ZGI CRMUSER MANUAL7 Asiata Solarin Street, Off Kudirat Abiola Way, Oregun, Lagos. 0Tel: +234-8023175974Email: [email protected]: www.inslimited.com USER MANUAL
Table of ContentsZGI CRM ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.USER MANUAL........................................................................................................................................... 0Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 9Getting Started............................................................................................................................................ 10 Logging into ZGI CRM.............................................................................................................................. 10 Forgotten Password ................................................................................................................................ 11 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Welcome to ZGI CRM.............................................................................................................................. 12 Your Information..................................................................................................................................... 12 Your Locale.............................................................................................................................................. 13 Currency Selection .................................................................................................................................. 14 Date Format ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Time Zone ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Name Format .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Final Step................................................................................................................................................. 16 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 17Managing User Accounts ............................................................................................................................ 18 User Profile Tab....................................................................................................................................... 18 Personal Email Account Settings......................................................................................................... 19 Password Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Advanced Tab.......................................................................................................................................... 25 Resetting a User’s Preferences ............................................................................................................... 26 Resetting a User’s home page ................................................................................................................ 27 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 27User Interface ............................................................................................................................................. 28 Navigation Elements ............................................................................................................................... 28 Top navigation menu .......................................................................................................................... 28 Quick Create........................................................................................................................................ 30 Sidebar ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Home Page .............................................................................................................................................. 31USER MANUAL 1
Dashlets............................................................................................................................................... 31 Dashboards ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Activity Stream.................................................................................................................................... 35 Search...................................................................................................................................................... 36 Global Search ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Full Text Search ................................................................................................................................... 37 Basic Module Search ........................................................................................................................... 38 Advanced Module Search ................................................................................................................... 40 Views....................................................................................................................................................... 42 List View .............................................................................................................................................. 42 Detail View .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Edit View ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Record Management .............................................................................................................................. 45 Creating Records ................................................................................................................................. 45 Editing Records ................................................................................................................................... 47 Deleting Records ................................................................................................................................. 48 Mass Updating Records ...................................................................................................................... 50 Merging Records ................................................................................................................................. 51 Importing Records............................................................................................................................... 54 Exporting Records ............................................................................................................................... 56 In-line Editing .......................................................................................................................................... 57 List View In-line Editing....................................................................................................................... 57 Detail View In-line Editing................................................................................................................... 58 Desktop Notifications.............................................................................................................................. 60 Enabling Desktop Notifications........................................................................................................... 60 Managing Desktop Notifications......................................................................................................... 61 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 62 Core Modules.......................................................................................................................................... 63 Table of Contents................................................................................................................................ 63Accounts...................................................................................................................................................... 64 Accounts Actions..................................................................................................................................... 64 Managing Accounts................................................................................................................................. 64Contacts ...................................................................................................................................................... 66USER MANUAL 2
Contacts Actions ..................................................................................................................................... 66 Managing Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 66Opportunities.............................................................................................................................................. 68 Opportunities Actions ............................................................................................................................. 68 Managing Opportunities ......................................................................................................................... 68Leads ........................................................................................................................................................... 70 Leads Actions .......................................................................................................................................... 70 Managing Leads ...................................................................................................................................... 70 Converting a Lead ................................................................................................................................... 71 Convert Lead to Contact ..................................................................................................................... 72 Convert Lead to Account..................................................................................................................... 73 Convert Lead to Opportunity .............................................................................................................. 73 Other Lead Conversion Options.......................................................................................................... 74 Duplicate Record Check .......................................................................................................................... 75 Calendar Actions ..................................................................................................................................... 76Calls ............................................................................................................................................................. 77 Calls Actions ............................................................................................................................................ 77 Managing Calls ........................................................................................................................................ 77Meetings ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 Meetings Actions .................................................................................................................................... 79 Managing Meetings ................................................................................................................................ 79Email Templates.......................................................................................................................................... 81 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 81 Creating an Email Template .................................................................................................................... 82 Body .................................................................................................................................................... 83 Adding Variables ................................................................................................................................. 83 Attachments........................................................................................................................................ 84 Security Groups................................................................................................................................... 84Emails .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 85 Read Mail ............................................................................................................................................ 87 Compose Mail ..................................................................................................................................... 87 Import Mail ......................................................................................................................................... 89USER MANUAL 3
Delete Mail.......................................................................................................................................... 92 Changes to Emails Module...................................................................................................................... 92 Upgrading............................................................................................................................................ 92 Sync Inbound Emails Accounts Tool ................................................................................................... 92Emails - LTS.................................................................................................................................................. 94 Emails Actions ......................................................................................................................................... 94Tasks............................................................................................................................................................ 95 Tasks Actions........................................................................................................................................... 95 Managing Tasks....................................................................................................................................... 95Notes........................................................................................................................................................... 97 Notes Actions .......................................................................................................................................... 97 Managing Notes ...................................................................................................................................... 97Documents .................................................................................................................................................. 99 Documents Actions ................................................................................................................................. 99 Managing Documents ............................................................................................................................. 99Targets ...................................................................................................................................................... 100 Targets Actions...................................................................................................................................... 101 Managing Targets ................................................................................................................................. 101Target Lists ................................................................................................................................................ 102 Target Lists ............................................................................................................................................ 103 Target Lists Actions ........................................................................................................................... 103 Managing Target Lists ....................................................................................................................... 103Campaigns................................................................................................................................................. 104 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 105 Create a Campaign ................................................................................................................................ 105 Campaign Header.............................................................................................................................. 106 Target Lists ........................................................................................................................................ 108 Templates.......................................................................................................................................... 110 Tracker URLs ..................................................................................................................................... 112 Marketing.......................................................................................................................................... 114 Send Email and Summary ................................................................................................................. 116 Campaign Status and Response Tracking ............................................................................................. 117 Delete Test Entries ............................................................................................................................ 119USER MANUAL 4
Campaign ROI Tracking ......................................................................................................................... 119 Web To Person Form ............................................................................................................................ 120 Create Person Form Wizard .............................................................................................................. 120Surveys ...................................................................................................................................................... 125 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 125 Create Survey ........................................................................................................................................ 125 Add Questions................................................................................................................................... 126 Further Options................................................................................................................................. 128 View Survey........................................................................................................................................... 129 Edit Survey ............................................................................................................................................ 132 Survey Responses.................................................................................................................................. 132 Survey Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 133 Survey Campaign................................................................................................................................... 134 Campaign Header.............................................................................................................................. 135 Survey Email Template...................................................................................................................... 135 Campaign Status ............................................................................................................................... 136Cases ......................................................................................................................................................... 137 Cases Actions ........................................................................................................................................ 137 Managing Cases .................................................................................................................................... 137Projects ..................................................................................................................................................... 138 Projects ................................................................................................................................................. 139 Projects Actions ................................................................................................................................ 139 Creating Projects............................................................................................................................... 139 Creating Project Tasks....................................................................................................................... 140 Managing Projects and Project Tasks ............................................................................................... 141Advanced Modules ................................................................................................................................... 141 Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................. 142Sales .......................................................................................................................................................... 142 AOS Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 143 Products Module................................................................................................................................... 144 Products Categories Module................................................................................................................. 145 PDF Templates ...................................................................................................................................... 146 Creating Templates ........................................................................................................................... 146USER MANUAL 5
Loading Samples ............................................................................................................................... 147 Line Items.......................................................................................................................................... 148 Margins ............................................................................................................................................. 148 Header and Footer ............................................................................................................................ 149 Generate Letter................................................................................................................................. 149 Quotes Module ..................................................................................................................................... 150 Creating a Quote ............................................................................................................................... 150 Line Items with Groups ..................................................................................................................... 151 Line Items without Groups................................................................................................................ 154 Sending Quotations........................................................................................................................... 154 Convert To Invoice ............................................................................................................................ 155 Create Contract................................................................................................................................. 156 Invoices Module.................................................................................................................................... 157 Creating an Invoice ........................................................................................................................... 157 Groups and Line Items ...................................................................................................................... 158 Sending Invoices................................................................................................................................ 158 Contracts Module ................................................................................................................................. 159 Creating a Contract ........................................................................................................................... 159 Groups and Line Items ...................................................................................................................... 159Workflow .................................................................................................................................................. 161 Creating a Workflow Process ................................................................................................................ 161 Conditions ............................................................................................................................................. 162 Actions .................................................................................................................................................. 165 Calculate Fields ................................................................................................................................. 170 Process Audit ........................................................................................................................................ 199 Tutorials ................................................................................................................................................ 200 Customers to Target List ................................................................................................................... 200 Cases Reminder................................................................................................................................. 201 Follow Up Web Leads........................................................................................................................ 204 Events Locations ................................................................................................................................... 207 Events.................................................................................................................................................... 208 Adding Delegates .................................................................................................................................. 209 Sending Invites to Delegates................................................................................................................. 210USER MANUAL 6
Managing Delegates Acceptance Manually.......................................................................................... 211 Updating Delegates Status Manually.................................................................................................... 212Reports...................................................................................................................................................... 214 Reports.................................................................................................................................................. 214 Creating Reports ............................................................................................................................... 214 Charts ................................................................................................................................................ 216 Reports Dashlets ............................................................................................................................... 217 Reports Charts Dashlets.................................................................................................................... 219 Scheduled Reports ............................................................................................................................ 220 Rescheduling a Call ............................................................................................................................... 223 Defining the Details............................................................................................................................... 223 Tracking History .................................................................................................................................... 224 Altering Reasons Drop Down ................................................................................................................ 224 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 224 Lawful Basis........................................................................................................................................... 226 Updating Lawful Basis Manually ....................................................................................................... 227 Lawful Basis Automisation .................................................................................................................... 228 Updating Lawful Basis Automatically (WebToLead) ......................................................................... 228 Updating Lawful Basis Automatically (Email) ................................................................................... 228 Changing Theme Colours ...................................................................................................................... 229Confirmed Opt In ...................................................................................................................................... 232 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 232 Opt In Email Settings............................................................................................................................. 233 Opt In ................................................................................................................................................ 233 Confirmed Opt In .............................................................................................................................. 233 Email Opt In Indication.......................................................................................................................... 234 List and Detail View........................................................................................................................... 234 Edit View ........................................................................................................................................... 234 Sending/Resending Opt In Emails Manually ......................................................................................... 235 Campaigns............................................................................................................................................. 236 Web To Person Form Opt In ............................................................................................................. 237 Password Management ........................................................................................................................ 238 Password Security Settings ............................................................................................................... 238USER MANUAL 7
Two Factor Authentication ................................................................................................................... 238Security Suite (Groups) ............................................................................................................................. 240 Create Groups ....................................................................................................................................... 240 Allow Non-admins to Create Groups .................................................................................................... 240 Configure SecuritySuite Settings........................................................................................................... 241 Groups Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 241 A Typical Hierarchy Setup ..................................................................................................................... 242 The Scenario...................................................................................................................................... 242 Set up the Groups ............................................................................................................................. 242 Set up the Roles ................................................................................................................................ 242 Assign the Groups ............................................................................................................................. 243 Check the Settings............................................................................................................................. 243 That’s it! ............................................................................................................................................ 243 Advanced Options................................................................................................................................. 244 Additive Rights .................................................................................................................................. 244 Strict Rights ....................................................................................................................................... 244 New User Group Popup .................................................................................................................... 245 User Role Precedence ....................................................................................................................... 245 Filter User List ................................................................................................................................... 245 Use Popup Select .............................................................................................................................. 245 Use Creator Group Select ................................................................................................................. 245 Shared Calendar - Hide Restricted .................................................................................................... 245 Inherit from Assigned To User .......................................................................................................... 246 Inherit from Parent Record............................................................................................................... 246 Default Groups for New Records ...................................................................................................... 246 Inbound email account ..................................................................................................................... 246JJW Maps .................................................................................................................................................. 247USER MANUAL 8
IntroductionThe ZGI CRM User Manual has been written for the end user. This guide covers the ZGI CRM UserJourney from end-to-end. We will explore all areas from the basics of logging into the system tocreating complex automated workflows and reports.The ZGI CRM User Manual is split into various chapters. These chapters are ordered so that youprogress through you guide as you would logically in day to day CRM use. The chapters contain sub-sections which break down barriers for you, explaining how to optimise the use of the customerrelationship management system to effectively manage sales data.Readers of the ZGI CRM User Manual do not need to have development knowledge or prior knowledgeof ZGI CRM. It is advised that you are computer literate, that you are familiar with using your chosenweb browser and that ZGI CRM has already been installed and configured.USER MANUAL 9
Getting StartedLogging into ZGI CRMZGI CRM allows users to log in using your Username and Password, provided to you by the SystemAdministrator.Before logging into ZGI CRM, you can select the language you wish to use. There are many defaultlanguages for ZGI CRM and there are also additional language packs available for other languagesaround the world.Once you have chosen your language and have entered your user credentials, you will be able toclick Log in to access the CRM.USER MANUAL 10
Forgotten PasswordIf you forget your CRM password and cannot access your CRM user account, you can use the'Forgotten Password' feature to re-send your password to the email address associated to your useraccount. Clicking the 'Forgot Password?' link on the login form will display the forgotten passwordform.SummaryIn this chapter we have demonstrated how to access ZGI CRM using the login form. We have alsoestablished how to use the forgotten password functionality to retrieve a user’s password in the eventof the password being lost or forgotten.In the next chapter we will cover the User Wizard, which allows you to set your preferences whenusing ZGI CRMUSER MANUAL 11
User WizardThe User Wizard guides you through the configuration options available to you post login. This allowsyou to select many formats for data that will display in ZGI CRM, and these are specific to your user.Welcome to ZGI CRMThe first step you will see is a simple welcome page that displays once you have logged in.Click Next on this page to progress to configure your user preferences.Your InformationOn this screen you are able to provide information about yourself. When you provide this information,other users can view this information such as your Full Name, Email Address and Contact details.Fields marked with a red star(*) are required fields, and as such need to be filled in with valid databefore you can progress.USER MANUAL 12
Once you have filled in all information on this page, click Next to progress to the next step in thewizard.Your LocaleOn this screen, you are able to specify your preferred Locale settings.USER MANUAL 13
Currency SelectionSelect the Currency you wish to be displayed for all Currency fields within ZGI CRM. The Currencyoptions are populated from the options added by the System Administrator. If there are Currencyoptions you require but do not see, please contact your System Administrator.Date FormatSelect the Date Format you wish to be displayed for all Date fields within ZGI CRM. There are manydifferent date format options to select from, all of which are specific to your user. This date format willalso apply to Date Time fields.USER MANUAL 14
Time ZoneSelect the Time Zone you wish to use within ZGI CRM. This allows you to tailor your use of ZGI CRMspecific to where you are located globally. If you are travelling between various countries, you canchange the Time Zone at any time in your User Preferences after you Wizard set-up, to allow you to viewrecords in that Time Zone.USER MANUAL 15
Name FormatSelect the Name Format you wish to be displayed for all Name fields within ZGI CRM. This isapplicable to the various 'Person' modules within ZGI CRM, and allows you to set your preferred nameformat dependent on your requirement.Once you have specified all of your Locale preferences, click Next to progress to the finalstep/confirmation page of the User Wizard.Final StepThe final step of the User Wizard provides you with multiple useful links for learning more andobtaining further support from the ZGI CRM website and dedicated team. There is a Back button ifyou have made any mistakes you wish to amend in previous steps.USER MANUAL 16
Clicking Finish will complete the User Wizard and will present you with ZGI CRM login form.SummaryIn this chapter, we progressed through the User Wizard. This allows you to set your preferences whenusing ZGI CRM.In the next chapter, we will cover managing user accounts, which will discuss how to update userdetails, select themes, change passwords and more.USER MANUAL 17
Managing User AccountsTable of Contents • User Profile Tab o Personal Email Account Settings • Password Tab • Advanced Tab • Resetting a Users Preferences • Resetting a Users home page • SummaryThere are many configuration options available to users once logged into the system. You canview/modify your preferences by clicking on your name in the top right section of the navigation menu.User Profile TabOnce you have clicked to access your preferences, you will be taken to the 'User Profile' tab whichgives an overview of you credentials such as Username, First Name, Last Name, Title etc.USER MANUAL 18
Personal Email Account SettingsSetting up a personal email account in ZGI CRM allows you to view personal mail accounts withinthe Emails module.Emails from personal mailboxes are not stored in the ZGI CRM database unless manually imported.See the Emails module documentation for more information.Individual users can set up their own personal accounts. Administrators can set up personal accountsfor other users from the User Management section of the Admin panel.User Profile Email SettingsOpen the user profile and scroll to the bottom of the main User Profile tab to view mail settings. Notethat if you are configuring mail settings for another user, you will need to select Edit fromthe Actions menu to see these settings.USER MANUAL 19
• Email Address - Add the email address(es) for your ZGI CRM account. Click + to add more addresses. Where you have more than one email address, you can specify which is the main address for your account using the Primary radio button. You can also specify which account to use as the Reply-to account. • Email Client - This setting controls which editor is used to compose and send mail when you click on an email link in ZGI CRM, for example an email address on a contact or account record. o ZGI CRM Email Editor - The ZGI CRM Emails module editor will be used o External Email Editor - With External email editor set, mail links in ZGI CRM will open in whichever email client you have set to open mailto:// links, for example Outlook or Thunderbird • Email Editor - This allows you to set the editor used when creating and editing email templates and also within the Campaigns module. Note that the Email Editor setting does not affect the ZGI CRM Emails module Compose view. This setting is not currently user- definable. Available options are Mozaik, TinyMCE and Direct HTML.Adding a Personal Mail AccountClick the SETTINGS button at the bottom of the main User Profile tab to add a personal mail account.Select the Mail Accounts Tab and click ADD under Mail Accounts to set up your incoming mailaccount.USER MANUAL 20
Complete the required details for the account in the dialog which appears. You will need the usernameand password for the account you are adding, plus the mail server address. The mail protocol supportedby ZGI CRM is IMAP. You may also need to set the Mail Server Port if this differs from the defaultIMAP setting. Your system administrator should be able to provide you with these settings.Once entered, you can verify your mail settings by clicking TEST SETTINGS to test the connectionto the account.USER MANUAL 21
Monitored Folders: are the folders which are checked for new (unread) mail. You must specifyan Inbox and a Trash folder here. Enter the folder names or click SELECT to connect to the mailserver and select the relevant folder(s) from the popup dialog.Signatures: Select a signature for this account. This will be automatically added to the email bodywhen composing an email using the Emails module. If you wish to create a new signature, you willneed to do this from the General tab and then select it here. This will override the default setting onthe General tab.Complete the Outgoing Email settings for the user account.USER MANUAL 22
Click DONE to save the account settings and return to the Mail Accounts tab.If you have more than one account configured you can set the default account to appear when you openthe Emails module. Accounts set as active will be available to select.Edit personal mail account settings by clicking the pencil icon in the Edit column.User Mail Settings - General TabThere are further settings for mail on the General Tab:USER MANUAL 23
• Check for New Mail - Here you can specify a time interval to automatically check for new mail in your account’s monitored folders. The default setting is to check for mail manually, using the Check Mail button in Emails list view. • Default Signature - Option to specify the default signature that will be added to the email body when a new email is composed. Click CREATE to add a new one or select one from the list. Existing signatures can be edited and deleted here. • Folder management -Select the folder(s) which will be available to view from the Emails module. This list will show all the monitored folders from all the mail accounts to which you have access. Use ctrl+click to select more than one folder.Click DONE to save your settings. A confirmation dialog will appear.You should now be able to view your emails in the Emails module.Password TabClicking on the 'Password' tab will navigate you to allow you to change your user account password.To change your password, specify a new password and confirm the new password. It is recommendedthat passwords are secure. The recommended minimum requirement is one upper case character, onelower case character, one numerical character and a minimum password length of 8 characters.USER MANUAL 24
If you have forgotten your password and cannot login, you can use the forgotten password functionalitydetailed in the Getting Started section of this User Manual.Advanced TabThe Advanced tab provides you with you preferences that you set during the User Wizard process.This gives you the ability to change any of your user preferences, if there were any mistakes or if yourequire to amend these at a later date.USER MANUAL 25
Resetting a User’s PreferencesYou can reset your user preferences to the system default by clicking the Reset UserPreferences button on your profile.Clicking the button will prompt you to ensure you wish to reset your user preferences, with thefollowing message: “Are you sure you want reset all of your user preferences?\"This will also log you out of the application. You can then click 'OK' or 'Cancel' to action appropriately.If you select 'OK' you will be logged out and will need to re-login to ZGI CRM application.USER MANUAL 26
Resetting a User’s home pageYou can reset your home page to the system default by clicking the Reset home page button on yourprofile. This will reset both dashlet and dashboard preferences/layouts to the system default.Clicking the button will prompt you to ensure you wish to reset your home page, with the followingmessage: “Are you sure you want reset your home page?”. You can then click 'OK' or 'Cancel' toaction appropriately.SummaryIn this chapter, we covered managing a user account. This allows you to manage your information,modify/reset user preferences and more.In the next chapter, we will cover the Interface. The Interface is an integral part of ZGI CRM. Withthe knowledge of your Interface, you can progress to learning more about ZGI CRM functionality andprocesses.USER MANUAL 27
User InterfaceBefore we progress to understanding the structure and functionality of ZGI CRM, we will cover theareas of the User Interface so that you are familiar with terminology used when describing navigatingZGI CRM. There are many elements to the User Interface, so we have broken these down into varioussections below.Navigation ElementsThe ability to easily view and navigate to areas of the CRM is key to improved productivity and useradoption. ZGI CRM has a clear UI which has various elements we will cover in this section.Top navigation menuThe top navigation menu is the main menu users will use to navigate to modules to create and managerecords. The standard layout for the top navigation is a list of 10 modules. The ordering for this menuis determined by the order of the modules in Admin → Display Modules and Subpanels. The topnavigation menu has six elements. These are:• CRM Name – This is the name for the CRM which is specified on installation. This defaults to ZGI CRM.• Module Menu – This lists or groups the modules, dependent on the user preference. This provides the ability for users to navigate to modules within the CRM.• Desktop Notification Count – This shows the number of desktop notifications the user has not yet read. These can be managed by the user. For full details on Desktop Notifications, see the Desktop Notifications section within this user manual.• Quick Create – Quick create allows the quick creation of key module records globally within the CRM.• Global/Full Text Search – Allows users to search the CRM globally for records/data.• User menu – This displays the user name for the user currently logged in. There is a drop down menu which gives users access to Employees, their profile, the about page and a link to logout.USER MANUAL 28
To view a module, you can click on the module name. This will take you to the List View of thatmodule. For full details on views, read the Views section of this user manual.Hovering over a module name will produce a drop down menu. This drop down menu displays theActions and Recently Viewed records for that module.You can edit records displayed in the Recently Viewed section of the drop down menu by clicking thepencil icon. This will direct you to the Edit View for that record.There is also a grouped tab navigation structure for ZGI CRM. Users can set this option in their userpreferences. For full details on modifying user preferences, see the Managing User Accounts sectionof this user manual.USER MANUAL 29
The grouped tab navigation menu gives the user the ability to group modules within a tab such as theSales Tab.Quick CreateYou can click the 'create' icon in the top navigation menu to access the Quick Create options. This is alist of commonly used modules with the ability to create new records within these modules from anylocation.Sidebar 30 USER MANUAL
The sidebar is part of the responsive theme and is a user configurable option. The sidebar can beexpanded and collapsed by clicking on the button highlighted below.ActionsThis displays the Actions for the module you are currently viewing. For example, if you are viewingthe Accounts module, the actions that display are: Create Account, View Accounts, Import Accounts.This provides you with one-click access to module actions.Recently ViewedThis section displays the last 10 records you have viewed. This leaves a breadcrumbs trail so thatpreviously viewed records can be quickly and easily accessed via the sidebar. There is also the optionto click the pencil icon, which will take you directly to the Edit View of the record.Home PageThe home page is the first page that is displayed to you post-authentication. The home page has variouselements that can be used and configured such as Dashlets, Dashboards and the Sidebar.Dashlets 31 USER MANUAL
Dashlets are user-configurable sections displayed on the home page that give you a quick overview ofyour records and activity immediately after login. This is particularly useful for sales and support ledteams as this reduces the number of clicks required to view/modify data.Dashlets can be dragged/dropped within the home page. You can add dashlets by clicking the 'AddDashlets' link on the home page.Clicking on the 'Add Dashlets' link on the home page will open up the Add Dashlets popup whichallows users to select from a multitude of out of the box dashlets.To add one of the dashlets, simply click on the dashlet link. This will add the dashlet to the user homepage. The popup will remain if you add a dashlet, to allow users to add multiple dashlets. Once youhave added your required dashlets, you can close the popup.USER MANUAL 32
You can modify dashlets by clicking the pencil icon on the desired dashlet.Clicking the pencil icon will display a popup. This popup will contain all of the options that areconfigurable for the dashlet.Once you have made the required changes in the dashlet configuration popup, you can click Save toapply the changes, or Cancel if you wish to revert to the current configuration.USER MANUAL 33
Some dashlets require the home page to be reloaded. For dashlets that require this, you will be notified.DashboardsDashboards are new in ZGI CRM. These are configurable per user and can be added/removed similarto dashlets. To add a dashboard tab, you can click the 'Add Tab' link on the homepage.Clicking on the 'Add Tab' link on the home page will open up the Add Tab popup which allows usersto specify a name for the tab and also how many dashlet columns are required. You can opt for one,two or three columns.Once you have specified the details for the dashboard tab, you can click Save. You can alsoclick Cancel to undo any changes. Once you have saved your changes, the Dashboard Tab will beadded and will display on the tab list on user Homepage. You can then add Dashlets to your newdashboard tab.USER MANUAL 34
If you wish to delete the dashboard tab, you can click the 'x' icon. This will prompt you to confirm thedeletion and then subsequently remove the dashboard tab from your profile only.Suite Dashboard is the standard dashboard tab which cannot be removed. You can however configurethe dashlets that display on that dashboard tab.Activity StreamThe Activity Stream is an excellent way of keeping track of your colleague’s interactions with ZGICRM. By default the Activity Stream displays recent updates for the Opportunities, Contacts, Leadsand Cases modules. Your organisation’s Facebook and Twitter feeds can also be included in yourActivity Steam dashlets if desired and this can be configurable by an Admin user.You can also comment about an update within the Activity Stream by clicking on the Reply button onthe right side of the post.USER MANUAL 35
Your posts can also be deleted from the Activity Stream by clicking on the Delete button.Your comment will appear under the original post and will also be timestamped.The Activity Stream is also a useful tool for internal messaging within your organisation, it is possibleto send a message that will be broadcast to all users in your network. To do this type your message inthe text field and click PostYour colleagues will see this message and will be able to respond by clicking on the Reply button onthe right side of the post.Their response will appear under your post, again with a timestamp.Search 36 USER MANUAL
Searching is a vital aspect within the CRM as this allows you to quickly define what it is you want tosee. Many CRM’s will have large data sets so it is vital to you that you have a way to refine yoursearch. In the following sub-sections we will cover the various searching options available to you.Global SearchYou can search all records within the CRM using the global search functionality. You can search forrecords via global search by using the search bar in the main navigation menu.Once you have entered your search term, you can press the return key or click the magnifyingglass/search icon. This will return records that match the search criteria and categorise them by themodules available.Modules can be added to the global search functionality by the System Administrator.Full Text SearchZGI CRM has an option to enable or disable a full text global search. The full text global search ispowered by Zend Lucene search framework. The search works very similar to the standard globalsearch, but provides the enhanced functionality of searching text in documents and other files,compared to the record-level search provided by the standard global search.System Administrators can enable/disable the full text search by clicking on the AOD Settings linkwithin the admin panel.USER MANUAL 37
This will display the AOD option to enable/disable the full text search.The search returns results slightly different to global search. Results are returned in order of score.Records are scored dependent on how well you match the search criteria provided by you – from 0-100%.Basic Module SearchBasic search is available on all modules within the CRM. Basic search, as standard, allows users tosearch on the record name.USER MANUAL 38
Basic search also allows users to check the 'My Items' check box. Enabling this option will only returnrecords that are assigned to you.USER MANUAL 39
Once a user has searched for a record, the search will be saved. This means that you can navigate torecords and other modules within the CRM but the search will not be cleared. If you wish to clear yoursearch, you can click Clear and then click Search. This will clear any saved searches and return to thedefault result set for that module.System Administrators can modify which fields are searchable in Basic Search within Studio.Advanced Module SearchAdvanced Search is available on all modules within the CRM. Advanced Search provides you with amore detailed module search functionality. As standard, there are more fields available to you viaAdvanced Search.USER MANUAL 40
Advanced Searches may have many fields and specific criteria. For this reason, You can save youradvanced search criteria to easily populate this in future.To load a saved search, you can select the saved search from the 'My Filters' drop down. This willreturn results that match the criteria specified in the saved search.USER MANUAL 41
System Administrators can modify which fields are searchable in Advanced Search within Studio.ViewsWithin the CRM you will be presented with various views. These views are structured to present youwith key information through the record management process. There are three main views: • List View • Detail View • Edit ViewAll of these views have specific purposes and these are described in the sub-sections below.List ViewThis is the view that you are presented with when you navigate to your desired module.USER MANUAL 42
The List View compromises of many actions that you can carry out to manage records. These are: • Search Records – provides you with the ability to perform basic and advanced searches, as covered previously in the Search section of this chapter. • Sort Records – clicking on the column name will sort the record list by that column either ascending or descending, if sorting is enabled. • View Records – clicking on any hyperlinked data will take you to the Detail View of the record. • Edit Records – clicking the pencil icon will navigate you to the Edit View for that record. • Delete Records – you can select records and then select the delete option to delete records from the module. • Mass Update Records – you can select records and then select the mass update option to update data on all selected records. • Merge Records – you can select records and select the merge option. This will begin the merge records processes. You can select a primary record and then can merge the data from the duplicate records into the primary record. Once saved, the duplicate records will be deleted and all data/history merged to the primary record.Detail ViewThis is the view that you are presented with when you view a record.USER MANUAL 43
The Detail View compromises of many actions that you can use to view/manage your data. These arespecific to the Detail View of the module that you are viewing. There are standard actions on the DetailView for most modules. These are: • Edit – allows you to edit the record you are viewing. • Duplicate – allows you to duplicate the record you are viewing. • Delete – allows you to delete the record you are viewing. If a record is deleted, you will be redirected to the List View. • Find Duplicates – allows you to begin the find duplicates process where you can use system functionality to find duplicate records. • View Change Log – allows you to view changes to audited fields.Note: To set fields as audited and for any changes to find duplicates, contact your SystemAdministrator.Hyperlinked fields can be clicked on. This will navigate you to that record.The Detail View is tabbed in ZGI CRM. This means there is minimal scrolling and data is categorizedfor each module in the appropriate tab.System Administrators can select to display data in either tabs or panels. You can contact your systemadministrator for more information on managing layouts and views.USER MANUAL 44
Edit ViewThis is the view that you are presented with when you edit a record.The Edit View allows you to modify record information that is displayed on the view. This allowsusers to update existing data and also add/remove data. Once you have made changes on the Edit View,you can click 'Save' to apply to changes or click Cancel. Clicking either options will redirect you tothe Detail View of the record you are editing. You can click the View Change Log button. This allowsusers to view changes to audited fields which can be useful before making your intended changes.Record ManagementWe have covered the several views that you are presented with so we will now move onto recordmanagement. In this section we will cover all areas of record management so that you can efficientlystore and manage customer data.Creating RecordsYou can create records within modules from various different areas of your Interface. Detailed beloware screen shots of record creation points.USER MANUAL 45
Once you click the create button, you will be taken to the creation screen. This is essentially the EditView that we have covered previously in the this section. This allows you to fill in the appropriate datafor that record. Fields with the red star(*) are required fields. Validation is performed so that a recordcannot be saved within the CRM unless data is valid for required fields.USER MANUAL 46
Once you have populated all data for the record, you can save the record which will create the recordwithin the module in the CRM. Once saved, you will be redirected to the Detail View of the recordyou have created.Editing RecordsYou can edit records within modules from various different areas of your Interface. Detailed below arescreen shots of record editing points.USER MANUAL 47
Once you click the edit button (or pencil), you will be taken to the Edit View. This allows you toedit/populate the appropriate data for that record. Fields with the red star (*) are required fields.Validation is performed so that a record cannot be saved within the CRM unless data is valid forrequired fields.Once you have edited/populated the record data, you can save the record which will update the existingrecord with the new data populated when editing. Once saved, you will be redirected to the Detail Viewof the record you have edited.Deleting RecordsYou can delete records within modules from both the List View and Detail View. Detailed below arescreen shots of record editing points:Detail View Deletion methodDeleting records from the Detail View is a simple process. You simply have to clickthe 'Delete' button.USER MANUAL 48
When you click the delete button on a record, you will receive a popup which will ask you to confirmthat you want to delete the record.You can either click Cancel or OK. Clicking Cancel will revert you back to the Detail View of therecord and will not delete it. Clicking OK will action the record deletion. If you choose to delete therecord, the record will be deleted and you will be redirected to the module List View.List View Deletion methodTo delete records from the List View, you can select records using the checkbox option on the lefthand side of the view. It is possible to select single records or use the 'Select this Page' or 'Select All'options, to select all records from the page or all records within the module.USER MANUAL 49
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