Daniel RoseroP3.A Systems of the Human Body By: Daniel Rosero
Table of ContentsIntegumentary System:Musculoskeletal System:Nervous System:Special Senses System:Cardiovascular SystemRespiratory System:Digestive SystemUrinary System:Reproductive System:
Integumentary System:Function: T he integumentary system serves as a sheet of protection for the body from externalthings in our world. It also plays a large role in sensual perception, regulates body temperature,storage of vitamins, sugars, water, and fat, absorbs, excretes, and produces vitamin D all for ourbody. Without the integumentary system we would be exposed to all of the small bacteria in theworld and living healthy would virtually be impossible.Key Terms:Derm/o: SkinKerat/o: H ardXer/o: DryXanth/o: YellowErythr/o: R edPedicu/o: LiceOnych/o: NailMyc/o: FungusPil/o: HairLip/o: F atRhytid/o: WrinkleAlbin/o: W hiteVocabulary:Epidermis: the outer layer of cells covering an organism, in particular.Dermis: t he thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis that forms the true skinSubcutaneous fascia: the lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebratesSudoriferous Glands: small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweatSebaceous Glands: small gland in the skin which secretes a lubricating oily matterHair: U sed for protection of the skinNails: S heet of protection for fingersPore: opening in a surface in which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles can pass.Sensory Nerve: a nerve that carries sensory information toward the central nervous systemReticular Layer: t he lower layer of the dermis, found under the papillary dermisDiseases/ Disorders:RingWorm: Highly Contagious fungal Infection.Warts:A small, fleshy bump on the skin or mucous membrane caused by human papillomavirus.Acne: inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skinSkin Cancer: U ncontrollable rate of abnormal skin cells.
HealthCare Careers:Dermatologists: D octors who deal with skin diseases such as skin cancer, Warts, Acne etc.Clinical Esthetician: A more specialized form of dermatologists. Perform advanced facialsLabeled System: Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System:: Function The main function of the musculoskeletal system is to provide protection andmovement to the body. The skeletal part of the system provides protection to main organs andfragile parts of our body such as the heart, lungs, brain, etc. The system provides movement byusing connective tissue to the muscles to the bone allowing the whole body to move as one.Key Terms:My/o: MuscleMyel/o: Bone Marrow/ Spinal CordOste/o: B oneCost/o: RibsCrani/o: Skull-Pexy: Surgical RepairChondr/o: C artilageArthr/o: J oint-Plegia: ParalysisKinest/o: MovementVocabulary:Acetabulum: R ounded depression, or socket, in the pelvis that joins the femur \"thigh bone\",forming the hip joint.Acromion: O utward extension of the shoulder blade forming the point of the shoulder. Itoverlies the shoulder joint and articulates with the clavicle.Bone: D ense, hard connective tissue composing the skeleton.Articular Cartilage: T hin layer of cartilage covering the bone in the joint space.Calcium: One of the mineral constituents of bone. Calcium phosphate is the major calcium saltin bones.Cartilage: Flexible, rubbery connective tissuecranial bones: Skull bones: ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, and temporalDiaphysis: Shaft, or mid-portion, of a long bone.Epiphysis: E ach end of a long bone; the area beyond the epiphyseal plate.Fissure: N arrow, slit-like opening in or between bones.Diseases/Disorders:Arthritis: An infection or injury to the jointsOsteoporosis: A condition in which bones become weak and brittle.
Osteomalacia:softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium.Carpal tunnel syndrome:A numbness and tingling in the hand and armHealthCare Careers:Chiropractor: A doctor who focuses on the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. Mainly focuson the back or vertebrae and other places a patient may experience painOrthopedics: the branch of medicine dealing with the correction of deformities of bones ormuscles.Labeled system: Table of Contents
Nervous System:Function: The function of the nervous system is to connect all organs together through the useof cellular nerves and make them all work and function properly. The nervous system alsocoordinates muscular activity, hormone regulation, and all involuntary and voluntary muscles inthe body.Key Terms:Neur/o: N erveEncephal/o: BrainMyel/o: Spinal CordAmbu/o: W alking-esthesia: F eelingMening/o: M embranePsych/o: MindConcuss/o: Shaken togetherVocabulary:Brain: main organ in the nervous system. Controls the body and its functions.Nerve: bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brainAxon: t he long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conductedSpinal Cord: the large group of nerves which runs through the center of the spine and carriesmessages between the brain and the rest of the bodyCerebrum: the principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebratesHypothalamus: a region of the forebrain below the thalamus that coordinates both theautonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitaryPrefrontal Cortex: th e gray matter of the anterior part of the frontal lobe that is highlydeveloped in humansThalamus: either of two masses of gray matter lying between the cerebral hemispheresSciatic Nerve: T he largest nerve in the body,Neuron: a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell.Disease/Disorder:Alzheimer's: A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mentalfunctions.Parkinson: A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors.
Anxiety Disorder: a feeling of apprehension, tension, or uneasiness.Epilepsy: A disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures.Health Careers:Neurologist: Physician who specializes in n eurology, the scientific study of the nervous system;does not perform surgeryNeurosurgeon: A nother branch form of neurologist who specializes only in surgical procedureLabeled System: Table of Contents
Special Senses System:Function: T he special senses system is responsible for the senses of the body. Sight, smell,hearing, tasting, and touching. The special senses system works with the nervous system tosend back messages of the sensors to the brain in order to make decisions on what’s best forthe body.Key Terms:Irid/o: Iris-Cusis: H earing-iopia: VisionOt/o: EarTimpano: EardrumOphthalm/o: E ye-Metry: M easuringVocabulary:Anterior Chamber: located behind the cornea and in front of the irisAnterior Segment makes up the front one-third of the eyeballAudiometry: the use of an audiometer to measure hearing acuityChoroid: t he opaque middle layer of the eyeball that contains many blood vesselsConjunctiva: the transparent mucous membrane that lines the underside of each eyelidCornea: the transparent outer surface of the eye covering the iris and pupilEardrum: a membrane of the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves; thetympanic membrane.Eyeball: a 1-inch sphere with only about one-sixth of its surface visibleHertz:a measure of sound frequency that determines how high or low a pitch itInner Ear:c ontains the sensory receptors for hearing and balanceDiseases/Disorders:Blindness: the inability to see; a person is legally blind when his or her best-corrected vision isreduced to 20/200 or lessCataract: t he loss of transparency of the lens that causes a progressive loss of visual clarityChalazion: a localized swelling inside the eyelid resulting from obstruction within a sebaceousgland
Deafness:t he complete or partial loss of the ability to hearHealth Careers:Audiologist: professional who is trained to evaluate hearing loss and related disorders,including balance (vestibular) disorders and tinnitusOptometrist: examining the eyes, by means of suitable instruments or appliances,for defects in vision and eye disorders.Labeled System: Table of Contents
Cardiovascular SystemFunction: T he cardiovascular system transports or circulates blood through the bodydelivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and essentially the body.Key Terms:Cardi/o: HeartAngi/o: VesselHem/o, Hemat/o: BloodBrady: SlowTachy: F astThromb/o: Vein-Emia: Blood ConditionLeuk/o: WhiteErythr/o: R edVocabulary:Heart: A muscle or organ which pumps blood to the bodyVein: C arries blood towards the heartArtery: Carries blood away from the heartCapillary: Small valves which cover surface of organsBlood: liquid substance which carries nutrients and oxygen through the bodyCirculation: m ovement of fluid to and from somethingHemoglobin: Protein that gives blood the color redBlood Type: A B, B, A, O, Defined by protein in bloodPlatelets: T ype of blood cell that is in charge of clottingBlood Cells: C ells that specialize in different actions or functions in the bloodDiseases/Disorders:Coronary Artery Disease: D amage in the heart’s blood vesselsHigh Blood Pressure: T he force of blood flow is too high towards the wallCardiac Arrest: Sudden unexpected function of the heartArtery Clotting: Clotting the the artery which leads to high blood pressure
Healthcare Careers:Cardiologist: Specializes in the organ of the heart and its normal regulationCardiovascular Surgeon: Surgeon which specializes in surgery procedures over theheartLabeled System: Table of Contents
Respiratory System:Function: The function of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen for the body through theuse of intaking oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. The respiratory system allows the blood inthe body to be rich in oxygen and function at a better rate. It also provide the heart and prettymuch all organs with oxygen.Key Terms:Bronch/o: BronchusCyan/o: B lueLaryng/o: Larynx-oxia: OxygenOxy: A cutePleur/o: PleuraPneum/o: AirPulmon/o: Lungthorac/ot: ChestTrache/o: T racheaVocabulary:Lung: The main organ in the respiratory system. Contracts and expands when taking air inBronchiole: T ube inside the lungs. Connected to the alveoli.Larynx: The “voicebox”. Differentiates between intaking air and intaking food.Trachea: T he tubular structure that connects the lungs to the esophagus.Alveoli: Small grape like structures which absorb oxygen and exchange it for CO2Inhale: The process of intaking air through the nose or mouthExhale: The process of breathing air out. Breathes carbon dioxide outDiaphragm: Muscle responsible for contracting in order to push air out of bodyNose: Not only responsible for smelling but also for the intake of oxygen for the bodyDeoxygenated: T o have a lack of oxygenDiseases/Disorders:Asthma: respiratory condition. spasms in the bronchi of the lungs,difficulty in breathing.
Pneumonia: l ung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection,Influenza:h ighly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing feverObstructive pulmonary disease: i nflamed and easily collapsible airways, obstruction toairflowHealthcare Careers:Respiratory Therapist: d iagnose breathing problems and suggest treatment options topatients.Pulmonologist:s pecialized in diagnosing and treating patients with lung problems anddiseases.Labeled System: Table of Contents
Digestive SystemFunction: T he digestive system is responsible for digesting and processing nutrients which arelater sent out into the bloodstream. It is also the helper of the urinary system in the sense that itaids it in producing the waste which the urinary system excretesKey Terms:cholecyst/o: G allbladderenter/o: I ntestinecol/o, colon/o: Colonhepat/o: L ivergastr/o: Stomachor/o: T he mouth-pepsia: S tate of digestionchol/e: B ileproct/o: Anus or RectumVocabulary:Large Intestine: Absorbs water of food or substance being digestedSmall Intestine: Absorbs the nutrients of the food which are sent to the bloodstreamRectum: L ast part of the digestive system. Secretes waste produced by digestionBile: T he state which food is in after the stomach has broken it downStomach: F irst part of digestion. Breaks food down into bile to be processedGallbladder: S tores bile which is produced by the liverEsophagus: After leaving the mouth goes down the esophagus which leads to the stomachMouth: Responsible for mechanically breaking down food through the form of chewingSaliva: T he chemical substance which breaks down food and makes it softer to chewDigestion: The process of breaking, absorbing, and processing foods through the intestinesDiseases and Disorders:Gallstones: A hardened deposit within the fluid in the gallbladder, a small organ under theliver.Crohn's Disease: i nflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract.
Ulcerative Colitis: A chronic, inflammatory bowel diseaseDiverticulitis:A n inflammation or infection in one or more small pouches in the digestive tract.Healthcare Careers:Gastroenterology: Concentrate on the whole digestive tract and its diseasesOncologists: D eal with cancer which many cancers occur in the digestive tractLabeled System: Table of Contents
Urinary System:Function: The function of the urinary system is to excrete waste in the form of liquid.The waste is mostly water which can’t be excreted out of the rectum so this systemdeals with the waste produced by large intestine and the blood waste which is toxic tothe body.Key Terms:-cele: H ernia-lysis: B reakdown, separation, destructionCyst/o: BladderNephr/o: K idneyRen/o: Kidney-Uria: Urination-pexy: Fixation-ectasis: Dilation, Wideningpyel/o: R enal pelvisVocabulary:Bladder: membranous sac in humans in which urine is collected for excretion.Ureter: t ube that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.Urethra: duct through which urine is dischargedKidney: pair of organs in the abdominal cavity that excrete urinePee: Slang term for the substance excreted as waste through the urethraFiltration: the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering mediumUrea: W aste product formed in the liverUrochrome: S ubstance that gives pee pigment of yellowIncontinence: i nvoluntary urination or defecationDiuresis: increased formation and secretion of urineDiseases/Disorders:Incontinence: The uncontrollable or involuntary defecation or urinationUrinary tract infections: Bacteria enters through the urethra and affects the bladderInterstitial Cystitis: pain and pressure in the bladderProstatitis: The inflammation of prostate gland. Mostly occurs in menHealthcare Careers:Urologists: P rovide surgical and medical treatments for urinary tract problemsGynecologists: m edical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductivesystems
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Reproductive System:Function: The function of the reproductive system is to reproduce another humanbeing. Although it may seem simple it takes many organs and systems that intertwinewith the reproductive system which allow us to reproduce.Key Terms:Cervic/o: Neck/CervixSalping/o: F allopian TubeOv/o: OvariesOrchid/o: TesticlesOophor/o: OvaryMen/o: MenstruationMamm/o: BreastGynec/o: Woman/FemaleColp/o: VaginaProstat/o: Prostate GlandVocabulary:Penis: Male organ responsible for reproducingVagina: Female organ responsible for transporting seed to ovary and reproductionOvary: F emale organ which produces eggs for spermMenstruation: P rocess in the female body which prepares an environment for seed todevelop once a monthSperm: Male cell responsible for fertilizing female egg.Eggs: A limited amount of eggs in the female body responsible for development of thefetusTesticles: Male organ which produces sperm cells for later useProstate Gland: a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in male and releasing prostaticfluid.Breasts: F emale organ which is responsible for providing nutrition for already bornbabyFallopian Tube: p air of tubes along which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus.Diseases/Disorders:Prostate Cancer: Cancer concentrated in the prostate gland.Testicular cancer: Cancer concentrated in the testicles of males. No treatment leads toloss of organ
Healthcare Careers:Gynecologists: Deal with the inspection and treatment of vaginal diseasesAndrologists: D eal with the reproductive system of the male. Treat diseases relatingto the male reproductive organsLabeled System: Table of Contents
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