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Home Explore Spartan Guide

Spartan Guide

Published by dimitri.s, 2017-10-06 05:31:57

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The central square of Vresthena, with the impressive church of Panagia (VirginMary) and the marble four-sided fountain with the lion heads/V. Sykaswonder and delight… the path ends to an impressive stone made building complex,The tour continues to Megali which unfortunately is closed forVrysi, which is “perched” on visitors.the arms of the mountain at analtitude of 920 metres and is full The last village of this route,of exquisite renovated mansions. Vresthena, is located 11.5After the village, on the road to kilometres west of Megali VrysiVresthena, a short stop to the and 26 kilometres away fromMonastery of Panagia Rematiani Sparta. The traveller may also(Virgin Mary of the Stream) of come here by turning right atthe 15th century is a must. A the intersection after Sellasiasmall descent to a stream filled village on the road to Tripoli. Atwith gigantic plane trees, and the central square, the camera152

lens captures the pretty four- and carts, which linked Karyessided fountain with the elaborate with Sparta during the antiquity,lion-heads, possibly made of can be found. Throughout themarble taken from the same Ottoman rule, Vresthena wasspot where the ancient query the seat of the “Diocese ofof the Spartans existed, north Vresthena” and its last bishop,of the village. Studies show Theodoritos II, was the presidentthat this was the place, which of the “Peloponnesian Senate”supplied the raw material for and later the vice-president ofthe construction of the ancient the “Vouleftikon” during thecity’s marble monuments. Near Revolution of 1821. The greatestthe settlement, the remains of site of the area is the Monasterya grooved stone road, ideal for of Panagia “Vrestenitissa”the safe passage of carriages (Dormition of Theotokos and/ 153

The recently renovated Panagia Rematiani is nesting on a rocky steep slope/V. Sykas154

Panagia Vresthenitissa is constructed on an open space with pine trees,cypresses and oaks/V. Sykasor Episkopi), seat of the bishop, Vassaras – Veroia - Tsintzinalocated on the road to Vassara, Vassaras is one of the mostclose to the village. It is a half an picturesque villages of Laconia,hour walk, and exquisite murals standing at an imposing altitudedated back in 1604 adorn the of 690 metres at the feet of theCatholicon. There are many small Agia Triada hill, in the middletaverns in the village, with tasty of the Mt. Parnon range. It owesand affordable food, while the its name, partly to the god ofEuropean path E4 also passes wine and joy Bacchus, due to thefrom the same spot. large number of vineyards thatStone-made house at the square of Vassaras/V. Sykas 155

Stone-made fountain at Veroia/V. Sykasexisted at the area in the past, summer resort of its residents.and it was established during Apart from the impressivethe Ottoman rule, although it school at the entrance of theflourished during 1920 –1940, village, the charming old houseswhen it counted over 1,000 and mansions, as well as theinhabitants. It is located to beautiful mill, the visitors almostthe northeast of Sparta and always head for the “Panagiaat a distance of twenty-five ton Vrachon”, a small cavernouskilometres approximately, and church built in a rock. The mostcan be accessed by the road famous figure of the area, aslinking Sparta and Tripoli, the relevant bust testifies, wasturning right after Sellasia. It is Ioannis Theodorakopoulosadjacent to Veroia, the typical (1900 – 1981), a professor andVigorous age-long kermes oak, at the borders of Veroia village/V. Sykas156

Exquisite murals on the templon of the single-room church of Agios Vlassios/V. Sykasacademician who served as almost all the inhabitants ofminister of education. the larger village moved there under the shade and joyfulnessContinuing north for about six of the enchanting summerkilometres, Veroia, a hamlet environment…surrounded by gorgeousforests with firs, pine trees The next stop is Polydroso orand plane trees, is one of the Tsintzina, probably the mostmost charming and traditional popular destination of the widervillages of the Municipality of area, which is surrounded bySparta. Veroia was, as mentioned pine tree forests and rests at anearlier, the summer resort of altitude of 1,000 metres. It is oneVassaras and for many decades, of the top traditional settlementsSummer life at the two taverns of Tsintzina/V. Sykas 157

Impressive view of Tsintzinafrom the natural “balcony” ofAgios Ioannis Prodromos/V.Sykas158


Agia Marina stands next to the picturesque route of a circular path that spreadson the north slopes of the village/V. Sykas.of the municipality for many large network of well-maintainedreasons. On one hand the and signposted paths on Mt.exquisite architecture, traditional Parnon, while there are alsoand in harmony with the natural many climbing paths with variousenvironment, offers examples levels of difficulty on the rocksuch as the stone-made of St. Marina, at “Psito”, wheregrammar school (donation of the the local limestone’s qualityimmigrant from Egypt, IoannisGrigoriou, dated back in 1891), Panoramic view to the greenthe church of St. Vlassios (1621) Polydroso/V. Sykaswith the splendid paintings ofDimitrios Kakkavas, the lovelytraditional water-mills at the“Tzitziniotiko Rema”, hiddeninside the lush vegetation, St.Kyriaki with its fountain, the oldstone houses and the barrel-vaulted fountain at “Kamaraki”,the stony threshing floor to thesouthwest of the village and ofcourse the cavernous churchof Ioannis Prodromos (St. Johnthe Forerunner), secluded in thecave of a wooded slope. On theother hand, there is Tzitzinawhich by setting a lively beatand attracting younger andolder aficionados of sports andexercising, is developing into animportant centre for activitiessuch as trekking, thanks to its160

The small chapel of Panagia Keliotissa/V. Sykasguarantees the site’s exploitation village, the compelling mountain,for further uses. In addition, the and gain multiple benefits byplanning of a large number of getting involved in sports andcycling routes is at its final stage, soft skill tourism activities…providing one more comparativeadvantage to all newcomers who So, the “hiking paradise” ofwant to get acquainted with the Mt. Parnon offers, by common belief, a wide variety of fine andThe cool spring of “Keli” just before the looked-after paths, with clearchapel with the same name/V. Sykas and good signposting, for hikers of all levels of experience. It also boasts a greatly varied natural environment depending on the time of the year, complementing the visitors’ hiking adventure. Given the area’s hiking “wealth”, we describe in brief an accessible and magnificent route, that of the circular path around St. Marina church, with a starting point west of the “Psito” location, on the highest road of the village. Just twenty minutes further down, walking under the beautiful firs and the imposing rocks, the small stone church of St. Marina is complemented by an exquisite panoramic view of the village and the surrounding ridges. A little more than half an hour later, after having 161

To ascend up to Agios Ioannis Prodromos, you follow a well-planned path/V. Sykascrossed the sunlit open plateau threshing floor, typical exampleand passed through a scenic, of the craftsmanship of the localshady forest full of black pine people, and proof of the genuinetrees and firs, the endless solidarity amongst them in thegurgle of the “Keli” spring, even voluntary sharing of the hard butduring midsummer, signals the necessary work. A true manmadenecessary stop for rest before “jewel” of this striking route…heading towards the smooth,downhill path which leads the Soon after, your footsteps takesteps of the excited hiker up to you to the “Keli”, the smallthe horseshoe-shaped, large church of Panagia Keliotissa withAn impressive relief surrounds the cavernous temple of Agios Ioannis Prodromos,“hanging” two hundred metres over the village/V. Sykas162

its beautiful wooden templon of immediate restoration and(screen), which according to the protection. Outside, at thetradition operated as a school small balcony, the “reward”during the 18th century and for an admittedly exhaustingserved later as a monastery. This ascent, comes in the form oflast sense of alpine tranquillity, a spectacular panoramic viewin the small clearing of the to the charming village and St.forest, by the church, signals the Marina, folded in and hangingshort return, through an even from an enormous mountaincountry road, to Tzitzina, in less slope. This site is a naturalthan twenty minutes. The end of testament to its defensivethis safe and well-kept hiking advantages, each time theroute offers the newcomer a battle-ready monks were calledfantastic interchange of green to stop the fierce attacks oflandscapes and vantage points, looters and troops of regularoffering magnificent views, conquerors. At dusk, the returntaking up very little of their free to the present and the first littime. It’s a unique experience for houses of the village is onlynature-loving families... fifteen minutes away...On the other hand, in regards to At the villages of the ancientthe level of difficulty, and having Therapnae…nothing to be jealous of in terms The name of the formerof beauty and majesty, the municipality of Therapnae,small route ascending up to the comes from the ancient city ofcavernous temple of Ai Yiannis, Laconia, “Therapnae” which wasis more strenuous at an altitude built on the left bank of Eurotas,range of 180 meters, passing to the southeast of Sparta,between huge rocks. The route’s during legendary and prehistoricstarting point, a bit further off times.Agriani, goes directly uphill and According to the tradition, itsoon intersects with the route owes its name to the daughterleading to Pilalistra – Rachi Psari of the native Lelegas, the- Meganailia. After a half hour legendary, first king of Laconia.ascent, the stone made fortified Starting from Sparta and headingentry of the cave hiding inside east, turning right after thethe impressive wooden structure Eurotas Bridge towards Mt.of St. John the Forerunner, which Parnon, the visitor arrives atis built in three different levels, Zagana and after that at Platanahas embrasures positioned in village. Both were establishedprominent areas pointing at the a few years after the revolutionnarrow entrance of the stairs, in times. Some kilometres to thefront of a beautiful stone room. southeast, the visitor starts toUnder the pyramid-like roof of discern, through the dense olivethe cave and in the “belly” of the groves, the pretty Skoura, aftersmall church, one can admire having passed first a gorgeousthe fusion of nature’s grandeur expanse on the side of Eurotas,with the workmanship of the with large hydrophilic trees and14th century wall paintings lush riparian flora. It is believedthat are unfortunately in need that its name came from a 163

Gkoritsa, a traditional picturesque settlement with multi-coloured houses/V. SykasByzantine squire, while originally developed during the 20ththe place was referred to as the century. Its inhabitants are“area of Skouras” and as the involved in livestock farmingyears passed, only the last name and olive oil production. Whenof the officer was kept... the village was included in the program for the organic farmingThe next village in line, standing of olive tress, new profitableon an imposing and panoramic prospects opened up for itsspot on the opposite hill, is residents. The wider area boastsKefalas, which was mainly many small churches, whileTwo-storey house at Skoura/V. Sykas164

in the village square there are 600 inhabitants who are mainlytraditional coffee places and involved in livestock farmingtaverns where one can enjoy the and the production of the ediblelocal cuisine and hospitality. “Kalamon” olives. Among the large number of pretty two-After Kefalas, at about twenty storey stone-made 19th centuryfive kilometres away from Sparta, houses, the buildings that standlies the most populated village of out is the folklore museum, thethe area, Gkoritsa, a traditional Scholarcheion, the magistrate’sand looked-after village with court, and the temple of theKalloni, the medieval village with the scenic two-storey residences/V. Sykas 165

Beautiful old mansion, in a small alley of the picturesque KalloniV. SykasTaxiarches (13th century) just the big, pure, sincere and simpleoutside the village. The central hospitality of its few inhabitants.square of Gkoritsa offers a greatview to Taygetus and taverns The Byzantine tower on the rock risewith delicious food… supervises the plain, Kalloni and the surrounding passages/V. SykasAfter a 14-kilometre drive to theeast, there is Agioi Anargyroi or“Zoupaina”, the village that hada very high death toll duringthe German occupation. At the“Poros” location seek for the veryattractive temple of Agios Ioannis(St. John) with its importantmurals dated from the 11th and13th centuries.Returning to Gkoritsa and shortlyafter bypassing the central roadnorth of the village, the beautifulsmall Kalloni appears under theruins of a Byzantine tower withthe “Square of Love” standing inthe middle, adding a differenthue to the journey. The elementthat will impress the memoryof the passers-by, since the oldhouses and churches can befound in many other villages, is166

Panagia Chrysafitissa was built in the 11th century and was in the past the churchof a monastery. It boasts an in-built tower for protection, possibly erected duringthe 16th century/V. SykasThe next stop is at the period of flourish, at the middlemagnificent village of Chrysafa, of the 17th century, togetherwhich is built on a west side of with Geraki, they were superiorMt. Parnon at an altitude of 550 in terms of development, glorymetres and has golden-green and production in comparisonolive groves at its feet. Today, with other centres of thethe 400 permanent residents of Peloponnese, except for Mystrasthe village are involved in the and Monemvasia. Then, as theproduction of premium olive glorious capital of a province,oil, although during the first which was comprised by 40 167

Charming alley at Chrysafa/V. Sykas a bloody retaliation after the failed rebellion of the Orloff) tovillages, Chryssafa produced continue their battle for growthsilk, honey, olive oil, wool and and survival. It was then, thatlivestock products, and was these heavy stone made housesadorned by houses, public were built, along with the tallbuildings and churches that mansions, the picturesque alleyshold their position until today. and all the other monumentsThe second period of flourish, that the astonished modernunchanged and steady as visitors see in every step of theirbefore, occurred in the middle walk through the village, goingof the 19th century, when the back in time in a well preservedlocals returned home (afterhaving fled to Hydra in fear of168

medieval settlement. A visit toAgios Dimitrios (around 1641) toadmire the depiction of Aristotle,Plato, Pythagoras, Lucian andSibyl, at the centre of the eastwall of the narthex, is a must.Together with the Monastery Exterior mural on the church of Dormition of Theotokos at Chrysafa/V. Sykas. 169


The scenic village of Agrianoi/ Aik. Kokkorou (LEFOS)of Gola, they are the only two there are many other churchescases in Peloponnese, where and monasteries dated in theancient Greek philosophers are 16th and 17th centuries mainlypainted in a Christian Orthodox (Dormition of Theotokos, Agiostemple. Also, there is the church Nikolaos, Agioi Anargyroi, Agioiof Panagia “Chryssafitissa” Tessarakonta, etc.). At a vantageconstructed at the end of the point just above Chryssafa,11th century with its wonderful predominates the “wind mill oftower adorning the village, while Grivoyiannis”…The Windmill of Grivoyiannis above The last village in this tour isChrysafa/V. Sykas Agrianoi or “t’Agrianou”, famous 171

The central square of Agrianoi/V. Sykasfor its natural surroundings. There, the charming squareEnclosed by three valleys under of the village surrounded bythe 1839 metres peak of “Psaris”, stone-made houses, comes tothe village has known great life during the summer monthspast glories, when the locals mostly, when the traditionalraised and fed, before the war, taverns host locals and visitorsat least 40,000 goats and sheep, who may try the delicious localhundreds of children swarmed dishes...the school, and the loggingand collection of resin from the At the square of Agrianoi you will tasteexploitation of Mt. Parnon was delicious meat appetizers/V. Sykascomplemented by a rich wineproduction, thanks to the largenumber of vineyards in the area.172


TAYGETUSPrimordial natural beauty...“Liakoura is a tall mountain,Ziria is also tall,But like PentadachtyliasI have seen no other one...”Folk songThe magnificent Taygetus/V. Sykas“Pentadachtylos, “Zygos tou of Megalopolis, Eurotas andMeligou”, “Agiolias o Makrinos”, Messenia. The Atlantean nymph“Mountain of Mani”, but Taygete, mother of Lacedaemon,above all, for many millennia, after the end of her relationshipTaygetus... with Zeus, committed suicide by jumping off a large cliff of theThis impressive mountain, this mountain, marking this way thelong and narrow range with a passage of many other mythicallength of 115 kilometres, the and earthly creatures throughout“perimiketon” (lofty) mountain many turbulent centuries.according to Homer, was Fairies and nymphs, unfairlybaptised when mythology, dead princesses and strongprehistory and the first Greeks princes have given their namesexhibited their admiration, fear to many peaks and places of theand at the same time love for mountain. “Fairy Mountains”,this huge mountain massif that “Barbara’s cave”, “Vassiliki’sextends between the basins forest”…174

Covering an area of 2,542 square Beautiful wild flowers in a slope ofkilometres and featuring the Taygetus/V. Sykashighest peak in Peloponnese(Profitis Elias at 2,407 metres,at the famous location of“Pyramida”), it is the home of28 local endemic plants, 11endemic species found only inone more mountain and 120endemic species typical of theGreek mountains, excluding700 other species found in thewider area, which have survivedand sustained catastrophes (likethe extensive fires that havegreatly injured them, mainlyat the lowest climate zones of 175

A large herd on a mountain side, just above the village of Kalyvia Sohas/V. Sykasthe range, in the past years)... bores, beech martens, foxes,Mother Nature distributes all of badgers, Bonelli’s eagles,the above, harmoniously without golden eagles, stone partridges,any human intervention, in the and woodpeckers spend theirknown four distinctive zones. life between wild cedar trees,The zone of the “Mediterranean wild peach trees, maple trees,Shrubs”, up to 750 metres, the and kermes oaks, anemones,next one which is the “Mountain cyclamens, firs and century-oldZone” up to 1,650 metres, the black pines. Once upon a time,“Subalpine Zone” a bit higher, men hunted deer here, protectedup to 2,000 metres, and finally themselves from mother bears,the “Alpine” zone up to the heard puzzled the distinctivefinal spot of the “male child of calls of lynxes, shivered by thePeloponnese” according to the nocturnal cries of wolves…poet Nikiforos Vrettakos... Taygetus is, without the slightNaturally formed paths, ravines exaggeration, an earthlyand gorges meet and merge mountain paradise that connectswith human structures such as harmoniously the southernold bridges, monasteries and borders of Arcadia with theforgotten archaeological sites, wild and free Mani, extendingcomposing a unique hiking, up to the most southern partsclimbing and tourist experience,through an environment Beautiful landscape with runningrich in flora and fauna. Rare waters and dense vegetation,butterflies and lizards, wild at the Magganiaris spring,176 near the Kryoneri village/V.Sykas


A fox, one of the beautiful mammals signposting, thorough andof mount Taygetus/V. Sykas continuous maintenance, where even the least experiencedof the middle “arm” of the hiker can trace and find, at anyMorea peninsula. A colossal time, in central points, villagesand impenetrable natural wall, and intersections, signs withstretching beyond Porto Kayio useful information, signpostsand Yerolimenas, it separates with shapes in different colourstwo fertile and blessed regions, and kilometric distances, andthe Laconian and the Messenian in fact whatever they need andterritories... Its vertical and steep require for an enjoyable andlimestone slopes, where the intense acquaintance with thehigher part of the mountain is mountain. The routes are greatlyformed by crystalline limestone varied both in terms of lengthslabs (and occasionally many and difficulty, and therefore itdolomites) and the east side is virtually impossible for anywhich is filled with schist and traveller who sincerely wants tophyllite rocks, are “cut” and hike, not to have the exact hiking“marked” repeatedly by large experience they are looking for.and smaller gorges, with the Moreover, the European path Ε4most significant being those of that traverses the southern GreekLagada, Vyros and the historic borders and extends up to theRintomo. Arctic cycle, is also available to the healthy and nature-lovingHIKING ON TAYGETUS desires of the traveller... As anAn unrivalled mountain indication therefore, we proposeexperience... some unique hiking routes, which convey genuine images ofThis Homeric “lofty” mountain, a whole life that one can capturejust as the legendary Olympus, and carry along as a valuableboasts one of the largest visual account forever...networks of paths, with highlyaccurate and consistent Spring of Magganiaris – Shelter of the Hellenic Mountaineering178 Club (HMC) of Sparta and Taygetus – Prophitis Elias Peak It is considered as the classic ascent to the peak of the mountain, but since the route is long and quite difficult, taking more than four and a half hours, it requires time, determination, respect and love for Taygetus. Passing through Amykles by car, Anogeia, Paliopanagia and Toriza, in this order, and the double spring and stream of Magganiaris, the special recreation area and the large car park mark the starting point of a course that begins at an altitude range of 570 metres, up to the first part and the shelter of the HMC, and continues up to the

The climbing shelter of Taygetus, at the “Varvara” location, is built at an altitude of1,550m/V. Sykaspeak for another 850 metres. “Portes” ridge and finally, afterThe hiking, at least for the first another half hour, the legendarypart which requires walking peak of Taygetus comes intouphill the green slope of sight with its emblematic churchTripodas, is ideal during the of Prophet Elias, made of drysummer months, due to the stones and decorated with stonedense and beneficial shade of reliefs representing the saint’sthe firs and pine trees, while ascension to heaven, making aat about 1,075 metres, where clear comparison of Christianitythe independent blaze of the with the older worship of the godtrail starts, the gradient flattens of Sun…to a large extent and the pathis especially well-planned up During the summer celebrationto the spring of Tripodas. Half of the prophet, in the specialan hour later, the steps of the festival that takes place here intraveller lead them to the well- the 20th of July, but also on theknown Ε4 route, maintaining day before, whoever is smart anda common course up to the inspired enough to walk the hardshelter of the HMC of Sparta at path, combining the mountain1,550 metres. At this point, it with a pilgrimage experience,merges also with the “National will see, together with hundredsRoute 32” which comes from of others, Spartans, residentsPentavloi. The most frequently of Kardamyli and possibly fromused and shorter ascent to other parts of the Peloponnesethe peak, spreads, from this and Greece, an unparalleledpoint and onwards, alongside aspect of the mountain. The viewthe lower parts of the forest of of groups of religious peoplethe “Subalpine Zone” initially, arriving at the site from all sidescontinues on white limestone of Taygetus, is striking in itsslabs up to the “Lakkomata” own right. However, nothinglocation, and passes through can be compared with thea beautiful plateau. Then the limitless view to the valley ofroute zigzags up to “Plakes”, the Lacedaemon when, just before 179

The small church of Ai Lias, on the summit of Taygetus, at an altitude of 2,407metres/V. Sykassunset if the weather conditions the well-defined constellationspermit it, the massive shadow and the crystal-clear galaxyof the peak’s pyramid spreads. during the travellers overnightEqually spectacular, or ever more stay under the starlit sky at anso, is the same breathtaking altitude of 2,400 metres, testifyscenery at sunrise, again with the powerful spell this peak caststhe collaboration of accordingly always on the human being, thisideal weather conditions. This tiny “unit” who desires to sharerare spectacle, combined with small parts of the mountain awe.The night of the eve of Profitis Elias, two fires are lit, one towards Laconia (visible inthe photo) and one towards Messenia, which are fed with a lot of incense/V. Sykas180

The first service is held in the normal conditions, starts frommorning of the eve, while at the centre of the picturesquedusk, after having lighted two Anavryti, at an altitude of 800fires (one towards Messenia metres approximately and endsand another towards Laconia), at Tsarkos, at 1,700 with incense and the other The long but nice walk startswith candles, a delicious steamy initially in a dense oak forestsoup is served to the guests in the mountain zone, whereand the unique experience the main sites are the smallcontinues with conversations, church of “Ai Stratigos” and thejoy and singing until the small deserted village of Sotirianika. Itbell tolls, at two in the morning, continues through old cultivatedwhen the service starts and fields, it ascends the streamlasts until the first rays of sun of “Platanitsa”, which is filledappear in the sky. Afterwards, as its name implies with planeeveryone, each following their trees and has a small charmingown direction, begin their wooden bridge, it goes uphilldescent feeling grateful to have and before entering again agazed the monumental pyramid dense forest with pine treesof Taygetus and to have stood and firs, makes a nice “stop”and “talked” for many hours, at an old and impressive stoneand closer than ever, with threshing floor. Extending bythe galaxy and its primordial the stream and after bypassingconstellations... the spring at “Platanaki”, the looked-after path leads toAnavryti – Livadi – Botanic “Livadi”, an exquisite alpineStation field inside the forest, whichThis scenic route that can be will definitely pose a welcomingcovered in about three hours challenge to the hiker’s skills inand fifteen minutes, under photography. Heading west andThe dawn has arrived and the phenomenon of the pyramid’s shade is evolving inall its magnitude, taking the form of a gigantic, grey equilateral triangle/V. Sykas 181

The hiking tour is just beginning.../ Duration: 2h.V. Sykas 3. Parori – Panagiagradually exiting the shady tall Lagkadiotissa - Sotiraforest after continuous twists (orange triangle)and turns, the route ends at Altitude range: 160 m.Tsarkos, where among other (300 - 460)things, stands the stone-made Route length: 2 km.botanic station. Whoever still Duration: 40 min.has any stamina left, willingness 4. Parori - Zagouna – H.M.and is in the mood to further of Faneromeniexplore the mountain, can walk (yellow triangle)from here to the northernmost Altitude range: 510 m.peak of Pentadachtylos, the (270 - 780)“Spanakaki” at 2,024 metres Route length: 3,7 km.and “Neraidovouna” to the Duration: 1h. 25min.north, which is just one metre 5. Agios Ioannis - Anavrytitaller. In any case, the infinite (orange square)landscape with the deep gorges, Altitude range: 390 m.the cliffs and the titanic peaks, (400 - 790)is ubiquitous in every step, in Route length: 3,5 km.every pause for rest in the fresh Duration: 1h.mountain air… 6. Anavryti – Livadi intersection (red triangle)HIKING ROUTES OF TAYGETUS Altitude range: 630 m.Central Taygetus (790 - 1420)1. Mystras –Taygete Route length: 5,3 km. Duration: 1h. 45min. (yellow square) 7. Kalyvia Sohas – Soha - Altitude range: 380 m. Lakkomata (blue square) (320 - 700) Altitude range: 960 m. Route length: 2,5 km. (320 - 1280) Duration: 1h. Route length: 8,6 km.2. Taygete – Sela – Perganteika Duration: 3h 30min. (2+1,30) – H.M. of Faneromeni 8. Lakkomata – Livadi - (green triangle) Tsarkos (yellow circle) Altitude range: 420 m. Altitude range: 420 m. (700 – 1120 - 780) (1280 - 1700) Route length: 6,4 km. Route length: 3,6 km. Duration: 1h. 45min.182 9. Spring of Magganiaris – Shelter of the HMC of Sparta (red square) Altitude range: 1,424 m. (980 - 2404) Route length: 8,5 km. Duration: 4h.15min. (1,30+2,45) 10a. Koumousta – Pentavloi (green square) Altitude range: 520 m. (700 - 1220)

Route length: 7 km. Dimitrios (yellow diamond) Duration: 2h. Altitude escalation: 1550 - 122010b. Koumousta – Shelter - 1490 of the HMC of Sparta Duration: 2h. 5min. (0,50+1,15) (green square) Altitude range: 850 m. Section: Agios Dimitrios – Arna (700 - 1550) (yellow diamond) Route length: 7 km. Altitude range: 710 m. Duration: 3h. (1490 - 780)11. Koumousta – H.M. of Gola Duration: 3h. 30min. (red circle) Altitude range: 140 m. Section: Arna – Stream of Agia (700 - 840) Marina – H.M. of Panagia Route length: 3,5 km. Yiatrissa – Kastania Duration: 1h. (yellow diamond)12. Pikoulianika – Spring of Altitude escalations: Kanellakia – Koufovouni 780 – 580 – 1040 – 780 (blue parallelogram) Duration: 3h. 30min. Altitude range: 1292 m. (560 - 1852) NATIONAL PATH 32 Route length: 8,5 km. Section: Panagia Duration: 4h.15min. (2,15+2) Kapsodematousa – Portes – Shelter of the HMC of SpartaEUROPEAN PATH Ε4 (red diamond)Section: Anavryti – Lakkomata – Altitude escalation:Taygetus Climbing Shelter 960 – 2210 - 1550(yellow diamond) Duration: 7h. 30min. (5,30+2)Altitude range: 760 m. (CLIMBING PASSAGES)(790 – 1280 - 1550)Duration: 4h. 45min. (2+2,45) Section: Shelter of the HMC of Sparta – Pentavloi – AgiosSection: Mystras – H.M. Dimitrios (red diamond)of Faneromeni – Anavryti Altitude escalation:(yellow diamond) 1550 – 1220 – 1490Altitude range: 470 m. Duration: 2h. 5min. (0,50+1,15)(320 - 790) (CLIMBING PASSAGES)Duration: 2h. 30min. (2+0,30) HIKING ROUTES OF NORTHSection: Taygetus Climbing TAYGETUSShelter – Pentavloi - Agios 1. Logkanikos - Agios Nikolaos184 (yellow diamond) Altitude range: 650 m. (750 - 1400) Route length: 18,5 km. Duration: 8h. 30min. 2. Vergadeika – Agia Marina (orange triangle) Altitude range: 200m. Route length: 1,4 km. Duration: 30min. 3. Agoriani – Analipsi G.

(blue triangle) Altitude range: 350 m. Altitude range: 530 m. (620 - 970) (750 - 1280) Route length: 2,2 km. Route length: 3,5 km. Duration: 1h. 30min. Duration: 1h. 45min. 12. Freatio – Pyrgaki4. Georgitsi – Analipsi G. (yellow circle) (blue square) Altitude range: 861 m. Altitude range: 270 m. (870 - 1731) (1000 - 1270) Route length: 3,3 km. Route length: 4,7 km. Duration: 2h. 30min. Duration: 2h. 13. Dirrema – Vatsinia –5. Georgitsi – Neochori Pyrgaki (red square) (red circle) Altitude range: 562 m. Altitude range: 220 m. (1170 - 1732) (980 - 1200) Route length: 5,5 km. Route length: 5,2 km. Duration: 3h. 30min. Duration: 2h. 30min. 14. Soustianoi – Vatsinia6. Marmarogefyro – Kastoreio (purple square) – Gorge of Myloi – Georgitsi Altitude range: 830 m. (purple circle) (670 - 1500) Altitude range: 470 m. Route length: 6,5 km. (430 - 900) Duration: 4h. Route length: 7 km. 15. Loggastra – Potisionas Duration: 3h. 15min. (red triangle)7. Gorge of Myloi – Lata – Agios Altitude range: 1000 m. Nikolaos (purple triangle) (530 - 1530) Altitude range: 560 m. Route length: 12 km. (840 - 1400) Duration: 6h. 30min. Route length: 10 km. Duration: 5h. 30min. GORGES8. Kastoreio – Xerovouna 1. Vrysiotiko (orange circle) Altitude range: 876 m. Level of difficulty: Easy (550 - 1426) 2. Louka Route length: 7 km. Duration: 3h. 15min. Altitude range: 510 m.9. Brousagka – Stream (1000 - 490) of Kastaniotis (yellow square) Length: 1,5 km. Altitude range: 300 m. Level of difficulty: Medium (300 - 640) 3. Kribia Route length: 4 km. Altitude range: 350 m. Duration: 2h. (960 - 610)10. Vordonia – Dirrema – Agios Length: 1,2 km. Nikolaos (orange triangle) Level of difficulty: Medium Altitude range: 587 m. (550 - 1137) 185 Route length: 8,5 km. Duration: 4h. 45min.11. H. Monastery of Zoodochos Pigi – Stream of Louka – Gournitsa (blue circle)

EUROTAS A life-giving water source for millennia...Eurotas River, near the big bridge of Sparta/V. Sykas“The first glimpse of the valley of Eurotas, a gigantic and veryEurotas, lying under the towers vibrant water habitat, apart fromof Mt. Taygetus, was a revelation an ideal life-giver supporterin its own right. This is what for Lacedaemon for thousandsHomer meant when he spoke of of years, is also a colossal“hollow Lacedaemon”. This was symbol, a historic and naturalthe home of the Spartans. We monument of the municipalitywere amazed and as the days of Sparta. Baptized by thepassed, our amazement grew famous namesake king, fathereven larger. Because if this valley of Sparta and father-in lawwas at first glimpse a revelation, of Lacedaemon, inspired andour acquaintance with it later, continues to inspire awe, beautyseemed to do everything we and respect to thousands ofhave heard about it, everything ancient and modern travellerswe have read in the pages of who are still impressed byHerodotus, Thucydides and its natural charm. Covering aPlato, very simply, unbelievable… distance of 82 kilometres, itThe climate of the Eurotas valley disembogues in the laconicoverwhelmed us. It is the softest gulf, welcomes the crystal-and the most enervating in clear waters of “Yerakaris”Greece: the whole being relaxes and “Ardelolagado” throughunder it... Taygetus, of “Kelefina”, whichAnd the beauty too! The valley springs from Karies, and “Megaloof the Eurotas under Taygetus Rema” and “Mariorema” of theis certainly the loveliest valley in equally attractive Mt. Parnon.Greece.” The deltas of its mouth spread in an area larger than 180 hectaresEdward Hutton, «A Glimpse ofGreece» (1928)186

and form the wetlands of the their place to tall Roman bridges“Asterios” swamp and the with multiple arches, which in“Vivari” lagoon. Here, a large their turn gave way to othernumber of aquatic and semi- single-arched heavy structures,aquatic birds, among them until the dawn of the twentiethmany species of birds of prey, century, when the famous metalfeed, reproduce and rest from bridge (the town’s landmark) thattheir perpetual migratory circle. finally connected commerciallyThey fly above aquatic plants, the enviable agriculturaltowering trees and dense reeds, production of the area withand compete with men, in their Sterea Hellas and the rest of theown circle of survival, who, ever country, was built with the mostsince antiquity, were looking for sophisticated means of the ways to cross the big river.During heavy winters, when Eurotas, one of the few wetlandsEurotas overflowed in its entire of the Peloponnese, part, formagnificence, the conditions many years now, of the “Natura”worsened and the risk for European Network, is today,human lives grew. Sometimes more than ever, in need of theon foot, the most courageous attention of everyone, bothones anyway, searching blindly foreign and local explorers,the riverbed, with strong showing our respect for thewooden sticks, or other times environment, when we passby constructing a temporary, through the area, and still awaitsimprovised wooden bridge, for sustainable infrastructurethe locals communicated with works, in order to continue tothe opposite side, transported offer the same unrivalled imagesgoods, knowledge and ideas. to the future generations ofAncient stone bridges, after Spartans...centuries of resistance, gaveEurotas from the hill of Profitis Elias/V. Sykas 187

PARNON On the mild “Kronion Mountain” of the ancient Greeks…Parnon or “Malevos” during medieval times, is characterised by gentle slopes anddense forests with black pine trees and Greek firs/V. SykasThe “male child of the Peloponnese”, as it was described by NikiforosVrettakos, namely the high and imposing mountain of Taygetus,with its harsh appearance and its seasonally sharp character, seemsto be perfectly complemented by the geomorphic smoothness andaccessibility of Parnon, which folk tradition named “the female childof the Peloponnese”. Thus, the reputable historian, researcher andauthor Sarantos Kargakos aptly takes this particular reasoning one stepfurther, calling the mild mountain of Parnon “the other half of Taygetus,with which they never meet”. The even wide field of this mountain, thepassable and appealing curves of its ridges and peaks are harmoniouslycombined with the famed reproductive ability of its forests.Mythology - History as well as numerous otherTracing back the historical texts, legends and literature sources, it is evident that Parnonorigins, the onomasiology and bears honestly and gloriously an incredibly heavy “load” overnomenclature of the mountain,188

dozens of centuries. Clearly, the soil and are settled now in theorigins of the first systematic place where they dwelt of old,human presence in most of namely the Arcadians and thethe accessible sections of the Kynurians… The Kynurians aremountain go back in time, at native of the soil”, Herodotusleast in the Palaeolithic Period, writes in the archaeological sites Being the sacred mountain ofthat have been discovered and Kronos, father of Zeus, whoexcavated evidence it. However, was systematically worshippedit is possible that the legendary here, the name “Mount Kronion”Kynurians laid the foundations is encountered very early,for a different, Hellenic approach subsequently passing the “baton”before the verge of a great to “Parnon” and, during thecivilization, when they settled medieval period, to “Malevos” oron almost the entire mountain “Malevon”. These last two names,range. “Now the Peloponnese is which have survived until today,inhabited by seven races. And are currently used to describe itsof these, two are natives of the highest summit with an altitude 189

Mt. Parnon’s shelter is located at “Arnomousga”, at an altitude of 1,400 metresand has a capacity of 35 people/V. Sykasof 1,940 metres, also known as to be numerous other known“Megali Tourla”. Accordingly, shrines here, such as the templethe above-mentioned medieval of Zeus Skotitas (between Agiosversion is also used today in the Petros and Karyes), of Artemisname of the Monastery of Malevi, Knakiatidos (in Vervaina), ofwhich is built in an exceptional Artemis Caryatidos (in Karyes)fortified site above Agios Petros, and of Apollo Tyritas (in Tyros).a known base of operations of A known settlement was alsocaptain Zacharias Barbitsiotis. established on the mountainThere is also a reference of the around the end of the 6thname “Parnon” in the widespread century, as numerous expulsedversion of the legend about the Spartans, mainly farmers andupbringing of young Dionysus, livestock breeders ended inthe famous god of wine. Ino, Parnon, driven away from theirwho found the newborn on the houses after successive bloodyshore in an urn next to its dead invasions of the Avars. Today,mother Semele undertook its in the wider area of Tsakonia,care and brought it up in a cave the traces of those first Spartannear the Monastery of Sintza, families refuse to fade awaywhich is nowadays also known completely and demonstrate aas “Cave of Dionysus”. From then unique cultural course, throughon, the legend becomes one with the famous Tsakonian dialect.the lush vegetation, the humidravines, the plateaus and the Two centuries later, theforested slopes, reaching the coenobitic monasticism startedpresent, even as the echo of a to flourish and at its peak thebeautiful fairy tale… monasteries were 33 in total. Both the invasion of Ibrahim’sParnon however, never ceased to army in 1825 and the definitivenestle cultures and generations dissolution of most of theof famous Greeks. There used monasteries during the reign190

of Otto, led to the reduction of geological protrusions of thetheir number to 12. Currently, mountain.the most important monasteriesare the ones of Malevi, Loukou, Covering an area of aroundAgioi Tessarakonta Martyres two million acres, six hundred(Forty Martyrs), Sintza, Elona and and fifty thousand of whichProdromos at Kastri. are located at an altitude of over one thousand metres,During the revolution of 1821, the other beautiful peaks ofand as the place itself shows, Parnon, apart from “Megaliwhile the rest of Greece was Tourla” are numerous andengaged in armed battles, they are worth mentioning andParnon would “give birth” to visiting up close. The followingdistinguished fighters, leaders peaks stand out: “Mikri Tourla”and warriors, characterised by (1,800 m), “Gaitanorachi” (1,802enviable courage and altruism. m), “Profitis Elias” (1,788 m),In the fierce resistance during “Katounari” (1,630 m), “Agiosthe period of the German Ioannis” (1,610 m), “Stravorachi”occupation, Agios Vasilis, (1,608 m), “Malavazo” (1,503 m),Kosmas, Karyes, Agios Petros “Koukoura” (1,448 m), “Kokkinia”and Tsintzina were important (1,440 m) and “Arnomousga”bases of guerrilla operations, (1,420 m) where the shelter ofcounting many successful the Sparta Mountaineering Clubmoments in the sabotage war. is also located.General information and Similarly, Parnon has aninteresting data… incredible variety of beautifulThe mountainous complex of plateaus and mountainousParnon is almost self-evidently fields, precisely thanks to theincluded in the protection smooth and visually accessiblenetwork “Natura 2000”. It is configuration of its slopesalso listed as an Ecological Park, and ridges. To the west of itssubject to a special protection highest summit, the visitorregime, while both the locals and comes across “Mega Kampos”the visitors are making constant or just “Kampos”, perhaps theefforts to respect its rare flora most important plateau of theand fauna. mountain, while “Xerokampos” (below the historical castle ofStarting from the legendary “Oria”), the plateau of “Karya”,Arcadian land, the mountain “Loutsa” and the field ofcrosses Lacedaemon alongside “Vassaras” offer ideal conditionsTaygetus before ending, after for hiking, exploration andsuccessive ranges of a total …photographing withoutlength of 70 kilometres, to the limits! The area is not shortwild, imposing and inhospitable of impressive gorges either,landscape of the Cape of Maleas especially on the easternor Malias. Even further to the side, and the ones of “Tanos”,south, the picturesque island “Loulougas”, “Maza”, “Spilakia”,of Kythira, the almost “tropical” “Zarmpanitsa” and “Dafnonas”Elafonisos and numerous islets prevail in depth, gradient andand reefs are actually unfinished unprecedented beauty… 191

However contrary to all the Limera and all the sections of theabove, to the huge wealth of mountain that are above 1,200peaks, plateaus and fields and metres, are protected by “Naturathe vegetation which covers 2000” and preserve this pricelesspossible inch of the mountain, natural “treasure” for the comingthe rivers are seasonal and generations of Greek not flow throughout the In Parnon, more than 600year, whereas they are smaller species and sub-species havein length, depth and volume been recorded and classified,of water compared to other including 113 recognised rarerivers of the Peloponnese. The and protected plants, some ofbiggest one is “Tanos”, which which are unique in the Europeansprings from the west of the territory, such as the endemichighest peak, flows through mountainous species. ThereParnon to the north and empties are also a notable number ofinto the Gulf of Argolida, near wild mammals, such as foxes,Astros. Other important rivers badgers and rabbits, whileare “Vrasiatis” and “Dafnonas”, the eastern shrubberies of thewhile during the winter and mountain are the most valuablethe spring their waters form shelter for the remaining jackalssmall ponds and waterfalls from of the Peloponnese, which,place to place. The waterfalls of unfortunately, are in the verge of“Loulougas”, near Sitaina, are permanent extinction. Numerousliterally breathtaking and are rare bird species are nesting onamong the most beautiful of its peaks and in its forests andthe country, looking as if they are having a bird’s-eye view overjumped out of an old epic fairy its mountain peaks from the air,tale... such as the beautiful golden eagle, the fast sparrow hawk,Flora and fauna the Eurasian sparrow hawk, theSince the early antiquity, Parnon common buzzard, the tawnywas known and famous for its owl, the common blackbird,beautiful and dense forests. Even the buteo, the beautiful greenthe devastating fires of 2007 and colourful woodpecker, thedid not manage to reduce and European green woodpecker andextinct this arboreal wealth of the great spotted woodpecker.Greek firs, black pines, chestnut In the less diverse, comparedtrees, foetid junipers, oaks, to the birds, reptile fauna ofkermes, plane trees and carob the mountain, the Europeantrees. Above the Monastery of rat snake, the smooth snakeMalevi, there is a “Juniperus and the Montpellier snake areDrupacea” forest, which is included. An entire magicalunique in the entire Europe, a world of wonderful creatures ofrare “Listed Natural Monument”. the earth and sky, hidden in theThe chestnut tree forest of huge variety of the distinct GreekKastanitsa, the oak forest of fauna...“Sela”, along with the well-knownwetland of “Moustos”, “Oriontas”, Extraordinary and rarethe valley of Dafnonas, the area activitiesof the historical Epidaurus of During the last few years, Parnon has been evolving into192

Hikers and climbers can choose from a number of routes, through a large networkof paths, with various degrees of difficulty/V. Sykasan important centre of outdoor Taygetus. In Karyes, there areactivities, but this does not also excellent cycling routes formean, particularly for those in mountain-biking enthusiasts.the know, that it did not have a But what makes Parnon a trulynotable and continuous presence exceptional mountain, in termsin this sector for decades. For of special, rare and extremelyexample, already from the end interesting activities, is, amongof the 1980’s, the vertical slopes other “distinctions”, the fact thatof Leonidio and the area around in a relative survey conducted bythe monastery of Eloni have the German institute Max Plank itbeen offering precious moments was characterised as one of theof excitement to the climbers. two ideal mountains of Europe,They know well that admiring with the best transparency forthe amphitheatric view of the sky observation. The vigorouspicturesque town of Leonidio Sparta Astronomical Union(after a ten-hour climb along the has already hosted meetingsroute of the central “pillar” of during the last three years forthe vertical slope), while being stars observation by amateurhooked on the typical huge astronomers, something thatred and black rock is a unique most likely will be successfullyexperience. continued in the future. The presence of about one thousandThe European E4 path, coming amateur astronomers fromfrom Arcadia, traverses the all over Greece, each Augustwestern part of the mountain, between 2010 and 2012 inthrough Agios Petros, passes by “Arnomousga” (1,420 m), whereKaryes, crosses Vresthena and, they met for two days in orderthrough Theologos, it reaches to observe the stars, to recordSparta and heads towards various phenomena and to194

take photographs of the stars, 4b. Tsintzina – Gogena –namely the evident success of Stamateira – H. Monasterythe entire project, clearly paves of Agioi Anargyroithe way towards the creation (blue square)of more solid conditions and Altitude escalation:infrastructures in Parnon, so that 360 - 1000 - 920such exquisite, wonderful and Route length: 6 km.rare activities can mark the new Duration: 2h.future tourist development ofthe area, in a mild way and with 5. Tsintzina – Agia Marinarespect to the environment… – Spring of Keli – Keli – Tsintzina (orange circle)HIKING ROUTES OF PARNON Altitude escalation:1. Vamvakou – “G. 1000 - 1200 - 1000 Route length: 3,6 km. Papatheodorou” Climbing Duration: 1h. 15min. Shelter – “Megali Tourla” (Kronion) peak – Monastery 6. Tsintzina – Potistres – of Malevi (red square) Pefkias – Spring of Keli – Altitude escalation: Keli – Tsintzina 960 - 1420 - 1935 (orange triangle) Route length: 9,5 km. Altitude escalation: Duration: 4h. (+2h.) 1000 - 1440 - 10002. Vassaras – Veroia – Route length: 10,5 km. H. Monastery of Agioi Duration: 3h. 30min. Anargyroi (blue parallelogram) 7. Tsintzina – Agios Ioannis Altitude escalation: (yellow circle) 660 - 960 - 920 Altitude range: 220 m. Route length: 10,7 km. (1000 - 1220) Duration: 3h. 30min. Route length: 1,6 km.3. Tsintzina – H. Monastery Duration: 40min. of Agioi Anargyroi (blue triangle) 8. Tsintzina – Profitis Elias Altitude range: 80 m. (- Rachi Psari) – Meganailias (1000-920) (red triangle) Route length: 4,5 km. Altitude escalation: Duration: 1h. 30min. 1000 (-1839) - 17804a. Tsintzina – Gogena – Route length: 10,6 km. Stamateira (Analipsi) – Duration: 4h. Vassaras (blue triangle) Altitude range: 360 m. EUROPEAN PATH Ε4 (1000 - 1360 [-660]) Section: Agios Petros – Karyes – Route length: 6,4 km. Vresthena (yellow diamond) Duration: 2h. (+1h. 30min.) Altitude escalation: 950 - 1260 - 750 Duration: 6h. 195

Section: Vresthena – Theologos(yellow diamond)Altitude escalation:750 - 560 - 600Duration: 5h. 30min.LONG-DISTANCE PATHSection: Kalloni – Kallithea(red parallelogram)Altitude escalation:560 - 500 - 860 - 760Duration: 2h. 15min.Section: Kallithea – Xeropigado(red parallelogram)Altitude escalation:760 - 1420 - 1120Duration: 4h. 30min.Section: Kosmas – AgiosDimitrios – Monastery of Elona(red parallelogram)Altitude range: 320 m.Duration: 3h. 15min.Hellenic MountaineeringAssociation of SpartaGortsologou 97 & Lykourgou 136str, 23100, SpartaTel. 27310 - 22574 & 27310 -26398e-mail: [email protected]@gmail.com196


LOCAL PRODUCTS - GASTRONOMYWith the unrivalled quality and abundanceof the Spartan earth…Hand-kneaded bread/V. SykasSurrounded by the massifs of oranges and citrus fruits inTaygetus and Parnon, the fertile general are exquisite, well knownand blessed valley of Eurotas for their quality, famous andriver enjoys an exceptional preferred in Greece and aroundmicroclimate that favours the the world.production of high quality Moreover, vines have beenlocal fruits and vegetables. For cultivated in the area since thedecades, virgin olive oil from very distant past and, today,varieties such as “Athinolia”, as their organic cultivations“Koutsourolia”, “Koroneiki”, are constantly gaining ground,“Psilolia”, “Kakourou” and small and larger businesses“Mourtolia” has been very produce many wine varietiesfamous in the Greek market with remarkable distinctionsand, together with the delicious in national and international“Kalamon” olives, are the leading competitions...products of the Spartan earth. Furthermore, deliciousEqually, the production of and healthy honey is alsooranges and other citrus fruits systematically produced in theis of high quality. Each spring, entire Municipality of Sparta.the gardens and the streets are The citrus fruits in the plains,overwhelmed with the scents of the coniferous trees in theorange blossoms from the fertile mountainous areas, the herbsvalley of Eurotas, “intoxicating” of Taygetus and Parnon, lendthe visitor. It is widely special quality, taste and aromaacknowledged that Laconian to the honey of this region.198

It should also be noted that, ingredients at hand, it is nomainly in the mountainous surprise that local housewivessettlements, chestnuts and can create very easily and for anywalnuts of exceptional quality occasion, a “masterpiece” in theirare cultivated. humble kitchens, discovering flavours and mixing elements,Additionally, no demanding causing admiration to the newpalate can remain untouched traveller who, having tasted theby the pure and fine livestock local recipes for the first time,products mainly of the wishes to indulge in them evenmountainous villages of the more. Sausages with finely cutMunicipality, while lamb and orange peels, syglino, sucklinggoat, pork and bovine meat pig on the spit – the well-knownare preferred for everyday “bouzopoula” – lalagia (Laconianmeals as well as festivities. pancakes) and frumenty, pureThere are, of course, innovative tomato paste, olives, steamingand pioneering production hand-kneaded bread andunits, such as the one in exceptional olive oil, sweat winethe village of Kastori, which and views over the majesticproduces trout, salmon and mountains or the green plains.sturgeon for consumers with What more could anyone ask for?very high culinary demands,as well as the model organic GASTRONOMYpoultry production company in With its typical MediterraneanXirokambi, where free-range characteristics (using olivechickens are fed exclusively with oil, vegetables, pasta, meatcertified organic foods… and many herbs), the current Laconian cuisine is full ofHaving all this inexhaustible unique flavours. So, lets savour“source” and flow of cookingThe valuable fruit of the olive tree/V. Sykas 199

in brief some of the most The typical sausage with orangecharacteristic dishes of the wider holds a prominent place onarea, beyond the newly-found the Spartan table. It is made oflarge Municipality of Sparta, pork, finely cut orange peel,given that, as it is commonly thyme, marjoram, oregano,acknowledged, the recipes, their pimento, salt and pepper, garlicversions, preparation and serving and wine. The well-known dishmethods are not restricted of “kayanas”, scrambled eggsby geographical borders and with freshly chopped tomato, isdelineations and are spread also cooked with syglino, localrandomly in inexplicable ways… sausage or feta cheese…The famous “syglino” is a The local orange salad is also ofsmoked pork delicacy, one of particular gastronomic interest,the tastiest ways to naturally containing onion, olives and olivepreserve pork meat. It is boiled oil, whereas “tsigarolachana” arewith several spices and orange made with any kind of availableand it is smoked with sage for edible greens from the mountain,several hours in order to gain depending on the season, addingits characteristic strong aroma. onion and black-eyed beans.It is preserved in the “glina”,namely the broth that remains However, one of the most tastyafter boiling the pork meat, and widespread recipes of thewhich thickens when it freezes, area is “bardouniotikos” rooster,due to the substantial amount of cooked with large onions, virginfat that it contains. The “glina” olive oil, tomato and “sfaela” (ais also ideal for frying meat, local, white, hard goat cheese)given the fact that it offers an cut in small cubes. Anotherextraordinary flavour. delicious dish is “tsaitia”. TheseSyglino can be eaten separately are small pies, fried in olive oilas an appetizer to accompany and stuffed with greens (whitewine or with eggs, like “kayanas”, beets, hartworts, sorrels, sowwhereas it can even be cooked thistles) and graviera cheese.with pulses or pasta. Stuffed courgette flowers (kolokythokorfades) are a“Bardouniotikos” rooster with large well-known local dish, which isonions/V. Sykas easy to prepare. It is made with courgette flowers, cooked in the200 casserole, with onions, potatoes, tomato, courgettes, cheese and peppermint. The famous “lalagia”, fried crusty stripes of pastry, are mostly made for Christmas, but they are also available throughout the year at the bakery shops of the area. They are eaten with salty cheese and are preserved

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