2 Kendall Weekly Times Oswego NewsOrder Your Rain from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Village of Shredding Event • Your personal information is tak‐Barrels Oswego Public Works Facility, located at en from your mailbox or your 100 heodore Dr. Please collect rain bar‐ Identity thet is a serious crime. hose trash.he Village of Oswego, in partnership rels from this facility prior to 2:00 pm on who are victimized can spend countlesswith the Conservation Foundation, is April 23. hours and money cleaning up the mess • Personal information is capturedselling rain barrels! Rain barrels are large thieves have made of one's good name using \"skimming\" devices.containers that capture stormwater from Rain barrels may be ordered for home and credit record. Vigilance in protect‐your roof that would otherwise be lost as delivery from now until Christmas. ing personal information is crucial. • On-line \"phishing\" scams.runoff. Modern barrels are sealed, safearound children, and insect resistant. Please call Aaron Howe at 630.551.2343 While you cannot fully prevent identity For further information regarding Iden‐Users divert water from your downspout or email [email protected] for assis‐ thet you can certainly minimize the tity het, please visit the Oswego Policeto ill the rain barrel. A hose spigot on tance. possibility of becoming a victim. By Department website atwww.oswegopoli‐the front makes the water easy to access managing your personal information ceil.org and click on the Communityand use. Per the Conservation Founda‐ Amnesty Days - wisely, cautiously and with an awareness Programs and Services link.tion, approximately 40 percent of total Free Yard Waste of the issue, you can help guard againsthousehold water use during the summer Identity het. To assist in the prevention Reuse & Recyclingmonths is for watering lawns and gar‐ Groot Industries provides a clean-up day of identity thet, the Oswego Police De‐ Extravaganzadens. Rainwater is a sustainable solution in the spring and fall. hey will collect partment is partnering up withFirst Na‐for watering lowers and gardens, or additional household waste, yard waste tional Bank of Oswego to offer a free Recycle what you don't need at the ECOwashing cars and windows. and bulk items for all Village residents shredding service to the community. Im‐ Commission Reuse & Recycle Extrava‐ the week of April 11th - April 15th, on portant personal documents no longer ganza. he event will be on Saturday,Please place your order before April 18. your normal scheduled garbage day. Res‐ needed that should be shredded may in‐ April 23rd, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at theRain barrels will cost $60 and can be or‐ idents must place yard waste in the 30 clude charge receipts, copies of credit Oswego Public Works Facility, 100dered through the Conservation Foun‐ gallon krat yard waste bags. PLEASE - card applications, insurance forms, heodore Dr.dation's website at http://www.upcycle- NO PLASTIC BAGS! NO stickers will be physician statements, checks, bank state‐products.com/static.asp?path=4387. required (this week only). NOTE - you ments, or expired charge cards and cred‐ We will accept bicycles, books, clothing,When ordering, select the Village of Os‐ cannot put out appliances or electronics. it offers you get in the mail. electronics, eyeglasses, keys, lawn mow‐wego order form on the right sidebar Please place all items, along with your ers, LCD/LED/Plasma televisions, pack‐and choose to deliver the barrel to your regular garbage and recycling, at the his event will take place on Saturday, ing materials, scrap metal, school sup‐home for an additional $5, or choose curb by 6:00 a.m. on your normal sched‐ April 16 from 9 a.m. to noon at the plies, suitcases, toys and more! You canmunicipal pick up for no additional uled garbage day. If you have any ques‐ First National Bank located at 6601 US also exchange used books, videotapes,charge. tions regarding this pick up, please con‐ Route 34. You may bring up to 3 large CDs and DVDs. tact the Public Works Department @ ile boxes full of papers to be shredded.Orders placed prior to April 18 for mu‐ 630-554-3242. Please note that tube televisions and la‐nicipal pick up are to be collected at the How Identity het Occurs: tex paints will not be accepted thisEnvironmentally Conscious Oswego Free Paper year.(ECO) commission's Reuse and Recycle • Your personal information isExtravaganza on Saturday, April 23rd stolen from businesses or other in‐ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! stitutions. his event is made possible with the help of wonderful volunteers. To volunteer, please call 630.551.2343 or email at [email protected]. Volunteering at the Extravaganza is a great way to help your community! Volunteers should be mid‐ dle school age and older.
Kendall Weekly Times 3 Plainield NotesEarly Voting Early Voting for the 2016 more about the Village. County Center for Community Con‐ partment, and the Plainield EmergencyPrimary will be available at the Village Irish ParadeBe sure to head to Down‐ cerns at 815-722-0722 or visit wcccc.net Management AgencyHall, from February 29 through March town Plainield on March 13! he sound for information on energy assistance,11 for Will County Residents. Voting of bagpipes will be heard throughout weatherization, and community servicehours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to town when the Hometown Irish Parade block grant programs.4:30 p.m. Voting will not be offered on steps off at 1 p.m. For more info, visitSaturdays. plainieldirishparade.org. Now on Display at Village HallWhen visiting Village Hall, be sure to check outMetroNet Updatehe Village Board ap‐ Green Village Program - Fragrant Flow‐ the Historical Society's winter themedproved a local franchise agreement with ershe 2016 Green Village Series contin‐ exhibit to see what Plainield's snowyMetroNet, one of the largest all iber-to- ues on Monday, March 14, at 7 p.m., at weather has looked like over the years.the-premises providers in the Midwest. the Plainield Library. Plants bring so Many thanks to Sue Hasenyager and theResidential consumers will have access much beauty to the home landscape, a Plainield Historical Society for settingto Internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps as well joy to the senses, but an oten over‐ up and sharing this collection of photosas iber TV and phone services. looked quality is fragrance. Join Will and artifacts in honor of winter!MetroNet will begin installing iber optic County Master Gardener Coordinatorcable in the Golden Meadows, Bronk Es‐ Nancy Kuhajda for a lively discussion of Upgrades at Lockport Street, Meadowtates, and Kensington Club Subdivisions fragrant local plants for the home LaneWork is ongoing at the intersectionon Monday, February 29. Informational garden. Register online. he Green Vil‐ of Lockport Street (Route 126) andsigns are posted in each of these subdivi‐ lage Series is a partnership between the Meadow Lane. he intersection has beensions. Residents can visit www.metronet‐ Plainield Public Library District and the resurfaced and new traffic signals will beinc.com/plainield or call 844-889-0448 Village to provide the community with installed and activated to control traffic.to ind out when the MetroNet network environmental programs. he new traffic signals are expected to bewill reach their neighborhood. More in‐ installed and operational in Spring 2016formation. Senior TRIAD Meetinghe Plainield according to IDOT. Senior TRIAD will meet on Monday, DuPage River Watershed Poster/Video March 28, at American House Route 30 Reconstruction Project Up‐Contesthe Lower DuPage River Water‐ Cedarlake, 14800 Van Dyke Road. he dateProject Update: Work has begun onshed Coalition works to improve and free program begins at 10:30 a.m. and the section of Route 30 between I-55 andprotect the health of the Lower DuPage will focus on Basic CPR. Renwick Road as well as Renwick RoadRiver. Students - hey need your help to itself. No lanes will be closed and accessget the word out on what residents can Tax Assistance ProgramFree tax prepa‐ to all businesses will remain open. Trafficdo to clean up the DuPage River! Put on ration services will be provided to those lanes will be narrowed and laggers willyour thinking caps and start dreaming that qualify on Saturday mornings (Jan‐ be present, when necessary. he overallup advertisements that promote the uary 30-April 16) at the Plainield Town‐ improvements are scheduled for comple‐health of our River! Turn your ideas into ship Community Center, 15014 S. Des tion in Summer 2017. Motorists shoulda poster or video for the Coalition's con‐ Plaines. For more information, read the continue to expect delays and allow extratest. Entries are due by March 1, 2016 Tax Assistance Program Flyer or visit go‐ time while driving through the construc‐and prizes will be awarded. Check out ladderup.org. tion area.the contest details at Project Information: IDOT has startedwww.dupagerivers.org. Household Hazardous Waste Collection reconstruction of Route 30. Between Eventhe Will County Land Use Depart‐ I-55 and Renwick Road, the typical sec‐ Weather Radios Available March ment is sponsoring a Household Haz‐ tion will be a 5-lane highway. From Ren‐2February 28-March 5, 2016 is Severe ardous Waste Drop-Off Event on Satur‐ wick Road to Route 59, a 3-lane sectionWeather Preparedness Week in Illinois. day, April 2 at the Plainield Public will be built. he project is expected toTo promote severe storm safety, the Vil‐ Works Department, 14400 Coil Plus be completed by Summer 2017. Mo‐lage will offer NOAA Weather Alerting Drive. From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., household torists can expect delays and should al‐Radios at a discounted price on Wednes‐ hazardous waste items, such as house‐ low extra time for travel. Drivers areday, March 2, from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. hold chemicals, paints, and lawn/garden urged to pay close attention to laggersor until the radios are sold out, whichev‐ chemicals, will be collected. Electronics and signs in the work zones, obey theer occurs irst. he radios will be $10 for will not be accepted. Event Flyer. For posted speed limits, and be on the alertresidents and $15 for non-residents. To more information, visit for workers and equipment.purchase a radio, stop by the Plainield willcountygreen.com.Law Enforcement Center, 14300 S. Coil Chat with the ChiefsOn Wednesday,Plus Drive, on March 2. More informa‐ Spring CleanupSpring Cleanup Week is April 27, 2016, at 7 p.m., join Chief Rid‐tion. April 11-15! Certain electronics (com‐ dle of the Plainield Fire District, Chief puters, monitors, televisions, and print‐ Veseling of the Oswego Fire District, and Coffee with the Mayor - March 9, ers) as well as household refuse, bulk Chief Konopek of the Plainield Police2016Join Mayor Collins for coffee and items, and white goods will be accepted Department for Chat with the Chiefs atconversation on Wednesday, March 9, on your regular refuse collection day. the Plainield Police Department. Atten‐2016 at 9 a.m. at the Village Hall, 24401 Watch for more details! dees will learn more about the happen‐W. Lockport Street. All residents are in‐ ings within the Plainield Fire and Am‐vited. his is a great opportunity to learn Energy AssistanceContact the Will bulance Departments, the Oswego Fire Department, the Plainield Police De‐
4 Kendall Weekly Times Montgomery NewsDam Nation\" Facebook page.Presentation setfor March 10 \"We are looking for photos that capture the natural beauty of Montgomery, suchHas the conversation changed on the as the river, parks and wildlife, as well asbeneit of building dams and disrupting the people and places that make Mont‐river and stream lows? he subject of gomery a great place to live,\" said Jeffdam removal and the role dams have Zoephel, Village Administrator. \"We areplayed is the topic of the ilm \"DamNa‐ looking for a wide range of photos thattion,\" to be shown on March 10 at 7 p.m. illustrate all the variety our Village has toat the Montgomery Village Hall. he offer.\"program is sponsored by he Conserva‐tion Foundation and Village of Mont‐ Residents can submit photographs takengomery. in Montgomery through July 8th. here are three categories for the contest: envi‐With discussions of dams and dam re‐ ronment, people/activities and architec‐moval becoming more frequent, ture. hese categories provide residents\"DamNation\" addresses the role dams with an opportunity to show off theirplay in local and national waterways. Re‐ children, interests, activities, and favoritemoval of every dam is not the goal, but places in Montgomery. Photos shouldinforming communities about their local portray the community-friendly life of adams will help them decide if dam re‐ Montgomery resident and can involvemoval is the best option to improve the people, places, objects and action shotshealth of rivers and surrounding com‐ from any season.munities. he top three photos will be displayed atFisheries Biologist Steve Pescitelli, from Montgomery Fest, where communitythe Illinois Department of Natural Re‐ members can vote to select a winner. Allsources, will be there to talk about local winners will receive recognition at a sub‐streams and dams, and ish populations sequent Board Meeting and all submis‐and habitat. sions will have a chance for their photo to be placed on the Village website andhe removal of several dams along the Facebook page.Fox River and it's tributaries has resultedin noticeable improvements by allowing he contest entry form is provided at thethe river to low freely, reducing the link below.amount of algae and increasing healthyoxygen levels. Photo Contest Rules 1. Entry forms must be illed out in theirEveryone is welcome to this free pro‐ entirety. Submit one (1) entry form pergram; reservations are not necessary. he photo.ilm will be shown in the boardroom at 2. All photographs must be taken inthe Montgomery Village Hall, 200 N. Montgomery, but photographer does notRiver St. he ilm's trailer can be viewed have to be a Montgomery resident.at the link below. 3. he Village will only accept full, unal‐ tered photos. Please do not crop, autoMontgomery adjust colors or apply ilters to your im‐Announces Photo ages.Contest 4. Large digital photos are preferred, and should ill the monitor screen. 5. Photos and entry forms may be sub‐ mitted via e-mail to [email protected]‐ gomery.il.us or mailed to Debbie Buchanan, 200 N. River Street, Mont‐ gomery, IL 60538 by July 8, 2016. Information: (630) 896-8080 x 9003he Village of Montgomery is calling forentries into its \"Montgomery: It FeelsLike Home\" Photo Contest. he contestis open to both professional and amateurphotographers using any brand of cam‐era or lens. Winning photos will be fea‐tured on the Village's website atwww.ci.montgomery.il.us and on its
Kendall Weekly Times 5
6 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 7 Corner Office under Kendall County Celebrates investigation by Sheryl Krase 175th by Kris HeimanKendall County Corner Ken Totoy is Kendall County all year long will be cele‐under investigation by the Illinois State brating its 175th Anniversary here is thepolice over installing surveillance equip‐ official release For - he Kendall Countyment in the corners office. he equip‐ Board passed a proclamation on Febru‐ment is said to have recorded conversa‐ ary 16, 2016 acknowledging the 175thtions between the corner and employees. anniversary of the creation of KendallAccording to WSPY Radio News Station County. he resolution, which describesout of Plano has requested the videos the early history of the irst settlers with‐under the FOIA. he request was denied in modern day Kendall County, wasdue to the ongoing investigation accord‐ drated with the assistance of the Kendalling to the Radio's stations website. County Historic Preservation Commis‐ sion.he Kendall County Sheriff DwightBairds office remanded the investigation he State of Illinois approved the cre‐over to the Illinois State police because ation of Kendall County on February 19,of its ties to the county government. 1841 and gave it the name Kendall inCorner Totoy was elected irst in 1994 honor of Postmaster General Amosand has served as corner for 22 years. Kendall under President Andrew Jack‐Corner Totoy has decided to not seek son. he proclamation encourages resi‐another term and the office is currently dents throughout Kendall County to rec‐being sought by Jaqueline Purcell of ognize and celebrate the historic occa‐Yorkville and Carl Gutierrez of Oswego. sion with their fellow citizens. Read the entire proiclamtion here for more infor‐According to the Radio stations website mation on upcoming events please callsome tapes have been released and con‐ contact John Sterrett at the Kendalltain conversations between the corners County Planning, Building and Zoningand other parties where the business of Department at (630) 553-4139 or emailthe corners office was not being dis‐ at [email protected] but rather political and personalconversations were the topics of discus‐sion.here is no time table set yet for theinding of the Illinois State Police investi‐gation but there will be a May Court datein Yorkville to discuss the releasing ofmore of the tapes. WSPY has iled a mo‐tion in Kendall County Court challeng‐ing the denial of the FOIA request.Please visit the WSPY Radio station forfull news on this story http://www.wspynews.com/news/
8 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 9On the Hardwood by Tim FlowersChicago Bulls continue to slump in theplayoff race and currently sit in 10thplace in the east. At 30 and 30 and play‐ing sub 500 ball for the past 5 weeks theBulls ind themselves in a difficult spotin trying to close the gap with 20 gameslet. If they did not make the playoffs thiswill be the irst time in a decade. Enter‐ing the season with so many expecta‐tions the Bulls have underperformed andsome of the reasons are due to injuriesand allot to do with coaching FredHoiberg was brought in to help instillmore discipline and help the Bullsachieve the next level which was return‐ing to the Eastern Conference inals andgetting back to winning championships.Instead we see underperforming playersand weird rotations that have createdbad matchups on the loor. So what canbe done to turn things around?Bulls will be getting back Jimmy Butlerand just in time for a tough four gamestretch that includes the Rockets, Bucks,Spurs and Heat. All four teams are vyingfor the playoffs so with the return of But‐ler this is going to add scoring and de‐fensive match ups that favor the Bulls.Pau Gasol has been playing heavy min‐utes since Noah injury and is gettingtired, but they have to keep him going inorder to retain the inside presence. Longand short Bulls need to win and play bet‐ter defense. hey rank in the middle ofthe pack in defensive this season whereas last year they were at the top of theleague. Scoring has improved, but if youcan't stop people then simple you are go‐ing to lose. Looking ahead Bulls shouldwin two out of the four and need somehelp to reclaim the 8th and inal spot.Bulls are talented and have experiencejust need to ind that early season magicwhen they were in the top of the East.
10 Kendall Weekly Times On the Ice by Martin FlowersHawks enter the weekend in irst place inthe Western Conference and have sloweda bit with the loss in the outdoor classicto the Wild. Hawks have made sometrades most notable brining back An‐drew Ladd to shore up the defense. Laddwas on the 2010 Stanley cup team andwith his return he adds scoring and ex‐perience he Hawks might have hit a lit‐tle rough patch they will rebound andcontinue towards the playoffs. hey holda sizable lead in the west and have someroom to begin to rest players and gethealthy for the playoffs. hey have beenhit with some injuries like with Houssawho is expected to be heathy for theplayoffs.Crawford continues to be stable in thenet and the hawks added Drew Macin‐tyre to add depth in the goal. PatrickKane continues to lead all scorers with88 points and has the possibility ofbreaking the Century mark of 100 pointsin a season for the irst time in his career.he road head this week is Redwings athome and then head out on the road toSt. Louis and Dallas. Hawks need to stayheathy and get Houssa back on the ice.Signing Coach Quenville to a three yearcontract extension helps to add stabilityin the clubhouse and take away a majordistraction.Looking at week ahead he largest obsta‐cle to the Hawks is the gelling of the newplayers in the locker-room. his teamhas a unique chemistry that has allowedthem to win and continue to compete ata high level for the past seven seasonwinning three Stanley Cups. his team isa dynasty and if they can continue towork through the minor injuries andwork together this team will positionthemselves to defend the Stanley Cup inthe playoffs.
Kendall Weekly Times 11Spring Training Update Cubs Beat by Dick Kolf From the Dug out by Kyle VeederNorth siders are looking to add any op‐ Sox look to improve over last season'sportunity they can to achieve success so disappointing third place inish in thefar the biggest story this spring is Javier Central Division so far this spring theBaez taking reps in the outield. Already Sox are seeing an improvement fromable to play 2nd and shortstop Baez ad‐ players like Mike Ott who came to campditional play in the outield allows the in great shape. Sox have several newCubs to have a bench player that can faces and everything is on the table.ield and hit and add some pop to an al‐ Pitching , Pitching , and Pitching is beingready strong offense. Manager Maddon stressed this spring trainings ater thelikes players to play more than one posi‐ Sox inished in the bottom half of thetion because its add versality and allows League even with Chris Sale perfor‐him more options in his decision mak‐ mance the pitching staff had allot ofing during the game . Kyle Schwarber is holes. Young pitchers with some veteransalso adding catcher to his resume. Last will round out the rotation this year.season he hit 16 home runs and drove in Chris Sale is getting into the act by tak‐46 in only 258 at bats. Baez and Schwar‐ ing some of the younger pitchers underber are two of many young players the his wing.Cubs feature. Another Area that caused the Sox to un‐What killed the Cubs in the playoffs were derperform was the hitting and Sox areinexperience and a one dimensional of‐ expecting big things from Mike OTT tofense of the home run. Cubs are going to bat ith and bring some run productionchange that with Dexter Fowler leading with his solid glove at third. Sox haveoff he brings speed and can get on base several holes to ill and shortstop is onethat will improve chances of scoring of the biggest voids to ill ater Alexiwhen the long ball is not working. Last Rameriez let in free agency. Sox signedseason the cubs were ahead of schedule Jimmy Rollins to a minor league dealaccording to heo Epstein who went out hoping the 37 year old shortstop can addand addressed the experience factor with some offensive with a solid glove atthe signings of John Lackey, Ben Zobrist, short. Rollins played for the Phillies andand Jason Heyward three Veterans with brings playoff experience as well. Alsoplayoff experience so we will follow the vying for the short stop job is Tylerprogress this spring. Saldino who illed in last season. Saldino is solid with the glove but needs to work on hitting he could be the sleeper in this spring training; If Saldino works and wins the job at Shortstop then Rollins ability to play more than one positions and his bat can be worked into the Sox lineup. Sox have of areas to ill but have two of the American League's best in Chris Sale and Jose Abreu. If the Sox can add a good supporting cast to these two all- stars they could compete for the Central Division crown this season.
12 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 13Welcome to Spring and glad to have Times are changing bywinter behind us and now we can look to Jennifer Flowersspring and with Springtime comeschanges and you are going to see allot of Check out the election issue today!changes here at Limerick Communica‐tions that we have been working on allwinter long to better serve you our sub‐scriber. First I would like to thank Mar‐tin for all his years of helping to run theKendall Weekly Times. Martin will con‐tinue to serve as a contributing memberof the paper but will be stepping down inhis role as Publisher because of careeropportunities .So you ask what's newwith the Kendall Weekly Times? Simplewe have relaunched our platform and re‐vamped our website and digital issue tocreate new features that will allow you toshare stories and participate in discus‐sion.We are adding new writers in the up‐coming weeks that will bring new andrefreshing content to the pages of theKendall Weekly Times. In the upcomingweeks we will continue to roll out newfeatures and will continuing to add con‐tent that will tell the story of our sharedcommunities. So on behalf of myself andthe staff of Limerick Communicationsthank you for all your patience and con‐tinued support and we hope that you willjoin us this spring in spreading the wordto friends and family that will allow us tocontinue to grow and serve you in keep‐ing you with the Times.
14 Kendall Weekly Times hink Spring by Sheryl KraseAs the snow melts away, the tempera‐ Families spend more time outdoors in bloom dates for the cherry trees lining yard is painted with the pastel colors oftures rise and daylight saving time be‐ spring. As you start packing away the the Tidal Basin will be April 11 - 14, ac‐ spring. Plant spring blooming trees orgins, it's time to think spring. Although winter clothes and pulling out warm cording to the National Park Service. shrubs in your yard. Popular springspring is still a couple of weeks away, it weather gear, here are some fun ways to Take care of the birds in your yard by blooming trees include dogwood, cherrywill be here before you know it. think spring with your family. hanging bird houses and feeders. Learn and pear trees. Forsythia, lilac and azalea Get out and enjoy the great outdoors. more about different species of birds at bushes add bright colors to your yardSandy Wallace Your mood will improve and so will your the National Audubon Society website. too.Spring officially begins on March 20, ac‐ health. Take a family hike, enjoy a bike Enjoy a spring break getaway or stayca‐cording to the Old Farmer's Almanac. ride or play at your local park or play‐ Welcome Easter by decorating an Easter tion. Even if your kids lose part of springHere in the Northern Hemisphere, the ground. egg tree with plastic eggs. Make ties from break from the winter weather, you canirst day of spring is also known as the Watch for signs of spring. he crocuses ribbon, string or yarn and place inside enjoy a long weekend of fun outdoors.March or vernal equinox, the day when are blooming on the East Coast. Daf‐ open eggs. his is especially pretty in a Start seeds now so your bedding lowersday and night are equal. From then on, fodils, dogwoods, cherry trees and other dogwood, cherry or other spring lower‐ will be ready to put out ater danger ofthe hours of daylight grow longer each spring bloomers won't be far behind. ing tree. frost. Seeds should be started insideday. On the East Coast, spring begins at he National Cherry Blossom Festival Enjoy springtime even more when your about six weeks before the last frost date6:45 p.m. EDT so the irst full day of takes place in Washington, D.C. from in your location. Let the kids help. Youspring is March 21. March 20 to April 12 this year. Peak can pick up starter kits at any home im‐ provement or garden store. You'll be spending more time outdoors if your child plays spring sports. Enjoy the sunshine at your child's soccer, base‐ ball or sotball games. Check with your local YMCA, parks and recreation de‐ partment or youth sports league for schedules. Plan for a season of fun. Buy family sea‐ son tickets to the nearest amusement park. Many parks offer spring specials before the season begins. As springtime arrives, campgrounds pre‐ pare for the season. If you don't have a tent or camper, consider reserving a cab‐ in at a campground or state park for a family spring getaway weekend. Take the kids out to the ball game. Make plans to attend a professional baseball game with your family. Check with the nearest minor league team about season passes and enjoy the fun of America's fa‐ vorite pastime. Plan picnics in your backyard or at the park. Pack a lunch and bring your bikes or outdoor gear along. Find a disc golf course near your house or play a friendly game of soccer or baseball together, then relax over your picnic lunch or dinner.Wash away the winter blues and plan for spring. he days are longer and there's more sunlight to enjoy so get out there and have fun.
Kendall Weekly Times 15 Bussiness News with Erin WikstromFebruary is afoot, and that means love and Netlix with junk food\" hurs‐ my fellow itness freaks - there's a the same bar with the same regulars…(as well as dread) is in the air. So let's get day night. his is an occasion. million free boot camps if you and so the story goes. In inance, there isthis thought train rolling: Money and Rent something you'll both like. Put look close enough). Find a good a \"law of large numbers\"; now, the inan‐Dating. the kids to bed or send them to a bench with beautiful scenery and cial deinition can't be applied here, butLet's start with the couples out there. In friend's house. Make your favorite talk about the great times you've the language can: get out of your comforta survey released by SunTrust Bank in snacks. Create a cozy atmosphere. had. zone and meet a large number of people.February of 2015, 35% of participants Splurge on some ice cream you Try something new. Join a club thatsaid that money was the biggest cause of both eat from the same container. he point is: make dating a priority, no peaks your interest. Talk to the cute guystress in their relationship. Years of stud‐ Consider your favorite cocktails or matter where you are inancially. Also, or girl at the gym. Step out and be bold.ies have even credited inancial issues as a bottle of wine. And, snuggle. Yes, make sure your signiicant other knows All that aside, it doesn't answer the ques‐the leading cause for divorce. So, this is a snuggle. It's a formula! it's a date. Talking from a ladies' perspec‐ tion: How to do we mingle as singlesbig topic. Here's what I think happens: 2. BOGOs - we live in an age where tive, my girlfriends tell me all the time without breaking the bank? Here are myyou start in love. you develop a lifestyle. the internet is readily available at that they don't remember the last time thoughts:life happens which alters that lifestyle. our inger tips and now has been they went on an actual date with theiryou use credit cards to subsidize your for some time. We use it to gather fella; they've gone to dinner, watched a 1. If the bar scene is your thing, go inspending. you begin ighting over bills. all the data we could possibly want movie together, taken walks, whatever… groups and split a pitcher. If you'reyou begin hiding purchases from your and not even need. With groupon, But there was nothing to prepare for that a top shelf stallion in the boozesigniicant other. you ind the secret livingsocial, opentable, occasion. What makes a date special is world, the only thing I could rec‐spending spree causes a wedge, but you restaurant.com, newsletter lists, how you feel. She gets a new pair of cute ommend to help you save moneydon't want to change habits. you sacriice community calendars, etc., you slippers and fun popcorn buckets for the is ind really awesome, sneaky bartime with your signiicant other. each have all you need to have a fun at-home-movie-date with her honey. He specials (that rarely exist). First off,other have become a not-so-signiicant night out at a \"buy one, get one\" tells her a speciic time he will pick her groups are great for going out be‐other. along with separate spending rate. Be smart. Plan ahead. Go to up to grab drinks at their favorite restau‐ cause each person knows otherhabits, you have separate time more and the places that offer a deal, and rant and asks her to wear that sexy top people, so you may not meet yourmore frequently. spending less time to‐ have a real conversation with the he likes. You get the idea. here's inten‐ someone that night, but your bud‐gether and spending more money that love of your life. tion. dy might have the perfect some‐doesn't support your relationship results 3. Go outside and do anything - One last note before I move to singles one for you. Secondly, you canin a lack of intimacy. you don't have the there's something sweet about and dating. Remember when we were capitalize on pitcher deals whichtime, money or desire to go on dates. quality time in the outdoors, away kids and we would play \"hot lava\"? For will raise your spirits without rins‐whatever you had is gone and you don't from all the distractions. Some‐ those who lived under a rock in their ing money down the drain. CAU‐know if you want it back… and so the times our materials can remind us childhood, that's when you pretend the TION: don't go out with a groupstory goes. If this sounds familiar, stop of how burdensome inancially ev‐ loor is hot lava, so you jump from couch and get stuck in that group. Part ofreading this, call your signiicant other erything has become; so, getting to chair to coffee table in order to stay the reason you're going out is toand ask them to go on a date on Friday. out of the house and exploring the out of hot lava. If you fall, you lose. meet someone. Find your wing‐If you two are still hot for each other, great outdoors is an excellent way Okay. Pretend your phone is hot lava man or wingwoman and get aterheed this cautionary tale. It's an almighty to see your signiicant other come when you're on a date with your signii‐ it.presence in our marriages across the na‐ to life in a totally different way. Fill cant other. If you look at it - even to so‐tion. up a to-go mug with your favorite cial media brag about your hot date with 2. Consider a hobby. You want toNever stop dating each other. I get it. coffee or tea and take walk around your signiicant other, you lose. hat in‐ lose weight? Shop for a gym thatMoney does not grow on trees, but it the neighborhood together (make cludes the car ride there and back. Some has attractive singles - talk aboutdoesn't have to cost a lot to have quality sure you hold hands). Go hiking of the best conversations I've had have motivation to put your sneakerstime together. Some Ideas: and get off trail to enjoy a fun ad‐ happened in the car ride. In all reality: if on. You enjoy ine dining on occa‐ venture together. Go sledding. you want to make the person across sion? Join a local dinner club. You 1. Movie Night - but, make it special. Take a bike ride together. Sign up from/next to you feel insigniicant, stare would like to spend your week‐ his isn't your normal \"jammies for a free outdoor boot camp (for at your phone screen as long as you ends outdoors? Find a hiking and want. adventures club - almost every ur‐ All my single ladies (and fellas)! his ban/suburban area has one. Basi‐ time of year can be rough. But, it doesn't cally, expand your horizons. If you have to be. Start with reframing your have something you enjoy, look for thinking; choose to be happy for those groups that also enjoy that same around you, not casting judgement. I say activity so you can meet someone this because it beneits you twofold: 1) with common interests. Odds are you'll ind yourself more grateful and less that you were already planning to burdened, and 2) you'll attract more peo‐ spend money on that activity, so at ple because people will want to be least it has an even deeper inten‐ around you. tion attached to it. Let's be real: being single can be VERY expensive. Why? You go out more. Why 3. Shop online. Online dating sites do you go out more? Because you want can be expensive, so be sure to get to meet someone. hat makes sense; and the right ones per your personality it's the right thing to do. But what I oten type. If you're more introverted see is that singles invest a lot of time, and analytical - eHarmony is money and energy on a never-ending cy‐ probably best since they have pre‐ cle which leads to meeting no one. cursory processes to introduce you Here's what that looks like: you talk to to someone. If you're more extro‐ the same people at work. you drive the verted and creative - Match is same route. you shop at the same stores. probably best since the proiles you go to the same gym. you frequent have more room for self-created biographies which demonstrates personality and you can cut-to-
16 Kendall Weekly Times the-chase on chatting. I've known Community Spotlight by Elizabeth Flowers couples who have met on Tindr and Plenty of Fish and a slew of Last week was Hollywood's largest night others, so the whole idea here is to as the Oscar night was going on and go where people are looking for Kendall County had a presence there someone and then you start look‐ meet Guy Spagnoli a resident of Mont‐ ing for someone. You will have un‐ gomery who had a long road to the Os‐ wanted and persistent contacts cars. Guy road to the Oscars starts on the from some. You will have straight- other side of the world as a young pri‐ up creeps. But really, it's not much vate serving his country in the Vietnam different from the bar scene; this is War. Serving with distinction Guy came just more up-front about it. home and got married and raised his four sons with his wife and settled inhis blog has already grown in length, Montgomery. What makes this story dif‐but I wish I had more pages to address ferent is how Guy never lost his dream ofthe \"who pays?\" debacle. he short an‐ going to the Oscars. Having a love forswer on that is \"it depends\". My prefer‐ the Arts through the years Guy has al‐ence for irst dates was to go out for cof‐ ways dreamed of going back to school tofee or cocktails. hat's a cheap date, and inish his college degree.you can determine quickly if there aresparks or not. No sparks? No love lost A few years back Guy did inally makeand no interest carried forward on a bill the commitment to go back to schoolfrom a ive star restaurant you can't af‐ and inish his degree. He enrolled atford. Sparks? Take them on an experien‐ Columbia College in Chicago andtial, not expensive second date. Consider worked to complete his degree 47 yearsa museum or aquarium, where you can ater being discharged from the Ustalk and get to know each other. Go play Army. Upon graduation his professorsmini-golf; it's so cheesy, but fun and asked him what were his plans? His re‐cute. Split a bottle of wine in the park. sponse was going to go to the Oscars.Basically, I'm saying don't start pulling Guy has been to the Oscars twice nowout the big guns on dates until you're and thanks the GI Bill for allowing himfairly certain you have a keeper. Why? to achieve his dream.Because 1) you're setting a precedencethat needs to be sustainable, and 2) you he Journey was long but with the sup‐may only go out with this person a few port of his family which has grown to in‐times before one of you realizes the other clude eleven loving grandchildren andis not it. Guy's perseverance he transcended andI hope this helps my couples and singles reached his dream through hard workdevelop a more creative mindset in their and commitment to never giving up ondating exploits. he most important part your dreams. hat's why Guy Spagnoli isis to have fun and love who you are. If someone you should know.you love who you are, you'll be open tolove others as well - whether you're justmeeting or have been together formore decades than I can count on onehand. And, remember: money is a mate‐rial. Relationships are foundational. In‐vest in your foundations and your mate‐rials will reallocate themselves naturally. Views expressed in this article are thecurrent opinion of the author, but notnecessarily of Raymond James & Associ‐ates. he author's opinions are subject tochange without notice. Raymond James & Associates, Inc.,Member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC
Kendall Weekly Times 17Kendall County are held in the County Board Room lo‐ pointees who have special knowledgeRegional cated on the second loor (Rooms 209 or training in ields closely related toPlanning & 210) of the County Administration historic preservation: an attorney, aCommission Building, 111 W. Fox Street, Yorkville, historian or architectural historian, anOpening IL 60560. Interested Big Grove Town‐ architect/engineer, a real estate profes‐ ship residents should submit an appli‐ sional, a county board liaison and oth‐Kendall County Board Chairman John cation to John Shaw, County Board er persons with a demonstrated inter‐Shaw is accepting applications to ill Chairman care of the County Adminis‐ est in archeology, architecture orone (1) vacancy on the Kendall County trator's Office, 111 W. Fox Street, preservation. he Commission is a rec‐Regional Plan Commission. Interested Room 316, Yorkville, IL 60560. ommending body to the County Boardapplicants must be a resident of Big Applications can be found at: and has certain powers and authoritiesGrove Township. he Plan Commis‐ designated to the Commission by thesion is comprised of ten (10) citizen ap‐ http://www.co.kendall.il.us/wp-con‐ County Board. he Commission meetspointees, each representing one of the tent/uploads/ the third Wednesday of each month atnine townships that make up the Volunteer_application1.pdf 7:00PM. Meetings are held in theCounty in addition to one \"at large\" County Board Room located on therepresentative. he Commission is a Kendall County second loor (Rooms 209 & 210) of therecommending body to the County Historic County Administration Building, 111Board and is responsible for providing Preservation W. Fox Street, Yorkville, IL 60560. In‐comment and recommendations on Commission terested residents should submit an ap‐zoning, land use and subdivision issues Opening plication to John Shaw, County Boardaffecting unincorporated properties. It Chairman care of the County Adminis‐is also responsible for assisting in the Kendall County Board Chairman John trator's Office, 111 W. Fox Street,development and conduct of the for‐ Shaw is accepting applications to ill Room 316, Yorkville, IL 60560.mal public hearings involving updates two (2) vacancies on the Kendall Coun‐ Applications can be found at:and amendments to the County's Land ty Historic Preservation Commission.Resource Management Plan. he Com‐ Interested applicants must be either an http://www.co.kendall.il.us/wp-con‐mission meets the fourth Wednesday engineer/architect or an attorney. he tent/uploads/of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings Historic Preservation Commission is Volunteer_application1.pdf comprised of seven (7) citizen ap‐
18 Kendall Weekly TimesCross Named as Events office at 630-256-3370.Chairman ofIllinois Board of he Memorial Day Parade will step off athigher Education noon on Monday, May 30, 2016. he 4th of July Parade steps off at 10 a.m. onIllinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has appointed Monday, July 4, 2016, in downtown Au‐former State Rep. Tom Cross, R-Oswego, rora.as the chairman of the Illinois Board ofHigher Education. For further information regarding Memorial Day and 4th of July festivities, contact Aurora's Special Events Division at (630) 256-3370.Cross's experience as a state legislatorand iscal reformer will be an asset to theboard, according to a statement issuedby Rauner's office.Cross served in the Illinois General As‐sembly for 22 years and was the HouseRepublican Leader from 2002-2013. Heis currently a distinguished fellow at Au‐rora University, where he promotes in‐novation in STEM education programsand a senior consultant at CullotonStrategies.Cross is also an attorney and a formerprosecutor in the Kendall County State'sAttorney's Office.Nominate AProminentAuroran To BeHonored As GrandMarshalhe City of Aurora is seeking nomina‐tions for residents to serve as grand mar‐shals for this year's Memorial Day and4th of July parades.he nominees should be Aurorans whohave made signiicant contributions tothe quality of life in the City, whether itbe in the areas of civic or social services,humanitarianism, or through personalachievements such as athletics or thearts. Nominees must be current or long-time past residents of the City or havebrought some distinction to Aurora.Nominees for the Memorial Day parademust also be veterans, someone activelyserving in the military, or a supporter ofveterans' causes.Nominees must be willing and availableto serve as grand marshal, includinghonors at City Council, a reception, andleading the parade. People previouslynominated but not selected may be nom‐inated again.Nomination forms are available atwww.aurora-il.org/events/permits.phpor by calling the City of Aurora Special
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