that there saw through the cloud of darkness came a a voice as if it were above the the faces of Nephi and Lehi; and be- cloud of darkness, saying: Repent ye, hold, they did a shine exceedingly, 23 a Ex. 24:17; tg Protection, Divine. D&C 85:6 (6–7). D&C 137:2. 26 a Dan. 10:12. 32 a Matt. 3:2 (2–3); 28 a Ex. 14:20. b Ex. 3:2; 29 a Deut. 4:33; Alma 7:9; 9:25 (25–26). Dan. 3:25 (25, 27). 33 a Rom. 8:26. 3 Ne. 11:3 (3–14). 36 a Ex. 34:29 (29–35); 24 a Ex. 14:24; b tg Servant. 1 Ne. 1:6; 30 a Moses 1:25. Acts 6:15. D&C 29:12; b 1 Kgs. 19:12; JS—H 1:16.

Helaman 5 : 37–52 380 even as the faces of angels. And if in the midst of a flaming fire, yet he beheld that they did lift their it did harm them not, neither did eyes to heaven; and they were in it take hold upon the walls of the the attitude as if talking or lifting prison; and they were filled with their voices to some being whom that c joy which is unspeakable and they beheld. full of glory. 37 And it came to pass that this 45 And behold, the a Holy Spirit of man did cry unto the multitude, God did come down from heaven, that they might turn and look. And and did enter into their hearts, and behold, there was power given unto they were filled as if with fire, them that they did turn and look; and they could b speak forth mar- and they did behold the faces of velous words. Nephi and Lehi. 46 And it came to pass that there 38 And they said unto the man: came a voice unto them, yea, a Behold, what do all these things pleasant voice, as if it were a whis- mean, and who is it with whom per, saying: these men do converse? 47 a Peace, peace be unto you, be- 39 Now the man’s name was cause of your faith in my Well Be- Aminad­ ab. And Aminadab said loved, who was from the foundation unto them: They do converse with of the world. the angels of God. 48 And now, when they heard this 40 And it came to pass that the La- they cast up their eyes as if to be- manites said unto him: a What shall hold from whence the voice came; we do, that this cloud of darkness and behold, they saw the a heavens may be removed from overshad- open; and angels came down out owing us? of heaven and ministered unto them. 41 And Aminadab said unto them: You must a repent, and cry unto the 49 And there were about three voice, even until ye shall have b faith hundred souls who saw and heard in Christ, who was taught unto you these things; and they were bidden by Alma, and cA  mulek, and Zeez- to go forth and marvel not, neither rom; and when ye shall do this, the should they doubt. cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you. 50 And it came to pass that they did go forth, and did minister unto 42 And it came to pass that they the people, declaring throughout all did begin to cry unto the voice all the regions round about all the of him who had shaken the earth; things which they had heard and yea, they did cry even until the seen, insomuch that the more part cloud of darkness was dispersed. of the Lamanites were a convinced of them, because of the great- 43 And it came to pass that when ness of the evidences which they they cast their eyes about, and saw had received. that the cloud of darkness was dis- persed from overshadowing them, 51 And as many as were a convinced behold, they saw that they were did lay down their weapons of a encircled about, yea every soul, war, and also their hatred and the by a pillar of fire. tradition of their fathers. 44 And a Nephi and b Lehi were in 52 And it came to pass that they the midst of them; yea, they were did a yield up unto the Nephites the encircled about; yea, they were as lands of their possession. 40 a Acts 2:37 (37–39). b Hel. 11:19. 48 a Acts 7:56 (55–56); 41 a tg Repent. c tg Joy. 1 Ne. 1:8. b tg Faith. 45 a 3 Ne. 9:20; 19:14 (13–14); c Alma 31:6 (5–38). 50 a Ether 12:14. 43 a 3 Ne. 17:24; 19:14. Ether 12:14. 51 a Alma 31:5. 44 a Hel. 6:6. b tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 52 a Hel. 4:5 (5, 18–19). 47 a tg Peace of God.

381 Helaman 6 : 1–12 Chapter 6 of them into the depths of humil- The righteous Lamanites preach to the ity, to be the humble followers of wicked Nephites—Both peoples prosper God and the Lamb. during an era of peace and plenty— Lucifer, the author of sin, stirs up the 6 And it came to pass that many of hearts of the wicked and the Gadianton the Lamanites did go into the land robbers in murder and wickedness—The northward; and also a Nephi and robbers take over the Nephite govern- b Lehi went into the c land northward, ment. About 29–23 b.c. to preach unto the people. And thus And it came to pass that when the ended the sixty and third year. sixty and second year of the reign of the judges had ended, all these 7 And behold, there was peace in things had happened and the La- all the land, insomuch that the Neph- manites had become, the more part ites did go into whatsoever part of of them, a righteous people, inso- the land they would, whether among much that their a righteousness did the Nephites or the Lamanites. exceed that of the Nephites, because of their firmness and their steadi- 8 And it came to pass that the La- ness in the faith. manites did also go whithersoever they would, whether it were among 2 For behold, there were many of the Lamanites or among the Neph- the Nephites who had become a hard- ites; and thus they did have free ened and impenitent and grossly intercourse one with another, to wicked, insomuch that they did a buy and to sell, and to get gain, reject the word of God and all the according to their desire. preaching and prophesying which did come among them. 9 And it came to pass that they became exceedingly rich, both the 3 Nevertheless, the people of the Lamanites and the Nephites; and church did have great joy because they did have an exceeding plenty of the conversion of the Laman- of a gold, and of silver, and of all ites, yea, because of the church of manner of precious metals, both in God, which had been established the land south and in the land north. among them. And they did a fellow- ship one with another, and did re- 10 Now the land south was called joice one with another, and did have a Lehi, and the land north was called great joy. b Mulek, which was after the c son of Zedekiah; for the Lord did bring 4 And it came to pass that many Mulek into the land north, and Lehi of the Lamanites did come down into the land south. into the land of Zarahemla, and did declare unto the people of the 11 And behold, there was all man- Nephites the manner of their a con- ner of gold in both these lands, and version, and did exhort them to of silver, and of precious ore of ev- faith and repentance. ery kind; and there were also cu- rious workmen, who did a work all 5  Yea, and many did a preach with kinds of ore and did refine it; and exceedingly great power and author- thus they did become rich. ity, unto the bringing down many 12 They did raise grain in abun- dance, both in the north and in the south; and they did flourish exceed- ingly, both in the north and in the 6 1 a Hel. 13:1. b Hel. 5:44 (36–44); 11:19. b Omni 1:14; c Alma 63:9 (4–9); Mosiah 25:2 (2–4); 2 a Rom. 1:28 (28–32); Hel. 8:21. Hel. 6:21. Hel. 3:12 (11–12). tg Hardheartedness. 8 a 3 Ne. 6:11. c Jer. 39:6; 52:10; 9 a 1 Ne. 18:25; Ezek. 17:22 (22–23); 3 a tg Fellowshipping. Alma 22:31. 4 a tg Conversion. 2 Ne. 5:15 (14–16); 5 a 1 Ne. 15:20; Jacob 2:12 (12–13); 11 a tg Industry. Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23). Alma 48:20. 10 a Alma 50:25. 6 a Hel. 7:1.

Helaman 6 : 13–24 382 south. And they did multiply and band. But behold, they were more wax exceedingly strong in the land. numerous among the more wicked And they did raise many flocks and part of the Lamanites. And they herds, yea, many fatlings. were called Gadianton’s robbers and murderers. 13 Behold their women did toil and spin, and did a make all manner 19 And it was they who did mur- of b cloth, of fine-twined linen and der the chief judge a Cezoram, and cloth of every kind, to clothe their his son, while in the judgment-seat; nakedness. And thus the sixty and and behold, they were not found. fourth year did pass away in peace. 20 And now it came to pass that 14 And in the sixty and fifth year when the Lamanites found that they did also have great joy and peace, there were robbers among them they yea, much preaching and many were exceedingly sorrowful; and prophecies concerning that which they did use every means in their was to come. And thus passed away power to destroy them off the face the sixty and fifth year. of the earth. 15 And it came to pass that in the 21 But behold, Satan did stir up sixty and sixth year of the reign of the a hearts of the more part of the the judges, behold, a Cezoram was Nephites, insomuch that they did murdered by an unknown hand as unite with those bands of robbers, he sat upon the judgment-seat. And and did enter into their covenants it came to pass that in the same and their oaths, that they would year, that his son, who had been ap- protect and preserve one another in pointed by the people in his stead, whatsoever difficult circumstances was also murdered. And thus ended they should be placed, that they the sixty and sixth year. should not suffer for their murders, and their plunderings, and their 16 And in the commencement b stealings. of the sixty and seventh year the people began to grow exceedingly 22 And it came to pass that they wicked again. did have their signs, yea, their a se- cret signs, and their b secret words; 17 For behold, the Lord had blessed and this that they might distinguish them so long with the a riches of a brother who had entered into the the world that they had not been covenant, that whatsoever wicked- stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to ness his brother should do he should bloodshed; therefore they began to not be injured by his brother, nor by set their hearts upon their riches; those who did belong to his band, yea, they began to seek to get gain who had taken this covenant. that they might be lifted up one above another; therefore they began 23 And thus they might murder, to commit b secret murders, and to and plunder, and steal, and commit rob and to plunder, that they might a whoredoms and all manner of get gain. wickedness, contrary to the laws of their country and also the laws of 18 And now behold, those murder- their God. ers and plunderers were a band who had been formed by Kishkumen and 24 And whosoever of those who be- a Gadianton. And now it had come longed to their band should reveal to pass that there were many, even unto the world of their a wickedness among the Nephites, of Gadianton’s and their abominations, should be 13 a tg Art. 18 a Hel. 2:4 (4, 12–13); 3:23. b Hel. 11:2; b Mosiah 10:5; 19 a Hel. 6:15. 3 Ne. 3:7. 21 a Hel. 6:2. Alma 1:29. b tg Stealing. 23 a tg Whore. 15 a Hel. 5:1; 6:19. 22 a Alma 37:27. 24 a tg Wickedness. 17 a tg Treasure. b 3 Ne. 6:23; 9:9. tg Secret Combinations.

383 Helaman 6 : 25–36 tried, not according to the laws of and secret murder, and doth hand their country, but according to the down their plots, and their oaths, laws of their wickedness, which and their covenants, and their plans had been given by Gadianton and of awful wickedness, from genera- Kishkumen. tion to generation according as he can get hold upon the hearts of the 25 Now behold, it is these secret children of men. a oaths and covenants which Alma commanded his son should not 31 And now behold, he had got go forth unto the world, lest they great hold upon the hearts of the should be a means of bringing down Nephites; yea, insomuch that they the people unto destruction. had become exceedingly wicked; yea, the more part of them had turned 26 Now behold, those a secret oaths out of the a way of righteousness, and covenants did not come forth and did b trample under their feet unto Gadianton from the b records the commandments of God, and did which were delivered unto Helaman; turn unto their own ways, and but behold, they were put into the did build up unto themselves c idols heart of  c Gadianton by that d same be- of their gold and their silver. ing who did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit— 32 And it came to pass that all these iniquities did come unto them 27 Yea, that same being who did in the space of a not many years, plot with a Cain, that if he would insomuch that a more part of it had murder his brother Abel it should come unto them in the sixty and not be known unto the world. And seventh year of the reign of the he did plot with Cain and his fol- judges over the people of Nephi. lowers from that time forth. 33 And they did grow in their in- 28 And also it is that same being iquities in the sixty and eighth year who put it into the hearts of the also, to the great sorrow and lam- people to a build a tower sufficiently entation of the righteous. high that they might get to heaven. And it was that same being who led 34 And thus we see that the a Neph- on the people who came from that ites did begin to dwindle in unbe- tower into this land; who spread lief, and grow in wickedness and the works of darkness and abomi- abominations, while the Lamanites nations over all the face of the land, began to grow exceedingly in the until he dragged the people down knowledge of their God; yea, they to an b entire destruction, and to an did begin to keep his statutes and everlasting hell. commandments, and to walk in truth and uprightness before him. 29 Yea, it is that same being who put it into the heart of a Gadianton 35 And thus we see that the Spirit to still carry on the work of dark- of the Lord began to a withdraw ness, and of secret murder; and he from the Nephites, because of the has brought it forth from the begin- wickedness and the hardness of ning of man even down to this time. their hearts. 30 And behold, it is he who is the 36 And thus we see that the Lord a author of all sin. And behold, he began to pour out his a Spirit upon doth carry on his works of darkness the Lamanites, because of their 25 a Alma 37:29 (27–32). Ether 1:3. c Judg. 2:17; 2 Ne. 9:37; 26 a 3 Ne. 3:9; b Ether 8:21 (9, 15–25). Alma 7:6. 29 a Hel. 2:4 (4–13). Ether 8:9 (9–19); 30 a Alma 5:40 (39–42); 32 a Alma 46:8; Moses 5:29 (29, 49–52). Hel. 4:26; 7:6; 11:26. b 3 Ne. 6:28. Moro. 7:12 (12, 17); c Hel. 8:28. Moses 4:4. 34 a Moro. 9:20. d Moses 4:6 (6–12). 31 a Gen. 6:12; 35 a Matt. 13:15; 27 a Moses 5:25 (18–33). 2 Ne. 28:11. 28 a Gen. 11:4 (1–4); b 1 Ne. 19:7. Mosiah 2:36; D&C 121:37. 36 a tg God, Spirit of.

Helaman 6 : 37–7 : 6 384 easiness and b willingness to believe Chapter 7 in his words. Nephi is rejected in the north and returns to Zarahemla—He prays upon his gar- 37 And it came to pass that the den tower and then calls upon the people Lamanites did hunt the band of to repent or perish. About 23–21 b.c. robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among Behold, now it came to pass in the the more wicked part of them, in- sixty and ninth year of the reign of somuch that this band of robbers the judges over the people of the was utterly destroyed from among Nephites, that Nephi, the son of the Lamanites. Helaman, a returned to the land of Zarahemla from the land northward. 38 And it came to pass on the other hand, that the Nephites did 2 For he had been forth among the build them up and support them, people who were in the land north- beginning at the more wicked part ward, and did preach the word of of them, until they had overspread God unto them, and did prophesy all the land of the Nephites, and many things unto them; had seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down 3 And they did a reject all his words, to believe in their works and par- insomuch that he could not stay take of their spoils, and to join with among them, but returned again them in their secret murders and unto the land of his nativity. combinations. 4 And seeing the people in a state 39 And thus they did obtain the of such awful wickedness, and sole management of the govern- those Gadianton robbers filling the ment, insomuch that they did tram- judgment-seats—having a usurped ple under their feet and smite and the power and authority of the land; rend and turn their backs upon the laying aside the commandments a poor and the meek, and the hum- of God, and not in the least aright ble followers of God. before him; doing no justice unto the children of men; 40 And thus we see that they were in an awful state, and a ripening for 5 Condemning the righteous be- an everlasting destruction. cause of their righteousness; letting the guilty and the wicked go a un- 41 And it came to pass that thus punished because of their b money; ended the sixty and eighth year and moreover to be held in office of the reign of the judges over the at the head of government, to rule people of Nephi. and do according to their wills, that they might get gain and glory The Prophecy of Nephi, the Son of of the c world, and, moreover, that Helaman—God threatens the people they might the more easily commit of Nephi that he will visit them in adultery, and steal, and kill, and his anger, to their utter destruction do according to their own wills— except they repent of their wick- edness. God smiteth the people of 6 Now this great iniquity had come Nephi with pestilence; they repent upon the Nephites, in the space of and turn unto him. Samuel, a Laman- a not many years; and when Nephi ite, prophesies unto the Nephites. saw it, his heart was swollen with Comprising chapters 7 through 16. sorrow within his breast; and he did exclaim in the agony of his soul: 36 b Ex. 25:2 (1–7). 7 1 a D&C 18:6; 61:31. Ps. 73:12. 39 a Ps. 109:16 (15–16); Hel. 6:6. b tg Bribe. 3 a tg Prophets, c Matt. 13:22; Ezek. 22:7 (7–13); Rejection of. Amos 5:12; 4 a tg Tyranny; D&C 39:9. Alma 5:55 (54–56); Unrighteous Dominion. 6 a ie six years; see D&C 56:16. 5 a Job 12:6; 21:7; 40 a Hel. 5:2; 11:37; Hel. 4:26; 6:6, 32; 11:26.

385 Helaman 7 : 7–22 7 Oh, that I could have had my 14 Yea, because I have got upon days in the days when my father my tower that I might pour out Nephi first came out of the land of my soul unto my God, because of Jerusalem, that I could have a joyed the exceeding sorrow of my heart, with him in the promised land; then which is because of your iniquities! were his people easy to be entreated, b firm to keep the commandments 15 And because of my a mourning of God, and slow to be led to do iniq- and lamentation ye have gathered uity; and they were quick to hearken yourselves together, and do mar- unto the words of the Lord— vel; yea, and ye have great need to marvel; yea, ye ought to marvel 8 Yea, if my days could have been because ye are given away that the in those days, then would my soul devil has got so great hold upon have had joy in the righteousness your hearts. of my brethren. 16 Yea, how could you have given 9 But behold, I am consigned that way to the enticing of him who these are my days, and that my soul is seeking to hurl away your souls shall be filled with a sorrow because of down to a everlasting misery and this the wickedness of my brethren. endless wo? 10 And behold, now it came to pass 17 O repent ye, repent ye! a Why that it was upon a tower, which was will ye die? Turn ye, turn ye unto in the a garden of Nephi, which the Lord your God. Why has he was by the highway which led to forsaken you? the chief market, which was in the city of Zarahemla; therefore, Nephi 18 It is because you have hard- had bowed himself upon the tower ened your hearts; yea, ye will not which was in his garden, which a hearken unto the voice of the b good tower was also near unto the garden shepherd; yea, ye have c provoked gate by which led the highway. him to anger against you. 11 And it came to pass that there 19 And behold, instead of a gath- were certain men passing by and ering you, except ye will repent, saw Nephi as he was pouring out his behold, he shall scatter you forth soul unto God upon the a tower; and that ye shall become meat for dogs they ran and told the people what and wild beasts. they had seen, and the people came together in multitudes that they 20 O, how could you have a forgot- might know the cause of so great ten your God in the very day that mourning for the wickedness of he has delivered you? the people. 21 But behold, it is to get a gain, to 12 And now, when Nephi arose he be b praised of men, yea, and that beheld the multitudes of people ye might get gold and silver. And who had gathered together. ye have set your hearts upon the c riches and the vain things of this 13 And it came to pass that he world, for the which ye do murder, opened his mouth and said unto and plunder, and steal, and bear them: Behold, a why have ye gath- d false witness against your neigh- ered yourselves together? That I bor, and do all manner of iniquity. may tell you of your iniquities? 22 And for this cause a wo shall come unto you except ye shall repent. 7 a 2 Ne. 5:27 (26–28). Ezek. 18:23 (23, 32). Alma 12:37 (36–37). b D&C 5:22. 18 a tg Disobedience. 19 a 3 Ne. 10:4 (4–7). 9 a Jer. 9:1 (1–3). b Ezek. 34:12; John 10:14; 20 a Isa. 17:10 (4–11). 10 a Hel. 9:8. 21 a tg Selfishness. 11 a Alma 50:4. Alma 5:60 (38–60). b tg Peer Influence. 13 a Matt. 3:7 (5–8). tg Jesus Christ, Good c tg Treasure. 15 a tg Mourning. Shepherd. d Matt. 15:19 (19–20). 16 a Alma 26:20. c Num. 14:11 (11–12); 17 a Isa. 1:5 (5–6); 1 Ne. 17:30 (23–31); tg Slander. Jacob 1:8; 22 a Rev. 8:13; D&C 5:5.

Helaman 7 : 23–8 : 5 386 For if ye will not repent, behold, these things shall be, of myself, this b great city, and also all those because it is not of myself that great cities which are round about, I a know these things; but behold, I which are in the land of our pos- b know that these things are true be- session, shall be taken away that cause the Lord God has made them ye shall have no place in them; for known unto me, therefore I testify behold, the Lord will not grant unto that they shall be. you c strength, as he has hitherto done, to withstand against your Chapter 8 enemies. Corrupt judges seek to incite the peo- ple against Nephi—Abraham, Moses, 23 For behold, thus saith the Lord: Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jere- I will not show unto the wicked of miah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified my strength, to one more than the of Christ—By inspiration Nephi an- other, save it be unto those who nounces the murder of the chief judge. repent of their sins, and hearken About 23–21 b.c. unto my words. Now therefore, I And now it came to pass that when would that ye should behold, my Nephi had said these words, behold, brethren, that it shall be a better for there were men who were judges, the Lamanites than for you except who also belonged to the secret ye shall repent. band of Gadianton, and they were angry, and they cried out against 24 For behold, they are more righ- him, saying unto the people: Why teous than you, for they have not do ye not seize upon this man and sinned against that great knowledge bring him forth, that he may be which ye have received; therefore condemned according to the crime the Lord will be merciful unto them; which he has done? yea, he will a lengthen out their days and increase their seed, even when 2 Why seest thou this man, and thou shalt be utterly b destroyed ex- hearest him revile against this peo- cept thou shalt repent. ple and against our law? 25 Yea, wo be unto you because 3 For behold, Nephi had spoken of that great abomination which unto them concerning the corrupt- has come among you; and ye have ness of their law; yea, many things united yourselves unto it, yea, to did Nephi speak which cannot be that a secret band which was estab- written; and nothing did he speak lished by Gadianton! which was contrary to the com- mandments of God. 26 Yea, a wo shall come unto you because of that pride which ye have 4 And those judges were angry suffered to enter your hearts, which with him because he a spake plainly has lifted you up beyond that which unto them concerning their secret is good because of your exceedingly works of darkness; nevertheless, great riches! they durst not lay their own hands upon him, for they feared the peo- 27 Yea, wo be unto you because of ple lest they should cry out against your wickedness and abominations! them. 28 And except ye repent ye shall 5 Therefore they did cry unto the perish; yea, even your lands shall people, saying: Why do you suffer be taken from you, and ye shall be this man to revile against us? For destroyed from off the face of the earth. 29 Behold now, I do not say that 22 b Hel. 8:5. Alma 9:16; Hel. 3:23. c Mosiah 7:29. D&C 5:33. 26 a Isa. 5:8 (8–25). 23 a Hel. 15:14 (11–15). b Alma 9:19; 29 a Hel. 8:8. 24 a Ex. 20:12; Hel. 10:14. 8 4 ab Hel. 8:12. 25 a 2 Ne. 10:15; 1 Ne. 16:2 (2–3). 1 Ne. 17:55;

387 Helaman 8 : 6–18 behold he doth condemn all this that the Israelites, who were our people, even unto destruction; yea, fathers, came through upon dry and also that these our a great cit- ground, and the waters closed upon ies shall be taken from us, that we the armies of the Egyptians and shall have no place in them. swallowed them up? 6 And now we know that this is 12 And now behold, if God gave impossible, for behold, we are a pow- unto this man such power, then erful, and our cities great, therefore why should ye dispute among your- our enemies can have no power selves, and say that he hath given over us. unto me no power whereby I may a know concerning the judgments 7 And it came to pass that thus that shall come upon you except they did a stir up the people to anger ye repent? against Nephi, and raised conten- tions among them; for there were 13 But, behold, ye not only deny some who did cry out: b Let this man my words, but ye also deny all the alone, for he is a good man, and words which have been spoken those things which he saith will by our fathers, and also the words surely come to pass except we repent; which were spoken by this man, Moses, who had such great power 8 Yea, behold, all the judgments given unto him, yea, the words will come upon us which he has which he hath spoken concerning testified unto us; for we know that the coming of the Messiah. he has testified aright unto us con- cerning our iniquities. And behold 14 Yea, did he not bear record that they are many, and he a knoweth as the Son of God should come? And well all things which shall befall as he a lifted up the brazen serpent us as he knoweth of our iniquities; in the wilderness, even so shall he be lifted up who should come. 9 Yea, and behold, if he had not been a prophet he could not have 15 And as many as should look a testified concerning those things. upon that serpent should a live, even so as many as should look upon the 10 And it came to pass that those Son of God with faith, having a con- people who sought to destroy Nephi trite spirit, might b live, even unto were compelled because of their fear, that life which is eternal. that they did not lay their hands on him; therefore he began again 16 And now behold, Moses did to speak unto them, seeing that not only testify of these things, but he had gained favor in the eyes of also a all the holy prophets, from his some, insomuch that the remainder days even to the days of Abraham. of them did fear. 17 Yea, and behold, aA  braham saw 11 Therefore he was constrained of his coming, and was filled with to speak more unto them saying: gladness and did rejoice. Behold, my brethren, have ye not read that God gave power unto one 18 Yea, and behold I say unto you, man, even Moses, to smite upon the that Abraham not only knew of waters of the a Red Sea, and they these things, but there were a many parted hither and thither, insomuch before the days of Abraham who were called by the b order of God; 5 a Hel. 7:22. 1 Ne. 17:26; Alma 37:46 (46–47); 6 a Moses 8:21 (20–22). Mosiah 7:19; 3 Ne. 15:9. 7 a tg Provoking. D&C 8:3; b John 11:25. b Acts 5:38 (37–40). Moses 1:25. 16 a Luke 24:27; 8 a Hel. 7:29. 12 a Hel. 7:29 (28–29). Rev. 19:10; 14 a Num. 21:9 (6–9); Jacob 4:4 (4–5); 7:11. tg God, Foreknowl- 2 Ne. 25:20; 17 a Gen. 22:8 (8–14); edge of. Alma 33:19 (19–22). John 8:56 (53, 56). 9 a tg Testimony. tg Jesus Christ, Types 18 a Alma 13:19; 11 a Ex. 14:16; of, in Anticipation. D&C 84:14 (6–16); 136:37. Josh. 2:10; 15 a 1 Ne. 17:41; b tg Priesthood. Neh. 9:11;

Helaman 8 : 19–28 388 yea, even after the order of his Son; is a with them, and he did manifest and this that it should be shown himself unto them, that they were unto the people, a great many redeemed by him; and they gave thousand years before his coming, unto him glory, because of that that even redemption should come which is to come. unto them. 24 And now, seeing ye know these 19 And now I would that ye should things and cannot deny them ex- know, that even since the days of cept ye shall lie, therefore in this Abraham there have been many ye have sinned, for ye have rejected prophets that have testified these all these things, notwithstanding things; yea, behold, the prophet so many a evidences which ye have a Zenos did testify boldly; for the received; yea, even ye have received which he was slain. b all things, both things in heaven, and all things which are in the 20 And behold, also a Zenock, and earth, as a witness that they are also b Ezias, and also c Isaiah, and true. d Jeremiah, ( Jeremiah being that same prophet who testified of the 25 But behold, ye have rejected the destruction of e Jerusalem) and truth, and a rebelled against your now we know that Jerusalem was holy God; and even at this time, destroyed according to the words in­stead of laying up for yourselves of Jeremiah. O then why not the b treasures in heaven, where nothing Son of God come, according to his doth corrupt, and where nothing can prophecy ? come which is unclean, ye are heap- ing up for yourselves wrath against 21 And now will you dispute that the day of c judgment. a Jerusalem was destroyed? Will ye say that the b sons of Zedekiah were 26 Yea, even at this time ye are not slain, all except it were c Mulek? ripening, because of your murders Yea, and do ye not behold that the and your a fornication and wicked- seed of Zedekiah are with us, and ness, for everlasting destruction; they were driven out of the land yea, and except ye repent it will of Jerusalem? But behold, this is come unto you soon. not all— 27 Yea, behold it is now even at 22 Our father Lehi was driven your doors; yea, go ye in unto the out of Jerusalem because he a tes- judgment-seat, and search; and be- tified of these things. Nephi also hold, your judge is murdered, and testified of these things, and also he a lieth in his blood; and he hath almost all of our fathers, even down been murdered b by his brother, who to this time; yea, they have testified seeketh to sit in the judgment-seat. of the b coming of Christ, and have looked forward, and have rejoiced 28 And behold, they both belong in his day which is to come. to your secret band, whose a author is Gadianton and the evil one who 23 And behold, he is God, and he seeketh to destroy the souls of men. 19 a Alma 34:7; Jer. 39:6; 52:10. Mosiah 2:37 (36–38); Hel. 15:11. c Ezek. 17:22 (22–23); 3:12. b Hel. 5:8; 20 a 1 Ne. 19:10; Hel. 6:10; 3 Ne. 13:20 (19–21). Alma 33:15; 34:7; Morm. 7:2. tg Treasure. 3 Ne. 10:16 (15–16). 22 a D&C 138:49. c Ps. 109:7 (3–7); b tg Jesus Christ, D&C 10:23 (20–23); b tg Scriptures, Lost. Prophecies about. 121:24 (23–25). c Isa. 53:2 (1–12). 23 a Alma 40:11 (11–12). 26 a tg Fornication. d 1 Ne. 5:13; 7:14. 24 a 2 Kgs. 17:13; 27 a Hel. 9:3, 15. e Jer. 26:18 (17–19); 1 Ne. 10:5. b Hel. 9:6 (6, 26–38). b Alma 30:44; 28 a Hel. 6:26 (26–30). 1 Ne. 1:4 (4–18); Moses 6:63. 2 Ne. 6:8; 25:6. 25 a Ps. 5:10; 21 a Omni 1:15. b 2 Kgs. 25:7;

389 Helaman 9 : 1–14 Chapter 9 themselves together unto the place Messengers find the chief judge dead of the judgment-seat—and behold, at the judgment seat—They are impris- to their astonishment they saw oned and later released—By inspiration those a five men who had fallen to Nephi identifies Seantum as the mur- the earth. derer—Nephi is accepted by some as a prophet. About 23–21 b.c. 8 And now behold, the people Behold, now it came to pass that knew nothing concerning the mul- when Nephi had spoken these titude who had gathered together words, certain men who were among at the a garden of Nephi; therefore them ran to the judgment-seat; yea, they said among themselves: These even there were a five who went, men are they who have murdered and they said among themselves, as the judge, and God has smitten them they went: that they could not flee from us. 2 Behold, now we will know of a 9 And it came to pass that they laid surety whether this man be a prophet hold on them, and bound them and and God hath commanded him to cast them into prison. And there prophesy such marvelous things was a proclamation sent abroad unto us. Behold, we do not a believe that the judge was slain, and that that he hath; yea, we do not believe the murderers had been taken and that he is a prophet; nevertheless, were cast into prison. if this thing which he has said con- cerning the chief judge be true, that 10 And it came to pass that on the he be dead, then will we believe morrow the people did assemble that the other words which he has themselves together to a mourn and spoken are true. to b fast, at the burial of the great chief judge who had been slain. 3 And it came to pass that they ran in their might, and came in unto 11 And thus also those judges who the judgment-seat; and behold, the were at the garden of Nephi, and chief judge had fallen to the earth, heard his words, were also gathered and did a lie in his blood. together at the burial. 4 And now behold, when they saw 12 And it came to pass that they this they were astonished exceed- inquired among the people, saying: ingly, insomuch that they fell to Where are the five who were sent to the earth; for they had not believed inquire concerning the chief judge the words which Nephi had spoken whether he was dead? And they an- concerning the chief judge. swered and said: Concerning this five whom ye say ye have sent, we 5 But now, when they saw they know not; but there are five who are believed, and fear came upon them the murderers, whom we have cast lest all the judgments which Nephi into prison. had spoken a should come upon the people; therefore they did quake, 13 And it came to pass that the and had fallen to the earth. judges desired that they should be brought; and they were brought, 6 Now, immediately when the and behold they were the five who judge had been murdered—he being were sent; and behold the judges in- stabbed by his brother by a garb of quired of them to know concerning secrecy, and he fled, and the servants the matter, and they told them all ran and told the people, raising the that they had done, saying: cry of murder among them; 14 We ran and came to the place 7 And behold the people did gather of the judgment-seat, and when we saw all things even as Nephi had testified, we were astonished 9 1 a Hel. 9:7 (7, 12). 5 a 2 Kgs. 22:13 (8–20). 10 a tg Mourning. 7 a Hel. 9:1. b tg Fast, Fasting. 2 a Dan. 2:9. 8 a Hel. 7:10 (10–11, 14). 3 a Hel. 8:27.

Helaman 9 : 15–31 390 insomuch that we fell to the earth; a fools, ye uncircumcised of heart, ye and when we were recovered from blind, and ye b stiffnecked people, our astonishment, behold they cast do ye know how long the Lord your us into a prison. God will suffer you that ye shall go on in this your way of sin? 15 Now, as for the murder of this man, we know not who has done 22 O ye ought to begin to howl it; and only this much we know, and a mourn, because of the great we ran and came a according as ye destruction which at this time doth desired, and behold he was dead, await you, except ye shall repent. according to the words of Nephi. 23 Behold ye say that I have agreed 16 And now it came to pass that with a man that he should murder the judges did expound the matter Seezoram, our chief judge. But be- unto the people, and did cry out hold, I say unto you, that this is against Nephi, saying: Behold, we because I have testified unto you know that this Nephi must have that ye might know concerning this agreed with some one to slay the thing; yea, even for a witness unto judge, and then he might declare you, that I did know of the wicked- it unto us, that he might convert us ness and abominations which are unto his faith, that he might raise among you. himself to be a great man, chosen of God, and a prophet. 24 And because I have done this, ye say that I have agreed with a 17 And now behold, we will detect man that he should do this thing; this man, and he shall confess his yea, because I showed unto you this fault and make known unto us the sign ye are angry with me, and seek true murderer of this judge. to destroy my life. 18 And it came to pass that the 25 And now behold, I will show five were liberated on the day of unto you another sign, and see if the burial. Nevertheless, they did ye will in this thing seek to de- rebuke the judges in the words stroy me. which they had spoken against Nephi, and did contend with them 26 Behold I say unto you: Go to one by one, insomuch that they did the house of Seantum, who is the confound them. a brother of Seezoram, and say unto him— 19 Nevertheless, they caused that Nephi should be taken and bound 27 Has Nephi, the pretended and brought before the multitude, prophet, who doth prophesy so much and they began to question him in evil concerning this people, agreed divers ways that they might cross with thee, in the which ye have him, that they might accuse him murdered Seezoram, who is your to death— brother? 20 Saying unto him: Thou art con- 28 And behold, he shall say unto federate; who is this man that hath you, Nay. done this murder? Now tell us, and acknowledge thy fault; saying, Be- 29 And ye shall say unto him: Have hold here is a money; and also we ye murdered your brother? will grant unto thee thy life if thou wilt tell us, and acknowledge the 30 And he shall stand with fear, agreement which thou hast made and wist not what to say. And be- with him. hold, he shall deny unto you; and he shall make as if he were aston- 21 But Nephi said unto them: O ye ished; nevertheless, he shall declare unto you that he is innocent. 31 But behold, ye shall examine 14 a Gen. 39:20. tg Bribe. b tg Stiffnecked. 15 a Hel. 8:27. 21 a Ps. 75:4; 22 a Ezek. 24:23; 20 a 1 Sam. 8:3 (1–4); Luke 24:25; Mosiah 7:24. Ether 9:11. Acts 7:51. 26 a Hel. 8:27.

391 Helaman 9 : 32–10 : 5 him, and ye shall find blood upon us the thoughts of our hearts, and the skirts of his cloak. also has told us things; and even he has brought unto our knowl- 32 And when ye have seen this, edge the true murderer of our chief ye shall say: From whence cometh judge. this blood? Do we not know that it is the blood of your brother? Chapter 10 The Lord gives Nephi the sealing 33 And then shall he tremble, and power—He is empowered to bind and shall look pale, even as if death had loose on earth and in heaven—He com- come upon him. mands the people to repent or perish— The Spirit carries him from multitude 34 And then shall ye say: Because to multitude. About 21–20 b.c. of this fear and this paleness which And it came to pass that there arose has come upon your face, behold, a division among the people, inso- we know that thou art guilty. much that they divided hither and thither and went their ways, leaving 35 And then shall greater fear Nephi alone, as he was standing in come upon him; and then shall he the midst of them. confess unto you, and deny no more that he has done this murder. 2 And it came to pass that Nephi went his way towards his own house, 36 And then shall he say unto a pondering upon the things which you, that I, Nephi, know nothing the Lord had shown unto him. concerning the matter save it were given unto me by the power of God. 3 And it came to pass as he was And then shall ye know that I am thus pondering—being much cast an honest man, and that I am sent down because of the wickedness of unto you from God. the people of the Nephites, their secret works of darkness, and their 37 And it came to pass that they murderings, and their plunderings, went and did, even according as and all manner of iniquities—and Nephi had said unto them. And be- it came to pass as he was thus pon- hold, the words which he had said dering in his heart, behold, a a voice were true; for according to the words came unto him saying: he did deny; and also according to the words he did confess. 4 a Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for 38 And he was brought to prove I have beheld how thou hast with that he himself was the very mur- b unwearyingness declared the word, derer, insomuch that the five were which I have given unto thee, unto set at liberty, and also was Nephi. this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine 39 And there were some of the c own life, but hast sought my d will, Nephites who believed on the words and to keep my commandments. of Nephi; and there were some also, who believed because of the 5 And now, because thou hast done testimony of the five, for they had this with such unwearyingness, be- been converted while they were hold, I will bless thee forever; and I in prison. will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, 40 And now there were some even that a all things shall be b done among the people, who said that Nephi was a prophet. 41 And there were others who said: Behold, he is a god, for except he was a god he could not a know of all things. For behold, he has told 41 a tg God, Omni- tg Dedication; d Mosiah 24:15; science of. Dependability; 3 Ne. 11:11. 10 2 a tg Meditation. Priesthood, Magnifying 3 a tg Guidance, Divine. Callings within; 5 a 3 Ne. 18:20; 4 a Acts 23:11. Steadfastness. D&C 88:64 (63–65). b Acts 20:31. c tg Self-Sacrifice. b Ex. 33:17.

Helaman 10 : 6–19 392 unto thee according to thy c word, they did harden their hearts and for thou shalt d not ask that which did not hearken unto the words of is contrary to my will. the Lord. 6 Behold, thou art Nephi, and I 14 Therefore Nephi did declare am God. Behold, I declare it unto unto them the word of the Lord, thee in the presence of mine angels, saying: Except ye repent, thus saith that ye shall have power over this the Lord, ye shall be a smitten even people, and shall smite the earth unto destruction. with a famine, and with pestilence, and destruction, according to the 15 And it came to pass that when wickedness of this people. Nephi had declared unto them the word, behold, they did still harden 7 Behold, I give unto you a power, their hearts and would not hearken that whatsoever ye shall b seal on unto his words; therefore they did earth shall be sealed in heaven; a revile against him, and did seek to and whatsoever ye shall loose on lay their hands upon him that they earth shall be loosed in heaven; and might cast him into prison. thus shall ye have power among this people. 16 But behold, the power of God was with him, and they could not 8 And thus, if ye shall say unto this take him to cast him into prison, temple it shall be rent in twain, it for he was taken by the Spirit and shall be done. a conveyed away out of the midst of them. 9 And if ye shall say unto this a mountain, Be thou cast down and 17 And it came to pass that thus become smooth, it shall be done. he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring 10 And behold, if ye shall say that the word of God, even until he had God shall smite this people, it shall declared it unto them all, or sent it come to pass. forth among all the people. 11 And now behold, I command 18 And it came to pass that they you, that ye shall go and declare would not hearken unto his words; unto this people, that thus saith the and there began to be contentions, Lord God, who is the Almighty: Ex- insomuch that they were divided cept ye repent ye shall be smitten, against themselves and began to even unto a destruction. slay one another with the sword. 12 And behold, now it came to 19 And thus ended the seventy and pass that when the Lord had spoken first year of the reign of the judges these words unto Nephi, he did stop over the people of Nephi. and did not go unto his own house, but did return unto the multitudes Chapter 11 who were scattered about upon Nephi persuades the Lord to replace the face of the land, and began to their war with a famine—Many people declare unto them the word of the perish—They repent, and Nephi impor- Lord which had been spoken unto tunes the Lord for rain—Nephi and him, concerning their destruction Lehi receive many revelations—The if they did not repent. Gadianton robbers entrench themselves in the land. About 20–6 b.c. 13 Now behold, a notwithstanding that great miracle which Nephi had done in telling them concern- ing the death of the chief judge, 5 c 1 Kgs. 17:1; 7 a Hel. 11:18. Ether 12:30. Enos 1:12. b Matt. 16:19. 11 a Hel. 5:2; 11:8. 13 a Mark 6:6 (4–6). d James 4:3 (1–3); tg Priesthood, 14 a Hel. 7:24. 2 Ne. 4:35; Authority. 15 a tg Reviling. D&C 46:30. 9 a Matt. 17:20; 16 a Acts 8:39 (39–40). Jacob 4:6; 6 a Hel. 11:4 (4–18). Morm. 8:24; tg Drought.

393 Helaman 11 : 1–15 And now it came to pass in the sev- leaders, that they would say unto enty and second year of the reign Nephi: Behold, we know that thou of the judges that the contentions art a man of God, and therefore did increase, insomuch that there cry unto the Lord our God that he were wars throughout all the land turn away from us this famine, lest among all the people of Nephi. all the words which thou hast spo- ken concerning our b destruction 2 And it was this a secret band of be fulfilled. robbers who did carry on this work of destruction and wickedness. And 9 And it came to pass that the this war did last all that year; and judges did say unto Nephi, accord- in the seventy and third year it did ing to the words which had been also last. desired. And it came to pass that when Nephi saw that the people 3 And it came to pass that in this had a repented and did humble year Nephi did cry unto the Lord, themselves in sackcloth, he cried saying: again unto the Lord, saying: 4 O Lord, do not suffer that this 10 O Lord, behold this people re- people shall be destroyed by the penteth; and they have swept away sword; but O Lord, rather a let there the band of Gadianton from amongst be a b famine in the land, to stir them insomuch that they have be- them up in remembrance of the come extinct, and they have con- Lord their God, and perhaps they cealed their secret plans in the earth. will repent and turn unto thee. 11 Now, O Lord, because of this 5 And so it was done, according their humility wilt thou turn away to the words of Nephi. And there thine anger, and let thine anger was a great famine upon the land, be appeased in the destruction of among all the people of Nephi. And those wicked men whom thou hast thus in the seventy and fourth year already destroyed. the famine did continue, and the work of destruction did cease by the 12 O Lord, wilt thou turn away sword but became sore by famine. thine anger, yea, thy fierce anger, and cause that this famine may cease in 6 And this work of destruction did this land. also continue in the seventy and fifth year. For the earth was smitten 13 O Lord, wilt thou hearken unto that it was a dry, and did not yield me, and cause that it may be done ac- forth grain in the season of grain; cording to my words, and send forth and the whole earth was smitten, a rain upon the face of the earth, even among the Lamanites as well that she may bring forth her fruit, as among the Nephites, so that they and her grain in the season of grain. were smitten that they did perish by thousands in the more wicked 14 O Lord, thou didst hearken unto parts of the land. a my words when I said, Let there be a famine, that the pestilence of 7 And it came to pass that the the sword might cease; and I know people saw that they were about to that thou wilt, even at this time, perish by famine, and they began hearken unto my words, for thou to a remember the Lord their God; saidst that: If this people repent I and they began to remember the will spare them. words of Nephi. 15 Yea, O Lord, and thou seest 8 And the people a began to plead that they have repented, because of with their chief judges and their the famine and the pestilence and 11 2 a Hel. 6:22 (18–24); Hel. 10:6. 8 a Ex. 10:7. tg Famine. b Hel. 10:11 (11–14). 11:26 (25–26). 9 a Morm. 2:12. 4 a Hel. 11:14. 6 a tg Drought. 13 a 1 Kgs. 18:41 (1, 41–46). b 1 Kgs. 8:35; 7 a Amos 4:7 (6–10); 14 a Hel. 11:4. 1 Chr. 21:12; Hel. 12:3.

Helaman 11 : 16–27 394 destruction which has come unto seventy and eighth year, save it were them. a few contentions concerning the points of doctrine which had been 16 And now, O Lord, wilt thou laid down by the prophets. turn away thine anger, and try again if they will serve thee? And 23 And in the seventy and ninth if so, O Lord, thou canst bless them year there began to be much strife. according to thy words which thou But it came to pass that Nephi and hast said. Lehi, and many of their brethren who knew concerning the true 17 And it came to pass that in the points of doctrine, having many seventy and sixth year the Lord did a revelations daily, therefore they turn away his anger from the peo- did preach unto the people, inso- ple, and caused that a rain should much that they did put an end to fall upon the earth, insomuch that their strife in that same year. it did bring forth her fruit in the season of her fruit. And it came to 24 And it came to pass that in the pass that it did bring forth her grain eightieth year of the reign of the in the season of her grain. judges over the people of Nephi, there were a certain number of the 18 And behold, the people did re- dissenters from the people of Nephi, joice and glorify God, and the whole who had some years before gone face of the land was filled with re- over unto the Lamanites, and taken joicing; and they did no more seek to upon themselves the name of La- destroy Nephi, but they did esteem manites, and also a certain number him as a a great prophet, and a man who were real descendants of the of God, having great power and au- Lamanites, being stirred up to anger thority given unto him from God. by them, or by those dissenters, therefore they commenced a a war 19 And behold, Lehi, his brother, with their brethren. was not a a whit behind him as to things pertaining to righteousness. 25 And they did commit murder and plunder; and then they would 20 And thus it did come to pass retreat back into the mountains, that the people of Nephi began to and into the wilderness and secret prosper again in the land, and be- places, hiding themselves that they gan to build up their waste places, could not be discovered, receiving and began to multiply and spread, daily an addition to their numbers, even until they did a cover the whole inasmuch as there were dissenters face of the land, both on the north- that went forth unto them. ward and on the southward, from the sea west to the sea east. 26 And thus in time, yea, even in the space of a not many years, they 21 And it came to pass that the became an exceedingly great band seventy and sixth year did end in of robbers; and they did search out peace. And the seventy and seventh all the b secret plans of Gadianton; year began in peace; and the a church and thus they became robbers of did spread throughout the face of all Gadianton. the land; and the more part of the people, both the Nephites and the 27 Now behold, these robbers did Lamanites, did belong to the church; make great havoc, yea, even great and they did have exceedingly great destruction among the people of peace in the land; and thus ended Nephi, and also among the people the seventy and seventh year. of the Lamanites. 22 And also they had peace in the 17 a Deut. 11:14 (13–17); Alma 22:27 (27, 32–33); Alma 26:22; Ether 2:24; Hel. 3:8; D&C 107:19. D&C 117:1. 3 Ne. 1:17. 24 a Hel. 4:3. 21 a tg Church; 26 a Hel. 4:26; 6:32; 7:6. 18 a Hel. 10:7 (5–11). Peace. b Hel. 11:2. 19 a Hel. 5:44 (36–44); 6:6. 23 a Jarom 1:4; 20 a Jarom 1:6;

395 Helaman 11 : 28–12 : 2 28 And it came to pass that it was 36 And in the eighty and second expedient that there should be a year they began again to a forget the stop put to this work of destruc- Lord their God. And in the eighty tion; therefore they sent an army and third year they began to wax of strong men into the wilderness strong in iniquity. And in the eighty and upon the mountains to search and fourth year they did not mend out this band of robbers, and to their ways. destroy them. 37 And it came to pass in the eighty 29 But behold, it came to pass that and fifth year they did wax stron- in that same year they were driven ger and stronger in their pride, and back even into their own lands. in their wickedness; and thus they And thus ended the eightieth year were a ripening again for destruction. of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi. 38 And thus ended the eighty and fifth year. 30 And it came to pass in the commencement of the eighty and Chapter 12 first year they did go forth again Men are unstable and foolish and against this band of robbers, and quick to do evil—The Lord chastens did destroy many; and they were His people—The nothingness of men is also visited with much destruction. compared with the power of God—In the day of judgment, men will gain ev- 31 And they were again obliged to erlasting life or everlasting damnation. return out of the wilderness and out About 6 b.c. of the a mountains unto their own And thus we can behold how false, lands, because of the exceeding and also the unsteadiness of the greatness of the numbers of those hearts of the children of men; yea, robbers who infested the mountains we can see that the Lord in his and the wilderness. great infinite goodness doth bless and a prosper those who put their 32 And it came to pass that thus b trust in him. ended this year. And the robbers did still increase and wax strong, 2 Yea, and we may see at the very insomuch that they did defy the a time when he doth b prosper his whole armies of the Nephites, and people, yea, in the increase of their also of the Lamanites; and they did fields, their flocks and their herds, cause great fear to come unto the and in gold, and in silver, and in all people upon all the face of the land. manner of c precious things of every kind and art; sparing their lives, 33 Yea, for they did visit many and delivering them out of the parts of the land, and did do great hands of their enemies; softening destruction unto them; yea, did kill the hearts of their enemies that they many, and did carry away others should not declare wars against captive into the wilderness, yea, them; yea, and in fine, doing all and more especially their women things for the welfare and happiness and their children. of his people; yea, then is the time that they do d harden their hearts, 34 Now this great evil, which came and do e forget the Lord their God, unto the people because of their and do f  trample under their feet the iniquity, did stir them up again in a remembrance of the Lord their God. 35 And thus ended the eighty and first year of the reign of the judges. 31 a 3 Ne. 1:27. 2 Ne. 22:2; d tg Apostasy of 34 a Hosea 5:15. Mosiah 4:6. Individuals. 36 a Mosiah 13:29. tg Trust in God. 123 17 aa Hel. 6:40. e Deut. 8:11 (10–20). 2 Chr. 26:5; 2 a Alma 46:8; f Alma 5:53; Ps. 1:3 (2–3). Hel. 4:26; 6:32. b Ps. 36:7 (7–8); 3 Ne. 28:35. b Ps. 62:10. tg Sacrilege. c tg Treasure.

Helaman 12 : 3–19 396 Holy One—yea, and this because of hills and the mountains tremble their ease, and their exceedingly and b quake. great prosperity. 10 And by the a power of his voice 3 And thus we see that except the they are broken up, and become Lord doth a chasten his people with smooth, yea, even like unto a valley. many afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with b death and with ter- 11 Yea, by the power of his voice ror, and with famine and with all doth the a whole earth shake; manner of pestilence, they will not c remember him. 12 Yea, by the power of his voice, do the foundations rock, even to 4 O how a foolish, and how vain, the very center. and how evil, and devilish, and how b quick to do iniquity, and how slow 13 Yea, and if he say unto the to do good, are the children of men; earth—Move—it is moved. yea, how quick to hearken unto the words of the evil one, and to set 14 Yea, if he say unto the a earth— their c hearts upon the vain things of Thou shalt b go back, that it c lengthen the world! out the day for many hours—it is done; 5 Yea, how quick to be lifted up in a pride; yea, how quick to b boast, 15 And thus, according to his and do all manner of that which is word the a earth goeth back, and it iniquity; and how slow are they to appeareth unto man that the b sun remember the Lord their God, and standeth still; yea, and behold, this to give ear unto his counsels, yea, is so; for surely it is the earth that how slow to c walk in wisdom’s paths! moveth and not the sun. 6 Behold, they do not desire that 16 And behold, also, if he say unto the Lord their God, who hath a cre- the a waters of the great deep—b Be ated them, should b rule and reign thou dried up—it is done. over them; notwithstanding his great goodness and his mercy to- 17 Behold, if he say unto this wards them, they do set at c naught mountain—Be thou raised up, and his counsels, and they will not that a come over and fall upon that city, he should be their guide. that it be buried up—behold it is done. 7 O how great is the a nothingness of the children of men; yea, even they 18 And behold, if a man a hide up a are b less than the dust of the earth. treasure in the earth, and the Lord shall say—Let it be b accursed, be- 8 For behold, the dust of the earth cause of the iniquity of him who moveth hither and thither, to the hath hid it up—behold, it shall be dividing asunder, at the command accursed. of our great and everlasting God. 19 And if the Lord shall say—Be 9 Yea, behold at his a voice do the thou accursed, that no man shall find thee from this time henceforth and forever—behold, no man getteth it henceforth and forever. 3 a Deut. 11:2 (1–8); b tg Boast. Ether 4:9. Ezek. 20:26; c tg Walking in Darkness; 14 a Josh. 10:12 (12–14). Mosiah 23:21; b Isa. 38:8 (7–8). D&C 98:21; 101:8. Walking with God. c 2 Kgs. 20:9 (8–11). 6 a Isa. 45:9 (9–10); 15 a Alma 30:44. b Ps. 78:34. b Hab. 3:11. c Amos 4:6 (6–11); D&C 58:30. 16 a Matt. 8:27 (23–27); b Judg. 8:23 (22–23); Jonah 2:7; Jacob 4:9. Mosiah 1:17. D&C 60:4. b Isa. 44:27; 51:10. 4 a tg Foolishness. c Jer. 8:7. 17 a 3 Ne. 8:10 (10, 25); b Ex. 32:8; Judg. 2:17; 7 a Isa. 40:17 (15, 17); Isa. 59:7; Jer. 4:22. 9:8 (5–6, 8). c Gen. 6:5; Dan. 4:35; Moses 1:10. 18 a Hel. 13:18 (18–23); Matt. 15:19; b Gen. 18:27. Heb. 3:12. 9 a Ezek. 1:24. Morm. 1:18 (17–19); 5 a Prov. 29:23. b Judg. 5:5; 3 Ne. 22:10. Ether 14:1. 10 a 1 Ne. 17:46. b Hel. 13:17. 11 a Morm. 5:23;

397 Helaman 12 : 20–13 : 6 20 And behold, if the Lord shall they repent—They and their riches say unto a man—Because of thine are cursed—They reject and stone the iniquities, thou shalt be accursed prophets, are encircled about by de- a forever—it shall be done. mons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 b.c. 21 And if the Lord shall say—Be- And now it came to pass in the cause of thine iniquities thou shalt eighty and sixth year, the Nephites be a cut off from my presence—he did still remain in wickedness, yea, will cause that it shall be so. in great wickedness, while the a La- manites did observe strictly to keep 22 And wo unto him to whom he the commandments of God, accord- shall say this, for it shall be unto ing to the law of Moses. him that will do iniquity, and he cannot be a saved; therefore, for this 2 And it came to pass that in this cause, that men might be saved, hath year there was one a Samuel, a b La- repentance been declared. manite, came into the land of Zara­ hemla, and began to preach unto the 23 Therefore, blessed are they who people. And it came to pass that he will repent and hearken unto the did preach, many days, repentance voice of the Lord their God; for these unto the people, and they did c cast are they that shall be saved. him out, and he was about to d return to his own land. 24 And may God grant, in his great fulness, that men might be brought 3 But behold, the a voice of the Lord unto repentance and good works, that came unto him, that he should re- they might be restored unto grace turn again, and prophesy unto the for a grace, according to their works. people whatsoever things should come into his b heart. 25 And I would that all men might be saved. But we read that in the 4 And it came to pass that they a great and last day there are some would not suffer that he should en- who shall be cast out, yea, who shall ter into the city; therefore he went be cast off from the b presence of and got upon the a wall thereof, and the Lord; stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice, and b prophesied 26 Yea, who shall be consigned to unto the people whatsoever things a state of endless misery, fulfilling the Lord put into his heart. the words which say: They that have done good shall have a everlasting 5 And he said unto them: Behold, life; and they that have done evil I, Samuel, a Lamanite, do speak the shall have everlasting b damnation. words of the Lord which he doth put And thus it is. Amen. into my heart; and behold he hath put it into my heart to say unto this The prophecy of Samuel, the people that the a sword of justice Lamanite, to the Nephites. hangeth over this people; and four Comprising chapters 13 through 15. hundred years pass not away save the sword of justice falleth upon Chapter 13 this people. Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless 6 Yea, heavy a destruction awaiteth 20 a Mosiah 27:31. 1 3 1 ab tg Damnation. b D&C 100:5. 21 a Jer. 23:39 (39–40); Hel. 6:1; 15:5. 4 a Hel. 14:11; 16:1. 2 a Hel. 14:1; b tg Teaching with the D&C 63:4. 3 Ne. 23:9 (9–10). 22 a tg Salvation. b Hel. 16:7. Spirit. 24 a tg Grace. c Hel. 14:10. 5 a Alma 60:29; 25 a Mal. 4:5; d Alma 26:27. 3 a Gal. 2:2; 3 Ne. 2:19. 3 Ne. 26:4. Alma 8:16; 20:2; 6 a Alma 45:11 (10–14); b tg God, Presence of. 26 a Dan. 12:2 (2–3); Hel. 15:17. D&C 19:7. 3 Ne. 1:12.

Helaman 13 : 7–19 398 this people, and it surely cometh is saved; yea, wo unto this great unto this people, and nothing can city, for I perceive, saith the Lord, save this people save it be repentance that there are many, yea, even the and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, more part of this great city, that who surely shall come into the will harden their hearts against world, and shall suffer many things me, saith the Lord. and shall be slain for his people. 13 But blessed are they who will 7 And behold, an a angel of the Lord repent, for them will I spare. But hath declared it unto me, and he behold, if it were not for the righ- did bring b glad tidings to my soul. teous who are in this great city, be- And behold, I was sent unto you hold, I would cause that a fire should to declare it unto you also, that ye come down out of heaven and might have glad tidings; but behold b destroy it. ye would c not receive me. 14 But behold, it is for the righ- 8 Therefore, thus saith the Lord: teous’ sake that it is spared. But Because of the hardness of the behold, the time cometh, saith the hearts of the people of the Neph- Lord, that when ye shall cast out ites, except they repent I will take the righteous from among you, then away my word from them, and I will shall ye be a ripe for destruction; yea, a withdraw my Spirit from them, and wo be unto this great city, because I will suffer them no longer, and I of the wickedness and abominations will turn the hearts of their brethren which are in her. against them. 15 Yea, and wo be unto the city 9 And a four hundred years shall of Gideon, for the wickedness and not pass away before I will cause abominations which are in her. that they shall be smitten; yea, I will visit them with the sword and 16 Yea, and wo be unto all the with famine and with pestilence. cities which are in the land round about, which are possessed by the 10 Yea, I will visit them in my Nephites, because of the wicked- fierce anger, and there shall be ness and abominations which are those of the a fourth generation in them. who shall live, of your enemies, to behold your utter destruction; and 17 And behold, a a curse shall this shall surely come except ye re- come upon the land, saith the Lord pent, saith the Lord; and those of the of Hosts, because of the people’s fourth generation shall visit your sake who are upon the land, yea, destruction. because of their wickedness and their abominations. 11 But if ye will repent and a return unto the Lord your God I will turn 18 And it shall come to pass, saith away mine anger, saith the Lord; the Lord of Hosts, yea, our great and yea, thus saith the Lord, blessed true God, that whoso shall a hide are they who will repent and turn up treasures in the earth shall find unto me, but wo unto him that re- them again no more, because of the penteth not. great curse of the land, save he be a righteous man and shall hide it 12 Yea, a wo unto this great city of up unto the Lord. Zarahemla; for behold, it is because of those who are righteous that it 19 For I will, saith the Lord, that they shall hide up their a treasures 7 a Alma 13:26; Alma 45:12; D&C 64:24. Hel. 14:26 (9, 26, 28). 3 Ne. 27:32. 14 a Gen. 15:16; 11 a 1 Sam. 7:3; b Isa. 52:7. 3 Ne. 10:6 (5–7). Alma 37:31; c tg Prophets, 12 a 3 Ne. 8:24 (8, 24); 9:3. D&C 61:31; 101:11. 13 a 2 Kgs. 1:10 (9–16); 17 a Hel. 12:18. Rejection of. 3 Ne. 9:11. 18 a Morm. 1:18 (17–19); 8 a Ex. 23:21 (20–21). b Gen. 18:23; 1 Ne. 22:16; Ether 14:1. 9 a Alma 45:10. 19 a Prov. 13:11. 10 a 1 Ne. 12:12; 2 Ne. 26:9;

399 Helaman 13 : 20–28 unto me; and cursed be they who riches, and this because of your hide not up their treasures unto me; iniquities. for none hideth up their treasures unto me save it be the righteous; and 24 Yea, wo unto this people, be- he that hideth not up his treasures cause of this time which has arrived, unto me, cursed is he, and also the that ye do a cast out the prophets, treasure, and none shall redeem it and do mock them, and cast stones because of the curse of the land. at them, and do slay them, and do all manner of iniquity unto them, 20 And the day shall come that even as they did of old time. they shall hide up their treasures, because they have set their hearts 25 And now when ye talk, ye say: upon riches; and because they have If our days had been in the days of set their hearts upon their riches, our a fathers of old, we would not and will hide up their treasures have b slain the prophets; we would when they shall flee before their not have stoned them, and cast enemies; because they will not them out. hide them up unto me, cursed be they and also their treasures; and 26 Behold ye are worse than they; in that day shall they be smitten, for as the Lord liveth, if a a prophet saith the Lord. come among you and declareth unto you the word of the Lord, which tes- 21 Behold ye, the people of this tifieth of your b sins and iniquities, great city, and hearken unto my ye are c angry with him, and cast him words; yea, hearken unto the words out and seek all manner of ways to which the Lord saith; for behold, he destroy him; yea, you will say that saith that ye are a cursed because he is a d false e prophet, and that he of your riches, and also are your is a sinner, and of the devil, be- riches cursed because ye have set cause he f testifieth that your deeds your hearts upon them, and have are evil. not b hearkened unto the words of him who gave them unto you. 27 But behold, if a man shall come among you and shall say: Do this, 22 Ye do not remember the Lord and there is no iniquity; do that and your God in the things with which ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say: he hath blessed you, but ye do al- a Walk after the pride of your own ways remember your a riches, not to hearts; yea, walk after the pride of thank the Lord your God for them; your eyes, and do whatsoever your yea, your hearts are not drawn out heart desireth—and if a man shall unto the Lord, but they do swell come among you and say this, ye with great pride, unto b boasting, will receive him, and say that he and unto great c swelling, d envy- is a b prophet. ings, strifes, malice, persecutions, and murders, and all manner of 28 Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye iniquities. will give unto him of your substance; ye will give unto him of your gold, 23 For this cause hath the Lord and of your silver, and ye will clothe God caused that a curse should come him with costly apparel; and be- upon the land, and also upon your cause he speaketh a flattering words unto you, and he saith that all is 21 a tg Curse. Hel. 16:6. e Luke 11:15 (14–22); b tg Disobedience. 25 a Matt. 23:32; Mosiah 3:9 (9–12). 22 a Luke 12:34. b tg Boast. Acts 7:51 (51–52). f Gal. 4:16. c Alma 30:31. b tg Prophets, 27 a tg Walking in Darkness. d tg Envy. b Lam. 2:14; 4:13; 24 a 2 Chr. 36:16 (15–16); Rejection of. 26 a 2 Chr. 18:7; Micah 2:11. Neh. 9:26; tg False Prophets. Jer. 20:2; Luke 16:31 (19–31). 28 a 2 Tim. 4:3 (3–4). 1 Ne. 1:20; b Micah 3:8. c Isa. 30:9 (9–10). d Mosiah 12:14.

Helaman 13 : 29–14 : 2 400 well, then ye will not find fault day that the word of the Lord came with him. unto us; for behold the land is cursed, and all things are become 29 O ye wicked and ye perverse slippery, and we cannot hold them. generation; ye hardened and ye a stiffnecked people, how long will ye 37 Behold, we are surrounded by suppose that the Lord will suffer you? a demons, yea, we are encircled about Yea, how long will ye suffer your- by the angels of him who hath selves to be led by b foolish and c blind sought to destroy our souls. Behold, guides? Yea, how long will ye d choose our iniquities are great. O Lord, darkness rather than e light? canst thou not turn away thine an- ger from us? And this shall be your 30 Yea, behold, the anger of the language in those days. Lord is already kindled against you; behold, he hath cursed the land be- 38 But behold, your a days of pro- cause of your iniquity. bation are past; ye have b procras- tinated the day of your salvation 31 And behold, the time cometh until it is everlastingly too late, and that he curseth your riches, that your destruction is made sure; yea, they become a slippery, that ye can- for ye have sought all the days of not hold them; and in the days of your lives for that which ye could your poverty ye cannot retain them. not obtain; and ye have sought for c happiness in doing iniquity, which 32 And in the days of your poverty thing is d contrary to the nature of ye shall cry unto the Lord; and in that righteousness which is in our vain shall ye cry, for your desolation great and Eternal Head. is already come upon you, and your destruction is made sure; and then 39 O ye people of the land, that shall ye weep and howl in that day, ye would hear my words! And I saith the Lord of Hosts. And then pray that the anger of the Lord be shall ye lament, and say: turned away from you, and that ye would repent and be saved. 33 O a that I had repented, and had not killed the prophets, and Chapter 14 b stoned them, and cast them out. Samuel predicts light during the night Yea, in that day ye shall say: O and a new star at Christ’s birth—Christ that we had remembered the Lord redeems men from temporal and spir- our God in the day that he gave us itual death—The signs of His death our riches, and then they would include three days of darkness, the rend- not have become slippery that we ing of the rocks, and great upheavals should lose them; for behold, our of nature. About 6 b.c. riches are gone from us. And now it came to pass that a Sam­ uel, the Lamanite, did prophesy 34 Behold, we lay a tool here and a great many more things which on the morrow it is gone; and be- cannot be written. hold, our swords are taken from us in the day we have sought them for 2 And behold, he said unto them: battle. Behold, I give unto you a sign; for a five years more cometh, and be- 35 Yea, we have hid up our a trea- hold, then cometh the Son of God sures and they have slipped away from us, because of the curse of the land. 36 O that we had repented in the 29 a tg Stiffnecked. b Matt. 23:37. c Alma 41:10. b Ezek. 13:3; 2 Ne. 28:9. 35 a tg Treasure. tg Abundant Life; c Matt. 15:14; 23:16. 37 a Mosiah 2:32. Happiness. d John 3:19. 38 a Morm. 2:15 (10–15). 1 4 1 ad Alma 41:11 (10–12). e Job 24:13 (2–16). Hel. 13:2; 31 a Jer. 48:36 (35–36); tg Probation. 3 Ne. 23:9 (9–10). b Alma 34:33 (33–34). 2 a Hel. 16:4; Morm. 1:18 (17–19). 3 Ne. 1:5 (5–21). 33 a Morm. 2:10 (10–15). tg Apathy; Procrastination.

401 Helaman 14 : 3–16 to redeem all those who shall be- 10 And now, because I am a La- lieve on his name. manite, and have spoken unto you the words which the Lord hath 3 And behold, this will I give unto commanded me, and because it was you for a a sign at the time of his hard against you, ye are angry with coming; for behold, there shall be me and do seek to destroy me, and great lights in heaven, insomuch have a cast me out from among you. that in the night before he cometh there shall be no darkness, insomuch 11 And ye shall a hear my words, that it shall appear unto man as if for, for this intent have I come up it was day. upon the walls of this city, that ye might hear and know of the judg- 4 Therefore, there shall be one ments of God which do await you a day and a night and a day, as if because of your iniquities, and also it were one day and there were no that ye might know the conditions night; and this shall be unto you of repentance; for a sign; for ye shall know of the rising of the sun and also of its set- 12 And also that ye might know of ting; therefore they shall know of a the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son surety that there shall be two days of God, the a Father of heaven and of and a night; nevertheless the night earth, the Creator of all things from shall not be darkened; and it shall the beginning; and that ye might be the night before he is b born. know of the signs of his coming, to the intent that ye might believe 5 And behold, there shall a new on his name. a star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be 13 And if ye a believe on his name a sign unto you. ye will repent of all your sins, that thereby ye may have a remission of 6 And behold this is not all, there them through his b merits. shall be many a signs and wonders in heaven. 14 And behold, again, another sign I give unto you, yea, a sign of 7 And it shall come to pass that ye his a death. shall all be amazed, and wonder, inso- much that ye shall a fall to the earth. 15 For behold, he surely must die that a salvation may come; yea, 8 And it shall come to pass that it behooveth him and becometh whosoever shall a believe on the Son expedient that he b dieth, to bring to of God, the same shall have ever- pass the c resurrection of the dead, lasting life. that thereby men may be brought into the d presence of the Lord. 9 And behold, thus hath the Lord commanded me, by his angel, that 16 Yea, behold, this death bringeth I should come and tell this thing to pass the a resurrection, and b re- unto you; yea, he hath commanded deemeth all mankind from the first that I should prophesy these things death—that spiritual death; for all unto you; yea, he hath said unto mankind, by the c fall of Adam be- me: Cry unto this people, repent ing d cut off from the presence of and prepare the way of the Lord. 3 a Hel. 16:13; 12 a Mosiah 3:8; 15:4; Morm. 9:13. 3 Ne. 1:15 (8–20). 3 Ne. 9:15; tg Resurrection. Ether 4:7. d tg God, Presence of. 4 a 3 Ne. 1:8. tg Jesus Christ, Creator. 16 a John 20:9; b tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. D&C 18:12 (11–12). 5 a Matt. 2:2 (1–2); 13 a Acts 16:31 (30–31). b tg Salvation, Plan of. b D&C 19:16 (16–20). c tg Fall of Man. 3 Ne. 1:21. 14 a tg Jesus Christ, d 2 Ne. 2:5; 9:6 (6–15); tg Astronomy. Alma 11:42 (40–45); 6 a 3 Ne. 2:1. Death of. 12:16 (16, 24, 36); 7 a 3 Ne. 1:16 (16–17). 15 a tg Jesus Christ, Savior. 42:7 (6–11). 8 a John 3:16. b 1 Cor. 15:36. 10 a Hel. 13:2 (2–7). c 2 Ne. 9:4; 11 a Ezek. 2:7 (6–7). Alma 42:23;

Helaman 14 : 17–29 402 the Lord, are considered as e dead, part of it is one solid mass, shall be both as to things temporal and to d broken up; things spiritual. 22 Yea, they shall be rent in twain, 17 But behold, the resurrection of and shall ever after be a found in Christ a redeemeth mankind, yea, seams and in cracks, and in bro- even all mankind, and bringeth ken fragments upon the face of the them back into the presence of the whole earth, yea, both above the Lord. earth and beneath. 18 Yea, and it bringeth to pass 23 And behold, there shall be the condition of repentance, that great a tempests, and there shall be whosoever repenteth the same is many mountains laid low, like unto not a hewn down and cast into the a valley, and there shall be many fire; but whosoever repenteth not is places which are now called b val- hewn down and cast into the fire; leys which shall become mountains, and there cometh upon them again whose height is great. a b spiritual death, yea, a second death, for they are cut off again as to 24 And a many highways shall be things pertaining to righteousness. broken up, and many cities shall become desolate. 19 Therefore repent ye, repent ye, lest by knowing these things and 25 And many a graves shall be not doing them ye shall suffer your- opened, and shall yield up many of selves to come under condemnation, their dead; and many saints shall and ye are brought down unto this appear unto many. second death. 26  And behold, thus hath the a an- 20 But behold, as I said unto you gel spoken unto me; for he said unto concerning another a sign, a sign of me that there should be thunder- his death, behold, in that day that ings and lightnings for the space he shall suffer death the sun shall of many hours. be darkened and refuse to give his b light unto you; and also the moon 27 And he said unto me that while and the stars; and there shall be no the thunder and the lightning light upon the face of this land, even lasted, and the tempest, that these from the time that he shall suffer things should be, and that a darkness death, for the space of c three days, should cover the face of the whole to the time that he shall rise again earth for the space of three days. from the dead. 28 And the angel said unto me 21 Yea, at the time that he shall that many shall see greater things yield up the a ghost there shall be than these, to the intent that they b thunderings and lightnings for the might believe that a these signs and space of many hours, and the earth these wonders should come to pass shall shake and tremble; and the upon all the face of this land, to c rocks which are upon the face of the intent that there should be no this earth, which are both above the cause for unbelief among the chil- earth and beneath, which ye know dren of men— at this time are solid, or the more 29 And this to the intent that who- soever will believe might be saved, and that whosoever will not believe, 16 e tg Death, Spiritual, 3 Ne. 8:6 (5–23). 25 a Matt. 27:52 (52–53); First. c 3 Ne. 10:9. 3 Ne. 23:11 (7–13). d Gen. 7:11; 17 a tg Redemption. 26 a Alma 13:26; 18 a Luke 13:7. 1 Ne. 12:4. Hel. 13:7. b tg Death, Spiritual, 22 a 3 Ne. 8:18. 23 a 3 Ne. 10:14. 27 a 1 Ne. 19:10; Second. b Isa. 40:4; 3 Ne. 8:3; 10:9. 20 a 3 Ne. 8:5 (5–25); 11:2. b Luke 23:44. Luke 3:5; 28 a 1 Ne. 12:4 (4–5); c Mosiah 3:10. D&C 49:23; 109:74. 19:12 (10–12); 21 a Matt. 27:50 (50–54). 24 a 3 Ne. 8:14 (8–10, 14); 3 Ne. 10:11. b 1 Ne. 19:11; 9:12 (3–12); 10:7.

403 Helaman 14 : 30–15 : 7 a a righteous judgment might come are called the b people of Nephi ex- upon them; and also if they are con- cept they shall repent, when they demned they bring upon themselves shall see all these signs and wonders their own condemnation. which shall be showed unto them; for behold, they have been a chosen 30 And now remember, remember, people of the Lord; yea, the people my brethren, that whosoever perish­ of Nephi hath he loved, and also eth, perisheth unto a himself; and hath he c chastened them; yea, in whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it the days of their iniquities hath he unto himself; for behold, ye are b free; chastened them because he loveth ye are permitted to act for your- them. selves; for behold, God hath given unto you a c knowledge and he hath 4 But behold my brethren, the made you free. a Lamanites hath he hated because their deeds have been evil continu- 31 He hath given unto you that ye ally, and this because of the iniquity might a know good from evil, and he of the b tradition of their fathers. hath given unto you that ye might But behold, salvation hath come b choose life or death; and ye can unto them through the preaching do good and be c restored unto that of the Nephites; and for this in- which is good, or have that which is tent hath the Lord c prolonged their good restored unto you; or ye can days. do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you. 5 And I would that ye should be- hold that the a more part of them Chapter 15 are in the path of their duty, and The Lord chastened the Nephites because they do walk circumspectly before He loved them—Converted Lamanites God, and they do observe to keep are firm and steadfast in the faith—The his commandments and his statutes Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites and his judgments according to the in the latter days. About 6 b.c. law of Moses. And now, my beloved brethren, be- hold, I declare unto you that except 6 Yea, I say unto you, that the more ye shall repent your houses shall part of them are doing this, and be left unto you a desolate. they are striving with a unwearied diligence that they may bring the 2 Yea, except ye repent, your women remainder of their brethren to the shall have great cause to mourn in knowledge of the truth; therefore the day that they shall give suck; for there are many who do add to their ye shall attempt to flee and there numbers daily. shall be no place for a refuge; yea, and wo unto them which are b with 7 And behold, ye do know of your- child, for they shall be heavy and selves, for ye have witnessed it, that cannot flee; therefore, they shall as many of them as are brought to be trodden down and shall be left the knowledge of the truth, and to to perish. know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers, and are 3 Yea, wo unto this a people who led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which 29 a tg Judgment. Alma 3:27 (26–27). D&C 95:1. 30 a 3 Ne. 3:11. 1 5 1 ac Alma 41:3 (1–15). 4 a Jacob 5:40. b Gal. 5:1; Isa. 5:9; b Ezek. 20:18; Matt. 23:38. 2 Ne. 2:27 (26–27); 2 a tg Refuge. Hel. 5:19. Alma 41:7; b Matt. 24:19. tg Traditions of Men. Moses 6:56. 3 a W of M 1:11. c Alma 9:16. tg Agency. b Jacob 5:25. 5 a Hel. 13:1; 16:6. c tg Knowledge. c Prov. 3:12; 6 a tg Dedication. 31 a Moro. 7:16. b Rom. 6:16 (14–18); Heb. 12:6 (5–11);

Helaman 15 : 8–17 404 leadeth them to faith on the Lord, place for c refuge, the Lord shall be and unto repentance, which faith d merciful unto them. and repentance bringeth a a change of heart unto them— 13 And this is according to the prophecy, that they shall again be 8 Therefore, as many as have come a brought to the true knowledge, to this, ye know of yourselves are which is the knowledge of their a firm and steadfast in the faith, and Redeemer, and their great and true in the thing wherewith they have b shepherd, and be numbered among been made free. his c sheep. 9 And ye know also that they have 14 Therefore I say unto you, it a buried their weapons of war, and shall be a better for them than for they fear to take them up lest by you except ye repent. any means they should sin; yea, ye can see that they fear to sin—for 15 For behold, a had the mighty behold they will suffer themselves works been shown unto them which that they be trodden down and slain have been shown unto you, yea, by their enemies, and will not lift unto them who have dwindled in their swords against them, and this unbelief because of the traditions because of their b faith in Christ. of their fathers, ye can see of your- selves that they never would again 10 And now, because of their have dwindled in unbelief. a steadfastness when they do believe in that thing which they do believe, 16 Therefore, saith the Lord: I will for because of their firmness when not utterly destroy them, but I they are once enlightened, behold, will cause that in the day of my the Lord shall bless them and pro- wisd­ om they shall a return again long their days, notwithstanding unto me, saith the Lord. their iniquity— 17 And now behold, saith the 11 Yea, even if they should dwindle Lord, concerning the people of the in unbelief the Lord shall a prolong Nephites: If they will not repent, their days, until the time shall come and observe to do my will, I will ut- which hath been spoken of by our terly a destroy them, saith the Lord, fathers, and also by the prophet because of their unbelief notwith- b Zenos, and many other prophets, standing the many mighty works concerning the c restoration of our which I have done among them; brethren, the Lamanites, again to and as surely as the Lord liveth the knowledge of the truth— shall these things be, saith the Lord. 12 Yea, I say unto you, that in the Chapter 16 latter times the a promises of the The Nephites who believe Samuel are Lord have been extended to our baptized by Nephi—Samuel cannot be brethren, the Lamanites; and not- slain with the arrows and stones of the withstanding the many afflictions unrepentant Nephites—Some harden which they shall have, and notwith- their hearts, and others see angels—The standing they shall be b driven to unbelievers say it is not reasonable to and fro upon the face of the earth, believe in Christ and His coming in and be hunted, and shall be smit- Jerusalem. About 6–1 b.c. ten and scattered abroad, having no 7 a tg Conversion. 3 Ne. 10:16. 13 a 3 Ne. 16:12. 8 a Alma 23:6; 27:27; c Morm. 5:12 (9, 12); 7:1. b tg Jesus Christ, Good 12 a Enos 1:13 (12–13). 3 Ne. 6:14. b Morm. 5:15. Shepherd. 9 a Alma 24:17 (17–26). c tg Refuge. c tg Sheep. b Mark 5:34 (34–36). d 1 Ne. 13:31; 14 a Hel. 7:23. 10 a tg Steadfastness. 15 a Matt. 11:21 (20–24). 11 a Deut. 11:9 (8–9); 2 Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (18–19); 16 a Enos 1:13. Jacob 3:6 (5–9); 17 a Hel. 13:6 (5–10); Alma 9:16. Morm. 5:20 (20–21). b Hel. 8:19; Morm. 3:2.

405 Helaman 16 : 1–15 And now, it came to pass that there he c hath a devil; and because of the were many who heard the words power of the devil which is in him of Samuel, the Lamanite, which he we cannot hit him with our stones spake upon the a walls of the city. and our arrows; therefore take him And as many as believed on his word and bind him, and away with him. went forth and sought for Nephi; and when they had come forth and 7 And as they went forth to lay found him they confessed unto him their hands on him, behold, he did their sins and denied not, desiring cast himself down from the wall, that they might be b baptized unto and did flee out of their lands, yea, the Lord. even unto his own country, and began to preach and to prophesy 2 But as many as there were who a among his own people. did not believe in the words of Sam­ uel were a angry with him; and they 8 And behold, he was never heard cast stones at him upon the wall, of more among the Nephites; and and also many shot arrows at him thus were the affairs of the people. as he stood upon the wall; but the Spirit of the Lord was with him, 9 And thus ended the eighty and insomuch that they could not hit sixth year of the reign of the judges him with their stones neither with over the people of Nephi. their arrows. 10 And thus ended also the eighty 3 Now when they saw that they and seventh year of the reign of the could not hit him, there were many judges, the more part of the people more who did believe on his words, remaining in their pride and wick- insomuch that they went away unto edness, and the lesser part walking Nephi to be baptized. more circumspectly before God. 4 For behold, Nephi was baptizing, 11 And these were the conditions and prophesying, and preaching, also, in the eighty and eighth year crying repentance unto the people, of the reign of the judges. showing signs and wonders, working a miracles among the people, that 12 And there was but little altera- they might know that the Christ tion in the affairs of the people, must b shortly come— save it were the people began to be more hardened in iniquity, and do 5 Telling them of things which more and more of that which was must shortly come, that they might a contrary to the commandments of know and remember at the time of God, in the eighty and ninth year their coming that they had been of the reign of the judges. made known unto them beforehand, to the intent that they might believe; 13 But it came to pass in the nine- therefore as many as believed on the tieth year of the reign of the judges, words of Samuel went forth unto there were a great signs given unto him to be baptized, for they came the people, and wonders; and the repenting and confessing their sins. words of the prophets b began to be fulfilled. 6 But the a more part of them did not believe in the words of Samuel; 14 And a angels did appear unto therefore when they saw that they men, wise men, and did declare could not hit him with their stones unto them glad tidings of great joy; and their arrows, they cried unto thus in this year the scriptures be- their captains, saying: b Take this gan to be fulfilled. fellow and bind him, for behold 15 Nevertheless, the people began to harden their hearts, all save it were the most believing part of them, both of the Nephites and also of the 16 1 a Hel. 13:4. 6 a Hel. 15:5; 12 a tg Disobedience. 3 Ne. 1:22. 13 a 3 Ne. 1:4. b Alma 9:27. b Hel. 14:3 (3–7). 2 a Prov. 29:10. b Hel. 13:24. 14 a Alma 13:26. 4 a tg Miracle. c John 7:20. b Hel. 14:2. 7 a Hel. 13:2.

Helaman 16 : 16–25 406 Lamanites, and began to depend one, work some great mystery which upon their a own strength and upon we cannot understand, which will their own wisdom, saying: keep us down to be servants to their words, and also servants unto 16 Some things they may have them, for we depend upon them to guessed right, among so many; but teach us the word; and thus will behold, we know that all these great they keep us in ignorance if we will and marvelous works cannot come yield ourselves unto them, all the to pass, of which has been spoken. days of our lives. 17 And they began to reason and to 22 And many more things did the contend among themselves, saying: people a imagine up in their hearts, which were foolish and b vain; and 18 That it is a not reasonable that they were much disturbed, for Sa- such a being as a Christ shall come; tan did stir them up to do iniquity if so, and he be the Son of God, the continually; yea, he did go about Father of heaven and of earth, as it spreading c rumors and contentions has been spoken, why will he not upon all the face of the land, that show himself unto us as well as unto he might harden the hearts of the them who shall be at Jerusalem? people against that which was good and against that which should come. 19 Yea, why will he not show him- self in this land as well as in the 23 And notwithstanding the land of Jerusalem? signs and the wonders which were wrought among the people of the 20 But behold, we know that this is Lord, and the many miracles which a wicked a tradition, which has been they did, Satan did get great hold handed down unto us by our fathers, upon the hearts of the people upon to cause us that we should believe all the face of the land. in some great and marvelous thing which should come to pass, but not 24 And thus ended the ninetieth among us, but in a land which is year of the reign of the judges over far distant, a land which we know the people of Nephi. not; therefore they can keep us in ignorance, for we cannot b witness 25 aA  nd thus ended the book of with our own eyes that they are true. Helaman, according to the record of Helaman and his sons. 21 And they will, by the cunning and the mysterious arts of the evil Third Nephi The Book of Nephi the Son of Nephi, Who Was the Son of Helaman And Helaman was the son of Helaman, who was the son of Alma, who was the son of Alma, being a descendant of Nephi who was the son of Lehi, who came out of Jerusalem in the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah. Chapter 1 the records—Though signs and won- Nephi, the son of Helaman, departs out ders abound, the wicked plan to slay of the land, and his son Nephi keeps the righteous—The night of Christ’s birth arrives—The sign is given, and a 15 a Isa. 5:21. b Alma 30:15; b 4 Ne. 1:43. 18 a Alma 30:53. Ether 12:5 (5–6, 19). c Prov. 6:18 (16–19). 20 a tg Traditions of Men. 25 a Hel. 3:37. 22 a Gen. 6:5.

407 3 Nephi 1 : 1–14 new star arises—Lyings and deceivings land; and the people who believed increase, and the Gadianton robbers began to be very sorrowful, lest slaughter many. About a.d. 1–4. by any means those things which had been spoken might not come Now it came to pass that the to pass. ninety and first year had passed away and it was a six 8 But behold, they did watch stead- hundred years from the time that fastly for a that day and that night Lehi left Jerusalem; and it was in and that day which should be as the year that b Lachoneus was the one day as if there were no night, chief judge and the governor over that they might know that their the land. faith had not been vain. 2 And a Nephi, the son of Hela- 9 Now it came to pass that there man, had departed out of the land was a day set apart by the a unbe- of Zarahemla, giving charge unto lievers, that all those who believed his son b Nephi, who was his eldest in those traditions should be b put to son, concerning the c plates of brass, death except the c sign should come and d all the records which had been to pass, which had been given by kept, and all those things which Samuel the prophet. had been kept sacred from the de- parture of Lehi out of Jerusalem. 10 Now it came to pass that when Nephi, the son of Nephi, saw this 3 Then he a departed out of the wickedness of his people, his heart land, and b whither he went, no man was exceedingly sorrowful. knoweth; and his son Nephi did keep the records in his stead, yea, 11 And it came to pass that he the record of this people. went out and bowed himself down upon the earth, and cried mightily 4 And it came to pass that in the to his God in behalf of his people, commencement of the ninety and yea, those who were about to be second year, behold, the prophecies destroyed because of their faith in of the prophets began to be fulfilled the tradition of their fathers. more fully; for there began to be a greater signs and greater miracles 12 And it came to pass that he wrought among the people. cried mightily unto the Lord a all that day; and behold, the b voice of 5 But there were some who began the Lord came unto him, saying: to say that the time was past for the words to be fulfilled, which were 13 Lift up your head and be of a spoken by Samuel, the Lamanite. good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the 6 And they began to a rejoice over a sign be given, and on the b morrow their brethren, saying: Behold the come I into the world, to show unto time is past, and the words of Sam­ the world that I will fulfil all that uel are not fulfilled; therefore, your which I have caused to be c spoken joy and your faith concerning this by the mouth of my holy prophets. thing hath been vain. 14 Behold, I a come unto my own, 7 And it came to pass that they did to b fulfil all things which I have make a great uproar throughout the made known unto the children of men from the c foundation of the 1 1 a 2 Ne. 25:19; 5 a Hel. 14:2. 13 a Matt. 2:2. 6 a tg Mocking. b Luke 2:11 (10–11). Alma 13:25. 8 a Hel. 14:4 (3–4). c tg Jesus Christ, b 3 Ne. 3:1; 6:19. 9 a tg Unbelief. 2 a Hel. 3:21 (20–21). b 3 Ne. 1:16. Prophecies about. b 3 Ne. 7:15 (15, 20, 23). 14 a John 1:11. c Alma 37:3 (3–12); tg Martyrdom. b Matt. 5:17 (17–18); c Hel. 14:3 (2–7). 63:12 (1, 11–14). 12 a Enos 1:4; Luke 24:44. d Alma 50:38. c Alma 42:26; 3 a Alma 45:18 (18–19). Alma 5:46. b 3 Ne. 2:9. b Alma 20:2; 3 Ne. 26:5. 4 a Hel. 16:13 (13, 23). Hel. 13:3.

3 Nephi 1 : 15–26 408 world, and to do the d will, e both f of 20 And it had come to pass, yea, the Father and of the Son—of the all things, every whit, according to Father because of me, and of the the words of the prophets. Son because of my flesh. And be- hold, the time is at hand, and this 21 And it came to pass also that night shall the sign be given. a new a star did appear, according to the word. 15 And it came to pass that the words which came unto Nephi 22 And it came to pass that from were fulfilled, according as they this time forth there began to be had been spoken; for behold, at the a lyings sent forth among the people, going down of the a sun there was by Satan, to harden their hearts, to b no darkness; and the people began the intent that they might not be- to be astonished because there was lieve in those b signs and wonders no darkness when the night came. which they had seen; but notwith- standing these lyings and deceivings 16 And there were many, who the c more part of the people did had not believed the words of the believe, and were converted unto prophets, who a fell to the earth and the Lord. became as if they were dead, for they knew that the great b plan of 23 And it came to pass that Nephi destruction which they had laid for went forth among the people, and those who believed in the words of also many others, baptizing unto the prophets had been frustrated; repentance, in the which there was for the sign which had been given a great a remission of sins. And thus was already at hand. the people began again to have peace in the land. 17 And they began to know that the Son of God must shortly appear; 24 And there were no contentions, yea, in fine, all the people upon the save it were a few that began to face of the whole earth from the preach, endeavoring to prove by a west to the east, both in the land the a scriptures that it was no more north and in the land south, were expedient to observe the law of so exceedingly astonished that they Moses. Now in this thing they did fell to the earth. err, having not understood the scriptures. 18 For they knew that the proph- ets had testified of these things for 25 But it came to pass that they many years, and that the sign which soon became converted, and were had been given was already at hand; convinced of the error which they and they began to fear because of were in, for it was made known their iniquity and their unbelief. unto them that the law was not yet a fulfilled, and that it must be ful- 19 And it came to pass that there filled in every whit; yea, the word was no darkness in all that night, came unto them that it must be but it was as light as though it was fulfilled; yea, that one jot or tittle mid-day. And it came to pass that the should not pass away till it should sun did rise in the morning again, all be fulfilled; therefore in this according to its proper order; and same year were they brought to a they knew that it was the day that knowledge of their error and did the Lord should be a born, because b confess their faults. of the b sign which had been given. 26 And thus the ninety and second 14 d tg God, Will of. 19 a tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. 24 a Alma 34:13. e D&C 93:4 (4, 14). b Hel. 14:3. 25 a Matt. 5:18; f Mosiah 15:3. 21 a Matt. 2:2 (1–2); 15 a Josh. 10:13. 2 Ne. 25:24. b Hel. 14:3. Hel. 14:5. b Num. 5:7 (6–10); 16 a Hel. 14:7. 22 a Moses 5:13. b 3 Ne. 1:9 (9, 11). b tg Signs. Mosiah 26:29 (29, 35); 17 a Hel. 11:20. c Hel. 16:6. Alma 17:4. 23 a tg Remission of Sins.

409 3 Nephi 1 : 27–2 : 8 year did pass away, bringing a glad year also, and the people began to tidings unto the people because of forget those a signs and wonders the signs which did come to pass, which they had heard, and began according to the words of the proph- to be less and less astonished at a ecy of all the holy prophets. sign or a wonder from heaven, in- somuch that they began to be hard 27 And it came to pass that the in their hearts, and blind in their ninety and third year did also pass minds, and began to disbelieve all away in peace, save it were for the which they had heard and seen— Gadianton robbers, who dwelt upon the a mountains, who did infest the 2 a Imagining up some vain thing land; for so strong were their holds in their hearts, that it was wrought and their secret places that the by men and by the power of the people could not overpower them; devil, to lead away and b deceive therefore they did commit many the hearts of the people; and thus murders, and did do much slaugh- did Satan get possession of the ter among the people. hearts of the people again, inso- much that he did blind their eyes 28 And it came to pass that in the and lead them away to believe that ninety and fourth year they began the doctrine of Christ was a c foolish to increase in a great degree, be- and a vain thing. cause there were many dissenters of the Nephites who did flee unto 3 And it came to pass that the them, which did cause much sor- people began to wax strong in wick- row unto those Nephites who did edness and abominations; and they remain in the land. did not believe that there should be any more signs or wonders given; 29 And there was also a cause of and Satan did a go about, leading much sorrow among the Lamanites; away the hearts of the people, for behold, they had many children tempting them and causing them who did grow up and began to wax that they should do great wickedness strong in years, that they became for in the land. themselves, and were a led away by some who were b Zoramites, by their 4 And thus did pass away the lyings and their flattering words, ninety and sixth year; and also to join those Gadianton robbers. the ninety and seventh year; and also the ninety and eighth year; 30 And thus were the Lamanites and also the ninety and ninth year; afflicted also, and began to decrease as to their faith and righteousness, 5 And also an hundred years because of the wickedness of the had passed away since the days of a rising generation. a Mosiah, who was king over the people of the Nephites. Chapter 2 Wickedness and abominations increase 6 And six hundred and nine years among the people—The Nephites and had passed away since Lehi left Lamanites unite to defend themselves Jerusalem. against the Gadianton robbers—Con- verted Lamanites become white and 7 And nine years had passed away are called Nephites. About a.d. 5–16. from the time when the sign was And it came to pass that thus given, which was spoken of by the passed away the ninety and fifth prophets, that Christ should come into the world. 8 Now the Nephites began to a reckon their time from this period 26 a Luke 2:10. 2 3 10 aa Judg. 2:10. Alma 30:13 (12–18). 27 a Hel. 11:31 (25–31); Hel. 14:6. 3 a Job 1:7; 2 a Heb. 3:12. 3 Ne. 2:11. b tg Deceit. D&C 10:27. 29 a tg Peer Influence. c 1 Cor. 1:23 (23–25); 5 a Mosiah 29:46 (46–47). b Alma 30:59; 43:4. 8 a 3 Ne. 5:7; 8:2.

3 Nephi 2 : 9–3 : 1 410 when the sign was given, or from 15 And their a curse was taken from the coming of Christ; therefore, nine them, and their skin became b white years had passed away. like unto the Nephites; 9 And Nephi, who was the father 16 And their young men and their of Nephi, who had the charge of the daughters became exceedingly fair, records, a did not return to the land and they were numbered among of Zarahemla, and could nowhere the Nephites, and were called Neph- be found in all the land. ites. And thus ended the thirteenth year. 10 And it came to pass that the peo- ple did still a remain in wickedness, 17 And it came to pass in the com- notwithstanding the much preach- mencement of the fourteenth year, ing and prophesying which was the war between the robbers and sent among them; and thus passed the people of Nephi did continue away the tenth year also; and the and did become exceedingly sore; eleventh year also passed away in nevertheless, the people of Nephi iniquity. did gain some advantage of the robbers, insomuch that they did 11 And it came to pass in the drive them back out of their lands thirteenth year there began to be into the mountains and into their wars and contentions throughout secret places. all the land; for the a Gadianton rob- bers had become so b numerous, and 18 And thus ended the fourteenth did slay so many of the people, year. And in the fifteenth year they and did lay waste so many cities, and did come forth against the people did spread so much death and of Nephi; and because of the wick- carnage throughout the land, that edness of the people of Nephi, and it became expedient that all the their many contentions and dissen- people, both the Nephites and the sions, the Gadianton robbers did Lamanites, should take up arms gain many advantages over them. against them. 19 And thus ended the fifteenth 12 Therefore, all the Lamanites year, and thus were the people in who had become converted unto the a state of many afflictions; and the Lord did unite with their brethren, a sword of destruction did hang over the Nephites, and were compelled, them, insomuch that they were for the a safety of their lives and their about to be smitten down by it, women and their children, to take and this because of their iniquity. up arms against those Gadianton robbers, yea, and also to maintain Chapter 3 their rights, and the privileges of Giddianhi, the Gadianton leader, de- their church and of their worship, mands that Lachoneus and the Neph- and their freedom and their b liberty. ites surrender themselves and their lands—Lachoneus appoints Gidgid- 13 And it came to pass that before doni as chief captain of the armies— this thirteenth year had passed away The Nephites assemble in Zarahemla the Nephites were threatened with and Bountiful to defend themselves. utter destruction because of this About a.d. 16–18. war, which had become exceedingly And now it came to pass that in the sore. sixteenth year from the coming of Christ, a Lachoneus, the governor of 14 And it came to pass that those the land, received an epistle from Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites; 9 a 3 Ne. 1:3 (2–3). 3 Ne. 3:2. 19 a Alma 60:29; 10 a Alma 34:35. b tg Liberty. Hel. 13:5; 11 a 3 Ne. 1:27. 15 a Alma 17:15; 23:18. 3 Ne. 3:3. b Morm. 2:8. b 2 Ne. 5:21; 30:6; 3 1 a 3 Ne. 1:1; 6:6. 12 a Alma 58:12; Jacob 3:8.

411 3 Nephi 3 : 2–12 the leader and the governor of this selves up unto us, and unite with band of robbers; and these were the us and become acquainted with words which were written, saying: our a secret works, and become our brethren that ye may be like unto 2 Lachoneus, most noble and chief us—not our slaves, but our brethren governor of the land, behold, I write and partners of all our substance. this epistle unto you, and do give unto you exceedingly great praise 8 And behold, I a swear unto you, because of your firmness, and also if ye will do this, with an oath, ye the firmness of your people, in shall not be destroyed; but if ye will a maintaining that which ye suppose not do this, I swear unto you with to be your right and b liberty; yea, an oath, that on the morrow month I ye do stand well, as if ye were sup- will command that my armies shall ported by the hand of a god, in the come down against you, and they defence of your liberty, and your shall not stay their hand and shall property, and your country, or that spare not, but shall slay you, and which ye do call so. shall let fall the sword upon you even until ye shall become extinct. 3 And it seemeth a pity unto me, most noble Lachoneus, that ye 9 And behold, I am a Giddianhi; should be so foolish and vain as to and I am the governor of this the suppose that ye can stand against b secret society of Gadianton; which so many brave men who are at my society and the works thereof I command, who do now at this time know to be c good; and they are of stand in their arms, and do await d ancient date and they have been with great anxiety for the word— handed down unto us. Go down upon the Nephites and a destroy them. 10 And I write this epistle unto you, Lachoneus, and I hope that ye 4 And I, knowing of their uncon- will deliver up your lands and your querable spirit, having proved them possessions, without the shedding in the field of battle, and knowing of of blood, that this my people may their everlasting hatred towards you recover their rights and a govern- because of the many wrongs which ment, who have dissented away ye have done unto them, therefore from you because of your wicked- if they should come down against ness in retaining from them their you they would visit you with utter rights of government, and except ye destruction. do this, I will avenge their wrongs. I am Giddianhi. 5 Therefore I have written this epistle, sealing it with mine own 11 And now it came to pass when hand, feeling for your welfare, be- Lachoneus received this epistle he cause of your firmness in that which was exceedingly astonished, be- ye believe to be right, and your noble cause of the boldness of Giddianhi spirit in the field of battle. demanding the possession of the land of the Nephites, and also of 6 Therefore I write unto you, desir- threatening the people and aveng- ing that ye would yield up unto this ing the wrongs of those that had my people, your cities, your lands, received no wrong, save it were and your possessions, rather than they had a wronged themselves by that they should visit you with the dissenting away unto those wicked sword and that destruction should and abominable robbers. come upon you. 12 Now behold, this Lachoneus, 7 Or in other words, yield your- 2 a 3 Ne. 2:12. Ether 8:14 (13–14). Ether 8:9 (9–19); b tg Liberty. 9 a 3 Ne. 4:14. Moses 5:29 (29, 49–52). 3 a 3 Ne. 2:19. b tg Secret Combinations. 10 a tg Governments. 7 a Hel. 6:22 (22–26). c Alma 30:53. 11 a Hel. 14:30. 8 a Hel. 1:11; d Hel. 6:26 (26–30);

3 Nephi 3 : 13–23 412 the governor, was a just man, and chief captains and the great com- could not be frightened by the mander of all the armies of the demands and the threatenings of Nephites was appointed, and his a a robber; therefore he did not name was a Gidgiddoni. heark­en to the epistle of Giddianhi, the governor of the robbers, but he 19 Now it was the custom among did cause that his people should cry all the Nephites to appoint for their unto the Lord for b strength against chief captains, (save it were in their the time that the robbers should times of wickedness) some one that come down against them. had the a spirit of revelation and also prophecy; therefore, this Gid­ 13 Yea, he sent a proclamation giddoni was a great prophet among among all the people, that they them, as also was the chief judge. should a gather together their women, and their children, their flocks and 20 Now the people said unto Gid­ their herds, and all their substance, giddoni: a Pray unto the Lord, and let save it were their land, unto one place. us go up upon the mountains and into the wilderness, that we may 14 And he caused that a fortifica- fall upon the robbers and destroy tions should be built round about them in their own lands. them, and the strength thereof should be exceedingly great. And 21 But Gidgiddoni saith unto them: he caused that armies, both of the The Lord a forbid; for if we should Nephites and of the Lamanites, or of go up against them the Lord would all them who were numbered among b deliver us into their hands; there- the Nephites, should be placed as fore we will prepare ourselves in guards round about to watch them, the center of our lands, and we will and to guard them from the robbers gather all our armies together, and day and night. we will not go against them, but we will wait till they shall come against 15 Yea, he said unto them: As the us; therefore as the Lord liveth, if Lord liveth, except ye repent of all we do this he will deliver them into your iniquities, and cry unto the our hands. Lord, ye will in nowise be a delivered out of the hands of those Gadianton 22 And it came to pass in the sev- robbers. enteenth year, in the latter end of the year, the proclamation of La- 16 And so great and marvelous choneus had gone forth throughout were the words and prophecies of all the face of the land, and they Lachoneus that they did cause fear had taken their a horses, and their to come upon all the people; and chariots, and their cattle, and all they did exert themselves in their their flocks, and their herds, and might to do according to the words their grain, and all their substance, of Lachoneus. and did march forth by thousands and by tens of thousands, until they 17 And it came to pass that La- had all gone forth to the b place choneus did appoint chief captains which c had been appointed that over all the armies of the Nephites, they should gather themselves to- to command them at the time that gether, to defend themselves against the robbers should come down out their enemies. of the wilderness against them. 23 And the a land which was 18 Now the chiefest among all the 12 a 1 Kgs. 20:3 (2–3); 18 a 3 Ne. 4:13 (13, 24, 26); 6:6. b 1 Sam. 14:12; Alma 54:7 (5–11). 19 a tg Guidance, Divine. 2 Kgs. 3:18; 20 a Alma 16:6 (5–8); 1 Ne. 3:29. b tg Strength. 13 a 3 Ne. 3:22; 4:1. 43:23 (23–24); 48:16. 22 a 3 Ne. 4:4. 14 a Morm. 2:4. 21 a Alma 43:46 (46–47); b Morm. 2:7. 15 a tg Deliver; c 3 Ne. 3:13. 48:14; 23 a 3 Ne. 4:16. Protection, Divine. Morm. 3:10 (10–11).

413 3 Nephi 3 : 24–4 : 6 appointed was the land of Zara- wilderness, and their strongholds, hemla, and the land which was and their b secret places, and be- between the land Zarahemla and gan to take possession of the lands, the land b Bountiful, yea, to the both which were in the land south line which was between the c land and which were in the land north, Bountiful and the land Desolation. and began to take possession of all the lands which had been c deserted 24 And there were a great many by the Nephites, and the cities which thousand people who were called had been left desolate. Nephites, who did gather them- selves together in this land. Now 2 But behold, there were no wild Lachoneus did cause that they beasts nor a game in those lands should gather themselves together which had been deserted by the in the land a southward, because of Nephites, and there was no game the great curse which was upon the for the robbers save it were in the b land northward. wilderness. 25 And they did fortify themselves 3 And the robbers could not exist against their enemies; and they did save it were in the wilderness, for dwell in one land, and in one body, the want of food; for the Nephites and they did fear the words which had left their lands desolate, and had been spoken by Lachoneus, had gathered their flocks and their insomuch that they did repent of herds and all their substance, and all their sins; and they did put up they were in one body. their a prayers unto the Lord their God, that he would deliver them in 4 Therefore, there was no chance the time that their enemies should for the robbers to plunder and to come down against them to battle. obtain food, save it were to come up in open battle against the Neph- 26 And they were exceedingly sor- ites; and the Nephites being in one rowful because of their enemies. body, and having so great a num- And Gidgiddoni did cause that they ber, and having reserved for them- should make a weapons of war of ev- selves provisions, and a horses and ery kind, and they should be strong cattle, and flocks of every kind, that with armor, and with shields, and they might subsist for the space with bucklers, after the manner of of b seven years, in the which time his instruction. they did hope to destroy the rob- bers from off the face of the land; Chapter 4 and thus the eighteenth year did The Nephite armies defeat the Gadian- pass away. ton robbers—Giddianhi is slain, and his successor, Zemnarihah, is hanged—The 5 And it came to pass that in the Nephites praise the Lord for their vic- nineteenth year Giddianhi found tories. About a.d. 19–22. that it was expedient that he should And it came to pass that in the lat- go up to battle against the Neph- ter end of the eighteenth year those ites, for there was a no way that they armies of  a robbers had prepared could subsist save it were to plun- for battle, and began to come down der and rob and murder. and to sally forth from the hills, and out of the mountains, and the 6 And they durst not spread them- selves upon the face of the land in- somuch that they could raise grain, lest the Nephites should come upon 23 b Alma 22:29; 26 a 2 Ne. 5:14; Jarom 1:8; 2 a 1 Ne. 18:25; 3 Ne. 11:1. Mosiah 10:8; 2 Ne. 5:24; Alma 2:12; 3 Ne. 4:20. c Morm. 3:7; 4:2. Hel. 1:14. 24 a Alma 46:17; 4 1 a Hel. 2:13 (11–13). 4 a 3 Ne. 3:22; 6:1 (1–2). b Alma 58:6. b Gen. 41:36 (29–36); Morm. 3:5. c 3 Ne. 3:13 (13–14, 22). b Alma 22:31 (30–31). 3 Ne. 4:18. 25 a tg Trust in God. 5 a Alma 47:36.

3 Nephi 4 : 7–18 414 them and slay them; therefore Gid- 12 And notwithstanding the dianhi gave commandment unto a threatenings and the oaths which his armies that in this year they Giddianhi had made, behold, the should go up to battle against the Nephites did beat them, insomuch Nephites. that they did fall back from before them. 7 And it came to pass that they did come up to battle; and it was in the 13 And it came to pass that a Gid­ sixth month; and behold, great and giddoni commanded that his armies terrible was the day that they did should pursue them as far as the come up to battle; and they were borders of the wilderness, and that girded about after the manner of they should not spare any that robbers; and they had a lamb-skin should fall into their hands by the about their loins, and they were way; and thus they did pursue them dyed in blood, and their heads were and did slay them, to the borders shorn, and they had head-plates of the wilderness, even until they upon them; and great and terrible had fulfilled the commandment of was the appearance of the armies of Gidgiddoni. Giddianhi, because of their armor, and because of their being dyed 14 And it came to pass that Gid- in blood. dianhi, who had stood and fought with boldness, was pursued as he 8 And it came to pass that the fled; and being weary because of armies of the Nephites, when they his much fighting he was overtaken saw the appearance of the army and slain. And thus was the end of of Giddianhi, had all fallen to the Giddianhi the robber. earth, and did lift their cries to the Lord their God, that he would spare 15 And it came to pass that the them and deliver them out of the armies of the Nephites did return hands of their enemies. again to their place of security. And it came to pass that this nineteenth 9 And it came to pass that when year did pass away, and the rob- the armies of Giddianhi saw this bers did not come again to battle; they began to shout with a loud neither did they come again in the voice, because of their joy, for they twentieth year. had supposed that the Nephites had fallen with fear because of the ter- 16 And in the twenty and first year ror of their armies. they did not come up to battle, but they came up on all sides to lay siege 10 But in this thing they were round about the people of Nephi; disappointed, for the Nephites did for they did suppose that if they not a fear them; but they did fear should cut off the people of Nephi their God and did supplicate him from their a lands, and should hem for b protection; therefore, when the them in on every side, and if they armies of Giddianhi did rush upon should cut them off from all their them they were prepared to meet outward privileges, that they could them; yea, in the strength of the cause them to yield themselves up Lord they did receive them. according to their wishes. 11 And the battle commenced in 17 Now they had appointed unto this the sixth month; and great and themselves another leader, whose terrible was the battle thereof, yea, name was Zemnarihah; therefore great and terrible was the a slaughter it was Zemnarihah that did cause thereof, insomuch that there never that this siege should take place. was known so great a slaughter among all the people of Lehi since 18 But behold, this was an ad- he left Jerusalem. vantage to the Nephites; for it was impossible for the robbers to lay 10 a tg Reverence. 11 a Alma 28:11 (8–12). 13 a 3 Ne. 3:18. b Jer. 17:17 (17–18). 12 a 3 Ne. 3:8 (4–10). 16 a 3 Ne. 3:23.

415 3 Nephi 4 : 19–33 siege sufficiently long to have any places of retreat. And all these effect upon the Nephites, because things were done by command of of their a much b provision which Gidgiddoni. they had laid up in store, 27 And there were many thou- 19 And because of the scantiness sands who did yield themselves up of provisions among the robbers; prisoners unto the Nephites, and for behold, they had nothing save the remainder of them were slain. it were meat for their subsistence, which meat they did obtain in the 28 And their leader, Zemnarihah, wilderness; was taken and hanged upon a tree, yea, even upon the top thereof un- 20 And it came to pass that the til he was dead. And when they a wild game became scarce in the wil- had hanged him until he was dead derness insomuch that the robbers they did fell the tree to the earth, were about to perish with hunger. and did cry with a loud voice, saying: 21 And the Nephites were continu­ ally marching out by day and by 29 May the Lord preserve his peo- night, and falling upon their armies, ple in righteousness and in holiness and cutting them off by thousands of heart, that they may cause to be and by tens of thousands. felled to the earth all who shall seek to slay them because of power and 22 And thus it became the desire of secret combinations, even as this the people of Zemnarihah to with- man hath been felled to the earth. draw from their design, because of the great destruction which came 30 And they did rejoice and cry upon them by night and by day. again with one voice, saying: May the a God of Abraham, and the God 23 And it came to pass that Zem- of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, pro- narihah did give command unto his tect this people in righteousness, so people that they should withdraw long as they shall b call on the name themselves from the siege, and of their God for c protection. march into the furthermost parts of the land northward. 31 And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in sing- 24 And now, Gidgiddoni being ing, and a praising their God for aware of their design, and knowing the great thing which he had done of their weakness because of the for them, in preserving them from want of food, and the great slaugh- falling into the hands of their ter which had been made among enemies. them, therefore he did send out his armies in the night-time, and did 32 Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to cut off the way of their retreat, and the Most High God. And they did did place his armies in the way of cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord their retreat. God aA  lmighty, the Most High God. 25 And this did they do in the 33 And their hearts were swollen night-time, and got on their march with joy, unto the gushing out of beyond the robbers, so that on the many tears, because of the great morrow, when the robbers began goodness of God in delivering them their march, they were met by the out of the hands of their enemies; armies of the Nephites both in their and they knew it was because of front and in their rear. their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered from 26 And the robbers who were on an everlasting destruction. the south were also cut off in their 18 a 3 Ne. 4:4. 3 Ne. 4:2. c tg Protection, Divine. b Gen. 41:36 (33–57); 30 a Alma 29:11. 31 a Alma 26:8. b Gen. 4:26; D&C 4:4. tg Thanksgiving. 20 a 1 Ne. 18:25; Ether 4:15; 32 a 1 Ne. 1:14. Moro. 2:2. 2 Ne. 5:24;

3 Nephi 5 : 1–14 416 Chapter 5 to all those wicked, and secret, The Nephites repent and forsake their and abominable combinations, sins—Mormon writes the history of his in the which there was so much people and declares the everlasting word wickedness, and so many murders to them—Israel will be gathered in from committed. her long dispersion. About a.d. 22–26. And now behold, there was not a 7 And thus had the a twenty and living soul among all the people second year passed away, and the of the Nephites who did a doubt in twenty and third year also, and the the least the words of all the holy twenty and fourth, and the twenty prophets who had spoken; for they and fifth; and thus had twenty and knew that it must needs be that five years passed away. they must be fulfilled. 8 And there had many things tran- 2 And they knew that it must be spired which, in the eyes of some, expedient that Christ had come, be- would be great and marvelous; nev- cause of the many signs which had ertheless, they cannot all be written been given, according to the words in this book; yea, this book cannot of the prophets; and because of the contain even a a hundredth part things which had come to pass al- of what was done among so many ready they knew that it must needs people in the space of twenty and be that all things should come to five years; pass according to that which had been spoken. 9 But behold there are a records which do contain b all the proceed- 3 Therefore they did forsake all ings of this people; and a c shorter their sins, and their abominations, but true account was given by and their whoredoms, and did serve Nephi. God with all diligence day and night. 10 Therefore I have made my 4 And now it came to pass that a record of these things according when they had taken all the rob- to the record of Nephi, which was bers prisoners, insomuch that none engraven on the plates which were did escape who were not slain, they called the b plates of Nephi. did cast their prisoners into prison, and did cause the word of God to be 11 And behold, I do make the preached unto them; and as many record on plates which I have made as would repent of their sins and with mine own hands. a enter into a b covenant that they would murder no more were set at 12 And behold, I am called a Mor- c liberty. mon, being called after the b land of Mormon, the land in which Alma 5 But as many as there were who did establish the church among the did not enter into a covenant, and people, yea, the first church which who did still continue to have those was established among them after a secret murders in their hearts, yea, their transgression. as many as were found breathing out threatenings against their breth- 13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus ren were condemned and punished Christ, the Son of God. I have been according to the law. a called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might 6 And thus they did put an end have everlasting life. 14 And it hath become expedient that I, according to the will of God, that the prayers of those who have 5 1 a tg Doubt. 3 Ne. 26:6 (6–12). Morm. 1:4 (1–4); 9 a Hel. 3:15 (13–15). 2:17 (17–18); 4 a 3 Ne. 6:3. b W of M 1:5; 8:5 (1, 4–5, 14). b Alma 44:15; 62:16 (16–17). 12 a W of M 1:11. c tg Liberty. Alma 13:31. b Mosiah 18:4; 5 a 2 Ne. 10:15. c Morm. 2:18. Alma 5:3. 7 a 3 Ne. 2:8. 10 a Hel. 2:14. 13 a 3 Ne. 30:1; Moro. 7:2. 8 a W of M 1:5; b W of M 1:1;

417 3 Nephi 5 : 15–6 : 1 gone hence, who were the holy ones, 23 Yea, and surely shall he again should be fulfilled according to their bring a a remnant of the seed of Jo- faith, should make a a record of these seph to the b knowledge of the Lord things which have been done— their God. 15 Yea, a a small record of that which 24 And as surely as the Lord liv- hath taken place from the time that eth, will he a gather in from the four Lehi left Jerusalem, even down un- quarters of the earth all the rem- til the present time. nant of the b seed of Jacob, who are scattered abroad upon all the face 16 Therefore I do make my record of the earth. from the accounts which have been given by those who were before me, 25 And as he hath a covenanted with until the commencement of my day; all the house of Jacob, even so shall the covenant wherewith he hath 17 And then I do make a a record of covenanted with the house of Jacob the things which I have seen with be fulfilled in his own due time, mine own eyes. unto the b restoring all the house of Jacob unto the knowledge of the 18 And I know the record which I covenant that he hath covenanted make to be a just and a true record; with them. nevertheless there are many things which, according to our a language, 26 And then shall they a know their we are not able to b write. Redeemer, who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God; and then shall they be 19 And now I make an end of my gathered in from the four quarters saying, which is of myself, and of the earth unto their own lands, proceed to give my account of the from whence they have been dis- things which have been before me. persed; yea, as the Lord liveth so shall it be. Amen. 20 I am Mormon, and a pure a de- scendant of Lehi. I have reason to Chapter 6 bless my God and my Savior Jesus The Nephites prosper—Pride, wealth, Christ, that he brought our fathers and class distinctions arise—The out of the land of Jerusalem, (and Church is rent with dissensions—Sa- b no one knew it save it were him- tan leads the people in open rebellion— self and those whom he brought Many prophets cry repentance and are out of that land) and that he hath slain—Their murderers conspire to take given me and my people so much over the government. About a.d. 26–30. knowledge unto the salvation of And now it came to pass that the our souls. people of the Nephites did all return to their own lands in the twenty 21 Surely he hath a blessed the and sixth year, every man, with house of b Jacob, and hath been his family, his flocks and his herds, c merciful unto the seed of Joseph. his a horses and his cattle, and all 22 And a insomuch as the children of Lehi have kept his command- ments he hath blessed them and prospered them according to his word. 14 a Enos 1:16 (13–18); b 1 Ne. 4:36; 23 a Alma 46:24; D&C 3:19; 3 Ne. 15:14. 3 Ne. 10:17. 10:47 (46–50). b 2 Ne. 3:12; 21 a tg Israel, Blessings of. Morm. 7:5 (5, 10). 15 a Morm. 7:9; 8:12. b Gen. 32:28 (24–32); 24 a tg Israel, Gathering of. 17 a W of M 1:5; b Gen. 46:8. Ps. 135:4; 25 a 3 Ne. 15:8; 16:5. Morm. 1:1. D&C 49:24 (23–25). b 2 Ne. 30:3 (1–6); 18 a tg Language. c Ps. 98:3. 3 Ne. 16:13 (6–13). b 3 Ne. 19:32 (32–34); 22 a 2 Ne. 1:20; 26 a 2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8); Jarom 1:9; 3 Ne. 20:31 (29–34). Morm. 9:33 (32–33); Omni 1:6; 6 1 a 3 Ne. 3:22 (21–23). Ether 12:25 (24–25); Mosiah 1:7; D&C 76:116. Alma 9:13 (13–14); 37:13. 20 a Morm. 1:5; 8:13.

3 Nephi 6 : 2–15 418 things whatsoever did belong unto 9 And thus passed away the twenty them. and eighth year, and the people had continual peace. 2 And it came to pass that they had a not eaten up all their provisions; 10 But it came to pass in the twenty therefore they did take with them and ninth year there began to be all that they had not devoured, of some disputings among the people; all their grain of every kind, and and some were lifted up unto pride their gold, and their silver, and all and a boastings because of their ex- their precious things, and they did ceedingly great riches, yea, even return to their own lands and their unto great persecutions; possessions, both on the north and on the south, both on the land north- 11 For there were many a mer- ward and on the land southward. chants in the land, and also many b lawyers, and many officers. 3 And they granted unto those robbers who had a entered into a 12 And the people began to be covenant to keep the peace of the distinguished by ranks, according land, who were desirous to remain to their a riches and their chances Lamanites, lands, according to their for learning; yea, some were b igno- numbers, that they might have, with rant because of their poverty, and their labors, wherewith to subsist others did receive great c learning upon; and thus they did establish because of their riches. peace in all the land. 13 Some were lifted up in pride, and 4 And they began again to prosper others were exceedingly humble; and to wax great; and the twenty some did return railing for railing, and sixth and seventh years passed while others would receive railing away, and there was great a order and a persecution and all manner in the land; and they had formed of b afflictions, and would not turn their laws according to equity and and c revile again, but were humble justice. and penitent before God. 5 And now there was nothing in 14 And thus there became a great all the land to hinder the people inequality in all the land, insomuch from prospering continually, except that the church began to be broken they should fall into transgression. up; yea, insomuch that in the thirti- eth year the church was broken up 6 And now it was a Gidgiddoni, and in all the land save it were among the judge, b Lachoneus, and those a few of the Lamanites who were who had been appointed leaders, converted unto the true faith; and who had established this great peace a they would not depart from it, for in the land. they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all b dili- 7 And it came to pass that there gence to keep the commandments were many cities built anew, and of the Lord. there were many old cities repaired. 15 Now the cause of this iniquity 8 And there were many a highways of the people was this—a Satan had cast up, and many roads made, great b power, unto the stirring up which led from city to city, and of the people to do all manner of from land to land, and from place iniquity, and to the puffing them up to place. 2 a 3 Ne. 4:4. 14:5 (5, 18–27). D&C 98:23 (23–27). 3 a 3 Ne. 5:4. 12 a 1 Tim. 6:17; tg Reviling. 4 a tg Order. 14 a Alma 23:6; 27:27; 6 a 3 Ne. 3:18. Hel. 4:12 (11–13). Hel. 15:8 (5–16). b 3 Ne. 3:1. b tg Ignorance. b tg Dedication; 8 a 3 Ne. 8:13. c tg Learn. Diligence. 10 a tg Boast. 13 a tg Persecution. 15 a Moses 6:15. 11 a Hel. 6:8. b tg Affliction. b 1 Ne. 22:26; b Alma 10:14 (14–17, 27); c 3 Ne. 12:39; Alma 48:17. 4 Ne. 1:34;

419 3 Nephi 6 : 16–28 with pride, tempting them to seek lawyers were angry with those who for power, and authority, and c riches, testified of these things. and the vain things of the world. 22 Now there was no lawyer nor 16 And thus Satan did lead away judge nor high priest that could the hearts of the people to do all have power to condemn any one to manner of iniquity; therefore they death save their condemnation was had enjoyed peace but a few years. signed by the governor of the land. 17 And thus, in the commencement 23 Now there were many of those of the thirtieth year—the people a who testified of the things pertain- having been a delivered up for the ing to Christ who testified boldly, space of a long time to be carried who were taken and put to death about by the b temptations of the b secretly by the judges, that the devil whithersoever he desired to knowledge of their death came not carry them, and to do whatsoever unto the governor of the land until iniquity he desired they should— after their death. and thus in the commencement of this, the thirtieth year, they were in 24 Now behold, this was contrary a state of awful wickedness. to the laws of the land, that any man should be put to death except 18 Now they did not sin a igno- they had power from the governor rantly, for they knew the b will of God of the land— concerning them, for it had been taught unto them; therefore they 25 Therefore a complaint came up did wilfully c rebel against God. unto the land of Zarahemla, to the governor of the land, against these 19 And now it was in the days of judges who had condemned the Lachoneus, the son of a Lachoneus, prophets of the Lord unto a death, for Lachoneus did fill the seat of his not according to the law. father and did govern the people that year. 26 Now it came to pass that they were taken and brought up before 20 And there began to be men a in- the judge, to be judged of the crime spired from heaven and sent forth, which they had done, according to standing among the people in all the a law which had been given by the land, preaching and testifying the people. boldly of the sins and iniquities of the people, and testifying unto them 27 Now it came to pass that those concerning the redemption which judges had many friends and kin- the Lord would make for his peo- dreds; and the remainder, yea, even ple, or in other words, the resurrec- almost all the lawyers and the high tion of Christ; and they did testify priests, did gather themselves to- boldly of his b death and sufferings. gether, and unite with the kindreds of those judges who were to be tried 21 Now there were many of the according to the law. people who were exceedingly an- gry because of those who testified 28 And they did enter into a a cov- of these things; and those who were enant one with another, yea, even angry were chiefly the chief judges, into that covenant which was given and they who a had been high priests by them of old, which covenant was and lawyers; yea, all those who were given and administered by the b devil, to combine against all righteousness. 15 c tg Selfishness. 20 a tg Inspiration; 25 a 3 Ne. 9:9. 17 a Moses 5:23. Prophets, Mission of. 26 a Mosiah 29:25; b tg Temptation. 18 a Num. 15:27 (2–29); b tg Jesus Christ, Alma 1:14. Death of. 28 a tg Secret Mosiah 3:11. tg Ignorance. 21 a D&C 121:37. Combinations. b tg God, Will of. tg Apostasy of b Hel. 6:26; c tg Rebellion. Individuals. 19 a 3 Ne. 1:1. Ether 8:9 (9, 15–16). 23 a 3 Ne. 7:14. b Hel. 6:17 (17–38).

3 Nephi 6 : 29–7 : 12 420 29 Therefore they did combine 5 Now all this was done, and there against the people of the Lord, and were no wars as yet among them; enter into a covenant to destroy and all this iniquity had come upon them, and to deliver those who were the people a because they did b yield guilty of murder from the grasp of themselves unto the power of Satan. justice, which was about to be ad- ministered according to the law. 6 And the regulations of the gov- ernment were destroyed, because 30 And they did set at defiance the of the a secret combination of the law and the rights of their country; friends and kindreds of those who and they did covenant one with an- murdered the prophets. other to destroy the governor, and to establish a a king over the land, 7 And they did cause a great con- that the land should no more be tention in the land, insomuch that at b liberty but should be subject the more righteous part of the peo- unto kings. ple had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous Chapter 7 men among them. The chief judge is murdered, the gov- ernment is destroyed, and the people 8 And thus six years had not passed divide into tribes—Jacob, an anti- away since the more part of the Christ, becomes king of a secret com- people had turned from their righ- bination—Nephi preaches repentance teousness, like the dog to his a vomit, and faith in Christ—Angels minister or like the sow to her wallowing to him daily, and he raises his brother in the mire. from the dead—Many repent and are baptized. About a.d. 30–33. 9 Now this secret combination, Now behold, I will show unto you which had brought so great iniq- that they did not establish a king uity upon the people, did gather over the land; but in this same year, themselves together, and did place yea, the thirtieth year, they did at their head a man whom they did destroy upon the judgment-seat, call Jacob; yea, did murder the chief judge of the land. 10 And they did call him their king; therefore he became a king 2 And the people were divided one over this wicked band; and he was against another; and they did a sepa­ one of the chiefest who had given rate one from another into tribes, his voice against the prophets who every man according to his family testified of Jesus. and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the govern- 11 And it came to pass that they ment of the land. were not so strong in number as the tribes of the people, who were 3 And every tribe did appoint a united together save it were their chief or a leader over them; and leaders did establish their laws, thus they became tribes and lead- every one according to his tribe; ers of tribes. nevertheless they were enemies; not- withstanding they were not a righ- 4 Now behold, there was no man teous people, yet they were united among them save he had much fam- in the hatred of those who had en- ily and many kindreds and friends; tered into a covenant to a destroy the therefore their tribes became ex- government. ceedingly great. 12 Therefore, Jacob seeing that their enemies were more numerous than they, he being the king of the band, therefore he commanded his 30 a 1 Sam. 8:5; 7 2 a tg Unity. 8 a Prov. 26:11; Alma 51:5; 2 Pet. 2:22. 3 Ne. 7:12. 5 a Moses 4:6. tg Tyranny. b Rom. 6:16 (13–20); 11 a 3 Ne. 9:9. b tg Liberty. Alma 10:25. 6 a 2 Ne. 9:9.

421 3 Nephi 7 : 13–22 people that they should take their 16 Therefore, being a grieved for flight into the northernmost part of the hardness of their hearts and the land, and there build up unto the blindness of their minds—went themselves a a kingdom, until they forth among them in that same were joined by dissenters, (for he year, and began to testify, boldly, flattered them that there would be repentance and remission of sins many dissenters) and they become through faith on the Lord Jesus sufficiently strong to contend with Christ. the tribes of the people; and they did so. 17 And he did minister many things unto them; and all of them 13 And so speedy was their march cannot be written, and a part of that it could not be impeded until them would not suffice, therefore they had gone forth out of the reach they are not written in this book. of the people. And thus ended the And Nephi did minister with a power thirtieth year; and thus were the and with great authority. affairs of the people of Nephi. 18 And it came to pass that they 14 And it came to pass in the were angry with him, even because thirty and first year that they were he had greater power than they, divided into tribes, every man for it were a not possible that they according to his family, kindred could disbelieve his words, for so and friends; nevertheless they had great was his faith on the Lord Jesus come to an agreement that they Christ that angels did minister unto would not go to war one with an- him daily. other; but they were not united as to their laws, and their manner of 19 And in the name of Jesus did he government, for they were estab- cast out devils and a unclean spirits; lished according to the minds of and even his b brother did he c raise those who were their chiefs and from the dead, after he had been their leaders. But they did estab- stoned and suffered death by the lish very strict laws that one tribe people. should not trespass against another, insomuch that in some degree they 20 And the people saw it, and did had peace in the land; nevertheless, witness of it, and were angry with their hearts were turned from the him because of his power; and he Lord their God, and they did stone did also do a many more miracles, the a prophets and did cast them in the sight of the people, in the out from among them. name of Jesus. 15 And it came to pass that 21 And it came to pass that the a Nephi—having been visited by an- thirty and first year did pass away, gels and also the voice of the Lord, and there were but few who were therefore having seen angels, and converted unto the Lord; but as being eye-witness, and having had many as were converted did truly power given unto him that he might signify unto the people that they know concerning the ministry of had been a visited by the power and Christ, and also being eye-witness b Spirit of God, which was in Jesus to their quick return from righ- Christ, in whom they believed. teousness unto their wickedness and abominations; 22 And as many as had devils cast out from them, and were a healed of their sicknesses and their infir- mities, did truly manifest unto the 12 a 3 Ne. 6:30. 17 a tg Priesthood, 20 a 3 Ne. 8:1. 14 a 3 Ne. 6:23 (23–25). Power of. 21 a tg God, Manifesta- 15 a 3 Ne. 1:2 (2–3, 10); 11:18. 16 a Gen. 6:6; 18 a Alma 4:19. tions of. 19 a tg Spirits, Evil or b tg God, Spirit of. 1 Ne. 2:18; 22 a Mark 2:11 (11–12); Alma 31:24; Unclean. Moses 8:25. b 3 Ne. 19:4. Acts 8:7. c tg Death, Power over.

3 Nephi 7 : 23–8 : 10 422 people that they had been wrought there was not any man who could upon by the Spirit of God, and had do a miracle in the name of Jesus been healed; and they did show save he were cleansed every whit forth signs also and did do some from his iniquity— miracles among the people. 2 And now it came to pass, if 23 Thus passed away the thirty there was no mistake made by and second year also. And Nephi this man in the reckoning of our did cry unto the people in the com- time, the a thirty and third year had mencement of the thirty and third passed away; year; and he did preach unto them repentance and remission of sins. 3 And the people began to look with great earnestness for the sign 24 Now I would have you to re- which had been given by the prophet member also, that there were none Samuel, the Lamanite, yea, for the who were brought unto a repentance time that there should be a darkness who were not baptized with water. for the space of three days over the face of the land. 25 Therefore, there were ordained of Nephi, men unto this ministry, 4 And there began to be great that all such as should come unto a doubtings and b disputations among them should be a baptized with wa- the people, notwithstanding so ter, and this as a witness and a tes- many signs had been given. timony before God, and unto the people, that they had repented and 5 And it came to pass in the a thirty received a b remission of their sins. and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month, 26 And there were many in the there arose a great b storm, such an commencement of this year that one as never had been known in all were baptized unto repentance; the land. and thus the more part of the year did pass away. 6 And there was also a great and terrible tempest; and there was ter- Chapter 8 rible a thunder, insomuch that it did Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirl- b shake the whole earth as if it was winds, and physical upheavals attest about to divide asunder. the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the 7 And there were exceedingly land for three days—Those who remain sharp lightnings, such as never had bemoan their fate. About a.d. 33–34. been known in all the land. And now it came to pass that ac- cording to our record, and we know 8 And the a city of Zarahemla did our record to be a true, for behold, take fire. it was a b just man who did keep the record—for he truly did c many 9 And the city of a Moroni did b sink d miracles in the e name of Jesus; and into the depths of the sea, and the inhabitants thereof were drowned. 10 And the earth was carried up upon the city of a Moronihah, that in the place of the city there became a great b mountain. 24 a tg Baptism, Jacob 4:6. Crucifixion of; Qualifications for. 2 a 3 Ne. 2:8. Jesus Christ, Death of. 25 a tg Baptism. 3 a 1 Ne. 19:10; 6 a 1 Ne. 19:11; b D&C 20:37. Hel. 14:21 (20–27). tg Remission of Sins. Hel. 14:27 (20, 27); b Matt. 27:51 (45, 50–51). 8 1 a John 21:24. 3 Ne. 10:9. 8 a 4 Ne. 1:7–8. b 3 Ne. 23:7. tg Darkness, Physical. 9 a Alma 50:13. c 3 Ne. 7:20 (19–20). 4 a tg Doubt. b 3 Ne. 9:4 (4–5). d John 6:14; b tg Disputations. 10 a 3 Ne. 8:25. Morm. 9:18 (18–19). 5 a Hel. 14:20 (20–27); b Hel. 12:17; e Acts 3:6 (6–16); 3 Ne. 11:2. 3 Ne. 9:8 (6–8). b tg Jesus Christ,

423 3 Nephi 8 : 11–25 11 And there was a great and ter- and the quakings of the earth did rible destruction in the land south- cease—for behold, they did last for ward. about the space of a three b hours; and it was said by some that the 12 But behold, there was a more time was greater; nevertheless, all great and terrible destruction in these great and terrible things were the land northward; for behold, done in about the space of three the a whole face of the land was hours—and then behold, there was changed, because of the tempest c darkness upon the face of the land. and the whirlwinds, and the thun- derings and the lightnings, and the 20 And it came to pass that there exceedingly great quaking of the was thick darkness upon all the face whole earth; of the land, insomuch that the in- habitants thereof who had not fallen 13 And the a highways were bro- could a feel the b vapor of darkness; ken up, and the level roads were spoiled, and many smooth places 21 And there could be no light, be- became rough. cause of the darkness, neither can- dles, neither torches; neither could 14 And many a great and notable there be fire kindled with their fine cities were b sunk, and many were and exceedingly dry wood, so that c burned, and many were shaken there could not be any light at all; till the buildings thereof had fallen to the earth, and the inhabitants 22 And there was not any light thereof were slain, and the places seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, nei- were left desolate. ther the sun, nor the moon, nor the stars, for so great were the mists of 15 And there were some cities darkness which were upon the face which remained; but the damage of the land. thereof was exceedingly great, and there were many in them who were 23 And it came to pass that it did slain. last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there 16 And there were some who were was great mourning and a howling carried away in the a whirlwind; and and weeping among all the people whither they went no man knoweth, continually; yea, great were the save they know that they were car- groanings of the people, because of ried away. the darkness and the great destruc- tion which had come upon them. 17 And thus the face of the whole earth became deformed, because of 24 And in one place they were the tempests, and the thunderings, heard to cry, saying: O that we had and the lightnings, and the quaking repented a before this great and of the earth. terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and 18 And behold, the rocks were they would not have been b burned rent in twain; they were broken up in that great city Zarahemla. upon the face of the whole earth, insomuch that they were a found 25 And in another place they were in broken fragments, and in seams heard to cry and mourn, saying: O and in cracks, upon all the face of that we had repented before this the land. great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, 19 And it came to pass that when and cast them out; then would our the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the storm, and the tempest, 12 a 3 Ne. 11:1. 16 a Dan. 11:40; 20 a Ex. 10:21. 13 a Hel. 14:24; 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14). b 1 Ne. 12:5; 19:11. 23 a 3 Ne. 10:8 (2, 8). 3 Ne. 6:8. 18 a Hel. 14:22 (21–22). 24 a tg Procrastination. 14 a 3 Ne. 9:12; 10:4. 19 a Luke 23:44 (44–45). b Hel. 13:12; b 1 Ne. 12:4. b Alma 18:14. c 2 Ne. 26:4; c 1 Ne. 19:10; 3 Ne. 9:3. 3 Ne. 9:3 (3–9). 3 Ne. 10:9.

3 Nephi 9 : 1–9 424 mothers and our fair daughters, and 6 And behold, the city of Gilgal our children have been spared, and have I caused to be sunk, and the not have been buried up in that inhabitants thereof to be buried up great city a Moronihah. And thus in the depths of the earth; were the howlings of the people great and terrible. 7 Yea, and the city of Onihah and the inhabitants thereof, and the Chapter 9 city of Mocum and the inhabitants In the darkness, the voice of Christ pro- thereof, and the city of a Jerusalem claims the destruction of many people and the inhabitants thereof; and and cities for their wickedness—He b waters have I caused to come up also proclaims His divinity, announces in the stead thereof, to hide their that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and wickedness and abominations from invites men to come unto Him and be before my face, that the c blood of saved. About a.d. 34. the prophets and the saints shall And it came to pass that there was a d not come up any more unto me a voice heard among all the inhabi- against them. tants of the earth, upon all the face of this land, crying: 8 And behold, the city of Gadiandi, and the city of Gadiomnah, and 2 Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo the city of Jacob, and the city of unto the inhabitants of the whole Gimgimno, all these have I caused earth except they shall a repent; for to be sunk, and made a hills and val- the devil b laugheth, and his angels leys in the places thereof; and the rejoice, because of the slain of the inhabitants thereof have I b buried fair sons and daughters of my peo- up in the depths of the earth, to ple; and it is because of their iniq- hide their wickedness and abomi- uity and abominations that they nations from before my face, that are fallen! the blood of the prophets and the saints should not come up any more 3 Behold, that great city Zarahemla unto me against them. have I a burned with fire, and the inhabitants thereof. 9 And behold, that great city Jacobug­ ath, which was inhabited 4 And behold, that great city Mo- by the people of king Jacob, have I roni have I caused to be a sunk in the caused to be burned with fire be- depths of the sea, and the inhabi- cause of their sins and their a wick- tants thereof to be drowned. edness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth, be- 5 And behold, that great city a Mo- cause of their b secret murders and ronihah have I covered with earth, combinations; for it was they that did and the inhabitants thereof, to hide c destroy the peace of my people and their iniquities and their abomina- the government of the land; there- tions from before my face, that the fore I did cause them to be burned, blood of the prophets and the saints to d destroy them from before my shall not come any more unto me face, that the blood of the prophets against them. and the saints should not come up unto me any more against them. 9 2 51 aa 3 Ne. 8:10; 9:5. b Ezek. 26:19. D&C 112:23; 1 Ne. 19:11. c Rev. 16:6 (5–7). Moses 7:36 (36–37); 2 a tg Repent. d Jonah 1:2. 8:22 (22, 28–30). b Moses 7:26. 8 a 1 Ne. 19:11; b Hel. 6:17 (17–38); 3 a Matt. 11:20; 3 Ne. 6:23. Hel. 13:12; 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14); c 3 Ne. 7:11 (9–13). 3 Ne. 8:14 (14–24). Moses 7:14. d Gen. 6:13; 4 a 3 Ne. 8:9; b Num. 16:32; 1 Ne. 17:31; 4 Ne. 1:9. Hel. 12:17; 2 Ne. 1:17; 5 a 3 Ne. 8:25 (10, 25). 3 Ne. 8:10 (10, 25). Mosiah 12:8. 7 a Alma 21:1; 24:1. 9 a Gen. 6:5 (5–6); Morm. 4:12 (10–12);

425 3 Nephi 9 : 10–21 10 And behold, the city of Laman, and the earth, and all things that in and the city of Josh, and the city them are. I was with the Father from of Gad, and the city of Kishkumen, the beginning. b I am in the Father, have I caused to be burned with and the Father in me; and in me fire, and the inhabitants thereof, hath the Father glorified his name. because of their wickedness in cast- ing out the prophets, and stoning 16 I came unto my own, and my those whom I did send to declare own a received me not. And the unto them concerning their wick- scriptures b concerning my coming edness and their abominations. are fulfilled. 11 And because they did cast 17 And as many as have received them all out, that there were none me, to them have I a given to become righteous among them, I did send the sons of God; and even so will I down a fire and destroy them, that to as many as shall believe on my their wickedness and abominations name, for behold, by me b redemp- might be hid from before my b face, tion cometh, and c in me is the d law that the blood of the prophets and of Moses fulfilled. the saints whom I sent among them might not cry unto me c from the 18 I am the a light and the life of ground against them. the world. I am bA  lpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. 12 And a many great destructions have I caused to come upon this land, 19 And ye shall offer up unto me and upon this people, because of a no more the shedding of blood; their wickedness and their abomi­ yea, your sacrifices and your burnt nations. offerings shall be done away, for I will accept none of your sacrifices 13 O all ye that are a spared because and your burnt offerings. ye were more b righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and 20 And ye shall offer for a a sacri- repent of your sins, and be con- fice unto me a broken heart and a verted, that I may c heal you? contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a 14 Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye contrite spirit, him will I b baptize will a come unto me ye shall have with fire and with the Holy Ghost, b eternal life. Behold, mine c arm of even as the Lamanites, because of mercy is extended towards you, and their faith in me at the time of their whosoever will come, him will I conversion, were baptized with fire receive; and blessed are those who and with the Holy Ghost, and they come unto me. knew it not. 15 Behold, I am Jesus Christ the 21 Behold, I have come unto the Son of God. I a created the heavens world to bring a redemption unto the world, to save the world from sin. 11 a 2 Kgs. 1:10 (9–16); 15 a John 1:3 (1–3); c 3 Ne. 15:8 (2–8). Hel. 13:13. Col. 1:16; d Heb. 8:13; Heb. 1:2 (1–3); b Deut. 31:18. Mosiah 15:4; 3 Ne. 12:19 (19, 46–47). c Gen. 4:10. Hel. 14:12; Ether 4:7; 18 a tg Jesus Christ, Light of 12 a Hel. 14:24; D&C 14:9. the World. 3 Ne. 8:14 (8–10, 14); b 3 Ne. 11:27 (7, 11, 27); b Rev. 1:8. 10:7 (4–7). 19:23 (23, 29). 13 a 3 Ne. 10:6 (6, 12); 27:31. tg Jesus Christ, b Gen. 18:26. 16 a John 1:11; D&C 6:21. Firstborn. c Jer. 3:22; 17:14; b 3 Ne. 15:5. 19 a Mosiah 13:27; Matt. 13:15; 17 a John 1:12. Alma 34:13; 3 Ne. 18:32. 3 Ne. 15:4 (2–10). 14 a 1 Ne. 1:14; tg Man, Potential to 20 a Ps. 51:17; Omni 1:26; 2 Ne. 26:25 (24–28); Become like Heavenly 3 Ne. 12:19; Alma 5:34 (33–36). Father; Sons and D&C 64:34. b John 3:16. Daughters of God. b tg Holy Ghost, c Isa. 59:16; b Ps. 107:2. Baptism of. Alma 19:36. tg Jesus Christ, 21 a tg Jesus Christ, Redeemer. Atonement through.

3 Nephi 9 : 22–10 : 12 426 22 Therefore, whoso a repenteth and of the house of Israel, ye that dwell cometh unto me b as a c little child, at Jerusalem, as ye that have fallen; him will I receive, for of such is the yea, how oft would I have gathered kingdom of God. Behold, for such I you as a hen gathereth her chick- have d laid down my life, and have ens, and ye would not. taken it up again; therefore repent, and come unto me ye ends of the 6 O ye house of Israel whom I have earth, and be saved. a spared, how oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens Chapter 10 under her wings, if ye will repent There is silence in the land for many and b return unto me with full pur- hours—The voice of Christ promises to pose of c heart. gather His people as a hen gathers her chickens—The more righteous part of 7 But if not, O house of Israel, the people have been preserved. About the places of your dwellings shall a.d. 34–35. become a desolate until the time of And now behold, it came to pass the fulfilling of the b covenant to that all the people of the land did your fathers. a hear these sayings, and did witness of it. And after these sayings there 8 And now it came to pass that was silence in the land for the space after the people had heard these of many hours; words, behold, they began to weep and howl a again because of the loss 2 For so great was the astonishment of their kindred and friends. of the people that they did cease la- menting and howling for the loss of 9 And it came to pass that thus did their kindred which had been slain; the three days pass away. And it was therefore there was silence in all the in the morning, and the a darkness land for the space of many hours. dispersed from off the face of the land, and the earth did cease to 3 And it came to pass that there tremble, and the b rocks did cease came a voice again unto the people, to rend, and the dreadful groanings and all the people did hear, and did did cease, and all the tumultuous witness of it, saying: noises did pass away. 4 O ye people of these a great cit- 10 And the earth did cleave to- ies which have fallen, who are de- gether again, that it stood; and the scendants of Jacob, yea, who are of a mourning, and the weeping, and the house of Israel, how oft have I the wailing of the people who were b gathered you as a hen gathereth spared alive did cease; and their her chickens under her wings, and mourning was turned into joy, and have c nourished you. their lamentations into the b praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord 5 And again, a how oft would I have Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, yea, 11 And thus far were the a scrip- O ye people of the house of Israel, tures b fulfilled which had been who have fallen; yea, O ye people spoken by the prophets. 12 And it was the a more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the 22 a tg Repent. b Hel. 7:19. 7 a Ezek. 26:19. b Mark 10:15. c Luke 16:29 (29–31); b Enos 1:16 (12–18). c Mosiah 3:19; 8 a 3 Ne. 8:23 (23–25). 3 Ne. 11:37 (37–38). 1 Ne. 17:3; 9 a 3 Ne. 8:19 (3, 19–23). d John 10:15 (15–18). Jacob 5:25. b Hel. 14:21. tg Jesus Christ, 5 a Matt. 23:37; 10 a tg Mourning. Death of; D&C 43:24 (24–25). b Acts 16:25. Self-Sacrifice. 6 a 3 Ne. 9:13. 11 a 1 Ne. 19:12 (10–12). 10 1 a 1 Ne. 19:11. b 1 Sam. 7:3; b Acts 3:18 (18–21). 4 a 3 Ne. 8:14 (8–16); Hel. 13:11; 12 a 2 Ne. 26:8; 9:12 (3–12). 3 Ne. 24:7. c Ezek. 36:26. 3 Ne. 9:13 (11–13); 27:31.

427 3 Nephi 10 : 13–11 : 2 prophets and stoned them not; and it a Lamanites, who had been spared, was they who had not shed the blood did have great favors shown unto of the saints, who were spared— them, and great b blessings poured out upon their heads, insomuch that 13 And they were spared and were soon after the c ascension of Christ not sunk and buried up in the earth; into heaven he did truly manifest and they were not drowned in the himself unto them— depths of the sea; and they were not burned by fire, neither were they 19 a Showing his body unto them, fallen upon and crushed to death; and ministering unto them; and and they were not carried away in an account of his ministry shall be the whirlwind; neither were they given hereafter. Therefore for this overpowered by the vapor of smoke time I make an end of my sayings. and of darkness. Jesus Christ did show himself unto 14 And now, whoso readeth, let him the people of Nephi, as the multi- understand; he that hath the scrip- tude were gathered together in the tures, let him a search them, and see land Bountiful, and did minister and behold if all these deaths and unto them; and on this wise did he destructions by fire, and by smoke, show himself unto them. and by b tempests, and by whirl- Comprising chapters 11 through 26. winds, and by the c opening of the earth to receive them, and all these Chapter 11 things are not unto the fulfilling The Father testifies of His Beloved of the prophecies of many of the Son—Christ appears and proclaims holy prophets. His Atonement—The people feel the wound marks in His hands and feet 15 Behold, I say unto you, Yea, and side—They cry Hosanna—He sets many have testified of these things forth the mode and manner of baptism at the coming of Christ, and were —The spirit of contention is of the a slain because they testified of these devil—Christ’s doctrine is that men things. should believe and be baptized and re- ceive the Holy Ghost. About a.d. 34. 16 Yea, the prophet a Zenos did And now it came to pass that there testify of these things, and also were a great multitude a gathered Zenock spake b concerning these together, of the people of Nephi, things, because they testified par- round about the temple which was ticularly concerning us, who are the in the land b Bountiful; and they remnant of their seed. were marveling and wondering one with another, and were showing one 17 Behold, our father Jacob also to another the c great and marvel- testified concerning a a remnant of ous change which had taken place. the seed of Joseph. And behold, are not we a remnant of the seed of 2 And they were also conversing Joseph? And these things which tes- about this Jesus Christ, of whom tify of us, are they not written upon the a sign had been given concern- the plates of brass which our father ing his death. Lehi brought out of Jerusalem? 18 And it came to pass that in the ending of the thirty and fourth year, behold, I will show unto you that the people of Nephi who were spared, and also those who had been called 14 a tg Scriptures, Study of. b 1 Ne. 19:21. 11 1 a Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). b Hel. 14:23. 17 a Alma 46:24; c Num. 16:32; b Alma 22:29; 3 Ne. 5:23 (23–24). 3 Ne. 3:23. 1 Ne. 19:11; 18 a 4 Ne. 1:20. 2 Ne. 26:5. b tg Blessing. c 3 Ne. 8:12 (11–14). 15 a tg Martyrdom. c Acts 1:9 (9–11). 2 a Hel. 14:20 (20–27); 16 a Hel. 8:20 (19–20). 19 a 3 Ne. 11:12 (12–15). 3 Ne. 8:5 (5–25).

3 Nephi 11 : 3–15 428 3 And it came to pass that while another, and wist not what it meant, they were thus conversing one with for they thought it was an angel that another, they heard a a voice as if it had appeared unto them. came out of heaven; and they cast their eyes round about, for they 9 And it came to pass that he understood not the voice which stretched forth his hand and spake they heard; and it was not a harsh unto the people, saying: voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, and notwithstanding 10 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom it being a b small voice it did c pierce the prophets testified shall come them that did hear to the center, into the world. insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause 11 And behold, I am the a light to quake; yea, it did pierce them to and the life of the world; and I the very soul, and did cause their have drunk out of that bitter b cup hearts to burn. which the Father hath given me, and have glorified the Father in c taking 4 And it came to pass that again upon me the sins of the world, in they heard the voice, and they a un- the which I have suffered the d will derstood it not. of the Father in all things from the beginning. 5 And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did a open their 12 And it came to pass that when ears to hear it; and their eyes were Jesus had spoken these words the towards the sound thereof; and they whole multitude a fell to the earth; did look steadfastly towards heaven, for they remembered that it had from whence the sound came. been b prophesied among them that Christ should c show himself 6 And behold, the third time they unto them after his ascension into did understand the voice which heaven. they heard; and it said unto them: 13 And it came to pass that the 7 Behold my a Beloved Son, b in a Lord spake unto them saying: whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear 14 Arise and come forth unto me, ye him. that ye may a thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may 8 And it came to pass, as they un- b feel the prints of the nails in my derstood they cast their eyes up hands and in my feet, that ye may again towards heaven; and behold, know that I am the c God of Israel, they a saw a Man b descending out and the God of the whole d earth, of heaven; and he was clothed in a and have been slain for the sins of white robe; and he came down and the world. stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were 15 And it came to pass that the turned upon him, and they durst multitude went forth, and thrust not open their mouths, even one to their hands into his side, and a did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they 3 a Deut. 4:33; Ezek. 1:24; 8 a 1 Ne. 12:6; b Alma 16:20. Hel. 5:29 (28–36). 2 Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); c 3 Ne. 10:19. Alma 16:20; 13 a tg Jesus Christ, Lord. b 1 Kgs. 19:12 (11–13); Ether 3:17 (17–18). 14 a John 20:27. D&C 85:6. b Luke 24:39 (36–39); b Acts 1:9 (9–11). c 1 Sam. 3:11; Jer. 20:9. 11 a tg Jesus Christ, Light of D&C 129:2. 4 a Ezek. 1:24 (24–28); c Isa. 45:3; 3 Ne. 15:5; the World. 1 Cor. 14:2. b John 18:11. D&C 36:1; 127:3. 5 a Job 36:15; c John 1:29. d Ex. 9:29; d Mark 14:36 (32–42); D&C 101:92. 1 Ne. 11:6. 7 a Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Luke 22:42; 15 a 3 Ne. 18:25. John 6:38; Hel. 10:4; JS—H 1:17. D&C 19:2. tg Jesus Christ, tg Witness of the 12 a tg Reverence. Appearances, Father. Postmortal. b 3 Ne. 9:15.

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