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Home Explore Spartan Guide

Spartan Guide

Published by dimitri.s, 2017-10-06 05:31:57

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Grilled trout/Municipality of Spartaout of the fridge for many days. loukoumades, pancakes andTo make the pastry, flour, olive lalagides, as well as the simple,oil, salt, cinnamon, grated clove, frugal and steaming fried bread,grated orange peel and orange frosted with sugar. Even itsjuice and leaven or yeast is used. appearance as it is taken out of the oven is enough, even to thisThe last dish in this brief day, to bring back to mind niceaccount, a delicious and memories to the older ones…nutritious meal, cooked mostlyin the area of south Taygetus, Nowadays, the visitor or theis “tsouchta” pasta, cooked in traveller returning to Sparta,a frying pan, with butter and who is searching for authenticgrated mizithra cheese. traditional flavours, will be able to find them in several shops orAnother important chapter of in some hospitable house wherelocal gastronomy are the deserts, the housewife will surely followof which many traditional the culinary traditions.ones are made in Laconia andcentral Peloponnese with nuts Starting this account for theand fruit that are in abundance best-known deserts of the area,in the wider area. Walnuts, “diples” should be mentionedalmonds, chestnuts, quinces, first, which are always madecherries, sour cherries and by the locals for festivities,honey are only a few of the engagements, weddings andabundant ingredients available baptisms. Their main ingredientto any housewife, depending is thin pastry which is folded inon the season. Especially the several shapes (spirals, bows and“spoon sweets” have been flowers), it is fried in hot oil andand still remain widespread finally it is sprinkled with honey,throughout the entire area of cinnamon for aroma and finelySparta. Diples, kourabiedes, cut walnut.walnut pies, melomakarona,galaktompoureko and baklava “Samousades” is a traditionalare also popular treats for sweet originating from thehousewives, children and Byzantine period. It is similaradults. Of course the favourite to baklava and it is made ofwinter deserts should also handmade pastry, many nuts,be mentioned, such as such as almonds, walnuts, 201

sesame (from where it is The famous macaroons can beassumed to have taken its name) found in almost all the localand seasonings. It is wrapped pastry shops. They are madein a roll, baked in the oven and with sugar, vanilla, semolina, eggsprinkled with honey syrup. white meringue, ground almonds and they are formed in the shapeNaturally, in an area blessed with of a small pear, adding a smallsuch a large orange production, clove pink on the rolls and orange pie After they are baked and left tocannot be left out of this list cool down, they are immersedof deserts. To make the pastry in rosewater and then dipped infor the rolls, a mixture of olive icing sugar.oil, sugar, orange juice, baking Skaltsounia, which are similarpowder, flour, grated orange peel and look like macaroons, areand vanilla is prepared. As for made with flour, olive oil, orangethe orange pie, it is a fragranced juice and sugar and after theysyrupy sweet, satisfying all are given their shape, they arepalates. It is made with grated stuffed with walnuts, gratedorange peel, pastry, eggs, sugar, apples, raisins and cinnamon.olive oil, yoghurt, vanilla and When they are baked and left towhole slices of orange which are cool down, they are sprinkledslightly caramelised and spread with rosewater and icing sugar.over the pie.Traditional local products from the region of Parnon/V. Sykas202

On the other hand, the walnut, Walnut “spoon” sweet/V. Sykasa “spoon sweet” and deliciousdessert, is one of the most the final mixture is left to cooltraditional and popular treats. off. It is boiled again for one lastThe nuts are collected around time, for the syrup to thicken,the beginning or middle of June, and it is left in room temperatureso that they are still soft. After to cool down…peeling them off and perforatingthem with a fork, they are put Chestnut, just like walnut, isinto water that is changed used to make “spoon sweats”everyday, for at least 20 days, in the mountainous areas ofso that they loose their bitter the Municipality. The nuts aretaste. Then, they are boiled in peeled off and boiled in mediuma casserole, they are drained in heat until they become soft buta strainer and they are spread not mashed. Then, the internalon a towel for one night. Honey, peel is also taken off and sugarsugar and water are used for and water are added in the pot.the preparation of the syrup. All the ingredients are boiledThey are boiled for five minutes together in medium heat to makeand then the walnuts and two the syrup. When it is ready, it iscinnamon sticks are added. They left to cool off and the chestnutsare boiled once more for half an are added in the syrup to absorbhour to forty-five minutes and it during the night. On the following day, they are boiled for a few minutes and after they cool down they are taken out of the syrup, to which lemon juice is now added. The syrup is boiled again until the sweat is thickened and after adding the chestnuts in the syrup once more, they are left in the casserole, without turning on the heat, for 2-3 hours to absorb the syrup. When the sweet “thickens”, it is put in a clean jar and it is ready to be served… 203

Accommodation • SPARTA ΙΝΝ THERMOPYLON 109, SPARTAClass 1* Classic Hotels ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ012Α0041400• CECIL Rooms 147, Beds 281K. PALAIOLOGOU 125 SPARTA Τel. 2731021021, 2731021023ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ011Α0041300 www.spartainn.grRooms 20, Beds 27Τel. 27310 24980Class 2** Classic Hotels Class 2**• APOLLO Hotels with furnished apartmentsTHERMOPYLON 84, SPARTA • T’ AGNANTIOΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ012Α0040400 KARYESRooms 47, Beds 88 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ032Α0006901Τel. 27310 22491 Rooms 4, Beds 8 Τel. 27310 95188• LACONIAKON. PALAIOLOGOU 89, SPARTA Class 3*** Classic HotelΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ012Α0040700 • ARACHOVITIKA KALYVIARooms 30, Beds 45 KARYESΤel. 27310 28951 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α Rooms 10, Beds 22 Τel. 2731095403,6972252945 • ARCHONTIKO TOY PARNONA KARYES ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0159901 Rooms 10, Beds 19 Τel. 27310 95014204

• BYZANTION • MENELAEONMYSTRAS KON. PALAIOLOGOU 91, SPARTAΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0042900 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0041000Rooms 22, Beds 38 Rooms 48, Beds 80Τel. 27310 83309 Τel. 27310• DESPOTATO TOU MYSTRA • FARISMYSTRAS GORANOIΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0151501 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0007101Rooms 11, Beds 23 Rooms 10, Beds 23Τel. 27310 83440 Τel. 27310 75447• DIOSKOUROI Class 3***LYKOURGOU 182 & ATRIDON Hotel with furnished apartmentsSPARTAΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0040500 • TA PETRINARooms 30, Beds 60 KARYESΤel. 2731028484, 2731028666 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ033Α Rooms 6, Beds 16 Τel. 27310 95043• MANIATIS • TO BALKONI TOY TAYGETOUKON. PALAIOLOGOU 72-76 & GEORGITSILYKOURGOU, SPARTA ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ033Α0164401ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ013Α0040900 Rooms 6, Beds 15Rooms 80, Beds 150 Τel. 2731061062,6940807330Τel. 27310 22665 205

Class 3*** • KNAKION FILOXENIATraditional hotels Classic type MYSTRAS ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ91000253200• PRYTANEIO Rooms 4, Beds 10POLYDROSO (TSINTZINA) Τel. 2731098083 - 6932636206ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ063Α0231601 www.knakionfiloxenia.grRooms 11, Beds 28Τel. 2731026982, 6974074340www.pritanio.grClass 4**** • MAZARAKIHotels with furnished apartments PIKOULIANIKA• ILAEIRA MOUNTAIN RESORT ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ91000254300TORIZA TAYGETOS Rooms 7, Beds 18ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ034Α0150401 Tel. 2731020414Rooms 14, Beds 31 www.xenonasmazaraki.grΤel. 27310• MELIES VIEW RESORT • METERIZIKOKKINORACHI VARVITSAΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ034Α0380301 MHTE 1248Κ91000255000Rooms 15, Beds 36 Rooms 5, Beds 27Τel. 27310 29400 Tel. 27310 www.meterizi.comFurnished houses • NYMFES• IRIS KARYESAG. IOANNIS MYSTRAS MHTE 1248Κ91000255200 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ91000255900 Room 1, Beds 5Rooms 4, Beds 8 Tel. 6944520062Τel. 6946200898 www.nymfes-guesthouse.grwww.iris-guesthouse.gr206

• PIKOULIANIKA Class ΑMYSTRAS Traditional Hotels Classic TypeMHTE 1248Κ91000262300 • GEODIRooms 3, Beds 12 ARNATel. 27310 20322 MHTE 1248Κ060Α Rooms 6, Beds 14 Tel. 27310 20703-4• ROUGA www.geodi.grKOUMOUSTAMHTE 1248Κ91000255300 • PYRGOS TOY MYSTRARooms 3, Beds 9 DIMITRIOU MANOUSAKI 3, MYSTRASTel. 27310 35056 MHTE 1248Κ060Α Rooms 7, Beds 18 Tel. 2731020770, 2731020870• PLETHON RESIDENCE www.pyrgosmystra.comMAGOULAΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ91000253300 • ΤΑLΕΤΟΝRooms 4, Beds 12 XIROKAMBITel. 27310 72222 MHTE 1248Κ060Α Rooms 10, Beds 30 Tel. 2731035150• TO SELAS www.taleton.grSELLASIAMHTE 1248Κ91000254100Rooms 3, Beds 10Tel. 2731094267, 6976622739 207

Class B • ΜΥTHOXΕΝΙΑTraditional guest-houses GEORGITSI• VOLIANITI ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ112Κ0318901ARNA Rooms 5, Beds 10MHTE 1248Κ050Β0004001 Τel. 2731061575, 6974803315Rooms 4, Beds 12 www.mythoxenia.comTel. 2731027070,6977923539Class C • ΜΥSΤRΑS ΙΝΝTraditional Hotels Classic Type ΜΥSTRAS• VAMVAKOU ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ132Κ0383401VAMVAKOU Rooms 5, Beds 11MHTE 1248Κ060Γ0234700 Tel. 2731082666, 6977718 068Rooms 8, Beds 17 www.mystrasinn.grTel. 2731027492, 6944786798Class 1 Key Furnished villasRental rooms• MYSTRAS CASTLE TOWN • LADOPOULOS IOANNISMYSTRAS PIKOULIANIΚΑΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ111Κ0308500 ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ92000369001Rooms 4, Beds 9 Rooms 1, Beds 6Τel. 27310 20047 Tel. 2731022641Class 2 Keys • ΜΑΝOUSAKI ΜΑRΙΑRental rooms SELLASIA• ΑRCHONTICO ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ92000366701ΑΝΑVRYTI Rooms 1, Beds 10ΜΗΤΕ 1248Κ112Κ0351801 Tel. 69448 99797Rooms 5, Beds 9Τel. 2731022938, 6987128554 Class C • CASTLE VIEW MYSTRAS MHTE 1248Κ111Κ0308500 Tel. 2731083303 • PALAIOLOGIO MYSTRAS MHTE 1248Κ200Γ0262901 Tel. 2731022724, 25256208

Useful TelephoneNumbersMunicipality of Sparta: Police: 10027310 22226 / 81866 Police department of Sparta:Tourist office of Municipality of 27310 89580Sparta: 27310 28166 Tourist Police of Sparta:ΚΕP of Municipality of Sparta:: 27310 8958327313 61600 Forest Fire-fighting Department:Regional Unit of Laconia: 159127313 63000 Fire alarm: 199Ephorate of Antiquities: Fire-fighting Department27310 25363,28503 of Sparta: 27310 22147Central Public Library: Hellenic Rescue Team of Laconia:27310 21180, 26853 2731 023323, 6948 004499Koumantareios Art Gallery: 2731082387 Road AssistanceSainopouleio Foundation: Εxpress Service: 115427310 82470, 27310 28878 ELPA: 10400 Interamerican: 1168Museums Hellas Service: 1057Archaeological Museum of Sparta:27310 28575, 23315 ChambersArchaeological Museum of Laconia Hotel Association:Mystras: 27310 83377 2731023393Olive and Olive Oil Museum: HMC of Sparta (Mountaineering):27310 89315 27310 22574 - 2731026398Photographic Cameras: Commercial Association of27310 81085 ή 27310 81866 Sparta: 27310 25844Museum of Modern Sparta Hunting Association of Sparta:27310 26343 ή 27310 81866 27310 26123Botanical and Geological Museum Auto Club of Sparta: 27310 26204of Taygetus: 27310 81866 Motorcycle Club of Sparta: 27310Museum of Ecclesiastical Art: 20202, 2292627310 26580 Cultural Center of Sparta: 27310 22353Public transportItineraries: 14944 BanksSparta KTEL (Bus service): Bank of Greece:27310 26441, 26485 27310 26330, 22384Sparta radio taxi service Alpha Bank: 27310 21167,23396«Leonidas»: 27310 24100, 25300 National bank:Sparta taxi service: 27312 00200 27310 26200, 87042 Eurobank: 27310 29702, 25820For emergencies Τ-Bank:ECA9 DPEXODQFH 166 27310 28117, 20482Poisoning Treatment Centre: Piraeus Bank:210 7793777 27310 24410, 89730Hospitals: 14944Hospital of Sparta: 20927310 28671-5

CTraarvReel nAtgaelsncies BIBLIOGRAPHY – RESEARCH - SOURCESSCOUROS TOURSGeneral Tourism Office • “Mystras – The Medieval TownOf 118 40, Sparta and the Castle”, Chatzidakis M.,Τel: 2731028757 Ekdotiki Athinon, Athens, 2000AGGANIS TOURS • “From the Fall to the Recovery ofGeneral Tourism Office Constantinople”, Nicol D., volumeK. Palaiologou 33, Sparta, 23100, 9, Ekdotiki Athinon, Athens, 2000Τel: 2731020152 • “Mystras”, Georgiadi N., Athens,KOSKINAS TOURS 2008General Tourism OfficeDioscouri 37, Sparta, 23100, • “Laconia”, travel guide, Explorer,Τel: 2731025913 Athens, 2005MILIAKOS TRAVEL • “Laconika 1902 – 2002”,General Tourism Office Association of the Lacedaemonians30 the Dioscouri, Sparta, 23100, in Attica, Yiaxoglou Y., Athens,Τel: 2731026089 2003DIAMANTAKOU TOURS • “Travelogues – Peloponnese,General Tourism Office The Byzantine Town of Mystras”,Lykourgou 146, Sparta Bakourou A., “Epta Imeres”,Τel: 2731022679 “Kathimerini” newspaper, AthensALEXOPOULOS TRAVEL • “History of the Byzantine Empire”,General Tourism Office Vasiliev A. Papyros, Athens, 1971Gortsologou123,SpartaΤel: 2731023210 • “History of the Frankish Rule in Greece (1204 – 1566)”, Miller W., Athens, 1990 (1908) • “Chryssafa of Laconia”, Lambrinakos I., Sparta, 2004 • “T’ Agrianou of Laconia”, Lambrinakos I., Sparta, 2013 • “Vamvakou”, Stavropoulou N., Athens, 1989 • “Taygetus”, guide and map 1:50000, Anavasi, Athens, 2000 • “Taygetus”, geophysical and touristic map 1:25000, Anavasi, Athens, 2000 • “Taygetus – The Throne of Peloponnese”, Basgiourakis Th., “Elliniko Panorama” magazine, issue 25, Thessaloniki, 2002 • “Taygetus – North Taygetus”, guide and map 1:50000, Anavasi, Athens, 2013 • “Peloponnese – Taygetus”, Ntrenoyiannis I. pages 7 – 67 • “Pausanias, Description of Greece”, Papachatzi N., Laconika, pages 310 – 311 • “History of the Ancient Sparta”, Kargakos S., Prefectural210

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1 2 3 4 5 II I IV III 7 6 V VII 8 VI 9 VIII212

ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΙ ΧΩΡΟΙ ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES I. Ακρόπολη Αρχαίας Σπάρτης Acropolis of ancient Sparta II. Ιερό Ορθίας Αρτέμιδος The sanctuary of Artemis Orthia III. Τρίκογχος ναός με τρούλο Τriconch domed church IV. Λουτρικές εγκατάστασεις των υστερορωμαϊκών και βυζαντινών χρόνων Bathing establishments of the Late Roman and Byzantine period V. Σταυροειδής εγγεγραμμένος με τρούλο ναός Cross-in-square church VI. “Κενοτάφιο Λεωνίδα” The so-called “tomb of Leonidas” VII. Ψηφιδωτό με την αρπαγή της Ευρώπης Roman mosaic of Europe’ s abduction VIII. Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Σπάρτης Archaeological Museum of Sparta ΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΜΕ ΟΡΑΤΕΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ SITES WITH VISIBLE ANTIQUITIES 1. Ποδαρικά Αρχαίας Γέφυρας Ευρώτα Piers of the ancient bridge of Eurotas river 2. “Βωμός Ευρώτα” The so-called “Eurotas Altar” 3. “Ηρώο Αστραβάκου” The so-called “Astravakos monument” 4. Ρωμαϊκή Έπαυλη (Οικ. Δικαίου) Roman villa (Dikaios plot) 5. Αρχαϊκό Ιερό (Οικ. Σταυροπούλου) Archaic sanctuary (Stavropoulos plot) 6. Αρχαίος Δρόμος - Κατάλοιπα Λουτρών10 Ancient road and part of roman baths 7. “Βίλλα της Μέδουσας” Roman villa (“the villa of Medusa”) 8. “Βίλλα του Ευρυκλή” Roman villa (“the villa of Eurycles”) 9. “Βίλλα του Αχιλλέα” Roman villa (“the villa of Achilles”) 10. “Βωμός του Ψυχικού” The so-called “Altar of Psychico” 213

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